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About Hyderabad Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of Hyderabad may seem like a daunting task at first, but with the right
approach, it can be an enjoyable and insightful experience. Hyderabad, being a city rich in history,
culture, and modern development, offers a plethora of information to explore and incorporate into
your essay.

The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between historical facts, cultural nuances, and
contemporary aspects of the city. The challenge lies in presenting a comprehensive view that captures
the essence of Hyderabad without overwhelming the reader with an excess of information. Finding
the right blend of details to paint a vivid picture while maintaining a coherent structure can be a
delicate task.

Research becomes a crucial part of the process, as delving into the city's past, understanding its
diverse cultural influences, and staying updated on its current developments is essential. Locating
reliable sources, sifting through historical archives, and consulting contemporary news articles can be
time-consuming but is necessary for a well-rounded and accurate portrayal.

Crafting a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention, developing a clear thesis
statement, and organizing the content in a logical flow are pivotal aspects of writing a successful
essay. The challenge is to present information in a manner that not only educates but also engages the
reader, making them feel connected to the subject matter.

Moreover, attention to language and style is essential. Striking the right tone that aligns with the
purpose of the essay, whether informative, persuasive, or descriptive, requires a thoughtful selection
of words and phrases. The challenge lies in ensuring clarity without sacrificing the richness of

In conclusion, while writing an essay about Hyderabad can pose challenges, it is an opportunity to
explore and appreciate the diverse facets of this vibrant city. With diligent research, careful
organization, and thoughtful expression, the difficulties can be overcome, resulting in a well-crafted
essay that does justice to the uniqueness of Hyderabad.

And remember, if you ever find yourself struggling or pressed for time, assistance is available.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, providing a helping hand in
navigating the intricacies of essay writing.
About Hyderabad Essay About Hyderabad Essay
A teenagerВґs Suicide
You re sitting at your desk,with your long, light brown hair in a plait falling naturally
over your left shoulder. You re looking down at your harmed wrists. Looking down at
them, realising that pain you had given yourself, just isn t as surreal as it used to be.
You re breathing heavily now, saying to yourself It s time to go. Repeating those four
words over and over again. School just couldn t have been worse today, and of course
your parents were yet again fighting around your wooden eight seater dining table at
breakfast today. You can t seem to find anyway out of your depression, you ve battled it
for years, striving for some kind of incentive. Maybe you were just looking for that
serendipity that never came.
No one is home, you believe it s the perfect opportunity. You take a deep breath and
think if you don t do this now, you, and everyone around you is just going to look down
on you, hating you forever. You see it as some kind of game, that such a horrific thing
like taking your life could actually be humourous. It s not, nobody is laughing and they
re never going to.
You gather up the rope, the video camera and the chair because you re just that desperate
to leave. You re not even thinking clearly now.
You re standing on the chair in your spacious bedroom. One side of the rope is tied up
to the ornate fan while the other side is loosened around your neck. You re standing there
helplessly looking down at your tanned brown legs, looking down accepting that this is
Superman And Beowulf Comparison
Epic heroes face incredible challenges that force them to showcase their otherworldly
capabilities. Epic heroes have the ability to do what mere mortals are unable to
accomplish. Two of the most significant and well known epic heroes are Superman and
Beowulf. Superman and Beowulf are both epic heroes that each display their own set
of unique characteristics, but also share many similarities. These epic heroes are forced
to display examples of courage, super strength, and both have to battle inhuman foes.
Superman and Beowulf both showed examples of great courage. Clark Kent used
courage when he refused to show his true self to the public when his father was about to
die. He also exhibited courage by revealing himself to Zod to save
Archetypes In The Grapes Of Wrath
John Steinbeck s The Grapes of Wrath, a universal, timeless tale of everyday people and
their struggle, has impacted the American consciousness and ethical standard since its
publication in 1939. Steinbeck s writing utilizes common, everyday, but deliberate word
choice, made thought provoking and pervasive by syntactical arrangement. This effective
aspect of Steinbeck s language, sentence structure, gets the reader thinking about various
common themes such as man s inhumanity to fellow man, altruism, group vs. individual,
gender roles, and family dynamics in ways in which he or she has not previously
experienced. This characteristic of his work, how his unsophisticated structure catalyzes
new, innovative approaches by the public to societal difficulties is... Show more content
on ...
Ma Joad, the citadel of the family, who teaches Tom the importance of empathy and
understanding for humankind, is the most consequential character to the development
of the major themes of the novel (74). Although women s roles in the novel are limited
to the nurturing wife and mother archetype, in the comprehensive view of the study of
the novel, Ma Joad s work in keeping the family whole, loving Tom, and advising Rose
of Sharon allows Steinbeck to put into question the fallacy of entrenched power. Ma s
role in the novel serves to help the author criticize dictatorial masculinity by emphasizing
the importance of emotion, female insight, and coordination. A character that did not
serve to enhance the understanding of the thesis includes Noah, who did not add to or
take away from the portrayal of any major themes. When he walked down the river
away from the family to embark on his own it did not affect the progression of the plot
greatly. Characterization, in addition to plot, language, and good writing all affect the
validity of the
The Relationship Between Sam Spade And The Maltese
Both Dashiell Hammett s development of Sam Spade in the Maltese Falcon and
Dorothy Sayers development of Harriet Vane in Gaudy Night, leave something to be said
about the way British and American detective novels create their characters in line with
different views of life. Whether that perspective is relative to the time period and country,
or just the views of the author, it is clear that the American hardboilednovel focuses
strongly on the self interest of most of the characters, and the self development of Sam
Spade and what his perception of life is. Dorothy Sayers develops her protagonist
Harriet Vane in a similar way. She too is trying to understand her place in the world and
is given the opportunity to do so at Shrewsbury. The two novels contrast either drastically
in plot development and the types of crimes, which influences the character s views of
their own lives.
The Maltese Falcon begins by quickly establishing Sam Spade as a morally complex
character after his affair with his partner s wife, even though he is supposed to be the
protagonist. Sam Spade s opening description as a blond devil let the readers begin to
picture his cynicism. Readers can t expect the normal actions of a protagonist as they can
in Gaudy Night. In a sub genre of Mystery, this moral questioning plays on the emotional
mystery of not knowing fully that the protagonist is actually going to be the hero. Not
only questioning if he s the hero, but questioning if he might possibly be the
Fossil Evidence
The clues to support the theory of evolution are vital to understanding how we and
other organisms have evolved over millions of years. Clues such as embryology, fossil
evidence, DNA, homologous, and vestigial structures all give us valuable information on
the theory of evolution. Fossil evidence tells information such as how our ancient
ancestors looked like, how tall they were, and more. Vestigial structures suggest that we
used to have bones and muscles that have shrunk or even disappeared over thousands of
years. Fossil evidence gives modern scientists an idea on how ancient animals and
humans looked like. When fossils are found, scientists assemble them to get a general
picture. This indirect clue of evolutiondefinitely
Analysis Of Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao
In Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, the author, Junot Diaz, depicts the life of a
fictitious Oscar De Leon who was an overweight boy of Dominican origin growing up
in New Jersey. Leon appears to be quite interested in science fiction and novels that
relate to fantasy. The boy also appears to be burdened with a curse that has followed
his family for generations. The caretaker, on the other hand, is a play that features
three acts in that there are different actors, some of them being Aston and Davies (Diaz
13). Aston has invited Davies who is homeless to his flat after he has rescued him
from a bar fight. Davies appears to be critical of Aston s house and comments on how
messy it is. The paper aims to discuss on ways in which the main characters of the
Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and The Caretaker embody the characteristics of
the immigrant and the outsider. It also aims to show how the characteristics either
contribute to or detract from their respective hero s journeys. The book by Oscar Wao
does provide a paradoxical view of Oscar De Leon in which he depicts him as an
immigrant in both the US and Dominican. He not an original dweller of the US but has
lived in the country for many years (Campbell 27). He happens to go through some
problems in New Jersey, one of them being the fact that he is not able to find love.
Despite the fact that he has always been in search of love. The case, therefore,
provides a view that things in the US are not turning out well for him. He holds the
wish that such occurrences would be different in order to get the best outcome.
Another problem that Oscar happened to suffer from is based on the fact that he is
not able to get the friendship that he had wished for in New Jersey. For instance, at the
time when he attended Rutgers University, he was dissed by a girl, a situation that
would, therefore, push him to attempt suicide (Diaz 13). He tried to do the same by
drinking two bottles of alcohol and tried to jump off the New Brunswick train bridge.
He also gets into a fight with his own sister and attempts suicide for a second time.
Oscar, having realized that most of the situation in the US was not happening as he
would have wished, had the view that it was the time
Perfect Date Analysis
Many people think that they need to take their partners to an expensive restaurant to
constitute a perfect date. There are many romantic cheap date ideas available to you
where you can create a memorable occasion within a tight budget. If you are searching
for ideas you may wish to ask your friends what their ideal romantic meeting would be
thus gathering a wealth of information before embarking on your preferred idea.
Interesting options can be found in many different places. Finding them online is a
particularly quick and easy way to get some really great and useful information. You
will have a variety to choose from and you can select what will be the most suitable for
you and your partner to do. Your choice could be dependent on a number... Show more
content on ...
Many people will enjoy an excellent home cooked meal accompanied by love songs
and the creation of the perfect atmosphere. The lighting usually adds to the mood so
you may want to put many candles in the room to create a soft, dreamy environment.
Perhaps it is your first meeting and you would like the experience to be especially
memorable. You might consider packing a picnic basket and spending the evening
together stargazing in your local park. Others may prefer a picnic on the beach instead
or beside a waterfall. There are many options available to you and your partner. A
games evening could be a more enjoyable option for both of you. This could be a
particularly fun way to connect with your partner. Some people do not necessarily
enjoy playing games so it may be best to check first. Choosing the games you can play
could be a joint decision or you could possibly each pick a game. Many people consider
their natural surroundings to be truly beautiful and it does not usually cost anything. You
may wish to take your partner on a moonlight stroll along the beach or perhaps a walk
through the forest or a hike up the mountain. You should take the time to locate the most
scenic spots in your area and then take your loved one along to experience
Killer Queen Description
Killer Queen by Queen is very intriguing to me for one big reason, depending on how I
look at the lyrics; I cannot decide whether the song is about a classy prostitute or a
homosexual man; however, before going into this ambiguity, I must establish some
background for the song and its history. Queen is a British rock band formed in 1970; at
the time of this song being written, the lineup was: Freddie Mercury, on lead and backing
vocals; Brian May, on electric guitar and backing vocals; Roger Taylor, on drums and
also backing vocals; and John Deacon on bass guitar. Though the band started out with
heavier rock, this song marked their transition towards a more glam rock or pop rock
tone of music; a change that proved extremely successful for... Show more content on ...
As an example we can look at the first verse; it opens by informing listeners that this
queen keeps a very fancy wine (MoГ«t et Chandon) in her cabinet, showing that she is
a person who wants to come across as refined and fancy, and then moves into saying
that she recites the famous Let them eat cake quote, Just like Marie Antoinette , the
queen of France before the French Revolution. This line is where it starts alluding to
the fact that she is not simply the refined and high class lady she appears to be. Marie
Antoinette is famously misattributed to that quote, and while initially well received
and liked by the French populace, people grew to dislike her and accused her of being
promiscuous in addition to other accusations. So while the line seems to just be
painting her as a refined person, it is actually alluding to her true nature. The song
goes on in many other lines to describe this Killer Queen ; she appears to be a high
class woman who is at times, as Mercury himself put it, a whore. This forms the basis
of the most accepted (and perfectly valid) interpretation of the song; however, as it is
already well accepted, it is not the interpretation I would like to focus on getting
The Importance Of College Level Writing
An area of confusion in the college world is what defines college level writing. There
are many possible answers to this question. Students may be confused about this issue
because they want to know what is expected of them in their composition classes and the
writing that they have to do in their other classes. All of us want to succeed when we get
to collegeand writing makes up a big part of the college learning experience since we
have to write in every class we have. Excelling in writing, and especially in writing at
the college level, will help students succeed in college because of all of the writing
involved in all of their classes. Before we write our papers however, we need to learn
how to write at the college level and before that what college level writing is. College
level writing is something that requires more attention to content and quality than high
schoollevel writing, something that has varying expectations between colleges and
professors, and something that requires the writer to actively participate in their writing
to become better.

