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Developed by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board as a textbook according

to the National Curriculum 2022 for Class Nine from the academic year 2024

Digital Technology
Class Nine
(Experimental Version)
Writers & Editors
Professor Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan
Professor Dr. Lafifa Jamal
Professor Dr. B M Mainul Hossain
Kishan Kumar Ganguly
Iffat Naomee
Mirza Mohammad Didarul Anam
Afia Sultana
Md. Masudul Hasan
Mishal Islam
Muhammad Monirul Islam
Dr. Mohammed Kamrul Haque Bhuiyan
Mainuddin Sheikh

Translated By
Ahmed Karim Hasnain
Zakia Sultana
Md. Mahmudul Amin

National Curriculum & Textbook Board, Bangladesh

National Curriculum and Textbook Board
69-70 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000
[All rights reserved by National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh]

Published: December 2023

Art direction
Monjur Ahmed

Illustration & Cover

Faiaz Rafid

K. M. Yusuf Ali

For free Distribution by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Printed by:
In this ever-changing world, the concept of livelihood is altering every moment. The advancement of
technology, in accordance with knowledge and skill, has accelerated the pace of change. There is no
alternative to adapting to this fast changing world. The reason is, the development of technology is at its
zenith compared to any time in the human history. In the fourth industrial revolution era, the advancement
of artificial intelligence has brought a drastic change in our employment and lifestyles and this will make
the relationship among people more and more intimate. Varied employment opportunities will be created
in near future which we cannot even predict at this moment. We need to take preparation right now so that
we can adapt ourselves to that upcoming future.
Although a huge economic development has taken place throughout the world, the problems of climate
change, air pollution, migrations and ethnic violence have become much more intense than before. The
epidemics like COVID 19 has appeared and obstructed the normal lifestyle and economic growth of the
world. Different challenges and opportunities have been added to our daily life.
Standing on the verge of these challenges and possibilities, implementation of sustainable and effective
solutions is required for the transformation of our large population into a resource. It entails global citizens
with knowledge, skill, values, vision, positive attitude, sensitivity, capability to adapt, humanity and
patriotism. Amidst all these, Bangladesh has graduated into a developing nation from the underdeveloped
periphery and is continuously trying to achieve the desired goals in order to become a developed country
by 2041. Education is one of the pivotal instruments to attain the goals and there is no alternative to
the modernization of our education system. Developing an effective and updated curriculum has become
crucial for this modernization.
Developing and revising the curriculum is a regular and vital activity of National Curriculum and Textbook
Board. The last revision of the curriculum was done in 2012. Since then, a lot of time has passed. The
necessity of curriculum revision and development has emerged. For this purpose, various research and
technical exercises were conducted under the supervision of NCTB during the year 2017 to 2019 to analyze
the prevalent situation of education and assess the learning needs. Based on the researches and technical
exercises, a competency-based incessant curriculum from K-12 has been developed to create a competent
generation to survive in the new world situation.
In the light of the competency based curriculum, the textbooks have been prepared for all streams
(General, Madrasah and Vocational) of learners for grade IX. The authentic experience driven contents
of this textbook were developed in such a way that teaching learning becomes comprehensible and full of
merriment. This will connect textbooks with various life related phenomenon and events that are constantly
taking place around us. This is to be mentioned here that this textbook has already been refined through a
logical evaluation by the writers and the subject specialists after collecting opinion from the teachers and
students via an intern tryout. We hope that learning will be profound and life-long now.
Issues like gender, ethnicity, religion, caste, the disadvantaged and students with special needs have been
taken into special consideration while developing the textbook. I would like to thank all who have put their
best efforts in writing, editing, illustrating and publishing the textbook.
If any one finds any errors or inconsistencies in this experimental version and has any suggestions for im-
proving its quality, we kindly ask them to let us know.

Professor Md. Farhadul Islam

National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh
Dear student,
Welcome to the new academic year. This year your learning will be totally different from
that of the previous year. You have novelty in your studies through the new curriculum.
Until the last academic year, your studies were limited to acquiring knowledge only. From
this year you will learn how to apply that knowledge and gain skills through practical
work. This year will be a year full of new experiences for you. This year you will learn,
know, and understand many new things through various experiences.
You will acquire 10 qualifications in the field of digital technology through 6 fun learning
experiences this year. You will prepare yourself for the digital future, learn about cyber
risks, ensure the security of your own and your family’s information through digital
media, gain a clear understanding of transparency and accountability in various civic
services, solve simple problems through programming, create a network between two
computers to share resources, and present a report on the use of digital technology in the
global south to obtain an international diversity certificate.
As a student of the new generation, you too have some responsibilities to get the highest
benefit from the new curriculum and the new method of learning. You have to complete
each experience through some specific tasks. Some tasks you can do with all your friends
and some tasks you have to do alone. Besides, you will see that there are some blank
spaces in your textbook where you are asked to write. You will fill those blank spaces
according to the teacher’s instructions and take the help of the teacher if necessary. In
the new method of learning, you will be able to achieve the most when you learn to ask
You have to look at everything around you with the eyes of inquiry. You have to find
answers by asking logical questions. In today’s world, the scope of knowledge is so vast,
the opportunity to learn is so widespread that we have to expand our scope of knowledge
and change our way of learning to survive as global citizens. So, if we limit ourselves to
writing answers from memory in the exam paper, we will lag behind.
We can no longer just be users of technology; we have to be innovators as well. So,
we have to know how to use technology safely, and also try to create something new
through various experiences. All the inventions in the world have been made with the
aim of solving problems, so we will try to solve various problems of daily life by applying
what we learn in class. By using various technologies including programming, we will
become global digital citizens by solving real-life problems.
We wish you all the best in your new journey.
Preparation for the Digital Future 01 - 27

"Let us Know about Cyber Threats, 28 - 70

and Ensure Information Security"

Transparency and Accountabilty in Civic Service 71 - 101

Programming for Problem Solving 102 - 146

Let us build a Network 147 - 168

Digital Technology and Diversity 169- 181

Digital Technology

Learning Experience-1

Preparation for the Digital Future

Our daily lives are constantly changing due to the advancement of technology. Life
style, transactions, communication, profession, and entertainment mediums are all
changing. It is not even possible to predict the changes that will occur in our lives five
years from now. So, we must be prepared to embrace any changes in this ever-changing
world. Our education and knowledge are not limited to textbooks; therefore, we need to
gather information from the Internet and other sources to expand our knowledge. For
this reason, the ability to effectively exchange accurate information is an important skill.
We will create a bulletin in our school by verifying validity through this experience.
Additionally, we will create an online portfolio for ourselves, where we will regularly
upload everything we have accomplished throughout the year, including various tasks
and projects related to digital technology and other subjects. This will allow anyone
from any part of the world to see and learn about the research and projects we have
undertaken in a year.
Now, let us begin our journey of creating the school bulletin!

Session- 1: Search for Truth

Due to the easy accessibility of the Internet, we can easily search for any information
within moments. However, the convenience of the Internet has allowed some bad
people to spread false information, leading to confusion. When creating our school
bulletin, each of us must try to find at least one accurate piece of data in contrast to the
published incorrect information and write an essay or article about it.
To undertake this task, we first need to understand how misinformation can be propagated.
By reading the following incidents, we will identify how misinformation is spread.
Sagar, after completing his studies, applied for jobs at several banks. He was
preparing for job interviews. One day, he was reading a book on interview
preparation sitting on a bus. Noticing him reading a book on jobs, a person sitting
next to Sagor started a conversation and informed him that his elder brother worked at
a prominent bank. If Sagar gave him some money, he would talk to his brother about
Sagar's job. Sagar agreed and arranged the money. Within a week, the person gave a
letter to Sagar. Upon opening the letter, Sagar saw that it was a job offer letter from the
Academic Year 2024

bank in his name, indicating that he had been hired for the job. The person also showed
Sagar a website of a magazine where application numbers of employed candidates
were listed; Sagar found his application number there. Sagar, pleased, gave the person
more money. After going to the bank on the mentioned date in the letter, Sagar found
that the job offer letter he had received was fake.

Preparation for the Digital Future

Let us think for a moment, how did the crook on the bus manage to present a
believable fake offer letter and website?

Possible answers will be given in the next session, and we can match them with our

Jyoti was in the ninth grade. One day, when Jyoti had returned home from
school, her mother told him that all students of the ninth and tenth grades would
be provided with laptops by the government. She had seen a news report on
YouTube where the process for applying for a laptop was explained. Jyoti watched
the news and understood that it was from a reputable television channel in
Bangladesh. Without any doubt, she completed the application form, including
personal information, and emailed it. A day later, someone called Jyoti’s mother,
claiming that if they sent some money through mobile banking for courier charges,
they would send the laptop. Jyoti’s mother sent the money over the phone. However,
later, they found out that the mobile number was blocked, and Jyoti realized that
she had become a viction of a scome.

Let us think for a moment, how did the crook manipulate that YouTube news
Academic Year 2024


Digital Technology

Palash's father received an image in his social media inbox, which a friend had
sent him. The photo was actually an image from a nationally recognized magazine.
The magazine's logo and card were visible, indicating that it had been published in
that magazine the day. The message in the photo was about an inappropriate picture
in a textbook for the ninth grade. The photo of the textbook page was included in
the message. Palash was in the ninth grade, and naturally, his father became upset
after receiving the news. He shared the message from his social media account, and
many of his acquaintances also shared it. A week later, during a parent-teacher
meeting at Palash's school, Palash's father proposed to the head teacher to discuss
the matter. The principal informed that the news was actually false and distorted.

Let us think for a moment, how was that newspaper news manipulated or
In the mentioned three scenarios, what could Sagar, Jyoti, and Jyoti's mother and
Palash's father would do, in your opinion?

1. It would have been appropriate for Sagar to tell that

person, "Please send me the link to the website you're
showing on your mobile." Just by seeing the URL or address
of the website, Sagar could have realized that it was a fake
website. If he had seen the paper of the job offer letter, the
logo, the envelope, and the incorrect address, Sagar would
have understood that it was fake. Furthermore, the job offer
letter should have arrived via email or mail to Sagar's
address, by hand of any individul.
Academic Year 2024

2. Offering money to anyone out of the desire to secure a

job is a crime in any job process. Sagar shouldn't have done

Preparation for the Digital Future

Let us write what could be done for rest of the two scenarios-

In these three situations, we have found out through different methods how information
gets distorted.
There are some organizations in Bangladesh that analyze such misleading information
and help to uncover accurate information.

If we search on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) with

these three keywords 'Fact Check Bangladesh,' we will find
the names of some websites that verify or fact-check false
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We will read several pieces of verified news from any two websites and, as a class,
everyone will answer one by one how those news articles have been distorted.

Digital Technology

Image- 1.1: Everyone in the classroom will collectively read news and find out how information
is being biased from that news.
Preparation for the upcoming session: If there is internet access at home, we will
explore more news articles from these websites and note down other ways through
which news or information can be manipulated.

Session-2 : Differences in Reality

Today, we will try to understand another topic, which is the reality and the media's
(mass media and social media) perception of reality. We constantly receive various
information and entertainment elements through mass media and social media. This
information and entertainment shape a certain mindset or perception towards specific
subjects. Sometimes this perception may be slightly different from actual reality or the
absolute truth. We can write a report or an article about this topic in our school bulletin.
Before going to today's main topic, let us
discuss the subject again from the previous
session. We have brought a list from
home. We will organize our home tasks
using a new method called ‘Voice
Command’. That means we will speak out
each point from our list, and the computer
will write it down following our utteraness
some of us might know how to do this.
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Those who know can help others who do

not. Even if someone does not know, there
is no problem. We can do the task by
Image- 1.2: We can use voice command tofollowing the instructions below.
combine our homework easily

Preparation for the Digital Future

To do this task, we will need a laptop and an internet connection.

Image- 1.3: Using the teacher's email address, we will open a Docs file and select the Bengali font
1. We will open a 'Docs' file from Google Drive.
2. We will click on Fonts in the file and select the More Fonts option.
3. A new pop-up window will appear. We will click on 'Scripts: all scripts' and select
‘Bengali’. (Picture 1.3)

Image- 1.4: Some Bangla font will appear, and we will select all Bangla font from them
4. When we click 'OK,' another new pop-up window will appear with all the available
Bengali fonts. We will click on each font one by one to select them. (Picture -1.4)
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5. Now, going back to the Font option in our Docs, where we selected the Bengali
fonts earlier, we will find all the selected fonts there. We will select any one of
these fonts.

Digital Technology

Image- 1.5: Bengali font will visible in our document file and we will select any one of them

6. After selecting the font, press Ctrl + Shift + s. Clicking these three buttons together
will activate the voice command, and an image of a microphone will appear on the
screen. On top of the microphone, there will be an option to select our font. We
will choose 'Bengali.'
7. After that, when we click on the microphone, it will start recording our voice, and
the content will be automatically written in the Docs file we created.
If this task seems difficult to understand, we can search on internet using the keywords
'Voice Type Bangla Writing.' Several videos explaining the whole process are available,
which will help us to easily complete the task.
We will come one by one to the laptop and speak out the points from our home list to
create a document. This document will be used when preparing our school bulletin.
This process can also be followed for other subjects like Bangla, Science, Religion, etc.
Our tasks will be easier because of this.
If there is no computer available at school, we can also do the task of creating the list
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on the board.
Now, let us come to today's main discussion. We know television, newspapers, and
radio are called 'mass media,' and YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are called 'social
media.' Using the internet, any communication medium is known as 'new media.'

Preparation for the Digital Future

For quick access to the viewers or target groups, most mass media have a 'new media'
version. Can we provide some examples of this type?

Mass Media New Media Version

1. Bangladesh Television ‘Live’ from Bangladesh Television's

2. BBC (Television) BBC YouTube channel, Facebook page,

Twitter account



Incident 1:
Through some personal accounts on social media, several videos are being seen
where heavy rain is falling in Rajshahi and some places are submerged under water.
After watching such videos, we might think that the entire Rajshahi district is under
water. If this information about the rain is broadcasted in any news media, it should
specifically mention which villages or areas in which upazilas of Rajshahi have
been affected by flooding. This way, our understanding of the situation will become
clear and accurate. Only by watching isolated videos, it can be misunderstood by us.

Moreover, due to artificial intelligence nowadays, we keep seeing the same type of
content or information on the internet repeatedly that we once saw or searched for. As
a result, we might think that it is actually happening or it is the real truth.
Academic Year 2024

Starting from today until the next two weeks, we will maintain a notebook or
journal. We will read, watch, or listen to at least two pieces of news daily. We will
record it in the notebook or journal. We can maintain the record in the notebook in
the following format:

Digital Technology

Name of the Media:
Headline of the News:
Topic of the News:
My Opinion:

We can get this news from any media, such as newspapers, television, the Internet, or
radio. The news and my opinion will not exceed two lines. In the 'My Opinion' section
of this news, we will write about whether this news is 'actual truth,' 'created truth by the
media,' or 'false.'

In the upcoming session, we will show the Diary to the teacher at school.

In the upcoming session, we will organize a debate competition in the classroom. The
teacher will elect the proponents and opponents of the debate team through a lottery.

The topic of the debate may be:

1. “Only mass media can present the actual truth” or

2. “Only the journalists can verify and broadcast truth”

Session- 3: Verification of Impartiality in Arguments

In today's session, we will participate in a group debate. We will need sufficient evidence
and logical reasoning to write the report or article for our bulletin. So, understanding
the game of debate or argumentation will help us think using reasoning.

Have we brought our diary or journal? Let us show it to the teacher.

Before starting the argumentation, we can discuss "impartiality" for some time. In any
presentation of information, impartiality is the most crucial aspect. It means not showing
bias toward any particular side, not depending on emotions, and making judgments or
decisions objectively.
Academic Year 2024

Due to various reasons, bias can come into us.

Preparation for the Digital Future

I really like one of my distant maternal uncles. He always encourages me to study

and play, gives me gifts at different times, and shares interesting stories. I use to
think he is one of the best people in the world. One day, Abir, his son, comes to me
and says that his father is pressuring him a lot with unnecessary coaching classes
for his studies. I cannot believe Abir's words. The reason for my disbelief is my
"prior experience."

Since childhood, I have been fond of a particular filmmaker's work. I have watched
almost all of his movies. One day, I came to know that he didn't create his works
himself but rather copied stories from various foreign films. I could not believe this
information. The reason for my disbelief was my "emotion." Various reasons like
nationality, culture, and relationships can cause emotional bias among us.

It is important to remember that it is not always bad to be biased. When I feel that I am
biased, it will be appropriate for me to have sufficient evidence in favour of the opinion
against my bias. If evidence exists, we must make decisions based on that evidence.

When an individual presents themselves as a journalist or information provider as a

profession, they need to present information impartially. They provide us with objective
information, setting aside their emotions or prior experiences.

However, in many cases, due to the influence of media ownership, news often becomes

Let us consider the case of a newspaper owner who has a business of sugar. One
day, the workers of that owner's sugar factory started a protest as they did not
received their wages for many days. Primarily, not paying wages on time was the
fault of that owner. If that owner instructed all the journalists of his newspaper to
propagate news in favor of the owner or refrained from reporting any news, the
citizens would not receive authentic news.

Let us write in the space below, what other reasons can impact a piece of information
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or news-

Digital Technology

Preparation for the coming Session:

Now the game of reasoning will begin. The teacher will divide our class into two teams-
'Proponent Team' and 'Opposing Team'- by election.
The rule of the game is that a member of the Proponent Team will speak for 1 minute
on a topic, and then a member of the Opposing Team will speak for 1 minute. This way,
the game will continue for 15 minutes. A student will not get more than one chance to
speak. However, if someone comes up with an argument, they can write and pass the
slip to help another member of their team.
1. “Only mass media can present the actual truth” or
2. “Only the journalists can verify and broadcast truth”.

Academic Year 2024

Image- 1.6 : We all participate in debate

Preparation for the Digital Future

Session - 4: How Information Becomes News

We regularly gather information from various sources and take our daily decisions on
this information. To provide an example within a small context, I can say that- I decide
when to go on vacation with my family based on the summer break from the school's
bulletin or calendar. Similarly, I install software on my computer after knowing which
software is available for free to edit videos and can work with large files. In this way,
we rely on information in various ways. However, not all information is news. News
has its own characteristics. We will learn about these characteristics and in today's
session, we will decide to write a report or article on a topic for our school bulletin.

