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These guidelines consist of 27 pages.

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Engineering Graphics and Design 2 DBE/PAT 2024







4.1 Assessment 6
4.2 Moderation 8



General information and instructions 9


A civil design project 10


A mechanical design project 17





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Engineering Graphics and Design 3 DBE/PAT 2024


The 18 Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement subjects which contain a practical
component all include a practical assessment task (PAT):

AGRICULTURE: Agricultural Management Practices, Agricultural Technology,

ARTS: Dance Studies, Design, Dramatic Arts, Music, Visual Arts
SCIENCES: Computer Applications Technology, Information Technology,
Technical Sciences and Technical Mathematics
SERVICES: Consumer Studies, Hospitality Studies, Tourism
TECHNOLOGY: Engineering Graphics and Design, Civil Technology, Electrical
Technology and Mechanical Technology

A practical assessment task (PAT) is a compulsory component of the final promotion mark for
all candidates offering subjects that have a practical component and counts 25% (100 marks)
of the end-of-year examination mark. The PAT is implemented across the first three terms of
the school year. This is broken down into different phases or a series of smaller activities that
make up the PAT. The PAT allows for learners to be assessed on a regular basis during the
school year and it also allows for the assessment of skills that cannot be assessed in a written
format, e.g. test or examination. It is therefore important that schools ensure that all learners
complete the practical assessment tasks within the stipulated period to ensure that learners
are resulted at the end of the school year. The planning and execution of the PAT differs from
subject to subject.

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The Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) PAT is a compulsory national formal
assessment task that contributes 100 marks (25%) towards a learner's final NSC mark. It is
therefore regarded as a third NSC examination paper.

The purpose of the PAT is to assess topics, content and concepts, which are contained in the
CAPS, but not assessed in tests or examinations. These are:
The design process
The application of the design process
The quality and neatness of freehand, instrument and CAD drawings
With the inclusion of the research component as part of the design process, content and
concepts that are not included in the CAPS may be included in the PAT. The PAT is therefore
designed to develop a learner's ability to integrate and apply knowledge that is taught and
self-acquired, and to demonstrate attained levels of skills and competency.
The PAT gives the learner an opportunity to apply knowledge in a creative way through the
design process. The learner is also given an opportunity to complete the PAT in an
environment which is more conducive to the creative processes. This environment should
therefore provide the learner with easier access to, and a wider variety of, resource material
than would otherwise be available in a formal test or examination.

The PAT is divided into THREE PHASES:

PHASE 1: The design process
PHASE 2: Preparing working and pictorial drawings
PHASE 3: Creating the PAT file/portfolio

The three PHASES require that the learner demonstrates a clear understanding of, and is
able to apply, the design process. As part of the design process, the learner must be able to
do the following:
Analyse the given scenario and formulate a design brief, which includes a list of
specifications, constraints and a management plan
Conduct relevant and usable research
Use the research in developing ideas/concepts/solutions, analytically and graphically,
using freehand drawings
Select a final solution that demonstrates a clear understanding of the design brief
Present the final solution as a set of working drawings and a pictorial (3D) drawing
Provide clear evidence of continuous self-evaluation during the development of the PAT
Create a PAT file/portfolio

PHASE 1 and PHASE 2 of the PAT have been designed to give the learner the opportunity
to demonstrate a level of competency and skill that has been attained in the following drawing
Freehand drawings, prepared using a pencil and grid/graph paper only
Instrument drawings, prepared in pencil and using drawing instruments
CAD drawings, prepared using a CAD program

TWO practical assessment tasks (PATs) are included in this document:

PAT 1 is a task in the context of civil technology, with an electrical component
PAT 2 is a task in the context of mechanical technology

With the guidance of the teacher, each learner must select and complete ONE PAT only.

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Elements that make up the PAT mark for Engineering Graphics and Design
The design process 25%
The correctness of the working and pictorial drawings 50%
The drawing methods (freehand, instrument and CAD) 25%
TOTAL 100%


The teacher must provide a copy of and mediate the entire SECTION B (pages 9 to 27) of
this 2024 PAT document to every Grade 12 learner no later than Week 7 of Term 1.

Each phase must be completed and assessed prior to commencement of phase moderation
in Terms 2 and 3, and provincial moderation in Terms 3 and 4.

The phases of the PAT must therefore be completed within the following timeframes:
PHASE 1: Design process (completed before the commencement of Term 2)
PHASE 2: Presentation drawings (completed before the commencement of Term 3)
PHASE 3: Completion of ALL presentation tasks and creation of file/portfolio (completed
in Term 3 before the commencement of the final provincial moderation, or at the
latest, before the commencement of the preparatory examinations).

Although the PHASES could be completed either cyclically or during block times, as
indicated in the CAPS, it is recommended that one entire day per term be allocated for each
PHASE, e.g. as an extra paper during the May/June Examinations.

Teaching time allocated for the preparation and completion of all three PHASES of the PAT
may not exceed 16 hours. However, additional non-teaching time may be allocated for
the completion of the PAT at the school, but the total time allocated for the completion of
ALL the PHASES of the PAT should NOT exceed 20 hours.

To ensure that the PAT is completed within the stipulated timeframes, it is essential that the
teacher prepares and communicates a management plan/pacesetter with target dates. This
will help learners to monitor their own progress, and for the teacher to implement intervention

To ensure the integrity of the PAT as a 'third NSC examination paper', the following
additional instructions must be adhered to. Non-compliance to any of these, and afore-
mentioned instructions, will be deemed a serious examination irregularity.
Except for clean A4 and A3 drawing sheets and grid/graph paper, NO templates, tables,
pre-prepared pages/drawing sheets, redrawn examples of the site plan, etc., may
be given or made available to the learners in any form or format.
NO examples of possible or suggested solutions of any component of the PAT may
be provided to, procured for, or demonstrated to the learners in any form or format.
This includes, but is not limited to, examples developed, or demonstrations presented
by any individual, group, department, institution, organisation or business.
Explanatory examples, such as graphical illustrations, best practices from previous
years' PATs, etc., may ONLY be presented to the learners during the initial mediation
of the PAT. As these examples may not be given to the learners or left for them to view
indefinitely after the initial mediation, learners must be encouraged to take notes during
the mediation, but may NOT take any photographs or videos.

