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Date: ________________ Name: ___________________________________

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the behavior of several forms of model-based control systems, in
particular, the Smith Predictor, a simple form of Internal Model Control and Dahlin's algorithm.

PREREQUISITE: Completion of Exercise

9 Tuning from Open Loop Tests

BACKGROUND: Model-based control uses an explicit model of the process, either as a portion of the
control algorithm or to derive parameters for the control algorithm. A frequent application of model-based
control is to control processes with a long dead time, relative to the dominant time constant. With these
applications, a model-based control can usually exhibit an improved performance over a PID algorithm,
particularly for set point changes.

There are several forms of model-based control techniques. Some are based on approximating the
process with a simple transfer function model, some incorporate explicit physical phenomena in the
model, and some techniques capture the process model as a series of data points on the pulse response
curve. Only the transfer function model approach is covered in this laboratory exercise. However, both
the continuous form and the sampled data form of the transfer function are represented.

Although real processes operate continuously in real-time, some physical property sensors and/or
converters provide information only intermittently. Furthermore, digital algorithms are processed only
periodically, hence provide new results only at discrete intervals of time. These two factors give rise to
sampled data control systems, one of the types of model-based control techniques explored here (Dahlin's

A challenge often faced by control systems designers is that of processes with long dead time. This has
motivated the development of a technique known as "control algorithm synthesis". This is a mathematical
technique which, based upon minimal data input from the user, calculates both the form and numerical
values for parameters of the control algorithm. Control algorithm synthesis can be applied to either
continuous control (Internal Model Control) or sampled data control systems (Dahlin’s algorithm).

The requirements of the user are:

An estimate of three parameters representing a simplified model of the process:

(1) steady state gain,

(2) first order lag time constant and
(3) dead time;

The time period at which the control algorithm is processed (for sampled data control systems)

A parameter representing the desired closed loop response to set point change. The desired
response can be approximated as a dead time (equal to the process dead time) followed by a first
order lag. The single tuning parameter which can be set by the user, then, is the time constant of
the desired first order lag response.

Although the algorithm synthesis technique utilizes sophisticated and somewhat tedious mathematics, this
tedium can be pre-programmed and made transparent to the user. This laboratory exercise demonstrates
the use of a sampled data algorithm which is calculated using a synthesis technique.

A matter of terminology: In all other laboratory exercises, and in the drop down menu under
Process, we refer to the process simulation, which is constructed by BUILDER, saved as a file,
then selected and read into PC-ControLAB as the “process model.” In this laboratory
exercise, the term “process model” has another meaning. Hence, we will refer to the process
simulation constructed by BUILDER as the “actual process” and our approximation of it by
tests made in PC-ControLAB as the “process model.”


Start Windows.

Run PC-ControLAB.

NOTE: Each of the following sections explores a particular one of the model-based control techniques.


Smith Predictor Control Algorithm

Set Actual
Σ Controller PV
Point Process

Process Model
e−Tds Σ
τs + 1

2.1 Using a "perfect" process model

Select Control | Select Strategy | Smith Predictor.

Select Process | Select Model. Highlight “FOLPDT.mdl” (First order lag plus dead
time) process) and press Open.

We will start out with a simple process where our process model will be an exact
representation of the actual process. Then we will progress to a more complex
process, where our process model will be only an approximation of the actual

The first step is to determine data which must be input into the setup portion of the control

Put the controller in Manual and increase the controller output by 10% (of full scale).

Observe the process response. Characterize this response by a first order lag plus dead
time model. This requires three parameter values which may be determined from the
observed open loop response. Record these values:

Process Gain Kp 1.5 .

First-order-lag τ 5.0 mins .

Dead time (minutes) Td 6.0 mins .

When the process model parameters have been determined, return the controller output
to its original value.

Press TUNE then select the Setup tab. This permits entry of the values of the
simplified process model into the controller set up.

If the process model is an exact representation of the process, then the structure
of the Smith Predictor controller causes the apparent loop to be that of a
controller with the feedback loop closed around the first order lag only. It appears
as if the dead time has been relocated to a point following the feedback control

Tuning parameters for the PID portion of the Smith Predictor must now be
determined. One approach is the "algorithm synthesis" approach, wherein the
form of the desired response of the PV (of the apparent loop, without dead time)
to a set point change is formulated as a unity gain first order lag. The only
parameter which must be specified is the time constant, λ , of the desired closed
loop response.

Suppose we want the close loop response to have a time constant of 3 minutes. Hence

λ = 3 minutes.

From this data, PID tuning parameters can be calculated.

Gain: KC = = 1.11 .
Kp λ
Reset: TI = τ = 5.0 min/rpt.

