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(1) Name of the Movement
(2) Supremacy of the Constitution
(3) NBM of Africa (Neo Black Movement of Africa) Page 4
(4) Zones and the National Headquarters of the Neo Black
Movement of Africa

SECTI ON 2 Fundamental Obligations of Officers of NBM of Africa
SECTI ON 3 Socio- Cultural and Economic Objectives
Page 5

SECTI ON 4 Qualifications for membership
SECTI ON 5 Forfeiture of Membership Page 6-7
SECTION 6 Implication of Forfeiture of Membership

SECTION 7 Government and Organs of the Organization
SECTION 8 National Executive Bodies
SECTION 9 Tenure Page 7-10
SECTION 10 Removal or suspension from office
SECTION 11 National Head and Other National Executive Officers and their Functions

(1) Composition
(2) Election and Tenure of the Chairman
(3) Scribe of the Council
(4) Meetings/Quorum Page 10-12
(5) Powers/Functions
(6) Disqualification/Removal of Members


1 Date
2 Venue
3 Composition
4 Representation/proxy voting Page 12-13
5 Attendance
6 Convener/Organizer
7 Powers of the Convention
8 Non-Attendance of Convention


(1) Legal Committee
(2) Welfare committee
(3) Education, research and development committee
(4) Empowerment/Technical Aid Committee
Page 13-16
(5) Audit committee
(6) Security committee
(7) Publicity and media committee
(8) Committee of Heads and National Exco members
(9) Body of founders committee


1. Regional Structure Page 16-16
2. Regional Heads and Functions


1. Formation of Zone
2. Membership of Zone
3. Composition of Zonal Exco
4. Tenure
5. Duties/Function of zonal Exco
6. Removal of Zonal Executive
7. Ratification of removal by congress
8. Resolution of removal by congress

1. Composition
2. Election of Council Chairman
3. Duties/Function
Page 21-22
4. Tenure


1. Requirement/Qualification
2. Qualification into National Executive Body
3. Disqualification Page 21-22
4. Attestation by Zonal Head for contestant
5. Conduct for election by Zones


1. Account and Signatories
2. Dues
3. Statement of Account/Financial Report Page 22
4. Zonal Account

1. Magazine
2. Membership/Ceremonial
3. Procedures Page 23
4. Jolly
5. Code of Conduct


1. Precedence
2. Privileges

Page 24-25
Section 23


WE THE MEMBERS of the NBM of Africa otherwise known and referred to as NEO
BLACK MOVEMENT OF AFRICA HAVING firmly and solemnly resolved TO FORM an
organization to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble movement
under God, dedicated to the promotion, protection and advancement of black solidarity,
world peace, internal co-operation and understanding.
AND TO PROVIDE for a constitution for the purpose of promoting good relationship,
interest and welfare of its members on the principle of freedom, equality and justice and for
the purpose of consolidating the unity of its members DO HEREBY MAKE, ENDORSE

(1) The organization shall be known, called and addressed as NBM of Africa or
(2) This Constitution is supreme and its provisions shall bind all members and
overrides any bye law, rules, decrees, orders, pronouncements, regulations or
enactments that may be drawn by any organ, committee, council or authority
established by this Constitution. Whereby any bye law, rules, decrees, orders,
pronouncements, regulations or enactments referred to in section 1 (2) above is
inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution, this constitution shall
prevail, and the bye law, rules, decrees, orders, pronouncements, regulations or
enactments shall to the extent of its inconsistency be null and void.

(3) The NBM of Africa otherwise known and referred to as NEO BLACK MOVEMENT
of AFRICA is one indivisible and indissoluble organization.

(4) (1) The NBM of Africa shall be an organization consisting of regions, zones, and
sub-zones throughout the world.
(2) The National Headquarters shall situate in Benin City, Edo State of Nigeria.
However, for administrative purpose the national executive of the organization
may establish a national secretariat in any such states within the federal republic
of Nigeria

It shall be the duty and the responsibility of all organs, authorities and
persons exercising executive, legislative, or judicial powers, to conform
to, observe and apply the provisions of section 3of this constitution as
stated hereto .

(1) The NBM shall be an organization based on the principles of
democracy, equality and social justice.

(2) It shall be the cardinal policy of the organization to cooperate and

exchange ideas with other related organizations whose aims and
objectives are in harmony with hers’.

(3) It is hereby accordingly declared that the organization belongs to

all members (i.e. congress/convention) of NBM of Africa from
whom the various bodies established by this constitution derive
their powers and authority.
. (4) The NBM of Africa is a non-partisan, non-religious
and non tribal organization.
(5) The motto of the organization shall be “Social Justice and Equality
for All”
(6) The organization shall inculcate a deep sense of belonging and
patriotism among members.
(7) The organization shall protect, defend and propagate the interest
and welfare of members.
(8) The organization shall strive to eradicate all forms of oppression,
intimidation, corruption, neo-colonialism and other vices from
(9) The organization shall dedicate its resources to promoting,
defending and advancing black solidarity (Blackism), culture and
world peace.
(10) The organization shall promote and protect fundamental human
rights of all persons irrespective of race, social status, religion and
gender in accordance with international covenant of civil and
political rights of the United Nation as well as the African charter
on human and peoples’ rights.