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Engineering Graphics and Design 6 DBE/PAT 2024

It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that each learner's PAT is of an

appropriate Grade 12 level and complexity.
ALL presentation requirements of the selected PAT must be strictly adhered to.
Except for the required research component, ALL the presentation requirements of the
PAT must be completed at school under the supervision of the teacher.
Although the sharing of knowledge and ideas between learners is permissible, no
presentation may be shared or copied as the entire PAT must be completed
individually. ALL the presentations, including the front page, index/table of contents,
management plan, tables, drawing sheet preparation, etc., must be each learner's own
original work.
ALL freehand drawings and instrument drawings must be prepared in pencil.
ALL learners must be encouraged to work on their own, with minimal intervention.
Developmental feedback and guidance may ONLY be given on presentations or a
PHASE that has already been attempted/prepared/completed, or when the learner
requests it.
When learners prepare drawings in CAD, the following must be adhered to:
o The school must provide the facilities, including the CAD program and
computers. The school must hold the licenses of ALL the CAD programs used
by the learners, and NO other programs may be used by any of the learners.
o ALL CAD drawings must be prepared at school under the supervision of the
o The opportunity to be trained using a CAD program must be made available to ALL
learners, regardless of whether they make use of it or not.
o As the teacher remains responsible for assessing both the competence displayed in
using a CAD program and the layout and correctness of the drawing presentations,
he/she must have sufficient knowledge of and skills in the CAD program used.
o Electronic and hard copy evidence of the history of the stage-by-stage
development of each learner's CAD drawings must be retained at school for a
period of time as stipulated by the Department of Basic Education (DBE).
o During the moderation process learners may be called upon to explain the functions
and principles of operating a CAD program, and to demonstrate drawing skills
through performing capability tasks.
The DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY, given on page 27 of this document, must be
completed and signed by the learner and teacher just prior to the final assessment.
The SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SHEET, given on page 26 of this document, must be
completed in full for each learner following the final assessment of the PAT.
The teacher must ensure that ONLY the completed SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT
learner are included after the index in each learner's completed PAT file/portfolios.


4.1 Assessment

Assessment of the PAT must be done according to the included and relevant 2024

As frequent developmental feedback is needed to determine and provide guidance and

support to the learner, as well as to ensure that they are on the right track ('assessment
for learning'), both formal and informal assessment must be conducted throughout the
development of the PAT. Informal assessment may be conducted by either a peer or
by the teacher.

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The teacher must conduct ALL formal assessment and record the results on the
official mark sheets. The marks of each learner must also be indicated on the official
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SHEET (see page 26), which must be included in the
learner's PAT file/portfolios. Where a school has more than one Grade 12 EGD
teacher, the teachers must assist one another by conducting PAT assessment as a team.
This will ensure a consistent standard of assessment across all the learners.

The final formal assessment must be completed before commencement of final

provincial moderation or, at the latest, before the commencement of the preparatory
examinations in the Term 3.

Once the PATs have been assessed and moderated, the teacher/school must retain
ALL the PATs for external moderation. ALL the PATs must also be retained at school
for a period of time as stipulated by the provincial departments of education (PEDs).

Clarification of level descriptors and the verification of marks:

1-mark level descriptor:
There is NO percentage (%) for the 1-mark level descriptor, and it is used for
elementary/basic presentation requirements and/or drawing features, and must
be applied as follows:
o '0' (zero) must be allocated for the requirement not met, or if the presentation
thereof is incorrect.
o 1 mark may only be allocated if the requirement has been met fully and the
presentation thereof is correct.

2-mark level descriptor:

o '0' (zero) must be allocated if the requirement has not been included/shown,
or if the presentation of the requirement shows less than 30% evidence of
knowledge, or when the requirement is very poor.
o 1 mark may only be allocated if the presentation of the requirement shows at
least 30% or more evidence of knowledge, or if the requirement is NOT
complete or NOT completely correct, NOT compliant and/or clear, i.e.
o 2 marks may only be allocated if the presentation of the requirement shows at
least 80% or more evidence of knowledge, and the requirement is more
than 80% complete, correct/compliant and clear, i.e. very good.

7-mark level descriptor

Refer to the 7-mark rubric on page 45 of the CAPS document for the level
descriptors. This implies that a '7' can only be allocated if the presentation
requirement(s) is 100% correct/compliant, i.e. outstanding and error-free.

Verification of ALL final marks out of 10:

Each final mark out of 10 must be verified according to the descriptors contained
in the rubric on page 25 of this document. This implies that a '10' can only be
allocated if the presentation requirement(s) is 100% correct/compliant, i.e. perfect
and error-free.

Rounding-off of marks:
Each mark out of 10 must be rounded off before being captured on the
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SHEET (see page 26) and the recording/mark sheet.
A mark of 9,5 must, however, remain 9 as the 0,5 is an indication of a mistake.
The final mark out of 25, 50 and 25 for each of the three complete sections of the
PAT must also be rounded off after being calculated.

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4.2 Moderation

Moderation of the PAT must be conducted using the included 2024 ASSESSMENT
CRITERIA AND CHECKLISTS, and according to the same level descriptors used
for assessing the PATs.
As monitoring and/or moderation of the PAT can take place at any stage during the
development of the PAT, ALL completed and unfinished presentations of ALL the
PATs must always be available at the school.
To facilitate intervention programmes and processes, the following school-based and
cluster/district moderation must be done during Terms 2 and 3:
Phase 1: Design process (beginning of Term 2 before the commencement of
PHASE 2, or at the latest before the mid-year examinations)
Phase 2: Presentation drawings (beginning of Term 3 before the commencement of
NOTES on the final provincial Grade 12 PAT moderation:
ALL the schools in ALL the provinces must be moderated.
The moderation must be conducted by officially appointed, trained and
authorised provincial PAT moderators. Peer, cluster, PLC or district moderation
may therefore NOT be implemented to conduct the moderation.
PEDs must ensure that the moderation commences early enough so that it can
be concluded before the commencement of DBE and/or Umalusi moderation,
or at the latest by the end of Week 3 of Term 4.
To assist the moderator with the moderation process, the teacher must supply a
complete set of updated mark sheets and merit lists.
At the beginning of the moderation process, the moderator must randomly select 10%,
with a minimum of THREE and a maximum of SIX PAT files/portfolios. The selected
PATs must be:
No. 1 .2 . 3 a low mark
No. 4 .5 . 6 a low mark
If the selected PATs do not provide a consistent result, THREE additional PATs, i.e. a
high-, an average/middle- and a low-mark PAT, must be selected and moderated to
obtain a more constant result.
If a school has more than ONE Grade 12 EGD teacher, THREE PATs, i.e. a high-, an
average/middle- and a low-mark PAT must be selected from each teacher.
The concept of 'benchmarking' should be applied when moderating the PATs. This
requires that a PAT with a highest mark, but preferably the PAT with the highest mark,
must be moderated first to establish a standard against which all the other PATs of
the school can be benchmarked.
A tolerance range of ONLY 5% is permissible between the average assessed mark
and the average moderated mark of the PATs selected for moderation. Only once
moderation has been completed, must the more than 5% difference between the
average marks of the moderated PATs be applied to the rest of the PATs.

