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Period of recording - From:_____________________ To: ____________________

Record your notes taken on:

1. What are the salient issues/main content to take note of while I start my extending
Setting goals for the lesson to be taught.

Do not come unprepared for the class

Do not judge students based on their behavior in week one (1)

Do not only focus on teacher - centered learning.

Do not sit down while you have a class.

2. What are the likely challenges I will be facing during practice at the partner school?

Lack of TLM's / teaching and learning resources.

Lack of accommodation.

Ineffective communication among mentors and mentees.

Large number of students in the class.

Poor learning environment.

3. How do I intend to overcome/manage the challenges envisaged?

Setting rules and regulations in the school.

The government or the community should support to create conducive environment.

There should be effective communication between mentors and mentees.

Provision of teaching and learning resources.

4. Who are the stakeholders to support my professional development during the

PTA (Parent Teachers Association)

College - based supervisors.


District Director of Education/ circuit supervisor.

Head teacher

The circuit supervisor.

5. How useful is the orientation for my professional development during extending

It helps to adapt to the new teaching environment.
It helps to make decisions about how to support student’s persistence.
It contributes to more effective and productive learning.
It helps to know the do's and don’ts before teaching begins.


Period of recording - From: ________________________ To: ___________________

Record your notes taken on:

1. School and staffing details

Name of school Aboabogya Methodist Primary

Name of lead mentor Madam Sylvia Kusi
Name of mentor Mr. Solomon Kusi

Number/names of other staff members

Madam Sylvia Dwomor

Madam Charity Darkowaa

Madam Sheme Grace Owusu - Sekyere

Mr. Opoku Antwi

Madam Abigail Konadu

Madam Ruth Obeng

Madam Dorcas Asantewaa

2. Enrolment by class and sex:

Class Boys Girls Total Number with
4A 8 8 16
4B 7 8 15 Dyslexia (1)
5A 15 8 23
5B 14 7 21
6A 4 9 13 Hyperactive (2)
6B 5 10 15

3. School facilities (e.g., football field, toilet, office space, tennis court, buildings, etc.)
Football field
Canteen for students
Volleyball court
Toilet and Urinal
Sufficient classroom buildings for students.
Spacious headmaster's office and teaching staff
School library.

4. Brief history of the school.

Aboabogya Methodist School was established on the 10th of June 1940. During that time,
Mr. J.B Arthur together with Mr. John kwarteng donated a space on a corridor to teach the
students. Later, Mr. Yaw Krah , Mr. Moses Okrah and the then chief of Aboabogya (Nana
Osei Yaw) assisted in the establishment of day school. The school has a current population
of 350 with the total staff of 18 teachers. It is established in opposite in opposite to the
Methodist church. There are 14 classrooms but only 13 are used. The major stakeholder of
the school is the chief and the queen mother.

5. Stakeholders collaborating with the school.

School Management committee (SMC)
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
District Director of Education
The Assembly Man
The chief
Ghana Education Service (GES)
The Methodist church

1. School culture
Aboabogya Methodist Primary is a Wesley school. Its moral aspect is based on the
church. Learning of songs is done on Wednesdays during worship service and it is done
on class basis. Teachers are to put on their uniforms on Monday for lectures and they are
to dress decently. Students are to put on their section wears on Friday. A day is used for
a program called cultural week and the dress code of their choice are put on.

2. Key education policies

Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE)
Inclusive Education Policy
Gender equality and social inclusion
Sexual harassment policy

3. The wider school life

I'm Aboabogya Methodist Primary school, teaching and learning starts at 7:30am and
students are expected to come at 7:00am throughout the week. A day is selected to worship
our maker and is on Wednesdays. Thirty minutes is used for sporting activities and is done
on class basis. Learners work on their assigned plots and sweep their classrooms for
teaching and learning to take place. Learners assemble themselves for morning assembly
to take place and this activity is led by the school prefects supported by the teachers.
Lessons start at exactly 7:30am, they go for break at 9:20 am which is right after the 2
lessons, they report back for the other 2 lessons to continue at 9:50 am and they go for
second break at 12:10 pm. The last 2 lessons continue right after the break which starts
from 12:25 pm and ends at 2 pm. School closes at 2:30 pm.