Some students may believe that the work that they did in high school will be similar to
the work that they do in college, but, there is no guarantee that students who do well in
high school composition will automatically do well in college composition (Davies 31).
A student that does excel in their high school writing classes may think that they know
how to write at the college level and that they do not need to further
The United States Involvement During The Civil War
In the year of 1898, Spain declared war on the United States. The U.S. prime objective
was for the true Cuban independence. In pursuing such goal, the string of conflicts began
with the inhumane treatment of Cuban civilians in concentration camps by the Spanish,
yellow journalism, and the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine. The United Statesinvolvement in
the war was a combination of all of these factors; however, the most influential factor was
the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine. The outrage of American citizens advanced throughout
the country. Ultimately, the firm perception of a deliberate attack on the Maine pressured
the United States into the war. Without a clear rationale, the American public compelled
the United States to avenge the Maine. After a short four month war, United States won
the war and emerged as a dominant force in the world.
The Spanish American war centers around many contributing elements. The first of these
events was the reconcentration policy. General Weyler was put in charge to stop Cuban
rebels from expanding. Such policy was intended to protect the noncombatant peasantry
of the island, but his sole object was to compel them to put themselves wholly in the
power of the Spanish officials (White). The policy forced all rural district civilians to
move into cities and towns that were still under Weyler s control. Moreover, Weyler
concluded that this would prevent civilians from assisting rebels with information or
food. He enforced the concentration
Not My Wedding Day
Ned pulled his arm from Lysa Tully s tight grip. I sure she s just getting ready. Ned
said. Then why isn t she answering me! Lysa asked, panic written over her face. Her
hands pulling on her blue dress. Look, I ll go and talk to the grounds keeper about
keys. Alright? Ned tells her before walking off. Okay, but hurry. The girl says as he
turns to leave. Ned walks quickly outside to search for the man. The wedding was to
start in five minutes and all the guests had arrived and Brandon was standing in front
of the alter with Ben and Edmure waiting for the wedding to start. Ned! What s going
on? Lyanna yells after him, pulling her dress up revealing the boots she wears under
her dress. Catelyn isn t answering the door and it s locked. So I m looking for the
keeper, have you seen him? Ned asks. Lyanna just shakes her head, falling very
unladylike into the chair. Pulling the skirt of her dress into her lap, sighing as she puts
her boots on the table. So is this happening or not? Lyanna asks with the dramatics only
a seventeen year old could muster. Of course. Ned says not mustering up much
conviction. Funny. I thought Brandon would be the one with wedding jitters. But I
guess if you have so many side projects it isn t as terrifying. Lyanna mutters as she texts
someone on her cell phone. Ned growls only slightly and walks away before Lyanna can
start interrogating him. Ned can t see anyone outside except for the driver who s leaning
against the limi
The Sisters And Araby, By James Joyce
In James Joyce s short stories, The Sisters and Araby the author describes two different
characters who find love , but ending up colliding their religious beliefs and sexual
awakening leaving themselves in confusion. The symbol of how the chalice is used in
both these stories resemble different but strong meanings behind each of the stories.
In the short story The Sisters Joyce uses the chalice to first introduce the religious
connection with Father Flynn. As a result of his psychic condition he broke the chalice
that contained nothing for him. From now on the chalice has no meaning for him it was
empty, just as how he feels for the stands of Christianity and its tradition. Breaking the
most important vessel in the Catholic Church
Information Systems And The Geographic Information System
Ms. Clare has 12 years of professional experience working in the Geographic
Information System (GIS) field. She is proficient in using Economic and Social
Research Institute s (ESRI s) ArcGIS software for spatial analysis and map creation. She
uses ArcMap for analyzing sites, soils, hazards, proposed developments, watersheds,
wetland impacts, endangered species, and wildlife habitats. She converts and projects
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) data and AutoCAD data for GIS analysis and uses
current cartographic techniques in creating quality maps and graphics.
Ms. Clare also has several years of experience researching geographic data and historic
cartographic data both as a GIS Specialist and as a student. During her graduate studies,
she worked as a teaching assistant for a physical geography class, and instructed a
freshman practical geography laboratory class.
Significant Projects
GIS Specialist PG E Road Assessment Project California
Mrs. Clare created road assessment maps and managed a large geodatabase containing
road condition, hazard, and facility route information. She worked directly with PG E
personnel to configure the database and associated metadata to work seamlessly with PG
E s existing data structure. (July 2012 to October 2014)
GIS Specialist Hilgard Project Union County, Oregon
Mrs. Clare performed channel bed analysis and created cross section profiles using
LiDAR and bathymetry data. She made maps showing existing geomorphic conditions as
well as
Terwilliger Bunts One by Annie Dillard Essay
Terwilliger Bunts One by Annie Dillard

Terwilliger Bunts One by Annie Dillard is an amusing, revealing essay in which the
speaker, a woman in her twenties or thirties, tells the audience stories about her mother
and her mother s unusual personality. The ultimate purpose of the essay is to show by
the mother s various quirks and rules how her daughter is inspired to be her own person,
stand up for the underdog, and to keep people on their toes, and to hopefully pass this
lesson on to the audience. The speaker has written this essay in descriptive,
comprehensive terms which convey to the audience how special and remarkable her
mother was, and to share some of her teachings with the rest of the world. Terwilliger
bunts one is a ... Show more content on ...
77), her restless mental vigor (p. 78), and her willingness to stand up for her opinions,
no matter how unpopular. Though the mother in this essay uses extraordinary words
and is obviously a well educated woman, the diction used by the speaker is generally
straightforward to the average person; therefore, it can be concluded that the story was
written for the average person. The terms used are nonetheless very specific and
suited to their purpose of describing the mother, especially with several precise
adjectives appearing constantly. The mother has an emotional voice (p. 78), holds
unpopular, even fantastic, positions (p. 78), and gives a vibrantly innocent look (p.
77) after destroying a game of bridge. However, the essay does require thinking, as
several of the examples of the mother s behavior and phrases that she employs are very
clever and include a much more sophisticated diction, as is true in the mother s life.
When she responds to the question Save stamps? (p. 75) with No...I build model
airplanes (p. 75). Even the speaker could not understand what her meant for years,
which was that building model airplanes was her hobby, not collecting stamps. The
tone and diction that the speaker uses is simple, but the reader has to work harder to
understand examples of things the speaker s mother does or says. The speaker also
makes good use of literary devices, though they rarely appear. She makes an allusion to
Samson (p.77) when talking
White Wash Should Be Banned
For the last two years, the Oscars have come under fire in the last two years with their
lack of nominations of people with color. The Oscars otherwise known as the
Academy Awards is an award show to highlight and give praise to the best movies and
short films of the year, including in this prestigious awards are the actors and actresses
that star in these blockbusters and they are, as well as their movies praised on the
highest level for their craft. However what has become under scrutiny is the so called
White Wash that has come across the ceremony. In the past two years, not a single
actor of color was nominated. This was highlighted in opening monolog of last year s
host for the Oscars Chris Rock who stated in his opening fifteen seconds of his speech
Well I am here at the academy awards, otherwise known as the white peoples choice
awards Now even though this was a joke to bring up a controversial topic presented by
the media at the time it still brought up the fact and the idea lack of racial diversity. I
believe that though there is no proof and hard evidence except for... Show more content
on ...
Strides also have to be made for female nominees. Once again, women were shut out of
the best director category and of the 10 nominated screenplays, Hidden Figures co
writer Allison Schroeder was the only woman nominated. And after all these years, a
woman has yet to be nominated in the cinematography category. Through the years
movies had primarily been directed by male directors and many of the famous films and
works of cinematography have been directed and produced by men, so when a talented
director that happens to be a women is being snubbed from nomination that is going to
be an area that I believe will be highlighted and touched upon in the
Plant Hormone Lab Report
Hormones are fundamental to the growth of an organism. Hormones are the chemical
substances that travel to various targets within an organism in order to start a cellular
response. Hormones are used for different aspects of growth. For example, gibberellins
impact stem elongation in plants. Auxin, another plant hormone, softens and increase
plasticity of the cell walls, which aides in the growth of the plant s size and shape
(Georgia State s Department of Biological Sciences, 2015). There are several types of
auxins including natural and synthetic versions. In this lab we are testing synthetic and
natural auxins to observe which concentration of either hormone will promote better
plant growth. Plants are vital to life on ... Show more content on ...
The bottle was then inverted four times to ensure mixture. Due to the shortage of glass
bottles the NAA was prepared slightly differently. We only measured out the
microliters of NAA on water days and mixed the concentration with deionized water in
graduated cylinders. In order to keep the concentration of the solutions the same, we
measured out 10 microliters of NAA and mixed it in a graduated cylinder of 100
milliliters. Concentrations of both solutions were .01 mL. A total of 15 red beans was
split evenly into three plastic circular containers and filled with regular soil. The three
containers were labeled with tape and titled. The containers were watered with their
respective solution, one with IAA dilution, one with NAA dilution, and the last
container as a control and watered with deionized water only. The seeds were watered
with 100 milliliters with their respected solution three times a week on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays for five weeks. The seeds were watered together every water
day, even though the time per water day differed throughout the duration of the
experiment. The containers were stored on a shelf with no overhead grow light. The
conaitners received light from the classroom s light as well as the other overhead grow
lights that surrounded the shelf for the entire experimental period. Observations were
recorded once a week on Monday. When observations were
credit appraisal

