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A. Substantive Law vs. Adjective Law

B. Rule-Making Power of the Supreme Court
C. Hierarchy of Courts; Doctrine of Non-Interference and Judicial Stability
D. Suppletory Application of the Rules of Court in Administrative Bodies
E. Construction of the Rules of Court (Rule 1, sec. 6)


A. Aspects of Jurisdiction
1. Over the Subject Mater
2. Over the Parties
3. Over the Issues

B. Classification of Jurisdiction
1. Original vs. Appellate
2. General vs. Special
3. Exclusive vs. Concurrent

C. Jurisdiction of the Philippine Courts (B.P. Blg. 129, as amended)

1. Supreme Court – 1987 CONST., art. VIII, sec. 5

2. Collegiate Courts
a. Court of Appeals – B.P. Blg. 129, as amended by R.A. No. 7902
b. Sandiganbayan – P.D. No. 1606, as amended by R.A. No. 7975,
R.A. No. 8249 and R.A. No. 10660
c. Court of Tax Appeals – R.A. No. 1125, as amended by R.A. No.
9282 and R.A. No. 9503

3. Second-Level Courts – B.P. Blg. 129 as amended by R.A. No. 7691, R.A.
No. 11576 and R.A. No. 8369; A.M. No. 22-04-06-SC, A.M. No. 03-03-03-
SC, November 9, 2021

4. First-Level Courts – B.P. Blg. 129 as amended by R.A. No. 7691 and R.A.
No. 11576

5. Inherent Powers and Means to Carry Jurisdiction – Rule 135, secs. 5-6

D. Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law (R.A. No. 7160)

E. Rules on Expedited Procedures in the First Level Courts (A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC, March
1, 2022)

F. Doctrine of Adherence to Jurisdiction and Residual Jurisdiction

G. Jurisdiction vs. Exercise of Jurisdiction

H. Primary Jurisdiction and Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies

I. Venue in Criminal and Civil Actions

III. CIVIL PROCEDURE (1997 Rules on Civil Procedure as amended by A.M. No. 19-

A. General Provisions (Rule 1)

B. Kinds of Action
1. Ordinary and Special
2. Personal and Real
3. Action in personam, in rem, quasi in rem

C. Cause of Action (Rule 2)

1. Splitting
2. Joinder and Misjoinder

D. Parties to Civil Actions (Rule 3)

1. Kinds of parties

2. Joinder of parties
a. Compulsory
b. Permissive
3. Third (Fourth, etc.) Parties
4. Class Suit
5. Death of a Party
6. Transfer of Interest

E. Pleadings
1. Kinds – Rule 6
2. Parts and Contents; Formal Requirements – Rule 7
3. Manner of Making Allegations – Rule 8
4. Effect of Failure to Plead – Rule 9
5. Amended and Supplemental Pleadings – Rule 10
6. Period to File Responsive Pleadings – Rule 11

7. Filing and Service – Rule 13

a. Rules on Docket Fees and Effect of Non-Payment
b. A.M. No. 10-3-7-SC, June 1, 2022, or the Revised Guidelines on Submission of
Electronic Copies of Supreme Court-Bound Papers pursuant to the Efficient Use of
Paper Rule

F. Summons (Rule 14)

1. Nature and Purpose

2. Who May Serve
3. Valid Service of Summons; Alias Summons
4. Service of Summons
a. Personal Service
b. Substituted Service
c. Constructive Service
d. Extraterritorial Service
5. Proof of Service
6. Voluntary Appearance

G. Motions (Rule 15)

1. Litigious and Non-litigious Motions

2. Prohibited Motions

H. Dismissal of Actions (Rule 17)

I. Pre-Trial (Rule 18 and A.M. No. 03-1-09-SC)

J. Intervention (Rule 19)

K. Subpoena (Rule 21)

L. Computation of Time (Rule 22)

M. Modes of Discovery (Rules 23-29)

N. Trial (Rule 30)

O. Consolidation and Severance (Rule 31)

P. Demurrer to Evidence (Rule 33)
Q. Judgments and Final Orders
1. Judgment on the Pleadings – Rule 34
2. Summary Judgment – Rule 35
3. Rendition and Entry of Judgment and Final Orders – Rule 36

