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Informational Interview Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Informational Interview" can be both challenging and rewarding.
The difficulty lies in the multifaceted nature of the task, as it requires a combination of research,
communication skills, and the ability to synthesize information effectively.

To begin with, conducting informational interviews itself can be a complex process. Identifying and
approaching suitable interviewees, formulating insightful questions, and navigating the intricacies of
professional conversations demand a certain level of finesse. Moreover, the challenge extends to
extracting relevant and valuable insights from these interviews, as the information gathered needs to
be organized coherently within the essay.

The writing process involves not only structuring the essay logically but also ensuring that it conveys
a clear and meaningful message. Crafting a compelling introduction that captures the reader's
attention, developing a well-organized body that seamlessly integrates interview findings, and
concluding with a thought-provoking summary are essential components that contribute to the
essay's overall difficulty.

Moreover, the essay should demonstrate a balance between factual information and personal
reflection. This requires the writer to critically analyze the gathered data, draw meaningful
conclusions, and relate these insights to the broader context of the chosen topic. The ability to
synthesize information from interviews, secondary sources, and personal reflections while
maintaining a coherent narrative adds an extra layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Informational Interview" demands a combination of

research, communication, and analytical skills. Successfully navigating the challenges of identifying,
conducting, and synthesizing interviews, coupled with the ability to present these insights coherently,
makes this task both demanding and rewarding for the writer.

And, if you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance with various writing tasks,
you may consider exploring resources like , where a range of writing services can
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Informational Interview Essay Informational Interview Essay
The Contributions Of The Lincoln Electrical Company
What are its values and how is this related to increased performance by employees?

The Lincoln Electrical company has an organizational structure rooted in the values and
principles set out by its two founders, John Lincoln, engineer and inventor, and later his
brother James F. Lincoln. The company has a strong company culture that persists to
present. Both brothers left their imprints on the company, but the primary shaper of its
values and principles, and success should be attributed to James Lincoln.

It was James who understood that customer s needs were key and should be the driving
force behind the company s mission and values, and not simply profit. Because customer
needs come first, and not the needs of shareholders, production ... Show more content on ...
The quietly governed the way he treated employees and the way he conducted business.

Is Lincoln rare?

Lincoln Electric s commitment to its employees is rare and its concept of empowering
employees goes back to the company s origins. The sharing of company profits with its
employees is a unique characteristic. It was one of the first companies to pay bonuses
and to allow workers the option of buying company stock, which empowered employees
by making them partners with management. It was also one of the first to have
retirement packages and to institute a formal employee merit evaluation system.

What are some company artifacts?

Some artifacts of Lincoln are exceptional worker performance with little idle time.
Another is the rate of turnover with no employee ever having been fired or being
dismissed. Employee performance is extremely high and employees receive bonuses, a
key part of its unique system. Worker productivity has steadily increased, with figures
having doubled since 1945. There is no need for a union as employees have an excellent
relationship with the company and are involved in making key decisions that affect

What type of organizational company profile does Lincoln Electric have?

Lincoln represents a company with a strong company culture which has persisted for
many years. The founding principles still govern the way it runs today and it remains an
Southwest Airlines Vs Jetblue Merger
Given the fierce competition in the airlines industry and the additional competition being
offered by the new ultra low cost carriers, it has become imperative for Southwest
Airlines to find a solution that will be sustainable and insulate them verses these and any
other future threats. Southwest has initiated a merger proposal with JetBlue that will
result in the newly formed SouthwestBlue being much larger and able to compete for
control of the North American Continent as the number one provider for customers
concerned with both low cost and excellent customer service. Because both Southwest
and JetBlue have similar core values, customer service policies, and business models, it
will be an easier merger than it would be for two carriers with drastically different
layouts.... Show more content on ...
The merger is expected to take a total of 5 years with an end result of a fleet of nearly
one thousand planes covering more than 150 cities in United States with connecting
flights to more than 30 countries around the world. All evidence indicates that a merger
between Southwest Airlines and JetBlue Airlines can be completed within 5 years and
will be successful in helping the merged company become the industry leader in low cost,
high customer service airline carriers in North America. The minor obstacles such as
redundant cities, a balloon payment owed by JetBlue, redundant Point of Sales
Systems and baggage tracking systems, and a surplus of employees, is negligible and
easily resolved during the 5 year merge period. A few decisions will still need to be made
such as what to do about employee contracts being different between the two carriers
and pension plans but the merger is being given a good to very good rating for its
chances to succeed as
Athena Essay examples

