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Part 2A of Form ADV

Firm Brochure

Item 1 –Cover Page

Sarofim International Management Company

Two Houston Center, Suite 2907
Houston, Texas 77010-1083
Tel: 713-654-4484
Fax: 713-654-8184
[email protected]

Filing Date: March 31, 2011

Date Amended: March 14, 2019

This brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of
Sarofim International Management Company. If you have any questions about the
contents of this brochure, please contact us at 713-654-4484 or [email protected].
The information in this brochure has not been approved or verified by the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or by any state securities authority.

Additional information about Sarofim International Management Company is also

available on the SEC’s website at

Sarofim International Management Company is an investment adviser that is registered

with the SEC in compliance with the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Such registration
does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

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Item 2 –Material Changes
Filing Date: March 31, 2011
Date Amended: March 14, 2019

While Sarofim International Management Company has made certain revisions to this Form
ADV Part 2A for the passage of time, we do not believe the changes would be deemed material.
However, please carefully review this Form ADV Part 2A in its entirety.

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Item 3 –Table of Contents

Item 4 –Advisory Business.............................................................................................................4

Item 5 –Fees and Compensation.....................................................................................................7

Item 6 –Performance-Based Fees and Side-by-Side Management...............................................10

Item 7 –Types of Clients...............................................................................................................11

Item 8 –Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss........................................12

Item 9 –Disciplinary Information..................................................................................................17

Item 10 –Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations.....................................................18

Item 11 –Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions, Personal Trading…..19

Item 12 –Brokerage Practices.......................................................................................................22

Item 13 –Review of Accounts.......................................................................................................27

Item 14 –Client Referrals and Other Compensation.....................................................................28

Item 15 –Custody..........................................................................................................................29

Item 16 –Investment Discretion....................................................................................................30

Item 17 –Voting Client Securities.................................................................................................31

Item 18 –Financial Information.....................................................................................................34

Item 19 –Requirements for State-Registered Advisers.................................................................35

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Item 4 –Advisory Business
Our History and Organization
Sarofim International Management Company was established in November 1993 as a wholly
owned subsidiary of Fayez Sarofim & Co. Fayez Sarofim & Co. was founded in August 1958 by
Fayez Sarofim, who continues to lead Fayez Sarofim & Co. as Chairman, and Co-Chief
Investment Officer.

Sarofim International Management Company is focused on the investment counseling business.

Sarofim International Management Company is registered under the Investment Advisers Act of
1940 and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm’s registration as an
investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Fayez Sarofim & Co is also
a registered investment adviser.

Sarofim International Management Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fayez Sarofim &

Co., which itself is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Sarofim Group, Inc., which is 100 percent
owned by current, active employees of Fayez Sarofim & Co. and members of the Sarofim
family. The Sarofim Group is the ultimate corporate parent of a group of affiliated corporations
that includes the firm, three other registered investment advisers, and other business entities.
The other registered adviser affiliates are:
• Fayez Sarofim & Co.
• Sarofim Trust Co.
• Sarofim Realty Advisors Co.
Sarofim International Management Company is a separate legal entity, and we have our own
Board of Directors and elected officers. To a substantial extent, however, our directors and
officers are the same as the directors and officers of Fayez Sarofim & Co. As the oldest and
largest member of the group of registered advisers, Fayez Sarofim & Co. plays the leading role
in providing investment advisory services and operational management on behalf of Sarofim
International Management Company for our clients. For example, the Investment Committee of
Fayez Sarofim & Co. performs the same function for our firm. Additionally, the investment
strategies offered and research used by Sarofim International Management Company are the
same as the investment strategies offered and research generated at Fayez Sarofim & Co. From a
compliance and regulatory perspective, we have adopted Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s compliance
policies and procedures, and we rely on Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s personnel to undertake
regulatory requirements such as filings with the SEC.

Sarofim International Management Company had client assets under management of $631
million as of December 31, 2018. On the same date, the total client assets managed by the firm
and its investment adviser affiliates, were $18,815 million.

Sarofim International Management Company is not affiliated with a brokerage firm.