SECTION 4: Qualifications for membership
(I) Membership shall be opened to interested qualified candidates provided
That such persons shall:
(a) Share the vision of world equality and social justice
(b) Be a graduate or matriculated undergraduate of an institution of higher
(c) Be sponsored by three dedicated Lords
(d) Be of good character and not convicted of a criminal offence
Considered inimical to the organization and the public in general by the
Council of Elders
(e) Be screened and approved for membership by the National Council of

(f) Undergo the process of initiation organized and conducted by the

National Executive Council at the regions or the convention or as may be
directed by the National Executive Council /National Council of Elders
in accordance with the membership procedure of the organization.
(2) No person shall be qualified as a member except he has taken the oath of
membership as contained in the membership procedure of the organization.
(3) No member shall be addressed as a Black Lord except he has been inducted as
such in accordance with the membership procedure of the organization or he is
so sworn in as a Black Lord while taking up a position at the zone or region or
at the National organ of the organization.

(4) Only graduate members shall be inducted as Black Lords.

(5) A list of those initiated as members or inducted as Black Lords shall be

forwarded to all zones, regions and the National body.


A person shall forfeit his membership of the organization if:
(1) He acquires membership of any organization which is in conflict
with N.B.M of Africa as determined by the National Council of
Elders. An organization shall be deemed to be in conflict with
NBM of Africa if such organization is an occult religious,
demonic, fetish or terrorist organization.
(2) The Council of Elders breaks his axe (de-axed) by
excommunicating such member permanently.
(3) He is suspended for a term certain or indefinitely for misconduct at
the instance of the national head/zonal head.
(4) He is suspended by the Council of Elders upon complaint brought
by a member or zone or region.

(1) Suspension means temporal forfeiture of membership for a term
certain namely in days, weeks, months or indefinitely but not
exceeding two years. However, before the expiration of a
suspension term, the Executive Council or Council of Elders
(depending on which organ exercised its powers in suspending a
member), may reverse, revoke, cancel, and/or rescind its decision
sou motu or upon plea by the suspended member to the organ that
exercised such power. However where the suspension is by the
Executive Council,the suspended member if dissatisfied with the
suspension may appeal to the Council of Elders to review the
decision of his suspension.
(2) Breaking of axe (de-axed) means permanent forfeiture of
membership except the National Council of Elders upon appeal by
a de-axed member reverses its decision and recalls the de-axed

(1) There shall be a National Executive Council which shall be the
highest administrative and executive organ of the organization.

(2) There shall be the National Council of Elders which shall be the
highest legislative and judicial organ of the organization.
(3) There shall be a regional structure under the leadership of a
regional head whom shall be the highest administrative and
executive authority over the region.
(4) There shall be the zonal executive council which shall have the
highest administrative and executive powers within the zone
(5) There shall be a Zonal Council of Elders which shall be the highest
Legislative and judicial organ within the zone.

(1) The National Executive Council shall be composed of the National
Head,National Chief Priest, National Eye , Assistant National Eye, National
Butcher, National Ihaza, National Crier, , Assistant National Crier and National
Legal Officer.
(2) The National Executive Council shall only consist of Black Lords of the NBM.

(3). The National Executive Council shall meet from time to time to ensure the
effective administration of the organization.

(4) Every National Executive Council member shall be liable to perform

duties assigned to his office in accordance with the provisions of this
(5) The National Executive Body shall have power to deal with issues
bothering on administration, emergencies, publicities, security, discipline,
welfare, etc for good governance of the organization.

(1) The Tenure of the National Executive Council shall be two years from the date
of inauguration and subject to re-election for another two years term.


(2) In the event that any executive officer of the organization is found wanting in
the discharge of his duties or of gross misconduct, he shall stand removed from
office by two-third majority resolution of the National Council of Elders/Zonal
Council of Elders as the case may be present in the meeting where the issue was
resolved after the said Executive officer has been given the opportunity to
defend himself.
(3) Removal from office is a permanent forfeiture of position in the Executive
Council while suspension from office is a temporal forfeiture of office in the
Executive Council for a term certain.



(1) The National Head shall be the Chief Executive/President of the organization.


The National Head shall:-
(a) Co-ordinate activities and preside over meetings of the National
Executive Council.
(b) Supervise all aspect of the organization’s activities.

