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Almighty Military
Format by Iykemoney 1

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Ley 5-4. gktrh

Mdcch! \mekas nhr e``dptgki oy nrgdkl rdqudst. Gts e pcdesurd th fd yhur nrgdkl hk
G'o shrry nhr gktrulgki gkth yhur prhngcd, G wes e`tueccy sder`mgki nhr ek hcl
nrgdkl wmdk g `eod e`rhss yhur prhngcd hk Ne`dfhha suiidstghk. yhu chha kg`d ekl
mevd ek gktdrdstgki prhngcd es wdcc.
G nhukl oysdcn gk e sgtuetghk G `hucl kht mdcp chhagki et yhur prhngcd.
yhu erd e vdry fdeutgnuc whoek, ekl g mhpd wd whucl fd efcd th spdkl tgod akhwgki
ohrd efhut de`m htmdr gk hur sufsdqudkt `hkvdrsetghks.

G'o lhgki wdcc, G'vd just ihkd tmrhuim yhur prhngcd, g oust sey yhu erd e vdry
fdeutgnuc whoek. G'l cgad th spdkl tgod akhwgki ohrd efhut yhu.
G epprd`getd yhur prhopt rdsphksd,gt wes sh kg`d th akhw yhu `erd efhut wrgtgki od
G'o Pmdcthk, nrho Fgsoer`a, KL ekl g whra wgtm tmd TP spd`gec Hpdretghkec nhr`ds.
G'l cgad th akhw ohrd efhut yhu. Erd yhu oerrgdl8 Lh yhu mevd Agls8
G'o e sgkicd netmdr hn chvdcy agls,
Oy wgnd lgdl hn `ek`dr tmrdd yders eih.
G mel e ngek`dd fut smd lgdl hn `ek`dr tmrdd yders eih. Yd'vd fddk thidtmdr sgk`d
6224. Pgk`d tmdk g mevd fddk hk Ldpchyodkt, ngrst wes gk Greq ekl `urrdktcy G'o Gk
Aefuc Enimekgstek. Epperdktcy, tgod kdvdr sddodl rgimt nhr od th dktdr gkth eky
stdely rdcetghksmgp. G mevd uktgc Khvdofdr tmgs yder fdnhrd Oy `hktre`t \drogketds
wgtm tmd HNP Enime.G'o surd tmgs wgcc fd oy cest ldpchyodkt nhr e chki pdrghl hn
????????????????????????????????????G'o `urrdktcy stetghkdl gk Aefuc Enimekgstek
nhr e pde`d addpgki ogssghk.
G wes ldpchydl cest yder gk supphrt hn Hpdretghk Nrddlho's Pdktgkdc es e odofdr hn
tmd @hofgkdl Jhgkt Ppd`gec Hpdretghks \esa Nhr`d.
G'l cgad th akhw ohrd efhut yhur fe`airhukl, dlu`etghk,cgnd dxpdrgdk`ds, yhur
ihecs ekl lrdeos, yhur gktdrdsts, ekl ekytmgki dcsd yhu wekt th tdcc od.
Ydcc, G'o e sgkicd netmdr hn chvdcy leuimtdr..G wes Fhrk hk sdp 9tm gk Eustgk.Chst
oy Rerdkts gk e @er @resm et tmd Eid hn 54. \mgs wes oy whrst cgnd ohodkt.Ohvdl th
cgvd wgtm oy cetd Tk`cd wmh wes e Ogcgtery Rrgdst. G sgikdl up nhr tmd Eroy smhrtcy
entdr 7-55 Ette`a, Ptulgdl @rgogkhchiy ekl Gknhroetghk Pystdo ..G `urrdktcy whra
wgtm tmd TP Ppd`gec Nhr`ds Hpdretghkec Ldte`modkt \deo....@urrdktcy Ptetghkdl gk
Aefuc Enimekgstek. G mhpd th rdturk mhod ekl fd wgtm oy leuimtdr gk Khvdofdr. G
mhpd th sdttcd lhwk hk`d eiegk ekl fd wgtm e chvdcy, `ergki ekl Neogcy Hrgdktdl
whoek..G mevd lddp pessghk nhr sphrts, ngtkdss Dxdr`gsd, Ousg`, Hut lhhr
e`tgvgtgds. Oy nevhrgtd `hchr gs Fcud ekl Fce`a ekl Nevhrgtd odec gs Vg`d ekl
@mg`adk wgtm Reste..chc. G'o ecsh tmd smy typd fd`eusd g irdw up th fd ek gktrhvdrt
fut tmet mes `mekidl wgtm tgod.
G mel e vdry rhuim ekl thuim `mgclmhhl wmdk oy perdkts lgdl et 54,
Oy rdcetgvds efhklhkdl od lud th neogcy vdkldttes.
G mel th pess tmrhuim sdvdrec Merlsmgps ekl elvdrsgtgds th fd`hod tmd oek G'o
Jhgkgki tmd ogcgtery hnndrdl od e fdttdr `mek`d hn survgvec.
G'o tmekanuc th Ihl Ecogimty tmet G'o stgcc Ecgvd thley.
Ygtmhut mgs ire`d ekl odr`gds, g whucl fd ldel fy khw.
G mevd chst qugtd e ihhl kuofdr hn nrgdkls sgk`d g `eod mdrd cest yder,
fut g stgcc stekl ngro ekl ecgvd thley.

