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Reviewer in General Biology 1

Module 6
The cell cycle is a repeating sequence of cellular growth and division during the
life of an organism. A cell spends 90 percent of its time in the first three phases of the
cycle, which are collectively called interphase. A cell will enter the last two phases of the
cell cycle only if it is about to divide. The five phases of the cell cycle are summarized

1. First growth (G1) phase. During the G1 phase, a cell grows rapidly and carries out its
routine functions. For most organisms, this phase occupies the major portion of the cell’s
life. Cells that are not dividing remain in the G1 phase. Some somatic cells, such as most
muscle and nerve cells, never divide. Therefore, if these cells die, the body cannot replace
2. Synthesis (S) phase. A cell’s DNA is copied during this phase. At the end of this
phase, each chromosome consists of two chromatids attached at the centromere.
3. Second growth (G2) phase. In the G2 phase, preparations are made for the nucleus
to divide. Hollow protein fibers called microtubules are rearranged during G2 in
preparation for mitosis.
4. Mitosis. The process during cell division in which the nucleus of a cell is divided into
two nuclei is called mitosis. Each nucleus ends up with the same number and kinds of
chromosomes as the original cell.
5. Cytokinesis. The process during cell division in which the cytoplasm divides is called

Control of the Cell Cycle

Just as traffic lights control the flow of traffic, cells have a system that controls the
phases of the cell cycle. Cells have a set of “red light-green light” switches that are
regulated by feedback information from the cell. The cell cycle has key checkpoints
(inspection points) at which feedback signals from the cell can trigger the next phase of
the cell cycle (green light). Other feedback signals can delay the next phase to allow for
completion of the current phase (yellow or red light).
1. Cell growth (G1) checkpoint. This checkpoint makes the decision of whether the cell
will divide. If conditions are favorable for division and the cell is healthy and large enough,
certain proteins will stimulate the cell to begin the synthesis (S) phase. During the S
phase, the cell will copy its DNA. If conditions are not favorable, cells can typically stop
the cell cycle at this checkpoint. The cell cycle will also stop at this checkpoint if the cell
needs to pass into a resting period. Certain cells, such as some nerve and muscle cells,
remain in this resting period permanently and never divide.
2. DNA synthesis (G2) checkpoint. DNA replication is checked at this point by DNA
repair enzymes. If this checkpoint is passed, proteins help to trigger mitosis. The cell
begins the many molecular processes that are needed to proceed into mitosis.
3. Mitosis checkpoint. This checkpoint triggers the exit from mitosis. It signals the
beginning of the G1 phase, the major growth period of the cell cycle.

When Control Is Lost: Cancer

Certain genes contain the information necessary to make the proteins that regulate
cell growth and division. If one of these genes is mutated, the protein may not function,
and regulation of cell growth and division can be disrupted. Cancer, the uncontrolled
growth of cells, may result. Cancer is essentially a disorder of cell division. Cancer cells
do not respond normally to the body’s control mechanisms.
Some mutations cause cancer by over-producing growth-promoting molecules,
thus speeding up the cell cycle. Others cause cancer by inactivating the control proteins
that normally act to slow or stop the cell cycle.