Our Advisory Services

Sarofim International Management Company provides investment supervisory services and other
investment advisory services to a broad range of clients. Portfolio managers at the firm operate
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within the guidelines set by our Investment Committee. The Committee, chaired by Mr.
Sarofim, is comprised of eight senior investment professionals and five sector leaders that serve
in a non-voting capacity. The Investment Committee is responsible for the firm’s portfolio
structures and all investment decisions.

Large Capitalization Equity Product

Sarofim International Management Company’s primary investment product is our Large

Capitalization Equity Product, which is available to both institutions and individuals.

Our equity strategy is focused on domestically traded common stocks with large market
capitalizations and high daily trading volumes. American Depositary Receipts, preferred stocks,
and foreign stocks may also be included if permitted by client guidelines. We invest in the
stocks of high quality, financially sound industry leaders that have an expanding global presence.
We maintain an investment perspective of at least three to five years, which generally results in
low portfolio turnover and is typically tax efficient for taxable investors. Our strategy does not
use derivatives, options, short-selling, leverage, or initial public offerings. We do not attempt to
time the market.

Global Equity Product

Institutions and individuals seeking greater international equity exposure may wish to invest in
Sarofim International Management Company’s Global Equity Product. While the investment
approach is similar to that of our Large Capitalization Equity Product, the Global Equity Product
has a larger concentration in foreign-based companies and may include shares that are not traded
on domestic exchanges. You can access this product by opening a separate account with the firm
or by investing in the Dreyfus Worldwide Growth Fund, which is sub-advised by Fayez Sarofim
& Co.

Global Equity Product portfolios primarily have their assets in common stock, ordinary shares,
or American Depository Receipts. We focus on high quality multinational companies with large
market capitalizations. Generally, at least 25 percent of assets are invested in companies
organized in the United States and at least 25 percent of assets are invested in companies
organized in other countries. We maintain an investment perspective of at least three to five
years, which generally results in low portfolio turnover and is typically tax efficient for taxable

Core Fixed Income Product

Sarofim International Management Company also offers a Core Fixed Income Product, which is
available to both institutions and individuals. Our fixed income strategy emphasizes risk-averse
management, current income and low cash reserves. Portfolio holdings may include United
States Treasury securities, United States government agency securities, high quality corporate
and municipal bonds, high quality commercial paper, and shares of money market funds. We
select specific sectors and securities that we believe offer the best combination of quality,
liquidity, income generation, and relative value consistent with our risk parameters. Foreign
government and foreign corporate bonds are generally not part of our strategy.

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Balanced Portfolios

Sarofim International Management Company will also construct balanced portfolios for
institutional and individual clients. These balanced portfolios combine the firm’s equity and
fixed income strategies in proportions tailored to client requirements.

Meeting Individual Client Needs

The firm manages its separate portfolios for institutions and individuals on an account by
account basis, taking into consideration a client’s financial resources, investment objectives, and
needs. The firm addresses individual requirements for such items as current income, cash flow,
and taxes. The firm will also vote the proxies related to securities held in a client’s account if
requested to do so by the client. Proxies are voted in accordance with the firm’s Proxy Voting
policy and established procedures. Please refer to Item 17—Voting Client Securities beginning
on page 31.

Sarofim International Management Company prefers not to be constrained by client instructions

that prohibit holding certain securities. We believe that the ability to select from the widest range
of investments that are consistent with our strategy results in higher returns over time. However,
the firm does manage a number of accounts subject to instructions that specify various
exclusions or that limit weightings in individual sectors, industries, or securities. We will accept
new accounts subject to these types of instructions as long as we do not view the proposed
directives as overly restrictive or too difficult or impossible to implement and monitor.

Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Accounts

Sarofim International Management Company will manage clients’ assets on either a fully
discretionary basis or a non-discretionary basis. Currently, all of our clients have granted us full
discretionary authority to manage the investment of assets in their accounts. With full
discretionary authority for an account, we are able to do the following without obtaining the
client’s consent:

• Determine which securities to buy or sell and when to execute the transactions
• Determine the total amount of securities to buy or sell, subject to available funds
• Determine the broker or dealer through which securities are bought or sold
• Negotiate with the selected broker regarding commission rates for securities

Item 12 beginning on page 22 of this brochure provides more information on the firm’s
brokerage practices, and Item 16 beginning on page 30 discusses investment discretion.