This project was undertaken to understand, analyze and review the CREDIT
APPRAISAL SYSTEM at HDB Financial Services .
The project is basically done to analyze the appraisal process and criteria s set by the
institution for obtaining Loan against Property. In addition the project also focused on
financial performance of HDBFS.

1.1 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of study is to know how the loans are granted against property and
how the worthiness of the borrower is appraised. The study helps us to know the various
procedures, policies, criteria and eligibility required during the sanction of loan. It was
also undertaken to analyze the financial performance of HDB Financial Services over the
past ... Show more content on ...
More than half of the present book is lending towards this sector.
The company being in the financial sector provides loans and financial services to
customers such as individuals, Professional, Partnership, Sole proprietorship and small
and medium companies. HDBFS have dedicated and appraise our exact requirement.
Their efforts are directed towards understanding our requirements and loan solutions
accordingly. Whether the requirement is of business expansion or working capital
requirement, money for your children school admission, daughter s wedding or a dream
vacation, HDBFS range of loans can help you fulfill your dreams and needs alike.

1.4.1Business Strategy:

HDB s Business strategy has been to provide Best in Class Product and services to India
s increasingly affluent middle market.
To achieve this objective, the company has invested in a Direct to Customer distribution
model to provide personalized services to its target segment.
The company s business strategy emphasizes the following

пЂ Develop and provide personalized solutions for its target segment that address
specific needs of customers.
Identify new product / market opportunities that build economies of scale
пЂ Expand Distribution to new markets
Provide personalized customer experience through its branch network to enhance
customer relationships.
Leverage technology to reach out to customers and deliver more products to manage
operating costs.
Focus on asset quality through
The Disease of Alcoholism Essay
The Disease of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental

factors influencing its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive
and fatal. Alcoholism is a complex disease with physical, social and psychological
consequences, but it can be treated through detoxification and anti anxiety drugs. What
will be explained in this essay is basically the history of alcohol, signs of one possibly
being an alcoholic, possibilities to why one becomes an alcoholic, and treatments for it.
In the past, alcoholism was often viewed as a moral weakness or character flaw; it was
thought that the person could stop drinking if he or she really wanted to. It wasn t until
1970, with ... Show more content on ...
The APA manual distinguishes between alcoholism and alcohol abuse. The latter is a less
severe problem; unlike alcoholics, alcohol abusers do not develop physical withdrawal
or compulsive alcohol use. However, like alcoholics, their drinking has negative health,
economic and social effects. Both alcoholics and alcohol abusers need treatment,
although the goals differ. In most cases of alcohol abuse, the goal is to limit drinking,
while for alcoholism, it is to stop drinking altogether.
Why some people become alcoholics remains a mystery, although most scientists now
agree that a combination of genetic and environmental factors increases a person s
Based on the results of Swedish adoption studies, some researchers divide alcoholism
into two types. Type I, the most common, occurs in both men and women and is
associated with adult onset alcohol dependence. This form, also known as milieu limited
alcoholism, appears to be the result of genetic predisposition and environmental
provocation, according to NIAAA s 1991 publication Alcohol Research: Promise for the
Decade that is, the development of alcoholism in these cases is an interaction between
inherited predisposition and the person s life situations.
Type II, or male limited, alcoholism, on the other hand, is due mainly to genetics. It
occurs only in men, usually with early onset in the teen years, and is more difficult to
God Gold And Glory Essay
God, Gold and Glory, these were the three G s that people had once given everything
up for, countless wars either to be declared as the strongest or the richest, or maybe
these wars were just to please the malevolent gods that everyone had worshipped. The
year was 1492 and people around this time were still trying to obtain these G s in any
manner physically obtainable. However it was due to Christopher Columbuss journey
across an ocean rarely explored that we can say a new world was beginning. But what
was their primary objective in reaching these new unexplored lands? Columbus and his
crew probably all went there to find God, Gold or Glory but one could argue that what
has driven man to do so many things throughout history would be what... Show more
content on ...
Francisco Pizarro an explorer from Spain set out to explore what is South America
which at the time had not been explored as much as the other parts of the western world
such as the Caribbean and Central America Pizarro s journeys took his to panama for the
early part of his expeditions and while in panama doing the Usual conquistador things
such as plundering and converting people to Christianity or killing them he heard
legends about a city of gold in the south known as El Dorado. And surely enough in the
year 1529 the Spanish came in to take the gold and the valuables that the Inca s had
and it had taken the Spanish about 5 years beat the Incan empire. The amount of Gold
and Valuables could best be described as immense, the name Eldorado was a good fit
to this amount of wealth. with this in mind one of the major reasons that Cortez and
Pizarro were able to fight these massive empire was due to diseases as Brillman states
The Indian population had gone from 25 million to 2 million in just a couple hundred
years. (Brillman Lecture January 19 2015 est.) Diseases such as smallpox and measles
could kill entire villages of people as the Indians had no immunity to such diseases and
were easily sickened and killed by such diseases due to the lack of medical technology at
Shouldice s Service Delivery System
Since 1945, Canada based Shouldice Hospital has gained a reputation around the world
for their primary performed surgeries and services in hernia repair. Shouldice s main
objective is to take the inconvenience of being diagnosed with a hernia and turn it into a
quick and even enjoyable experience for their patients. This is all possible through
Shouldice s service delivery system, consisting of selecting patients that do not hold an
overly complicated hernia in order to perform a superior surgical technique established
by Dr. Shouldice. The patients endure an active stay to ensure a proper, speedy recovery,
and a quaint estate resembling a country club accompanied with a pleasant staff and
encouraged socializing with other patients that give them a unique experience. After the
patient s stay, Shouldice Hospitalinvites them back for a yearly gala Hernia Reunion
dinner to follow up and provide a complimentary hernia inspection. The lifelong bond
that Shouldice has been able to establish and maintain display the above and beyond
service they ve given their clientele for decades.... Show more content on
The entire hospital holds a total of 90 beds, 5 operating rooms, 6 examination rooms,
and a laboratory. Despite the size of the hospital, they average 150 operations per week
and 7000 to 7500 operations annually. Also, it is important to note that there are only 12
full time surgeons and 7 assistant part time surgeons that handle all operations in 5 day
a week period. The last thing to take into consideration is that each patient stays 3 days
out of a week starting the day they arrive. Although Shouldice s operations seems to be
functioning just fine, there is a debate of effectiveness of whether or not they are fully
utilizing their full potential in relation to surgeries performed and beds being
Crocodiles And Alligators Similarities
Crocodiles and Alligators are often confused with because of the physical similarities.
When an average person encounters a crocodile or alligator, it is most probable that
they guess which animal it is and get it wrong. However, the only thing in common is
the body structure. Not all of the similarities have to do with the similar physical shape
of the crocodilesand alligators. In fact, the similarities go beyond. On the other hand, the
differences deal with the most detailed dissimilarities between the crocodiles and
alligators body.
One of many similarities crocodiles and alligators have is that these animals are reptiles.
Crocodiles and alligators belong to the same subfamily so it is likely for them to have
the same physical shape. ... Show more content on ...
For example, there is a big difference when it comes to a crocodiles and alligators snout.
Alligators have a U shaped snout with a wider head and sharp teeth that hide when the
mouth is closed. In contrast to alligators, a crocodile have a V shaped snout with a thinner
head and have a toothy grin when the mouth is closed. Additionally the alligators
upper jaw is more located more forwards than the crocodiles, this also affects the how
the teeth are structured. Although both of these animals teeth are strong, the
crocodiles have a more defined strength because it can destroy a turtles shell faster
than an alligator. Furthermore, crocodiles have lingual glands that make salt water
tolerable. Another major difference is the capacity of length between the two reptiles.
Crocodiles tend to grow 5. 8 meters compared to an 4.3 alligator. Moreover, female
crocodiles lay their eggs in mud or sand whereas the female alligators lay eggs on
mounds near water. Another difference between alligators and crocodiles are the amount
of time it takes to take care of the newborns. Alligators usually stay a few months or 1
year until the babies are strong enough to fend for themselves unlike crocodiles that stay
with the babies 2
Analysis Of The Leather Stocking Tales
Every trace of their footsteps was lost in the obscurity of the woods, wrote James
Fenimore Cooper as he described the characters in his The Leather Stocking Tales as
they were concealed by the woods. Cooper s words have different levels of complexity
throughout his novel series, which create a comparison between the colonial frontier
and its inhabitants. The protagonist of these tales and the movie based on them is called
Hawkeye, a white man raised by the last member of the Mohican tribe, Chingachgook.
Hawkeye is known for his gun aim, and throughout the tales, earns the love of Cora, the
daughter of British officer Colonel Munro. Taking place during the 1750 s on America s
colonial frontier, the expectations of two opposing... Show more content on ...
Another significant piece of The Leather Stocking Tales is the blending cultures
displayed that illustrate the frontier. In the movie, The Last of the Mohicans , one of
the beginning scenes shows a cabin, and similarly to the one discussed earlier,
represents peace and the blending of society. Although it symbolizes the same ideas, the
course in which it does so is contrasting. In this scene, the cabin is full of life. Women,
children, Mohican natives, and white men are all around a table in the small building.
Within the cabin, the different groups of people speak their own languages, yet are able
to get along well together regardless. This is crucial to showing the colonial frontier as
compounding, proving that different societal groups can mix. Furthermore, as the cabin
is surrounded by nature, it proves that nature can be used as a resource to society and that
both nature and society can coexist. This is only true for as long as neither one is
destructive toward the other, and since such simplicity and harmony is impossible, one
must eventually dismantle the other. Similarly to how the scenery symbolizes the
colonial frontier, the characterization plays a similar role. The protagonist in the series,
Hawkeye, represents the frontier both as society and nature. Throughout the series, his
name changes. Originally
The 11 Principles Of Quality
Quality. Such a simple word with a multitude of meanings. I must admit, prior to this
course, I was rather naГЇve about what quality entailed. I definitely did not have a
concrete definition of what quality was or stood for. It simply seemed as though quality
was something that worked most of the time. After the studies from this course I have a
much better grasp of how to define qualityand what exactly quality means in various
areas of life and business. For instance, the 11 Baldrige Principles of Quality are an
easily used metric for defining the quality of an organization. Previously, I never would
have used these 11 principles to define an organization as quality. Now, I find it hard not
to view an organization in relation to the 11... Show more content on ...
Thankfully, the Baldrige principles changed my perspective on quality. As such, I now
use a few of the principles to grade an organization. The main principles I find myself
grading an organization with are visionary leadership, customer centered excellence,
valuing workforce members and partners and societal responsibility. All eleven of the
principles are important. However, these tend to be the most important to me when
defining the quality of an organization.
For instance, I now purchase many products from the Newman s Own brand based on
the principles I have mentioned. They have a strong sense of societal responsibility
and ensure 100% of profits to charity is an underlying theme in all they do (Newman s
Own, n.d.). This drew me towards them as a company, then I noticed how much they
value their employees and how their core values tend to line up with the 11 Baldrige
principles (Newman s Own, n.d.). After looking into this company and seeing how
they operate, I decided to purchase as many products as I could from them and ensure
other people were aware of their mission. This is something that would never have
been in my realm of possibilities prior to this course. This is not to say I was unaware
of being socially responsible prior to this course. It is simply highlighting how my
thought pattern has been modified since learning about these specific 11 Baldrige
Principles of Quality. After having such an epiphany about quality and how I grade
Van Heusen Essay
1. About Van Heusen

