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A Mother Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "A Mother" can be quite challenging, primarily because the subject
matter is deeply personal and emotionally charged for many individuals. Mothers hold a unique and
significant place in our lives, often embodying qualities of love, sacrifice, nurturing, and guidance.
Attempting to capture the essence of such a complex relationship and individual in a single essay
requires careful thought and reflection.

Firstly, there's the challenge of striking the right tone. The portrayal of a mother can vary greatly
depending on personal experiences and cultural backgrounds. Some may have had overwhelmingly
positive experiences with their mothers, while others may have more complicated relationships
fraught with challenges or even absence. Balancing these diverse perspectives while maintaining
sensitivity is crucial.

Additionally, delving into the multifaceted roles and qualities of a mother can be daunting. From the
practical aspects of caregiving to the intangible emotional support they provide, there's a vast array
of dimensions to explore. Each aspect may require nuanced discussion to fully capture its

Furthermore, there's the risk of falling into clichés or overly sentimental portrayals. While it's
natural to want to express gratitude and admiration for mothers, relying too heavily on familiar
tropes can detract from the authenticity of the essay. Striving for originality and depth of insight
amidst a sea of existing portrayals adds another layer of difficulty.

Moreover, navigating the fine line between personal reflection and broader insights can be
challenging. While drawing from personal experiences can imbue the essay with authenticity, it's
essential to connect these individual narratives to broader themes or universal truths about
motherhood. This requires careful consideration of how personal anecdotes can serve as entry points
to larger discussions.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "A Mother" demands sensitivity, introspection, and a
deft hand in balancing personal narratives with broader insights. It's a task that requires navigating
through emotional complexities while striving for authenticity and originality in portrayal. Despite
its challenges, the opportunity to explore such a profound and universal subject is undoubtedly

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A Mother Essay A Mother Essay

Guyon The Knight Of Temperance s Horse
Artegall is first compared to Bacchus (I.2.1) and Hercules (2.2.6) with his club of justice
dread (I.2.9) to give him the authority of precedent mythical figures to subdue lawless
men and even monstrous tyrants(1.2) in the narrative voice s violent construction of
common law, and by his training under the goddess Astrea he is given the instruction on
how to apply equity but perhaps not the conscience for it. Certain moments demonstrate
he incorporates an understanding of equity, but more along the lines of using it as an
authority. To be clear, equity is divided into the trial s composition, whether it s particular
circumstances fall outside the confines of the documented common law and as a result is
needed to be judged accordingly ... Show more content on ...
Now, moving backward from these trials back to the first trial in Canto I, the trial of Sir
Sangliere and the unnamed squire (V.1.25 30), Carol Stillman in Nobility and Justice in
Book Five of The Faerie Queene, asserts there is no body of laws or precedents to cite for
or against
Sanglier , and as consequence, Artegall must find other means to accomplish his task
which leads him to employ an adaptation of Solomon s strategy (541).Despite what
Stillman states, there is an antique legal doctrine that changes the crime of this case and
places it under a precedent boundary and thereby, common law. At first, it may seem odd
Artegall refrains from his usual immediate tendency to violence or sentencing corporal
punishment, but as Stillman states, the trial s process is governed by its adaptation to
Solomon s first judgement, which contrastive to her is perhaps in itself precedent enough;
however there is yet another specific legal doctrine of common law that dictates the
sentence. In this dispute, the allegory provides the precedent verdict and procedure, but it
is the interpretation of marriage in common
Molson And Coors Merger Case Study
mindset of producing the best quality beer. Even though Molson Coors is run by majority
of non family members, the same values have been upheld. For example, currently to
ensure that brewing traditions are passed down through entire generations, Molson Coors
ensures that the new brew masters spend ample time learning through a mentorship
program. Also they know that quality can t be rushed, so the company preforms quality
checks at every step of the process, to ensure that everything is up to their high standards.
The merger would not have been successful if both companies didn t consistently hold
quality over quantity or profit. Also, one company s product did not suffer through the
alliance, in fact both of them prospered and excelled. ... Show more content on ...
The two companies decided that the merger was going to produce $175 millions (US) in
annual savings by 2007. These saving would come from optimization of brewery
networks, increased efficiencies, streamlined organizational design and consolidated
efficient administrative functions. Increased international mergers is happening more
often now since there are domestic antitrust constraints and a market that is becoming
increasingly international. Not to mention the fact that shareholders sre benefiting due to
the increased premium they received for selling their
Corrie Ten Boom Research Paper
Modifying your house to hide jews, getting caught by Nazis, going to four very harsh
concentration camps, and finally getting out just to find out that most of your family died
from the camps how would you deal with it? Corrie Ten Boom should be considered a
hero to all because she exhibited love, kindness, determination, strength and is not only a
hero to the jews but a savior to all. Corrie Ten Boom inspires everyone around the world
because anyone can connect to her in some type of way. Corrie was the first female to
become a licensed watchmaker according to This can inspire young
woman or anyone that they can do anything or become anything. Not to mention, Corrie
also set up rehabilitation centers for camp survivors and started a worldwide ministry.
Corrie ten boom can inspire everyone young or old to achieve anything. ... Show more
content on ...
According to, Corrie s mother had died before she was born so she
was raised without a mother . After, Corrie got out of the last concentration camp and
experienced sister s death, she chose to keep on fighting and to share her story instead of
reminiscing on the past. Corrie ten boom had strength both mentally and physically when
she went immense problems and struggles. Boom was phenomenally determined, which
helped her gain the courage to survive. According to, Corrie kept fighting
through, and getting courage deep down in her heart so she could survive and share her
story. Cory also catch on hiding Jews with her family even if it put her in her family at
risk of getting caught. She also was in the Dutch resistance along with their family. Cory
was determined to fight for her, and to fight for the helpless
Angela s Ashes By Frank Mccourt
When I look back at my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a
miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the
ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the
miserable Irish Catholic childhood (McCourt 11). These now famous words are some of
the opening lines of Frank McCourt s critically acclaimed memoir Angela s Ashes.
Through his memoirs, McCourt depicted his journey from a poverty ridden emigrant to a
widely recognized literally star. McCourt s life was that of a true American success story
that captured the hearts of many (Gèbler). Frank McCourt lived a life that many Irish
emigres to the U.S. have dreamed of, but few have managed to achieve (Gèbler). While
his life concluded with great fame and fortunes, McCourt s early life was not nearly as
Claiming to have been conceived up against a wall in Brooklyn, New York, Frank
McCourt was ... Show more content on ...
He began his career by working in a vocational school for several years (Gèbler).
However, at Stuyvesant High School, an upper class based school on the Lower West
Side, McCourt became known for his unorthodox teaching styles ( Frank McCourt ). At
one point in time, he even had his students writing their own obituaries, their best excuse
notes and an account of how they would tell their parents that they were gay ( Frank
McCourt ). McCourt always believed in having his students write their own test because
then, they asked questions they wanted answers to and then they answered them
(Grimes). McCourt always told his writing students that they were their own best
material (Grimes). However, it took him until after his retirement in 1994, and with the
help of his third wife Ellen Frey, to take his own advice and do just that by beginning to
write a novel based on his own Irish childhood ( Frank
Analysis Of Waller Im Schnee
The eighth part of Waller im Schnee describes the separation of the two companions
from the previous poems through the image of the destruction of a flower that is dying
despite the speaker s good care. He prefers to break it rather than to watch it wither
slowly and be constantly reminded of better days. The poem consists of three stanzas
with alternate rhymes. Like the surrounding poems, it is written in regular iambic
pentameter. The first stanza sets the scene and describes the relationship between the
speaker and the flower. The good care the flower receives is brought out in several ways.
Two of the rhyme words, hege (to tend) and pflege (care, nurture), the latter even with
the preceding adjective guten (good), mention it directly. The flower has the best place in
the room, namely the window. It grows in a grey piece of porcelain or ceramic where it is
kept safe from frost. The alliteration Verwahrt vorm froste (v. 2) emphasises the
protection its container offers. Oddly, the flower grows in a shard, whose broken state
and grey colour suggest the care it receives is not as good as the speaker claims. Perhaps,
he has nothing else to put the flower ... Show more content on ...
The assonance frühern blühenden (v. 5) conveys its former beauty. The speaker seems to
be profoundly affected by the change in the flower and wants to eradicate ( merzen , v. 6)
all traces of it from his memory. Hence, he takes a sharp tool, probably a knife, to break
it. The exaggeration scharfe waffen (sharp edged weapons) makes his sudden action
seem even more dramatic. According to Lentz, he wants the ugliness to superimpose the
memory of the flower s beauty. Thus, the speaker tries to take control and prevail over
his object of desire. Lentz elaborates further that this act of desperation is also a subtle
kind of suicide of the speaker and the poet respectively, as the flower is also a symbol for
Should Arg Designers Go For Ensure The Safety Of Body
What are the limits?