Deriv: TD = 0.0 .

Press Tune and enter these parameter values.

Adjust the set point to match the present value of the PV, then put the controller in Auto.
Increase the set point by 10% of measurement span.

You should observe the following response: The controller output jumps
immediately, then begins cutting back, even though the PV has not
changed, and in fact, is still below set point. (With a PID controller, the
integral action would now take over and begin ramping the controller
output farther in the same direction as the proportional response.)
There is a pure delay in the PV by the amount of the dead time, then the
PV makes an exponential rise (as a first order lag) to the new set point,
with a time constant of λ .

2.2 A more realistic process model

Select Process | Select Model. Highlight “Generic.mdl” and press Open.

Since a common application of model-based control is for process with long dead time
(more specifically, a large dead time to time constant ratio, say, greater than 1.0), then to
demonstrate the efficacy of this control strategy, we will modify the characteristics of the
actual process. Select Process | Change Parameters. Make the following parameter

Block labeled Change from To

BLK 30 1-Ord Lag Time Const T 3.0 1.0 minutes
BLK 35 1-Ord Lag Time Const T 5.0 1.0 minutes
BLK 40 DeadTime Dead Time Td 0.0 5.0 minutes

Save this process model for use later. Select Process | Save Process Model As. DO
NOT SAVE THIS UNDER THE EXISTING MODEL NAME. In the dialog box, enter a new
process model name. (Suggestion: Enter CLASS). Press Save.

Make the usual step test to determine an approximate model for the "real" process. With
the controller in Manual, increase the controller output by 10%; from the resulting
response, estimate the process gain, dead time and time constant. (Listed below are
reasonable values. You may observe slightly different values.)

Kp = 1.5 .
τ = 2.0 .
Td = 6.0 .

Press TUNE then Setup tab and enter these values. Then press Clear..

Assume that we want a 3 minute closed loop time constant. Therefore

λ = 3.0 .

Use the equations in Section 2.1 to calculate the controller tuning parameters, then enter
these parameters.

Gain: KC = 0.5 .
Reset: TI = 2.0 .

Put the controller in Auto and change the set point by 10%.

You should observe that the response, although similar in character to that
obtained when we had a perfect process model, is not as ideal as before.
The controller output responds exactly as expected until the dead time
expires. Then because the process model is not exact, the controller
detects and error between the actual PV and its expected PV, and begins to
act on this error.

After the system is in equilibrium, press StepIncr once to make a 5% load increase.


Maximum deviation from set point 3.6% .

Duration of time off set point

(for instance, deviation greater than 1%): Approx 30 mins .

We will now compare the results of the last two tests (set point response and load upset
response) with equivalent tests using a standard PI controller.

Put the controller in Manual.

To eliminate the Smith Predictor portion of the control algorithm (i.e., to revert to a
standard PID):

Put the controller in Manual

Select TUNE then Setup.

Enter 0.0 for the estimated process gain.

Calculate PI controller tuning parameters using the traditional Ziegler-Nichols equations.

(Use Table 1 in Laboratory Exercise 9, Tuning from Open Loop Tests.)

0.9 x 6.0
Gain: KC = = 0.2
1.5 x 2.0

Reset: TI = 3.33 x 6.0 = 20.0 min/rpt .

Deriv: TD = 0.0

Enter these parameters.

Make the SP equal to the PV. Change to Automatic, then make a set point change.

It quickly becomes obvious that the response is unacceptable. The Z-N

calculations are not intended for use when the dead time is much longer than the
time constant.

Enter the following parameters, which were determined experimentally to give an


acceptable response (you may want to improve upon these):

Gain: KC = 0.55 .

Reset: TI = 10.0 min/rpt .

With the controller in Auto make a 10% increase in set point.

Is this a reasonable response? Somewhat .

Press StepIncr to make a 5% load change. Observe:

Maximum deviation from set point 2.8% .

Duration of time off set point

(for instance, deviation greater than 1%): Approx 30 mins .

Review the performance of the Smith Predictor and standard PI for these two
tests, one a set point change, the other a load upset. The observation should
be that the Smith Predictor considerably outperforms the PI controller for set
point changes. For load upsets, the Smith Predictor performs no better than a
PI controller, and possibly worse.

One further line of exploration. (Optional) What if there is a significant error in

estimating the process parameters. Repeat tests like were made above, but with various
combinations of process parameters.

Kp from 1.25 to 1.75

τ from 1.0 to 3.0
Td from 5.0 to 7.0



An observation you might make is that the control technique is more sensitive to
errors in the dead time estimation than to other errors. For this reason, the
technique is often applied to processes where the dead time is known with a fair
degree of certainty, such as where the dead time is due to the physical
movement or flow rate of a variable which can be measured.


