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Week 1 Stock taking

Week 2 Erasing Techniques (Alternative to Practical)
Week 3 Memorandum (A/Practical)
Week 4-5 Business Letter
Week 6 Simple Tabulation (A/Practical)
Week 7-8 Revision.
Week 9-10 Examination

Stock taking is the physical counting of goods in the store or warehouse
so as to balance the physical stock with the book record.
Store is a room, building or place where raw materials, finished goods,
spare parts, equipment and semi-finished goods are kept until they are
Types of Stock Taking
1. Perpetual inventory: It is a method of checking and controlling stock
regularly at any time. It involves the use of stock card.
2. Continuous Stock taking: It is the checking of few items of stock
throughout the year. E.g. items regularly in use.
3. Periodic inventory: This is the checking of physical quantities of stock at
a particular date.
Assignment 1: Mention 5 fixed assets.

Levels of Stock Control (Stock levels)
1. Maximum level: It is the maximum/highest quantity of stock to be held
in the store so that there will be no excess stock.
2. Minimum level: It is the level below which stocks should not be allowed
to fall.
3. Re-order level: It is the level at which the store keeper should prepare
requisition for more materials. It is the level that replenishment is made.
4. Re-order quantity: This is the quantity of stocks to be requested/ordered
when there is need for replenishment.
Importance of Stock Taking
1. It is used for the audit of physical stock.
2. It shows the quantity of stock available.
3. It is a medium used to indicate the minimum and maximum levels.
4. It helps to identify loss and check pilferage or theft.
5. It is used to monitor the rate of consumption.
Reasons for taking stock
1. To maintain record of materials in the store.
2. To protect materials from losses or theft.
3. To prevent over stocking or under stocking.
4. To minimize shortage or wastage of stock.
5. To monitor the movement of stock in and out of the store.
Assignment 2: List 3 types of stock taking.

These are the various techniques used in erasing or correcting
errors made in typing, using manual typewriter or electric typewriter. Types
of typewriter machines are manual and electric.
Materials used in erasing errors include:
1. Tippex correction fluid
2. Correcting pen
3. Correction paper
4. Rubber
5. Correction tape (for electric typewriter).
6. Stencil correction ink (pink in colour).
Machines used in Typing Documents.
1. Typewriter (electric or manual)
2. Computers
3. Duplicating machine on stencil paper.
Care of the Typewriter.
Typewriting machine can be protected with the following;
1. Machine oil should be used for servicing the machine.
2. Soft brush should be used to clean the keys and basket rows from dust.
3. Thick covers should be used to cover the machine after use; to prevent
dust from entering the machine.
4. The typewriter platen should be locked and covered after use.
5. Machines should be stored or kept in an air conditioned room or cool
One color ribbon is called mono-chrome or mono ribbon
Two color ribbon is called bi-chrome or bicro ribbon.
Typewriters are kept in a place called typing pool.

Memorandum is generally referred to as internal memo. It is a form of
letter used for communication within an organization.
1. There is no salutation.
2. No complimentary close.
3. Headings are centered.

From…. To…
Ref…. Date…

Business Letter:
Business letter is a formal or official letter used for communication within
and outside the organization.
There are four major parts of a business letter. They are:-
1. The heading- Types of heading are;
 Main heading
 Sub-heading
 Paragraph heading
 Shoulder heading.
2. The opening.
3. The body (Body of the letter).
4. The closing (complimentary close).
Layout of Business Letter (styles)
1. Blocked style: In blocked style, every line begins at the left hand margin.
(The date, Ref., address, salutation, title, body and complimentary close).
2. Indented style or semi-blocked style: The date is typed towards the right
margin, paragraphs are indented 5/6 spaces from the left margin. The
complimentary closing line and writer’s name are written after the middle
of the page like the date.
3. Modified blocked style: All lines begin on the left margin except the date
line, complimentary close, company’s name, writer’s name and designation
begins after the middle of the page.

KEYBOARDING: Paper Sizes and Manuscript
Standard papers are known as international ‘A’ series.
The largest size is A0,
Half of A0 is A1
Half of A1 is A2,
Half of A2 is A3,
Half of A3 is A4, and so on. The smallest size is A9. Papers commonly used
in Nigeria are:
1. Foolscap size- half of it is Sixmo.
2. Quarto size- half of it is Octavo.
3. A4 paper.
4. A5 paper.
5. A6 paper.
Two sides of a paper
 Portrait- that is the shorter side of the paper at the top.
 Landscape- that is the longer side of the paper at the top.

Manuscript is a hand written work which often contains abbreviations
and printers correction signs. Students are to read and correct while

1 Cap or Caps Capital (s) i.e. change to capital letters.
2 Spaced caps Space out the capital letters i.e. N A M E
3 Lc Lower case i.e. small letters
4 Uc Upper case i.e. Capital letters
5 Us Under score i.e. underline
6 Trs Transpose i.e. change the position e.g.
7 ^ Insert sign
8 ʘ/^ Insert a full stop
9 ^, Insert a comma
10 ^‘ Insert an apostrophe
11 ^ “ “ Insert double quotation
12 # Insert space
13 Para or NP New paragraph or [
14 Run on Continue typing, no paragraph
15 Delete or d Omit or delete the error e.g. It is not necessary
16 Stet Let it stand, do not delete e.g. What is your first
17 close up Close up the gap or no space required

Tabulation is a method of presenting an organized work structure
having rows and columns. E.g. name and surname, state and capital, etc.
Rows and Columns:
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

Pica Machine - bold character – Having 0 – 80cm measurement on the

alignment scale.
Elite Machine - small character – Having 0 - 90cm and above on the
alignment scale.
Assignment: Explain the following concept: Typist, typing, typewriter,
typing pool, typed copy and carbon copy.
Methods of Filing:
 Alphabetical filing system – uses alphabets or letters. Eg. A - z
 Numerical filing system – uses numbers or figures. Eg. 1, 2, 3, etc
 Alphanumerical filing system – uses alphabet and number. Eg. A1,
A2. A3, etc.
 Chronological filing system- Using dates, year, age. Eg. 2001, 2002,
2003, etc.
 Geographical filing system – using locations Eg. Abia, Owerri, Kano,
 Subject filing- using subject headings or course of study. Eg.
Accounting, Economics, Business Administration, Sociology, etc.

Shorthand is the art of representing spoken sounds by written signs
and symbols. Shorthand skills was introduced by Sir Isaac Pitman in 1837.
1. It is used for accurate reporting of events.
2. It is increases speed of writing.
3. It ensures confidentiality in handling official documents.
There are shorthand consonants, vowels short form or grammalogue,
diphthongs, vowels and triphones.
There are 24 consonants, 12 vowel sounds and 4 diphthongs.

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