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Republic of the Philippines




Set A
8am - 2pm


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. What is the demand for twenty – 16 kW ranges?

A. 55 kW B. 42 kW C. 35 kW D. 160 KW

2. A three-phase 4-pole 50Hz induction motor has a rotor resistance of

0.020 ohm per phase and standstill reactance of 0.5 ohm per phase.
Calculate the speed at which the maximum torque is developed.
A. 1,500 rpm B. 1,440 rpm C. 1,480 rpm D. 1,460 rpm

3. Three 30:1 step-down transformers are connected wye-delta for stepping

down the 132,000-volt three phase transmission voltage. Calculate the
secondary line voltage.
A. 2,540v B. 4,400 v C. 7,621 v D. 24,100 v

4. A coils is supplied from a 220 volt and takes a current of 2 amperes at

0.707 power factor lagging. The quality factor of the coil is _______.
A. 5 B. 1 C. 4 D. 10

5. The material commonly used for insulation in high voltage cables is

A. lead B. paper C. rubber D. glass

6. The current-carrying capacity of a copper wire having twice the

diameter of another copper wire is ______ as great
A. twice B. half C. 4 times D. 3 times

7. Ground ring shall be buried at a depth below the earth's surface not
less than ___mm/
A. 750 mm B. 600 mm C. 1000 mm D. 500 mm

8. Fault level means

A. fault current C. fault power factor
B. voltage at the point of fault D. fault MVA

9. What replaces coaxial cable for terrestrial transmission?

A. copper cable
B. print to print wireless transmission


C. aluminum cable
D. fiber optics

10. The magnetism that remains in a magnet after magnetizing force has
been removed is called
A. Permeability C. Induction
B. Residual D. Saturation

11. Find the resistance of 50 m of tungsten (ρ = 5.5 x 10^-8 Ω-m) wire

having a diameter of 0.8 mm at 20 degree centigrade
A. 4.92Ω B. 4.38Ω C. 5.47Ω D. 5.91Ω

12. Transformers are rated in


13. A frequency of 27 MH has a wavelength of approximately ______.

A. 30 m B. 27 m C. 81 m D. 11m

14. An 80 cm long conductor is carrying a current of 3.6 amperes and is

situated at right angle to a field of flux density 0.95 Tesla. What is the
force on the conductor?(April 2017)
A. 2.367N B. 2.736 N C. 27.36 N D. 0.2736 N

15. Two No. 8 copper conductors are placed 15 cm apart with a GMR of
1.27x10^-3 m. If the length of the line is 4-km, find the value of the
line inductance.
A. 7.63 mH B. 6.85 mH C. 5.78 mH D. 9.65 mH

16. A transformer rated 2,000 KVA, 34,500/240 volts has 5.75% impedance.
What is the per unit impedance?
A. 0.0575 B. 0.0656 C. 34.2 D. 0.0635

17. An impedance of Z1 = 4+j4 ohms is connected in parallel with an

impedance Z2 = 12 + j6. The input reactive power is 2500 var lagging. What
is the total active power?
A. 3025W B. 2502W C. 4025W D. 5045W

18. Impedance Z1 = 10 + j15 ohms and another impedance Z2 = 6 - j8 ohms

are connected in parallel across a 60Hz source. Find the total power in
watts if total current is 15A.
A. 1,845 W B. 2,380 W C. 3,188 W D. 2,176W

19. In a stranded conductor, what do you call the strand at the center of
the conductor?
A. king wire B. center wire C. steel wire D. center

20. A 20-hp, 110v dc shunt motor has an efficiency of 885 and an exciting
current of 4 amperes and an armature resistance of 0.04 ohm. What starting
resistance is required for full load torque?
A. 6.9 Ω B. 0.69 Ω C. 0.96 Ω D. 9.6 Ω

21. If the line frequency is 60Hz, the output frequency of a bridge


rectifier is
A. 120Hz B. 60Hz C. 30Hz D. 240 Hz

22. This is the least prevalent shunt fault among transmission and
distribution lines.

23. A 15-ohm resistor is connected in parallel with a series combination

of resistors of 8 and 12 ohms. If the voltage drop across the 8-ohm
resistor is 48 v, what is the total current
A. 16A B. 14A C. 18A D. 12A

24. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The resistance does not play an important role in electrical
B. The resistance of a wire does not depend upon its material
C. The resistance of most of the materials is independent of the
D. The resistance of conductor is the hindrance by which the conductor
opposes the flow of the current

25. What is the minimum value of the capacitor needed to obtain resonance
with a 300μH coil to frequencies between 500 and 1,500 kHZ?
A. 37.6 μF B. 33.9μF C. 33.9 pF D. 37.6 pF

26. A generator rated 600 KVA, 2,400 v, 60 HZ, 3-phase, 6-poles and wye-
connected has 10% synchronous reactance. If a three-phase fault occurs,
what will be the short circuit current?
A. 1,428 A B. 1,532 A C. 1,443 A D. 1,435 A

27. What is the code name or type of PVC insulation that is thermoplastic
heat and water resistance with temperature rating of 75 degrees celcius?

28. A 400 V series motor working with unsaturated field is taking 60A and
running at 840 rpm. The total resistance of the motor is 0.1 ohm. At what
speed will the motor run when developing half-full load torque
A. 1,167 rpm B. 1,352 rpm C. 1,202 rpm D. 1,193 rpm

29. What is the equivalent of the collector terminal of transistor in a

A. drain B. Grid C. source D. gate

30. A three-phase, Y/∆ connected 50 MVA 345/34.5 kV transformer is

protected by differential protection. The current transformer on the low-
side of the transformer for differential protection is 900:5. What is the
current on the secondary side of the CT?
A. 3.65A B. 4.83A C. 4.25 A D. 5.65 A

31. What is the maximum number of bends permitted in rigid conduits

between outlets?
A. 2 quarter bends C. 4 quarter bends


B. 5 quarter bends D. 3 quarter bends

32. REE-April 2016. A balanced delta load of 3 + j4 ohms per phase is

connected to a balanced 110-V source. Find the line current.
A. 22 A B. 38.1 A C. 11A D. 19.05A

33. A 7.5 KVA, 1φ, 240 V, 60 HZ alternator has an effective armature

resistance of 0.20 ohm and an armature leakage reactance of 0.80 ohm. What
is the induced emf when the machine is delivering rated current at a load
of unity p.f.?
A. 249.5 B. 245.5 C. 247.5 D. 251.5

34. With reduction of load on alternator

A. the frequency decreases C. the frequency oscillates
B. the frequency increases D. the frequency remains the same

35. A square coil of 10 cm side and with 100 turns is rotated at a uniform
speed of 500 rpm about an axis at right angle to a uniform field of 0.5
weber per sqm. Calculate the instantaneous value of induced emf when the
plane of the foil is at 45° with the field direction.
A. 26.21 volts B. 33.33 volts C. 18.51 volts D. 19.52 volts

36. A metal disk of 30 cm radius rotates at an angular velocity of 1,200

rpm across a uniform vertical magnetic field of flux density 0.5 Wb/m2.
Calculate the voltage induced between the rim and the center of the disk.
A. 4.7 V B. 4.4 V C. 5.8 V D. 5.1 V

37. Determine the kVA rating of each transformer in an open delta bank
serving a balanced three-phase load of 64.95 kVA at 230 v and 90% lagging
A. 30 B. 37.5 C. 40 D. 50

38. A 10kVA, 200/400v, single phase transformer is operated with open

circuited secondary. Find the primary current
A. 2A B. 4A C. 6A D. 8A

39. A coil of wire of 100 turns enclosing an area of 0.09 m2 has its plane
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0.5 T. The coil
is turned to a position wherein its plane is parallel to the magnetic
field in 0.5 sec. Find the average emf generated in the coil in volts.
A. 9 B. 12 C. 15 D. 10

40. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor in micro-farad needed to

raise the power factor to unity for a wye-connected load of 1000 kW at
13.2 kV, 60Hz with 0.6 power factor lagging.
A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 40

41. Power circuit breakers can classified according to operation, some of

these are, except
A. gravity open C. inclined break
B. horizontal break D. gravity close

42. A three phase wye-delta connected 50 MVA, 345/34.5 kV transformer is


protected by differential protection. The current transformer on the high
side for differential protection is 150:5. What is the current on the
secondary side of CT's?
A. 3.83A B. 2.53A C. 4.50A D. 4.83A

