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Chow Wai Keung

General Editor: Ann Lui Yin Leng
Consultant: Prof Ling San

Chapter 1 Proportion 1
1.1 Map Scale 2
1.2 Direct Proportion 13
1.3 Inverse Proportion 23
In a Nutshell 34
Write in Your Journal 36

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions 37

2.1 Quadratic Expressions 38
2.2 Expansion of the Product of Algebraic Expressions 46
2.3 Factorisation of ax2 + bx + c 53
2.4 Special Products of Algebraic Expressions 65
2.5 Factorisation by Using Special Products of Algebraic Expressions 70
2.6 Factorisation by Grouping Terms 74
In a Nutshell 77
Write in Your Journal 78

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions 79

3.1 Simplifying Simple Algebraic Fractions 80
3.2 Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Fractions 82
3.3 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Fractions 85
3.4 Evaluation of an Unknown Quantity in a Formula 88
3.5 Changing the Subject of a Formula 93
In a Nutshell 97
Write in Your Journal 98

Review Exercise 1 99

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations 101

4.1 Graphs of Quadratic Functions 102
4.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorisation 111
4.3 Applications of Quadratic Equations 115
In a Nutshell 119
Write in Your Journal 121

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables 122

5.1 Linear Equations in Two Variables 123
5.2 Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Variables by
Graphical Method 130
5.3 Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Variables by
Substitution Method 137
5.4 Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Variables by
Elimination Method 139
5.5 Solving Problems Using Simultaneous Equations 143
In a Nutshell 148
Write in Your Journal 150

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity 151
6.1 Congruence 152
6.2 Similarity 165
6.3 Scale Factor 176
6.4 Scale Drawing 180
In a Nutshell 186
Write in Your Journal 188

Review Exercise 2 189

Problem-solving Processes and Heuristics 191

Answers 199

1 proportion

Let’s Learn to
understand the scale of a map
The map above has a scale.

calculate the actual distance between two points and the
Do you know what this scale
actual area of a region from the readings on a map
is? Why is it important for a
map to have a scale? How use ratio to solve problems involving scales
would you calculate the actual understand the ideas of direct proportion and inverse proportion
distance between two locations 
determine whether two quantities are in direct proportion
such as Jurong Island Fire or inverse proportion from a graph, a table or an equation
Station and Seraya Power   connecting the two quantities
Station on the map? solve practical problems on direct proportion and inverse
1.1 Map Scale

0 500 1000


A Map Scale and Distance MATHS WEB

You may visit http://www.
How are maps useful when we visit a foreign country or an unfamiliar place?
A proper map has a map scale that shows the relationship between a distance on the weblinks_2a.html to
access the Google map of
map and the actual horizontal distance on the ground. We can calculate the actual
Singapore. Zoom in and out
distance between two locations or the actual area of a place on the map based on the on the map and observe
given map scale. the change in the scale of
the map.
A map scale is usually represented as a ratio (e.g. 1 : 20 000) or a fraction e.g. .
20 000
If the ratio of a map is 1 : 20 000, it means that 1 unit length on the map represents an
actual distance of 20 000 units on the ground. DISCUSS
1. When written in the form
of a fraction, do you
Example 1 A distance of 3 cm on a map represents an actual distance know why the numerator
of 1.5 km. of a scale is usually 1?
(a) Find the scale of the map in the form 1 : r.
2. If 1 cm on the map
(b) If the distance between two schools on the map is 7 cm, find represents 20 000 cm on
the actual distance between the two schools in km. the ground, how many
(c) If the actual distance between two food centres is 6 km, find metres on the ground
the distance on the map in cm. would 1 mm on the map

Chapter 1 Proportion
Solution (a) Map scale = 3 cm : 1.5 km
= 3 cm : 1.5  1000  100 cm Convert 1.5 km to centimetres.
= 3 cm : 150 000 cm
= 1 : 50 000

(b) The map scale shows that 1 cm on the map represents

50 000 cm on the ground.
∴ the actual distance between the two schools
= 7  50 000 cm
= 350 000 cm
= 3.5 km
(c) Distance on the map = 6  km

=6 
50 000
 1000  100 cm
50 000
1 km = 1000 m
= 12 cm 1 m = 100 cm
1 km = 1000 3 100 cm
= 100 000 cm
Try It! 1 A distance of 4 cm on a map represents an actual distance of 5 km.
(a) Find the scale of the map in the form 1 : r.
(b) If the distance between two cinemas on the map is 6 cm, find
the actual distance between the two cinemas in km.
(c) If the actual distance between two bus stops is 8 km, find the
distance on the map in cm.

B Map Scale and Area

If the scale of a map is 1 : r, what is the ratio of the area of a region on the map to the
actual area of the region? Let us explore it in the following activity.

Objective: To interpret the various scales used on maps, floor plans and other scale drawings,
and calculate the actual distances/lengths and areas.

1. The diagram on the right is an engineering drawing of the
design of a mobile phone. The scale is 1 : 2.
(a) Measure the width and the height of the screen on
the drawing. 9 cm
13.4 cm
(b) Calculate the actual area of the screen.
(c) What is the ratio of the area of the screen on the
drawing to the actual area of the screen?

6 cm
6.8 cm


0 100 200 m

EW22 Pedestrian Gate
Commonw Gate 8
ealth Aven
Bio Stream ue West


T12A T11A
Natural Woods A GRO-

T14 W1


Street T8
Field T6 T4 MLT
T9 T2 1

The diagram above shows the partial campus map of Singapore Polytechnic.
(a) Find the scale of the map and express it in the form 1 : r.
(b) How would you estimate the actual distance between Dover MRT station and Gate 8 from the
map? Give your estimation.
(c) Estimate the actual length and breadth of the building block W1 from the map.
(d) Hence, what can you say about the actual site area of the building block W1?
(e) What is the ratio of the area of the block on the map to the actual area of the block?

3. The diagram on the right shows the floor plan of a

flat. The scale of the floor plan is 1 : 150.
(a) Measure the dimensions of Bedroom 2 on the
floor plan in cm. Bedroom 3
(b) Find the actual length and breadth of
Bedroom 2 in cm. Bedroom 1
(c) What is the ratio of the area of Bedroom 2 Kitchen
on the floor plan to the actual area of
Bedroom 2?
(d) If you were to add a bed, a writing table and a
chair to Bedroom 2, what sizes of these pieces
of furniture would be appropriate?
Living room

Bedroom 2

Chapter 1 Proportion
When the scale of a map is 1 : r, a square of side 1 cm on
the map represents an actual square of side r cm.
Hence, area on the map : actual area = 1 cm2 : r 2 cm2 r cm
r 2 cm2
= 1 : r2
1 cm2 1 cm
1 cm r cm

If the scale on a map is given by 1 : r, then the ratio of the area measured
on the map to the actual area is 1 : r 2.

Example 2 The scale of a map is 1 : 30 000. A rectangular piece of land is 4 cm

by 2.5 cm on the map.
(a) Find the actual area of the land in km2.
(b) If the actual area of a small town is 0.6 km2, find its area on
the map in cm2.

(a) Method 1
Actual length of the land = 4  30 000 cm
= 120 000 cm
Spot Check
= 1.2 km The scale of a drawing is
1 : 100. If the area of a room
Actual breadth of the land = 2.5  30 000 cm
in the drawing is 10 cm2­,
= 75 000 cm would the actual area of the
= 0.75 km room be 1000 cm2?
∴ actual area of the land = 1.2  0.75 Explain your answer.
= 0.9 km2

Method 2

0.09 km2 0.3 km

1 cm2 1 cm

1 cm 0.3 km
map ground

As illustrated in the diagram,

  scale of the map = 1 : 30 000
= 1 cm : 0.3 km.
Hence, area on the map : actual area = 1 cm2 : 0.3  0.3 km2
= 1 cm2 : 0.09 km2
Area of the land on the map = 4  2.5 cm2
= 10 cm2
∴ actual area of the land = 10  0.09 km2
= 0.9 km2

(b) Area of the town on the map = 0.6 ÷ 0.09 cm2
Area onmap 1 cm2
Actual area 0.09 km2
Try It! 2 The scale of a map is 1 : 40 000. A rectangular field is 3 cm by
2 cm on the map.
(a) Find the actual area of the field in km­2.
(b) If the actual area of the region that is covered with bush is
2 km2, find its area on the map in cm2.

Example 3 The following street map has a scale of 1 : 10 000.



Hong Lim


(a) Find out from the map the walking distance, in m, between
Chinatown and Clarke Quay MRT stations for a tourist.
(b) Estimate the area of Hong Lim Park from the map in m2.

Solution (a) Distance between the two stations on the map = 6.1 cm
\ the actual distance between them = 6.1 3 10 000 cm
= 61 000 cm
= 610 m

(b) Hong Lim Park is approximately a rectangle of 2 cm by 1 cm

on the map.
Scale of the map = 1 : 10 000
= 1 cm : 100 m
Area on the map : Actual area = 1 cm2 : 100 3 100 m2
= 1 cm2 : 10 000 m2

Area of Hong Lim Park on the map = 2 3 1
= 2 cm2
\ actual area of Hong Lim Park = 2 3 10 000 m2
= 20 000 m2

Chapter 1 Proportion
Try It! 3
The following street map has a scale of 1 : 2500.

Sim Lim





(a) Find out the length, in m, of the section of Albert Street between
Prinsep Street and Bencoolen Street from the map.
(b) Estimate the area of Sim Lim Square from the map in m2.

Example 4 The diagram shows the floor plan of a living room.

In the plan, the room is 6 cm long and 4 cm wide, a cabinet is

2 cm long and a table has an area of 2.5 cm2. The actual length of
the room is 7.2 m. Find
(a) the scale of the floor plan,
(b) the actual length of the cabinet in m,
(c) the actual area of the table in m2.

(a) Scale of the floor plan = 6 cm : 7.2 m
= 6 cm : 7.2  100 cm
= 1 : 120

(b) Actual length of the cabinet = 2  120 cm
= 240 cm
= 2.4 m

(c) Area on the plan : Actual area = 12 : 1202

= 1 : 14 400
∴ actual area of the table = 2.5  14 400 cm2
2.5  14 400
= m2
10 000
= 3.6 m2

Try It! 4 The diagram shows the floor plan of a 2-room flat. In the plan, the
flat is 4 cm long, the bedroom is 1.5 cm long, and the household
shelter has an area of 1.2 cm2. The actual length of the flat is 8 m.
(a) the scale of the floor plan,
(b) the actual length of the bedroom in m,
(c) the actual area of the household shelter in m2.


Bedroom 1.5

Objective: To make a scale drawing of an existing or a dream classroom/bedroom and explain

the choice of the scale used.

Work in groups of two or three students, and propose a scale drawing of the floor plan of a dream
classroom or a bedroom. Your group has to decide the scale of your drawing and state it in your
drawing. Explain the choice of the scale used.

The classroom should be 7 m wide and 9 m long. It must include a teacher’s table and chair,
30 students’ desks and chairs, whiteboard, and other desirable furniture and equipment. You
should first measure the actual dimensions of the furniture.

The bedroom should be 4 m wide and 3 m long. It must include a bed, a wardrobe, a table, a
chair/sofa and other desirable furniture. You should first measure the actual dimensions of the

Write a short paragraph to explain how and why you came up with the design.

Chapter 1 Proportion
1. Express each map scale in the form 1 : r.
(a) 1 cm : 8 m (b) 3 cm : 900 m
(c) 4 cm : 12 km (d) 5 cm : 20 km

2. Express each map scale in the form .
(a) 1 cm : 12 m (b) 6 cm : 5400 m
(c) 4 cm : 1 km (d) 7 cm : 28 km

3. The scale of a street map is 1 : 5000. Find the actual distance, in metres, for each of the following
distances on the map.
(a) 4 cm (b) 7 cm

4. The scale of a district map is . Find the distance on the map, in centimetres, for each of the
10 000
following actual distances.
(a) 800 m (b) 5 km

5. The scale of a detailed map is 1 : 2000. Find the actual area, in square metres (m2), for each of the
following areas on the map.
(a) 1 cm2 (b) 5 cm2

6. The scale of a city map is 1 : 50 000. Find the area on the map, in square centimetres (cm2), for each
of the following actual areas.
(a) 1 km2 (b) 15 km2

7. A street is 250 m long. It is represented by a distance of 5 cm on a map.
(a) Express the scale of the map in the form 1 : r.
(b) If another street is 600 m long, find its distance on the map in cm.

8. An actual ground distance of 6 km is represented by a distance of 2 cm on a map.

(a) Express the scale of the map in the form .
(b) If the distance between two police stations on the map is 5 cm, find their actual distance apart
in km.

9. Suppose that 3 cm on a map represents 1.2 km on the ground.

(a) Find the scale of the map in the form 1 : r.
(b) If the area of a lake is 0.32 km2, find its area on the map in cm2.
4 cm
10. The diagram shows a triangle connecting 3 places on a map. Bishan
The actual distance between Bishan and Changi is 16 km. Find
(a) the scale of the map in the form 1 : r,     4.25 cm
1.85 cm
(b) the actual distance, in km, between
(i) Bishan and Bugis,
(ii) Bugis and Changi. Bugis

11. A queen size bed is 203 cm by 152 cm. On the floor plan of a bedroom with a scale of 1 : 50, find
(a) the dimensions of the bed in cm,
(b) the area of the bed in cm2.

12. On the floor plan of an office with a scale of 1 : 100, the dimensions of a rectangular conference
room are 7.5 cm by 4 cm. Find its actual
(a) length in metres,
(b) perimeter in metres,
(c) area in square metres.

13. Study the map of Pulau Ubin below.

o r
Outward Bound its
(Camp 1)

o r Sungei
Outward Bound its Sungei
Singapore Besar
Jetty (Camp 1) Outward Bound NPCC Ja
Joh la
Singapore o r Campsite n
(Camp 2) PULAU UBIN Stra Kekek 10
Outward Bound its Quarry Sungei

(Camp 1) Mamam

Sungei 20

Jetty Outward Bound Besar NPCC

Jetty Ja 30
Singapore Campsite la Balai Quarry

Sungei n 40

(Camp 2)

Ketam Mamam

Quarry Sungei

Quarry n

Jetty Outward Bound NPCC
Sam H e

Ja 20
Singapore Campsite la 20 30

n an

(Camp 2) Kekek

Jetty 30
10 Balai Quarry



Jalan Durian






Quarry n

Sam H e


Ke 20 3Balai Quarry Kg Melayu

an 0



taKetam 30

Kg Durian


g Ja
m 10
t aSla

Quarry n Jalan Durian 30 20

Ch 20 Sam H e

20 0 10

0 0
an 2 3

Ke an MCC Quarry605040
20 Kg Melayu 1


ne in

ta Jalan Durian Kg Durian 10 30

m l Resort 30 10
Ub 30 20

Ch Ubin 20 20 0 10
Ke 201020 Kg Melayu

an MCC Quarry605040 10 20 1 0

ta 30

ne 10 Kg
in Durian
40 30

m 10

20 10 30 20
Ch l Resort Ubin 30 20
Ub 20 0 10
an 20 20 10 1
MCC Quarry605040 dut Sen i n n

ne Sungei En10 10 n2010

Lo Pulau Ubin


Resort Jetty 30 n 40 U 10
l J a20la 20

Puaka 10 J main village

d u t 10Sen
En 30
Sungei 40 30
Lo Pulau UbinMeeting

Jetty J a l an
20 l Police
Ja l a n
Puaka 10
main village point post

ink ang
t Sen i n
Sungei Endu PekanLo Pulau Ubin

l Meeting

Jetty J a l an Ja
Police Jetty
Ja l a n

Puaka Quarry point

main village postl aJetty

ink ang

Pulau Ketam Pekan Meeting n

Police P ekan
ain J e lut o n g
Ja l a n

Quarry point U bin


ink ang

Pulau Ketam Pek Jetty

J eallut o n gManagement r
an an Ubin
ou Ha

Pulau Ketam
ur arb
P ek
Kg Jelutong lut o n g
J eManagement an Uoffice
rbo HJetty
Sungei office
Kg Jelutong Ha oon
Management Jetty

Sungei office Jetty
Kg Jelutong
Jelutong Jetty

ngo Sera Se

0 0.2 0.4
0.2 km
0.4 0.6 1 km
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 km
Road River
River Building
Road Toilet Building
Bridge River
Dirt track Bridge
Dirt track Toilet
Footpath Quarry i
Visitor Information
Dirt track
Footpath i
Quarry BridgeCentre Toilet
Visitor Information
10 Contours Shelter Jetty Centre
10 Contours
Footpath Shelter Quarry Jetty i Visitor Information
10 Contours Shelter Jetty

(a) Express the scale of the map in the form .
(b) Based on the scale, estimate the actual direct distance, in km, between Outward Bound
Singapore (Camp 1) and Balai Quarry.

14. A region of actual area 18 km2 is represented by an area of 2 cm2 on a map.
(a) If the area of a village is 0.25 cm2 on the map, find its ground area in km2.
(b) Find the scale of the map in the form .

Chapter 1 Proportion
15. The diagram shows a piece of land in which AB = 45 m, BC = 24 m and AD = 16 m.


A 45 B

(a) Find the area of the land.

(b) Find the length of AB, in cm, and the area of the land, in cm2, on a map which is drawn to a scale
(i) 1 cm to 5 m,
(ii) 1 : 200,
(iii) .

16. The scale of a map of Asia is 1 : 25 000 000. The actual distance between Singapore and Beijing is
4457 km. The total area of Taiwan is 36 000 km2. Find
(a) the distance between Singapore and Beijing on the map in cm,
(b) the total area of Taiwan on the map in cm2.
Give your answers correct to 3 significant figures.


Use the map above to estimate the actual ground distance, in km, between
(a) MacRitchie Reservoir and Pandan Reservoir,
(b) Changi Airport and Sentosa.
Give your answers correct to the nearest km.

18. The diagram shows the floor plan of a 2-room flat. On the plan, the walls AB and CD are 2 cm and
2.5 cm long respectively. The actual length of the wall AB is 2.4 m.

A 2 cm B




C 2.5 cm D

(a) Find the scale of the plan.

(b) Find the actual length of the wall CD in metres.
(c) If the area of the household shelter on the map is 1.5 cm2, find its actual area in m2.

19. The diagram shows the plan of a living room with a balcony.

2.8 m

5m Living room

Balcony 3.4 m

A 4m B

(a) Find the actual area of the balcony.

(b) Draw a plan of this diagram using a scale of 1 : 50.
(c) (i) Measure the length of CD on the plan in cm.
(ii) Hence, calculate the actual length of CD in m.

20. Obtain a scale map of Singapore.

(a) Write down the scale of the map.
(b) Estimate the distance between Changi Airport and City Hall MRT station from the map.
(c) Estimate the land area of Singapore from the map. Explain your method.

Chapter 1 Proportion
1.2 Direct Proportion

A Direct Proportion and its Graphical Representation

When two quantities are related to each other, their changes may follow a certain
pattern. For instance, if a bowl of noodles costs $2 at your school canteen, you will have
to pay $4 for two bowls of noodles and $6 for three bowls of noodles and so on. Thus the
amount you pay is related to the number of bowls of noodles ordered.

We shall explore this special relationship further in the following class activity.

Objective: To examine and make sense of the concept of direct proportion using tables,
equations and graphs.

The following table shows the relationship between the number (x) of books bought and the
total cost ($y) of the books.
Number of books (x) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total cost ($y) 5 10 15 20 25 30

1. Copy and complete the following table.

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
y 5 10 15 20 25 30

2. Plot the corresponding points (x, y) y

in Question 1. You may use the
scales for both axes as shown. 30

3. What can you say about the points

you have plotted in Question 2?
4. Write down an equation connecting
Total cost ($)

x and y.
5. How would you find the value of 15
y when x = 8? State the value you
found and compare your method 10
with your classmates.
6. Does the graph of the equation in 5
Question 4 pass through the origin
(0, 0)? Do you know why? x
O 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of books

In Class Activity 3, we have
y 5 10 30
= = = ... = = 5, which is a constant.
x 1 2 6

That is, y = 5x.

We say that the number (x) of books bought and the total cost ($y) are in direct
proportion. Also, we see that the points (x, y) lie on a straight line passing through the
Do you know that a distance
origin. The equation of the straight line is y = 5x.
on a map and its actual
distance are in direct
When two quantities, x and y, are in direct proportion, we have proportion?
= k, where k is a constant.
Hence, y = kx.

For example, in Class Activity 3, the constant k = 5. Hence, y = 5x.

The formal definition of direct proportion is as follows:

In the graph in Class
The quantities x and y are in direct proportion if is a constant. Activity 3,
(a) what is the gradient of
the straight line?
(b) what does the gradient
in this case represent?

Example 5 The following table shows the travelling time taken (t hours) and
distance covered ( y km) by a car.

Travelling time
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
(t hours)
Distance covered
30 60 90 120 150
( y km)

(a) Show that t and y are in direct proportion.

(b) Draw the graph of y against t.
(c) Find the equation connecting t and y.
(d) Find the value of y when t = 1.25.
(e) Find the value of t when y = 72.

Solution (a) t 0.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5

y 30 60 90 120 150
60 60 60 60 60


From the above table, = 60 is a constant,
i.e. y = 60t
Hence, y and t are in direct proportion.

Chapter 1 Proportion
(b) The graph of y against t is shown below.


Distance covered (km)

y = 60t


O 1 2 3
Travelling time (hours)

(c) Since = 60, the equation connecting t and y is
y = 60t.
(d) When t = 1.25, yt
y = 60  1.25 Substitute t = 1.25 into the equation in (c).
y = 75

(e) When y = 72,

72 = 60t Substitute y = 72 into the equation in (c).
= 1.2

Try It! 5 The following table shows the number of hours worked (t) and the
corresponding wages ($w) of a worker.

Number of hours worked (t ) 10 20 30 40 50

Wages ($w) 150 300 450 600 750

(a) Show that t and w are in direct proportion.

(b) Draw the graph of w against t.
(c) Find the equation connecting t and w.
(d) If the worker worked 35 hours, find his wages.
(e) Find the number of hours he worked if his wages were $675.

From Class Activity 3 and Example 5, we can obtain the following properties of direct

When two quantities, x and y, are in direct proportion,

• y = kx, where k is a constant and k ≠ 0,
• the graph of y = kx is a straight line passing through the origin.

Example 6 The height, H cm, of a pile of books is directly proportional to the
number of books, n, in the pile. The height of a pile of 10 books is
15 cm. What is the height of a pile of 24 books?
Spot Check
A given mass of gas is kept
at a constant pressure.
Solution Method 1 The following table shows
Since n and H are in direct proportion, some values of the volume,
V cm3, of the gas at
H = kn, where k is a constant.
temperature, T °C.
When n = 10, H = 15.
∴ 15 = k  10 T 27 47 87
15 V 1500 1600 1800
= 1.5
Hence, H = 1.5n. Are T and V in direct
proportion? Explain your
When n = 24, answer.
H = 1.5  24
= 36.
The height of a pile of 24 books is 36 cm.

Method 2
Let h cm be the height of a pile of 24 books. The value of k is actually
the thickness of each
Since n and H are in direct proportion,
book in centimetres.
is a constant.
h 15
∴ =
24 10

h = 24 
= 36
The height of a pile of 24 books is 36 cm.

Try It! 6 The number of pieces, n, of chocolate and their total mass, M grams,
are in direct proportion. The mass of 15 pieces of chocolate is
180 g. Find the mass of 20 pieces of chocolate.

Example 7 The height , h cm, of h

water in a cylinder at time
t seconds is given by the 20
following graph.
Determine whether h is C
directly proportional to t.
10 B

O 1 2 3 4

Chapter 1 Proportion
Solution In the graph,
coordinates of A = (1, 8)
coordinates of C = (3, 14).
8 14
Since ≠ ,
1 3
h is not directly proportional to t.
Note: 1. Though the graph of h against t is a straight line, it does

not pass through the origin.
2. The equation connecting h and t is h = 3t + 5.
h is a linear function of
Thus, it is not in the form h = kt, where k is a constant. t, but h is not directly
3. From the above two points, we can also see that h is not proportional to t.
directly proportional to t.

Try It! 7 The distance, y km, of a cyclist from a park at time t hours is given
by the following graph.





O 1 2 3 4

Determine whether y is directly proportional to t.

B Other Forms of Direct Proportion

In the following examples, we will explore other forms of direct proportion.

Example 8 The following table gives the mass, y grams, of a square plate of
side x cm cut from an iron sheet.

x 2 4 6 8 10
y 14 56 126 224 350

(a) Plot a graph of y against x.

(b) Plot a graph of y against x2.
(c) What can you say about the relationship between x and y?
(d) Describe the change in y when the value of x is doubled.

Solution (a) The graph of y against x is shown below.






O 2 4 6 8 10

(b) x 2 4 6 8 10
x2 4 16 36 64 100
y 14 56 126 224 350

The graph of y against x2 is shown below. Note that the horizontal
axis is x2.






O 20 40 60 80 100

Chapter 1 Proportion
(c) Since the graph of y against x is not a straight line, x and y are
not in direct proportion. REMARK
The graph of y against x2 is a straight line. When y =
7 2 y 7
x, = x
y 14 56 126 224 350 7 2 x 2
In fact , 2 = = = = = = is not a constant.
x 4 16 36 64 100 2
Thus, x and y are not in
7 direct proportion.

\ y = x2.
We say that x2 and y are in direct proportion.
7 2 7
Note: In (c), if we let x2 be X, then y = x becomes y = X.
y 7 2 2
That is = which is a constant. Thus, y is directly
X 2
proportional to X (that is x2).
(d) We have originally y = x2. Now when the value of x is doubled,
it changes from x to 2x.
New value of y = (2x)2
= (4x2)
= 4 3 x2

= 4 3 Original value of y

\ the value of y is 4 times its original value.

Try It! 8 The following table gives the mass, y grams, of an ice cube of side x cm.

x 1 2 3 4 5
y 0.9 7.2 24.3 57.6 112.5

(a) Plot a graph of y against x.

(b) Plot a graph of y against x3.
(c) What can you say about the relationship between x and y?
(d) Describe the change in y when the value of x is halved.

Example 9 For each of the following equations, state which two variables are
directly proportional to each other. Show your reasons.
(a) y=5 x (b) y = (x – 1)2
(c) y = 3x
(d) y = 3x + 5

Solution (a) y =5 x

We have = 5 which is a constant.

\ y is directly proportional to x.

(b) y = (x – 1)2
= 1 is a constant.
( x – 1)2
\ y is directly proportional to (x – 1)2.

y2 = 3x
= 3 is a constant.
\ y2 is directly proportional to x.

(d) y = 3x + 5
y – 5 = 3x
= 3 is a constant.

\ ( y – 5) is directly proportional to x.
Note: In the given equation y = 3x + 5, y is not directly proportional
to x as y is not in the form y = kx, where k is a constant.
The graph of y = 3x + 5 is a straight line but it does not pass
through the origin.

Try It! 9 For each of the following equations, state which two variables are
directly proportional to each other. Show your reasons.
(b) y = p + 1
(a) A = rr 2
(c) y2 = 0.1x3 (d) y = 2x – 3

Example 10 The mass of a solid metal sphere and the cube of its radius are in
direct proportion. When the radius of the sphere is 5 cm, the mass
is 3500 g. Find the mass of a sphere of radius 2 cm.

Solution Method 1
Let the mass of a sphere of radius r cm be m grams.
Then m = kr3, where k is a constant.
When r = 5, m = 3500.
∴  3500 = k  53
= 28
Hence, m = 28r3.
When r = 2,
m = 28  23
= 224.
The mass of a sphere of radius 2 cm is 224 g.

Chapter 1 Proportion
Method 2
Let y grams be the mass of a sphere of radius 2 cm.
Since m and r3 are in direct proportion,
is a constant.
= 3500
2 5

y =83
= 224
The mass of a sphere of radius 2 cm is 224 g.

Try It! 10 The mass of a square piece of glass panel is directly proportional to
the square of the length of its side. When its side is 20 cm, the mass
is 1000 g. Find the mass, in grams, of a glass panel of side 30 cm.

LEVEL 1 2. In each of the following graphs, determine
whether x and y are in direct proportion and
1. In each of the following tables, determine whether explain your answer.
x and y are in direct proportion and explain your
answer. (a) y

(a) x 1 2 3 4 30
y 3 6 9 12
(b) x 2 4 6 8
y 10 20 25 40
O 2 4 6
(c) x 3 6 7 10
y 21 42 49 70
(b) y

(d) x 8 12 15 20 60

y 30 48 60 80


O 5 10 15

3. In each of the following equations, determine 9. Given that p is directly proportional to the cube
whether x and y are in direct proportion and root of x.
explain your answer.
(a) y = 4x (b) y = x + 2 x 27 64 n
1 p m 6 15
(c) y = x2 (d) y = x

4. If two quantities, x and y, are in direct proportion, (a) Find the values of m and n.
find the values of p and q in the following table. (b) Find the change in the value of p when the
value of x becomes 8 times its original value.
x 12 18 q
10. The following table shows the mass (m grams) of
y 8 p 24
a pinewood cube of side x cm.
Length of a
5. It is given that w is directly proportional to t and 2 4 5 8 10
side (x cm)
w = 20 when t = 4. Find
(a) the value of w when t = 6, (m grams)
5.2 41.6 81.25 332.8 650
(b) the value of t when w = 45.
(a) Is m proportional to x?
6. It is given that A is directly proportional to r 2 (b) Is m proportional to x3?
where r  0 and A = 75 when r = 5. Find (c) Find an equation connecting m and x.
(a) the value of A when r = 4, (d) Find the mass of a pinewood cube of side
(b) the value of r when A = 147, 9 cm.
(c) the change in the value of A when the value
of r is doubled. 11. The total number of apples, T, is directly
proportional to the number of baskets, n, of

apples. There are a total of 120 apples in 5 baskets.
(a) Write down the equation connecting T and
n in the form T = kn, where k is a constant.
7. The following table shows the total price ($P) for
(b) Interpret the meaning of k found in (a).
x copies of a book.
(c) Find the total number of apples in 8 baskets.
Copies of books (x) 1 2 3 4 5
12. The price for n movie tickets is $P. It is known
Total price ($P) 15 30 45 60 75 that P is directly proportional to n and the price
of 7 tickets is $56.
(a) Show that x and P are in direct proportion. (a) Write down the equation connecting P and
(b) Draw the graph of P against x. n in the form P = kn, where k is a constant.
(c) Describe the graph in (b). (b) Interpret the meaning of k found in (a).
(d) Find the equation connecting x and P. (c) Complete the following table.
(e) Using the equation in (d), find the number of
copies that can be purchased with $165. n 2 4 6 8
8. For each of the following equations, state which
two terms are in direct proportion. Show your (d) Draw the graph of P against n for 0 < n < 8.

(a) T= S
(b) y2 = 7n
(c) R = 5(w + 1)2 13. The cost of making a fence is directly proportional
2 to the length of the fence. The cost for a 4-m fence
(d) y =
x is $240.
(a) Find the cost for a 7-m fence.
(b) If Mr Lee has a budget of only $350, what
is the maximum length of fence he can
Chapter 1 Proportion
14. The mass of a silver plate is directly proportional 17. (a) In daily life, we often encounter a wide
to its volume. When its volume is 20 cm3, its mass variety of quantities involving direct
is 210 g. proportion. Describe two such quantities.
(a) Find the mass of a silver plate of volume (b) Draw a graph to show their relationship.
50 cm3. (c) Find an equation connecting the quantities.
(b) If the mass of a plate is 399 g, what is its
volume? 18. Johari’s height and mass increase as he grows
bigger. Do you think his height and mass are in
15. The vertical falling distance of a ball is directly direct proportion? Give reasons for your answer.
proportional to the square of the time of falling.
The ball falls 80 m in 4 seconds. 19. The time taken for a planet to revolve around
(a) Find the vertical falling distance in 6 seconds. the Sun is called the period of the planet.
(b) If the ball is dropped from a height of 245 m, The following table gives the mean distance
find the time it takes to hit the ground. (d 3 106 km) and the period ( p years) of the eight
16. The period (the time taken for one complete
oscillation) of a simple pendulum is directly Mean distance Period
proportional to the square root of its length. (d  106 km) ( p years)
When its length is 1.02 m, its period is 2.01 Mercury 57.91 0.241
seconds. Find
Venus 108.21 0.615
(a) the period of the pendulum when its length
is 0.8 m, Earth 149.60 1.0
(b) the length of the pendulum when its period Mars 227.94 1.88
is 1.0 second.
Give your answers correct to two decimal places. Jupiter 778.41 11.86
Saturn 1426.73 29.46
Uranus 2870.97 84.01
Neptune 4498.25 164.79
An astronomer found that dm and pn, where m and
n are certain positive integers, have a proportional
relationship. What is this relationship?

1.3 Inverse Proportion

A Inverse Proportion and its Graphical Representation

We have learnt that when two quantities x and y are in direct proportion, both x and
y increase (or decrease) at the same rate. However, in our daily life, we do come across
situations where an increase in one quantity results in a corresponding decrease in
another related quantity or vice-versa. For instance, when a motorist travels at a higher
speed, the time taken to cover a certain distance is reduced.

Objective: To examine and make sense of the concept of inverse proportion using tables,
equations and graphs.

A fixed amount of water is poured into individual containers of various uniform cross-sections.
The following table shows the correspondence between the cross-sectional area (x cm2) of each
container and the depth ( y cm) of water in it.

Cross-sectional area (x cm2) 10 20 30 40 50 60

Depth of water ( y cm) 36 18 12 9 7.2 6

1. Copy and complete the following table. Give the values of correct to 3 decimal places.

x 10 20 30 40 50 60
y 36 18 12 9 7.2 6
x y


2. Plot the corresponding points (x, y) in Question 1. You may use the scale for both axes as
shown below.


Depth of water (cm)




O 10 20 30 40 50 60
Cross-sectional area (cm2)

3. What can you say about the points you have plotted in Question 2?
4. What happens to the depth of the water as the cross-sectional area of a container increases?

Chapter 1 Proportion
5. Plot the corresponding points , y in y
Question 1. You may use the scales for both
axes as shown on the right.
6. What can you say about the points you have

Depth of water (cm)

plotted in Question 5?
7. Suggest an equation connecting x and y.
8. How would you find the value of y when 20
x = 80? State the value you have found
and compare your method with your 10
O 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
( cm1
Cross-sectional area 2

In Class Activity 4, we have

xy = 10  36 = 20  18 = ... = 60  6 = 360,
which is a constant.

We say that the cross-sectional area (x cm2) of the container and the depth (y cm) of
water in it are in inverse proportion.

In Questions 2 and 5 of Class Activity 4, when the plotted points on each graph are
joined with a smooth curve, the graphs look like Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 respectively. The graph
of y against x is plotted in Fig. 1 and the graph of y against is plotted in Fig. 2. Note The reciprocal of a number x
the difference in the graphs when different axes are used. 1
is . For example, the
reciprocal of 4 is .
y 4

Fig. 1 shows that y and x
are in inverse proportion,
whereas Fig. 2 shows
x 1 1
O x that y and are in direct
O x

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Do you know why the graph of y against x is a curve and not a straight line? The curve
approaches the y-axis when x is small, and it tends to the x-axis as x increases. This
curve is called a hyperbola.
The graph of y against is part of a straight line which passes through the origin. Since
is never zero, the origin is NOT included in the graph. This is indicated by a small
circle at the origin.

From Question 1, the equation connecting x and y is
xy = 360
y = 360  ,
that is y = 360 or y = 360 .
x x

When two quantities, x and y, are in inverse proportion, we have

xy = k, where k is a constant,
that is y =k .

In Class Activity 4, the constant k = 360.

Hence, xy = 360 or y = 360 or y = 360 . In the equation
x x xy = 360, what does 360
The formal definition of inverse proportion is as follows.

Two variables x and y are in inverse proportion if xy is a constant.

Example 11 A car travels uniformly from A to B. The following table shows the
time taken (t hours) at various speeds (v km/h).

Speed (v km/h) 20 40 50 80 100 120

Time taken (t hours) 10 5 4 2.5 2 1

(a) Show that t and v are in inverse proportion.

(b) Draw the graph of t against v.
(c) Draw the graph of t against .
(d) Find the equation connecting t and v.
(e) Find the time taken when the speed is 90 km/h.

Solution (a)
v 20 40 50 80 100 120
t 10 5 4 2.5 2 1

vt 200 200 200 200 200 200

0.05 0.025 0.02 0.013 0.01 0.008

In the above table, vt = 200 is a constant.

\ t = 200 3
Hence, t and v are in inverse proportion.

Chapter 1 Proportion
(b) The graph of t against v is shown below.


Time taken (hours)


O 20 40 60 80 100 120
Speed (km/h)

(c) The graph of t against is shown below.


Time taken (hours)

6 In (b), t and v are in inverse

proportion, whereas in (c),
4 t and are in direct

O 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
1 1
Speed km/h

The small circle at the origin O indicates that the point (0, 0)
is not included in the straight line graph.

(d) From (a), the equation connecting t and v is

t = 200 3 .

(e) When v = 90,

t = 200 3 (substitution)
t =2 .
When the speed is 90 km/h, the time taken is 2 hours.
Note: In the equation t = 200 3 , the value 200 represents the
distance between A and B in km.

Try It! 11 The following table shows the corresponding volume (V cm3) of air
inside a syringe when the air pressure is P units.
Pressure (P units) 1 2 3 4 5 6 REMARK
Volume (V cm3) 120 60 40 30 24 20 The equation PV = constant
is called Boyle’s law in
(a) Show that P and V are in inverse proportion. physics.
(b) Draw the graph of V against P.
(c) Draw the graph of V against .
(d) Find the equation connecting P and V.
(e) Find the volume of air when the air pressure is 8 units.

From Class Activity 4 and Example 11, we observe that inverse proportion has the
following properties.

When two quantities, x and y, are in inverse proportion:

• y = k x , where k is a constant and k ≠ 0
• the graph of y against x is a curve called a hyperbola
• the graph of y against is part of a straight line passing
through but not including the origin

Example 12 A piece of string is cut into two pieces of lengths x cm and y cm

long. The following table shows some corresponding values of x
and y.
x 1 3 5 6 8
y 9 7 5 4 2

(a) Plot the graph of y against x.