4. GESI issues
Sexual harassment policies
Domestic Violence Act (Act 732) of 2007
National Health Insurance Act (Act 484)
Juvenile justice Act (Act 653) enacted in 2003

5. Availability of ICT tools


TOPIC Planning, Teaching, Motivating, Assessing and Extending Learning
Period of recording - From: _____________________ To: ___________________
Demonstrate knowledge and skills of planning, teaching, and assessing by answering the
following questions:

Activity Planning lessons that align content with the appropriate pedagogical and
assessment strategies to meet the needs of learners in an inclusive classroom.
6. How did my teaching plan and teaching conform to the basic features (strands, sub-
strands, content standard and indicators) in the Basic School Curriculum?
First of all, before I go to the classroom to teach, I prepare my lesson plan and my

lesson plan is based on the new curriculum so I take the curriculum material of the

particular class (BS7) and make sure that I select the appropriate strand, sub strand,

the learning indicator, the content standard and the performance indicator so that my

lesson will be in alienation with the curriculum.

7. What appropriate pedagogical strategies did I use during my lesson delivery? How
did I use them?

Inclusive learning Strategy

Questioning and Answering Strategy
Project work
Inquiry based learning
Collaborative strategy.

8. Which appropriate assessment strategies (in line with NTEAP) did I use during
the lesson delivery and how did they help learning and teaching?

Questioning and Answering: It helps learners to express themselves.

Group work: It helps learners to share ideas or interact with one another.

I also used quizzes, exercises and assignment as assessment strategy.

9. What practical support did l give all groups of learners; for example, slow and fast
learners, girls and boys, SEN learners, etc?
Inclusive learning among students
Mixed ability grouping
Think- pair shares
Role- play
Creating of conducive atmosphere where both slow, fast and SEN learners will
have equal opportunities.

Activity Using a variety of appropriate instructional resources in teaching content

planned for lessons
1. Which meaningful TLRs did I use to encourage learners’ collaboration? How did
they lead to purposeful learning?
Cardboard - For visual presentation which gives learners a clear picture of the
Laptop- For digital presentation which enables the students to become familiar with
parts of computers.
Projectors: It aids in visual presentation which gives a picture of the content.

2. How friendly were my Teaching and Learning Resources?

It assists all learners with different abilities.

It encourages hands -on learning.
They are accessible to learners.
It makes learning easier and faster.
Learners are able to know the exact topic facilitators are treating on with the aid of

3. In what ways did the TLRs I used in my teaching encourage learner participation and
critical thinking?
It encourages hands -on learning

It motivates learners to learn.
It is accessible to all learners with different abilities.
It helps in longer retention of information

4. How effectively did my use of the TLRs influence mixed ability, multi-lingual and
multi-age in the class?

It ensures that each child is included in the learning.

It helps to overcome weakness of each learner.
It helps to develop friendly relationship between learners and facilitators.
It boosts learner’s motivation.
It enables learners to grasp the concept clearly.

5. How did I ensure that the teaching and learning resources I used arouse and sustain the
interest of all learners, especially girls and learners with Special Educational Needs?

Having practical demonstration of lesson using TLM's to learners.

Allowing individual learner to have access to the TLM’s

Activity Keeping records of lessons taught and assessed with diverse learning needs
and differentiated learning outcomes

1. How did I keep records on the “pre”, “during” and the “post” of lessons taught?

Linking the learners to relevant previous knowledge (RPK)

Using questioning and Answering to access learners understanding during lesson delivery.

Giving exercises, assignment, class test etc to assess learner’s ability.

2. How did I ensure that learners were neither afraid nor intimidated with my assessment

Giving learners time to think about a question.

Giving learners immediate feedback.

Do not demean learners when they give wrong answers.

