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Volume: 17
Issue 3
Pages: 306-322
Document ID: 2024PEMJ1564
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10681936
Manuscript Accepted: 01-31-2024
Psych Educ, 2024, 17(3): 306-322, Document ID:2024PEMJ1564, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10681936, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work in Multi-Settings:

Deriving Sociograms for Work Dynamism and Dynamics
Mellany F. Cacawa*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

This study assessed the four dimensions of personnel relational work in multi-settings which served as basis for
deriving sociograms for personnel relational work dynamism and dynamics in the schools division of Rizal in the year
2022. Three clustered schools in the Schools Division of Rizal and the Division Office. Thirty-five (35) respondents
from the small, medium, large and mega schools in the 3 clusters, the sub-offices and the division office were
considered. These are TAPJ consisting of 12 respondents, ROS with 11 respondents and CATTA, also with 12
respondents. The four dimensions of personnel relational work adopted from the concept of Timothy Butler and James
Waldroop that includes influence, interpersonal facilitation, relational creativity, and team leadership. The researcher
adopted the total enumeration technique in gathering the data. The instrument is a self-made instrument which
undergone face validation from the experts in the field. It also undergone a reliability test with a value of 93.5% and
94.1% with a verbal interpretation of Highly Reliable. To have a better analysis on the derived sociograms for work
dynamism and dynamics in the school’s division of Rizal based on the four dimensions of personnel relational work
in multi-settings Mean was utilized. The result indicated that the four dimensions are evident when the grand mean is
considered with 4.09 but looking at individually only the Interpersonal Facilitation is the highly evident. This implies
that interpersonal relation or supporting co-employees is more visible and of importance to the personnel of the
school’s division of Rizal. A general sociogram was developed to depict the relational work dynamism and personnel
relational work dynamics which is represented by a circle and oblongs. It can be concluded that support and necessary
assistance is given to personnel in schools. Top management and other personnel work as a team for the
accomplishment of tasks and achievement of goals. Personnel in the school division of Rizal have high respect for
their leaders/top management. Personnel are performing of what is stipulated in their defined functions. Each
personnel in the school’s division of Rizal support each other for the realization of goals and accomplishment of goals.
Keywords: personnel relational work, multi-settings, four dimensions, sociograms, leaders/top management

Dynamics is the way people interact when they work together. Working relationship that must be built with good intention so that tasks
and duties are done smoothly with good results. Positive workplace dynamics happen when each person feels that they are making a
meaningful contribution to the goals of the group and are being properly recognized for it.
A good working relationship is a good working environment. Working relationship is the connection one build with his coworkers, his
managers and other people in an organization. Once a good working relationship is built, achievement of the organization’s goals is
easily reached. However, as stated by Arts Council England (2022), dynamism principle represents a set of behaviors to embed
throughout ways of working. It is looking to governance and leadership to inspire and embody an approach that is self- reflective and
creative, but also outward facing and responsive.
Group dynamism can give furthermore job satisfaction to the members of the organization. Attitudes, insights and ideas of members
depend on the group dynamism. When the group works as a cohesive group, the cooperation and convergence can result in
maximization of productivity and the realization of the goals is possible.
Proposed by Timothy Butler and James Waldroop (2004), four dimensions of relational work are critical: influence, interpersonal
facilitation, relational creativity, and team leadership. Influence is when people are skilled in persuading, bargaining, and convincing
others. They like sharing knowledge and ideas and are skilled at forming networks. Interpersonal facilitation is dimension of people
who have a natural ability for supporting and/or assist others with emotional issues and disputes. Likewise, when we say relational
creativity, people in this dimension may manage people from a distance and benefit through their innovative ideas. They are adept at
coming up with lateral solutions. And lastly, team leadership is dimension with people who are good at engaging with others. They
place a high emphasis on collaboration and regard it as the only method to attain stated goals.
The Department of Education (DepEd) is a government agency that is tasked to formulate and implement policies, plans and projects
in the areas of basic formal and non-formal education. Article XIV of “The 1987 Philippine Constitution” - Education, Science and
Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports, lays down the foundation of the Philippine education system and protects the right of all citizens
to quality education at all levels.

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(3): 306-322, Document ID:2024PEMJ1564, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10681936, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