If services are provided on a non-discretionary basis, we give the client investment advice, but
we do not have the authority to implement our recommendations in the client’s portfolio without
the client’s approval. In certain non-discretionary arrangements, the client’s portfolio is not
managed by Sarofim International Management Company, and the firm provides advice only.

As of December 31, 2018, the firm managed $631 million in client assets on a discretionary basis
and no assets on a non-discretionary basis.

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Item 5 –Fees and Compensation
Advisory Service Fees
If you open an account at Sarofim International Management Company, the fee you will pay for
our advisory services is calculated according to one or more of the schedules presented below.
Fees are billed in three month rolling periods, after the end of each such period, and are based on
the market value of the assets at the end of the last day of such period on which the New York
Stock Exchange is open. Asset-based advisory fees charged for the provision of Sarofim
International Management Company’s investment management services are based upon the
valuation of securities and investments provided by Sarofim International Management
Company’s pricing services, which are reflected on its internally generated portfolio appraisal
statements. These statements may show different market values for particular investments than
what is reflected on a client’s custodial statement. Sarofim International Management Company
maintains policies and procedures regarding the valuation of securities and investments held in
client accounts.

Equity Fees: Large Capitalization Equity Product and the Equity Portfolios of
Balanced Accounts

The fees for equity securities are calculated as follows:

Market Value of Equities Rate

First $2,000,000 is billed at 0.75% (or 75 basis points) per year

(i.e., 0.1875% per quarter)

Next $18,000,000 is billed at 0.50% (or 50 basis points) per year

(i.e., 0.1250% per quarter)

Next $20,000,000 is billed at 0.40% (or 40 basis points) per year

(i.e., 0.1000% per quarter)

Next $20,000,000 is billed at 0.35% (or 35 basis points) per year

(i.e., 0.0875% per quarter)

Over $60,000,000 is billed at 0.20% (or 20 basis points) per year

(i.e., 0.0500% per quarter)

Equity Fees: Global Equity Product

The fees for equity securities in the Global Equity Product are calculated as follows:

Market Value of Equities Rate

First $50,000,000 is billed at 0.75% (or 75 basis points) per year

(i.e., 0.1875% per quarter)

Over $50,000,000 is billed at 0.50% (or 50 basis points) per year

(i.e., 0.1250% per quarter)

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Fixed Income Fees

The fee for fixed income securities is 0.20%, (20 basis points) per year, or 0.05%, (5 basis
points) per quarter.

Cash Fees

Our investment advisory agreements authorize Sarofim International Management Company to

bill cash positions in our portfolios at an annual rate of 0.20%, or 20 basis points. Cash assets
may be held temporarily in money market funds or other short-term interest-bearing
arrangements. If this is the case, such assets may also be subject to fees payable to the manager
of these funds in addition to the fees charged by Sarofim International Management Company.
Notwithstanding the above, we currently waive our fees on cash positions in our portfolios for all
clients; however, this should not be interpreted as a permanent waiver, and we reserve the right
to reinstitute the above-referenced cash position billing rate.

Our Billing Practices

For the purpose of computing fees, we may treat managed assets in related accounts as if all the
assets were in one account. After the fee is computed in this way, it is divided among the
accounts involved, usually in proportion to the market value of each account. This grouping of
related accounts must be approved in advance by the firm, and approval is not assured.

We do not regard our fees as negotiable because we believe our fees are in the low end of the
range of fees in the industry for comparable services. However, in a few instances, the firm has
granted exceptions to the application of our regular fee schedules when we believe there are
highly unusual factors involved that justify exceptional treatment. The firm attempts to ensure
that other clients having similar unusual factors are treated in a similar manner for fee purposes,
but this cannot be assured. From time to time, the firm will seek to determine if such unusual
factors continue to justify deviations from our regular fee schedule.

