Topics For Contrast Essay

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Topics For Contrast Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Topics for Contrast Essay" can be quite challenging, as it requires a
thoughtful analysis of various subjects or ideas to highlight their differences. The difficulty lies in
selecting suitable topics that offer meaningful comparisons and contrasts, as well as in structuring
the essay effectively.

Firstly, identifying topics that not only have distinct features but also provide enough material for a
comprehensive essay can be demanding. It requires thorough research and critical thinking to
pinpoint subjects that lend themselves well to a contrastive analysis. Once the topics are chosen, the
writer needs to delve deep into understanding the nuances of each, ensuring that there is ample
material to explore and compare.

Furthermore, organizing the essay in a coherent manner poses another challenge. Striking the right
balance between comparing and contrasting elements, maintaining a logical flow, and avoiding
repetitive content requires careful planning. The essay should have a clear introduction, body
paragraphs that systematically discuss the points of contrast, and a conclusion that summarizes the
key findings.

Additionally, the writer must be adept at articulating their thoughts in a clear and concise manner.
Crafting well-phrased sentences that convey complex ideas without ambiguity is essential. This
demands a strong command of language and effective communication skills.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic "Topics for Contrast Essay" involves the intricate task
of selecting suitable subjects, conducting thorough research, and presenting the information in a well-
organized and articulate manner. It is a process that requires dedication, critical thinking, and
linguistic finesse.

For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges you may encounter, consider exploring , where a wealth of resources and professional support can be accessed to enhance
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Topics For Contrast Essay Topics For Contrast Essay
The Other Side Of The Sky Short Story
The Adventures of Buck, Farah, and Piper

Imagine undertaking a life threatening mission. In The Other Side of the Sky, Farah
Ahmedi walked several miles through desert mountains to escape to Pakistan. While
Piper McCloud used teamwork, determination, and imagination to escape I.N.S.A.N.E
and keep her ability to fly in The Girl Who Could Fly, Buck undertook the mission of
adapting to the wild, so he would be able to survive in the book, Call of the Wild.
However, all three were patient, determined, and used the help of others in order to
achieve their goals.

Without the help of Ghulam Ali and a positive mind, Farah Ahmedi wouldn t have been
able to escape Pakistan. For example, as Ahmedi was being shoved farther from the
border of Pakistan, The Afghans were yelling something, and the Pakistanis were
yelling back (Ahmedi para. 1). Additionally, The guards had clubs, and they had
carbines, too, which they turned around and used as weapons (Ahmedi para. 2).
Ahmedi s goal was necessary because if she hadn t escaped, she would ve continued to
suffer in the conditions she was living in, and it could ve gotten worse as the time
went by. As the text states, How did I scale that mountain so easily? How did I climb
down the other side (Ahmedi para. 12)? Also, You and your mother are in my care now
(Ahmedi para. 9). Farah, her mom, and the family they were traveling with achieved
their goal by making it past the several miles of mountains with Ghulam Ali s help.
According to
Antidepressant Essay
Antidepressants are overprescribed Mitrea (2007) defines antidepressants as an agent
or a drug that is most commonly used to prevent or treat depression. However, in
today s society it could be said that antidepressants are being over prescribed and are
being used to treat a vast range of other conditions, as well as clinical depression. When
the first antidepressant was developed, manufacturers were reluctant to put it on the
market due to the extremely low number of people suffering from depression. Now,
antidepressant drugs have a very dominant place in the drug market, with studies
showing that they are now one of the most widely prescribed categories of drugs (Mark
2010). There could be a number of reasons for this increase in... Show more content on ...
Macdonald et al. (2009) suggest that the current levels of antidepressant prescribing
needs to be assessed. In this study, which gave an insight into General Practitioners
(GPs) perspectives on the rise of antidepressant prescriptions, it was evident that many
GPs believed that unhappiness, exacerbated by social deprivation and the breakdown of
traditional social structures, was being medicalised inappropriately (Macdonald et al.
2009). However, participation in this study was voluntary so it is very likely that GPs
who were interested in mental health and comfortable with their own prescribing practice
would be more likely to take part, thus raising the question; are antidepressants really
overprescribed? Despite the increasing number of studies on the over prescription of
antidepressants some support this rise in antidepressant use, arguing that it is better to
diagnose depression too often and too little (Barber 2008). Research has also been
conducted not on over prescription, but in fact under prescription of antidepressants.
These researchers are challenging the wide spread assumption that doctors are handing
out antidepressants too often, and suggest that they are in fact being underused instead of
overused. In contrast to the study by Macdonald et al. (2009), Cameron et al. (2009)
challenged the hypothesis that
Ethics Of The United Parcel Service Essay
Ethics In today s world where multi billion dollar corporations can have such a strong
force and presence over the world, It s important that these companies take some
social responsibility. Ethics should play a strong role in how a company behaves and
performs its services. The United Parcel Service have taken no exception to that rule.
UPS was actually ranked as one of The world s most ethical companies by Ethisphere
Institute for the tenth year in a row. That s quite an achievement for such a large
corporation to accomplish in today s age. In fact Chief Compliance Officer for UPS,
Mohammad Azam stated At UPS, operating as an ethical company means doing what
we say we will do, in business conduct, in our impact on the environment and in how
we touch the lives of people in the communities where we live and work. Operating
with high ethical standards internationally is part of the culture of UPS and this
commitment is shared throughout our organization, .(UPS pressroom) Strong
statements such as this are ideal for large companies because it shows this philosophy
is engrained in the fabric of the company itself, you want the least important, to the
most important employees to all follow this ethical code. UPS has an official Ethical
code of conduct on its company website that delivers 50 pages of rules and guidelines
that UPS expects every employee to work by. A company that does this shows they care
about its employees and its customers This is not to say UPS
Dress Code Preamble
Preamble: When in the course of life events it becomes necessary for students to protest
against dress code. Students should have the right to wear any type of attire they desire
to because it is a form of expressing their individuality.