However, on June 4, 2010, the DepEd issued DO 77, s. 2010, entitled: “Guidelines on the Allocation/Deployment of New Teaching,
Teaching-Related and Non-Teaching Positions for FY 2010” and Memorandum DM-PHROD-2020-00235 which approved the
deployment of Administrative Officer II items for elementary schools. This is to recognize the need for additional non-teaching
personnel at the school level in order to address ancillary workload distribution in schools and to unload teachers from performing
tasks outside the teaching and learning process.
The non-teaching personnel of the Department of Education played a very vital role in the provision of services to the teachers and
learners. In the Province of Rizal, they are being called NTPian’s.The non-teaching personnel of the Department of Education
continuously serve teachers in order to lighten their loads and for them to be able to concentrate on teaching. In the Province of Rizal,
there were 147 Administrative Officers II,100 Administrative Assistant III, 100 Administrative Assistant II deployed in different
elementary schools in the province.
Non-teaching staff play a very important role in the school. They offer moral support to the learners and teaching personnel and help
them with their works, assisting them in figuring out what is not working for them and to do to improve themselves. They are not
directly involved with the students but their presence in every school help to make the school function well. The deployment of
Administrative Officers, Administrative Assistant and Administrative Aides in schools was in fact a great help to teachers.
Administrative Officers II act as the Human Resource Officer in school, Administrative Assistant III serves as the Senior Bookkeeper
while Administrative Assistant II is the Disbursing Officer. Not all schools have the Administrative Assistant. They are only deployed
in the central schools. However, all elementary schools in the division of Rizal have its own Administrative Officers II.
Administrative Officers II act as the Human Resource Management Officer and Property Custodian of the school and help the principal
on the administrative function in the schools and sees the overall well-being of every personnel especially the teachers. The
contributions of the said non-teaching personnel might seem invisible at first, but it is actually very evident that their contributions are
the reason for the smooth functioning of the school system.
The deployment of non-teaching personnel in different schools was definitely a good move by the Department of Education. Non-
teaching personnel provide support in attaining the mission and vision of the school in providing quality education for their students.
They are partners of teachers and school’s administrators in administrative office management and functions.
In the school’s division of Rizal, deployment of non-teaching personnel happened after more than a year of stay in the Division Office
and others are in a Work-From-Home (WFH) arrangement. It was indeed difficult for those who had the WFH arrangement because
not everyone was given tasks to do and was not even oriented on the duties and responsibilities of being an Administrative Officer.
Hence, it was all surpassed with the help of those who has been assigned earlier from the others.
Workflow process of the department mainly is done in school going to the division office. All the tasks are accomplished by the non-
teaching staff in schools, submitted to the division office for checking, processing and signatures. But there lies the problem, the more
that documents be processed easily and in just a short period of time, there are instances that it took too long to be waiting to see the
results. This is definitely because of the reason that the personnel in the division and the school level failed to establish the expected
relationship of the said units. The working/organizational relationship among the personnel assigned to schools from those that are
assigned to the division office is very necessary. This will mean accomplishment of tasks smoothly. Teamwork is very
Strong workplace dynamics can help the team perform at its best and deliver extraordinary results. The researcher from the very
beginning intended to find out how the working or organizational relationship among the personnel of the school’s division of Rizal
affects the process flow of work within the organization. Moreover, it was intended to derive a framework or sociogram on the four
dimensions of personnel relational work within the Schools Division of Rizal.
Research Questions
The study assessed the four dimensions of personnel relational work in multi-settings which served as basis for deriving sociograms
for personnel relational work dynamism and dynamics.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:
1. What specific descriptions of dynamism can be noted and inferred from each of the four dimensions of personnel relational work in
multi-settings in terms of:
1.1 Influence;
1.2 Interpersonal Facilitation;
1.3 Relational Creativity; and
1.4 Team Leadership?
2. What relational work dynamics can be derived from each of the four dimensions in multi-settings in terms of:

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(3): 306-322, Document ID:2024PEMJ1564, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10681936, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

2.1 Interpersonal Facilitation;

2.2 Relational Creativity; and
2.3 Team Leadership?
3. What two sociograms can be derived showing the specific interplay of the four dimensions for personnel relational work dynamism,
and for personnel relational work dynamics?
4. What general sociogram can be derived from the two sociograms showing the general interplay of both the personnel relational work
dynamism and the personnel relational work dynamics?
This section presents the methods of research used, the setting of the study, the subject of the study, the procedure of the study, the
sources of data, the sampling design and sample, the construction of the instrument, the validation of the instrument, the administration
of the instrument, the data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment.
Research Design
In finding the derived sociograms for work dynamism and dynamics relative to the four dimensions of personnel relational work
originally proposed by Butler and Waldroop and adopted by Toolshero (2013) in multi-settings, the researcher applied the Descriptive-
Developmental Method utilizing quantitative survey questionnaire-checklist. It may be characterized as simply the attempt to derive a
sociogram for work dynamism and dynamics relative to the four dimensions of personnel relational work.
Descriptive-developmental method refer to when data are collected. According to Gillaco (2014), descriptive method seeks the real
facts in relation to a current situation. This method works primarily on the description, comparison, analysis and interpretation of data
that exist. It is a method of systematic study of putting into design, developing and careful evaluation of instructional programs,
processes and products that must meet the standards or criteria.
The descriptive-developmental method of research is deemed appropriate in the present study since the primary aim of the study is to
derive a sociogram for work dynamism and dynamics for personnel relational work within the school’s division of Rizal.