Relevance: The information about an event that reaches the readers or

news consumers in the least amount of time will be considered as
important news. Information of an incident after a long time does not
remain as news. For example, information about a match won by the
Bangladesh football team on June 1 will not be considered important
news beyond June 10.

Proximity: Information related to people in a particular locality is

considered important and newsworthy to those people. My school has
been awarded as the best institution in the upazilla, which is important
news for our school's students, teachers, parents, or people in my
upazilla. However, it is not q necessary or interesting information for
people of another district. So, it is not a news for them.

Impact: Information that may not be within a particular locality but has
an impact on a large number of people becomes news. Impact can take
various forms, such as economic gains or losses, emotional connection,
or relevance to important decisions.

Balance: If multiple or more than two sides are involved in an event,

a news report about that event must include opinions or information
from all sides. If someone accuses an organization of manipulating
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the recruitment process, only publishing that accusation will not be

considered a fair news report. Both the accuser’s and the accused
parties' viewpoints must be presented in the news.

Digital Technology

We have learned which aspects we need to consider when presenting any news, Besides,
noteworthy actions, lifestyles, or statements of significant individuals can be interesting
news. Athletes, leaders, and artists are considered important personalities.
In the context of news presentations, another essential aspect to remember is the "6WH"
principle. If a piece of news answers these six questions: who, what, when, where, why,
and how, it becomes complete news. Additionally, adding supplementary details,
images, and videos related to the news can make it more acceptable and appealing.
The news structure is compared to an inverted pyramid.

6WH related most important information

Background or related information

Quotation, general description

Less important

Today, we will decide on the topic for our article or essay. Before finalizing the topic,
let us do an exercise. A topic is given below. Write down your thoughts on what elements
of news could be associated with this topic:
Topic: Absence of students in our School

The topic we want to focus on: The Reasons Behind the Absences of Students

Possible Information:
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Potential data:

Preparation for the Digital Future

Possible interviews:

Types of images or videos that could be used:

Planning for writing our investigative or research news article/essay/blog:

After this experience, we will create an online portal for our school. The portal will
feature our written articles or essays/blogs. We will choose topics for our blogs from
our surroundings. We need to select topics for which we will need data because, in the
upcoming sessions, we will work on data and their presentation.
Some examples of topics are provided below along with related data:

Topic Relevant Data

Absence of student in What are the absence rates of eighth-grade students in

our school different months last year?
Which month has the lowest absence rate?

Child marriages in our Comparative rate of the most prevalent of 5 main causes
locality of child marriage

Participation of Rate of the grade and gender of students who participate

school's students in more in sports

Online misinformation Top 5 reasons for or sources of spreading gossip, and their
or gossip rates
Online fraud Generally, what types of online fraud people are vulnerable
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to, and their rate

Learning the Internet what percentage of students, parents, and teachers think
that learning or studying using the Internet is possible.

Digital Technology

The above examples are provided for our understanding only. From the above topics,
from our diary or from any topic from our surroundings, we will choose one and start
working on it from now. After finalizing our topic, we will show it to the teacher in the
next class. The teacher will help us so that everyone's topics will not be similar.
My Selected/fixed Topic

Session 5: Data Presentation

We have understood the concept of creating a school bulletin. When it comes to writing
our articles or essays, we need to present our resources or data in a way that makes our
writing acceptable and engaging. We will show our selected topic to the teacher, and
the teacher will guide us on which topic we should work on.

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Image- 1.7 : We will enter at least 10 persons data in our spreadsheet

To include data in our article, we will conduct a survey. A survey is a method of research.
opinions about any particular topic are gathered from relevent individuals through
various questions subject.By collecting these opinions, we can arrive at a conclusion.
Different types of questions can be used for a survey:

Preparation for the Digital Future

1. Descriptive Questions
2. Multiple-Choice Questions
3. Likert Scale (Rating-based questions)
Since we are learning about data presentation, for the sake of our project, we will only
create an objective questionnaire. Today, we will practice how to perform data analysis
and visualization in a spreadsheet. Since we have not conducted a survey at this moment,
we do not have any data. We will create a data sheet in Excel for the convenience of our
Suppose our topic is: The effectiveness of internet usage in education.
Survey Question 1: Respondent's Name:
Survey Question 2: Do you have a computer or smartphone at home?
A. Yes B. No
Survey Question 3: The internet assists in studies. With this statement I-
A. Agree B. Disagree
Survey Question 4: I encourage my child to use the internet for education. With this
statement I-
A. Agree B. Disagree
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Image- 1.8 : At least 10 persons data will in the spreadsheet

Digital Technology

We will present the answers to these 4 questions obtained from 10 individuals in a

spreadsheet and it will look like this. We will write the questions in columns (A, B, C,
D…) and list the answer options (1, 2, 3, 4…) in rows above and below.
By analyzing the responses of 10 individuals, we will be able to determine how many
people gave answers. However, if we are given data from 1000 individuals, it will be
impossible to calculate.
So, if we learn to use spreadsheets for this task, we can quickly handle complex
calculations or research tasks.
We can easily analyze questions of the same type together. Let us analyze Survey
Questions 3 and 4 together. Under the same sheet, once all data comes, we will separate
these two questions.

Image- 1.9 : We will use Column for Question and Row for Answer
We will copy and paste the questions side by side and then copy and paste the answer
options below in rows (Image - 1.9).

Academic Year 2024

Image- 1.10 : We need to select data range

Preparation for the Digital Future

Let us write the formula in the cell (C17) as follows, where I want to integrate or
calculate my data,
Let us select the range of data from the column which we want to analyze by using the
mouse. We will put a comma (,) and then select what we want to retrieve from that
column by putting the mouse over it. Here, we have positioned the mouse over 'Agree',
and the reference of that cell has come into my formula. Now close the bracket{)}. As
soon as I press Enter, my calculation will appear.
By placing formulas in each of these cells, we can easily perform complex calculations.
Once we have calculated values for all cells, we will now find the percentage.

Image- 1.11 : We will enter ‘=’ and Formula in a Cell where we want to calculate the percentage
An easy way to calculate a percentage is,
In the cell where we want to calculate the percentage, we will press (=) keeping the
mouse there, and select the cell of which I want to calculate the percentage. We will use
the division symbol (/) and put the sum of two options (10) and multiply by 100 after
Academic Year 2024

it. Pressing Enter will show the result.

Now, we will select the portion of the table that we want to bring into data visualization
i.e., display in a graph. then we will click on "Insert" in the ribbon above, afterwards
click on 'Recommended Chart,' and select the preferred graph. (Image - 1.12)

Digital Technology

Our graph has been created. Now, we will save the graph on the computer as an image.

Image- 1.12 : Some default graph will be suggested, we will select one of them

Image- 1.13 : We can select the design and color of graph

Academic Year 2024

In the upcoming session, we will create graphs for our articles or essays. We will need
data for the graphs. We will formulate at least 5 survey questions on our chosen topic
and gather opinions from at least 10 people based on those questions. If it is necessary,
we can also use an online survey form.

Preparation for the Digital Future

Questions for my survey.

Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology

Session- 6: Creating Graphs for My Assignment

The task for today's session is to create a graph by organizing the data we have brought.
All of us in the class will work together to create these graphs. If it is needed, we can
complete the task under the guidance of the teacher after the class.

Image- 1.14 : We can develop similar graph using Presentation software

However, we can also create the data visualization in presentation software. If we go to
the 'Insert' button in the menu bar and choose the 'Chart' option, we'll find it. But in this
case, we need to have the data ready beforehand.

Academic Year 2024

Image- 1.15 : In Power point presentation we can choose any type of graph

Preparation for the Digital Future

Session- 7: Ensuring Copyright for Our Writing

Our school bulletin will be created based on our writings, so we must ensure that our
rights are protected over our writings. Additionally, when we write articles, we might
need images, quotes, or graphics. Therefore, it's essential to be aware of copyright from
the beginning. Copyright refers to the rights of the creator over their original and
creative work. That is, if a creative work is registered under copyright; using,
reproducing, translating, and publishing it without the creator's permission can lead to
legal actions against the user. Copyright laws include penalties and fines.
Literature, artworks, music, films, sculptures, computer programs, designs, architecture,
photographs, i.e., everything created in an original and artistic manner, can be subject
to copyright.
Fair use of Creative Work: Although copyright registration exists, in some cases, it is
possible to use, publish, and present certain creative works. Specifically, these areas
include –

News or Documentary Discussion or Review Comedy or Parody Educational Content

However, it's essential to ensure that the newly created task becomes a minor part of
the main task. In other words, the new task should be capable of providing a
comprehensive idea.

Certain images, songs, videos, etc., though being original creative works, can be
suitable for everyone's use. "Creative Commons" is a non-profit institutional initiative
that makes such creative works available for legal and valid use by everyone.

Today we will download in class, with the help of the teacher, images that will be
needed for our article or essay through legitimate means. We can do it using the
Google search engine.
Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology

Image- 1.16 : We can Find out ‘Creative Commons’ licensed Picture from google
First, we will go to the Google homepage and write the Key Word for our
necessary image.
Then, we will click on the 'Image' option. All images for the given keywords
on Google will appear. However, not all of these are legally usable.
Clicking on 'Tools' on the top right of the page will bring several tabs named
Map, Color, Type, Time, and Usage Rights.
Clicking on the 'Usage Rights' tab will show three options: 'All', 'Creative
Commons License', and 'Commercial & other licenses'. By clicking on the '
Creative Commons License' option, the images that appear will be usable in a
legitimate manner.
Now, we will download our necessary image and use it.
In this case, if the name of the photographer or the website is mentioned with
the image, it should be mentioned as ‘Source’ while using the image.
Academic Year 2024

We will have one class time to create our essay/article/blog. So, the work of creating
and publishing should be completed quickly. We should keep in mind that at least
one graph or chart should be used in our writing.

Preparation for the Digital Future

Session- 8: Creating Our Bulletin

We have reached the final phase of creating our school bulletin. Taking the accuracy of
information into consideration, and analyzing the uniqueness and structure of news,
writing articles have certainly progressed significantly. Today, we will create our own
school bulletin platform. We will upload or add our writings from the upcoming
sessions. Simultaneously, we can create an online portfolio for ourselves. Apart from
digital technology, the other projects we undertake throughout the year can also be
uploaded to our personal portfolios. After completing the school level, portfolio to
verify my skills.

Image- 1.17 : We can design our school bulletin

when we will join college, university, or the professional world, anyone can review my
There are many free services available for creating personal websites or portfolios,
Some well-known services are:
2. Carbonmade
3. Google site
Academic Year 2024

5. Behance
We will use the well-known Google site to create the school's bulletin first and then
create an online portfolio site for ourselves.

Digital Technology

Image- 1.18 : We can select Portfolio or Blank option to start our work in developing School Bulletin
We will take an empty page and create our own school bulletin by adding pictures and
other information about our school. The teacher will assist us in creating the site using
his email address.

Image- 1.19 : We can add any of our school picture or any other picture
We will organize our site today. On the following day, after uploading or adding all our
Academic Year 2024

writings, we will publish the site. We can also invite our head teacher or another
respected individual to view and publish our site.
Before finalizing our essays or articles, we will show them to the teacher once.
According to the teacher's advice, we can add images, videos, interviews, and various
other things to our articles. Graphs will also be included.

Preparation for the Digital Future

Session- 9: Bulletin Launch

We can congratulate ourselves. From the beginning of the 9th grade, working bit by bit,
today we are going to publish our own bulletin. We will upload our tasks during our
sessions. Once the uploads are done, we will publish our bulletin either during class
time or later in the presence of guests. When we will create our school website in the
third experience, we will integrate this bulletin with that website.

রুপনগর বিদ্যালয় বিবিয়যা বুললটিন

Image- 1.20 : Today we will inaugurate our School Bulletin

Today, we can show our article to our parents when we return home. If we provide the
web address of our bulletin to our parents, they can view it and provide feedback. If
internet access is not available, we can also show it to our parents by writing on paper.

Opinions of parents about the school bulletin (write or use stars)

Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology

Self-Evaluation: We will do another task at home, that is self-evaluation. Let us write

our own opinions in the following three boxes below. These opinions will be a part of
our self-evaluation later.

New things that I have learned through this experience.

According to me where the new learning will be useful in my life.

What other new skills I can acquire for fact-checking and presentation.

Academic Year 2024

Congratulations to everyone for successfully completing the task of creating the school bulletin.

Learning Experience-2

"Let us Know about Cyber Threat sand

Ensure Information Security"
In the present time, information is the most valuable asset for any person. Considering
the right to access information, it is categorized into two types: public information and
private information. In the previous session, we learned what is personal confidential
information and how to keep it secure.

Session 1: Cyber Risks and Crimes Committed in Digital Media

In this era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the use of digital technology is essential
for providing personal information for various needs. Due to the proliferation of digital
technology, people are facing various types of cybercrimes which are posing risks to
information security. Through this experience, we will know about crimes committed
using digital devices and the Internet and their impacts. We will also be able to ensure
information security by practising safety measures.

Let us keep in mind: Any action against the law and society is a
crime and those crimes that occur using online or internet mediums
are called cybercrimes. In committing cybercrimes, computers or
digital devices and the internet are always used, and sometimes
devices or networks themselves become victims of cyberattacks.

Cybercriminals can steal our personal information and jeopardize our lives. Therefore,
Cyber criminals can leave our life at risk by stealing our personal information. For this
reason, understanding the security of personal information in the context of digital media
and cybercrimes is extremely important for all of us. Now let us focus on an incident...

One day, when Abir accidentally left his mobile phone at his friend's house, his
friend picked it up and tried to enter out of curiosity. Even though the mobile phone
had a password, his friend repeatedly attempted to enter the mobile by guessing
different passwords. Eventually, he succeeded. As a result, a lot of Abir's personal
information and documents ended up in the hands of his friend.
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In the previous grade, we learned how to use strong or complex passwords. If passwords
or pattern locks are too easy, it becomes simple to guess and gain access to the devices.
The incident above shows that due to Abir's mobile phone password not being very
complex, a lot of his personal information ended up at risk.

Digital Technology

In real life, just as a thief tries various types of keys to enter a locked room, similarly
in digital media, criminals use various types of software to illegally access people's
different accounts, such as bank accounts, social media, and email accounts and
often try one method after another to guess the entry. If they become successful,
they steal various personal information and engage in various crimes against that
person. This is a type of cyberattack which is undoubtedly a serious cybercrime. In
technological terms, it's called a Brute Force Attack.

Now let us create a list of such experiences that could serve as a threat to the security
of our personal information on non-digital and digital media.

Non-Digital Media Digital Media

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

There is no alternative to being conscious while using digital media. Even a little
Academic Year 2024

carelessness can expose our personal information to significant risks through

cybercrimes. Due to cybercrimes committed by others, we can fall into various difficult
situations. In our country, there are strict laws for punishing cyber criminals. However,
by using digital media consciously, life can be made much easier and more advanced.

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Let us keep in mind:

In the digital world, there are various types of cybercrimes through which the
security of information gets compromised. For example:
Data Interception
DDoS Attack
Computer Malware and so on.

Let us know the above-mentioned cybercrimes in detail.

Data interception:

We almost all have seen water being

pumped from a pump to a field for
irrigation. From the pump, water is
directed to the field through drain or
pipes. If someone cuts the drain or pipe
midway or if the water pipe leaks, the
required amount of water is not available.
As a result, farmers are affected. There
should be a vigilance system to ensure
that no one can illegally take water in the
middle. Similarly, when exchanging
information through digital means,
someone between the receiver and the
sender intercepts and steals it. Generally,
software or apps that have end-to-end
encryption make it impossible for
someone in the middle to steal information
(messages, photos, videos, voice calls or
messages, documents, status updates).
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This can happen through both wired and

wireless medium.

Image- 2.1: Data interception

Digital Technology

DDos Attack

When someone gives an interview on TV, if many

people simultaneously ask numerous questions to
that person, it becomes difficult for the person to
speak well on any specific topic, and it also
consumes a lot of time.
Similarly, in the digital world, a Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS) attack involves using multiple
devices to target and attack a specific target.

Image- 2.2: DDos Attack


We know that a doctor uses a knife to operate on a

patient. Similarly, a criminal might use the same
knife for criminal activities. There is no fault in the
knife itself; it depends on how it is being used and
for what purpose. Cybercriminals, with malicious
intent, take complete or partial control of a website,
computer, computer system, or network function.
This cybercrime in the digital world is called
hacking, which can be both positive and negative in
Image- 2.3: Hacking


Malware is a harmful software. It is a type of

software or program that can carry out its tasks on
our computer, mobile, or any other device without
our permission. These tasks can include stealing
confidential information, spying on us, decreasing
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our device's performance, or causing damage to all

the important data stored on our device.

Image- 2.4: Malware

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Now, let us complete in groups the mind map with various characteristics of above-
mentioned cybercrimes using mind mapping.

Image- 2.5: Mind Map

Session- 2: Investigating Cybercrime

We learned in the previous session about the various crimes committed through digital
means that pose a risk to information security. Cybercrime and cyber security are the
most talked about topics in the world today and our country is no exception. In this age
of technological excellence, people's lifestyle, mentality and thinking are changing.
This gives rise to diverse criminal tendencies. We will know about some such crimes in
this session.
Now, let us learn about cyberbullying...
To harass someone using digital technology is a crime. It
can be carried out through social media platforms,
messaging platforms, gaming platforms, and mobile
phones. In these cases, individuals who are targeted are
subjected to various forms of intimidation and harassment
online. For instance, spreading false information or
posting degrading or embarrassing images about someone
on social media, sending harmful or offensive messages
Academic Year 2024

through messaging platforms, issuing threats, assuming

someone else's identity, and sending derogatory messages
to someone. So, harassing someone through digital
communication media is called cyberbullying.
Image- 2.6: Cyberbullying

Digital Technology

In real life, we often become victims of bullying in various places. Now, we will write
about five instances of bullying in both real life and in cyberspace.

Bullying in Real Life Cyber Bullying

We should not bully anyone in both real life and digital platforms. If we witness
someone bullying, we should alert them. In our country, there are strict laws against
Now, let us learn about some very common yet fatal cybercrimes in our society...
In this age of extensive use of social media, fake news is spreading at an alarming rate.
Fake news on the Internet has led to many political and religious conflicts around the
world. On social media, people read countless news stories every day, which may
contain some fake news. Some people spread fake news for their political, ideological
and business purposes and some people spread it just for fun.
Let us now learn the different types of news that belong to the category of fake news...

