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A Look at…

Third Grade
in California Public Schools
and the
Common Core State Standards


October 2011 Edition

Third-Grade Curriculum .................................................................................................................................. 3.1

English Language Arts ...................................................................................................................................... 3.2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 3.2
What Third-Grade Students Should Know ...................................................................................................... 3.2
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................... 3.3
Reading ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.3
Writing ......................................................................................................................................................... 3.5
Speaking and Listening ................................................................................................................................ 3.5
Language ...................................................................................................................................................... 3.6
Extra Support for Struggling Readers .............................................................................................................. 3.7
Support for English Learners ........................................................................................................................... 3.8
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.13
Mathematics ..................................................................................................................................................... 3.21
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.21
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.21
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.22
Operations and Algebraic Thinking ........................................................................................................... 3.22
Number and Operations in Base Ten ......................................................................................................... 3.22
Number and Operations—Fractions .......................................................................................................... 3.23
Measurement and Data .............................................................................................................................. 3.23
Geometry.................................................................................................................................................... 3.23
Support for English Learners ......................................................................................................................... 3.24
Transition to the Common Core State Standards........................................................................................... 3.24
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.28
CCSS Domains .......................................................................................................................................... 3.33
History–Social Science ..................................................................................................................................... 3.34
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.34
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.34
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.35

Geography of the Local Region ................................................................................................................. 3.35
American Indians of the Local Region ...................................................................................................... 3.35
Development of the Local Community: Change Over Time..................................................................... 3.35
American Citizens, Symbols, and Government ......................................................................................... 3.36
Economics of the Local Region: Choices, Costs, and Human Capital ...................................................... 3.37
The Education and the Environment Initiative .............................................................................................. 3.37
Support for English Learners ......................................................................................................................... 3.38
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.38
Science ............................................................................................................................................................... 3.42
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.42
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.42
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.43
Physical Sciences (Energy and Matter) ..................................................................................................... 3.43
Physical Sciences (Light) ........................................................................................................................... 3.43
Life Sciences .............................................................................................................................................. 3.44
Earth Sciences ............................................................................................................................................ 3.44
Investigation and Experimentation ............................................................................................................ 3.44
The Education and the Environment Initiative .............................................................................................. 3.45
Science Across the Content Areas ................................................................................................................. 3.45
Support for English Learners ......................................................................................................................... 3.46
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.46
Visual and Performing Arts ............................................................................................................................ 3.49
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.49
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.49
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.49
Dance ......................................................................................................................................................... 3.49
Music.......................................................................................................................................................... 3.50
Theatre ....................................................................................................................................................... 3.50
Visual Arts ................................................................................................................................................. 3.50
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.51
Key Content Standards .............................................................................................................................. 3.51
Health ................................................................................................................................................................ 3.58
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.58
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.58
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.59
Growth and Development .......................................................................................................................... 3.59
Mental, Emotional, and Social Health ....................................................................................................... 3.59
Personal and Community Health ............................................................................................................... 3.60
Support for English Learners ......................................................................................................................... 3.60
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.61
Physical Education ........................................................................................................................................... 3.65
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.65
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.65
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.66
Overarching Standard 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to
perform a variety of physical activities. ..................................................................................................... 3.66

Overarching Standard 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and

strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. ............................................ 3.66

Overarching Standard 3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health
and performance........................................................................................................................................ 3.67

Overarching Standard 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles,

and strategies to improve health and performance..................................................................................... 3.67

Overarching Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and

sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical
activity........................................................................................................................................................ 3.67

Support for English Learners ......................................................................................................................... 3.68

Support for Students with Special Needs....................................................................................................... 3.68
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.69
World Languages ............................................................................................................................................. 3.73
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.73
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.73
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.73
Organization of the Standards ........................................................................................................................ 3.74
Content ....................................................................................................................................................... 3.74
Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 3.74
Cultures ...................................................................................................................................................... 3.75

Structures ................................................................................................................................................... 3.75
Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 3.75
Stages of Proficiency ..................................................................................................................................... 3.75
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.76
School Library.................................................................................................................................................. 3.78
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.78
What Third-Grade Students Should Know .................................................................................................... 3.78
What Students Learn in Third Grade ............................................................................................................. 3.78
The Standards................................................................................................................................................. 3.80

Third-Grade Curriculum

What will my child learn in third grade?

I’ve been teaching fifth grade, and this year I’ve been reassigned to third
grade. What does the third-grade curriculum look like?

I’m the principal of a small, private elementary school, and I want to be

sure my students are meeting the state’s standards. How can I find out
what students are expected to learn at each grade?

In August 2010, the state recently adopted the Common Core State Standards for English language arts and
mathematics. How will the new standards enhance third-grade curriculum?

This chapter is organized by sections for each subject, describing what students should know and be able to
do by the end of third grade. Each section includes a brief overview of what the student should have learned
before entering third grade, followed by a description of the third-grade standards. Each subject concludes with
a list of the third-grade standards for that content area. The English language arts and mathematics sections
include the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS), with California additions.
For a more in-depth discussion of each subject, please consult the state-adopted curriculum frameworks for
kindergarten through grade twelve. The frameworks are posted on the CDE Curriculum and Instruction Web
page at

October 2011 Edition
English Language Arts


A crucial goal for English language arts instruction is that all students leave High-quality
third grade able to read fluently, effortlessly, independently, and enthusiastically. instruction is at the
Reading and the development of student literacy are key components of academic heart of all good
success. The ability to read, write, and use language effectively is the essential language arts
foundation for each student’s future. Students need to be competent in reading and programs and
English language arts to be able to obtain information in all content areas and nurtures both
communicate to others what they have learned. High-quality instruction is at the comprehension and
heart of all good language arts programs and nurtures both comprehension and fluency in word
fluency in word recognition. recognition.
Standards-based instruction is critical to developing students’ literacy and
proficiency in English language arts. The standards describe what students are expected to know and be able to
do by the end of the school year. In 2010, California adopted new standards in English language arts: the CCSS,
with California additions. The CCSS integrate the strands of English language arts: Reading, Writing, Speaking
and Listening, and Language. The new standards will be implemented gradually over the next several years as
curriculum frameworks, instructional materials, and assessments based on the CCSS are adopted.
There are many similarities between the CCSS and the 1997 California English language arts standards, but
there are some notable differences. For instance, in the CCSS, the standards in kindergarten through grade six
are divided into strands: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. The 1997 California English
language arts standards are organized around domains: Reading, Writing, Written and Oral English Language
Conventions, and Listening and Speaking. The CCSS often extend or enhance the content of the 1997
California English language arts standards. For example, the CCSS focus more on informational text, text-
analysis skills for reading comprehension, opinion pieces, informational/explanatory compositions, and
collaborative conversations about grade-level texts and topics.
This section provides an overview of the new CCSS for third-grade English language arts. It includes a
review of the important English language arts skills and concepts from second grade (prerequisite skills) and
guidance to ensure success for struggling readers, including English learners. A complete list of the third-grade
CCSS, with California additions, for English language arts can be found at the end of this section. A complete
list of the third-grade 1997 California English language arts standards is located on the CDE Content Standards
Web page at

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

In second grade, fluency, comprehension, and analysis were the focus of reading instruction. Students who
mastered the basic features of reading achieved grade-level fluency in oral and silent reading. Students asked
and answered clarifying questions about text (e.g., who, what, why) and used the features of text (e.g., headings,
bold type) to locate information in text. They learned to consider the author’s purpose when analyzing
informational text. Students used these strategies to better comprehend reading in all content areas. They also
learned more sophisticated strategies for analyzing literature. For example, they compared and contrasted
versions of the same story from different cultures.

October 2011 Edition
In second grade, students wrote compositions using standard English conventions. They learned to use
reference materials to locate information for their written compositions and oral reports. Students developed
initial skills in editing and revising text and applied those skills to their writing. They learned to give and follow
multistep directions, provide descriptive details when telling stories or recounting events, and structure their
oral presentations in a logical sequence. Students learned new vocabulary and academic language as they read
and spoke about grade-level texts and topics. They learned to use dictionaries and glossaries to clarify the
meaning of words and to check and correct their spelling. They used their knowledge of individual words to
predict the meaning of compound words and their knowledge of prefixes to determine the meaning of a new
word formed when a prefix was added to a known word.

What Students Learn in Third Grade

Third grade is often considered a pivotal year as instruction in phonics is phased out of the formal
curriculum. In third grade, increased emphasis is placed on vocabulary acquisition, comprehension strategies,
text analysis, language conventions, and writing.
Third-grade students learn to use context as an independent vocabulary strategy. They learn to refer to
information in the text when asking and answering questions about texts they have read. They apply analysis
strategies to determine the theme or central message of text. They learn about subject and verb agreement and
verb tenses and use that knowledge to write and speak in correct, complete sentences. As students learn more
English language conventions and acquire new vocabulary, they practice them in their writing assignments.

The following section is organized according to three major areas:

reading standards for literature, for informational text, and in foundational

Reading Standards for Literature

In third grade, students read and comprehend a wide variety of grade-
level literature, including fables, folktales, and myths from around the
world, as well as poetry and drama. They deepen their understanding of the
elements of narrative text. Theme is added to the story elements students
already know, which enhances their comprehension and appreciation of
stories. As students add to their understanding of character as an element of a story, they may need prompts or
structures to assist in the analysis of character. This framework, or map, may be a simple structure that makes
visible and obvious the traits that students should recognize.
In both the 1997 California English language arts standards and the CCSS, comprehension skills focus on
the plot, characters, and the author’s message or the theme of the text. Students learn to identify and
comprehend basic plots of fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from diverse cultures. They
determine what characters are like based on how the author or illustrator portrays them. With instruction and
practice, students learn to determine the underlying theme or the author’s message in fiction. Students generate
and respond to essential questions about a text and explicitly refer to information in the text to answer
questions. Identifying answers in the text is one way students demonstrate their comprehension of the text.
The CCSS introduce additional skills and strategies for analyzing and comprehending literature. For
example, one 1997 California English language arts standard calls for students to determine the underlying
theme or author’s message. A comparable standard from the CCSS builds on this basic analytical skill by asking
students to explain how the message is conveyed through the key details of the text. Under the CCSS, students

October 2011 Edition
not only determine what characters are like based on what the author says about them, but also learn to describe
the characters based on their traits, motives, and feelings. In addition, students learn how the characters’ actions
contribute to the sequence of events and to distinguish their own point of view from those of the characters.
Under the CCSS, students learn to distinguish between literal and nonliteral language and to determine the
meaning of words and phrases in context. Students use academic language (e.g., chapter, scene, stanza) when
writing or speaking about stories, dramas, and poems. They learn about the relationship between the
illustrations and the words in a story and how they work together to create a mood or emphasize aspects of a
character or setting. They compare and contrast stories written by one author that have the same or similar
characters (e.g., in books from a series).

Reading Standards for Informational Text

As students are expected to read more informational text in English language arts and other third-grade
subjects, comprehension becomes increasingly important. A student’s success in developing complex reading
comprehension skills depends upon a progressive approach. Such an approach
As students are expected will at first use text in which the main idea is clear and explicitly stated. The ideas
to read more follow a logical order and then progress to longer passages with more complex
informational text in structures in which main ideas are not explicit. A similar progression from texts
English language arts with familiar topics to texts with unfamiliar topics supports students’ learning of
and other third-grade comprehension strategies.
subjects, comprehension Both the 1997 California English language arts standards and the CCSS
becomes increasingly reflect the importance of comprehension and text-analysis skills and strategies for
important. students’ academic success. Students learn to identify the main idea and
supporting details of informational texts and to recall the major points in a text.
They demonstrate their understanding of a text by asking questions about what they have read. Another way
students demonstrate their understanding is to use information found in the text as a basis for answers to
questions about it. Students learn to locate information efficiently using the features of text (e.g., titles, chapter
headings, indexes).
The CCSS focus more on informational text than do the 1997 California English language arts standards and
present additional skills and strategies for analyzing and comprehending informational text. These additional
skills and strategies provide students with tools for a deeper analysis of informational texts, including history–
social science, science, and technical texts. Students learn to recognize the relationship between a series of
historical events, scientific ideas, or steps in a technical procedure and describe the relationship in language that
pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. Students learn and use vocabulary development strategies to
determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in texts on third-grade
topics. They use information from illustrations, such as maps and photographs, along with the text, to
demonstrate their understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why key events occur). Students also learn to
identify and then describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g.,
first, second, third in a sequence). They compare and contrast the most important points and key details
presented in two texts on the same subject. They also learn to use digital search tools (e.g., key words,
hyperlinks) to efficiently locate relevant information on a given topic.

Reading Standards in Foundational Skills

In third grade, the CCSS and the 1997 California English language art standards focus less on phonics than
in previous grades. Students who have learned strategies for analyzing words through explicit decoding
instruction in earlier grades are ready to learn and apply more sophisticated word-recognition skills. For
example, they learn how to decode multisyllabic words. Under the 1997 California English language arts
standards, students also learn to use complex word families (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words.

October 2011 Edition
The CCSS call for students to read grade-appropriate, irregularly spelled words and to decode words in both
isolation and text. Students also learn to decode words with common Latin suffixes. They learn to recognize,
and know the meaning of most common prefixes and derivational suffixes.
Third-grade students understand the basic features of language and apply their knowledge to reading
literature and informational text. With practice, opportunities to read high-quality texts, and teacher modeling
and feedback, students become fluent in silent and oral reading of grade-level texts. They learn to read grade-
level narrative and informational texts aloud with accuracy, appropriate pacing, and expression. The CCSS
extend these expectations by also calling for students to read with purpose and understanding. Students are to
use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

For students to become effective and persuasive writers, they need
daily explicit instruction in writing and time to practice and apply what
they have learned. When skills, strategies, and structures are introduced
progressively, students’ writing improves throughout the school year.
Students are able to extend their writing to other subjects if instruction in
writing is purposefully connected to other academic areas and then
incorporated into specific writing tasks.
Both the 1997 California English language arts standards and the
CCSS call for students to write legibly in cursive with correct spacing,
demonstrate a command of grade-level English language conventions, edit and revise their writing, and provide
descriptive details in their writing pieces. Yet there are also many differences between the two sets of standards.
The CCSS are more detailed and set higher expectations for third-grade students. The 1997 California English
language arts standards focus on writing short narratives and personal and formal letters and invitations. Under
the CCSS, students write opinion pieces and informational/explanatory texts in addition to narratives. They
write routinely over both short (a single sitting, a day or two) and long (several days with time for research and
revision) time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
The expectations for students’ writing are clearly delineated in the CCSS. For example, students learn to
write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic, state an opinion, create an organizational structure that
provides reasons supporting the opinion, and end with a concluding statement. Students also learn to use linking
words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore) to connect the opinion to its supporting reasons. Students learn and
practice similar skills and concepts when writing informational/explanatory texts that examine a topic and
convey ideas and information clearly. They write narratives that develop experiences or events using descriptive
details and a clear sequence of events.
Students learn to use technology to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with
others. Students also learn to use technology to gather information, take notes, and then sort into categories.
They also use these information-gathering skills and strategies with print sources and practice them as they
conduct short research projects.

Speaking and Listening

The connections across the language arts domains (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) have particular
significance for developing students’ speaking and listening skills. Students use the comprehension skills and
strategies they learn by reading literature and informational texts to comprehend what a speaker has said. Their
oral presentations reflect the organizational structures (a central idea, descriptive details, a conclusion) of both
what they have read and their own writing. They learn to use the same English-language conventions for
speaking in complete, grammatically correct sentences that they use in their writing.