R. Remedies before Finality of Judgment

1. Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration – Rule 37
2. Appeals and Other Modes of Review – Rules 40-45; Rule 64

S. Remedies after Judgment Becomes Final

1. Petition for Relief from Judgment – Rule 38
2. Annulment of Judgment – Rule 47
3. Collateral Atack on Judgments

T. Execution, Satisfaction, and Effects of Judgments (Rule 39)

1. As a Mater Right and as a Matter of Discretion – Sections 1-4

2. By Motion or by Independent Action – Section 6
3. Execution of Money Judgment – Section 9
4. Execution of Judgments for Specific Act – Section 10
5. Remedies When Property of Third Person is Levied – Section 16
6. Examination of the Judgment Obligor – Sections 36-37
7. Effect of Judgments or Final Orders – Section 47
8. Effect of Foreign Judgments or Final Orders – Section 48

U. Provisional Remedies

1. Preliminary Attachment – Rule 57

2. Preliminary Injunction and Temporary Restraining Order – Rule 58
3. Replevin – Rule 60


A. Interpleader (Rule 62)

B. Declaratory Relief and Similar Remedies (Rule 63)
C. Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus (Rule 65)
D. Quo Warranto (Rule 66)

E. Expropriation (Rule 67)

1. Two Stages in an Action for Expropriation
2. Determination of Just Compensation
3. Effect of Failure to Pay Just Compensation
4. When to File Motion for Issuance of Writ of Possession
5. R.A. No. 10752, Guidelines for Expropriation Proceedings of National
Government Infrastructure Projects

F. Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage (Rule 68)

1. Judicial Foreclosure
2. Extrajudicial Foreclosure – Act No. 3135, as amended
3. Bank Foreclosure – R.A. No. 8791, Section 47

G. Partition (Rule 69)

H. Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer (Rule 70)

I. Contempt (Rule 71)


A. Settlement of Estate of Deceased Persons

1. Venue and Process – Rule 73
2. Summary Settlement of Estates; Liability of Distributees and Estate – Rule 74
3. Allowance or Disallowance of Will – Rule 76
4. Letters Testamentary and of Administration – Rule 78
5. Claims against the Estate – Rule 86
6. Action by and against Executors and Administrators – Rule 87
7. Payment of the Debts of the Estate – Rule 88
8. Sales, Mortgages, and other Encumbrances of Property of Decedent –
Rule 89
9. Distribution and Partition of the Estate – Rule 90

B. Guardianship

1. Venue
2. Appointment of Guardians; Kinds of Guardians
3. General Powers and Duties of Guardians
4. Termination of Guardianship
5. Rule on Guardianship of Minors – A.M. No. 03-02-05-SC

C. Adoption
1. Domestic Administrative Adoption and Alternative Child Care Act –
R.A. No. 11642
2. Re: Rule on Adoption – A.M. No. 02-6-02-SC, April 19, 2022

D. Habeas Corpus (Rule 102); Custody of Minors (A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC)

E. Writ of Amparo (A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC)

F. Writ of Habeas Data (A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC)

G. Change of Name (Rule 103)

H. Cancellation or Correction of Entries in the Civil Registry (Rule 108; R.A. 9048,
as amended by R.A. No. 10172)

I. Rule of Procedure for Environmental Cases (A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC)


A. Criminal Jurisdiction

B. Prosecution of Offenses (Rule 110)

1. Public vs. Private Crimes
2. Role of Public Prosecutor – Section 5
3. Complaint and Information – Sections 1-4
4. Sufficiency of Complaint or Information – Sections 6-12
5. Duplicity of Offense – Section 13
6. Amendment or Substitution of Complaint or Information – Section 14
7. Venue of Criminal Actions – Section 15
8. Intervention of Offended Party – Section 16
9. Injunction in Criminal Cases – OCA Circular No. 79-03, Item 14

