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(eBook PDF) Chemistry: The Central

Science 14th Edition

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exemplified by methylammonium

lead iodide (CH3NH3PbI3), whose
structure is shown here and on the front
cover, have emerged in recent years as
alternatives to conventional semiconductors
like silicon, gallium arsenide, and cadmium selenide. These materials show

tremendous potential for use in devices such as light-emitting diodes and radiation
detectors, but no application has generated more excitement than their performance


in solar cells. Scientists have been able to prepare halide perovskite-based solar cells
that convert sunlight to electricity with 20% efficiency, a figure comparable to the
best silicon solar cells on the market. While the high efficiencies are impressive, the
truly revolutionary breakthrough is that halide perovskite solar cells can be made from
solution using inexpensive, readily available laboratory equipment, whereas fabrication
of solar cells from conventional semiconductors requires expensive, sophisticated
facilities. Chemists are actively researching lead-free perovskite materials that are
less prone to degradation upon exposure to moist air.

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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-441423-2
ISBN-10: 0-13-441423-3
9 0 0 0 0
14 T H E D I T I O N
9 780134 414232 STOLTZFUS

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2 Atoms, Molecules,
and Ions
1 Introduction:
2.1 The Atomic Theory of Matter 44
Matter, Energy, 2.2 The Discovery of Atomic

and Measurement 2
Structure 45
Cathode Rays and Electrons 45 Radioactivity 47
The Nuclear Model of the Atom 48
1.1 The Study of Chemistry 4
The Atomic and Molecular Perspective of Chemistry 4 2.3 The Modern View of Atomic
Why Study Chemistry? 5 Structure 49
1.2 Classifications of Matter 7 Atomic Numbers, Mass Numbers, and Isotopes 51

States of Matter 7 Pure Substances 7 2.4 Atomic Weights 53

Elements 8 Compounds 9 Mixtures 10 The Atomic Mass Scale 53 Atomic Weight 53
1.3 Properties of Matter 12 2.5 The Periodic Table 55
Physical and Chemical Changes 12 Separation of 2.6 Molecules and Molecular
Mixtures 13 Compounds 58
1.4 The Nature of Energy 15 Molecules and Chemical Formulas 58 Molecular and
Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy 15 Empirical Formulas 58 Picturing Molecules 59
1.5 Units of Measurement 17 2.7 Ions and Ionic Compounds 60
SI Units 17 Length and Mass 19 Predicting Ionic Charges 61 Ionic Compounds 62
Temperature 19 Derived SI Units 20 Volume 20 2.8 Naming Inorganic Compounds 65
Density 21 Units of Energy 21
Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds 65
1.6 Uncertainty in Measurement 24 Names and Formulas of Acids 69 Names and
Precision and Accuracy 24 Significant Figures 25 Formulas of Binary Molecular Compounds 70
Significant Figures in Calculations 26 2.9 Some Simple Organic
1.7 Dimensional Analysis 28 Compounds 71
Conversion Factors 28 Using Two or More Conversion Alkanes 71 Some Derivatives of Alkanes 72
Factors 30 Conversions Involving Volume 31
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 74
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 33 Learning Outcomes 74 Key Equations 75
Learning Outcomes 34 Key Equations 34 Exercises 75 Additional Exercises 80
Exercises 35 Additional Exercises 39
A Closer Look Basic Forces 51
Chemistry Put to Work Chemistry and the Chemical
A Closer Look The Mass Spectrometer 54
Industry 6
A Closer Look What Are Coins Made Of? 57
A Closer Look The Scientific Method 17
Chemistry and Life Elements Required by Living
Chemistry Put to Work Chemistry in the News 23
Organisms 64
Strategies for Success Estimating Answers 30
Strategies for Success How to Take a Test 73
Strategies for Success The Importance of
Practice 32
Strategies for Success The Features of This
Book 32


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How Compounds Dissolve in Water 123 Strong and

Weak Electrolytes 124
4.2 Precipitation Reactions 126

3 Chemical Reactions and

Solubility Guidelines for Ionic Compounds 126
Exchange (Metathesis) Reactions 127 Ionic
Equations and Spectator Ions 129

Reaction Stoichiometry 82
4.3 Acids, Bases, and Neutralization
Reactions 130
3.1 Chemical Equations 84 Acids 130 Bases 131 Strong and Weak Acids
and Bases 132 Identifying Strong and Weak
Balancing Equations 84 A Step-by-Step Example of
Electrolytes 132 Neutralization Reactions and
Balancing a Chemical Equation 85 Indicating the
Salts 134 Neutralization Reactions with Gas
States of Reactants and Products 87
Formation 136
3.2 Simple Patterns of Chemical
4.4 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 137
Reactivity 88
Oxidation and Reduction 137 Oxidation
Combination and Decomposition Reactions 88 Numbers 138 Oxidation of Metals by Acids and
Combustion Reactions 90 Salts 140 The Activity Series 141
3.3 Formula Weights 90 4.5 Concentrations of Solutions 144
Formula and Molecular Weights 91 Percentage Molarity 144 Expressing the Concentration of an
Composition from Chemical Formulas 92 Electrolyte 145 Interconverting Molarity, Moles, and
3.4 Avogadro’s Number and the Mole 93 Volume 146 Dilution 147
Molar Mass 94 Interconverting Masses and 4.6 Solution Stoichiometry and
Moles 96 Interconverting Masses and Numbers of Chemical Analysis 148
Particles 97
Titrations 150
3.5 Empirical Formulas from
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 153
Analyses 98 Learning Outcomes 154 Key Equations 154
Molecular Formulas from Empirical Formulas 100 Exercises 154 Additional Exercises 159
Combustion Analysis 101 Integrative Exercises 160 Design an
3.6 Quantitative Information from Experiment 161
Balanced Equations 102
Chemistry Put to Work Antacids 136
3.7 Limiting Reactants 106 Strategies for Success Analyzing Chemical
Theoretical and Percent Yields 108 Reactions 144
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 110
Learning Outcomes 110 Key Equations 110
Exercises 111 Additional Exercises 117
Integrative Exercises 118 Design an
Experiment 119

5 Thermochemistry
Strategies for Success Problem Solving 92
Chemistry and Life Glucose Monitoring 96
Strategies for Success Design an Experiment 109
5.1 The Nature of Chemical Energy 164
5.2 The First Law of
Thermodynamics 166
System and Surroundings 166 Internal Energy 167
Relating ∆E to Heat and Work 168 Endothermic and

4 Reactions in Aqueous
Exothermic Processes 170 State Functions 170
5.3 Enthalpy 172
Pressure–Volume Work 172 Enthalpy Change 174
Solution 120 5.4 Enthalpies of Reaction 176
4.1 General Properties of Aqueous 5.5 Calorimetry 178
Heat Capacity and Specific Heat 179
Solutions 122
Constant-Pressure Calorimetry 180
Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes 122
Bomb Calorimetry (Constant-Volume Calorimetry) 182

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5.6 Hess’s Law 183 6.9 Electron Configurations and the

5.7 Enthalpies of Formation 186 Periodic Table 241
Using Enthalpies of Formation to Calculate Enthalpies Anomalous Electron Configurations 244
of Reaction 188 Chapter Summary and Key Terms 246
5.8 Bond Enthalpies 190 Learning Outcomes 247 Key Equations 248
Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reactions 192 Exercises 248 Additional Exercises 253
Integrative Exercises 255 Design an
5.9 Foods and Fuels 194 Experiment 255
Foods 194 Fuels 196 Other Energy Sources 197
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 200 A Closer Look Measurement and the Uncertainty
Learning Outcomes 201 Key Equations 201 Principle 226
Exercises 202 Additional Exercises 208 A Closer Look Thought Experiments and
Integrative Exercises 210 Design an Schrödinger’s Cat 229
Experiment 211 A Closer Look Probability Density and Radial
Probability Functions 233
A Closer Look Energy, Enthalpy, and P-V Work 175
Chemistry and Life Nuclear Spin and Magnetic
A Closer Look Using Enthalpy as a Guide 178 Resonance Imaging 237
Chemistry and Life The Regulation of Body
Temperature 183
Chemistry Put to Work The Scientific and Political
Challenges of Biofuels 198