(c) Perform any other function that may be assigned to his office by any
other section of this constitution or the convention.
(d) Discipline any member of the organization
(e) Make statement and pronouncement on behalf of the organization
(f) Prepare and submit National statement of Accounts with bank statement
to the National Auditor at the NCOE Preceding the convention

(3) The National Chief Priest shall:-

(a) Be the vice president/deputy to the national head i.e. the president of the
organization and shall so act in the absence of the National
(b) Be the principal custodian of the organization’s paraphernalia
(c) Be the sole person to prepare Kokoma
(d) Lead procession during Jollification ceremonies
(e) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any
Other provision of this constitution or the National head.
(f) Be the chief welfare officer of the organization hence shall be responsible
for the welfare of members

(4) The National Eye shall:

(a) Be the Secretary-General of the organization
(b) Prepare and keep records of proceedings of National Executive meetings
and the National Convention
(c) Be in charge of the organization’s Secretariat
(d) Be a member of the organization magazine editorial board
(e) Ensure proper accreditation of participants in the National Conventions,
conferences, workshops and seminars organized by the National body
(f) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the National
Head or any other provision of this constitution.

(5) The Assistant National Eye shall:

(a) Shall be the assistant of National Eye.
(b) shall perform functions of National Eye as may be delegated to him by the
National Head or the National Eye.

(6) The National Butcher shall:

(a) Be the National Provost and or Security Officer of the organization
(b) Discipline any erring member on the orders of the appropriate
Authorities (Head)
(c) Maintain discipline and orderliness during organization’s functions and
(d) Ensure due protocol in all organization activities at all levels
(e) Carry out directives from the National Head with dispatch
(f) Assist the National Ihaza with the collection of monies due the National body.
(g) Provide security advice to the National Head
(h) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any other provisions
of this constitution
(7) The National Ihaza shall:
(a) Be the treasurer of the organization
(b) Keep all financial records of the National account
(c) Collect dues from Zones as approved by the NCOE in accordance with the
provisions of this constitution
(d) Prepare and present financial report of the Organization to the National
Executive Council every quarter of the NBM of Africa year
(e) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any other National
authority or other provisions of this constitution.
(f) The National Ihaza shall be a trained person in accounting/financial related
(8) The National Crier shall;
(a) Be the public relations officer of the organization
(b) Be the Editor-in- Chief of the organization’s magazine
(c) Ensure the management of the organization’s website in line with the aims and
objectives of the organization

(d) Be responsible for organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops at the

National level.
(e) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the National Head or
any other provisions of this constitution.

(9) The Assistant National Crier shall;

a) Be the assistant public relations officer of the organization
b) Perform functions of the National crier as may be delegated to him by the National
Head or National Crier.

(10) The National Legal Officer shall:

(a) Be a trained legal practitioner with at least five years post call-to-bar experience
and shall be the Legal Adviser of the organization. And shall be responsible for
interpretation of the constitution at the instance of any of the national organs.
(b) Be the Chairman of the National Legal Committee/ National Legal Aids
(c) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the National Head,
NCOE or any other provisions of this constitution.

1 The National Council of Elders shall be made up of the following:
(a) Chairman
(b) National Head
(c) National Chief Priest
(d) National O/C Legal
(e) Regional Heads
(f) Zonal Heads of accredited zones
(g) Zonal chairmen of accredited zones
(h) Former National Heads
(i) Former Chairmen of National Council of Elders
(j) Two representatives each of accredited zones to be referred to as National
(k) Founding Fathers
(l) National Auditor
2 Permanent members of the council shall include former national heads, former
chairmen of NCOE and founding fathers and board of trustee members.



(a) The Council shall be headed by a Chairman elected amongst members

Provided such person so elected is not a member of the National/Zonal
(b) The NCOE chairman shall be elected by the members of the council from
among themselves at the first Council meeting after the Convention.
(c) The first Council meeting shall be convened by the outgoing Chairman of the
NCOE within sixty days from the date of the convention. And at the said NCOE
the zones shall represent their representatives for inauguration of the NCOE.
Thereafter the outgoing chairman shall step aside for the newly constituted
NCOE to elect their chairman among themselves.
(d) The tenure of office of the Council Chairman and the council shall be two years
from the day of inauguration.
(e) The scribe shall be elected among members of the Council.
(f) Upon election of the Scribe of the NCOE, he becomes a member of the council
and his tenure shall elapse with the council.
(g) A meeting of the National Council of Elders shall be summoned by the
(h) A quorum of the Council meeting shall comprise of twenty five members
present at each council meeting.
(i) A member of the NCOE must have attended the NCOE meeting at least three
times in the life time of the council as an observer or a member before being
appointed as member in the council.


(a) The National Council of Elders shall act as a check on the National
Executive council.
(b) The NCOE shall act as an advisory council to the National Executive council.