The best selling dress shirt brand in the world, Van Heusen has been associated with
stylish, affordable and high quality shirts since introducing the patented soft folding
collar in 1921.
Today, Van Heusen has grown into a 24/7 lifestyle brand known not only for dress
shirts but for both men s and women s dresswear, sportswear and accessories that stand
out for their fit, fabric, finish and innovative fashion at a fraction of the cost of luxury
brands. Van Heusen has also emerged as a fashion authority: men and women now look
to the brand for expert advice on what to wear, when to wear it and how to wear it.
Van Heusen s Dressy, Casual, Weekender and Studio Collections, for example, contain
items for all fashion situations. ... Show more content on ...
After consolidating its market leadership with its own brands, it introduced premier
international labels, enabling Indian consumers to buy the most prestigious global
fashionwear and accessories within the country.
The company s brand portfolio includes product lines that range from affordable and
mass market to luxurious, high end style and cater to every age group, from children and
youth to men and women. Madura Fashion Lifestyle is defined by its brands Louis
Philippe, Van Heusen, Allen Solly, Peter England and People that personify style,
attitude, luxury and comfort.
Madura Fashion Lifestyle reaches its discerning customers through an exclusive network
comprising more than 1,300 stores, covering 1.9 million sq ft of retail space, and is
present in more than 1,300 premium multi brand stores and 300+ departmental stores.
Established in 1988 by Madura Coats Limited, Madura Fashion Lifestyle has its origins
in the erstwhile Coats Viyella Plc, Europe s largest clothing supplier. In December 1999,
Aditya Birla Nuvo, an Aditya Birla Group company, acquired Madura Fashion Lifestyle
to become the undisputed leader in the readymade menswear industry in India. In 2000,
the company became a wholly owned subsidiary of Aditya Birla
Full Time Registered Nurse
How would you feel if you were a full time registered nurse that had to work a 12 hour
shift and be on their feet all day?A registered nurse has many responsibilities to handle.
Some of the different responsibilities that an RN has is they should be able to perform
physical exams and the previous health history that their patient has had. You should
also be able to provide health promotion and the different counseling and education
about the different types of health issues ( What Nurses Do 1). Day in and day out
registered nurses are exposed to extreme levels of stress due to their work environment,
including their hours, shortage in staff, and the emotional toll the job could have on their
lives. Expect to work nights, weekends and holidays but not in the area you likely desire
because most desired areas want experienced nurses, says Angil Tarach Ritchey R.N.,
G.C.M, in Ann Arbor, Mich.... Show more content on ...
If you were to work at least 40 hours a week you would get paid time in a half.
According to Arnoldussen she says Challenges will be thrown at you that weren t
covered in school or clinical rotation, but know that you ll make meaningful work, and
always be proud of your profession ( 1). Wanting to become a nurse can become a major
factor in your life. Some of the factors could possibly be you are saving someone s life,
you could possibly have the chance to travel around the world to help to
Analysis Of A Good Man Down
Sports Illustrated writer, Lee Jenkins, writes about the impact of a small town football
coach had on his community, before and after death in the article A Good Man Down.
The author explains the life of Ed Thomas, the head coach for the Apilington
Parkersburg football team in Iowa. Ed Thomas was shot and killed while training his
athletes by Mark Becker. Lee Jenkins begins by using very detail accounts to bring out
the pathos of the town, bringing the audienceto feel emotionally connected to the town of
Parkersburg. In the beginning of this article Jenkins explains the importance of the
field to Ed Thomas. Every morning Ed walked the field, looking for any imperfection
to correct. Dave Meyer, the Apilington Parkersburg principal said, It s probably the
best field in the state. The field was so import to Ed Thomas and he took such great
care of it that it was even named after him. The field has standard issue metal
bleachers, no box office, no fancy scoreboard. What makes it special, what makes it
sacred, is the love that Thomas poured into the turf. Ed Thomas did anything he could
help the town out. On some Sundays, he d fill in for the pastor if they were not able to
preach. He gave newborn boys FUTURE FALCONS certificates. He did everything from
being a driver s ed instructor to mowing his precious field. He had no idea how much
more of an impact he would have.
On May 25, 2008, a tornado with winds exceeding 200 mph cut a hole three quarters of a
mile wide
The Contrast of the Heian-Era Courtier and the Kamakura...
The Contrast of the Heian Era Courtier and the Kamakura Samurai April 29, 2011 The
Contrast of the Heian Era Courtier and the Kamakura Samurai The major periods that
shaped Japan s history and future were the Heian era of Aristocracy and the Kamakura
period of Samurai. The Heian era and the Kamakura period are interesting because of
their differences in social structure, tradition, and culture. In the Heian era, the
aristocrat s social class was sought by many because of their social and cultural status.
When the warrior rise in the Kamakura age the social classes change dramatically
between aristocrat and warrior. The Heian era (794 1191) was an age of self
development in Japan s culture and tradition. Before the Heian era, Japan... Show more
content on ...
In 1159, Kiyomori of the Taira clan was victorious over the Minamoto clan. Kiyomori
murdered all the adults of the Monamoto clan and forced the children into exile. The
emperor rewarded Kiyomori victory by giving him an advisor position in the
government. This event was significant because Kiyomori was the first warrior in Japan
s government. Like the Fujiwara family, Kiyomori desired a royal bloodline within the
Taira clan. So the Taira clan consorted with the imperial family in efforts to secure an
imperial bloodline. Later, Kiyomori obtain a higher government position and more
importantly a grandson was born and is heir to the throne. Feeling cheated an imperial
prince sought the exiled Minamoto to overthrow the Taria clan. In 1180, Yoritomo of the
Minamoto clan formed an army and battled with Taira clan that is known as the Genpei
War. Eventually, Kiyomori died and the Taria clan shortly declined after him. During
these battles warriors ran amok pillaging the Japan s cuntryside. To end the chaos and
violence the imperial turned to Yoritomo. Yoritomo in return raise an army of samurais
and took complete control of the government and transformed it into a military
government. The Kamakura government consisted of the emperor, shogun, and the
house men. The emperor served merely as a figurehead, he little to no control of his
government. The shogun had
Richard Rodriguez Aria
English In the essay about Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood, Richard Rodriguez
reflects his childhood memory and challenges the idea of bilingual education. As a
young child, Rodriguez finds comfort and safety in his noisy home full of Spanish
sounds. Spanish is his family s intimate language that comforts Rodriguez by surrounding
him in a web built by the family love and security which is conveyed using the Spanish
language. Throughout his essay he represents the power of the individual to defeat the
language barrier and how he overcame this particular problem as a child. Rodriguez uses
this essay to show how he fights through his childhood to understand English. Speaking
English clearly will help him to adapt to the modern society.... Show more content on ...
Adapting to a new environment is challenging for most people who first go abroad to
study, so a person must be resourceful and resilient. When encountering numerous
challenges, you should find some solutions to overcome it rather than give up. There is
nothing quite like being on your own in a foreign country. You might find that studying
abroad really brings out your independent nature. Students who study abroad become
explorers of their new nation and really discover the curiosity and excitement that they
harbor. A benefit to studying abroad is the opportunity to discover yourself while
gaining an understanding of a different culture. Being in a new place by yourself can
be overwhelming at times, and it tests your ability to adapt to diverse situations while
being able to solve the problems. I believe studying abroad bring me a lot. It not only
makes me improve my English but also make me how to solve the problems when I
The Role Of Parents Sport Socialization Of Youth
Research Paper:
The Role of Parents in Sport Socialization of Youth
Lucas Eckert