This study focused on the assessment of the four dimensions of personnel relational work such as influence, interpersonal facilitation,
relational creativity, and team leadership in multi-settings which served as basis for deriving sociograms for personnel relational work
dynamism and dynamics.
The respondents were the non-teaching staff that includes the Administrative Officers II, Administrative Assistant III, Administrative
Assistant II deployed in the schools and in sub-offices with a total of 35 respondents which were representatives of the clustered schools
in TAPJ which is composed of Tanay, Pililla and Jalajala sub-offices with total of 12 respondents, ROS which comprise of Rodriguez
and San Mateo sub-offices with total of 11 respondents and CATTA which includes Cainta and Taytay, Sub-Offices with a total of 12
respondents. It is limited to the small, medium, large and mega schools to come up with the grand framework for work dynamism and
dynamics of the four dimensions of personnel relational work within the school’s division of Rizal.
The study started with the preparation of questionnaire checklist to be used for the conduct of the study and have it validated by ten
experts. The revised manuscript was then brought to the experts for checking together with the routing slip and permit to conduct for
Upon approval of the instrument, letters were sent to the Schools Division Superintendent, the Human Resource Officer and the School
Heads for the permission to conduct of the study. The instrument was then administered to the respondents. During the conduct, there
were feedbacks received from some respondents discussing their own experiences on the process and transactions made in the division
office. Most of the feedbacks made were slow process, not approachable and even hostile personnel. Some noted that there are necessary
documents needed by the teachers and other personnel which took longer period of time before its release. Appointment documents
being complicated and always has new guidelines for filling the form. These are generalized feedback from most of the respondents
which are relative to the study. The retrieved instruments were then brought for statistical processing at the University Statistical Center.
Thereafter the findings were analyzed and became the basis for the proposed framework which were then presented to the panel of
evaluators during the Pre- Oral Defense. The panels’ comments and suggestions were incorporated to the manuscript and again
presented to the panel during the Final Defense. Their final suggestions and instructions were then incorporated once again to the
manuscript before it was finalized, printed and then the final copy was submitted to University of Rizal System Pililla Graduate School.

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(3): 306-322, Document ID:2024PEMJ1564, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10681936, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Results and Discussion

This section presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of the results based on the gathered data from the study.
Specific Descriptions of Dynamism Noted and Inferred from Each of the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work
Table 1 presents the specific descriptions of dynamism noted and inferred from each of the four dimensions of personnel relational
work in terms of influence.
Table 1. Specific Descriptions of Dynamism Noted and Inferred from Each of the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work in
terms of Influence
Influence Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Providing assistance on GSIS, Pag- ibig, Phil health, etc. 4.08 Evident
2. Issuance of Service Records to teachers for variety of purposes. 3.97 Evident
3. Processing of appointment papers for employees, teachers, and other non-teaching personnel. 4.19 Evident
4. Issuance of special orders for teaching and non-teaching personnel. 3.97 Evident
5. Updating leave credits and service credits of employees and teachers. 3.97 Evident
Overall 4.04 Evident
It is shown in the table that item 3, “processing of appointment papers for employees, teachers and other non-teaching personnel” got
the highest mean of
4.19 verbally interpreted as evident while items 2, 4, and 5, issuance of service records to teachers for variety of purposes, issuance of
special orders for teaching and non-teaching personnel and updating leave credits and service credits of employees and teachers, all
got the lowest mean of 3.97 also verbally interpreted as evident.
This implies that although all the human resource processes are verbally interpreted as evident, processing of papers for personnel is
the most prioritized process in the division. While other processes may not be as urgent as the appointment papers of personnel. Hence,
there is not much of needed influence in order to provide these services as cited.
This is related to the study of Van Waeyenberg et al. (2022) which reported that, focusing on teachers’ affective organizational
commitment and exhaustion. Well-being refers to the overall quality of subjective experiences and functioning at work. The literature
commonly distinguishes two main dimensions: happiness and health. Happiness includes aspects such as job satisfaction and affective
organizational commitment. Health covers more physiological and psychological states such as stress, burnout and exhaustion
interestingly, the effects of human resource management (HRM) on performance are often congruent with its effects on well-being in
terms of happiness, but not in terms of health. This indicates the need to scrutinize different aspects of well-being and their relationships
with performance simultaneously. The fourth contribution of this study is the explicit focus on teachers. This reconciles concerns that
HRM research predominantly examines private-sector employees and neglects significant contextual elements. Furthermore, centering
the attention on teachers is relevant for the sake of themselves, but also for the wider society by, for example, the influence of their
functioning on students.
Table 2 shows the specific descriptions of dynamism noted and inferred from each of the four dimensions of personnel relational work
in terms of interpersonal facilitation.
Table 2. Specific Descriptions of Dynamism Noted and Inferred from Each of the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work in
terms of Interpersonal Facilitation
Interpersonal Facilitation Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Providing technical assistance to all personnel in the organization. 4.11 Evident
2. Assisting other non-teaching personnel in schools. 4.25 Highly Evident
3. Working together as a team for the achievement of goals. 4.17 Evident
4. Finding best solution to issues and concern of other personnel. 4.19 Evident
5. Supporting others who are having trouble and difficulties in their tasks. 4.08 Evident
Overall 4.16 Evident
It can be gleaned from the table that item number 2 “assisting other non- teaching in schools” got the highest mean of 4.25 verbally
interpreted as highly evident. Item number 5 “supporting others who are having trouble and difficulties in their tasks” got the lowest
mean of 4.08 verbally interpreted as evident.
This means that assistance to non-teaching personnel deployed in schools has always been given by the schools division of Rizal. It is
very necessary because process of work starts from schools. Those assigned in schools submit documents or papers of teachers to the
division office for checking, signature or for approval. Support is always given to personnel in schools.
This is relative to the study of Growth et al. (2019), which stated that customer orientation of service employees is defined as the extent
to which an employee’s behavior in personal interactions with customers meets those customer needs. It is one specific

