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Subject: Request for Permission to Attend College


Dear [Name of the Authority],

I am writing to request your permission to attend

college irregularly for the upcoming
[semester/academic year]. I am a student of
[Department and Course] at [College Name].

Due to [provide reason for irregular attendance], I will

not be able to attend college regularly. [If applicable,
provide details about the situation, such as medical
issues or family responsibilities]. I understand the
importance of regular attendance and its impact on
my academic performance. However, I am unable to
attend college regularly due to [reason].

I assure you that I will make up for the missed classes

by [mention how you plan to compensate for missed
classes, such as taking additional classes or
submitting assignments]. I am also willing to keep in
touch with my professors and classmates to stay
updated on the coursework.

I kindly request you to grant me permission to attend

college irregularly. I would be grateful for your
understanding and support in this matter.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

[College ID Number]

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