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1. What is not an example for system software?

I. Linux
II. Windows defragmentation tools
III. Java compiler
IV. Android
V. Microsoft PowerPoint
2. What is bespoke software
I. The software develop to sold on open market
II. Software develop to support other programs
III. Software specifically design for one organization based on their requirements
IV. Software that directly control hardware resources
V. Free software with source code available for customers
3. What is the correct order of software development process
I. Software designSoftware validation Software implementation Software specification
Software evolution
II. Software specification Software design Software implementation  Software evolution
Software validation
III. Software specification Software design Software implementationSoftware validation
 Software evolution
IV. Software evolution Software design Software implementationSoftware validation 
Software specification
V. Software design  Software specification  Software implementationSoftware validation
 Software evolution
4. Why we required software engineering approach for software development
a. Because software engineering approaches simplify large software system development.
b. Introduction of object oriented programming.
c. Software engineering approach provides better resource management.
d. Introduction of 3rd generation computers which cause software crisis
I. a and b
II. a and c
III. a and d
IV. a ,b and c
V. a,c, and d
5. What is not a software attribute
I. Maintainability.
II. Dependability.
III. Efficiency.
IV. Decency.
V. Usability

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6. If application software is large and developers can build it step by step what is the most suitable
development methodology.
I. Waterfall method
II. Prototyping
III. Incremental model (exploratory development)
IV. Reuse oriented development
V. Rapid Application development
7. What is/are the characteristic about structured programming
a. Use of three control structures to control program flow.
b. Use of GOTO statement.
c. Remove of GOTO statements.
d. Result spaghetti code
e. Examples includes Java,C# and all .net programming language
I. A only
II. A,B and D
III. A ,C and E
IV. A,B and D
V. All of the above
8. What is not the characteristic of good algorithm
I. Unambiguous
II. Clearly defined Inputs Outputs
III. Infiniteness
IV. Feasibility
V. Independent
9. What is this symbol represent in flow chart
I. Operation
II. Termination
III. Decision
IV. Input /output
V. Connection
10. What is the characteristic of pseudo codes
a. Written in English like language
b. Can use to explain algorithm program logic
c. Unable to use in object oriented programming environment
d. Computers can execute pseudo codes easily
I. A ,B only
II. A,B and D
III. A,D only
IV. A,B and C
V. All of the above

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11. Not a compiling programming language

i. C++
ii. C
iv. Python
v. Java
12. Not an advantage of object oriented programming
i. Since everything is treated as objects, so we can model a real-world concept using
ii. OOP approach offers the reusability of classes. We can reuse the classes that are
already created without writing them again and again.
iii. Since the parallel development of classes is possible in OOP concept, It results in the
quick development of the complete programs.
iv. The size of programmers developed with OOP is larger than the procedural
v. It is a secured development technique since data is hidden and can’t be accessed by
external functions
13. Example for UML Behavioral Diagram.
i. Class Diagrams
ii. Component Diagrams
iii. Package Diagrams
iv. Activity Diagrams
v. Deployment Diagrams
14. Not the characteristic of Use case diagram
i. Use case diagrams help to identify, clarify, and organize system requirements.
ii. The use case diagram can use for clear the system boundaries and functional
requirement of the system and communicate them to stakeholders.
iii. The use case should contain all system activities that have significance to the users.
iv. All of the above
v. None of the above

15. What is the diagram this notation is belong

i. Class Diagrams
ii. Component Diagrams
iii. Package Diagrams
iv. Usecase diagram
v. Sequence Diagram

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16. What is an appropriate example for following situation

i. Vehicles can be land vehicles, aquatic vehicles and air born vehicles
ii. Elephant can either belong to herd or can be alone
iii. If borrowed book delayed fine will be charged
iv. Only members can borrow books from library
v. One student can study multiple courses
17. What is the purpose of class diagram
i. Define and identify ,clarify, and organize system requirements
ii. Define the system boundaries.
iii. Define static structure of classifiers in a system
iv. Define interactions among the different elements in the model.
v. Define dynamic behavior of the system.
18. Not a database design model
i. hierarchical model
ii. network model
iii. object-oriented model
iv. Relational model
v. Entity framework model
19. Not a database example follow relational model
i. MS SQL server
ii. My SQL
iii. Integrated Data Store
iv. Oracle database
v. Informix
20. Select the false statement: If data table is in 2nd normal form
i. It should not have multivalve attributes.
ii. It must have primary key
iii. It must have foreign key
iv. It must not have partial dependencies
v. It could have transitivity dependencies
21. In ER diagram this symbol denote
i. Strong Entity
ii. Relationship
iii. Weak Entity
iv. Composite attribute
v. Derive Attribute