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(3): 306-322, Document ID:2024PEMJ1564, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10681936, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

conceptualization of customer service behaviors that has been most prominent in the service research literature and transcends the
marketing, management, and organizational psychology literatures: customer orientation. Although several different conceptualizations
and measures are prevalent in the literature today that have varyingly described customer orientation as an individual difference
characteristic or an attitudinal variable behavioral approach consisting of four dimensions has been one of the most widely adopted to
date. It suggests that customer orientation consists of the following four dimensions: technical skills (i.e., the knowledge and technical
or motor skills needed to fulfill customer needs), social skills (i.e., the ability to take the customer’s perspective into account during
interactions), motivation (i.e., motivation to serve customers), and decision-making authority (i.e., the extent to which service
employees feel authorized to decide on issues that concern customers’ interests and needs).
Table 3 shows the specific descriptions of dynamism noted and inferred from each of the four dimensions of personnel relational work
in terms of relational creativity.
Table 3. Specific Descriptions Noted and Inferred from Each of the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work in terms of
Relational Creativity
Relational Creativity Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Finding solutions to situations or problems within the organization through linkages. 4.00 Evident
2. Interacting with other non-teaching personnel through social media like Messenger and Facebook. 4.33 Highly Evident
3. Achieving goals through collaboration and communication. 4.22 Highly Evident
4. Interaction with other personnel through workshops and capacity development. 4.00 Evident
5. Involving school personnel in providing deliverables. 4.17 Evident
Overall 4.14 Evident
The table shows that item 2, “interacting with other non-teaching personnel through social media like Messenger and Facebook: got
the highest mean of 4.33 verbally interpreted as highly evident while finding solutions to situations or problems within the organization
through linkages and interaction with other personnel through workshops and capacity development both got the lowest mean of 4.00
with the verbal interpretation of evident.
This implies that Facebook and Messenger are being used for communication and means of distribution of tasks. All the necessary
tasks that need to be done are being relayed through facebook and messenger. However, non-teaching personnel interact with each
other through workshops and capacity building even though it is not happening so often.
This is relevant to the study of Parry and Battista (2019) which revealed that a number of emerging technologies that are likely to have
an impact on the future of work and therefore have implications for the Human Resource (HR) function.
First, digital platforms were shown to be used commonly within work and are central to online marketplaces such as Amazon or e-Bay
and to labor market platforms such as Uber or Second, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning were
prominent within the published evidence and mostly applied for data analysis, finding patterns and making predictions. Third, robotics
was seen as affecting employment as industrial robots have increasingly taken on routine tasks usually performed by manufacturing
workers. Fourth, augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) are demonstrated to be playing an increasingly significant role in industries
such as healthcare, construction, oil and gas and aerospace. Fifth, wearable devices are increasingly being employed in the workplace
to improve employees’ awareness about their personal wellness, to track employees’ progress and plan measures to sustain their
engagement. Finally, blockchain was suggested as being used for transactions and information exchange that requires a high level of
Table 4 shows specific descriptions of dynamism noted and inferred from each of the four dimensions of personnel relational work in
terms of team leadership.
Table 4. Specific Descriptions Noted and Inferred from Each of the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work in terms of Team
Team Leadership Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Interacting well with co-workers to attain stated goals for the organization. 4.31 Highly Evident
2. Guiding others to produce better results. 4.28 Highly Evident
3. Acknowledging positive results and performance of personnels. 4.22 Highly Evident
4. Constantly communicating with personnel in schools relative to workflow process. 4.28 Highly Evident
5. Treating all personnel fairly as part of the team/family. 4.36 Highly Evident
Overall 4.29 Highly Evident
The result shows that item number 5, “treating all personnel fairly as part of the team/family” got the highest mean of 4.36 verbally
interpreted as highly evident while item number 3, “acknowledging positive results and performance of personnels” got the lowest
mean of 4.22 with the verbal interpretation of highly evident as well.
This implies that all personnel in the school division of Rizal are treated fairly by the top management. The interaction of the employees
among peers is a great manifestation that target is always met which would mean that service that quality and excellence among