How far should ARG designers go to ensure the safety of body and mind of their players?
What are the responsible limits of immersion? To what extent do these responsibilities
lay with the player themselves? Consider the implications surrounding the Batman
franchise in the context of the Why So Serious ARG.

In the lead up to the 2009 Batman feature film: The Dark Knight, several thousand
people received a series of clues that led them to bakeries across the US. Providing a
password: the name Robin Banks , the bakeries would give them a box. Inside the box
they found a cake. Upon it, a phone number was written in gaudy purple and yellow
icing, along with the demand: Call Me Now . When they called, the cake rang. A ... Show
more content on ...
In response to the shootings, there were murmurs regarding the ethics of immersion, the
responsibility of designers and the implications of fictions bleeding into reality. The
cinema chain in which the shootings took place banned the wearing of costumes at
screenings. Were the creators of the ARG, the cinema, the costumed fans or the creators
of the Batman franchise in anyway responsible for these appalling acts? We can safely
assume not. Designers of fictions cannot predict the way each individual will respond to
their creations, but more importantly, one cannot design any entertainment product to
accommodate for psychotic behaviour. All players must take responsibility for their
participation not just in games, but in society too.


While highly elaborate and controlled, ARGs are also intended as open systems,
engineered to be responsive and adaptive to player involvement. In this way, ARGs
empower players to become part of the construction of the game s narrative. To respond
player actions and ideas, ARGs require a degree of player observation and surveillance,
which in turn raises issues around personal privacy, identifying details and data
collection. In arguably the first sustained exploration of ethics in real space games,
researchers within the Integrated Project on Pervasive Gaming: Montola, Waern,
Social Movement And The Industrial Revolution
There have been several social movements in history that have impacted the world.
Groups of people have come together and tried their hardest to make a difference in
unresolved problems and issues. It is hard to make a difference as an individual trying to
change something big, it becomes easier when you find people who have the same
beliefs as you and will fight for it along your side. This is social change, and normally
comes about through collective behavior and social movements. Social change is a
significant change in behaviors and cultural values and norms. For example significant
changes that have occurred in the past are the abolition of slavery, the changes put into
action after 9/11, the feminist movement, and the industrial revolution. As I mentioned
early social change occurs through both collective behavior and social movements.
Collective behavior is a voluntary activity that many people take part in to change norms
and values of the people around them. Collective behavior can be seen in many different
ways. For example, there can be crowds, masses, panics, mobs, riots, fads, public opinion
and fashion. An example of this would be when Cooper Tire in Findlay Ohio went on
strike in order to get a new contract with better medical benefits. The workers walked off
one morning and stood outside of the factory. Social Movement is an organized group
that works together to promote or resist change through action. There are many different
types of social
Critical Analysis of Anne Sexton s Cinderella Essay
Trusha Agashi
Professor Rebekah Starnes
English 252
January 24,2011
Despondently Ever After... In the familiar more traditional version, Cinderella is a poor
maid girl that, with the help of fairy godmother, gets a chance to meet prince charming.
They fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after, and then what? What is a
happily ever after? Is this even a realistic thought? In the dark comedic poem Cinderella,
Anne Sexton forces the reader to examine this question. Utilizing literary devices such as
tone, imagery, and style, Sexton encourages the reader to think about how silly and
unlikely a fairy tale ending actually is. Sexton s take on the story Cinderella is not based
off of the well renowned Disney version, but rather ... Show more content on ...
The prince has every girl in the kingdom try on the slipper. Once the prince arrived at
Cinderella s house her two stepsisters immediately did whatever they needed to do to get
their feet to fit in the slipper. The first one cut off her toe, and the second cut off her heel.
When Cinderella came out, because it was her slipper, her foot slipped right in. On the
day of the wedding the two stepsisters came and tried to benefit from Cinderella s good
fortune, but pigeons came and pecked their eyes out, punishing them to be blind for the
rest of their lives for the malicious way they treated Cinderella. We assume that
Cinderella and the prince marry, and of course, lived happily ever after. From the start of
the poem Sexton sets a sardonic or caustic tone saying, You always read about it,
implying that as an audience we always assume this is how it happens. She then
continues by listing off rags to riches stories. She mentions the plumber, nursemaid,
milkman, and charwomen, all of whom, in some unlikely circumstance go from poor to
wealthy. Though we know the chances that these occurrences will actually happen are
one in a million, everyone is still searching for the happy ending. Sexton continues to
convey her cynical ideas when she says Next came the ball, as you all know and That s
the way with stepmothers. In both examples she
Hedda Gabler Naturalism Essay
Hedda Gabler and John are two plays whose characters are not the average hero. Hedda,
the main character in Hedda Gabler, comes off as a detestable woman, and in John, Jenny
and Elias are equally dysfunctional in their own ways. These characters are rich and
multifaceted, a common trait in the naturalism movement. Naturalism is a movement in
theater that is essentially realism; it s goal is to depict events and scenes as they would
happen in the real world with characters who behave like real people. It began in the late
19th century, but has prevailed through history (Styan). Naturalism shapes the way
people watch theater today, and these two plays are excellent examples of this
movement. By utilizing dialogue, stage directions, ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, John embodies naturalism in it s own way, by including seemingly
unimportant information in dialogue. This is another display of naturalism, because in
real life people do include information that is irrelevant to the larger story. The
characters, mostly Mertis, seem to ramble on about things that don t always connect
directly to the matter at hand. But Mertis does this in a way that is familiar; like most real
old people, she tends to get lost on a tangent. This extraneous dialogue furthers the
realistic feel of the play, but also shines light on the deeper psychology of the characters
in an almost sneaky way. For example, when Mertis talks about the hospital she worked
in, and how she ran into the doctor and got the chance to tell him she was doing well for
herself now, we see Mertis rambling on just like any older person talking about the past.
But this dialogue also reveals Mertis insecurities and need for validation. She wanted the
doctor to know she was doing quite well (Baker). Dialogue like this is important because
it reveals the intricacies of the characters and their complex nature.
Stage directions play a huge part in both of these plays as well, specifically in how the
stage directions affect dialogue. Naturalism was actually controversial when it was
introduced due to long pauses and lulls in dialogue, which at the time were perceived as
boring. Stage directions that call for long pauses are very common in Hedda Gabler and
Marx And Friedrich Engels s Impact On The 21st Century
Looking back at these two works written in the mid to late 19th century, it has become
clear the benefits and detrimental aspects of the opinions of the writers. The statements
and arguments made by each author will be considered in the general impact each
philosopher had on the 21st century.
In 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the first edition of the book that
would define their worldview, they saw an issue with the fragmentation of the communist
beliefs and were commissioned to put the beliefs of the communists into a clear
document to demonstrate what they stood for. Many of their ideas are now outdated, and
some have been implemented in current society with unsuccessful results. Marx
advocates the violent overthrow of governments to equalize the people of the country,
rationalizing it as a way to overthrow the regime of the bourgeoisie. As seen in history,
this can often lead to a state where the country is plunged into civil war or genocide, with
an equally oppressive or more tyrannical leader than before. The attempt of leaders of
many nation states to adapt Marx s ideas of nationalizing the agricultural process has
resulted in increased costs for the consumers of the nations, and preventing them from
negotiating trade contracts. The spread of globalization has increased, but contrary to the
beliefs of Marx, there has not been a push to remove the borders of nation states because
of the similarities of the nation s workforces. Any attempt to annex
Target s Argument Against The Idea Of Religious Freedom
Religious Freedom is a phrase that I have been hearing more frequently as of lately. It
has been paraded in social media, blogs, magazines, and nightly news. Although the
biggest topic of discussion is Target allowing Transgenders to pick which ever bathroom
they choose to use. Target currently now has three different restroom choices, a single
stall family bathroom, a men s and a women s. With Target s new policy people
regardless of what ever gender they choose to be identified as can use which ever
bathroom. This however goes against the norm, that we have been used to for centuries.
The main problem the church has found with Targets new policy, is that Target is has
decided to recognize Transgenders as a gender of their own. That now, instead of only
having two genders being, man and woman that is traditional and Biblical thinking,
Target now has three. However the third being Transgender can choose whichever
restroom. You can see how this has thrown the church for a loop. With claims saying
Target is promoting sin, and going against God s holy standard.. etc.. etc. Therefore
making this a religious freedom and a civil rights issue.