(c) It shall be the Council’s duty to scrutinize and approve the National budget
proposed by the National Executive council.
(d) The Council shall determine the composition of delegates at the National
(e) The Council shall deal with cases of appeals referred to it by any
member/organs or committee of the organization.
(f) The National Council of elders shall suspend or dissolve a region, regional
head, zonal executive or Council of Elders at the instance of the National
Executive council, if found wanting in the discharge of its duties, and a
caretaker committee shall be set up to run the region or zone for a period not
exceeding three months. With respect to suspension of a region, regional head,
zone or zonal Executive or zonal COE, the national head may make such
pronouncement before bringing the issue of the suspension to NCOE for
ratification which could be declined and the suspension revoked by the NCOE.
While it is only the NCOE that can exercise the powers of dissolution of a
region, regional head, zone or zonal Exco or zonal COE at the instance of the
National Exco.
(g) The National Council of Elders shall perform any other functions assigned to it
by any other provisions of this constitution or the convention.

5. (a) Any member of the National Council of Elders who becomes a member by
virtue of his office shall cease to become a member of the Council when he
ceases to hold such office.
(b) Any National or zonal Head/ Chairman indicted or who for any reason
abandoned his tenure shall not be qualified to be a member of the National
Council of Elders as former Head/Chairman. However, where a national head or
chairman voluntarily resigns his position on health grounds. upon acceptance of
his resignation, he shall be deemed to have served his short tenure meritoriously
and shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of a former head or chairman.
6. In the event that any member of the Council of Elders (National/Zonal) is found
wanting in the discharge of his duties or gross misconduct, he shall be removed
from office by two third majority of the members present at a meeting where the
issue was discussed/resolved.


(1) The National Convention shall be held annually on the weekend of Sharpeville
Memorial Day (being the 21st day March) or the weekend immediately
following where the 21st day of March falls on a week day or any other day that
may be determined by the NCOE.

(2) The venue of the convention shall be decided by the National Council of Elders.

(3) The National Convention shall be composed of the following:

(a) National Head
(b) Other members of the National Executive council

(c) Chairman, National Council of Elders
(d) Other accredited members of N.C.O.E
(e) Regional Heads of accredited regions
(f) Zonal Heads of accredited zones
(g) Chairmen Council of Elders, accredited zones
(h) Former National Heads
(i) Former Chairmen National Council of Elders
(j) Trustees of the organization
(k) Other delegates as may be invited/accredited from the zones by
the National Body.
(l) Founding fathers

(4) All zones shall be represented at the Convention except zones and regions in
diasporas that by this constitution are exempted to vote by proxy in accordance
with the provisions of this constitution and any guide line that may be approved
by the national body of this organization and such guideline must reflect
transparency and true democracy.

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 13(3a – l) above, all Lords are
mandated by this constitution to attend the National Convention.

(6) (a) The National Convention shall be convened, organized and executed
by the National Executive Council.
(b) The National Head shall preside over the National Convention.

(c) The National Eye shall be the secretary to the convention

(7) (a) The convention shall receive written reports from the National Executive
Council and zones.
(b) The supreme authority of the Movement shall be vested on the National
convention which shall ratify policies, constitutional amendments, reports,
disciplinary measures, committees, sanctions, projects and reform as may affect
the overall interest of the organization.
(c) The National convention shall deal with other matters as may be referred to it
by other organs of the organization.

(8) Any zone not represented at the National Convention shall be liable to a fine
which shall be determined by the National Executive Council.


There shall be the following standing committees to be inaugurated by the national head or
the zonal head as the case may be after the committees are constituted by prescribed persons
in accordance with this constitution at the instance of the national or zonal head (as the case
may be).

(a) There shall be a Legal Committee for the National Body/Zone of the
(b) The legal Committee at the National and Zonal levels shall not be less than five
members. The National O/C legal or the zonal O/C legal shall constitute this
committee where applicable. The legal committee shall be made of legal
practitioners and such number of non-lawyer member of the organization (to be
appointed by the chairman of the committee) with good knowledge of the
culture, tradition and the constitution of organization.
(c) The Legal Committee shall be headed by National/zonal O/C legal as Chairman.
(d) The Legal Committee shall assist the National/zonal O/C legal in discharge of
his duties as legal adviser to the organization.
(e) The Legal Committee shall assist the National/zonal O/C legal to perform and
handle all Legal issues concerning the organization.
(f) Any member of the organization desiring legal assistance may forward his
request to the legal Committee through the National Head or Zonal Head. In this
regard, the legal committee shall function as legal aid council.
(g) The legal committee shall function as the legal head council to provide legal aid
to members in accordance with the provision of the constitution or guidelines or
rules to be made by the National/zonal O/C legal and ratified by the NCOE.
(h) The appointment of members of the legal committee as constituted by the
National/zonal O/C legal shall be ratified by the National Council of
Elders/Zonal Council of Elders as the case may be.
(i) In the appointment of members of the legal committee, competence and
geophysical spread must be taken into consideration.
(a) The welfare committee shall be headed by the chief priest that is the vice president
of the organization. It shall be the responsibility of the welfare committee to
provide for the welfare of members of the organization
(b) The welfare committee shall equally organize welfare programs for non members
of the organization in form of charity as may be directed by the national or zonal
Executive Council.
(c) Appointment of the members shall be ratified by the NCOE/ZCOE.