(b) Determine whether x and y are in inverse proportion.

Solution (a) The following diagram shows the graph of y against x.



O 2 4 6 8 10

Chapter 1 Proportion
(b) The graph of y against x is not a hyperbola.
Moreover, when x = 1 and y = 9, xy = 1 3 9 = 9;
when x = 3 and y = 7, xy = 3 3 7 = 21.
Since xy is not constant,
\ y ≠ k 1 for some constant k.

Hence, x and y are not in inverse proportion.
Note: 1. When y decreases as x increases, it is not necessary that
x and y are in inverse proportion.
2. In this example, the equation connecting x and y is
x + y = 10, where 10 is the length of the string in cm.

Try It! 12 The total value of x $2 notes and y $1 coins in a wallet is $15. The
following table shows some corresponding values of x and y.

x 1 3 4 5 6
y 13 9 7 5 3

(a) Plot the graph of y against x.

(b) Determine whether x and y are in inverse proportion.

Example 13 The time taken, t hours, to do a paint job is inversely proportional

to the number of workers, N. Given that 9 workers take 20 hours
to complete a job, find the time taken by 6 workers to complete the
same job.

Solution Method 1
Since t and N are in inverse proportion,

t = k 3 1 , where k is a constant.

When N = 9, t = 20.
\ 20 = k 
k = 180

When N = 6,
t = 180  ,
t = 30.
The time taken by 6 workers to complete the job is 30 hours.
Note: The constant term 180 means that it takes 180 man-hours
to complete the paint job.

Method 2
Let a hours be the time taken by 6 workers to complete the same job.
Since t and N are in inverse proportion,
tN = constant.

\ a  6 = 20  9 Substitute t = a and N = 6.
20  9
a = 30
The time taken by 6 workers to complete the job is 30 hours.

Try It! 13 A large bottle of soft drink is shared equally among n boys. Each
boy drinks V cm3 of the soft drink. It is known that n and V are in
inverse proportion. When there are 6 boys sharing the drink, each
boy has 250 cm3 of it. How much can each boy drink when there
are 10 boys?

B Other Forms of Inverse Proportion

We have learnt that when y is inversely proportional to x, we have
xy = k or y = k x , where k is a constant and k ≠ 0.

Hence, if y is inversely proportional to x2, then

x2y = k or y = k , where k is a constant and k ≠ 0.

Example 14 For each of the following equations, determine which two variables
are inversely proportional to each other.
6 10
(a) y= (b) y = 2
x ( x + 1)
(c) y3 = (d) y = 2x

Solution (a) y=

i.e. y =6

We have y x = 6 which is a constant.

\ y is inversely proportional to x .

(b) y=
( x + 1)2

i.e. y = 10
( x + 1)2

y(x + 1)2 = 10 is a constant.
\ y is inversely proportional to (x + 1)2.

Chapter 1 Proportion
(c) y3 = 2
i.e. y3 = 1
y3x2 = 1 is a constant.
\ y3 is inversely proportional to x2.

(d) y = 2x
i.e. y =2 1
y = 2 is a constant.

\ y is inversely proportional to .

Try It! 14 For each of the following equations, determine which two variables
are inversely proportional to each other.
2 1
(a) y= (b) y2 =
x +1 x −1

(c) y+1 = 52 (d) y = 8x2


Example 15 The intensity of illumination from a desk-lamp on a book is inversely

proportional to the square of the distance of the book from the lamp.
When the book is 40 cm from the lamp, the intensity of illumination
is 360 lux. Find the intensity of illumination when the book is
30 cm from the lamp.

Solution Method 1
Let the intensity of illumination be I lux when the book is d cm
from the lamp. REMARK
Since I and d 2 are in inverse proportion, The lux is the unit
1 of measurement for

I = k  2 , where k is a constant. illuminance and luminous
emittance. It can measure
When d = 40, I = 360. the brightness of a light
1 source.
\ 360 = k  2
k = 360  402
= 576 000
When d = 30,
I = 576 000 3
= 640.
The required intensity of illumination is 640 lux.

Method 2
Let x lux be the intensity of illumination when the book is
30 cm from the lamp.
Since I and d  2 are in inverse proportion,
Id 2 = constant.
x  302 = 360  402  Subsitute I = x and d = 30.
360  1600
= 640
The required intensity of illumination is 640 lux.

Try It! 15 When a jug of water is poured into a cylinder, the depth of water
is inversely proportional to the square of the base radius of the
cylinder. When the radius is 3 cm, the depth of water is 24 cm. Find
the depth when the radius is 6 cm.

LEVEL 1 2. In each of the following graphs, determine
whether x and y are in inverse proportion. Explain
1. In each of the following tables of values, determine
your answer.
whether x and y are in inverse proportion. Explain
your answer. (a) y

(a) x 1 2 3 4 30

y 12 10 8 6

(b) 10
x 2 4 6 8
y 12 6 4 3 x
O 2 4 6

(c) x 10 20 25 40 y
y 60 30 24 15

(d) 20
x 12 15 18 24
y 30 24 18 15 10

O 0.1 0.2 0.3

Chapter 1 Proportion
3. In each of the following equations, determine 7. The following table shows the number of trees
whether x and y are in inverse proportion. Explain ( y) required to be planted on a hillside when the
your answer. distance between two adjacent trees is x m.
(a) xy = 20 (b) x – y = 20
18 1 x 1 2 3 5 6
(c) y= (d) y = +1
x x
y 900 225 100 36 25
4. Given that two quantities, x and y, are in inverse
proportion, find the values of p and q in the (a) Is y inversely proportional to x?
following table. (b) Is y inversely proportional to x2?
(c) Find an equation connecting x and y.
x 32 20 q (d) Find the number of trees required when
x = 1.5.
y 5 p 16
8. For each of the following equations, determine
5. It is given that z is inversely proportional to t and which two terms are inversely proportional to
z = 28 when t = 9. each other. Explain your answer.
(a) Find the value of z when t = 12, 1
(a) d2 = 1 (b) W =
(b) Find the value of t when z = 36. x 2( p + 1)
(c) What is the change in the value of z when (c) m+3= (d) y = 3 x
the value of t is doubled?
9. It is given that D is inversely proportional to m
and D = 64 when m = 9. Find
LEVEL 2 (a) the value of D when m = 4,
(b) the value of m when D = 32,
6. The diagram shows a lever system with a load (c) the change in the value of D when the value
that is balanced by a mass, m grams, at a distance, of m is multiplied by 4.
d cm, from the fulcrum.
10. The number of pages, N, of a presentation is
d cm inversely proportional to the number of lines,
L, per page. If there are 12 lines per page, the
fulcrum presentation has 30 pages.
(a) Write down an equation connecting N and L
in the form NL = k, where k is a constant.
(b) Interpret the meaning of k found in (a).
mass = m g (c) If there are 15 lines per page, find the number
of pages of the presentation.
The following table shows various pairs of values

of d and m.

d (cm) 10 20 30 40 50
11. The rate of water delivered and the time taken to
m (grams) 60 30 20 15 12 fill up a tank are in inverse proportion. If the rate is
16 l/min, the time taken is 20 minutes. If the rate
(a) Show that d and m are in inverse proportion. is 40 l/min, find the time taken.
(b) Draw the graph of m against d.
(c) Draw the graph of m against
. 12. The frequency of sound emitted by a string is
d inversely proportional to the length of the string.
(d) Find the equation connecting d and m.
When the string is 50 cm long, the frequency of
(e) Find the value of m when d = 25.
sound is 256 Hz. Find
(a) the frequency of sound when the string is
40 cm long,
(b) the length of the string when the frequency
of sound is 400 Hz.
13. The force of attraction between two magnets is 14. When a toy car is released from a spring, the
inversely proportional to the square of the distance speed of the car is inversely proportional to the
between them. When their distance apart is 3 cm, square root of its mass. When the mass is 49 g, the
the force of attraction is 56 Newtons. Find speed is 6.4 m/s. Find
(a) the force of attraction when the distance (a) the speed when its mass is 36 g,
apart is 2 cm, (b) the mass when its speed is 5.6 m/s.
(b) the distance apart when the force of
attraction is 14 Newtons. 15. In the course of your science experiments, you
would have come across two quantities that are
in inverse proportion. Show how these quantities
are related, using a graph.

16. If 12 workers take 100 days to build a house, is it

true that 1200 workers will take 1 day to build the
house? Explain briefly.
e ll

a N Map Scale
I n • Scale = Map length : Actual length

= 1 : r or 1

• Area on a map : Actual area = 1 : r   2

Direct Proportion
When two quantities, x and y, are in direct proportion,
y y
• y = kx i.e. = k , x ≠ 0 where k is a constant and k ≠ 0,
y = kx
• the graph of y against x is a straight line passing through
the origin. O x

Inverse Proportion
When two quantities, x and y, are in inverse proportion, y
• y=k (i.e. xy = k), where k is a constant and k ≠ 0, y=k 1

• the graph of y against x is a curve called a hyperbola.

O x

Chapter 1 Proportion
1. The scale of a floor plan is 1 cm to 2 m. Find 6.
The mass of a model car is directly proportional
(a) the scale of the plan in the form
, to the cube of its length. When the length is 6 cm,
r its mass is 96 g.
(b) the length of a hallway on the map, in cm, if (a) Find the length of the model car when its
its actual length is 4 m, mass is 324 g.
(c) the actual area of a rectangular bedroom, in (b) The scale of the model car is 1 : 50. The length
m2, if its dimensions on the map are 2 cm by of the real car is 4 m. Find
1.5 cm. (i) the length of the model car in cm,
(ii) the mass of the model car, correct to
2. A map is drawn to the scale 1 : 4000. the nearest gram.
(a) The length of a road on the map is 3.5 cm.
Find its actual length in m. 7. The following table shows some corresponding
(b) The area of a garden is 20 000 m2. Find the values of two quantities, x and y.
area of the garden on the map in cm2.
x 0 1 2 3 4
The scale of map A is 1 : 5000 and the scale of
map B is 1 : 3000. y 0 2 8 18 32
(a) The distance between two schools on map A
is 6 cm. Find their distance apart on map B. (a) Draw the graph of y against x.
(b) The area of a lake on map B is 18 cm2. Find (b) Draw the graph of y against x2.
(i) the actual area of the lake, in m2, (c) State the relationship between x and y.
(ii) the area of the lake on map A in cm2. (d) Write down an equation connecting x and y.
(e) Find the value of y when x = 2.5.
4. A carat is a measure of mass used for gemstones.
The following table shows the conversion between 8. When a car is travelling steadily along a highway,
carats and grams. its consumption of petrol is directly proportional
Gram (x) 2 4 6 8 10 to the distance travelled. A car travels 100 km on
8 litres of petrol. Find
Carat (y) 10 20 30 40 50 (a) the petrol consumption of the car for a
distance of 60 km,
(a) Show that x and y are in direct proportion. (b) the maximum distance that the car can
(b) Draw the graph of y against x. travel with 40 litres of petrol.
(c) Find the equation connecting x and y.
(d) The mass of a piece of diamond is 3 grams. 9. The current, I amperes, of a circuit is inversely
How many carats is this? proportional to the resistance, R ohms, of the
circuit. If I = 0.5 when R = 24, find
5. The cost $C of a metal pipe is directly proportional (a) the current passing through the circuit when
to its length x cm. When the length is 30 cm, its its resistance is 40 ohms,
cost is $2. (b) the resistance of the circuit if the current is
(a) Find the length of a metal pipe if its cost is 20 amperes.
(b) Metal pipes are used to make the frame of 10. Mr Tan invested a fixed sum to buy shares from
a cuboid that measures 25 cm by 20 cm by the stock market. When the price of each share
15 cm. Find the total cost of the pipes used. is $7.20, he can buy 5000 shares.
(a) Find the amount of this fixed sum.
15 (b) Explain why the price of each share and
the number of shares bought are in inverse
proportion in this case.
25 (c) If the price of each share is $9.00, find the
20 number of shares that Mr Tan can buy.

11. The number of buckets, y, of water required to fill 13. Suppose the amount of food served to each person
up a tank is inversely proportional to the capacity, at a party is inversely proportional to the number
x litres, of the bucket. It is given that y = 28 when of people who attended the party. When there
x = 9. are 25 people at the party, each person will have
(a) Write down an equation connecting x and y 1.2 kg of food.
in the form xy = k, where k is a constant. (a) If there are 60 people, find the amount of
(b) Interpret the meaning of k found in (a). food each person is served.
(c) Complete the following table. (b) How many people are there at the party if
each person is served 0.4 kg of food?
x 4 6 7 12
y 14. The dimensions of a rectangle are x cm by y cm.
It is given that x and y are in inverse proportion,
1 and y = 20 when x = 36.
(a) Find the equation connecting x and y.
(b) Find the value of y when x = 24.
(d) Draw the graph of y against for (c) Find the value of x when y = 15.
1 1 (d) What can you say about the area of the
0 , < .
x 4 rectangle?

12. The time, t minutes, taken to download a file 15. The intensity of radiation is inversely proportional
from a computer is inversely proportional to the to the square of the distance from a radioactive
Internet connection speed, v Mbps. When the source. When the distance is 4 m, the intensity of
speed is 1.5 Mbps, the time taken is 12 seconds. radiation is 900 units. Find
(a) Find the time taken when the speed is (a) the intensity of radiation when the distance
12 Mbps. from its source is 5 m,
(b) If the speed is increased by 25%, find the (b) the distance from the source if its intensity
percentage change in the time taken. of radiation is 1600 units.

Write in Your Journal

1. (a) How do you think the scale on maps are used in our daily life?
(b) When you draw a map, is there any difference between a scale of 1 : 5000 and a scale of
1 : 500 000? Explain your reasons using examples.

2.List three equations in which two variables are

(a) directly proportional to each other,
(b) inversely proportional to each other.

Chapter 1 Proportion
21 Expansion And
Factorisation Of
Algebraic Expressions
B x–3
x A


Let’s Learn to
manipulate quadratic expressions
In the diagram, window expand the product of two algebraic expressions
A is x cm by x cm, and factorise ax2 + bx + c using the multiplication frame
window B is (x + 3) cm by
identify the special products of algebraic expressions such as
(x – 3) cm. Do you know
difference of two squares and perfect squares
which window has a bigger
area? expand and factorise an algebraic expression using special

factorise an algebraic expression by grouping terms
2.1 Quadratic Expressions

In Secondary One, we have learnt the manipulation of linear expressions such as

3x + 4y – 1 – 5x + 2y,
where each term has at most one variable to the power of 1. We can simplify the
expression by grouping like terms as follows:
3x + 4y – 1 – 5x + 2y
= 3x – 5x + 4y + 2y –1
= –2x + 6y – 1

Further, we learnt that a 3 a can be written as a2.

In this chapter, we will learn the manipulation of quadratic expressions such as

3x2 – 4x + 1 and x2 – 36y2, REMARK
where the sum of the powers of the variables in each term is at most 2. The general form of
quadratic expressions in
We introduce the x2-disc so as to extend the use of algebra discs to model the quadratic variable x is ax2 + bx + c,
expressions, and to illustrate the manipulation of quadratic expressions. where a, b and c are
constants and a ≠ 0.
x2 –x2
front back

Each disc has two faces. We can flip a disc to show either the front or the back.

We have learnt that 1 and –1 as well as x and –x form zero pairs. That is, we have
1 + (–1) = 0, (–2) + 2 = 0,
3x + (–3x) = 0 and (– 4x) + 4x = 0.

The expressions x2 and –x2 also form zero pairs. Thus, we have
2x2 + (–2x2) = 2x2 – 2x2 = 0 and (–3x2) + 3x2 = –3x2 + 3x2 = 0.

x2 x2 –x2 –x2 –x2

–x2 –x2 x2 x2 x2

zero pairs zero pairs

We can represent a quadratic expression by a set of algebra discs. For example,

2x2 – 3x + 1 x2 x2 –x –x –x 1 This set of algebra discs can also represent

2x2 + 1 – 3x, 1 – 3x + 2x2 and 1 + 2x2 – 3x.

–3x2 + x – 4 –x2 –x2 –x2 x –1 –1 –1 –1 This set of algebra discs can also represent
–3x2 – 4 + x, – 4 + x – 3x2 and – 4 – 3x2 + x.

A Simplification of Quadratic Expressions

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

A quadratic expression can be simplified by collecting like terms. Let us learn how this
can be done in the following class activity.

Example 1 Simplify the following.


Objective: To apply the process of collecting like terms to simplify quadratic expressions.

Quadratic expressions can be simplified by collecting like terms as illustrated below.

zero pairs

x2 x2 x2 x2

–x –x –x –x2 –x2 –x2 –x2

1 1 1 ➜ –x –x –x ➜ –x –x

–x2 –x2 –x2 x 1 1 1

x 1 1 1

2x2 – 3x + 3 – 3x2 + x Collect the like terms –x2 – 2x + 3

2x2 – 3x + 3 – 3x2 + x

= 2x2 – 3x2 – 3x + x + 3

–x2 –2x
\ 2x2 – 3x + 3 – 3x2 + x = –x2 – 2x + 3.
Note that x2 and x are not like terms. Therefore, –x2 – 2x cannot be further simplified.
Represent and simplify the following quadratic expressions using algebra discs in the
AlgeDiscTM application.
(a) 3x2 + 2x2
(b) 3x2 – x2
(c) –2x2 + 5x2
(d) – 4x2 – 3x2
(e) 2x2 – 3x – 4x2 + 5x
(f) –x2 + 4x + 2 – 2x2 + 3
(g) 7 – 3x + x2 – 2x – x2 – 4
(h) 4x – 3x2 – 1 + 5x2 + 2

Explain how you would simplify ax2 + bx2, where a and b are given integers. You may substitute
a and b with some integers to help you illustrate your explanation.

(a) –7x2 + 3x2 – 2x2 (b) y2 – 1 – 5y2 + 3
(c) 4p2 – 3 – 2p – 3p2 – p

Solution (a) –7x2 + 3x2 – 2x2 = –6x2

y2 – 1 – 5y2 + 3 REMARK
5 Mentally, we can add these
= y2 – 5y2 – 1 + 3
2 numbers:
• –7 + 3 – 2 = – 6
= – y2 + 2 •
2 2
• 4–3=1
(c) 4p2 – 3 – 2p – 3p2 – p

= 4p2 – 3p2 – 2p – p – 3 Arrange the like terms together.

= p2 – 3p – 3 This cannot be further simplified.

Try It! 1 Simplify the following.

(a) 2x2 – 9x2 + 3x2 (b) m2 + 2m – m2 – 8m
(c) 3q2 – 2 + 5q – 4q2 + 6

B Addition and Subtraction of Quadratic Expressions

Addition and subtraction of quadratic expressions can be performed by removing
brackets and collecting like terms. Let us explore the operations using algebra discs.

Objective: To perform addition and subtraction of linear expressions using the AlgeDiscTM application
in AlgeToolsTM.
1. To obtain the negative of an expression, we flip the discs that represent the expression.
For example, simplify –(2x2 – 3x + 1).

– x2 x2 –x –x –x 1 ➜ –x2 –x2 x x x –1

It means flipping over all the discs inside the box.

\ –(2x – 3x + 1) = –2x2 + 3x – 1

 It means changing signs of all the terms inside the bracket.
Thus, 2x2 becomes –2x2, –3x becomes 3x and 1 becomes –1.
Simplify the following expressions using the AlgeDiscTM application.
(a) –(x2 – 4x) (b) –(3x2 + 2x – 1)
(c) –(–2x – x + 2)
(d) –(–x2 + 3x – 3)

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

2. To add two expressions, we remove the brackets and collect the like terms.
For example, simplify (3x2 – x + 2) + (–2x2 + 3x + 1).

x2 x2 x2 zero pairs
–x x2 x2 x2
1 1 –x2 –x2
➜ ➜ x x
–x2 –x2 –x
   1 1 1
x x x x x x

1 1 1 1

(3x2 – x + 2) + (–2x2 + 3x + 1) Collect the like terms x2 + 2x + 3

3x – x + 2 – 2x2 + 3x + 1

= 3x2 – 2x2 – x + 3x + 2 + 1
The signs of all the terms inside the bracket remain unchanged.
Collect the like terms.
Simplify the following using the AlgeDiscTM application.
(a) (x2 + 3x) + (4x2 – 2x) (b) (2x2 – 1) + (–3x2 + 4)
(c) (–3x + x – 3) + (–x + x – 2)
2 2
(d) (–2x2 – 4x – 5) + (2x2 + 3x + 1)

3. Subtracting an expression is the same as adding the negative of that expression.

For example, simplify (2x2 – 3x + 2) – (3x2 + 1).

x2 x2 –x –x –x 1 1 x2 x2 –x –x –x 1 1

– x2 x2 x2 1 –x2 –x2 –x2 –1

(2x2 – 3x + 2) – (3x2 + 1) Remove brackets

2x – 3x + 2 – 3x2 – 1

All the terms inside the bracket change signs.

zero pairs

x2 x2
–x 2
–x 2
–x 2

➜ ➜ –x –x –x
–x –x –x
1 1

–1 zero pair

Collect the like terms –x2 – 3x + 1

2x2 – 3x + 2 – 3x2 – 1

2x2 – 3x2 – 3x + 2 – 1

Simplify the following using the AlgeDiscTM application.

(a) (2x2 – 3x) – (4x2 + x) (b) (–3x2 + 4) – (2x2 – 3)
(c) (2x – 3x – 1) – (5x – x + 2)
2 2
(d) (–3x2 + 4x – 2) – (–3x2 + x – 5)

Example 2 Simplify the following.
(a) (2x2 – 3x + 8) + (–3x2 – 2x – 4)
(b) (–3x2 + 2x + 1) – (–4x2 + 3x – 2)

(a) (2x2 – 3x + 8) + (–3x2 – 2x – 4)
= 2x2 – 3x + 8 – 3x2 – 2x – 4 Remove brackets.
= 2x2 – 3x2 – 3x – 2x + 8 – 4 Collect the like terms.
= –x2 – 5x + 4

(b) (–3x2 + 2x + 1) –(–4x2 + 3x – 2) All the terms inside the box

= –3x2 + 2x + 1 + 4x2 – 3x + 2 change signs.
= –3x2 + 4x2 + 2x – 3x + 1 + 2
= x2 – x + 3

Try It! 2 Simplify the following.

(a) (3x2 + 4x – 5) + (–2x2 – 7x + 3)
(b) (–2x2 – 5x + 8) – (3x2 – 2x + 1)

C Multiplication of a Quadratic Expression with an Integer

When a linear expression is multiplied by 3, we learnt that it means we have 3 groups
of the expression. When a linear expression is multiplied by –3, it means we have the
negative of 3 groups of the expression. Let us extend this idea to quadratic expressions.

Objective: To perform multiplication of a quadratic expression with an integer and simplify them
using the AlgeDiscTM applications in AlgeToolsTM.
1. When a quadratic expression is multiplied by a positive integer n, we have n groups of the
expression. We can simplify it by ungrouping and collecting like terms.
For example, expand 3(x2 – 2x + 1).
x2 –x –x 1 x2 –x –x 1 RECALL
x2 –x –x 1 ➜ x2 –x –x 1 2(5x – 3) means 2 groups
of 5x – 3.
x2 –x –x 1 x2 –x –x 1

3(x2 – 2x + 1) 3x2 – 6x + 3
It means 3 groups of x2 – 2x + 1.

\ 3(x2 – 2x + 1) = 3(x2) + 3(–2x) + 3(1) Apply the distributive law.
= 3x2 – 6x + 3

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Expand the following using the AlgeDiscTM applications.
(a) 2(3x2 + 1) (b) 4(x2 – 3x)
(c) 3(–2x + x – 1)
(d) 2(–x2 – 2x + 2)

2. When a quadratic expression is multiplied by a negative integer –n, we have the negative of
n groups of the expression. We can simplify it by ungrouping and collecting like terms.
For example, expand –2(–2x2 + x + 2).

– –x2 –x2 x 1 1

x2 x2 –x –1 –1
– –x2 –x2 x 1 1 x2 x2 –x –1 –1 –2(3x – 1) means the
negative of 2 groups of
–2(–2x2 + x + 2) 4x2 – 2x – 4 3x – 1.
It means 2 groups of the negative of –2x2 + x + 2.
\ –2(–2x2 + x + 2) = –2(–2x2) + (–2)(x) + (–2)(2)   Apply the dstributive law.
= 4x2 – 2x – 4
Expand the following using the AlgeDiscTM application.
(a) –2(3x2 –1) (b) –3(–x2 + 2x)
(c) –3(2x – x + 3)
(d) –4(–x2 – 2x – 1)

3. In general, a quadratic expression can be simplified by first removing the brackets and then
collecting the like terms.
For example, simplify 2(3x2 + 1) + 3(2x2 – 1).

x2 x2 x2 1
x2 x2 x2 1

x2 x2 x2 1 x2 x2 x2 1 2(3x2 + 1) = 6x2 + 2

x2 x2 –1 ➜ x2 x2 –1
x2 x2 –1 x2 x2 –1
      3(2x2 – 1) = 6x2 – 3
x2 x2 –1
x2 x2 –1   
2(3x2+ 1) + 3(2x2 – 1) Remove brackets
6x2 + 2 + 6x2 – 3

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
➜ ➜
1 1 –1
–1 –1 –1
zero pairs

Collect the like terms 12x2 – 1

6x2 + 6x2 + 2 – 3
2(3x2 + 1) + 3(2x2 – 1) = 6x2 + 2 + 6x2 – 3 Apply the distributive law.
= 6x2 + 6x2 + 2 – 3
= 12x2 – 1

For example, simplify (–3x2 – 4x – 3) – 2(2x2 – 2x).

–x2 –x2 –x2 –x2 –x2 –x2

–x –x –x –x –x –x –x –x
–1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1

– x2 x2 –x –x –x2 –x2 x x

– –x2 –x2 x x –2(2x2 – 2x) = –4x2 + 4x

x2 x2 –x –x

(–3x2 – 4x – 3) – 2(2x2 – 2x) Remove brackets

–3x2 – 4x – 3 – 4x2 + 4x
–x2 –x2 –x2

–x2 –x2 –x2 –x2 –x2 –x2 –x2

➜ –x –x –x –x ➜ –x2 –x2 –x2 –x2

x x x x –1 –1 –1
zero pairs

–1 –1 –1

Collect the like terms –7x2 – 3

–3x2 – 4x2 – 4x + 4x – 3
(–3x2 – 4x – 3) – 2(2x2 – 2x) = –3x2 – 4x – 3 – 4x2 + 4x Apply the distributive law.
= –3x2 – 4x2 – 4x + 4x – 3.
= –7x2 – 3

Simplify the following using the AlgeDiscTM application.

(a) 3(x2 + 2x + 1) + 2(–x2 – 3x) (b) 2(–3x2 + x – 3) + 3(x2 + 2x – 1)
(c) 3(–2x2 + 5) – (4x2 – x + 10) (d) –4(2x2 – 3x + 5) – 2(–3x2 + 6x – 7)

The distributive law is applicable when removing brackets in a quadratic expression.

Example 3 Expand the following.

(a) –3(4x2 – x + 7) + 4(x2 + 6)
(b) 2(x2 – 5x + 4) – 3(–2x2 – 3x + 3)

(a) –3(4x2 – x + 7) + 4(x2 + 6) Apply the distributive law.
= –3(4x2) + (–3)(–x) + (–3)(7) + 4(x2) + 4(6)
= –12x2 + 3x – 21 + 4x2 + 24
= –12x2 + 4x2 + 3x – 21 + 24 Collect the like terms.
= –8x + 3x + 3

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

(b) 2(x2 – 5x + 4) – 3(–2x2 – 3x + 3)
= 2(x2) + (2)(–5x) + 2(4) + (–3)(–2x2) + (–3)(–3x) + (–3)(3)
= 2x2 – 10x + 8 + 6x2 + 9x – 9
= 2x2 + 6x2 – 10x + 9x + 8 – 9
= 8x2 – x – 1

Try It! 3 Expand the following.

(a) 5(2x2 – 1) + 3(–x2 + x – 3)
(b) –2(–4x2 + 3x – 1) – 7(x2 – x – 4)

LEVEL 1 7. Subtract the sum of –3(n2 – 2n + 5) and
2(–6n2 + n + 2) from 4(–3n2 – 3n – 1).
1. Simplify the following.
(a) x2 – 3 – 4x – 5x2 + 2x
(b) –2x2 + 5 – 3x + 6x2 – 4
(c) 3y2 – 4y + 1 – 7y – y2
4 8. The area of rectangle A is (x2 – 3x + 4) cm2. The
(d) –8 + 4y – y2­– 2 + y2 area of rectangle B is (3x2 + 5x – 1) cm2. Express
the total area of rectangles A and B in terms of x.
2. Simplify the following.
(a) (w2 + 3w + 4) + (3w2 – 5w + 1) 9. In the diagram, A, B and C are three stations along
(b) (–2x2 + 7x – 5) + (–x2 – 2x + 4) a straight railway line. The distance between A
(c) (2y2 – 5y + 1) – (3y2 + 2y – 3) and C is (3x2 + 4x – 5) km. The distance between
(d) (–3u2 + 5u – 8) – (4u2 –6u + 5) A and B is (2x2 – 3x + 1) km. Express the distance
between B and C in terms of x.
3. Expand the following.
(a) 2(4a2 – 5a + 6) (3x 2 + 4x _ 5) km
(b) 3(–2b2 + b – 1)
(c) –4(h2 + 8h – 1) A B C
(d) –5(–3k2 – 2k + 7) (2x 2 _ 3x + 1) km

LEVEL 2 10. The mass of a pack of oranges is (2x2 – 1) kg.

The mass of a pack of apples is (x2 + 3x – 2) kg.
4. Simplify the following. Express the total mass of 5 packs of oranges and
(a) 3(x2 – 4) + 2(2x2 + 7) 2 packs of apples in terms of x.
(b) 2(x2 + 5x – 3) + 5(–x2 – 2x + 1)
(c) –(–9p2 + p + 8) + 4(2p2 – p + 2) 11. Car A travels at a speed of (2x2 + 5x – 7) km/h
(d) 7(–p2 + 2p – 3) – 2(–3p2 + 8p – 6) for 4 hours. Car B travels at a speed of
(e) –(4y2 – 9y –5) – 5(–y2 + 2y) (x2 – 2x + 9) km/h for 3 hours. By how many km
(f) –6(–3y2 + 3y + 1) – 4(2y2 – 2y – 9) has car A travelled more than car B? Express your
answer in terms of x.
5. Find the sum of 6(1 – a2), –2(3 – a + 2a2) and
5(–2a + 3a2). 12. Write down two quadratic expressions whose
sum is equal to –3x2 + 4x – 7.
6. Subtract 3(–4c2 + 3c – 1) from 5(2c – 3c2).

2.2 Expansion of the Product of Algebraic

Recall that x 3 x = (–x) 3 (–x) = x2

and (–x) 3 x = x 3 (–x) = –x2.

We have previously learnt to perform multiplication of an algebraic expression, both

linear and quadratic, with an integer using algebra discs. The algebra discs can also be
arranged in a rectangular table format to perform the multiplication process.

The following will demonstrate the product of two constants, the product of a constant
and an algebraic expression, and the product of two algebraic expressions using the table
format of arranging algebra discs.

1. For the product of m 3 n, where m and n are integers, we can put the
necessary 1 and/or –1 discs along the top and left side of a rectangular table.

For example, evaluate 2 3 (–3).

3 –1 –1 –1

–1 –1 –1 Multiply every disc in –3 by 2.

2 We have 2 groups of –3.
1 –1 –1 –1 2(–3) = –6

2. To perform the product of a constant and an algebraic expression like m(ax + b)

and m(ax2 + bx + c) where m, a, b and c are integers, we can put the necessary 1 ,
–1 , x , –x , x2 and/or –x2 discs along the top and left side of a rectangular table.

For example, expand 2(–3x + 1).

–3x + 1
3 –x –x –x 1

Multiply every disc in –3x + 1 by 2.

1 –x –x –x 1
2 We have 2 groups of –3x + 1.
1 –x –x –x 1
2(–3x + 1) = 2(–3x) + 2(1)
= –6x + 2

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

For example, expand –3(2x – 3).

2x – 3
3 x x –1 –1 –1

–1 –x –x 1 1 1 Multiply every disc in 2x – 3 by –3.

–3 –1 –x –x 1 1 1 –3(2x – 3) = –3(2x) + (–3)(–3)

= –6x + 9
–1 –x –x 1 1 1

For example, expand 3(x2 – 2x + 1).

x2 – 2x + 1
3 x2 –x –x 1

Multiply every disc in x2 – 2x + 1 by 3.

1 x2 –x –x 1
We have 3 groups of x2 – 2x + 1.
3 1 x2 –x –x 1
3(x2 – 2x + 1) = 3(x2) + 3(–2x) + 3(1)
1 x2 –x –x 1
= 3x2 – 6x + 3

For example, expand –2(–3x2 + x – 1).

–3x2 + x – 1
3 –x2 –x2 –x2 x –1

–1 Multiply every disc in –3x2 + x – 1 by –2.

x2 x2 x2 –x 1
–1 x2 x2 x2 –x 1
–2(–3x2 + x – 1) = –2(–3x2) + (–2)(x) + (–2)(–1)
= 6x2 – 2x + 2

3. The expansion of the product of algebraic expressions like mx(ax + b), where m, a
and b are integers, can be done in a similar way.
For example, expand x(3x + 2).

3x + 2
3 x x x 1 1
Multiply every disc in 3x + 2 by x.
x x x2 x2 x2 x x
x(3x + 2) = x(3x) + x(2)
x 3 x = x2 = 3x2 + 2x

For example, expand –2x(2x – 3).

2x – 3
3 x x –1 –1 –1
Multiply every disc in 2x – 3 by –2x.
–x –x2 –x2 x x x
–x –x2 –x2 x x x –2x(2x – 3) = –2x(2x) + (–2x)(–3)
= – 4x2 + 6x
(–x) 3 x = –x2

For example, expand –3x(–4x + 1).

–4x + 1
3 –x –x –x –x 1
Multiply every disc in –  4x + 1 by –3x.
–x x2 x2 x2 x2 –x
–3x(– 4x + 1) = –3x(–4x) + (–3x)(1)
–3x –x x2 x2 x2 x2 –x
= 12x2 – 3x
–x x2 x2 x2 x2 –x

(–x) 3 (–x) = x2

Example 4 Expand each of the following.

(a) x(5x + 4)
Spot Check
(b) –3x(x – 7) Find the following products.
(a) (–3x)(5x)
(b) (3x)(–5x)
(a) x(5x + 4) = x(5x) + x(4) (c) (–3x)(–5x)
= 5x2 + 4x

(b) –3x(x – 7) = –3x(x) + (–3x)(–7)

= –3x2 + 21x

Try It! 4 Expand the following.

(a) 9x(–x – 2)
(b) –2x(–3x + 1)

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Objective: To explore the expansion of the product of two linear expresssions in x using the AlgeDiscTM
application in AlgeToolsTM.

Activate Quadratic Expressions Activity 2 in the AlgeDiscTM application. Use the algebra discs to help
you perform the expansion of the following expressions. Question 1 has been done as an illustration.

1. Expand (x + 2)(x + 3).

1 We first multiply every disc in (x + 3) by x.
2 Next, we multiply every disc in (x + 3) by 2.

This is illustrated using the discs as follows:

3 x 1 1 1

x x2 x x x
(x + 2)(x + 3) = x(x + 3) + 2(x + 3) Apply the distributive law.
x+2 x
  1 1 1 = (x2 + 3x) + (2x + 6)
= x2 + 5x + 6
1 x 1 1 1

The above representation can be simplified to a multiplication frame.

Observe how the discs are arranged in the four regions.

The discs are arranged in
3 x 3 Observe that the x terms are in the four parts of the frame
the diagonal of the frame. as follows:
x+2 x x2 3x \ (x + 2)(x + 3) = x2 + 5x + 6
2 2x 6
x2-discs x-discs

x-discs 1-discs
2. Expand (x + 2)(x – 3).

Applying the distributive law, we have
3 x –1 –1 –1 3 x –3
x x2 –3x (x + 2) (x – 3) = x (x – 3) + 2 (x – 3)
x x2 –x –x –x
2 =
x+2 1 x –1 –1 –1
1 x –1 –1 –1

3. Expand (2x – 1)(3x + 1)

3x + 1
3 x x x 1 3 3x 1 Applying the distributive law, we have
x x2 x2 x2 x 2x
(2x – 1) (3x + 1) = 2x (3x + 1) – 1 (3x + 1)
x x –1
2x – 1 x2 x2 x2
–1 –x –x –x –1 =

4. Expand (2x – 3)(3x – 2).

3x – 2
3 x x x –1 –1 Applying the distributive law, we have
3 3x –2
x x2 x2 x2 –x –x 2x (2x – 3) (3x – 2) = 2x (3x – 2) – 3 (3x – 2)
x x2 x2 x2 –x –x –3 =
2x – 3 =
–1 –x –x –x 1 1

–1 –x –x –x 1 1

–1 –x –x –x 1 1

Expand the following expressions. You may use the AlgeDiscTM application to help you. Show your
working with the multiplication frame.
(a) (x – 3)(x + 4) (b) (x + 3)(x – 3) (c) (x – 3)(x – 3)
(d) (2x + 1)(3x – 2) (e) (2x –1)(2x + 1) (f) (2x –1)(2x – 1)

From Class Activity 4, we see that the product of two linear expressions in x is a
quadratic expression in x in the form ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are constants and
a ≠ 0. Let us look at more examples of such expansions.

Example 5 Expand each of the following using the multiplication frame.