October 2011 Edition
Both the 1997 California English language arts standards and the CCSS focus on students’ listening and
comprehension skills, their responses to questions and others’ comments, and the
organization of their oral presentations. Students not only learn to comprehend and Students learn to plan
explain what a speaker has said, but also learn how to link their experiences and and deliver
insights to those of a speaker and respond with appropriate elaboration and detail presentations that are
when asked about what they have heard. Students learn to plan and deliver organized
presentations that are organized chronologically or around major points of chronologically or
information, follow a logical sequence, include concrete details to support the around major points of
main idea, and provide a conclusion. They learn to use clear and specific information, follow a
vocabulary to communicate ideas and set a tone. Students also learn to read prose logical sequence,
and poetry with fluidity, at an understandable pace, and in an engaging manner. include concrete details
They learn how to use visual displays or props (objects, pictures, charts) to clarify to support the main
and enhance their oral presentations. idea, and provide a
In addition, the CCSS emphasize collaborative discussions in which students conclusion.
practice both their speaking and their listening skills. Students engage in
collaborative discussions on third-grade topics and texts with diverse partners and in different groupings (one­
on-one, in groups, or teacher-led), building on others’ ideas as well as expressing their own. They learn to
explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion and to ask questions to check their
understanding of information given during the discussion. Third-grade students are expected to come to these
discussions prepared, having read or studied the required material. Students learn to draw on their preparation
and other knowledge of the topic to explore the ideas under discussion. They follow agreed-upon rules for
discussion, such as gaining the floor in respectful ways and speaking one at a time about the topic under
discussion. These collaborative discussions also provide students with opportunities to practice the academic
language and domain-specific vocabulary from reading literature and informational text and listening to

In third grade, students are expected to write and speak with a command of the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage appropriate to their grade level. Students learn about subject-verb agreement, the
proper use of verb tenses, and the correct use of pronouns and adjectives. They demonstrate their knowledge in
their writing and speaking. They learn new rules for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, though the
specific rules they learn vary between the 1997 California English language arts standards and the CCSS. For
example, under the 1997 California English language arts standards for third grade, students learn to punctuate
dates, cities and states, and titles of books correctly. Under the CCSS, students learn to capitalize the
appropriate words in a title.
There are more standards on English language conventions in the CCSS than in the 1997 California English
language arts standards, and they cover a broader range of conventions in grammar, usage, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling. Students learn about and are able to explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs in general, as well as their functions in particular sentences. Students learn to use
abstract nouns (e.g., childhood) and to use reciprocal pronouns correctly. They learn the difference between
comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs and to choose the correct form, depending on what is being
modified. They learn to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and practice what they have learned by
writing and speaking in compound and complex sentences.
Students learn and apply in their writing the correct spelling and use of possessives, spelling patterns and
generalizations (e.g., word families, syllable patterns, ending rules), and conventional spelling for high-
frequency and other studied words. They also learn to add suffixes to base words to form new words. They
learn to choose words and phrases for effect. To support their narrative writing, students learn to use commas
October 2011 Edition
and quotation marks in dialogue. As students learn language conventions, they recognize the differences
between the conventions of spoken and written standard English.
In the 1997 California English language arts standards, vocabulary development standards are found in the
Reading strand. In the CCSS, standards for vocabulary acquisition and use are found in the Language strand.
Both the 1997 California English language arts standards and the CCSS cover basic strategies for students to
determine the meaning of words.
As they become better independent readers, students also acquire additional vocabulary on their own.
Students learn to use glossaries and beginning dictionaries to access and understand the meaning of unknown
words. They use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word. They also learn to determine the
meaning of new words formed by adding prefixes or suffixes to known words.
The 1997 California English language arts standards for vocabulary development call for students to use
their knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meaning of words. In
addition, students learn about and can explain the hierarchical relationship among grade-level words (e.g., living
things/animal/mammal/dog). The CCSS emphasize another kind of word
Students acquire and relationship—real-life connections—as well as nuances in word meanings. To better
use words and understand the meaning of words, students identify the real-life connections between
phrases that signal words and their use (e.g., describe people who are friendly or helpful). Students
spatial and temporal acquire and use words and phrases that signal spatial and temporal relationships.
relationships. They also learn to distinguish shades of meaning among related words that describe
states of mind or degrees of certainty (e.g., knew, believed, suspected). A new skill for
third-grade students is to distinguish between the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context
(e.g., beat the clock). Students use new conversational, academic, and domain-specific words in their writing
and speaking, a practice that helps students remember the new words they have learned.

Extra Support for Struggling Readers

By the end of third grade, students are expected to be fluent, independent readers, reading with accuracy that
supports their comprehension of literature and informational text. Students who are not proficient in word-
analysis skills are likely to experience academic difficulties. Early screening and intervention address specific
weaknesses in a timely manner. Struggling readers—any students experiencing difficulty learning to read,
which may include those who use nonstandard English, English learners, and students with disabilities—need
additional support to participate in daily lessons with their peers and to ensure they will become proficient in
third-grade reading skills. Instructional support for students should include:

 flexible groupings for differentiated instruction;

 opportunities to preteach key skills, strategies, and concepts;

 direct, explicit instruction in decoding and word-recognition skills;

 preteaching and reteaching of prefixes and suffixes;

 direct, explicit instruction in language development to address grammatical structures of oral and written
standard English;

 vocabulary instruction embedded in context, including academic language;

October 2011 Edition
 building of background knowledge;

 reinforcement and extension of the regular classroom program.

Support for English Learners

English language development (ELD) is a critical component of the language arts program for English
learners and comes with direct, explicit, and systematic instruction in reading and writing. Instructional
programs for English learners are planned according to the students’ assessed level of literacy (reading and
writing) in English and their primary language as well as their proficiency in English (listening, speaking,
reading, and writing). Students with strong literacy skills in their primary language are at an advantage: They
can concentrate on learning English rather than on receiving initial instruction in reading and writing. However,
the greater cognitive demands of the academic program in third grade require that students move quickly to
more advanced English vocabulary and language structures.
English learners should receive intensive instruction in vocabulary development and academic language
instruction to succeed in language arts and other content areas at their grade level. English learners benefit from
instructional strategies such as preteaching concepts, vocabulary, and the grammatical features of key
vocabulary, as well as having opportunities to use new vocabulary in their reading, speaking, and writing
assignments. They also benefit from instruction that includes context, but they must first understand the
concepts presented in the text. They must know the grammatical features, idioms, and vocabulary words used to
define or explain the unfamiliar word under study. Prior to reading, English learners may need additional
activities that explain cultural references. English learners benefit from additional opportunities to read texts
that contain similar vocabulary words and grammatical structures; such opportunities give students repeated
exposure to the new words and structures being studied.
English learners who have limited academic experience and language skills require intensive, systematic
instruction in oral and written language. Formal linguistic instruction for English learners includes learning
common phrases, language patterns, and idiomatic expressions. In addition, instruction includes oral language
development, with special attention given to phonological, morphological, syntactical, and semantic structures
of English.
Teachers should not assume that English learners will acquire the rules of grammar governing the use of
words at the same time they acquire the meaning of the words. To teach students grammar and the functions of
words, teachers provide students with explicit instruction, model words in speech and writing, encourage
students to use new words in sentences, and, in longer text, provide students with corrective feedback on their
use of new words. As students learn grammar and the functions of common nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs,
and adjectives, they practice them in both speaking and writing. (For a more extensive list of the conventions of
grammar, refer to the “Transition to the Common Core State Standards with California Additions: Planning
ELD Instruction” chart that follows.)
Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) is one instructional
strategy to meet the needs of English learners. For additional resources to support
the teaching of English learners, please visit the CDE English Learners Web page at The CDE has published an excellent resource,
Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches (2010b),
that provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date strategies to serve English
learners. Guidelines for using ELD and SDAIE strategies are provided, as well as
recommended instructional practices. Information on the publication is available at
the CDE Press Web page at

October 2011 Edition
English learners need additional time for appropriate instructional support. The CCSS set rigorous
expectations for student learning, and ELD instruction must accommodate these enhanced expectations. The
following chart illustrates the enhancements in the CCSS for English language arts that may affect ELD
instruction. This chart provides teachers with initial guidance in planning effective ELD instruction.

Transition to the Common Core State Standards

with California Additions
Planning ELD Instruction: Third Grade
Reading Standards 5. Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a
for Literature text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each
successive part builds on earlier sections.

9. Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the
same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series).

10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories,
dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band
independently and proficiently.

Reading Standards 3. Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas
for Informational or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that
Text pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.

5. Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to
locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.

9. Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in
two texts on the same topic.

10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including
history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades
2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Reading 3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding
Standards: words both in isolation and in text.
Foundational Skills
b. Decode words with common Latin suffixes.

c. Decode multisyllable words.

d. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

October 2011 Edition
a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.

b. Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and
expression on successive readings.

c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and

understanding, rereading as necessary.

Writing Standards 1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.

a. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and
create an organizational structure that lists reasons.

b. Provide reasons that support the opinion.

c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for
example) to connect opinion and reasons.

d. Provide a concluding statement or section.

2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and

information clearly.

b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.

c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to
connect ideas within categories of information.

d. Provide a concluding statement or section.

3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using

effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

b. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop

experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations.

c. Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order.

d. Provide a sense of closure.

4. With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the
development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade
specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)

5. With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions
should demonstrate command of Language standards 1–3 up to and including
grade 3.)

October 2011 Edition
6. With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish
writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with

8. Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and

digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided

10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and
revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range
of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Speaking and 1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in

Listening groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts,
Standards building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material;

explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the
topic to explore ideas under discussion.

c. Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on

topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others.

d. Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.

2. Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or
information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually,
quantitatively, and orally.

4. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate

facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable

a. Plan and deliver an informative/explanatory presentation on a topic

that: organizes ideas around major points of information, follows a
logical sequence, includes supporting details, uses clear and specific
vocabulary, and provides a strong conclusion.

5. Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems that demonstrate fluid

reading at an understandable pace; add visual displays when appropriate to
emphasize or enhance certain facts or details.

Language 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and

Standards usage when writing or speaking.

b. Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in

general and their functions in particular sentences.

October 2011 Edition
c. Use reciprocal pronouns correctly.

e. Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood).

g. Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.

h. Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.

i. Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and
choose between them depending on what is to be modified.

j. Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,

punctuation, and spelling when writing.

b. Use commas in addresses.

c. Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue.

d. Form and use possessives.

e. Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and
for adding suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness).

f. Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-

based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in
writing words.

g. Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to

check and correct spellings.

3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking,

reading, or listening.

a. Choose words and phrases for effect.

b. Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and

written standard English.

4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words

and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a
range of strategies.

a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

c. Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with
the same root (e.g., company, companion).

October 2011 Edition
d. Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to
determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases in all
content areas.

5. Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word


a. Distinguish the literal and non-literal meanings of words and phrases in

context (e.g., take steps).

b. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe
people who are friendly or helpful).

c. Distinguish shades of meaning among related words that describe states of

mind or degrees of certainty (e.g., knew, believes, suspected, heard,

Note: California additions are in bold typeface and underlined.

The Standards

The CCSS, with California additions, that follow are the prepublication version of the standards prepared by
the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE), updated on October 15, 2010. Content that is unique to the
CCSS and was added by California to the multistate common core standards is in bold typeface and
underlined. The SCOE document is available online at (Outside Source). These grade-
three CCSS for English language arts were adopted by the California State Board of Education on August 2,
2010. The CCSS College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards (Appendix A) define the literacy
expectations for students entering college and careers and provide the foundation for the K–12 English language
arts standards. Although the CCR Anchor Standards were not part of the State Board of Education action in
August, they are essential to understanding the structure and cohesive nature of the CCSS.
A complete list of the grade-three 1997 California English language arts content standards is located on the
CDE Content Standards Web page at

Common Core State Standards

with California Additions
English Language Arts: Grade Three
Reading Standards for Literature

Key Ideas and Details

1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as
the basis for the answers.

October 2011 Edition
2. Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central
message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.

3. Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their
actions contribute to the sequence of events.

Craft and Structure

4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from
nonliteral language. (See grade 3 Language standards 4–6 for additional expectations.)

5. Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such
as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections.

6. Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

7. Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in
a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting).

8. (Not applicable to literature)

9. Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the
same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series).

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the
high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Reading Standards for Informational Text

Key Ideas and Details

1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as
the basis for the answers.

2. Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main

3. Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps
in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.

Craft and Structure

4. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text
relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. (See grade 3 Language standards 4–6 for additional

October 2011 Edition
5. Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information
relevant to a given topic efficiently.

6. Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

7. Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to
demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).

8. Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g.,
comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence).

9. Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies,
science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2–3 text complexity band independently
and proficiently.

Reading Standards: Foundational Skills

Phonics and Word Recognition

3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words both in isolation
and in text.

a. Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes.

b. Decode words with common Latin suffixes.

c. Decode multisyllable words.

d. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.


4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.

b. Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on
successive readings.

d. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as


October 2011 Edition
Writing Standards

Text Types and Purposes

1. Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.

a. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure that lists reasons.

b. Provide reasons that support the opinion.

c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect
opinion and reasons.

d. Provide a concluding statement or section.

2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.

a. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful
to aiding comprehension.

b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.

c. Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within
categories of information.

e. Provide a concluding statement or section.

3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

a. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence
that unfolds naturally.

b. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and
events or show the response of characters to situations.

c. Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order.

e. Provide a sense of closure.

Production and Distribution of Writing

4. With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in
standards 1–3 above.)

October 2011 Edition
5. With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language
standards 1–3 up to and including grade 3.)

6. With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using
keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

7. Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.

8. Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief
notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories.

9. (Begins in grade 4)

Range of Writing

10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter
time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and

Speaking and Listening Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration

1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led)

with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own

a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on
that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under

b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways,
listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under

c. Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link
their comments to the remarks of others.

d. Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.

2. Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in
diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

3. Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and

October 2011 Edition
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

4. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant,
descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.

a. Plan and deliver an informative/explanatory presentation on a topic that: organizes

ideas around major points of information, follows a logical sequence, includes
supporting details, uses clear and specific vocabulary, and provides a strong

5. Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems that demonstrate fluid reading at an
understandable pace; add visual displays when appropriate to emphasize or enhance certain facts or

6. Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested
detail or clarification. (See grade 3 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific expectations.)

Language Standards

Conventions of Standard English

1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or

a. Write legibly in cursive or joined italics, allowing margins and correct spacing
between letters in a word and words in a sentence.

b. Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their
functions in particular sentences.

c. Use reciprocal pronouns correctly.

d. Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns.

e. Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood).

f. Form and use regular and irregular verbs.

g. Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.

h. Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.*

i. Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between
them depending on what is to be modified.

The following skills are particularly likely to require continued attention in higher grades as they are applied to
increasingly sophisticated writing and speaking. See the chart “Language Progressive Skills, by Grade” on page 47 in the
October 2011 Edition
j. Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

k. Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.

2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling when writing.

a. Capitalize appropriate words in titles.

b. Use commas in addresses.

c. Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue.

d. Form and use possessives.

e. Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding
suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness).

f. Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings,
syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.

g. Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and

correct spellings.

Knowledge of Language

3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

a. Choose words and phrases for effect.*

b. Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and written
standard English.

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on
grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

b. Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known
word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless,

c. Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root
(e.g., company, companion).

The following skills are particularly likely to require continued attention in higher grades as they are applied to
increasingly sophisticated writing and speaking. See the chart “Language Progressive Skills, by Grade” on page 47 in the
October 2011 Edition
d. Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the
precise meaning of key words and phrases in all content areas.

5. Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

a. Distinguish the literal and non-literal meanings of words and phrases in context (e.g., take

b. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe people who are
friendly or helpful).

c. Distinguish shades of meaning among related words that describe states of mind or degrees
of certainty (e.g., knew, believed, suspected, heard, wondered).

6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-
specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After
dinner that night we went looking for them).

October 2011 Edition


Effective mathematics education provides students with a balanced

instructional program. In such a program, students become proficient in basic
computational skills and procedures, develop conceptual understandings, and
become adept at problem solving. Standards-based mathematics instruction
starts with basic material and increases in scope and content as the years
progress. It is like an inverted pyramid, with the entire weight of the developing
subject, including readiness for algebra, resting on the foundations built in the
early grades.
In August 2010, California adopted new standards in mathematics: the
Common Core State Standards (CCSS), with California additions. The CCSS
comprise standards developed by the state-led CCSS Initiative and material
taken from the 1997 California mathematics standards. The new standards will be implemented gradually over
the next several years as curriculum frameworks, instructional materials, and assessments based on the CCSS
are adopted.
There are many similarities between the CCSS and the 1997 California mathematics standards, but there are
also a few noteworthy differences. For instance, the CCSS are organized by domains that add grade-level focus
and vary slightly by grade. The domains for third grade are Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and
Operations in Base Ten, Number and Operations—Fractions, Measurement and Data, and Geometry.
Furthermore, the CCSS do not include “key standards” as in the 1997 California mathematics standards.
Instead, the CCSS are designed to have a greater focus at each grade and to develop mathematics topics in
depth. In the early grades, the CCSS continue to emphasize concepts necessary for the study of more advanced
mathematics in later years. To ensure that students have adequate time to achieve mastery, some of the 1997
California mathematics standards familiar to California’s third-grade teachers will be taught in different grades
after the CCSS are fully implemented.
This section provides an overview of the new CCSS for third-grade mathematics, including some highlights
of how the third-grade curriculum, based on the 1997 California mathematics standards, changes with the
implementation of the new CCSS. It includes a review of some mathematical concepts and skills from grade
two (prerequisite skills) and guidance on areas of mathematics that may be challenging for some English
learners. A complete list of the grade-three CCSS for mathematics can be found at the end of this section. A
complete list of the grade-three 1997 California mathematics standards is located on the CDE Content
Standards Web page at

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

When entering third grade, students who have met the second-grade CCSS for mathematics have an
understanding of place value and can read, write, order and compare whole numbers within 1,000. Students
know how to add and subtract (within 1,000) and are fluent with these operations within 100. They can use
addition and subtraction to solve one- and two-step word problems with unknowns in all positions (within 100)
and know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.

October 2011 Edition
At the start of third grade, students understand simple concepts of multiplication and division. They can use
repeated addition and counting by multiples to demonstrate multiplication and can use repeated subtraction and
equal group sharing to demonstrate division.
Students entering third grade are aware of standard units of measurements and can measure the length of an
object by using appropriate tools. They can also relate addition and subtraction to length by representing
positive whole numbers (from 0) and whole-number sums and differences within 100 on a number-line
diagram. They know how to model and solve problems involving amounts of money and can use picture graphs
and bar graphs to represent and interpret data.
By third grade, students have an understanding of plane and solid geometric shapes and can recognize and
describe shapes by various attributes (e.g., the number and shape of faces). They understand the early concepts
of area by partitioning rectangles into rows and columns and then counting the number of squares. They can
also partition circles and rectangles into two, three and four equal shares and know the associated vocabulary of
fractions (e.g., thirds, a third of).

What Students Learn in Third Grade

Third-grade students deepen their understanding of place value and their knowledge of and skill with
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. Students develop an understanding of
fractions as numbers, concepts of area and perimeter of plane figures, and attributes of various shapes.

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

The 1997 California mathematics standards and the CCSS foster an
Students apply their
understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division. Third-
knowledge and skills
graders fluently multiply and divide (within 100) and use simple multiplication and
with the four
division to solve word problems (using drawings and equations with a symbol for
operations (addition,
the unknown number to represent the problem). They understand division as an
unknown-factor problem (e.g., find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the number that makes 32
multiplication and
when multiplied by 8) and use the inverse relationship between multiplication and
division) to solve word
division to compute and check results. Students apply their knowledge and skills
with the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to solve
word problems.
By the end of third grade, students will know from memory all products of numbers from 1 to 9 (the
multiplication tables for 2s and 5s are introduced at second grade in the 1997 California standards). Students
discover that the associative and commutative laws reduce the number of multiplication facts they need to learn.
For example, if a student knows 5  9, then they also know 9  5.
With full implementation of the CCSS, multiplication and division of a whole number (with up to four
digits) and a one-digit whole number, (e.g., 3,671 × 3 = __ or 1,035 ÷ 5 = __) will be covered in fourth grade, a
third-grade topic in the 1997 California standards.