On completion of the practical assessment task, learners should be able to demonstrate their
understanding of the design process, their enhanced knowledge, skills, values and reasoning
abilities as well as establish connections to life outside the classroom and address real-world
challenges. The PAT furthermore develops learners' life skills and provides opportunities for
learners to engage in their own learning.
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Engineering Graphics and Design 9 DBE/PAT 2024


General information and instructions

The PAT is a compulsory national formal assessment task that contributes 100 marks
(25%) towards your final National Senior Certificate (NSC) mark.
This document contains the following TWO PAT scenarios:
o PAT 1: A civil design project, with an electrical component
o PAT 2: A mechanical design project
You, the learner, with the guidance of your teacher, must select and complete only ONE of
the PAT tasks contained in this document.
ALL the presentation requirements of the selected PAT must be strictly adhered to and, with
the exception of the research component, be completed at school, under the supervision
of your teacher.
Although the sharing of knowledge and ideas is permissible, none of the presentations may
be shared or copied. The entire PAT must be completed individually and ALL the
presentations, including the front page, index/table of contents, management plan, tables,
drawing sheet preparation, etc. must be your own original work.
The PAT must be of an appropriate higher-order Grade 12 complexity.
ALL freehand drawings and instrument drawings must be prepared in pencil.
The PAT must be completed in phases and within the given time frames of your teacher's
pacesetter/management plan.
The PAT will be assessed according to the relevant ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND
CHECKLISTS, which are included in this PAT document.
The relevant 2024 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND CHECKLIST for the PAT (i.e. either
pages 15 and 16 or 22 and 23) must be used to provide clear evidence of your own
continuous self-evaluation and the meeting of the deadlines during the development of the
Just prior to the final submission of your complete PAT, you must complete and sign the
DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY, given on page 27 of this document.
ONLY the 2024 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SHEET, given on page 26 of this document,
your completed and signed DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY, your completed 2024
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA and CHECKLIST with ALL your own prepared presentations must
be included, in the correct sequence, in your PAT file/portfolio.
You are not permitted to use any of the photographs/pictures and/or websites contained in
this PAT document.
Untidy and messy work, as well as the late submission of presentation requirements, will be

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Engineering Graphics and Design 10 DBE/PAT 2024


A civil design project


The National Monuments Council of South Africa recently restored historically significant
buildings on a wine estate on Plot 36 of 61 and declared them national monuments. To cater
for visitors, permission was granted by the National Monuments Council to build a new
restaurant and small museum on the estate. You have been tasked by the National
Monuments Council to submit a proposed design solution for the proposed new restaurant
and small museum, which will forthwith simply be referred to as the restaurant and

The restaurant must be a single-storey brick structure with a maximum total area of 200 m².
The roof must be a gabled design with a 500 mm overhang on all sides, with corrugated steel
roof sheeting, and finished with facia boards, gutters and rainwater downpipes on the sides,
and barge boards on the ends. The restaurant must consist of a large open inside dining area
of no less than 110 m², a large kitchen with a separate scullery and a separate pantry, unisex
toilet facilities, and a toilet facility for disabled people. In the dining area there must be a
dedicated section with a large countertop for serving a buffet lunch on Sundays, and for the
display and sale of over-the-counter eats and refreshments on all other days. There must be
wide wooden multipanel sliding doors, with three or more panels, along two adjacent walls of
the dining area leading out onto an adjoining 3 m wide veranda which runs along the same
two adjacent walls of the restaurant. The veranda, which is not included in the 200 m² of the
restaurant, must be covered by wooden pergolas, as it will be used as additional outside
dining space.

The kitchen must have a floor area of no less than 35 m² and be situated at the back of the
restaurant. The kitchen must be separated from the dining area by a brick wall, with a single
180° swing door leading into the kitchen and a single 180° swing door leading out of the
kitchen into the dining area. There must be a single sink, built-in cupboards and sufficient
work surfaces for the preparation of food and placing of kitchen appliances, as well as space
for two large refrigerators and two large industrial stoves in the kitchen. Leading off the kitchen
must be a separate scullery with two double sinks and space for two dishwashers, as well as
a separate lockable pantry. The scullery and the pantry must each have floor areas of
approximately 10 m². Both the kitchen and the scullery must have an exterior door and

The unisex toilet facility must be directly accessible from the inside dining area of the
restaurant. The facility must consist of FIVE separate cubicles, each with a toilet, a wash basin
and its own small window. One of the cubicles must have a larger door and more space to
accommodate people in wheelchairs.

The building for the museum must be a single-story semi-detached 6 x 8 m brick structure
that stands adjacent to, and shares a common wall with the restaurant. The museum must be
accessible off the veranda, but must have no direct access into any part of the restaurant. To
complement the heritage of the estate, the entrance to the museum must have a typical
centrally placed decorative Cape Dutch facade above a double wooden door with sash
windows on either side. The museum must have a gabled roof with a corrugated steel roof
sheeting finish.

The new restaurant and museum must have sufficient electrical lighting and switched socket
outlets in all the rooms and areas. All sewage and waste-water from the restaurant must be
connected to the manhole on the municipal sewerage line in Hillside Road.

Included in the design must be driveways and a parking area with 10 standard-size parking
bays and, situated close to the restaurant, two parking bays for disabled people.
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Given: The site plan of the wine estate


1. Analyse the given scenario and formulate a design brief in two paragraphs:
The first paragraph must, in your own words, give a brief background to the
project, as well as a comprehensive description of what has to be designed.
The second paragraph must, in your own words, give a clear overview of your role
in the project, as well as a description of the complete design process that you
are going to implement to complete this project.

From the scenario and your teacher's management plan, include the following as part
of the design brief:
A list of TWENTY of the given specifications for the restaurant and museum
A list of FIVE possible constraints. Note that the specifications you have listed may
not be repeated or reworded as possible constraints.
Your own management plan that specifies target dates for the completion of each
presentation requirement

2. Conduct research on:

Examples and construction details of wooden multipanel sliding doors with THREE
or more panels
Examples and construction details of wooden pergolas
THREE examples of gabled roof designs and THREE examples of Cape Dutch gable
facades with timber doors and sash windows

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The research must be relevant and should therefore be in the form of graphic
material, i.e. pictures and illustrations.
Evidence of at least FIVE different examples that covers all the requirements of each
research topic must be included in the PAT file/portfolio, unless otherwise stated.
The research material must be aesthetically presented and may NOT exceed FOUR
A4 or TWO A3 pages per topic.
There must be clear evidence that the research has been used in your design
Include a list of ALL references used (Bibliography), directly after the research.

3. Prepare neat detailed freehand drawings of the floor-plan layout of TWO possible
design solutions for the proposed new restaurant and museum, including the veranda.
Each freehand drawing must show the correct presentation of ALL the building features,
the permanent fixtures, the rooflines, as well as the primary dimensions and labels. The
calculation for the total area of the restaurant, excluding the veranda and the museum,
and the floor area of the kitchen, must be clearly shown in a table on the drawing sheet
as part of each freehand drawing.

Grid/Graph paper must be used to assist with the preparation of the freehand
drawings so that ALL features and fixtures are drawn to proportion. The grid/graph
paper used must be included in the PAT file/portfolio.
ALL aspects of the freehand drawing, including dimensions, labels, tables and
possible information blocks, must be prepared using a pencil ONLY. The use of
any other drawing instruments, e.g. a ruler or compass, will be penalised.
The electrical layout and the waste-water disposal systems are NOT required on the
freehand drawings.
The freehand drawings may be prepared on either A4 or A3 drawing sheets.
NO borders or title panels are required for the freehand drawings.
ALL the freehand drawings must comply with the guidelines and graphical symbols
contained in the SANS 10143.
The drawings must provide clear evidence that a high level of competency has been
attained in the freehand drawing method.