Using false statements and presenting incorrect

information through misleading means can be
referred to as fake news. This fake news can be
created due to mistake in writing, deliberate
mistakes and use of harmful words. This fake
news is spread through various social media
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Image- 2.7: Fake News

We should not run after a kite just by hearing our ear has been taken by the kite.

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Similarly, we should check the authenticity of news before believing it when we come
across a post or news online, Usually, false news is spread assuming false identities of
an individual or an organisation. We should not believe the news we see on digital
media right away. We will verify its authentic source, and not share such information.
We will also refrain from giving likes or comments.
Now, in light of our real-life experiences, we will write about five examples of fake
news on digital media and explore why they are considered fake news. We will share
these with our class.

Fake News Reasons Behind the News Being Fake

Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology

Under the Information and Communication Technology Act 2006, for committing
cyberbullying and spreading fake news on digital platforms, the offender can face a
maximum punishment of up to 10 years in prison, or a fine of up to 1 crore Bangladeshi
Taka, or both.

Let us keep in mind:

Posting any content that is offensive or misleading on digital media, uploading
photos or videos, creating an account under someone else's name or fake identity
and posting false content, or sharing/liking false statuses can all be considered

Session: 3 Cybercrime and Its Impact on People's Lives

In the previous two sessions, we learned about various types of cybercrimes. To counter
cybercrimes, it is important to be aware of their impact on individuals, society, and
culture. By providing accurate guidelines, we can help individuals lead a normal life
while dealing with the diverse effects of these cybercrimes.
We will discover the multidimensional impact of cybercrimes on people through some
incidents happening around us. When people fall victim to these crimes, we need to
become aware of our responsibilities and also educate our families about these issues.
Now, let us closely examine two incidents...

Incident : 1
A student named Momo from a university was having a conversation with friends
on social media. During this time, she received a friend request from an account,
but Momo deleted the request. On another day, while chatting, Momo was asked by
a friend to access the account on a social media platform. Momo found various
offensive comments from the deleted account while checking the wall of her other
accounts. Quickly, Momo blocked that account. While Momo felt alarmed and
disturbed by this incident, she also became fearful.

This incident is an example of 'cyberstalking.' Cyberstalking involves using digital

means to harass, intimidate, or threaten a person, group, or organization by continuously
Academic Year 2024

sending messages, images, or documents.

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Image- 2.8 : Cyberstalking

Now, let us take a look at another incident...

Incident 2:
Afif, a student from another university, noticed that his friends were laughing and
joking about him without talking to him. He asked one of his friends about the
reason and came to know that an unexpected post had been made from his social
media account. Afif realized that someone had logged into his account and posted
that content.

In this incident, what has happened is 'social media profile hacking.' Usually, through
methods like 'phishing' and 'social engineering,' someone gains unauthorized access to
a person's personal account on social media. As a result, without the person's knowledge,
someone else can access their account and engage in various malicious activities
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.9: Hacking of Social Media Profile

Digital Technology

Let us now complete the table below from the two incidents.

Name of Cybercrime:

Impact of Cybercrime:

Personal Familial Cultural

By completing the table, we have understood the various impacts that a person faces
becoming a victim of cybercrime. Through this, we have understood the horrible
dangers of cybercrime in a person's personal life.
Now, let us take a look at another incident...

Incident: 3
One day, Tapasi, a bank employee, accessed her social media account and discovered
Academic Year 2024

another account with a different name, which had her photo. One day, she learned
from a colleague that inappropriate posts had been made from that account in a
public group and money was being demanded. Tapasi did not understand what to
do next.

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

This is an incident involving a 'fake social media account'. When someone uses another
person's personal information and photos to create an account on social media with bad
intent, we can call it a 'fake social media account'.

Image- 2.10 : Fake Social Media Account

As seen in the above-mentioned case study, Tapasi, after becoming a victim of
cybercrime, is unable to understand the potential harm she could face and what she
should do after the incident. Let us all come together to help Tapasi. In the form of a
report, we will highlight the potential dangers associated with this cybercrime against
Tapasi and outline the steps she should take.

Potential Dangers:
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Digital Technology

Recommended Solutions:

Session-4: Let the Cyber World Be Secure

In the previous sessions, we learned about various types of cybercrimes and their risks.
Generally, there are no geographical boundaries for cybercrimes, making it challenging
to prosecute individuals based on the laws of a specific country. However, despite this,
our country has several laws to control cybercrimes. In Bangladesh, there exists a
specialized cyber unit within the domain of several law enforcement agencies. All these
units track the digital footprints of cybercriminals, bring them under the jurisdiction of
the law, and provide legal assistance to victims.
Now let us go through a few incidents...

Incident: 4
Mr. Sohel is a businessman by profession. Someone called from an unknown
number, informing him that his mobile banking account was temporarily locked.
After sending the code to unlock it, the person on the other end of the call asked
Sohel for that same code. Believing that the call was genuinely from the mobile
banking office, Sohel disclosed the code. Subsequently, after some time, all the
Academic Year 2024

funds in his account disappeared.

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Incident: 5
Mr. Sabbir sold his mobile phone on an online platform through a website where
buying and selling can be done. However, during the selling process, he forgot to
log out from his used social media accounts and email on the phone. As a result, the
new owner of the mobile phone utilized the connected social media platform and
emailed to request money from acquaintances of Mr. Sabbir using various mobile
numbers. Due to this, Mr. Sabbir had to be embarrassed.

Incident: 6
One day, a government official named Ashraf came across an advertisement on a
social media platform while scrolling through. From the site, he ordered a shirt of
olive colour worth 1500 Tk. He immediately paid the amount using mobile banking
services. Four days later, after the delivery of the product, he noticed that the shirt's
colour was black and the fabric quality was extremely poor, in stark contrast to the
online description. Ashraf contacted the e-commerce site, asking them to either
exchange the product or receive a refund, but they declined his request.

The three incidents from the previous session and these three incidents can match with
that of many of our lives. Anyone at any time can be at risk of losing personal information
like this and falling victim to cyber-attacks.
Now, let us figure out the possible steps that can taken if we become victim to any of
these six incidents.

Name of the Steps Serial No of

1. As soon as possible, I will contact the National Helpline 109,
National Emergency Service 999, or the ICT Helpline.

2. I will seek assistance from a neighbour skilled in technology.

3. I will send a complaint to with evidence.

Academic Year 2024

4. I will share with my parents, family, or guardians.

5. I will turn off the digital devices.

Digital Technology

Name of the Steps Serial No of

6. I will report the issue in writing to the Bangladesh Telecommu-
nication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).

7. I will not share the matter with anyone, keeping it confidential.

8. I will make a diary or GD at the nearest police station.

9. I will practise consumer rights.

10. I will gather evidence of the crime.

In Bangladesh, there are several policies and laws to ensure information security and
cyber safety. Some notable ones are:

Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006

Cyber Security Strategy, 2014;
Information Security Policy Guidelines, 2014;
Information and Communication Technology Policy, 2018;
Digital Security Act, 2018

We will remember the laws and if we ever face the risk of losing personal information
or becoming victims of cyber-attacks, we will be aware by knowing these laws. Through
these laws, we can also learn about our responsibilities.
Now let us learn about the steps to take if someone in Bangladesh becomes a victim of
personal information loss or any kind of cybercrime.
Firstly, if we become victims of such incidents, we wil not keep it to ourselves. We
should inform our parents, even our teachers, and quickly file a General Diary (GD) at
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the nearby police station.

Now, let us see how to write a General Diary (GD).

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Now, in our country, even GD (General Diary) entries can be done online. This time,
we will all collectively perform an exercise of filling out a GD form online. For this,
we have to open any internet browser and type in the address bar:
bd/ and then search.
We have three screenshots below that show the steps for filing an online General Diary
First, we will register by providing various important information.
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Image- 2.11: Homepage of the online GD website.

Digital Technology

Then, following the necessary instructions, we will fill in our own information in the
online GD form.

Image- 2.12: Guidelines for doing a GD online

Finally, after verifying our provided information, we will click the submit button to
upload the GD online.

Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.13: Filled GD Submit

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Let us keep in mind: Different units of law enforcement agencies such as Rapid
Action Battalion (RAB), Counter Terrorism Unit (CT), Crime Investigation
Department (CID), and Metropolitan Police have mobile applications (apps)
available on the Play Store, such as "Report to RAB" and "Hello CT App". By
downloading these apps onto our mobile phones, we can use them to participate in
crime control when needed.

If someone becomes a victim of crime in cyberspace, they can file a General Diary
(GD) at the nearest police station and also provide a copy of the GD and the following
information through the “Hello CT” (Counter Terrorism) or “REPORT TO RAB”
application. Alternatively, they can directly contact the Cyber Crime Helpdesk of the
nearby police station with a copy of the GD.
For direct communication with the law enforcement agencies, here is a list of all
the information and documents required:

Victim's Name:
Mobile Number:
National ID Number:
Brief Description of the Incident:
ID Link of the Harasser/Blackmailer/imposter/Hacker/Online Gambling Conductor:
At least 5 screenshots of the incident:
Identification of the Suspected Person (if there is any):

Now, let us practice an exercise by taking and giving this information from a friend in
our class.
Session 5: Practising Security Methods in Internet Use
In the previous session, we learned about what to do when someone becomes victim to
cybercrime. We have familiarized ourselves with the process of seeking assistance
from various organizations in Bangladesh and practised how to get all the services.
However, our awareness can largely help us keep our information safe and protect us
Academic Year 2024

from cybercrimes.
Here are some tips for the safe use of digital technology:

Digital Technology

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Avoiding using the same password across all digital platforms
Regularly updating computer software and mobile applications (Apps)
Not sharing excessive personal information on social media
Refraining from sharing personal confidential information (PIN codes or passwords)
with anyone.

Now, let us enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on an email account...

Let us understand what Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) means.

The concept of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) refers to a situation where, upon

entering our email ID and password to access our email, we receive a One-Time
Password (OTP), usually through SMS, on our mobile phones. When we enter this
OTP, we gain access to our email.

In the image below, we can see the three steps of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Image- 2.14: Steps of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Using the two steps described below, we will enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Academic Year 2024

for a Gmail account...

Step: 1
First, in an internet browser's address bar, we will type "Sign in - Google accounts" and
click to enter our email ID and password to access the account. After signing into the
Gmail account, we will click on "Manage your Google Account" written on the page.

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Next, we will click on the "Security" option on the right side of the computer screen,
Then, in the "How you sign in to Google" section, we will click on the first option, "2-
Step Verification." We can see this from the Screenshot-1 given below. Then, we will
click on "Get Started" to move on to the next step.

Image- 2.15: Manage your Google Account option

Step 2:
After clicking on "Get Started," we will enter the next page, where we will see an
option to set a mobile number. Here, we will provide a functioning mobile number of
one of our family members. However, to learn how to perform this task, we can use the
mobile number of our class teacher. In Screenshot 2, we can see the setting up of a
mobile number. We will select the option "Text message" and then click "Next" on the
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Image- 2.16: Setting Mobile number

After a few moments, we will receive a message on our mobile with a 6-digit OTP.
Then, we will write the same OTP below "Enter the code," and click on the “Next
button” (as shown in Screenshot 3).

Digital Technology

Image- 2.17: Message with 6 digit OTP on mobile

Afterwards, on the page that appears on our screen, by clicking on the text "TURN
ON," we will enable the 2-Step Verification for our Gmail account (visible in Image

Image- 2.18: TURN ON option

If we forget our password for the given mobile number for any reason, we can recover
or retrieve our ID. If two-factor authentication is enabled, hacking an ID by
Academic Year 2024

cybercriminals becomes very difficult.

In the present time, the use of social media is quite natural. We use social media for
various needs and entertainment. However, we must be very cautious about sharing
personal information on social media. We should be aware that hackers can use various
information uploaded on our social media for social engineering and create incidents of

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

urgent financial transactions to take our money. Now, let us prepare a guideline for safe
usage of information to ensure the security of information on social media in a collective

Title of the Task:

Name of the Group and Members:

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Digital Technology

Session 6: Awareness of Cyber Crimes and Security of Information

Until now, we have learned about various cybercrimes that create risks for the security
of information, and we have identified the significant impact these crimes can have on
people's lives. We have gained an understanding of what actions to take if we become
victims of cybercrimes. We have practised the security of personal information in
internet use.
At this stage, we will go through a learning experience combining everything. This
learning experience will take the form of a play. Behind this play, there will be a story
that we ourselves will write. We will also play the characters in this story. We will also
direct the play ourselves.
In the previous class, we presented a specific script titled "Committing Crimes through
the Theft of Personal Information on Digital Platforms" as a play.
Now, in three separate groups, we will write scripts for three plays. Each play will
focus on a cybercrime, its consequences, and the awareness associated with it. We will
write these scripts in a way that they can be performed within five to seven minutes.
Each group will divide tasks among themselves, such as who will direct, who will
write, who will act, and so on.
First, we will write our group's name, the names of the group members, and the name
of the play in the box below.

Play Title:

Group Name:

Members' Names:

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Then, we will decide on the storyline of our play and the characters involved. We will
write this in the space below.

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Plot of the Play:

Characters of the Play:

Now we will write down each scene one by one. If we need extra paper, we will use our
notebook pages.

Scene 1:
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Digital Technology

Scene 2:

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Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

Next, we will organize an exhibition combining all the plays of all classes for the
students. Our teacher will record the performances of all three plays on his mobile
phone. The recorded videos of the performed plays will be collected by our teacher. In
the following sessions, we will learn how to edit the videos of our team's plays.
Alternatively, we will extract the key messages from our plays and stories to create
awareness about cybercrime and write them in a certain place. In the upcoming sessions,
we will create infographics based on these main messages. After creating three
infographics of the three teams, we will arrange an exhibition for everyone on the
school's walls. Later, we will store these infographics in the school's emergency service
Sessions 7 and 8: Video Editing and Uploading (Practical)
We will collect drama clips from the teacher's mobile phone from the previous session.
We will use editing software to work on the collected video clips. We can use various
computer software or mobile apps for video editing, such as:
Windows Movie Maker
Adobe Premiere Pro
Video Maker
Power Director
Splice Video Editor, etc.
Many of these software are free, allowing cost-free usage. Some software offers free
trial versions for a few days. If the time limit is exceeded, purchasing the software
becomes necessary. Otherwise, watermarks might appear on edited videos. Different
versions of the software might exist, but their features and services are quite similar.
Today, we will get a basic idea of creating a project using the trial version of the
Camtasia video editing software. This is a continuous process of practice. The more we
practice video editing, the more skilled we become. We will do the task in a few steps.
Task 1: Software Download:
In the search box of a browser, let us type "Download Camtasia" in English. Then we
will click on the "Free Download" option (Image 2.19).
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Digital Technology

Image- 2.19: Camtasia Download

For using it on a Windows operating system, we will click on "Windows Download"
(Image 2.20).

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Image- 2.20: Download the Camtasia software by clicking on the Windows Download option
Task 2: Software Installation
After downloading, we have to select English as the language. Then, we will install the

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software (Image 2.21). This might take a while, so we will wait.

Image- 2.21: Install the software by selecting English as the language

Then, we will click on the Finish option to complete the installation (Image 2.22).
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.22: Complete the installation by clicking on Finish option

Task 3: Sign-Up and Sign-In
Next, to choose how it will be used for our purpose, we will click the radio button to
submit it. (Image 2.23).

Digital Technology

Image- 2.23: Select what it will be used for

Next, we will sign in with an email ID and use the trial version for 3 days (Image 2.24).

Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.24: Sign in with email id

Task 4: Opening a New Project
Now we will open a new project in the software for video editing (Image 2.25).

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Image- 2.25: Open New Project for editing new video

Task 5: Importing Video
We will first keep the recorded video files of our plays in a folder on a computer. Then,
we will click on “Import Media” in the software and bring the video files to the media
bin section. We will drag the files from the media bin section to the timeline (Image
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.26: Media bin

Task 5: Editing Audio and Video

Digital Technology

Now, to edit sound, we will click on “Edit Audio” section (Image 2.27).

Image- 2.27: Sound editing

We can remove the audio from the video if we want, meaning we can separate audio
and video (Image 2.28).

Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.28: Separate Audio Video

We can also adjust the volume of the audio, cut a portion of the video, or even remove

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it (Image 2.29).

Image- 2.29: Zooming in and out of noise level

Task 6: Adding Text and Transitions to Video We can add text or writing to the video
if we want (Image 2.30).
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.30: Adding text to video

We can use different transitions to cut scenes; this won't make the video monotonous
(Image 2.31).

Digital Technology

Image- 2.31: Use transitions

Task 7: Exporting Video
Before rendering the video, we need to review it completely. Because once it's rendered,
if any mistakes are found, we might have to edit it again (Image 2.32)

Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.32: Previewing the video before rendering it

Next, we will click on Produce with a watermark in this section, as our version is a trial
version (Image 2.33).

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Image- 2.33: Produce with Water Mar

Then, we have to set the file name and location to export it; this may take some time
(Image 2.34).
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.34: Setting file name and location

Digital Technology

Task 8: Saving the Exported File

Once the export is finished, we need to close it (Image 2.35).

Image- 2.35: Closing the software when the export is complete

Then, if we go to location, we will find our file (Image 2.36).

Image- 2.36: Location of the file

Academic Year 2024

Task 9: Uploading Video to School's YouTube Channel

Now, we will upload our edited video to our school's YouTube channel. If there is no
YouTube channel for the school, we will first create one (Image 2.37). You can see a
video that has been edited and uploaded to the school's YouTube channel, as shown in

Let us know about Cyber Theats and Ensure Information Security

the screenshot below.