(a) (x + 2)(x + 8) (b) ( p – 4)(2p + 9)
(c) (–2y – 5)(7y – 6) REMARK
We may also expand
Solution (a) x+8 (x + 2)(x + 8) as follows.
3 x 8 (x + 2)(x + 8)
= (x + 2) 3 x + (x + 2) 3 8
x x2
8x = x2 + 2x + 8x + 16
2 2x 16 = x2 + 10x + 16

(x + 2) (x + 8) = x (x + 8) + 2   (x + 8)
= x2 + 8x + 2x + 16
= x2 + 10x + 16

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

(b) 2p + 9
3 2p 9
p 2p2 9p
–4 –8p –36

( p – 4) (2p + 9) = p (2p + 9) – 4 (2p + 9)

= 2p 2 + 9p – 8p – 36 (–4) 3 2 = –8, (–4) 3 9 = –36
= 2p 2 + p – 36

(c) 7y – 6
3 7y –6
–2y –14y 2
–2y – 5
–5 –35y 30

(–2y – 5)(7y – 6) = –2y(7y – 6) – 5(7y – 6)

= –14y2 + 12y – 35y + 30 (–2) 3 (–6) = 12, (–5) 3 (–6) = 30
= –14y2 – 23y + 30

Note: The expression x2 + 10x + 16 is called a quadratic expression

in x, whereas the expression 2p 2 + p – 36 is called a quadratic
expression in p and the expression –14y2 – 23y + 30 is called
a quadratic expression in y.

Try It! 5 Expand each of the following using the multiplication frame.
(a) ( y + 1)( y + 7) (b) (3m – 8)(m – 5)
(c) (3w + 4)(– 4w – 1)

Example 6 Expand each of the following.

(a) (2a + 3)(a + 5b) (b) (3p – 4q)(5r – 7s) REMARK
(c) (x – 4y)(–6x – 5y) You may use the multiplication
frame to help you in the
Solution (a) (2a + 3)(a + 5b) = 2a(a + 5b) + 3(a + 5b) expansion of the product of
= 2a2 + 10ab + 3a + 15b two linear expressions.

(b) (3p – 4q)(5r – 7s) = 3p(5r – 7s) – 4q(5r – 7s)  

= 15pr – 21ps – 20qr + 28qs (–4) 3 (–7) = 28

(c) (x – 4y)(–6x – 5y) = x(–6x – 5y) – 4y(–6x – 5y)

= –6x2 – 5xy + 24xy + 20y2
= –6x2 + 19xy + 20y2

Try It! 6 Expand each of the following.

(a) (5m + n)(7m + 3) (b) (3t – 2x)(4y + 9z)
(c) (2x – 5y)(3x – 7y)

Example 7 Expand each of the following.
(a) (2x – 1)(3x + 4y + 5)
(b) (x + y)(7x – 2y – 3)

Solution (a) (2x – 1)(3x + 4y + 5)

= 2x(3x + 4y + 5) – 1(3x + 4y + 5)
= 6x2 + 8xy + 10x – 3x – 4y – 5
= 6x2 + 8xy + 7x – 4y – 5

(b) (x + y)(7x – 2y – 3)
= x(7x – 2y – 3) + y(7x – 2y – 3)

= 7x2 – 2xy – 3x + 7xy – 2y2 – 3y
= 7x2 + 5xy – 2y2 – 3x – 3y

Try It! 7 Expand each of the following.

(a) (3x + 1)(5x – 4y + 8)
(b) (2x – 3y)(6x + y – 9)

LEVEL 1 5. Expand each of the following.
(a) 4(5x – 3)(2x – y)
1. Expand each of the following. (b) –3( p – 2q)(7p + 9r)
(a) 3(7x + 1) (b) –4y(–2y – 3) (c) 2a(3a – 2b)(4c – 1)
(c) u(4w – 3u) (d) –3w(–5w + 2u) (d ) –c(–6c – d)(– 4y + 3z)

2. Expand each of the following. 6. Expand each of the following.

(a) (a + 3)(a + 5) (b) (c + 8)(c – 9) (a) (3x + 1)(2x + 5y + 6)
(c) (d – 2)(d – 6) (d) (5 – f  )(–7 – f  ) (b) (2a – 1)(7a – 8b – 3)
(c) (–2x – 4y + 1)(x + 2y)
3. Expand each of the following. (d) (2p + 5q – 9) (4p – 5q)
(a) (2x + 1)(x + 4) (b) (3x – 1)(x – 5)
(c) (3y + 2)(2y – 7) (d) (4y – 1)(5y + 3) 7. Expand and simplify each of the following.
(e) (–2z – 1)(3z + 8) (f ) (–6z + 7)(–9z + 2) (a) 9a2 – (3a + 2)(3a – 2)
(b) (2c + 1)(c – 5) + (c – 4)(c – 3)

(c) 4x(x – 7) – (2x – 3)(2x + 5)
(d) 4(x – 5)(x + 1) – 3(2x – 7)
(e) (2p – q)(2p + 3q) – ( p + q)( p – 5q)
4. Expand each of the following.
(f) ( p + 2q)(x – 2y) + (2p – q)(3x + 4y)
(a) (h + k)(h – k)
(b) (2m – 5n)(2m + 5n)
(c) (3 + 2p)(3 – 2p)
(d) (a + 4b)(a + 4b)
(e) (6c – 5)(6c – 5)
(f) (7p – 6q)(7p – 6q)

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

LEVEL 3 12. A rectangular field is (3x – 2) m long and (x + 5) m
8. (a) Expand and simplify the expression
(2x + 1)(x – 3) + (4x – 1)(x + 5).
(b) Find the value of the expression when x = –2.

9. Solve each of the following equations. 3x – 2

(a) (x + 3)(x + 4) = (x – 2)(x + 7)
(b) (3x – 2)(2x + 1) – 20 = 6x(x – 5) (a) Find the area of the field, expressing it as a
quadratic expression in x.
10. In the diagram, the rectangle ABCD is divided (b) A square plot of the field of side (x – 6) m is
into squares and rectangles. used to build a shed. Find the remaining area
D C of the field in terms of x.

13. When the price of a novel is $p, the number of

copies sold by a bookstore is q. When the price
is decreased by $3, the number of copies sold is
1 increased by 20.
A x 1 1 1 B (a) Express in terms of p and q,
(i) the original revenue from the sale of
(a) Express, in expanded form of x, the novels,
(i) the dimensions of ABCD, (ii) the change in revenue due to the
(ii) the area of ABCD. decrease in price.
(b) Find the area of ABCD when x = 3. (b) Must the change in revenue be positive?
Explain your answer.
11. A car travels at a speed of (70 – 3x) km/h for
(x + 2) hours. 14. Consider the expression (2x – 5)(3x + 7). Can
(a) Express the distance travelled by the car in you find the coefficient of x without expanding
terms of x. the whole expression? If so, show how this can be
(b) If x = 3, find the distance travelled. done.

15. If (ax + b)(cx + d) = 6x2 + kx + 5, find two possible

sets of integer values of the constants a, b, c, d
and k.

2.3 Factorisation of ax2 + bx + c

We have learnt in Section 2.2 that the expansion of the product of two linear expressions
is a quadratic expression. For example,
(2x + 7)(3x – 5) = 2x(3x – 5) + 7(3x – 5)
= 6x2 – 10x + 21x – 35
= 6x2 + 11x – 35

Factorisation is the reverse process of expansion. By reversing the process above, we

factorise the quadratic expression into a product of two linear factors. Thus, we say the
factorised form of 6x2 + 11x – 35 is (2x + 7)(3x – 5).

In the following section, the process of the above factorisation using algebra discs and
multiplication frames will be explained and demonstrated. Let us first consider the
quadratic expressions ax2 + bx + c where the coefficient of x2 is 1, that is a = 1 and the
quadratic expressions of the form x2 + bx + c.

For example, to factorise x2 + 7x + 10 using algebra discs, we arrange the discs representing
x2 + 7x + 10 to form a rectangular array as shown.

3 3

x2 x2 x x x x x

1 1 1 1 1 ➜ x 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Note the pattern of the arrangement of the discs. The rectangle is formed first by
arranging the x2-disc at the top–left corner, and the 10 one-discs at the bottom-right
corner as shown in Fig. 1. Then we put in the 7 x-discs to complete the rectangle as
shown in Fig. 2.

The two linear factors are therefore x + 2 and x + 5 as shown in Fig. 3.

3 x 1 1 1 1 1

x x2 x x x x x

➜ 1 x 1 1 1 1 1

1 x 1 1 1 1 1

Fig. 3

Observe that the constant term 10 is factorised into 2 3 5, and the 7 x-discs, i.e. 7x, can
be divided into two groups (2x and 5x) to complete the rectangle. Thus, we have
x2 + 7x + 10 = x2 + 2x + 5x + 10
= x(x + 2) + 5(x + 2)
= (x + 2)(x + 5)

Without using the algebra discs, we can use the multiplication frame to help us factorise a
quadratic expression. The steps below shows how we can factorise the above expression
x2 + 7x + 10 using the multiplication frame.

First we write x2 in the top-left corner and 10 at

1 3
the bottom-right corner of the frame.

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Consider the factors of x2 and 10, and write them
3 x 10
in the appropriate column and row. Observe that
for factors of x2, we can write x 3 x. x x2
For factors of 10, we can write 1 3 10 or 2 3 5.
1 10

3 x 5
x x2
2 10

3 Multiply the factors and check if the result matches

the quadratic expression. 3 x 10
Consider factors 1 and 10.
x x2 10x
Multiply x by 10 and 1 by x.
Check: x(10) + 1(x) 1 x 10
= 10x + x
= 11x ≠ 7x
Hence, x2 + 7x + 10 ≠ (x + 1)(x + 10).

3 x 5
Let us consider factors 2 and 5.
x x2 5x
Check if the sum of terms containing x is 7x.
Check: x(5) + 2(x) 2 2x 10
= 5x + 2x
= 7x

Therefore, x2 + 7x + 10 = (x + 2)(x + 5).

Note that we can also write x2 + 7x + 10 = (x + 5)(x + 2).

Let us factorise another expression x2 – 8x + 12.

First we write x2 in the top-left corner and 12 at

the bottom-right corner of the frame.

2 Consider the factors of x2 and 12.

For factors of 12, we can write –1 3 –12,
–2 3 –6 and –3 3 –4 since the coefficient of x is

3 Let us consider the factors –1 and –12. 3 x –12

Write them in the appropriate column and row.
Multiply the factors and check if the sum of terms x x2 –12x
containing x is –8x. –1 –x 12
Check: x(–12) + (–1)x
= –12x + (–x)
= –13x ≠ –8x
\ x2 – 8x + 12 ≠ (x – 1)(x – 12).

Now let us consider factors –3 and –4.

3 x –4

Check: x(– 4) + (–3)(x) x x2 –4x

= – 4x + (–3x) –3 –3x 12
= –7x ≠ –8x
\ x – 8x + 12 ≠ (x – 3)(x – 4).

Now we consider factors −2 and –6.

Multiply x by (–6) and (–2) by x.
Check: x(–6) + (–2)(x)
3 x –6
= –6x + (–2x)
= – 8x x x2 –6x
\ x – 8x + 12 = (x – 2)(x – 6).
–2 –2x 12

Next we consider quadratic expressions with a negative constant term.

For example, factorise x2 + 3x – 4.

First we write x2 in the top-left corner and – 4 at

the bottom-right corner of the frame.

For factors of – 4, we can write 1 3 (–4), (–1) 3 4,

3 x –4
2 3 (–2) and (–2) 3 2.
Let us consider factors 1 and – 4. Write them in x x2
the appropriate column and row.
1 –4

3 Multiply the factors and check if the sum of terms 3 x –4

containing x is 3x.
x x2 – 4x
Check: x(– 4) + 1(x)
1 x –4
= – 4x + x
= –3x ≠ 3x
\ x2 + 3x – 4 ≠ (x + 1)(x – 4).

3 x 4
Now we consider factors –1 and 4. Multiply x by
4 and (–1)by x. x x2 4x
Check: x(4) + (–1)(x) –1 –x –4
= 4x + (–x)
= 3x
\ x2 + 3x – 4 = (x – 1)(x + 4).

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

We shall now extend the factorisation of quadratic expressions to the form ax2 + bx + c
where a is more than 1. Apart from splitting c into factors, we have to do the same
for ax2.

For example, factorise 2x2 + 7x + 3.

First we write 2x2 in the top-left corner and 3 at

bottom-right corner of the frame.

For the factors of 2x2, we can write

2x2 = 2x 3 x . 3 x 1
The factors of 3 are 1 and 3.
2x 2x2
Write them in the appropriate column and row.
3 3

3 Multiply the factors and check if the sum of terms

containing x is 7x.
Check: 2x(1) + 3(x) 3 x 1
= 2x + 3x
= 5x ≠ 7x 2x 2x2 2x
\ 2x2 + 7x + 3 ≠ (2x + 3)(x + 1). 3 3x 3

Consider switching the factors 1 and 3 to different
column and row. 3 x 3

Check: 2x (3) + 1( x )    

2x 2x2 6x
= 6x + x
1 x 3
= 7x .
\ 2x + 7x + 3 = ( 2x + 1)( x
+ +
+ 3).

Let us factorise another expression 4x2 – 3x –1.

First we write 4x2 in the top-left corner and –1 at

the bottom-right corner of the frame.

2 For the factors of 4x2, we can write

4x2 = 2x 3 2x or 4x2 = x 3 4x.
3 2x 1
The factors of –1 are 1 and (–1).
Let us consider 4x2 = 2x 3 2x. 2x 4x2
Write them in the appropriate column and row. –1 1

3 Multiply the factors and check if the sum of terms
containing x is –3x.
3 2x 1
Check: 2x(1) + (–1)(2x)
= 2x + (–2x) 2x 4x2 2x
= 0x ≠ –3x
–1 –2x –1
\ 4x2 – 3x –1 ≠ (2x – 1)(2x + 1).

Now we consider 4x2 = x 3 4x 3 4x 1
Multiply x by 1 and (–1) by 4x .
x 4x2 x
Check: x (1) + (–1)( 4x )    

–1 –4x –1
= x + (– 4x)
= – 3x
\ 4x – 3x – 1 = ( x – 1)( 4x + 1).
+ +

Objective: To factorise a quadratic expression of the form ax2 + bx + c into two linear factors
using the AlgeDiscTM application in AlgeToolsTM.
Activate Quadratic Expressions Activity 2 in the AlgeDiscTM. Use multiplication frames to help
you perform the factorisation of the following expressions. The first question has been done as
an illustration.
Factorise x2 + 5x + 6.

3 x 3
x x2 3x
Check: 3x + 2x = 5x
2 2x 6 \ x2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3)

1. (a) x2 + 8x + 12

3 x
x x2
12 Check:

(b) x2 – 9x + 18

3 x
18 Check:

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

(c) x2 – 2x – 15


–15 Check:

(d) x2 + 7x – 8



(e) 2x2 + 9x + 9

3 2x
x 2x2
9 Check:

(f) 3x2 – 11x + 6

3 3x
x 3x2
6 Check:

(g) 4x2 – 8x – 5



(h) 12x2 + x – 1



Example 8 Factorise x2 + x – 12.

Solution Since the constant term is –12, thus we may consider the factors:
–1 3 12, –2 3 6, –3 3 4, – 4 3 3, –6 3 2 or –12 3 1.

3 x 12 3 x 6 3 x 4

x x2 12x x x2 6x x x2 4x

–1 –x –12 –2 –2x –12 –3 –3x –12

Check: 12x + (–x) = 11x 6x + (–2x) = 4x 4x + (–3x) = x

∴ x2 + x – 12 = (x – 3)(x + 4)

Try It! 8 Factorise x2 + x – 20.

Example 9 Factorise y2 – 4y – 21.

Solution Since the constant term is –21, we may consider the factors:
–1 3 21, (–3) 3 7, (–7) 3 3 or (–21) 3 1.

Multiply the factors and check if the result matches the given
quadratic expression.

3 y 21 3 y 7 3 y 3

y y2 21y y y2 7y y y2 3y

–1 –y –21 –3 –3y –21 –7 –7y –21

Check: 21y + (–y) = 20y 7y + (–3y) = 4y 3y + (–7y) = –4y

\ y2 –4y – 21 = ( y – 7)( y + 3)

Try It! 9 Factorise p2 – 16p – 36.

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Example 10 Factorise 2x2 – 9x + 10.

Solution First, we factorise 2x 2 as 2x 3 x. Since the coefficient of x is

negative and the constant term is 10, we may consider the factors
(−1) 3 (−10), (−2) 3 (−5) or (−5) 3 (−2). Then check the sum of
x-terms of each trial.

3 x –10 3 x –5 3 x –2
2x 2x2 –20x 2x 2x2 –10x 2x 2x2 –4x

–1 –x 10 –2 –2x 10 –5 –5x 10
–20x + (–x) = –21x
–10x + (–2x) = –12x –4x + (–5x) = –9x

\ 2x2 –9x + 10 = (2x – 5)(x – 2)

Try It! 10 Factorise 3x2 + 14x + 8.

Example 11 Factorise 3x2 + 11x – 4.

Solution First, we factorise 3x2 as 3x 3 x. Since the constant term is – 4, we

may consider the factors 1 3 (− 4), (−1) 3 4 or 2 3 (–2). Then check
the sum of x-terms of each trial.

3 x –4 3 x 4

3x 3x2 –12x 3x 3x2 12x

1 x –4 –1 –x –4

Check: –12x + x= –11x 12x + (–x) = 11x

\ 3x2 + 11x – 4 = (3x – 1)(x + 4)

Try It! 11 Factorise 6x2 – 13x – 5.

Example 12 Factorise
(a) –x2 + 7x – 10, (b) –2x2 + 5x + 12.

Solution (a) First we write –x 2 in the top-left corner and –10 at the
bottom-right corner of the multiplication frame.
We can write the factors of –x2 as –x2 = –x 3 x and that of
–10 as 1 3 (–10), 2 3 (–5), 5 3 (–2) or 10 3 (–1).
Multiply the factors and check the sum of x-terms is 7.
If we consider the factors of –10 as 2 3 (–5), we have the
following multiplication frame.
3 x –5

–x –x2 5x
Check: –x(–5) + 2(x)
2 2x –10 = 5x + 2x
= 7x
\ –x2 + 7x – 10 = (–x + 2)(x – 5)

Note: (–x + 2)(x – 5) = –(x – 2) (x – 5) –a + b = –(a – b)

(b) Alternatively, when the coefficient of x2 is negative, we can

factor out the negative sign before factorisation. In the following
example, we will demonstrate how the factorisation is done.

–2x2 + 5x + 12 = –[2x2 – 5x – 12].

Now let us factorise 2x2 – 5x – 12 as before.
First, we factorise 2x2 as 2x 3 x. Since the constant term
is –12, we may consider the factors 1 3 (–12), 2 3 (–6) or
3 3 (– 4). Multiply the factors and check the sum of x-terms.
If we consider the factors of –12 as 3 3 (– 4), we have the
following multiplication frame.
3 x –4

2x 2x2 –8x
Check: 2x(–4) + 3(x)
3 3x –12
= –8x + 3x

= – 5x

We obtain 2x2 – 5x – 12 = (2x + 3)(x – 4).

\ –2x2 + 5x + 12 = –[(2x + 3)(x – 4)]
or we write
 –2x2 + 5x + 12 = –(2x + 3)(x – 4).
Note: Solutions in (a) and (b) present two different methods of the
factorisation of ax2 + bx + c, where a is negative.

Try It! 12 Factorise

(a) –x2 – 5x – 6, (b) –2x2 + x + 10.

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Example 13 Factorise
(a) 7x2 – 20xy – 3y2, (b) 5m2n2 – 31mn + 6.

Solution (a) The expression 7x2 – 20xy – 3y2 involves two variables, x and
y. We can write the factors of 7x2 as 7x2 = 7x 3 x and –3y2 as
–3y2 = –y 3 3y or –3y 3 y.

We place 7x2 at the top-left corner and –3y2 at the bottom-

right corner of the multiplication frame. Multiply the factors
and check the sum of xy-terms of each trial.

3 7x 3y 3 7x y

x 7x2 3xy x 7x2 xy

–y –7xy –3y2 –3y –21xy –3y2

x(3y) + (–y)(7x) x( y) + (–3y)(7x)
= 3xy + (–7xy) = xy + ( –21xy )
= – 4xy = –20xy

Since the xy-term in the expression 7x2 –20xy – 3y2 is –20xy ,
\ 7x2 – 20xy – 3y2 = (x – 3y)(7x + y).

(b) Similarly, the expression 5m2n2 – 31mn + 6 involves two
variables, m and n. Since m2n2 = (mn)2, we can write the factors
of 5m2n2 as 5m2n2 = mn 3 5mn.
Since the coefficient of the middle term is negative, we may
consider the factors (–1) 3 (–6) or (–2) 3 (–3) for the constant
term 6.
We place 5m2n2 at the top-left corner and 6 at the bottom-right
corner of the multiplication frame. Multiply the factors and
check the sum of mn-terms of each trial.

3 5mn –6 3 5mn –1

mn 5m2n2 –6mn mn 5m2n2 –mn

–1 –5mn 6 –6 –30mn 6

mn(–6) + (–1)(5mn) mn(–1) + (–6)(5mn)
= –6mn + (–5mn) = –mn + ( –30mn )
= –11mn = –31mn

Since the mn-term in the expression 5m n –31mn + 6 is –31mn ,

2 2

\ 5m2n2 – 31mn + 6 = (mn – 6)(5mn – 1).

Try It! 13 Factorise

(a) 2a2 – 5ab – 3b2, (b) 4p2q2 – 9pq + 5.

1. Factorise each of the following expressions. 7. Factorise each of the following.
(a) x2 + 3x + 2 (b) x2 + 5x + 6 (a) (2x + 1)2 – 10(2x + 1) + 25
(c) y – 7y + 10
(d) y2 – 8y – 9 (b) 4(3t – 1)2 – (7t + 5)2
(e) z2 + 2z – 3 (f ) z2 + 14z – 15 (c) (3y + 2)2 + 7(3y + 2) + 10
(g) t – 2t – 24
(h) t 2 + 3t – 28 (d) 3(2u + 1)2 + 2(2u + 1)(u – 4) – 5(u – 4)2
(i) a – 13a + 42
( j) a2 + 15a + 44
(k) 30 + b – b 2
(l) 21 – 4b – b2 8. A ball is thrown from the top of a building. Its
vertical height H (in metres) above the ground
2. Factorise each of the following expressions. at time t seconds during the flight is given by the
(a) 2x2 + 3x + 1 (b) 2x2 + 7x + 5 formula,
(c) 3y – 5y + 2
(d) 3y2 – 11y + 10 H = 90 + 15t – 5t 2.
(e) 4m2 – 4m + 1 (f ) 4m2 + 4m – 3 (a) Find the height of the building.
(g) 5n – 11n – 12
(h) 6n2 – n – 7 (b) Factorise 90 + 15t – 5t 2.
(i) 6p + 23p + 7
( j) 7p2 + 16p – 15 (c) Hence, find the time of
(k) 8q2 – 14q – 9 (l) 9q2 + 30q + 25 flight of the ball.
(m) 9 – 15x + 6x 2
(n) 4 – 2d – 12d 2 H
(d) Find the value of t when
the ball is again at the

same level as the top of
the building.
3. Factorise the following if possible.
9. The area of a piece of rectangular land is
(a) 3x2 + 3 + 10x (b) –5x + 1 + 6x2
(6p2 + 11pq – 7q2) m2. The length of a side is
(c) 2y + 7y – 1
(d) –9 – 4y2 + 2y
(3p + 7q) m.
(e) 5z + 35z – 90
(f ) 33 – 36z + 3z2
(a) Find the length of the other side of the land.
(b) Express the perimeter of the land in terms of
4. Factorise each of the following.
p and q.
(a) –x2 + 5x – 6 (b) –x2 + 7x + 8
(c) –2x – 11x – 5
(d) –3x2 – 11x + 4
10. The nth term Tn of a sequence is given by
5. Factorise each of the following expressions. Tn = n3 + 3n2 + 2n.
(a) x(x – 5) + 6 (a) Find the first 4 terms of the sequence.
(b) x2 + 3(x – 6) (b) Factorise n3 + 3n2 + 2n.
(c) (x – 3)2 + 12x (c) What is the common property of the terms
(d) (x + 3)(x – 4) – 8 of the sequence?
(e) (3x – 4)(2x – 5) + 8(2x – 5)
(f) (3x – 4)2 – (2x + 1)2 11. (a) Factorise 2x2 – 13x + 15.
(b) Hence, or otherwise, factorise
6. Factorise each of the following expressions. 6(a + 2b)2 – 39(a + 2b) + 45.
(a) 8x2 – xy – 7y2 (b) p2 + 3pq – 10q2
(c) 2p – 11pq + 5q
2 2
(d) 5m2 – 29mn – 6n2
(e) x y – 5xy – 14
2 2
(f ) y + 24yz – 81yz2

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

2.4 Special Products of Algebraic

Some products involving squares of expressions such as (a + b)2 and (2x – 3)2, often
occur in algebraic manipulation. Let us observe some patterns of their expansion.

Objective: To derive some special products of algebraic expressions.

Copy and complete the following.
1. (a) Expand (a + b)2.
(a + b)2 = (a + b)(a + b)
(b) Explain whether (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 is correct.

2. Expand (a – b)2.
(a – b)2 = (a – b)(a – b)

3. Expand (a + b)(a – b).

(a + b)(a – b) =

From Class Activity 6, we obtain the expansions of the three special products of
algebraic expressions as follows:

(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
(a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2

(a + b)2 and (a – b)2 are called perfect squares. a2 – b2 is called the difference of two
squares. These results are very useful in manipulating algebraic expressions.

Example 14 Expand each of the following.
(a) (x + 3)2 (b) (2x + 1)2

(a) (x + 3)²
= x2 + 2(x)(3) + 32 Apply (a + b)2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2
= x2 + 6x + 9 by taking a = x and b = 3.

(b) (2x + 1)²

= (2x)2 + 2(2x)(1) + 12 Take a = 2x and b = 1.
= 4x2 + 4x + 1

Try It! 14 Expand each of the following.

(a) ( y + 6)2 (b) (4t + 5)2

Example 15 Expand each of the following.

(a) (4 – m)2 (b) (3p – 5)2

(a) (4 – m)2
= 42 – 2(4)(m) + m2 Apply (a – b)2 = a 2 – 2ab + b 2
= 16 – 8m + m2 by taking a = 4 and b = m.

(b) (3p – 5)2

= (3p)2 – 2(3p)(5) + 52 Take a = 3p and b = 5.
= 9p2 – 30p +25

Try It! 15
Expand each of the following.
(a) (n – 8)2 (b) (7p – 6)2

16 Expand each of the following.

(a) (2p + 5q)2 (b) 6r – s

(a) (2p + 5q)2
= (2p)2 + 2(2p)(5q) + (5q)2 Apply (a + b)2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2
= 4p2 + 20pq + 25q2 by taking a = 2p and b = 5q.
(b) 6r – s

= (6r)2 – 2(6r) s +
1 1
Apply (a – b)2 = a 2 – 2ab + b 2
2 1 Is 6r – 1 s
equal to
1 by taking a = 6r and b = s.
= 36r2 – 6rs + s2 2 2
4 1
(12r – s)2 ?

Try It! 16 Expand each of the following.

(a) (3k + 2n)2 (b) c – 10d

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Example 17 Expand each of the following.
(a) (2p + 1)(2p – 1)
(b) (5x – 9y)(5x + 9y)

Solution (a) (2p + 1)(2p – 1) Apply (a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2

= (2p)2 – 12 by taking a = 2p and b = 1. (a + b)(a – b) = (a – b)(a + b)
= 4p2 – 1

(b) (5x – 9y)(5x + 9y)
= (5x)2 – (9y)2 Take a = 5x and b = 9y.
= 25x2 – 81y2 Is a2 – b2 = (a – b)2?

Try It! 17 Expand each of the following.

(a) (1 – 6q)(1 + 6q)
(b) (11u + 5v)(11u – 5v)

Example 18 Evaluate each of the following, using special products of algebraic

Try expanding (101 + 2)2
(a) 1032
or (99 + 4)2. What do you
(b) 19.52 realise?
(c) 301 3 299

(a) 1032 = (100 + 3)2
= 1002 + 2(100)(3) + 32 Apply (a + b)2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2.
= 10 000 + 600 + 9
= 10 609

(b) 19.52 = (20 – 0.5)2

= 202 – 2(20)(0.5) + (0.5)2 Apply (a – b)2 = a 2 – 2ab + b 2.
= 400 – 20 + 0.25
= 380.25

(c) 301 3 299 = (300 + 1) 3 (300 – 1)

= 3002 – 12 Apply (a + b)(a – b) = a 2 – b 2.
= 90 000 – 1
= 89 999
Note: Without using a calculator, we can apply the special products
of algebraic expressions to help us with the above calculations.
However, we need to choose appropriate numbers for the

Try It! 18 Evaluate each of the following, using special products of algebraic
(a) 1982
(b) 30.52
(c) 99 3 101

Objective: To identify and explain common errors in the expansion of perfect squares.

Some students are asked to expand (a + b)2 and (a – b)2. Their workings are as follows:

(a + b)2 (a – b)2

Student A Student X
(a + b)2 = (a + b)(a + b) (a – b)­2 = (a – b)(a – b)
= a2 + ab + b2 = a2 – ab + b2
Student B Student Y
(a + b)2 = (a + b)(a + b) (a – b)2 = a 3 a – b 3 b
= a2 + ab + ab + b2 = a2 – b2

= a2 + 2ab + b2
Student C Student Z
(a + b)2 = a 3 a + b 3 b (a – b)2 = (a – b)(a – b)
= a2 + b2 = a2 – ab – ab + b2
= a2 – 2ab + b2

Which students obtained the wrong answers? Explain their mistakes in detail.

From Class Activity 7, we see that

(a + b)2 ≠ a2 + b2
and    (a – b)2 ≠ a2 – b2.

LEVEL 1 (c) (3c + 1)(3c – 1)
(d) (9d + 4)(9d – 4)
1. Expand each of the following. (e) (7x – 10y)(7x + 10y)
(a) (a + 1)2 (b) (2c + 7)2 (f ) (m – 6n)(m + 6n)
(c) (h + 4k) 2
(d) (3m + 5n)2 (g) (t – 2z)(t + 2z)
1 (11p – 8q)(11p + 8q)
(e) (7x + 2y)2 (f ) 12 p + q

2. Expand each of the following.

(a) x–

(b) (5 – d )2 LEVEL 2
(c) (3h – 1)2 (d) (5a – 3b)2 4. Expand and simplify each of the following.
2 (a) (a + 3b)2 – (a – 3b)2
(e) (4p – 7q)2 (f ) x – 6y (b) (6p – q)2 + (2p + 3q)2
(c) 2s2 – (s – t)2
3. Expand each of the following. (d) (5x + 7y)2 – (5x – z)(5x + z)
(a) (a + 5)(a – 5) (e) (3u – 4v)2 – (2u + 9v)(2u + 9v)
(b) ( y + 7)( y – 7)

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

5. Evaluate each of the following, using special 11. In the diagram, a square picture PQRS of side
products of algebraic expressions. 5x cm is mounted on a square frame ABCD
(a) 1012 (b) 10022 leaving a uniform border of width 3 cm.
(c) 40.5 2
(d) 992
(e) 4972 (f ) 49.82 D C
(g) 98 3 102 (h) 195 3 205 S R

6. In the diagram, a small square, EFCG, of side y cm

is cut off from a square, ABCD, of side x cm. Using
a diagram, show that the remaining region can be
divided into two parts, which can be arranged to
form a rectangle that measures (x + y) cm by
(x – y) cm. A B
3 5x 3

D G C (a) Express the area of ABCD as a quadratic

y expression in x.
(b) If the area of the border is 396 cm2, find the
E y
x area of the picture.

12. The external radius of a circular pipe is x cm. The

A x B thickness of the wall of the pipe is 1 cm.

Note: This is the geometric interpretation of the

product (x + y)(x – y) = x2 – y2.
7. If a2 + b2 = 13 and ab = 6, find the value of
(a) (a + b)2,
(b) (a – b)2.

8. If a – b = 3 and a2 – b2 = 33, find the value of a + b.

(a) Express the cross-sectional area of the pipe
in terms of x.
9. Solve the equation (x + 3)2 – (x – 2)2 = 55.
(b) If the cross-sectional area of the pipe is
19r cm2, find the value of x.

LEVEL 3 13. Create two arithmetic expressions that can be

easily calculated by applying any of the three
10. A square window has sides of x cm. A rectangular special products of algebraic expressions that you
window is (x + 3) cm long and (x – 3) cm wide. have learnt in this section.
Determine which window has a larger area. How 1
14. (a) Expand x + .
much bigger is its area in cm2? x
(b) If x2 + = 7 and x  0, find the value of
x2 2
1 1
(i) x+ , (ii) x– .
x x

2.5 Factorisation by Using Special Products
of Algebraic Expressions

We have learnt in Section 2.4 that

(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2,
(a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 ,
(a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2.

As factorisation is the reverse process of expansion, we can have the following


Factorisation is
the reverse process
a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2 of expansion.
a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2
a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)

When an expression can be written in one of the forms on the left-hand side of the
equations above, we can factorise it accordingly. The expressions for (a + b)2 and (a – b)2
are called perfect square expressions.

Example 19 Factorise each of the following.

(a) x2 + 10x + 25
(b) 4 + 12xy + 9x2y2 Is x2 + 2x + 4 a perfect
square expression?

Solution (a) Observe that x2 = (x)2 and 25 = 52. We would see whether the
middle term 10x can be expressed as 2(x)(5). If so, we can apply
the perfect square factorisation.
x2 + 10x + 25
= x2 + 2(x)(5) + 52 Apply a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2 by taking
= (x + 5)2 a = x and b = 5.

(b) 4 + 12xy + 9x2y2
= 22 + 2(2)(3xy) + (3xy)2 Observe that 4 = 22 and 9x2y2 = (3xy)2.
= (2 + 3xy)2 Take a = 2 and b = 3xy.

Try It! 19 Factorise each of the following.

(a) y2 + 12y + 36
(b) 25u2v2 + 40uv + 16

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Example 20 Factorise each of the following.
(a) 49t 2 – 14t + 1 (b) 4x2 – 36xy + 81y2

49t 2 – 14t + 1

= (7t)2 – 2(7t)(1) + 12
= (7t – 1)2

Apply a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2
by taking a = 7t and b = 1.
Is (7t – 1)2 = (1 – 7t )2 ?
(b) 4x2 – 36xy + 81y2 Observe that 4x2 = (2x)2 and
= (2x)2 – 2(2x)(9y) + (9y)2 81y2 = (9y)2. Take a = 2x and b = 9y.
= (2x – 9y)2

Try It! 20 Factorise each of the following.

(a) 64n2 – 16n + 1 (b) 144k2 – 120kw + 25w2

Example 21 Factorise each of the following.

(a) z2 – 16 (b) 49m2 – 9n2

(a) z2 – 16
= z2 – 42 Apply a 2 – b 2 = (a + b)(a – b) by taking
= (z + 4)(z – 4) a = z and b = 4.

(b) 49m2 – 9n2

= (7m)2 – (3n)2 Take a = 7m and b = 3n.
= (7m + 3n)(7m – 3n)

Try It! 21 Factorise each of the following.

(a) 64 – k2 (b) 4p2 – 81q2

Example 22 Factorise 3x2 – 75.

Solution 3x2 – 75
= 3(x2 – 25) Extract the common factor.
= 3(x2 – 52) Apply a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b) by taking
= 3(x + 5)(x – 5) a = x and b = 5.
Note: When there is a common factor, we should factor it out first.

Try It! 22 Factorise 5t 2 – 20.

Example 23 Evaluate 2382 – 2372 using factorisation.
1. What do you notice about
2382 – 2372 = (238 + 237) 3 (238 – 237) the numbers 237 and
= 475 3 1 238?
= 475
2. If we use the same
Note: We can apply algebraic factorisation to evaluate the difference method as shown in
of two squares. Example 23 to evaluate
8322 – 2372, will it ease
the calculation?
Try It! 23 Evaluate 4632 – 4532 using factorisation.

Example 24 Factorise (3t + 4)2 – (2t – 7)2.

Solution Method 1
We first expand and simplify the expression.
(3t + 4)2 – (2t – 7)2
= (3t)2 + 2(3t)(4) + 42 – [(2t)2 – 2(2t)(7) + 72] (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
= 9t2 + 24t + 16 – 4t2 + 28t – 49 (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
= 5t2 + 52t – 33
= (t + 11)(5t – 3)

3 5t –3
t 5t2 –3t
11 55t –33 Check: 55t + (–3t) = 52t

Method 2
We apply the factorisation of the difference of two squares.
(3t + 4)2 – (2t – 7)2
= [(3t + 4) + (2t – 7)][(3t + 4) – (2t – 7)] a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)
= (3t + 4 + 2t – 7)(3t + 4 – 2t + 7) Take a = (3t + 4) and
b = (2t – 7).
= (5t – 3)(t + 11)

Try It! 24 Factorise (2y – 5)2 – ( y + 4)2.

From the examples above, we notice that when algebraic expressions are in a particular
form, we can apply the special product of algebraic expressions to factorise them.

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions


Objective: To identify and explain common errors in algebraic manipulation.

Four students were asked to factorise x2(2y – 7) + 9(7 – 2y). Their workings are as follows:

Student A
x2(2y – 7) + 9(7 – 2y) has no common factors, so it cannot be factorised.

Student B
x2(2y – 7) + 9(7 – 2y) = x2(2y – 7) – 9(2y – 7)
= x2 – 9(2y – 7)

Student C
x2(2y – 7) + 9(7 – 2y) = x2(2y – 7) – 9(2y – 7)
= (2y – 7)(x2 – 9)
= (2y – 7)(x2 – 32)
= (2y – 7)(x – 3)2

Student D
x2(2y – 7) + 9(7 – 2y) = x2(2y – 7) – 9(2y – 7)
= (x2 – 9)(2y – 7)
= (x2 – 32)(2y – 7)
= (x + 3)(x – 3)(2y – 7)

Which students obtained the wrong answers? Explain their mistakes in detail.