4. Select the best solution that demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the scenario.

On a separate page, compare and evaluate the TWO freehand solutions by:
Creating a table with a minimum of SIX relevant and self-explanatory descriptive
criteria that will facilitate measurable comparisons
Creating and applying a simple, self-explanatory rating scale to score each
solution against each criterion
Justifying each score by describing the positive and/or negative aspects of each
solution against each criterion

Complete the process by writing a comprehensive summary giving reasons for your
selected freehand solution. The summary must include whether any late changes were
made to the selected freehand solution, or not. If there were late changes, they must be
clearly described.

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5. Present the selected solution as a set of working drawings and a pictorial drawing
(5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) that meet the following criteria:
ALL the working drawings must be prepared on appropriately sized drawing sheets,
set up with correct borders. ONLY ONE of the drawing sheets must be set up with
a complete SANS 10143 compliant civil title panel.
The drawings must provide clear evidence that a high level of competency has been
attained in the following TWO drawing methods:
o Instrument drawing
o CAD (computer-aided drawing/design)
o ONE entire working drawing (i.e. 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.3 or 5.2) must be prepared
using a pencil and drawing instruments, and the other using a CAD program.
o The perspective drawing (5.3) may be prepared using a pencil and drawing
instruments, or a CAD program.
o Schools that do not have CAD facilities must prepare all the required working
drawings and pictorial drawing (i.e. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) using a pencil and drawing
ALL aspects of all drawings must comply with the guidelines, drawing symbols, the
title panel, graphical symbols and representations contained in the SANS 10143.

5.1 Draw detailed LAYOUT DRAWINGS of the selected freehand solution of the
complete restaurant and museum, including the veranda and pergolas, clearly
showing all the required building features.

The layout drawings must show the following orthographic views:

5.1.1 The complete FLOOR PLAN, drawn to a suitable scale, preferably not
smaller than scale 1 : 75.
5.1.2 TWO ELEVATIONS, drawn to the same scale as the floor plan, with one
elevation including the front entrance to the museum, and the other
including a side view of the museum. Both views must also show the
veranda and wooden pergolas. It is recommended that you draw the
elevations that would be required for the two-point perspective drawing.
5.1.3 A DETAILED SECTION drawn to scale 1 : 20, showing detail from the
foundation to the roof, on a cutting plane that passes through a wooden
multipanel sliding door, the veranda and wooden pergola.
NOTE: By using break lines, the detailed section only needs to be wide
enough to show the complete multipanel sliding door, the end of
the roof, including rainwater items, and a 1½ m section of the
veranda and pergola.

Include the following on ALL relevant views:

ALL exterior features, including door, window and veranda detail.
NOTE: ALL window and door frames must be shown in the TWO elevations.
The roof detail, including all rainwater items and roof lines
ALL permanent fixtures
ALL electrical fittings and the wiring layout
Waste-water disposal systems (sewerage)
Titles, labels and notes
Scales used
Detailed dimensioning
Cutting plane
All hatching detail
North point

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5.2 Draw, to a suitable scale, a complete detailed SITE PLAN of Plot 36 of 61.
Include the following:
ALL given site details and features, including ALL existing buildings
The proposed new restaurant and museum, parking area and driveways
ALL sewerage detail, with ALL labels and notes included
Dimensions, including the reference dimensions and corner heights
North point
5.3 Draw a detailed 'bird's-eye view' TWO-POINT PERSPECTIVE DRAWING of the
entire restaurant and museum, including the veranda, without the pergolas.
Orientate the perspective drawing so that it will clearly show the entrance to the
museum and the entire veranda. The horizon line (HL) must be ± 1 m above the
top of the roof.
Evidence of the following must be included:
All views/drawings used to produce the perspective drawing
The construction method used to produce the perspective drawing
NOTE: Use a copy of the perspective drawing, which may contain artistic features,
as the picture for the cover page of your PAT file/portfolio.
Create a PAT file/portfolio containing the following in the given sequence:
A complete cover page that includes your school's name, your full name and surname,
your grade and class group, your teacher's initials and surname, and a copy of your own
two-point perspective drawing (5.3) for this task.
A complete index (table of contents)
The completed DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY (see page 27)
Include the following PHASE 1 and PHASE 2 presentation requirements in the PAT
file/portfolio after the DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY:
1. ALL the design brief requirements
2. Evidence of ALL the resource material used for the required research
3. The TWO freehand drawings of the possible design solutions
4. ALL the evidence of the selection of the best solution
5. ALL the required working drawings (5.1 and 5.2) and the perspective drawing (5.3)
pages 15 and 16), which must provide clear evidence of your own continuous self-
evaluation and the meeting of the deadlines during the development of the PAT.
Include the following on each page:
Clear numbering according to the numbers of the presentation requirements
Your name and the date of completion and submission
Assessment criteria and checklist for the 2024 Civil PAT
The SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SHEET on page 26 of this PAT document must be
used to indicate the final totals out of 10 for each assessment criterion.
The contribution of each aspect of the PAT is as follows:
o The design process, i.e. presentation requirements numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7, will
contribute 25 marks out of 100.
o The working drawings and the pictorial drawing, i.e. presentation requirement
number 5, will contribute 50 marks out of 100.
o Drawing methods, drawing skills and presentation, which should be assessed
according to ANNEXURE A, will contribute 25 marks out of 100.
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1-mark level 0 Requirement not met or presented incorrectly