Image- 2.37: Generated complete video

Sessions 9 and 10: Creating an Infographic about Awareness to Prevent

Cybercrime (Practical Work)
An infographic is a visual representation of various information or a set of briefings. It
uses attractive images or colourful texts to present stories, ideas, or concepts in an
engaging manner. It is used in various newspapers, magazines, advertisements, or
information presentations by different organizations. Additionally, infographics are
used in summarizing various research findings. In the following image, we can see an
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.38: An infographic on cyber crime

Digital Technology

When creating an infographic, the following aspects need to be considered:

We will:
begin with designing a layout on a piece of paper
determine attractive titles and content
use an appealing template from software
maintain consistency in colours and fonts
include essential information
use simple images and icons related to the idea.
create multiple pages if it is necessary

We can use various types of software to create an infographic. Among these, there are
Piktochart, Snappa, Infogram, Freepik, Canva, Venngage, Visme, Adobe Spark, Easel.
ly, etc. However, for the convenience of free work, we will use Piktochart software. We
will create an infographic to raise awareness among all the students of our school about
protecting ourselves from cybercrime.
We will create an infographic for raising awareness about cybercrime prevention by
following the steps below.
Task 1: Planning for Infographic Design
We will make a plan for the design of our infographic on a white piece of paper. First,
we will decide on a title or headline for our infographic. Afterwards, we will document
all the text and images that will be in our infographic. Then, based on how the title, text,
and images will be presented, we will determine the design. This way, we will have a
lot of advantages for our next work.
Task 2: Introduction to Piktochart and Templates
We will start by opening an internet browser (such as Google Chrome) and entering in the address bar to access Piktochart. For example, screenshot-1
provides an image of Piktochart's homepage.
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Image- 2.39: Homepage of Piktochart

Next, we need to click on Sign up and register using a Gmail account. If someone does
not have a Gmail account, they need to create one first. After signing up, we will click
on Login to enter the homepage. Now, we will click on Infographics. Here, we will see
all the available templates. For example, screenshot-2 in the Infographics section shows
a snapshot of some templates. We can choose any template that suits our design or we
can click Start from blank.
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.40: Template selection

Clicking on "Start from blank" will take us to a page like the one shown in Image 2.41
Digital Technology

Image- 2.41: Start from blank

Now we will explore the various elements given on this page to create an infographic.
We will practice inserting elements one by one from the various parts of the page, such
as Icons, Illustrations, 3Ds, and Photos. Image 2.42 shows an element inserted from
Image 2.43 shows an element inserted from Illustrations, Image 2.44 shows an element
inserted from Three Ds, and Image 2.45 shows an element inserted from Photos.

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Image- 2.42: Icons option

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Image- 2.43: Illustration option

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Image- 2.44: 3D option

Digital Technology

Image- 2.45:Photos options

Task 3: Collecting Images for Our Infographic and Working with a Templet
Now, according to our plan, if we need to use any images, we will download them from
Google Images and store them in our computer. Then, in Piktochart, we will click on
My Files located on the left side of the screen. Now, we will drag and drop the
downloaded images from the specific location on the computer into the box that says
Drag & drop your file here. This will display our images within the file, as shown in
Image 2.46.

Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.46: File Browsing

Now, we will select a design based on our plan by clicking on Design Component, and
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as a result, it will appear on our blank page. Here, we will write the texts from our plan
in various text boxes. Image 2.47 shows selecting a design from Design Component
and bringing it onto the page.

Image- 2.47: Design component

Task 4: Editing Text and Images in the Design
Now, as per our plan, we will write the texts in the selected design in text boxes and
insert the downloaded images in relevant sections by Drag & Drop method from My
Files, as shown in Image 2.48.
As seen in Image 2.49, the sentences are written in Bengali within the previously
selected design. We can also add more attractive elements to our selected template. For
example, in Image 2.49, three icons have been added.
Academic Year 2024

Image- 2.48: Edit text and image

Digital Technology

Image- 2.49: Editing text and images

Task 5: Downloading the Infographic
Once we have completed working on the design according to our plan, we will click on
Download at the top of the screen to download it. The infographic we created will be
downloaded in zip format. After extracting the file, we will find the infographic in png
format. We can see the infographic in png format created according to our previous
design in Image 2.50.

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Image- 2.50: Infographic

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Now, we will show the created infographic to our teachers and friends. By printing the
downloaded infographic in png format, we will submit it to the teacher. We will hang
all the created infographics on the classroom wall for display. At the end of the display,
we will arrange to showcase the infographics at our school's emergency service centre.
Through this experience, we have gained skills in various subjects that will help ensure
the security of our information in the future and prevent cybercrime. We have now
understood what we should do if we become victims of cybercrime and how we can
secure ourselves on digital platforms and the internet. It's not just ourselves that we can
keep safe, but we can also keep many in our family and society safe. We have learned
some basic digital skills, which, with further proficiency, can even lead us to work as
freelancers in the future. What could be better news than this?
Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology


Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

Digital Means for Simplification of Service, Achieving satisfaction in Service Reception

Due to technology usage, obtaining civic services is now much easier than at any time
before. Any civic service is being provided through digital technology. Almost all
public and private organizations provide this their services to citizens through various
apps or software, where the status of service is known from beginning to the end. We
can now clearly know what needs to be done to receive the service, who will provide
the service, and within how many days it will be provided. Whether providing the
service or receiving it, everyone can be assured that digital technology is being used to
ensure the proper completion of the service. At the end of this experience, we will
create a website where information will be stored to ensure transparency and

Session 1: Use of Digital Technology in Public Services

Nuzhat is eligible to get National Identity Card this year, so this year she was instructed
to go to the designated centre for providing various information and photo. After her
photo was taken, she filled out a form with all the information and submitted it. A few
days later, her father received a message that her national identity number has been
assigned, and she would need to collect the identity card at a specific time. However,
by registering online, she could now download it. With the help of her father, Nuzhat
went to the website and got herself registered and seeing her identity card with photo
she felt very happy. She could now see her identity with her photo.

Academic Year 2024

Image- 3.1: Message related to civic service

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

She also downloaded it, but a mistake caught her eye. Her father's name was misspelt.
However, all the information was correct in the form she filled out. So, was the mistake
made by those who typed the information? The next day, when Nuzaht's father went to
the information service centre at the election office, he learned that it was possible to
correct it by going to his account on the website. However, to avail of this service, a
service charge needed to be paid through mobile or online banking. Following the
instructions on the website, Nuzaht's father applied for a correction of the mistake.

Image- 3.2: Message related to civic service

For this, it is also needed to submit some documents along with the application. Within
a few days, through a message, Nuzhat learned that her application for correction had
been considered appropriate and approved. Her corrected ID card was also found on
the website. She was now very happy!
Academic Year 2024

Image- 3.3:: Civic Service Website

Digital Technology

From the above event, it has been learned what brought joy and anxiety to Nuzhat in
case of getting a service. Digital technology made her work very easy and she got her
desired service. We will outline the steps Nuzhat completed to get the service from start
to finish in the flowchart below.

Academic Year 2024

Table 3.1: Steps of Receiving Service

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

In some of these steps, she was satisfied, while in other steps, she was anxious. Now,
in the journey of receiving the service by Nuzhat, we will highlight the points where
she felt satisfied in the steps above and mark the points where she felt anxious in the
steps below to illustrate the experience of receiving the service. Here, two steps are
shown, and let us perform the rest...

Image- 3.4::Journey of Receiving Services

This is a civic service. This service is very friendly because at every stage one can see
the progress or the status of the service, and for this, digital technology is being utilized.
However, in the above incident, a citizen was not entirely satisfied while receiving the
service, as it was not fully implemented using digital technology from the beginning to
the end. So, from where the service used digital and non-digital technology. However,
for the convenience of everyone, the service has not yet been fully digitized for all
Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology

Digital Non-Digital

Table 3.2: Different Phases of Civic Services through Digital and Non-Digital Means

Session 2: Transparency and Accountability in Citizen Services

In the previous session, we observed how citizen services became much easier through
digital technology. The reason for this simplicity lies in our ability to understand how
to apply for a service, how to obtain that service, at what stage the service is after
Academic Year 2024

applying, and so on. This means that all information and actions related to the service
are very transparent to us. Not only that, we can easily acquire any information related
to the service. The service provider organization also informs us how we can easily get
the service. In other words, due to the use of digital technology, transparency and
accountability are ensured in citizen services.

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

Transparency in general refers to the right of citizens to know whether a service is
being provided or a decision is being made and whether it is being implemented
properly. Alternatively, it can be said that transparency involves the free flow of all
information related to a citizen's claim for or reception of a service, ensuring the
right to know the information freely. For this purpose, there are laws that make the
flow of this information easily understandable to all levels of the population and
ensure its circulation through various means. Therefore, digital means have provided
the opportunity for every organization to reach all citizens with all services.
Every institution will remain responsible and accountable to the citizens and, for
that matter, to all people for their activities and responsibilities. The institution that
provides a service will provide it equally to all citizens and is responsible for doing
so. Those who come to receive services will be efficiently served by the institution's
designated individuals for quick completion of all types of services. To ensure this,
the accountable personnel of the institution must provide information about the
status of the application, when it will be completed, and under what circumstances
the application is. Ensuring accountability to all citizens through digital means has
become much easier now.

Information Table 3.1: Transparency and Accountability

The validity of the passport of Deniyat will expire next month. Since she is not yet
eighteen years old, her mother has to open an account online and apply for a passport
on her behalf. It is possible to apply for multiple passports from one account. So her
sister's and mother's passport applications will also be done together.
Academic Year 2024

Image- 3.5: Online Application for E-Passport

Digital Technology

Initially, Deniyat's mother carefully read the instructions on the website. Having learned
in advance what information is required for an e-passport, she had all the necessary
details at hand even before submitting the online application. Following this, Deniyat's
mother completed all the information step by step and submitted the online application
for a new e-passport. Deniyat was quite amazed that even at night, her mother used
mobile banking to pay the passport fee, a process that five years ago required her father
to stand in line at a specific bank amidst a crowd. It was even more pleasing that as
soon as her mother submitted the online application, a message was sent to her mother's
phone, informing her when and where to go to take a photo for her e-passport.

Image- 3.6: Using Digital Medium for Image-3.7: E-Payment

Accountability in Civic Service

After the verification of all the information provided in the online application, Deniyat
and her mother were informed that they would have to wait for their biometric data to be
collected. However, on the same day, there was a large crowd of applicants at the passport
office to provide their biometric data, and they had to wait for a long time for their turn.
For this Deniyat became tired after finishing his work. After completing the process of
providing all biometric data at the passport office, while returning home, they received a
message informing them when and from where they could collect their passports.
Academic Year 2024

Image- 3.8: Using Digital Medium for Transparency in Civic Service

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

On a specified day, when Deniyat's mother submitted the receipt of the application at
the passport office, she was given a token with a serial number. When she was called
from a specific counter as per her serial, Deniyat's mother took Deniyat and her sister
to the counter and collected their passports. Even to collect the passport, Deniyat had
to face a considerable crowd, as a result, she became quite tired after coming home.

All citizens of Bangladesh can now obtain an e-passport. An e-passport is a biometric

passport with an electronic chip. This electronic chip stores biometric information
with which the passport holder's identity can be verified. In Bangladesh's e-passport,
an individual's photo, fingerprint, and iris biometric data are stored. For adults, all
the information from the national identity card and for individuals below 18 years
of age, birth registration information is included in the passport.

Information Table 3.2: E-Passport

Let us write the steps for how Deniyat's e-passport is obtained in the box below...

Table 3.3: Different Steps of Obtaining an E-Passport

In the above incident, various measures have been taken to ensure transparency for
citizens at each step of obtaining an e-passport. Some of these measures include:
A highly effective website has been established for obtaining passports easily
and from anywhere.
Clear instructions for online application are provided.

Furthermore, measures have been taken to ensure accountability, and some of

these include:
Academic Year 2024

Applicants can sign in using their ID to track progress at each step.

Contact options for any assistance are available, etc.
Now, on the images of the website used for obtaining a passport through digital means,
let us mark the areas with a circle for transparency and a square for accountability.

Digital Technology

Image- 3.9

Image- 3.10

Image- 3.11
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Image- 3.12: Identifying Transparency and Accountability in Citizen Services Using Digital Medium

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

Session 3: Ensuring Transparency and Accountability through Guidelines

Transparency and accountability are closely connected. When we want to know about
any information or service, keeping it open is transparency, just as the responsibility of
informing me at each step of receiving the service is included in the accountability of
that organization or service provider. Ensuring transparency in all operations of an
organization means ensuring accountability. This transparency can be effectively
ensured through digital means, as now almost every citizen is accustomed to using
digital platforms to some extent. Each organization has its website or portal where all
information related to its services is made available. Where, from whom, through which
process, and within how many days a service can be obtained is easily understood from
there. This approach to keeping information transparent is termed ‘Citizen Charter.’
There are government policies for ensuring transparency and accountability for every
institution. The "Right to Information Act 2009" was enacted to ensure transparency
and accountability in all government and private institutions.

Right to Information Act, 2009

(Article No. 20 of 2009)

[April 6, 2009]

Whereas freedom of thought, conscience and speech is recognized in the

Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh as one of the fundamental
rights and the right to information is an inalienable part of freedom of thought,
conscience and speech; and
Whereas all powers of the Republic belong to the people, and it is necessary to
ensure the right to information for the empowerment of the people; and
Whereas if the right to information of the people is ensured, the transparency and
accountability of all public, autonomous and statutory organisations and other
private institutions constituted or run by government or foreign financing shall
increase, corruption of the same shall decrease and good governance of the same
shall be established; and Whereas it is expedient and necessary to make provisions
for ensuring transparency and accountability in all public, autonomous and
statutory organisations and other private institutions constituted or run by
government or foreign financing; it is hereby enacted as follows: Effective
implementation of this Act will ensure public access to information, which will
Academic Year 2024

ensure good governance by ensuring transparency and accountability of all

authorities and ensuring a viable democratic environment in the country. Digital
media is playing an effective role in making all information available to citizens
as per the directives of this Act.

Digital Technology

In previous sessions we have seen where, to whom, what information or

documents to get citizen services and how much service will be available
through service charges- all of these are being communicated through digital
means. The services that any citizen is getting with such transparency are
possible only by using the digital medium in all areas. The second chapter of the
Right to Information Act 2009 deals with the right to information, storage of
information, disclosure of information, method of providing information etc.
However, the law also states that we cannot redistribute all information. Any
confidential information, which may be a threat to the security of the country,
may damage someone's intellectual property rights, may violate someone's
privacy, the exam question papers or the marks given in the exam before
publication, etc. cannot be disclosed.
The directives of the Right to Information Act 2009 state that every public and
private organization shall facilitate access to information for all citizens as per
the Freedom of Information Policy-2015. That is why digital technology is
being used as a means of providing information and services by all organisations.

Information Table- 3.3: Right to Information Act, 2009

In the following section, based on the Right to Information Act, let us mention several
points regarding what we can and cannot do to ensure accountability and transparency
in an institution.

What we can do What we cannot do

Academic Year 2024

Table 3.4: Actions According to the Right to Information Act

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

Now, let us visit a website of a local government institution in our area and see what
information and service opportunities are provided on that website to ensure transparency
and accountability.

Image- 3.13: Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in Local Civic Services

through Digital Means
Visiting the first page, other links of the website or any other page of the local
organization of each area, we will see in which cases digital media is used and
transparency and accountability are ensured in providing any citizen services. Let us
write a list of these areas in the space below...
Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology

Table 3.5: Areas of Transparency and Accountability through Digital Media in Public Services

It should be noted that any website we see now may not remain the same after a few
days. Websites are regularly updated or modified. New services are added, service
delivery techniques are changed, and service providers themselves may change.
Therefore, we must keep these in mind in using digital media to avail of services.

Session 4: Design of Website or Social Media Page for Receiving Citizen

Services to Ensure Transparency and Accountability
All government offices now have websites and social media pages or groups where all
notices, progress reports, necessary forms, photos of various activities, etc. are
published. Even communication with the authorities can be done. Many offices can be
contacted 24/7. Private and business establishments have also launched various mobile
apps to make customer service easily accessible and user-friendly. Some social media
page apps allow customers to communicate instantly.
Academic Year 2024

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

Image- 3.14: Transparency in public service using social media

In this experience, we will design a website for ourselves where all the information
about our class will be kept open to teachers, students, parents, and others, ensuring
transparency and accountability, just like other websites. Though initially we will create
a simple website, in the future, we will create a more enriched website. We still do not
know how to create a website! We have nothing to worry about. Creating a website is
now very easy. There are many platforms or mediums through which a website can be
designed very easily for free, using templates or designs. That is why we need to plan
first. The factors to be considered in planning are mentioned in table:

Which medium or platform can be used to create it;

What will be the name of the domain or the website/page;
Who is the target group;
What information will we provide on the website/page;
Categorization of information based on their types (e.g., notices, photos
and videos, routines, etc.);
What information will be on the first page or start of the website/page;
What can be the rules and regulations for using or exchanging information;
How the target group can be informed about this website/page;
Who will be responsible (admin) for regular updates and improvements, etc
Academic Year 2024

Information Table 3.4: Things to Consider in Creating a Website/Page with

Transparency and Accountability
For discussing these topics, we will work in groups. If there are any other relevant
topics, we will research them as a team. Based on the above topics, each team will
design a website or page. We will design a website for our organization or class
Digital Technology

following the design provided below, We will do the work integrating the domain name,
website/organization/class name, menus, description of images/graphics, copyright
information, and more. We will always remember during website design that our
website should ensure the transparency and accountability of our activities.

Image- 3.15: Planning for Website Creation

Session 5: Website Design

Nowadays having a website is very important for any individual or organization to be
found online. Customers or citizens search for information on the website of the relevant
institution to find information. Through the websites, the transparency and accountability
of the organization’s work can be ensured. For example, when a parent wants to admit
their child to a school, they search for different school websites to find the right school.
In addition, parents and students search the website for various notices and information
from the school. Therefore, based on the previous session's plan, we will practise how
a website can be created. Before that, let us learn about the various aspects of website
To create a website, you need to have an idea of two things: firstly, domain name and
secondly, web hosting. The domain name is the name of a website, such as youtube.
com,,, etc., which everyone uses to recognize a website. By
using the domain name of the website, you can easily enter the website or direct
Academic Year 2024

someone to browse a particular website. The domain name helps the client computer
connect to the web server. Each website has a specific IP (Internet Protocol) address
shows (eg 180.102.434.8.). But since it is difficult for people to remember such numbers
or numeric values, this IP address is stored with specific domain names or characters.
The domain name consists of two parts: second-level domain and top-level domain, for

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

example, in, youtube is the second-level domain and .com is the top-level
domain. Additionally, there are other top-level domains like .net, .org, .info, .gov, .edu,
etc. There are also top-level domains (ccTLD) in the names of different countries, such
as .bd for Bangladesh, .us for the United States, .uk for the United Kingdom, etc.
Furthermore, a domain name for a website can have multiple parts, such as top-level,
second-level, third-level, etc. (e.g. In this case, the top-level
domain is .bd, within which the second-level domain is .gov, and within the
domain, the third-level domain is example.

Image- 3.16: Different Types of Domains

Let us fill in the following table...
Website's Domain Second Level Top Level Domain Country Code Top
Name Domain Level Domain
Academic Year 2024
Table-3.6: Identifying Different Types of Domains

Digital Technology

Now we will learn about web hosting...