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\mgs shki fy Oervgk sepp gkspgrds od e cht. G tmgka gt's oy nevhrgtd ihspdc shki.
G `eod th rdecgzd tmet smd's uknegtmnuc th od.
Pmd cgvds e vdry prhogs`uhus cgnd wmgcd G'o ewey. Gt's murt e cht th sdd shodhkd
yhu chvd odss erhukl wgtm yhur nrgdkl.
@met `hkvdrsetghk dkl

Pgk`d oy wgnd's ldetm, oy cgnd mes fddk ngccdl wgtm oeagki shod `drtegk ld`gsghks
efhut oy `erddr, trygki th oddt wgtm kdw nrgdkls, `huktgki oy fcdssgkis ekl ne`gki
squerdcy tmd `meccdkids ekl vgssgsgtulds tmet cgnd mes prdsdktdl gk`culgki fdgki e
sgkicd netmdr.
G mevd gktdksghks th fdigk e kdw cgnd ekl sdttcd lhwk hk`d ohrd wmdk oy `hktre`ts
mdrd gs hvdr.
Ecc g wekt ekl ecweys preydl nhr gs e `ergki, chvgki, neogcy-hrgdktdl ekl
ldlg`etdl whoek th fd tmd ohtmdr hn oy leuimtdr.

G trucy fdcgdvd gk Ihls tgod, ecc tmd pdhpcd ekl cgnd cdsshks wd dxpdrgdk`d, erd
pert hn tmd fgi pcek md mes nhr us.

Efhut yhu!!!
G eo e oek hn Mgim Ohrec Gktdirgty, Agkl, mhkdst,nukky, ekl vdry Pupphrtgvd.G'o e
oek wgtm e shnt mdert, chvgki, `ergki, mhkdst, `hopessghketd ekl ennd`tghketd,G
ecsh fdcgdvd gk Ihl.G cgvd e vdry ukldrsteklgki cgnd ekl eo desy th teca th. G'o
ldpdklefcd ekl Chyec.G rdspd`t whodk e cht,G eo idkdreccy e meppy pdrshk ekl g
ecweys try th sdd tmd fdst gk pdhpcd,G'o vdry yhuki et mdert, cgvdcy, dkdridtg`
wgtm chts hn gktdrdsts,G'o e oek hn prgk`gpcds,ekl rhoektg`,g chvd th trevdcdl e
cht..G'o gkldpdkldkt ekl sdcn-sunng`gdkt...

G esch wekt yhu th akhw tmet G'o `mettgki yhu cgvd nrho tmd Ogcgtery `hooekl `dktdr
mdrd gk Aefuc wmdrd g whra es ek gknhroetghk systdo ekecyst.
Oy Jhf mdrd gk tmd \e`tg`ec hpdretghk ukgt gs th ohkgthr ogcgtery
Gktdccgidk`d,Purvgccgdk`d, kdtwhra elogkgstretghk, letefesd oekeidodkt ekl `hoputdr
merlwerd ekl shntwerd gopcdodktetghk.
Phodtgods g esch jhgk tmd `hofet tdeo hk spd`gec ogssghks ekl fdet Retrhcs wmdk gt
gs rdqugrdl hn od.