descriptive 1 Requirement has been met and/or presented correctly

0 Requirement not met, or less than 30% evidence of knowledge shown (very poor)
2-mark level
1 Requirement included and at least 30%+ evidence of knowledge shown (avg.)
2 Presentation shows at least 80% or more evidence of knowledge (very good)
1. Design Brief
1.1 1st paragraph: background and comprehensive description of what is to be designed 2
1.2 2nd paragraph: your role and description of the design process you are going to follow 2
1.3 A list of TWENTY given specifications from the scenario 2
1.4 A list of FIVE possible constraints from the scenario 2
1.5 A management plan with possible target dates for ALL the presentation requirements 2
2. Research (This should be restricted to a maximum of FOUR A4 or TWO A3 pages per topic.)
Relevant and 2.1 Examples and construction details of wooden multipanel sliding doors 2
usable 2.2 Examples and construction details of wooden pergolas 2
research on: 2.3 THREE gabled roof designs (1) + THREE Cape Dutch gable facades (1) 2
Clear evidence that the research was used in design solutions 2
A list of ALL references used (Bibliography) 2
3. Freehand drawings of TWO possible design solutions Final mark for each solution
Assess Restaurant with ALL rooms/areas, features and rooflines 2
each Museum with features and rooflines (1) + veranda with pergolas (1) 2
freehand Correct presentation of all building features (walls, doors, etc.) 2 Solution 1 10
solution ALL fixtures included (toilets, sinks, counters, etc.) 2
as follows: Correct presentation of all fixtures according to SANS 10143 2
The relative size and proportion of ALL features to each other 2
Primary labels (1) + primary dimensions (1) 2
Solution 2 10
2 x calculations shown and within the specifications (2 + 2 = 4) 4
Design, functionality and effective space utilisation 2
Subtotal = 20 ÷ 2 = TOTAL 20
4. Selecting the best freehand solution (This must be a separate presentation.)
A suitable table created for the selection process 2
A minimum of SIX relevant and descriptive criteria that will facilitate measurable comparisons 2
A simple rating scale created and used to score each solution against each criterion 2
Each score justified by describing the positive or negative aspects against each criterion 2
Comprehensive summary with reasons for selected solution (including possible late changes) 2
5. Layout drawings and a pictorial drawing of selected solution
Drawing sheet preparation
Appropriately sized drawing sheets 1
Borders on all the drawing sheets of all the working drawings 2
Complete SANS 10143 compliant CIVIL TITLE PANEL on ONE working drawing's drawing sheet 7
NOTE: Use the 7-mark simplified rubric on page 45 of the CAPS. TOTAL 10
5.1 Detailed layout drawings of the proposed new restaurant and museum, incl. the veranda with pergolas
5.1.1 FLOOR PLAN showing:
Correlation with selected freehand solution 2
ALL external and internal walls, veranda with pergolas and rooflines 2
ALL doors, including the multipanel sliding doors and windows 2
ALL permanent fixtures 2
ALL electrical fittings and the wiring layout 2
Waste-water disposal systems (sewerage) 2
Title, labels and notes 2
Detailed dimensioning 2
Hatching detail (1) + Cutting plane (1) (1 + 1 = 2) 2
Suitable scale selected and correctly indicated (1) + North point (1) (1 + 1 = 2) 2
Subtotal = 20 ÷ 2 = TOTAL 10

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5.1.2 TWO ELEVATIONS that show the restaurant and museum, incl. the veranda with pergolas
Prescribed views: one with entrance to museum + one with side view of the museum 1
External walls, veranda and pergolas 2
Museum's Cape Dutch facade with double wooden door + sash windows on either side 2
Detail, incl. frames, of all doors and windows 2
Gable roof detail, including all rainwater items 2
Elevations drawn to the same scale as the floor plan 1
The section is according to the indicated cutting plane 1
Foundation, slab and wall detail, including the correct hatching thereof 2
Wooden multipanel sliding door detail 2
Detail of 1½ m section of veranda and wooden pergola 2
Roof detail, including all rainwater items, and the correct hatching of the wood 2
Titles, labels and notes 2
Detailed dimensioning 2
Scale 1 : 20 used and correctly indicated (1) + Break lines (1) 2
(1 = 1; 2 = 1; 3 = 2; 4 = 3; 5 = 3; 6 = 4; 7 = 5; 8 = 5; 9 = 6; 10 = 7; 11 = 7; 12 = 8; 13 = 9; 14 = 9; 15 = 10) Subtotal = 15 ÷ 1,5 = TOTAL 10
5.2 Detailed SITE PLAN
Site plan correctly drawn, including ALL given site features and detail 2
The proposed new restaurant and museum, including parking area and driveways 2
ALL sewerage detail, with labels and notes included 2
Dimensions, including new building's reference dimensions and corner heights 2
Suitable scale indicated correctly 1
North point 1
5.3 TWO-POINT PERSPECTIVE DRAWING showing the restaurant, museum and veranda, but without the pergolas
Evidence of the views and construction used to prepare the drawing 1
Orientation showing entrance to museum and entire veranda (1) and HL ±1 m above the roof (1) 2
Detail and correctness of the perspective drawing 7
NOTE: Use the 7-mark simplified rubric on page 45 of the CAPS. TOTAL 10
6. Continuous self-evaluation and the meeting of deadlines
Checklist completed as evidence of continuous self-evaluation (mark out of 10 ÷ 2) 5
Meeting ALL the submission deadlines (mark out of 10 ÷ 2) 5
NOTE: Use the 10-mark simplified rubric on page 25 of this PAT document. TOTAL 10
7. Presentation of the complete PAT file/portfolio
Complete cover page with a copy of the perspective drawing 1
Complete index (table of content) 1
Completed summative assessment sheet and declaration 1
Correct sequencing of ALL presentation requirements 1
Name and numbering on ALL the presentation requirements 1
General impression of file/portfolio, e.g. binding, appearance, etc. (mark out of 10 ÷ 2) 5
NOTE: Use the 10-mark simplified rubric on page 25 of this PAT document. TOTAL 10
Assessment of drawing methods, drawing skills and presentation
a. Freehand drawings
Freehand drawing methods and skills (See ANNEXURE A on page 24)
NOTE: No evidence of grid/graph paper used = max. 7 marks, even if drawn excellently 10
Not drawn in freehand = 0 marks, & some evidence of instruments used = max. 5 marks
Neatness (2) + correct line types used (2) + line consistency (2) + printing (2) + dimensioning (2)
(Also see ANNEXURE A on page 24)
b. Instrument drawings
Use of drawing instruments, drawing methods and skills (See ANNEXURE A on page 24) 10
Neatness (2) + correct line types used (2) + line consistency (2) + printing (2) + dimensioning (2)
(Also see ANNEXURE A on page 24)
c. CAD drawings
Competence displayed in using a CAD program (See ANNEXURE A on page 24) 10
Layout and correctness of the drawings presentation (See ANNEXURE A on page 24) 10

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A mechanical design project


A valve is a device used to control the flow of liquids or gas through a pipe allowing movement
in one direction only.

You are employed at a design consulting firm that is subcontracted by the Department of
Water and Sanitation. The department is looking for solutions to improve the efficiency of
manually operated VALVES that control the flow of liquids or gasses in the agricultural,
manufacturing and construction industries. Examples of valves include, but are not limited to,
gate valves, globe valves, needle valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, check valves,
diaphragm valves and float valves. Examples of some of these valves are shown below.

Butterfly valve Globe valve Gate valve


As one of the design consulting firm's designers you have been tasked with investigating and
analysing the design features of existing control valves, and to then design an
improvement(s), which could be, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
Improved efficiency
To strengthen its design
To modify its design

Your investigation, analysis and solution require the following stages:

The FIRST stage involves finding a suitable valve that controls the flow of liquids or
gasses. The valve must be a manually operated device that incorporates mechanical
movement and consists of a minimum of FOUR parts.

The valve that you have selected will simply be referred to as the valve from now on.

NOTE: You are NOT required to purchase a valve. The valve should therefore be one
that is readily available to you.

The SECOND stage involves the dismantling of the valve so that ALL the individual
parts can be investigated, measured and photographed.

The THIRD stage requires the identification of ONE of the complex main parts, or a
combination of parts of the valve, which could be improved, strengthened and/or
modified in some way. This will necessitate the application of the design process, as
stipulated below in the presentation requirements.