With internal model control (IMC), the objective is the same as that of the Smith Predictor
controller. We want to approximate the process with a simple model (such as a first order lag
plus dead time); we also want to specify the form of the closed loop PV response to a step set
point change by a single tuning parameter, the time constant of an exponential rise to set point.

If the process is modeled by a first order lag plus dead time approximating model, then the
controller itself becomes a lead-lag plus dead time.

Internal Model Control Algorithm

Set τs + 1 Actual
Point Kp ( λ s + 1) Process

Process Model
Kp e−Td s
τs + 1

Since the basic premise of the Smith Predictor and IMC are identical, we can expect the behavior
to be identical, when applied to the same process.

3.1 Set Up

Select Control | Select Control Strategy | Internal Model Control.

Select Process | Select Model. Highlight “CLASS.mdl” (or whatever name you used
when you saved the process in Section 2.2) and press Open.

The following parameters were estimated in Section 2.2:

Process Gain Kp = 1.5 .

First-order-lag τ = 2.0 mins .
Dead time Td = 6.0 mins .

Press TUNE, then Setup and enter these values.

Suppose you want the PV to rise to SP with a time constant of 3.0 minutes. Hence

λ = 3.0 minutes.

Return to the Tuning tab and enter this single tuning value. Press Clear.

3.2 Closed Loop Response

Put the controller in Automatic and increase the set point by 10% of measurement span.

Is the response the same as for the Smith Predictor, using the same process and the
same tuning criterion? Yes .

Since the set point behavior of the IMC is the same as that of the Smith Predictor
for the same process model, we can assume that it will also be the same for load.
(You may wish to confirm this by repeating the load changes made in Section 2
using the IMC controller rather than the Smith Predictor.)

The IMC controller lends itself to more complex process models. The theoretical
details of IMC are covered in numerous text books.


4.1 Set Up

Dahlin's algorithm is similar in objective to the previous three model-based control

techniques in that it uses an explicit process model approximation as part of the control
strategy. It differs in one important aspect, however, in that it is a sampled data algorithm,
rather than a continuous algorithm. Hence parameters for a discrete control algorithm
must be calculated, using "z-transform" technology. This is done by the set up procedure,
however, so that the only user requirements are to furnish the proper parameters,
including sampling period, for the set up procedure.

Select Control | Select Strategy | Dahlin's Algorithm.

Select Process | Select Model. Choose the FOLPDT process and press Open.

Either repeat the process test made in Section 2.1 to determine parameters for an
approximating process model, or simply reuse the data from that test:

Process Gain Kp 1.5 .

First-order-lag τ 5.0 minutes .
Dead time Td 6.0 minutes .

We will use a control sample period of 2 minutes.

Control sample period Delta T 2.0 minutes .

At this time, we must have the dead time to be an integer multiple of sample periods; i.e.,
the sample period must divide exactly into the dead time. If this is not the case, then
either re-estimate the dead time, or choose another sample period.

Press TUNE then SetUp and enter these values.

We will require that the closed loop response have a 3.0 minute time constant.

Closed loop time constant required: λ 3.0 minutes .

Return to the Tuning and enter the single parameter tuning constant.

After completion of entry or a change to a tuning parameter or a set up parameter, the

program automatically calculates coefficients for the discrete control algorithm. To view
these coefficients, return to the Setup tab and press Parameters.

Record the first of the parameter values:

C0 = 0.9840 .

Press OK and Clear to remove the Tuning dialog box.

You have now completed the controller set up.


4.2 Closed Loop Set Point Response

Put the controller in AUTO and increase the set point by 10% (of full scale).

Was any change made to the process variable in less time that the process dead time?
No .

Once the dead time expired, did the process variable respond with the requested 3
minute time constant? Yes .

Was the controller output response as predicted? Yes .

Access the Tuning Display and change λ to 1.0 minutes. (This is asking for an even
faster closed loop response.)

Press TUNE | Setup | Parameters. Record the first parameter:

C0 = 1.7487 .

Was there a change made to the coefficients? Yes .

Again increase the set point by 10%. We should expect that the controller output will
overdrive even more, then cut back to its final value. Is this what happens?
Yes .

This has demonstrated that Dahlin’s algorithm, except for using sampled data
theory, utilizes the same principles as the Smith Predictor and IMC
controllers. Hence the response is similar.

If desired, you can call in the “Class” process model (saved in Section 2.2)
and repeat the experiments made there, using Dahlin’s algorithm

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