(a) This committee is to be constituted by the national or zonal Executive as the case
may be.
(b) The committee is to assist the organization in educational, socio-cultural and
scientific research for national development and the development of the entire
human race.
(c) Appointment of the members shall be ratified by the NCOE/ZCOE.

(a) This committee is to be constituted by the national or zonal Executive as the case
may be with the responsibility of providing skill acquisition and other forms of
empowerment for less privilege members of the society and the unemployed with a
view of reducing unemployment in our society.
(b) This committee is also responsible for assembling technical experts to support the
government or any of its agencies and any international organization e.g. red cross
in any area of human endeavor were technical aid is required.


The audit committee shall be constituted by the NCOE at the national or
ZCOE at the zonal level. The national auditor shall be the chairman of the
audit committee. The committee shall be responsible for auditing the
financial records of the national or zonal body of the organization. The
national auditor shall be a trained chartered accountant or financial
professional with at least five years past training experience.

This committee is to be constituted by the national or zonal Provost as the
case may be. This committee shall provide security at all national or zonal
events of the organization. The committee shall work and co-operate with all
security agencies on security matters.


This committee is to be constituted by the national or zonal public relation
officer that is P.R.O as the case may be. It shall be the responsibility of this
committee to formulate programs that will assist in effective dissemination
of information and projection of the image of the organization through its
charity programs.


(a) This committee shall consist of all regional heads, zonal heads, and
national executive council members.
(b) It shall be presided over by the national head
(c) It shall provide a frame work for execution of the policies of the
national executive council
(d) It shall serve as an advisory body to the national executive council in
its policy Implementation


(a) There shall be established for the movement a body of founder (BOF)
which shall be resource persons for the movement?
(b) The body shall be composed of founding fathers and pioneer
members from 1977-1979
(c) They shall have a chairman appointed amongst the members
(d) The body shall conduct research on the movement ideology and its
(e) The body shall meet at least once in a year

(f) The body shall be responsible to the national council of elders
(g) The body shall perform other duties assigned it by the NCOE or
any other provision of this constitution



(a) There shall be a Regional Structure in the Organization under the leadership of a
regional head. The National Executive Council shall constitute or group zones within
close geographical proximity into regions and this shall be ratified by the NCOE. The
zones shall retain their independent structure within the region.
(b) The Regional Head shall be elected by the zonal heads of the Zones within a region,
Chairmen of zonal council of elders of zones within a region and the members of the
National Council of Elders resident within the region.
(c) The Regional heads election shall be by secret ballots in an election to be conducted
by the Regional head. Where the Regional Head is participating as a candidate in the
said regional headship election, the National Executive Council shall appoint a
National Officer or any other member of the organization the National Executive
council deem fit to conduct the said election in such a manner that will reflect true
democracy, transparency and fair play to all concerned.
(d) The Regional head shall operate solely without an Executive Council and Council of
Elders but may delegate any zonal head within his region to carry out any function of
the various offices within the Executive Council of the organization.
(e) The Regional head shall be removed by the two third majority of the NCOE where the
petition for his removal is discussed after the regional head must have being given an
opportunity to defend himself in such council meeting where the case is determined.
(f) The zone within the region shall finance the activities of the regional head
(g) The Regional head shall be a member of the national council of elders NCOE


(a) Regional Heads are responsible for maintaining closer links between the National
Body and Zones.
(b) Regional Heads are required to act as focal point for initiating collective cooperation
between zones within their region and ensuring effective administrative practices,
regional programmes designed for the benefit of the organization and its members.
(c) They are responsible for coordinating information relating to strategies and priority
needs of zones within their jurisdiction for the attention of the National Executive
(d) It is their responsibility to ensure that these strategies and priority needs are positively
linked to the bigger initiative of NBM of Africa, including any relevant partners so as
to give impetus to NBM of Africa initiatives and objectives.
(e) Develop and maintain links with other national and regional societies within their
region in other to strengthen NBM of Africa collaboration with these partners.
(f) Ensure efficient transfer and implementation of national directives to zones within
their region.

(g) The regional head has powers under this constitution to convene a regional meeting
every quarter of the year or any emergency meeting where the need arises.
(h) The Regional head meetings shall determine matters within the region.
(i) The NEXCO or the NCOE might delegate duties to the regional head and the
regional head shall endeavor to perform such duties to the best of his ability
(j) The Regional head shall submit through NEXCO to the NCOE names of intending
members screened by the zonal council of elders after the Regional head must have
ensure compliance with initiation qualification as may be prescribed by the
constitution or the national body. Such names are subject to final screening by the
national body.
(1) The regional head shall exercise the highest administrative and executive powers
within the region


(1) (a) There shall be established zones which shall be branch of the organization in
any part of the world in accordance with geographical proximity and not ethnic
(b) The formation of a new Zone shall be at the discretion of the National Executive
Council. The National Executive Council shall bring such formation of a new
zone to the notice of the national council of elders for ratification.
(c) The Zones shall have Executive appointed amongst its registered members.