Number and Operations in Base Ten

In both the 1997 California mathematics standards and the CCSS, third-grade students extend their
understanding of place value to include numbers with four digits. They round whole numbers to the nearest 10
or 100, a critical prerequisite for working estimation problems. With full implementation of the CCSS, rounding
numbers to the nearest thousands will be covered in fourth grade.
October 2011 Edition
Students also apply their understanding of place value as they fluently add and subtract (within 1,000) in
which regrouping or composing a ten (i.e., carrying and borrowing) is required in more than one column.
Students may need extra practice solving problems that require regrouping across columns with zeros, which
can be confusing. With full implementation of the CCSS, addition and subtraction with two whole numbers
(within 1,000–10,000) will be covered in fourth grade.

Number and Operations—Fractions

Student proficiency with fractions is essential to success in algebra at later grades. In third grade, both the
1997 California mathematics standards and the CCSS develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.
Students use visual models to represent fractions as parts of a whole. They also use visual models and a number
line to represent, explain, and compare unit fractions (fractions with a numerator 1), equivalent fractions (e.g.,
1/2 = 2/4), whole numbers as fractions (e.g., 3 = 3/1), and fractions with the same numerator or the same
denominator (3/3).
With full implementation of the CCSS, third-grade students will learn to recognize, name, and compare
fractions (a second-grade topic in the 1997 California mathematics standards) and use a number line to
represent positive fractions (a fourth-grade topic in the 1997 California mathematics standards). Operations with
decimals will be introduced in fifth grade (a third-grade topic in the 1997 California mathematics standards).

Measurement and Data

In third grade, the 1997 California mathematics standards and the CCSS focus on
measurement. Students measure lengths (using a ruler), liquid volume (using standard
units), and the area of plane figures (by counting unit squares). Students demonstrate an
understanding of fractions as they measure lengths by using rulers marked with halves and
fourths of an inch. Students solve problems involving the perimeter of polygons. They
relate the concept of area to the operations of multiplication and division and show that the
area of a rectangle can be found by multiplying the side lengths.
With full implementation of the CCSS, the probability of a chance event and simple
predictions, a third-grade topic in the 1997 California mathematics standards, will be
introduced and developed in seventh grade. Simple unit conversions (for example
centimeters to meters), a third-grade topic in the 1997 California mathematics standards,
will be studied in fifth grade as students use conversions to solve problems.


The 1997 California mathematics standards and the CCSS focus on the attributes of shapes in third grade.
Students compare common geometric shapes (e.g., rectangles and quadrilaterals) based on common attributes
(e.g., having four sides). Students also relate their work with fractions to geometry as they partition shapes into
parts with equal areas and represent each part as a unit fraction of the whole.
With full implementation of the CCSS, right angles in geometric shapes, a third-grade topic in the 1997
California mathematics standards, will be covered in fourth grade, beginning with right triangles.

October 2011 Edition
Support for English Learners
Students need to develop knowledge of mathematics as a language. However, the academic language of
mathematics instruction and the specialized vocabulary of mathematics can create particular challenges for
English learners.
The language of mathematics is precise compared with the English used in common discourse. English
learners need opportunities to develop their knowledge of the features of language that are used to teach
mathematics, such as semantics (how to translate the words of a problem into a symbolic representation), syntax
(the order of words and phrases), and mathematical discourse (writing or talking about mathematical terms,
concepts, and so on). The specialized vocabulary of mathematics should be explicitly taught and reinforced
throughout the year.
The following points address areas that may pose special challenges for English learners in the early grades:

 At an early stage, students may have difficulty with English words such as first, second, last, before,
every, each, more, and equal. Students may be unfamiliar with sum, difference, solve, length, and value.

 The different meanings of multiple-meaning words should be explicitly taught. These words may have a
meaning in common discourse that is different from the meaning in mathematics, such as table or face
(as in the face of a clock).

 The place value of some numbers between 10 and 20 is not obvious from their names (e.g., the number
16 is called sixteen in English, but “ten plus six” in other languages).

 The narrative descriptions of a word problem may require language skills that students have not yet
mastered, particularly when the language of a word problem is ambiguous or includes idioms (e.g., a
dime a dozen), comparatives (greater than, less than, most often, least often), or position words (behind,
below, in front of, to the right or left of).

Instruction in mathematics, along with critical-thinking skills, should be promoted despite low literacy or
limited proficiency in the English language. Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) is one
instructional strategy to meet the needs of English learners. For additional resources to support the teaching of
English learners, please visit the CDE English Learners Web page at

Transition to Common Core State Standards

The following chart highlights a few topics that will continue to be addressed at the same grade level, and
some changes to be considered as California progresses toward full implementation of the third-grade CCSS for
mathematics. The chart includes the column heading “Overview of Standards.” For the 1997 California
mathematics standards, this information is from the “strands” (e.g., Number Sense) and the “overarching”
standards (e.g., Number Sense 1.0) at grade three. For the CCSS, the column lists the “domains” (e.g.,
Operations and Algebraic Thinking) and the “cluster headings” for the standards (e.g., Represent and solve
problems involving multiplication and division) at third grade.
The chart does not, and is not intended to, illustrate all of the differences between the two sets of
standards—it is merely a beginning point for more in-depth discussion by teachers and other educators on how
instruction may change.
The transition chart is followed by a complete set of the CCSS, with California additions, for third grade and
then a table of the CCSS domains for kindergarten through grade six.

October 2011 Edition
A Quick Look: Transition to the Common Core State Standards
Mathematics: Grade Three

Overview of 1997 California Mathematics Overview of the CCSS Highlights


Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Understand and use multiplication and division
Algebra and Functions within 100 to solve word problems; fluently
 Represent and solve problems involving
 Students select appropriate symbols, multiplication and division. multiply and divide within 100 (multiply and
operations, and properties to represent, divide a multi-digit number [with up to four
describe, simplify, and solve simple number  Understand properties of multiplication and the digits] and a one-digit number moves from grade
relationships. relationship between multiplication and division. three to grade four in the CCSS). ▲**
 Multiply and divide within 100.  Determine an unknown whole number in a
 Students represent simple functional
 Solve problems involving the four operations, and multiplication or division equation relating three
identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. whole numbers (e.g., 8 × ? = 48).
Number Sense  Solve two-step word problems using the four
 Students understand the place value of whole operations and an equation with a letter standing for
numbers. an unknown quantity.
 Memorize all products of two one-digit numbers
 Students calculate and solve problems (memorize the multiplication tables for 2s and 5s
involving addition, subtraction, moves from grade two to grade three in the
multiplication, and division. CCSS). ▲
 Students understand the relationship between
whole numbers, simple fractions, and Number and Operations in Base Ten Understand that a four-digit number represents amounts
decimals. of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
 Use place value understanding and properties of
operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.  Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 and multiply
one-digit numbers by multiples of 10 in the range

The 1997 California standards will continue to be assessed through the STAR system (in grades two through eleven) until at least 2014.
** The ▼ symbol indicates that all or part of a concept in the 1997 California standards has moved to a lower grade in the CCSS; the ▲ symbol indicates
movement to a higher grade. Listings without a symbol indicate that a concept will continue to be taught at the current grade level.
October 2011 Edition
 Round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
(round numbers to the nearest 1,000 moves from
grade three to grade four in the CCSS).▲

Number and Operations – Fractions  Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by
 Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. one part when a whole is partitioned into b equal
parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity
formed by a parts of size 1/b (introduction to
fractions moves from grade two to grade three in
the CCSS). ▲
 Represent fractions on a number line diagram
(moves from grade four to grade three in the
CCSS). ▼
 Compare two fractions (with the same numerator or
the same denominator) and recognize and generate
simple equivalent fractions (e.g., 1/2 = 2/4 and 4/6 =
2/3) using visual fractional models.
 Add and subtract simple fractions (moves from
grade three to grade four in the CCSS).▲
 Operations with decimals (moves from grade three
to grade four in the CCSS).▲

Measurement and Geometry Measurement and Data  Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of
 Solve problems involving measurement and objects using standard units (work with unit
 Students choose and use appropriate units
estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, conversions moves from grade three to grade five
and measurement tools to quantify the
and masses of objects. in the CCSS).▲
properties of objects.
 Represent and interpret data.  Represent data in graphs (scaled picture graph or bar
 Students describe and compare the attributes graph) and use the information to solve problems
of plane and solid geometric figures and use  Geometric measurement: understand concepts of (use of data from picture graphs to solve addition
their understanding to show relationships and area and relate area to multiplication and to and subtraction problems moves from grade two
solve problems. addition. to grade three in the CCSS).▲
 Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as  Measure areas by counting unit squares and show
an attribute of plane figures and distinguish that the area is the same as would be found by
between linear and area measures. multiplying the side lengths.

October 2011 Edition
 Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons.
 Introduce probability of a chance event and simple
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
predictions (moves from grade three to grade
 Students conduct simple probability seven in the CCSS).▲
experiments by determining the number of
possible outcomes and make simple Geometry  Understand shapes may share attributes which can
predictions. define a larger category.
 Reason with shapes and their attributes.
 Partition shapes into parts with equal areas to
represent a unit fraction of the whole.
 Identify right angles in geometric shapes (moves
from grade three to grade four in the CCSS).▲

Standards for Mathematical Practice  The CCSS include Standards for Mathematical
Mathematical Reasoning 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in Content (different at each grade) and Standards for
solving them. Mathematical Practice (recurring throughout the
 Students make decisions about how to grades).
approach problems. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
 To master the grade-level content, students will need
 Students use strategies, skills, and concepts 3. Construct viable arguments and critique to rely on their understanding of a concept and not
in finding solutions. the reasoning of others. only on procedures. Standards for Mathematical
4. Model with mathematics. Practice define how students develop mathematical
 Students move beyond a particular problem understanding as they make sense of a problem,
by generalizing to other situations. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. reason abstractly, construct arguments, model with
6. Attend to precision. mathematics, use tools strategically, attend to
precision, and look for structure and repeated
7. Look for and make use of structure. reasoning.
8. Look for and express regularity in  Standards for Mathematical Content that set an
repeated reasoning. expectation of “understanding” are potential points
of intersections between these standards and the
Standards for Mathematical Practice.
 Standards for Mathematical Practice are similar to
the previous 1997 California Mathematical
Reasoning standards and should be evident
throughout future curricula, assessments and
professional development.

October 2011 Edition
The Standards
The CCSS, with California additions, that follow are the prepublication version of the standards prepared by
the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE), updated on October 18, 2010. Content that is unique to
California and was added to the multistate common core standards is in bold typeface and underlined. The
SCOE document is available online at (Outside Source). These grade-
three CCSS for mathematics were adopted by the California State Board of Education on August 2, 2010.
A complete list of the grade-three 1997 California mathematics standards is located on the CDE Content
Standards Web page at

Common Core State Standards

with California Additions
Mathematics: Grade Three
Operations and Algebraic Thinking (3.OA)

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

1. Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5
groups of 7 objects each, or 7 groups of 5 objects each. For example, describe a context in
which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.

2. Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 ÷ 8 as the number of

objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of
shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. For example, describe
a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can be expressed as 56÷8.

3. Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal
groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol
for the unknown number to represent the problem.1

4. Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three
whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in
each of the equations 8 × ? = 48, 5 = ? ÷ 3, 6 × 6 = ?.

Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

5. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.2 Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is

known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can
be found by 3 × 5 = 15, then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2 = 10, then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative
property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one can find 8 × 7 as 8 × (5
+ 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.)

See Glossary, Table 2, on the CCSS Initiative Web site at
Students need not use formal terms for these properties.
October 2011 Edition
6. Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. For example, find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the
number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8.

Multiply and divide within 100.

7. Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between
multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of
operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.

Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

8. Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using
equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers
using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.3

9. Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and
explain them using properties of operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is
always even, and explain why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends.

Number and Operations in Base Ten (3.NBT)

Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.4

1. Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

1.1 Understand that the four digits of a four-digit number represent amounts of thousands,
hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g. 3,706 = 3000 + 700 + 6 = 3 thousands, 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and
6 ones.

2. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value,
properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.

3. Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10–90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60)
using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.

Number and Operations—Fractions (3.NF)5

Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.

1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b
equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.

2. Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line

This standard is limited to problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers; students should know how to
perform operations in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations).
A range of algorithms may be used.
Grade 3 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.
October 2011 Edition
a. Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as
the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and
that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line.

b. Represent a fraction a/b on a number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/b from 0.
Recognize that the resulting interval has size a/b and that its endpoint locates the number
a/b on the number line.

3. Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their

a. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same
point on a number line. Recognize that equivalencies are only valid when the two
fractions refer to the same whole.

b. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3). Explain
why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.

c. Express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole
numbers. Examples: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/1; recognize that 6/1 = 6; locate 4/4 and
1 at the same point of a number line diagram.

d. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning
about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer
to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and
justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.

f. Know and understand that 25 cents is a ¼ of a dollar, 50 cents is ½ of a dollar, and

75 cents is ¾ of a dollar.

Measurement and Data (3.MD)

Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and
masses of objects.

1. Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word
problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the
problem on a number line diagram.

2. Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g),
kilograms (kg), and English Units (oz, lb.), and liters (l).6 Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to
solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g.,
by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem.7

Excludes compound units such as cm3 and finding the geometric volume of a container.
Excludes multiplicative comparison problems (problems involving notions of “times as much”; see Glossary, Table 2, on the CCSS
Initiative Web site at
October 2011 Edition
Represent and interpret data.

3. Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories.
Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information
presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar
graph might represent 5 pets.

4. Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of
an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in
appropriate units— whole numbers, halves, or quarters.

Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to

5. Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement.
a. A square with side length 1 unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit”
of area, and can be used to measure area.

b. A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to
have an area of n square units.

6. Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in, square ft, and
improvised units).

7. Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.

a. Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that
the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths.

b. Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the
context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number
products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning.

c. Use tiling to show in a concrete case that the area of a rectangle with whole-number side
lengths a and b + c is the sum of a × b and a × c. Use area models to represent the
distributive property in mathematical reasoning.

e. Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into
nonoverlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying
this technique to solve real world problems.

Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish

between linear and area measures.

8. Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding
the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles
with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters.

October 2011 Edition
Geometry (3.G)

Reason with shapes and their attributes.

1. Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share
attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g.,
quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and
draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.

2. Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the
whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each
part as 1/4 of the area of the shape.

Standards for Mathematical Practice

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

The CCSS for Mathematical Practice describe ways in which students of mathematics ought to
engage with the subject matter as they grow in mathematical maturity and expertise. For a
complete description of the eight Standards for Mathematic Practice, see Appendix B.

October 2011 Edition
CCSS Domains

The CCSS are organized by domains. The table lists all of the domains that apply to kindergarten through
grade eight, and it identifies which domains are addressed in kindergarten through grade six. The shaded row
indicates a domain to be covered at later grades.

Domains Kindergarten Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade

One Two Three Four Five Six
Counting and Cardinality (CC) X
Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) X X X X X X
Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) X X X X X X
Measurement and Data (MD) X X X X X X
Geometry (G) X X X X X X X
Number and Operations – Fractions (NF) X X X
Ratios and Proportional Relationships (RP) X
The Number System (NS) X
Expressions and Equations (EE) X
Statistics and Probability (SP) X
Functions (F)

October 2011 Edition
History-Social Science

Third-graders prepare for learning California history and geography in the fourth grade and United States
history and geography in the fifth grade by thinking about continuity and change in their local community.
Through exploration of their local community, students have an opportunity to make contact with times past
Through exploration and with the people whose activities have left their mark on the land. In third grade,
of their local students build on their knowledge of geography, civics, historical thinking,
community, students chronology, and national identity. The emphasis is on understanding how some things
have an opportunity change and others remain the same. To understand changes occurring today, students
to make contact with explore the ways in which their locality continues to evolve and how they can
times past and with contribute to improvement of their community. Finally, teachers introduce students to
the people whose the great legacy of local, regional, and national traditions that provide common
activities have left memories and a shared sense of cultural and national identity. Students who have
their mark on the constructed a family history in grade two are now ready to think about constructing a
land. history of the place where they live today. With sensitivity toward children from
transient families, teachers can ask students to recall how the decision of their parents
or grandparents to move to this place made an important difference in their lives. Discovering who these people
were, when they lived here, and how they used the land gives students a focus for grade three.
Teachers are also encouraged to build understanding of history–social science concepts while furthering
beginning literacy skills as outlined in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). For example, shared readings
of narrative and expository text related to the history–social science standards can reinforce academic content
vocabulary and comprehension skills.
California’s Historical and Social Sciences Analysis Skills for kindergarten through grade five are an integral
part of the state’s content standards for elementary school. As students learn the content outlined in the
standards, they should also be practicing the skills described under the headings “Chronological and Spatial
Thinking,” “Research, Evidence, and Point of View,” and “Historical Interpretation.” All the standards for
third-grade history–social science, including the analysis skills, are provided in full at the end of this section.

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

The standards for second grade are entitled, “People Who Make a Difference.” Students coming from
second grade should understand basic concepts necessary for their more detailed study of their local regions in
third grade. For example, second-graders learned to distinguish events that happened long ago from events that
happened recently. They studied basic map skills, including issues of land use that are revisited in the third-
grade standards. They learned about governments and economic concepts, both of which will be explored in
more depth in third grade. Finally, students were exposed to significant historical figures through biographies,
which helped them learn the importance of individual action and character in making a difference in other
people’s lives.