LEVEL 1 3. Factorise each of the following.
(a) 25c2 – 10c + 1 (b) k2 – 4k + 4
1. Determine which of the following are perfect
(c) 9s – 24s + 16
(d) 100t 2 – 140t + 49
square expressions. If so, factorise the expressions.
(e) 9x – 48xy + 64y (f ) s2t2 – 16st + 64
2 2
(a) x2 + 4x + 4 (b) x2 + 18x + 36
(c) x – 3x + 9
(d) 25x2 – 40x + 16
4. Factorise each of the following completely.
(e) 49s – 14st – s
2 2
(f ) 4a2 + 36ab + 81b2
(a) a2 – 9 (b) 49b2 – 1
(c) 36c – 25d
2 2
(d) 4m2 – 121n2
2. Factorise each of the following.
(e) 18u – 50v
2 2
(f ) 45x2 – 320y2
(a) x2 + 6x + 9
(b) 4y2 + 4y + 1
(c) 49a2 + 28a + 4
(d) 25d 2 + 60d + 36
(e) p2 + 8pq + 16q2 5. Find the value of each of the following by
(f ) 121m2 + 44mn + 4n2 factorisation.
(a) 1432 – 1422 (b) 3972 – 3872
(c) 685 – 315
2 2
(d) 13.52 – 6.52
(e) 982 – 4 (f ) 200.5 2 – 199.5 2

6. Factorise each of the following completely. 10. Wen has (9x2 + 24xy + 16y2) marbles, where x and
(a) 45m2 + 60mn + 20n2 y are positive integers. He arranges the marbles in
1 a square array.
(b) 36u2 – 4uv + v2
9 (a) Express, in terms of x and y, the number of
(c) 5 – 125n2
marbles on each side of the array.
(d) x2y – 22xy + 121y
(b) When x = 2 and y = 5, find the number of
(e) 49 + 42ac + 9a2c2
marbles on a side of the array.
(f ) 72m2 – 98n2
(g) 9a3 – 12a2b + 4ab2
11. (a) Factorise 4x2 – 25.
(h) 3x3 – 48x
(b) Let y = 4x2 – 25.
(i) Find the possible values of x that make
7. Factorise each of the following completely.
y = 0.
(a) (x + y)2 – 14(x + y) + 49
(ii) Find the range of the values of x such
(b) (a + 3b)2 – (2c + d)2
that y is negative.
(c) 25 – (u – v)2
(d) 36(m + n)2 – 169(r + 2s)2
12. Factorise each of the following completely.
(e) x2 – 4xy + 4y2 – 1
(a) y4 – 81
(f ) 100 – y2 + 6yz – 9z2
(b) 625m4 – n4

LEVEL 3 13. (a) Expand (a + b + c)2.

(b) Factorise a2 + 4b2 + c2 – 4ab – 4bc + 2ac.
8. For each of the following expressions, find the (c) Let E = a2 + 4b2 + c2 – 4ab – 4bc + 2ac.
number k such that the given expression is a (i) What is the minimum value of E?
perfect square. (ii) Find two possible sets of values of a,
(a) x2 + 10x + k (b) 4x2 – 24x + k b and c such that the value of E is the
(c) ky2 – 28y + 49 (d) ky2 + 48y + 64 minimum.
(e) z + kz + 121
(f) 25z2 + kz + 36

9. The area of a square carpet is (36x2 – 12x + 1) m2.

(a) Express the perimeter of the carpet in terms
of x.
(b) If x = , find the perimeter of the carpet.

2.6 Factorisation by Grouping Terms

Last year we have learnt to factorise simple algebraic expressions by considering

common factors. For instance, Factorisation is complete
when the terms in the
14mx + 35my – 7m Observe that 7m is a common factor for the brackets have no more
= 7m(2x) + 7m(5y) – 7m(1) three terms. Write each term as a product of common factors.
= 7m(2x + 5y – 1) the common factor and its remaining factors.
Extract the common factor.

Factorisation by grouping terms involves arranging the terms in an algebraic RECALL

expression into groups such that the terms in each group have common factor(s). We It is a good practice to
can then extract the common factor(s) to factorise the given expression. expand the answer and
check if you can get back
the given expression.

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

Let us consider ax + ay + bx + by.
Observe that the term ax + ay has a common factor a and the term bx + by has a common
factor b. Thus, we can extract the common factor(s):
ax + ay + bx + by = a(x + y) + b(x + y)
Now observe that a(x + y) and b(x + y) has a common factor (x + y).

Hence, we have ax + ay + bx + by = a(x + y) + b(x + y)

= (x + y)(a + b)

The factorised expression can also be written as (a + b)(x + y).

Example 25 Factorise each of the following.

(a) 4(a + 3b) – 8y(a + 3b) (b) ch(2x – 1) + ck(2x – 1)


(a) 4(a + 3b) – 8y(a + 3b)
= (a + 3b)(4 – 8y)
(a + 3b) is a common factor.
4 is a common factor of (4 – 8y),
= 4(a + 3b)(1 – 2y) i.e. (4 – 8y) = 4(1 – 2y). For part (a), we can also extract
common factor 4(a + 3b) from
(b) ch(2x – 1) + ck(2x – 1) (2x – 1) is a common factor. the given expression,
= (2x –1)(ch + ck)
c is a common factor of ch + ck. i.e. 4(a + 3b) – 8y(a + 3b)
= 4(a + 3b) – 4(2y)(a + 3b)
= c(2x –1)(h + k) = 4(a + 3b)(1 – 2y).
For part (b), we can also extract
common factor c(2x – 1) from
Try It! 25 Factorise each of the following.
the given expression,
(a) 9x(5p + 2q) + 3(5p + 2q) (b) 5m(2 – 3y) – 10n(2 – 3y) i.e. ch(2x – 1) + ck(2x – 1)
= c(2x – 1)(h + k).

Example 26 Factorise each of the following.

(a) 4x + 10y – 15ay – 6ax (b) 12ax – 3ay – 8bx + 2by

(a) 4x + 10y – 15ay – 6ax
= (4x + 10y) – (15ay + 6ax) Arrange the terms into two groups. REMARK
= 2(2x + 5y) – 3a(5y + 2x) Extract common factors from each group. We may group those terms
= 2(2x + 5y) – 3a(2x + 5y) with ‘x’ together and those
= (2x + 5y)(2 – 3a) Factor out the common factor. terms with ‘y’ together
before factorisation, i.e.
(b) 12ax – 3ay – 8bx + 2by 12ax – 3ay – 8bx + 2by
= (12ax – 3ay) – (8bx – 2by) = (12ax – 8bx) – (3ay – 2by)
= 4x(3a – 2b) – y(3a – 2b)
= 3a(4x – y) – 2b(4x – y)
= (3a – 2b)(4x – y).
= (4x – y)(3a – 2b)

Try It! 26 Factorise each of the following.

(a) 20hp – 15hq – 4kp + 3kq (b) 6ax + 9ay – 12by – 8bx

Example 27 Factorise 5ck – 5c + 6 – 6k.

5ck – 5c + 6 – 6k = (5ck – 5c) + (6 – 6k)
= 5c(k – 1) + 6(1 – k)
= 5c(k – 1) – 6(k – 1)    1 – k = – (k – 1)
= (k – 1)(5c – 6)

Try It! 27 Factorise 7ax – 21x + 12 – 4a.

1. Factorise the following. 3. In the diagram, rectangle ABCD is divided into
(a) (a + 3b)x + (a + 3b)y four rectangles by the lines PTQ and RTS. The
(b) m(2p – q) – 3n(2p – q) areas of the four rectangles are 21ax, 7bx, 6ay and
(c) ax + bx – ay – by 2by as shown in the diagram.
(d) 5r + ar + 5s + as D P C
(e) cv – c + v – 1
(f ) 1 + 2r – k – 2kr 21ax 7bx
(g) 35mx – 7m + 5nx – n
(h) 11x – px – 11y + py S
(i) 10px + 15qx + 8py + 12qy 6ay 2by
( j) 36ax – 63ay – 4bx + 7by A B
(a) Factorise 21ax + 7bx + 6ay + 2by.

LEVEL 2 (b) Find the lengths of AR and DP.

2. Factorise the following. 4. (a) Can we factorise the following expressions?

(a) au – 5b + ab – 5u (i) 3x + 4y
(b) 8qx + 21py + 6px + 28qy (ii) ax + ay – bx + by
(c) 8bx – 15ay – 6by + 20ax (b) What can you conclude from the results
(d) 3m – 6n + 36nt – 18mt in (a)?
(e) ax – 3ay – 3by + bx (c) Write a 4-term algebraic expression that
(f ) 5p2 – 8q + 2p – 20pq cannot be factorised.
(g) 54p2 – 6p – s + 9ps
(h) 21mx – 7kx – 2ky + 6my 5. Ali was asked to factorise x2y2 + 36 – 4x2 – 9y2.
He tried some ways of grouping terms as shown
x2y2 + 36 – 4x2 – 9y2 = (x2y2 + 36) – (4x2 + 9y2)
x2y2 + 36 – 4x2 – 9y2 = (x2y2 + 36 – 4x2) – 9y2
x2y2 + 36 – 4x2 – 9y2 = x2y2 + (36 – 4x2 – 9y2)
As he could not carry out factorisation with the
groupings above, he concluded that the expression
could not be factorised. Do you agree with him?
Why or why not?

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

sh Quadratic Expressions Expansion of the Product of
aN The general form of the quadratic Algebraic Expressions
In expression in x is Distributive law of multiplication:
ax + bx + c,
(a + b)(x + y) = a(x + y) + b(x + y)
where a, b and c are constants and a ≠ 0. = ax + ay + bx + by
(2x + 3)(x – 4) = 2x(x – 4) + 3(x – 4)
= 2x2 –8x + 3x – 12
= 2x2 – 5x – 12

Factorisation of ax2 + bx + c
Factorise 10x2 – 7x – 12.

3 5x 4

2x 10x2 8x Check: 2x(4) + (–3)(5x)

= 8x + –15x
–3 –15x –12
= 8x – 15x
= –7x
∴ 10x2 – 7x – 12 = (2x – 3)(5x + 4)

Special Products Factorisation by Using Special Products

• (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 Examples:
• (a – b) = a – 2ab + b
2 2 2
(a) Factorise x2 + 18x + 81.
• (a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2 x2 + 18x + 81 = x2 + 2(x)(9) + 92
= (x + 9)2
(b) Factorise 4x2 – 20xy + 25y2.
4x2 – 20xy + 25y2 = (2x)2 – 2(2x)(5y) + (5y)2
= (2x – 5y)2
Factorisation by Grouping (c) Factorise 49x2 – 169y2.
Terms 49x2 – 169y2 = (7x)2 – (13y)2
= (7x + 13y)(7x – 13y)
This is the reverse process of
the distributive law.
ax + bx + kay + kby
= x(a + b) + ky(a + b)
= (a + b)(x + ky)

1. Simplify each of the following. 7. Factorise each of the following if possible.
(a) 2(x2 – 3x + 7) – 3(2x2 + 7x – 8) (a) x(10x – 1) – 24
(b) 5(–2x2 – x + 6) + 4(3x2 – 2x – 1) (b) x2 – 8(x + 2)
(c) (3m + 1)(2m – 5) + (3m + 1)(6 – m)
2. Expand and simplify each of the following. (d) (2t – 7)2 – (5t – 4)2
(a) (2a + 3)(a – 4) (b) (2c – 5)(c – 6)
(c) (4m – n)(2m + n) (d) (4a + 5b)(2c + 7d) 8. Factorise each of the following completely.
(a) (4x +1)2 – 2(4x + 1) – 15
3. Expand each of the following. (b) t 3 – 8t 2 + 16t
(a) (2p – 5)2 (b) (7 + 3xy)2
(c) (11x – 8y)2 (d) (4t + 9)(4t – 9) 9. Solve each of the following equations.
(e) (5pq + 6)(5pq – 6) (f ) (3a + 10x)2 (a) (2x + 3)(5x – 7) = (10x + 1)(x + 6)
(b) (3x – 1)2 + (4x + 7)2 = (5x – 4)(5x + 4)
4. Factorise each of the following.
(a) 2ab + 3b + 8a + 12 10. ABCD is a square of side 2x cm. PQRS is a rectangle
(b) 8xz – 4x + 10yz – 5y of dimensions (2x – 7) cm by (2x + 7) cm.
(c) 21ax + 10by – 35ay – 6bx (a) Show that ABCD and PQRS are equal in
(d) 6p2 – 2qr – 12pq + pr perimeter.
(b) Find the area of PQRS.
5. Factorise each of the following completely. (c) Which figure has a greater area? How much
(a) a2 – 20a + 100 bigger is its area in cm2?
(b) 4c2 + 28cd + 49d2
(c) 196 – 25t 2 11. A restaurant has 8 tables of dimensions x m by
(d) 12p2 – 60pq + 75q2 x m, 10 tables of dimensions x m by 1 m and
(e) 81m2 + 90mp + 25p2 3 tables of dimensions 1 m by 1 m. All the tables
(f ) 72t 2 – 2x2 are of equal height.
(a) Find the total area of the table tops in terms
6. Factorise each of the following completely. of x.
(a) 2x2 – 5x + 2 (b) 15y2 – 17y – 4 (b) If the tables are placed together to form a
(c) 24a2 + 59a + 7 (d) 44m2 + 10m – 6 large rectangular table, find the dimensions
of the table formed.
(c) Illustrate the arrangement of the tables in
(b) by a diagram.

Write in Your Journal

1. Use examples to illustrate the difference in ‘factorisation’ and ‘expansion’ in your own words.

2. Your classmate was absent from the lesson on using the multiplication frame to factorise a
quadratic expression. Using an example, explain to your classmate how this method works.

Chapter 2 Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions

31 Simple Algebraic

Let’s Learn to
express an algebraic fraction in its simplest form
A human eye uses a lens to form
perform the four operations on algebraic fractions
the image of an object on the
retina. A short-sighted person change the subject of a formula
find the value of an unknown quantity in a given formula
has to use a concave lens to
correct his vision. We use the
1 1 1
formula + = to find
u v f
the required focal length f of a
lens to correct short-sightedness.
The variable u denotes the object
distance and the variable v
denotes the image distance from
the lens.
3.1 Simplifying Simple Algebraic Fractions

We know that a number of the form q , where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0, is called a
2 17 9
fraction. For example, , and – are fractions.
3 5 26
In algebra, an algebraic expression of the form Q , where P and Q are expressions
involving addition, subtraction and multiplication only and Q ≠ 0, is called an algebraic
fraction. For example, You can see more examples
and exercises at http://www.
ab m x2
, , , 4 pq – 5rs are algebraic fractions.
c n – 2 ( x + 1)( x – 3) y+z weblinks_2a.html.

It must be emphasised that the expression of the denominator of an algebraic

fraction cannot be zero. This is because division by zero is invalid. Therefore, in the
examples of algebraic fractions above, we must have c ≠ 0, n ≠ 2, x ≠ –1 and x ≠ 3, and
y ≠ –z. For simplicity, in this chapter, we will assume that the value of the denominator
is non-zero.

If R ≠ 0, we have = 1, and hence
=  = and Q√R
= ÷ = .

We see that the value of an algebraic fraction is unaltered when both its numerator and
denominator are multiplied or divided by the same non-zero number or expression. DISCUSS
a a+c
Is = for c ≠ 0?
b b+c
Example 1 Express each of the following in its simplest form.
12 a2 b 8 x2 + 6 x
(a) (b)
15ab3 18tx

12 a2 b (3ab)(4a)
(a) = Extract the common factor of the numerator and
15ab3 2
(3ab)(5b ) the denominator.

4a 3 ab
= 2 =1
5b 3 ab

8 x2 + 6 x (2x)(4x + 3) 2x
(b) = =1
18tx (2x)(9t) 2x

4x + 3

Try It! 1 Simplify each of the following algebraic fractions.

3 2
28 x y 25mn
(a) (b)
20 x 2 y 5 5m2 + 15mn

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

Example 2 Simplify each of the following algebraic fractions.
2 ax – 6 ay + bx – 3by 2 x 2 – x – 15
(a) (b)
10 ax + 8 ay + 5bx + 4 by 9 – x2

Solution (a) 2 ax – 6 ay + bx – 3by

10 ax + 8 ay + 5bx + 4 by

2 a( x – 3 y ) + b( x – 3 y )
= Factorise by grouping terms.
2 a(5 x + 4 y ) + b(5x + 4 y )

= (2a + b)(x – 3y)

(2a + b)(5x + 4 y)
x – 3y
5x + 4 y

2 x 2 – x – 15
9 – x2
Using a 2 – b 2 = (a + b)(a – b),
9 – x 2 = (3 + x)(3 – x). REMARK
(2 x + 5)( x – 3) In general,
(3 + x )(3 – x ) y – x = –(x – y).
(2x + 5)(x – 3)
= Since 3 – x = –(x – 3).
–(3 + x)(x – 3)
2x + 5
x +3

Try It! 2 Simplify each of the following.

3 px + 15 py – 2qx – 10qy 2
3 x – 10 x – 8
(a) (b)
21px – 3 py – 14 qx + 2qy 16 – x 2

1. Simplify each of the following algebraic fractions. 2. Simplify each of the following algebraic fractions.
7 8cd a + 4
(a) (b) (a)
21a 6cf a  +  3 a – 4

9 pq 2 15m2n2 6m2 – 3mn

(c) 2 (d) (b)
12 p q 5m4 n3 4 m2 – n 2
24 12m2 – 18m 2 a2 + a – 21
(e) (f ) (c)
16 a – 8b 21m 2
2 a – 13a + 21
7 xy 6h2 + 4 hk 2d 2 – d – 1
(g) (h) 2
(d )
2 2
x y – 4 xy 3hk + 2k 1 + 4 d – 5d 2
(4 p – 3q )2 3 x − 21 6 x 2 + xy – 7 y 2
(i) ( j) (e) 2
20 p 2 q – 15 pq 2 ( y – x)
7x – x
5 x 2 – 45 y 2
(f) 2
x + 3 xy

3. Simplify each of the following algebraic fractions. LEVEL 3
14 ab – 35b 2
(a) 2
2 a – 5ab + 6a – 15b 4. Create an algebraic fraction comprising of
18 a2 – 8c 2
sum or/and difference of at least two terms
3 ac – 2c 2 – 18 a + 12c in its numerator and denominator, which can be
8pr – 6ps – 4 qr + 3qs reduced to .
(c) 3n
20pr – 15ps

30 mx + 5my + 18nx + 3ny 5. Create an algebraic fraction, with quadratic

(d) expressions in both its numerator and
15mx – 10 my + 9nx – 6ny
2x – 1
6p 2 + 12 pq + 6q 2 denominator, which is equivalent to . State
(e) 3x + 4
4 mp + 4 mq + 3np + 3nq the values of x for which the algebraic fraction is
2 2 2
4 x + 4 xy + y – z undefined.
y 2 + 2 yz + z 2 – 4 x 2
x y
9 p 2 – 16q 2 –
(g) 6. Simplify
y x
3 p 2 – 2 pq – 8q 2 1 1
x y
(4 a – 5b )2
15ab – 12 a2
(3 ax – by ) + (bx + 3ay )
2 2

7. Simplify .
a2 x 2 + a2 y 2 + b 2 x 2 + b 2 y 2

3.2 Multiplication and Division of Algebraic


The multiplication and division of algebraic fractions is similar to those operations in

For any two algebraic fractions, and , we define as follows: In arithmetic, we multiply
or divide two fractions as
3 2 32
(a)  =
4 5 4 5
P R PR 3
3 = =
Q S QS 10
7 5 7 4
P R P S (b) ÷ = 
÷ =  8 4 8 5
= 7
PS 10

Notice that dividing by a fraction is equivalent to multiplying by its reciprocal. We will

simplify a resulting expression if necessary.

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

Example 3 Simplify each of the following.
3x 2 2 a2 b 3bd
(a) 8y
3 (b) 
5xy 5c3 d 2 8a

2 x 2 + xy – y 2 4x – 4 y
(c) 12 x – 6 y
3 2 2
x –y

3x 2 6x
Solution (a) 8y
= 40 xy 2 2x is the common factor in the
numerator and denominator.
20 y 2

2 a2 b 3bd 6 a2 b 2 d 2a2d is the common factor in the
(b)  = numerator and denominator.
5c3 d 2 8 a2 40 a2 c3 d 2
3b 2
20 c3 d

2 2
2 x + xy – y 4x – 4 y
(c) 12 x – 6 y
3 2 2
x –y
(2 x – y )( x + y ) 4( x – y ) Factorise both the numerator and
= 6(2 x – y )
( x + y )( x – y ) denominator.
4(2 x – y )( x + y )( x – y ) 2(2x – y)(x + y)(x – y) is the
= common factor in the numerator
6(2 x – y )( x + y )( x – y )
2 and denominator.

Try It! 3 Simplify each of the following.

4p 3r 4 ab 2 10 c3 d
(a) 9q
(b) 2
15c d 8 ab
x2 – 4 y2 2 x + 10 y
(c) 3
x + 5xy 3x – 6 y

Example 4 Simplify each of the following.

10 a xy3 x2 y
(a) ÷ 2a (b) ÷
7b 5c 24z t
8zt 4

p2 – q 2 p–q
(c) ÷
5c + d 25c 2 – d 2

10 a 10 a 5c
÷ 2 a = 7b  2 a
Solution (a) Multiply by the reciprocal of the
7b 5c divisor.
xy3 x2 y xy3 8 zt
(b) ÷ =  x2 y Multiply by the reciprocal of the
24z t
8zt 4
24z 2 t divisor.

8t 4 xy 3 z
24 tx 2 yz 2

= ty
3 2

3 xz

p2 – q 2 p–q
(c) ÷ 2 2
5c + d 25c – d

p2 – q 2 25c 2 – d 2
= 
5c + d

( p + q )( p – q ) (5c + d )(5c – d ) ( p – q)(5c + d) is the common factor

= 
5c + d p–q in the numerator and denominator.
= (p + q)(5c – d)

Try It! 4 Simplify each of the following.

9 ab 3a 2 3

(a) ÷ (b) 7 p3 q
÷ 14 q r3
14 c 8c 3r 2 s 5 6 ps
x + 7 x + 12
(c) ÷ x+4
x 2 – 36 x+6

1. Simplify each of the following. 3. Simplify each of the following.
c 2
4h 5k 2
6m – 8n 9qs + 9rs
(a) 5a  (b)  (a) 
ab k 10 h6 7 pq + 7 pr 2
3m – 4 mn
8 x2
2 st 6uv 21 y 6c 2 – 3cd
(c) (d)
3c + 2cd
3 3
4s t 3y
4 
16 x 3 (b) 2 
3cd + 2d 4 c2 − d 2
8mx 3 4 m3 x x 3x2 y
(e) ÷ (f ) ÷ 2 p3 + 8 p 2 q 2 pq
30 x 3mx 5t 10t 2 s (c) 
p 2 q 2 − pq 3 p 2 q + 12 pq 2
7c x 14 xy 3 ab 9b
(g) ÷ (h) ÷ w 2 + 3w + 2 w 2 + 3w – 4
3cy c3 10 yz 5 yz 2 (d)  2
w+4 2w + w – 1

2. Simplify each of the following. 2

y – 4y + 3 y – 2 y – 15

(e) 2 
ab 2b 2
8 ac y + y–2 y2 – 9
(a) ÷  2
6c 2 a ab 121 – y 2 y − 11
6x y
3 2
18 xy
(f ) ÷
a2 – y 2 y+a
(b)  ÷ 3y3
45 y xy 2
2k 2 + k – 1 2

p – 2q 24 p
(g) ÷ 2k – k2
(c)  1 – 3k – 4 k 2 1 – 16k
pq 3 p – 6q
2 2
x – 49 y x – 7y
w–r 7w – 14 (h) ÷
(d) 2  4x + 3y 20 x + 15 y
(w – 2) r–w
m m2 p 10 a – 5b 2 a2 + ab – b 2
(e) ÷ (i) 2 ÷ 2 2
n n +n
(a – b) a –b
mp + p 2
(2h – 3k)2 ÷ 10h – 15k

(f) (j) 2
÷ p 2 – mp
6hk p + mp – 8 p – 8m m – mp

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

LEVEL 3 6. Simplify 2
m – mp + mn – np
 2
m2 − p 2
m + mp – nm − np

4. Simplify (8x – 8t) 3

. ÷ 2
x2 – t 2 x+ t m + mn + mp + np

2 2
6 x – 7 x – 20 6 x + 17 x + 12
5. Simplify ÷ 3 (6x2 + 9x).
2x – 3x – 5 x2 – 1

3.3 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic

7 2
When we add or subtract arithmetic fractions such as
and algebraic fractions
such as x – 3 + x + 1 , where the denominators are integers, we have to find the LCM
4 5
The least common multiple
of the denominators of individual fractions so that they have a common denominator.
(LCM) of two or more
numbers is the smallest
Similarly, when we add or subtract algebraic fractions with denominators that involve number that is a multiple of
variables, we have to find the LCM of the denominators first. The LCM of two algebraic the given numbers.
expressions is an expression that is the common multiple of the given expressions with
the least number of factors.

Consider the expressions 8a2b and 12ab3.

8a2b = 23  a2  b
12ab = 2  3  a  b3
3 2

The LCM is the product of each factor with the highest index which occurs in the given
∴ their LCM = 23  3  a2  b3
= 24a2b3

For (x + 1)(x – 2) and (x – 2)(x – 3), (x – 2) is their common factor.

∴ their LCM = (x + 1)(x – 2)(x – 3)

Example 5 Express each of the following as a single fraction in its simplest

7 1 x
(a) + (b) – y
8k k2 3y 4x

Solution (a) LCM of 8k and k 2 is 8k2.

7 1 7k 8
+ = +
8k k2 8k

7k + 8
= 2

(b) LCM of 3y and 4x is 12xy.
– y = 4x – 3 y

3y 4x 12 xy 12 xy
2 2
4x – 3y
12 xy

Try It! 5 Express each of the following as a single fraction in its simplest
5 1 6 7
(a) 2 + (b) –
9p p3 mn nk

Example 6 Express each of the following as a fraction with a single denominator.

4 5 1 2
(a) + (b) 2
x+2 7x – 3 x – 25 5– x

4 5
Solution (a) +
x+2 7x – 3
4(7 x – 3) 5( x + 2) LCM of (x + 2) and (7x – 3) is
= +
( x + 2)(7 x – 3) ( x + 2)(7 x – 3)
  (x + 2)(7x – 3).
4(7 x – 3) + 5( x + 2)
( x + 2)(7 x – 3)

28 x – 12 + 5 x + 10
( x + 2)(7 x – 3)

33x – 2
(x + 2)(7x – 3)

1 2
(b) +
x 2 – 25 5– x
1 2
= + 5 – x = –(x – 5)
( x – 5)( x + 5) –( x – 5)
1 2
= –
( x – 5)( x + 5) ( x – 5)
1 2( x + 5)
= –
( x – 5)( x + 5) ( x – 5)( x + 5)
1 – 2( x + 5)
( x – 5)( x + 5)
1 – 2 x – 10
( x – 5)( x + 5)

–2 x – 9
( x – 5)( x + 5)

Try It! 6 Express each of the following as a fraction with a single denominator.
3 2 8 3
(a) + (b) 2 +
4x – 1 5x + 6 x –4 2 – x

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

Example 7 Express the following as a fraction with a single denominator.
– 11 .
x + 14 x + 49 x+7

Solution – 11
x 2 + 14 x + 49 x+7
= – 11    Factorise the denominator.
( x + 7)2 x+7
= 2 – 11( x + 7)
( x + 7) ( x + 7)

= 6 – 11( x +2 7)
( x + 7)
6 – 11x – 77
= 2
( x + 7)

= –11x – 71
( x + 7)

Try It! 7 Express the following as a fraction with a single denominator.

3 8
– .
x – 10 x + 25 x–5

LEVEL 1 (e) 5–
7 pq
(f )

12 17 m n+m
1. Express each of the following as a single fraction (g) – (h) –
10tz m–n n–m
in its simplest form. 7 6 x t
1 1 3 2 (i) – ( j) –
(a) + (b) + pq qr 30 mv 42uvx
2a 4a 10w 15w
5 7 4 9
(c) + (d) +
2m mn c3 d cd 2
4a 5x 13
(e) + (f ) 1+
3x 7a 2 pq

1–v 3. Express each of the following as a fraction with a
xy yz v u single denominator.
7 4 11 8 4 3 2
(i) + ( j) + (a) + (b) – 3
2w 5w
6 ab3 21a2 b a a+1 d –3 8d
1 1 3 2
(c) + (d) –
2. Express each of the following as a single fraction w+2 w–2 x+7 x–8
in its simplest form. 8 4 5 2
(e) – (f ) –
1 1 4 3 4x – 3 x+2 4x – 7 3x + 1
(a) – (b) –
3w 12w 21z 14z 9 7
(g) + 5 (h) – 3
9 10 r 2y – 7 7 – 2y x–9 5x – 4
(c) – (d) –
2c cr q s

4. Express each of the following as a fraction with a
single denominator.
3 2
(a) + 5. Express each of the following as a fraction with a
x2 – 4 x–2
7 4 single denominator.
(b) – 2
(a) 9 3
x+3 x –9 2 x + 9x + 4
3 +
1 6
x + 4x x –3 2x + 1
(c) +
x – 49 7– x 5 2 6x + 21
(b) 2
– ÷ 2
3 4 x – 36 x –6 4 x + 23x – 6
(d) 5x – 1
– 2
25 x – 1
4 1
(e) 2
+ 6. (a) Take any two 2-digit numbers, m and n, where
( x + 2) x+2
m . n, e.g. m = 73 and n = 28.
7 2
(f ) – (b) Form a 4-digit number p by joining the digits
x–9 ( x – 9)

of n after the digits of m, e.g. p = 7328.

5 7
(g) 2 – (c) Form another 4-digit number q by joining
w – 2w + 1 w –1
the digits of m after the digits of n,
4 3
(h) + e.g. q = 2873.
x+5 x 2 + 10 x + 25 2 2

x+2 x+3 (d) Calculate the value of p 2 – q 2 .

(i) 2
– 2
m –n
x – 2x − 3 x –x−2
(e) Repeat parts (a) to (d) with two other 2-digit
5 1 2
(j) 2
+ – numbers, m and n.
(3 x + 5) 3( x – 2) 3x + 5
(f ) What do you observe from the results of (d)
and (e)? Explain why it occurs.

3.4 Evaluation of an Unknown Quantity in a


We can find the value of an unknown quantity in a formula when the values of the other
quantities are given. Let us see some examples.

Example 8 The area A of the trapezium shown in a

the diagram is given by the formula,
A= (a + b)h. h
(a) Find the value of A when a = 8,
b = 13 and h = 6.
(b) Find the value of b when a = 7,
h = 10 and A = 75.

Solution (a) We use the method of substitution to find the value of A.

A= (a + b)h
When a = 8, b = 13 and h = 6, we have
A= (8 + 13) 3 6
= 63
(b) When a = 7, h = 10 and A = 75, we have

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

75 =
(7 + b) 3 10 REMARK
75 = 5(7 + b) We find the value of b by
solving the linear equation
7 + b = 15
7 + b = 15.
∴ b =8

Try It! 8 An equation of motion is given by the formula,

s = ut + at 2.
(a) Find the value of s when a = 10, u = 20 and t = 3.
(b) Find the value of u when a = 6, s = 203 and t = 7.

Example 9 The lens formula is given by

= 1 + 1,
f u v

where f = focal length of the lens,

u = object distance
and v = image distance.


focus image

u v

(a) Find the value of f when u = 20 and v = 30.

(b) Find the value of v when f = 40 and u = 15.

Solution (a) 1
= 1 + 1
f u v

When u = 20 and v = 30, we have

1 1 1
= +
f 20 30
1 3+2
= LCM of 20 and 30 is 60.
f 60

f = Take the reciprocal.

∴ f = 12

(b) When f = 40 and u = 15, we have
1 1 1
= +
40 15 v
1 1 1
= –
v 40 15
1 3–8
= LCM of 40 and 15 is 120.
v 120
v =

∴ v = –24
Note: In the formula, v stands for the image distance. If v is negative,
it means the image is on the same side as the object and it
is a virtual image.

Try It! 9 A formula is given by

T = u+v .
(a) Find the value of T when u = 20 and v = 15.
(b) Find the value of v when u = 18 and T = 5.

Objective: To make sense of the relationship between profit and loss, and cost price and selling

1. When the selling price of an item is greater than the cost price, the item is sold at a profit.
We have
Profit = Selling price – Cost price,
the percentage of profit on the cost price = 3 100%
Cost price
and the percentage of profit on the selling price = 3 100%.
Selling price

For example, if a shirt that costs $20 is sold for $25,

profit = $25 – $20
= $5
percentage of profit on the cost price = 5 3 100%
= 25%.
(a) The cost price of a mobile phone is $500. It is sold for $590. Find the profit and
percentage of profit on the cost price of the transaction.
(b) Let $C, $S and $P be the cost price, selling price and profit of an item respectively.
Let r% be the percentage of profit on the cost price. Write a formula that expresses
(i) S in terms of C and P,
(ii) P in terms of C and r,
(iii) S in terms of C and r.
(c) The cost price of a table is $240. A furniture company sells it at a percentage of profit
of 30% on the cost price. Using the formulae derived in (b), find the selling price of the

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

2. When the selling price of an item is less than the cost price, the item is sold at a loss. We
Loss = Cost price – Selling price,
the percentage of loss on the cost price = 3 100%
Cost price
and the percentage of loss on the selling price = 3 100%.
Selling price

For example, if a watch that costs $280 is sold for $238,

loss = $280 – $238
= $42
percentage of loss on the cost price = 3 100%
= 15%.
(a) The cost price of a jacket is $160. It is sold for $120. Find the loss and the percentage
of loss on the cost price of the transaction.
(b) Let $C, $S and $L be the cost price, the selling price and the loss of an item respectively.
Let r% be the percentage of loss on the cost price. Write a formula that expresses
(i) S in terms of C and L,
(ii) L in terms of C and r,
(iii) S in terms of C and r.
(c) The cost price of a TV set is $1500. An electrical appliance company sells it at a
percentage of loss of 10% on the cost price. Using the formulae derived in (b), find the
selling price of the TV set.

LEVEL 1 5. Given that F =
m(v – u)
, find

1. Given that a + b + c = 180, find the value of c when (a) the value of F when m = 5, t = 3, v = 24 and
a = 72 and b = 45. u = 6,
(b) the value of t when F = 80, m = 4, u = 5 and
2. Given that xyz = 120, find the value of y when v = 30.
x = 15 and z = 4.
6. Given that T = 3 a, find
3. Given that S = 180(n – 2), find (a) the value of T when a = 6, m = 3 and n = 5,
(a) the value of S when n = 10 (b) the value of n when a = 5, m = 6 and T = 12.
(b) the value of n when S = 540.

4. Given that s = (u + v)t, find
(a) the value of s when t = 5, u = 0 and v = 14,
(b) the value of u when s = 32, t = 8 and v = 6. 7. Given that S = [2a + (n – 1)d ], find
(a) the value of S when a = 7, d = 3 and n = 20,
(b) the value of a when d = –2, n = 15 and
S = 510.

8. Given that
= 1 – 1 , find 15. In the diagram, AB // ED.
f u v
(a) the value of f when u = 20 and v = 40, B A

(b) the value of v when f = 30 and u = 15.

3 x + 2a
9. Given that y = , find C yϒ
3 x – 2a
(a) the value of y when a = 4 and x = 6,
17 zϒ
(b) the value of x when a = 5 and y = .
7 D E

10. Given that D = b2 – 4ac, find (a) Find a formula connecting x, y and z.
(a) the value of D when a = 1, b = –3 and c = 4, (b) Find the value of y when x = 65 and z = 53.
(b) the value of c when a = 2, b = 3 and D = 49.
16. A bathtub can be filled by tap X alone in x min and
by tap Y alone in y min. If both taps are turned
LEVEL 3 on at the same time, the bathtub can be filled in
z min.
11. Let S be the sum of the squares of the first n (a) If both taps are turned on at the same time,
positive integers i.e. S = 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2. what fraction of the bathtub is filled in one
Then S is given by the formula minute? Express your answer in terms of x
n(n + 1)(2n + 1). and y.
6 (b) Find a formula connecting x, y and z.
(a) Find the value of S when n = 25. (c) Hence find the value of z when x = 20 and
(b) Find the value of 102 + 112 + 122 + ... + 252. y = 12.

12. When a sum $P is deposited at the simple interest 17. (a) Copy and complete the following table.
rate of R% per annum, the amount $A accrued
after T years is given by the formula n Sn Tn
A=P 1+ .
100 1 S1 = 1 T1 = 13
(a) Find the value of A if P = 4000, R = 5 and = =
T = 3. 2 S2 = 1 + 2 T2 = 13 + 23
(b) Find the value of T if A = 5600, P = 5000 and = =
R = 3.
3 S3 = 1 + 2 + 3 T3 = 13 + 23 + 33
13. In an electric circuit, the current I ampere is = =
E 4 S4 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 T4 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43
given by the formula I = , where E volts is
R+r = =
the electromotive force of the battery, R ohms and
5 S5 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 T5 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43+ 53
r ohms are the external and internal resistance
= =
(a) Find the value of I when E = 12, R = 24 and
r = 1. (b) Find a formula connecting Sn and n.
(b) Find the value of R when I = 0.3, E = 24 and (c) Find a formula connecting Tn and n.
r = 5. (d) Suggest a formula connecting Sn and Tn.
(e) Find the values of
14. For a triangle with sides a cm, b cm and c cm, the (i) 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 100,
area A cm2 of the triangle is given by the formula (ii) 13 + 23 + 33 + … + 1003.

A = s( s – a)( s – b )( s – c ) , Note: You can use a spreadsheet to verify your

where s = (a + b + c).
When a = 5, b = 12 and c = 13, find the value of
(a) s, (b) A.

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

3.5 Changing the Subject of a Formula

Do you know what the I know!

subject of the formula It’s the letter A.
A= (a + b)h is ?

A formula is an equation that connects two or more variables. The subject of a formula
is a single variable that appears only on the left side of the formula. We can find the
value of a subject, in the above case, A, by substituting the values of a, b and h in the
formula. However, if we want to find the value of b, given the other values in the formula,
then we have to manipulate the terms. Alternatively, we can rewrite the formula by
expressing b as the subject (i.e. express b in terms of A, a and h). This process is called
changing the subject of the formula.

Example 10 Given the formula A = (a + b)h,
(a) express b as the subject of the formula,
(b) find the value of b when a = 7, h = 10 and A = 75.

Solution (a) A = (a + b)h

2A = (a + b)h Multiply both sides by 2.