Module 7
Lesson 1: Stages of Mitosis
The second stage of cell cycle is cell division. In eukaryotic cells, there are two
types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis.
Chromosomes are threadlike structure of DNA and protein that contains genetic
There are two types of cells in the body- diploid and haploid.
A diploid cell contains two complete sets of (2n) of chromosomes. Skin, blood,
muscle cells (called somatic cells) and diploid. A haploid cell contains half the number
as diploid cell (n) meaning they contain only one set of chromosomes. Humans for
example are diploid, they have complete set of chromosomes. We inherited one set from
the father and another set from the mother. Thus, humans have 2n = 46 chromosomes,
where n = 23, or the haploid number of chromosomes.
Mitosis is the process of cell division which produces diploid cells. Its purpose if for
cell growth, repair for damaged tissue and there are four stages of mitosis: prophase,
metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Imagine mitosis as a graceful “dance” of
choreographed chromosomes, centromere, spindle microtubules, nuclear membrane,
and the nucleus. Chromosomes appear on stage, have partner, align in the middle and
suddenly separate from each other with the active and lively participation of the other
members of the dance. It takes place in the nucleus of the cell. The nucleus can be
considered the stage.
Interphase takes place before the first stage of mitosis, the prophase. During
interphase, the cell is not dividing at all; it merely grows. However, the DNA at this time
is already duplicated. But you cannot see the individual chromosome yet because they
are still loosely packed chromatin fiber – a combination of DNA and protein molecules.
The nucleus is still visible. Figure 2 shows the process of mitosis. The parent cell, 2n, is
diploid with 6 chromosomes. Follow the figure as we dance with the mitotic process.
The first appearance of the chromosome on stage to start the mitotic dance is
during prophase. The chromosome can be clearly seen to consist of a pair of sister
chromatids joined at the centromere. Chromatid is one of the two identical “sister” parts
of a duplicated chromosome. The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear membrane starts
to break down. The spindle microtubules start to form from the centrosomes moving
towards the opposite poles. The chromatids are now attached to the spindle microtubules.
They start pulling the chromosomes toward the center of the cell
The next step of the mitotic dance is metaphase. Chromosomes are aligned at the
middle of the cell. All the chromosomes are attached to the spindle microtubules which
are now fully developed. The nuclear membrane has broken. The centrosomes are
located at the opposite poles.
The sister chromatids separate from their partners. Each chromatid is now
considered a daughter chromosome. Microtubules attached to the centromere are
shortened bringing the chromosomes toward the opposite poles. While microtubules not
attached to the chromosome grow longer, pushing the poles farther apart.
Telophase is the last step of mitotic dance. Distinct individual chromosomes begin to
spread out into a tangle of chromatin. The spindle disappears, two nuclear envelopes
reform (one around each set of daughter chromosomes), the chromosomes uncoil and
lengthen, and the nucleoli reappear. Mitosis, the division of one nucleus into two
genetically identical daughter nuclei, is now finished.
Cytokinesis completes the division process by dividing the cytoplasm into two
daughter cells, each with a nucleus. Figure 2 shows that the cell has six chromosomes in
the interphase and maintain the same number of chromosomes at the end of mitosis, thus
2n=6, e.i 2 exact copies of 3 (n) chromosomes give rise to 6 chromosomes the same as
the original number of chromosomes during the interphase. An organism with 10
chromosomes would have 2n=10: where n = 5.
Module 7
Lesson 1: Stages of Meiosis
Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces haploid sex cell or gametes from
diploid cells. Diploid cells contain two copies from each chromosome while haploid cells
contain a single copy of each chromosome. In animals, meiosis takes place in the sex
organs- testes in males and ovaries in females. It has two stages- meiosis I and meiosis
II. Meiosis starts with a diploid cell. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes are separated
from one another which produces two daughter cells with haploid cells. In meiosis II
chromatids are separated which produces another haploid cell. As a result, meiosis
produces four haploid daughter cells.
Meiosis I has 4 stages: prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I and
meiosis II: prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II and telophase II.