October 2011 Edition
What Students Learn in Third Grade
Geography of the Local Region
Throughout California, the geographic setting has had important effects on where and how localities
developed. Students begin their third-grade studies with the natural landscape. Thus, teachers may utilize
photographs, Internet resources, DVDs, and field trips to establish familiarity with the major natural features
and landforms of their county and California. Students should have a clear understanding of the mountains,
valleys, hills, coastal areas, oceans, lakes, desert landscapes, and other natural features of the region. In
conducting research for this activity, students learn to differentiate between major landforms in the landscape
and develop an understanding of the physical setting in which their region’s history has unfolded..

American Indians of the Local Region

Students study the American Indians who lived in the local region, how they used
the resources of this region, and in what ways they modified the natural environment.
American Indians who lived in the region are presented authentically; students learn
about the Indians’ tribal identity; their social organization and customs; the location of
their villages and the reasons for the tribe’s locale; the structures they built and the
relationship of these structures to the climate; their methods of getting food, clothing,
tools, and utensils and whether they traded with others for any of those things; and their
art and folklore. Museums that specialize in California Indian cultures are a rich source
of publications, pictures, and artifacts that can help students appreciate the daily lives
and the adaptation of these cultures to the environment of the region.

Development of the Local Community: Change Over Time

Third-grade students are ready to consider those who migrated or immigrated to their region and the impact
each new group has had on those who came before. To organize this sequence of events, students may develop
a community timeline by illustrating events and placing the illustrations on the timeline with a caption under
each. Depending on the local history, this may include the explorers who visited the area; the newcomers who
settled there; the economy they established; their impact on the American Indians of the region; and their lasting
marks on the landscape, including the buildings, streets, political boundaries, names, and the rich legacy of
cultural traditions that newcomers brought with them.
Students observe how their community has changed over time and also why certain features have remained
the same. Books such as Bonnie Pryor’s The House on Maple Street can demonstrate how a place changes over
300 years and may be used to introduce the study of the students’ local community. Other literature, specific to
their local region, can deepen their appreciation for and understanding of their community. Students compare
the kinds of transportation people used, the ways in which people provided water for their growing community
and farmlands, the sources of power, and the kinds of work people engaged in long ago. They discover that the
changing history of their locality was, at all stages, closely related to the physical geography of its region: its
topography, soil, water, mineral resources, and relative location. Students can analyze how successive groups of
settlers have made different uses of the land, depending on their skills, technology, and values. Students may
observe how each period of settlement in their locality left its mark on the land and predict how decisions being
made today in their communities will impact their communities in the future. Through this focus on place,
students also deepen their understanding of California’s environment. By studying the state’s Environmental
October 2011 Edition
Principles and Concepts (and the associated curriculum provided by the Education and the Environment
Initiative), as well as relevant science standards, children can deepen their understanding of their local region.
To bring the past to life, teachers may have students study historical photos and observe the changes in the
ways families lived, worked, played, dressed, and traveled. Primary sources, such as maps and photographs, can
be utilized to observe how a given place looked long ago and how it looks today. Students can compare changes
in their community with picture displays provided by the teacher.
The local community newspaper, the historical society, or other community organizations often can provide
photos and articles on past events in the region. When available, old maps can be a source of discoveries: the
location of the early ranchos that once occupied California; where people constructed streets in previous times
and how many of them and their names survive today; how boundaries have changed over the years and how
settlements have grown; how once-open fields have changed to dense urban development; how a river or
coastline has changed in location or size because of a dam constructed upstream, a great earthquake in the past,
or breakwaters that have been built to change the action of the sea; and so on.

American Citizens, Symbols, and Government

Third-grade students continue preparing to become active and responsible citizens of their communities,
California, and the United States. Students focus on developing and understanding
Students focus on citizenship, civic engagement, the basic structure of government, and the lives of
developing and famous national and local Americans who took risks to secure freedoms. Through
understanding stories and the celebration of local and national holidays, students learn the meaning
citizenship, civic of holidays, landmarks, and the symbols that provide continuity and a sense of
engagement, the community across time. The U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
basic structure of are reintroduced. Students can discuss the responsibilities of citizens and make a list,
government, and the or create an illustration of what is considered a “good citizen.”
lives of famous Students learn about the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of
national and local government, with an emphasis on the local government. Teachers may use literature
Americans who took and role-playing activities—for example, reading The True Story of the Three Little
risks to secure Pigs by Jon Scieska and holding a mock trial of Pig Brothers versus A. Wolf.
freedoms. Teachers can also use informational texts such as How the U.S. Government Works
by Syl Sobel, as well as information from local, state, and U.S. government Web
sites, such as (Outside Source), to help students understand the functions of government
and the people who are part of each level and branch. Students can also write a classroom constitution. In a
discussion of what to include, teachers may ask questions such as the following: Should the constitution protect
your rights? Should your responsibilities as citizens be included?
Students also learn about American heroes on the national level, such as Anne Hutchinson, Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton, and Martin
Luther King, Jr.; leaders from all walks of life who have helped to solve community problems, worked for better
schools, or improved living conditions and lifelong opportunities for workers, families, women, and students;
and students, as well as adults, who have been honored locally for displaying courage, responsibility, and
concern while contributing to the safety, welfare, and happiness of others. Teachers may invite a local leader to
visit the classroom through the chamber of commerce, local government, or a local nonprofit organization.
Students interview the leader about a local problem (for example, homelessness or hunger) and ask how that
person is helping the community (for example, through a food bank, soup kitchen, or new law). Students can
also ask the speaker to describe ways for students to help and what the leader thinks it means to be a citizen. In
addition, students work together to plan a class project to address the problem, such as a food drive, recycling
program, clothing drive, or letter-writing campaign to propose or oppose a law.

October 2011 Edition
Economics of the Local Region: Choices, Costs, and Human Capital
Students should continue to develop their cost–benefit skills and recognize the importance of education in
developing their human capital. Elected officials, or volunteers who are knowledgeable about community
service, may be invited to describe different sides of an important economic issue identified by the students.

The Education and the Environment Initiative

The following third-grade units from the Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) Curriculum can be
used to provide instruction in the history–social science standards listed below.

Third Grade

Standard Standard Text EEI Curriculum Unit Name


3.1.1. Identify geographical features in their local region (e.g., The Geography of Where We
deserts, mountains, valleys, hills, coastal areas, oceans, Live

3.1.2. Trace the ways in which people have used the resources of
the local region and modified the physical environment
(e.g., a dam constructed upstream changed a river or

3.2.2. Discuss the ways in which physical geography, including California Indian People:
climate, influenced how the local Indian nations adapted to Exploring Tribal Regions
their natural environment (e.g., how they obtained food,
clothing, tools).

3.5.1. Describe the ways in which local producers have used and California’s Economy – Natural
are using natural resources, human resources, and capital Choices
resources to produce goods and services in the past and the

3.5.2. Understand that some goods are made locally, some

elsewhere in the United States, and some abroad.

3.5.3 Understand that individual economic choices involve

trade-offs and the evaluation of benefits and costs.

For more information about EEI instructional units, visit the California Environmental Protection Agency
Web page at (Outside Source).

October 2011 Edition
Support for English Learners

History–social science is particularly challenging for English learners. They must simultaneously develop
fluency in a second language and also gain content and analysis skills in a complex subject area with high
literacy demands. To learn English and achieve mastery of the history–social science content standards, students
must participate in instructional programs that combine critical content knowledge and skill development in
both English-language proficiency and the content standards and analysis skills contained in the History–Social
Science Framework for California Public Schools (California Department of Education 2005).
All students should have an opportunity to actively engage with the history–social science content standards
regardless of their proficiency in the English language. Effective instructional practices foster English-language
development (ELD) and at the same time teach history–social science content. Early instruction in English
literacy and content knowledge across all disciplines must be incorporated into ELD programs. In a structured
English immersion program, history–social science for English learners continues to be taught while students
are mastering English. In fact, most studies promote instruction in the content areas despite low literacy or
limited proficiency in the English language, along with the critical-thinking and analysis skills and the particular
reading strategies of the disciplines.
Teachers should align history–social science instruction with the grade-level expectations in the four
domains (reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language) described in the CCSS for English language
arts. Before classroom instruction, teachers need to determine what they want the students to learn, their
students’ English-language proficiency, and the language demands of each lesson’s instructional materials.
Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) is one instructional strategy to meet the needs
of English learners. For additional resources to support the teaching of English learners, please visit the CDE
English Learners Web page at

The Standards

The following third-grade history–social science content standards were adopted by the California State
Board of Education on October 9, 1998. In addition, the recently adopted CCSS include standards for literacy in
history/social studies. These standards do not replace the history–social science content standards but
supplement them by setting specific requirements for reading and writing informational texts, including history–
social science documents. The new standards will be implemented gradually over the next several years as
curriculum frameworks, instructional materials, and assessments based on the CCSS are adopted. See the
English language arts section of this document for more information about the CCSS for grade three.

History–Social Science Content Standards

Grade Three: Continuity and Change
3.1 Students describe the physical and human geography and use maps, tables, graphs,
photographs, and charts to organize information about people, places, and environments in a
spatial context.

1. Identify geographical features in their local region (e.g., deserts, mountains, valleys, hills,
coastal areas, oceans, lakes).

2. Trace the ways in which people have used the resources of the local region and modified the
physical environment (e.g., a dam constructed upstream changed a river or coastline).

October 2011 Edition
3.2 Students describe the American Indian nations in their local region long ago and in the recent

1. Describe national identities, religious beliefs, customs, and various folklore traditions.

2. Discuss the ways in which physical geography, including climate, influenced how the local
Indian nations adapted to their natural environment (e.g., how they obtained food, clothing,

3. Describe the economy and systems of government, particularly those with tribal constitutions,
and their relationship to federal and state governments.

4. Discuss the interaction of new settlers with the already established Indians of the region.

3.3 Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local
historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land.

1. Research the explorers who visited here, the newcomers who settled here, and the people who
continue to come to the region, including their cultural and religious traditions and

2. Describe the economies established by settlers and their influence on the present-day economy,
with emphasis on the importance of private property and entrepreneurship.

3. Trace why their community was established, how individuals and families contributed to its
founding and development, and how the community has changed over time, drawing on maps,
photographs, oral histories, letters, newspapers, and other primary sources.

3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the
U.S. government.

1. Determine the reasons for rules, laws, and the U.S. Constitution; the role of citizenship in the
promotion of rules and laws; and the consequences for people who violate rules and laws.

2. Discuss the importance of public virtue and the role of citizens, including how to participate in
a classroom, in the community, and in civic life.

3. Know the histories of important local and national landmarks, symbols, and essential
documents that create a sense of community among citizens and exemplify cherished ideals
(e.g., the U.S. flag, the bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration
of Independence, the U.S. Capitol).

4. Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government.

5. Describe the ways in which California, the other states, and sovereign American Indian tribes
contribute to the making of our nation and participate in the federal system of government.

October 2011 Edition
6. Describe the lives of American heroes who took risks to secure our freedoms (e.g., Anne
Hutchinson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass,
Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr.).

3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy
of the local region.

1. Describe the ways in which local producers have used and are using natural resources, human
resources, and capital resources to produce goods and services in the past and the present.

2. Understand that some goods are made locally, some elsewhere in the United States, and some

3. Understand that individual economic choices involve trade-offs and the evaluation of benefits
and costs.

4. Discuss the relationship of students' "work" in school and their personal human capital.

Historical and Social Sciences Analysis Skills

Kindergarten Through Grade Five
The intellectual skills noted below are to be learned through, and applied to, the content standards for
kindergarten through grade five. They are to be assessed only in conjunction with the content standards
in kindergarten through grade five.

In addition to the standards for kindergarten through grade five, students demonstrate the following
intellectual, reasoning, reflection, and research skills:

Chronological and Spatial Thinking

1. Students place key events and people of the historical era they are studying in a chronological
sequence and within a spatial context; they interpret time lines.

2. Students correctly apply terms related to time, including past, present, future, decade, century,
and generation.

3. Students explain how the present is connected to the past, identifying both similarities and
differences between the two, and how some things change over time and some things stay the

4. Students use map and globe skills to determine the absolute locations of places and interpret
information available through a map's or globe's legend, scale, and symbolic representations.

5. Students judge the significance of the relative location of a place (e.g., proximity to a harbor, on
trade routes) and analyze how relative advantages or disadvantages can change over time.

October 2011 Edition
Research, Evidence, and Point of View

1. Students differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

2. Students pose relevant questions about events they encounter in historical documents,
eyewitness accounts, oral histories, letters, diaries, artifacts, photographs, maps, artworks, and

3. Students distinguish fact from fiction by comparing documentary sources on historical figures
and events with fictionalized characters and events.

Historical Interpretation

1. Students summarize the key events of the era they are studying and explain the historical
contexts of those events.

2. Students identify the human and physical characteristics of the places they are studying and
explain how those features form the unique character of those places.

3. Students identify and interpret the multiple causes and effects of historical events.

4. Students conduct cost-benefit analyses of historical and current events.

October 2011 Edition


Third-graders have a natural curiosity about the world and how it works. The grade-three science standards
introduce students to some of the most fundamental patterns in nature and develop the concept that science
helps to make the world understandable.
Grade-three students are expected to learn both the content and process of science. Effective science
programs reflect a balanced, comprehensive approach that includes the teaching of investigation and
experimentation skills along with direct instruction. Key elements of a balanced science program include
explicit teaching of science content and concepts, identifying students’ prior knowledge, and addressing student
misconceptions. Investigation skills should also be highlighted, with students encouraged to find answers or
reach conclusions using their own experiences or observations. High-quality science instruction should also
develop students’ command of the academic language of science and use standards-based connections with
other core subjects to reinforce science learning.
Safety should always be the foremost consideration in teacher modeling, the design of demonstrations,
investigation and experiments, and science projects. Safety must be taught. Knowing and following safe
practices in science are a part of understanding the nature of science and scientific
enterprise. Everyone involved in science education should become familiar with
the Science Safety Handbook for California Public Schools, which is posted on
the CDE Web page at (
The publication contains specific and useful information relevant to teachers,
administrators, parents/guardians, and students.

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

By the time students reach third grade, they already have some basic foundations in science. In physical
science, students have studied the phenomena of motion and force and have basic understandings of gravity,
magnetism, and the ability of vibrating objects to make sounds. In the life sciences, students have learned that
plants and animals have life cycles typical of their species. They have also been introduced to the ideas of
inherited characteristics, variation within a species, and environmentally induced changes.
Students entering third grade have learned about the composition, processes, and materials of Earth’s crust.
They have studied the relationship of weathering (the process that leads to breaking rocks into smaller pieces)
and soil formation and know that soil has an important effect on the growth and survival of plants. The concept
of geologic time and the study of fossils have also been introduced, and students are able to discuss and identify
the origin of things they use in their everyday lives. Students are able to observe patterns and make simple
predictions. They have learned observation, measurement, and recordkeeping skills, including creating graphs
and making drawings to record, organize, interpret, and display data.

October 2011 Edition
What Students Learn in Third Grade

During third grade, students further develop the important skills of making careful, replicable, and validated
observations; recognizing patterns; categorizing; developing questions and answers; and communicating
findings both in writing and orally. They conduct research, read about new topics, and learn more about the
important role of technology in the sciences.
Students in grade three further develop their understandings of the structure of matter and forces of
interaction. They study the properties of light and learn how light affects the perception of direction, shadow,
and color. They extend their knowledge of ecology by learning about different environments, such as oceans,
deserts, tundra, forests, grasslands, and wetlands, and the types of organisms adapted to live in each. They learn
that objects in the sky move in regular and predictable patterns.
Third-graders practice making precise measurements and learn that even careful They extend their
measurements are sometimes subject to error. They also learn that predictions are knowledge of ecology by
not guesses and that predictions must be verified by experiments and the analysis of learning about different
data gathered through careful measurements. environments, such as
Grade-three science topics are organized into five standards sets: Physical oceans, deserts, tundra,
Sciences (Energy and Matter), Physical Sciences (Light), Life Sciences, Earth forests, grasslands, and
Sciences, and Investigation and Experimentation. As students learn the content wetlands, and the types of
defined by the standards in the Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences strands, they are organisms adapted to live
also practicing investigation and experimentation skills. That is, the investigation in each.
and experimentation standards should be infused throughout science instruction.

Physical Sciences (Energy and Matter)

The discussion of energy and matter in grade three is at a simple level, but it sets a foundation for further
study in later grades. Students learn that energy may be stored in various ways and that both living organisms
and machines convert stored energy into heat and motion. Third-grade students learn that energy is the ability to
do work; to make things move, stretch, or grow; or cause physical and chemical changes. They begin to
understand that Earth’s major source of energy is the Sun and that the Sun’s energy is seen as light and felt as
heat. They also learn that energy movement or transfer may result from waves (e.g., light, sound, seismic or
earthquake, and ocean waves), through electricity, or by moving objects.
Students study matter in more detail than at the previous grade levels. Third-grade students learn that matter
is a substance that occupies space and may assume the form of a solid, liquid, or gas. They learn that atoms are
the smallest component of the elements that compose all matter. Students learn the different kinds of atoms and
the names and symbols displayed on the periodic table of the elements. These standards prepare students for a
more detailed treatment of the properties of the elements and their combinations in grade five.

Physical Sciences (Light)

Third-graders learn that light, like heat, is a form of energy. Students learn some of the properties of light
but are not yet required to understand light as energy in a waveform. They experiment with shadows and think
about the source and direction of light. They know that light can be reflected and then continue to travel in a
straight line away from its source, and that the color of an object is affected by the color of light that strikes it.