7 Periodic Properties
of the Elements 256

6 Electronic Structure 7.1 Development of the Periodic

Table 258
of Atoms 212 7.2 Effective Nuclear Charge 259

6.1 The Wave Nature of Light 214 7.3 Sizes of Atoms and Ions 262
Periodic Trends in Atomic Radii 264 Periodic Trends
6.2 Quantized Energy and Photons 216
in Ionic Radii 264
Hot Objects and the Quantization of Energy 216
The Photoelectric Effect and Photons 217 7.4 Ionization Energy 268
Variations in Successive Ionization Energies 268
6.3 Line Spectra and the Bohr Model 219 Periodic Trends in First Ionization Energies 269
Line Spectra 219 Bohr’s Model 220 The Energy Electron Configurations of Ions 270
States of the Hydrogen Atom 221 Limitations of the
Bohr Model 224 7.5 Electron Affinity 272
Periodic Trends in Electron Affinity 273
6.4 The Wave Behavior of Matter 224
The Uncertainty Principle 226 7.6 Metals, Nonmetals, and
Metalloids 273
6.5 Quantum Mechanics and Atomic
Metals 274 Nonmetals 276 Metalloids 278
Orbitals 227
Orbitals and Quantum Numbers 228 7.7 Trends for Group 1A and Group 2A
Metals 278
6.6 Representations of Orbitals 231
Group 1A: The Alkali Metals 278 Group 2A: The
The s Orbitals 231 The p Orbitals 233 The d and f
Alkaline Earth Metals 282
Orbitals 234
7.8 Trends for Selected Nonmetals 283
6.7 Many-Electron Atoms 234
Hydrogen 283 Group 6A: The Oxygen Group 284
Orbitals and Their Energies 235 Electron Spin and
Group 7A: The Halogens 285 Group 8A: The Noble
the Pauli Exclusion Principle 236
Gases 287
6.8 Electron Configurations 236 Chapter Summary and Key Terms 288
Hund’s Rule 238 Condensed Electron Learning Outcomes 289 Key Equations 289
Configurations 240 Transition Metals 240 Exercises 290 Additional Exercises 294
The Lanthanides and Actinides 241

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Integrative Exercises 296 Design an

Experiment 297

A Closer Look Effective Nuclear Charge 262

Chemistry Put to Work Ionic Size and Lithium-Ion
Batteries 267
Chemistry and Life The Improbable Development of
9 Molecular Geometry and
Lithium Drugs 281 Bonding Theories 338
9.1 Molecular Shapes 340
9.2 The VSEPR Model 342
Applying the VSEPR Model to Determine Molecular
Shapes 343 Effect of Nonbonding Electrons and
Multiple Bonds on Bond Angles 347 Molecules with

8 Basic Concepts of Expanded Valence Shells 347 Shapes of Larger

Molecules 350

Chemical Bonding 298

9.3 Molecular Shape and Molecular
Polarity 352
8.1 Lewis Symbols and the Octet Rule 300 9.4 Covalent Bonding and Orbital
The Octet Rule 300 Overlap 354
8.2 Ionic Bonding 301 9.5 Hybrid Orbitals 355
Energetics of Ionic Bond Formation 302 Electron sp Hybrid Orbitals 355 sp2 and sp3 Hybrid
Configurations of Ions of the s- and p-Block Orbitals 357 Hypervalent Molecules 359
Elements 304 Transition Metal Ions 305 Hybrid Orbital Summary 359

8.3 Covalent Bonding 306 9.6 Multiple Bonds 361

Lewis Structures 307 Multiple Bonds 308 Resonance Structures, Delocalization, and p
Bonding 365 General Conclusions about s and p
8.4 Bond Polarity and Bonding 367
Electronegativity 309
9.7 Molecular Orbitals 368
Electronegativity 309 Electronegativity and Bond
Molecular Orbitals of the Hydrogen Molecule 368
Polarity 310 Dipole Moments 311 Comparing
Bond Order 370
Ionic and Covalent Bonding 314
8.5 Drawing Lewis Structures 315 9.8 Bonding in Period 2 Diatomic
Formal Charge and Alternative Lewis Structures 317
Molecules 371
Molecular Orbitals for Li2 and Be2 372
8.6 Resonance Structures 319 Molecular Orbitals from 2p Atomic Orbitals 373
Resonance in Benzene 321 Electron Configurations for B2 through Ne2 376
8.7 Exceptions to the Octet Rule 322 Electron Configurations and Molecular Properties 377
Odd Number of Electrons 323 Less Than an Octet Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules 380
of Valence Electrons 323 More Than an Octet of Chapter Summary and Key Terms 382
Valence Electrons 324 Learning Outcomes 383 Key Equations 384
8.8 Strengths and Lengths of Covalent Exercises 384 Additional Exercises 389
Integrative Exercises 392 Design an
Bonds 325 Experiment 393
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 328
Learning Outcomes 329 Key Equations 329 Chemistry and Life The Chemistry of Vision 367
Exercises 329 Additional Exercises 334 A Closer Look Phases in Atomic and Molecular
Integrative Exercises 335 Design an Orbitals 374
Experiment 337
Chemistry Put to Work Orbitals and Energy 381
A Closer Look Calculation of Lattice Energies: The
Born–Haber Cycle 305
A Closer Look Oxidation Numbers, Formal Charges,
and Actual Partial Charges 319

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10 Gases 394 11 Liquids and

10.1 Characteristics of Gases 396 Intermolecular Forces 434
10.2 Pressure 397
Atmospheric Pressure and the Barometer 397
11.1 A Molecular Comparison of Gases,
Liquids, and Solids 436
10.3 The Gas Laws 400
The Pressure–Volume Relationship: Boyle’s Law 400
11.2 Intermolecular Forces 438
The Temperature–Volume Relationship: Charles’s Dispersion Forces 439 Dipole–Dipole
Law 401 The Quantity–Volume Relationship: Interactions 440 Hydrogen Bonding 441
Avogadro’s Law 402 Ion–Dipole Forces 444 Comparing Intermolecular
Forces 444
10.4 The Ideal-Gas Equation 403
Relating the Ideal-Gas Equation and the Gas
11.3 Select Properties of Liquids 445
Laws 406 Viscosity 446 Surface Tension 447 Capillary
Action 448
10.5 Further Applications of the Ideal-Gas
Equation 407 11.4 Phase Changes 449
Energy Changes Accompany Phase Changes 449
Gas Densities and Molar Mass 407 Volumes of Gases
Heating Curves 450 Critical Temperature and
in Chemical Reactions 409
Pressure 451
10.6 Gas Mixtures and Partial
11.5 Vapor Pressure 453
Pressures 410
Volatility, Vapor Pressure, and Temperature 454
Partial Pressures and Mole Fractions 411
Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point 455
10.7 The Kinetic-Molecular Theory 11.6 Phase Diagrams 456
of Gases 412 The Phase Diagrams of H2O and CO2 457
Distributions of Molecular Speed 413 Application of
Kinetic-Molecular Theory to the Gas Laws 414
11.7 Liquid Crystals 459
Types of Liquid Crystals 459
10.8 Molecular Effusion and Diffusion 415
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 462 Learning
Graham’s Law of Effusion 416 Diffusion and Mean
Outcomes 463 Exercises 463 Additional
Free Path 417
Exercises 468 Integrative Exercises 470 Design
10.9 Real Gases: Deviations from Ideal an Experiment 471
Behavior 419
The van der Waals Equation 421 Chemistry Put to Work Ionic Liquids 447

Chapter Summary and Key Terms 423 A Closer Look The Clausius–Clapeyron
Learning Outcomes 424 Key Equations 424 Equation 455
Exercises 424 Additional Exercises 430
Integrative Exercises 432 Design an
Experiment 433

Strategies for Success Calculations Involving Many

Variables 405
A Closer Look The Ideal-Gas Equation 414
Chemistry Put to Work Gas Separations 418 12 Solids and Modern
Materials 472
12.1 Classification of Solids 474
12.2 Structures of Solids 475
Crystalline and Amorphous Solids 475 Unit Cells
and Crystal Lattices 475 Filling the Unit Cell 477

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12.3 Metallic Solids 478 13.5 Colligative Properties 542

The Structures of Metallic Solids 479 Close Vapor–Pressure Lowering 542 Boiling-Point
Packing 480 Alloys 483 Elevation 544 Freezing-Point Depression 545
12.4 Metallic Bonding 486 Osmosis 547 Determination of Molar Mass from
Colligative Properties 550
Electron-Sea Model 486 Molecular Orbital Model 487
13.6 Colloids 552
12.5 Ionic Solids 489
Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids 553
Structures of Ionic Solids 490
Colloidal Motion in Liquids 555
12.6 Molecular Solids 494 Chapter Summary and Key Terms 556
12.7 Covalent-Network Solids 494 Learning Outcomes 557 Key Equations 558
Semiconductors 495 Semiconductor Doping 497 Exercises 558 Additional Exercises 564
Integrative Exercises 565 Design an
12.8 Polymers 500
Experiment 567
Making Polymers 501 Structure and Physical
Properties of Polymers 504 Chemistry and Life Fat-Soluble and Water-Soluble
12.9 Nanomaterials 506 Vitamins 533
Semiconductors on the Nanoscale 506 Metals on the Chemistry and Life Blood Gases and Deep-Sea
Nanoscale 507 Carbon on the Nanoscale 509 Diving 537
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 512 A Closer Look Ideal Solutions with Two or More
Learning Outcomes 513 Key Equations 513 Volatile Components 544
Exercises 514 Additional Exercises 521 A Closer Look The van’t Hoff Factor 551
Integrative Exercises 522 Design an
Chemistry and Life Sickle-Cell Anemia 555
Experiment 523

A Closer Look X-ray Diffraction 478

Chemistry Put to Work Alloys of Gold 485
Chemistry Put to Work Solid-State Lighting 499
Chemistry Put to Work Modern Materials in the

