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Case 6:24-cv-06153-FPG Document 1 Filed 03/11/24 Page 1 of 15




Plaintiff, CASE NO. __________________


Plaintiff Five Star Bank (“Plaintiff” or “FSB”), by and through its undersigned attorneys,

for its Complaint against defendants KRM Events, LLC; Katherine’s on Monroe, LLC; The

Divinity Estate and Chapel, LLC; KNC Elegance, LLC d/b/a The Wintergarden by Monroes; 11

Wexford Glen, LLC; RCC Monroes LLC; NAF Remodeling LLC; Monroes at Ridgemont LLC;

Crescent Beach at the Lake LLC; Mott Management LLC; (collectively, the “Entity Defendants,”

and Katherine Mott and Robert Harris, in their individual capacities and as the controlling

members of certain of the Entity Defendants (collectively, “Defendants”), alleges as follows:


1. Plaintiff brings this Complaint against Defendants to recover a total of $18.9

million in funds unlawfully obtained by Defendants through a fraudulent check-kiting scheme

perpetrated by Defendant Mott using numerous bank accounts associated with the Entity

Defendants held at FSB since 2022 and accounts held at several other local financial institutions.

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Plaintiff also brings claims for breach of the operative Deposit Account Agreement governing the

at-issue accounts and a claim for violation of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act

(“RICO”) arising from Plaintiff’s corrupt use of her businesses to perpetuate a clear pattern of

financial fraud.

2. Mott, using the Entity Defendants bank accounts held at FSB, perpetrated a

fraudulent check-kiting scheme in order to artificially inflate the balance of the various Entity

Defendants’ bank accounts with Plaintiff and create an artificial source of funding.

3. This check-kiting scheme was uncovered by Plaintiff, and the subsequent

reconciliation of Defendants’ deposit accounts resulted in an overdraft of those accounts in an

amount exceeding $18.9 million.

4. Plaintiff brings this action for fraud, breach of contract, indemnification, and

seeking an order requiring Defendants to repay in full the amounts Defendants fraudulently

obtained and for the appointment of a Receiver to manage the ongoing operations of the Defendant

Entities, investigate, and oversee their financial affairs and make whole any and all parties

aggrieved by the Defendants fraudulent scheme.


5. Plaintiff Five Star Bank is a New York State chartered bank under the New York

State Banking Laws with a principal place of business in Warsaw, New York. FSB offers

consumer and commercial banking and lending services to individuals, municipalities, and

businesses throughout Central and Western New York.

6. Upon information and belief, Defendant Katherine Mott is a natural person residing

in Rochester, New York.

7. Upon information and belief, Defendant Robert Harris is a natural person residing

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in Rochester, New York.

8. Upon information and belief, Defendant KRM Events, LLC is a New York Limited

Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendants Robert Harris and

Katherine Mott.

9. Upon information and belief, Defendant Katherine’s on Monroe, LLC is a New

York Limited Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine


10. Upon information and belief, Defendant The Divinity Estate and Chapel, LLC is a

New York Limited Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant

Katherine Mott.

11. Upon information and belief, Defendant KNC Elegance, LLC is a New York

Limited Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine Mott.

12. Upon information and belief, Defendant 11 Wexford Glen, LLC is a New York

Limited Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine Mott.

13. Upon information and belief, Defendant RCC Monroes LLC is a New York Limited

Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine Mott.

14. Upon information and belief, Defendant NAF Remodeling LLC is a New York

Limited Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine Mott.

15. Upon information and belief, Defendant Monroes at Ridgemont LLC is a New York

Limited Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine Mott.

16. Upon information and belief, Crescent Beach at the Lake LLC is a New York

Limited Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine Mott.

17. Upon information and belief, Mott Management LLC is a New York Limited

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Liability Company managed, operated, and/or controlled by Defendant Katherine Mott.


18. Jurisdiction is proper because this matter is brought pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §

1964(c), conferring jurisdiction upon an appropriate United States District Court.

19. Venue is in this district because Defendants are subject to jurisdiction in this

District and a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to Plaintiff’s claims occurred

in this District.