In addition to the name on a website, there are various documents such as images,
various information, videos, etc. Different types of coding are also done to keep the
website running. These documents and codes must be stored somewhere. This online-
based service of storing, collecting, distributing, and maintaining these documents and
codes provided by agencies or organizations is known as web hosting. Through web
hosting, different agencies or organizations can create a website for a company or
individual and host it on the Internet. Different agencies have to buy web hosting
services to create and host websites for large platforms. However, various web hosting
agencies or organizations provide free services to create and host websites at the initial
level and host a small number of documents. The two images below show the documents
that web hosting collects and the steps through which a website is prepared and
displayed on the user's device screen through web hosting.

Image- 3.17: Web hosting

Let us write in the following table the links among different devices through web
hosting as shown in the image:

Academic Year 2024

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

Image- 3.18: Links between Various Devices in Web Hosting

Different web hosting agencies provide interfaces to create websites from their websites.
These interfaces allow users to create a website using various tools without the need for
Academic Year 2024

coding knowledge. These sites provide free space for hosting the created website,
making it possible to create and host small websites. Platforms like Google Sites,
WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and GoDaddy offer the opportunity to create
and host websites. Now let us learn about the various benefits of these websites.

Digital Technology

Name Logo Benefits

With the help of this free tool from Google,
it is easy to create visually appealing web-
sites without any coding skills. Many us-
er-friendly interfaces are available here,
where various templates, themes, and op-
tions are available to design different web-
Google Sites sites. It is very easy to integrate other Goo-
gle services (such as Google Drive, Google
Maps, etc.) here. Although it offers the op-
portunity to create a website for free, it is
also possible to create professional designs
using various modern themes. Its web ad-
dress is:

This is a content management system that

allows you to work here with little technical
knowledge. Various freelancers and various
small businesses use it to create their web-
sites. It has two sites - for
WordPress the free version and for the
paid version. Its free version allows you to
work on multiple pages, and the paid ver-
sion has more modern features. You can
start working here by watching various on-
line video tutorials.

Its web address is It is an-

other free website builder, and it also has
various premium and e-commerce plans.
The free version has very limited functions,
Wix but the paid version offers the opportunity
Academic Year 2024

to use around 500 templates. Beginners can

use the drag-and-drop feature to work with-
out any technical knowledge. It also pro-
vides coding for visitor tracking.

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

It is a popular website development tool for

creating visually appealing and profession-
al-looking templates. Though it does not
offer free hosting services, it provides a 14-
day free trial to explore the features of its
paid services. Users can sign up using their
Squarespace email account, Gmail, or Facebook ac-
count. Websites can be created using the
drag-and-drop method. It provides a de-
tailed analysis of various data on the web-
site, making it possible to optimize it for
popularity. Its web address is www.square-

It offers both free and paid plans for creat-

ing websites for personal, small business,
and e-commerce purposes. Even without
Weebly prior experience in web design, websites
can be created here using the drag-and-drop
method. Its web address is www.weebly.

It is known as a primary domain registra-

tion and hosting provider, but it also offers
user-friendly website creation tools. It does
not have a free plan but offers a one-month
GoDaddy trial to explore its features before subscrib-
ing. It allows developers to use the drag-
and-drop method to work without any prior
technical skills. Its web address is www.
Academic Year 2024

Information Table-3.5: Open-Source Platforms

Now, we will write down the web addresses of the websites in any internet browser
and explore them. We will write down information about any website in the following

Digital Technology

Website Name
Web Address
What information will be on the website:

Table-3.8: A list of Contents for a Website

Session 6: Creating our Website on an Open-source Platform

In the previous session, we familiarized ourselves with creating a website on various
platforms. Now, we will create our website. Since this is our first time creating a web-
site, we will use a free platform. In this experience, we will explore two different free
platforms, but when creating a website for our class, we will use the platform that we
find most convenient.
Now, we will follow the steps to create a new website for our ninth-grade class:
Task 1: Introduction to Google Sites and Templates
First, we will open an internet browser (such as Google Chrome) and enter in the address bar to access Google Sites.
Afterwards, we need to sign in with a Gmail account. If someone does not have a Gmail
account, they will need to create one first.
After signing in, we will enter a new page where Blank is written and there is a plus
(+) icon. Clicking on the icon will show a blank website. This blank website can be
designed by inputting various information and documents.
Instead of clicking on the blank icon, we will click on Template Gallery located above
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it to explore more templates.

From the specific templates, we will go to the Education section. Since we are creating a
specific website for our ninth-grade class, we will select the template named Class. In this
template, we will see the title CLASS NAME. There are three pages named Home, Schedule,
and Newsletter, as well as three options named Insert, Pages, and Themes on the right side.

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By clicking on Insert, we can add various documents and Google's different software
to the website.
Clicking on Themes allows us to change the design of our website. Clicking on Pages
allows us to access the three pages named Home, Schedule, and Newsletter.

Image- 3.19: Google Sites' home page

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Image- 3.20: Google Sites' template gallery

Digital Technology

Image- 3.21: Google Sites' Class template

Task 2: Setting the Name, Logo, and Background Image of the Website
On Google Sites, on the right side of the logo, we will write the name of our document.
For example, in the given screenshot, it is written as Anandalok School.
Next, in the top left corner of the template, where it says Class Name, we will write the
name of our school. For example, in the screenshot, it is written as Anandalok High
Right below it is Add Logo. Here, we will add the logo of our school. To do this, we
will save the logo of our school in a specific folder on our computer. Depending on
the colour of the logo, we will set the background colour, so that the logo can stand
out beautifully. For example, in the screenshot, the logo of Anandalok High School is
added and the background colour is set to black, making the school’s name and logo
can stand out beautifully.
Now, in the middle of the Home page, under the heading CLASS NAME, we will write
CLASS NINE. We can use our preferred font and colour for this text. For example, in
the screenshot, CLASS NINE is written in green colour.
Behind the text "CLASS NINE," we will upload a picture of our school. For example,
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the screenshot shows an image of Anandalok High School which has been uploaded.

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Image- 3.22: Screenshot after setting the name of the document, logo and background Image

Task 3: Writing Class Overview and Uploading Images

Under the CLASS NAME, we will write a brief overview of the class and the school.
This will give visitors an idea about the school and class when they search for it. For
example, in the screenshot, it can be seen that Anandalok High School and Class Over-
view of Class Nine have been uploaded.
Let’s upload an image of a class and a picture of students from our school's ninth grade
on the website. Below the Class Overview, we can upload the image from the Insert
Image option given under the two options or on the right side of the template. For ex-
ample, the screenshot shows that a picture of a class and students from Anandalok High
School's ninth grade have been uploaded.
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Image- 3.23: Screenshot after writing Class Overview

Digital Technology

Image- 3.24: Screenshot after uploading two Images

Session-7: Adding different Google Services to Website to Ensure Transparency

and Accountability
Task 4: Adding different Google services to website
We will select the location of our school map and add Google map to the homepage on
the right side insert option of the template
In the same way, we will add a YouTube channel of the school from the insert option.
If we do not have any channel, we will open a YouTube channel and insert it in the
For example, the screenshot below shows that the Google map and YouTube channel
of Anandalok High School has been uploaded.

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Image- 3.25: Screenshot of uploaded Google map and YouTube Channel

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Task 5: Inserting list of the teachers, students, and guardians

Again, we will add the names of the teachers, students, guardians, and other important
information created in Google Sheets or Google Docs to the homepage from the insert
option at the right side of the template. We will create the list of the names of the teach-
ers, students, guardians, and other important information in Google Sheets or in Google
Docs using the same Gmail id used during the sign-in to Google Sites. For instance, the
following screenshot shows the insertion of the names of the teachers, students, guard-
ians, and other important information created in Google Sheets into the Homepage.
Thus, by clicking on the social links on the right side insert option, we will add differ-
ent social media accounts links (like Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to the homepage. If there
is no such social media account of the school, we will create an account and paste the
web address to add the social media. For example, the screenshot shows that the Face-
book link of the Anandolok School is connected to the homepage.

Image- 3.26: Screenshot of the uploaded names of the teachers, students, and guardians
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Image- 3.27: Screenshot of uploading the link to social media account

Digital Technology

Task 6: Uploading class routine and multiple images of a single event

The second page of the Class template is called Schedule. On this page, we will upload
the class routine of grade-IX. For this, we will click Images in the insert option on the
right side of the template and attach the image file of the class routine for grade-IX
from the computer. For example, the screenshot shows that the annual plan and class
routine of the Anandolok High School have been added to the Schedule page.

Image- 3.28:Screenshot of Schedule page after uploading the class routine of grade-IX

Again, the third page of the Class template is called Newsletter. Usually, the Newslet-
ter is organized by inserting the images of events and programmes that happened in a
month. At first, we will write the name of a month and year in the Textbox in News-
letter. Then we will upload the folder containing images of programmes of a month of
our school in Google Drive using the same Gmail Id used during the sign-in to Google
Sites. Then we will click on the Drive icon of the Newsletter page to attach the images.
Now the images are visible on the page. For example, the screenshot shows four imag-
es of annual sports in March, 2023 on the Newsletter page

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Image- 3.29:Screenshot of Newsletter displaying four images of annual sports in March, 2023
Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

Task 7: Publishing a Website

We have successfully designed a website. Now we will publish the website. To publish
the website, we need to click on the Publish button on the Google site. If you want
someone to edit your website before publishing, you need to click on the Share with
other option on the left side of the Publish button. You may write someone’s email Id
in the box Add people and share the website with the person before you publish it. The
website needs to be restricted so other people cannot edit it without permission, and
the Publish site option should be public so that people can search and find the website.

Image- 3.30: Screenshot showing edit, restriction, and search options of a website
Now, if you click on the Publish button, you will be suggested a web address. You may
use the suggested web address, but you need to buy the domain if you want to change
the name of the web address. To allow others to search and find your website, don’t
click the checkbox. Now click the Publish button below and we will be given Published
notification. Clicking beside the Publish button will show different publish options.
Again, by clicking on the View Publish Site, we can view our created website. We can
type the domain name of the website in any address bar of any browser and find our
website. For example, the given screenshot shows that the website (
com/view/anandalok-high-school/home) of Anandalok High School is viewed after
searching with the domain name.
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Image- 3.31:Screenshot showing different options before publishing

Image- 3.32:Screenshot showing notification after being published

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Image- 3.33:Screenshot of the website after searching with domain name

Transparency and Accountability in Civic Service

We came to know at the beginning that there are some platforms where a website
can be created for free. In the previous sessions, we learned how to create a website
using Google Sites. Besides, we may learn how to create a website using another plat-
form called WordPress. WordPress is used globally to create websites. Many students
and people of our country are earning a lot of foreign currency by outsourcing which
involves uploading and maintaining websites made with WordPress. So, we can use
WordPress to develop the websites of our institution or class to maintain transparency
and accountability. We will build a website of our own using Google Sites or Word-
Press or any other platform.

Session-8: Building Website with WordPress

WordPress is an open platform that can be used to build a website. It is possible to en-
sure transparency and accountability of any institution by attaching pages and menus
to the website as per its needs.
For this, at first, we will create an account with our email, user name, and password.
Later on, after logging in with email and password we need to create our own domain
name as shown in the following image. We will see the possible website address list as
per the domain name. From the list, we have to select a free domain.
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Image- 3.34: Choosing a domain name for free

On the dashboard of WordPress, we can see a menu list. We will work mostly on the
options like posts, media, page and appearance.
Digital Technology

Image- 3.35: : Dashboard of WordPress

Every option allows us to customize the website. For the customization of the website,
we need to save all the contents (image, word file, routine) beforehand.
We can click on Add new page button to add new pages where we can add all necessary
information or contents as per the design of the page. We can update the website by
clicking the Publish button after giving the title and uploading an image, or file. But we
need to keep in mind that WordPress gives us limited storage facility to save contents.

Image- 3.36: Content saving and website publishing

In the end, we will inform our teachers, friends, and family members about our website.
Afterwards, we will upload our digital contents and notices on the website. We will in-
form others how we can take the opportunities to ensure transparency and accountabil-
Academic Year 2024

ity in such public service using digital mediums as well as how to provide them with
different services. In the next class, we will inform everyone of all the information of
our class through this website. This will ensure the transparency and accountability of
our class activities. In this way, we can ensure transparency and accountability in other

Learning Experience 4

Programming in Solving Problems

A great way to solve a real problem with a machine is to design a programme. For
the machine to understand the steps of our solution, it is necessary to first design the
entire programme in any one programming language that the machine can understand.
Then the machine can work accordingly by following that programme. In this learning
experience, we will see how we can solve a problem through programming if it happens
repeatedly or needs to be solved repeatedly. In this experience, we will start working on
programming and verify the effectiveness of it in solving problems using programming.

Session-1: Introduction to Programme Design

The instructions given to a computer must be written in a language that the computer
can understand. Any electronic device, including a computer, can only understand 0
and 1 but it is difficult for us to write down our instructions with only 0 and 1. The
languages we humans use are not just made up of 0's and 1's. So, how will we commu-
nicate with computers? There are some languages, in which if we write the instructions
following the conventions of that language, the computer can easily understand the in-
structions by converting that language into one that it can understand. These languages
are called programming languages. People use Bengali, English, French, Latin, Span-
ish, etc. languages to talk to each other. There are also many different programming
languages, for example - C, C++, Python, Java etc.
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Digital Technology

If we learn any such programming language, we can give various instructions to the
computer through that language. We will first write instructions in a specific programming
language in a software application on our computer, Computers have a conversion system
that converts the programming language instructions into machine code.
What is machine code? Basically, the binary code made up of 0 and 1 is called machine
code, which our computer can understand. This conversion allows the computer to
understand our instructions and follow those instructions to complete a task.
The conversion system of computer programming language can be of two types-
A) In some conversion systems, if the instructions provided are all correct, all the in-
structions will be converted into machine code at once. This conversion process is
called compiling and the software that convertes is a compiler but if the compiler
finds an error anywhere in the entire instruction, it cannot convert. Only if all the
instructions are correct then the conversion can be done.

Programming Compiler Machine Code


b) In some conversion systems, no matter how many instructions we give, they
will not all be converted at once. One instruction at a time will be converted
sequentially. This conversion process is called interpreting and who or what is
doing the transformation is called interpreter. The interpreter will continue to con-
vert instructions one by one. If there is a mistake in an instruction, it will stop after
reaching that instruction.

Language Compiler Machine Code
Academic Year 2024

Go to next

Now, let us tick the right options in the following table:
Programming in Solving Problems

Conversion system
Description of Programming Language
Compiler Interpreter

In the C programming language, all the instruc-

tions will be converted together.

In the Python programming language, all the in-

structions will be converted one by one.

Among all these diverse programming languages, which one should we learn? We should
start by learning any one programming language first because the basic structure of all
programming languages is similar; only the rules for writing instructions differ slightly.
For example, in the C programming language, we need to put a semicolon (;) after
each instruction (statement), but in Python, this is not necessary. Despite these minor
differences, there is nothing to worry about. Once you have learned one programming
language, it will be much easier for you to learn other programming languages. In this
book, we will start with Python. If you want, after learning Python, you can easily learn
other programming languages as well.
The Journey of Python Begins
Python is a very interesting programming language that can be learned easily.
To write instructions in the Python language, we need to do some tasks first:
1. First, we need to download the Python application and install it on our computer.
Go to this link -
Then, download the latest version from there.
2. After the application is downloaded, install it. During installation, we will see a
window like the image below-
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Digital Technology

We will click on the options below the 'Install window' and put tick marks. Then, click
on the Install Now option. If installation permission is requested, allow it too.
3. Then a message will show that our setup is successful.
4. Python is added to our computer. But we need another software application where
we write our instructions and explain them to the computer. So go to this link -
Download thonny software from this link and install it.
5. Then launch the thonny software. You will see a window like the following-

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Programming in Solving Problems

When you click on the Let us go! button, you will see a window as shown below.

6. Let us understand some important parts in this window:

Let us click "Run" button to see the output.

To save the program let us click here.

Program name will be here

Place to write Code

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Output of the Code will be here


Digital Technology

7. Now let us do a task. We will write a programme that will print Hello World! as
the output. To print something as output, we need to use the print () function. We
will write the text we want to print inside the print () function with ‘ ’ (Single Quo-
tation). So, to print Hello World!
We will Type:
print ('Hello World')
Then if we click the Run button, Hello World! will appear as output.

8. Now we will click on the Save button and give the programme a name to save the
file. The file name will be displayed above the programme.

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Programming in Solving Problems

Isn't it too easy to display a text? Just like we printed English text, you can also print
Bangla text.
For example, try running the following line and see what you get:
Print ('আবি এখন পযাইথন বিখবি')
Can you also display various texts like this?
In the following table, fill in what programme to write to display any text:
Text to display Programme to write
Print your name in both English and Ban-
I love Bangladesh
I read in class 9.
Learning programming is a lot of fun.

Sessions 2 & 3- Variable is a Lot of Fun

In the previous session, we learned how to print any text easily. In our programme, we
can use the print () function at any time to accomplish this task.
If we need to store any information within the programme, we can use a variable. A
variable is like a box where we can store a specific piece of data. The meaning of the
word variable is ‘changeable’. It means that we can store one piece of information in
the variable on one line and then change that information on another line. We all have
a specific name, don’t we? By using this name, everyone can identify us. Similarly,
we can give each variable a specific name that we can recognize and use in the whole
programme. For example, if we want to create a variable named "number" and store the
value 7 in it, we would write:
number = 7
However, we have to take care of some aspects while naming the variable –
1. Firstly, the name of the variable should always be a single word. It means that we
cannot write the name of the variable with multiple words. However, the variable
Academic Year 2024

names can be set as one word by excluding the spaces between the two words.
Alternatively, the variable can be named with an underscore (_) between the two
words without the space between them.