14 Chemical Kinetics
Automobile 503
Chemistry Put to Work Microporous and 568
Mesoporous Materials 508
14.1 Factors That Affect Reaction
Rates 570
14.2 Reaction Rates 571
Change of Rate with Time 572 Instantaneous
Rate 573 Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry 574

13 Properties of 14.3 Concentration and Rate Laws 575

Reaction Orders: The Exponents in the Rate Law 577
Magnitudes and Units of Rate Constants 579
Solutions 524 Using Initial Rates to Determine Rate Laws 580
14.4 The Change of Concentration with
13.1 The Solution Process 526 Time 581
The Natural Tendency toward Mixing 526 The Effect
First-Order Reactions 581 Second-Order
of Intermolecular Forces on Solution Formation 527
Reactions 583 Zero-Order Reactions 585
Energetics of Solution Formation 528 Solution
Half-Life 585
Formation and Chemical Reactions 530
14.5 Temperature and Rate 587
13.2 Saturated Solutions and
The Collision Model 587 The Orientation Factor 588
Solubility 530 Activation Energy 588 The Arrhenius Equation 590
13.3 Factors Affecting Solubility 532 Determining the Activation Energy 591
Solute–Solvent Interactions 532 Pressure 14.6 Reaction Mechanisms 593
Effects 534 Temperature Effects 537
Elementary Reactions 593 Multistep
13.4 Expressing Solution Mechanisms 593 Rate Laws for Elementary
Concentration 538 Reactions 595 The Rate-Determining Step for a
Mass Percentage, ppm, and ppb 538 Mole Fraction, Multistep Mechanism 596 Mechanisms with a Slow
Molarity, and Molality 539 Converting Concentration Initial Step 597 Mechanisms with a Fast Initial
Units 540 Step 598

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14.7 Catalysis 600 Chemistry Put to Work The Haber Process 628
Homogeneous Catalysis 600 Heterogeneous A Closer Look Temperature Changes and
Catalysis 602 Enzymes 603 Le Châtelier’s Principle 651
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 608 Chemistry Put to Work Controlling Nitric Oxide
Learning Outcomes 608 Key Equations 609 Emissions 654
Exercises 609 Additional Exercises 617
Integrative Exercises 620 Design an
Experiment 621

A Closer Look Using Spectroscopic Methods to

Measure Reaction Rates: Beer’s Law 576

16 Acid–Base Equilibria
Chemistry Put to Work Methyl Bromide in the
Atmosphere 586
Chemistry Put to Work Catalytic Converters 604
Chemistry and Life Nitrogen Fixation and 16.1 Arrhenius Acids and Bases 666
Nitrogenase 606
16.2 Brønsted–Lowry Acids and Bases 667
The H + Ion in Water 667 Proton-Transfer
Reactions 667 Conjugate Acid–Base Pairs 668
Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases 670
16.3 The Autoionization of Water 672
The Ion Product of Water 672

15 Chemical Equilibrium 622


The pH Scale 674
pOH and Other “p” Scales 676 Measuring pH 677
Strong Acids and Bases 678
15.1 The Concept of Equilibrium 625 Strong Acids 678 Strong Bases 679
15.2 The Equilibrium Constant 627 16.6 Weak Acids 680
Evaluating Kc 629 Equilibrium Constants in Terms Calculating Ka from pH 681 Percent Ionization 682
of Pressure,Kp 630 Equilibrium Constants and Using Ka to Calculate pH 683 Polyprotic Acids 687
Units 631
16.7 Weak Bases 690
15.3 Understanding and Working with
Types of Weak Bases 690
Equilibrium Constants 632
The Magnitude of Equilibrium Constants 632
16.8 Relationship between Ka and Kb 693
The Direction of the Chemical Equation and K 633 16.9 Acid–Base Properties of Salt
Relating Chemical Equation Stoichiometry and Solutions 696
Equilibrium Constants 634 An Anion’s Ability to React with Water 696
15.4 Heterogeneous Equilibria 636 A Cation’s Ability to React with Water 696
Combined Effect of Cation and Anion in Solution 697
15.5 Calculating Equilibrium
Constants 638 16.10 Acid–Base Behavior and Chemical
15.6 Applications of Equilibrium
Structure 699
Factors That Affect Acid Strength 699 Binary
Constants 640
Acids 700 Oxyacids 701 Carboxylic Acids 703
Predicting the Direction of Reaction 641 Calculating
Equilibrium Concentrations 642 16.11 Lewis Acids and Bases 704
15.7 Le Châtelier’s Principle 644 Chapter Summary and Key Terms 707
Learning Outcomes 707 Key Equations 708
Change in Reactant or Product Concentration 646
Exercises 708 Additional Exercises 713
Effects of Volume and Pressure Changes 647 Effect
Integrative Exercises 715 Design an
of Temperature Changes 649 The Effect of
Experiment 715
Catalysts 651
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 654 A Closer Look Polyprotic Acids 689
Learning Outcomes 655 Key Equations 655 Chemistry Put to Work Amines and Amine
Exercises 656 Additional Exercises 661 Hydrochlorides 695
Integrative Exercises 662 Design an
Experiment 663 Chemistry and Life The Amphiprotic Behavior of
Amino Acids 703

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Photochemical Reactions in the Atmosphere 770

Ozone in the Stratosphere 773
18.2 Human Activities and Earth’s

17 Additional Aspects of
Atmosphere 774
The Ozone Layer and Its Depletion 774 Sulfur
Compounds and Acid Rain 776 Nitrogen Oxides and

Aqueous Equilibria 716

Photochemical Smog 779 Greenhouse Gases: Water
Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, and Climate 780

17.1 The Common-Ion Effect 718 18.3 Earth’s Water 784

The Global Water Cycle 784 Salt Water:
17.2 Buffers 721
Earth’s Oceans and Seas 785 Freshwater and
Composition and Action of Buffers 721 Calculating Groundwater 786
the pH of a Buffer 723 Buffer Capacity and pH
Range 726 Addition of Strong Acids or Bases to 18.4 Human Activities and Water
Buffers 726 Quality 787
17.3 Acid–Base Titrations 729 Dissolved Oxygen and Water Quality 788 Water
Purification: Desalination 788 Water Purification:
Strong Acid–Strong Base Titrations 730 Weak Acid–
Municipal Treatment 789
Strong Base Titrations 732 Titrating with an Acid–
Base Indicator 736 Titrations of Polyprotic Acids 738 18.5 Green Chemistry 792
17.4 Solubility Equilibria 739 Supercritical Solvents 794 Greener Reagents and
Processes 794
The Solubility-Product Constant, Ksp 740 Solubility
and Ksp 741 Chapter Summary and Key Terms 797
Learning Outcomes 797 Exercises 798
17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility 743 Additional Exercises 803 Integrative
The Common-Ion Effect 743 Solubility and pH 744 Exercises 804 Design an Experiment 805
Formation of Complex Ions 746 Amphoterism 749
17.6 Precipitation and Separation A Closer Look Other Greenhouse Gases 783
of Ions 751 A Closer Look The Ogallala Aquifer—A Shrinking
Resource 787
Selective Precipitation of Ions 752
A Closer Look Fracking and Water Quality 790
17.7 Qualitative Analysis for Metallic
Chemistry and Life Ocean Acidification 792
Elements 753
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 756
Learning Outcomes 757 Key Equations 757
Exercises 758 Additional Exercises 763
Integrative Exercises 764 Design an
Experiment 765

Chemistry and Life Blood as a Buffered

Solution 729 19 Chemical
A Closer Look Limitations of Solubility
Products 743 Thermodynamics 806
Chemistry and Life Tooth Decay and
19.1 Spontaneous Processes 808
Fluoridation 746
Seeking a Criterion for Spontaneity 809 Reversible
A Closer Look Lead Contamination in Drinking
and Irreversible Processes 810
Water 750
19.2 Entropy and the Second Law of
Thermodynamics 812
The Relationship between Entropy and Heat 812
∆S for Phase Changes 813 The Second Law of
Thermodynamics 814
19.3 The Molecular Interpretation of

18 Chemistry of the Entropy and the Third Law of

Thermodynamics 815
Environment 766
Expansion of a Gas at the Molecular Level 815
Boltzmann’s Equation and Microstates 816
Molecular Motions and Energy 818
18.1 Earth’s Atmosphere 768 Making Qualitative Predictions about ∆S 819
Composition of the Atmosphere 769 The Third Law of Thermodynamics 821

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19.4 Entropy Changes in Chemical 20.7 Batteries and Fuel Cells 877
Reactions 822 Lead–Acid Battery 878 Alkaline Battery 878
Temperature Variation of Entropy 822 Standard Nickel–Cadmium and Nickel–Metal Hydride
Molar Entropies 823 Calculating the Standard Batteries 878 Lithium-Ion Batteries 879 Hydrogen
Entropy Change for a Reaction 824 Entropy Changes Fuel Cells 879
in the Surroundings 824 20.8 Corrosion 882
19.5 Gibbs Free Energy 825 Corrosion of Iron (Rusting) 882 Preventing Corrosion
Standard Free Energy of Formation 828 of Iron 883