20. Defendant Katherine Mott dominated and controlled each of the Entity Defendants

and perpetrated the fraudulent conduct alleged herein such that their separate existence is a sham

and respecting the separateness of corporate entities would permit Defendant Mott to abuse the

corporate form to commit a fraud causing injury to Five Star Bank.

21. With respect to each of the at-issue identified herein, Mott exercised complete

domination over each of the Entity Defendants through sole control over the management and

financial affairs of each entity.

22. Mott exploited and abused the privilege of doing business in the corporate form by

using the various Entity Defendants to perpetrate the fraudulent scheme described herein to cause

FSB to wrongfully pay over $20.4 million in funds on behalf of the Entity Defendants by kiting

checks between various accounts held at FSB and elsewhere.

23. Mott used these Entity Defendants in furtherance of a fraud to her personal benefit

by creating a tangled web of transactions to settle and net out, buying further time to defraud

Plaintiff out of funds to which Mott and the Entity Defendants were not entitled.

24. On November 29, 2022, Mott and Harris opened a business demand deposit

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account with FSB in the name of KRM Events, LLC under account number ending in -0529 (the

“KRM Events Account I”). Mott and Harris are authorized signatories for the KRM Events

Account I.

25. On November 29, 2022, Mott opened a business demand deposit account with

FSB in the name of KRM Events LLC under an account number ending in -0545 (the “KRM

Events Account II”). Mott is an authorized signatory for the KRM Events Account II.

26. On November 29, 2022, Mott opened a business demand deposit account with

FSB in the name of Katherine’s on Monroe, LLC under an account number ending in -0596 (the

“Monroe” Account). Mott is an authorized signatory on the Monroe Account.

27. On November 29, 2022, Mott opened a business demand deposit account with

FSB in the name of The Divinity Estate and Chapel, LLC under an account number ending in -

0618 (the “Divinity” Account). Mott is an authorized signatory on the Divinity Account.

28. On November 29, 2022, Mott opened a business demand deposit account with

FSB in the name of KNC Elegance, LLC under an account number ending in -0588 (the “KNC

Account”). Mott is an authorized signatory on the KNC Account.

29. Between November 29, 2022 and January 11, 2024, Defendants Mott and Harris

opened numerous other accounts in the name of Defendants.

A. The Fraudulent Check Kiting Scheme

30. Starting in February 2024, Defendant Mott began “kiting” checks between

Defendants’ various deposit accounts held at FSB and accounts held at other financial institutions,

including Kinecta Federal Credit Union (“Kinecta FCU”).

31. In a typical kiting transaction, Mott would write a check on the Kinecta FCU

account for which insufficient funds existed and deposit that check into an account controlled by

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an Entity Defendant held at FSB.

32. By taking advantage of the delay inherent in bank reconciliation of deposits (and

the widespread practice of honoring checks on the basis of uncollected balances), Mott and the

Entity Defendants were able to temporarily inflate the cash balance in the Entity Defendants’

accounts at FSB to create the appearance of additional cash in the FSB accounts despite insufficient

funds to honor the check in the originating accounts at Kinecta FCU.

33. As a result, transfers and checks written from the FSB accounts that otherwise

would have been refused or returned were made and honored by FSB to its detriment.

34. Specifically, between February 23, 2024 and present, Defendant deposited or

caused to be deposited approximately 68 checks in an aggregate amount exceeding $62 million

into the various accounts held in the name of the Entity Defendants held at FSB. Mott deposited

each of those checks with FSB despite knowing that the check amounts exceeded the balance of

the accounts from which they would be drawn.

35. Using the artificially-inflated account balances created when Defendant Mott

deposited these fraudulent checks, Mott issued checks drawn on the Entity Defendants’ FSB

accounts and directed funds transfers out of those accounts totaling over $20.4 million despite

knowing the checks she previously deposited with FSB would ultimately be dishonored for

insufficient funds in the originating accounts.

36. Kinecta ultimately dishonored certain checks and charged back the amounts,

resulting in an over $20 million overdraw on the Entity Defendants’ accounts at FSB.