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(3): 306-322, Document ID:2024PEMJ1564, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10681936, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

clientele are provided. While from among the statements the acknowledgment of the positive results and performance of the personnel
got the least mean it is noted that the verbal interpretation is still highly evident. This will further imply that the administration values
its people which in turn produce more committed personnel which is a real picture of team leadership that starts with the leaders. Very
important that all personnel must work as a team for the accomplishment of tasks and the achievement of goals.
The result is relative to the article by Bourgault and Goforth (2021), which stated that collaboration is an expectation of the leader. The
most successful collaborative leaders are the ones who spend as much time focused on relationships as they spend on getting tasks
accomplished. Effective leaders should create the perception of a transparent environment where problems or issues can be addressed
to foster unit trust. Although this concept may have been strained during the early months of the pandemic, we should continue to find
ways to value and foster collaborative leadership within our work environment, regardless of assigned roles. Successful teamwork
needs to be constantly tended to and is a continuous process. Establishing a set of priorities once without any follow-up or support will
stall important strategic initiatives. Having regular meetings to establish, track, and record milestones or objectives is critical to
teamwork success. Teamwork is constantly recognized and rewarded. Motivated critical care nurses are the foundation of a unit focused
on teamwork. Reward high performers when they go above and beyond. Rewards do not always mean pay raises or positional
promotions. Unit, hospital, or institution recognition, as well as gift cards, can be used to reward critical care nurses and keep them
motivated while making them feel personally recognized for their hard work and sacrifice.
Table 5 shows the composite table on the specific descriptions of dynamism noted and inferred from each of the four dimensions of
personnel relational work.
Table 5.Composite Table on the Specific Descriptions of Dynamism Noted and Inferred from Each of the Four Dimensions of Personnel
Relational Work
Mean Verbal Interpretation
Influence 4.04 Evident
Interpersonal Facilitation 4.16 Evident
Relational Creativity 4.14 Evident
Team Leadership 4.29 Highly Evident
Grand Mean 4.16 Evident
The table shows that team leadership got the highest mean of 4.29 with the verbal interpretation of highly evident and influence got
the lowest mean of 4.04 verbally interpreted as evident.
This implies that team leadership is very important in the organization. Personnel perform well due to good leadership example.
Leadership who will work as part of the team and for the team. It also indicates that personnel or the department has high respect for
their leaders and employees has high regard for them.
This is related to the article of Farahnak et al. (2020) which stated that separate from the leader’s general leadership behavior, another
potential predictor of implementation success is a leader’s own attitude toward the change being implemented within his or her team.
Several psychological theories support the notion of leaders’ attitudes toward change influencing those of their staff members. The
social constructivist view suggests that employees’ organizational understandings are developed based on their interactions with others
and that leaders are especially influential because they are prominent characters in employees’ socially constructed perceptions about
work. Following this logic, when service providers are informed about the impending implementation of evidence- based practice
(EBP), they will look to their proximal team leader to guide their own understandings of the practice being implemented.
Relational Work Dynamics Derived from Each of the Four Dimensions
Table 6 depicts the relational work dynamics derived from each of the Four Dimensions in terms of influence.
Table 6. Relational Work Dynamics Derived from Each of the Four Dimensions in Terms of Influence
Influence Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Needs for much bargaining or convincing ability for the provision and accomplishment of
appointment papers 3.89 Evident
2. Needs persuading power to get service records 3.83 Evident
3. Strengthening convincing skills for the provision of service and leave credits. 3.83 Evident
4. Persuading others to have organized records of teachers and non-teaching personnel. 3.81 Evident
5. Heightening bargaining ability for the assistance on GSIS, Pag-Ibig, Phil health, etc. needs and
3.94 Evident
6. Building up network for the process of retirement/separation benefits of school personnel. 3.89 Evident
7. Extending networking ability for the processing, funding and releasing of benefits of school
3.94 Evident
Overall 3.88 Evident
It can be gleaned from the table that under the dimension of Influence, item no. 5 “Heightened bargaining ability for the assistance on

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(3): 306-322, Document ID:2024PEMJ1564, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10681936, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