(2) (a) Zones shall comprise of only resident Black Lords within the Zones
(b) Members of a Zone shall not be less than twenty five working Lords
(c) It shall be the duty of a Zone to mobilize members of the organization within its
Jurisdiction towards achieving the aims and objectives of the organization.
(d) The Zone shall be responsible to the National body.
(e) A Zone shall have authority over all members of the organization within its
(f) A Zone shall have authority over the Temples of the Movement within its
(g) The focus of a Zone shall be on the social justice problems in its area of
(h) Zones shall maintain contact and cooperate with other similar organizations and
agencies in project of social justice and integral development.
(i) Zones shall organize and undertake projects which have practical use and
economic value to the local community.

(3) Zonal Executives shall consist of Zonal Head, Zonal Chief Priest, Zonal Eye,
Assistant Zonal Eye, Zonal Butcher, Zonal Ihaza, Zonal Crier, Assistant Zonal
crier and Zonal Legal Officer and shall perform such functions corresponding to
similar office at the National level

(4) The Tenure of Zonal Executive shall be two years which shall run concurrently with
the National Executive Body.

(5) (a) It shall be the duty of the Zonal Executives to assist the National
Executive in procuring payments of dues from Black Lords within their Zones.
(b) The Zonal Executive is the highest administrative organ of the organization at
the zone.

(c) The Zonal Executive shall appoint members of the Zonal Council of Elders
other than members’ who are such by virtue of their position in the Zonal
Executive Council and shall refer such appointments to the general house i.e.
zonal congress for ratification.

(6) In the event that any Executive Officer of the Zone is found wanting in the discharge
of his duties or gross misconduct, he shall stand removed from office by two-third
majority of the executive council or the Council of Elders present where the matter is
being discussed. However, the removal shall be an interim/temporal removal pending
ratification by two-third majority of the Zonal members present at the meeting where
the issue shall be further resolved.

(7) In the event that the zonal COE exercised its powers to remove an executive, it shall
communicate to the congress through the zonal head (if the zonal head is not the
affected person) the reason for the removal or suspension of such Exco member and
any member of the congress may move a motion for the matter to be set down for
further deliberation most especially if the affected officer has a complaint against his
(8) The affected officer shall further be given the opportunity to defend himself and the
congress shall deliberate thereafter and the resolution of two-third majority of
members present shall be reached to ratify his temporal removal from office.
However, suspension from office shall not require any ratification by the congress.


a) There shall be a Zonal Executive Council, which shall be the administrative organ of
the Zone.
b) The functions of the Zonal Executive Council shall include day-to-day administration,
management of available resources, mobilization of members and implementation of
the duties assigned to the Zone under this constitution.
c) The Zonal Executive Council shall consist of Members as stated in section 16
subsection (3) of this constitution.
d) Each member of the Zonal Executive Council shall perform the duties assigned to his
office as provided here-in-under:

1. Zonal Head

The Zonal Head Shall:

a) Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Movement at the Zonal level.
b) Be the Chief Security Officer of the Zone.
c) Provide leadership and co-ordinate other Zonal Executive Officers to carry out the
duties of the Zone.
d) Be committed to the Movement mission of defense and protection of the oppressed
e) Run the administration of the Zone on day-to-day basis and preside over meetings
of the Zonal Executive Council.
f) Be accountable and responsible to the Zonal Council of Elders.
g) Perform any other functions as may conferred on him by the Zonal Council of
Elders or assigned to his office by any other section of this constitution.

2. Zonal Chief Priest

The Zonal Chief Priest Shall:

a) Be the deputy to the Zonal Head in the Zonal Executive hierarchy.
b) Be the Chief Welfare Officer of the Zone
c) Be the principle custodian of the Zone paraphernalia.
d) Be responsible for the ceremonial and fraternal activities at the Zonal level.
e) Assist the National Chief Priest to conduct research into social issues, African
cultures and traditions.
f) Assist the Zonal Head in the-to-day administration of the Movement.
g) Preside over meetings of the Zonal Executive Council in the absence of the Zonal
h) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the Zonal Head or any
other provision of this constitution.

3. Zonal Eye

The Zonal Eye Shall:

a) Be the Secretary-General of the Zone.
b) Prepare and keep records of proceedings of Zonal Executive meetings
c) Be in charge of the Zonal Secretariat
d) Ensure proper accreditation of members in the Zonal conferences, workshops and
seminars organized by the Zone
e) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the Zonal Head or any
other provision of this constitution.

4. Assistant Zonal Eye

The Assistant Zonal Eye Shall:

a) Assist the Zonal Eye in all his assigned duties.
b) Carry out duties that may be assigned to him by the Zonal Eye.
c) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the Zonal Head or any
other provisions of this constitution.