Unfortunately, when you bring up the idea of religious freedom in the Church, there
seems to be a sign of pride and arrogance among God s people concerning it, as if it is
our given birth right to have religious freedom in ... Show more content on ...
That we continue to pray and reach out to those who are different. That we continue to go
beyond religious reconciliation, and we take the umbrella and open it more widely. The
umbrella of repentance. Because there can be no reconciliation without repentance.
Reconciliation without repentance is fake, but reconciliation with repentance is beautiful
The Canadian Inuit And Animals For Supplies
For many of years animal activists have been trying to put a stop to all animal hunting,
abuse, using animals for supplies. The problem with doing this is that it may effect a
large amount of people who live off of these animals, in particularly the seal. The
Canadian Inuit is a large group of people about 46,000 people as an estimation, that use
seals as a multi source. The Canadian Inuit use the seal for a source of cash through fur
sales, they used the seal for meat, and once used seal for oil lamps. In 1980 animal rights
activists got their way and made it so that seal hunting was no longer legal. This affected
thousands of Canadian Inuit who lived in small arctic hamlets who lived off of seal. The
question is who is better off the Canadian Inuit, or the animals rights activists? Peter
Singer is a utilitarian a philosopher who was much different from other utilitarians. The
book Doing Ethics states that Classic Utilitarianism say that the right action is the one
that produces the best balance of happiness over unhappiness.(page 547) SInger s takes a
different approach. He thinks of including both animals and humans in the word or
category of Everyone The pain and pleasure of all sentient beings much be considered
when we are deciding which action maximizes the greater good.(page547) I believe that
Peter Singer would be one that has the possibility of being in favor of the ban on all seal
hunting even if it would devastate the Inuit, if they did not take pain
Positive Short-Term Effects Of Energy Drinks In Academics...
People would be looking for ways of to how to productively boost up their academics
and sports throughout their day. For example, everyday many students may have
experienced when they arrive at school feeling the need to have more time of sleep and
throughout the day they mainly have not been concentrating on either on their academics
or sports, so when energy drinks came around students would have less difficulty in
sleeping during their school days. Young consumers had found out a way to increase their
physical and mental performances and that is by consuming energy drinks. Youthful
Americans who have experienced in drinking these types of beverages have mentioned
that they have reported positive short term effects on energy drinks. For some
adolescents they have briefly mentioned that after consuming the drink it, has provided
them focused and mental alertness but on the other hand it causes numeral side effects for
drinkers such as experiencing headaches, stomach pains, difficult on concentrating and
sleeping. Many do experience these side effects if they consume drinks that includes
caffeine. These Americans who have imbibed these beverages have mentioned that they
became very handy and helpful where there focuses on academics have increased, but
many consumers don t get to realize that these drinks can become very effective and
unhealthy for your own body because of the ingredients that contains in these drinks.
Mainly from genres of energy drinks may contain a
Never Brought To A Patient
The fact that a tray was never brought to a patient is a serious issue. Nutrition for patients
should be a top priority along with their medical care. If a patient is dissatisfied with the
care they are receiving, future business and reputations could be destroyed. The first step
would be to take care of the patient. Ask the patient what they would like to have and
immediately have the tray for them. It would be best to bring the tray to them yourself
and personally apologize for the inconvenience and assure them that you will look into
why the tray was never brought to them. Once the patient has been taken care of and
hopefully calmed down, the next step would be to follow up with everyone involved in
the tray delivery, especially the employee
The Root Causes Of Mass Immigration In California
The decision to shift into mass production was one that was spurred on my
industrialization and a wider demand for the product. Not only were jeans easier to make
in the factory, they were created more efficiently and in bigger volumes. With the wave
of mass immigration, came a significantly larger working class who all needed work
wear that could withstand the job s demands. Ultimately the decision to mass produce
was an economic and practical one.
Only decades after, the movement of mass proportions was propelled by the discovery of
gold in California territory. As such, it ended with the inundation of this region by a wave
of largely unwelcome immigrants from all outside corners. Immigrants like Strauss and
Davis sought to cater to the needs and tastes of a more diversified populace. Even today,
San Francisco has a minority majority population, with a Caucasian ratio of less than
half. This facilitation of diversity makes California a distinctive region. Out of which
came Levi Strauss jeans, an object of American iconography with an enduring longevity.
A flood of diversity experienced at this time compares early California to the biblical
Babel. Population growth was so staggering that the availability of gold nuggets
scattering the countryside to people of all stations purported a mass immigration that
instantaneously grew by tens of thousands, eventually reaching hundreds of thousands.
Racism and prejudice are root causes of immigrants heading west. Just as miners
Frankenstein, By Jeffrey Jerome
In Jeffrey Jerome Cohen s Seven Theses, thesis number seven ( The Monster Stands at
the Threshold of Becoming ) describes monsters as our children . Monsters exist, for
Cohen, not because we want them but because we need them, because they not only
reflect who we are but influence who we will become. This is the case in Mary Shelley s
Frankenstein, where the namesake scientist discovers the secret to life and creates a real
life monster. Throughout the novel, the common thread is the parent child relationship
between Frankenstein and his monster. The relationship shifts between the two, in favor
of the creature. Frankenstein, even as the monster s creator and parent , is ironically
powerless to prevent any of creature s actions and becomes more paranoid and manic, as
the creature grows in power over him. But by the end of the novel, both are parent and
child; Frankenstein and the creature live only for each other. The relationship between
Frankenstein and his creature begins as an attentive parent and beloved child.
Frankenstein labors over his creature for two years, piece by piece constructing the
creature s body. He works with one anatomical feature at a time, from raw materials
supplied by the dissecting room and the slaughter house (55), which he then brings to life
using an unspecified process. However, the moment the creature comes to life, he is
repulsed and horrified by its grotesque appearance. He had dreamed of the creation of a
beautiful and kind beings,
What An American Hero Looks Like Analysis
The Left have popularized using tragedies as an impetus for political change, via the
Media, because it garners attention and instills a base of support for change. However,
this approach is misguided. The Media is powerless! In conservative commentator Ben
Shapiro s column, What an American Hero Looks Like , he states: It isn t the Twitter
battles that stand between the monsters and children. Furthermore, he argues, policy
change is inept because laws and regulations failed to save 26 people from a massacre in
rural Texas. To remedy these misguided concepts, Shapiro compels those who agree with
increasing gun control measures to understand that politicizing tragedy and legislating
away rights will not solve any problems, heroes will. ... Show more content on ...
means necessary to stop bad men. Appealing to patriotism impels the reader to idolize
Willeford and his associated traits which adds another level of connection. This
introduces the crux of Shapiro s argument: people, not decrees, have always stood
between good and evil. They always will. This reinforces that the Left, who are pushing
for increased gun control, are pursuing an unneeded or even dangerous goal unarmed,
Willeford wouldn t have been able to shoot the evil human. Shapiro continues by saying
that Laws and regulations failed, and as a result, Americans innocent Americans were
murdered. Using murdered, instead of killed, is visceral which resonates with the reader
even more so because Shapiro has recounted the dire effects of relying on words on
paper. Thus when the Left attempt to pass increased gun control, readers will deny the
attempt. A quote from Jesse Ventura captures the ending message: You can t legislate
What Is The Similarities Between My Last Duchess And...
Student s Name
Course Title
Literature Analysis: My Last Duchess and Ulysses
Robert Browning and Alfred Lord Tennyson are celebrated authors and poets in the field
of field of literature. A deeper analysis of some of their works displays particular
similarities and distinct differences that make each one of them unique. For instance,
Browning s My Last Duchess and Tennyson s Ulysses show similarities in the overall
theme, death, but each brings it out in different styles. This essay explains the
comparison of the two poems in detail and the respective significance of use of stylistic
My Last Duchess
Browning uses conventional styles to create his poem. He constructs his sentences to
rhyme in twos. It is written in free ... Show more content on ...
While Browning emphasizes on rhyme, Tennyson focuses on the thoughts of the old and
retired pirate, Ulysses. He uses words more to convey the message than to follow
grammatical rules. He also uses simple words to describe the profound contrast of his
retirement to his kingdom, distanced from the adventurous life he once lived. Thus, the
structure uses a mixture of flashback and foreshadowing Ulysses life during the Trojan
War, and his son s life after his (Ulysses ) demise.
The persona of the poem is Ulysses himself. Just like the Duke in My Last Duchess, he
uses dramatic monologue. This is demonstrated when he talks to his soldiers during his
past years as an energetic youth. Using the stylistic feature of flashback, he takes readers
through his past life, connoting the excitement it brought him. He then brings one back to
the present that immensely shows the contrast and equal discontent that Ulysses feels.
The flashback also aids in building the image of the poem, in order to identify oneself
with the persona. Furthermore, he uses a mixture of archaic and simple words, which is
also seen in Browning s
Land Reforms Of Pakist A Important Source Of Political
Land Reforms in Pakistan
Land has always been a decisive element in deciding the social class structure in agrarian
and rural societies. It is a status symbol, source of income, means of production and an
important source of political and social influence. The agrarian structure inherited by
Pakistan, after independence, was socially divisive and due to this very same reason it
has been a matter of concern for policy makers since independence. Many agricultural
reforms have been carried out in Pakistan since independence to eradicate this social
division, improve the condition of tenants, abolish feudalism and to increase productivity
but no major improvement has been seen as a result of these land reforms. This essay
discusses about these land reform in detail and lays out the major attributes and agendas
of these land reforms. It also debates about the major reasons which hindered the fair
implementation of these land reforms.
There have been six land reforms which will be discussed in detail. The reforms which
will be discussed are:
1. The Land Reforms in Reverse
2. The Provincial Tenancy Act (1950s)
3. East Pakistan Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950 (Earlier Known as East Bengal State
Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950)
4. The Land Reforms of 1959 (Report of the Land Reform Commission for West
Pakistan, 1959)
5. Land Reforms Regulation, 1972
6. Land Reforms Act of 1977
The Land Reforms in Reverse
Power of landlords increased after the creation of Pakistan. The
Personal Philosophy Reflection Paper
For the past six weeks, I learned how philosophy has influenced the world globally.
Learning that when human beings voice their thoughts with others, they receive a chance
to change the world, especially if one person speaks one on one, one personage can
change the world of one body. My belief in the power of language is strengthened by
philosophy. This philosophy course has encouraged me to share my opinions that are not
influenced by other peers or older adults, but to deeply reflect and research my beliefs
and opinions. Looking at how philosophy has shaped the United States, I grant my
thankfulness towards the Constitution, and the democracy and freedom we now have,
compared to other countries.
My views of electronics have changed, ... Show more content on ...
Before philosophy my views would have leaned a little bit more towards a socialist
country, but now I gratitude freedom in hard work, education, speech, etc.
From my readings to research from Edutopia to literature courses, I have gained a deeper
appreciation for language. In order to understand what one is speaking, a person needs to
spend time listening to one s language and before responding must reflect and analyze
what the other said and how to respond. If a person wants to love another person they
have to listen to their language in order to speak their language, and the core part of
learning another language is by listening. According to Joan Blaska, author of The Power
of Language: Speak and Write Using Person First the language people use shows one s
bias and prejudices. Beliefs and another s performance fall under the influence of
language. Blaska claimed the degree to which children are able to perceive themselves as
competent and worthy, or the opposite, is heavily influenced by the verbalizations used
by their teachers...Studies have found that labeling of students does affect teacher
expectations which in turn affects student progress . People have heavy influence with
their words, because of this, our language must be intentional in a way, that breaks down
negative stereotypes and helps one gain empathy as well as seeing others capabilities.
Communicating and reading others comments and inquiring others has helped me to
Media Devices Used in Bend It like Beckham and Billy...
Media Devices Used in Bend It like Beckham and Billy Elliot

