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Basketball Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of basketball may seem like a straightforward task at first glance,
given the sport's popularity and widespread recognition. However, delving into the intricacies of the
subject requires a nuanced understanding of the game, its history, cultural impact, and the various
elements that contribute to its essence.

To begin with, researching the origins and evolution of basketball demands an exploration of its
inception by Dr. James Naismith in 1891, the development of its rules, and the gradual global
expansion of the sport. Analyzing the game's cultural significance involves examining its influence
on society, its portrayal in media, and the way it has become ingrained in various cultures worldwide.

Next, one must consider the technical aspects of basketball, including its fundamental rules, player
positions, strategies, and the ever-evolving dynamics of the game. Addressing the athleticism, skill,
and teamwork required to excel in basketball necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the
sport's physical and mental demands.

Moreover, discussing iconic players, legendary teams, and memorable moments in basketball history
adds another layer of complexity. Evaluating the impact of basketball legends like Michael Jordan,
Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and others requires in-depth analysis and thoughtful consideration of
their contributions to the sport's legacy.

Furthermore, exploring the socio-economic aspects involves examining the business of basketball,
including the NBA's global reach, player contracts, and the economic impact of major basketball
events. This multifaceted approach ensures a well-rounded essay that goes beyond the surface level,
providing a deeper insight into the world of basketball.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of basketball may initially seem like a
straightforward endeavor, the complexity arises from the need to navigate through its rich history,
cultural significance, technical intricacies, and socio-economic dimensions. Crafting a comprehensive
and insightful essay on basketball demands thorough research, critical thinking, and a keen
understanding of the various facets that contribute to the sport's global appeal.

For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, consider exploring resources
like , where you can find professional support to enhance your writing endeavors.
Basketball Essay Basketball Essay
Star Wars Influence On Pop Culture
Lightsabers, lasers, or space travel, no matter what Sci Fi material it is, Star Wars is a
widely known saga and has unified a certain extent of people in our modern day culture.
Star Wars has become extremely popular among people and references to the saga are
used frequently. However, that does not mean everyone knows the deeper meaning and
story behind the saga. The carefully developed story of Star Wars, the relationships
involved, the characters, and the influence on our culture is what people do not seem to
recognize. It s very easy for people to simply watch these movies and not think about the
deeper meaning, but there is truly a relevance to our society hidden in the Saga. Star
Wars has influenced a considerable amount of Science Fictionfilms and started the Sci Fi
boom of the late 1970 s into the early 1980 s. In 1977, the very first film in the saga,
Episode IV: A New Hope, was... Show more content on ...
It has impacted people and our culture more than anyone actually knows. Without the
creation of this story, Science Fiction movies or books wouldn t be as popular. Not
only has it impacted our pop culture, but it has also influenced politics. References
from the movie have been used in politics many times before. President Obama has
even used a reference himself. He said that people act like he can just use a Jedi mind
trick on republicans who refuse to accept his terms. (1) Star Wars is said to be the
pioneer of special effects and trilogies. (2) There is countless correlations of the trilogy
and our culture. During the 1980 s Ronald Reagan used a reference from Star Wars
when he called the Soviet Union the Evil Empire . Star Wars have even impacted our
culture so greatly that on May 4th every year, fans around the world jokingly say, May
the 4th be with you . Which comes from, May the force be with you. , which is said
many time throughout the six movies
How Did Social Darwinism Influence Hitler
Social Darwinism was a sociological theory popular in late nineteenth century Europe
and the United States. It merged Charles Darwin s theory of natural selection and
Herbert Spencer s sociological theories to justify imperialism, racism, and laissez faire
(conservative) social and economic policies. Adolf Hitler was amongst those inspired
and spurred on by Social Darwinism, which he used as a foundation for Nazi theory and
race policies in the years leading up to the Holocaust. In this paper I will discuss the
profound influence of Darwinism on Hitler s ideology, and examine the ways that the
Nazi racial and biological policy grew out of a well established and generally accepted
scientific tradition.
There is little doubt that the history of ethnocentrism, racism, nationalism, and
xenophobia has been also a history of the use of science and the actions of scientists in
support of these ideas and social movements. In many cases it is clear that science was
used merely as raw material or evidence by ideologically interested political actors as
proof of preconceived notions.
Social Darwinism ... Show more content on ...
Social Darwinists argued that individuals and groups, just like plants and animals,
competed with one another for success in life. They used this idea to justify the status
quo by claiming that the individuals (or groups of individuals) at the top of social,
economic, or political hierarchies belonged there, as they had competed against others
and had proven themselves best adapted. Any social or political intervention that
weakened the existing hierarchy, they claimed, would undermine the natural
Npm And Performance Management Related Literatures