=a+b Divide both sides by h.
∴ b = –a Subtract a from both sides.

(b) When a = 7, h = 10 and A = 75, we have

b= –7
2  75
= 15 – 7 Compare the solution for
= 8 Example 10 (b) with that of
Example 8 (b). What do you
Try It! 10 Given the formula s = ut + at 2,
(a) express u as the subject of the formula,
(b) find the value of u when a = 6, s = 203 and t = 7.

4t + 3 x
Example 11 Given the formula y = , make t the subject of the formula.
t – 2x
The variable t appears in both the numerator
and the denominator of the fraction on the RHS.
4t + 3 x
Solution y=
t – 2x Multiply both sides by (t – 2x) to remove the

y(t – 2x) = 4t + 3x
Remove the bracket by the distributive law RECALL
since t is a term inside the bracket.
Distributive law:
ty – 2xy = 4t + 3x
Move terms involving t to one side of the a(x + y) = ax + ay.
ty – 4t = 2xy + 3x
Factorise by taking the common factor.
t(y – 4) = x(2y + 3)
x(2 y + 3) Divide both sides by y – 4.
∴  t=

Note: The above manipulation is possible, provided t ≠ 2x and

y ≠ 4. Do you know why?

Try It! 11 Given the formula S = k (1 + r ) , make r the subject of the formula,
1– r
where r ≠ 1.

Example 12 Given that T = 4p m2 – n2 , express m in terms of n, p and T.

Solution T = 4p m – n
2 2
The m2 term is inside the square root.

T 2 = (4p)2(m2 – n2) Square both sides to remove the square root.

(4 p)
2 = m2 – n2 Divide both sides by (4p)2.


m2 = ( 4 p )2 + n2 Move the m term to one side of the equation.

Taking the square roots on both sides, we have REMARK

When y2 = x,
m=± 2 +n 2
y =± x .
(4 p )

Note: If we know that m is a positive number, the – sign before

the square root in the answer can be omitted.

Try It! 12 Given that S = rr h2 + r 2 , express h in terms of S, r and r.

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions


Objective: To derive and apply the formula for simple interest.

When a sum of money, called the principal, is deposited in or borrowed from a bank, interest is
paid for the use of the sum. The interest is calculated based on an interest rate, which is usually
expressed as a percentage of the principal for the period of a year. If the interest is only based on
the principal, it is called simple interest.
Consider a sum of $2000 deposited in a bank at the interest rate of 1% per annum.

The words “per annum” means “per year” and its abbreviation form is “p.a.”.
Simple interest for 1 year = $2000 3 1%
= $20

Simple interest for 5 years = Simple interest for 1 year 3 5

= $2000 3 1% 3 5
= $100

1. A sum of $3000 is borrowed from a bank at the interest rate of 5% per annum. Find the
simple interest for
(a) 1 year,
(b) 2 years,
(c) 5 months.

2. A principal of $P is deposited in a bank at the interest rate of R% per annum for T years. Let
$I be the simple interest earned.
(a) Write down a formula connecting P, R, T and I, with I as the subject of the formula.
(b) Change the subject of the formula in 2 (a) to P.
(c) Change the subject of the formula in 2 (a) to R.
(d) Change the subject of the formula in 2 (a) to T.

3. A bank offers a time deposit that pays a simple interest rate of 4% p.a. How much must you
deposit in order to earn interest of $600 in 2 years?

4. Mr Singh borrowed $2000 from a bank. He repaid $2050 to the bank after 3 months. Find
(a) the amount of interest he paid,
(b) the annual interest rate of the loan.

5. Mrs Foo deposited $80 000 in a bank at the simple interest rate of 3% p.a. After how many
years will she earn an interest of $16 800?

1. In each of the following cases, make the letter 3.
The total price, $T, of purchasing a TV set by
in the square brackets the subject of the given monthly instalments is given by the formula
formula. T = D + np,
(a) y = 2mx + b [x] where $D is the down payment, n is the number
(b) P = mgh [h] of months of instalments and $p is the amount of
(c) R= [P] the monthly instalment.
(a) Make p the subject of the formula.
(d) C = (F – 32) [F] (b) If T = 3600, D = 720 and n = 18, find the
value of p.
(e) P = 2(x + y) [y]

(f ) E = k(3m + 4n) [n] 4.

The discriminant, D, of a quadratic expression
ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are constants, is
(g) S = [r] given by the formula
1– r
D = b2 – 4ac.
x y
(h) + =1 [y] (a) Express b as the subject of the formula.
a b
(b) If a = 5, c = 1 and D = 16, find the possible
(i) T = a + (n – 1)d [n] values of b.
( j) P= [w] m(v – u)
3w 5. A formula of motion is given by F = .
(a) Rewrite the formula so that v is the subject
LEVEL 2 of the formula.
(b) Hence, find the value of v when m = 3, t = 5,
2. In each of the following cases, make the letter u = 10 and F = 90.
in the square brackets the subject of the given
formula. 6. The mechanical energy, E, of a particle is given by
3n – 2 y the formula
(a) y= [w]
w – 4n 1
E= mv2 + mgh, where v . 0.
1 1 1 2
(b) + = [v]
u v f (a) Express m as the subject of the formula.
rt (b) If E = 750, g = 10, h = 5 and v = 20, find the
(c) I=P 1+ [r] value of m.
5 (c) Express v as the subject of the formula.
(d) y = 3x + [z]
2–z (d) If E = 690, g = 10, h = 6 and m = 4, find the
4+x value of v.
(e) y= [x]
2 2

(f ) T = 2r
[g] 7. A formula is given by y = 3 c2 + x 2 , where
g c –x
0  x  c.
(g) D = b2 – 4ac [a] (a) Express x in terms of c and y.
v 2 − u2 (b) If c = 5 and y = 4, find the value of x correct
(h) s = [u] to 3 significant figures.
w 2 − x2
(i) y= [x] 8. Make y the subject of each of the following
w 2 + x2
2a formulae where possible.
( j) S= b 2 – n2 [n] (a) x + xy + y = 1
where 0 , n < b. (b) x2 + 2xy + y2 = 1
(c) x3 + 3xy + y3 = 1

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

e ll
ut Simple Algebraic Fractions Multiplication and Division of

aN • Algebraic expressions like Algebraic Fractions

In 3
, ab + c
pq – r
, x2 – 4x + 3
x 2 + 2 x – 15


are algebraic fractions, where the P R P S

• ÷ = 3
values of the denominators cannot be Q S Q R
zero. PS
• An algebraic fraction can be simplified QR
if there is a common factor in its
numerator and denominator.
x2 – 4x + 3 ( x – 1)( x – 3)
E.g. = Addition and Subtraction of
x 2 + 2 x – 15 ( x + 5)( x – 3)

x –1 Algebraic Fractions
• First find the LCM of the denominators of
individual fractions in an expression.
• Express each fraction in the given
Formulae expression to an equivalent fraction with
the LCM as the denominator.
• An equation connecting or relating
variables is a formula.
+ b = 3ay + 2bx
4x 6y 12 xy
• The value of a variable in a formula can 1 1 ( x + 3) – ( x – 2)
– =
x–2 x+3 ( x – 2)( x + 3)
be found by substitution.
• The subject of a formula is a single =
( x – 2)( x + 3)
variable that appears only on the left
3 2 3 2
side of the formula. + = +
x –1 x2 –1 x –1 ( x + 1)( x – 1)

• The subject of a formula can be changed 3( x + 1) + 2
using algebraic manipulations. =
( x + 1)( x – 1)
3x + 5
( x + 1)( x – 1)

1. Simplify each of the following algebraic fractions. 2. Simplify each of the following.
2 2
35 st 5 3
4 k – 6k 20 ax + 30 bx
(a) (b) (a)
40 s 2t 3u 12k 2 10 ax + 8 ay + 15bx + 12by

18u2 – 30u 9 ac + 12bc 24 pxy – 32qxy

(c) (d) (b)
35 – 21u 2
9 a – 16b
15 px + 12 py – 16qy – 20 qx

3. Express each of the following as a single fraction 8. In each of the following cases, make the letter in the
in its simplest form. square brackets the subject of the given formula.
x – 36 x+ y t
(a)  (a) y= (2h + k) [k]
x2 – y2 x–6 5

a2 + a – 12 14 a + 21b (b) L = P(1 + at) [t]

(b)  2
8 a + 12b a + 2a – 8 3u + 2v
(c) z= [v]
w + 9w + 14 w+7 2u – 5v
(c) ÷
4w2 – 1 1 – 2w (d) H = 4r [m]
m2 + n2
p – 2p + 1 p –1
(d) 4q2 + q – 3
÷ q +1
The heat gain, H joules, by water of mass m kg
when its temperature rises from I °C to F °C is
4. Express each of the following as a single fraction given by the formula
in its simplest form. H = ms(F – I ),
3x + 5 4 1 1 where s is the specific heat capacity of water in
(a) + (b) –
4 3x – 5 2x – 7 2x + 9 joule/kg-°C.
4 3 13 11 (a) Make F as the subject of the formula.
(c) – (d) +
x–6 ( x – 6)2 x 2 – 8 x + 16 x–4 (b) Find the value of F when H = 630 000,
m = 3, s = 4200 and I = 28.
6 1
5. (a) Express – + as a single fraction
10. The cost $C of making a circular medal of radius
w –9 w –3
in its simplest form. r cm is given by the formula,
(b) Hence simplify C = 5 + 8r2 + ,
6 1 where n is the number of medals made.
– +
w –3
 (w 2 + 10w + 21).
w2 − 9 (a) If 100 medals of radius 2 cm are made, find
the cost of each medal.
3 2 (b) Express r in terms of n and C.
6. (a) Simplify + .
x 2 + 5x + 4 x+4 (c) If 400 medals are made and the cost of
3 2 each medal is $55.50, find the radius of each
(b) Hence simplify 1 – 2 – . medal.
x + 5x + 4 x+4

x – 16
7. Simplify 3 x 2+ 13 x + 4 ÷ 2 .
2x – x – 3 2 x – 11x + 12

Write in Your Journal

You are asked to add two algebraic fractions, one with a quadratic expression in the denominator
and the other with a linear expression in the denominator. What would be the first step in your
approach to do the addition? How would you add the two algebraic fractions?
Hint: You may use an example to help you describe your strategy.

Chapter 3 Simple Algebraic Fractions

3 4
1. The scale of an engineering drawing of a car is 9. (a) Express – as a single fraction in its
k –2 k –5
1 : 25. simplest form.
(a) The actual length of the car is 4.5 m. Find its
(b) The frequency, f Hz, of the note emitted
length on the drawing in cm.
by plucking a guitar string is given by the
(b) The area of a window panel on the drawing
is 3.2 cm2. Find its actual area in m2.
1 T
f= ,
2L m
2. A distance of 4 cm on a map represents an actual
distance of 6 km. where L is the length of the string in metres,
(a) Express the scale of the map in the form T is the tension of the string in newtons, and
1 : n, where n is an integer. m is the mass per unit length of the string
(b) If the length of a river on the map is 9 cm, in kg/m. Express m in terms of f, L and T.
find the actual length of the river in km. 3x – 1 2
(c) If the actual dimensions of a rectangular farm 10. Express 2 x 2 + 5x – 12 – as a single fraction
on the map is 500 m by 300 m, find its area in its simplest form.
on the map in cm2.
11. Suppose that 10 cm on the floor plan of an
3. The surface area of a figurine is directly proportional apartment represents 5 m on the ground.
to the square of its height. The surface area of the (a) If a corridor is 28 cm long on the plan, find
figurine is 72 cm2 when its height is 6 cm. its actual length.
(a) Find the surface area of the figurine when its (b) If the area of a bedroom is 20 m2, find its area
height is 8 cm. on the plan.
(b) If the height of the figurine is tripled, find (c) The dimensions of a rectangular living
the percentage increase in its surface area. room on the plan is 8 cm by 6 cm. Find the
dimension of the living room on another floor
4. 40 workers can lay a section of railway in 120 days. plan with a scale of 1 : 40.
If the management wants to reduce the time taken
by 20 days, how many additional workers should 12. (a) The energy, E joules, of a bullet is proportional
be hired in order to finish the task on time? to the square of its velocity, v m/s. If the
energy is 600 joules when v = v0, find the
5. (a) Simplify m2 – (m – n)2. v0
energy when v = .
(b) Hence find the exact value of 2
12 3452 – 12 3422. (b) The frequency, f Hz, of the sound emitted
by a piece of guitar string of fixed length
6. Factorise the following completely. and tension is inversely proportional to the
(a) 8m – 6n – 8mp + 6np square root of the mass, m grams, of the
(b) 4 – p2q2 + 4p2 – q2 string. When m = m­0, f = 256. Find the value
of f when m = m0 .
7. (a) Factorise completely 6x – 54. 2 4
6 x – 54
(b) Simplify .
12 x 2 + 12 x – 72 6t 2 – 23t – 4
13. (a) Simplify .
3tx – 12 x – 5ty + 20 y
4 y – 19 y + 5

8. (a) Simplify 2 . (b) If m2 + n2 = 97 and mn = 36, find the value

y – 25 of
(b) Given that 5p + 6x = 4q – 7rx, express x in (i) (m – n)2,
terms of p, q and r. (ii) (3m + 3n)2 – 8.

14. (a) Factorise the following completely. x+2 2
15. (a) Simplify + and express as
(i) 28x2 – 84xy + 63y2 2
3 x – 11x – 4 4–x
(ii) 3pq – 12tq + 20t – 5p a single fraction.
(b) (i) Factorise 4x2 + 7x + 3. (b) When a stone of mass m kg is moving round a
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, express 473 as a circle of radius r m at a speed of v m/s, where
product of its prime factors. v . 0, the centripetal force, F N, acting on
1 2 3 the stone is given by the formula
(c) It is given that = + . mv 2
t x y F= .
(i) Express y in terms of t and x. r
(ii) Find the value of y when t = 20 and (i) Make v the subject of the formula.
x = 30. (ii) Find the value of v when F = 125,
m = 0.5 and r = 0.9.
(iii) If the values of both r and v are doubled
while m remains unchanged, find the
percentage change in F.

Review Exercise 1
4 Quadratic Functions
and equations

Let’s Learn to
draw the graph of a quadratic function
Do you know that a stream
state the properties of the graphs of quadratic functions
of water that is projected
into air forms a beautiful solve quadratic equations in one variable by factorisation
symmetrical curve? The formulate quadratic equations in one variable to solve
curve is the graph of a word problems
quadratic function.
4.1 Graphs of Quadratic Functions

In this section, we will explore a type of function whose graphs are not straight lines.
Let us first consider the following class activity.

 o study the relationship between the area of a square and the length of its side, and
Objective: T
to discuss the appropriate scaling for graphs.

Let y cm2 be the area of a square of side x cm.
1. Express y in terms of x.
2. Complete the following table of values of x and y.
y cm2 x cm
x 0 1 2 3 4 5

x cm

3. Plot the points (x, y) of the table above on a copy of the diagram below and join the points





A variable y is a function of
x another variable x if each
O 1 2 3 4 5
value of x corresponds to
exactly one value of y.

4. Based on your observation, describe the graph above.

5. Explain whether y is a function of x.
6. Redraw the graph in Question 3 using the scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on the x-axis and 1 cm to
5 units on the y-axis.
7. Redraw the graph in Question 3 using the scale of 1 cm to 1 unit on the x-axis and 2 cm to
5 units on the y-axis.
8. What do you notice about the appearance of the graphs in Questions 3, 6, and 7?
9. Discuss what you need to consider in order to choose an appropriate scale when drawing
a graph.

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

From Class Activity 1, we see that y = x2 is a function since each value of x corresponds
to exactly one value of y. However, the graph of the function is not a straight line but
a curve. In general, the function y = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are constants and
a ≠ 0, is called a quadratic function. For instance, y = 2x2 – 3x + 4, y = x2 – 3 and
y = –x2 + 6x are quadratic functions. The graph of a quadratic function is also called a
quadratic graph. Let us see some examples.

Example 1 (a) Draw the graph of y = 2x2 + 1 for –2 < x < 2.

(b) Based on your observation, describe the graph. State as many
properties as you can about the graph.

Solution (a) We first form a table of values of x and y.

x –2 –1 0 1 2

y = 2x2 + 1 9 3 1 3 9

We then plot the points and join the points with a smooth
curve to form the graph of the function as shown below.


y = 2x2 + 1
6 Remember to label the axes,
and state the equation and
4 the scales of the graph.

–3 –2 –1 O 1 2 3

(b) The graph of y = 2x2 + 1 is symmetrical about the y-axis. That

is, the line of symmetry of the graph is x = 0.
The graph does not cut the x-axis. It intersects the y-axis at In the diagram, the scale of
(0, 1) which is the lowest point of the graph. the x-axis is 1 cm to 1 unit,
and the scale of the y-axis is
Note: The graph drawn in (a) takes the shape of a parabola. 1 cm to 2 units.
We say that the parabola opens upward. In general, we often use a
scale of 1 cm or 2 cm to
represent 1, 2, 5 or multiples
Try It! 1 (a) Draw the graph of y = x2 – 4x + 4 for –1 < x < 5, using a scale
of 10 units. The chosen
of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis and 1 cm to represent scale should cover the
1 unit on the y-axis. range of the data points, and
(b) Based on your observation, describe the graph. State as many display the points and their
properties as you can about the graph. relationship clearly.

Example 2 (a) Draw the graph of y = –x2 + 4x – 7 for –1 < x < 5.
(b) Based on your observation, describe the graph. State as many
properties as you can about the graph.

Solution (a) x –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
y = –x + 4x – 7
–12 –7 –4 –3 –4 –7 –12

The graph of y = –x2 + 4x – 7 is as shown below.

–1 O 1 2 3 4 5


y = –x2 +4x – 7




(b) The graph of y = –x2 + 4x – 7 is symmetrical about the line

x = 2. That is, the line of symmetry is x = 2.
The graph does not cut the x-axis. It intersects the y-axis at
(0, –7). The highest point of the graph is (2, –3).

Note: The graph drawn in (a) is also a parabola. We say that

the parabola opens downward.

Try It! 2 (a) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis and 2 cm to

represent 5 units on the y-axis, draw the graph of y = –2x2 for
–3 < x < 3.
(b) Based on your observation, describe the graph. State as many
properties as you can about the graph.

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

From Example 1 and Example 2, we see that the shape and position of the quadratic
graph y = ax2 + bx + c depend on the values of a, b and c. We may use graphing software
to study how the graph changes when a, b or c varies.

Objective: To explore how the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c changes when a, b or c varies.

1 1
1. (a) Draw the graphs of y = x2, y = 3x2, y = x2, y = –x2 , y = –2x2 and y = – x2 on the same
2 5
(b) What do you observe about the differences between the graphs of y = ax2 when a . 0
and when a , 0?
(c) Describe the change in the graph of y = ax2 when
(i) a is positive and a is increasing,
(ii) a is negative and a is decreasing.

2. (a) Draw the graphs of y = x2 + bx + 3 for b = 4, 2, 0 and –4 respectively on the same

(b) Describe the similarity of the graphs of y = x2 + bx + 3 for the cases where b . 0,
b = 0 and b , 0.
(c) What do you observe about the differences between the graphs of y = x2 + bx + 3 for
the cases where b . 0, b = 0 and b , 0?
(d) Draw the graphs of y = –x2 + bx + 3 for b = 2, 0 and –4 respectively on the same screen.
(e) Describe the similarity of the graphs of y = –x2 + bx + 3 for the cases where b . 0,
b = 0 and b , 0.
(f) What do you observe about the differences between the graphs of y = –x2 + bx + 3 for
the cases where b . 0, b = 0 and b , 0?

3. (a) Draw the graphs of y = 2x2 + 6x + c for c = 3, 0 and –7 respectively on the same screen.
(b) Write down as many statements as possible about the graphs you have drawn in (a).
(c) Draw the graphs of y = –3x2 + 6x + c for c = 4, 0 and –5 respectively on the same screen.
(d) Write down as many statements as possible about the graphs you have drawn in (c).
(e) What can you say about the y-intercept of the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c?

(a) Draw the graphs of y = ax2 – 2x – 5 for a = –2, –1, 3 and 4 on the same screen.
(b) Based on your observation, what do you notice about the differences between the
graphs of y = a1x2 + bx + c and y = a2x2 + bx + c, where b and c are kept constant, and
(i) a1 > a2 . 0?
(ii) a1 < a2 , 0?
(iii) a1 < 0 , a2?

5. Discuss the possible number of points of intersection of the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c with
(a) x-axis,
(b) y-axis.

y y

line of
y = ax2 + bx + c symmetry (0, c)
(a  0)


(0, c) line of
y = ax2 + bx + c symmetry
(a  0)

From Class Activity 2, we can observe the following properties of the quadratic graph
y = ax2 + bx + c.

1. The graph is in the shape of a parabola. When a . 0, the graph opens upward;
when a , 0, the graph opens downward. The smaller the numerical value of a, the
wider the graph opens.

2. When a . 0, the graph has a lowest point, called the minimum point. When
a , 0, the graph has a highest point, called the maximum point.

3. The graph is symmetrical about the vertical line, which is the line of symmetry,
passing through the minimum or maximum point.

4. The graph cuts the y-axis at one point, whose coordinates are (0, c).

5. The graph may cut the x-axis at two points, one point or no point.

Example 3 A horizontal bridge is 20 m long and is supported by a suspension

cable. The height, h m, of the cable over the bridge at a distance,
x m, from one end of the bridge is given by
h = 0.03x2 – 0.6x + 5, for 0  x  20.
(a) Draw the graph of h = 0.03x2 – 0.6x + 5 for 0  x  20.
(b) Find the height of the cable at one end.
(c) Find the minimum height of the cable above the bridge.
(d) State the line of symmetry of the graph.

Solution (a) We set up a table of values for the function.

h = 0.03x2 – 0.6x + 5

x 0 4 8 10 12 16 20
h 5 3.08 2.12 2 2.12 3.08 5

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

The diagram below shows the graph of h = 0.03x2 – 0.6x + 5.

h = 0.03x2 _ 0.6x + 5 REMARK
The shape of the graph
drawn depends on the
Height (m)
scales on both axes. In this
example, if both axes have
2 the same scale, the shape of
the parabola would be much

O 5 10 15 20
Distance (m)

(b) When x = 0, h = 5.
\ the height of the cable at one end is 5 m.
(c) The minimum point of the graph is (10, 2).
\ the minimum height of the cable is 2 m when the cable is
10 m from one end.
(d) The line of symmetry is x = 10.
Note: 1. We usually use a scale counting by 1, 2, 5 or 10, etc.
2. The scale chosen should cover the range of the data values
and be within the size of the graph paper.

Try It! 3 The diagram shows a partial cross-section of a torchlight. The

curve AED is a reflector surface and its equation is given by
2 4
y= x2 – x+3 for 0 < x < 6,
9 3
where y cm is the vertical distance of a point on the surface from
the base BC when the point is x cm from the wall AB.

x surface

B base C

(a) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on both axes, draw the graph

2 4
of y = x2 – x + 3 for 0 < x < 6.
9 3
(b) Find the distance AB.
(c) Find the minimum distance between the reflector surface and
the base.
(d) State the line of symmetry of the graph.

Example 4 When a stone is thrown upward from the top of a building, its
height, h m, from the ground at time t seconds is given by
h = –5t 2 + 10t + 40.
(a) Draw the graph of h = –5t 2 + 10t + 40 for
0  t  4.5.
(b) Find the height of the building.
(c) Find the time of flight of the stone.
(d) When will the stone be 20 m from the
(e) Find the maximum height of the stone
from the ground.

Solution (a) h = –5t 2 + 10t + 40

t 0 1 2 3 4 4.5
h 40 45 40 25 0 –16.25

The diagram below shows the graph of h = –5t 2 + 10t + 40.

(b) The stone is at the top of the building h

before throwing commences (i.e. when
t = 0).
From the graph, when t = 0, h = 40.
The height of the building is 40 m. 40
h = _5t2 + 10t + 40
(c) When the stone hits the ground, h = 0. 30
From the graph, h = 0 occurs when
Height (m)

t = 4. 20
The time of flight is 4 s.
(d) Draw a horizontal line at h = 20 to
intersect the graph.
The t-coordinate of the point of O 1 2 3 4 5
intersection is the required time. _10 Time (s)
The stone will be 20 m from the ground
after about 3.2 s.

(e) The maximum point of the graph is

(1, 45).
The maximum height is 45 m.
Note: We can draw the graph of h = –5t  2 + 10t + 40 for all
real values of t. However, as we can see from the graph,
the value of h is negative for t . 4. Hence, for this
problem, the graph is only applicable for 0  t  4.

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

Try It! 4 When David hits a football with his head, the height, h m, of the
ball from the ground after t seconds is given by h = –5t  2 + 6t + 2.
(a) What is the height of the ball when David hits
(b) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the t-axis
and 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the h-axis,
draw the graph of h = –5t   2 + 6t + 2 for
0  t  1.5.
(c) Find the time of flight of the ball.
(d) When will the ball be 3 m above the ground?
(e) Find the maximum height of the ball from the

LEVEL 1 3. (a) Copy and complete the following table.
1. (a) Copy and complete the following table. y = – x2 + 2x
y = x2 – 4 x –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
x –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 y

(b) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on both axes,
(b) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis draw the graph of y = – x2 + 2x for
and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on the y-axis, –1  x  5.
draw the graph of y = x2 – 4 for –3  x  3. (c) State the maximum point and the line of
(c) State the minimum point and the line of symmetry of the graph.
symmetry of the graph. (d) Find the points of intersection of the graph
and the x-axis.
2. (a) Copy and complete the following table.
y = x2 + 2x + 1
4. (a) Copy and complete the following table.
x –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2
y = –3x2 –18x – 32
x –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1
(b) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the y
x-axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on the
y-axis, draw the graph of y = x2 + 2x + 1 for (b) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis
–  4  x  2. and 1 cm to represent 5 units on the y-axis,
(c) State the minimum point and the line of draw the graph of y = –3x2 – 18x – 32 for
symmetry of the graph. –5  x  1.
(d) At which point(s) does the graph meet the (c) State the maximum point and the line of
x-axis? symmetry of the graph.
(d) Find the y-intercept of the graph.
(e) At how many points does the graph cut the

LEVEL 2 8. An arch ABC is a parabola whose equation is
y = – x2 + 3x for 0  x  6,
5. For each of the following equations, 2
(i) draw the graph of the equation for where x m and y m are the horizontal and vertical
the indicated interval of x, using distances, respectively, of a point P on the arch
appropriate scales for both axes, from the foot A of the arch, as shown in the
(ii) state the coordinates of the diagram.
minimum/maximum point of the
graph, B
(iii) state the line of symmetry of the P
(iv) state the x-intercept(s) of the graph,
(v) state the y-intercept of the graph.
(a) y= x2 + x for –5  x  1
A x C
(b) y = 2x2 – 6x + 7 for –1  x  4
(c) y = 2 – x2 for –3  x  3
(d) y = –x2 – x + 6 for – 4  x  3 (a) Draw the graph of the parabola representing
the arch ABC, taking 2 cm to represent 1 m
on both axes.
(b) How wide is the bottom, AC, of the arch?
LEVEL 3 (c) Find the maximum height of the arch.
(d) State the line of symmetry of the arch.
6. A shop has a rectangular signboard
of dimensions 7 m by 3 m. The shop 9. A carpenter finds that if x chairs are made in a
manager changes the dimensions of the day, where 0  x  15, the cost $y for each chair is
signboard by decreasing the length by given by
x m, while increasing the breadth by x m. The y = x2 – 20x + 150.
area of the signboard is A m2 after the changes. (a) Draw the graph of y = x2 – 20x + 150 for
(a) Express A in terms of x. 0  x  15.
(b) Draw the graph of A against x for (b) How many chairs should be made in a day
0  x  7. such that the cost per chair is a minimum?
(c) Find the value of x that gives the greatest (c) What are the possible numbers of chairs that
area of the signboard. What is this area? should be made in a day if the cost per chair
must be less than $60?
7. The height, h m, of a golf ball at time, t s, from
the ground is given by 10. Give a possible equation of a quadratic graph for
h = –5t 2 + 15t. each of the following cases.
(a) Draw the graph of h = –5t 2 + 15t for (a) y-intercept = –5
0  t  3. (b) the line x = 1 as its line of symmetry
(b) Find the maximum height of the golf ball (c) the minimum point at (–3, 0)
from the ground. (d) the maximum point at (2, –1)
(c) Find the time of flight of the golf ball.
(d) When is the golf ball 8 m above the

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

4.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorisation

If we want to find the x-intercept(s) of the graph of the quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + c,
we substitute y = 0 into the equation. This becomes an equation in one variable x,
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where the highest power of x is 2.

An equation which can be expressed in the general form

ax2 + bx + c = 0,
where a, b and c are constants and a ≠ 0, is called a quadratic equation in one
variable x. A root or solution of the equation is a value of x that satisfies the equation.

Some quadratic equations can be solved using the factorisation method. This method
Spot Check
makes use of the following property of real numbers. If P and Q are two real
numbers such that
P 3 Q = 1, does it imply
For any two real numbers P and Q, either P = 1 or Q = 1 or
if P 3 Q = 0, then either P = 0 or Q = 0 or P = Q = 0. P = Q = 1?

For example, if we have (x – p)(x – q) = 0, then using the above property,

x–p=0 or x – q = 0.
Take P = x – p
and Q = x – q.

Example 5 Solve the equation 2x2 – 5x – 3 = 0.

Solution We first use the multiplication frame to factorise the expression

2x2 – 5x – 3.
3 2x 1
Factors of –3 are
x 2x2 x –3 and 1, or –1 and 3.

–3 –6x –3

Check: –6x + x = –5x

2x2 – 5x – 3= 0
(x – 3)(2x + 1) = 0 Factorise 2x 2 – 5x – 3.
x – 3 = 0 or 2x + 1 = 0 Either one of the factors is 0.
x = 3 
or  x=–
∴ x = 3 and x = – 1 are the roots of the equation 2x2 – 5x – 3 = 0.

Note: We should check if the answers are correct by substituting

the values of x into the expression.
When x = 3, 2x 2 – 5x – 3 = 2(3)2 – 5(3) – 3 = 0.
1 1 1
When x = – , 2x 2 – 5x – 3 = 2 – –5 – – 3 = 0.
2 2 2

Try It! 5 Solve the equation 3x2 + 4x – 4 = 0.

Example 6 Solve the equation 4x2 = 5(4x – 5).

4x2 = 5(4x – 5)
4x2 = 20x – 25 Expand. a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2
4x2 – 20x + 25 =0 Rewrite in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0.
(2x – 5)2 =0 Factorise 4x2 – 20x + 25.
2x – 5 =0
5 Check:
∴ x = 5
2 When x = ,
5 2
Note: Since the factor 2x – 5 occurs twice, the root x = is LHS = 4x2
2 2

repeated. That is, the equation has two equal roots. =4 5

= 25

Try It! 6 Solve the equation 3x(3x + 14) = – 49. RHS = 5(4x – 5)
= 5 43 – 5
= 25

Example 7 Solve the equation x(19 – 12x) = 5.

Solution x(19 – 12x) =5

19x – 12x2 =5 Check:
–12x2 + 19x – 5 =0 5
When x = ,
12x2 – 19x + 5 = 0    Multiply both sides by –1. 4
(4x – 5)(3x – 1) =0 LHS = x(19 – 12x)
4x – 5 = 0 or 3x – 1 = 0 5 5
= 19 – 12 3
4 4
5 1
∴ x= or x= =5
4 3
Note: When the coefficient of x2 in a quadratic equation is negative, 1
When x = ,
we can multiply the equation by –1 to make it positive. 3
LHS = x(19 – 12x)
1 1
= 19 – 12 3
Try It! 7 Solve the equation 3x(5 – x) = 2(7 – 4x). 3 3


Example 8 Solve the equation x(2x + 1) = x(3x – 5).

Solution Method 1
We expand both sides and then rewrite the equation in the form
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
x(2x + 1) = x(3x – 5)
2x2 + x = 3x2 – 5x
x2 – 6x = 0
x(x – 6) = 0
x = 0 or x – 6 = 0
∴ x = 0 or x=6

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

Method 2
x(2x + 1) = x(3x – 5)
x(2x + 1) – x(3x – 5) = 0 Move the terms to one side.
x[(2x + 1) – (3x – 5)] = 0 Factorise by taking out the common
x(2x + 1 – 3x + 5) = 0 factor x.
x(–x + 6) = 0
x = 0 or –x + 6 = 0
∴ x = 0 or x =6
Note: We cannot “cancel” the factor x from the original equation.
If we do so, the steps would be:
x(2x + 1) = x(3x – 5)
2x + 1 = 3x – 5
3x – 2x = 5 + 1
Thus, we will lose the root x = 0.

In general, we cannot divide both sides of an equation by a
factor that contains its own variable.

Try It! 8 Solve the equation (x – 4)(2x + 7) = (x – 4)(x + 3).

Example 9 Solve the equation 9(2x – 1)2 = (5x + 4)2.

Solution 9(2x – 1)2 = (5x + 4)2

[3(2x – 1)]2 – (5x + 4)2 =0 Can you solve the equation
[3(2x – 1) + (5x + 4)][3(2x – 1) – (5x + 4)] = 0 a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b) x2 + 2x – 1 = 0 by the
factorisation method? If
(6x – 3 + 5x + 4)(6x – 3 – 5x – 4) =0
not, how can you find the
(11x + 1)(x – 7) =0 approximate values of the
11x + 1 =0 or x – 7 = 0 roots?
∴ x =– or x=7

Note: This equation can also be solved by expanding both sides of

the equation first. Students can attempt to solve the equation
by this method and compare it with the method above.

Try It! 9 Solve the equation 4(3x + 1)2 = (x – 7)2.

LEVEL 1 6. If the equation 4x2 – 12x + c = 0, where c is a
constant, has two equal roots, find the value of c
1. Solve each of the following equations.
and the roots of the equation.
(a) (x – 2)(x – 5) = 0
(b) (x + 1)(2x + 9) = 0
(c) (x – 3)(7x + 6) = 0
(d) (4x – 11)2 = 0
(e) (3x + 4)2 = 0 7. When a ball is thrown upward from the ground,
(f ) (4 – x)(6x + 5) = 0 its height, h m, from the ground after t seconds is
given by the equation h = 20t – 5t 2. Find the time
2. Solve each of the following equations. that the ball
(a) x2 + x – 6 = 0 (a) reaches the ground again,
(b) x2 + 11x + 24 = 0 (b) is 15 m above the ground.
(c) x2 – 8x + 15 = 0
(d) 2x2 – 7x – 4 = 0 8. A football league consists of n teams and each
(e) 3x2 + 10x + 7 = 0 team plays with every other team once. The
(f ) 4x2 – 16x + 15 = 0 total number of football matches, T, that must
(g) 10x2 + 11x – 6 = 0 be played in the league is given by the formula
(h) 9x2 + 24x + 16 = 0 1
T = n(n – 1). If the league has 55 matches
(i) 2x2 + 9x = 0 2
( j) 25x2 – 49 = 0 scheduled, how many teams are participating in
the league?

LEVEL 2 9. The length and breadth of a rectangle are

(3x + 1) cm and (2x – 1) cm respectively. If the
3. Solve each of the following equations. area of the rectangle is 144 cm2, find the value
(a) x2 + 4x = 21 of x.
(b) (2x – 1)2 = 16 D C
(c) 4x2 = 9(4x – 9)
(d) (6y + 1)2 = (4y + 5)(9y – 7)
2x _ 1
(e) (y – 2)(y + 5) = 7y – 10
(f ) (3z + 1)(z – 2) = (z – 1)(z + 7)
(g) (5t – 4)(t + 1) = (2t – 9)(t + 1) A 3x + 1 B
(h) 7(8u – 11) = (8u – 11)2
(i) (2v + 3)2 = (v – 5)2 10. Mrs Tan bought (5x – 1) bottles of peanut oil at $x
( j) 9(w – 4)2 = (2w + 1)2 each. If the total cost is $42, find the value of x.

4. It is given that x = 3 is a root of the equation

11. Construct a quadratic equation, in the form
4x2 + kx – 15 = 0, where k is a constant. Find
4 2
(a) the value of k, ax2 + bx + c = 0, whose roots are and – .
3 5
(b) the other root of the equation.

5. It is given that x = –1 is a root of the equation

kx2 + (k2 + 1)x + 3 = 0, where k is a constant.
(a) the possible values of k,
(b) the other root of the equation.

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

4.3 Applications of Quadratic Equations

We can follow similar steps used to solve problems involving linear equations to solve
problems involving quadratic equations.

• Identify and use a letter (e.g. x, y) to represent

the unknown found in a problem.
• Express other quantities in terms of that letter.
• Form a quadratic equation and solve it.
• Write the answer statement.

After we have solved a quadratic equation, we should check if the two roots obtained
satisfy the original problem. For example, if the original problem requires whole number
solutions, then we have to omit the negative roots and fractional roots.

Example 10 The sum of the squares of two consecutive positive even numbers
is 580. Find the numbers.

Solution Let x be the smaller number.

Then the larger number = x + 2.
We need to refer the
From the given information, solution of the equation to
x2 + (x + 2)2 = 580 the context of the problem
x + x2 + 4x + 4 = 580
2 and check if the solution is
2x2 + 4x – 576 = 0
x2 + 2x – 288 = 0
(x – 16)(x + 18) = 0
x – 16 = 0 or x + 18 = 0
x = 16 or x = –18 (rejected)
∴ x = 16 Check:
Hence, the two numbers are 16 and 18. Sum of the squares
= 162 + 182
Note: –18 is rejected because the problem requires positive numbers. = 580
\ the solution is correct.

Try It! 10 The sum of the squares of two consecutive positive odd numbers
is 394. Find the numbers.

Example 11 The perimeter of a rectangle is 36 cm. The area of the rectangle is
80 cm2. Find the length of the longer side of the rectangle.

Solution Let x cm be the length of the longer side of the rectangle.