Narratives are constructed in many different ways; narrative editing, narrative music,
cinematography and mis en scene. This assignment will take you through media devises
and method used by the directors of Bend it like Beckham and Billy Elliot use to
construct their narratives. The plots of both films are based on stereotypes and how the
main characters are challenging them in each film. This leads to many similarities and

Bend it like Beckham is set in west London areas; Southall, Hounslow, Twickenham and
Ealing, also a section is in Germany. This is about A Indian girl that is growing up in a
strict Indian family ... Show more content on ...
Her coach, Joe and Jess get close in a club in Germany, at the moment Jules walks
outside and sees them. Jules had a massive crush on Joe and as Jess and Jules were best
friends Jess couldn t tell her, her feelings for Joe. At home, Jess s dad sees a picture of
Jess s football team in the news paper and when Jess gets back they are waiting for her.
Jess is forbidden to leave the house for weeks until Joe, the football team couch comes
round and tells Jess s mum and dad that they need her in the team, Jess admires him for
coming round and facing her parents. Later on it is Pinky s wedding meanwhile there is a
football match on that Jess wants to desperately play in, her dad lets her go for the second
half and Tony drives her there. Jess s dad comes and watches the match, admiring his
daughter s talent. Jess and Jules go to the USA to play football, Joe promises Jess to wait
for her.