37. Ultimately, as a direct result of Defendant Mott’s knowing, fraudulent conduct,

Mott overdrew the Entity Defendants’ accounts at FSB by over $20 million.

38. Despite offsetting a small portion of its substantial losses with other funds held or

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controlled by Mott as permitted under the operative Deposit Account Agreement, FSB has suffered

losses of at least $18.9 million as a direct result of Mott and the Entity Defendants’ check-kiting


B. Defendants Violated the FSB Deposit Agreement

39. As a result of activity by Defendant Mott, each of the foregoing accounts are

currently overdrawn in the amounts set forth below:

Account Holder Account Number Current Balance


0529 $ (3,482,241.59)
0545 $ (3,297,878.60)
0588 $ (3,879,031.41)
0596 $ (4,868,265.06)
0618 $ (3,454,900.93)

40. The operative Deposit Account Agreement governing the at-issue FSB accounts

provides, in relevant part:

B. Responsibility to Repay.
You are responsible for any negative balances in your Account. This includes
Overdrafts and any associated fees. . . . You agree to pay all costs and expenses
we incur in collecting any Overdraft. We may still pursue collection of the
amount you owe (including taking legal action against you) after it is charged off.

41. Pursuant to the Deposit Account Agreement, Mott and the Entity Defendants were

and remain responsible for paying the negative balances in each of the Entity Defendants’


42. To date, neither Mott nor the Entity Defendants have resolved these overdrafts,

which total approximately $18.9 million dollars.

43. Because they have failed to cure these account overdrafts, Mott and the Entity

Defendants are in breach of the Deposit Account Agreement and liable to Plaintiff in an amount
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no less than the total overdraft amount.

C. Mott and the Entity Defendants Must Indemnify and Defend FSB

44. As stated, Mott and the Entity Defendants’ fraudulent course of conduct also

defrauded other banking institutions, such as Kinecta FCU.

45. In addition to the losses it has incurred as a result of Defendants’ conduct, FSB may

be the subject of claims for losses and damages incurred by other institutions utilized by

Defendants in connection with their financial malfeasance.

46. The operative Deposit Account Agreement expressly allocates the risk of such

losses to Defendants, providing, in relevant part, that:

[Accountholder] will defend, indemnify and hold harmless FSB and its service
providers against and in respect to any and all loss, liability, expense and damage,
including consequential, special and punitive damages, directly or indirectly
resulting from:
i. the processing of any request received by FSB relating to your Accounts;
ii. any breach of the provisions of this Agreement;
iii. [ ]
iv. any dispute between you and any third party in connection with your
v. relying upon instructions from you or someone purporting to be you;
vi. insufficient funds in your Account or any returned deposits on your Account
vii. any and all actions, suits, proceeding, claims, demands, judgments, costs
and expenses (including attorney’s fees) incident to the foregoing.

47. FSB has suffered a loss of no less than $18.9 million as a result of “insufficient

funds in [Defendants’] Account[s] or any returned deposits on [Defendants’] Account[s].”

48. Further, FSB may be subject to claims by other persons or entities for damages

suffered in connection with Defendants’ fraudulent conduct.

49. Accordingly, Defendants must indemnify FSB for its losses resulting from

Defendants’ fraudulent deposits and wrongful use of funds to which they were not entitled and

wrongfully credited to their accounts in connection with their check kiting scheme, including, but

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not limited to, its losses totaling over $18.9 million and for any claims by any other person or

entity arising from Defendants’ check kiting scheme.

D. Defendants’ Corrupt Enterprise

50. Defendant Mott operated and continues to operate a RICO enterprise engaged in

interstate and foreign commerce that directly targeted FSB through a pattern of criminal conduct.

51. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Defendant Mott wrongfully utilized entities

that were operating as lawful businesses, the Entity Defendants, in furtherance of the commission

of a pattern of criminal financial misconduct.

52. Defendants’ pattern of criminal conduct occurred in the course of interstate

commerce in utilizing facilities including the Federal Reserve’s SWIFT system for the transfer of

funds and interstate automated clearinghouse (ACH) facilities for fraudulent financial transactions,

all in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1344.