GSIS, Pag-ibig, Phil health, etc. needs and queries” same with item no. 7 “Extend networking ability for the processing, funding and
releasing of benefits of school personnel” got the highest mean of 3.94 with the verbal interpretation Evident and “Persuade others to
have organized records of teachers and non-teaching personnel” which is item number 4 got the lowest mean of 3.81 verbally interpreted
as ” Evident” as well.
The result implies that although the same are verbally interpreted as evident, there is not much of influencing ability as to delivery of
their services to the clientele. The result means employees are performing their tasks or of what is stipulated in their defined functions.
The result is related to the article of Baek and Falk (2018) which stated that given the decision to share an idea or argument, what
makes certain people more effective at persuading and influencing others? Successful persuaders show higher engagement of the
brain’s mentalizing system, particularly within the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), during initial exposure to ideas and story-listening
tasks. Further, successful persuaders are better at understanding others’ mental states, more socially flexible, able to adapt strategies
based on the situation and receiver characteristics. This increased social awareness may allow people who are more effective at
persuading to present information to maximize the value of the information for the receiver. Supporting this notion, successful
professional salespeople show high levels of emotional intelligence, or ability to understand how customers feel, so that they can
effectively frame their pitches to meet customers’ needs. Relatedly, successful salespeople are skilled at adapting strategies depending
on customers’ changing needs, with the ability to react to different stages of customers’ decision processes. These findings emphasize
the importance of social awareness to being an effective persuader, and that the ability to mentalize is key to making the value salient
to the receiver of influence.
Table 7 presents the relational work dynamics derived from each of the four dimensions in terms of interpersonal facilitation.
Table 7. Relational Work Dynamics Derived from Each of the Four Dimensions in terms of Interpersonal Facilitation
Interpersonal Facilitation Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Assist to the needs of personnel deployed in schools. 4.39 Highly Evident
2. Helps build good working relationship with non- teaching personnel in schools. 4.33 Highly Evident
3. Collaborate well with other personnel to work as a team. 4.25 Highly Evident
4. Supports other non-teaching personnel in the Schools Division of Rizal. 4.22 Highly Evident
5. Setting aside individual differences (professionalism) to perform tasks well. 4.31 Highly Evident
6.nBridging and addressing gaps to attain organizational goals and objectives. 4.22 Highly Evident
7. Backing up other school personnel to perform well in schools. 4.19 Evident
Overall 4.27 Highly Evident
The table shows that with interpersonal facilitation, item 1 “assist to the needs of personnel deployed in schools” got the highest mean
of 4.39 verbally interpreted as “highly evident” and item number 7, “backing up other school personnel to perform well in schools” got
the lowest mean of 4.19 with verbal interpretation of “evident”.
This means that the division office personnel are more willing to assist to the needs of personnel deployed in schools but not much of
backing up for them to perform well in schools. It means that they just assist not considering how well school personnel will perform
their duties in their respective schools.
It is related to the study of Le Sante et al. (2020) which reported that research over the last 30 years finds that organizations regularly
expect their employees to exhibit job performance that “goes the extra mile”. Because contextual performance, or discretionary non-
task work, has been found to increase organizational effectiveness, employees in a variety of jobs and sectors today are expected to
exceed prescribed job duties by their supervisors and organizations. Contextual performance overlaps a considerable amount with other
supportive behaviors related to organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB), extra- role-behavior, prosocial organizational behavior,
organizational spontaneity, and employee reliability. In addition to using contextual performance to “get along” with colleagues,
employees also use it to “get ahead” in their organizations, or in some cases to achieve both. Contextual performance consists of two
distinct facets: job dedication and interpersonal facilitation. Job dedication as behaviors that reflect discipline, effort, and enthusiasm
while at work, such as staying late, and seeking out additional assignments.
It is also related to the study of Rahsel and Gumanti (2022), which discussed that human resource management performs its function
by distributing workers to various fields within the organization according to their needs. Human resources have linkages with
management in other areas of the organization to achieve effective work results. Other fields require qualified workers to maintain and
improve the quality of their services to the community. The human resources division holds a major responsibility in meeting the needs
of each division in the organization. Overall, an organization or company is a process of managing inputs (human, material, methods
and equipment) into products (goods or services) to be able to meet the needs of the community.
Table 8 presents the relational work dynamics derived from each of the Four Dimensions in terms of relational creativity.
The table shows that with relational creativity, item 1, “work hand in hand for the teachers in the school’s division of Rizal through
technology and on-line collaboration” got the highest mean of 4.39 which is verbally interpreted as highly evident while item 4,
“provides good working relationship with other personnel in the department through workshops” got the lowest mean of 3.89 which is

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Research Article

verbally interpreted as evident.

This implies that technology and on-line collaboration is given priority to better serve the teachers within the school’s division of Rizal.
It means teachers is the priority while with them lies the future of our children. While workshops is given the lesser priority to which
it is intended for other personnel especially those who are in schools. This is because due to distance and for faster transactions and
transmission of work for the benefits of teachers, on-line processing is being used.
It is parallel to the article by Meeners (2022) which expressed that while social robots could be creative or collaborate in creative
processes, and we know that creativity is important for any organization, to our knowledge no research has attempted to investigate the
collaboration with creative social robots in innovative processes in organizations. This research gap is problematic because research
has shown that the implementation of AI and (social) robots in the work environment can bear challenges for human-resource
management (HRM) and further, social robots will not achieve any innovative results if humans do not collaborate with them.
Table 8. Relational Work Dynamics derived from Each of the Four Dimensions in terms of Relational Creativity
Relational Creativity Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Working hand in hand for the teachers in the school’s division of Rizal thru technology and on-line
4.39 Highly Evident
2. Providing assistance to personnel in schools through trainings and seminars. 4.00 Evident
3. Meeting deadlines for the tasks given using a systematic process. 4.03 Evident
4. Providing good working relationship with other personnel in the department through workshops. 3.89 Evident
5. Engaging with school personnel through on-line links. 4.08 Evident
6. Managing work flow and processes by means of social media like Facebook and messenger. 4.28 Highly Evident
Overall 4.11 Evident