Digital Technology

Correct naming of variable Incorrect naming of variable

MyVariable My Variable
this_variable_is_cool this variable is cool

2. The first character of a variable name must be a letter between a-z or A-Z or
an underscore (_). It cannot be a number (0-9) or any other symbol like ⁎ or -.
However, after the first character, we can use numbers (0-9) or a-z, or A-Z, or
underscore (_) but we cannot use other symbols like @, $, %, or ^.
Correct naming of variable Incorrect naming of variable
z1yan z!yan
a 8a
_variable $variable
My_namE @My_name

3. Python is a case-sensitive programming language. So, if you use the same letters
in lowercase and uppercase, Python will consider them as different variables. For
example, My_variable and my_variable will be treated as two different variables.
Now, let us identify which names of the variables in the following table are correct and
which ones are incorrect:

Name of Variable: Incorrect/Correct

Robotics learning
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Also, to assign a value to a variable, we use the equal (=) sign. This is called value as-
signment. Let us say we have a variable named count

If we want to assign the value 5 to it, we would write in the programme:

Programming in Solving Problems

count = 5
Then, if we want to print this value, we would write:
So, if we run the following programme after writing:

count = 5

We would get the following output-

It means that the value of the count variable is printed. Again, it is possible to change
the value of a variable multiple times throughout the programme. When a new value
is assigned to the variable, the previous value is deleted and the last assigned value is
stored. If we run the following programme, what will be the output?

value_now = 1
value_now= 2
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Digital Technology

Let us write the output of this programme in the box below-

Note that we have repeatedly printed the same variable value now repeatedly in the
above programme. However, each time the variable held a different value. So, we
obtained different outputs after each print.

Again, we do not always store the same information or data in variables. Based on the
type of information to be stored, there are several types of data or Data Type-
a) int: We can store whole numbers in variables. In English, whole numbers are called
integer numbers. Therefore, when we store a whole number in a variable, its data
type is called int. Here is an example:
b) float: We can store decimal numbers or fractions in variables. Such numbers are
called “floating numbers” in English. Therefore, if fractional or decimal numbers
are stored in a variable, its data type is called float. Here, float is short for floating.
One such example is-
c) str: If we want to store any text or character-based information in a variable, we
call it a string. This type of information is included in the str data type. Here, str is
the abbreviation for string.
We enclose the text we want to store in a variable within ‘ ’ (single quotation) marks.
Let us see such an example below:
a = 'c'
b = ‘This is a string variable’
d) bool: If we want to store True or False as information in a variable, we use the
boolean data type. This type of information is called a bool data type. Here, bool is
the abbreviation for boolean. In the bool data type, we can only store two values:
Academic Year 2024

True or False.
Let us see such an example below:
a = True
We have learned about four datatypes in Python: int, float, str, and bool.

Programming in Solving Problems

These are the four main data types in Python. Besides these, there are some other data
types that we can learn about when needed to write programmes. Whatever information
we store in a variable, is stored in the computer's memory. So, when we use a variable
somewhere in the programme, the value stored in the variable in the computer's mem-
ory will be used.
The interesting part is that we can easily determine the data type of a variable using the
type () function. If we place a variable inside the type () function and print it, we will
get the data type of that variable. For example, if we run the following programme:

my_variable = 23.07

We will get the following output:

<class 'float'>

That means the information stored in the variable named my_variable is 23.07, and it
is included in the float datatype.

Now let us try to determine the data types of the following variables at home:

Programme: Programme:

Ab = True

my_value = 'Variable have some data types'

f = 23
Academic Year 2024

status_is = 'False'

number_now = 12.789
section = 'b'

Digital Technology

Session 4 - Let us Start Taking Input

In the previous session, we started assigning values to variables. Now, if we want to
take input from the user of our programme, what will we do? It is very easy to do using
the input () function.
If we write it like this –
my_input = input()
Then my_input variable will take input from us. However, the input() function will
consider whatever input we provide as a string data type, regardless of whether it is a
number, letter, or anything else.
Let us do a task. Take an input in a variable and print it. Writing such a programme is
very simple. Let us write a programme like the following and run it:
my_input = input()
What will be the output of this programme? Whatever input you provide will be printed
as the output but notice that even if you provide an integer or a fraction as input, str will
be printed as the data type. That means whatever data you input, the input () function
will receive it as a string. If you want the input to be stored as an integer or a float data
type instead of a string, you need to convert the data to that specific data type. This is
called Type Casting.
It is easy to convert int, float, and str among the four main data types. By using a single
function, this can be done.
Function to convert to that
Data Type
data type:

int int()

float float()

str str()
Academic Year 2024

bool bool()

Programming in Solving Problems

When we are taking input as data, we can directly convert the input() function to the int
data type using the following programme:

my_input = int(input())

After running the programme, observe that due to the presence of int(input()), the my_
input variable is converted to the int data type. Can you write a programme to convert
the my_input variable to the float data type in the same way? Write such a programme
in the space below:

Again, we can provide a specific command or instruction when we want to take input
from the user. For that, we can write that command inside the input () function. For
example, if we write:

my_input = input('Provide a Sentence as an input:')


Then after running the programme, it will first display an input command to us –
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Provide a Sentence as an input:

After that, when we enter our input, it will print that input and display its data type as str.

Digital Technology

Furthermore, if we want to print additional words or sentences before or after printing
the input data, we can do so. For this, we will write the word or sentence that we want
to print inside ‘ ’ in the print() function. Then, we will write our variable with a comma.

For example, if we write the following programme:

my_input = int(input('Write down an integer number:'))

print('This is your integer number: ', my_input)

Then we will get the following output:

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Programming in Solving Problems

Notice here, when we are printing the text in the print () function, we put it inside ‘ ’
or single quotes and when we print a variable, we write the name of the variable direct-
ly without enclosing it in ‘ ’ or single quotes.

Now, let us try to write the following programme:

Problem: Design a programme that will take an integer variable as input

first. Then, it will take another variable as input in decimal format. After
that, it will print both numbers and their respective data types.
Hint: Make sure to perform type casting to int and float for the two inputs.


Session 5 -Let us Perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and

Modulus with the Input of Two Numbers

In the previous session, we learned how to take input using the input () function. We
Academic Year 2024

can now take two numbers as input and perform arithmetic operations on them. In this
case, we can easily use the following operators:

Digital Technology

Operator Action
This is the addition operator. By using this operator, we can
+ find the sum of the two variables on either side of the opera-
This is the subtraction operator. By using this operator, we
- can find the difference between the two variables on either
side of the operator.
This is the multiplication operator. Using this operator, we
* can find the product of two variables that are on the two sides
of the operator, respectively.
This is the division operator. Using this operator, we can di-
/ vide the variable on the left side of the operator by the vari-
able on the right side and obtain the quotient.
This is the modulo operator. Using this operator, we can find
% the remainder when dividing the variable on the left side of
the operator by the variable on the right side.

If we want to take two input numbers and print their sum, it will be easier for us to
create the pseudocode first and then design a programme following the steps of the
pseudocode. The pseudocode for finding the sum of two input numbers is as follows:

a=take first input

b=take second input
print number c

Previously, we saw how to input an integer. We also learned how to print a variable. Let
us now see how we can design a programme to take two integer numbers as input and
print their sum-
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Programming in Solving Problems

num1 = int(input('Enter the first integer:'))

num2 = int(input('Enter the second integer:'))
result = num1 + num2
print('The sum of', num1, 'and', num2,'is', result)

Do you understand the lines of the programme?

num1 = int(input(‘Enter the first integer:’))
In this line, we have taken an input using the input() function. In the input function, we
have given a command that we want an integer or whole number as input. The input
function takes everything as input as a string, doesn’t it? So, we have used the int()
function to convert the input to an integer by type casting. After receiving this integer
input, we have stored it inside the variable num1. Similarly, in the next line, we have
num2 = int(input(‘Enter the second integer:’))
Similarly, we have taken the second integer input and stored it in the variable num2.
After that we will add the two numbers and store the result in another variable called
the result. For this, we have written in the following line:
result = num1 + num2.
Lastly, we have printed the sum of the two numbers by writing:
print(‘The sum of", num1, "and", num2, "is", result)
How easy and fun is this programme of addition?
If you run the above programme, you can input two numbers of your choice and then
calculate the sum of those numbers. In the image below, we can see an example of
finding the sum by inputting two numbers:
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Image - 4.13
Can you design a programme of multiplication in a similar way? First, write the
pseudocode below to take two input numbers and print their product.

Now, design a programme following your created pseudocode below and run it.
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Programming in Solving Problems

In this way, we can design a programme to take two input numbers and easily calculate
their sum, difference, product, quotient, and remainder.
Session 6: Using Conditions in Python
From the previous sessions, we have got some basic ideas on Python programming and
learned about variables. Now we will learn how to use different conditions in Python
programme. At the end of this experience, we will solve various problems, and as
preparation for that, we are learning these things about Python programming. So, let us
start today’s session.
Many times in real life there are some events where the result depends on some
condition. Suppose there is a sports competition in our school. The first one to finish
the 100-meter race will be the first. Then whoever comes next will be second. Then
whoever comes next will be third. And then those who come after that will be encouraged
to do better next time. So, there is a condition here. According to the condition, everyone
cannot be first or among the best three.
The condition here can be written as follows-
If I finish the race first: Then I can be first
Or if I finish after that: Then I can be second
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Or if I finish after that: Then I can be third

Otherwise: I will try harder next time

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Image - 4.14
This is what we wrote - while writing a programme, the condition is initiated by the
word ‘if’.
In the programme, if we give a condition by writing ‘if’, the programme will check
whether the condition is met or not. If the condition is met, it will perform the tasks
written under if.
For example, if we write such a programme –
if my_variable == 5:
print(‘Value is five’)
It means that we have given a condition with if that my_variable must be equal to 5.
Only then will the condition of if will be met. If the condition is met, that we will print
and tell Value is five
Here one thing to keep in mind is that when we want to store some information in a
variable, we write like this-
my_variable = 5
Because = is an assignment operator, which assigns a value or stores it in a variable.
On the other hand, when we check whether the condition is met or not, we cannot
check the condition by giving a = sign. Then we have to give == sign. == sign means
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that the values on the left and right of this sign are being checked for equality.
That means when we write my_variable == 5, it is being checked whether the value of
my_variable is equal to 5 or not. Only when the value of my_variable is equal to 5 will
the condition of if be met and then the instructions written after : sign will be followed.

Programming in Solving Problems

Again, if the condition of if is not met, it will look for whether there is any other
different condition or not. For this, we will write elif to give a different condition.
We can give multiple elif conditions if we want.
For example, see the following programme – `
my_variable = 3
if my_variable == 5:
print('Value is five')
elif my_variable == 4:
print('Value is four')
elif my_variable == 3:
print('Value is three')
Here, first of all, the condition of if will be checked whether the value of my_variable
is 5 or not. If the value matches, then if will complete its task, but it will not check the
next conditions. If the condition of if is not met, then it will go to the next elif and check
whether the value of my_variable is 4 or not. If the condition is met this time, it will not
check the next elif but again, if the condition of elif is not met, it will go to the next elif.
In this way, the condition checking will continue until the condition is met or all the
conditions are checked but notice that after writing if my_variable == 5: in the next line
we did not start writing the next part right below if. We left some blank space. Actually,
here are four blank spaces of equal size. Then the code was written. This is called
Indentation. This is very important in Python. If we do not give proper indentation, the
Python code will not run, and we will see an error. Whenever we write any line under
if, they must be written after four blank spaces. That’s why we wrote
if my_variable == 5:
print('Value is five')
Instead of writing this, if we wrote-
if my_variable == 5:
print('Value is five')
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Then it would be wrong and the code would not work.

Similarly, indentation must also be followed at the time of elif. So we wrote-
elif my_variable == 4:
print('Value is four')

Digital Technology

Again, what will we do if none of the conditions are met in a programme? For that, we
can keep an else if we want. If none of the conditions are met, the command given
inside else will be accomplished. For example, if we write the following programme –
my_variable = 2
if my_variable == 5:
print('Value is five')
elif my_variable == 4:
print('Value is four')
elif my_variable == 3:
print('Value is three')
print('No condition was true')
Notice that even after writing else: we had to maintain indentation. Thonny software
will automatically take care of indentation as needed when we write Python programmes.
We do not have to worry too much but when writing programmes on paper or in books,
we must always pay attention and give indentation as needed.
Let us see how we can check conditions and get output at different steps of such a
programme. For this, let us fill in the table below for this programme –

What is the actual value of the my_variable?

First condition verification -

Is the value of my_variable 5?
If the answer is yes, we will print -
Value is 5
Then we stop.
If the answer is no, we move on to the next step.
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Second condition verification -

Is the value of my_variable 4?
If the answer is yes, we will print -
Value is 4
Then we stop.
If the answer is no, we move on to the next step

Third condition verification -

Is the value of my_variable 3?
If the answer is yes, we will print -
Value is 3
Then we stop.
If the answer is no, we move on to the next step.

If no condition is met, we will do the task within else

So, we will print – No condition was true

Our final decision -

In this way, we can solve real-life problems using if, elif, else.
Let us look at the following programmes and write down the output of the programmes
in the table –
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Programme 1
running_time = 40
if running_time >= 60:
print('Great! Have a healthy routine like this everyday')
elif running_time >= 40:
print('Good job! Keep running everyday')
print('You need to run more everyday!')

Programme 2
today_temperature = 15
if today_temperature >= 30:
print('It is very hot today!')
elif today_temperature >= 20:
print('Temperature is tolerable today')

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Session 7 - Let us Create a Calculator Programme

In the 5th session, we learned how to calculate the sum, difference, etc., of two input
We did these using various programmes. We approached it by thinking of different

Programming in Solving Problems

programmes for addition and subtraction separately. Let us think of a calculator.

Image - 4.15
Have you ever seen a calculator that can only perform addition but cannot calculate
subtraction or multiplication? To use it like this many calculators were needed!!! This
is not a good solution. If we can design a calculator or device where we can perform all
kinds of calculations; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc., wouldn't that
be great?

Similarly, it is better to have one programme where we can do all these tasks together
instead of having many different programmes for each task.

That is why we are now thinking of designing a programme where we can perform all
these tasks together.
We may recall how we created programmes in the previous sessions.

First, we took two numbers as input. We knew which operation we wanted to perform
on the numbers, whether it was addition, subtraction, or multiplication. Then we did
that calculation in another variable and finally printed the result of our calculation.
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When we want to perform multiple operations like addition, subtraction, etc. in the
same programme, we need another input that tells us what operation we want to per-
form at that moment, whether it is addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. To
do this task, we can write the following code:

Digital Technology

op = input("Enter the arithmetic operator [+ ,-,*,/, %] :’)

In this line, we have taken a variable named op.
In the op.variable, we have given input on what operation we want to do among addi-
tion, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus.
Since we have several options for performing calculations, we need to give a Condition
in the programme. We have already seen in the 8th session how to check conditions
using if, elif, and else in various steps.
Let us do a task. Let us create a pseudo code where we will first take two numbers as
input and then take a symbol as input (which will help us understand what we want to
do among addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus). Then, we will
check the condition and get the result accordingly, and finally, we will print the result.
Let us write a pseudo code in the following table:
A = First digit input

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You have certainly kept the scope in your pseudo code to verify conditions, have not
you? During programme designing, we have to verify conditions according to the
following model:
if op == '+':
result = num1 + num2
elif op == '-':
result = num1 - num2
elif op == '*':
result = num1 * num2
elif op == '/':
result = num1 / num2
elif op == '%':
result = num1 % num2
else : print('Operator is not correct. Result can not be printed.')
Every time it is verified here which sign is equal to the value of op.
if op == '+':
result = num1 + num2
That is to say, it is first verified whether we have given + input in op. If the condition
is fulfilled, we will calculate the sum of two numbers in the result variable. But if the
condition is not fulfilled, we will go to the next condition. In this way, we will run our
whole programme. On the other hand, if no condition is fulfilled, that will mean we
cannot give the correct sign as input. Then, the line in the else will be printed.
Now, if we write the whole programme, it will take the following shape:
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num1 = int(input('Enter the first integer: '))

num2 = int(input('Enter the second integer: '))
op = input('Enter the arithmetic operator [+,-,*,/,%] : ')
if op == '+':
result = num1 + num2
elif op == '-':
result = num1 - num2
elif op == '*':
result = num1 * num2
elif op == '/':
result = num1 / num2
elif op == '%':
result = num1 % num2
else : print('Operator is incorrect. Program will crash now.')
print(num1, op, num2, '=', result)

Take a look into how this programme is similar and dissimilar to your pseudo code.
Write a comparison between your pseudo code and this programme in the following

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Have you understood what type of output will be found if you give different inputs
every time while running the above programme? Verifying in this way, let us fill up the
following table:

Programming in Solving Problems

num1 = 12
num2 = 8
op = *

Verification of the first condition-

Is the value of op + ?
If the answer is yes, we will calculate the subtraction of the two numbers.
Then, we will print the result.
If the answer is no, we will go to the next step.

Verification of the second condition-

Is the value of op - ?
If the answer is yes, we will calculate the subtraction of the two numbers.
Then, we will print the result.
If the answer is no, we will go to the next step.

Verification of the third condition-

Is the value of op * ?
If the answer is yes, we will get out the subtraction of the two numbers.
Then, we will print the result.
If the answer is no, we will go to the next step.

Verification of the fourth condition-

Is the value of op / ?
If the answer is yes, we will calculate the subtraction of the two numbers.
Then, we will print the result.
If the answer is no, we will go to the next step.
Verification of the fifth condition-
Is the value of op % ?
If the answer is yes, we will find out the modulus of the two numbers.
Then, we will print the result.
If the answer is no, we will go to the next step.
If no condition is fulfilled, we will work on the else.
So, we will print- Operator is incorrect. Programme will crash now.
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Then our programme will crash.

Our final decision-

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It is mentionable that correct input is the precondition for the right output. If we give
the wrong input in op variable, our programme will crash and show the following word

Image - 4.16
This is the risk when there is an error in the programme. Such kind of problems may
arise if error happens in input or programme designing.
Is there any other risk while you are making this programme?
If there is risk, write down in the following table:

Around us, there are many real problems that can be solved on the basis of any condi-
tion. Suppose, you are making a garden. If there is enough water in the soil, you will
not water the plants. But if the soil does not have enough water, you will water the
plants. That is to say, watering plants depends on the proportion of water the soil has.
This can be also written as pseudo code.
A = the amount of water in the soil
If A = small amount of water:
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We will water the plants

Or If A = huge amount of water:
We will not water the plants

Programming in Solving Problems

Session 8: Let us Use Loop to Do Tasks Repeatedly

In the last few sessions, we learned a lot about Python programming. We Learned how
to write programmes in Python, learned what variables are and how to use them, and
learned to write programmes using conditionals. In this session, we will learn another
new topic of programming which is loop. We do many kinds of work throughout the
day. Is there any task in our life that we have to do over and over again? Sometimes we
get bored if we do the same thing over and over again but we still have to do some work

Image - 4.17
For example, every day we have to brush our teeth, go to school, eat three meals, sleep
and so much more. Now let us write a list of things in the table below that we have to
do every day in a regular basis.

