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Petunjuk Umum:

1. Bacalah doa sebelum mengerjakan soal

2. Bacalah soal dengan baik dan teliti Nilai
3. Kerjakan soal yang lebih mudah terlebih dahulu
4. Periksa kembali jawabanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada
5. Tulislah dengan jelas, rapi dan bersih
A. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D sesuai jawaban
yang paling tepat!

1. What is MOTHER in Bahasa Indonesia?

a. kakak
b. ibu
c. adik
d. paman

2. Rina : Good morning Diana.

Diana : ___________ Rina.
a. good night
b. good morning
c. good afternoon
d. good day
1. “______________, It’s time to sleep.”
a. good night
b. good morning
c. good afternoon
c. good day
2. Lita : How are you Rudi?
Rudi :______________
a. you all right
b. fine
c. thank you
d. ok
3. Ayu : Good bye Dini!
Dini : ___________ Ayu!
a. good bye
b. how are you
c. nice to meet you too
d. have a nice day
4. Wayang in English is……
a. puppet
b. kite
c. doll
d. toy car
5. Caca : Hello Mr. Ilham, how are you to day?
Mr. Ilham : Hello Caca, ______________!
a. i’m fine thank you
b. i’m go home
c. i’m sick
d. I’m not

6. What number is it?

a. forty two
b. forty one
c. forty five
d. forty six

7. What number is it?

a. eighty
b. eighteen
c. ninety
d. twenty

8. The number before seventy is…..

a. sixty one
b. sixty nine
c. sixty seven
d. sixty four
9. Which one is plural…..
a. car and snake
b. snakes and bears
c. ant and worm
d. bear and ant

10.1. Doors
2. Window
3. Table
4. Chairs
5. Socks
6. Ring

Which one is singular?

a. 1 and 5 c. 3 and 6
b. 2 and 6 d. 2 and 3

B. Pilihlah dua jawaban yang benar!

11. And What number is it?

a. twenty three
b. thirty two
c. twenty two and thirty
d. twenty five and thirty

12. 1. Snake
2. Pencil
3. Squirel
4. Bear

Which one is animal……

a. 1, 3 and 4
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 3 and 4
13.The number between nineteen and twenty two is…..
a. sixteen and seventeen
b. twenty
c. twenty one
d. ninety one and sixteen

14.4+5+6 =…….
a. twelve
b. eleven
c. fifteen
d. twenty

15.I have twenty apples. I give two apples to my sister. So now I

a. fourteen
b. sixteen
c. eighteen
d. ten

B. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan benar!

16.I like pineapple, artinya saya suka ….

17.This is number sixty, artinya ini nomor……

18.Boneka in English is…..

19.Mobil-mobilan in English is…

20.This is marble, in Indonesia is….

21.e-K-t-i, the correct words is….

22.Today is sunday, tomorrow will be …

23.Monyet in english is…..

24.I have a ball, in Indonesia is…..

25.Ular tangga in English is……

C. Jawablah Pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!

26. Fill the missing words!

E n

27. How many pencils are there?

Answer :………………………………….

28. Artikan kata-kata di bawah ini!

a. tiger =…………………
b. snake =…………………
c. bear =…………………
d. giraffe =…………………

29. Artikan kata-kata di bawah ini!

a. Pencil =………………..
b. book =………………..
c. pen =………………..
d. ruler =………………..


How many monkey there are?....................

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