43. The law that induces emf and current always opposes the cause
producing them was discovered by
A. Faraday B. Lenz C. Ohm D. Maxwell

44. Wye-wye power transformers are protected by current transformers

having ______ connection.
A. delta-wye B. delta-delta C. wye-wye D. wye-delta

45. In full-wave rectification, if the input frequency is 60 Hz, then

output has a frequency of __________
A. 30 HZ B. 60 HZ C. 120 HZ D. 240 HZ

46. In dwelling units, hallways of ____m or more in length shall have at

least one receptacle outlet.
A. 4 B. 5 C. 3 D. 2

47. A certain electric generating station has an efficiency of 25%. If

coal consumption is 4,500 kg/hr and calorific value of coal is 6,000
kcal/kg, find the total energy produced per day.
A. 753.6 MWHR B. 565.2 MWHR C. 188.4 MWHR D. 376.8 MWHR

48. REE-Sept 2017. Which of the following type of fault used only the
equivalent positive and negative sequence impedance of the circuit in the
short-circuit circulation?
A. Double line to ground C. Three-phase
B. Line to line D. Line to ground

49. A diesel generator set burns fuel with a heating value of 18,000 BTU
per lb. The diesel engine has an efficiency of 80% and the alternator has
an efficiency of 95%. Determine the fuel cost component of producing one
kWHR if the diesel costs P12.80 per lb
A. P7.51 B. P8.51 C. P6.51 D. P5.51

50. An instrument having a voltage coil and current oil would be a

A. wheatstone bridge C. wattmeter
B. voltmeter D. ammeter

51. Two wattmeters can be used to measure three phase power for a
A. balanced and unbalanced load C. unbalanced load only
B. unity power factor only D. leading power factor only

52. REE-April 2016. A conductor has four identical strands arranged in

diamond configuration. Find the GMR of the conductor in terms of the
radius r of each strand.
A. 1.7037r B. 1.3008r C. 1.3052r D. 1.6921r

53. What is the full-load efficiency of a power transformer?

A. 0.88 B. 0.95 C. 0.98 D. 0.85


54. Which is not used as a reduced voltage starting method for induction
A. variac C. part winding resistance
B. autotransformer D. wye-delta

55. REE-April 2017. A transmitter supplies 10 kW carrier power to the

antenna. The total radiated power with 40% modulation is _______ kW
A. 14 B. 25 C. 1.6 D. 10.8

56. What is the half-power bandwidth of a parallel resonant circuit which

as a resonant frequency of 3.6 MHz and Q of 218?
A. 165 kHz B. 1.65 kHz C. 16.5 MHz D. 16.5 kHz

57. Find the HP of heat engine if the input energy is 10,000 btu/hr and
its coefficient of performance COP is 1.4.
A. 4.4 B. 0.7 C. 1.4 D. 2.8

58. Floor receptacle outlets are not counted unless they are within a
distance of ___mm from the wall.
A. 500 B. 350 C. 450 D. 400

59. In a purely resistive ac circuit, the angle between the voltage and
the current is zero degree. This combination is called _______.
A. out of phase C. in phase
B. lagging current D. leading current

60. A 15 HP, 60 HZ, 4-pole wound rotor, three-phase, 208 v induction motor
draws 12 kW from the line. Its losses are as follows: stator copper loss =
900, iron loss = 800 w; friction and windage loss = 150 w; rotor copper
loss = 300. What is the speed of this motor?
A. 1752 B. 1750 C. 1754 D. 1748

61. A short 3φ transmission line with an impedance of 6 + j8 Ω per phase

has sending and receiving end voltages of 120 kV and 100 kV respectively
for some receiving end load at a p.f. of 0.9 lagging. Determine the
sending end power factor.
A. 0.88 lag B. 0.86 lag C. 0.87 lag D. 0.85 lag

62. Which of the following conductors has the highest resistance?

A. steel B. nichrome C. manganin D. constantan

63. The dimension of the pole faces are 20 cm x 40 cm. the flux density B
is 5000 lines per square centimeter and the conductor moves across flux in
1/2 second. What is the average value of the induced pressure?
A. 8 volts B. 0.8 volt C. 0.008 volt D. 0.08 volt

64. A washing is in effect an RL circuit. If the machine takes 311W and

4.5A from a 115-V source when operating normally. Find its power factor.
REE-Sept 2017
A. 0.7 lagging C. 0.75 lagging
B. 0.80 lagging D. 0.60 lagging