Introduction Socialization is the process in which an individual becomes a member of

society. Parents are the most significant agent in the socialization of their children. They
have a tremendous influence on the type of people their children grow up to be. They
pass on their beliefs and values to their children and influence their child s personality
and morals. In sports, there is also a process of socialization, in which the individual
becomes a part of the athletic community. In this process, parents also posses significant
influence over their children (Quinton, 2012). They decide whether or not their children
play sports, which sports their children may play, and they can greatly affect their child s
enjoyment and performance in the sport. This influence can either lead to positive or
negative effects on the children s experience with sport. This depends on the level of
involvement and the nature of that involvement (Shwarzlose, 2013). The purpose of this
paper is to discuss the ways by which parents influence their child s process of
socialization in sport, and identify the positive and negative effects associated with the
different methods. This paper will also provide several case studies of professional
athletes and evaluate the parents involvement in the athletes career.

Pressure to Participate The most basic form of influence the parent possesses over the
Vodafone s Strategic Goals And Strategy
Nowadays the need of having employees with potential skills is even more critical for
small and mid sized firms since there is not competition with large companies when it is
discussed about the physical infrastructure, technology, or financial resources. In order to
feel alive in today s marketplace, small to mid sized businesses like Vodafone must find
effective manners to be more productive, and more cohesive than their larger competitors.

How is this achieved?

This research shows an increase in both employees and business performance when an
organization sets and closely ties individual employee goals to the company s overall
strategy. However, a large number of workers today can understand the goals and
strategies of the company ... Show more content on ...
According to my researches, the business responsibility is the vital part of Vodafone s
philosophy. There it is all about the outstanding peoples that make possible the good
communication of their customers. In this company is always listened to what the
customers have to say, and are happy to reward their dedication and commitment to
performing at their best. It is a can do culture that works from everyone s perspective.
Clearly established lines of communication make it easy for everyone to express their
ideas and give feedback to the managers and high
The Compleat Angler Analysis
The excellent novel The Compleat Angler written by Izaak Walton in 1653, is
historically marked as one of the top commentaries on both the activity and philosophy of
fishing. The setting opens with three men with very suiting names: Piscator, the angler of
the narration, Venator, a hunter, and Auceps, a falconer. The three men stumble upon
each other while each are hiking to their own activities and decide to walk together,
conversing to pass the time. The men each give their descriptions of the different aspects
of their own sport, with Piscators being so eloquent and full of depth that Venator
decides to tag along and fishwith him for multiple days. Auceps leaves shortly after and
the book dives into the explanations, thoughts, and actions of Piscator as he shows his
masterful art of anglingto Venator. Seemingly countless comparisons of fish and their
domain are made with the bible by Piscator. He begins with a common idea of the
time, such that water is the most basic element of the universe to, show the importance
of the world s oceans. A sapling for example, thrives and grows wood through a
hypothesized conversion of water, meaning, according to Piscator s logic, it must be
possible to convert the wood back to its theorized original state. He goes on to compare
different fish species to reflect different personalities that humans have, going as far as to
say the cuttlefish is basically the underwater angler with its lure type strategy of
capturing prey. Many other
The Amish, Society and Culture
Case study/Cross Cultural Comparison

