Tax Invoice F90x

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View tax invoice 27.09.2022.

, 13:25

Tax Invoice
Invoice Number IOSS-382724-HR From: eBay GmbH Buyer Address: Dino Bajlo Ship To: Dino Bajlo
Date of Invoice Sep 26, 2022 Albert-Einstein-Ring 2-6 Poljicka 17 Poljička 31
14532 Kleinmachnow Zagreb 10000 Zagreb 10000
Date of Supply Sep 26, 2022 Germany Croatia Croatia
Order Purchase Date Sep 26, 2022 Registered Court: District Court Potsdam
Company Reg. Number: HRB 13754 P
Order No. 09-09144-63956 Managing Director: Oliver Klinck
VAT ID: DE200081785
Ship From Country Japan

Invoice Details
Item No. Description Qty Net Unit Price Net Amount Postage Discounts Subtotal Rate VAT Amount Gross Am

125526902723 [Exc+++++] NIKON F90X Black Film Camera + MF-26 from Japan (V128129-6a) 1 US $69.99 US $69.99 US $0.00 US $0.00 US $69.99 25.0% US $17.50 US $87.4

Net Amount

Total Amount

VAT Breakdown
Rate Taxable Amount VAT Amount Taxable Amount (EUR) VAT Amount (EUR)

25.0% US $69.99 US $17.50 72.11 18.03

Total US $69.99 US $17.50 72.11 18.03

FX 1.0303436195971356 USD/EUR
eBay acting as deemed reseller as per Art.14a of VAT Directive 2006/112/EC has accounted for any VAT due in accordance with the
local VAT legislation.
IOSS number: IM2760000742 Page 1 of 1

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