Table 9 presents the relational work dynamics derived from each of the Four Dimensions in terms of Team Leadership.
Table 9. Relational Work Dynamics Derived from Each of the Four Dimensions in terms of Team Leadership
Team Leadership Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. Interacting well with co-workers and sets boundaries for delineation of authority. 4.17 Evident
2. Promoting strong leadership ability with other personnel. 4.11 Evident
3. Providing guidance and action to the team towards attaining organizational goals. 4.14 Evident
4. Providing leadership trainings to personnel to strengthen leadership skills. 4.08 Evident
5. Overseeing duties and responsibilities to thrive for the end result. 4.03 Evident
6. Empowering others to give all the best for quality results. 4.06 Evident
7. Providing clear goals for the whole organization so as to deliver better services. 4.11 Evident
Overall 4.10 Evident

The table shows that item number 1, “Interacts well with co-workers and sets boundaries for delineation of authority” got the highest
mean of 4.17 and item no. 5 “Oversee duties and responsibilities to thrive for the end result” got the lowest mean of 4.03 both have a
verbal interpretation of evident.
This implies that though both have a verbal interpretation of evident, people from the division office though working as a team still
sets boundaries showing that they are the authority over those in schools.
This is relatively parallel to the study of Asfayahdin et al. (2019), citing that employees' performance could not be separated from
leadership roles that exist within the organization. This is because leadership can direct organizational goals, motivate behavior towards
achieving goals, and be able to define corporate culture. Transformational leadership involves changes in the organization. It is
also described as leadership that requires motivational actions by subordinates to be willing to work for high-level goals that are
considered to be beyond their interests. Human resources in carrying out their role in an organization have a variety of work attitudes
and work behavior in their place of work. The culture brought by each employee influences the employee's attitude. Work attitude
contains positive or negative evaluations that someone has concerning some aspects in their work environment. Work attitude is the
feeling towards various aspects of the environment. How people behave at work is often related to how they feel at work. Furthermore,
the attitude of an employee has work-related aspects. From these views, it can be said that work attitude is the tendency of the subject
to respond to an object both positive and negative in the work environment. It explains that a person tends to do certain works in a
positive attitude towards career.
Table 10 shows the composite table on the Relational Work Dynamics derived from each of the four dimensions.
As seen from the table, “interpersonal facilitation” got the highest mean of 4.27 which is verbally interpreted as highly evident while,
“influence” got the mean value of 3.88 which is verbally interpreted as evident.
This implies that interpersonal relation or supporting co-employees is more visible and of importance to the personnel of the school’s

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division of Rizal. Each of the personnel tries much as they could to support one another in order to achieve the goals of the organization.
Influence or the need of convincing or persuading ability to be provided services is not much in the schools division of Rizal. This
would mean that one need not be influential to get better service.
This is parallel to the study of Wang et al. (2019) which revealed that relationship conflicts are detrimental to the work-related efforts
of individuals because they tend to focus more on reducing threats and achieving cohesion than on doing the real work they supposed
to be doing. This can make individuals feel less empowered regarding their actual work. Additionally, relationship conflicts among
same-status employees can increase the fear of aggression from others, and thus they may become more reluctant to be empowered to
make decisions that are relevant to the tasks of others. Moreover, from the perspective of social interpersonal relations, psychological
empowerment involves collective actions, individuals’ awareness of the environmental factors influencing their lives in a social group,
and their ability to define problems/opportunities and to affect the social conditions in the group. It is thus reasonable to infer that
relationship conflicts in a group can lower the level of psychological empowerment because such conflicts may reduce the ability of
individuals to control and exert influence on key issues in the group.
Table 10. Composite Table on the Relational Work Dynamics Derived from Each of The Four Dimensions
Mean Verbal Interpretation
Influence 3.88 Evident
Interpersonal Facilitation 4.27 Highly Evident
Relational Creativity 4.11 Evident
Team Leadership 4.10 Evident
Grand Mean 4.09 Evident