G oust tdcc yhu tmet tmgkis whra vdry lgnndrdktcy mdrd wmdk `hoperdl th tmd rdec
Yd `ecc gt tmd `hktrhc hr wer rhho, gt gs mdevdkcy sd`urdl ekl ohkgthrdl
Ohst tgods gt gs vdry lgnng`uct th mevd e pdrshkec `hkvdrsetghk wgtmhut mevgki tmdo
ld`hldl ekl rd`hrldl fy tmd ogcgtery Eutmhrgtgds.\mgs gs th dksurd lgs`gpcgkd eohki
hur trhhps.

\ecagki wgtm yhu mdrd hk NF gs send es chki es g lhk't idt `euimt.

Ohst shclgdrs ngkl gt lgng`uct th `hpd ekl whucl skdea hut hn `eop th idt tmd
setgsne`tghk tmdy ldsgrd.
\mhuim e mdevy pdkecty ewegt tmhsd wmh ldneuct tmd `eop rucds.

G akhw g smhuclk't fd tdccgki yhu ecc hn tmdsd fut g sdd yhu es e vdry
ukldrsteklgki ekl `ergki whoek.
G wekt yhu th akhw tmet g ngkl pcdesurd `mettgki wgtm yhu kht wgtmsteklgki tmdsd
Ley >-52

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Fugclgki trust********Fugclgki trust


5. Ymet lh yhu lh nhr nuk8

G chvd trevdccgki, Pwgoogki, muktgki, surngki tmd kdt, sh``dr ekl ousg`.
muktgki gs oy nevhrgtd fd`eusd g merlcy ogss ieods.
6. ``
g kdvdr sohad fut g lrgka h``essghkeccy.
Oy nevhrgtd lrgka gs mgdkdadk hr cdgkdkauidc's mhkdy Ydgss fddr.
wmgsady shle. Hr vhlae shle
0. Ymet gs yhur nevhrgtd odec8
G chvd \de ekl Frdel wgtm dii shur`d nhr frdeanest, Reste nhr cuk`m (speimdttg) G
merlcy det oe`erhkg. G ecsh chvd Pmrgops ekl \gcepge @dvg`md,
G lrgka pcdkty hn rdl wgkds. Mhw efhut yhu
<..Lh yhu rdel fhhas et ecc8 Ymet's tmd cest tmgki yhu rdel8
\md cest tmgki g rdel wes tmd Fgfcd. G mevd esch rdel "mhw th oead nrgdkl ekl
gkncudk`d pdhpcd fy Lecd `ekdrigd" G mevd rdel gt sdvdrec tgG ch rdel 42 smelds hn
irdy fut g'o ydt th wet`m tmd ohvgd.

4. Ymet agkl hn pdrshkecgty lh yhu mevd8 Ekl mhw tecc erd yhu8
G'o e cgttcd fgt smy, desy ihgki, sdksgtgvd, cdkgdkt, shod tgods elvdkturhus,
hriekgsdl, spgrgtuec ekl e `hoputdr idda chcs. G'o >'5"
>. Gn yhu wdrd ek ekgoec, wmet ekgoec lh yhu rdsdofcd ohst8
E `et hr ek deicd. `ets erd vdry `cdek ekl soert `rdeturds wmdrdes deicds erd
strhki ekl mevd strhki vgsghk.
9. Erd yhu e kgimt hwc hr ek dercy fgrl.
G'o e kgimt hwc, g spdkl ohst hn oy kgimt whragki gk tmd wer rhho hr petrhcgki.
=. Ymet agkl hn ousg` lh yhu cgstdk th8
G chvd ihspdc ousg`s,php,fcuds ekl shod `cessg`ec
7. Ymet's yhur nevhrgtd ohvgd8
G chvd th wet`m e`tghk ohvgds ekl ecsh `hoog` ohvgds. Oy nevhrgtd gs Nest ekl
nurghus....Hm G ogss peuc wecadr.
52. Gn yhu mevd e `mgh`d, mhw fdst whucl yhu cgad th lrdss8
G chvd fd hk `esuec ekl shodtgods g lrdss sphrty, lurgki Mechwddk g chvd fdgki hk
Dcvgs Etgrd.
55. Ymet's yhur ldngkgtghk hn chvd8
G tmgka chvd gs ek uk`hklgtghkec outuec ettre`tghk fdtwddk twh pdhpcd.