The Amish is a group of traditionalist Christians that rely on simple living, plain dress
and refuse to adapt to modern technology. The history of the Amish started in
Switzerland in 1693 led by Jakob Amman. Today majority of the traditional descendants
of the Amish live in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Family
In an average Amish family it consist of, a mother, father with an average of 7 children.
Their grandparents play a vital part of the family because once they pass; the children
inherit their land, property and wisdom. The father of the family is the bread winner
(Providing the family with money, food and shelter). Many Amish men seek jobs in
areas such as
Furniture shop
Saw Mill
... Show more content on ...
If an Amish are found that they have broken their baptismal vows, Church members
can choose to shun them. This means that s they are not allowed to interact with any
other Amish or participate in daily routines. Though the people that are shunned is
believed to be very small. Australian culture helps each other in many different ways
and how they interact with each other. My parents have conflicts over technology and
how we have disagreements over how I like to go out with my friends out of school.
Instead of shunning someone, a problem is usually solved on the day or immediately
after. Age also affects the personal perception of the way we see different things. A
young child playing games find that it is fun and is harmless to themselves as for an
adult they see that a young child playing games is bad for the child s health. This causes
a minor conflict between the two and the differences they have.
Gender roles are defined by the sex. Males are normally the leaders of the community.
People in the Amish society chose not to challenge the stereotype of Male provider and
the female homemaker. Though modernisation can impact on traditional gender roles in
the Amish society. Generally the farms are passed onto males, and females are force to
accept their role to marry and become a farmwife. With the successfulness of women
working in businesses, women s are being valued in the
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And The Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King Jr. was a minister and an important leader in the Civil Rights
Movement. He accomplished a ton in his life, from working for equal rights to all
people, fighting without violence, tried to end segregation laws, said the I Have A
Dream speech, and received the Nobel Peace Prize. When people research or write
about Dr. King, they usually skip his early life and go to what he did in his later years.
Yes, Dr. King accomplished more in his later years, but he still did a lot in his early
years. Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. His mother and father
were Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King and he had two
siblings, Willie Christine King and Alfred Daniel Williams King. Dr. King
Literary Criticism Of The Ones Who Walk Away Essay
Can a literary criticism involving African Americans further enhance the understanding
of a short story about a utopian society? It may seem improbable from the surface
because these two pieces of literature seem unrelated when viewed without intensity. The
literary criticism, Playing in the Dark, describes the roles of African Americans in
literature and how these roles can also reflect and impact our current culture and world.
On the other hand, the fictional short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
describes a utopian society called Omelas and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. However,
after understanding African Americanism and the connection of dark and white
symbolism through Toni Morrison s criticism, readers can then comprehend the
seemingly simple characters and the plot in The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
in better detail. Also, the ambiguous details of the plot of The Ones Who Walk Away
from Omelas are become more clear when examined through the eyes of Toni Morrison
and her criticism on literature. Therefore, through the analysis of the concepts such as
the co dependency and reverse symbolism of black and white and the idea of naturalized
associations in African Americanism mentioned in Playing in the Dark, the symbolic
meaning of the roles of dark and lightand the relationship of happiness and sadness
throughout The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas are brought into greater context
through the city of Omelas, it surroundings, and its inahbitants.
Of Mice and Men Crooks
Of Mice and Men Chapter Four Crooks Essay Crooks is a literate black man who
tends horses on the ranch. He has long been the victim of oppressive violence and
prejudice and has retired behind a facade of aloofness and reserve, his natural
personality deadened and suppressed by years of antagonism. Crooks is the only black
man in the novel. He has a cynical intelligence and a contemptuous demeanor that he
uses to prevent others from inevitably excluding him because of his race. This sign of
intelligence is conveyed when Steinbeck describes Crook s bunkhouse: And he had
books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905
pg. 76 This illustrates the irony that Crooks is more intelligent than the... Show more
content on ...
Lennie disarms Crooks initial hostility with his simplicity which results in Crooks
becoming softened by Lennie s smile. Due to the fact he has been discriminated
against and been isolated for so long, Crooks torments Lennie by suggesting George
may not come back from town. His cynical behaviour isn t deliberate but I think
Crooks feels like Lennie has invaded his personal space to insult or bully him. I
believe that Crooks is most similar to Candy as in the social hierarchy of the ranch,
both suffer from a disability that places them in the lowest rank. As mentioned,
Crooks is lonely and isolated from the others due to the colour of his skin, yet Candy
is lonely because he s not as abled as the other workers. Because he is handicapped, he
cannot do the work that the other men do, so when they go off to do work, Candy is
left behind. The theme of loneliness is conveyed throughout the novel. Steinbeck also
portrays loneliness through characterisation. He uses sexism, racism and ageism to get
his message across. When George talks to Candy and his antiquated dog, Candy states
to the inarticulate George: Give the Stable Buck hell?... Ya see the stable buck s a nigger
pg. 22 As black people were seen as inferior to white people, they were separated, which
Dementia Issues
Older people are said to be a vulnerable group in society and it is notable that those with
dementia are at a significant increase torisk of abuse, (see Manthorpe, et al 2005). The
author of this paper spent her placement in an adult social work team for a local
authority, for people age 65 years and over. It soon became apparent that different
types of dementia seemed to permeate the caseload. The cases were initially referred
to social services due to challenges faced by a person to maintain daily living tasks after
a fall and hospital admission for example. Fundamentally, the majority of cases were
people with a form of dementia, and each case was as complicated as the next. In order to
highlight not only the physical but the emotional... Show more content on ...
Dementia is a term used for a variety of symptoms caused when brain cells stop working
correctly with a cognitive functioning decline, (Alzheimer s disease International, 2012).
Some types of dementia include; Alzheimer s disease, Vascular dementia, frontal
temporal dementia and Parkinson s disease and Lewy body dementia, (Alzheimer s
research, UK; Banerjee et al, 2007; Weiner Lipton 2009). One in three people who die
after the age of 65 are found to have dementia, and of those, two in three are female,
(Department of Health, DoH, 2015). Some of the symptoms associated with dementia
include, increased difficulties in communication, action and response, changes in
awareness, attention and judgment, and visual spatial difficulties, (Alzheimer s
research, UK, 2017). Data collection states that dementia is expected to increase to
131.5 million worldwide by 2050 from the current 46.8 million, (Alzheimer s Disease
International, 2015). Furthermore, the DoH, (2015), report that in the UK there are
currently 850,000 over the age of 65 and a further 45,000 under the age of 65 living with
dementia, and 69% of all people living in care homes have dementia. Elder abuse is
defined as a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any
Effects Of Nationalism In Japan
OTHER REGION Background: Nationalism in Japan has something different than
other region because of its unique nature due to cultural, traditions and historical
background. Japan as a country has never experienced division socially in terms of
ethnicity, languages, and religions like other nations. As of Boyd C. Shafer:
Nationalism is that sentiment unifying a group of people who have a real or imagined
common historical experience and a common aspiration to live together as a separate
group in the future (Cited in Eckstein 1999: 3). Nationalism was accepted by the
Japanese in to two forms: the statism , which asked the Japanese... Show more content on ...
In same context, Nationalism in Japan also served as a powerful incentive for enhancing
power to colonize other lands for making stable place in the table of international
relations. Nationalism has various types and measurements in compare to countries.
Therefore, Japan s Nationalism has something that makes it unique and distinct from
other countries. However, there are plenty of researches and data available in regard to
nationalism in Japan, but I feel it will be useful to do research specifically on the
uniqueness and those measurements that have taken while enhancing nationalism among
the people by Japanese. The importances of afore mentioned questions are to analyze and
to give lesson about the characteristics and types of nationalism which happened to
enhance and empower Japan throughout the history for other post war countries that are
failed in achieving that goal. Japan tried to unite the people by taking some unique
measurements and promoting various kinds of nationalism (e.g. Popular Nationalism,
Cultural Nationalism). In order to find the main reasons and cause of failure efforts on
promoting nationalism in Afghanistan, It needs to find out that uniqueness and used
instruments which led Japan to increase and promote nationalism after World War II.
Because Afghanistan with receiving huge amount of
Disadvantages Of Modern Government
There is an on going debate as to the effectiveness and merits of the modern systems of
governments. It has been contested and argued as to whether a democratic system of
government is the best choice for a nation. If a democratic institution is decided upon as
the best course of action for said country, then the question becomes, which type of
democratic governmentis going to be set up. There are three types of democratic
government: presidential, semi presidential, and parliamentary. They each have their
own advantages and pit falls to be conscious and aware of but for the scope of this paper,
the objective is to define the advantages that are inherent in the system of democracy that
is the parliamentary systemthat has been set up in the... Show more content on ...
Parliamentarianism is seen as less associated with corruption. Along with being seen as
less corrupt, it is seen as more stable than the other forms of government (Linz, p. 86)
Going back to the American example, most of the citizens acknowledge that there are
a moderately high number of corrupt government officials and certain citizens will
state that the entire system is corrupt. A key difference of a parliamentary system is
the fact that elections can be called at any time to remove people form office without
creating a constitutional crisis (Linz, p. 86). This is not the case in a parliamentary
system. The spreading out of the power among different post and offices has helped to
somewhat eliminate the amount of power a person can hold and also to limit the
influence of that office. It seems, however, that a parliamentary type system does a
better job of containing or suppressing the corruption. Corruption is one of the most
destructive forces to a government. If the government or regime becomes so corrupt that
the people no longer respect the institution or recognize it, they may lead a revolution
that could result in a new regime being set up, such as an authoritarian regime or even a
totalitarian one. These scenarios are extreme but are an actual possibility if the corrupt
becomes widespread and goes unchecked. In short, corruption can lead to chaos in the
government and chaos in
The Industrial Revolution And The Evolution Of The...
Katie Rose Knoblock Professor Taylor AMH 2010 O1M 6 November 2017 Evolution
of the Industrial Revolution Many factories did this by targeting women and children
as they could be paid less than men with no repercussions. The workers that were hired
to these positions, especially women, were subject to some very harsh work
conditions. They were subject to terrible work environments including buildings
called sweatshops, which were poorly lit and ventilated for maximum productivity.
They were forced to work in dangerous conditions where a person could easily be
maimed or even killed if they mishandled the equipment they used for their work. It
was not unheard of for the workers to be expected to work as much as 16 hours a day
under threats of being fired or even physically abused if they did not complete their
work with great speed. Even after all their effort in the workplace, it was not
uncommon for a person to be paid as little as a single dollar for their day s efforts.
These poor working conditions gave rise to labor unions in the 19th century to insure
proper working conditions for all laborers. The labor unions aided in workplace safety
and fairness by using a large group of people to sway greedy business owners in the
right direction. The major advancement in the factory system occurred in the early 20th
century with what was called the assembly line. The assembly line enabled a product
being assembled to pass on a mechanized conveyor from one
Analysis Of A Mockingbird
Would you ever think that a small bird can be so important, let alone be compared to
people? Well this book is based on a mockingbird. A mockingbird is an animal with
innocence, and does nothing wrong except minding it s own buisness. Killing them is
wrong and there wouldn t be a reason. Just like in the book, Tom Robinson, Atticus and
Boo Radley were known as mockingbirds. In chapter 10 Atticus says, to Scout and Jem,
I d rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you ll go after birds. Shoot
all the bluejays you want, if you can hit em, but remember it s a sin to kill a Mockingbird.
In this essay I will talk about what it means to be a Mockingbird and how it influences
the characters in the book. To be a Mockingbird or to be known as one, is being
represented as being innocent. A Mockingbird is an innocent being. All they do is mind
their business and sing in harmony until somebody tries to hurt them after they did
nothing. Characters in the book that are considered to be Mockingbirds would be Tom
Robinson, Boo Radley and Scout.
Tom Robinson lived a pretty average life for an African American in Alabama. Tom
was hard working man despite his arm, he usually spent his days picking cotton in the
hot weather of Maycomb and was pretty harmless. In my eyes he was a good example
of a literal Mockingbird, an innocent harmless man who is targeted by others. When they
finally saw him, why hadn t he do any of those things Tom Robinson was an innocent
man who was
The Role Of Sexuality In The Canterbury Tales
Sexuality is the capacity of one s feelings. Patriarchal society can be defined as one
where men have authority over women in all aspects. Male and female roles are clearly
defined in patriarchal society. Women were anticipated to illustrate obedience before all
different virtues and at each level of existence. How does culture influence sexuality?
The aim of this paper is to discuss sexuality in patriarchal society.
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer which circles around a group of pilgrims
who is on a journey to Canterbury where they engage in a storytelling contest to bypass
time. As the reader we get indulge in twenty four of the tales the pilgrims tell, you have
The Host, The Knight, The Reeve, The Miller, The Sergeant of Law, Roger the Cook,
The Wife of Bath, Hubert(the Friar), The Summoner, The Clerk, The Merchant, The
Squire, The Franklin, The Shipman, Madame Eglantine, The Pardoner, The Monk, The
Nun s Priest, The Second Nun, The Canon and The Canon s Yeoman, The Manciple, and
The Parson.
The issue of sexuality is seen throughout the Canterbury Tales. Starting with The Clerk s
Tale, consisting of the female character Griselda a poor and kind woman from a village
that is chosen by Walter, Marquis of Saluzzo as his future wife. Who ends up falling in
love with her modesty and commitment of honoring his every demand but uncertain of
her loyalty. To give it a test he ends up coming up with the plan of pretending to murder
her two children and cancel the marriage
Like Water For Chocolate Literary Analysis
According to the definition given by google, the term symbol is defined as a thing
that represents ( Laura Esquivel, author of Like Water for Chocolate
incorporates symbols to give her novel an in depth meaning for her characters rather
than the glass mirror told upon each page. Esquivel uses symbolic morals of self
guidance to seek the inner flame in every individual in society, Biblical reference such
as the comparison between Tita and The Virgin Mary, and imagery from the premonition
Tita had of her White Wedding (Billy Idol). These symbolic references create a living
novel in the worlds between fantasy and reality.