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22. What is the purpose of normalization

i. Reduce number of tables in database
ii. Reduce Number of Join operation in data extraction
iii. Reduce the complexity of SQL Statements
iv. Reduce data redundancies
v. Make database more secure
23. What the SQL statement use to modify data exist in the database
i. Insert
ii. Update
iii. Delete
iv. Alter
v. Create
24. What is the SQL clause use for group similar attributes together
i. Order by
ii. Where
iii. Group by
iv. Join
v. Select
25. What is not a SQL aggregate function
i. GetDate()
ii. Count(*)
iii. Sum(Attribute)
iv. Min(Attribute)
v. Max(Attribute)
26. What is/are the high level language(s) use in .net framework
i. C#
ii. Visual Basic
iii. Python
iv. All of the above
v. None of the above
27. What will happen when compiling C# program using C# compiler
i. Execute code line by line
ii. Convert source code in to binary
iii. Convert source code in to assembly language
iv. Convert source code intermediate .exe or .dll wrote using MSIL
v. None of the above

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28. What is the error you will get when executing following code snippet

namespace ClassDemonstration
static class Shape
public double Rectangle(double length, double width)
return length * width;
i. 'Rectangle': cannot declare instance members in a static class
ii. Since 'ClassDemonstration.Shape.Rectangle(double, double)' returns void, a return
keyword must not be followed by an object expression.
iii. 'ClassDemonstration.Shape.Rectangle(double, double)': not all code paths return a
iv. ; expected
v. Code run without any issue
29. Wrong statement about Java is:
i. Platform and operating system independent programming language
ii. Purely object oriented programming language
iii. Compiling source code result in MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate language ) manage
iv. First code will compile and create an .class file with same name of class.
v. Own by Oracle corporation
30. Not an IDE (integrated development environment )
i. Atom
ii. Visual Studio
iii. Netbeans
iv. Notepad
v. Sublime

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Part 2
Answer only two questions

1. Please check the below table up to

Project Project Employee Project

ID Name ID Emaployee Name Designation Salary Allownce Contact

Thilina Project [email protected],

P1 APLNG E1 Wanshathilaka Administrator 120000 10000 799887737

[email protected] ,
P1 APLNG E2 Lasitha de Silva Chief Engneer 170000 10000 078877743

P1 APLNG E4 Chinthaka Herath Civil Egineer n 100000 10000

Thilina Project [email protected],

P2 Poyry E1 Wanshathilaka Administrator 120000 15000 799887737

[email protected],
P2 Poyry E2 Lasitha de Silva Chief Engneer 170000 15000 078877743

P2 Poyry E7 Gunasekara Quantity Surveyer 90000 15000

Swan Thilina Project [email protected],

P3 Bridge E1 Wanshathilaka Administrator 120000 10000 799887737

P3 Bridge E4 Chinthaka Herath Civil Egineer n 100000 10000

P4 Port City E4 Chinthaka Herath Civil Egineer n 100000 10000

a. Covert above table for 1st NF(No need to show data only table structure )
b. Convert above tables for 2nd NF (No need to show data only table structure )
c. Convert above table for 3rd NF (No need to show data only table structure )

2. Write C# method to
a. calculate Aria of circle
i. Input parameters (none)
ii. Return double
iii. Calculation=22/7* radiuses
b. Calculate Aria of rectangle
i. Input parameters (double hight,double width)
ii. Return void

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iii. Calculation hight* width

c. Write Main Method for above program execute method based on the users selection
3. Develop class diagram for system based on below requirement
a. Librarian can add new members to the system, update member details and deactivate
b. Librarian also can add items to catalog, Update existing item details and deactivate
catalog items.
c. Catalog Items could be Books, Digital Media ,Research papers, News papers/Magazines,
past papers and Rare books
d. Some catalog Items can borrow by the members and rare books, news
papers/magazine, research papers issue for reference only
e. If member failed to return or renew library item on time they will incur fine based on
the catalog item for each day and system generate notification based on the amount
f. Members allowed to hold an item for maximum 14 days. But they can renew item using
online portal which extend 14 more days and member can renew items three times
then they should return the item.

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