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Community pantry is a project that was made for the sake of those who are in need, it all started
with a lady who set up a bamboo cart in Maginhawa, Quezon City where individuals could get food and
different fundamentals free of charge, or give food items that their families could share to other people.
At first look, we could say that doing a community pantry is indeed a good and humane action that can be
made by any one of us but for the eyes of those who do not appreciate this, they might see this as just a
way of how rich people let their community know how rich they are and that they are capable of helping
other people too.

From that point forward, a few other community pantries inspired by Ana Patricia Non have
grown at traffic intersections and on sidewalks in different parts of Quezon City, Manila, Laguna,
Batangas, and Rizal Province. People took the courage to help one another, despite a shortage of stocks in
their own homes; they were willing to give and take for the sake of helping one another.

Close to tables that hold little repacked packs of rice, vegetables, canned products, new eggs, and
fixings hang cardboard signs, generally hand-lettered, that bears the Tagalog interpretation of "From each
according to his ability; to each according to his needs" and this basic tribute: "Inspired by the
Maginhawa Community Pantry. The pantry caught the attention of some citizens and from that moment
on, it is easier to gather products and funds which is to be given to the ones who need them.

Despite all these positive things regarding the community pantries, there are some negative things
that laid beyond this matter, some people interpret this as just propaganda of showcasing wealth, in other
words, they think that the rich people are just being too proud of what they could do for the community
when the fact is most of the people who initiated community pantry in their area are not wealthy but also
lives with a middle-class social status, they tend to do this by raising funds in different ways which is
such a heroic deed to be considered. This downside of the story where people think negatively regarding
good deeds reflects the reality where no matter what you do, and regardless of your intentions; people
will always have something to say to you; they are always willing to judge and make it an issue that you
were not doing it right. Some will blame the community pantry's coordinators and contributors for
goodness flagging. Furthermore, it would not be amazing at all if somebody somehow happened to
attempt to red-tag the members.

For a few of us, hunger is a trial of self-discipline, a state we briefly suffer in light of the fact that
we notice some type of irregular fasting. For other people, it is a genuine and day-by-day danger. Due to
this matter, it is important for us to know that we could do something for our fellow citizens who need our
help and that we could start the change that we are longing to have and experience. Poverty is one of the
biggest social issues here in our nation, considering that we could lessen the hunger of some people
around us will surely be of great help for the whole society.

The said projects do not guarantee concrete longevity, how long each one continues to work will
rely upon the resourcefulness, wellbeing, and responsibility of every family, individual, or casual
association behind it. A portion of the evidently better-coordinated ones in Metro Manila has discovered
partners in nearby ranchers, who sell or give their produce. One gathering seems to offer free HIV
screening, notwithstanding the free food supplies. More innovative arrangements will undoubtedly turn
up in the near future which is brighter if doing good deeds will be consistent.

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