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The Great Gatsby Literary Criticism Essay

Crafting a literary criticism essay on "The Great Gatsby" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
novel, penned by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a complex work that delves into themes such as the
American Dream, wealth, and the decadence of the Jazz Age. Unraveling the layers of symbolism,
character motivations, and societal critiques requires a keen analytical eye.

One of the difficulties lies in navigating the subtleties of Fitzgerald's prose. The author employs
intricate language and symbolism, making it imperative for the essay writer to decipher and articulate
these elements effectively. The characters themselves, especially the enigmatic Jay Gatsby, demand a
nuanced exploration of their motivations and development throughout the narrative.

Moreover, constructing a literary criticism essay necessitates a deep understanding of the cultural and
historical context of the 1920s. The societal norms, economic disparities, and the allure of the
American Dream during this period shape the characters and events in the novel. Successfully
integrating these contextual elements into the essay adds another layer of complexity.

To excel in such an essay, one must engage with existing critical perspectives while offering unique
insights. Developing a thesis that goes beyond surface-level analysis and delves into the underlying
messages and critiques presented by Fitzgerald requires careful consideration and thoughtful

In essence, writing a literary criticism essay on "The Great Gatsby" demands a balance of literary
acumen, historical awareness, and critical thinking. However, the process of unraveling the novel's
layers and crafting a compelling argument can be a gratifying intellectual endeavor.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources are
available, including online platforms like . Professional services can provide
guidance and support, ensuring a polished and well-crafted essay tailored to specific academic
The Great Gatsby Literary Criticism Essay The Great Gatsby Literary Criticism Essay
Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of 3D Technology
What is 3D technology? 3D is a famouse technique that statement to make and watch
videos, movies, TV shows in 3 way dimensional.So, the hologram makes viewing more
pragmatism and sensuousness.As stated by francis,T(2012) . It is worth mentioning that
has an impact of much way in our life for instance, medicine, culture, entertainment and
education . It is recently appeared and achieved many of benefits in our life and there
are some planning to development. 3D is wide area of knowledge, so I will focus in this
essay about the definition of 3D technology, advantages and disadvantages of 3D
technology and the future 3D of technology.

Firstly, 3D pointing to techniques that supply a real life which gives the receiver the
impress that they are in the real event.3D sign to three dimensions, height ,width and
depth .As will as ... Show more content on ...
The advantages involve many aspects such as education,industry,architectur and helath
. A lot of companies are exploit the applications of 3D technology for some
purposes.Some companies use 3D technologies in the pc, play station and Xbox games
so that make the people to beginning buy the 3D devices. Other companies use 3D
technology in the printing and at the moment time 3D printing is more used in the
developed countries . The important used of 3D technology is 3D smart TV s which
use streoscopic display such as 2D plus depth and multi view display .However, 3D
technology has some of negatives that lead to obstruction . It is more expensive
technique than other techniques and the pepole can not buy it. In addition it kidnap the
seeing of spectator who like the cinema and games computer and some people sit more
than hours in front of screen. Also 3D technology cause headache and nausea for the
spectator. There are many of doctors warn from 3D technology and do not forget the
healthy is the almost important from any things . As stated by
The Great Recycling Of Recycling Essay
The Great Recycling Swindle
Recycling is a common practice around the world to reduce the overall quantity of
resources needed to produce new products. Whether recycling is cost effective compared
to the benefits is widely an unknown detail. The public while weighing the benefits
almost never considers the cost of energy and labor in combination with undesired effects
of pollution associated with recycling.

2.Recycling Saves Money

Commonly people accept recycling saves money in the process of creating new
products that are of a better quality. In some cases, recycling has the potential to do so.
Usually when something is made from an uncommon or rare material and able to be
reprocessed at a reasonable price. Many things made from different metals fall into this
The cost of recycling has been pointed out on a political platform, and for the 2003
budget New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed to suspend the recycling
program temporarily, to save people $57 million (Logomasini).
The average cost to recycle a ton of material can range from $50 up to $240 in some
areas. Some of the factors generating the total cost include labor, collection frequency,
fuel cost, and cost of energy at the recycling facilities. Meanwhile the cost to haul a ton
of garbage to the landfill can cost about $50 to $150. Which the costs are mainly fuel and
labor wages. However, it uses far less fuel to send one truck per week on a route, and it
takes less people to
Persuasive Essay On Fandom
Megan Gilbert
English 101
Mr. Rintala
25 April 2017 Fandoms a Home to Many When one hears the word fan two mental
images pop up, one being a grown man dressed up in a costume, or two a preteen
young girl who has posters of Justin Bieber all over her room. However, not all fans are
like, although the mass majority are neither of those two images of people. I believe that
the word fan and fandom has turned into something negative. Most people believe that
fandom are for those who are nerds and do not have a life outside of what they are
obsessed with. I believe that those who are not in a fandom right now, join one. Fandoms
create a sense of belonging, community, and comfort. When one joins a fandom, they will
feel a sense of belonging, ... Show more content on ...
In fact, recently we had lost one of members due to a suicide. Her name was Ven, she
was a part of the Rhett and Link Kommunity (yes it is really spelled this way.) Every
month we have people nominated for mythical beast of the month, and we, the
community nominated her for reembrace. The two guys who are the head of the
community even put the suicide hotline out on the webs, just in case if others needed it
too. They wanted everyone to feel like they were not alone. Our fandom also does a lot
of charity work, every time the Wheel of Mythically lands on, Gifticalilty, a spot, they
donate a 1,000 dollars to whatever charity they choose. They also sell merchandise like
shirt and all the proceeds go to the charity directly. Join us I donating to the National
Alliance to End Homelessness at www.endhomeless.ord. Every donation goes toward
assisting in their mission to help communities develop project policies that will lead to
the end of homelessness. This is in all of the episode previously on Good Mythical
Leading Through Conflict
In the required reading article leading Through Conflict The Mediator is discusses the
mediator and the role of a mediator. After reading the article please discuss how the
understanding of how to meditate can improve the ability for a person to be an
effective leader. I believe that being a great mediator is the key to much success when
working with people. There will always be disagreement and misunderstandings but the
important part is how do you work through those and still have productivity. Bums
define a mediator as a person who serves as an intermediary to reconcile differences,
particularly in political and military conflicts. (pg. 538) The article talks about how some
of the best leaders are those who can take conflict and transform
Synopsis Of George Orwell s The Night
1 Ambush