19.6 Free Energy and Temperature 830 20.9 Electrolysis 884

19.7 Free Energy and the Equilibrium Quantitative Aspects of Electrolysis 886

Constant 832 Chapter Summary and Key Terms 889

Free Energy under Nonstandard Conditions 832 Learning Outcomes 890 Key Equations 890
Relationship between ∆G ° and K 834 Exercises 890 Additional Exercises 897
Integrative Exercises 898 Design an
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 836 Experiment 899
Learning Outcomes 837 Key Equations 837
Exercises 838 Additional Exercises 844 A Closer Look Electrical Work 871
Integrative Exercises 846 Design an
Chemistry and Life Heartbeats and
Experiment 847
Electrocardiography 876
A Closer Look The Entropy Change When a Gas Chemistry Put to Work Batteries for Hybrid and
Expands Isothermally 814 Electric Vehicles 880
Chemistry and Life Entropy and Human Chemistry Put to Work Electrometallurgy of
Society 822 Aluminum 887
A Closer Look What’s “Free” About Free
Energy? 829
Chemistry and Life Driving Nonspontaneous
Reactions: Coupling Reactions 835

21 Nuclear Chemistry 900

21.1 Radioactivity and Nuclear

20 Electrochemistry 848
Equations 902
Nuclear Equations 902 Types of Radioactive
Decay 903
20.1 Oxidation States and Oxidation– 21.2 Patterns of Nuclear Stability 905
Reduction Reactions 850 Neutron-to-Proton Ratio 905 Radioactive Decay
20.2 Balancing Redox Equations 852 Chains 907 Further Observations 908

Half-Reactions 852 Balancing Equations by the 21.3 Nuclear Transmutations 909

Method of Half-Reactions 852 Balancing Equations Accelerating Charged Particles 910 Reactions
for Reactions Occurring in Basic Solution 855 Involving Neutrons 911 Transuranium Elements 911
20.3 Voltaic Cells 857 21.4 Rates of Radioactive Decay 912
20.4 Cell Potentials under Standard Radiometric Dating 913 Calculations Based on Half-
Conditions 860 Life 915

Standard Reduction Potentials 861 Strengths of 21.5 Detection of Radioactivity 917

Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 866 Radiotracers 917
20.5 Free Energy and Redox Reactions 868 21.6 Energy Changes in Nuclear
Emf, Free Energy, and the Equilibrium Constant 869 Reactions 919
20.6 Cell Potentials under Nonstandard Nuclear Binding Energies 921
Conditions 871 21.7 Nuclear Power: Fission 922
The Nernst Equation 872 Concentration Cells 874 Nuclear Reactors 925 Nuclear Waste 927

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21.8 Nuclear Power: Fusion 928 22.8 The Other Group 5A Elements: P, As,
21.9 Radiation in the Environment Sb, and Bi 965
and Living Systems 930 Occurrence, Isolation, and Properties of
Radiation Doses 931 Phosphorus 966 Phosphorus Halides 966 Oxy
Compounds of Phosphorus 967
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 933
Learning Outcomes 934 Key Equations 935 22.9 Carbon 969
Exercises 935 Additional Exercises 939 Elemental Forms of Carbon 969 Oxides of
Integrative Exercises 940 Design an Carbon 970 Carbonic Acid and Carbonates 971
Experiment 941 Carbides 972
22.10 The Other Group 4A Elements:
Chemistry and Life Medical Applications
Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb 972
of Radiotracers 918
General Characteristics of the Group 4A Elements 972
A Closer Look The Dawning of the Nuclear Age 925 Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 973
A Closer Look Nuclear Synthesis of the Silicates 973 Glass 975 Silicones 976
Elements 929
22.11 Boron 976
Chemistry and Life Radiation Therapy 932
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 978 Learning
Outcomes 979 Exercises 979 Additional
Exercises 983 Integrative Exercises 984 Design
an Experiment 985

A Closer Look The Hydrogen Economy 948

22 Chemistry of the
Chemistry and Life Nitroglycerin, Nitric Oxide, and
Heart Disease 965
Chemistry and Life Arsenic in Drinking Water 968

Nonmetals 942 Chemistry Put to Work Carbon Fibers and

Composites 970
22.1 Periodic Trends and Chemical
Reactions 944
Chemical Reactions 945
22.2 Hydrogen 946
Isotopes of Hydrogen 946 Properties of

23 Transition Metals
Hydrogen 947 Production of Hydrogen 948 Uses
of Hydrogen 949 Binary Hydrogen Compounds 949
22.3 Group 8A: The Noble Gases 950
Noble-Gas Compounds 951 and Coordination
22.4 Group 7A: The Halogens 952 Chemistry 986
Properties and Production of the Halogens 952 Uses
of the Halogens 954 The Hydrogen Halides 954 23.1 The Transition Metals 988
Interhalogen Compounds 954 Oxyacids and Physical Properties 989 Electron Configurations and
Oxyanions 954 Oxidation States 990 Magnetism 991
22.5 Oxygen 955 23.2 Transition-Metal Complexes 992
Properties of Oxygen 955 Production of Oxygen 956 The Development of Coordination Chemistry: Werner’s
Uses of Oxygen 956 Ozone 956 Oxides 956 Theory 993 The Metal–Ligand Bond 995
Peroxides and Superoxides 958 Charges, Coordination Numbers, and Geometries 996
22.6 The Other Group 6A Elements: S, Se, 23.3 Common Ligands in Coordination
Te, and Po 958 Chemistry 997
Occurrence and Production of S, Se, and Te 959 Metals and Chelates in Living Systems 999
Properties and Uses of Sulfur, Selenium, and
Tellurium 959 Sulfides 959 Oxides, Oxyacids, and 23.4 Nomenclature and Isomerism in
Oxyanions of Sulfur 960 Coordination Chemistry 1003
22.7 Nitrogen 962 Isomerism 1005 Structural Isomerism 1005
Stereoisomerism 1006
Properties of Nitrogen 962 Production and
Uses of Nitrogen 962 Hydrogen Compounds of
Nitrogen 962 Oxides and Oxyacids of Nitrogen 963

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23.5 Color and Magnetism in 24.4 Organic Functional Groups 1048

Coordination Chemistry 1009 Alcohols 1048 Ethers 1050 Aldehydes and
Color 1009 Magnetism of Coordination Ketones 1050 Carboxylic Acids and Esters 1051
Compounds 1011 Amines and Amides 1054

23.6 Crystal-Field Theory 1011 24.5 Chirality in Organic Chemistry 1055

Electron Configurations in Octahedral 24.6 Introduction to Biochemistry 1057
Complexes 1015 Tetrahedral and Square-Planar 24.7 Proteins 1057
Complexes 1017
Amino Acids 1057 Polypeptides and Proteins 1059
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 1021 Protein Structure 1060
Learning Outcomes 1021 Exercises 1022
Additional Exercises 1026 Integrative
24.8 Carbohydrates 1062
Exercises 1028 Design an Experiment 1029 Disaccharides 1063 Polysaccharides 1064
24.9 Lipids 1065
A Closer Look Entropy and the Chelate Effect 1001 Fats 1065 Phospholipids 1066
Chemistry and Life The Battle for Iron in Living
24.10 Nucleic Acids 1067
Systems 1002
Chapter Summary and Key Terms 1071
A Closer Look Charge-Transfer Color 1019
Learning Outcomes 1072 Exercises 1072
Additional Exercises 1077 Integrative
Exercises 1078 Design an Experiment 1079

Chemistry Put to Work Gasoline 1040

A Closer Look Mechanism of Addition
Reactions 1045

24 The Chemistry of Life: Strategies for Success What Now? 1070

Organic and Biological APPENDICES

Chemistry 1030 A Mathematical Operations 1080
B Properties of Water 1087
24.1 General Characteristics of Organic
Molecules 1032 C Thermodynamic Quantities for Selected
The Structures of Organic Molecules 1032 Substances at 298.15 K (25 °C) 1088
The Stability of Organic Compounds 1033 Solubility
D Aqueous Equilibrium Constants 1092
and Acid–Base Properties of Organic
Compounds 1033 E Standard Reduction Potentials at 25 °C 1094
24.2 Introduction to Hydrocarbons 1034 ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES A-1
Structures of Alkanes 1035 Structural
Isomers 1035 Nomenclature of Alkanes 1036 ANSWERS TO GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT A-31
Cycloalkanes 1039 Reactions of Alkanes 1039
24.3 Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic
Alkenes 1041 Alkynes 1043 Addition GLOSSARY G-1
Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes 1044 Aromatic
Hydrocarbons 1045 Stabilization of p Electrons PHOTO AND ART CREDITS P-1
by Delocalization 1046 Substitution Reactions of
Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1046 INDEX I-1