Ensuring learners participation in every classroom activity.

Giving learners opportunity to question any bordering content to they are confronting

in the lesson.

3. What specifically did I do to ensure that my assessment strategies were helpful to all
manner of learners?

Reward learners for giving right answers/ good performance.

Motivates learners when they give wrong answers/responses

Giving immediate and appropriate feedback to learners.

Ensure that learners have access to the teaching and learning resources/TLM

4. Which two examples of assessment strategies I used in my lesson were in line with the
Basic School Curriculum Assessment Scheme?

Think -pair share

Open - ended question

5. What ICT tools did I use in keeping assessment records on my learners?


Cumulative record


Work processor

Activity Establishing criteria for assessment of learners’ needs

1. How did my assessment criteria help in supporting learners learning needs?

It ensures that each learner is included in the learning session.
It helps to overcome the weakness of each learner.

It helps to develop friendly relationship between the learner and facilitator.

It enables learners to grasp the concept clearly.

It boosts learners motivation..

2. In what ways did the Basic School Curriculum and the SBA help me in establishing
assessment criteria?
It helps learners to know whether our objective is achieved or not.

It motivates the student to work hard because feedback is given after every lesson.

It equips us with the skills to design assessment items.

3 .What varied strategies were used to meet learners’ needs?

Questioning and Answering Strategy
Think - pair share.
Group work
Project - work

4. How did I ascertain the effectiveness of the criteria in measuring standards of

learners’ learning?
Introducing questioning and Answering Strategy
Assigning role-play to all learners.

Assigning learners with the project work.

Giving quizzes and exercises to the pupils.

Mixed grouping of weak and gifted pupils for group discussion.

Activity Writing reports of small group discussions between mentors & peers about
learners’ needs and how to motivate learners of diverse backgrounds

1. What salient issues on learners’ need emanating from the small group discussions
does my report capture?
Some of the learners have spelling problems.

Some of the have bad handwriting.

Some of the learners feel shy to talk in class especially the girls.

Learners who are academically poor will always be hiding themselves at the back

of other pupils because they are afraid of being asked of questions.

Some of them also spell problems.

2. What issues could I have:

a) added?
Some of learners do not write notes.

Some of the learners do not have note books to write notes.

b) omitted?
Biased or discriminatory information.

3. What motivational strategies did I use to help my learners develop interest in the
lesson? How did I use them?
Those who get answers wrong are not being scolded but rather they are being
encouraged to learn hard
Applause: a well behaved learner receives a round of applause
Incentives: Learners who give correct response to answers are sometimes given
biscuits to encourage them to learn hard.

4. What can I do to improve upon the key findings identified in my report?

Evaluating the effectiveness of actions taken to address the issues identified in report and
make adjustment as necessary.
Continuously review and revise the action plan as needed to ensure that improvements
are sustained and that new areas of improvements are identified and addressed.

TOPIC Demonstrating Understanding of the Basic School Curriculum
Period of recording - From: To:
Demonstrate knowledge and skills of demonstrating understanding of the basic school
curriculum by answering the following questions:
Activity Preparing learner plans aligned with the key components of the Basic
School Curriculum (BSC)
1. What were my experiences during the preparation of the lesson plan?

Preparing lesson plans have really taught me a lot of new ideas and strategies. When
preparing the lesson plan there is something called core competencies which are the
sets of intellectual personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students
need in order to engage in deep lifelong learning eg. Critical thinking and creativity,
digital literacy etc.

2. What new things have I learnt?

I personally have learnt that as a facilitator, you need to use the appropriate teaching
and learning resources that have stated in the lesson plan. The learning environment
should always should always be conducive to welcome every learner with different
abilities. e.g fast , slow learners etc. Class activity should be learner-centered.

Activity Planning lessons that reflect diversity in terms of learners’ age, grade
level, expectations, aptitude and ability
1. How did I effectively involve learners of mixed ability, multi-lingual and multi-age,
girls and boys and SEN learners in the lesson?