65. Which is/are permitted for branch disconnecting means of a second


I. Inside the building near service entrance
II. Outside the building but accessible
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. neither I nor II

66. A 10kVA, 200/400V single phase transformer is operated with open

circuited secondary. Find the primary current.
A. 2A B. 4A C. 6A D. 8A

67. An audio frequency transformer is used to couple a 100 ohm resistance

to a 5 v source having a source resistance of 2,000 ohms. Find the turn
ratio of the transformer for maximum power transfer.
A. 20 B. 4.47 C. 0.22 D. 0.05

68. The power factor of an alternator is determined by its

A. prime mover B. load C. Speed D. excitation

69. A capacitor consists of two metal plates each 40 cm x 40 cm, spaced 6

mm apart. The space between the metal plates is filled with a glass plate
5mm thick and a layer of paper 1mm thick. The relative permittivities of
glass and paper are 8 and 2, respectively. Calculate the capacitance.
A. 118 x 10^-11 F C. 126 x 10-11 F
B. 122 x 10^-11 F D. 130 x 10^-11 F

70. REE-April 2017. Two conductors carrying 50 amperes and 75 amperes

respectively are placed 10 cm apart. Calculate the force between them per
A. 0.075 N/m B. 100 N/m C. 0.0075 N/m D. 10 N/m

71. The applied voltage in a transformer is increased by 50% and frequency

is reduced by 50%. The maximum core flux density will become _________.
A. same B. 1.5 times C. 3 times D. 5 times

72. A 100 kVA transformer is connected to the supply line 24 hrs a day. In
6 hrs it delivers 90 kW at 0.9 p.f.; for 4 hrs it supplies 25 kW at 0.5
p.f. and for the rest of the day it operates without load. Its core loss
at rated voltage is 1,000 watts and its copper loss with full-load current
is 1,680 watts. What is the all-day efficiency of this transformer?
A. 0.907 B. 0.947 C. 0.927 D. 0.967

73. What is the annual capacity factor of the plant if the annual energy
produce in a 150 MW power plant is 500 x 10^6 kWHR?
A. 0.4404 B. 0.3805 C. 0.56785 D. 0.3444

74. A certain copper wire has a resistance of 0.5 ohm when the length is
10,. What is the diameter in mils?
A. 33 B. 57,3 C. 29.4 D. 26

75. Four fire pump motor, rated at 230 volts, single phase squirrel cage
induction motor draws an individual current of 50 ampere, 45 ampere, 30
ampere and 40 ampere are supplied by copper feeder conductors. What is the
rating of the feeder conductor and the maximum rating of inverse time


delay circuit breaker for feeder protection?
A. 177.5 A, 240 A C. 125 A, 225 A
B. 190 A, 250 A D. 150 A, 250 A

76. A galvanometer with a 20 ohm coil resistance has a full-scale

deflection of 10mA. A 0.02 ohm is placed across the meter to increase its
rated capacity. What is the new full-scale current for the meter?
A. 100.1 A B. 10.01 A C. 1.01 A D. 10.10 A

77. A single phase 100 KVA 2.4KV/240 V step down transformer is to be

differently protected. What is the appropriate CT ratio on the high side
of the transformer?
A. 100:5 B. 75:5 C. 50:5 D. 60:5

78. A certain amount of fuel can be converted into 3 x 10^-3 quads of

energy. Assume 30% overall efficiency for the power plant. If the average
load on the power plant over a 24 hour period is 60MW, how long in day/s
the fuel will last?
A. 180 B. 175 C. 183 D. 185

79. REE-Sept 2017. Which plant takes the least time in starting from cold
conditions to full load operation?
A. Steam turbine power plant C. Gas turbine power plant
B. Hydro power plant D. Nuclear power plant

80. Which is not found in a rapid start fluorescent lamp?

A. ballast C. wire harness
B. starter D. capacitor

81. Estimate the average power output of a wind turbine having a blade
diameter of 10.7 m if wind velocity ranges from 10 to 30 miles per hour
A. 46.2 kW B. 40.2 kW C. 44.2 kW D. 42.2 kW

82. What will happen to an insulating medium if subjected to a voltage

more than the basic impulse insulation level? It will
A. change the molecular structure C. get punctured
B. become magnetic D. melt