C. Prosecution of Civil Action (Rule 111)

1. Implied Institution of Civil Action Arising from Crime

2. Prior Reservation, Suspension, Waiver of Civil Actions
3. Independent Civil Actions (See also Civil Code, arts. 31-34)
4. Civil Liability Ex-delicto
a. In cases of Acquittal (See also Civil Code, art. 29)
b. Death of the Accused
5. Prejudicial Question (See also Civil Code, art. 36)

D. Preliminary Investigation (Rule 112)

1. Authorized Officers; Determination of Probable Cause – Sections 2-4

2. Cases Not Requiring Preliminary Investigation – Section 1
3. Motion to Reopen; Motion for Reinvestigation
4. Modes of Review – DOJ Department Circular No. 027, Series of 2022
5. Inquest Proceedings; Waiver of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code

E. Arrest, Search and Seizures

1. Warrant of Arrest
a. Requisites
b. Enforcement – Rule 113, sec. 7
c. Lawful Warrantless Arrest – Rule 113, sec. 5

2. Search Warrant – Rule 126

a. Requisites
b. Enforcement – Sections 7-13
c. Lawful Warrantless Search
d. Rules on Cybercrime Warrants – A.M. No. 17-11-03

3. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

F. Bail (Rule 114); Recognizance Act of 2012 (R.A. No. 10389)

G. Rights of the Accused (Rule 115)

H. Arraignment and Plea (Rule 116)

I. Motion to Quash Information (Rule 117)

1. Grounds – Sections 3 and 9
2. Double Jeopardy – Section 7
3. Provisional Dismissal – Section 8

J. Pre-trial (Rule 118)

K. Trial (Rule 119)

1. Revised Guidelines on Continuous Trial – A.M. No. 15-06-10-SC
2. Order of Trial

L. Judgment (Rule 120)

M. New Trial or Reconsideration (Rule 121)

N. Appeal (Rule 122)

O. Provisional Remedies (Rule 127)

VII. EVIDENCE (A.M. No. 19-08-15-SC)

A. Key Concepts
1. Factum Probandum vs. Factum Probans
2. Proof vs. Evidence
3. Burden of Proof vs. Burden of Evidence
4. Weight and Sufficiency of Evidence – Rule 133
5. Admissibility; Relevance and Competence – Rule 128
6. Judicial Notice; Mandatory and Discretionary – Rule 129, secs. 1-3
7. Judicial Admission – Rule 129, sec. 4
8. Presumptions – Rule 131

B. Kinds

1. Object Evidence – Rule 130, A

2. Documentary Evidence – Rule 130, B
a. Original Document Rule
b. Secondary Evidence
c. Parol Evidence

3. Testimonial Evidence – Rule 130, C

a. Qualifications and Disqualifications of Witnesses – Sections 21-24

b. Testimonial Privilege – Sections 25-26
c. Admissions and Confessions – Sections 27-34
d. Previous Conduct as Evidence – Sections 35-36

e. Hearsay; Exceptions – Sections 37-50

f. Opinion – Sections 51-53

g. Character Evidence – Section 54

C. Presentation of Evidence (Rule 132)

1. Examination of Witnesses – Sections 1-18

2. Child Witness Rule – A.M. No. 00-4-07-SC, secs. 4, 6, 8, 20 and 28
3. Authentication and Proof; Public and Private Documents – Sections 19-33
4. Apostille – Section 24
5. Ofer and Objection; Tender of Excluded Evidence – Sections 34-40

D. Judicial Affidavit Rule (A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC)

E. Rules on Electronic Evidence (A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC)
F. Rules on the Use of Body-Worn Camera in the Execution of Warrants (A.M No. 21-


A. Basic Concepts on Admission to Practice

1. Supreme Court’s Administrative Supervision and Control over
Members of the Philippine Bar – 1987 CONST. art. VIII, sec. 5 (5)