Billy Elliot is about a young boy who grew up in the 1980 s around the time of the
strikes, Billy and his family are in a working class struggle, tight on money, set in County
Durham near Newcastle. Billy is learning how to box, because it
Why Dr. Brooke Winner Essay
I had to opportunity to shadow Dr. Brooke Winner on December 2, 2016, from the hours
of ten o clock to two thirty. She is an OBGYN with her speciality areas being in
Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Gynecologic Surgery, and Robotic Surgery. Upon entering her office at
1110 Highlands Plaza East, suite #220, I was directed to the second floor where one of
the office managers placed me inside of her office, that she shared with another OBGYN,
a male, named Dr. Biest. Upon her arrival to meet up with me, she smiled while holding
one finger up, and speedily accounted one of her patient s information into a tape
recorder. It was a surreal event to watch. Dr. Winner received her undergraduate Bachelor
of Science degree from Stanford University in 2001, and then took an astounding three
year break before even beginning medical school. Interestingly, she decided to enter onto
the pre med track later in college and so she applied later as well, which accounted for
one year of her break. However, being from Alaska, one of her desires was to go to the
University of Washington in Seattle, as it was considered a state medical school because
Alaska did not have one. She applied there, but was rejected. Columbia University,
however, did accept her, but she did not want to go there, as she viewed it as being
halfway across the country from her. So she asked to defer her enrollment and
surprisingly, they allowed it. So, in that year
I Am Vishnu, Creator And Destroyer Essay
I am Vishnu, both creator and destroyer. Murphy lovingly fondled the small, plastic vial
between his fingers. Scientists had a most curious tradition of naming resurrected
sequences after fairy tales. Sleeping Beauty came first and then of course next was the
Frog Prince. He searched old childhood memories for a fitting name. A gentle tap sent
glistening dewdrops sparkling like fairies in flight. He always liked van Winkle he
thought; such an appropriate name for such a long sleep. The sequencer s screen flashed
a monotonous chain of letters .CTGGAGATCCTGTTGACT... Is it ok? Stevens asked.
The question startled Murphy back to the present. Stevens wasn t your typical bureaucrat;
he had a lean, hungry edge about him, exceedingly fit for a man in his sixties. His cold,
quiet demeanor was unlike most in finance chilling actually. Those cool gray eyes made
it nearly impossible to evade probing, nearly. Yes, it s perfect. You may inform our
backers that their cholesterol vaccine is almost complete. I only need to do a few
additional animal tests before we can begin human trials. Stevens was a man of instinct.
He read people and listened to his intuitions. More tests? Your last report indicated you
had finished animal testing. I did, with the promoter; but I still need to run a few more on
my transposon. Transposon? You never mentioned any other sequences in your reports.
The IRB granted approval only for your control element. Murphy s tousled hair and
The Sergeant Was The Primary Person
Man up, soldier! The sergeant was the primary person I had ever notable to mention
those words. He had Hercules shoulders and a tough stare. once he raised his voice, it
absolutely was as loud as bottled thunder. He glared with contempt at the young recruit
who was cowering within the trench. A soldier referred to as intent on the sarge from the
tip of the ditch. Man down, sergeant! The sergeant cursed and leaned into the ear of the
recruit. He aforementioned one thing to the novice and created his means right down to
the medics. I might see that the young initiate had the thousand yard stare common to
most of the new troopers. They continually took time to regulate to the trenches and also
the whims of war. War was a harsh master, wholly indiscriminate. It didn t matter
typically whether or not you were brave or craven, watchful or lax. At any moment a
stray shell or gas canister might send you on your thanks to the Maker. it absolutely was
a lottery of lives which single, salient truth appeared to unnerve even the most effective
of troopers. Conditions within the trenches didn t facilitate either. Corpse engorged rats,
beady eyed, ring tailed and as massive as cats, waddled past with their bounty, heedless
of the boys. The arachnid cold defiance in their eyes created the boys desire potential
prey in an exceedingly reversal of nature s laws. it absolutely was verboten to shoot them
as bullets were scarce. You couldn t bayonet them either as their swollen stomachs burst
Single Fiber Electromyography ( Sfemg )
Single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) is another reliable diagnostic test for MG. This
test typically requires the use of a specialized EMG needle electrode that is inserted into
a single muscle in rapid succession in order to measure muscle jitter or fatigue (Selvan,
2011). This test measures electrical impulses and activity between the brain and the
muscle, and detects individual muscle weakness. To establish possible MG in a patient,
there are more jitters shown in weaker muscles. SFEMG is highly sensitive and requires
great technical expertise to administer. Unintelligible speech or other voice disorders may
be treated by an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Since
vocal difficulties are common ... Show more content on ...
Although in some cases spontaneous improvement or remission has been reported, this is
not common, and patients should seek treatment in order to cope with MG (Sieb, 2014);
however MG is rarely life threatening. Since many treatments for MG are successful,
general outlook for patients is bright, especially in terms of quality of life and daily
functioning (Sieb, 2014). Treatment There is currently no cure for MG, however there are
multiple treatments available to manage the disease. Depending on the state of the
individual, practitioners will recommend a specific treatment protocol by evaluating the
short and long term cost benefits of available treatment options. These treatments
include: plasma exchange and IVIG, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors,
immunosuppressants, and a thymectomy. Plasma exchange (plasmapheresis) and IVIg
are treatments used for acute management of severe muscular weakness. Symptoms
usually improve for 1 to 2 months, and each treatment is commonly used in conjunction
with immunosuppressants (Skeie, et al., 2010). Plasma exchange involves replacing
plasma with 1 1.5 times the volume with saline, albumin, or plasma protein fraction
(Newsom Davis, 2003). Ideally, by replacing the plasma there will be a reduced amount
of AChR antibodies attacking AChRs. IVIg (Intravenous immunoglobulins involves
administration of immunoglobulins (antibodies) that inhibit cytokines,
Gender Roles In All The Pretty Horses
In the novel, All the Pretty Horses the author, Cormac Mccarthy details a clear theme of
gender dependent roles in society. While Mccarthy does not directly address these social
constraints, they are present through the entirety of his novel. By using many of the
conflicts and interactions within All the Pretty Horses he maintains a constant
background echo of these expectations. The main protagonist, John Grady Cole often
finds himself in situations that provide elaboration on these stereotypes. Throughout All
the Pretty Horses John Grady Cole encounters men and women, all of which provide
conflict. The men he encounters always initiate conflict with John, while the women in
his life always seem to take on a warped role of themselves. John was born into a hard
environment, a split home with no room for the traditional love a child feels. He was
forced to mature quick, and was encouraged to be hardy by his grandfather, who was the
only survivor out of his brothers. Men during this time period were often expected to
withstand dangerous environments or die trying. His grandfather was the oldest of eight
boys and the only one to live past the age of twenty five. They were drowned, shot,
kicked by horses. They perished in fires. They seemed to fear only dying in bed . This
provides one of many instances entailing the dangers of their ... Show more content on ...
The man goes on to commend him for his stoic nature. With Maccarthy going on to
write, You don t talk much, do you? he said.Not a whole lot. That s a good trait to have. It
is evident that this man respected the similarity between John Grady and his Grandfather
even though it is not directly stated in the book. The amount of labor and hard work John
is presumed to have done while employed with his grandfather most likely serves to
justify his taciturn nature. As characters who talk more are more
Theme Of Romanticism In Frankenstein And La Bell Dame
Many Romantic works have placed an important focus on the interesting figure of the
strange, mysterious and the Other. The essay will be concerned with the paramount role
the Other plays in Shelley s Frankenstein and Keats poems. Since this entity entails
elements of unusualness and is thus incomprehensible, it already dwells within the realm
of oddness and unknowability. Therefore, the figure of the Other in this essay will be
treated as synonymous with that which is strange or mysterious . Through installing such
a disruptive figure into the orderly narrative structure as the perplexing site of exoticness
and peculiarity, the Romantic authors are not only creating a fascinating appeal within
their works, but are also inviting readers ... Show more content on ...