The NPM Model has focused on delivering market inspired results and was primarily
concerned with efficiency and performance. (Jarrar and Schiuma, 2007)


Efficiency and performance become two key words for the reform that held by countries
in the world. Started in the developed countries, namely United Kingdom and United
States under their leader, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan era, this doctrine then
spread to Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia. NPM spread
and breadth expand globally.
Inevitably, this so called doctrine or paradigm is delivering market based which one s
country like or dislike diffuse theirs governance in order to well implement it. This
movement also inevitably followed as one of the pressure of country s exogenous factors.
The main purpose of this Chapter is to address NPM and Performance Management
related literatures. First, the definition of NPM, its objectives and characteristic is
clarified in Section 2.2.1. Section 2.3 expands on the explanation of NPM in developing
countries. The Chapter progresses with elaborating Performance Management themes in
Section 2.4 encompassing definition, essences and challenges, before concluding in
Section 2.5.


This section pertains NPM and performance management issues, NPM definition,
objectives and elements; how the performance management as main elements of NPM,
relevancies of
Itco321 Unit 1 Research Paper
Unit 3 IP ITCO321 Anthony Thurman Stacks are containers of objects that are
inserted and then removed according to Last In First Out (LIFO). This means that the
last item inserted will be the first item removed. Inserting an item is referred to as
Pushing, while removing an item is called Popping. A queue works a little different
than a stack does, in that it follows First In First Out. So rather than having the last
object removed first, the first object is removed first. Elements can be inserted at any
time, but the only element that can be removed is the one that has been in the queue the
longest. Pseudo code: Stack Using Push, Pop, and Peek Start Program Push(10) Push
(100) Push (1000) //Used to add items to stack Display... Show more content on ...
{ Stack stack = new Stack(); //utilizing push in order to add to the stack stack.push(10);
stack.push(100); stack.push(1000); Console.WriteLine( ITCO321 Unit 3 IP +
System.Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine( Your elements are: +
System.Environment.NewLine + stack); //utilizing pop in order to remove from the
stack stack.pop(); stack.pop(); Console.WriteLine( After using pop twice, your new
elements are: + System.Environment.NewLine + stack); Console.WriteLine( You ll
notice that the pop has removed the objects by using FILO ); //utilizing peek, which
allows us to take a peek at the stack stack.peek(); Console.WriteLine( Using peek we
can take a look at what is inside the stack + System.Environment.NewLine + stack ); /
/utilizing clear, in order to clear everything from the stack stack.clear();
Console.WriteLine( Now after clearing your stack the final result is: +
System.Environment.NewLine + stack); Console.ReadLine(); } }
The Single Transferable Vote System
The Single Transferable Vote system is a system that was invented by a mathematician
whose processes are lengthy and confusing to the people who actually use it to implement
change: voters. The currently used Single Member Plurality system is widely understood
and the best system for Manitoban voters. While some may argue that the Single
Transferrable Vote system is a superior method of electing members of government in
Manitoba, due to the unfamiliarity with candidates, lack of voter involvement, and
confusing nature of the system, the current Single Member Plurality system is more
effective and reflective of the actual views of the electors. All electoral systems must take
into account five consequences: proportionality, local... Show more content on ...
The alleged problems with the proportionality under SMP that STV seem to solve,
may be more beneficial on a national level, rather than on a provincial level as the
population size is much smaller and less diverse, therefor voters needs are far more
similar than on a national level. The second consequence of electoral systems is
referred to as local representation. LP is extremely poor in STV yet is excellent in
SMP. This is the case because the current system elects one MLA per riding and has