Normally, when l am using grouping method, I ensure that the above average students
and the below average students slow and fast learners are not put into different group but
rather I mixed them up so that the above average students will assist the below average

2. How did I create a conducive and enabling environment for all learners, regardless of
their backgrounds to actively take part in the lesson?

I sensitized the learners that we are all one though we come from different homes and
ethnic groups so they should not laugh at each other when someone makes a mistake
and they understood it well. Also anyone who gives correct response was given a
biscuit. I didn't look down on diverse cultural background of the diverse learners.

3. Which aspects of my lessons never catered for diversity in learners?

Due to unavailability of ICT tools, I found it difficult to meet the needs of diverse I
earners. For instance, lack of hearing aid / equipment for the hearing impaired

3. How do I intend to overcome this in my subsequent lessons?

Since the resources are scarce, the only step I take is to inform the headmaster to
collaborate with the parents on the problem confronting their children and refer to the
learners to a specialist.

Activity Delivering lessons that align with the components of the lesson plan taking
GESI into consideration

1. In what ways did I consider GESI in assigning leadership roles to learners in

the classroom?

I conducted the elections and after the elections, one of the girls had majority
votes followed by one of the boys so l gave the position to those who had the
first and second highest votes. So at the end of everything the girl who had the
highest votes was made the class's prefect and the boy who had the second
highest votes was made the assistant class prefect.

2. How did I take GESI related issues, including the choice and use of TLRs into
account during my lessons?

As a student teacher, I always take into consideration these issues and this is

done by ensuring that the teaching and learning resources do not violates the

rights and interest of learners by making sure that l used gender- neutral

language in picture descriptions.

3. Which area of GESI related issues do I hope to improve on in my subsequent


Ensuring that all students regardless of gender, race, religion or ability are
represented in the curriculum and teaching materials. This is done by involving
resources that features diverse identities and reflect the experiences of different

TOPIC Action Research to Support Learners’ Learning

Period of recording - From: To:

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of conducting action research to support learners’ learning
by answering the following questions:

Activity Identifying learning needs in the classroom that require attention for
inquiry and collecting baseline data to justify such problems, bearing in mind GESI

1. What are the key learning needs I identified in my classroom of practice?

A learner is having problem of writing (dysgraphia). The child has poor motor skills that
make him difficult in writing.
Another female student fined it difficult to answer and question in class because of
Learners who are academically poor normally want to sit at the back.

2. Which of the identified learning needs were GESI related?

The female student who find it too difficult to answer and question in class.
Learners who are academically poor sit at the back at others (their interest)
There was a lady who feels shy to talk in n class unless you force her to talk

3. How did I identify the learning needs which were GESI related?
When learners are being questioned, the female student will never talk unless you get
closer to her and call her.
Learners who are academically poor are always found of copying each other and cheating
whiles they sit at the back. They will be hiding their heads way from the teacher in front of
the class.

Activity Reviewing literature based on identified problem and interventions that
could be used
1. What themes relating directly to the research problem being studied did I state for
literature review?
Theoretical framework: This focuses on theoretical perspectives and concepts that are
relevant to the problem.
Methodologies which examine the research methods to that have been used to
investigate the problem.

2. How did I organize the literature review around themes relating directly to the
research problem being studied?
Identifying and having a clear understanding of the research problem.
Conducting a comprehensive search of the literature.
Evaluating the studies identified to determine their relevance to the research problem.
Analyzing the studies
Summarize the findings.

3. How has the literature review helped me to synthesise results into summary of what is
known and what is not yet known?
Literature review has helped me to synthesize the findings from studies to draw
conclusions about what is known and not yet known about a topic.

4. How has the literature reviewed helped me to identify areas of controversy in the
Literature review helps identify gaps in the literature when conflicting findings suggest a
need for further research. In some cases, conflicting findings may indicate theoretical
limitations of the existing research which may also point to areas of controversy in the

5. How adequate have I cited studies that are relevant, including those that are contrary to
my perspective?
Citing reel we can't studies is important as it provides evidence to support argument and
ideas. It shows that the information presented is based on credible sources and not just
personal opinions o Rd assumptions. Citing relevant studies can enhance the credibility
and validity of research.