53. Defendants repeatedly and intentionally violated, inter alia, 18 USC § 1344, which

proscribes any scheme to defraud a federally-insured financial institution to obtain any monies,

credits, assets, securities, or other property owned by, or under the control of, such institution.

54. Moreover, Defendants repeatedly violated 18 U.S.C. § 1957 through their attempts

to knowingly engage in monetary transactions in criminally derived property greater than

$10,000.00, specifically, in repeatedly attempting to deposit and withdraw funds based on

dishonored or knowingly fraudulent checks.

55. Defendants’ conduct constitutes a pattern of “racketeering activity” within the

meaning of 18 U.S.C § 1961(1).

56. Harm to FSB from this pattern of criminal conduct was foreseeable and, in fact,

FSB was directly and proximately harmed by reason of Defendants’ racketeering activity and

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fraudulent scheme in the amount of at least $18.9 million.

57. Upon information and belief, Defendant Mott continues to utilize the Entity

Defendants to perpetuate her financial schemes and avoid accountability for liability by wrongfully

exploiting the corporate form.

58. Defendants’ conduct described herein constitutes a pattern of racketeering activity

within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(5).

59. Plaintiff has been injured as a direct and proximate result of Defendants’

racketeering activity, unlawful conduct, and RICO enterprise.

60. Plaintiff is entitled to recover treble damages plus costs and attorneys’ fees from

Defendants pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1964(c).


61. Plaintiff incorporate the allegations set forth in Paragraphs 1-52 as if fully set forth


62. Defendants knowingly engaged in a scheme or artifice to defraud FSB by

knowingly presenting checks for deposit and issuing checks despite knowing that the account

paying the check did not have sufficient funds to cover those checks.

63. Specifically, Defendants wrote over 65 negotiable instruments in the form of

checks beginning on February 23, 2024, for deposit in various accounts maintained by Defendants

at FSB.

64. Upon information and believe, Ms. Mott wrote or caused to be written such check

knowing there were insufficient funds in the accounts on which the checks were drawn. A

spreadsheet is attached hereto as Exhibit A to detail the wrongful checks and negative balances of

the overdrawn accounts.

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65. Plaintiff reasonably relied on the negotiable instruments submitted for deposit to or

issued from any of the at-issue accounts being valid and supported by sufficient funds.

66. However, Defendant Mott knew that the negotiable instruments issued from the at-

issue FSB accounts or presented for deposit into those accounts would be dishonored for lack of


67. The pattern of the checks, including the amounts and fact that they went repeatedly

between accounts owned by Defendants, and, upon information and belief, beneficially owned by

Defendant Mott, is strong evidence that Defendants acted to deprive FSB of funds.

68. Defendants knowingly engaged in this wrongful conduct with the intent of

wrongfully obtaining from FSB or depriving FSB of funds to which Defendants were never


69. As a direct result of Defendants’ fraudulent scheme, FSB has suffered losses

totaling no less than $18.9 million for which Defendants are liable.

(RICO – 18 U.S.C. § 1964)

70. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of Paragraphs 1-62 as if fully set forth


71. At all relevant times, Defendants engaged and participated in a criminal enterprise

whose activities affect interstate commerce.

72. Defendant knowingly used fraudulently-obtained and non-consensual extensions

of credit by depositing fraudulent and worthless checks and used that income to issue additional,

fraudulent checks or direct FSB to make electronic payments using such unlawfully-obtained


73. These acts individually constitute “racketeering activities” within 18 U.S.C. §

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1965(1) and collectively constitute a “pattern of racketeering activity” within 18 U.S.C. § 1965(5).

74. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ racketeering activities and

violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1962, Plaintiff has been injured by wrongfully paying out at least $20

million based on Defendants’ wrongful conduct.

75. WHEREFORE Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court enter a judgment

against Defendants in an amount equal to three times the damages Plaintiff sustained pursuant to

18 U.S.C. 1965(c).

(Breach of Contract)

76. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of Paragraph 1-68 as if fully set forth herein.