Sociogram for the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work Dynamism and for personnel relational work dynamics.
It can be noted in Figure 10 that a frame in the left side presents the four dimensions of personnel relational work adopted from Butler
and Waldroop’s (2004) concept that composed of influence, interpersonal facilitation, relational creativity and team leadership.
Triangle at the inner part represents the personnel who are actually the very reason why the study was conducted. It represents the
entire organization that composed of the school personnel which may refer to administration as well as its assistants. The three sides
(3) of the triangle are referring to the three (3) clusters such as TAPJ, ROS and CATTA. The square may mean to sub-office personnel.
The sides of the square represent the core values of DepEd which is Maka Diyos, Makatao, Maka Kalikasan and Makabansa. The core
values of deped states that: “to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic
education where: Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment”. The triangle is inside the
square simply because in the actual operation school personnel are under the sub-offices. The circle represents the division office
denoted by the color blue in which schools division of Rizal is known with its tag “DepEd Blue Rizal” which is the core of the operation
that is why inside it are the school personnel and sub-office personnel. The arrows pointed out the four dimensions that are expected
to be present in all groups within the organization which is definitely indicating the connection of personnel in different offices. The
weight of each arrows depicts the importance of each dimension based on the findings within the schools division of Rizal. The result
shows that relative to personnel dynamics interpersonal facilitation is the most important dimension evident in the institution, followed
by relational creativity, team leadership and lastly influence which it resulted that it is not much seen in the institution. This means that
while personnel may have differences, they still support and assist each other to achieve the goals of the institution. These dimensions
as depicted to be present in department would mean better service to its clientele.

Figure 10. Illustration of the Personnel Dynamics in Multi-Settings Relative to the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work

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Research Article

Figure 11 illustrates the personnel dynamism relative to the four dimensions of personnel relational work adopted by the concept of
Butler & Waldroop (2004) in different settings, namely: school, sub-offices and the division office. It shows the process flow of work
from and to different offices which must be in congruence to the four dimensions cited.
The three circles represent the multi-setting. Each circle has its own targets which may be attained by coordinating with one another.
Starting from school personnel followed by the sub-offices and the division office. The circle at the center which is the sub-office
overlaps both school personnel and the division office. This is due to the fact that sub-offices are the link between other offices. The
big circle colored in blue to show “DepEd Blue Rizal” contains the four dimensions of personnel relational work from the adopted
concept of Butler and Waldroop (2004). That gives a picture that there is really the presence of a process. It illustrates the connection
between personnel relational work dynamism and personnel relational work dynamics in the Department of Education, Schools
Division of Rizal.
The sociogram depicts that in all the settings, the four dimensions of personnel relational work is necessary and very important in order
to have a smooth flow of work and to deliver better services to the clientele.
Figure 11. The Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work illustrating the Personnel Dynamism in multi-settings.

Grand Sociogram for the Dynamism and Dynamics of Personnel relative to the Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work
in Multi-settings.
Figure 12 illustrates the grand sociogram for personnel relational work dynamism and personnel relational work dynamics which is
adopted from the concept of Butler and Waldroop (2004). The sociograms showing the big circle which represents the agency that is
DepEd also colored in blue to depict DepEd Blue Rizal. As an agency, looking at the personnel relational work dynamics and dynamism
are important. The two oblongs are the dynamism and the dynamics of personnel relational work linked to the whole organization with
the personnel as the core or the main subject of the study. The said dynamics and dynamism also enumerate its characteristics.
Leadership obtained the highest mean when it comes to dynamism hence, depicted on top of the diagram while on dynamics it is
interpersonal relation. The overlapping of shapes represents that all are interconnected in order for the organization attain its purpose
of existence. The working relationship among personnel shows that although relational creativity and team leadership is equally
important among the four dimensions, interpersonal relationship or the characteristics of supporting or assisting other personnel is the
most evident in DepEd-Rizal. While on the processes within the institution, on the side of dynamism, it appeared that personnel have
high regard to their leaders followed by interpersonal facilitation and relational creativity. However, influence where it was placed
outside of the sociogram does not mean it is not included but shows that it is not much seen in DepEd-Rizal. This would mean, these
characteristics play a very vital role in order for the personnel to deliver better service to the clientele and for the goal of the institution
be achieved.
The characteristics should be present in both dynamics and dynamism to be able personnel in the department of education in Rizal be
connected with each other for a common goal. Dynamics (relationship) should be characterized by the four dimensions in order to have
an output – dynamism (processes). Likewise, dynamism (processes) in the department should also be characterized by these four
dimensions so as to have better connections with other personnel, and vise versa. When both dynamism and dynamics are combined
having these dimensions, everything will be smooth sailing and systematic that will be beneficial to both teaching and non-teaching
personnel in the organization.

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Research Article

Figure 12. The Grand Sociogram for Personnel Relational Work Dynamism and Personnel Relational Work Dynamics

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn.
(1)Team Leadership is highly evident in DepEd-Rizal, hence personnel have high respect for their leaders or the top management. (2)
Interpersonal Facilitation is highly evident in the schools division of Rizal. (3) Each personnel support each other for the realization
and accomplishment of goals and objectives of the institution. (4) Personnel are performing of what is stipulated in their defined
The following recommendations are hereby offered based on the findings presented and conclusions drawn.
(1) Leaders may maintain their leadership style or make it even more enhanced for the realization of the goals of the institution. (2)The
institution may always consider to provide the personnel with chances of knowing each other through workshops or trainings so that
they may be able to build better relationship and support system with each other. (3) The suggested sociogram may be considered for
adoption by institutions. (4) Future researchers may conduct a similar study using other variables, respondents and locale.
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Mellany F. Cacawa
University of Rizal System – Philippines

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