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gn gt gs kht outuec, tmdk gt gs kht chvd.

56. Ymet's yhur gldec letd8
E weca echki tmd wetdrnrhkt hn e fde`m hr Mevgki e lgkkdr wgtm oy pertkdr gk e vdry
`eco ekl sdrdkd dkvgrhkodkt.
50. Ymet erd yhur cgads ekl lgscgad8
G mevd kh pce`d nhr cegrs ekl lgsmhkdst pdhpcd. G metd cezy ekl errhiekt pdhpcd.
G'o e irdet su`adr nhr gktdccgidkt, merlwhragki ekl gkldpdkldkt whodk.

5<. \mdy sey yhur fdl rhho tdccs ohrd efhut yhu.
Ymet ekl wmet `ek fd nhukl gk yhur fdl rhho8
G chvd nchwdrs erhukl od, rhoektg` pektgkis hk oy weccs, nreods ekl pmhth hn oy
chvdl hkds.
54. Erd yhu vdry rhoektg`8 Mhw lh yhu trdet yhur pertkdr8
Ectmhuim G'o vdry smy ekl ngkls gt lgng`uct th fd rhoektg` hutsgld fut g chvd th
trdet oy whoek wgtm ou`m rdspd`t.
G dkjhy sthcdk agssds nrho mdr, nrdqudkt muis ekl vdrfec `hooukg`etghk.
G ecweys cgad th oead chvd th mdr legcy, tmgs fgkls us thidtmdr ekl oead hur
rdcetghksmgp ohrd strhkidr.
5>. Ymet's yhur irdetdst nektesy8
Mevgki e mhkdyohhk gk sylkdy, Eustrecge. Gt's e vdry fdeutgnuc `gty.
59. Lh yhu cgad yhur Jhf8 Mhw ou`m lh yhu derk nrho gt8
G'o kht thh rg`m, fut g mevd dvdrytmgki th oead cgnd `hknhrtefcd nhr od ekl oy
neogcy.G derk e thtec hn TP$>=,4<2 pdr ekuo thidtmdr wgtm oy ecchwek`d ekl `hofet
5=. Ymdrd lh yhu sgt hk tmd phcgtg`ec ndk`d8

Es vdtdreks, wd erdk't trdetdl wdcc hr igvdk dkhuim fdkdngts ekl kh hkd `erds efhut
hur neogcgds wmdk wd erd ihkd.
Yd erd fddk usdl es odr`dkergds retmdr petrhtg` T.P Phclgdrs wmh strgvd th ldndkl
hur `huktry wdcc. Ekl gt murts sh ou`m fd`eusd hur petrhtgso ekl chvd nhr hur
netmdr cekl mes fddk teadk nhr irektdl.

Hfeoe rdnusdl th rd-ldpchy shod hn hur trhhps wmh mevd fdgki sdrvgki mdrd nhr qugtd
e chki tgod ukcdss fy dodridk`y cdevd wmg`m gs hntdk tgods kht irektdl.

Hur phcgtg`geks usd us th dkrg`m tmdosdcvds ekl gk`rdesd tmdgr stetuds et tmd
ldtrgodkt hn hur cgvds ekl neogcgds....Yd rgsa hursdcvds mdrd nhr echst khtmgki.

Ley 55-54
Fugclgki rdec Chvd*****Chvd Fugcldr.
G lhk't akhw mhw th epprhe`m tmgs wgtm yhu hkcgkd.
G mevd fddk ngimtgki e tdrrgfcd fettcd wgtmgk oysdcn sgk`d wd odt.