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Requirements and specifications for the valve:

Each learner must have his/her own valve for the PAT.
The valve must be submitted as part of your PAT presentation.
The valve must incorporate manually operated mechanical movement, with a
minimum of FOUR separate parts.
Taps or electrical, electronic or pneumatic valves may NOT be used.
Your teacher must approve the valve. This is to ensure that it meets the requirements
and that a PAT of an appropriate higher-order Grade 12 complexity can be produced.


1. Analyse the given scenario and formulate a design brief in two paragraphs:
The first paragraph must, in your own words, give a brief background to the
project, as well as a comprehensive description of what has to be designed.
The second paragraph must, in your own words, give a clear overview of your
role in the project, as well as a description of the complete design process that
you are going to implement to complete this project.

From the given scenario and your teacher's management plan, include the following as
part of the design brief:
Your own list of ALL the specifications of the valve
Your own list of at least THREE constraints of the valve
Your own management plan which specifies target dates for the completion of each
presentation requirement.

2. Conduct research on:

The material used for each individual part of the valve
The specific design features and/or function/purpose of each individual part of
the valve
The design and components of at least ONE other valve that is similar to the valve
that you have selected.

The research must be relevant and should therefore be in the form of graphic
material, i.e. pictures and illustrations.
Evidence of ALL the required research material must be included in the PAT
The research material must be aesthetically presented and may NOT exceed FOUR
A4 or TWO A3 pages per topic.
The first two research requirements will primarily be hands-on investigative research,
which must be presented using a comprehensive set of detailed photographs taken
during the second stage. Include labels and/or notes indicating the material and the
function (purpose) of each individual component.
The evidence of the ONE other similar valve may be in the form of a comprehensive
set of pictures, illustrations and/or photographs, together with explanatory labels and
There must be clear evidence that the research was used in your design solution.
Include a list of ALL references used (Bibliography), directly after the research.

3. Prepare neat detailed freehand drawings of TWO possible design solutions of the
proposed improvement, strengthening and/or modification of only the complex main
part, or a combination of parts of the valve, as identified during the third stage.

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Each set of freehand drawings must consist of relevant orthographic views and an
isometric drawing(s). ALL the freehand drawings must show the correct presentation of
ALL the features of the valve and include dimensions, labels and explanatory notes.
Include a short explanation of the possible improvement, strengthening and/or

Grid/Graph paper must be used to assist in preparing the freehand drawings so
that ALL features are drawn to proportion. The grid/graph paper used must be
included in the PAT file/portfolio as evidence.
ALL aspects of the freehand drawing, including dimensions, labels, tables and
possible information blocks must be prepared using a pencil ONLY. The use of
any other drawing instruments, e.g. a ruler or compass, will be penalised.
The drawings may be prepared on either A4 or A3 drawings sheets.
NO borders or title blocks are required for the freehand drawings.
ALL the freehand drawings must comply with the guidelines and conventional
representations contained in the SANS 10111.
These drawings must provide clear evidence that a high level of competency has
been attained in the freehand drawing method.

4. Select the best solution that demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the scenario.

On a separate page, compare and evaluate the TWO freehand solutions by:
Creating a table with a minimum of FOUR relevant and self-explanatory
descriptive criteria that will facilitate measurable comparisons
Creating and applying a simple, self-explanatory rating scale to score each
solution against each criterion
Justifying each score by describing the positive and/or negative aspects of each
solution against each criterion

Complete the process by writing a comprehensive summary giving reasons for your
selected freehand solution. The summary must include whether any late changes were
made to the selected freehand solution, or not. If there were late changes, they must be
clearly described.


5. Present the valve that you selected during the first stage, and the selected improvement,
strengthening and/or modification thereof as a set of working drawings and a pictorial
drawing (5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) that meet the following criteria:
ALL the working drawings must be prepared on appropriately sized drawing sheets,
set up with correct borders. ONLY the first drawing sheet (i.e. for 5.1) must be set
up with a complete mechanical title block, as presented in the NSC EGD
Paper 2 analytical questions.
The drawings must provide clear evidence that a high level of competency has been
attained in the following TWO drawing methods:
o Instrument drawing
o CAD (computer-aided drawing/design)
o ONE entire working drawing (i.e. 5.1 or 5.2) must be prepared using a pencil
and drawing instruments, and the other using a CAD program.
o The isometric drawing (5.3) may be prepared using either a pencil and drawing
instruments or a CAD program.

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o Schools that do not have CAD facilities must prepare all the required working
drawings and pictorial drawing (i.e. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3) using a pencil and drawing
ALL aspects of all drawings must comply with the guidelines and conventional
representations contained in the SANS 10111.

5.1 Draw, to a suitable scale and in third-angle orthographic projection, an

ASSEMBLED DRAWING of the valve, clearly showing ALL the parts before any
improvements, strengthening and/or modifications have been affected.
NOTE: If the valve is excessively long or high, use relevant break lines to shorten
the length/height of the valve in the assembly drawing, so that a larger
scale can be used.

The assembly drawing must show the following FOUR views:

5.1.1 The FRONT VIEW
5.1.2 A second PRIMARY VIEW

NOTE: TWO of the views must be sectioned or contain types of sections.

Include the following:

Title, labels and notes
Detailed dimensions
Cutting plane(s)
ALL hatching detail
Relevant hidden detail that would provide clarity
Projection symbol

5.2 Draw, to a suitable scale and in third-angle orthographic projection, a DETAILED

DRAWING of ONLY the identified complex main part, or combination of parts
of the valve, clearly showing the selected improvement, strengthening and/or
modification thereof.

The detailed drawing must show the following THREE views:

5.2.1 The FRONT VIEW
5.2.2 Any TWO other VIEWS

NOTE: ONE of the views must be sectioned or contain a type of section.

Include the following:

Title, as well as comprehensive explanatory labels and notes
Relevant welding and/or machining symbols (if required)
Relevant tolerances (if required)
Detailed dimensioning
Cutting plane(s)
ALL hatching detail
Relevant hidden detail that would provide clarity
Projection symbol

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5.3 Draw, to a suitable scale, a detailed ISOMETRIC DRAWING of the valve, or of

the improved, strengthened and/or modified complex main part, or combination
of parts, that is of an appropriate Grade 12 level of complexity.

Evidence of ALL auxiliary views and construction used to produce the drawing
must be clearly shown.
Use a copy of the isometric drawing, which may contain artistic features, as the
picture for the cover page of your PAT file/portfolio.


Create a PAT file/portfolio containing the following in the given sequence:

A complete cover page, that includes your school's name, your full name and surname,
your grade and class group, your teacher's initials and surname and a copy of your own
isometric drawing (5.3) for this task.
A complete index (table of contents)
The completed DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY (see page 27)

Include the following PHASE 1 and PHASE 2 presentation requirements in the PAT
file/portfolio after the DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY:
1. ALL the design brief requirements
2. Evidence of ALL the resource material used for the required research
3. The TWO freehand drawings of the possible design solutions
4. ALL the evidence of the selection of the best solution
5. ALL the required working drawings (5.1 and 5.2) and the isometric drawing (5.3)
(see pages 22 and 23), which must provide clear evidence of your own continuous
self-evaluation and the meeting of the deadlines during the development of the PAT.