October 2011 Edition
Life Sciences

The life sciences standards in grade three continue to develop the concepts of ecology and evolution by
relating adaptation to the survival and fitness of the organism. Although natural selection is not formally
discussed at this grade level, the foundation is set for teaching that principle in later grades. Students learn about
Earth’s different habitats or biomes and are able to describe the characteristics of some of the plants and animals
living in each.
Students consider the effects of environmental changes on organisms. They learn that living organisms,
including humans, inevitably cause changes (both minor and major) in the environment as the organisms
compete for food, shelter, light, and water, and that both plants and animals may be adversely affected by some
environmental changes. The concept of extinction is introduced, and organisms in the fossil record are
compared with contemporary organisms.

Earth Sciences

Earth science standards in grade three develop the concept that objects in the sky move in regular and
predictable patterns. Students become familiar with the patterns and movements of
Students become the Sun, Moon, and stars—both as those bodies actually move and as they appear to
familiar with the move when viewed from Earth. Students learn that seasonal changes correlate with
patterns and movements changes in both the amount of daily sunlight and the position of the Sun in the sky
of the Sun, Moon, and and that these changes are caused by the tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation and the
stars―both as those position of Earth relative to the Sun. Students also learn about the relationships
bodies actually move between the phases of the Moon and the changes in the positions of the Sun and
and as they appear to Moon. They learn that Earth is one of eight planets1 in the solar system that orbit
move when viewed from the Sun and that the Moon orbits the Earth. Using models and telescopes may help
Earth. students grasp the concepts presented in the standards.

Investigation and Experimentation

Grade-three students practice making careful measurements and learn that some errors in measurement are
unavoidable. They will discover that errors may occur through carelessness, misuse of measurement
instruments, or recording mistakes. Students will learn that these human errors can be minimized by receiving
proper instruction and through practice in measuring carefully and properly and by double-checking (or triple-
checking) measurements. However, they also learn that even then errors may occur as a result of limitations in
the precision of the instruments used to make the measurements. Students learn how to make the most precise
measurements possible with the tools available and learn to repeat their measurements several times. There are
occasions when students will obtain different results each time. If those differences are significant, students
learn to evaluate their measurement methods to determine whether an obvious error occurred.
In the context of activities that support mastery of the physical, earth, and life sciences standards, students
make predictions based on observations, prior knowledge, and logic and learn that predictions are not to be
confused with random guesses. They know that their predictions must be verified by experiments and the
analysis of data gathered from careful measurements.

Under resolutions passed by the International Astronomical Union on August 24, 2006, there are eight planets. Pluto no longer meets
the definition of a “planet” but is now classified under a new, distinct class of objects called “dwarf planets.”
October 2011 Edition
The Education and the Environment Initiative

Third-grade science instruction continues to build environmental literacy as students better understand how
they influence the environment and how it influences them. The following third-grade units from the Education
and the Environment Initiative (EEI) Curriculum can be used to provide instruction in the science standards
listed below.

Third Grade

Standard Standard Text EEI Unit Name


3.3.a. Students know plants and animals have structures that serve Structures for Survival in a
different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction. Healthy Ecosystem

3.3.c. Students know living things cause changes in the Living Things in Changing
environment in which they live: some of these changes are Environments
detrimental to the organism or other organisms, and some are

3.3.d. Students know when the environment changes, some plants

and animals survive and reproduce; others die or move to
new locations.

For more information about EEI instructional units, visit the California Environmental Protection Agency
Web page at (Outside Source).

Science Across the Content Areas

The third-grade science standards are readily integrated with other academic content standards. The
curriculum and instruction offered in grade three enable students to read materials independently with literal
and inferential comprehension and to support answer to questions about the material by drawing on details from
the text. Instruction in information literacy that incorporates library resources will help students become skilled
in locating information in texts by using titles, tables or contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes. The
science standards complement the mathematics standards by asking students to predict future events on the
basis of observed patterns and not by random guessing.
In 2010, California adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) including standards for literacy in
science. These standards do not replace the science content standards but supplement them by setting specific
requirements for reading and writing informational texts, including science documents. The new standards will
be implemented over the next several years as curriculum frameworks, instructional materials, and assessments
based on the CCSS are adopted. Refer to the English language arts section for more information about the
CCSS for third grade.

October 2011 Edition
Support for English Learners

All students, regardless of English language proficiency, should have access to high quality science
instruction. With its focus on domain-specific vocabulary acquisition and utilization of hands-on, collaborative
activities, a balanced third-grade science program provides many opportunities for English-language
development (ELD). However, science instruction may still present challenges for some English learners.
Specific challenges include learning science-related terms and academic vocabulary. Directions may be
complex and contain multiple steps. Visual information may not be easily comprehensible.
Some strategies that may help students understand new science concepts and processes include connecting
to students’ background knowledge, experiences, and familiar terminology; focusing on key science terms
before, during, and after a lesson; and utilizing different formats (e.g., charts, graphs, pictures).
Students benefit from clear and consistent classroom routines, group or peer interaction to share
information, processes, and activities that are relevant and meaningful. ELD is especially enhanced by (1)
opportunities for informal conversations about content and concepts, (2) modeling of the appropriate use of
equipment, and (3) an adequate amount of wait time for student response.

The Standards

The following grade-three science content standards were adopted by the California State Board of
Education on October 9, 1998.

Science Content Standards

Grade Three
Physical Sciences (Energy and Matter)

1. Energy and matter have multiple forms and can be changed from one form to another.
As a basis for understanding this concept:

1.a. Students know energy comes from the Sun to Earth in the form of light.

1.b. Students know sources of stored energy take many forms such as food, fuel, and batteries.

1.c. Students know machines and living things convert stored energy to motion and heat.

1.d. Students know energy can be carried from one place to another by waves, such as water waves
and sound waves, by electric current, and by moving objects.

1.e. Students know matter has three forms: solid, liquid, and gas.

1.f. Students know evaporation and melting are changes that occur when the objects are heated.

1.g. Students know that when two or more substances are combined, a new substance may be
formed with properties that are different from those of the original materials.

1.h. Students know all matter is made of small particles called atoms, too small to see with the
naked eye.

October 2011 Edition
1.i. Students know people once thought that earth, wind, fire, and water were the basic elements
that made up all matter. Science experiments show that there are more than 100 different types
of atoms, which are presented on the periodic table of the elements.

Physical Sciences (Light)

2. Light has a source and travels in a direction. As a basis for understanding this concept:

2.a. Students know sunlight can be blocked to create shadows.

2.b. Students know light is reflected from mirrors and other surfaces.

2.c. Students know the color of light striking an object affects the way the object is seen.

2.d. Students know an object is seen when light traveling from the object enters the eye.

Life Sciences

3. Adaptations in physical structure or behavior may improve an organism’s chance for

survival. As a basis for understanding this concept:

3.a. Students know plants and animals have structures that serve different functions in growth,
survival, and reproduction.

3.b. Students know examples of diverse life forms in different environments, such as oceans,
deserts, tundra, forests, grasslands, and wetlands.

3.c. Students know living things cause changes in the environment in which they live: some of
these changes are detrimental to the organism or other organisms, and some are beneficial.

3.d. Students know when the environment changes, some plants and animals survive and
reproduce; others die or move to new locations.

3.e. Students know that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely
disappeared and that some of those resembled others that are alive today.

Earth Sciences

4. Objects in the sky move in regular and predictable patterns. As a basis for understanding
this concept:

4.a. Students know the patterns of stars stay the same, although they appear to move across the sky
nightly, and different stars can be seen in different seasons.

4.b. Students know the way in which the Moon's appearance changes during the four-week lunar

4.c. Students know telescopes magnify the appearance of some distant objects in the sky, including
the Moon and the planets. The number of stars that can be seen through telescopes is
dramatically greater than the number that can be seen by the unaided eye.

October 2011 Edition
4.d. Students know that Earth is one of several planets that orbit the Sun and that the Moon orbits

4.e. Students know the position of the Sun in the sky changes during the course of the day and from
season to season.

Investigation and Experimentation

5. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful

investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in
the other three strands, students should develop their own questions and perform
investigations. Students will:

5.a. Repeat observations to improve accuracy and know that the results of similar scientific
investigations seldom turn out exactly the same because of differences in the things being
investigated, methods being used, or uncertainty in the observation.

5.b. Differentiate evidence from opinion and know that scientists do not rely on claims or
conclusions unless they are backed by observations that can be confirmed.

5.c Use numerical data in describing and comparing objects, events, and measurements.

5.d. Predict the outcome of a simple investigation and compare the result with the prediction.

5.e. Collect data in an investigation and analyze those data to develop a logical conclusion.

October 2011 Edition
Visual and Performing Arts


The doors of knowledge open wide for third-grade students, offering them new
possibilities through the arts. As they start thinking abstractly and their levels of
perception become more sophisticated, they can describe their thoughts orally,
graphically, and in writing. Their increased fine motor skills help them learn all kinds
of things, from cursive writing to playing classroom musical instruments. As they
begin to learn about their community, they become more curious about themselves and
about others. Their study of the arts leads them to gain knowledge about many
different subjects. For example, excited by a walking trip through the community, they
draw pictures representing landmark buildings. They also learn to dance and sing to
music from their community’s many cultures and use their theatrical skills to portray a

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

The visual and performing arts standards are designed so that students can improve their capacity to create
and appreciate art over time, with the enhancement of foundational skills needed at the later grades. In dance,
second-graders began to combine dance movements into short sequences, learned the vocabulary of dance, and
identified dances from various countries. In music, they learned to read, write, and perform simple patterns of
pitch, which opens up varieties of music that will be explored in later grades. In theatre, students performed in
group improvisations and learned theatrical games to improve their skills, studying universal character types
from stories both familiar and foreign. Finally, in the visual arts, students applied their knowledge of the
elements of art through basic art-making processes, such as printmaking and collage. They studied art objects
from different cultures and time periods and began to evaluate their own work.

What Students Learn in Third Grade

Students combine movement in place, movement across the room, and a sense of space and time as they
sequence the movements to different tempos. By practicing to combine the various movements and the elements
of dance, they create and perform original dance sequences that exhibit variety and kinesthetic and visual
rhythm. For example, they learn to perform increasingly complex improvisations and movement sequences
more expressively by emphasizing the dance element of force or energy. When they create dance sequences,
they can identify a clear beginning, middle, and end and include a variety of shapes, movements, and levels in
space. As they work to improve their proficiency, they also create, memorize, and perform original movement
sequences with a partner or a small group.
Learning to compare and contrast dances from various countries enriches students’ repertoires of
movements and their understanding of how dance functions in many cultures. When students evaluate the dance
performance of their peers, they can use specific criteria, such as how focused the dancer was during the
performance. And they can comment on how dance skills help communicate the idea and mood of the dance. As
October 2011 Edition
they gain experience in creating dance in collaboration with others, they learn more about the time-
management, problem-solving, and self-discipline skills required for dance and determine how those skills
apply to other areas of study and to careers.

Students focus on rhythmic patterns, musical forms, melody, harmony, and timbre as Students focus on
they read, write, and perform music. Their increased listening skills help them identify rhythmic patterns,
those qualities in music selections, in the four families of orchestral instruments, and in musical forms,
male and female adult voices. By singing from memory, they improve their accuracy and melody, harmony,
create rhythmic and melodic phrases. As students sing and play songs from diverse and timbre as they
cultures, they can compare and contrast music from throughout the world. When they read, write, and
play and sing music, they are honing their ability to select and use specific criteria to perform music.
judge the quality of a musical performance. Focusing on the use of the musical elements
for their criteria, they can describe how the elements help the composer or performer to communicate an idea or
mood in the music and can identify the use of similar elements, such as pattern and rhythm, in other art forms.

Students identify and describe important elements of theatre, such as character, setting, conflict, motivation,
props, stage areas, and blocking. They do cooperative scriptwriting and improvisations, including determining
basic blocking and stage areas, by applying their knowledge of the five Ws (who, what, where, when, and why).
By dramatizing different cultural versions of similar stories from around the world, they increase their
repertoires and can identify universal themes. When evaluating scripts and staging performances, they learn
which criteria are appropriate. And if they like a scene in a play they are reading, they can explain how the
playwright succeeded. By participating in theatrical experiences, they gain many opportunities to demonstrate
their problem-solving and cooperative skills.

Visual Arts
Students increase their understanding of how to create the illusion of space and apply those techniques in
their work, allowing them to recognize near and far distances in a painting. They also compare works of art
made with different media, such as watercolor or oil paint, and different art objects,
They also compare such as a woodcut or computer-generated prints. Creating works of visual art based
works of art made with on their observations of objects and scenes, they include drawing, painting,
different media, such as sculpture, printmaking, and other forms of expression in their efforts. Students also
watercolor or oil paint, become familiar with local artists and their works as well as artists throughout the
and different art state and from various parts of the world.
objects, such as woodcut Students progress into analyzing how diverse works may communicate similar
or computer-generated themes, ideas, or moods. They can distinguish among representational, abstract, and
prints. nonrepresentational works of art, including developing and applying appropriate
criteria for evaluation. For example, they might consider how effectively the artist
used elements of art, such as line, shape, and color, to communicate a mood. In addition, students apply criteria
to their own artwork and explain how it might be improved. Another activity allows students to apply their
understanding of the communicative quality of the visual arts as they describe, for example, how costumes
contribute to the meaning of a dance, how an artist tells a story in a figurative painting, how a work of art can be
the inspiration for a poem, or how artists have affected people’s lives.
October 2011 Edition
The Standards

The visual and performing arts content standards provide expectations for students in four disciplines:
dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. At each grade level, the standards are grouped under five strands:

1. Artistic perception refers to processing, analyzing, and responding to sensory information through
the use of the language and skills unique to dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts.

2. Creative expression involves creating a work, performing, and participating in the arts disciplines.

3. Historical and cultural context concerns the work students do toward understanding the historical
contributions and cultural dimensions of an arts discipline.

4. Aesthetic valuing includes analyzing and critiquing works of dance, music, theatre, and the visual

5. Connections, relationships, and applications involve connecting and applying what is learned in
one arts discipline and comparing it to learning in the other arts, other subject areas, and careers.

When reading the standards at a particular grade level, one must know which standards were accomplished
in all the previous grade levels to understand how expectations are based on prior learning. In addition, an
examination of the standards for any of the art forms at a given grade level reveals overlaps and points of
connection across the strands because the strands and the content standards for the four disciplines are
intrinsically related.

Key Content Standards

Each arts discipline and artistic process has many entry points throughout the grades. Because particular
ideas, concepts, and experiences are critical to student achievement at certain times in their artistic and
cognitive development, the standards provide students with a picture of what is essential to know and be able to
do, from kindergarten through grade eight, in each of the four arts disciplines. The key content standards
provide a beginning point for standards-based instruction in each grade of elementary and middle school and
focus on fundamental content that students need in order to move to the next level of understanding and
expression. Like the complete standards, the key standards build up content in each successive grade level and
spiral throughout the curriculum for kindergarten through grade eight. They are essential in preparing students
for beginning-level high school arts courses in which they engage in more focused and independent work. Key
standards are indicated in the list below with an asterisk (*).
The following third-grade visual and performing arts content standards were adopted by the California State
Board of Education on January 10, 2001.

October 2011 Edition
Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards
Third Grade
Component Strand: 1.0 Artistic Perception

Dance Music Theatre Visual Arts

Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Processing, Analyzing, and Processing, Analyzing, and Processing, Analyzing, and
Sensory Information Through the Responding to Sensory Information Responding to Sensory Responding to Sensory Information
Language and Skills Unique to Dance Through the Language and Skills Information Through the Through the Language and Skills
Unique to Music Language and Skills Unique to Unique to the Visual Arts

Students perceive and respond, using the Students read, notate, listen to, Students observe their Students perceive and respond to
elements of dance. They demonstrate analyze, and describe music and other environment and respond, using works of art, objects in nature, events,
movement skills, process sensory aural information, using the the elements of theatre. They and the environment. They also use
information, and describe movement, terminology of music. also observe formal and the vocabulary of the visual arts to
using the vocabulary of dance. Read and Notate Music informal works of theatre, express their observations.
Development of Motor Skills and film/video, and electronic Develop Perceptual Skills and
1.1* Read, write, and perform simple
Technical Expertise media and respond, using the Visual Arts Vocabulary
rhythmic patterns using eighth
vocabulary of theatre.
1.1* Combine and perform basic notes, quarter notes, half notes, 1.1 Perceive and describe rhythm and
locomotor skills, moving on a specific dotted half notes, whole notes, Development of the movement in works of art and in
pathway (e.g., skip in circles, slide in and rests. Vocabulary of Theatre the environment.
zigzags, run in a variety of linear 1.2 Read, write, and perform 1.1* Use the vocabulary of 1.2 Describe how artists use tints and
paths). Combine and perform pentatonic patterns, using solfège. theatre, such as character, shades in painting.
locomotor and axial movements (e.g., setting, conflict, audience,
Listen to, Analyze, and Describe 13.* Identify and describe how
walk and turn, stretch and slide). motivation, props, stage
Music foreground, middle ground, and
1.2 Demonstrate the ability to start, areas, and blocking, to
1.3* Identify melody, rhythm, background are used to create the
change, and stop movement. describe theatrical
harmony, and timbre in selected illusion of space.
Comprehension and Analysis of Dance pieces of music when presented 1.4* Compare and contrast two works
Elements Comprehension and Analysis
aurally. of art made by the use of different
of the Elements of Theatre
1.3* Perform short movement problems, 1.4 Identify visually and aurally the art tools and media (e.g.,
emphasizing the element of 1.2 Identify who, what, where, watercolor, tempera, computer).
four families of orchestral
force/energy (e.g., swing, melt, when, and why (the five
instruments and male and female Analyze Art Elements and
explode, quiver). Ws) in a theatrical
adult voices. Principles of Design
1.4 Expand the ability to incorporate 1.5 Describe the way in which sound 1.5 Identify and describe elements of
spatial and time concepts in movement is produced on various art in works of art, emphasizing

*Indicates a key standard. 3.52

October 2011 Edition
problems (e.g., select and combine instruments. line, color, shape/ form, texture,
three locomotor movements traveling 1.6 Identify simple musical forms space, and value.
in three different pathways and using (e.g., AABA, AABB, round).
three different tempos).
Development of Dance Vocabulary
1.5 Describe dance elements used in
personal work and that of others.