The Declaration: We hold these principles to be self evident, the dress code is sending an
inaccurate message for the reason that it seems to be considered as if it is only applied
towards girls, which is miscalculated because boys can wear clothes that remain part of
the dress code.

List of grievances: Until now, students have subjected to the inequality by the
department. Some of the discrimination and mistreatment are:
The juveniles harass the ladies on how they dress, rather than the boys receiving
Skinny Research Paper
The Skinny on Body Shaming Beauty standards in the media display models that are
considered to be well under the healthy body weight. By the media using images of
these models it sends a message to women that she must be unhealthy to be considered
beautiful by society. Based upon the mindset given to women from the media, no
women could be too rich or too skinny makes it extremely difficult for women to fulfill
this unrealistic image. The media, being the number one problem facing women today it
makes it near impossible for one to love them self for who they are but instead
encouraging them to harm themselves. Body image is a complicated aspect of the self
concept that concerns an individual s perceptions and feelings about their body and...
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By this fashion show airing on CBS every year it effects the self esteem of millions
that tune in. Recently, a company called Dear Kate decided to answer back to Victoria
s Secret, The Perfect Body with the faces of ten of the angels by sending their own
image with The Perfect Body including women of all different shapes and sizes. Dear
Kate responded to their ad by saying, Through this photo, we showcase women who are
often neglected by the media and traditional retailers. We show the multitude of shapes
perfect bodies can take (Dubecky, 2016). By them doing this they showed that every
body is created differently and healthy bodies come in all different shapes and
Relationship Between Age And Confidence
Furthermore, the relationship between age and confidence in God s existence is
positive. This is supported by the Pearson s R value of .107, which is above 0 making
it positive, found in Table 2. However, because a value of 1 represents a perfectly
positive linear line, the low R value suggests that our line is nearly horizontal and will
have a small slope. In order to find how confident we are this relationship exists we can
run a t test for R, which is included at the bottom of Table 1. The test shows there is
confidence that the relationship is evident, because the p value is .01, so the null
hypothesis can be rejected, that there is no relationship between the variables. Rather,
there is confidence there is in fact a relationship between age and one s faith, which
supports the hypothesis that the two variables are connected. Again this only shows
the relationship is positive, but not how great of an affect age has on faith. The
relationship that faith increases as age increase is more evident in a graph. Figure 2
compares age to the average amount of belief for its respective age group. The data
has some variation from what was expected. For example, the average belief for 18
year olds is somewhere between Knows God Exists, But Has Doubts, and Knows God
Exists, which is higher than the hypothesis, which predicted they would be much more
skeptical. However, this could be because at this age kids are just now starting to break
away from the influence their parents
The Powerful Antonin Artaud
Antonin Artaud was an artist who was cursed physically, tormented emotionally, and
was constantly walking in the shadow of his childhood ailments. Though his illnesses
set him back in many ways, Artaud was ever persistent and dedicated to expressing
himself artistically, even if it meant he had to work twice as hard as anyone else to be
heard and understood. As such, Artaud s work in the theater gives us a sense that
anything is possible. His writing, directing and conceptualizing are evidence of his
inability to be bound or limited in any sort of artistic way. Artaud s theater is one full
of possibilities and unexplored territories. As Artaud himself said, If there is still one
hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, instead of
being like victims burnt at the stake, signaling through the flames. 1 Artaud s childhood
bout with a severe case of meningitis affected him for the rest of his life. He suffered
from nervousness, an irritable temperament, neuralgia, stammering, and severe bouts of
clinical depression.2 As a result, Artaud spent much of his adolescence in and out of
sanatoriums it was there that he first became addicted to opiates when they were
prescribed to him for his pain, which resulted in a lifelong addiction.3 When Artaud was
finally able to escape the sanatoriums, he began a life as both a poet and an actor in
Paris. As a writer, Artaud struggled due to the physical repercussions from his youth:

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