As the foreign element in the poem, she already emanates a curious vibe of exotic fantasy
displayed from her strange language (23), such an impression then leading to her
positioning as the Other whom which the knight fails to comprehend. But she is also
mystical in that her very being is subjected to unfixable definition. The lady is attributed
to be both belle dame and beldame , her dual identity presenting as a macaronic pun
(Williams 214), as a bilingual mix of words operating within the same context. While
belle dame in French depicts a pleasant beautiful maiden, the English version beldame
contradictorily points towards the figuration of a malicious old hag. Thus, the lady s
name itself already signifies a kind of perplexing fluidity. Her true nature can never be
clearly captured by the knight, akin to how one can never grasp flowing water within the
palm. Right from the start, she is already portrayed as an elusive Dionysian entity which
cannot be readily subsumed within the Establishment s fixed Apollonian codes of
understanding. The knight regards her brows as washed out with feverish dew (10). Dew
holds a refreshing quality and symbolically represents the vitality of renewal. However,
this pristineness is quickly being transmuted into that which enacts agony and
The Compact Theory
Vocabulary Chapter 16 22 Compact theory Regarding the Constitution of the United
States of America, the compact theory holds that the nation was formed through a
compact agreed upon by all the states, and that the federal government is consequently a
creation of the states. Consequently, states should be the final arbiters over whether the
federal government had overstepped the limits of its authority as set forth in the compact.
Contract theory studies how economic actors can and do construct contractual
arrangements, generally in the presence of asymmetric information Kansas Nebraska Act
1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, repealed the
Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those ... Show more content on ...
It was ratified on February 3, 1870. Reconstruction Era has two uses; the first covers the
entire nation in the period 1865 1877 following the Civil War; the second one, used in
this article, covers the transformation of the Southern United States from 1863 to 1877,
with the reconstruction of state and society in the former Confederacy. The Black Codes
were laws passed on the state and local level in the United States to limit the basic human
rights and civil liberties of blacks. Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United
States enacted between 1876 and 1965. Ku Klux Klan is the name of three distinct past
and present far right organizations in the United States, which have advocated extremist
reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti immigration,
historically expressed through
Aristotelian Appeal Ethos In Southern Gothic Literature
The Aristotelian appeal ethos is illustrated as well within the characteristics of the culture
in the era of Southern Gothic Literature. This era manifested authors like Harper Lee,
Flannery O Conner, William Faulkner, and Edgar Allen Poe who were all illuminating
their readers while heir focus was around the history of southern slavery. The artistic
direction simultaneously permits scholars to appreciate when identifying with this music
video signs and symbols while realizing the reasonable grounds behind Southern Gothic
Literature. Burke s identification shows up in the same shot of Beyoncé wearing an all
black gothic themed fashion along with black men whom are dressed in black, and all are
positioned on the porch of a French Creole style plantation one of the seemly similar
dressed African American male is highlighted because of a headdress. It s called a Fez. It
is red, holds a black tassel, and worn by Moors. Moors are descendants of the 8th century
Moorish Empire, who was known to have created a highly advanced civilization, culture,
know art, architecture and educational institutions in the 7th and 8th century. The modern
beliefs of the Moors are set in historical education, racial pride, and spiritual/social
upliftment. In addition, assisting in building up their people to be respected by
developing a cultural identity according to Wikipedia. The symbolism of the Moors
standing in front of a historic French Creole style plantation/ mansion, while snapshots of
oil paintings on the wall of an African American woman in jump cuts is another way to
show a connection that identifies with the French Creole culture which also links in with
the Moors, African Heritage, and Beyoncé s lineage.
While noticeably referring to the free Creole Bourgeoisie of color in the late 1800 s
infused with the Victorian Era in relation to the Queen Victoria s reign. There is a quick
shot of Beyoncé wearing all white in reflection of the attire worn in that era by this
wealthy race of people. The symbolism of the Victorian Era relates to the ideology of
femininity. Her lyrics specifically says, Okay ladies now let s get in formation . Being
that Beyoncé can be considered a part of the modern day elite, she is illustrating
Emirates Airline Overview
Introduction Emirates (Fly Emirates) is the national airline of the United Arab Emirates.
It is one of the fastest growing airlines and is known for consistently turning a profit.
Though Emirates is owned by the UAE government, is has evolved into a globally
influential travel and tourism conglomerate known for its commitment to the highest
standards of quality in every aspect of the business (The Emirates Story).
In March of 1985, Emirates airlines was created with support from Dubai s royal family.
With an investment of 10 million US dollars, Emirates was able to lease a Boeing 737
300 and an Airbus 300B4 for two years ( The Emirates Group). The airline commenced
its operations with a new route from ... Show more content on ...
Emirates has chosen not to join any alliance but it does offer code sharing with various
airlines. By remaining an independent airline, it is able to react without consensus from
other alliance members (Lone Emirates still flying high on luxury). With all these
destinations, Emirates has been able to have 101098 available seat miles. Business Model
Emirates airlines is known for its sound business strategy and unique ability to plan for
the future. One of the first steps taken to cut costs and maximize exposure is in the
preparation for the post travel agent era. By offering online ticketing, having a YouTube
channel and frequently updating its customers using social media, Emirates is able to
eliminate the need for travel agents and generate revenue from advertising placed on its
websites (Annual review by the chairman). Emirates current ratio of direct vs transfer
flights is a well balanced 50:50. However this should change once all A 380s are
delivered. By focusing on cargo operations more intensely than its competitors, it is able
to generate 20% of its revenue from freight operations. The airline also has a strong
presence in secondary markets that are currently not served by its competitors (British
Airways, Air France and Lufthansa). By almost completely saturating these secondary
markets (Middle East, Indonesia, and south eastern Asia) with its own fleet, the
Jewish Massacre In Russian Pogroms
In 1881 a Jewish massacre occurred in Russia known as the pogroms, which is an
organized massacre of a culture group. The start of the pogroms was after Tsar Alexander
II, the ruler of Russia, was killed in 1881 and it was suspected that the murderer was a
Jewish man. (Antin 72) For Russia to get back, they placed all the blame on the Jewish
people and the only way to get revenge was to kill each and every person who identified
with the Jewish religion. In this paper my goal is to explain what the pogroms are, the
major events that occurred in this time period, and what was learned from this time in
history. As Karl Max said, History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce. The
Jewish populations in Russian society were always ... Show more content on ...
(Doyle Pogroms of 1881) The plan to solve this issue was to use propaganda showing
how bad the Jews were and why they needed to be eliminated. The government s use of
propaganda backfired as violence arose. One example of this, is in Yelizavetgrad City.
The rioting became so out of control that the army had to get involved to break up the
fighting. (Doyle Pogroms of 1881) While, the Russians believed that using military force
would stop the people and calm them down just the opposite had occurred. People began
becoming more violent and more people joined in the rioting. This was seen ten days
later in the city of Kiev, an attack that lasted for over three years. (Modern Jewish
History) In this three year time span over 250 attacks occurred around Russia and the
citizens of Russia followed the government s lead as they were adjusting to their new
government. (Parkansky 32) To revenge his brother s death Tsar Alexander III decided to
pass harsher laws on the Jews. This is when he passed the May Laws in 1882. The May
Laws took almost all rights away from the Jewish people. Some of the laws were that
only ten percent of Jewish students could attend college, Jews could not trade on
Sundays, and they also had to move away from their local villages and towns. (Joyce
19th Century Russian Pogroms) The overall plan Alexander III had failed as over two
million Jews left Russia to go to America and the two thirds of the population that stayed
in Russia were very influential to taking down Czarist
The Minoan Civilization
History Of Architecture