much smaller constituencies, making contact between the voter and their MLA more
feasible and likely easier to get in contact with. Once constituencies grow and become
large in size, like it has a tendency to do in STV, there becomes a need for multi member
parties required for one riding. Local representation under STV becomes an issue for
voters when constituents are too geographically large as contact with representatives
become few and far between. Large constituents with multiple members representing
them, seem to be the answer to the problem at hand, however there is no guarantee that
there will be enough candidate interest to support these constituents under STV. For
example, if many of the towns in Northern Manitoba were grouped into one constituent,
due to the sheer amount of travel that would be required by candidates, it would be very
difficult to find enough candidates willing to sign up, and even more difficult for voters
to engage face to face
Data Standards And Public Health Information
Data standards are a means of creating terms and methods that are common/universally
understood which will assist in the efficient exchange of public health information (O
Carroll et al, 2010). Health Level Seven (HL7) and its individuals give a structure (and
related principles) for the exchange, reconciliation, sharing, and recovery of electronic
health data. These measures characterize how data is packaged and conveyed between
involved parties. It sets the dialect, structure and information type needed for consistent
integration between systems. HL7 principles bolster clinical practice and the
administration, conveyance, and assessment of health services, and are perceived as the
most generally utilized in the world ( Creating and utilizing uniform information
measures has been found to be one of the significant difficulties of public health
organizations as they advance toward the utilization of electronic trade of information
rather than the paper form they have been utilizing (O Carroll et al, 2010). Health
information is vastly available not only to health professionals but also to the layman.
The growing use and availability of the internet has permitted and facilitated the
distribution of information. However, without proper data standards by which public
health institutions can abide by, there will be a lag in their ability to share and capitalize
on the use of health information. A communal approach to representing and exchanging
public health data
Colombia Civil War
Colombia gained its independence in the late 1800s from Spanish forces due to the
efforts of Simon Bolivar (Gascoigne, 2001, ongoing). After going through a series of
name changes, the Republic of Colombia was deemed the official name of the country
and has remains to this day. Colombia s history of violence has plagued the country since
La Violencia in the 1950s, during which time the conservative and liberal parties fought
over dominance of the South American nation (Gascoigne, 2001, ongoing). The war
lasted for ten years and was only stopped by the implementation of the National Front.
The National Front, a plan created by the government of Colombia, was a deal made
between the conservatives and the liberals that would ensure that every four years a
member of the opposite party would be elected to rule the country (Mother Earth Travel,
2013). The deal was meant to last sixteen years. The National Front, however, had dire
consequences for the... Show more content on ...
The main ambition of the FARC has been to create upheaval through bombings and
political demonstrations (UNRIC, 2016). These rebellions continued well after the
Escobar reign and into the 2000s. Demonstrations were put on by Colombian nationals
in order to hold the FARC back, but to little avail. However, in 2012 the FARC
announced that they would no longer be committing kidnappings and released many
victims. It was at this time, though, that they began attacking infrastructure, mainly the
energy sector (UNRIC, 2016). The FARC had already been stunting the conservation
of biodiversity, playing into the heavy deforestation in Colombia because of the illegal
drug trade, and holding Colombia back from fulling taking advantage of their resources
by making many areas of the country no go areas due to the threat of violence. After
over 200 attacks, however, the FARC began to deteriorate and talks of a ceasefire and
peace were on the

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