The sleek bay horse that bore Reginald Windsor ambled down the forest path with the
comfortable, well known rhythm that he had become accustomed to. It was the third
day out en route to Fort W. and with luck the weary courier would bed down tonight in
the relative comfort of his bed at the barracks. For nearly a month now he had been on
constant duty as his superiors worked out the details on the plan to move out the native
population from the area once and for all. Colonel Anderssen, a stickler for the minutest
detail and an old sort who preferred pen and paper to the cable, had kept him busy,
sending out dispatch after dispatch, but at long last there was to be a furlough and some
much needed rest.

In thinking ... Show more content on ...

The terrain here was hilly and the trail quite winding, but even their best laid plans only
allowed several hundred feet before their prey would be out of danger.

The bay charged to the bend with all of its might and almost made it unscathed, but at
the last moment it was hit in the flank and started. For a long second Reginald felt as if
the horse were going to founder. There was a jog to the left and then a correction. It
was in this moment that providence made one of a long string of choices and the horse
and rider slipped out of sight behind a screen of trees.

Behind the natives howled in anger, for while they had hit their mark they had not
managed to stop him. Horseless themselves they ran on down the long path which now
seemed to be a hindrance to them as well. They passed by the smear of red that was
the steed s lifeblood and reached the corner. There was none to be seen. On they
marched quickly, on occasion spying a sign of blood here or there, but after half a mile
they were forced to stop.

It was evident that the horseman had left the path for the pattern of crimson had faded,
but backtrack and try as they might they were not able to pick up the path again. No
hoof prints were to be found and there was no signs of broken branches. It was as if their
quarry had simply disappeared.

Reginald and the horse that some prior rider had named Dacia had cut a path
perpendicular to the trail several hundred
Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress...
Prolonged Exposure Therapy
According to Tuerk, Yoder, Ruggiero, Gros Acierno (2010), prolonged exposure therapy
is a form of therapy treatment applied in posttraumatic stress disorders. Prolonged
exposure treatment based on behavioral and cognitive levels of therapy, is a method used
in treatment of trauma where the victim remembers the triggers of trauma rather than
letting go, as it has been the case. Trained Social workers, psychologists and psychiatrist
offer treatment to these conditions. What causes post traumatic stress disorders is not
clearly known, but a mix of one s personality, inherited mental functionality risks, the way
the brain releases chemicals in dealing with stress, and one s life experiences can be
used to draw some insights (Powers, Halpern, Ferenschak, Gillihan Foa, 2010).
This method is useful in trauma cases, which result to depression, anger and anxiety. It
includes strategies and methods used to help individuals deal with past traumatic events
in order to minimize anger and depression. Making an individual remember their past
traumatic events enables them deal with their fears (Rizvi, Vogt, Resick, 2009). The
treatment period is dependent on the needs of a client and the healing progress. Edna. B.
Foa is the scholar who developed the therapy program she based her study on the
treatment of anxiety. Practitioners all over the United States have practiced her strategy
on treating trauma caused due to rape, child abuse, motor
Zora Neale Hurston Accomplishments
Considered one of the most important writers of the twentieth century African American
literature, Zora Neale Hurston successfully paved the way for future prominent writers.
Through dedication and hardships in her life, she is famously recognized as an important
person during the 1920s for her writing and role in the Harlem Renaissance. (
Zora Neale Hurston was born January 7, 1891 in Notasulga, Alabama and later moved
to Eatonville, Florida. She lived a happy childhood in her 8 room house and 7 siblings.
As a child, she was raised in an all black community, therefore was never exposed to
discrimination. Black achievement flourished in her town, including her father and
mother. Zora s father, John Hurston, formulated laws. Zora s mother Lucy Ann Hurston
aided in churches as a director of the christian curricula. However, following the death of
her mother in 1904, Zora s life shifted. Her father quickly remarried, resulting in a
difficult relationship in which he no longer had the time or money for his children.
Zora Neale Hurston moved to Baltimore in 1917 at the age of 26, searching for the
opportunity to finish high school. However, because she was no longer a teenager, she ...
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Zora Neale Hurston was often criticized through her work for her portrayal of racial
injustice.(biography). She was recognized greatly for her talent, but still never
claimed the money she deserved. Her largest royalty ever earned for any of her books
was $943.75. (GrAdesaver). Zora s career became more difficult as years progressed.
It became more challenging for her to publish work, because it was often so criticized.
Zora s life became much more difficult after being falsely accused of abusing a group of
children from her neighborhood. Although charges were dismissed, her reputation had
been hurt and no longer was able to publish work. (

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