Works that are repeated in our lives

1. Brushing teeth
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Do we have to learn to do the same thing every time when we do it over and over again?
No, we do not. Once we learn to do one thing, we can do the same thing over and over
again using that learning, can’t we? Programming a machine follows the same process.
If we have to do the same thing 50 times in a programme, there is no need to write that
line in consecutive code 50 times. Once it is written, it is possible to run that line
repeatedly according to certain conditions.
Suppose, we are asked to print every integer from 1 to 5.


What if we are asked to write from 1 to 1000 in this way? To print a number every time,
we have to write 1000 lines! We are only printing one number every time. So, we are
doing the same thing 1000 times. In other words, the same thing is being repeated here.
When the same work has to be done over and over again, it can be easily designed
according to certain conditions in programming using loops. Loop means to happen
again and again.
There are two types of loops more common in Python –
While loop
For loop
In this learning experience, we will learn about the while loop and in the next class
learn about the for loop. There are basically two parts to the while loop:
a) Condition - If a certain condition is met, we will enter the loop. If the condition is not
met, we will skip the loop and move on to the next part of the programme.
b) Task - All we will do inside the loop if the condition is met is our task.
We have worked with if before in Python. Even within if, we could do certain things if
a certain condition was met. If the condition was not met, the action inside the if would
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not be done. If the condition of if was fulfilled, the task would be executed only once.
Once the given condition of the while loop is met, the task will not stop. Our condition
will continue to be verified over and over again. As long as our conditions are met, the
work said inside the continuous loop will continue to be done. Whenever the conditions
are not met, we will move from the loop to the next part of the programme.

Programming in Solving Problems

Let us take a look at the steps on how to write a while loop:

1. First, we will assign a value to a variable.
For example, suppose,
2. Then, we will write While and our specific condition and then put a : (colon)
Suppose, as long as the value of i is less than 5, our loop will run. Then we can
while i<5:
3. Then we will write the specific task we want to do. For example, if we want to print
the current value of i every time inside the loop, we can write-
4. Finally, we will change the value of the variable on which we have selected the
condition in the loop. If we do not change the value of the variable, our condition
of the loop will continue to be fulfilled forever. As a result, our loop will run
indefinitely, and we will never be able to get out of the loop. So, we must change
the value of the variable.
For example, suppose we want to increase the value of the variable by 1 every time.
Then we can write-
Then our whole syntax of while loop will look like this –

while i<5:
You have to be careful that in Python you have to maintain indentation while writing
loops. So we wrote the lines under this loop with four spaces blank after writing while
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Now, let us do one thing. Fill in the table with our output in every step of this code.

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Code line

Currently the value of i = 1

while i<5:
Currently the value of i = 1
Is the condition met : yes
Printed the value of i: 1
Currently the value of i = 2
while i<5:
Currently the value of i =
Is the condition met :
Printed the value of i:
Currently, the value of i =
while i<5:
Currently, the value of i =
Is the condition met :
Printed the value of i:
Currently, the value of i =
while i<5:
Currently, the value of i =
Is the condition met :
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Printed the value of i:

Currently, the value of i =

Programming in Solving Problems

while i<5:
Currently, the value of i =
Is the condition met :
Whenever the condition is not met, we will come out of the loop and not perform any
task inside the loop.
So, what output have we got from the whole code? Let us write it in the following table-

Notice that we initialized the value of i to 1. We incremented the value of i by 1 each

time and we gave the condition i<5. So, our programme printed all the integers starting
from 1 to 5.
We got the following outputs-

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If we had specified i<11 then all integers less than 11 would have been printed.
Now, let us find out the output of the following programmes-
Programme Output

while i<20:
i= 2024
while i>2018:

Sessions 9 & 10: Finding Solutions to Problems

At the beginning of this experience, we knew that at the end of this experience, we
would solve a problem with programming. To prepare ourselves for that task, we first
got basic ideas about Python programming. In today’s session and the upcoming
session, we will try to identify a problem and solve it with Python.
First of all, we will select a problem, which can be solved by using inputs, variables,
conditions, and loops. We will also work as a team in this case. Our teacher will divide
us into a few groups. We can think about specific condition for a specific calculation.
Again, we can think about a calculation which has to be done repeatedly. We can think
of different situations like this and discuss them with our team. We will select one of
these situations and then start working.

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Image - 4.18

Programming in Solving Problems

Before designing the programme, we will make a pseudo code to solve the problem
The fixed real problem for our team

The list of input that should be taken in the programme

What mathematical operations have to be done?

What mathematical operations should be done?

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The pseudo code made by us

At this stage, we will design a Python programme according to the pseudo code. Of
course, we have to use mathematical operations input(), print(), if, elif, else, while in
our programme.

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Image - 4.19

Programming in Solving Problems

Let us write down the Python programme designed by us in the following table.
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Session 11-Identifying Risks for and Solutions to Different Wrong Inputs

If we give the wrong input in the programme made by us, we will not get the correct
output or result. These are the risks of error in our programme. So, during programme
designing, we have to be careful about how we can identify different risks and provide

Image - 4.20
Therefore, we have to give different inputs in our programme and find out the problems
that arise.

Let us give four or five different inputs in our programme and give some wrong inputs
also. In this way, we will find out the problems they create.

Serial Wrong input Effects on programme


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Programming in Solving Problems

Now, a work plan is needed so that we can remove our probable errors and make our
programme error-free. So, let us discuss together how we can remove the probable
errors and avoid the risks.

Image - 4.21
Let us write down the main part of our work plan.

Our work plan to identify the probable risks-

The changes that are needed to be adopted in the programme-

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Now, let us change our programme according to the work plan and run our new
programme on computer and also write it below:

Session 12-Verifying Programmes of Other Teams

Now we will exchange our programme with that of other teams. Then we will verify
whether the other team’s programmes can solve the real problems fixed by other teams.
Moreover, we will prepare a brief report on it and write it down in the following table:
The fixed problem of the team whose programme we are verifying-

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Programming in Solving Problems

The designed programme of the team for solving the problem-

The list of different inputs, conditions, and loops used in this programme-

The received outputs from the programme at different stages-

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Identification of the errors in case of different inputs in the programme

Advice from our team to solve the errors-

Our opinion regarding the feasibility of the programme to solve the selected

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Programming in Solving Problems

When we complete the report, we will hand it over to that group and receive the report
on our own programme from them.

Image - 4.22
So, in this experience, we have gained the idea of programme designing. We have
also got an idea of programme designing using various inputs, conditions, loops and
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mathematical operations to solve a problem. We have also worked to solve problems

by giving different inputs for the probable outputs. We have also identified the probable
risks and their solutions in those cases. Furthermore, we have studied the viability of
the solution. Thus, we can solve different problems by using programming whenever
we need.

Digital Technology

Learning experience 5

Let Us Build a Network

We all know about network. The most common network we use nowadays is the
Internet. As users, the information we want through the internet is available to us within
moments. The computer (device) has to go through several steps to deliver this
information to us. From this experience, we will learn about those stages of computer
network. Then we will create a network between two computers in our school and share
resources (files, hardware etc.).
Session 1: Transferring Files from one Device to Another
We will start today's session by solving a problem. Let us read the following story and
try to figure out a way to solve Jahin's problem.

Jahin, a student of class nine is making a school video report for the school's annual
cultural program. The video was edited by him using a computer in his school's
computer lab. Jahin has to take the video on the laptop kept in the school auditorium
to present it in front of everyone on the day of the programme but the size of the
video file has become so large that it is not possible to transfer it using any pen
drive. Jahin does not have any hard drive to transfer the video to. Jahin is now
thinking, how he will present the video in front of everyone!
What would we do in a situation like Jahin? Let us discuss in pairs and write what ways
we could find out in table 5.1.
Table 5.1: Ways to transfer video from one computer to another

We could figure out several ways to solve Jahin's problem. How effective are these
methods and what is the way to transfer videos or any other large files from one
computer to another without a pen drive or hard drive?
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The easiest way to exchange any file between different computers, laptops, mobile
phones in our home or school is to connect the devices through a network. We will
learn how to do that through this learning experience but what else can be done through
the network? Let us try to determine through group discussion what are the necessities
of network in our life and write in table 5.2-

Let Us Build a Network

Table 5.2: Necessity of network in our life

Session 2: Exchange of Information over a Network
In the last session, we learned about network requirements and we also learned that
information or files could be easily exchanged between devices connected through a
network. Do we know how this network of computers or this digital network works? In
today's session, we will try to get details about how computer network works step by
step. This knowledge will be useful to us later in creating the network.
Let us first try to figure out how the network works by discussing ourselves and write
our ideas in Table 5.3:
Table 5.3: Methods of exchanging information over networks

We follow different steps for the things we do in our daily lives. We reach our goal by
working step by step. The process of exchanging information through network is also
done in various steps. A network has certain layers through which information is
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exchanged over the network. Let us try to understand this layered design of network
with the example of post office-

Digital Technology

If we want to send a letter to any of our friends through postal communication, what
will be our steps?

Our tasks will be –

Step 1. Putting the letter in an envelope and take it to the post office.

Step 2. Writing name, address of the sender and the recipient on the envelope.

Step 3. Reaching of the envelope to the recipient's address through various post

Step 4. Handing over the envelope to the recipient.

Step 5. Opening of the envelope by the recipient and taking out the letter.

Here, the work of each step is dependent on the work of its previous step. If the
sequence of steps is changed, the work of the postal department will not be com-
pleted properly. Note that the work of each step is determined separately, and even
if there is a change in the work of one step, there will be no problem in the work of
the other step. For example, whether an envelope or a jute bag is used for sending
a letter has nothing to do with the post office authority's job of sending the bag.
Again, whether the post office uses a train or a bus to send the bag has nothing to do
with the recipient receiving the envelope.

Again, there are some specific rules for doing all the steps here. These rules are usu-
ally called protocols. For example, the sender's name-address should be written on
the left side and the recipient's name-address should be written on the right side.
There are even rules on what kind of string or rope to tie the packet depending on
the size of the packet.

Network functions are similar to these functions of the postal department. Let us look
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at the table below and find out the meaning of two important words related to network
functions and write in the right-hand column of table 5.4 which functions they relate to
in the postal department in the above example:

Let Us Build a Network

Table 5.4 :

In case of network operation In case of work of postal department

1. Layer: 1.
Each step in which data passes through
the network from one device to another
has specific responsibilities, and changes
in any step do not disrupt the work of
other steps.

2. Protocol: 2.
Rules for data exchange between devices
connected to a network. Different proto-
cols can be used at different layers as per

In the next class we will learn how information is exchanged through layer and protocol
of this network

Session 3: Different Layers of Network and Their Functions

In the last session, we got some idea about how the network works. Today we will learn
about different layers of network and their functions. By knowing about these layers of
the network, we can better understand the way information is exchanged through the
At the beginning of this session, we will learn about the OSI framework and the TCP/
IP protocol that defines the network layer concept.

OSI Framework:
Open Systems Interconnection or OSI is basically a conceptual framework for ex-
plaining the working of network systems. It is developed by the International Stan-
dards Organization (ISO) and is divided into 7 layers. These layers are – physical,
data link, network, transport, session, presentation and application layers.
TCP/IP Protocol:
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or TCP/IP is basically a set of pro-
Academic Year 2024

tocols that are actually used to connect various network devices to the Internet. TCP/
IP is divided into 4 layers. These layers are – network access, network, transport and
application layer.
If we compare the working of layers of OSI framework with the work of postal
department, we can easily understand the work of each layer.
Digital Technology

Let us go back to the example of mailing a book to a friend from last session –

To send a letter to my friend, I would put the letter in an envelope, write the friend's
address on the envelope, attach a postage stamp and drop it in the mailbox. The
postman will take the letter from the mailbox to the post office. There, he will look
at the address written on the envelope and decide how and by which means of
transport, the letter should be sent to that address. After sending the letter, when it
reaches the post office according to the recipient's address, the work will start again
in reverse. The letter will be unloaded from the carrier, the address written on the
letter will be looked at and a postman will be fixed to deliver the letter. The postman
will then take the letter to my friend's address, my friend will receive the letter and
open the envelope and read the letter.
In this example, letters, envelopes, postage stamps, post offices, recipient addresses,
and the means and techniques used to send letters can be compared to the functions of
a layer or layers of the OSI framework. We will get an idea about the working of layers
from table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Comparison of sending letters through post office with the function of
different layers of OSI framework

OSI layer Work Comparison with post office

Application Helping applications (eg, mes- Writing paper, pens and vari-
sengers, browsers, etc.) use the ous tools
Presentation Binary conversion of data, data Various changes to the written
compression, encryption, etc. letter as required. For example,
if there is a fear that someone
else might read the letter, code
words instead of original words
can be used.
Session Management of continuous data Such arrangements are not
exchange between two devices generally observed in letters
over a fixed period of time sent through the post office
Transport Data exchange from process (ap- Reaching of the letter at the
Academic Year 2024

plication running on device) to friend’s hand after reaching the

process, error control, flow con- friend's address from me
trol, breaking data into segments

Let Us Build a Network

Network Data exchange by determining The letter reaching the friend's

the appropriate path between the address through proper route
sender and the receiver from my address
Data link Data exchange from one device Local contact in route, such
to another device included in the as from the sender's address
local network, error control, flow to the first post office, or from
control, etc one post office to the next post
office, or from the last post
office to the recipient's address.
Physical Connecting the devices by physi- Route (air/river/road etc.) and
cal medium (wires, optical fibers medium (aircraft, rail etc.) of
etc.) and exchanging data, imple- the letter
mentation of network topologies,

Now let us look at a diagram of how information or data travels from one device to
another through the layers of the OSI framework.

Image 5.1: Data flowing through the seven layers of OSI

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What do we understand by looking at the image? What is happening in which layer

here? Discuss in pairs what we understand and write it in Table 5.6:

Digital Technology

Table 5.6: Data transfer from sender to receiver device through layers

Layer Sending device Receiving device

Application layer
Presentation layer
Session layer
Transport layer
Network layer
Data link layer
Physical layer
Now let us know how the OSI layer actually works.
As the original data sent by the sender moves down the OSI layer, various headers or
trailers are added. These headers or trailers are required for the functioning of protocols
at different layers. Similar work is done in the post office. The sender writes the name-
address as a header on the original letter or packet. The post office or the transport
service provider seals it with various information or gives a tracking number. Thus, the
data reaches the lowest layer i.e. physical layer.
At the physical layer, the binary bits are converted to analog, optical, etc. signals based
on the connection medium. When this signal reaches the destination device, the exact
opposite process occurs. The physical layer of the destination device converts the
received signal back into binary bits. These bits then flow progressively through the
upper layers to reach the receiver.
So, we got an idea about the working of layers of OSI model. The 4 layers of TCP/IP
are equivalent to the 7 layers of the OSI model. The relationship between the layers of
the TCP/IP and OSI models can be easily understood from Figure 5.2.

Academic Year 2024

Let Us Build a Network

TCP /IP Model OSI Model


Application Presentation


Transport Transport

Network Network

Data Link
Network Access


Image 5.2: Comparing various layers of OSI and TCP/IP models

In later grades we will get a detailed idea of the functions of OSI and TCP/IP layers.

Session 4: Networking via cable

We know that connecting two or more devices to a network requires a physical medium
which can be both wired and wireless. Besides, we need various types of addresses like
IP address, MAC address etc. to identify these devices in the network. We will learn
about these addresses in the next session. Now let us learn about data exchange through
wired media.
Three types of cables are shown in the figure below. Among these, optical fiber can
transmit data at the fastest speed, as it converts data into light signals and reaches the
destination. Coaxial cable is the second fastest cable after optical fiber. Twisted pair
cable is the slowest. Although both these cables convert data into digital signals. Again,
in terms of cost, twisted pair cable is the cheapest and optical fiber is the most expensive.
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Digital Technology

a) Twisted pair cable

b) Coaxial cable

c) Optical fiber cable

Image 5.3: Different types of cables used in networking
Now let us write in table 5.7 which type of cable is suitable where and why -
Table 5.7: Areas and reasons of use of different types of cables

Field Suitable cable Why suitable

1. On a relatively slow home
2. On a company high-
speed LAN
Academic Year 2024

3. In the telephone network

4. On CCTV

Let Us Build a Network

Then we got some idea about different layers of network and cables used to exchange
data through network. From the next session we will start the practical tasks of creating
a network and in the last session of this experience we will create a network by
connecting two computers.

Session 5: Let Us Find the IP Address

Let us think about how we send a letter to a friend. As the recipient's address we
provide his name, district, police station, village etc. Accordingly, the letter reaches the
addressee i.e. our friend. Similarly, an address is required to exchange information
from one device to another on a network. This address is the IP address.
In today's session, we will learn how to find out the IP address of our device.

An IP address is a numerical address used to uniquely identify each device or net-

work connected to the Internet. It is usually assigned by an Internet Service Provid-
er (ISP) and is used to identify a device on a global network (e.g., the Internet).
Let us find the IP address of our device.
We will find the IP address in case of Windows operating system. However, the task
can be accomplished using similar commands on other operating systems as well.
Step 1: Pressing the Windows logo key from the keyboard to type something or clicking
on search will bring up the search bar. First, type cmd in the Windows search bar and
press Enter. This will bring up the command prompt on the screen. Note that the search
bar may be different depending on the operating system.

Image : 5.4
Step 2: In the Command Prompt window, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. This will
result in an output similar to the following screen.
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Digital Technology

Image : 5.5
The IPv4 Address in the Ethernet adapter Ethernet section of the output is the IP address
of the device. Information on wireless connections can be found in the Wireless LAN
adapter Wi-Fi section.
Following this process, let us write the IP address of our device in the box below –

We learned how to determine the IP address of our device. We can find out the IP
address of a host in the same way. Let us learn how to find Google's IP address using
ping command by following the steps below.
Step 1: Type cmd in Windows search bar and press Enter.
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Image : 5.6

Let Us Build a Network

Step 2: In the command prompt window, type ping and press Enter.
This will result in an output like the screen below.

Image : 5.7
Step 3: The output shows that the IP address of is
In addition to the IP address, information of how many data packets have been sent and
how many of them have reached the recipient correctly, how long it took to arrive are
also shown.
In this way we can find out the IP address of different websites by following the same
steps. So, let us find out the IP addresses of some of our favorite websites.
Table 5.8: Determination of IP address

Website address IP address



Academic Year 2024

So, in this session, we learned what IP address is and how to find the IP address of
a computer or a website. In the next session, we will create a network between two
computers in our school.

