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1. The task will be sent to schools on 13th February 2024 and written on 14th & 15th February 2024.
All schools that wish to administer this task should comply with these dates.
2. The duration of the task is 2hrs and the total mark is 75.
3. The task consists of part 1out of 40 marks & part 2 out of 35 marks.
4. Copies of pages 9 to 13 for part 2 may only be issued to learners on 15th February 2024.
5. The aim of this task is to investigate the reduction formulae for trigonometric functions whose
argument is 90   ; 180   ; −  and 360   .
6. The task will be answered on the question paper.
7. The question paper MUST NOT BE REDUCED IN SIZE when photocopying.
8. Note that learners are not allowed to use their notes and text-books when doing the task…it is
individual work and no communication between learners is allowed for the duration of the task.
9. Learners will need a calculator, ruler, pen and pencil for this task.
10. Pre- requisite knowledge on grade 10 trigonometry and grade 9 transformations (reflections in the
x − axis, y − axis, y = x, and rotation through angle of 90 and 180 ), is required by learners
before attempting this task.
11. Learners will need to have their part one of the task to complete part 2.

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