Activity Proposing appropriate intervention based on problems identified

1. How well does the intervention fit within my classroom?

The intervention appropriately fit within my classroom because it addresses problems

identified. Learners are able to overcome their weakness and renew their strength in
performance in the classroom.

2. What challenges do I anticipate in the implementation?

Insufficient time. When implementing interventions, you need enough time to do it, so
limited time might not allow me to implement my interventions.
Support from the head teacher and the mentors. We are under the supervision of our
mentors and lead mentors so if we don’t get the necessary support from them, it will be
difficult for us to implement our interventions.

3. How do I intend to address the anticipated challenges?
I will request for more time on the timetable so that I can implement my interventions.
I will also seek for the support and cooperation from my mentor and lead mentor.

Activity Designing appropriate research instruments for data collection.

1. What experiences did I gain in designing the instrument(s) I planned to use for the data

Familiarity with data collection methods such as it interviews, observation, surveys and
other measures.

Skill in instrument development such as writing clear and concise items, creating

Activity Carrying out interventions and collecting data bearing in mind ethical
protocols in conducting research.

1. In carrying out interventions and collecting data, what new experiences have I learnt
from this semester’s activity compared to the experiences in Year 3 Semester 2?

. Improved intervention techniques: These are the various approaches to supporting

pupils to remediate their learning problems and improve learning activity.
New skills and knowledge data collection methods

2. What challenges did I encounter in carrying out interventions and collecting data?

1. Ethical considerations such as obtaining I formal consent fry participant, ensuring

confidentially and privacy arises.
2. Resource constraints such as funding, time etc.

3. Poor technology Access .e.g lCT tools.

3. How did I address the challenges I encountered in carrying out interventions and
collecting data?
1. Ethical guidelines, data collection protocols and established best practices in the field can
offer insight into how similar challenges can be addressed in the past
2. Ensuring that existing resources are utilised efficiently and effectively.

TOPIC Exhibiting Classroom Management and Organization Strategies

Period of recording - From: To:
Demonstrate knowledge and skills of exhibiting classroom management and organization
strategies answering the following questions:

Activity Setting and displaying agreed classroom management rules and regulations.

2. What gap did I identify when reviewing the existing classroom management rules
and regulations?

After to thoroughly going through the existing classroom management rules and
regulations, I found out that the consequences meted out to learners if broken were
corporal punishment.
3. What additional classroom management rules and regulations have I introduced
with learners?

Some of the additional rules I added are:

Learners shouldn't mock at anyone who makes mistake when speaking English.

No learner should walk out of the classroom without teacher’s permission

Attending classes early in the morning before morning classes begins.
Sweeping the class after closing.

4. What challenges did I face when displaying the rules and regulations in the
Due to unavailability of resources, I had to buy my own chart in order to post rules and
regulations on the wall for every learner to observe.

5. How did I manage the challenges I face when displaying the rules and regulations?
I used my own pocket money to buy wall charts to paste and display the classroom rules
and regulations. And learner who doesn't conform to the rules shall surely face the
consequences as the rules and regulations permit.

Activity Discussing and adhering to the established rules and regulations in the
classroom with learners.
2. Which classroom management rules and regulations did the learners and I find more
comfortable adhering to?
Paying attention to the teacher during teaching and learning.
Not sleeping in the classroom during group discussion.
Learners shouldn't eat in the classroom.
Learners should not liter in the class.
Avoid laughing/mocking at other learners when they give wrong responses.

3. How did I encourage learners to adhere to the classroom management rules and
I rewarded learners who behave well and comport themselves in the classroom.
Any form of gift in order to reinforce their learning behavior. Sometimes, I give them a
biscuit, a pen or a book for good behavior portrayed.