A01_BROW4232_14_SE_FM.indd 19 18/11/16 4:46 PM

A Closer Look
The Scientific Method 17 Phases in Atomic and Molecular Other Greenhouse Gases 783
Basic Forces 51 Orbitals 374 The Ogallala Aquifer—A Shrinking
The Mass Spectrometer 54 The Ideal-Gas Equation 414 Resource 787
What Are Coins Made Of? 57 The Clausius–Clapeyron Equation 455 Fracking and Water Quality 790
Energy, Enthalpy, and P–V Work 175 X-ray Diffraction 478 The Entropy Change When a Gas
Using Enthalpy as a Guide 178 Ideal Solutions with Two or More Expands Isothermally 814
Measurement and the Uncertainty Volatile Components 544 What’s “Free” About Free Energy? 829
Principle 226 The van’t Hoff Factor 551 Electrical Work 871
Thought Experiments and Using Spectroscopic Methods to The Dawning of the Nuclear Age 925
Schrödinger’s Cat 229 Measure Reaction Rates: Nuclear Synthesis of the Elements 929
Probability Density and Radial Beer’s Law 576 The Hydrogen Economy 948
Probability Functions 233 Temperature Changes and Le Entropy and the Chelate Effect 1001
Effective Nuclear Charge 262 Châtelier’s Principle 651 Charge-Transfer Color 1019
Calculation of Lattice Energies: Polyprotic Acids 689 Mechanism of Addition
The Born–Haber Cycle 305 Limitations of Solubility Products 743 Reactions 1045
Oxidation Numbers, Formal Charges, Lead Contamination in Drinking
and Actual Partial Charges 319 Water 750

Chemistry Put to Work

Chemistry and the Chemical Ionic Liquids 447 The Haber Process 628
Industry 6 Alloys of Gold 485 Controlling Nitric Oxide
Chemistry in the News 23 Solid-State Lighting 499 Emissions 654
Antacids 136 Modern Materials in the Amines and Amine
The Scientific and Political Challenges Automobile 503 Hydrochlorides 695
of Biofuels 198 Microporous and Mesoporous Batteries for Hybrid and Electric
Ionic Size and Lithium-Ion Materials 508 Vehicles 880
Batteries 267 Methyl Bromide in the Electrometallurgy of Aluminum 887
Orbitals and Energy 381 Atmosphere 586 Carbon Fibers and Composites 970
Gas Separations 418 Catalytic Converters 604 Gasoline 1040

Chemistry and Life

Elements Required by Living Blood Gases and Deep-Sea Diving 537 Heartbeats and
Organisms 64 Sickle-Cell Anemia 555 Electrocardiography 876
Glucose Monitoring 96 Nitrogen Fixation and Medical Applications of
The Regulation of Body Nitrogenase 606 Radiotracers 918
Temperature 183 The Amphiprotic Behavior of Amino Radiation Therapy 932
Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Resonance Acids 703 Nitroglycerin, Nitric Oxide, and Heart
Imaging 237 Blood as a Buffered Solution 729 Disease 965
The Improbable Development of Tooth Decay and Fluoridation 746 Arsenic in Drinking Water 968
Lithium Drugs 281 Ocean Acidification 792 The Battle for Iron in Living
The Chemistry of Vision 367 Entropy and Human Society 822 Systems 1002
Fat-Soluble and Water-Soluble Driving Nonspontaneous Reactions:
Vitamins 533 Coupling Reactions 835

Strategies for Success

Estimating Answers 30 Problem Solving 92 Calculations Involving Many
The Importance of Practice 32 Design an Experiment 109 Variables 405
The Features of This Book 32 Analyzing Chemical Reactions 144 What Now? 1070
How to Take a Test 73

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Smart Figures
Figures 3.4 Methane reacts with oxygen in a Bunsen Figure 10.12 Distribution of molecular speeds for
and 3.5 burner and balanced chemical nitrogen gas
equation for the combustion of CH4 Figure 13.2 Intermolecular interactions involved in
Figure 3.6 Combustion of magnesium metal in air, a solutions
combination reaction Figure 13.3 Dissolution of the ionic solid NaCl in water
Figure 4.4 A precipitation reaction Figure 13.4 Enthalpy changes accompanying the
Figure 4.14 Reaction of copper metal with silver ion solution process
Figures 5.2 Electrostatic potential energy and ionic Figure 14.16 Energy profile for conversion of methyl
and 5.3 bonding isonitrile 1H3CNC2 to its isomer
Figure 5.23 Enthalpy diagram for propane combustion acetonitrile 1H3CCN2
Figure 5.24 Using bond enthalpies to estimate ∆Hrxn Figure 15.2 Equilibrium between NO2 and N2O4
Figure 6.25 General energy ordering of orbitals for a Figure 15.9 Predicting the direction of a reaction
many-electron atom by comparing Q and K at a given
Figure 8.5 Periodic trends in lattice energy as a temperature
function of cation or anion radius Le Châtelier’s Le Châtelier’s principle
Figure 9.12 Covalent bonds in H2, HCl, and Cl2 box, pg 645
Figure 9.13 Formation of the H2 molecule as atomic Figure 17.7 Titration of a strong acid with a strong base
orbitals overlap Figure 17.9 Titration of a weak acid with a strong base
Figure 9.14 Formation of sp hybrid orbitals Figure 20.3 Spontaneous oxidation–reduction reaction
Figure 9.16 Formation of sp2 hybrid orbitals involving zinc and copper
Figure 9.17 Formation of sp3 hybrid orbitals Figure 20.5 A voltaic cell that uses a salt bridge to
Figure 9.22 Hybrid orbital bonding in ethylene complete the electrical circuit
Figure 9.23 Formation of p bond in acetylene, C2H2

Interactive Sample Exercises

Sample Exercise 1.1 Distinguishing among Elements, Sample Exercise 4.13 Using Molarity to Calculate Grams of
Compounds, and Mixtures Solute
Sample Exercise 1.2 Using SI Prefixes Sample Exercise 5.1 Relating Heat and Work to Changes of
Sample Exercise 1.6 Assigning Appropriate Significant Internal Energy
Figures Sample Exercise 5.4 Relating ∆ H to Quantities of Reactants
Sample Exercise 1.8 Determining the Number of Significant and Products
Figures in a Calculated Quantity Sample Exercise 5.6 Measuring ∆ H Using a Coffee-Cup
Sample Exercise 1.11 Converting Units Using Two or More Calorimeter
Conversion Factors Sample Exercise 5.7 Measuring qrxn Using a Bomb
Sample Exercise 1.13 Conversions Involving Density Calorimeter
Sample Exercise 2.1 Atomic Size Sample Exercise 5.8 Using Hess’s Law to Calculate ∆ H
Sample Exercise 2.3 Writing Symbols for Atoms Sample Exercise 5.10 Equations Associated with Enthalpy of
Sample Exercise 2.4 Calculating the Atomic Weight of an Formation
Element from Isotopic Abundance Sample Exercise 6.6 Subshells of the Hydrogen Atom
Sample Exercise 2.5 Using the Periodic Table Sample Exercise 6.7 Orbital Diagrams and Electron
Sample Exercise 2.9 Identifying Ionic and Molecular Configurations
Compounds Sample Exercise 6.8 Electron Configurations for a Group
Sample Exercise 3.2 Balancing Chemical Equations Sample Exercise 7.2 Predicting Relative Sizes of Atomic Radii
Sample Exercise 3.5 Calculating Formula Weights Sample Exercise 8.2 Charges on Ions
Sample Exercise 3.8 Converting Moles to Number of Atoms Sample Exercise 8.6 Drawing a Lewis Structure
Sample Exercise 3.18 Calculating the Amount of Product Sample Exercise 9.1 Using the VSEPR Model
Formed from a Limiting Reactant Sample Exercise 10.3 Evaluating the Effects of Changes in P,
Sample Exercise 4.1 Relating Relative Numbers of Anions V, n, and T on a Gas
and Cations to Chemical Formulas Sample Exercise 10.4 Using the Ideal-Gas Equation
Sample Exercise 4.3 Predicting a Metathesis Reaction Sample Exercise 11.4 Relating Boiling Point to Vapor Pressure
Sample Exercise 4.4 Writing a Net Ionic Equation Sample Exercise 12.4 Identifying Types of Semiconductors


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Sample Exercise 13.6 Calculation of Molarity Using the Sample Exercise 19.1 Identifying Spontaneous Processes
Density of the Solution Sample Exercise 20.2 Balancing Redox Equations
Sample Exercise 14.3 Relating Rates at Which Products in Acidic Solution
Appear and Reactants Disappear Sample Exercise 21.1 Predicting the Product of a
Sample Exercise 15.1 Writing Equilibrium-Constant Nuclear Reaction
Expressions Sample Exercise 22.4 Predicting Chemical Reactions among
Sample Exercise 16.1 Identifying Conjugate Acids and Bases the Halogens
Sample Practice 17.11 Calculating Ksp from Solubility Sample Exercise 23.2 Determining the Oxidation Number of
Sample Exercise 18.1 Calculating Concentration from a Metal in a Complex
Partial Pressure Sample Exercise 24.1 Naming Alkanes