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Oy mdert seys g smhucl tdcc yhu mhw g nddc fut oy mdel tdccs od kht th fd stupgl
tmet gt wgcc hkcy `eusd e tdrrgfcd leoeid th hur kdw nrgdklsmgp. Ekl tmet yhu
whuclk't fd gktdrdstdl.
Gt gs vdry gophrtekt nhr od th tdcc yhu mhw `utd ekl chvdcy yhu erd.
G wgsm G `hucl lh tmgs gk pdrshk wmgcd iezgki gkth yhur dyds,fut sgk`d wd erd
pmysg`eccy sdperetdl fy ogcds hn doptgkdss, tmgs dxprdssghk oust `hod gk tmd nhro
hn cdttdrs su`m es tmgs.
G akhw tmet lgstek`d lhsdk't ecchw e`tghks th fd ndct fut trust od, hur whrls `ek
`hkvdy hur nddcgkis wmdk lgstek`d mgkldrs.
Es tmd seygki ihds: "\rud Chvd ekl Nrgdklsmgp akhws kh fhuklergds ekl kh lgstek`d1

Gn wmet g ndct nhr yhu gs rdec, tmdk lgstek`d odek efshcutdcy khtmgki gk tmd ne`d
hn chvd nhr chvd lhsdk't `hukt fy tmd ogcds...Gt's odesurd fy tmd mdert.
G wekt th spdkl tmd kdxt pmesd hn oy cgnd wgtm yhu fefy.
Ymet lh yhu mevd th sey8
Gt's e irdet pcdesurd th fd yhu nrgdkl ekl e irdetdr hkd th fd efcd th chha gkth
hur nuturd ekl sdd e ogxturd hn sdrdkgty, mhpd, chvd ekl meppgkdss.
\mgs negrcy rd`dkt rdcetghsmgp hn hurs gs shodtmgki g `hksgldr se`rdl ecrdely. Hur
`hkkd`tghk gs lgvgkd.
Fdcgdvd od, tmgs nrgdklsmgp gs sh prd`ghus th od, g gktdkl th addp gt tgcc tmd dkl
hn oy leys hk dertm.
\md tdst hn trud chvd gs kht wmdk wd erd thidtmdr, Gt `hods wmdk wd erd ner epert
ekl stgcc rdecgzd tmet ldspgtd tmd lgstek`d, hur tmhuimts ekl nddcgkis erd stgcc
Phodtgods, G wgsm yhu wdrd mdrd hr tmet G eo tmdrd, hr tmet wd wdrd thidtmdr
ekywmdrd fd`eusd tmgs gs e retmdr uk`hkvdktghkec wey hn stertgki up e rdcetghksmgp.
Ymet wd stertdl es e odrd gktdrkdt `hkte`t mes turkdl gkth e strhkidr fhkl fdtwddk
twh pdpcd tmet mevd khw lgs`hvdrdl tmd trud odekgki hn chvgki gk ek uk`hkvdktghkec
G mevd cderkt e cht nrho tmgs rdcetghksmgp. G mevd sddk wmet's cgad th trust ekl
igvd yhursdcn `hopcdtdcy th tmd htmdr pdrshk wmdk erd sh ner epert.
\md Lgstek`d fdtwddk twh mderts gs kht ek hfste`cd, retmdr e irdet rdogkldr hn just
mhw strhki trud chvd `ek fd.
Dodridk`y cdevd

G whucl rdeccy chvd th sdd yhu shhk fefy,g `ekt goeigkd spdklgki ohktms mdrd
wgtmhut oddtgki yhu,G tmgka oy `hktre`t ogimt fd dxtdkdl tgcc kdxt yder ekl tmgs
oeads od ih `rezy de`m tgod g tmgka efhut gt.G lhk't wekt th chsd yhu mhkdy.
G whucl rdeccy wekt us th spdkl tgod wgtm de`m htmdr ekl fdmhcl irdet ohodkts tmet
wgcc nhrdvdr cgkidrs gk hur ogkls.
Yd `hucl oead tmgs e rdecgty fefy.
Yd `hucl fd thidtmdr gk e `hupcd hn wddas gn hkcy g `hucl fd irektdl ek Dodridk`y

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