Building: Palace Of Minos. Dates: 1700 1400 BC. Time period : Bronze Age. Location:
Knossos,Crete. Civilization :The Minoans.

In the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, South of Greece, lays the island of Crete refuge of
the lost civilization of the minions.The island is first refereed as Kaptara at the Syrian
city of Mani dating from 18 000 BC; Also known as Keftiu from the fresco of the Tomb
of Rekhmire in the valley of the kings in Egypt. The island s length is 260 km from East
to West and its width is approximately 60 km from at the center where the island is the
widest and as little as 12 km on it s narrowest point; Crete is the biggest Greek islands
and considered to be one of the biggest in the ... Show more content on
They had water supply and designed a drainage system based on very ingenuous
principles to fit their palace. It is not surprising that buildings as large and complicated as
the 22.000 square meters palace at Knossos witch had over 1500 rooms led the skillful
craftsman and artisan Daedalus to elaborate the myth of labyrinth. All the great palaces
had one feature in common with the smaller ones, that they were perhaps the summer
residences of the kings, the wonderful fresco painting decorating the walls with fresh,
lively scenes in an array of colors, or the dazzling white and veined blocks of gypsum
that were used to cover the walls and floors. The social system was probably feudal and
theocratic, and the king of each palace center was also the supreme religious leader.
There may have been a hierarchy of these priestkings, headed by the deity ruler of

Clement Pentier

History Of Architecture The famous PAX MINOICA prevailed throughout the island,
which facilitated the great cultural development, the charming, refined way of life of the
Minoans. A variety of pottery styles developed: the marine style, with its lively motifs
derived from the world of the deep sea (octopuses, tritons, star fishes, sea snails, rocks,
Why The Grandmother In A Good Man Is Hard To Find
Similar to every character in any given work of literature, the grandmother from A Good
Man is Hard to Find, had several attributes, both pleasing and vexatious. Of all her many
qualities, I greatly valued her ability to consistently speak her mind, even in the face of
danger. Never was she shy to give way to her true emotions and allow those around her
to view her perspective on the events occurring within her life, a rarity in today s society.
Additionally, it was made obvious how deeply she cared for her family in her desperate
attempt to persuade The Misfit to return to the good man she assumed he once was and
therefore permit the family to safely escape the dangerous predicament. Likewise, the
grandmother was a Christian woman that ... Show more content on ...
The felon presumes that the woman expects him to be moved by her compassionate
words that carry no true meaning; henceforth, The Misfit considers it be counterfeit
empathy and concludes that it was not her average disposition. Nevertheless, readers
have no factual proof concerning the godliness of the woman, for the story only occurs
within a brief period of time in which they cannot discern whether she was simply acting
sympathetic to elude gunpoint. With this in mind, the criminal suggests that the
grandmother truly would have been a good woman if only she had lived her entire life
similar to how she behaved there in the face of
The Puritans and their Search for Religious Freedom
Throughout the colonization of America, many different religions and groups found a
home in the New World. One of these religions was the Puritans. More commonly known
as the pilgrims, the Puritans are a group of very strict, religious persons. Puritans were
English Protestants who believed the Reformation did not rid the church of Catholic
influences enough ( Puritans Robinson). The Puritans first came to America due to Mary
I, who was attempting to re establish Catholicism in England. This led to the prosecution
of the Puritans and Christians. While some Puritans took their chances and stayed in
England, and others went to the Continent, the more famous group ventured to the
colonies. They first stopped in Holland, but found they couldn t settle well there. So the
Puritans decided to travel onto America. After their charter was approved by the English,
the Puritans set sail. In 1620, The Pilgrims settled in Massachusetts( Colonists and
Immigrants: 1600 1700 , Wepman). During their journey to the New World, the Puritans
had to endure many hardships. The journey, which was three thousand miles long, was
rough. One of their two ships had to turn back, losing their supplies along with it.
However, their first winter in the new colony was no better. Their journey had left the
Puritans ill equipped and unprepared for the oncoming winter. Out of the first one
hundred and two settlers, only half survived the first winter. Out of eighteen women,
fourteen had died, leading
How Can Acme Home Improvement Boost Their Income Essay
For Acme Home Improvement to boost their income, they are trying to increase their
territory and jump into the global market. Acme Home Improvements opened a new store
in Mexico City in Central America and offer the public their home improvement
requirements for commercial builders to project builders. The Acme operations analysts
have proposed a standard day job schedule for planners for Acme Mexico City (AMC).
The plan for the schedule is accommodating with Mexico s labor laws and company
guidelines in scheduling the Part Time (P/T) staff s 50% of a day s total scheduled hours.
The proposal complies with the advanced planner s imposition not to have 30 customer
service associates scheduled during a shift to prevent any unnecessary ... Show more
content on ...
The advance planners from Acme Mexico City presented an approximate minimum and
maximum number of customer service associates that can be scheduled. Acme Mexico
City s daily operating hours are between 7:00AM to 11:00PM and plan to have both F/T
and P/T customer service associates scheduled. The scheduling for P/T customer service
associates comply with Mexico s labor law and company guidelines and restricts a total
of 50% of a day s overall scheduled hours. Acme s operations analysts and the AMC
advanced planners created a standard day job scheduled using the integer linear
programming. The Acme Mexico City has to schedule the staff with a precise number of
customer service associates in order to provide customers with effective and efficient
service plus present a financially low budget, every day schedule. The daily assignment
schedule that was presented by Acme operations analysts was in compliance with any of
the boundaries of Mexico s labor laws and corporate policy. The proposed schedule
doesn t surpass 30 associates on the floor during any shift or shift changes, avoids any
scheduling of P/T associates after 7:00pm, and meets the requirement with scheduling
P/T associates 50% of the days combined scheduled hours. All F/T employees are
required to take an hour long lunch break in order to comply with Mexico s labor laws.
The scheduled proposal of Acme s operations analysts is sufficient based on
Hidden Champions By Herman Simons
Hidden Champions professor Herman Simons shares his strategies and products with
people describing what makes him and his companies and products so successful.
Simons Hidden Champions strategies differ from typical ones used by others, often seen
in the news or advertised. One major difference is that many of Hidden Champions
products are unheard of other than within the industry the product has been designed for.
There are currently 2700 medium sized companies generating between one to five Billion
dollars revenue with an average of 2000 employees. Hidden Champions has low leverage
and therefore mostly uses its own cash flow for funding R D and the development of new
innovations. Simons is vertically integrated with operations on a geographic scale with
most of his locations situated away from major centres. (Balinski, 2013) To be successful
in globalisation and speculation, Grant Anderson CEO of Hidden Champions states
(Balinski, 2013), you must travel the world with arms and legs in the global market in
order to use gather intelligent feedback and findings of new developments in the area and
to know what is changing in the world. Following are excellent example Saturday of
Hidden Champions success in specialisation and globalisation; 1. (Balinski, 2013) States,
55% of Hidden Champions companies are located in Germany speaking countries.
Research into the export industry told Simons there was a need for an application/system,
to make it easier to perform tasks such as
A History Of The English Church And People
When Bede was writing A History of the English Church and People the conflicts
between Christians and pagans were still not long a ago and Christianity was not yet as
dominant in England as it would be in the future. Therefore, the memories of these
conflicts were still fresh within some people s minds and Bede made sure to record it.
Bede wrote the history of past events of Christianity s struggles, the great men that
protected it and enforced it. He wrote so that Christians would have an example on how
to act in order to achieve greatness, how to avoid sin and how to strengthen Christianity
and the Church itself in England. Bede thought that greatness is achieved only in one
way and that was being a good, devout Christian. He used the history of King Oswald s
life as an example of what it meant to be great and what are the rewards for achieving
greatness. He wished everyone who read his history to follow in Oswald s footsteps as he
continuously mention in his written work history records good things of good men, the
thoughtful hearer is encouraged to imitate what is good . He gives many examples of
Oswald s deeds as a devout Christian, but his number one achievement was bringing the
faith to the lands of Bernicia. He came to Bernicia to fight heathen kings while at the
same time showing a great trust in God, as before the battle he set up a holy cross and
made everyone in his army pray before upcoming battles. it seems that there was no
evidence of the
The Importance Of Organ Donation
A girl named Ali was born with a liver defect called Progressive Familial Intrahepatic
Cholestasis. It wasn t until she was nine that she was actually diagnosed and the
prognosis was clear Ali s disease would get progressively worse and she would die
without a liver transplant. After a six month wait and one false alarm, they got the call. A
thirteen year old girl had died and the liver was a match for Ali. The transplant was a
success and the results almost instantaneously. When I woke I remembered immediately
noticing that my skin and eyes were no longer yellow, and I didn t itch at all. It was
amazing, says Ali. Today, Ali is a healthy twenty year old junior college student double
majoring in art and geography (How Ali Received A New Liver). Ali s story was only 1
in 116,000 other patient transplant stories. Ali had to wait six months to receive her much
needed organ because there is an organ shortage occurring and the only way to stop the
shortage is to increase the number of organ donors, living or deceased. A few ways to
increase the amount of organ donors is to financially compensate the organ donor or the
organ donor s family for funerals, offer Medicare coverage, and reimburse the donor of
cost during the donation process. Just one donor can save the lives of eight people and
change the lives of more than fifty people. The need for organ transplants continues to
exceed the supply of organs which is resulting in the current organ shortage. An
estimated 170,000 patients in the U.S. are on waiting list for transplants. With such a
large waiting list, a large number of patients have set out to recruit their own donors;
whether it is through a website or an underground market. The U.S. banned organ sales
two decades ago resulting in the underground sale of organs. People have discovered the
value of their own organs and have been taking advantage of it. For example, there has
been a case where a South Korean man used his kidney as collateral for a loan. With such
a large need for organs; the government needs to think of a method to attract more organ
donors. One of the major suggestion is to financially compensate organ donors as an
incentive to entice more people to donate; whether it is a living
The Mexican War Of Argentina
Throughout Argentina and as well other Central American countries during that of the
late 1970 s, many were going through severe political upheaval. This political
catastrophe coupled with various human rights violations pushed many people to the
edge and out of their homeland. Economically drained and scared for their lives
Argentines sought freedom and asylum within the United States. For many this was the
start of something new in a foreign country with people that speak a foreign language.
Courage and bravery those are two words that in my eyes describe an immigrant that has
been forced to endure so much that they leave everything they had ever known.The Dirty
War of Argentina caused families to be ripped apart and people to vanish as if they had
never existed. This horrendous stretch in Argentine history showcased various human
rights violations, corrupt leaders, United States backed coup, death and a need for reform
in a country that was broken and dismayed. The Argentine Dirty War was a deadly
tumultuous war that struck the country sort of by surprise forcing many to abandon their
homeland. It all started with Isabel Peron becoming the first female president of
Argentina after her husband was forced out due to illness where he received around the
clock care. Although there were many Peronist supporters in favor of her rule, there was
a growing insurgency to overthrow her corrupt regime. Her regime inherited problems of
inflation, labour unrest, and political
Religion and Cultural Identity Essays
Religion and Cultural Identity