4. How did the strategies work and why?

The learners displayed positive behavior throughout the lesson and ensuing lesson as
everyone wanted to be awarded by behaving positively in the classroom. I also provided
regular reminders of the classroom rules and regulations to ensure that learners
remember them and understand their importance.

5. What other ways can I encourage learners to adhere to the classroom management
rules and regulations?

Allowing learners to face the consequences if the rules are broken or applying sanctions
to anyone who misbehave in the classroom.
Model appropriate behavior: Model appropriate behavior by adhering to the classroom
rules and regulations yourself, setting an examples for learners to follow.

Activity Exhibiting innovative ways of rewarding exemplary behaviours.

1. How easy or difficult was I able to match an exemplary behaviour to a reward and

It was difficult to be able to match exemplary behaviors to a reward because the

availability of resources such as budget, time and personnel can impact. For instance, if

a school has limited resources to allocate towards rewards, it may be more challenging

to provide frequent reward for exemplary behaviors.

2. How else could I have identified an exemplary behaviour and what reward could I
have provided for the behaviour?
If an individual demonstrate an exemplary behaviors such as exceptional creativity, a
reward could be recognition in the form of innovation award.

3. How did I use ICT tools in rewarding exemplary behaviours?

Gasification: it is the use of the game elements in non-game contexts. It can be used to
motivate pupils to exhibit exemplary behaviors. For instance, pupils can earn a point or
a score in exhibiting exemplary behaviors in the classroom.

4. In what ways did I incorporate GESI issues in rewarding exemplary behaviours?

1. Ensure that rewards are gender -sensitive and do not reinforce gender biases or
2. Offering diverse range of rewards that cater to the varied needs and preferences of
individuals from different backgrounds.

TOPIC Effective Leadership Qualities in the Classroom and the Wider School
Period of recording - From: _____________________ To: ____________________

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of effective leadership qualities in the classroom and the
wider school life by answering the following questions:

Activity Accessing, reviewing and working with school plans, policies,
documentation, and resources.

1. Which school plans, policies, documentation, and resources did I review?

Some of the policies I reviewed in the class are:

Only the boys can clean the blackboard.

Only boys can do pickings of the rubbish after sweeping.

Only ladies sweep the classroom

Only boys arrange tables and chairs after dis -arranging them when sweeping.

2. How will the reviewed plans/policies/resources inform me on GESI issues in the

classroom and the wider school life?

The reviewed policy will sensitize the minds of the learners that there is no special job
or wok for boys and vice versa and so all boys and girls can do any work. It is just a
matter of individual preferences. This will also educate them to know that they are all
equal and everyone is special in their own way.

3. How will the reviewed plans/policies/resources enhance my professional practice?

The review policy will deepen my knowledge on GESI responsiveness and it will guide
me to teach the learners to be GESI responsiveness so that they will treat themselves
equally. It will also help me to be GESI responsive in the classroom and in the wider
school environment.

Activity Attending, participating, and taking field notes, minutes, and artifacts of

1. What emerging issues from the CPD meeting did I take note of?

Digital literacy: With increasing use of technology in education, teachers need to

develop digital literacy skills to effectively integrate technology into teaching practice.

Assessment and feedback: Teachers need to stay up to date with the latest assessment
and feedback practices to ensure to that they are providing meaningful feedback to
support learners.

2. How were GESI and ICT integrated into the CPD meeting?
Use of digital platforms: CPD meetings were conducted using platforms such as zoom,
goggle meet which reduce barriers to attendance.
Inclusion of diverse perspectives: CPD meetings can incorporate diverse perspectives
by inviting speakers from different backgrounds.

3. What were some of the leadership qualities that I observed exhibited in the CPD
Communication skills: leaders were skilled communicators who articulate their ideas
clearly and listen actively to others.

Flexibility: They adapt to changing circumstances and respond to the needs of students.

Collaboration: Teachers created supportive environment where everyone co-operated to

achieve among goals.