83. Skin effect is proportional to

A. (diameter of conductor)^3 C. (diameter of conductor)^(1/2)
B. (diameter of conductor)^2 D. diameter of conductor

84. The per unit impedance of a circuit element is 0.30. If the base kV
and base MVA are halved, then the new value of the per unit impedance of
the circuit element will be
A. 0.6 B. 0.006 C. 0.3 D. 0.003

85. In a series RL circuit, R = 20Ω and L = 0.06H. The current lags the
voltage by 80°. Determine ω.
A. 1,890 rad/sec C. 1,980 rad/sec
B. 823 rad/sec D. 328 rad/sec

86. A magnetizing force of 1,000 AT/m will produce a flux density of _____


in air.
A. 1.257Wb/m^2 C. 0.63Wb/m^2
B. 1.257 mWb/m^2 D. 0.63mWb/m^2

87. Which is not the purpose of performance standards for distribution of

Philippine Distribution Code? (April 2017)
A. To specify safety standards for protection of personnel in the work
B. To ensure that the Distribution System will be operated in a safe
efficient manner and with a high degree of reliability.
C. To facilitate the monitoring compliance with the Distribution Code at
the operations level.
D. To ensure the quality of electric power in the Distribution System.

88. REE-Sept 2018. Which of the following cannot have a single unit of 100
A. diesel power plant C. steam power plant
B. hydro power plant D. nuclear power plant

89. The core loss of a 5-kVA single-phase transformer with normal voltage
applied to the primary is 75 watts. The maximum efficiency occurs 60% of
full-load kVA. What is the full-load efficiency of the transformer at 0.80
power factor?
A. 0.9136 B. 0.9338 C. 0.9516 D. 0.8952

90. A coil of 50 ohm resistance and of 150 mH inductance is connected in

parallel with a 50 micro-farad capacitor. The source voltage is 100 sin(ωt
+ 30°). What is the equation of the line current?
A. 1.82sin(ωt – 62°) C. 1.25sin(ωt+75.5°)
B. 1.91sin(ωt+52.5°) D. 1.32sin(ωt – 75.5°)

91. The maximum power that can be drawn from a 12 v battery if its
internal resistance is 0.25 ohm.
A. 72W B. 576W C. 144 W D. 36W

92. In a group of four motors, one motor draws 10 ampere, one draws 45
ampere and two draws 75 ampere. What size of conductor must be used for
the feeder circuit?
A. 224 A B. 124 A C. 300 A D. 230 A

93. Find the shaft speed in radians per second if the motor shaft is
spinning at a speed of 1,800 rpm
A. 183 B. 178 C. 199 D. 188

94. When one coil of a magnetically coupled pair has a current of 5A, the
resulting fluxes φ11 and φ12 are 0.40 mWb and 0.8 mWb, respectively. What
is the self inductance of L1, if the number of turns N1 and N2 are 500 and
1,500, respectively?
A. 120 mH B. 60 mH C. 80 mH D. 40 mH

95. A four-pole commutator machine has 124 lap coils having two turns. The
flux per pole is 0.015 weber. Calculate the dc voltage appearing across
the quadrature brushes when running at 1500 rev/min in a steady field.
A. 186V B. 173 V C. 123V D. 106.5 V


96. Receptacle outlet in a dwelling unit must be installed in habitable
rooms so that no point along the floor line is farther from an outlet
_____ mm.
A. 3700 B. 1700 C. 1800 D. 4000

97. REE-April 2017. A switch is connected across a 220v supply. What is

the voltage across the switch if it is opened?
A. 0 B. infinity C. 220v D. 110 v

98. The specific resistance depends upon

A. The area of cross-section and the length of the conductor
B. The material of the conductor, its area of cross-section and length
C. The nature of the material of the conductor only
D. The area of cross-section of the conductor

99. REE-April 2017. For proper parallel operation, ac polyphase

alternators must have the same __________.
A. speed C. voltage rating
B. kVA rating D. excitation

100. A coil has a time constant of 1 second and an inductance of 10 H.

What is the rate of change of the voltage across L 0.1 second after
switching on to a steady of 100 V?
A. – 90.48 v/s B. 9.048 v/s C. 90.48 v/s D. – 9.048 v/s



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