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In General:
Heroes are important for your sanctuary and troops. There are a lot of different heroes,
you can check all their troop skills here in the chart. I wouldn't recommend to recycle 2 or 3
Star heroes to exchange their frags for 5 Star hero frags. Even weaker heroes can help
you by reducing costs or for your B or C team march.
How to choose the right heroes for your march:
- choose heroes that match your specialized troop type
- never take economy heroes in your march, they do not give any boost to your troops
- in each table here are marked heroes, which are the best choice for the respective troop
type BUT it always depends on how high the improvement level of the hero is. (+1, +2, +3
etc.) Always look at the percentages you are granted on the improvement level of the hero.
Often it is better to use a 3* hero on +5 than a 5* hero on +2.
- The level of a hero does not matter for how strong the troop skill boost is. Only the
improvement level, which is reached through frags, counts. The level of a hero is only
important to unlock all troop skills. From which lvl this happens depends on the stars of the
Stars Troop Skill 1 Troop Skill 2 Troop Skill 3
2 stars Level 0 Level 11 Level 31
3 stars Level 0 Level 31 Level 71
4 stars Level 0 Level 31 Level 131
5 stars Level 0 Level 71 Level 131
(To add a nano weapon to a hero, he must be at least lvl. 211. Only 5* heroes can wear a
To make the stats comparable, the tables always show the stats of a +5 hero
(without red star). 5* heroes can be improved to red star and up to +8, which makes
their stats even higher than listed here.

Fighter Heroes
Name Stars Troop skill 1 Troop skill 2 Troop skill 3
Queenie 2 Food Output +10% Fighter DEF +10% Fighter ATK +10%
Noct 3 Fighter HP +25% Fighter DEF +25% Fighter ATK +25%
Barbie 3 Food Gathering Speed Fighter DEF +25% Fighter ATK +25%
Seo-yun 4 Fighter HP +50% Fighter DEF +50% Fighter ATK +50%
Sanguine 4 Food Output +100% Fighter DEF +50% Fighter ATK +50%
Ulrik 5 Fighter HP +80% Fighter DEF +80% Fighter ATK +80%
Zephyr 5 Fighter HP +80% Fighter DEF +80% Fighter ATK +80%
Shooter Heroes
Name Stars Troop skill 1 Troop skill 2 Troop skill 3
Amber 2 Wood Output +10% Shooter DEF +10% Shooter ATK +10%
Malclom 3 Shooter HP +25% Shooter DEF +25% Shooter ATK +25%
Bard 3 Wood Gathering Shooter DEF +25% Shooter ATK +25%
Griffin 4 Wood Output +100% Shooter DEF +50% Shooter ATK +50%
Hartwell 4 Shooter HP +50% Shooter DEF +50% Shooter ATK +50%
Ephraim 5 Shooter HP +80% Shooter DEF +80% Shooter ATK +80%
Phoenix 5 Shooter HP +80% Shooter DEF +80% Shooter ATK +80%

Rider Heroes
Name Stars Troop skill 1 Troop skill 2 Troop skill 3
Maverick 2 Steel Output +10% Rider DEF +10% Rider ATK +10%
Percival 3 Rider HP +25% Rider DEF +25% Rider ATK +25%
Doc Gray 3 Steel Gathering Speed Rider DEF +25% Rider ATK +25%
Dom 4 Steel Output +100% Rider DEF +50% Rider ATK +50%
Reyn 4 Rider HP +50% Rider DEF +50% Rider ATK +50%
Fox 5 Rider HP +80% Rider DEF +80% Rider ATK +80%
Obsidian 5 Rider HP +80% Rider DEF +80% Rider ATK +80%