Digital Technology

Session- 6: Let Us Make a Network

We must remember that in the first session we said we will create a network between
two computers after this experience. We will do that in today’s session. Let us make
network by setting up IP between two computers in our school. Through this network,
we can share a file between two computers in the next session.
Here, we will see the steps for Windows 11. We have to enter Windows as administrative
user to complete these tasks but the screen or window that will be shown here at every
step may vary in other operating systems or versions. In that case, we have to find out
the options by reading the directions on the screen.
To make such network, we need two computers or laptops and one RJ45 cable. RJ45
cable is one Ethernet cable with two connectors at both ends. When the equipment is
ready, we will follow the steps below.
Step-1: At first, we will check whether the two computers are well-functioning and all
things are okay.

Image : 5.8
Step-2: Insert the RJ45 connectors at the two sides of the cable into LAN port of the
two computers.
Academic Year 2024

Let Us Build a Network

Image : 5.9
Step-3: Now let us set up the IP address. For this, we will type Control Panel on Windows
search bar and press Enter. When Control Panel appears, we will click Network and
Internet option.

Image : 5.10
Step-4: Click Network and Sharing Center on the next window.
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Digital Technology

Image : 5.10
Step-5: At this step, click Change Adapter Settings from the left side of the window.

Image : 5.12
Step-6: Here we will find all the wireless (WiFi) or wired connection (Ethernet) on our
Academic Year 2024

computer. Now keeping your mouse on Ethernet click the right button and then click
on Properties or double click on Ethernet.
It can be mentioned that there may be other name, for example, Local Area Connection,
instead of Ethernet.

Let Us Build a Network

Image : 5.13
Step-7: Double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the Ethernet
Properties window.
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Image : 5.14

Digital Technology

Step-8: After double-clicking on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) of the

Ethernet Properties page, the IP set interface will come in front of us. At this stage,
click on the Use the following IP address: radio button.

Image : 5.15
Step-9: Putting the IP in the IP address box, click on the subnet mask
room. Subnet mask IP will come automatically. Finally, click on the Ok button.
Step-10: In the same process, the IP address will also have to be set on the 2nd computer.
However, it has to be from the IP given to the first computer. Set as the IP
Academic Year 2024

address on the 2nd computer.

At this stage, a network is created between the two computers. In the next session
we will see how to share files using this network. In that case, we have to remember
that the work of the next session is dependent on the work of this session. That is, we

Let Us Build a Network

cannot start the next session without completing the work of this session. However, it
should be noted that after completing the tasks, instead of Use the following IP address:
described above, we have to click on Obtain an IP address automatically: radio button.
Otherwise, we may have problems connecting to the Internet using this computer later.

The IP address used here is not from the ISP. It is called a private IP. Certain ranges
of IPs have already been designated as private IPs. Devices can be connected to any
local network using these IPs. Since there is no need to connect to the Internet, we
do not need to give the ROUTER's IP (Default gateway). The Default gateway and
DNS server IPs also need to be set to connect to the Internet. The DNS server contains
information on IP addresses and their respective hostnames and provides that
information if needed.

Session 7: Sharing File

We built a network between our two computers/laptops in the previous session. Let us
know how to share files or folders between two computers connected to our network.
Let us complete the following tasks step by step -
Step-1: Let us follow the first 5 steps of building the network described in the previous
session. However, in step 5, instead of Change adapter settings, click on Change
advanced sharing settings.
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Image : 5.16

Digital Technology

Step: -2 Click the Turn on network discovery and Turn on File and Printer Sharing
Radio buttons like the picture in the Guest or Public Section.

Image : 5.17
At this stage, we have to decide whether it will be necessary to give the password to
enter the 1st computer to see the file or folder shared from this computer (1st computer)
in order to see the folder from another computer (2nd computer).
If we do not need to give a password, click on the Turn off password protected sharing
radio button in the All Networks section. Finally, click on the Save Changes button
to go to the next step. Notably, depending on the version of the operating system, this
option can also be in the Public section. Academic Year 2024

Image : 5.18
Let Us Build a Network

The tasks of step 2 completed above should also be completed on the 2nd computer.
Step 3: Enter the folder (or file) you want to share from the computer. Select the Share
menu, click on Specific People and go to the next window. You can also click on
Specific People with Give access to mouse by right-clicking on the folder. Instead
of the Share menu depending on the version of the operating system, the task can be
completed by clicking Share with at the top of the File Explorer window.

Image : 5.19
Step:-4 Select Everyone by clicking on the dropdown button with the downward arrow
symbol. Then click on the Add button. After clicking Add, if you have to keep some
files from another computer in the shared folder, click on the Permission level and
select Read/Write instead of Read. If you ever want to withdraw the Permission, you
have to click Remove.
Academic Year 2024

After the Add is done, click the Share button. Then click on the Done button.

Digital Technology

Image : 5.20
At this stage, the work of sharing from the first computer has been completed. Now to
find the shared file from the second computer, you have to go to the next step.
Step: -5 Open the file explorer of the 2nd computer or go to any folder and click on
Network at the bottom left. Since the name of the other computer connected to our network
can be seen, by clicking on it, you can see the shared folders or files from that computer.
Academic Year 2024

Let Us Build a Network

Image : 5.21
So, we learned to share files by connecting two computers in our school. If we have
two computers or laptops at home, we can follow these same steps to create an effective
network and share the necessary files or folders.
Academic Year 2024

Experience 6

Digital Technology and Diversity

We are all familiar with digital technology in the present age. We use various types of
digital technology in various tasks every day. From this experience, we will learn what
kind of values we need to maintain and what rules we need to follow when working
with digital technology. We will also discuss how digital technology is being used in
different countries and how it is affecting our social and cultural structures. Finally, we
will organize a seminar where we will present our multimedia work on the changes in
the social and cultural fields due to the use of digital technology in different countries.

Session 1: The Use of Digital Technology in Our Lives

We all know more or less about digital technology. Many of us may have used digital
technology knowingly or unknowingly to do various tasks of daily life. At the beginning
of this session, we will discuss the use of digital technology in various fields in our
lives. Then we will read some stories and determine what kind of impact the use of
digital technology has on our lives. In the last session of this experience, we will
organize a seminar where we will present some multimedia presentations in groups.
From the first session, we will start preparing ourselves for that session.
Let us first discuss the fields of digital technology use that we know about and fill in
the following table.
Table- 6.1:

Fields of Using Digital Technology How Used

1. In communication Using various social media

2. In education
3. In agriculture
4. In entertainment
Academic Year 2024

So, we see that every day in our lives, we and the people around us use some kind of

Digital Technology and Diversity

digital technology. The use of digital technology is no longer limited to a few tasks in
our daily lives. The impact of digital technology is significant in every field of our
lives. Now, we will read the stories below and try to understand how the use of digital
technology is changing our lives.
Story 1:

Yesterday, Ankhi’s mother took an appointment with an eye doctor on a

hospital website. After that, she is seeing advertisements of various hospitals
and doctors everywhere on all her social media and the website she visits.

Story 2:
Shaon is always interested in learning something new. He buys various
books to learn different foreign languages, communication skills,
programming, etc. and reads them and takes various short courses alongside.
However, nowadays he is learning new programming languages by watching
various videos online and taking online courses without buying any books
or enrolling directly in courses.

Story 3:

Nishat’s father will send some money to his

friend in Chittagong from Dhaka. So, he
told Nishat to withdraw money from his
bank account and deposit it into his friend’s
bank account. But Nishat did not go to the
bank and instead downloaded an app on his
father’s mobile and sent the money with
just a few clicks.

Story 4:
Rifat bought a new smart fridge last month.
Today, when he went to the market, he did
not remember what vegetables were in the
fridge at home. So, he used his smartphone
to see what was in the fridge. He saw that
there was only one egg in the fridge. Then
Academic Year 2024

he bought everything else which were not

in the fridge including eggs from the market
and brought them home.

Digital Technology

Story 5:

Bokul is a farmer. This year, the yield in his

field has decreased a lot. He understands
that the reason for this is the use of fertilizers
and pesticides. But he cannot understand
where the problem is. So, he took some
pictures of his field and sent them online to
get advice from agricultural experts.

Can we understand from the stories what kind of changes have come in our lives due to
the use of digital technology? Let us discuss it in pairs and write down those changes
in the table 6.2 below.
Table 6.2

Story Types of Changes

Story 1

Story 2
Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology and Diversity

Story 3

Story 4

Story 5

Preparation for the next session:

We will think about the impact of the use of digital technology in our lives and, if
possible, discuss this topic with a family member or a friend.

Session 2: The Impact of the Use of Digital Technology

Academic Year 2024

In the last session, we learned about the various fields of the use of digital technology
in the present time. We also discussed what kind of changes have come in our lives due
to the use of digital technology. Now, let us join some groups with our friends and
discuss what kind of impact the use of digital technology has on our lives. In this
regard, we can discuss two types of impacts - Positive impacts and Negative impacts.

Digital Technology

Let us then discuss and fill in the following boxes –


Academic Year 2024

Digital Technology and Diversity

We will present the positive and negative impacts that we have learned through group
discussion before our classmates. Next, we will prepare two lists of all positive and
negative impacts collected from discussions of all groups and display them in the
classroom so that we can work on them in the next session.
Preparation for the Next Session:
In this session, we will think about what we can do to protect ourselves from or prevent
the negative effects of the use of digital technology that have come up in our discussion.

Session 3: Ethics in the Use of Digital Technology

In the last session, we learned about the positive and negative effects of the use of
digital technology. In this session, we will try to determine what we can do to prevent
the negative effects of digital technology. Besides, we will analyze some incidents and
learn which ones are ethical and which ones are not in the field of digital technology
usage. We certainly remember that we have to do a multimedia presentation at a
seminar, and we have been working on it as preparation in the previous sessions. The
tasks in this session will also help us in our presentation.
So, let us identify two of the negative effects of digital technology that we discussed
and determined in the last session. Now let us discuss as a group the ways to prevent
those effects and write them down in the table below –
Table 6.3

The two negative impacts of digital Remedy for the two negative impacts/
technology that we will discuss What to do to prevent impacts

Academic Year 2024

Notice that it is very important to work responsibly maintaining ethics in the use of
digital technology. Now, we will read some stories and from them analyse the ethical
aspects of using digital technology. Let us read the stories with attention.

Digital Technology

Photography competition
A photography competition was organized by the photography club at Dipu’s
university. Many students participated in the competition and one of the photos was
awarded as the winner among almost a hundred photographs. After the announcement
of the winner, the photographer refused the award. He said that his submitted photo
was not actually a photograph but a picture created by writing some commands with
the help of artificial intelligence.
Website hacking
Eidal872, a hacker, hacked a website of a country’s foreign ministry one day for fun.
There was many important information of the citizens of that country on that website,
which could be used to harm them in various ways. Eidal872 did not misuse any of
that information but instead contacted the senior officials of the ministry and informed
them about the security flaw of their website. Later, with the help of Eidal872, the
country was able to improve the security of all their important ministry websites.
Artificial Intelligence in Academic Work
Students of class nine were asked to write a report on “Impact of digital technology
in our lives”. All the students wrote the report by judging and analyzing the events of
their own life. But one student used artificial intelligence (Chat GPT, Google Bird,
Bing Chat etc) in writing the report.
What did we learn from reading these two stories? Let us analyse whether the work was
done ethically in these two cases. Let us discuss with our partner and write our analysis
in the box below -
Table 6.4

Story My Analysis Why I think ethics has been maintained/not

been maintained in this story
Photography Ethics has been
Competition maintained

Ethics has not

been main-
Website Ethics has been
Academic Year 2024

hacking maintained

Ethics has
not been

Digital Technology and Diversity

Artificial Ethics has been

Intelligence maintained
in Academic
Ethics has
not been

Preparation for the Next Session:

In the light of today’s session, we will try to identify, discussing with our family
members and friends, the things we should refrain from in using digital technology.

Session 4: Responsible Use of Digital Technology

We learned about what we should do to prevent the negative impact of digital technology
in the previous session. We also learned what kind of morality we should preserve in
the use of digital technology. We certainly remember that our last task in this experience
will be to do a multimedia presentation in the seminar but at the beginning of the
session, we will learn how can we act responsibly while using digital technology.
Let us remember that from the first and second experiences of the 9th grade digital
technology subject, we have learned quite a few things about responsible behavior in
the use of digital technology. Now let us see if we can verify the truth / falsehood of the
following statements based on the knowledge gained from those experiences –
Table 6.5

Statement True / False

1. It is appropriate to use images that are registered with copy-

right without the permission of the owner from the internet.

2. It is necessary to buy the license from the appropriate au-

thority before using any necessary software.

3. It is not appropriate to share someone’s picture on social

media without permission
Academic Year 2024

4. It is appropriate to make abusive comments if I do not like

something that someone shares on digital media.

Digital Technology

5. It is appropriate to verify the source and ensure the truth

before sharing any information on digital media.

6. It is not appropriate to share my mobile banking app’s pin

code with anyone in the case of mobile banking.

7. It is appropriate to open an account on social media using

someone else’s name and picture to hide my identity.

8. We should refrain from making any bad comments to any-

one using digital media.

So, we can see that we have learned a lot from the previous experiences on how to act
responsibly while using digital technology. Now let us learn a few things by reading the
following stories.

Digital footprint
A student from Bangladesh went to study at a prestigious university abroad with a
scholarship. A month after going there, he suddenly found out that his admission with
scholarship had been cancelled. When he asked why this happened, he was told that
the university had cancelled his admission because of a negative report on his digital
footprint. Three years ago, he had made a supportive comment on an online report
written in favour of terrorists without understanding. His digital footprint caught the
attention of the university administration and they cancelled his scholarship and
A Bangladeshi citizen got a big job at a large international organization last month.
He celebrated the good news by organizing a big programme for his neighbours and
friends and greatly entertained them with food. But a few days later, he found out that
he had lost his job. The organization told him that they had fired him because of a
negative report on his digital footprint. Two days ago, he made a disrespectful
comment on a post shared by one of his colleagues, which led to this decision by the
Academic Year 2024


After reading the stories, let us write down in the box below what we learned about
responsible behaviour in the use of digital technology –

Digital Technology and Diversity

Table 6.6
1. We will be careful when sharing any information or making any comments on
digital media.





Session 5: Adapting to the Impact of Digital Technology and the Changes it Causes
We surely remember that our final task in this experience is to create a multimedia
presentation in groups and present it at a seminar, but the question is, what will be
the content of our presentation? In today’s session, our teacher will provide us with
guidance on that topic and at the same time, we will learn how to adapt to the
changes that are happening around us due to the impact of digital technology.
First, let us learn about our multimedia presentation. Our teacher will divide us into
groups for the presentation or, maybe, we already have some groups from working
on other experiences before. Then we can work in those groups as well. Our presen-
tation topic will be the impact of digital technology in two countries from among
the global south countries. The teacher will assign which group will work on which
two countries.

Global South
This includes most of the countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Although
most of the countries in the southern hemisphere are included in this list. It is not
based on geographical location. These countries have some similarities in social,
Academic Year 2024

cultural and economic aspects, which is why they are grouped under a broader name.

So, we have learned about our presentation topic. Now, let us see some examples and learn
what these countries have done and are doing to adapt to the impact of digital technology.

Digital Technology

Ethiopia, a country in East Africa, is working regularly to develop their techno-

logical infrastructure so that their country’s most exported product coffee can now
reach more customers worldwide faster and easier.

Another country in East Africa, Rwanda, has launched a large digital literacy de-
velopment programme to prepare their citizens for the future and introduce them
to the changing technology. Under this programme, nearly 50 million citizens
have acquired digital literacy.

Brazil, a country in Latin America, is conducting research activities regularly to

improve their progress in artificial intelligence. As a result, in the last 8-10 years,
the number of research teams working on artificial intelligence in Brazil has in-
creased significantly. Along with that, the number of computer science and engi-
neering centers has also increased.
Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia, has made digital technology more acces-
sible to their citizens by reducing internet costs.

India, the largest country in South Asia, has upgraded their ‘Aadhaar card’ (bio-
metric ID card) to keep up with the rapid change in digital technology. With the
help of India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, all Aadhaar
card holders now have access to one cloud account each. They can use this to get
their necessary original documents and certificates (driving license, car registra-
tion documents, academic marksheets and certificates) from the issuing authority
online and store them.

So, we have learned a lot of new things, haven’t we? We will find many such examples
while searching for information to prepare our multimedia presentation. Before that, let
us make a list of what arrangements we can make to cope with this changed situation
in Bangladesh due to the impact of digital technology, following the examples above.
Table 6.7

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Digital Technology and Diversity





Preparation for the Next Session:

We now know which group we will work in and which group will work on which
country for the multimedia presentation at the seminar. Our task is to collect and bring
the following information about the countries. We can take the help of our family
members, relatives and neighbours to collect information if we want. We can also
collect information using the internet, TV news, books, magazines, newspapers, etc. If
it is necessary, we can also take the help of the teacher in collecting information. As
homework, we will each bring the following information:
What kind of digital technology was used in these countries 15/20 years ago?
What kind of digital technology is being used in these countries now?
How and what kind of changes have occurred in the fields of food habits, education,
health, transportation and daily life of the people in these countries as a result of using
digital technology in the last 10 years?

Session 6: Preparation for Seminar

Now we have to work with the information that we had to bring in our previous session
as our “preparation for the next session”. First of all, we can collect all the information
brought by all the members of the group and write them in one place. We have to make
our group multimedia presentation using this information.
We will use our school’s computer lab today to make the presentation.
Our presentation will include –
Academic Year 2024

Various necessary information

Images relevant to the information
Short video clips

Digital Technology

Using the knowledge we have learned from other experiences of class 9, such as making
graphs, taking pictures from the internet and video editing, we will make our presentation.
Our session today will end with each group making a presentation.

Session 7: Seminar
Today is our seminar and the last session on digital technology for this year.
We will present the multimedia presentations we made in the last session at our seminar
today. In the presentation, we will ensure the participation of all the members of the
group and try to answer any questions that anyone may have after seeing our presentation.
At the end of the seminar, we will fill in the form below and submit it to the teacher.
Based on this, the teacher will sign our intercontinental diversity certificate.

School: the online fair has

presented correct and important information about.........................................................
countries. I wish him/her success in future.

------------------------- ----------------------------------
Signature of Teacher and Date Signature of Headmaster and Date
Academic Year 2024


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