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To the Instructor provide more effective means of testing and evaluating stu-
dent performance, while giving the student immediate and
helpful feedback. MasteringChemistryTM not only provides
feedback on a question by question basis, but using Knew-
Philosophy ton-enhanced adaptive follow-up assignments and Dynamic
We authors of Chemistry: The Central Science are delighted and Study Modules, it now continually adapts to each student,
honored that you have chosen us as your instructional partners offering a personalized learning experience.
for your general chemistry class. Collectively we have taught As authors, we want this text to be a central, indispensable
general chemistry to multiple generations of students. So we learning tool for students. Whether as a physical book or in elec-
understand the challenges and opportunities of teaching a class tronic form, it can be carried everywhere and used at any time. It
that so many students take. We have also been active research- is the best place students can go to obtain the information out-
ers who appreciate both the learning and the discovery aspects side of the classroom needed for learning, skill development, ref-
of the chemical sciences. Our varied, wide-ranging experiences erence, and test preparation. The text, more effectively than any
have formed the basis of the close collaborations we have enjoyed other instrument, provides the depth of coverage and coherent
as coauthors. In writing our book, our focus is on the students: background in modern chemistry that students need to serve
we try to ensure that the text is not only accurate and up-to-date their professional interests and, as appropriate, to prepare for
but also clear and readable. We strive to convey the breadth of more advanced chemistry courses.
chemistry and the excitement that scientists experience in mak- If the text is to be effective in supporting your role as instruc-
ing new discoveries that contribute to our understanding of the tor, it must be addressed to the students. We have done our best
physical world. We want the student to appreciate that chemis- to keep our writing clear and interesting and the book attractive
try is not a body of specialized knowledge that is separate from and well illustrated. The book has numerous in-text study aids
most aspects of modern life, but central to any attempt to address for students, including carefully placed descriptions of problem-
a host of societal concerns, including renewable energy, environ- solving strategies. We hope that our cumulative experiences as
mental sustainability, and improved human health. teachers is evident in our pacing, choice of examples, and the
Publishing the fourteenth edition of this text bespeaks kinds of study aids and motivational tools we have employed.
an exceptionally long record of successful textbook writing. We believe students are more enthusiastic about learning chem-
We are appreciative of the loyalty and support the book has istry when they see its importance relative to their own goals
received over the years, and mindful of our obligation to jus- and interests; therefore, we have highlighted many important
tify each new edition. We begin our approach to each new applications of chemistry in everyday life. We hope you make
edition with an intensive author retreat, in which we ask our- use of this material.
selves the deep questions that we must answer before we can It is our philosophy, as authors, that the text and all the sup-
move forward. What justifies yet another edition? What is plementary materials provided to support its use must work in
changing in the world not only of chemistry, but with respect concert with you, the instructor. A textbook is only as useful to
to science education and the qualities of the students we students as the instructor permits it to be. This book is replete
serve? How can we help your students not only learn the prin- with features that help students learn and that can guide them
ciples of chemistry, but also become critical thinkers who can as they acquire both conceptual understanding and problem-
think more like chemists? The answers lie only partly in the solving skills. There is a great deal here for the students to use,
changing face of chemistry itself. The introduction of many too much for all of it to be absorbed by any student in a one-
new technologies has changed the landscape in the teaching year course. You will be the guide to the best use of the book.
of sciences at all levels. The use of the Internet in accessing Only with your active help will the students be able to uti-
information and presenting learning materials has mark- lize most effectively all that the text and its supplements offer.
edly changed the role of the textbook as one element among Students care about grades, of course, and with encouragement
many tools for student learning. Our challenge as authors is they will also become interested in the subject matter and care
to maintain the text as the primary source of chemical knowl- about learning. Please consider emphasizing features of the
edge and practice, while at the same time integrating it with book that can enhance student appreciation of chemistry, such
the new avenues for learning made possible by technology. as the Chemistry Put To Work and Chemistry and Life boxes that
This edition incorporates a number of those new methodolo- show how chemistry impacts modern life and its relationship to
gies, including use of computer-based classroom tools, such health and life processes. Also consider emphasizing conceptual
as Learning CatalyticsTM, a cloud-based active learning ana- understanding (placing less emphasis on simple manipulative,
lytics and assessment system, and web-based tools, particu- algorithmic problem solving) and urging students to use the
larly MasteringChemistryTM, which is continually evolving to rich on-line resources available.


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Organization and Contents metals, including coordination compounds, and Chapter 24

with the chemistry of organic compounds and elementary
The first five chapters give a largely macroscopic, phenomeno- biochemical themes. These final four chapters are developed
logical view of chemistry. The basic concepts introduced—such in an independent, modular fashion and can be covered in any
as nomenclature, stoichiometry, and thermochemistry—pro- order.
vide necessary background for many of the laboratory experi- Our chapter sequence provides a fairly standard organiza-
ments usually performed in general chemistry. We believe that tion, but we recognize that not everyone teaches all the topics
an early introduction to thermochemistry is desirable because in the order we have chosen. We have therefore made sure that
so much of our understanding of chemical processes is based instructors can make common changes in teaching sequence
on considerations of energy changes. By incorporating bond with no loss in student comprehension. In particular, many
enthalpies in the Thermochemistry chapter we aim to empha- instructors prefer to introduce gases (Chapter 10) after stoi-
size the connection between the macroscopic properties of chiometry (Chapter 3) rather than with states of matter. The
substances and the submicroscopic world of atoms and bonds. chapter on gases has been written to permit this change with
We believe we have produced an effective, balanced approach no disruption in the flow of material. It is also possible to treat
to teaching thermodynamics in general chemistry, as well as balancing redox equations (Sections 20.1 and 20.2) earlier,
providing students with an introduction to some of the global after the introduction of redox reactions in Section 4.4. Finally,
issues involving energy production and consumption. It is no some instructors like to cover organic chemistry (Chapter 24)
easy matter to walk the narrow pathway between—on the one right after bonding (Chapters 8 and 9). This, too, is a largely
hand—trying to teach too much at too high a level and—on seamless move.
the other hand—resorting to oversimplifications. As with the We have brought students into greater contact with descrip-
book as a whole, the emphasis has been on imparting conceptual tive organic and inorganic chemistry by integrating examples
understanding, as opposed to presenting equations into which throughout the text. You will find pertinent and relevant exam-
students are supposed to plug numbers. ples of “real” chemistry woven into all the chapters to illustrate
The next four chapters (Chapters 6–9) deal with electronic principles and applications. Some chapters, of course, more
structure and bonding. For more advanced students, A Closer directly address the “descriptive” properties of elements and
Look boxes in Chapters 6 and 9 highlight radial probability func- their compounds, especially Chapters 4, 7, 11, 18, and 22–24. We
tions and the phases of orbitals. Our approach of placing this also incorporate descriptive organic and inorganic chemistry in
latter discussion in A Closer Look box in Chapter 9 enables those the end-of-chapter exercises.
who wish to cover this topic to do so, while others may wish to
bypass it. In treating this topic and others in Chapters 7 and 9, New in This Edition
we have materially enhanced the accompanying figures to more
As with every new edition of Chemistry: The Central Science the
effectively bring home their central messages.
book has undergone a great many changes as we strive to keep
In Chapters 10–13, the focus of the text changes to the
the content current, and to improve the clarity and effectiveness
next level of the organization of matter: examining the states
of the text, the art, and the exercises. Among the myriad changes
of matter. Chapters 10 and 11 deal with gases, liquids, and inter-
there are certain points of emphasis that we use to organize and
molecular forces, while Chapter 12 is devoted to solids, present-
guide the revision process. In creating the fourteenth edition
ing a contemporary view of the solid state as well as of modern
our revision was organized around the following points:
materials accessible to general chemistry students. The chapter
provides an opportunity to show how abstract chemical bonding t Our treatment of energy and thermochemistry has been
concepts impact real-world applications. The modular organiza- significantly revised. The concept of energy is now intro-
tion of the chapter allows you to tailor your coverage to focus on duced in Chapter 1, whereas previously it did not appear
the materials (semiconductors, polymers, nanomaterials, and until Chapter 5. This change allows instructors greater
so forth) that are most relevant to your students and your own freedom in the order in which they cover the material. For
interests. This section of the book concludes with Chapter 13 example, this change would facilitate coverage of Chap-
which covers the formation and properties of solutions. ters 6 and 7 immediately following Chapter 2, a sequence
The next several chapters examine the factors that deter- that is in line with an atoms-first approach to teaching
mine the speed and extent of chemical reactions: kinetics general chemistry. More importantly, bond enthalpies
(Chapter 14), equilibria (Chapters 15–17), thermodynamics are now integrated into Chapter 5 to emphasize the con-
(Chapter 19), and electrochemistry (Chapter 20). Also in this nection between macroscopic quantities, like reaction
section is a chapter on environmental chemistry (Chapter 18), in enthalpies, and the submicroscopic world of atoms and
which the concepts developed in preceding chapters are applied bonds. We feel this change leads to a better integration of
to a discussion of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. This chapter thermochemical concepts with the surrounding chapters.
has increasingly come to be focused on green chemistry and the Bond enthalpies are revisited in Chapter 8 after students
impacts of human activities on Earth’s water and atmosphere. have developed a more sophisticated view of chemical
After a discussion of nuclear chemistry (Chapter 21), bonding.
the book ends with three survey chapters. Chapter 22 deals t Considerable effort was made to provide students with a
with nonmetals, Chapter 23 with the chemistry of transition clear discussion, superior problem sets, and better real-