Troop Heroes
Troops heroes are great. No matter what type the hero is, he always grants the boost to
ALL troop types. However, on average he grants less boost than a specialized hero. So
don't trade a specialized hero in your march for a troop hero until it is improved enough to
give more percentages than the specialized hero. That means: to replace a 3* hero with
+25%, your troop hero should be at least at +4. To replace a 4* hero with 50%, troop hero
must be at least red star +6.
Name Stars Troop skill 1 Troop skill 2 Troop skill 3
Chae Seoyun 4 Troop HP +16% Troop DEF +16% Troop ATK +16%
Devana 4 Troop HP +16% Troop DEF +16% Troop ATK +16%
Tomoyo 5 Troop HP +32% Troop DEF +32% Troop ATK +32%
Marlowe 5 Troop HP +32% Troop DEF +32% Troop ATK +32%
Mars 5 Troop HP +32% Troop DEF + 2% Troop ATK +32%
Meyers 5 Troop HP +32% Troop DEF +32% Troop ATK +32%
Requiem 5 Troop HP +32% Troop DEF +32% Troop ATK +32%
Nam Hayul 5 Troop HP +32% Troop DEF +32% Troop ATK +32%
Split Type Heroes
These heroes are great and grant a huge boost. It makes sense to focus on the hero that
gives a boost to both your specialized troop type and your defense troop type. (Check
„Lesson #1 – Basics“ to find out how the defense troop works)
Name Stars Troopskill 1 Troopskill 2 Troopskill 3 Recommend
ed for
Angelo 5 Rider ATK +120% Shooter ATK Troop DEF Shooter
+120% +120%
Dara 5 Shooter ATK Fighter ATK Troop DEF Fighter
+120% +120% +120%
Hanyu 5 Fighter ATK Rider ATK Troop DEF Rider
+120% +120% +120%

Passive Heroes
Those heroes you don't have to add to your march. Just owning them will give you their
Name Stars Troopskill 1 Troopskill 2 Troopskill 3
Levina 5 Fighter ATK +60% Rider ATK +60% Shooter ATK +60%
Samuel 5 Protected Resource Gas Output +100% Troop HP +40%
Lee 5 Protected Resource Reinforcement March Troop ATK +40%
+6% Speed +30%
Chia-hao 5 Infirmary Cap +15% Heal Steel Cost -20% Troop DEF +40%
Atropos 5 Raid HP +75% Raid DEF +75% Raid ATK +75%

Economy Heroes
All economy heroes are passive heroes. Means just owning them will give you their boost.
Name Stars Troop skill 1 Troop skill 2 Troop skill 3
Xavis 2 Gas Output +10% Build Food Cost -100k Build Wood Cost -100k
Kento 2 Hunt March Speed +10% Research Food Cost -100k Research Wood Cost -100k
Anahita 3 Free Speedup +10min Build Steel Cost -100k Build Gas Cost -50k
Marshall 3 Gas Gathering Speed Hunt March Speed +30% Hunt ATK Up +30%
Chester 3 Training Cap +500 Research Steel Cost -100k Research Gas Cost -50k
Flint 3 Gathering March Speed Gathering Speed +10% Troop Load +30%
Dr. J 4 Build Speed +15% Gas Output + 100% Rally Sizy +100k
Otto 4 Cmdr EXP +30% Infirmary Healing Speed Troop Size +10k
Varvara 4 Research Speed +15% Antiserum Output +100% Troop Size +10k
Eve 5 Gathering Speed +30% Infirmary Healing Speed Troopsize +30k
McCarty 5 Trainingstempo+75% Ausdauerkosten-24% Trainingskosten-24%
Agent X 5 Gathering March Speed Heal Steel Cost -20% Rally Size +200k
Lady M 5 Gathering Speed +30% Rally ATK +53% Troop Size +8k
Mantis 5 Upkeep Down -24% Infirmary Healing Speed Infirmary Cap +15%
Ironclaw 5 Research Speed +30% Training Speed +30% Troop Size +20k
Leah 5 Infirmary Healing Speed Heal Gas Cost -20% Troop Size +20k
Scarlett 5 Free Speedup +30min Build Speed +30% Troop Size +20k

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