Include the following on each page:
Clear numbering according to the numbers of the presentation requirements
Your name and the date of completion and submission

Assessment criteria and checklist for the 2024 MECHANICAL PAT

The SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT SHEET on page 26 of this PAT document must be
used to indicate the final totals out of 10 for each assessment criterion.
The contribution of each aspect of the PAT is as follows:
o The design process, i.e. presentation requirements numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7, will
contribute 25 marks out of 100.
o The working drawings and the pictorial drawing, i.e. presentation requirement
number 5, will contribute 50 marks out of 100.
o Drawing methods, drawing skills and presentation, which should be assessed
according to ANNEXURE A, will contribute 25 marks out of 100.

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1-mark level 0 Requirements not met or presented incorrectly

descriptive 1 Requirements have been met and/or presented correctly

0 Requirements not met, or less than 30% evidence of knowledge shown (very poor)
2-mark level
1 Requirements included and at least 30% evidence of knowledge shown (avg.)
2 Presentation shows at least 80% or more evidence of knowledge (very good)
1. Design Brief
1.1 1st paragraph: background and comprehensive description of what has to be designed 2
1.2 2nd paragraph: your role and description of complete design process you are going to follow 2
1.3 A list of ALL the specifications of the valve 2
1.4 A list of at least THREE constraints of the valve 2
1.5 A management plan with target dates for ALL the presentation requirements 2
2. Research (This should be restricted to a maximum of FOUR A4 or TWO A3 pages per research topic.)
Relevant 2.1 Materials used for each component of the valve 2
and usable 2.2 Design features/function/purpose of each component of the valve 2
research on: 2.3 The components of another similar valve 2
Clear evidence that the research was used in your design solutions 2
A list of ALL references (Bibliography) 2
3. Freehand drawings of TWO possible design solutions Final mark for each solution
Assess Third-angle orthographic views of the identified part(s) 2
each Isometric drawing of the identified part(s) 2
Solution 1 10
freehand Correct presentation of ALL the parts and features 1
solution Relative proportion of ALL parts and features to each other 2
as Labels and explanatory notes 2
follows: Dimensioning 2
Solution 2 10
Description of improvement/modification/re-design 2
Functionality of improvement/strengthening/modification 2
Subtotal = 15 ÷ 1,5 = TOTAL 15
(1 = 1; 2 = 1; 3 = 2; 4 = 3; 5 = 3; 6 = 4; 7 = 5; 8 = 5; 9 = 6; 10 = 7; 11 = 7; 12 = 8; 13 = 9; 14 = 9; 15 = 10)
4. Selecting the best freehand solution (This must be a separate presentation.)
An appropriate table created for the selection process 2
A minimum of FOUR relevant and descriptive criteria that will facilitate measurable comparisons 2
A simple rating scale created and used to score each solution against each criterion 2
Each score justified by describing the positive or negative aspects against each criterion 2
Comprehensive summary with reasons for selected solution (including possible late changes) 2
5. Working drawings and a pictorial drawing of your selected valve and/or selected change(s)
Drawing sheet preparation
Appropriately sized drawing sheets 1
Borders on all drawing sheets of all the working drawings 2
Complete EGD NSC P2 Q1 compliant MECHANICAL TITLE BLOCK on the drawing sheet of 5.1 7
NOTE: Use the 7-mark simplified rubric on page 45 of the CAPS. TOTAL 10
5.1 ASSEMBLY DRAWING of your selected valve, before any changes
5.1.1 FRONT VIEW before any changes
ALL the parts included and drawn correctly according to the actual valve 2
All hatching detail or, if not sectioned, ALL external features 2
ALL fasteners drawn correctly in ALL views 2
Labels and notes on ALL views 2
Projection symbol 1
Suitable scale selected and indicated correctly 1

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5.1.2 Second PRIMARY VIEW before any changes
ALL the components included and drawn correctly according to the actual valve 2
All hatching detail or, if not sectioned, external features 2
Dimensions on ALL views 2
ALL centre lines included on ALL views 2
ALL FOUR views prepared correctly in third-angle orthographic projection 2
5.1.3 TWO further SECONDARY VIEWS before any changes
Appropriate secondary views selected 2
ALL the components included and drawn correctly according to the actual valve 2
All hatching detail or, if not sectioned, external features 2
TWO views sectioned or contain types of sections 2
Correct cutting planes for the TWO sectional views and/or types of sections 2
5.2 DETAILED DRAWING of the component(s), clearly showing the selected improvement/modification/redesign
Appropriate view selected as the FRONT VIEW and is drawn correctly 2
TWO other relevant VIEWS selected and drawn correctly 2
Improvement/Strengthening/Modification correlates with selected freehand solution 2
Title, as well as comprehensive explanatory labels and notes 2
Detailed dimensions 2
ONE view sectioned, or contain types of sections, and prepared correctly 2
Cutting plane(s) 1
ALL hatching detail 2
Relevant welding symbols and/or machining symbols and/or tolerances 2
Projection symbol 1
Suitable scale selected and indicated correctly 1
Drawing is in third-angle orthographic projection 1
Subtotal = 20 ÷ 2 = TOTAL 10
Suitable scale selected 1
Evidence of ALL auxiliary views and construction used for the drawing 2
Detail and correctness of the isometric drawing 7
NOTE: Use the 7-mark simplified rubric on page 45 of the CAPS. TOTAL 10
6. Continuous self-evaluation and the meeting of deadlines
Checklist completed as evidence of continuous self-evaluation (mark out of 10 ÷ 2) 5
The meeting of ALL the submission deadlines (mark out of 10 ÷ 2) 5
NOTE: Use the 10-mark simplified rubric on page 25 of this PAT document. TOTAL 10
7. Presentation of the complete PAT file/portfolio
Complete cover page with a copy of the isometric drawing 1
Complete index (table of content) 1
Completed summative assessment sheet and declaration 1
Correct sequencing of ALL presentation requirements 1
Name and numbering on ALL the presentation requirements 1
General impression of file/portfolio, e.g. binding, appearance, etc. (mark out of 10 ÷ 2) 5
NOTE: Use the 10-mark simplified rubric on page 25 of this PAT document. TOTAL 10
Assessment of drawing methods, drawing skills and presentation
a. Freehand drawings
Freehand drawing methods and skills (See ANNEXURE A on page 24)
NOTE: No evidence of grid/graph paper used = max. 7 marks, even if drawn excellently 10
Not drawn in freehand = 0 marks, & some evidence of instruments used = max. 5 marks
Neatness (2) + correct line types used (2) + line consistency (2) + printing (2) + dimensioning (2)
(Also see ANNEXURE A on page 24)
b. Instrument drawings
Use of drawing instruments, drawing methods and skills (See ANNEXURE A on page 24) 10
Neatness (2) + correct line types used (2) + line consistency (2) + printing (2) + dimensioning (2)
(Also see ANNEXURE A on page 24)
c. CAD drawings
Competence displayed in using a CAD program (See ANNEXURE A on page 24) 10
Layout and correctness of the drawing presentation (See ANNEXURE A on page 24) 10