Lust is one of the seven deadly sins. Quoting Esquivel herself on ..Each
one of us is ... Show more content on ...
In chapter three, Esquivel provides several different symbolic imagery between Tita,
Pedro and Gertrudis. For instance, before Tita began preparing the Quail in Rose
Petal Sauce , Pedro had given Tita Pink roses to celebrate her first year as ranch cook
(Esquivel 48). Of course, this action upset not only Rosaura but Mama Elena as well
and ordered Tita to get rid of the roses. Tita wanted to hold on to the roses forever.
However, as she held them the thorns pierced through her flesh, leaving Tita with blood
running on her chest also through the stems of the Roses. This is a symbol of love, the
rose s turning from pink to red. Considering receiving flowers is an act of love, the
truth is in the color. Pink resembles an affection opposed to the color red which
resembles true love. The fact that the roses turned pink to red symbolizes Pedro has
only affectionate emotions toward Tita. On the other hand, Tita has passionate emotions
toward Pedro. The blood from Tita s breasts and hands (48) create a passionate meal for
the family that only affects those who are vulnerable. Vulnerability is suggested to
symbolize the characters who are affected because love, lust and passion are nothing
more than a weakness of a forbidden sin to
Theme Of Blackberry Picking And Digging
In his poems Blackberry Picking and Digging, Seamus Heaney unveils many events of
his childhood along with his feelings about his past. His emotions are very paradoxical
and simple he is overjoyed at first, and then suddenly becomes very sad and depressed
in the second part of both of the poems. Such ironical emotions are used to give an
impact on the readers as well as depicting how life could be simple and complicated at
the same time. Literary devices such as alliteration, the use of structure, and the
engagement of senses are used to communicate Heaney s contradictory feelings about his
youth. In the poem Digging, feelings of admiration and regret are shown, whilst in
Blackberry Picking, there are the two emotions of excitement and disappointment....
Show more content on ...
Again, this poem is nostalgic and reflective when Heaney says by God, the old man
could handle a spade. Just like his old man, he attempts to show his admiration
towards his father as well as telling the readers how skilled a farmer his father is. By
God is used in an admiring tone rather than in an offensive way, and just like his old
man indicates Heaney s grandfather, who is portrayed to be experienced, proficient,
and diligent. The fact that Heaney is proud of his forefathers is indisputable, and it is
made clear again when Heaney recalls himself delivering milk to his grandfather. His
grandfather had straightened up to drink it, then fell to right away nicking and slicing
neatly, heaving sods. he needs no break and takes great pride in his work. The family
had been farming for years, and although he is extremely proud of his forefathers,
Heaney does feel sorry because he had not chosen to follow their
Color Your Hair Research Paper
Have you ever seen someone with amazing colored hair and just immediately wanted to
color your hair? Maybe you want to look younger, get rid of some greys. Or maybe you
just feel like coloring your hair, whatever it may be. Everyone has different reasons on
why they dye or color their hair. If you want your process to be successful you re going
to need a clean organized and cleared space for your materials. You also need the right
colorand materials. Lastly you need to follow the following instructions. Every box
should come with the proper materials to mix the solution conditioner, a color chart and
gloves, which are usually attached to the instructions. The first step in coloring your hair
is choosing the right color. Then you... Show more content on ...
Now you need to grab your flat iron and plug it in. Once you have done that you can
choose how hot you want it to be according to how much heat your hair can take.
Allow the flat iron to get hot and then section off the small part you sectioned off. Take
the flat iron and place it as close to your scalp as possible without touching it. This step
may be hard because you can t exactly see how close or far you are you have to just be
as careful as possible and let the heat on the flat iron warn you. You re going to do this
all the way around, through your hair until you get it to the desired
The Similarities And Differences Between World War I And...
World War I and World War II were known as the two largest military conflicts in history.
Many countries went to war and many lives were lost. Both wars consisted of many
different alliances between different countries involved in whichever war.
World War I took place in the year of 1914 till the year of 1919. The war went on for 4
years. What triggered the start of World War Iwas the assassination of Australia s
archduke, Francis Ferdinand. The Black Hand group did not want Archduke Francis to
be ruler of their land. Francis assassin led Europe s stability to collapse. Europe desired
to build empires and form new alliances. The Allies were the victors. There is an
estimation of 10 million military soldiers that died and 7 million civilian deaths. 21
million were wounded and nearly 8 million either went missing or were imprisoned.
As for the World War II, it began in 1939 till 1945. This war went on for 6 years. The
war began in Europe after the attack in Poland, Germany. World War II started because
Hitler began to take over Europe and Germany. Adolf Hitler and his partnership with
Italy and Japan opposed the Soviet Union. The conflict during World War I was
between the Axis powers and the Allied powers. The war ended after Japan had finally
surrendered in 1945. Over 60 million people ... Show more content on ...
World War I was a war of fascism and World War II was a war of democracy vs.
communism, ideology. World War I was a war that compared to no other war. It was a
war of newly created technology such as, tanks and gases. However, WWII was also
another huge war that compares to no other war the US was involved in. World War II
upgraded in technology. Many experiments were made, submarines were used often,
and bombs. For many reasons, World War II was definitely more violent. Hitler s hatred
towards the Jews was an important role in why World War II was more
Precarious Work Vs Single Women Essay
Secondly, precarious work affects the living state of women financially as single mothers
and how they were seen dependent primarily on their husbands wages and occupational
choices. Now as single mothers they are unable to escape the debilitating effects of
impoverishment which is shown through Ann Duffy and Nancy Mandell s article. This
article articulates that a women s income drops by 20 to 40 percent as single mother
because they do not have a male as a breadwinner for the family(Duffy and Mandell,
253). Females are more likely to experience this situation because if they do go into the
work workforce they are payed less than men. Single mothers tend to be stigmatized
when they receive social assistance in taking care of their children due to the Victorian
ideals of society that women should follow their role of domestic work.... Show more
content on ...
The precarious work of these single mothers portray that they are unable to afford a
living with their work low paying jobs, thus living a life near poverty. In comparison to
single mothers, teenage mothers go through the same experience of low wage jobs due
to the fact that they do not have the qualifications for a secure and protected job, thus
forcing them into the dangerous workforce. Moreover, Duffy and Mandell s article not
only expresses the struggles of single mothers but it also affects their children and how
they are at risk of likely going into poverty like their mothers. I believe being financially
unsettled has an major impact on one s life considering that these single mothers have to
experience situations in life that they had never thought of and live a life of misfortune
through hazardous work in order to sustain the health of themselves and their
The Typology Of Three Components Of A Strategic Frame
Strategic Frame is a proprietary to communications practice and researches that pay close
attention to the publics deeply help worldview and widely help assumptions. Strategic
frame recognize that there is more than one way to tell a story. Strategic frame taps into
decades of research on how communicate and how people think. The result is an
empirically driven communications process that makes academic research interesting,
usable to help people solve social problems, and understandable. In 1970 s media framing
has been receiving attention. This constructed employer s to understand communicationas
a wide range of disciplines that includes economics, speeches, political science, sociology
, organizational behavioral, and psychology. Strategic frame involves the technique by
communications professionals, retort, and social advocates in fields such as public
advertisers and relations. Strategic frame goals are to focus audience attention on
particular portions of aspects and message... Show more content on ...
It applies negotiation, discourse analysis, and other interactions along with providing
structure for communication. Strategic frame can be defined as schemata of
interpretation which provides understanding information that would enable an individual
to label, identify, perceive, and locate the contest of framing.
Framing of Attributes
Framing of attributes is described as a situation people find in their everyday life and
literature. There are three different framing of attributes: Semantic framing focus on
particular attributes that maybe derogatory or flattering and it may or may not have a
negative disadvantage or a positive advantage to message sponsors in persuasive
communications. Picture framing is used to describe ads that would accompany a photo
use to prime the cognitive process of attention to a particular
Susanna Martin Chapter Summary
1. According to Cotton Mather, the plan of the devil was To Destroy the Kingdom of
our Lord Jesus Christ, in these parts of the World... In addition, the devil would Torment
his victims by being Terribly scratched and bitten. Therefore, the marks would be visible,
however, there were invisible furies that would Stick pins into the Bodies of the
Afflicted. Matter emphasis that tempted are the victims of these Furies. While in the end,
are so tempted to sign the Devils Laws. 2. First, it would be Bernard Peache s testify,
saying that Susanna Martin came into his room and laid upon him, then he bites her
three times on her hand. Secondly, John Kembal said that a black puppy ran around him
and then in an instant the puppy that
Concepts And Practices Of Sustainability And Green...
1.INTRODUCTION The activation of the application of the concepts and practices of
sustainability and green architecture in the construction industry will lead to finding
appropriate solutions to the problems of environmental, economic and functional. Green
architecture and sustainable buildings is not a luxury academically, and do not approach
the theory or the aspirations and dreams have no place in reality, but because they
represent a global trend for the application and start to be professional practice and
conscious to take the features of shape and dimensions to a great extent between the
architects and engineers involved in the building and construction sectors in the advanced
industrial countries. some of these countries had cutting a long way in this field, and
there are a significant increase in demand for this approach years ago, in this case the
people had increase the motivation of being interest in the sustainable building. the
architects and designer In a race against time to provide a healthy environment and
economical at the same time and crowned the work by green buildings. Green buildings
generally use 50% 75% less energy than conventional construction. therefore, in order to
find solutions to environmental problems and economic plaguing the construction sector
we urgently need to change traditional patterns used in the design and implementation of
buildings to make them more sustainable, and this required change must begin quickly to
provide indoor
How Did General Gage Influence Society
General Thomas was a very significant figure during the 1700 s, General Gage was the
most powerful British official in the United States during the early days of the
American Revolution. Thomas Gage was born in Friel, England he was a descendent
of a Norman family dating back to the conquest. Thomas was the second son of a
viscount , a British nobleman ranking above a Barron and below an earl which served
him well in life , Thomas used his father s power as a viscount as an advancement in the
military and politically. Gage was engaged with politics at one point of time but soon
stopped, him and his father both ran for seats in parliament but when Gage did not get
that seat on parliament he contend his argument against parliament he soon later... Show
more content on ...
But some untrustworthy friends of Gages leaked his plans of ambushing. Two lanterns
hanging from the Boston s Northside church informed the countryside of Boston that
the British were going to attack. A group of men on horses such as Paul revere,
Williams Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott riding their horses. It is a myth that Revere
and other riders shouted, The British are coming! This warning would have confused a
good many of the Americans living in the countryside who still considered themselves
British. The Regulars were known to be British soldiers, Then eventually word spread to
town and then the troops prepared to fight the British and help their neighbors in
Lexington and concord, a selective amount of members of militia were called minutemen
because they would be ready to fight in a matter of minutes at any time of the day no
matter the weather or conditions they were always ready to fight. When more than 240
British soldiers arrived to Lexington, they found a handful of minuteman waiting on the
Lexington green waiting for them to arrive. Both sides eyed each other warily, not
knowing what to expect. Suddenly,
Susan B Anthony In The Progressive Era
The Progressive Era was full of people wanting to change their surroundings and laws in
life. There were abolitionists, women s rights activists, education reformists, and many
other titles that people took to change the inhumane lives that they were being lead by.
One woman in particular, Susan B. Anthony, took on more than just one of these titles.
She took on much more than most others would or could have.
Anthony was born in February of 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. She was raised in a
Quaker family with activist traditions. Having been brought up in this kind of household
she learned at a young age what was moral and had a keen sense of justice.
Growing up in a Quaker household Anthony was taught that drinking liquor was sinful.
While ... Show more content on ...
The legislature refused as most of the 28,000 signatures were those of women and
children. This act on the State legislatures part led to Anthony and Stanton s movement
of women s suffrage.
Another one of Susan B. Anthony s greatest impacts is her importance in women s
suffrage. After her and Stanton s petition for more laws on limiting the sales of alcohol
was declined because the amount of women s signatures was greater than the amount of
men s
Anthony became greatly infuriated on the point that woman had no say in the
government. In
1866, Stanton and Anthony founded the American Equal Rights Association and started
printing a newspaper in Rochester, The Revolution, in 1868. In 1869 the suffrage
movement split, with
Anthony and Stanton s National Association continuing to campaign for a constitutional
amendment, and the American Woman Suffrage Association adopting a strategy of
getting the vote for women on a stateВbyВstate basis. Wyoming became the first territory
to give women the vote in 1869. In the 1870 s Anthony campaigned vigorously for
women s right to vote, and
My College Life Experience
My college life experience started in 2016, when I finally decided what it was I going
to become. College will not only help me with my own personal goals, but it will help
with preparing for my future career. Marketing Management is what I am studying for
and I know a few things that I expect to learn while educating myself on this specific
subject. There are, of course, many new things I am looking forward too when getting
my diploma and degree. Once I receive my degree from Coastal Pines Technical College,
I will want to achieve great things in my life and make sure that I keep trying once I get
The college education I am receiving is helping me achieve my own personal goals in
life. Since I have started college, I know my ... Show more content on ...
Once I receive the degree and I can get a job that I vision to have, I will then learn about
more about financial stability.
I expect to learn about not only marketing management, but also subjects surrounding the
subject at hand. I will expect to learn how to speak to everyone professionally in the
business. Learning to speak to my coworkers will consist of not only in the flesh, but in
emails as well. With this learning experience, there will be a huge involvement of
entrepreneurship and small business management. The year I have been going to college
I have received my certificate for Small Business Management and Retail Merchandise
Management. I expect to be educated quite well on everything needed for the job I hope
to have in the future.
With my time at Coastal Pines Technical College, I will be most excited about learning
every detail of marketing management. The classes I have taken, business law was my
favorite subject. It was very interesting learning the different laws in the government
and what one can do in any case they end up not just in marketing. Another subject that
caught my eye was the way the store is set up and why because it answered many of
questions I have had about the arrangements of a store. I am excited about knowing
more details about my major than I knew before. A subject I fear but I am eager to take
is accounting. I believe the reason why is because a lot of students say that the class is
very hard, but I always love a
Self Antigen Essay
Due to the absence of self antigen presentation in the thymus [36], or the low affinity of
T cells for self antigens [37], autoreactive T cells escape sometimes from thymic negative
To complete the efficacy of central tolerance, the immune system developed many tools
to neutralize these cells and avoid autoimmune diseases. These mechanisms are either
passive, concerning antigen ignorance, T cell anergy or apoptosis induction and
phenotypic skewing, or active when mediated by regulatory cells [38].
Antigen ignorance allows autoreactive T cells to persist as functional circulating T cells
while never primed by any antigen [39]. Indeed, antigens can be masked by anatomical
barriers like lens proteins, spermatozoids, or nervous ... Show more content on ...
Without CD28/
CD80 CD86 engagement, interactions between TCRs and alloantigens induce the anergy
of T cells. CTLA 4 (CD152) has a large structural homology with CD28 and interacts
with CD80
CD86 with better affinity than CD28 molecule and functions as a negative regulator of T
cell activation [56]. The expression of these two molecules regulates the balance between
activation and inhibition of T cells and allows the control of an over reaction of the
immune system leading to inflammation or autoimmunity [57]. Similarly, the expression
of Programmed
Death 1 (PD 1) after antigenic stimulation and interaction with its ligand PDL 1 reduces
IL 2 synthesis and induces T cell anergy [58]. Another important co stimulatory pathway
is the
CD40/CD40L co stimulatory pathway. The CD40 molecule is a transmembrane protein
Tolerance in Organ Transplantation 51 belongs to the
TNF receptor family. It is expressed on vascular endothelial cells [59], activated
DCs [60], monocytes/macrophages, platelets [61] and B lymphocytes [62]. The
CD40L, also called CD154, exists in soluble form or at the cell membrane [63]. It is
expressed on activated
T cells, basophiles, eosinophils [64], DCs from the blood [65], endothelial cells,
The Dad In Those Winter Sundays
Thesis: Parents are not chosen but given and the memories they leave behind never
leave. The Dad in Those Winter Sundays rises early in the cold morning to heat up the
house, while the father in My Papa s Waltz comes in smelling of whiskey, raging with
In Those Winter Sundays the Dad is a loving character who wakes up on the day he can
sleep in to warm the house for his family.
The father in My Papa s Waltz returns smelling of whiskey and takes out his anger upon
his family.
One comes bringing warmth and comfort, the other ushers in chaos and mayhem.
The Dad comes forth out of love, yet the father comes forth out of rage and vexation.
When either of the male parents appears the surrounding area changes to represent their
Evolution of Gun Culture in America
Depending ontastes and styles, modern and contemporary culture is a rapidly changing
trend, whereas the deeper culture of political values and beliefs change more slowly. This
is the case with what is termed as the gun culture in the United States of America. The
gun culture in America is predominantly divided into the pro gunright group and the pro
gun control group . These two groups contend against each other for social and political
resources, and this is struggle that is infamous in the contemporary American culture.
Each group considers themselves to be orthodox or mainstream of the comprehensive
American culture but at the same time they are portraying each other to be the absurd
and irrational subgroup within the wider American culture. The numbers of the pro gun
population has begun to decline, but pro gun culture should still be allowed and not be
considered a threat to the nation.
The gun culture is considered to be the group of the American life that consider guns as a
significant part of their lives. These are people that supports the right to possess firearms
and do not desire to be opposed by the government. Even though the term gun culture is
not inconsistent, the language and images that are used by the gun control and gun right
activists is extremely differentiated. The gun control activists have an upsetting attitude
towards the use of guns and firearms, and the association with violence. They believe
there is a direct correlation between usage of
Shakespeare Importance
William Shakespeare is a well established English poet, playwright and actor known
for his prominent plays such as A Midsummer Night s Dream, Romeo and Juliet,
Taming of the Shrew and many more. Although the bard has now been dead for over
400 years, he still plays a major role in today s modern society and has been important
teachings in formal education for as long as it has been around. Proving that he still
has an important place in today s modern society. The english language owes
shakespeare a dept, as he invented over 1700 words for it, many of which we still use
to this very day without even realising. Most of the plays that shakespeare has created
are used for teaching many schools around the globe as shakespeare had a unique flair
that he used to convey a message in his plays and these ways are being encouraged to
use to this day. Shakspeare had a knack for being able to relate with the audience of his
time by connecting his ideas and events within his plays to make a complex character
that everyone loved. Also, Shakespeare s ability to use a range of human emotions and
summarise it in a simple, but profoundly articulate verse is perhaps one of the main
reasons for his undergoing popularity even to this day. Some say that Shakespeare was
ahead of his time, some of the material that Shakespeare put in his plays are still burning
situations in today s dysfunctional global society. It can be peculiar knowing that
Shakespeare, the English poet who has been dead for
Social and Political Critique and Commentary in Bonnie and...
Social and political critique and commentary in Bonnie and Clyde