Is it possible to be a Muslim without believing the validity of the prophecies of

Mohammed? Is it possible to be a Christian without believing in the resurrection of
Jesus? My definition of religion transformed greatly during my studies the past few
months. Even as a religion major at St. Olaf College I thought of religion very narrowly,
as a construct of metaphysical beliefs. But I ve come to realize that religion runs far
deeper than my Lutheran mind previously conceived.

By studying cultures and religions other than my own in Turkey, Morocco, Egypt and
Greece it became clear to me that religion plays a huge part in shaping ones cultural
identity. Bringing this cultural identity viewpoint to its ... Show more content on ...
The research presents itself chronologically by topic and is subdivided by country.

Searching back to its beginnings, religion has a profound impact on cultural identity
through the presence of deep and ancient roots that connect a people to their glorious,
memorable and often idealized histories. By equating a given religion with the success of
a society often times national pride and religious pride become intertwined. Though this
manifests itself differently in each country, throughout all four surveyed this attribute
seemed to be present.

Turkey, though once the throne of Christendom, it began a new and glorious religious
history starting in 1453 with the sack of Constantinople by the Islamic Turkish forces.
During the next half millennium the strong Ottoman state is primarily controlled by the
Islamic Sultanate and Caliphate. Istanbul under the Ottoman Empire was a, if not the,
cultural center of the Islamic world. The empire brought great wealth, knowledge and
culture into the modern day lands of Turkey. Although the modern Republic tried to
suppress its Ottoman past, Turkey s Islamic beginnings remain a source of great Turkish
pride. Though most people can no longer access their history through original Ottoman
texts it is impossible to hide the
Harford County Case Study
Harford County is a fast growing jurisdiction between 1990 to 2010 the county s
population grew from 182,132 to 244,826. Some of the reasons the county has seen such
a great population growth is due to job opportunities. Employment in the county has
steadily continued to grow making Harford county have a very low unemployment rates
better than other counties in the state of Maryland. (HCHD, 2012).
The 2015 United States Census Bureau, stated that the county had a total number of
93,358 households. In 2013 the American Community Survey Data, estimated the
median household income in the county was $80,622. (Data Demographics | Harford
County, MD, 2016). The poverty rate in the county is lower than the state s poverty rate.
In the county the poverty rate is at 6.4% while in the state s poverty rate is at 9%.
According to the 2008 2010 American Community Survey, 4,757 households or 5% of
the estimated 89,712 households in the county receive food stamps. The food stamps are
necessity to those who do not have food. In the County 64% of those that receive food
stamps have children under the age of eighteen and 23% of those that receive food
stamps have people sixty years or older. (HCHD, 2012). ... Show more content on ...
In the county 81.2% are Caucasians and 12.7% are African American while in the state of
Maryland Caucasians made up 58.2% of the population and the 29.4% of the population
are African Americans. Even though Harford county the majority of the populations are
Caucasians, the county has come a long way in the last ten years. In the last ten years, as
population has increased in the county, it has become more diverse. Between 2000 and
2010 the number of African American in the county have increased by over 50%. In the
county there is 3.5% of Hispanics, 2.4% Asian, and 2.1% are considered to be other
races. In 2016, the unemployment rate, in Harford County was
Narrative Essay On Andy
On a gloomy and foggy day in Denver, Colorado Michael decides to go on a hiking trip
by himself. He is a tall skinny, brown hair and eyed man. Michael is 24 and decided he
doesn t want kids because he wants to live his life free. Michael gets all his equipment
ready and drives to the mountains. As Michael approaches the trail he sees detectives
investigating a case. He drives up and rolls down his window slowly.
What happened here? asked Michael questionably. Someone got murdered, I would
appreciate it if you would not enter the trail. said detective Andy.
So then Michael drives off to the back side of the entry for the trail.
No cops here. Michael thinks to himself.
After Michael packs his hiking bag sets off into the trees. About an hour into ... Show
more content on ...
Soon Andy snuck up on the cop and stabbed him and Michael took a picture that was his
Andy didn t have time to react so Michael had the chance to run and he took it. He ran as
fast as he could to get away from the Detective. He got to his car and drove back to the
Here I have evidence Detective Andy is a killer!
Whoa. sighed all the cops.
We can t do anything sorry. said the second Detective.
Then Michael ran to his car and back to the cabin in the woods. Michael ran back into the
woods and found the cabin once again. He searched and searched for Andy but it didn t
seem he was there. Michael went around back and shattered a window and climbed in.
He found the knife and the two bodies. Then Michael heard crunching in the distance and
grabbed the knife. He ran to where the crunching was like he did previously and seen
Andy in the distance. He seen Andy s shadow and waited till he approached. When he
approached Michael ran and stabbed Andy and that was the end of him and all the
Michael got away with everything and never said a word about the murders at the cabin
in the
When Working In A Dental Laboratory There Are Many Safe
When working in a dental laboratory there are many safe operating procedures that
should take place.Dental pumice is used as an abrasive for finished and polishing of
dental appliances. Pumice contains crystalline silica , its very harmful substance when
breathed and can cause severe breathing problems such as silicosis and a group of lung
diseases. When working with pumice we must ensure to always wear gloves as it can be
drying on the skin , always wear some type of face mask and this must be insured that the
filter is clean and different to the ones used with other materials, as well as wearing a
apron and googles to ensure it doesn t get in your eye as it can cause irritation.
Acrylic /PMMA is a substance which is also very harmful ... Show more content on ...
Batch number must always be present with each material as it can be traced back to the
batch of material in case of any problems with material its there for traceability its also
useful when auditing.Data sheet must be available to all the employees it should also
contain technical data sheet, how to deal with all the risks ,hazards ,any precautions
which should be taken in place also fire fighting measures must be included and first aid
measure in case any emergencies take place. MHRA this is one of the many regulatory
bodies which a dental laboratory should be with and follow they ensure that medical
devices work and are acceptable, any appliances made for going into the body have to be
registered with the MHRA.COSHH is another health and safety regulation (control of
Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations dental professional need to register with
these regulatory bodiesand abide by them as it s the law , you can reduce risks by
planning emergencies ahead, providing control measures to reduce harm , risk
assesments , identifying health hazardsand providing and monitoring health surveillance
for employees aswell as others.
PPE is an essential to maintain and update within the laboratory. Gloves are worn to
avoid any chemical hazards or irritation within the skin also for hygiene and safety.
When handling acrylic contact dermatitis could be contracted which
Trends in Population Growth and Diversity
In an ever increasing world of competition, organizations today must have strategies in
place responding to trends in population growth and diversity that could have an impact
on an organization s ability to plan, organize, lead, and control. Some factors to be
considered include; vendor relationships, population growth, diversity, lawsuits, one stop
shopping, and overcoming barriers to new cultures. Wal Mart is a huge corporation
whose operations are heavily scrutinized by the media, the public, and Wal Mart s
employees. Due to this constant visibility, Wal Mart s management practices must be
sound, consistent, and adaptable to change. The first factor impacting one of Wal Mart s
management functions relates to diversity. ... Show more content on ...
(Karen Olson, March/April 2003 Issue, Up Against Wal Mart). Workers in 27 states are
suing Wal Mart for violating wage and hour laws. An Oregon jury found Wal Mart guilty
in December 2005 of systematically facing employees to work overtime without pay.
One of the challenges Wal Mart faces is a sex discrimination lawsuit, denying
promotions and equal pay to 700,000 women. Across the country employees in more
than 100 stores in 25 states are trying to unionize Wal Mart. Another challenge the
company faces is the 120,000 employees in Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana who
are trying to unionize. Wal Mart sends out union busting teams to collect and throw away
union literature and to remove union supporters from their jobs. Wal Mart has zero
tolerance for unions. Wal Mart settled lawsuits involving 67,000 employees in New
Mexico and Colorado, reportedly paying more than $50 million for keeping payroll low,
regularly deleting hours from time records and reprimanding/issuing discipline to
employees who claimed overtime. This opened up an opportunity to correct those issues
with pay. More than 2/3 of all Wal Mart employees are women. Wal Mart has the same
10% of top store managers who are women who they had in 1975. An internal survey
conducted by a Wal Mart executive showed that the company pays female store
managers less than men in the same position. This
A Peaceful Mourning By Sue Halpern
On September 11th 2001, 70 years old Rita Laser lost her brother. Along with Kelly,
Colleen, David, Eva, and Amber who as well lost someone special to them in the attack.
Many of the victims families hid in silence after the attack, full of sadness, the
government was trying to get revenge for the victims that were lost in the attack.
However Rita Laser had a different outlook, she and others did not want revenge by
killing other, her, Kelly, Colleen, David, Eva, and Amber were all trying to install peace
into the world not start a war. In Sue Halpern s A Peaceful Mourning describes that in the
aftermath of the attack they have all devoted their lives into advocating peace throughout
the world, in their lost one s name. Rita Laser found
Diabetes in the United States Essay
The United States is a collection of multicultural and diverse individuals and
communities (Dreachlin, Gilbert, Malone, 2013). People of all races, ethnicities,
religions, and diversities, each with their own uniqueness, now comprise our health care
system. However; in one way we are all the same. Our bodies are all subject to disease.
Currently, Diabetes is our nation s seventh leading cause of death. Diabetes A Systems
Approach Because we are all physiologically the same there are factors that must be
addressed in all Diabetics Diabetic Care Behaviors that require education and services:
Healthy eating Dietician Exercise Gym, weight management, and achievement of goals
Taking medication medications in pill, ... Show more content on ...
Our patient is Eva Ybarra. She is a 40 year old married, Spanish speaking woman. Her
husband and she are overweight. There is a family prevalence of diabetes and poor
lifestyle habits. Planning Mrs. Ybarra s treatment:  Mrs. Ybarra and his wife will
receive all of the above mentioned healthcare services for diabetes but will require
additional services as follows:  Training, education, and treatment instructions in
Spanish  Dietary education that includes Mrs. Ybarra and addresses the patient s
cultural preferences. Eating is a fundamental and social activity in the Hispanic cultures.
It is more than just sharing food. It is providing nurturance and an opportunity to
converse with other members of the family. In a culture steeped in family understanding
a Hispanic woman s beliefs about food may be as important as understanding what she
eats. Many Hispanic women associate comfort with food as this has been passed down
through their family for generations.  The family may request a Curandero, or spiritual
healer, to provide alternative treatment options. It may be important to review treatment
suggestions to ensure they comply with patient s current regimen. Mrs. Ybarra will
require Spanish speaking materials and provider to help her understand her treatment,
glucose monitoring, and insulin injections. More diabetes facts based on race: 8.4% of
diabetics in the United States are Asian Americans (ADA, 2011). Our second patient is
Mrs. Ling Tsai. She
Bio 105 Class Analysis
There were several parts of this Bio 105 class that I felt were important to my continued
education at UNCG and to the rest of my life, but for now I would like to focus on three
main sections that I feel were particularly valuable. Learning about anthropocentrism,
human impact through pollution, and the human population helped me change the way I
think about the world and see myself in it. One of the first things I learned in Major
Concepts of Biology was the term anthropocentrism. I d never seen it before, but once I
had, I could quickly see how it applied to my lifestyle and mindset. Previous to this class,
I d never given much thought to the environment. I knew that is was suffering because of
my actions and those of others, but whenever it was even a little difficult to curb those
actions, I did what was easiest for me. In short, I felt that my comfort and the comfort of
other humans like me were more important than the millions of other organisms that
inhabit this planet. At first, I didn t want to believe how selfishly I d been acting, but over
the course of the semester, I can see that I am at fault for the dwindling health of the
earth along with the other seven billion homo sapiens. However, once I realized how
terrible my actions were, I started to try and make small changes to my ... Show more
content on ...
Being as it is, I am a human who has been creating pollution my entire life. The things I
ve done knowingly and unknowingly up to this point have definitely has a negative
impact on the earth. Just learning about the harm I ve caused has made start seriously
contemplate my actions and think about changes I can make in my daily life by doing
simple things like recycling, consuming less beef, and walking instead of driving. While
these things will have minimal impact on my daily life, they could mean the very
continued existence of species, as this class has taught
Water Fluoridation Case Study
In the first case, we are presented with the fact that water districts are required by law to
report their fluoridation test results to the state. The fact that they are monitoring the
fluoridation levels of the municipal water supply and are also sending these results to be
included in the CDC evidence the fact that the water district works to enforce laws and
regulations that protect and ensure safety (AAPHD, 2006). Additionally, the water
districts are working to diagnose and investigate health problems and hazards in the
community (AAPHD), through their reporting and working to improve results each
month that may not be up to the standard. Fluoridating the water supply can have many
potential benefits to the population making use of ... Show more content on ...
The community leaders were monitoring the health status to identify community health
problems (AAPHD) in the fact that they recognized that there would be a lack of access
to care now that the dentist had retired. This also assures a competent public health and
public health work force (AAPHD) for the members of their community. In order to
address this concern, the leaders worked to mobilize community partnerships to identify
and solve health problems (AAPHD), as well as to evaluate the effectiveness,
accessibility, and quality of person and population based health services (AAPHD). They
were able to do this by working with the local medical center administration to find a
possible office space, the state health department to look into how to recruit dentist to
underserved areas, and with the state legislature, who is calling for funds to incentivize
dentists who go to underserved areas to practice. Finally, in using the available space and
same waiting room in the existing medical office for a new potential dental practice,
these community leaders are researching new insights and innovative solutions to health
problems (AAPHD,

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