2 3 (length + breadth) = perimeter
breadth = – length
36 D C
= –x
= (18 – x) cm
As area = 80 cm2, 80 cm2 breadth
x(18 – x) = 80
18x – x2 = 80
x2 – 18x + 80 =0 A x cm B
(x – 8)(x – 10) =0 length
x – 8 = 0 or x – 10 = 0
x = 8 or x = 10
When x = 8, breadth = 18 – 8 = 10.
This answer is rejected since x cm should be the length of the longer
When x = 10, breadth = 18 – 10 = 8.
Hence, the length of the longer side of the rectangle is 10 cm.

Try It! 11 The perimeter of a rectangle is 44 cm. The area of the rectangle is
117 cm2. Find the length of the shorter side of the rectangle.

Example 12 A rectangular cardboard measures 29 cm by 21 cm. A picture is

pasted on it, leaving a border of uniform width on the four sides.
The area of the picture is 345 cm2. Find the width of the border.

Solution Let x cm be the width of the border.

Length of the picture = (29 – 2x) cm
Breadth of the picture = (21 – 2x) cm 21
Area of the picture = 345 cm2 x
(29 – 2x)(21 – 2x) = 345
609 – 100x + 4x2 = 345
4x2 – 100x + 264 = 0
x2 – 25x + 66 = 0
(x – 3)(x – 22) = 0 DISCUSS
x – 3 = 0 or x – 22 = 0 Do you know why the width
x = 3 or x = 22 (rejected) of each border cannot be
\ x = 3 22 cm?
The width of the border is 3 cm.

Try It! 12 A rectangular swimming pool measures 25 m by 6 m. It is surrounded

by a path of uniform width at its four sides. If the area of the path
is 102 m2, find the width of the path.

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

LEVEL 1 11. A rectangular board is 40 cm by 16 cm. An
L-shape of uniform width is cut from it as shown.
1. The product of two consecutive integers is 342. If the remaining area is 340 cm2, find the width of
Find the integers. the L-shape.
2. The sum of the squares of two consecutive
positive numbers is 1105. Find the numbers. 340 cm 2

16 cm
3. There are two consecutive positive odd numbers.
The sum of the square of the larger number and A 40 cm B
4 times the smaller number is 349. Find the larger
number. 12. A rectangular field is 50 m long and 30 m wide.
There is a walking path of uniform width around
4. A girl’s age in 12 years’ time is the square of her its outer edges. If the area of the path is 425 m2,
present age. Find her present age. find the width of the path.

5. A rectangular playground has a perimeter of 60 m

and an area of 216 m2. Find the dimensions of the LEVEL 3
13. An equation of motion of a particle is
6. In a two-digit number, the tens digit is 5 less than s = ut +
at 2.
the ones digit. The number is 14 greater than the 2
product of the digits. Find this two-digit number. Find the values of t when a = –10, u = 20 and
s = 15.

LEVEL 2 14. The diagram shows a square tin plate. A small

square of side 5 cm is cut out from each of its
7. The sum of the squares of three consecutive corners. The plate is then folded up to form an
positive even numbers is 251. Find the middle open tray. If the volume of the tray is 1125 cm3,
number. find the length of a side of the tin plate.

8. The base of a triangle is longer than twice its

corresponding height by 1 cm. The area of the
triangle is 105 cm2. Find the height of the triangle.

9. The ratio of the length and breadth of a rectangular

photo is 3 : 2. Given that the area of the rectangle
is 864 cm2, find its length. 5
15. The diagram shows a cuboid of dimensions x cm
10. Fencing of length 40 m is used to enclose a by 2x cm by 7 cm. The surface area of the cuboid
rectangular pen, where one of the sides is a is 270 cm2. Find
straight wall. The area enclosed by the pen is (a) the value of x,
192 m2. Find the length of a side of the pen which (b) the volume of the cuboid.
is perpendicular to the wall. E 7



A x B

16. The kinetic energy, E joules, of an object is given 18. The diagram shows the first 4 patterns formed by
by the formula E =
mv , where m kg is the
2 identical coins.
mass of the object and v m/s is the velocity of
the object. The mass of a trolley is 4 kg and its
original velocity is positive. When the velocity of
the trolley is 1 m/s more than twice its original
velocity, its kinetic energy increases by 80 joules.
Find the original velocity of the trolley.
1st pattern 2nd pattern 3rd pattern 4th pattern
17. The monthly fee of a gymnasium club is $40
Let Tn be the number of coins in the nth pattern.
and the club has 100 members. The marketing
(a) Draw the 5th pattern.
manager of the club proposes that when the
(b) Write down the values of T1, T2, T3, T4 and
number of members becomes 100 + 5x, the
monthly fee of the club would be reduced to
(c) Express Tn, in factorised form, in terms of n.
$(40 – x), where x is a positive integer.
(d) If Tn = 666, find the value of n.
(a) Let $T be the total monthly fee of the
members under the proposal. Express T in
terms of x.
(b) When T = 4320, find the possible values of x.

Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations

e ll
sh Properties of the Graph of a Quadratic Function
a N y = ax2 + bx + c, where a ≠ 0

I n y y

line of
y = ax2 + bx + c symmetry (0, c)
(a  0)


(0, c) line of
y = ax2 + bx + c symmetry
(a  0)

• The graph is in the shape of a parabola.

• The graph cuts the y-axis at only 1 point, which is (0, c).
• The graph opens upward and has a minimum point when a  0.
It opens downward and has a maximum point when a , 0.
• The graph is symmetrical about the vertical line passing through its minimum/maximum point.
• The graph cuts the x-axis at 0, 1 or 2 points. For example, when a . 0, the three possible graphs of
y = ax2 + bx + c are as shown below.
y y = ax2 + bx + c y y
y = ax2 + bx + c y = ax2 + bx + c
1 point 2 points
x x x

no point of intersection 1 point of intersection 2 points of intersection

with the x-axis with the x-axis with the x-axis

i.e. ax2 + bx + c = 0 i.e. ax2 + bx + c = 0 i.e. ax2 + bx + c = 0

has no solution. has two real and equal roots. has two real and unequal roots.

Quadratic Equation Solution by Factorisation

A quadratic equation is expressed in the If ax + bx + c = 0 can be written as

general form
( px + q)(rx + s) = 0,
ax2 + bx + c = 0,
where a, b and c are constants, and a  0. q s
then x=– or x = – .
p r
A value of x that satisfies the equation is a
root of the equation.

1. (a) Draw the graph of y = x 2 – 6x + 7 for 7. Solve each of the following equations.
0  x  6. (a) 25x2 = 12(5x – 3)
(b) Find the minimum point of the graph. (b) 2x(x – 4) = x(3x + 7)
(c) Find the y-intercept of the graph. (c) (2z – 3)(z + 4) = (3z – 2)(z + 6)
(d) 9(4t + 3)2 = (7t + 1)2
2. (a) Draw the graph of y = 2x 2 + 6x + 5 for
–5  x  1. 8. (a) Factorise 6v 2 + 11v – 10.
(b) Find the minimum point and the line of (b) Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation
symmetry of the graph. 6(x + 4)2 + 11(x + 4) – 10 = 0.

3. (a) D r aw th e g r ap h o f y = 4 x – x 2 fo r 9. It is given that –

is a root of the equation
–1 < x < 5. 2
(b) Find the points at which the graph cuts the 10x – 9x + k = 0, where k is a constant. Find

x-axis. (a) the value of k,

(c) Find the maximum point of the graph. (b) the other root of the equation.

4. A cannon ball is fired from a cliff into the sea. 10. In a computer game, the flight path of a bird is
Its vertical distance, h m, above sea level at time, modelled by the equation y = –x2 + 6x + 1, where
t seconds, is given by y is the height of the bird above the ground at a
horizontal distance, x, from the starting point. The
h = –5t 2 + 20t + 60,
landing point of the bird is at y = 0.
for t  0 and h  0.
(a) Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the t-axis
and 1 cm to represent 10 units on the h-axis,
draw the graph of h = –5t 2 + 20t + 60 for
0  t  7.
Using your graph, find
(b) the height of the cliff, starting point
(c) the maximum height of the cannon ball above
landing point
the sea level,
(d) the time of flight of the cannon ball.
Taking 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the
x-axis and 1 cm to represent 2 units on the
5. The quadratic graph y = x + bx + c passes through
y-axis, draw the graph of y = –x2 + 6x + 1 for
the points P(–1, –6) and Q(2, 6).
0  x  6.5.
(a) Find the values of the constants b and c.
(b) Using your graph, find
(b) Hence, draw the graph of y = x2 + bx + c for
(i) the coordinates of the starting point,
–5  x  2.
(ii) the coordinates of the landing point,
(c) Find the minimum point and the line of
(iii) the maximum height of the bird.
symmetry of the graph.
(c) The bird hits a stone at a point where x = 6.
Find the possible coordinates of this point.
6. Solve each of the following equations.
(a) 3x2 – 5x – 42 = 0
11. Peter is 3 years older than his brother. The product
(b) 6p2 – 7p – 24 = 0
of their ages is 270. Find Peter’s age.
(c) 2y2 + 11y + 5 = 0
(d) 12u2 – 29u + 14 = 0
12. Mr Fu asks a garden designer to build a square
flowerbed. The cost for paving the border of the
flowerbed is $20 per metre while the cost of the
flowers and soil in the flowerbed is $60 per m2. If
the total cost of building the flowerbed is $3500,
find the length of a side of the flowerbed.
Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Equations
Write in Your Journal
1. It is given that y = x2 – x – 6. Describe how you would sketch the graph of the function.
Hint: What information would you need to sketch the graph? For instance, you may need to
express the function in another form.
Hence, using your sketch, write down as many properties as you can find about the graph.

2. Give a real-life example that may be represented by a quadratic graph.

51 Linear Equations
Two Variables In

Let’s Learn to
understand the properties of a linear equation in two variables
A pet shop has a total of
draw the graph of a linear equation in two variables
37 cats and birds. If the
total number of legs of understand the idea of simultaneous equations and their
these cats and birds is 92, solutions
how many birds do you solve simultaneous linear equations in two variables using the
think there are? graphical method
recognise the approximate nature of the graphical method
solve simultaneous linear equations in two variables using the
substitution method and the elimination method
apply simultaneous linear equations in two variables to solve
practical problems

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

5.1 Linear Equations in Two Variables

In Secondary One, we have learnt that a linear function is of the form y = ax + b.

For example, y = –2x + 5 is a linear function. In fact, we can also express it as 2x + y = 5.

We say that the equation 2x + y = 5 is a linear equation in two variables x and y.

From the equation, we know that the value of x depends on the value of y.
When y = 1, 2x + 1 = 5 gives x = 2.
When y = 2, 2x + 2 = 5 gives x = 1.5.
When y = 3, 2x + 3 = 5 gives x = 1.

The pairs of values of x and y which satisfy the equation are solutions of the equation.
Therefore, (x = 2 and y = 1), (x = 1.5 and y = 2), (x = 1 and y = 3), … are solutions of the
equation. Can you provide two more pairs of solutions? How many solutions do you
Spot Check
Is x = 3 and y = –1 a
think this linear equation has? solution of the equation
2x + y = 5?
If we represent the solutions by ordered pairs (2, 1), (1.5, 2), (1, 3), etc, and plot them as
points on a coordinate plane, we will see that they lie on a straight line as shown in the
diagram below.

2x + y = 5

3 (1, 3)

2 (1.5, 2)

1 (2, 1)

O 1 2 3

The solutions of 2x + y = 5 are the coordinates of all the points on the straight line. This
is why we call the equation a linear equation. The line is called the graph of the equation. DISCUSS
How many solutions of
Note that we can rewrite the equation 2x + y = 5 as 2x + y = 5 are there on the
y = –2x + 5, straight line 2x + y = 5?
which is an equation of a linear graph that we have learnt. We can use the skill learnt in Explain your answer.
Secondary One to draw the graph.

 o represent a linear equation in two variables on a graph and determine its
Objective: T

1. Consider the linear equation in two variables x + y = 8.
(a) Copy and complete the following table of solutions of the equation.

x 0 2 4

y 8 1

(b) Plot the points found in (a) and draw the graph of x + y = 8. You may use
the scale for both axes as shown below.

8 (0, 8)

_2 O 2 4 6 8

(c) Reading from your graph, what is the value of k if (3, k) is a solution of
x + y = 8?
(d) If 2 3 , q is another solution of x + y = 8, estimate the value of q from
your graph.
(f )
What should the exact value of q be?
Can you read the exact value of q from your graph?
The coordinates of a point
(g) From your observation, what do you notice about reading a solution on a line can be decimals
from a linear graph? or fractions. Due to the
limitation of the scales on
2. Copy and complete the following table. Determine which of the following the two axes of a graph,
ordered pairs are solutions of 2x + 3y = 18 by evaluating the values of 2x + 3y. we may not be able to read
the exact coordinates of a
Is the ordered pair a solution of point on a line. However,
(x, y) Value of 2x + 3y when the x-coordinate (or
2x + 3y = 18? (Yes/No)
y-coordinate) of a point is
(0, 6) 2(0) + 3(6) = given, we can find the exact
value of its y-coordinate (or
(2, 5) x-coordinate) by substitution.

3. (a) State two ordered pairs that are solutions of 2x + 3y = 18.

(b) State two ordered pairs that are not solutions of 2x + 3y = 18.

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

We may also use some graphing software, such as Graphmatica or The Geometer’s
Sketchpad, to draw the graphs of linear equations in two variables.

Objective: T
 o draw the graphs of linear equations in two variables using
Graphmatica and study the features of the graphs. MATHS WEB
Tasks For more information on
how to obtain a free trial
version of Graphmatica,
visit http://www.

1. Activate Graphmatica and enter the equation 2x – 3y = 6 in the input field.

The straight line graph of 2x – 3y = 6 will be shown on the coordinate
(a) State the points A and B at which the graph cuts the x-axis and the
y-axis respectively.
(b) Do the coordinates of A and B satisfy the equation 2x – 3y = 6?
(c) If the point C(1, p) is on the line, find the value of p.
(d) Find the gradient of the line.

2. (a) Draw the graph of the equation 3x + 5y = 15 using Graphmatica.

(b) State the points D and E at which the graph cuts the x-axis and the
y-axis respectively.
(c) Do the coordinates of D and E satisfy the equation 3x + 5y = 15?
(d) Find the gradient of the graph.

3. (a) Do you think x = 3 is a line or a point? Can you represent x = 3 on a

graph? If it is a line, what is its gradient?
(b) Do you think y = –1 is a line or a point? Can you represent y = –1 on
a graph? If it is a line, what is its gradient?
(c) Describe the general property of the line x = h, where h is a constant.
(d) Describe the general property of the line y = g, where g is a constant. When b ≠ 0, the equation
ax + by = k can be written
a k
4. In general, for the graph of the equation ax + by = k, where a, b and k are as y = – x+ .
b b
constants, what can you say about Thus, the equation ax + by = k
(a) the point at which it cuts the x-axis, can be written as y = mx + c.
(b) the point at which it cuts the y-axis,
(c) the gradient of the graph?

The x-coordinate at which a straight line cuts the x-axis is called the x-intercept of the
line. The y-coordinate at which a straight line cuts the y-axis is called the y-intercept.
From Class Activity 1 and Class Activity 2, we see that the graph of the equation
ax + by = k, where a, b and k are constants, and a and b cannot be both zero, is a straight line.
The line has the following properties.

For the line ax + by = k, where a, b and k are constants,

1. when a ≠ 0 and b ≠ 0, the equation can be written as
a k
y=– x+ , with y
b b
k k y-intercept
(i) its x-intercept at i.e. when y = 0, x = , (when x = 0)
a a k

(ii) its y-intercept at

i.e. when x = 0, y =
ax + by = k
(when y = 0)
a x The linear graph y = mx + c
(iii) its gradient = – . O k
b a has gradient = m.
(See Fig. 1.)
Fig. 1

2. when a = 0, the line can be expressed as y

y = g, where g is a constant. It is a horizontal
line with y-intercept at g and zero gradient.
g y=g
(See Fig. 2.)

3. when b = 0, the line can be expressed as O h
x = h, where h is a constant. It is a vertical
line with x-intercept at h and undefined
Fig. 2
gradient. (See Fig. 2.)

What do you notice about the y-coordinates of all the points on the horizontal line
y = g? What do you notice about the x-coordinates of all the points on the vertical line
x = h?

Example 1 The temperatures of solutions A and B are x °C and y °C respectively.

Four times the temperature of A is 20 °C more than 5 times the
temperature of B.
(a) Form an equation connecting x and y.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation in (a).
(c) If (3, k) is a solution of the equation, find the value of k.

(a) 4 times the temperature of A = 4x °C
5 times the temperature of B = 5y °C
From the given information, we have the equation
4x – 5y = 20......................................... (1)

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

(b) We set up a table of values for the equation.
4x – 5y = 20

x 0 2 5
y –4 –2.4 0

We then plot the points and join them with a straight line to
get the graph of 4x – 5y = 20.

_1 O 1 2 3 4 5

(3, k)

_3 4x _ 5y = 20


Method 1 (c)
We drop a vertical line from x = 3 to meet the graph where
the corresponding value of y is the value of k.
Hence, k = –1.6.

Note: However, if (1.4, p) is a solution of 4x – 5y = 20, we will

not be able to read the exact value of p from the graph
in (b). Thus, the accuracy in reading a solution from
a graph is limited. The following method of algebraic
substitution will be more effective.

Method 2
We substitute (3, k) into (1),
4(3) – 5k = 20
–5k = 8
k = –1.6

Try It! 1 Particle A travels at x m/s for 3 seconds. Particle B travels at y m/s
for 4 seconds. The distance travelled by A is 12 m longer than that
by B.
(a) Form an equation connecting x and y.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation in (a) for 0  x  8.
(c) If (h, 5) is a solution of the equation, find the value of h.

Example 2 A man cycles along a straight road. His distance, y km, from a petrol
station at time t hours is given by the equation 20t + y = 50.
(a) Draw the graph of y against t for 0 < t < 3.
(b) Find the initial distance of the man from the petrol station.
(c) Find the time when the man reaches the petrol station.
(d) Find the gradient of the graph and interpret its meaning.

Solution (a) We set up a table of values for the equation.

20t + y = 50

t 0 1 2 3
y 50 30 10 –10

The diagram below shows the graph of y against t. REMARK
y The graph of y against t
means y is along the vertical
50 axis and t is along the
horizontal axis.
40 20t + y = 50




O 1 2 3

(b) The initial distance refers to the distance at t = 0.

From the graph, when t = 0, y = 50.
\ the initial distance of the man from the petrol station
   = 50 km.

(c) The man reaches the petrol station when y = 0.

From the graph, when y = 0, t = 2.5.
\ the man reaches the petrol station after 2.5 hours.

(d) Gradient of the graph =

= –20 Gradient =
vertical change
horizontal change
It means the cycling speed of the man is 20 km/h and he cycles
in the direction towards the petrol station.
Note: The graph of distance against time is called a travel graph.

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Try It! 2 A man jogs along a straight road. His distance, y km, from a school
at time t hours is given by the equation 10t – y = –5.
(a) Draw the graph of y against t for 0 < t < 2.
(b) What is the initial distance of the man from the school?
(c) When is the man 20 km from the school?
(d) Find the gradient of the graph and interpret its meaning.

LEVEL 1 4. (a) Copy and complete the following table of
values of x and y for the equation 2x – 5y = 10.
1. (a) Copy and complete the following table of
values of x and y for the equation y = 2x – 1. x 0 5 10

x –1 0 1 3 y

y (b) Draw the graph of 2x – 5y = 10 for 0  x  10.

(c) Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of
(b) Draw the graph of y = 2x – 1 for –1  x  3. the graph.
(c) Find the gradient of the graph. (d) If (m, –1) is a solution of 2x – 5y = 10, find
3 the value of m.
(d) Is ,2 a solution of the equation y = 2x – 1?

5. In each of the following cases, determine whether

2. (a) Copy and complete the following table of
the given ordered pair is a solution of the equation.
values of x and y for the equation x + y = 5.
(a) 2x + y = 16; (4, 8)
x 0 3 5 (b) x – 5y = 11; (–1, –2)
(c) 3x + 4y = 24; (4, 3)
(d) 7x – 6y + 5 = 0; (5, 5)
(b) Draw the graph of x + y = 5 for 0  x  5.
(c) Find the gradient of the graph. 6. Draw the following lines on the same diagram.
(a) y = 3 (b) y = –1
(d) If 1 3 , p is a solution of x + y = 5, find the (c) x = 4 (d) x = –2
value of p.

3. (a) Copy and complete the following table of LEVEL 2

values of x and y for the equation x + 3y = 9. 7. Draw a graph for each of the following equations
x 0 3 6 9 and find its gradient.
(a) x – y = 4 for 0  x  5
(b) 2x + y = 8 for –1  x  5
(b) Draw the graph of x + 3y = 9 for 0  x  9. (c) x – 2y = 0 for –2  x  6
(c) Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept of (d) 3x + 4y = 12 for 0  x  4
the graph.
(d) If (4, q) is a solution of x + 3y = 9, find the 8. The points A(a, 0), B(0, b) and C(c, 1.5) are on the
value of q. line x + 2y = 8.
(a) Find the values of a, b and c.
(b) Determine whether (3, 2) is a solution of
x + 2y = 8.

It is given that (1, 6) is a solution of the equation (c) Find the gradient of the graph.
3x + ky – 33 = 0. (d) Determine the y-intercept of the graph and
(a) Find the value of the constant k. interpret its meaning.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation for (e) If the man takes 3 apples, find the number of
–1  x  12. pears that he has to take.
(c) Find the y-intercept of the graph.
(d) If (4, p) is a point on the graph, find the value 13. The prices per kg of tea and coffee are $80 and
of p. $40 respectively. The price of y kg of tea is $120
more than the price of x kg of coffee.

(a) Form an equation connecting x and y.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation in (a) for
0  x  5.
10. Mr and Mrs Wu have $6000 in their joint bank (c) Find the gradient of the graph.
account. Suppose $x in the account belongs to (d) Find the value of y when x = 4.
Mr Wu and $y belongs to Mrs Wu.
(a) Form an equation connecting x and y. 14. The distance, y km, that a yacht is from a pier at
(b) When x = 3500, find the value of y. time t hours is given by the equation 8t + y = 40.
(c) Draw the graph of the equation in (a). (a) Find the time, T hours, when the yacht
reaches the pier.
11. There are x bicycles and y tricycles in a shop. (b) Draw the graph of 8t + y = 40 for 0 < t < T.
Their total number of wheels is 48. (c) Find the initial distance of the yacht from the
(a) Form an equation connecting x and y. pier.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation in (a). (d) Find the gradient of the graph and interpret
(c) If there are 12 bicycles, find the number of its meaning.
(d) What can you say about the nature of the 15. When a computer wholesaler sells a USB drive, he
values of x and y in this problem? loses $4. When he sells a keyboard, he gains $6.
When he sells x USB drives and y keyboards, he
12. Each apple contains 10 mg of vitamin C and each gains $3000.
pear contains 7.5 mg of vitamin C. A man eats (a) Form an equation connecting x and y.
x apples and y pears so as to obtain 60 mg of (b) Find two possible pairs of values of x and y.
vitamin C from the fruits.
(a) Form an equation connecting x and y.
(b) Draw the graph of the equation in (a) for
0  x  6.

5.2 Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations

in Two Variables by Graphical Method

Consider two linear equations:

x+y =6
and x – 2y = 3.

Every point on the graph of each equation is a solution of the equation. Hence each of
the above equations has an infinite number of solutions. However, do they have any
common solutions?

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Let us explore this possibility in Class Activity 3.

 o find the solution of a pair of simultaneous linear equations using a graphing
Objective: T

1. Using a graphing software, such as Graphmatica or The Geometer’s Sketchpad, create a
grid where the x-axis ranges from –2 to 8 and the y-axis ranges from –8 to 8.
2. Draw the graphs of the linear equations x + y = 6 and x – 2y = 3 as shown above.
3. Plot the points A(2, 4), B(1, –1) and C(5, 1) on the diagram.

1. Copy and complete the following table.

Is the point a solution of Is the point a solution of

Point x + y = 6? x – 2y = 3?
(Yes/No) (Yes/No)
A(2, 4)
B(1, –1)
C(5, 1)

2. How are the points A, B and C related to the lines?

3. Can you identify the common point that both of the lines above pass through? How are the
coordinates of the common point related to the lines?
4. Study the graphs drawn. How many solutions are there satisfying both equations x + y = 6
and x – 2y = 3? What is/are the solution(s)?
5. By drawing suitable graphs on a new screen, find the solution that satisfies both the
equations x = 2 and y = 3. Explain your working.

A system of two linear equations such as
x+y=6 and x – 2y = 3 (as shown in Class Activity 3),
is called simultaneous linear equations in two variables x and y. A solution of this
system is a pair of values of x and y that satisfies both equations. Hence, if a solution
exists, it is the pair of coordinates of the point of intersection of the graphs of the
simultaneous equations.
From the diagram in Class Activity 3, we see that the point C(5, 1) is the point of
intersection of the graphs of x + y = 6 and x – 2y = 3. In other words, the set of values,
x = 5 and y = 1, is the solution of the simultaneous equations. This activity indicates that
simultaneous equations can be solved graphically.

Example 3 Use the graphical method to solve the simultaneous equations

x – 3y = 2
and 2x – y = –1. Spot Check
What are the x-intercept
Solution We draw the graphs of the equations on the same axes. and y-intercept of the line
x – 3y = 2 2x – y = –1 2x – y = –1?

x –1 2 5 x –2 0 2
y –1 0 1 y –3 1 5

4 2x _ y = _1

• We have to extend the
lines to find their point
of intersection where
1 x _ 3y = 2 necessary.
• It is a good practice to
x check if the coordinates
_2 _1 O 1 2 3 4 5 of the point of intersection
found satisfy both the
given equations.



From the graphs, we can see that the point of intersection of the
two graphs is (–1, –1). When x = –1 and y = –1,
∴ the solution of the simultaneous equations is x = –1 and y = –1. we have
x – 3y = –1 – 3(–1) = 2,
2x – y = 2(–1) – (–1) = –1.
Try It! 3 Use the graphical method to solve the simultaneous equations \ (–1, –1) satisfies both
2x + y = –2 equations.
and x + y = 1.

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

Example 4 Solve the simultaneous equations
x + 4y = – 4
and x+y=1
by the graphical method.

Solution We draw the graphs of the equations on the same axes.

x + 4y = – 4 x+y=1

x –4 0 4 x –3 0 3
y 0 –1 –2 y 4 1 –2

What do you notice about
the gradients of the lines?

_ _ _ _ x
4 3 2 1 O 1 2 3 4
x + 4y = 4

From the diagram, the point of intersection of the two graphs is P.

The coordinates of P are not integers. Hence, we can only read the REMARK
approximate values of the coordinates (x, y) as (2.7, –1.7). We can verify that the exact
∴ the solution of the simultaneous equations is solution of the simultaneous
x = 2.7 and y = –1.7 (correct to 1 d.p.) equations is x = and
Note: One drawback of the graphical method is that we may not y=– .
get the exact solution of the simultaneous equations.

Try It! 4 Solve the simultaneous equations

2x + 6y = 13
and 5x + y = –6
by the graphical method.

Example 5 Solve the simultaneous equations
x + 2y = 4
and x + 2y = 2
by the graphical method.

Solution x + 2y = 4 x + 2y = 2

x 0 2 4 x 0 2 4
y 2 1 0 y 1 0 –1

3 What do you notice about
the gradients of the lines?
2 x+

O 1 2 x 3 4 5
_1 2

The graphs of the given equations are parallel lines. Since parallel lines
will never meet, the simultaneous equations have no solution.

Try It! 5 Solve the simultaneous equations

3x + 4y = 12
and 6x + 8y = 9
by the graphical method.

Example 6 Solve the simultaneous equations

2x – 4y = –8
and 3x – 6y = –12
by the graphical method.

Solution 2x – 4y = –8 3x – 6y = –12

x –4 0 2 x –4 0 2
y 0 2 3 y 0 2 3

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables


What do you realise about
=– 2 the two equations?
– 4y –1
2x 6y = 1

–4 –3 –2 –1 O 1 2

The graphs of the given equations are the same line. Every point on
the line is a solution of the simultaneous equations. Hence, there
are infinitely many solutions.

Try It! 6 Solve the simultaneous equations

4x + 2y = 10
and 2x + y = 5
by the graphical method.

1. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous (b) x + 3y = 9 and 2x + 3y = 6
equations, using the given graphs.
(a) 2x – y = 0 and x – 2y = 6

4 4

2x _ y = 0 x + 3y = 9

x _2 x
_4 _2 O O 2 4 6 8
2 4 6
_2 _2 2x + 3y = 6
x _ 2y = 6

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous
equations graphically using a graphing software. LEVEL 3
(a) x + 2y = 8
2x + y = 7 6. (a)
On the same diagram, draw the graphs of the
(b) x – y = –5 equations 2x + 4y = 12 and 3x + 6y = 18 for
4x + y = 0 0  x  7.
(b) Write down three possible pairs of solutions
(c) 2x – 3y = 9
for the simultaneous equations
x – 2y = 7
2x + 4y = 12 and 3x + 6y = 18.
(d) 3x + 4y = 12
6x + 8y = 20 7. John is x years old. His younger sister, Emily, is
y years old.
3. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous (a) The sum of their ages is 10 years. Form an
equations by the graphical method. equation connecting x and y.
(a) 2x – y = 1 and x + y = 5 (b) The difference between their ages is 4 years.
(b) x – 3y = –1 and 2x – y = 8 Form an equation connecting x and y.
(c) 0.3x + 0.6y = 6 and x – 2y = 6 (c) Draw the graphs of the equations in (a) and
(d) 3x – 6y = 0 and 8x – 4y = 12 (b) on the same diagram.
(d) Hence, find the ages of John and Emily.
4. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous
equations by the graphical method. 8. The prices of a table and a chair are $x and $y
(a) 2x + 3y = 7 and 4x + 5y = 15 respectively.
(b) 2x – 3y = 12 and 6x – 9y = 20 (a) The total price of such a table and 4 chairs is
(c) x + y = 6 and x – y = 2 $400. Form an equation connecting x and y.
(d) x + 2y = 9 and 2x – y = 12 (b) The price of such a table and 6 chairs is $500.
Form an equation connecting x and y.

LEVEL 2 (c) Draw the graphs of the equations in (a) and

(b) on the same diagram.
5. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous (d) Hence, find the price of a table and of
equations by the graphical method. a chair.
(a) x= (3y – 5) 9. The chemical formula of a compound is CmHn,
1 where m and n are positive integers.
y = (3x + 2) (a) It is given that the sum of m and n is 11.
1 Form an equation connecting m and n.
(b) (x + 2) + y = 10
6 (b) It is also given that n is 2 more than twice of
x + 4 =
( y + 2) m. Form an equation connecting m and n.
6 (c) Draw the graphs of the equations in (a) and
y=3 (b) on the same diagram of n against m.
5 3 (d) Hence, find the formula of the compound.
(x + y) + 1.5 = 2
(d) 0.2(x + y) + = –3
1 3
( y – x) + =1
7 7
y – 0.5
(e) +x=1
3y + x = 11

3 3 9
(f) x – y = 12
4 5 10
3 7 11
x+ y = –2
8 10 20

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

5.3 Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations
in Two Variables by Substitution Method

We have learnt that by graphing, we are able to observe whether a pair of linear graphs
intersects and at which common point they intersect. In other words, the solution of a
pair of simultaneous linear equations is the coordinates of the common point when they
intersect. We can also use an algebraic method such as the substitution method, to
obtain the solution without looking at the graphs.

Example 7 Use the substitution method to solve the simultaneous equations

x + 3y = 8

2x + 5y = 13.

x + 3y = 8 ........................... (1)
Use the substitution method
2x + 5y = 13 ......................... (2) to find the solution of the
From (1), x = 8 – 3y .................. (3) Express x in terms of y. simultaneous equations in
Example 4 on page 133,
Substituting (3) into (2),
i.e. x + 4y = – 4
2(8 – 3y) + 5y = 13 Substitute (8 – 3y) for x to get and x + y = 1.
16 – 6y + 5y = 13 an equation in only one variable.
16 – y = 13 What do you observe about
the solution?
y =3
Substituting y = 3 into (3),
x = 8 – 3(3)
= –1
∴ the required solution is x = –1 and y = 3. Check:
When x = –1 and y = 3,
x + 3y = (–1) + 3(3)
Note: • In the example above, the values of x and y satisfy both = 8
equations (1) and (2). Therefore, it is valid to substitute 2x + 5y = 2(–1) + 5(3)
(3) into (2) to obtain an equation in variable y only. = 13
• Do not forget to check the solution. \ the solution (–1, 3) is

Try It! 7 Use the substitution method to solve the simultaneous equations
x + 2y = 12
and 3x – y = 1.

Example 8 Solve the simultaneous equations

6x – 2y = 19 DISCUSS
and 8x + 5y = 10 To solve simultaneous
by the substitution method. equations by substitution,
you can begin by expressing
Solution 6x – 2y = 19 .......................... (1) y in terms of x or vice versa.
8x + 5y = 10 .......................... (2) How do you decide which
From (1), 2y = 6x – 19 way is better?
6 x – 19
y= .................. (3)

Substituting (3) into (2),
6 x – 19
8x + 5 2
= 10

16x + 5(6x – 19) = 20    Multiply the equation by 2.

16x + 30x – 95 = 20
46x = 115
x = 2.5
Substituting x = 2.5 into (3),
6(2.5) – 19
y =
= –2
∴ the required solution is x = 2.5 and y = –2.
Note: As illustrated by the two examples above, we can either
substitute x in terms of y or y in terms of x. The choice
depends on the coefficients of x and y in both equations.
MATHS matter
There are some chickens
and rabbits in a farm. Their
Try It! 8 Solve the simultaneous equations total number of eyes is 72.
Their total number of legs
8x + 6y = 15
is 104. Find the number of
and 5x – 2y = 18 chickens and the number of
by the substitution method. rabbits in the farm.

LEVEL 1 (e) 15x – 4y = 6, (f ) 10x + y = 5,
6x – 2y = 1 14x + 2y = 1
1. Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous (g) 3x – 7y = 8, (h) 5x + 2y = –13,
equations by the substitution method. 5y – 9x = –16 7x – 7 = 8y
(a) y = x + 3 and 2x + y = 15
(b) y = 2x and 7x – 2y = 15
(c) x = 1 – y and 3x + 2y = 6 LEVEL 3
(d) x = 3y – 2 and 4x – y = –19
(e) x + y = 13 and x – y = 7 3. The prices of a book and a pen are $x and $y
(f ) 2x – y = 1 and 2x + y = –13 respectively.
(g) x – 4y = 0 and 5x + 8y – 14 = 0 (a) The total price of 3 books and 1 pen is $17.
(h) x + 3y + 7 = 0 and x – 6y + 10 = 0 Form an equation in x and y.
(b) The total price of 4 books and 5 pens is $30.
Form another equation in x and y.
LEVEL 2 (c) By solving the simultaneous equations in
(a) and (b), find the price of a book and the
Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous price of a pen.
equations by the substitution method.
(a) 3x + 7y = 13, (b) 5x – 9y = 17,
5x + 2y = 12 3x – 8y = 5
(c) 2x – 3y = 9, (d) 4x + 3y = 0,
4x + 3y = 21 7x – 8y = 53

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

4. The length and breadth of a rectangle are x cm 8. (a) Solve the pairs of simultaneous equations
and y cm respectively. x – y = 5 and 3x – 3y = 15 by the substitution
(a) The sum of its length and breadth is 28 cm. method.
Form an equation in x and y. (b) Draw the graphs of x – y = 5 and 3x – 3y = 15
3 on the same diagram.
(b) The breadth of the rectangle is of its
4 (c) Compare the results in (a) and (b). What
length. Form another equation in x and y.
conclusions can you draw?
(c) By solving the simultaneous equations in (a)
(d) Design another pair of simultaneous
and (b), find the length of the rectangle.
equations with a solution of the same nature
as that of the simultaneous equations in (a).
5. When the price of a commodity is $x, the demand
quantity y thousand units is given by the function
9. There are bicycles and tricycles in a toy shop. The
y = 70 – 2x, while the supply quantity y thousand
total number of bicycles and tricycles counted by
units is given by the function y = 1 + x. Find
a boy was 20. The total number of wheels of the
the price of the commodity when the demand
bicycles and tricycles counted by his sister was
quantity is equal to the supply quantity.
37. Let x be the number of bicycles and y be the
number of tricycles in the shop.
6. Let x calories and y calories be the energy contents
(a) Write down an equation connecting x and y
of 100 g of egg and 100 g of fish respectively.
based on the boy’s counting.
(a) The total energy content of 100 g of egg
(b) Write down an equation connecting x and y
and 200 g of fish is 590 calories. Form an
based on his sister’s counting.
equation connecting x and y.
(c) Solve the simultaneous equations in (a) and
(b) The energy content of 500 g of egg is
90 calories more than that of 300 g of fish.
(d) Their father told them that at least one of
Form an equation connecting x and y.
their countings was incorrect. Explain why.
(c) By solving the simultaneous equations in (a)
and (b), find the values of x and y.

7. (a) Solve the simultaneous equations x – 2y = 8

and 2x – 4y = 11 by the substitution method.
(b) What can you say about the relationship
between the graphs of x – 2y = 8 and
2x – 4y = 11?

5.4 Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations

in Two Variables by Elimination Method

Look at these equations. The coefficients of y in

3x + 6y = 12 the equations are +6
8x – 6y = 10 and –6 respectively,
What do you notice? and (+6) + (–6) = 0.

In certain cases, it is more convenient to solve a system of simultaneous linear equations

through eliminating a particular unknown by adding or subtracting the equations. This
technique of solving simultaneous linear equations is called the elimination method.
Let us see some examples.

Example 9 Solve the simultaneous equations

5x + 2y = 18 and 6x – 2y = 26
by the elimination method.

Solution 5x + 2y = 18 ............................... (1)

6x – 2y = 26 ............................... (2)
Since the coefficients of y in these equations are +2 and –2
respectively, we add equations (1) and (2) to eliminate the terms in y. DISCUSS
Adding (1) and (2): In Example 9, we eliminate
(5x + 2y) + (6x – 2y) = 18 + 26 the terms in y first.
11x = 44     The variable y is eliminated. (a) Can you solve the
equations by eliminating
the terms in x first?
Substituting x = 4 into (1), (b) If so, how would you do
5(4) + 2y = 18 it?
2y = –2 (c) In the elimination
method, how would
y = –1 you decide whether
∴ the required solution is x = 4 and y = –1. the terms in x or the
Note: Do not forget to check the solution. terms in y should be
eliminated first?