A01_BROW4232_14_SE_FM.indd 24 18/11/16 4:46 PM


time feedback on their understanding of the material. The this new edition. Chemistry: The Central Science has tradition-
author team used an interactive e-book platform to view ally been valued for its clarity of writing, its scientific accuracy
passages that students highlighted in their reading along and currency, its strong end-of-chapter exercises, and its con-
with the related notes and questions that detailed what sistency in level of coverage. In making changes, we have made
they did not understand. In response, numerous passages sure not to compromise these characteristics, and we have also
were revised for greater clarity. continued to employ an open, clean design in the layout of the
t Extensive effort has gone into creating enhanced content book.
for the eText version of the book. These features make the The art program for the fourteenth edition continues the
eText so much more than just an electronic copy of the trajectory set in the previous two editions: to make greater and
physical textbook. New Smart Figures take key figures from more effective use of the figures as learning tools, by drawing
the text and bring them to life through animation and nar- the reader more directly into the figure. The style of the art has
ration. Likewise, new Smart Sample Exercises animate key been revised throughout for enhanced clarity and a cleaner
sample exercises from the text, offering students a more in more modern look. This includes: new white-background anno-
depth and detailed discussion than can be provided in the tation boxes with crisp, thin leaders; richer and more saturated
printed text. These interactive features will also include colors in the art, and expanded use of 3D renderings. An edito-
follow-up questions, which can be assigned in Master- rial review of every figure in the text resulted in numerous minor
ingChemistryTM. revisions to the art and its labels in order to increase clarity. The
Go Figure questions have been carefully scrutinized. Using sta-
t We used metadata from MasteringChemistryTM to inform
tistics from MasteringChemistryTM, many have been modified
our revisions. In the thirteenth edition a second Practice
or changed entirely to engage and challenge students to think
Exercise was added to accompany each Sample Exercise.
critically about the concept(s) that underlie each figure. The
Nearly all of the additional practice exercises were mul-
Give it Some Thought feature has been revised in a similar vein to
tiple choice questions with wrong answer distractors
stimulate more thoughtful reading of the text and foster critical
written to identify student misconceptions and common
mistakes. As implemented in MasteringChemistryTM,
We provide a valuable overview of each chapter under the
feedback was provided with each wrong answer to help
What’s Ahead banner. Concept links ( ) continue to provide
students recognize their misconceptions. In this new
easy-to-see cross-references to pertinent material covered earlier
edition we have carefully scrutinized the metadata from
in the text. The essays titled Strategies in Chemistry, which pro-
MasteringChemistryTM to identify practice exercises that
vide advice to students on problem solving and “thinking like a
either were not challenging the students or were not
chemist,” have been renamed Strategies for Success to better con-
being used. Those exercises have either been modified or
vey their usefulness to the student.
changed entirely. A similar effort was made to revise Give
We have continued to emphasize conceptual exercises
It Some Thought and Go Figure questions to make them
in the end-of-chapter problems. In each chapter we begin
more effective and amenable to use in MasteringChemis-
the exercises with the well-received Visualizing Concepts cat-
tryTM. Finally, the number of end-of-chapter exercises that
egory. These exercises are designed to facilitate conceptual
have wrong answer feedback in MasteringChemistryTM
understanding through use of models, graphs, photographs,
has been dramatically expanded. We have also replaced
and other visual materials. They precede the regular end-
outdated or little-used end-of-chapter exercises (~10 per
of-chapter exercises and are identified in each case with the
relevant chapter section number. A generous selection of Inte-
t Finally, subtle but important changes have been made to grative Exercises, which give students the opportunity to solve
allow students to quickly reference important concepts and problems that integrate concepts from the present chap-
assess their knowledge of the material. Key points are now ter with those of previous chapters, is included at the end of
set in italic with line spaces above and below for greater em- each chapter. The importance of integrative problem solving
phasis. New skills-based How To . . . features offer step-by- is highlighted by the Sample Integrative Exercise, which ends
step guidance for solving specific types of problems such each chapter beginning with Chapter 4. In general, we have
as Drawing Lewis Structures, Balancing Redox Equations, included more conceptual end-of-chapter exercises and have
and Naming Acids. These features, with numbered steps made sure that there is a good representation of somewhat
encased by a thin rule, are integrated into the main discus- more difficult exercises to provide a better mix in terms of
sion and are easy to find. Finally, each Learning Objective topic and level of difficulty. Many of the exercises have been
is now correlated to specific end-of-chapter exercises. This restructured to facilitate their use in MasteringChemistryTM.
allows students to test their mastery of each learning objec- We have made extensive use of the metadata from student use
tive when preparing for quizzes and exams. of MasteringChemistryTM to analyze end-of-chapter exercises
and make appropriate changes, as well as to develop Learning
Changes in This Edition Outcomes for each chapter.
The New in This Edition section details changes made New essays in our well-received Chemistry Put To Work and
throughout this edition. Beyond a mere listing, however, it is Chemistry and Life series emphasize world events, scientific
worth dwelling on the general goals we set forth in formulating discoveries, and medical breakthroughs relevant to topics

A01_BROW4232_14_SE_FM.indd 25 18/11/16 4:46 PM

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Author of “Lefty o’ the Big League,” “Lefty o’ the Blue
Stockings,” “Lefty o’ the Training Camp.”



Copyright, 1914, by

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America


I Out in the Bush 11

II Under Cover 18
III The Man to Pitch 23
IV The Parson’s Daughter 29
V A Bad Beginning 35
VI “Take Him Out!” 40
VII Himself Again 47
VIII Steadying Down 53
IX Some Pitching! 58
X A Pitchers’ Battle 63
XI On the Raw Edge 67
XII The “Squeeze Play” 73
XIII The Last Strike-Out 78
XIV After the Game 86
XV Man to Man 91
XVI Benton King Awakens 97
XVII Father and Daughter 104
XVIII The Green-Eyed Monster 112
XIX The Agitation in Bancroft 120
XX Men of Conscience! 128
XXI A Secret Meeting 132
XXII Riley Shoots His Bolt 140
XXIII Lefty’s Fickle Memory 145
XXIV A Matter of Veracity 152
XXV The Test and the Denial 157
XXVI Was It a Bluff? 166
XXVII The Item in the News 173
XXVIII The Gage Flung Down 180
XXIX The Frame-Up 186
XXX The Letter in the Desk 193
XXXI Tom, Tommy and Janet 201
XXXII The Initials 209
XXXIII King Aroused 218
XXXIV Given the Lie 224
XXXV The Photograph 230
XXXVI Crumbled Castles 236
XXXVII The Bell Boy 244
XXXVIII “And Did Not Understand” 250
XXXIX Bancroft Comes to Conquer 258
XL Pinwheel Murtel 264
XLI Gone Wrong 271
XLII A Sudden Shift 276
XLIII A Game Worth Winning 282
XLIV Facing His Accusers 288
XLV The Forgery 294
XLVI Cleared Up 300

