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Name: ____________________________________________ Date:___________ 1st “____”


VOCABULARY (30p)- Complete the sentences with words in the correct form
A v__________________ is an injection given to someone to protect them from a disease.
The doctor said you need a__________________ because you’ve got an infection.
My brother and I always q__________________ about everything when we were young.
The instructions were so c__________________ that no one understood them.
Everyone is very w__________________ about losing their jobs.
I’m sorry, you can’t jump the q__________________. Lots of people are waiting.
Liz and Tony have been e__________________ for years but they are still not married.
I’m frustrated. I f__________________ my driving test three times!
We’ve put two huge s__________________ __________________ on the roof to save electricity.
There was a very interesting d__________________ about immigration, everyone had different opinions about it.
She’s running a marathon to r__________________ money for cancer research.
He’s a very l__________________ puppy. You’ll like him immediately.
Del Potro is a w__________________ tennis player. He’s in every major competition now.
In primary school, I was described as h__________________ at gymnastics. Certainly on the road to failure.
Emma Chaplin is a very t__________________violinist. I love her.
I prefer f__________________ learning because I like to be with other students in the same room.
You need a P__________________ to be a university professor. It’s the hardest academic qualification.
I use a s__________________ __________________ to find information very quickly on the Internet.
S__________________ __________________ are great to connect with classmates and make friends on the Internet.
W__________________ are mini-encyclopedias containing useful information about everything.
Your car b__________________ __________________ too often. Maybe It’s time to get a new one.
I love going to Tai Chi classes because they are so r__________________ after a stressful day at the office.
Pauline was finally p__________________ to area manager. I’m so happy for her!
I find it’s easier to f__________________ on my studies if I go to the library because it’s a very quiet place.
Fatima is a h__________________ __________________ and is always top of the class.
Alice has got a d__________________ in economics from the University of Toronto.
Many universities offer o__________________ __________________ so that people can study from home.
The t__________________ __________________ stayed red for a long time and I was late for work.
After being single for many years, Jeff decided to join a few d__________________ __________________ like Tinder.
If you get an a__________________ for this company, you’d work for us four days a week and go to college on Fridays.
B- Complete the sentences with the corresponding preposition or particle. (10p)
1- I can always rely _____ him. He’s one of my best friends.
2- Corey works very hard at his studies and puts _____ a lot of hours.
3- Kevin tried to chat Kim _____ but she wasn’t interested in him.
4- Ian split _____ with his partner after an argument.
5- I used to drink a lot of coffee, but recently I’ve gone _____it.
6- Can you scroll _____ ? I can’t read what it says at the bottom.
7- Why don’t you try _____ this shirt? It might suit you well.
8- Sorry, I’ve just logged _____. I didn’t realize you needed the computer.
9- The restaurant was so crowded that we complained _____ the service.
10- I hate arguing _____ my parents over silly things.
A- Rewrite the following sentences using the word in brackets. Do not change the word given (20p)
1. We can’t drive to your house because we don’t have a car. (COULD)

2. She doesn’t play for the team because she isn’t fast enough. (IF)

3. Tom and Dave never help in the house because their mother doesn’t ask them. (WOULD)

4. I work on Saturdays, that’s why I can’t come to the barbecue. (IF)

5. I visited an art gallery. It had a wonderful exhibition. (WHICH)

6. My cousin is in the fashion industry. She lives in Paris (WHO)

7. The sale in Wallmart lasted for ten days. It’s now finished. (WHICH)


8. She was born in an island. It’s now under water. (WHERE)

9. We didn’t have time to go to Orlando. (MANAGE)

10. I failed my driving test. (ABLE)

11. What languages where you able to speak when you were a child? (COULD)

12. Can you bring some glasses to the party? (ABLE)

13. He was born with an ability to play the violin. (NATURAL)

14. She’s very successful at everything she does. (ACHIVER)

15. It’s important to think that you have the ability to do what you want (YOURSELF)

16. I started studying English in March and I still am. (SINCE)

17. Was it possible for you to speak to the teacher today? (WERE)

18. I’m saying this because I think he’s not qualified for the job (REASON)

19. We will only cancel the game if it rains. (UNLESS)

20. The minute I get home tonight, I’ll have a long bath. (WHEN)

B Correct two mistakes in each sentence (10p)
Example: He’s the man that son has won the lottery last week.
He’s the man whose son won the lottery last week.
1. We wasn’t able to go to Sally’s party last Friday because we can’t find a babysitter.
2. She’s be living in Switzerland since the past five years.

3. She got new laptop for her birthday, that she loved.
4. His house is the most biggest in the town, hasn’t it?
5. I think her children are little bit younger as yours.
B- Write the correct question tag. (10p)
Example: You already know my brother James, don’t you?
1Catherine didn’t call you last night, ?
2 You haven’t cancelled our hotel yet, ?
3 Margaret hasn’t passed her driving test, ?
4 Richard wasn’t working in South Africa then, ?
5 Pablo’s getting the 10.30 train from Waterloo, ?
6 Susan and Michael aren’t coming to the wedding, ?
7 You knew I wouldn’t be able to get here early, ?
8 The rest of the class will be at the concert tomorrow, ?
9 Zhen’s already finished university, ?
10 The police will never tell anyone about this, ?

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