Try It! 9 Solve the simultaneous equations

4x – 3y = –23 and 7x + 3y = 1
by the elimination method.

In cases where all the coefficients of the variables are different, we may still use the
elimination method. We can eliminate a variable, say, x, by making the coefficients of the
terms in both equations to be the LCM of the given coefficients. The advantage of using
LCM instead of just the product of the coefficients is that the values of the coefficients
in the resulting equations are smaller. Let us illustrate it by the following example.

Example 10 Use the elimination method to solve the simultaneous equations

9x + 13y = –1
and 6x + 11y = 4.

Solution 9x + 13y = –1 .................. (1)

6x + 11y = 4 .................... (2)
Let us try to eliminate x. The LCM of 6 and 9 is 18. Thus we multiply
equation (1) by 2 and equation (2) by 3 so that the coefficients of x
in both equations are 18.
(1) 3 2: 18x + 26y = –2 .................. (3)
(2) 3 3: 18x + 33y = 12 .................. (4)
Since the coefficients of x in equations (3) and (4) are both 18, we

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

subtract the equation (3) from equation (4) to eliminate the terms
in x.
(4) – (3): (18x + 33y) – (18x + 26y) = 12 – (–2)
7y = 14
y =2
Substituting y = 2 into (1), 9x + 13(2) = –1
9x = –27
x = –3
∴ the required solution is x = –3 and y = 2.
Note: • You should use both equations (1) and (2) to check your
• You may try to eliminate the variable y first.

Try It! 10 Use the elimination method to solve the simultaneous equations
13x – 6y = 11
and 9x – 4y = 7.

Example 11 Use the elimination method to solve the simultaneous equations

x y
– =1
3 2
x y 1
and – = .
4 5 6

x y
– = 1............................. (1)
3 2
x y 1
– = ........................... (2)
4 5 6
(1) 3 6: 2x – 3y = 6............................. (3) Change the coefficients
(2) 3 60: 15x – 12y = 10........................... (4) to integers.
(3) 3 4: 8x – 12y = 24........................... (5) Make the coefficients of
(4) – (5): 7x = –14 y in equations (3) and (4)
the same.
x = –2
Substituting x = –2 into (3),
2(–2) – 3y = 6
–3y = 10
∴ the required solution is x = –2 and y = – .

Try It! 11 Use the elimination method to solve the simultaneous equations
x y
+ =3
2 5
x y
and – = 1.
3 4

Example 12 Use the elimination method to solve the simultaneous equations
x + 2(y – 3) = 0
and 3(x + 3y) – 3(y + 6) = 0.

Solution x + 2(y – 3) = 0 .............................. (1)

and 3(x + 3y) – 3(y + 6) = 0 .............................. (2)
We first simplify the equations.
From (1), x + 2y – 6 = 0 ............................. (3)
From (2), 3x + 9y – 3y – 18 = 0
3x + 6y – 18 = 0     Divide equation by 3.
i.e. x + 2y – 6 = 0 ............................. (4)
(3) – (4): 0 =0
This is always true.
i.e. the given equations (1) and (2) can be simplified to the same
∴ the simultaneous equations (1) and (2) have infinitely many
Note: The graphs of equations (1) and (2) are the same line.

Try It! 12 Use the elimination method to solve the simultaneous equations
3x – 5y + 7 = 0
and 6(x – y) – 2(2y – 7) = 0.

5.5 Solving Problems Using Simultaneous

1. Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous 2. Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous
equations by the elimination method. equations by the elimination method.
(a) x + y = 13 and x – y = 5 (a) 5x – 3y = 1 and 3x – y – 5 = 0
(b) 2x + y = 9 and 2x – 3y = 29 (b) x + y + 24 = 0 and 3x + 2y = 6
(c) 4x + y = 17 and 2x + y = 11 (c) 24x – 8y = – 4 and 12x – 10y = 7
(d) 5x – 4y = –56 and 9x – 4y = –83 (d) 7x + 6y = 33 and 5x – 4y = 7
(e) x – 3y = 2 and 2x + 5y = 15 (e) 9x – 5y = 51 and 11x + 13y = 5
(f ) 3x + y = –12 and 4x + 5y = –38 (f ) 21x + 12y = 84 and 7x + 4y – 28 = 0
(g) 8x – 7y = –10 and 13x – 21y = –19 (g)
= 4 and
(h) 10x – 11y = 2 and 5x – 4y = 13 6 3 12 3
x y 1 x y 5
(h) – = and + =
5 4 3 2 3 6

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

LEVEL 3 6. When a trolley moves along a straight line,
its distance, s m, from its starting point after
3. The volumes of coffee in a regular order and a t seconds is given by the formula s = ut + 1 at 2,
large-sized order are x cm3 and y cm3 respectively. 2
(a) If the total volume in a regular order and where u m/s is its initial speed and a m/s2 is its
a large-sized order is 650 cm3, form an acceleration. Given that the trolley is 16 m and
equation connecting x and y. 44 m from the starting point after 2 s and 4 s
(b) If the total volume of coffee in two regular respectively, find the values of a and u.
orders is 100 cm3 more than that in one
large-sized order, form an equation 7. Mr Tan had x $5 notes and y $10 notes in his
connecting x and y. wallet.
(c) Find the values of x and y by solving the (a) He said that the total amount of money
simultaneous equations derived in (a) and was $55. Form an equation using this
(b). information.
(b) He also said that twice the number of
4. There are two queues at a bus stop at a certain $10 notes was 3 more than the number
time. The number of people in the queues are of $5 notes. Form an equation using this
x and y respectively, and x  y. information.
(a) If the difference in the number of people in (c) Find the values of x and y from the equations
these two queues is 10, form an equation in (a) and (b).
connecting x and y. (d) Do you think what Mr Tan said is correct?
(b) If the first queue is twice as long as the Explain your answer.
second queue, form an equation connecting
x and y. 8. Consider the system of equations
(c) Solve the simultaneous equations obtained 2x + y = 16,
in (a) and (b). Hence, find the number of x + 3y = 13
people in each queue. and 4x – 5y = k,
where k is a constant.
5. Let x g and y g be the masses of a 20-cent coin and (a) If the system has a unique solution, find
1-dollar coin respectively. (i) the solution,
(a) The total mass of four 20-cent coins and (ii) the value of k.
ten 1-dollar coins is 81 g. Form an equation (b) How many solutions does the system
connecting x and y. of equations have when the value of k is
(b) The mass of seven 20-cent coins is the same different from that of (a)(ii)?
as the mass of five 1-dollar coins. Form an
equation connecting x and y.
(c) Find the mass of a 20-cent coin by solving
the simultaneous equations obtained in (a)
and (b).


In earlier sections, we have learnt different methods of solving simultaneous equations.

Let us now apply them to solve more real-life problems that can be represented by two
simultaneous equations.

Example 13
A two-digit number is equal to 4 times the sum of its digits. If the

digits of the number are reversed, the new number formed is 27
more than the original number. Find the original number.

Analysis If we let x be the original number, we cannot express its digits or the
number formed by reversing its digits in terms of x. Therefore, we
let x be its tens digit and y be its units digit so that we can formulate
equations from the given conditions.

Solution Let x be the tens digit and y be the units digit of the original number.
Original number is 10x + y and the sum of its digits is x + y.
Number formed by reversing its digits = 10y + x.
From the given information,
10x + y = 4(x + y)....................... (1) What does x y stand for in
(10y + x) – (10x + y) = 27................................. (2) this case?

From (1): 10x + y = 4x + 4y

6x – 3y = 0
2x – y = 0................................... (3)
From (2): 9y – 9x = 27
y – x = 3................................... (4)
(3) + (4): x=3 Check:
Original number = 36
Substituting x = 3 into (4), Sum of its digits = 3 + 6
y–3=3 =9
y = 6 Number formed by reversing
the digits = 63
∴ the original number is 36. Since 36 = 4 3 9 and
63 – 36 = 27, the answer is
Try It! 13 correct.
The sum of the digits in a two-digit number is 13. If the digits are
reversed, the number formed is 45 less than the original number.
Find the original number.
Spot Check
The hundreds digit, tens
digit and units digit of a
Example 14 The total price of 3 burgers and 2 set lunches is $41 while that of 3-digit number are x, y and
4 burgers and 3 set lunches is $59. Find the price of a burger. z respectively. Express the
3-digit number in terms of
x, y and z.
Solution Let the price of a burger be $x and the price of a set lunch be $y.
From the given information,
3x + 2y = 41 .............................. (1)
4x + 3y = 59 .............................. (2)
(1) 3 3: 9x + 6y = 123 ............................ (3)
(2) 3 2: 8x + 6y = 118 ............................ (4)
(3) – (4): x=5
∴ the price of a burger is $5.
Note: It is not necessary to find the value of y in this case. However,
for checking the solution, it is advisable to find the value of y.

Try It! 14 A shirt and a skirt cost $138 while three shirts and two skirts cost
$331. Find the cost of a skirt.

Example 15 Danny and Erica are 3 km apart on a straight road. They set out to

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

walk uniformly at the same time. If they walk in opposite directions,
they will meet after 24 minutes. If they walk in the same direction,
Danny will catch up with Erica after 6 hours. Find their individual
speeds in km/h.

Solution Let Danny’s speed be x km/h and Erica’s speed be y km/h.

In 24 minutes,
distance covered by Danny = x 3   Express time in hours.
= km,
distance covered by Erica = y 3
= km.
In 6 hours,
distance covered by Danny = 6x km,
distance covered by Erica = 6y km.

2x 2y
5 5

3 km walking in opposite directions REMARK
6x ‘Draw a diagram’ is a
6y problem-solving technique.
It helps you make sense of
meet the relationship between
3 km walking in the same direction the known and unknown
quantities in the context.
The diagrams above illustrate the given situations. Hence we have
the equations as follows:
2x 2y
+ = 3 ..........................… (1)
5 5
6x – 6y = 3 ............................. (2)
(1) 3 5: 2x + 2y = 15 ........................... (3) Change the coefficients
(2) ÷ 3: 2x – 2y = 1 ..........................… (4) into integers.
(3) + (4): 4x = 16
x =4
Substituting x = 4 into (3),
2(4) + 2y = 15
2y = 7
y = 3.5
∴ Danny’s speed is 4 km/h and Erica’s speed is 3.5 km/h.

Try It! 15 Cars A and B move uniformly along a straight road and are 8 km
apart. If they move in opposite directions, they will meet after
4 minutes. If they move in the same direction, Car A will overtake Car
B after 20 minutes. Find the speed of Car A and that of Car B in km/h.

We can summarise the steps involved in problem-solving with simultaneous linear

equations in two variables as follows:

1 Read the problem carefully. Identify and define the two unknown
quantities in the context.
2 Use variables, say x and y, to represent the two unknown quantities.
3 Identify the relationships between x and y using the information
given in the context.
4 Form the relationships using two linear equations.
5 Solve the simultaneous equations.
6 Check if the solution makes sense by referring them back to the

Objective: To interpret and analyse data from a travel graph.

On a certain morning, Joe runs along a straight road from y
his home to a coffee shop, X. However, he finds that the
shop is closed on that day. He decides to go to another B
coffee shop, Y, nearer to his home. After having breakfast y = –4t + 10
and staying in coffee shop Y for a while, he walks back to C D
his home. The travel graph of Joe is shown on the right, y=4
where y km denotes the distance from his home and y = 6t y = –3.2t + 11.2
t hours denotes his travelling time. The equations of the
lines AB, BC, CD and DE are y = 6t, y = –4t + 10, y = 4 A E
and y = –3.2t + 11.2 respectively. t
O t1 t2 t3 t4
1. Find the coordinates of B, C, D and E.
2. Hence, find the times t1, t2, t3 and t4.
3. Find the distance between Joe’s home and
(i) coffee shop X,
(ii) coffee shop Y.
4. What is Joe’s running speed between his home and coffee shop X? How is the speed related
to the equation of the line AB?
5. What does the horizontal line segment CD indicate?
6. What is Joe’s walking speed between coffee shop Y and his home? How is the speed related
to the equation of the line DE?
7. What is the time taken for the whole journey?
8. Find the average speed of Joe for the whole journey.

The travel graph in Class Activity 4 is a graph of distance against time. We see that
different parts of the journey can be represented by different lines. The numerical value
of the gradient of each line represents the speed of that part of the journey. In particular,
when the line is horizontal, it represents that the speed is zero and the person is at rest.

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

LEVEL 1 9. Roger is 6 years older than Zoe. Three years ago,
Zoe’s age was two-thirds of Roger’s age. Find their
1. The sum of two numbers, a and b, is 87 and their present ages.
difference is 39. Find the two numbers.
10. ABC is an equilateral triangle in which
2. The difference between two numbers, p and q, AB = (3x + 1) cm, BC = (2x + 3y + 5) cm and
where p . q, is 19. Twice the greater number CA = (x + 9y + 6) cm. Find the values of x and y.
exceeds three times the smaller number by 21.
Find the two numbers. 11. A two-digit number is equal to 7 times the sum
of its digits. The number formed by reversing its
3. Suili and Amin scored s and m marks, respectively, digits is 18 less than the original number. Find the
in a test. Their total score is 156 marks. If twice of original number.
Amin’s score is 57 marks more than Suili’s score,
find Suili’s score. 12. The points A(4, 1) and B(–11, –5) lie on the line
ax + by = 3, where a and b are constants. Find the
4. The perimeter of a rectangle is 114 cm. The total values of a and b.
length of three of its sides is 93 cm. Find the
dimensions of the rectangle. 13. A fraction is equivalent to
if its numerator
5. At a concert, 3 adult tickets and 2 child tickets cost decreases by 2 and its denominator increases
$167 whereas 2 adult tickets and 1 child ticket cost by 5. When its numerator is doubled and 3 is
$103. Find the price of an adult ticket. subtracted from its denominator, the fraction
becomes . Find the original fraction.
6. The diagram shows a parallelogram ABCD.

The lengths of its sides are AB = (3x + y) cm,
BC = (2x – 1) cm, CD = (3y + 11) cm and
DA = (x + y) cm. Find the values of x and y.
14. A monthly mobile telephone bill consists of a fixed
D 3y + 11 C charge $f and a variable charge of $r per minute
of usage. In April, the usage was 32 minutes and
x+y 2x _ 1 the total charge was $34. In May, the usage was
48 minutes and the total charge was $42. Find the
A 3x + y B values of f and r.

15. At a certain moment in a stock market, if Mrs Ho

bought 3500 shares of Stock A and sold 2000 shares
of Stock B, she would still have to pay $24 000.
If she sold 4000 shares of Stock A and bought
7. In ABC, ∠ACB = 90° and x is A
2500 shares of Stock B, she would receive $19 500
3 times as large as y. Find the
x instead. Find the price of each share of Stock A
size of ∠BAC.
and that of Stock B at that moment.

16. Two atoms of nitrogen (N) and one atom of oxygen
(O) form the compound nitrous oxide N2O whose
8. Two types of tanks, A and B, are used to store molecular mass is 44. One atom of nitrogen and
oil. The total mass of oil in three of tank A and two atoms of oxygen form the compound nitrogen
seven of tank B is 212 kg while the total mass of dioxide NO2 whose molecular mass is 46. Find the
oil in five of tank A and eight of tank B is 269 kg. atomic mass of nitrogen.
Find the total mass of oil in one tank A and one Hint: For N2O, its molecular mass = 2 3 atomic
tank B. mass of nitrogen + atomic mass of oxygen.

17. In the diagram, the electromotive force, E volts, 19. Alan and Sumei are 9 km apart on a straight road
of the battery and the current, I amperes, of the and they are walking uniformly towards each
circuit are related by the formula E = I (R + r), where other. If they start walking at the same time, they
r and R are the internal resistance and external will meet in 1 hour 30 minutes. If Sumei starts
resistance, in ohms, of the battery respectively. It walking 30 minutes after Alan, they will meet
is given that I = 1 when R = 9 and I = 0.5 when after Sumei has walked 1 hour 12 minutes. Find
R = 21. Find the values of E and r. Alan’s speed and Sumei’s speed in km/h.
20. A club has to buy x gold medals, y silver medals
and z bronze medals for an event. When the prices
of gold, silver and bronze medals are $30, $20 and
$10 each respectively, the total cost is $410. When
the prices are $40, $25 and $15 each respectively,
the total cost is $545.
18. Rahmat walks and cycles at uniform speeds.
(a) Find two possible sets of values of x, y and z.
When he walks for 2 hours and cycles for 1 hour,
(b) Do you think the solutions you have obtained
the distance travelled is 24 km. When he walks for
are the only possible sets? Give your reasons.
1 hour and cycles for 2 hours, the distance
travelled is 39 km. Find the speed at which he
e ll

Linear Equations in Two Variables


a N The equation ax + by = k, where a, b and k are y

I n constants, and a and b cannot both be zero, y-intercept

represents the straight line y = – x +
k (when x = 0)
b b k
whose gradient is – . b
b ax + by = k
(when y = 0)
O k

Fig. 1

Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Variables

• Form: ax + by = c
dx + ey = f
(where a, b, c, d, e and f are constants, and x and y are variables)
• Each equation can be represented by a straight line on a coordinate plane.
• x = p and y = q is a solution if this pair of values satisfies both equations. That means
the point (p, q) is a point of intersection of the graphs of the equations.

Methods of Solving Simultaneous Equations

• graphical method • substitution method • elimination method

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

a N
I n Number of Solutions for a Pair of Simultaneous Linear Equations
1. One solution 2. No solution 3. Infinitely many solutions
The two lines intersect The two lines are parallel The two lines are the same.
at one point. and have no intersection.
y y y

=c =c
by by = f

+ +

ax ax + e y



(p, q) e
d x+
dx x x x
O + O O

Note: Both lines have different Note: Both lines have the Note: Both equations can be
gradients. same gradient but simplified to the same
different equations. equation.
E.g. 2x + y = 14 E.g. x – 2y = –5 E.g. 3x – 4y = –5
2x – y = 6 x – 2y = 3 6x – 8y = –10
x = 5 and y = 4

1. Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous 3.
Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous
equations by the graphical method. equations.
(a) x + y = 3 and 2x + 3y = 6 (a) 4x – 7y + 20 = 0 and 9y + 14x + 3 = 0
(b) y = 2x and 4x – 2y = 5 (b) 11x – 8y = 79 and 6x + 7y = 9
(c) 3x + 4y = 12 and 6x + 8y = 24 (c) 2 – 4(3x – y) = 8(4 – y) – 39x and
(d) x – 2y – 1 = 0 and 2x + 5y + 16 = 0 8(4 – y) – 39x = 6( y – x)
x y 19 x y 63
(d) + = and – =–
2. Solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous 3 4 12 2 5 80
(a) x + y = 9 and 2x – y = 12 4. If x = –2 and y = 3 are the solutions of the equations
(b) 2x – y = 11 and 3x – 4y = 29 ax – by = 1 and ay + bx = –5, find the values of a
(c) y = 3x – 8 and 6x – 2y = 7 and b.
x y
(d) – = 1 and 6x – 9y = 18
3 2

5. The total mass of two boys is 87 kg. If twice the 11. The diagram shows a rectangular framework which
mass of the smaller boy exceeds the mass of the is formed by rods of lengths x cm and y cm. The
bigger boy by 33 kg, find the mass of each boy. perimeter of the framework is 192 cm. The total
length of the rods used is 420 cm. Find the values
6. Two years ago, Mr Singh was 7 times as old as his of x and y.
son. In 3 years’ time, he will be 4 times as old as
his son. Find Mr Singh’s present age.

7. The total cost of 4 cutters and 2 glue sticks is $13

while that of 7 cutters and 5 glue sticks is $25. Find
the price of a cutter and the price of a glue stick. y

8. The perimeter of a rectangle is 56 cm. If its length
is reduced by 2 cm and its breadth is increased
12. The chemical reaction between copper (Cu) and
by 4 cm, the figure formed is a square. Find the
dilute nitric acid (HNO3) is represented by the
length and breadth of the rectangle.
4 3Cu + pHNO3 → 3Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO + qH2O,
9. A two-digit number is of the number formed by
reversing its digits. When the number is increased where p and q are whole numbers.
by 2 times the sum of its digits, it becomes 54. In the above chemical equation, p and q have to
Find the number. satisfy
p = 2q and 3p = 20 + q.
10. In the diagram, ABC is an isosceles triangle with Find the values of p and q.
AB = AC. ∠ABC is 15° more than ∠BAC\. Find
the size of ∠ACB. 13. In the diagram, the spring has
A one end fixed to the ceiling
y and one end hung with a mass
m g. The length, y cm, of the
spring is given by the formula
y = c + km, where c and k
are constants. The spring is
x 76 cm long when a mass of
B C 30 g is hung and it is 86 cm
when 50 g is hung. Find the m
values of c and k.

Write in Your Journal

Based on your experience, describe some of the difficulties you encountered when solving
simultaneous linear equations using
(a) graphical method,
(b) substitution method,
(c) elimination method.

Chapter 5 Linear Equations in Two Variables

6 congruence
similarity and

Let’s Learn to
understand the idea of congruence
Solids of the same shape and size match the sides and angles of two congruent polygons
are often used in construction understand the idea of similarity
and engineering so that mass state the properties of similar polygons
production is possible. In
geometry, figures with the enlarge or reduce a plane figure by a scale factor
same shape and size are called draw a simple scale drawing
congruent figures. solve simple problems involving similarity and congruence
6.1 Congruence

A Congruent Figures
The five stars on the
Singapore flag stand
for Singapore’s ideals of
democracy, peace, progress,
justice and equality.

Have you ever taken a close look at our Singapore flag? What are the different shapes For the description and
that can be found on the flag? Do you notice that the five stars are of the same shape mathematics of the
and size? In general, two figures are said to be congruent if they are of the same shape Singapore flag, visit http://
and size.

Look at the two triangles below. When we trace ABC on a sheet of transparency or
tracing paper and place it on PQR, we will find that they fit exactly.

One simple way to test
figures for congruence is to
place one figure on top of
B C Q R the other and check if they
fit exactly (identical).

That is, in ABC and PQR, we have

AB = PQ, BC = QR, CA = RP,
∠BAC = ∠QPR, ∠ABC = ∠PQR, and ∠ACB = ∠PRQ. REMARK
Some books use the
These triangles are, therefore, congruent and we write symbol ‘ ’ to represent
ABC  PQR. ‘is congruent to’.

The symbol ‘’ is read as ‘is congruent to’. In writing a congruence expression, it is
important that the vertices in one figure correspond to the vertices in the other figure.
Spot Check
In the two triangles above, it is wrong to write ABC  QRP since ∠BAC ≠ ∠RQP. If nABC is congruent to
nPQR, can we write
nBCA  nQRP?

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

Example 1 Determine whether the figures in each of the following are congruent.
Give reasons why they are not.
(a) C F


(b) R Y




Method 1
By measuring the sides and angles of nABC and nEDF,
we have
AB = ED, BC = DF, CA = FE,
∠BAC = ∠DEF, ∠ABC = ∠EDF, ∠ACB = ∠EFD.



Hence, nABC  nEDF.

Method 2

If we draw nDEF on a sheet of transparency and flip it over,
we will have the figure as shown below.


The triangle on the transparency fits ABC exactly.

∴ ABC  EDF

(b) Method 1
By measuring the sides and angles of PQRS and XYZT,

we have
PQ = XY, QR = YZ, RS = ZT, SP = TX,
∠SPQ = ∠TXY, ∠PQR = ∠XYZ, ∠QRS = ∠YZT, ∠RSP = ∠ZTX. Congruent figures may
have different orientations.


Hence, PQRS  XYZT.

Method 2
If we draw the quadrilateral TXYZ on a sheet of transparency and
rotate it till XY is horizontal, we see that it fits the quadrilateral
PQRS exactly.



(c) The two circles do not fit exactly because their radii are different.
∴ the two circles are not congruent.

Try It! 1 Determine whether the figures in each of the following are congruent.
(a) A D F




4 4

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

B Congruence and Transformation

reflection translation rotation

The pictures above show the reflection of a goose in still water, the translation of a
square on a monitor screen and the rotation of a Ferris wheel. In geometry, reflection,
translation and rotation are called transformations. Under each transformation, an
object is transformed to its image. Let us study the relationship between an object and
its image under different transformations using Sketchpad.

Objective: To explore the relationship between the shapes and sizes of an object and its image
under a reflection.


A A'

B B'
C C'

1. Let us construct a triangle ABC and its reflection image A′B′C′ (using the transformation
tools) in The Geometer’s Sketchpad as shown above.
2. Join A and A′ to meet the line MN at F.
3. Measure AF, A′F and ∠AFM.
4. Measure the sides and angles of ABC and A′B′C′.

5. Drag a vertex of ABC around and observe the change in the image and the measurements.
6. Drag the point M around to shift the line of reflection MN and observe the change in the
image and its measurements.

1. Based on your observation and measurements above, what can you say about the
relationship between the point A, its image A′ and the line of reflection MN?
2. Describe the position and orientation of the image A′B′C′ with respect to the object
3. What is the relationship between
(a) the lengths of the sides,
(b) the sizes of the angles
of ABC and A′B′C′?
4. What can you conclude about ABC and A′B′C′?

In Class Activity 1, we observe that the point A and its image A′ are equidistant from the
line of reflection MN. Moreover, AA′ is perpendicular to MN. We can use this property
to draw the image of ABC under a reflection as shown below.

We draw the perpendicular
A A′
F AF from A to MN, and
produce it to point A′ such
that AF = A′F. Then A′ is the
image of A.

B B′ Similarly, we plot the images

B ′ and C ′ of the vertices
B and C respectively. Then
C C′ A′B ′C ′ is the image of

If we trace ABC on a piece of transparency and flip over the transparency, we will find
that ABC on the transparency coincides with the image A′B′C′.
∴ ABC is congruent to its image A′B′C′ under the reflection.

Hence, we observe that:

A figure is congruent to its image under a reflection.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity


Objective: To explore the relationship between the shapes and sizes of an

object and its image under a translation.

A' B'


1. Let us construct a quadrilateral ABCD and its translation image A′B′C′D′.
(using the transformation tools) in The Geometer’s Sketchpad as shown
above. REMARK
2. Draw the line segment AA′. The vector PQ represents a
translation from the point
3. Measure PQ and AA′. P to the point Q. It has both
the magnitude and direction.
4. Measure the gradients of PQ and AA′.
The vector PQ is not equal to
5. Measure AB, A′B′, AD, A′D′, ∠BAD and ∠B′A′D′. the vector QP. Do you know
6. Drag the point A around and observe the change in the image and the
7. Drag the point Q around to change the translation vector and observe the
change in the image and its measurements.

1. Based on your observation and measurements above, what can you say
about the relationship between the line segments AA′ and the translation
vector PQ?
2. Describe the position and orientation of the image quadrilateral A′B′C′D′
with respect to the object quadrilateral ABCD.
3. What is the relationship between
(a) the lengths of the sides,
(b) the sizes of the angles
of ABCD and A′B′C′D′?
4. What can you conclude about the quadrilaterals ABCD and A′B′C′D′?

In Class Activity 2, we see that under a translation with translation vector PQ, the point
A is translated to its image A′ such that AA′ = PQ and AA′ is in the same direction as
PQ. We can use this property to draw the image of ABCD under a translation as shown

C′ The translation vector PQ
D′ can be regarded as a move
of 4 units to the right and
B 1 unit downwards (count
1 cm as 1 unit). We will
B′ translate each vertex of
A ABCD 4 units to the right
and 1 unit downwards to
P A′ obtain its image. Hence
A′B ′C ′D ′ on the diagram is
the image of ABCD under
the translation.

If we trace ABCD on a piece of transparency and put it over A′B′C′D′, we will find that
ABCD on the transparency coincides with the image A′B′C′D′.
∴ ABCD is congruent to its image A′B′C′D′ under the translation.
Note: The translation vector PQ can be regarded as a displacement from P to Q.
Hence, we observe that:

A figure is congruent to its image under a translation.

Objective: To explore the relationship between an object and its image under
a rotation.

C' B'

E' D'

A' E

Centre A B

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

1. Let us construct a pentagon ABCDE and its rotation image A′B′C′D′E′
(using transformation tools) in The Geometer’s Sketchpad as shown on
the previous page.
The GSP software uses the
2. Measure OA, OA′, ∠AOA′, ∠BOB′ and ∠EOE′. US spelling “center” for the
word “centre”.
3. Measure AB, A′B′, AE, A′E′, ∠BAE and ∠B′A′E′.
4. Drag a vertex of the pentagon around and observe the change in the image
and its measurements.
5. Drag the point O around to observe the change in the image and its
measurements. O may be inside the pentagon, at a vertex or on a side of
the pentagon.
6. Change the angle of rotation and observe the new image.

1. Based on your observation and measurements above, what can you say
about the relationship between
(a) OA and OA′?
(b) ∠AOA′ and the angle of rotation?
2. Describe the position and orientation of the image pentagon A′B′C′D′E′
with respect to the object pentagon ABCDE.
3. What is the relationship between
(a) the lengths of the sides,
(b) the sizes of the angles
of ABCDE and A′B′C′D′E′?
4. Are the pentagons ABCDE and A′B′C′D′E′ congruent? Explain your

From Class Activity 3, we see that under a rotation with centre at O and i° anticlockwise,
the point A is rotated to its image A′ such that OA = OA′ and ∠AOA′ = i°. We can
use this property to draw an image of a figure under a rotation as shown below,
where A′B′C′ is the image of ABC after a rotation of 180° anticlockwise about the
point O.

To construct the image A′
of A, we draw an arc with
A′ 180° centre O and radius OA.
Then we draw an angle,
∠AOA′, of 180° to cut the
arc at A′.
A C We construct the images B ′
and C ′ in a similar manner.
As a result, A′B ′C ′ is the
image of ABC.

If we trace ABC on a piece of transparency and place it over A′B′C′, we will find that
ABC on the transparency coincides with A′B′C′. REMARK
∴ ABC is congruent to its image A′B′C′ under the rotation. A rotation of 180°
anticlockwise is the same
Hence, we observe that: as a rotation of 180°

A figure is congruent to its image under a rotation.

From Class Activities 1 to 3, we see that the object and its image under a transformation
of reflection, translation or rotation, are congruent to each other.

Objective: To examine whether two given figures are congruent by checking if one figure can be obtained
from the other by a sequence of translation, rotation and reflection.
1. (a) Create a triangle ABC, a line MN and a point P using The M
Geometer’s Sketchpad.
(b) Reflect ABC about the line MN and then rotate the image A
through a certain angle about the point P to get the image
(c) What do you observe about ABC and A′B′C′? What P
can you say about the shape and size of these two triangles? N
Explain your answer.

(d) What can you conclude about ABC and A′B′C′? Explain
your answer.

2. (a) Draw a quadrilateral ABCD on a new screen. Transform it by B

first rotating it about a point, followed by a translation and then
reflecting it about a line. A

(b) Do you observe any change in the quadrilateral ABCD by the

transformation? Explain your observation and how you come to
the conclusion. D C

(c) What can you conclude about the quadrilateral ABCD and its
final image? Explain your answer.

From Class Activity 4, we see that two figures are congruent if one figure can be
obtained from the other by a sequence of reflection, translation and rotation. We can
use this property to check whether two figures are congruent.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

One application of congruent figures is tessellation. This means the covering of a
plane by congruent figures of one type or a few types without any gaps or overlaps. The MATHS WEB
following are some beautiful tessellation patterns. Students can explore
interactive tessellation
patterns at http://www.

LEVEL 1 (d) D C

1. Which of the following pairs of figures are S R

congruent? Explain your answers.

(e) A
(b) Z Y R

(f) A Y X
(c) G H L N


2. Name the pairs of figures that are congruent. (c)
A A′


D F B C B′ C′



3. Determine whether ABC is congruent to

A′B′C′ in each of the following cases. Explain A′
B C C′
your answer. If yes, name the transformation that
transforms ABC to A′B′C′.
4. Determine whether the quadrilateral ABCD is
A A′
congruent to the quadrilateral A′B′C′D′ in each of
the following cases. Explain your answers.
B B′

C C′ A B

A′ B′
A′ B′

A C′

D′ C′

A′ B′


Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

(c) 6. In the diagram, ABC is congruent to DEF,
AB = 4 cm, BC = 3 cm, CA = 5 cm, ∠ABC = 90°
and ∠BAC = 36.9°.
D′ A′

D C 3
C′ B′
(a) the length of DE,
(d) (b) the length of FD,
(c) the size of ∠DFE.

7. In the diagram, ABCD  YXTZ, XY = 10 cm,

D B′ A′ XT = 7 cm, ∠TXY = 66°, ∠XYZ = 71° and
∠BCD = 98°.
A B D′
C′ 98° 7

66° 71°
5. State a pair of congruent triangles in each of the A B X 10 Y
following diagrams.
(a) A D
(a) the length of BC,
(b) the size of ∠BAD,
(c) the size of ∠ADC.

(b) A    
8. The diagram shows two straight lines, PS and QR,
which are unequal in length and bisect each other
at O.
(c) D


Explain why the triangles POQ and SOR are equal

B in area.


9. In the quadrilateral ABCD, the diagonals AC 12. Many patterns are made up of congruent figures,
and BD intersect at X. AD = 4 2 cm, AB = 5 cm, arranged in a symmetrical way.
AX = 4 cm, CX = 3 cm and BC = 3 2 cm. Given (a) Draw the basic figure that forms the given
that nABX is congruent to nDCX, name two pattern below.
other pairs of triangles that are congruent. State (b) Design another pattern using 4 of the basic
your reasons clearly. figures in (a).

3 2


4 2 13. Explain whether a plane can be tessellated using
congruent regular pentagons.

10. In the diagram, an instrument consisting of 14. A tatami is a type of mat used as a flooring material
two equal pivoting rods is used to measure the in traditional Japanese-style rooms. There are at
internal diameter of a bottle. The pivot M is both least two ways to arrange a 15-mat rectangle with
the midpoints of the rods AC and BD. It is known no fault lines. One is shown below. Can you find
that nABM and nCDM are congruent and the other?
CD = 7 cm. Find the internal diameter of the
bottle. Fault line No fault lines


11. An engineer wants to find the distance AB across

a river in the diagram. He walks along a bank
from A to C, and then walks, perpendicular to
AC, to a point D such that B, M and D are on a
straight line, where M is the midpoint of AC. It
is known that nABM and nCDM are congruent,
AM = CM = 14 m and CD = 30 m. Find the
distance AB.



Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

6.2 Similarity

An enlargement means an increase in the size of an object. A reduction means a

decrease in the size of an object. For example, a photocopier usually has the enlargement
or reduction function to increase or decrease the size of a picture.
MATHS matter

A magnifying glass
produces an image similar
Enlargement to the original object.
Can you think of other
equipment that has such
enlargement function?

Note that in photocopying, the original picture and its image are always of the same
shape, though they may be different in size. In mathematics, similar figures are plane
figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.

Can you think of other situations in our daily life where similar figures are used?

In the diagram below, ABC and PQR are of the same shape but different sizes.
We say that “ABC is similar to PQR”.


Note that the vertices in one figure should correspond to the vertices in the other figure.
That is, we should not write ABC is similar to RQP.

We can obtain similar figures by enlargement or reduction as shown below.


Y′ image C
X D' C'
object image
Z′ O
A' B'
O Fig. 1 Fig. 2

The centre of enlargement/reduction in each figure is O.

In Fig. 1, we set a point O outside XYZ as the centre of enlargement. We draw the rays
OX, OY and OZ. We also draw X′Y′ parallel to XY, Y′Z′ parallel to YZ, and Z′X′parallel
to ZX. Then the enlarged image X′Y′Z′ is similar to XYZ.

In Fig. 2, we set a point O inside the quadrilateral ABCD as the centre of reduction. We
join each vertex to O. We draw A′B′ parallel to AB, B′C′ parallel to BC and so on. Then
the reduced image A′B′C′D′is similar to ABCD.

In general, an enlargement/reduction is a type of transformation. It is determined by the

centre of enlargement/reduction and a scale factor, where

length of a side of the image

scale factor =
length of the corresponding side of the object

For example, in Fig. 1, the scale factor = or = , etc ,

in Fig. 2, the scale factor = AB or = , etc .

Let us use The Geometer’s Sketchpad to create similar figures and then study their

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity


Objective: To explore the properties of similar figures.



In Geometer’s Sketchpad,
enlargement is called
C dilation. There is a point
called the centre of dilation
A′ which is the centre of

1. Let us construct a triangle ABC and its enlargement A′B′C′ (using the
transformation tools and a point O as the centre of enlargement) in The REMARK
Geometer’s Sketchpad as shown above. The command
AB BC Transform | Mark Center
2. Measure the sides of the two triangles and calculate the ratios AB , BC can be used to mark a point
C A as the centre of rotation or
and CA .
the centre of dilation. Its
3. Measure the angles of the two triangles. function depends on the
subsequent action.
4. Drag any vertex of ABC around to change the shape of ABC. Observe
the change in the image and its measurements.

5. Drag the point O around to change the centre of dilation. Observe the
change in the image and its measurements. O can be inside ABC or at
one of its vertices.

6. Using similar steps, explore the enlargement of a quadrilateral or other


1. Based on your observation and measurements, what can you say about
the shapes and sizes of ABC and A′B′C′?
2. What do you observe about the ratios of the corresponding sides of ABC
and A′B′C′?
3. What do you notice about the sizes of the corresponding angles of ABC
and A′B′C′?
4. What can you conclude about ABC and A′B′C′?

From Class Activity 5, we obtain the following properties of similar triangles.
The abbreviation ‘corr. ∠s
If two triangles are similar, then of similar s’ means ‘the
corresponding angles of
1. all their corresponding angles are equal, and similar triangles are equal’.
2. the ratios of their corresponding sides are equal. The abbreviation ‘corr. sides
(Abbreviations: 1. corr. ∠s of similar s of similar s’ means ‘the
2. ratio of corr. sides of similar s) ratios of the corresponding
sides are equal’.