2. Requisites for Admission to the Practice of Law

3. The Revised Lawyer’s Oath

B. Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (A.M. No. 22-09-01-


1. Canon 1 – Independence; Merit-Based Practice – Section 2

2. Canon 2 – Propriety
a. Proper Conduct; Dignified Conduct – Sections 1 and 2
b. Use of Dignified, Gender-Fair, and Child- and CulturallySensitive Language –
Section 4
c. Duty to correct false or inaccurate statements and information
made in relation to an application for admission to the bar –
Section 11
d. Duty to report dishonest, deceitful, or misleading conduct –
Section 12
e. Duty to disclose relationship or connection – Section 20
f. Duty not to mislead the court, tribunal or other government
agency on the existence or content of any document, argument,
evidence, law, or other legal authority, or pass off as one’s own the
ideas or words of another – Section 8
g. Duty not to solicit or advertise one’s legal service – Section 17
h. Duty not to use any forum or medium to comment or publicize
opinion pertaining to a pending proceeding – Sub-Judice Rule;
Section 19
i. Duty not to give gifts and donations to any court, tribunal or other
government agency – Section 21
j. Duty not to institute multiple cases; Forum Shopping – Section 23
k. Duty not to encroach or interfere in another lawyer’s engagement
– Section 24
l. Responsible Use of Social Media

3. Canon III – Fidelity

a. Definition of the Practice of Law – Section 1

b. Definition of Lawyer-Client Relationship – Section 3
c. Conflict of interest – Sections 13-22
d. Limited Legal Services – Sections 35-40
e. Responsibility of a Solo Practitioner – Canon II, sec. 25
f. Responsibility of a Law Firm – Canon II, sec.26
g. Responsibility of a Government Lawyer and those in the
Prosecution Service – Canon II, secs. 28-29

h. Responsibility of a Paralegal – Canon II, secs. 34-35

i. Responsibility of Lawyers in the Academe – Canon II, sec. 32
j. Responsibility of Law firms; Supervisory and Supervised Lawyers
– Canon III, secs. 10-12
k. Responsibility of a Legal Clinic – Canon III, secs. 39-40
l. Attorney’s Fees – Section 41
m. Attorney’s Lien – Sections 47, 53 and 54
n. Prohibition on Lending and Borrowing; Exceptions – Section 52
o. Prohibition against Acquiring Interest in the Object of Litigation
or Transaction – Section 51; Civil Code, art. 1491
p. Termination of Engagement by the Lawyer – Section 53
q. Termination of Engagement by the Client – Section 54
r. Termination of Engagement upon Death – Section 55
s. Accounting and Turn-over of Funds and Properties upon
Termination of Engagement – Section 56

4. Canon IV – Competence and Diligence

a. Duty to provide competent, efficient, and conscientious legal

service – Section 1
b. Duty to diligently and seasonably act on any legal matter
entrusted by the client – Sections 3-6
c. Duty to engage in lifelong learning – Section 8

5. Canon V – Equality

a. Duty to make representation on the basis of non-discrimination

– Section 1
b. Duty to provide a higher standard of service to vulnerable
persons and indigents – Sections 2-3
c. Duty to provide the same standard of service – Section 4

6. Canon VI – Accountability

a. How instituted – Sections 2 and 30

b. Proceedings against a government lawyer – Section 6
c. Proceedings against members of the judiciary – Section 2
d. Preventive suspension – Section 31
e. Quantum and burden of proof – Section 32
f. Executory nature of the decision or resolution – Section 43
g. Sworn statement after service of suspension – Sections 45-46
h. Judicial Clemency – Sections 47-51
i. Prohibition against employment of disbarred or suspended
lawyer – Section 52

C. The New Code of Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary

1. Independence, Integrity, Impartiality, Propriety, Equality, and

Competence and Diligence
2. Disqualification and Inhibition of Judicial Officers – Rule 137
3. Discipline of Members, Officials, Employees and Personnel of the
Judiciary under Rule 140, further amended by A.M. No. 21-08-09-SC

D. Practical Exercises

1. Judicial Affidavit
2. Special Power of Attorney
3. Petition for Correction of Entries in the Civil Registry
4. Extrajudicial Settlement
5. Petition for Issuance of Writ of Habeas Corpus
6. Petition for Enforcement of Foreign Judgment
7. Motion for Execution of Judgment

NOTE: All Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and
jurisprudence pertinent to the topics in this syllabus as of June 30, 2023, are within the
coverage of the 2024 Bar Examinations.

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