*Indicates a key standard. 3.53

October 2011 Edition
Component Strand: 2.0 Creative Expression
Dance Music Theatre Visual Arts
Creating, Performing, and Participating in Dance Creating, Performing, and Creating, Performing, and Creating, Performing, and
Participating in Music Participating in Theatre Participating in the Visual Arts
Students apply choreographic principles, processes, Students apply vocal and Students apply processes and Students apply artistic processes
and skills to create and communicate meaning through instrumental musical skills in skills in acting, directing, and skills, using a variety of media
improvisation, composition, and performance of performing a varied repertoire of designing, and scriptwriting to to communicate meaning and
dance. music. They compose and arrange create formal and informal intent in original works of art.
Creation/Invention of Dance Movements music and improvise melodies, theatre, film/videos, and Skills, Processes, Materials, and
variations, and accompaniments, electronic media productions and Tools
2.1 Create and perform complex improvised
using digital/electronic technology to perform in them.
movement patterns, dance sequences, and studies. 2.1 Explore ideas for art in a
when appropriate. Development of Theatrical
2.2 Improvise and select multiple possibilities to solve personal sketchbook.
Apply Vocal and Instrumental Skills
a given movement problem (e.g., find four 2.2 Mix and apply tempera paints
Skills 2.1* Participate in cooperative
different ways to combine a turn, stretch, and to create tints, shades, and
jump). 2.1 Sing with accuracy in a scriptwriting or neutral colors.
developmentally appropriate improvisations that
Application of Choreographic Principles and Communication and Expression
range. incorporate the five Ws.
Processes to Creating Dance Through Original Works of Art
2.2* Sing age-appropriate songs Creation/Invention in Theatre
2.3 Create a sequence that has a beginning, a middle, 2.3 Paint or draw a landscape,
from memory, including 2.2 Create for classmates simple
and an end. Name and refine the parts of the seascape, or cityscape that
rounds, partner songs, and scripts that demonstrate
sequence. shows the illusion of space.
ostinatos. knowledge of basic blocking
2.4 Create a wide variety of shapes and movements, 2.4* Create a work of art based on
2.3 Play rhythmic and melodic and stage areas.
using different levels in space. the observation of objects and
ostinatos on classroom
Communication of Meaning in Dance scenes in daily life,
emphasizing value changes.
2.5 Perform dances to communicate personal Compose, Arrange, and
meaning, using focus and expression. 2.5 Create an imaginative clay
sculpture based on an organic
2.6* Compare and contrast the role of the performer 2.4 Create short rhythmic and form.
with that of a member of the audience. melodic phrases in question­
2.6 Create an original work of art
Development of Partner and Group Skills and-answer form.
emphasizing rhythm and
2.7 Demonstrate a variety of partner skills (e.g., movement, using a selected
imitation, leading/following, mirroring). printing process.
2.8* Create, memorize, and perform original
movement sequences with a partner or a small

*Indicates a key standard. 3.54

October 2011 Edition
Component Strand: 3.0 Historical and Cultural Context

Dance Music Theatre Visual Arts

Understanding the Historical Understanding the Historical Understanding the Historical Understanding the Historical
Contributions and Cultural Contributions and Cultural Contributions and Cultural Contributions and Cultural
Dimensions of Dance Dimensions of Music Dimensions of Theatre Dimensions of the Visual Arts

Students analyze the function and Students analyze the role of music in Students analyze the role and Students analyze the role and
development of dance in past and past and present cultures throughout development of theatre, film/video, development of the visual arts in past
present cultures throughout the the world, noting cultural diversity as and electronic media in past and and present cultures throughout the
world, noting human diversity as it it relates to music, musicians, and present cultures throughout the world, world, noting human diversity as it
relates to dance and dancers. composers. noting diversity as it relates to theatre. relates to the visual arts and artists.
Development of Dance Role of Music Role and Cultural Significance of Role and Development of the Visual
3.1 Describe commonalities among 3.1 Identify the uses of music in Theatre Arts
and differences between dances various cultures and time periods. 3.1* Dramatize different cultural 3.1 Compare and describe various
from various countries. Diversity of Music versions of similar stories from works of art that have a similar
3.2 Describe and demonstrate around the world. theme and were created at
3.2 Sing memorized songs from
ceremonial and folk/traditional History of Theatre different time periods.
diverse cultures.
dances that show work activities 3.2 Identify universal themes in 3.2* Identify artists from his or her
3.3 Play memorized songs from
(e.g., harvesting, fishing, stories and plays from different own community, county, or state
diverse cultures.
weaving). periods and places. and discuss local or regional art
3.4 Identify differences and traditions.
History and Function of Dance
commonalities in music from
3.3* Explain the function of dance in 3.3 Distinguish and describe
various cultures.
ceremonial and social representational, abstract, and
community events in Native nonrepresentational works of art.
American cultures. Diversity of the Visual Arts
3.4 Describe how costumes and 3.4 Identify and describe objects of
shoes influence dance art from different parts of the
movement. world observed in visits to a
Diversity of Dance museum or gallery (e.g., puppets,
masks, containers).
3.5 Name and demonstrate dances of
Native Americans. 3.5 Write about a work of art that
reflects a student’s own cultural

*Indicates a key standard. 3.55

October 2011 Edition
Component Strand: 4.0 Aesthetic Valuing

Dance Music Theatre Visual Arts

Responding to, Analyzing, and Responding to, Analyzing, and Responding to, Analyzing, and Responding to, Analyzing, and
Making Judgments About Works of Making Judgments About Works of Critiquing Theatrical Experiences Making Judgments About Works in
Dance Music the Visual Arts

Students critically assess and derive Students critically assess and derive Students critique and derive meaning Students analyze, assess, and derive
meaning from works of dance, meaning from works of music and the from works of theatre, film/video, meaning from works of art, including
performance of dancers, and original performance of musicians according electronic media, and theatrical artists their own, according to the elements
works based on the elements of to the elements of music, aesthetic on the basis of aesthetic qualities. of art, the principles of design, and
dance and aesthetic qualities. qualities, and human responses. Critical Assessment of Theatre aesthetic qualities.
Description, Analysis, and Analyze and Critically Assess 4.1* Develop and apply appropriate Derive Meaning
Criticism of Dance 4.1 Select and use specific criteria in criteria or rubrics for evaluating a 4.1 Compare and contrast selected
4.1 Name specific criteria to assess making judgments about the theatrical experience. works of art and describe them,
the quality of a dance quality of a musical performance. Derivation of Meaning from Works using appropriate vocabulary of
performance of peers (e.g., Derive Meaning of Theatre art.
focus, level of personal Making Informal Judgments
4.2 Create developmentally 4.2 Compare the content or message
involvement, physical control).
appropriate movements to express in two different works of theatre. 4.2 Identify successful and less
4.2 Explain and demonstrate what it pitch, tempo, form, and dynamics. successful compositional and
means to be a good audience expressive qualities of their own
4.3* Describe how specific musical
member. works of art and describe what
elements communicate particular
Meaning and Impact of Dance ideas or moods in music. might be done to improve them.
4.3 Explain how a performer’s dance 4.3 Select an artist’s work and, using
skills contribute to appropriate vocabulary of art,
communication of ideas and explain its successful
moods when performing a dance compositional and
(e.g., focus, strength, communicative qualities.

*Indicates a key standard. 3.56

October 2011 Edition
Component Strand: 5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications
Dance Music Theatre Visual Arts
Connecting and Applying What Is Learned in Connecting and Applying What Is Connecting and Applying What Is Connecting and Applying What Is
Dance to Learning in Other Art Forms and Learned in Music to Learning in Learned in Theatre, Film/Video, Learned in the Visual Arts to Other
Subject Areas and to Careers Other Art Forms and Subject Areas and Electronic Media to Other Art Art Forms and Subject Areas and
and to Careers Forms and Subject Areas and to to Careers
Student apply what they learn in dance to Students apply what they learn in Students apply what they learn in Students apply what they learn in
learning across subject areas. They develop music across subject areas. They theatre, film/video, and electronic the visual arts across subject areas.
competencies and creative skills in problem develop competencies and creative media across subject areas. They They develop competencies and
solving, communication, and management of skills in problem solving, develop competencies and creative creative skills in problem solving,
time and resources that contribute to lifelong communication, and management skills in problem solving, communication, and management
learning and career skills. They also learn of time and resources that communication, and time of time and resources that
about careers in and related to dance. contribute to lifelong learning and management that contribute to contribute to lifelong learning and
Connections and Applications Across career skills. They also learn about lifelong learning and career skills. career skills. They also learn about
Disciplines careers in and related to music. They also learn about careers in careers in and related to the visual
Connections and Applications and related to theatre. arts.
5.1 Explain relationships between dance
elements and other subjects (e.g., spatial 5.1 Identify the use of similar Connections and Applications Connections and Applications
pathways—maps and grids; geometric elements in music and other art 5.1 Use problem-solving and 5.1 Describe how costumes
shapes—body shapes). forms (e.g., form, pattern, cooperative skills to dramatize contribute to the meaning of a
5.2 Describe how dancing develops physical rhythm). a story or a current event from dance.
and mental well-being (e.g., control, Careers and Career-Related another content area, with 5.2 Write a poem or story inspired
flexibility, posture, strength, risk taking). Skills emphasis on the five Ws. by their own works of art.
Development of Life Skills and Career 5.2 Identify what musicians and Careers and Career-Related Visual Literacy
Competencies composers do to create music. Skills
5.3 Look at images in figurative
5.3 Explain how the time management, 5.2 Develop problem-solving and works of art and predict what
problem solving, and self-discipline skills communication skills by might happen next, telling
required for composing a dance apply to participating collaboratively in what clues in the work support
other school activities. theatrical experiences. their ideas.
5.4 Give examples of ways in which the Careers and Career-Related
activities of professionals in the Skills
performing arts are similar to each other 5.4 Describe how artists (e.g.,
(e.g., observing discipline, practicing architects, book illustrators,
skills, rehearsing performances). muralists, industrial designers)
have affected people’s lives.

*Indicates a key standard. 3.57

October 2011 Edition

Through health education, students learn skills that enable them to make healthy choices and avoid high-risk
behaviors. They also learn health concepts and acquire related knowledge. Students develop communication
skills, decision-making and goal-setting skills, refusal techniques, and the ability to access health information
and assess its accuracy. They learn health skills and content simultaneously.
Health literacy is a primary goal of health education. Health literacy is defined as the capacity of an
individual to obtain, interpret, and understand basic health information and services and the competence to use
such information and services to enhance health. The knowledge and skills that comprise health literacy are
woven throughout the health education content standards.
The health education content standards provide a vision of what students need to The health education
know and be able to do so they can adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. The eight content standards
overarching content standards are taught within the context of six content areas. For provide a vision of
grades one through six, only three content areas are addressed each year to allow for what students need to
sufficient time for effective instruction. For grade three, the three content areas are know and be able to
Growth and Development; Mental, Emotional, and Social Health; and Personal and do so they can adopt
Community Health. and maintain healthy
By grade three, the influence of a student’s peers, teachers, and community behaviors.
becomes more significant, although the family remains the most powerful social
influence. Positive role models for healthy behaviors are critical as students take more responsibility for their
own behaviors, such as wearing bicycle helmets, washing their hands to reduce the risk of communicable
disease, and being helpful and respectful to others.
Students in grade three are capable of setting short-term goals and developing strategies to cope with
difficult situations they may face, such as feeling threatened. They have internalized rules and can help promote
a safe school environment. Students’ curiosity about their own growth and development supports learning about
major body parts and their functions. As they learn about their own growth, they also learn about differences in
the growth and development of others. Learning to identify trusted adults and to set personal boundaries
become more important as grade-three students interact with, and take on more responsibilities within, their
families, their school, and their community.

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

The three content areas for health instruction in grade two are nutrition and physical activity; alcohol,
tobacco, and other drugs; and mental, emotional, and social health. By the end of grade two, students have
learned about the importance of being physically active and eating healthy foods. They can identify a variety of
healthy foods, know the benefits of a healthy breakfast, and understand how their food choices are influenced
by others. They have selected healthy foods for meals and snacks and encouraged others to do the same. They
have also learned to distinguish between helpful and harmful substances, the importance of taking medications
as prescribed, and who can provide accurate information about the safe use of medicines. During grade two,
students learned refusal skills to resist offers of drugs or inappropriate medicines. They also learned
communication skills to alert adults about unsafe situations involving drugs or medicines. They gained the skills
to identify and express emotions appropriately. As students leave grade two, they know about the characteristics
of trusted friends and adults, how to ask for help from trusted adults and friends, and how to be a good friend
and responsible family member.

October 2011 Edition
What Students Learn in Third Grade

In grade three, students learn and practice the behavioral skills addressed in overarching standards 2 through
8. These skills are interwoven with the essential concepts addressed in overaching standard 1. Students build on
health skills and content learned in previous grades. In grade three, students learn and practice more skills than
in previous years; in particular, they learn about decision making, goal setting, and health promotion. Reflecting
the expanding worlds of third-grade students, the standards focus on social behaviors and skills that help
students be safe and secure. Students also learn about their roles and responsibilities in their families, schools,
and communities.
Instruction in grade three is focused on physical growth and development; mental, emotional, and social
development; and personal and community health. Because of the strong link between healthy physical
development and healthy mental, emotional, and social development, these two content areas are intentionally
addressed in the same school year. The study of personal and community health expands students’ focus from
themselves, their families, and their schools into the larger community.

Growth and Development

Students learn about the life cycle of living things, including humans, from birth
to death. They study the functions of major internal and external parts of their
bodies and the differences in how individuals grow and develop. They learn about
and practice behaviors that promote healthy growth and development, such as
getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, and protecting their bodies when
playing. They also learn about the influence of their families on their growth and
development. When asked by their teacher, students can list ways their family helps
them to be healthy (e.g., parents reminding their children to brush their teeth,
grandparents telling them to buckle their seat belt, or older siblings playing
basketball with them). Students learn that their school also influences their growth
and development. For example, schools provide a physically and emotionally safe
environment where children can play at recess. Schools also ensure that students
show respect for others regardless of differences in growth and development.
In grade three, students learn to communicate about growth and development with parents, guardians, and
trusted adults. They identify people in their home and community who are trustworthy sources of information
about birth, growth, aging, and death in living things. Students also promote the healthy development of others
by encouraging their peers to be respectful of individuals regardless of differences.

Mental, Emotional, and Social Health

In grade three, health instruction emphasizes healthy social relationships with family, friends, school peers,
and community members. Students understand the importance of and can demonstrate healthy social behaviors
such as responsibility, respect, cooperation, and consideration. They recognize the benefits of having positive
relationships with their family members and friends. As part of the focus on healthy social relationships,
students learn to set personal boundaries for privacy, safety, and expression of emotions. They communicate
directly, respectfully, and assertively about their personal boundaries. Students learn to evaluate situations to
determine if a trusted adult should be asked for help. They also learn how to access help for mental, emotional,

October 2011 Edition
and social health concerns and questions. Students learn about effective strategies to cope with fear, stress, loss,
and grief and are able to select appropriate strategies to help others cope with these situations.
Helping others is another significant theme in grade three. Students learn about the importance of assuming
responsibility at home and in the community. As they develop goal-setting skills, they make a plan for helping
and showing responsibility at home and then carry it out. Students promote a positive school environment by
responding appropriately when peers are teased and by demonstrating respect and support for people with

Personal and Community Health

For students in grade three, personal and community health instruction focuses on the types, spread,
prevention, and effects of diseases. Students learn the difference between communicable and noncommunicable
diseases, between bacteria and viruses, and between life-threatening and nonemergency conditions. They
identify positive health practices that reduce illness. They practice refusal skills to avoid the spread of
communicable diseases and use their decision-making skills to reduce their risk of contracting communicable
diseases. Students also learn to recognize life-threatening conditions (e.g., heart attacks, asthma attacks,
seizures) and identify people who can assist in those situations. Students identify and
Students identify and understand who and what influence their health practices, understand who and
broadening their understanding to include the influence of the media. They also learn what influence their
how to support others in making healthy choices. To practice their goal-setting skills, health practices,
students set a short-term goal for a positive health practice that they can achieve broadening their
without assistance (e.g., brushing their teeth before going to bed every night for a understanding to
week) and keep a record of their progress toward meeting their goal. include the influence of
Students also learn the importance of a healthy environment and its role in the media.
personal and community health. They promote a healthy environment by learning
about and demonstrating ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle at home, at school, and in the community. They
also encourage others to promote a healthy environment.

Support for English Learners

Teachers may need to modify instruction to meet the instructional needs of English learners. Strategies to
support learning may include using graphic organizers, pictures and other visual cues; summarizing or
paraphrasing text; and additional time and providing opportunities for practice and interactions with classmates
and the teacher. As in other subject areas, the academic language of health must be directly taught to all
students, but English learners may need additional opportunities to use new words. The interpersonal-
communication, decision-making, and health-promotion skills of health education provide opportunities for
students to use the academic language necessary to gain access to health content. Comparing alternatives and
justifying choices require the use of academic language and provide meaningful situations for students to
practice using new vocabulary and content knowledge.