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MARK ALLOCATION 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
100% 99% 90% 89% 80% 79% 70% 69% 60% 59% 50% 49% 40% 39% 30% 29% 20% 19% 1% 0%
No evidence of grid/graph paper used = max. 7 marks, even if excellent
The drawings display drawing methods and skills are displayed! The drawings display poor
The drawings display very
correct freehand drawing Not drawn in freehand, i.e. completely drawn with instruments, = 0 marks drawing methods and skills
poor drawing methods
Freehand drawing

METHODS methods and skills. as If instruments were used for, or to assist with, some aspect = max. 5 marks, and there is little to no
and skills and no method
AND SKILLS well as the method used to even if excellent drawing methods and skills are displayed. evidence of the method used
was used to ensure correct
ensure good proportion The drawings display excellent drawing The drawings display satisfactory which resulted in poor
and size methods and skills and the method drawing methods and skills and the proportion and size.
used to ensure outstanding proportion method used to ensure satisfactory
and size. proportion and size.
Neatness (2) + correct line types used (2) + line quality/consistency (2) + compliant printing/writing (2) + compliant dimensioning (2)
Final drawing presentation is neat, and Additional descriptors/guidelines:
the line types used, line The drawings are very neat and all line The drawings are untidy with
constancy/quality, printing and The drawings are neat and line work/line The line work/line quality,
work/line quality, printing and inconsistent line work/line
dimensioning is correct. quality, printing and dimensioning are printing and dimensioning
dimensioning are outstanding and quality, printing and
generally good and mostly consistent. are unacceptable.
consistent. dimensioning.
The drawings display poor The drawings display an
The drawings display the The drawings display the correct use of The drawings display the correct use of
Instrument drawing

use of drawing instruments incorrect use of drawing

METHODS correct use of drawing drawing instruments and an drawing instruments and a satisfactory
and a poor and incorrect instruments with incorrect
AND SKILLS instruments, drawing outstanding application of drawing and mostly correct application of
application of drawing applications of drawing
methods and skills. methods and skills. drawing methods and skills.
methods and skills. methods and skills.
Neatness (2) + correct line types used (2) + line quality/consistency (2) + compliant printing/writing (2) + compliant dimensioning (2)
Final drawing presentation is neat, and Additional descriptors/guidelines:
the line types used, line The drawings are very neat and all line The drawings are neat and the line The drawings are untidy, and
constancy/quality, printing and The line work/line quality,
work/line quality, printing and work/line quality, printing and the line work/line quality,
dimensioning is correct. printing and dimensioning
dimensioning are outstanding and dimensioning are generally good and printing and dimensioning
are unacceptable.
consistent. mostly consistent. are inconsistent.

METHODS The level of competence Displays a satisfactory level of skills, Displays a poor level of skills, Shows little to no skills,
Displays a high level of skills, knowledge
CAD drawing

AND displayed in using a knowledge and ability in using a CAD knowledge and ability in using knowledge or ability in using
and ability in using a CAD program
SKILLS CAD program program a CAD program a CAD program

The layout of the drawings is

The layout of the drawings is acceptable
Layout of the final drawing is correct and The layout of the drawings is correct and very poor and the line work, The layout, line work,
and the line work, printing and
the line work, printing and dimensioning the line work, printing and dimensioning printing and dimensioning are printing and dimensioning
dimensioning are mostly compliant and
are compliant and consistent are compliant and consistent. not compliant and are unacceptable.

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The final mark out of 10 of each assessment criterion, i.e. the overall level of
achievement according to the presentation requirement, must be verified according to
this rubric.
This rubric must also be used to allocate marks for all aspects of the assessment criteria
which require a mark out of 10.




Error-free 100% 10


Very few errors 90% + 9
are met. Few errors 80% + 8
70% + 7
- GOOD -
Some errors
60% + 6


50% + 5
Many errors
40% + 4

VERY FEW of the REQUIREMENTS are met. 30% +

Mostly wrong Only a few correct 3
- NOT ACHIEVED - features

29% and 2
The REQUIREMENTS are NOT met. Completely LESS
- VERY POOR - wrong Something done
poorly 1

No work Nothing to
handed in! mark!

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PAT 2024



PART A: Design Process PART B: Working and pictorial drawings Drawing competency and skill
A design brief All drawing sheets are appropriately set up with a The drawings display
demonstrating a clear border and an appropriate title block/panel. correct freehand drawing

understanding of the scenario methods and skills and

Freehand drawing:
1 and the specifications, the method used to
View 1
to the selected solution/device, the stipulated requirements and

constraints and a ensure proportion and


PAT 1: Plan
management plan size.
Assess each view's accuracy and correctness according

PAT 2: Front view

Evidence of relevant and The final drawing presentation
2 usable research with the is neat and there is consistency
Orthographic drawings

inclusion of a bibliography View 2 of line work/line quality,


PAT 1: Elevations (x2) printing and dimensioning.

drawing principals

PAT 2: 2nd main view

TWO detailed freehand

drawings of possible

The drawings display the

Instrument drawing:
View 3

3 PAT 1: correct use of drawing

Detailed section(s) instruments, drawing

2nd PAT 2: ANNEXURE A methods and skills.
Solution Secondary views (x2)
PAT 1: The final drawing presentation
Site plan is neat and there is consistency

Selecting the best solution PAT 2: of line work/line quality,

which demonstrates a clear Detailed drawing printing and dimensioning.
4 understanding of the
design brief
Pictorial Drawing

The level of competence

The correct drawing
CAD drawing:

is displayed in using a
method and

CAD program.
presentation of the
Clear evidence of

pictorial drawing. The layout of the final drawing is

evaluation and the meeting
6 of deadlines of all the
PAT 1: Perspective correct and the line work,
PAT 2: Isometric printing and dimensioning is
compliant and consistent.

The presentation of the

NO CAD drawings / 40
7 complete PAT portfolio
With CAD drawings / 60
SUBTOTAL / 70 SUBTOTAL / 60 without CAD
x 0,63
CALCULATION x 0,36 CALCULATION x 0,84 x 0,42
with CAD
Teacher's TOTAL Teacher's TOTAL Teacher's TOTAL
TOTAL: A / 25 TOTAL: B / 50 TOTAL: C / 25
Moderated TOTAL Moderated TOTAL Moderated TOTAL
TOTAL: A / 25 TOTAL: B / 50 TOTAL: C / 25
TEACHER'S TOTAL: A+B+C= / 100 Initial Initial


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To be submitted with each learner's practical assessment task portfolio


I hereby declare that all the contents of the practical assessment task (PAT) submitted by
myself for assessment is my own original work and has not been plagiarised, copied from
someone else or previously submitted for assessment.

_______________________ ___/___/2024


As far as I know, the above declaration by the candidate is true and I accept that the PAT
submitted is his/her own work.

_______________________ ___/___/2024


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