Meiosis always starts with interphase. The cell duplicates its DNA during
interphase. Each chromosome is made of two identical sister chromatids. The meiosis
process shown in Figure1 starts with a diploid cell with 6 chromosomes. Different colors
of chromosomes mean that they come from different parents.
1. Prophase I
The sister chromatids can be clearly seen during prophase. The centrosome begins
to move to the opposite poles forming spindle microtubules. The nucleus starts to
disappear. There are five substages:
➢ Leptotene. The chromosome starts to condense.
➢ Zygotene. The chromosomes begin to pair off. Pairs of chromosomes are called
homologous chromosome. The paired chromosomes which consist of four
chromatids are called tetrads.
➢ Pachytene. Crossing over happens during this stage. Crossing over is the
exchange of genetic materials between homologous chromosomes. The segment
of the sister chromatid which carry the gene for the color of the eye (A) for example
cross with the segment of the other sister chromatid which carry for the same gene
for the color of the eye (a) or shape of the eye (B) with (b). The cross-linkage
formation is called chiasma shown in Figure 3. After crossing over, the sister
chromatids of each chromosome may no longer be identical with each other.
➢ Diplotene. The chromosomes begin to uncoil.
➢ Diakinesis. Homologous chromosomes continue to separate.
2. Metaphase I
The tetrads align to the middle of the cell. The nucleus disappears. The spindle
microtubules are fully formed and are attached to the centromere of each sister
chromatid. There are still 6 sister chromatids and 3 homologous chromosomes.
3. Anaphase I
The homologous chromosomes separate from each other as the spindle
microtubules pull them apart toward the opposite poles. The centromere does not divide
so the sister chromatids migrate together towards the opposite poles. Take note that it is
the homologous chromosomes that separate not the sister chromatids. So, only three
chromosomes move toward the opposite poles.
4. Telophase I
The chromosomes reach their respective poles. Cytokinesis follows telophase I.
Notice that there are 2 daughter cells each with half the number of the parent cell. Each
cell has a copy of 1 set of chromosomes. This condition is called haploid. In the given
illustration, there are 6 chromosomes, a diploid condition, at the beginning of meiosis I.
After telophase I, the number of chromosomes is reduced to half, giving rise to 3
chromosomes but the chromosomes in each daughter cell are still duplicated. Therefore,
meiosis I is a process of reduction of the number of chromosomes.

Meiosis II
Meiosis II is the second meiotic division which separates the chromosomes into
two chromatids. This is mitotic in nature. However, mitosis starts with a diploid cell, but
meiosis II starts with a haploid cell. Follow the illustration on Figure 1 to describe each
1. Prophase II
From the two daughter cells each with chromosomes produced from meiosis I, the
spindle microtubule attaches to each centromere and the chromosomes begin to move
at the middle of the cell.
2. Metaphase II
The chromosomes are now aligned at the middle of the cell. The spindle
microtubules are attached to the centromere of each chromosome.
3. Anaphase II
Centromeres divide and sister chromatids move to the opposite poles as the
spindle microtubules shorten.
4. Telophase II
Each chromatid now is regarded as full-fledged chromosome and is only made up
of one sister chromatid which reaches the poles. The cell divides through cytokinesis.
Finally, the meiotic process is completed producing 4 haploid daughter cells. In the
illustration given, there are four daughter cells each having three chromosomes. Thus
equated, n=3. Each chromosome receives different copies of the original cell.
Producing haploid gametes during meiosis keeps the number of chromosomes
from doubling in every generation. If meiosis did not occur, gametes involved in
fertilization would produce organisms with double number of chromosomes as those in
previous generation. If this happens, there will be no more space in the cell for all the
chromosomes. Human sperm and egg cell for example have 23 chromosomes. During
fertilization, the fusion of these cells would give rise to a diploid zygote having 46

Mitosis Vs. Meiosis

Mitosis and meiosis are both processes of cell division which produce new cells.
Mitosis produces 2 diploid daughter cells that are identical with the parent cell while
meiosis produces 4 haploid daughter cells which are different from the parent cell. Both
start with a diploid cell.
Mitosis takes place in somatic cells which functions for the growth, repair or
generate damaged tissues and asexual reproduction while meiosis takes place in sex
cells or creates gametes with only one copy of the chromosome in preparation for sexual
Both undergo interphase, prophase, metaphase anaphase, telophase, and
cytokinesis. Mitosis has one division while meiosis has two- meiosis I and meiosis II.
Mitosis and meiosis I differ in prophase I when the duplicated homologous chromosomes
form tetrads and the crossing over; no crossing over happens in mitosis. In metaphase I,
the tetrads instead of individual duplicated chromosome align at the middle of the cell. In
anaphase I, the homologous chromosomes separate from each other, but sister
chromatids stay together; in mitosis sister chromatids separate from each other. In
telophase I, two haploid daughter cells are produced while in mitosis, two diploid daughter
cells are produced. Meiosis II is mitotic in nature.
Mitosis and meiosis both start after the DNA is replicated during the interphase.

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