77. Under the Deposit Account Agreement governing each of the at-issue accounts, the

account holder is responsible for curing any negative balance in any of its accounts.

78. Presently, the KRM Events I Account, ending in -0529, has a balance of negative


79. Presently, the KRM Events II Account, ending in -0545, has a balance of negative


80. Presently, the Elegance Account, ending in -0588, has a balance of negative


81. Presently, the Monroe Account, ending -0596, has a balance of negative


82. Presently, the Divinity Account, ending -0618, has a balance of negative


83. These negative account balances breach the governing Deposit Account

Agreement’s requirements that the account holder cure all negative balances and all accounts must

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have a minimum balance of $.01.

84. Because she is the authorized signatory for each account and each entity operated

as Defendant Mott’s alter ego, Defendant Mott is jointly and severally liable with each of the Entity

Defendants to FSB in an amount equal necessary to restore each balance to $0.01.

85. Accordingly, Defendants are liable to Plaintiff for an amount no less than necessary

to cure each negative account balance to no less than $.01.

WHEREFORE Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court enter a judgment in an amount

no less than $18.9 million against Defendants and in favor of Plaintiff.

(Collection on Debt)

86. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of Paragraph 1-78 as if fully set forth herein.

87. Under the Deposit Account Agreement governing each of the at-issue accounts, the

account holder is responsible for curing any negative balance in any of its accounts.

88. Presently, the KRM Events I Account, ending in -0529, has a balance of negative


89. Presently, the KRM Events II Account, ending in -0545, has a balance of negative


90. Presently, the Elegance Account, ending in -0588, has a balance of negative


91. Presently, the Monroe Account, ending -0596, has a balance of


92. Presently, the Divinity Account, ending -0618, has a balance of


93. Accordingly, Defendants are liable to Plaintiff for no less than $18,979,005.79,

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which is the total amount necessary to satisfy Defendants’ presently owing debt in the same


WHEREFORE Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court enter an Order in favor of

Plaintiff requiring Defendants to pay Plaintiff no less than $18,979,005.79.


94. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of Paragraphs 1-86 as if fully set forth herein.

95. The parties’ relationship is governed by the terms of the operative Deposit Account


96. Pursuant to that Agreement, Defendants are required to indemnify Plaintiff for any

against and in respect to any and all loss, liability, expense and damage, including consequential,

special and punitive damages, directly or indirectly resulting from:

i. the processing of any request received by FSB relating to your Accounts;

ii. any breach of the provisions of this Agreement . . .
iii. insufficient funds in your Account or any returned deposits on your
Account and
iv. any and all actions, suits, proceeding, claims, demands, judgments, costs
and expenses (including attorney’s fees) incident to the foregoing.

97. FSB has suffered losses in an amount no less than $18.979,005.79 directly resulting

from “insufficient funds in [Defendants’] Account[s] or any returned deposits on [Defendants’]

Account[s]” and will be subject to further legal action by other victims of Defendants’ fraudulent


98. Accordingly, Defendants are obligated to indemnify FSB for its losses in an amount

no less than $18,979,005.79, plus FSB’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in

prosecuting this action.

99. Moreover, Defendants are obligated to indemnify and defend FSB for any suit by

any third party arising from Defendants’ fraudulent conduct.

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WHEREFORE Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court enter an Order in favor of

Plaintiff in the amount of $18,979,005.79, plus all accruing interest amounts through the date of

judgment and thereafter at the maximum post-judgment interest rate permitted by law, plus all

costs of collection (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees), directing that

Defendants must defend and indemnify Plaintiff in any litigation arising from the conduct alleged

herein, and for such other and further relief to Plaintiff as this Court deems just, proper, and

equitable under the circumstances.


Plaintiff demands a trial by jury on all issues that are so triable.

Dated: March 11, 2024 BARCLAY DAMON LLP

By: ______________________________
David G. Burch, Jr.
Benjamin Zakarin

Attorneys for Plaintiffs

Office and Post Office Address
125 East Jefferson Street
Syracuse, New York 13202-2078
Telephone (315) 425-2716


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