October 2011 Edition
The Standards
The following grade-three health education content standards were adopted by the California State Board of
Education on March 12, 2008.

Health Education Content Standards

Grade Three
Overarching Standards

Standard 1: Essential Health Concepts

All students will comprehend essential concepts related to enhancing health.

Standard 2: Analyzing Health Influences

All students will demonstrate the ability to analyze internal and external influences that affect health.

Standard 3: Accessing Valid Health Information

All students will demonstrate the ability to access and analyze health information, products, and services.

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication

All students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health.

Standard 5: Decision Making

All students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Standard 6: Goal Setting

All students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors

All students will demonstrate the ability to practice behaviors that reduce risk and promote health.

Standard 8: Health Promotion

All students will demonstrate the ability to promote and support personal, family, and community health.

Growth and Development

Standard 1: Essential Concepts

1.1.G Describe the cycle of birth, growth, aging, and death in living things.

1.2.G Recognize that there are individual differences in growth and development.

1.3.G Identify major internal and external body parts and their functions.

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.1.G Explain how individual behaviors and one’s family and school influence growth and

October 2011 Edition
Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information

3.1.G Identify parents, guardians, and trusted adults with whom one can discuss the cycle of birth,
growth, aging, and death in living things.

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication

4.1.G Demonstrate how to communicate with parents, guardians, and trusted adults about growth and

4.2.G Identify how to show respect for individual differences.

Standard 5: Decision Making

5.1.G Examine why a variety of behaviors promote healthy growth and development.

Standard 6: Goal Setting

Skills for this content area are not identified until grade five.

Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors

7.1.G Determine behaviors that promote healthy growth and development.

Standard 8: Health Promotion

8.1.G Encourage peers to show respect for others regardless of differences in growth and

Mental, Emotional, and Social Health

Standard 1: Essential Concepts

1.1.M Describe examples of healthy social behaviors (e.g., helping others, being respectful of others,
cooperation, consideration).

1.2.M Describe the importance of assuming responsibility within the family and community.

1.3.M Explain the benefits of having positive relationships with family and friends.

1.4.M Discuss the importance of setting (and ways to set) personal boundaries for privacy, safety,
and expression of emotions.

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.1.M Describe internal and external factors that affect friendships and family relationships

Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information

October 2011 Edition
3.1.M Access trusted adults at home, at school, and in the community who can help with mental,
emotional, and social health concerns.

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication

4.1.M Demonstrate how to communicate directly, respectfully, and assertively regarding personal

Standard 5: Decision Making

5.1.M Describe effective strategies to cope with changes within the family.

5.2.M Evaluate situations in which a trusted adult should be asked for help.

Standard 6: Goal Setting

6.1.M Make a plan to help at home and show responsibility as a family member.

Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors

7.1.M Evaluate effective strategies to cope with fear, stress, anger, loss, and grief in oneself and

Standard 8: Health Promotion

8.1.M Promote a positive and respectful school environment.

8.2.M Object appropriately to teasing of peers and family members that is based on personal

8.3.M Demonstrate the ability to support and respect people with differences.

Personal and Community Health

Standard 1: Essential Concepts

1.1.P Examine the difference between communicable and noncommunicable diseases.

1.2.P Describe how bacteria and viruses affect the body.

1.3.P Identify positive health practices that reduce illness and disease.

1.4.P Identify life-threatening conditions (e.g., heart attacks, asthma attacks, poisoning).

1.5.P Describe how a healthy environment is essential to personal and community health.

1.6.P Discuss how reducing, recycling, and reusing products make for a healthier environment.

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

October 2011 Edition
2.1.P Identify how culture, family, friends, and media influence positive health practices.

Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information

3.1.P Recognize individuals who can assist with health-related issues and potentially life-threatening
health conditions (e.g., asthma episodes or seizures).

3.2.P Describe how to access help when feeling threatened.

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication

4.1.P Demonstrate refusal skills to avoid the spread of disease.

Standard 5: Decision Making

5.1.P Use a decision-making process to reduce the risk of communicable disease or illness.

Standard 6: Goal Setting

6.1.P Set a short-term goal for positive health practices.

Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors

7.1.P Evaluate ways to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases.

7.2.P Demonstrate ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle at home, at school, and in the community.

Standard 8: Health Promotion

8.1.P Support others in making positive health choices.

8.2.P Encourage others to promote a healthy environment.

October 2011 Edition
Physical Education


Elementary physical education programs emphasize the importance of physical activity and personal fitness.
Fitness is developed through the activities in the daily lessons, which emphasize physical activity, continuous
movement, and challenges that involve overloading the major muscle groups. Students have opportunities to
understand the fitness components, fitness assessment, and the need for a lifetime of physical activity.
Participation in physical activity also can be an important venue for the social, psychological, and emotional
development of children.
The elementary school physical education program emphasizes the development of fundamental locomotor,
nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills. The movement framework, basic biomechanical and motor learning
principles (see Appendixes C, D, and E in the Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools
[California Department of Education 2009]), and fundamental game tactics are also part of the content for
elementary school students.
State law requires that schools provide students in grade three with at least 200 minutes of physical
education each 10 school days. Recess and lunch time do not count toward the required instructional minutes.
The grade-three physical education model content standards are organized by five overarching content
standards. Under each of the overarching standards are grade-level model content
standards that provide a vision of what students in grade three need to know and be able Grade three is a
to do. Together, the content standards represent the essential skills and knowledge that all good time for
students need in order to be physically active and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. students to create
Fitness activities become increasingly important at this age, as early signs of poor personal fitness and
posture and decreases in flexibility begin to appear. Grade three is a good time for motor skill goals and
students to create personal fitness and motor skill goals and monitor their progress. It is monitor their
also a pivotal time in the development of students’ movement skills. progress.

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

By the end of grade two, students correctly performed the more difficult locomotor skills of skipping and
leaping. They repeatedly jumped a rope. They demonstrated smooth transitions between even-beat locomotor
skills and uneven-beat locomotor skills. They performed rhythmic sequences alone and with a partner. Students
learned and described the correct technique for foundational manipulative skills. For example, they threw balls
for distance, kicked slowly rolling balls, dribbled balls with their hands and their feet, and caught gently thrown
balls. They learned, in terms appropriate for grade-two students, the meaning of impact force, base of support,
and open space.
During second grade, students started measuring their own fitness levels and monitoring their personal
improvement in fitness and physical activities. They learned the names of some important muscles and how to
strengthen and stretch them. They learned about the fuel (water and nutritious foods) their bodies need to be
physically active and how physical activity helps them maintain good health. They also learned to encourage
their peers, show respect for others and equipment, and work cooperatively in a variety of group settings.

October 2011 Edition
What Students Learn in Third Grade
Grade three is a pivotal time in the development of students’ movement skills. In grade three, students begin
to focus on combining locomotor and nonlocomotor skills into new movement sequences. Students who cannot
perform the skills using the proper technique will need additional learning and practice opportunities to improve
these foundational skills. Practice opportunities throughout the school year allow them time to develop the
proper form for manipulative skills, such as rolling an object, throwing, catching, dribbling, kicking, and
striking. By the end of grade three, students should have mastered the proper form for locomotor and
nonlocomotor skills and learned to manipulate objects in a variety of ways. Students experiment with and
explore alternative movements, such as tumbling, creative dance, and formal dance.

Overarching Standard 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns
needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Students improve their locomotor skills as they apply the skills to chasing, fleeing, and dodging in tag-type
games; dancing the beginning steps of line, circle, and folk dances; and jumping a rope that loops forward and
backwards. They refine their body management skills as they perform forward
rolls, straddle rolls, and tripods. They also practice body management skills as
they move along a ground-level balance beam.
Manipulative skills take on a greater role in physical education in grade
three than in previous grade levels. Students are honing their throwing,
catching, kicking, and striking skills. They practice hand dribbling and foot
dribbling while traveling and dodging obstacles. They throw and catch an object
with a partner, maintaining accuracy as they throw from greater distances.
While moving, they catch an object thrown by a stationary partner. Students
focus on correct technique and are provided with many opportunities to practice
new skills.

Overarching Standard 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts,

principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 2 represents the cognitive knowledge that supports the skills learned in Standard 1. Students in
grade three can describe the correct technique for manipulative skills in detail (e.g., the correct hand position
when catching a ball at different levels). In addition, they can describe differences in techniques when applying
manipulative skills in different situations (e.g., throwing to a stationary partner, throwing to a moving partner).
They learn the key elements for increasing accuracy when rolling or throwing a ball. In preparation for game
play in later grades, students learn about altering speed and direction to avoid an opponent. They also learn to
watch the torso of opposing players for signs of changes in direction.
Rhythmic skills in grade three build on the rhythmic sequences students performed in grade two. During the
school year, students learn the definition of the terms folk dance, line dance, and circle dance. They compare
and contrast folk dances, line dances, and circle dances and perform each type with a partner.

October 2011 Edition
Overarching Standard 3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to
improve health and performance.

In grade three, students perform moderate to vigorous physical activities three to four days each week for
increasing periods of time. Muscular strength and endurance are developed as students perform increasing
numbers of exercises such as curl-ups, push-ups, and lunges. Students practice basic stretches, holding the
stretch for increasing periods of time to improve their flexibility. They demonstrate the correct technique for
warm-up exercises before vigorous physical activities and cool-down exercises after vigorous activities. To
monitor their progress, students measure and record their improvement in fitness activities and performance on
health-related physical fitness assessments. They also use logs or other methods to record the time spent in
physical activity when not in school.

Overarching Standard 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts,

principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.

Standard 4 provides the cognitive information to support the fitness activities described in Standard 3.
Students learn why warm-up and cool-down activities are important for readying the body for activity and
recovery. They learn to identify the body’s reaction (e.g., increased heart rate, increased breathing) to physical
activity. They also learn about the relationship between the heart, lungs, blood, and oxygen during physical
Students learn the five components of health-related fitness (body composition, Students learn the
aerobic capacity, flexibility, muscle endurance, and muscle strength); the principle of five components of
progression (workloads must be increased to improve fitness); the names of major health-related
muscles; proper lifting techniques to prevent back injuries; why a particular stretch is fitness (body
appropriate preparation for a particular activity; and unsafe flexibility exercises that composition,
should be avoided. aerobic capacity,
Students can explain the link between fluids and energy expenditure. They flexibility, muscle
understand that oxygen and fuel must be available during ongoing muscle contractions endurance, and
so that heat and waste products are removed. They learn that their bodies consume muscle strength)…
calories and burn fat at different rates, depending on their level of activity.

Overarching Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological

and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activity.

Students in grade three enjoy assuming responsibility for setting goals, working toward goals, and
monitoring their progress either alone or with others. This interest in their progress supports the standards that
call for students to set a goal to improve a motor skill, work toward their goal when not in school, and record
their progress toward mastery of the motor skill. Another self-responsibility standard calls for students to learn
the benefits of safety procedures and rules and the consequences of disregarding them.
As students’ social interaction skills improve, they learn to coach other students by using movement cues
(e.g., watch the ball, extend your arms) and words of encouragement. This stage of social development is also a
time when students’ increasing ability to work with others helps them learn to accept and appreciate differences
in physical abilities between individuals.

October 2011 Edition
Support for English Learners

The goal of physical education programs in California is to ensure universal access to high-quality
curriculum and instruction so that every student can meet or exceed the state’s physical education model content
standards. To reach that goal, teachers design instruction to meet the instructional needs of each student.
Different instructional approaches may be needed for English learners to gain access to physical education
content. Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE), also known as sheltered instruction,
provides students with a variety of interactive and multimodal means to obtain information. With sheltered
instruction techniques, teachers modify the language demands of the lesson. Cooperative learning with high
levels of interaction may also be an effective strategy. (See the Physical Education Framework for California
Public Schools [California Department of Education 2009], Chapter 7, “Universal Access,” for more
Physical education instruction provides opportunities for students to develop their English-language skills.
Students learn new vocabulary through physical activity instruction that is modeled by other students (e.g.,
“Stand on the blue square”; “Move around the cone”) and demonstrations of locomotor movements that include
labeling of the movement (e.g., the teacher says, “Move to the right,” and students demonstrate the change in
direction). Working cooperatively in groups, coaching other students, and speaking and listening about physical
education concepts and skills also provide opportunities for English learners to acquire academic vocabulary
and practice both informal and formal English.

Support for Students with Special Needs

Successful participation in physical activities by students with special needs depends on the teacher’s skill
and training in providing instruction and support to all students. When systematically planned differentiation
strategies are used, students with special needs can benefit from appropriately challenging curriculum and
instruction. The strategies for differentiating instruction include pacing, complexity, depth, and novelty. Despite
the modifications made, however, the focus is to always help students meet the physical education model
content standards to the best of their ability.
In helping students achieve at their grade level, teachers use instructional resources aligned with the
standards and provide additional learning and practice opportunities. Some students with 504 Plans or
individualized education programs (IEPs) are eligible for special education services in physical education. A
student’s 504 Plan or IEP often includes suggestions for techniques to ensure that the student has full access to a
program designed to provide him or her with appropriate learning opportunities and that uses instructional
materials and strategies to best meet his or her needs. The 504 Plan or IEP also determines which services or
combination of services best met the student’s need. See the Physical Education Framework for California
Public Schools [California Department of Education 2009], Chapter 7, “Universal Access,” for more
information. The framework is posted at

October 2011 Edition
The Standards

The following grade-three physical education model content standards were adopted by the California State
Board of Education on January 12, 2005.

Physical Education Model Content Standards

Grade Three
STANDARD 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a
variety of physical activities.

Movement Concepts

1.1 Chase, flee, and move away from others in a constantly changing environment.

Body Management

1.2 Perform an inverted balance (tripod) by evenly distributing weight on body parts.

1.3 Perform a forward roll.

1.4 Perform a straddle roll.

Locomotor Movement

1.5 Jump continuously a forward-turning rope and a backward-turning rope.

Manipulative Skills

1.6 Balance while traveling and manipulating an object on a ground-level balance beam.

1.7 Catch, while traveling, an object thrown by a stationary partner.

1.8 Roll a ball for accuracy toward a target.

1.9 Throw a ball, using the overhand movement pattern with increasing accuracy.

1.10 Throw and catch an object with a partner, increasing the distance from the partner and
maintaining an accurate throw that can be easily caught.

1.11 Kick a ball to a stationary partner, using the inside of the foot.

1.12 Strike a ball continuously upward, using a paddle or racket.

1.13 Hand-dribble a ball continuously while moving around obstacles.

1.14 Foot-dribble a ball continuously while traveling and changing direction.

October 2011 Edition
Rhythmic Skills

1.15 Perform a line dance, a circle dance, and a folk dance with a partner.

STANDARD 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies

that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Movement Concepts

2.1 Describe how changing speed and changing direction can allow one person to move away from

Manipulative Skills

2.2 Explain and demonstrate the correct hand position when catching a ball above the head, below the
waist, near the middle of the body, and away from the body.

2.3 Explain the difference between throwing to a stationary partner and throwing to a moving partner.

2.4 Identify the key elements for increasing accuracy in rolling a ball and throwing a ball.

2.5 Identify the differences between dribbling a ball (with the hand and the foot, separately) while
moving forward and when changing direction.

Rhythmic Skills

2.6 Define the terms folk dance, line dance, and circle dance.

2.7 Compare and contrast folk dances, line dances, and circle dances.

STANDARD 3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and

Fitness Concepts

3.1 Demonstrate warm-up and cool-down exercises.

3.2 Demonstrate how to lift and carry objects correctly.

Aerobic Capacity

3.3 Participate three to four days each week, for increasing periods of time, in continuous moderate to
vigorous physical activities that require sustained movement of the large-muscle groups to
increase breathing and heart rate.

Muscular Strength/Endurance

3.4 Perform increasing numbers of each: abdominal curl-ups, oblique curl-ups on each side, modified
push-ups or traditional push-ups with hands on a bench, forward lunges, side lunges, and triceps
push-ups from a chair.

October 2011 Edition
3.5 Climb a vertical pole or rope.


3.6 Hold for an increasing period of time basic stretches for hips, shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps,
triceps, biceps, back, and neck.

Body Composition

3.7 Sustain continuous movement for increasing periods of time while participating in moderate to
vigorous physical activity.


3.8 Measure and record improvement in individual fitness activities.

STANDARD 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and

strategies to improve health and performance.

Fitness Concepts

4.1 Identify the body’s normal reactions to moderate to vigorous physical activity.

4.2 List and define the components of physical fitness.

4.3 Explain the purpose of warming up before physical activity and cooling down after physical

4.4 Recognize that the body will adapt to increased workloads.

4.5 Explain that fluid needs are linked to energy expenditure.

4.6 Discuss the need for oxygen and fuel to be available during ongoing muscle contraction so that
heat and waste products are removed.

Aerobic Capacity

4.7 Describe the relationship between the heart, lungs, muscles, blood, and oxygen during physical

4.8 Describe and record the changes in heart rate before, during, and after physical activity.

Muscular Strength/Endurance

4.9 Explain that a stronger heart muscle can pump more blood with each beat.

4.10 Identify which muscles are used in performing muscular endurance activities.

4.11 Name and locate the major muscles of the body.

4.12 Describe and demonstrate how to relieve a muscle cramp.

October 2011 Edition
4.13 Describe the role of muscle strength and proper lifting in the prevention of back injuries.


4.14 Identify flexibility exercises that are not safe for the joints and should be avoided.

4.15 Explain why a particular stretch is appropriate preparation for a particular physical activity.

Body Composition

4.16 Differentiate the body’s ability to consume calories and burn fat during periods of inactivity and
during long periods of moderate physical activity.