5. Zonal Ihaza

The Zonal Ihaza shall:

a) Be the treasurer of the Zone.
b) Keep all financial records of the Zone.
c) Collect dues from Zonal members as approved by the ZCOE in accordance
with the provisions of this constitution.
d) Prepare and present financial report to the Zonal Executive in every quarter
of the year.
e) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any authority or
other provision of this constitution.

6. Zonal Butcher.

The Zonal Butcher shall:

Be the provost Officer of the Zone.
a) Maintain discipline and orderliness at all Zonal functions and ceremonies.
b) Ensure due protocol in all Movement activities at Zonal level.
c) Carry out directives from the Zonal Head with dispatch.
d) Assist the Zonal Ihaza with collection of monies due the Zone.
e) Provide security advice to the Zonal Head.
f) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any authority or other
provisions of this constitution.

7. Zonal Crier.

The National Crier shall:

a) Be the Public Relations Officer of the Zone.
b) Be responsible for all publications of the Zone.
c) Ensure the dissemination and management of information to members of the Zone.
d) Be responsible for organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops at the Zonal
e) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the Zonal Head or any
other provision of this constitution.

8. Assistant Zonal Crier

The Assistant Zonal Crier Shall:

Assist the Zonal Crier in all his assigned duties.
a) Carry out duties that may be assigned to him by the Zonal Crier.
b) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by the Zonal Head or any
other provisions of this constitution.

9. Zonal Legal Officer

The Zonal Legal Officer shall:

a. Be the legal adviser of the Zone.
b. Be the Chairman of the Zonal Legal Aid Council or any Zonal legal committee.
c. Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any authority or other
provisions of this constitution.

(1) The Council shall consist of the Chairman, Zonal Head, former Chairmen, former
Zonal Head, Zonal Legal Officer and six other dedicated Lords of the Zone with not
less than ten years of proven experience from the year of initiation. The Zonal Council
of Elders shall be constituted by the Zonal Executive council. The Zonal Executive
Council shall present the constituted members of the Zonal Council of Elders for
ratification by the Zonal Congress. Any member of the constituted Council of Elder
rejected by a motion passed by the congress shall be dropped by the Zonal Exco and
the Zonal Exco shall exercise his power to replace the rejected council member and
such a person shall be presented to the congress for ratification.

2. The Council shall be headed by a Chairman elected amongst its members after
ratification by the congress of all proposed members of the Zonal council of Elders.
Except for those who are members of the council by virtue of the provisions of this
constitution with respect to the offices they occupy at the Executive council, no
member of the Council of Elders shall be a member of the Executive Council.

3. (a) The Council shall screen candidates for the executive council of the
Zone subject to the approval of the Zonal members.
(b) The Council shall perform similar duties assigned to the N.C.O.E at the Zonal
(c) The Council shall perform any other function as may be provided by any other
provision of this constitution.

4. The tenure of Zonal Council of Elders shall be two years which shall run concurrently
with the National Council of Elders.


(a) Candidates to be elected/appointed where applicable into any position in
the organization must meet the following requirements and other
requirements as may be provided by any other provision of this constitution;
(b) For national officers, they must be recommended by their respective zones at
the convention before their election.

(2) A candidate shall be qualified for election or an appointment into the

National Executive Office if:
(a) He is a duly initiated member of NBM
(b) He is a registered dues paying Lord of his Zone.
(c) He has attained fifteen years membership in the organization, in the case
of National Head/Chief Priest, and not less than ten years membership in
other offices, and must have graduated from a higher institution of

(3) A Lord shall not be eligible for election into the National Executive Office if:
(a) He has been found financially bankrupt
(b) He has been convicted of a felony
(c) He has been elected to same office at any two
Consecutive term.
(d) He does any act, or suffers any disability that would have
disqualified him by any provision of this constitution and a
decision `reached to that effect.
(e) Within the preceding seven years he has been removed as a
member of any of the organs or committees of the organization on
the grounds of misconduct.
(f) He has been indicted and punished for gross indiscipline in his
(g) He belongs to any other organization whose membership is kept
secret unless he so disclose it voluntarily.
(h) Any person indicted and or found guilty of financial
misappropriation in the organization shall not be eligible for
(i) Any person once suspended or de-axed would first require a
clearance of 2/3 members of his Zone and be subjected to extra-
ordinary screening by the National C.O.E.

(4) The Head of a Zone shall attest to the financial and social status of any person
seeking election as a National Head, Chairman National Council of Elders.

(5) save as otherwise expressly provided for by any other section of this constitution,
The Zone are empowered by this section to adopt or make guidelines in the
Conduct its election in accordance with the provision of this constitution.
(6) Any person elected/ appointed into any Government and Organ of the organization
Shall take the oath of office prescribed in the membership procedures of the


1. There shall be a National Account maintained by three signatories; namely National
Head, National Ihaza and the National Eye.