Creativity: leaders were creative to the extent that they generate new ideas and solutions to

4. How does the CPD meeting enhance my professional practice?

CPD meetings provide opportunities for professionals to learn new skills, gain
knowledge and stay up to date with latest trends and developments in their field.

Promotion of reflection: CPD encourages me ( as a student teacher to reflect on my
practice, identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance their

Activity Attending, participating, taking field notes, and minutes of PTA, SMC,
and staff meetings
1. What were the key issues discussed at the PTA, SMC, and staff meeting
I participated?
The teacher told the headmistress and other board committees to help
them to have access to teaching and learning resources/TLM
The headmistress also advise some parents to supervise their children to
learn when they return from school

2. How were GESI and ICT integrated into the PTA, SMC, and staff
meeting I participated?
Equal opportunities were given to all parents to ask questions and give
suggestions to any problem confronting the school irrespective of their
Some tutors were also using audio and video recorder to take photos and
videos of the meeting.

3. What were some of the leadership qualities exhibited in the meeting?

The PTA chairman tolerated the diverse views that came from parents.
The authority of the school has also motivated parents to work hard and
keep on persevering in order to assist their children financially. Teachers
were encouraged to put much effort in assisting to standardize the
academic performance of the learners.

4. What are some of the new things I learnt from the PTA, SMC, and staff
meeting and how can they enhance my professional practice?

I learnt that the parents are a major stake holder in the school and for that
matter we should actively involve them in any decision making in

school. I learnt how to collaborate with parent in order to ensure smooth
administration of the school. This new ideas will help me to know how it
is important to involve parents and how we can remediate learners
problems together..

Activity Exhibiting effective leadership qualities in the classroom during

teaching and learning process
1. How did I exhibit leadership qualities in solving difficult situation in the classroom?

I didn't pass judgements anytime there is an immediate fight between two students without
any explanation from both. I made them narrate the issue that brought about the fight. So in
the quest of my peace, l would just improvise what they were fighting for, to both of them.
Assuming, it was pen. I will give pens to each of them and case settled.

2. What challenges related to gender and social inclusion in the selection of leaders for
the activities did face?

The headmistress told me to select some of our colleagues to help the sports master to
train the students for the upcoming inter school games and it was a very difficult task
for me.

3. How did I handle challenges related to the selection of teachers based on gender and
social inclusion?

So with reference to what I have stated in question 2 above, I gathered all my

colleagues and told them the news so all of us had a lengthy dialogue and we came into
a consensus that 2 men and 2 ladies should help the sports master and the remaining 3
student-teachers should help them in the preparation of the food for the players and the

TOPIC Develop Professional Teaching Portfolio

Period of recording - From: _______________________ To: __________________

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of developing professional teaching portfolio by
answering the following questions:

Activity Examining the contents of professional teaching portfolios built from
Level 100 up to date to indicate/show progression
1. What were the differences and or similarities between the contents of the
professional teaching portfolio as per the NTEAP and what I have in my

Some of the differences between the content of the professional teaching

portfolio per the NTEAP and what I have in my PTP is that with the
professional teaching portfolio as per the NTEAP the some of the contents
include a copy mid-semester assessment, 3 items of work selected by the
student teachers but with what I have in my teaching portfolio some of the
contents are picture evidence of some facilities from the school of practice,
evidence of student teacher teaching in the classroom.
Some of the similarities between the professional teaching portfolio as per the
NTEAP and what I have in my professional teaching portfolio is Student
Reflective Journal.

2. In my estimation, what might have accounted for the similarities and or the
differences in PTP?
In my estimation what might have accounted for the similarities and the
differences in PTP is the level of knowledge that student teachers should be
able to demonstrate and apply at both levels.

3. What progression have I seen in the building of my portfolio from Level 100
to date?
As we move from one level to the next level the task given to us to
accomplish and the expected response varies from level to level and the level
of knowledge we are expected to demonstrate in providing responses to the
task differ from level to level. For instance, in level 100 we didn’t do
classroom enquiry but at level 200 we did classroom enquiry and also at level
200 we didn’t do action research but at level 300 we did classroom enquiry
and action research .