That means, if ABC is similar to XYZ, then

1. ∠BAC = ∠YXZ, ∠ABC = ∠XYZ, ∠ACB = ∠XZY, and
2. = = .


We can extend the properties of similar triangles to similar polygons.

If two polygons are similar, then When the ratio of the
1. all their corresponding angles are equal, and corresponding sides of two
2. the ratio of their corresponding sides are equal. similar figures is equal to 1,
the figures are congruent.
(Abbreviations: 1. corr. ∠s of similar polygons Congruence is a special
2. ratio of corr. sides of similar polygons) case of similarity.

That means, if quadrilaterals ABCD and PQRS are similar, then

1. ∠DAB = ∠SPQ, ∠ABC = ∠PQR, ∠BCD = ∠QRS, ∠CDA = ∠RSP, and

2. = = = .


We can use the properties above to determine whether two triangles or two rectangles
are similar. Let us explore the following activity.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity


Objective: To identify similar triangles/rectangles from cut-outs of triangles/rectangles and

explain why they are similar.
1. (a) Based on your observations, can you guess which pairs of triangles are similar?
(b) Now, copy and cut out the following triangles.
(c) How do you verify that the triangles are similar? Explain your answer.



2. (a) Copy and cut out the following rectangles.

(b) Identify the pairs of similar rectangles and explain why they are similar.
Hint: You may consider the diagonals of each rectangle.



Example 2 In the diagram, ABC is similar to PQR, AB = 6 cm, BC = 4 cm,

∠BAC = 24° and PQ = 5 cm. Find
(a) ∠QPR,
(b) the length of QR.


A 6 B Q 5 P

Solution (a) ABC is similar to PQR. (given)
\ ∠QPR = ∠BAC (corr. ∠s of similar s)
= 24°
(b) = (ratio of corr. sides of similar s)
QR 5
4 6
QR =
= 3 cm

Try It! 2 In the diagram, ABC is similar to XYZ, AB = 4.5 cm, XY = 6 cm,
YZ = 5 cm and ∠XYZ = 113°. Find
(a) ∠ABC,
(b) the length of BC.

B C Y 5 Z

Example 3 In the diagram, quadrilaterals ABCD and TXYZ are similar, where
AB = 3 cm, BC = 6 cm, TX = 4 cm, YZ = 6 cm and ∠ABC = 106°.
(a) ∠TXY,
(b) the length of XY,
(c) the length of CD.

106° 63
B 4
Solution (a) ABCD is similar to TXYZ. (given)
∴ ∠TXY = ∠ABC (corr. ∠s of similar polygons)
= 106°
(b) = (ratio of corr. sides of similar polygons)
XY 4
6 3
XY = 8 cm

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

(c) = (ratio of corr. sides of similar polygons)

CD 3
6 4
3 20
CD = 3
4 3
CD = 5 cm

Try It! 3 In the diagram, quadrilaterals ABCD and PQRS are similar where
BC = 25 cm, DA = 16 cm, ∠BAD = 81°, ∠ABC = 83°, PQ = 25 cm
and SP = 20 cm. Find
(a) ∠PQR,
(b) the length of AB,
(c) the length of QR.


D 25
81ϒ 83ϒ
A B S 20 P

We can find examples of applications of congruence and similarity in our daily life.
Let us explore some cases in the following class activity.

Objective: To identify and suggest applications of congruence and similarity in real-world



In mass production, cups or bowls in a batch are congruent shapes. Look around your
home and name two objects which have more than 2 pieces of congruent shapes.


Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3

(a) Draw and cut out a parallelogram as in Figure 1.

(b) Cut out a pentagon from the bottom part of the parallelogram and paste it on the top
as shown in Figure 2.
(c) Make 4 congruent shapes as in Figure 2 and show that they can tessellate together as
shown in Figure 3.
(d) Can you create another shape which can produce a tessellation pattern?
(e) Try to collect some photos of cloth and wall papers whose designs involve tessellation


Original photo Reduced photo

The diagram above shows an original photo which is reduced to the reduced photo by a
(a) Find the ratio of the length of the original photo to the length of the reduced photo.
(b) Find the ratio of the height of the original photo to the height of the reduced photo.
(c) Is the reduced photo similar to the original photo? Explain your answer.
(d) Discuss the relationship between the image of a page obtained by a photocopier and
the original page.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

LEVEL 1 4. The diagram shows two similar triangles.
1. Name the pairs of similar figures from the


(a) Which angle in PQR corresponds to

(i) ∠BAC?
F G H (ii) ∠ACB?
(b) State the pair of similar triangles.

5. The diagram shows two similar pentagons.


2. In the diagram, ABCD is a square of side
3 cm, PQRS is a rectangle with PQ = 6 cm and
QR = 3 cm.
Identify the side in TUVWX that corresponds
D C S R to
(i) AB, (ii) CD.
3 3 (b) State the pair of similar pentagons.
A 3 B P 6 Q

(a) Are the corresponding angles of ABCD and LEVEL 2

PQRS equal? 6. Find the values of the marked unknowns in each
(b) Is AB equal to BC ? of the following pairs of similar triangles. The
dimensions given are in cm.
(c) Is ABCD similar to PQRS? Explain your (a) ABC is similar to DEF.
answer. A
3. In the diagram, EFGH is a rectangle in which y
EF = 4 cm and FG = 3 cm. KLMN is a parallelogram 30ϒ
in which KL = 4 cm and LM = 3 cm. x
(b) GHK is similar to LMN.
3 3 L
E 4 F K 4 L
75ϒ 38ϒ
(a) Are the corresponding angles of EFGH and
x y
KLMN equal?
(b) Is equal to ?
(c) Is EFGH similar to KLMN? Explain your
(c) PQR is similar to STU. (d) ABCD is similar to PQRS.
12 P 10
y x
C 6
17 R
15 15
y D 9

Q 8 R T 4 U Q

(d) ABC is similar to VWZ.

12 x y 8.
20 As shown in the diagram, when Zhiming looks
B C at the mirror, M, on the ground, he can see the
18 V top, T, of the flag pole, TF. It is given that ABM
is similar to TFM, AB = 1.6 m, BM = 2 m and
7. Find the value(s) of the marked unknown(s) in each MF = 5 m. Find the height of the flag pole.
of the following pairs of similar quadrilaterals. The
dimensions given are in cm. T
(a) ABCD is similar to EFGH.

D 9 C A
H x G
B 2 M 5 F
9. A surveyor wants to find the distance AB across a
75ϒ y lake in the diagram. He locates a point C and the
A B E F midpoints M and N of AC and BC respectively. By
direct measurement, MN = 28 m. It is known that
(b) IJKL is similar to MNPQ. ABC and MNC are similar. Find the distance
L 24 K

P x+6 N
x M N


(c) RSTU is similar to WXYZ.

16 y X
61ϒ x
Z 97ϒ
S 92ϒ
12 20

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

10. In the diagram, a man BE stands in front of a 12. The diagram shows two similar pentagonal
building CD. The shadows of both the man and flowerbeds. The lengths of the sides, in m, of
the building are projected to the point A, where ABCDE are given as shown. The length of the
A, B and C are points on the level ground. It shortest side of PQRST is 1.2 m.
is known that ACD and ABE are similar, D
AB = 2.5 m, BC = 12.5 m and BE = 2 m. Find the
height of the building.
E 3 R
D S 1.2
2.5 C Q
2 B P

(a) Find the perimeter of PQRST.

E (b) If the cost of fencing the flowerbed ABCDE is
2 $110, find the cost of fencing the flowerbed
2.5 12.5
13. In ABC, AB = 6 cm, BC = 5 cm and CA = 4 cm.
(a) Draw ABC.
11. In the diagram, ABC is the cross-section of a
(b) Draw a possible triangle DEF that is similar
tent and BD, which represents the supporting
to ABC. State the lengths of the sides of
pole, is perpendicular to the ground AC. It is given
DEF that you have drawn.
that ABD is similar to BCD, AD = 40 cm and
(c) Compare and discuss your answers with your
CD = 90 cm.
14. (a) Copy the given quadrilateral ABCD.

40 D 90

(a) the length of the pole BD,
(b) ∠ABC.
(b) Using an enlargement/reduction method,
draw a similar quadrilateral
(i) PQRS that is larger than ABCD,
(ii) TXYZ that is smaller than ABCD.

6.3 Scale Factor

D′ Reduction Enlargement
Scale factor = 1
Scale factor = 32
A′ B′ A B A″ B″
reduced original enlarged
image figure image

We learnt that an enlargement or a reduction of a figure is similar to the original figure.

Thus, in the above diagram, we have
= BC = CD = DA and AB
= BC = CD = DA

We say that the sides of similar figures are proportional. The ratio of a pair of the
corresponding sides of the enlarged or reduced figure to the original figure is called the
scale factor of the enlargement or reduction.

Length of a side of the reduced/enlarged figure

scale factor =
Length of the corresponding side of the original figure

In the diagram above,

the scale factor of the reduced image, A ′B′C′D′ = AB

= (, 1, when the image is reduced),

and the scale factor of the enlarged image, A′′B′′C′′D′′ = AB
= (. 1, when the image is enlarged).

When the scale factor is more

than 1, we know that the
When the scale factor is less than
image is an enlarged one. For
1, we know that the image is a
example, if it is 2, each side of
reduced one. For example, if it the image is enlarged to twice
is , each side of the image is of the original side.
reduced to half of the original side.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

Example 4 Use a scale factor of 2 to draw an enlargement of the following


Solution We count the grids and enlarge each linear measurement by a factor
of 2. For instance, A′G′ = 2AG, G′F ′ = 2GF, F ′E′ = 2FE, E′D′ = 2ED,
etc. Then we draw the line segments A′G′, G′F ′, F ′E′, E′D′, D′C′,
C ′B′ and B′A′ with the same orientation as the object. The resulting
figure is shown below.






Try It! 4 Copy the given figure on a sheet of graph paper. Draw a reduction
of the figure using a scale factor of .

Example 5 The Merlion statue, facing the scenic
Marina Bay, is 8.6 m high. Its miniature
replicas, which are sold as souvenirs, are
made using a scale factor of . Find the
height of a replica.

Height of replica
Solution Height of the statue
= Scale factor
∴ height of a replica = 3 8.6 m
= 0.129 m
= 12.9 cm

Try It! 5 The length of a human eyeball is 24 mm. A model of it is made

using a scale factor of 15. Find the length of the model eyeball in

LEVEL 1 2. In ABC, AB = 3 cm, BC = 2 cm and CA = 2.5 cm.
Draw an enlargement of ABC, using a scale
1. Find the scale factor in each of the following pairs factor of 2.
of similar figures.
(a) C

12 20 2.5
15 2

12 16 A 3 B


3. In the diagram, PQRS is a rectangle in which

12 PQ = 36 mm and QR = 15 mm. Draw a reduced
image of PQRS, using a scale factor of . What
(c) are the lengths of its sides?
15 S R


(d) P 36 Q
8 10


Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

4. Copy the given figure ABCDE. Draw an
enlargement of the figure, using a scale factor of .
2 8. A car is 4.2 m long. A model of it is constructed,
using a scale factor of . Find the length of the
model car in centimetres.

C 9. A bee with body length of 12 mm is viewed, using

a magnifying glass. Find the length of the image of
the bee when it is magnified by a scale factor of 5.

5. Draw a reduction of the given sketch of a house,

using a scale factor of .

10. The height and column diameter of the Sky Tower

on Sentosa are 110 m and 2.5 m respectively. A
miniature replica of the tower is 11 cm high. Find
(a) the scale factor of the replica,
(b) the column diameter of the replica, correct
to the nearest mm.

6. In the diagram, parallelogram EFGH is a reduction
of parallelogram ABCD. Given that AB = 15 cm,
BC = 20 cm and EF = 12 cm, find
(a) the scale factor of the reduction,
(b) the length of FG.

Tiger Sky Tower at Sentosa, Singapore’s
Island Resort
A 15 B E 12 F

7. In the diagram, the pentagon ABCDE is enlarged 11. A photocopier can be set to reduce a picture with
to the pentagon APQRS. Given that AB = 16 cm, scale factors of 90%, 80% and 70%. Xiuli wants
BC = BP = 12 cm, find R to use the photocopier to reduce a picture with
(a) the scale factor of a scale factor close to 50%. Suggest a way she can
the enlargement, S complete the task.
(b) the length of PQ. D
A 16 B 12 P
6.4 Scale Drawing

We have learnt the idea of scale map where the scale of a map is the ratio of the length on
the map to the actual length on the ground. In fact, the outline of a map is similar to the
actual outline on the ground. A scale map is a particular type of scale drawing which is
a reduced or enlarged drawing that represents a real object. Scale drawing is often used
in science, engineering, construction and architecture to show how various parts of an
object should be made and assembled together.

The scale factor of a scale drawing is the ratio of a length in the drawing to the
corresponding length of the real object. The scale factor of a drawing is also known as
its scale.

Example 6 A football field is 90 m long and 54 m wide. It is represented by a

rectangle 18 cm long on a plan. Find
(a) the scale of the plan,
(b) the width of the rectangle on the plan.

A scale is usually expressed
54 in the form 1 : n and it does
not have any unit.


Solution (a) Scale of the plan = 18 cm : 90 m

= 1 cm : 5 m
= 1 cm : 500 cm
= 1 : 500

(b) Width of the rectangle on the plan = 54 3 m
= 54 3 3 100 cm
= 10.8 cm

Try It! 6 A tennis court measures 24 m by 11 m. It is represented by a rectangle

22 cm wide on a plan. Find
(a) the scale of the plan,
(b) the length of the rectangle on the plan.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

Example 7 The diagram shows a floor plan of a kitchen. It is drawn using a
scale of 1 : 50. The dimensions of the kitchen in the plan are 6 cm by
4.5 cm. Find the actual
(a) dimensions of the kitchen in m,
(b) area of the kitchen in m2.

6 cm

4.5 cm

Scale: 1 : 50

Solution (a) Actual length of the kitchen = 6 3 cm
= 300 cm
Actual breadth of the kitchen = 4.5 3 cm
= 225 cm
= 2.25 m

(b) Actual area of the kitchen = 3 3 2.25

= 6.75 m2

Try It! 7 The diagram shows a floor plan of a bathroom. It is drawn using
a scale of 1 : 40. The dimensions of the bathroom in the plan are
6 cm by 5 cm. Find the actual
(a) dimensions of the bathroom in m,
(b) area of the bathroom in m2.

6 cm

Bathroom 5 cm

Scale: 1 : 40

Example 8
A rectangular school hall ABCD is 28 m long and 18 m wide. The
diagonals AC and BD intersect at M.
(a) Draw a plan of the hall, using a scale of 1 : 400.
(b) Measure the distance AM on the plan, correct to the nearest
0.1 cm.
(c) Hence, estimate the actual distance from A to M, correct to
the nearest metre.

Solution (a) Length of the hall on the plan = 28 3 m
= 0.07 m
= 7 cm
Width of the hall on the plan = 18 3 m
= 0.045 m
= 4.5 cm
Hence, the plan of the school hall can be drawn as shown

M 18 m

28 m

School Hall Plan Scale: 1 : 400

(b) By measurement, AM on the plan = 4.2 cm (correct to 0.1 cm)

(c) Actual distance from A to M ≈ 4.2  400 cm

= 168 cm
= 16.8 m
= 17 m (correct to the nearest m)
Note: This example shows how the actual distance can be estimated
from a scale drawing.

Try It! 8 A rectangular living room PQRS has length PQ = 9 m and width
QR = 7.5 m. A cable runs from P to the midpoint M of PQ, and
then runs from M to the corner R.
(a) Draw a plan of the living room, using a scale of 1 : 150.
(b) Measure MR on the plan, correct to the nearest 0.1 cm.
(c) Hence, estimate the length of the cable, correct to the nearest

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

Example 9 A surveyor took some measurements of a piece of quadrilateral land
ABCD and made a sketch as shown below. It is given that AB = 90 m,
BC = 85 m, CD = 74 m, AD = 62 m and ∠ABC = 70°.
(a) Using a scale of 1 : 2000, draw a plan of the piece of land.
(b) Using your plan, estimate ∠BCD and the length of the diagonal


70° 85
(not drawn to scale)
Solution (a) We first calculate the lengths of the sides of ABCD on the plan.
Length of AB on the plan = 90 3 m
= 90 3 3 100 cm
= 4.5 cm
Length of CD on the plan = 74 3 3 100 cm
= 3.7 cm
Length of BC on the plan = 85 3 3 100 cm
= 4.25 cm
Length of DA on the plan = 62 3 3 100 cm
= 3.1 cm
We first draw AB and BC with ∠ABC = 70°.
Using a pair of compasses, draw an arc with centre A and
radius 3.1 cm.
Using a pair of compasses, draw an arc with centre C and
radius 3.7 cm to cut the first arc at D.
Draw the sides AD and CD to form the quadrilateral ABCD as
shown below.




(b) By measurement,
∠BCD = 95°
Length of AC on the plan = 5.0 cm
∴ actual length of AC = 5.0 3 2000 cm
= 10 000 cm
= 100 m

Try It! 9 The diagram shows a sketch of a park. AB = 200 m, BC = 225 m,

CD = 165 m, DA = 100 m and ∠BAD = 90°.
(a) Using a scale of 1 : 2500, draw a scale drawing of the park.
(b) Using your drawing, estimate ∠ABC and the length of the diagonal


D 225


A 200 B   (not drawn to scale)

1. Express each of the following scales in the form 5. The scale used for drawing a plant is 2 : 1.
1 : n.
(a) 1 cm : 25 m (b) 1 cm : 200 m
(c) 1 cm : 2 mm (d) 5 cm : 20 m

2. On a scale drawing, 48 m is represented by 12 cm.

(a) Find the scale of the drawing in the form
1 : n.
(b) Find the actual length of a wall if its length is
5 cm on the drawing.

3. The scale of a drawing is 5 cm to 30 m.

(a) Find the scale of the drawing in the form
1 : n.
(a) The diameter of a flower is 15 cm. What is
(b) If a building is 75 m tall, find its height on
its diameter on the drawing?
the drawing.
(b) The length of a leaf on the same drawing is
7 cm. What is the actual length of the leaf?
4. On a scale drawing of insects, a mosquito is drawn
7.5 cm long when its actual length is 1.5 cm.
6. The scale of a car drawing is 1 : 20. The actual
(a) Find the scale of the drawing in the form
length and width of the car are 4.5 m and 1.75 m
1 : n.
respectively. Find the length and width of the car
(b) If the actual length of a dragonfly is 5 cm,
on the drawing in centimetres.
find its length on the drawing.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

7. The length of a room on a drawing with scale (b) Find the actual area, in m2, of
1 : 50 is 12 cm. If the scale is changed to 1 : 40, what (i) the apartment,
is the length of the room on the new drawing? (ii) the living room.

8. The diameter of the face of a watch is 36 mm 2 cm 2.5 cm

and the length of its minute-hand is 11 mm. On
a scale drawing, the diameter of the watch is
180 mm. Find Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 2 cm
2.5 cm
(a) the scale of the drawing in the form 1 : n,
(b) the length of the minute-hand on the
1.5 cm

LEVEL 3 3 cm

2 cm
9. The Fountain of Wealth in Suntec City, Singapore,
is the world’s largest fountain that is made of
bronze as recorded in the 1998 edition of the
1.5 cm
Guinness Book of Records. Four 13.8-m bronze
Scale: 1 : 200
legs support a huge bronze ring measuring
21 m in diameter. On a design drawing, each leg is
27.6 cm long. Find 11. The following diagram is a sketch of a building
(a) the scale of the drawing in the form 1 : n, site drawn by an architect. AB = 60 m, BC = 70 m,
(b) the diameter of the ring on the drawing, DA = 50 m, ∠BAD = 95° and ∠ABC = 110°.
(c) the actual area bounded by the ring, giving (a) Using a scale of 1 : 1000, draw a scale drawing
your answer correct to 3 significant figures. of the site.
(b) Using your drawing, estimate ∠BCD and the
length of CD.


95° 110°
A 60 B

(not drawn to scale)

12. (a) Measure the length and breadth of your

classroom and the structures like doors and
windows in the room.
(b) Choose a suitable scale such that the floor
10. The diagram shows a floor plan of an apartment. plan of your classroom can be drawn to fit
The scale of the plan is 1 : 200. on an entire sheet of A4 paper.
(a) Find the actual dimensions, in m, of (c) Draw the floor plan of your classroom on a
(i) Bedroom 1, sheet of A4 paper.
(ii) the kitchen.

e ll
n a
I Congruence
Two figures are congruent if they have the same shape and size,
i.e. • all corresponding angles are equal, and
• all corresponding sides are equal.
Each image under a translation, reflection or rotation is congruent to the original figure. In each of the
following diagrams, ABC  XYZ.

Translation from P to Q Reflection about the line MN Rotation of 90° clockwise about O
AX = BY = CZ = PQ AM = XM, BN = YN and CN = ZN ∠AOX = ∠BOY = ∠COZ = 90°
AX // BY // CZ // PQ AX ⊥ MN, BY ⊥ MN and OA = OX, OB = OY and

Two figures are similar if they have the same shape but not necessarily the same size,
i.e. • all their corresponding angles are equal, and
• all the ratios of their corresponding sides are equal.

The image of an enlargement/reduction is similar to the original figure.

In the diagram, ABCD is enlarged to PQRS.
Hence, ABCD is similar to PQRS. S

object image

Scale Factor Scale Drawings

Refer to the diagram above, where ABCD is similar Scale drawings are reduced or enlarged drawings
to PQRS. The scale factor of enlarging ABCD to of actual objects.
The scale of a drawing can be expressed as a ratio
image length
= PQ
. 1 : n, where 1 unit on the drawing represents n
corresponding object length AB BC CD DA units on the actual object.
For example, 1 : 200 means 1 cm on the drawing
represents 200 cm on the actual object.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

1. In the diagram, ABC is congruent to PQR. 5. The diagram shows two semicircular plates ABC
Find ∠x and ∠y. and DEF cut by a machine. Under what condition
will these plates be B E
A R 8 Q
(a) congruent?   
(b) similar?
60ϒ x
B 8 C P
2. In the diagram, DEF is congruent to LMN,
DE = 5 cm, MN = 12 cm and LN = 13 cm. Find 6. In the diagram, ∠BAE = 60°, D 1 C
the lengths of DF and LM. AB = AE = 2 cm and 1 yϒ yϒ 1
BC = CD = DE = 1 cm. E yϒ yϒ B
D (a) Find the value of y.
5 (b) Create a tessellation, 2 2
E F using ABCDE as the
12 basic tile. A

13 7. In the diagram, ABC is similar to DEF,

L AB = 16 cm, AC = 32 cm, DE = 12 cm and
∠BAC = 33°. Find
3. The diagram shows two quadrilaterals. In ABCD, (a) ∠EDF,       
AB = 4 cm, BC = 5 cm, CD = 2 cm and DA = 3 cm. (b) the length of DF.
In PQRS, PQ = 4 cm, QR = 2 cm, RS = 3 cm and
SP = 5 cm. Are these two quadrilaterals congruent? C
Explain briefly your answer. F
C x
2 y
Q 33ϒ
D R 2 A 16 B D 12 E
3 4

A 4 B 8. In the diagram, PQRS is similar to TXY Z,

S 5 P
PS = 22 cm, QR = 14 cm, ZT = 33 cm, ∠QPS = 103°,
∠QRS = 82° and ∠YZT = 55°. Find
4.In the diagram, ABCD and TZYX are two (a) ∠RSP,
parallelograms. In ABCD, AB = 6 cm, AD = 12 cm (b) ∠TXY,
and ∠ABC = 105°. In TZYX, XY = 6 cm, XT = 12 cm (c) the length of XY.
and ∠ZTX = 75°.
(a) Find ∠BAD and ∠TXY. Z
(b) Are these two parallelograms congruent?
Explain briefly your answer. S 55ϒ

22 82ϒ R 33
103ϒ 14
12 Z Y
105ϒ 75ϒ
A 6 B T 12 X

9. The diagram shows the figure ABCDE. (a) Find the scale of the drawing in the form 1 : n.
(a) Find ∠BAE. (b) The Singtel Building has 34 storeys. Assume
(b) Draw an enlarged image PQRST of ABCDE that the height of a building is directly
with a scale factor of
. proportional to the number of storeys of a
2 building. Find
(c) Find ∠QPT. (i) the height of the Singtel Building,
(d) If CD = 12 cm, find the length of RS. correct to the nearest metre,
(ii) the height of the Singtel Building on
the same drawing as the OUB Centre,
A in cm, correct to 3 significant figures.

B E 12. The diagram shows a part of the floor plan of an

apartment. The actual length of the wall, AB, of
the living room is 8 m.
1.5 cm

2 cm Bedroom
10. The actual length and diameter of a drill bit are
10 cm and 1.5 cm respectively. The drill is drawn
2 cm long in a mechanical drawing. Find
(a) the scale of the drawing, 1 cm
(b) the diameter of the drill bit in the drawing. 2.5 cm Living

1.5 cm
11. The OUB Centre, standing at 280 m, is 66 storeys
high. It is one of the tallest buildings in Singapore. A B
4 cm
On a scale drawing, its height is 22.4 cm.
(a) the scale of the floor plan,
(b) the actual breadth of the living room,
(c) the actual dimensions of the bedroom.

Write in Your Journal

Suppose you are given two figures. Explain how you would determine if the figures are congruent
or similar. You may use examples to help you explain.

Chapter 6 Congruence and Similarity

1. In the diagram, nABC is congruent to nCDA. 5. In the diagram, 5 identical rectangular tiles of
AB = (3x + 7) cm, DC = (5x – 1) cm, ∠BAC = 25° x cm long and y cm wide can be laid to form a
and ∠ACB = 41°. Find rectangle ABCD. If BC = 50 cm, find the values
(a) the value of x, of x and y.
(b) ∠ADC.
D 5x – 1 C y
25° x
A 3x + 7 B

6. A golf player played a 18-hole game. For each hole,
E his score was either 4 strokes or 5 strokes. If his
total score was 79 strokes, how many holes did he
play in 4 strokes and in 5 strokes?
A 3 C D 2 F
7. The diagram shows the graph of y = –x2 + x + 12.
Find the coordinates of the point at which the
In the diagram, a flagpole AB and a boy DE cast
graph cuts
the horizontal shadows AC and DF on the ground
(a) the y-axis, y
respectively at the same time. It is known that
(b) the x-axis.
nABC and nDEF are similar. Given that DE = 1.6 m,
DF = 2 m and AC = 3 m, find the height of the y = – x2 + x + 12
flagpole AB.

3. A soccer field is 105 m long and 68 m wide. In

a scale drawing, the length of the field is 21 cm x
long and the area of the centre circle on the field
is 10.52 cm2. Find
(a) the scale of the drawing in the form 1 : n,
8. Solve the following equations.
where n is an integer,
(a) x2 + 2x – 15 = 0
(b) the width of the field on the map in cm,
(b) (2x – 1)2 = 49
(c) the actual area of the centre circle on the field
(c) (3x + 1)(x – 7) = 3x + 1
in m2.
One root of the equation 3x2 + kx – 4 = 0, where
4. Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations.
k is a constant, is x = –4. Find
(a) x – 3y = 7 and 5x = 26 + 6y
(a) the value of k,
2 5
(b) 2x + 3y = 0 and x+ y+6=0 (b) the other root of the equation.
3 2

10. It is given that (4x – 3)(x + p) = 4x2 + qx – 15, 14. A rectangular swimming pool is 20 m long and
where p and q are constants. 9 m wide. It is surrounded by a path of uniform
(a) Find the values of p and q. width. Given that the area of the path is 96 m2,
(b) If the graph of y = 4x2 + qx – 15 cuts the x-axis find the width of the path.
at two points, A and B, find the coordinates
of these two points. Path

11. Three towns, A, B and C, are on a horizontal plane.
Town B is on the east of town A. It is given that Pool 9
AB = 80 km, BC = 45 km and AC = 100 km.
(a) Using a scale of 1 cm to 20 km, draw the
triangle ABC with a ruler and compasses only.
(b) Express the scale of the drawing in the form
1 : n, where n is an integer. 15. The sum of two numbers is 12. Let x be one of the
(c) Using the diagram drawn in (a), estimate the numbers.
shortest distance from B to AC. (a) Show that the product, y, of the two numbers
is given by y = 12x – x2.
12. Mary’s monthly salary, $y, consists of a basic salary (b) Draw the graph of y = 12x – x2 for 0 < x <12.
of $b and a commission of c% on her sales, $x. (c) Using the graph, find the maximum value
(a) Express y in terms of b, c and x. of the product of the two numbers and the
(b) In June, her sales were $18 000 and her salary corresponding value of x.
was $2220. In July, her sales were $39 000
and her salary was $3060. Find the values of
b and c.
(c) Find the sales that Mary has made in August
if her salary was $3800 in that month.

13. A


2y° x°


I 2y°
3y° 120°

In the diagrams above, BCD, EFGH and IJKL are

straight lines.
(a) Write down two equations in x and y using
the information shown in the diagrams.
(b) Hence, find values of x and y which satisfy
both diagrams.

Review Exercise 2
Problem-Solving Processes
A contemporary mathematician, George Pólya (1887–1985), developed a classic
four-step problem-solving process to help students become good problem solvers. A
summary of the steps from his book How to Solve It is given below.

1 Understanding the Problem

(a) Can you restate the problem in your own words?
(b) What are you going to do or what is the goal?
(c) What are the given information and unknowns?
(d) Is there sufficient information or redundant information?

2 Devising a Plan
(a) Find the connection between the given information, the unknowns and
the goal.
(b) Consider some possible actions or heuristics.
Heuristics are simple and efficient strategies that people use to solve problems.
The following is a list of some useful heuristics.
• Use guess and check • Look for a pattern
• Draw a diagram • Make a table
• Use a variable • Write an equation
• Think of a related problem • Examine a simpler problem
• Work backwards • Identify subgoals

3 Carrying Out the Plan

(a) Implement the strategy or strategies that you have chosen.
(b) Carry out the necessary actions or computations.
(c) Modify your plan and choose a new strategy if necessary until the
problem is solved.

4 Looking Back
(a) Check that the solution is reasonable and satisfies the conditions given
in the original problem.
(b) Examine whether there is an easier method to find the solution.
(c) Extend the solution to solve other problems or more general problems.

We shall illustrate some of the problem-solving strategies in the following examples.

Example 1 (Draw a Diagram)

Alex and Rohanna were asked to make a triangular board with a
side of 25 cm and three angles measuring 40°, 60° and 80°. They
found that their triangles were not congruent. Explain how this is

Solution 1 Understanding the Problem

We need to explain how two triangles, each with one side
of 25 cm and 3 angles measuring 40°, 60° and 80°, can be

2 Devising a Plan
We try to construct two triangles with the given side and
angles that are of different sizes.

3 Carrying Out the Plan
Use a protractor and a ruler to draw ABC and PQR
as shown below. Why AB  PQ in the


80° 40° 80° 40°


Notice that ABC is similar to PQR. The two triangles

are not congruent because their corresponding sides, AB
and PQ, are unequal.

Looking Back 4
• Consider how many different triangles can be drawn
with the given side and angles.
• If the given side is specified to be adjacent to 40° and
60°, will both triangles be congruent?
• If the length of one more side of the triangle is given,
will this ensure that the triangles are congruent?

Problem-solving Processes and Heuristics

Example 2 (Use Guess and Check, Make a Table)
Divide the integers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 into two groups of
four numbers each such that the sums of the squares of the numbers
in both groups are equal.

Solution 1 Understanding the Problem

We have to divide 52, 62, 72, 82, 92, 102, 112 and 122 into two
groups of four numbers each with equal sum.

2 Devising a Plan
52 + 62 + 72 + 82 + 92 + 102 + 112 + 122 = 620
Half the sum = 620 ÷ 2 = 310
We may select four numbers from 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12, and check whether the sum of their squares equals 310.
If so, we get the answer, otherwise, we select another four
numbers and try again.
Alternatively, we may make a table consisting of the number
5 and its combinations with three other integers taken
from the list: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Next, we work out the
sum of the squares of the numbers in each combination
and select the one with a sum equal to 310.

3 Carrying Out the Plan

Numbers a, b, c, d a2 + b2 + c2 + d2

5, 6, 7, 8 174
5, 6, 7, 12 254
5, 6, 8, 9 206
5, 6, 8, 12 269
5, 7, 8, 9 219
5, 7, 8, 11 259
5, 8, 9, 10 270
5, 8, 9, 11 291
5, 8, 10, 11 310
 

From the table above, we have 52 + 82 + 102 + 112 = 310,

i.e. 52 + 82 + 102 + 112 = 62 + 72 + 92 + 122 = 310.
The two required groups are
5, 8, 10, 11
and 6, 7, 9, 12.

4 Looking Back
• The squares of the numbers given are
25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144.
We can minimise the number of trials by picking four
values from the list above such that the sum of their last
digits is a multiple of 10. For instance, for the numbers
25, 36, 49 and 100, sum of their last digits = 5 + 6 + 9
+ 0 = 20.
These numbers may form a possible group.

• Can we generalise the solution to solve the following

“Divide eight positive consecutive integers into two
groups of four numbers each such that the sums of the
squares of the integers in both groups are equal.”

Example 3 (Identify Subgoals and Work Backwards)

The diagram shows a street map of a city. A man wants to drive a
car from the corner A to the corner B. He can only go north or east
at each intersection. How many possible routes does he have?

Solution 1 Understanding the Problem

A man drives a car from A to B. At each junction, he can
only go north or east. We have to find the number of
possible routes for him.

Problem-solving Processes and Heuristics

2 Devising a Plan
The network of roads connecting A and B may be too
complicated for us to comprehend. We may first consider
some simpler cases, say the number of possible routes
from the corners, R, W and T, etc. to B (see the diagram
Further, we can observe that the number of routes from
R to B is equal to the sum of the number of routes from
P and Q to B. The number of routes from T to B is equal
to the sum of the number of routes from R and S to B. In
general, the number of routes from one corner to B is the
sum of the number of routes from the north and east of
In view of the above, by observing the pattern, we can work
backwards from B to A to obtain the desired number of
possible routes.

3 Carrying Out the Plan

1 1 1 W 1 Q 1 B

6 5 4 X 3 R 2 P 1

21 15 10 Y 6 T 3 S 1

56 35 20 10 4 1

A 126 70 35 15 5

Starting from point B, we work backwards for the number
of routes from each corner to B. We write it down at each
The numbers of routes from P to B and Q to B are both

equal to 1.
Number of routes from R to B
= Number of routes from P to B The three routes from T
  + Number of routes from Q to B to B are highlighted in
=1+1 the diagram above.
Number of route from S to B = 1.
Number of routes from T to B
= Number of routes from R to B
  + Number of routes from S to B
Continuing in this way, we can fill up the number of routes
from each corner to B as shown in the diagram above.
Thus, the number of possible routes from A to B is 126.

4 Looking Back
• We can check the validity of the method by listing the
number of routes from a certain point to B. For instance,
the number of routes from Y to B are:
Y — T — S — P — B,
Y — T — R — P — B,
Y — T — R — Q — B,
Y — X — R — P — B,
Y — X — R — Q — B,
Y — X — W — Q — B.
There are 6 possible routes.
• Observe the number pattern formed in the grid above.
This is a famous pattern called Pascal’s Triangle.
• The strategy of identifying subgoals and considering
simpler cases is very useful for solving problems which
seem to be complex at the first glance.

Example 4 (Use a Variable, Think of a Related Problem)

The manager of a new gymnasium estimates that 600 people will
sign up for the gymnasium membership if the monthly membership
fee is $50. Assuming that for each increase of $5 in the fee, the
number of members will decrease by 20, what should the monthly
membership fee be in order to have the largest revenue?

Understanding the Problem 1
When the monthly membership fee is $50, 600 people are
estimated to become members. For every increase of $5
in the fee, the number of members will decrease by 20.
That means if the membership fee is $55, the number of
members will become 580; if the membership fee is $60,
the number of members will become 560, and so on. The
manager wants to find out the fee which will give the
maximum revenue, where
the revenue = membership fee
  3 total number of members.

Problem-solving Processes and Heuristics

Devising a Plan
Let $5x be the increase in the monthly membership fee
and $y be the monthly revenue.
If the monthly membership fee becomes $(50 + 5x),
the corresponding number of members will be 600 – 20x.
\ y = (50 + 5x)(600 – 20x).
Hence, we may find the largest revenue by drawing the
graph of y = (50 + 5x)(600 – 20x) and locating its maximum

3 Carrying Out the Plan

y = (50 + 5x)(600 – 20x)

x 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

y 30 000 33 600 36 400 38 400 39 600 40 000 39 600 38 400

The graph of y = (50 + 5x)(600 – 20x) is as shown below.

y = (50 + 5x)(600 – 2x)
40 000

37 500

35 000

32 500

30 000

O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

From the graph, we see that the maximum point is at
(10, 40 000),
i.e. the monthly membership fee = $(50 + 5 3 10) = $100,
the number of members = 600 – 20 3 10 = 400,
the maximum revenue = $100 3 400 = $40 000.

4 Looking Back
• From the graph, we see that the revenue increases as x
increases until x = 10. After that the revenue decreases
as x increases.
• Alternatively, we may make a table using a spreadsheet
program as shown below to solve the problem.

1 Problem of Maximising
4 Fee Number of Members Revenue
5 50 600 30 000
6 55 580 31 900
7 60 560 33 600
8 65 540 35 100
9 70 520 36 400
10 75 500 37 500
11 80 480 38 400
12 85 460 39 100
13 90 440 39 600
14 95 420 39 900
15 100 400 40 000
16 105 380 39 900
17 110 360 39 600
18 115 340 39 100
19 120 320 38 400
20 125 300 37 500
21 130 280 36 400
22 135 260 35 100
23 140 240 33 600
24 145 220 31 900
25 150 200 30 000

From the table above, we can observe the pattern of

changes in the revenue. We see that the maximum
revenue occurs, i.e. $40 000, when the fee is $100 and
the number of members is 400.
• We may apply this technique to solve other problems
with similar contexts such as setting the price of pastry
in a bakery to maximise the revenue.

Problem-solving Processes and Heuristics


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