The fact that the story is set 35 years ago doesn t mean a thing. It had to be set
sometime. But it was made now and it s about us. Roger Ebert 1

At the time of its release in 1967, Bonnie and Clyde was the subject of intense debate.
While the American film critic Roger Ebert hailed it as a milestone in American
moviemaking, Bosley Crowther, another critic, referred to it as a cheap piece of bald
faced slapstick
Comedy . 2 It was called the sleeper hit of the decade, and gained extreme notoriety for
its breakage of traditional cinematic taboos, in that it showed rather explicitly both sex
and especially, raw and brutal violence. It greatly surprised both the ... Show more
content on ...
Within this rather traditional framework however, Bonnie and Clyde makes several
compelling statements about 1960 s America. [This is too short to be a paragraph on its

Violence almost defines Bonnie and Clyde. It runs like a silver thread through the entire
Graphic violence is today a rather common and somewhat natural characteristic of
modern cinema, but before Bonnie and Clyde, it certainly was not. Arthur Penn
introduced it in 1967. Before Bonnie and Clyde violence in film was hinted at or just
implied through various sorts of acting techniques. Arthur Penn decided to show the
audience the real, brutal and raw side to violence, using brilliant camerawork but more
importantly, top notch special effects and masterful visual skills. In Bonnie and Clyde
the violence never feels fake, but terrifyingly real. Take for example the first graphic
scene of the film, in which Clyde shoots a store owner s face clean off, as he tries
jump aboard the robbers getaway car. The man s head basically explodes, splattering
blood and pieces of brain all over the car window, and Penn shows us, the audience, this
(although not in a Tarantinto splasher like way, but nevertheless) in a quite unromantic
but very powerful and dramatic way. The scene is almost reminiscent of the famous scene
from Battleship Potemkin 3 where the mother is shot in the face, and her

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