A fter running his eye over the Kingsbridge batting order, Mike
Riley, manager of the Bancroft “Bullies,” rolled the black cigar
well into the corner of his mouth, lifted himself ponderously to his
feet, and walked across toward the bench of the home team.
Kingsbridge had taken the field for practice, the visitors having
warmed up already. The Northern League, a genuine “bush”
organization, had opened two days earlier in Bancroft and Fryeburg,
but this was to be the first game of the season in Kingsbridge, a
hustling, crude, though ambitious pulp-mill town.
As it was Saturday afternoon, when the mills closed down at three
o’clock, there was certain to be a big crowd in attendance, double
assurance of which could be seen in the rapidly filling grand stand
and bleachers, and the steady stream of humanity pouring in through
the gates.
As Riley approached, a lean, sallow man, with a hawk-beak nose,
rose from the home bench and nodded, holding out a bony hand,
which, cold as a dead fish, was almost smothered in the pudgy paw
put forth to meet it.
“Hello, Hutch!” gurgled the manager of the Bullies, with a show of
cordiality, although he quickly dropped the chilling hand. “How’s
tricks? See you took a fall outer Fryeburg yistidday.”
“Yes, we got away with it,” answered the local manager, in a
monotonous, dead-level voice, lacking wholly in enthusiasm. “But the
‘Brownies’ are a cinch; nothing but a bunch of raw kids.”
“Uh-huh!” grunted Riley, twisting his thumb into the huge watch
chain which spanned the breadth of his bulging waistcoat; “that’s
right. Still, you didn’t have much leeway to spare, did ye?”
“Put it over by one measly run, that’s all. Deever’s arm went on the
blink in the seventh, and the greenhorns came near hammering out
a win. Locke managed to hold ’em.”
“Who is this Locke? I see he’s down to wing ’em for you to-day.
Where’d you find him, huh?”
“Don’t ask me who he is. I never heard of him before. He’s some
green dub of a port-side flinger old man Cope picked up. You know
Cope used to play the game back in the days of the Deluge, and he
thinks he knows all about it. As he’s chairman of the Kingsbridge
Baseball Association, and one of the heaviest backers of the team,
folks round here let him meddle enough to keep him appeased. All
the same, long as they’ve hired me to manage, I’m going to manage,
after I’ve shown ’em how much Cope don’t know about it.”
“That’s the talk, Hutch,” chuckled the Bancroft manager. “You’ve
got some team, and you oughter be able to make it interestin’ for the
rest of us, if the rubes let you have your swing. It was that old fox,
Cope, who got Deever away from me arter I had Pat as good as
signed, which makes me feel a bit raw, natural. Outside of Deever,
and Locke, and a few others, I s’pose the team’s practically your
“Then you’ve got another guess coming,” returned Bob
Hutchinson. “Skillings, Lace, Crandall, and Hickey make the whole of
my picking; Cope practically got together the rest of the bunch. But
wait; some of ’em won’t hold their jobs long, between you and me,
“Perhaps we hadn’t better chin any longer, for I see we’re being
watched, and the people of this town are so hot against Bancroft,
and you in particular, that they might get suspicious, and think there
was something crooked doing if we talked too long.”
“Guess that’s right,” admitted Riley. “They ain’t got no love for me
in Kingsbridge, ’count of our rubbing it inter them last year. Makes
me laugh, the way they squealed. They were so sore they swore
they’d have a team to beat us this year at any cost. That’s how you
got your job; they decided to have a reg’ler manager, who could give
all his time and attention to handlin’ the team. Sorry for you, Hutch,
but if they beat Bancroft under the wire with the bunch they’ve
scraped together, I’ll quit the game for good. So long.”
Having learned that Hutchinson was not wholly responsible for the
make-up of the Kingsbridge nine, Riley did not hesitate to express
himself in this manner, thus betraying the disdain in which he really
held his opponents of the day.
Only once since the organization of the so-called Northern
League, which really had very little organization whatever, being run,
like many small, back-country “leagues,” in a loose, hit-or-miss
fashion—only once had Bancroft failed to win the championship; and
that year Riley, a minor leaguer before age and avoirdupois had
deposited him in the can, had not handled the club.
Bancroft was a city, and it cut her fans deeply to be downed on the
diamond by a smaller place, besides severely wounding in their
pockets some of the sports who had wagered real money. Hence the
former successful manager was called back to the job, at which he
was always prepared to make good through any means available.
Kingsbridge had entered the league the previous season, filling
the place of a town that, loaded with baseball debts, and
discouraged by poor success, had dropped out. Owing its existence
to Cyrus King, lumberman and pulp manufacturer, Kingsbridge was
barely four years old, yet its inhabitants already numbered nearly five
Furthermore, it was confidently looking forward to the time,
believed to be not far distant, when it should outstrip the already
envious city of Bancroft, and become the “metropolis” of that
particular region.
While pretending to scoff at the “mushroom village,” Bancroft was
secretly disturbed and worried, fearing the day when Kingsbridge,
through the enterprise of its citizens, the interest and power of its
founder, and the coming of a second railroad, which was seeking a
charter, would really forge to the front, and leave the “big town down
the river” in the lurch. Therefore, quite naturally, the rivalry between
the two places was intense in other things besides baseball.
There is nothing like the game, however, to bring to the surface
the jealousies and rivalries existing between towns having
contending teams; something about the game is certain to tear open
old sores and stir up ancient animosities apparently long forgotten.
Especially is this true in minor leagues and “out in the bush,”
where not infrequently it appears to the chance stranger that whole
towns—men, women, and children—have gone baseball crazy.
It is in such places that one may see the game, as a game, at its
best—and its worst. Here victory or defeat assumes a tragic
importance that must seem laughable to the ordinary city fan; the
former being frequently the cause of rejoicing and celebrating,
sometimes with fireworks and brass bands, while the latter will cast
over the community a cloud of gloom which could be equaled only by
an appalling catastrophe.
This intensity of feeling and emotion may scarcely be understood
by a person who has never followed with individual interest the
fortunes of a backwoods team, tasting the sweet intoxication of
triumph, hard earned and contested to the last ditch, or the
heartbreaking bitterness of defeat and shattered hopes.

K ingsbridge, with its pulp-mill and saw-mill laborers, was precisely

the sort of a place to back a team to the limit, and to demand a
winning club, regardless of expense.
On Saturdays, because of the early shutting down of the mills,
nearly all the laborers could get out to witness the contests, and few
there were who failed to attend, unless sickness or imperative
necessity kept them away. In fact, on the last day of the week, the
attendance in that town was as large as the average turnout in
The mill town’s initial experience had been most unsatisfactory
and discouraging. Starting out with a nine made up of youngsters,
among whom were college men and high-school boys, it had made a
promising beginning, actually standing at the head of the league for
almost three weeks, and then fighting Bancroft for first place for an
equal length of time.
But the youngsters did not seem to have staying qualities, and
this, combined with poor management and the “fair-or-foul” methods
of the Bullies, had eventually sent Kingsbridge down the ladder to
finish the season at the very foot of the list.
This failure, however, simply aroused the town to grim
determination, bringing about the organization of a baseball
association which included many of the leading citizens, Henry
Cope, who kept the largest general store in town, being chosen
chairman. The association pledged itself to put a winning team on to
the field, and Cope, having considerable knowledge of baseball and
players, set to work in midwinter preparing for the coming campaign.
He was given a comparatively free hand by his associates, although,
in order that Bancroft might not hear and get wise, the purpose of his
movements was kept secret until it was almost time for the league to
Then it became known that Bob Hutchinson, a manager who had
handled teams in one of the well known minor leagues, had been
secured to take charge of the “Kinks.” It was also made public that a
team of fast and experienced players throughout had been signed,
and the names of several of these players were printed in the
sporting column of the Bancroft News.
Hope flamed high in Kingsbridge. The topic of the street corners
was baseball. It was freely proclaimed that the town was prepared to
take a heavy fall out of Bancroft, and would begin by downing the
“hated enemy” in the very first clash, which was scheduled to occur
in the down-river city.
Of course a few pessimistic killjoys, of whom every community
must have its quota, scoffed at the efforts and expectations of the
enthusiasts, declaring it was not possible for a place no larger than
Kingsbridge, no matter how earnestly it might try, to defeat a city with
Bancroft’s record and resources. These croakers were not popular,
yet their gloomy prophecies awakened misgivings in many a heart.
In Bancroft the midwinter silence of Kingsbridge had aroused
some alarm lest the mill town, troubled with cold feet, should fail to
come to the scratch when the season opened, which would make it
necessary to lure some other place into the fold, or run the league
three-cornered, something most unpleasant and undesirable.
Even when Kingsbridge sent a representative to attend the usual
annual meeting of the league association, the quiet declination of
that representative to give out any particulars concerning the
personnel of the up-river team had left a feeling of uneasiness,
despite his repeated assurance that there would be such a team.
Later, on the appearance of the newspaper report that Kingsbridge
had engaged Bob Hutchinson as manager, and the publication of an
incomplete roster of the mill-town players, Bancroft’s relief and
satisfaction had been tempered by alarm of a different nature. For it
now became apparent that the city’s ambitious rival had all along
been quietly at work preparing to spring a surprise in the form of an
unusually strong nine that would make the other clubs go some, right
from the call of “play.”
Mike Riley had not sought to allay this final feeling of
apprehension; on the contrary, for purely personal reasons, he
fostered it. For would it not encourage the backers of his team,
believing as they did in his sound baseball sense, to give him even
greater liberty in management? And when he should again win the
championship, as he secretly and egotistically felt certain of doing,
the luster of the accomplishment must seem far more dazzling than
After Bancroft’s opening-day success, when she had rubbed it into
the Kinks to the tune of 8 to 4, Riley became completely satisfied
that the Kingsbridge nine was a false alarm.
Aware of Hutchinson’s particular weaknesses, he had never really
feared the man; but let this much be said to Riley’s credit: whenever
possible, he preferred to capture victory by the skill and fighting
ability of his team, rather than through secret deals and shady,
underhanded methods. And he always developed a team of
aggressive, browbeating fighters; hence the far-from-pleasing
appellation of “Bullies.”
In her second game, Kingsbridge’s victory over Fryeburg had
come as a surprise to Manager Riley, whose judgment had led him
to believe that the Brownies would also open the season with a
triumph on their own field. Hence his desire to question Hutchinson
about it.
Tom Locke, the new pitcher who had relieved Pat Deever when
the Fryeburgers took Deever’s measure in the seventh, was an
unknown to Riley, and, the chap being slated to go against Bancroft
this day, Mike had sought information concerning him.
Hutchinson, however, could tell him nothing save that the young
man had been signed by Henry Cope; but, holding Cope’s baseball
judgment openly in contempt, this seemed sufficiently relieving, and,

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