4. What do I need to do to meet the standard of the professional teaching

portfolio in the NTEAP?

What I need to do in order to meet the standard of the teaching portfolio in

the NTEAP is to sit down and carefully study the NTEAP requirement and
compare it to mine and strike out the differences and similarities between
them so that I can add contents missing in my PTP so that I can meet the
standard of the NTEAP.

Activity Continuing to improve and build upon portfolio/e-portfolio guided by

mentors and personal tutors
1. How satisfied am I with the number of items in my portfolio including those in e-
portfolio and why?

I am more satisfied with the range of items in more portfolio as a student teacher.
As they demonstrate a variety of teaching strategies and approaches. The reason
is that my teaching portfolio showcases the best work of me (as a student
teacher) and demonstrates any expertise. It has contributed to my professional
growth and development.

2. What do I need to do to improve on the content of my portfolio?

Begin your portfolio with a brief introduction that describes your academic
background, interest and goals, choosing my best work samples to showcase my
skills and knowledge. Making sure that to they are relevant to the field I am
interested in. Also, incorporating visuals such as graphs, charts and images to
make portfolio more engaging and visually appealing.

3. Which content of the PTP will I need to convert into e-portfolio and how will I do
The contents of PTP that I will need to convert into e-portfolio are pictures, videos and
the courses I have undertaken.
I will sign into my goggle account
I will go to sites to create my e-portfolio
I will then click the create button to start
I will choose a template and then name my site
I will select my theme and then click on create
I will then upload my contents on the site

TOPIC Reflection and recording in the Student Reflective Journal

Period of recording - From: ______________________ To: ___________________

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of reflecting and recording in the student reflective
journal by answering the following questions:

Activity Reflecting to improve on classroom practices and record in the Student
Reflective Journal (SRJ)

1. What classroom practices have I identified and recorded?

Learner’s behavior management
Enforcement of classroom rules
Neatness and tidiness of the classroom environment
Learner’s punctuality and regularity in class
Differentiated instruction for diverse learners.

2. What innovative ways to improve on how I reflect on classroom practices have I
Self-questioning. Constantly asking myself questions can help me understand the effect
and efficiency of my teaching.
Self –assessing the effect of my teaching on learners learning needs.
Allowing learners to set their own rules before teaching and learning and the
consequences if broken, this will help manage their behaviors during lesson delivery as
they will be reluctant to go against their own rules.

Activity Reflecting to improve on the wider school observation and record in the

3. What wider school life activities have I identified and recorded?

Cleaning of the compound every morning before teaching and learning

Sweeping the classroom after closing time.

Going to worship every Wednesday.

Organizing inter- classes quiz competition on every Friday.
Morning classes every weekday from 6:30 am to 7:30 am

4. What innovative ways to improve on how I reflect on wider school life activities have
I identified?
Providing pep-talk on personal hygiene for learners
Organizing seminars for learners on how to choose career opportunities.
Implementing sustainability initiatives and promoting environmental awareness within
the school community.

Activity Reflecting to improve on personal and professional development for
lifelong learning and record in the SRJ [Note: ‘for lifelong learning’ is the focus of the CLO
and cannot be left out of the Activity topic; check the curriculum]

3. How are my experiences in classroom practices and wider school life activities helping
me to plan for my future personal and professional development?
Constantly teaching every day and interaction with students and interaction with the
wider school activities help us to identify the gap in our knowledge on how new ways
of teaching, new ways of managing learners’ behaviors and seminars, this will compel
us to bridge the gap and bridging the gap will mean mounting new courses in higher

4. What developmental plan for lifelong learning have I made?

When I am posted to my school of practice, after teaching for 2 years I will further my
education for my second degree in secondary education which will give me the
qualification to teach in a senior high school. After that I will apply for MPhil to get
the qualification to teach in a tertiary institution.


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