2. (a) All members of the organization shall pay dues to the National Account
as may be decided by the National C.O.E from time to time.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) above, dues shall be payable
annually by the Zones to the National Body. It shall be the duty of the National
Executive to ensure payment of Members’ dues which they may adopt any
measure to achieve
3. (a)The National Head shall submit a statement of account and bank statement of
the organization for the previous year to the Council of Elders at least 21 days
before the National Convention. The council of elders shall constitute all audit

committee headed by national auditor for verification of the statement and

(b) The Executive Council (National and Zone) shall at the end of its tenure of
office submit to the incoming Executive Committee a comprehensive report on
the finance of the organization. The executive shall also be required to give a
report of the activities of their office during their tenure.

4. Zones are empowered by this constitution to open and maintain bank accounts
with reputable banks. The signatories to the account shall be Head, Ihaza and
The Eye.



1. (a) The Official name of the organization’s magazine shall be called the
(b) The magazine shall be produced quarterly in a year.
(c) The publication of the magazine shall be made by the National Executive
(d) The magazine shall propagate the objectives of the organization as spelt out in
this constitution.
2. (a) There shall be membership/ceremonial procedures established by the
Organization, such procedures shall include initiations, Jolly format, dressing,
oath of allegiance and the likes.

(b) The membership and the ceremonial procedures maybe modified by the
National Council of Elders with the consent of simple majority of members
present at its meeting.

(c) No section of the membership/ceremonial procedure shall be amended except

by consent of two-third majority of members present at the NCOE meeting.

(d) The traditional mode of dressing by members at any official engagement shall
be as prescribed in the membership procedure of the organization.

(e) All approved ceremonies shall be deemed to be National Ceremonies presided

over by the National/Zonal Head as the case may be.
(3) (a) Zones are empowered under this section to hold zonal meetings at their own
discretion and convenience.

(b) Zonal meetings shall be attended by all Black Lords in the zone.

(4) Subject to the provision of this constitution, a jolly shall take the format stated in the
membership procedures of the constitution.

(5) (a) There shall be code of conduct applicable to all members of the
organization, violation of which shall attract disciplinary action.
(b) Members shall be present and punctual at meetings, jollies and other
organization activities.
(c) Members shall not get kpampous at any time.
(d) Members shall not Braitwaite during organization activities.
(e) Members shall uphold at all times the spirit of brotherhood
(f) Members shall always be civil in their relationship with non-members
(g) Members shall not offer nor receive bribes.
(h) Members shall keep secrets secret.
(i) Members shall carry out the organization’s assignment with dispatch.
(j) Members shall always fight for the advancement of the human race
(k) Members shall always show good example to others.


1. Save as otherwise provided by any provision of this constitution, the order of
precedence in the movement shall be as follows:

(a) National head

(b) Chairman national council of elders
(c) National chief priest
(d) Members national executive council
(e) Members national council of elders ( permanent members first)
(f) Regional heads
(g) Zonal heads
(h) Chairmen zonal council of elders
(i) Zonal chief priest
(j) Members zonal executive council
(k) Members zonal council of elders
(l) Members of the movement according to their year of initiation.
2. The privileges of the order of the precedence are that honor shall be given in that
order. No person in a lower order shall show disrespect to a person in a higher
position save on the order of a person of higher and appropriate authority. Honor
shall also be given to persons according to their positions in the organization, year
of initiation, and age.


Axeman: Shall refer to a general form of reference to any member

of the organization

Aye: The traditional salute of members of the organization

Uhuru: The Official magazine/mouth piece of the organization

Black Lord: Shall refer to any member who has been initiated as such
in accordance with the provision of this constitution. And must
have acquired a university degree, HND degree or their equivalent.

Council of Elders: Legislative, Judicial and Advisory Organ of the organization.

Country: As used in this constitution shall mean an independent

Nation throughout the world where freedom, equality and social
justice exist among races, and creed.

De-Axe: Dismissal of a member from

the organization.

Graduate: A member who has attained or acquired the N.C.E;

OND; HND; or First Degree in any University or Institution of
Higher Learning.

Head: The Chief Executive of the Movement (National/Zonal)

Initiation: The ceremony of induction of member performed by the


Jolly/Jollification: A get together ceremony by members of the Movement.

Organization: The NBM OF AFRICA.

National Body: Shall include the National Executive, National COE and
other body having a National function.

National Executive: Administrative organ of the organization at the national level

Working Day: Monday through Friday in a week.

Zone: Any area earmarked by the National Executive and approved by

the NCOE as a Zone

on the basis of geographical proximity.

Zonal Executives: Administrative organ of the organization at the Zonal level


No section of this shall be amended except by consent of two-third majority of
members present in the National COE meeting and subsequent ratification by simple
majority at any National convention.
This constitution may be cited as the Constitution of the NBM of Africa, 2014 as
amended and it supersedes and repeals any other constitution of the NBM of Africa.
Made 30th May2014 at Omoku, Rivers state Nigeria as Amend on 9th October,
2015 at Lekki Lagos State Nigeria

______________________________ _______________
Chairman National Council of Elders National Head


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