With a battle cry that resounded through the kingdom of heaven and earth she sprang
from the head of Zeus. She is one of the most powerful forces on Mount Olympus,
representing war and the immortal spirit of wisdom. Athena embodies the matriarchal
goddess, a complex figure of internal strength and reflection. She is a powerful source of
interpretation for the idea of the goddess as a balance between nature and humanity. In
one aspect she embodies the civic patron of Athens, with her benevolence and strategic
defenses. However her mythological nature as the mother goddess and eternal being
connects her with four thousand years of sacred expression through intuition, creation
and instinct. Athena represents the unity of these ... Show more content on ...
In birth she is a symbol of the threatening force of dominance and aggression. An oracle
of Gaea, the goddess of the earth, knew of Athena s power and potential. She warned
Zeus of a third generation child who would overthrow him and inherit his kingdom.
Metis was a clever goddess and took on the disguise of various creatures such as hawks,
fish, and serpents to avoid Zeus. However Zeus could change into many forms as well
and he devised a plan to trick the pregnant Metis and swallow her. When Promethius split
Zeus s head open, it was the beginning of Athena and eternal wisdom.

Metis was the greek goddess of wisdom and the first wife of Zeus. Athena inherited the
qualities of Metis and due to her manner of birth became the symbol of intellect and
insight. The ability to reflect that Athena posesses is known as Metis becuase of her
mother and gives her practical wisdom and craftiness. Her reflective nature gives her
insight and knowledge to offer those she guides.

The image of Athena mourning, a marble bas relief from the high classical Greek
period of 480 450 BC, shows her reflective quality. This quality gives her the advantage
over her opponents because it is a premeditated strategy rather than impulsive action.
There are endless examples of her benevolence and strategy. Odysseus was one of her
mortal companions who she helped return to his family after his long journey.

Odysseus was one

Analyzing Database Management Systems ( Dbms ) Come Into
Analyzing Database Management Systems Data. It encompasses every person on
earth, whether they realize it or not. Throughout each s life they collect data and have
their data collected by others. Height, weight, shopping habits, health history are all
examples of data that is tracked. The question is what is done with this data? People,
companies, even the government analyze the data they collect and analyze it with the
hope of discovering new information. How they accomplish this is particularly
interesting and opens the door for a larger discussion. In the world of computer science
large groups of data collected are referred to as databases. When there is a multitude of
these databases, a way to manage all of the information is... Show more content on ...
OLAP summarizes data and makes forecasts, and Data mining discovers hidden patterns
in data [2]. In general, OLAP evaluates information in a broader sense while data mining
can be applied to find deeper levels of information which may not have been known. The
two approaches that may be operated separately or implemented together to create
another way of analyzing data.
Online analytical processing (OLAP) is generally used to provide analysis of complex
data. Often it is applied with a data warehouse. A data warehouse is similar to a regular
database but they have differences. According to Inmon a data warehouse is a subject
oriented, integrated, non volatile, time variant collection of data in support of
management s decisions [3]. Data warehouses provide more detailed information than
regular databases, one reason they are recommended for analytics. Another way of
describing it is, Data warehousing is a collection of decision support technologies,
aimed at enabling the knowledge worker (executive, manager, analyst) to generate
wiser and faster decisions. [4] When using OLAP tools with data warehousing it can
give the decision maker a clear advantage, which could give insight into why it is so
highly valued. These mechanisms can help increase efficiency and provide them with a
powerful advantage. At the core of any OLAP system is an OLAP cube

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