STANDARD 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological

concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.


5.1 Set a personal goal to improve a motor skill and work toward that goal in nonschool time.

5.2 Collect data and record progress toward mastery of a motor skill.

5.3 List the benefits of following and the risks of not following safety procedures and rules associated
with physical activity

Social Interaction

5.4 Use appropriate cues for movement and positive words of encouragement while coaching others
in physical activities.

5.5 Demonstrate respect for individual differences in physical abilities.

Group Dynamics

5.6 Work in pairs or small groups to achieve an agreed-upon goal.

October 2011 Edition
World Languages


To succeed in the twenty-first century, today’s students need to develop linguistic

and cultural literacy, including academic knowledge and proficiency in English and in
world languages and cultures. California schools teach a wide variety of languages
spoken throughout the world, as well as American Sign Language (ASL). Because
every language is a “foreign” language to those who do not know it, the term used in
this document and in the standards is “world” languages.
Students no longer simply learn about languages and cultures; rather, they are
provided with opportunities to learn languages and cultures through participation in
communicative interactions that prepare them for real-world language use and global
citizenship. Language learning needs to be a lifelong endeavor.

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

Although world language instruction is not a required subject for the elementary grades, instruction in world
languages is encouraged to begin as early as possible. Some third-grade students may have participated in
language instruction in the earlier grades, but many will have had no formal instruction in another language.
However, because of the diversity of students in California, most classrooms will include students who bring a
rich variety of languages and cultures with them. Students may have learned a heritage language in their homes,
be recent immigrants, or acquired the ability to understand and/or produce one or more languages through
contact in their communities or abroad.

What Students Learn in Third Grade

The variety of languages and cultures in California classrooms provides opportunities to learn about and
celebrate the contributions of many people to the local community and reinforce lessons from third-grade
history–social science.
California schools offer a variety of language programs, some beginning in elementary school, continuing in
middle school, and most typically in comprehensive high school. Elementary programs in languages include the
following types:

 Immersion—a program in which at least 50 percent of the core curriculum instruction is in the target

 Foreign Language in the Elementary School (FLES)—a program that provides instruction for a
minimum of 70 minutes a week. The goal is to develop proficiency in language and culture.

 Foreign Language Experience (FLEX)—a program that exposes students to the study of a language or
languages and cultures to motivate them to pursue further study of a language.

October 2011 Edition
These programs differ substantially in the number of hours allocated for instruction. All programs need to
be age-appropriate in order to address students’ cognitive, emotional, and social needs. Programs for heritage
and native speakers may include immersion, specialized courses designed to meet learner needs, and
accommodations for these learners within the world language classroom.

Organization of the Standards

The world language content standards, adopted by the State Board of Education in 2009, represent a strong
consensus that the study of a wide variety of world languages and cultures is part of the core curriculum. The
standards present the knowledge, skills, and abilities that all learners of a world language should acquire in the
California public school system.
Because of the considerable number of languages spoken in California
Because of the considerable schools, the world language content standards were developed to accommodate
number of languages taught all languages and the various stages a learner goes through to become proficient.
in California schools, the Therefore, the standards are not language-specific. In addition, because of the
world language content various levels of student proficiency and the variety of California’s language
standards were developed programs, the world language content standards are not designated for specific
to accommodate all grade levels; instead, they describe levels of linguistic and cultural acquisition.
languages and the various The standards provide an organizing principle to ensure the continuous
stages a learner goes development of student proficiency, regardless of the multiple points of entry
through to become and exit from California’s language programs. For these reasons, this section is
proficient. also general and not specific to third grade, focusing on the organization of the
world language standards and the beginning level of language proficiency.
The standards are separated into five categories and four stages or levels of proficiency. The five categories
are taught together and in practice merge into seamless instruction within the various stages. The categories are
Content, Communication, Cultures, Structures, and Settings.


The content of the language course includes vocabulary from a wide variety of topics that are age- and
stage-appropriate. This content enables students to make connections and reinforce knowledge from other areas
of the curriculum and to participate in everyday social interactions in the target language. As students develop
their ability to communicate in the target language and culture, they address topics that increase in complexity.


Real-world communication occurs in a variety of ways. It may be interpersonal, in which listening, reading,
viewing, speaking, signing, and writing occur as a shared activity among language users. It may be interpretive,
in which language users listen, view, and read using knowledge of cultural products, practices, and perspectives.
Or it may be presentational, in which speaking, signing, and writing occur. Students actively use language to
transmit meaning while responding to real situations.

October 2011 Edition

To understand the connection between language and culture, students learn how a culture views the world.
Students understand the ideas, attitudes, and values that shape that culture. These shared, common perspectives,
practices, and products incorporate not only formal aspects of a culture—such as contributions of literature, the
arts, and science—but also the daily living practices, shared traditions, and common patterns of behavior
acceptable to a society. Students acquire the ability to interact appropriately with individuals in the target
culture, to communicate successfully, and to make connections and comparisons between languages and


Languages vary considerably in the structures that learners use to convey meaning; therefore, the curriculum
will feature language-specific structures essential to accurate communication. As they acquire vocabulary in the
target language, students grasp the associated concepts and understand the
Students learn patterns
structures of the language to convey meaning. Students learn patterns in the
in the language system,
language system, which consists of grammar rules and vocabulary and elements
which consists of
such as gestures and other forms of nonverbal communication. A language system
grammar rules and
also includes discourse, whereby speakers learn what to say to whom and when. As
vocabulary and elements
they progress in proficiency with language, students use linguistically and
such as gestures and
grammatically appropriate structures to comprehend and produce messages.
other forms of nonverbal
Students identify similarities and differences among the languages they know.


For students to communicate effectively, they use elements of language appropriate for a given situation.
Language conveys meaning best when the setting, or context, in which it is used is known. This knowledge of
context assists students not only in comprehending meaning but also in using language that is culturally
appropriate. Context also helps define and clarify the meaning of language that is new to the learner.
Understanding social linguistic norms will assist learners in communicating effectively in real-world

Stages of Proficiency

The world language content standards describe four levels of proficiency for each of the five categories.
These levels of proficiency are based on the stages of the Language Learning Continuum, a framework
developed by the College Board to indicate growth in linguistic and cultural proficiency. The stages provide
benchmarks of progress:

 Stage I (Formulaic): Learners understand and produce signs, words, and phrases. (Note: It is common in
the elementary school context for nonheritage learners to remain in Stage I for an extended period of

October 2011 Edition
 Stage II (Created): Learners understand and produce sentences and strings of sentences.

 Stage III (Planned): Learners understand and produce paragraphs and strings of paragraphs.

 Stage IV (Extended): Learners understand and produce cohesive texts composed of multiple paragraphs.

The Language Learning Continuum also includes Stage V (Tailored) proficiency, which represents
performance typically achieved through university-level study. Stage V is not included in the standards.

The Standards

The world language content standards, adopted by the California State Board of Education on January 7,
2009, are organized by stage, not by grade level. Most third-grade students would be at Stage I, so only those
standards are listed below. For a complete list of the standards for all four stages, view the world language
content standards posted on the CDE Content Standards Web page (

World Language Content Standards

Stage I

1.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge
of other disciplines.

1.1 Students address discrete elements of daily life, including:

a. Greetings and introductions

b. Family and friends
c. Pets
d. Home and neighborhood
e. Celebrations, holidays, and rites of passage
f. Calendar, seasons, and weather
g. Leisure, hobbies and activities, songs, toys and games, sports
h. Vacations and travel, maps, destinations, and geography
i. School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time, directions
j. Important dates in the target culture
k. Jobs
l. Food, meals, restaurants
m. Shopping, clothes, colors, and sizes
n. Parts of the body, illness
o. Technology


1.0 Students use formulaic language (learned words, signs [ASL], and phrases).

October 2011 Edition
1.1 Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.

1.2 Interpret written, spoken, or signed (ASL) language.

1.3 Present to an audience of listeners, readers, or ASL viewers.


1.4 List, name, identify, enumerate.

1.5 Identify learned words, signs (ASL), and phrases in authentic texts.

1.6 Reproduce and present a written, oral, or signed (ASL) product in a culturally authentic way.


1.0 Students use appropriate responses to rehearsed cultural situations.

1.1 Associate products, practices, and perspectives with the target culture.

1.2 Recognize similarities and differences within the target cultures and among students’ own

1.3 Identify cultural borrowings.


1.0 Students use orthography, phonology, or ASL parameters to understand words, signs (ASL),
and phrases in context.

1.1 Use orthography, phonology, or ASL parameters to produce words or signs (ASL) and
phrases in context.

1.2 Identify similarities and differences in the orthography, phonology, or ASL parameters of
the languages the students know.


1.0 Students use language in highly predictable common daily settings

1.1 Recognize age-appropriate cultural or language-use opportunities outside the classroom.

October 2011 Edition
School Library


School libraries have evolved from having a focus on print materials to providing a
rich selection of resources, both print and digital; from students learning how to search a
card catalog to learning strategies for searching a variety of digital resources and using
Web browsers; from basic literacy to information literacy (the ability to access, evaluate,
and use information effectively). However, the skills learned from print transcend their
use in books alone. “Students who understand systems of text organization are better
equipped to use the Internet as it is today. Most notably, they expect worthy resources to
have order. This may drive them to probe complex web sites, which, for all their bells
and whistles, are fundamentally arranged like reference books, with A-Z lists and topical
divisions” (Preston 2009, 80).
California Education Code Section 18100 reinforces the essential role of school

The governing board of each school district shall provide school library services for the pupils
and teachers of the district by establishing and maintaining school libraries or by contractual
arrangements with another public agency.

The following describes what third-grade students should know and be able to do as a result of having an
effective school library program at their school.

What Third-Grade Students Should Know

In earlier grades, students learned the basics of information literacy by identifying simple problems that
need information, developing questions that connect to the topic, and identifying sources of information that
may provide an answer to the questions. They know where the library is located on campus, how it is generally
organized, some of the resources that are available in the library, and the rules and procedures for using and
checking out materials. In grade two, students also learned about and followed online privacy and safety
guidelines. They have a basic understanding of the school’s acceptable-use policy for computers and Internet
Third-grade students can identify types of materials (fiction and nonfiction) and parts of a book (table of
contents, glossary, index). They are able to draw meaning from graphic elements, such as photographs, charts,
graphs, maps, and captions, both online and in print materials.

What Students Learn in Third Grade

As third-grade students’ reading skills improve, they apply comprehension strategies to increasingly
complex reading selections. Students read a wide representation of grade-level-appropriate text, including
classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, online information, and informational text.

October 2011 Edition
Third-grade students are increasingly able to recognize the need for information and ask more detailed
questions to help focus their search for information. Key words are identified and used to perform searches in
the automated library catalog and in approved search engines or databases to locate relevant resources. Students
determine the currency of information by identifying the publication and copyright dates in print resources.
When resources are located, students select information appropriate to the
Third-grade students
problem and determine if the information answers their questions. Students take
become more
notes and apply techniques for organizing these notes in a logical order, such as
sophisticated users of
using an outline or graphic organizer.
the school library,
Third-grade students become more sophisticated users of the school library,
understanding the
understanding the purpose of the library catalog, the information on the spine
purpose of the library
labels of books, and how specific resources in the library are organized (e.g.,
catalog, the information
with the Dewey decimal system for nonfiction and the biography section).
on the spine labels of
The reference resources used by students include the thesaurus, atlas,
books, and how specific
almanac, and specialized content reference materials in both print and digital
resources in the library
formats. Students learn the skills necessary to access the information in these
are organized…
materials, including the use of guide words, indexes, alphabetical order, chapter
headings, author notes, and dedication.
Third-grade students develop a basic understanding of intellectual property rights, including the difference
between sharing and ownership. As students continue to use online resources, they also learn how to stay safe
online and the effects of cyberbullying.
An added benefit for students is when the classroom teacher and school librarian collaborate to plan and
implement a lesson that addresses different content areas. An example of a possible lesson that includes the
history–social science, English language arts, and school library standards is provided below.

Sample Collaborative Lesson


HSS 3.4.6 Describe the lives of American heroes who took risks to secure our freedoms (e.g., Anne
Hutchinson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass,
Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr.).

Historical and Social Sciences Analysis Skills:

Research, Evidence, and Point of View (1): Students differentiate between primary and
secondary sources.

ELA W.7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.

SLS 1.3.o Locate and know the arrangement and general content of the biography section in the library.

SLS1.3.p Locate information in text by using the organizational parts of a book in print or digital
format (e.g., title, table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, author notes, dedication,

SLS 2.1.a Select information appropriate to the problem or question at hand.

Students learn about the American heroes mentioned in the history–social science standard, then are
asked to brainstorm a list of other people whom they consider to be American heroes. Each student selects

October 2011 Edition
one person from the list to research further. In the school library, the teacher librarian describes both
primary and secondary resources that can be used for further research, including print and digital reference
works, biographies in the library collection, selected Web sites, and subscription databases. Using both
primary and secondary sources, each student researches the selected hero and takes notes using a notetaking
guide provided by the teacher librarian. Information may include the person’s name, birth and death dates
and locations, education, jobs held, family members, and accomplishments. The student uses these notes to
write a short biography of their hero to present to the class. The biography may be illustrated by the student.

The Standards

The model school library standards incorporate information literacy (the ability to access, evaluate, and use
information effectively) and digital literacy (the ability to use digital technology, communications tools, or
networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate) to enable students to function in a
knowledge-based economy and society. They describe what students should know and be able to do by the end
of third grade.
The standards are organized around four overarching concepts. Detailed standards explain what each student
is expected to have successfully achieved. In addition, students are expected to have mastered the standards for
previous grades and continue to use those skills and knowledge as they advance in school.
School library standards are aligned with many standards in the subject areas included in the course of study
and are best learned through the content. The following grade-three model school library content standards were
adopted by the California State Board of Education on September 16, 2010.

Model School Library Content Standards

Grade Three
1. Students access information.
The student will access information by applying knowledge of the organization of libraries, print
materials, digital media, and other sources.

1.1 Recognize the need for information:

1.1.a Identify key words within questions.

1.2 Formulate appropriate questions:

1.2.a Identify a problem that needs information by asking how, what, where, when, or
why questions.

1.3 Identify and locate a variety of resources online and in other formats by using
effective search strategies:

1.3.a Understand that the function of a library is to provide shared resources that are
organized to be accessible to all library users.

1.3.b Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

October 2011 Edition
1.3.c Understand the general purpose of the library catalog.

1.3.d Perform a basic search of the automated library catalog by title, author, subject,
and key word.

1.3.e Understand that nonfiction print and nonprint materials in a library are arranged
by subject (e.g., Dewey decimal system).

1.3.f Understand the information on spine labels, including call numbers.

1.3.g Understand different systems of alphabetizing (e.g., letter by letter, word by


1.3.h Independently browse the library to locate materials.

1.3.i Identify types of media and digital delivery devices.

1.3.j Use guide words to locate information in a reference book.

1.3.k Perform a key word search of a topic by using an approved search engine or

1.3.l Understand the organization of general reference resources in print and/or digital
formats including dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, almanac, and encyclopedia.

1.3.m Use specialized content-area print and digital resources to locate information.

1.3.n Use print or digital indexes, or both, to locate articles in an encyclopedia.

1.3.o Locate and know the arrangement and general content of the biography section in
the library.

1.3.p Locate information in text by using the organizational parts of a book in print or
digital format (e.g., title, table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, author
notes, dedication, index).

1.4 Retrieve information in a timely, safe, and responsible manner:

1.4.a Demonstrate a basic understanding of intellectual property rights and the

difference between sharing and ownership.

1.4.b Demonstrate respectful and responsible behavior in the library.

1.4.c Apply techniques for organizing notes in a logical order (e.g., outlining, webbing,
thinking maps, other graphic organizers).

2. Students evaluate information.

The student will evaluate and analyze information to determine what is appropriate to address the
scope of inquiry.

October 2011 Edition
2.1 Determine the relevance of the information:

2.1.a Select information appropriate to the problem or question at hand.

2.1.b Determine whether the information answers the question.

2.2 Assess the comprehensiveness, currency, credibility, authority, and accuracy of


2.2.a Identify copyright and publication dates in print resources.

2.2.b Understand the role and responsibility of the author and publisher to determine
accuracy of published materials.

2.3 Consider the need for additional information:

2.3.a Locate facts and details to support a topic sentence and paragraph, and record the

3. Students use information.

The student will organize, synthesize, create, and communicate information.

3.1 Demonstrate ethical, legal, and safe use of information in print, media, and online

3.1.a Define cyberbullying and its effects.

3.1.b Identify types of personal information and appropriate and inappropriate ways to
share it.

3.2 Draw conclusions and make informed decisions:

3.2.a Compare information from more than one source to draw a conclusion.

3.3 Use information and technology creatively to answer a question, solve a problem, or
enrich understanding:

3.3.a Organize information chronologically, sequentially, or by topic.

3.3.b Use digital or graphic tools to support a presentation.

4. Students integrate information literacy skills into all areas of learning.

The student will independently pursue information to become a lifelong learner.

4.1 Read widely and use various media for information, personal interest, and lifelong

4.1.a Read a good representation of grade-level-appropriate text, making progress

toward the goal of reading 500,000 words annually by grade four (e.g., classic
and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, online information).

October 2011 Edition
4.2 Seek, produce, and share information:

4.2.a Deliver brief recitations and oral presentations about familiar experiences or

4.2.b Select appropriate information technology tools and resources to interact with
others for a specific purpose.

4.3 Appreciate and respond to creative expressions of information:

4.3.a Listen to, view, and read stories, poems, and plays.

October 2011 Edition

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