As mentioned earlier, the firm’s fees are billed quarterly, in arrears. Our clients may direct their
custodians to deduct Sarofim International Management Company’s fees from the assets in their
account. Alternatively, clients may choose not to have the fees deducted from their accounts and
may arrange instead to pay the fees by check or wire transfer. The firm does not accept advance
fee payments.

Third Party Fees You May Incur

Sarofim International Management Company does not provide custodial services, and we are not
affiliated with a brokerage firm. The firm’s brokerage practices are discussed in Item 12 on page
22 of this brochure. The advisory service fee you pay to us does not include other fees or
charges you may incur in connection with your account at Sarofim International Management
Company. The following is a list of the types of fees and charges that might be payable to third
parties in connection with your account. This list is not meant to be exhaustive. There may be
additional fees that are not included in this list.

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Examples of Fees Paid to Third Parties
• Custodial fees
• Broker commissions
• SEC fees
• Wire transfer or other transaction fees
• Exchange fees
• Odd lot differentials
• Fees charged by mutual funds, including money market funds

Neither the firm nor any of our employees receives compensation for the sale of securities,
mutual funds or other investment products.

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Item 6 –Performance-Based Fees and Side-by-Side Management
Sarofim International Management Company does not have fee structures that include
performance-based fee arrangements.

Generally speaking, side-by-side management is a reference to the simultaneous management of

mutual funds and hedge funds. Sarofim International Management Company has not formed
hedge funds and is not a manager to hedge funds.

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Item 7 –Types of Clients
Sarofim International Management Company serves as an investment adviser for a broad range
of clients primarily based outside the United States, including but not limited to:

• Private employer pension and profit-sharing plans

• State and local government retirement systems
• Taft-Hartley union plans
• Employee savings and thrift plans
• Keogh plans
• Individuals—retirement accounts
• Individuals—taxable accounts
• Endowments, foundations, or other tax-exempt organizations
• Banks
• Trusts and estates
• Registered investment companies, i.e., mutual funds
• Insurance companies
• Insurance Company Separate Accounts
• Corporations and small businesses

We continue to seek new clients. Generally, the minimum dollar amount for new managed
accounts is $5 million, subject to the firm’s discretion. However, the minimum dollar amount
for new managed accounts in our Global Equity Product is $10 million, subject to the firm’s
discretion. The firm may waive these size requirements if related accounts are currently under

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Item 8 –Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of
Large Capitalization Equity Product
Sarofim International Management Company’s primary investment product is our Large
Capitalization Equity Product. This product seeks to generate total return through long-term
capital appreciation and a growing stream of dividend income. Over periods of three to five
years or longer, we strive to achieve a total return greater than the S&P 500 with less volatility
than this index.

Our equity investment strategy is focused on domestically traded common stocks with large
market capitalizations and high daily trading volumes. American Depositary Receipts, preferred
stocks, and foreign stocks may also be included if permitted by client guidelines. Under most
circumstances, our portfolios are fully invested with low cash balances. Our longer-term
investment perspective generally results in low portfolio turnover and is typically tax-efficient
for taxable investors. Our strategy does not use derivatives, options, short-selling, leverage, or
initial public offerings. We do not attempt to time the market.

Central to our strategy is the belief that earnings growth is the most important driver of long-term
stock price appreciation. In our experience, companies with dominant franchises in structurally
attractive industries are most likely to generate durable growth. Generally, we invest in the
stocks of high quality industry leaders that have a market capitalization of $5 billion or higher.
These established companies have demonstrated sustained patterns of earnings and dividend
increases. They have an expanding global presence and sustainable competitive advantages.
Their balance sheets are strong, and their management teams have a record of successfully
redeploying capital.

To shape our portfolios, Sarofim International Management Company employs a predominantly

“bottom-up” investment process managed by the Investment Committee. Drawing on the
fundamental research of our in-house analysts and select external resources, the Committee
formulates a macroeconomic and capital market outlook and evaluates the attractiveness of the
various economic sectors and industries. The most attractive segments are identified along with
those areas that should be underweighted or avoided. This macro overlay provides a context for
the analysts’ research efforts and helps direct them to the industries and companies most aligned
with the Committee’s current outlook. The analysts present specific buy and sell
recommendations to the Investment Committee, which makes the final decision. The Investment
Committee is responsible for the firm’s portfolio structure and all investment decisions.

Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s internal research function is crucial to this investment process. We
perform independent, fundamental analysis on all of our investments and potential investments.
Our research analysts visit companies, interview company managers, attend trade conferences,
review corporate reports, filings and press releases, and stay abreast of financial and market
news. We subscribe to numerous software and on-line products and selectively utilize numerous
outside sources of information, such as government agencies, consultants, and Wall Street
sources. The most important output of our internal research effort is proprietary projections of a

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company’s earnings, cash flow and dividends over a multiple-year period. These projections
drive our valuation analysis.

We seek to control investment risk through disciplined adherence to our investment decision-
making process. We continuously monitor the underlying operating and earnings trends of the
companies represented in the portfolio and remain alert to changes in demand, competition, or
technology that may influence these trends. Diversification also plays a role in our approach to
controlling risk, and we monitor portfolios by industry exposure and individual stock
concentration. We confine our equity holdings to securities with large market capitalizations and
high daily trading volumes to help limit liquidity risk.

Although we strive to mitigate risks that may accompany an investment in our Large
Capitalization Equity Product, clients who invest in this product can lose money, including
losing a portion of their original investment. The prices of the securities in our portfolios
fluctuate. We cannot guarantee any particular level of performance. Below is a list of the types
of risks you should consider before investing in our product.

• Market risk. Stock prices may decline due to changes in general market conditions that
are not specifically related to a particular company, such as changes in the economic
outlook, inflation expectations, interest rates, currency rates, or investor sentiment. A
company’s stock price may also decline because of factors that affect a certain industry
such as changes in raw material costs or enacted or proposed changes in the law.

• Company-specific risk. A company’s stock price may decline for numerous reasons that
relate directly to the company, such as a loss of competitive advantage, impairment of
capital or earnings power, legal difficulties, or management changes.

• Risks associated with foreign companies. Special risks associated with investments in
foreign companies may include greater exposure to fluctuations in currency exchange
rates, less comprehensive company information, different financial reporting and legal
standards, and political instability.

• Allocation risk. Certain companies, industries or market sectors may be significantly

overweighted or underweighted in Sarofim International Management Company’s
portfolios relative to the broader market indices. Consequently, the performance of our
portfolios may be more or less sensitive than the overall market to factors affecting those
companies, industries or sectors.

• Style risk. Our investment strategy focuses on high quality stocks with large market
capitalizations. As a result, our portfolios may underperform the broader market during
intervals when such securities are out of favor with investors.

Global Equity Product

The objective of Sarofim International Management Company’s Global Equity Product is to

achieve long-term capital appreciation consistent with preservation of capital. Generating

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current income is a secondary goal. Over periods of three to five years or longer, we strive to
achieve a total return greater than the MSCI World Index on a risk-adjusted basis.

Our Global Equity investment strategy primarily utilizes common stock, ordinary shares, and
American Depository Receipts of high quality companies based either in the United States or in
other countries. Companies represented in the portfolio typically have market capitalizations of
at least $5 billion. In selecting securities to be included in our Global Equity portfolios, we first
identify the economic sectors and industries that we believe will expand on a worldwide basis
over the next three to five years or longer. Using fundamental analysis, we then seek to identify
companies in these business segments that have demonstrated superior profitability, financial
flexibility, and capital stewardship and are positioned to maintain above-average earnings growth
longer term. We are also alert to companies that we consider undervalued in terms of earnings,
assets, or growth prospects. Most of the companies included in our portfolios are industry-
leading multinationals with an expanding global presence.

Sarofim International Management Company generally employs a buy and hold investment
strategy that results in low portfolio turnover. We will liquidate a holding when we believe there
has been a significant adverse change in a company’s business fundamentals that may lead to a
sustained impairment of earnings power. In addition, we may reduce or eliminate a holding to
provide funds to invest in another security that we believe will generate a superior return.

Sarofim International Management Company strives to control investment risk through

disciplined adherence to our investment decision-making process, through continuous
monitoring of the business fundamentals of the companies represented in the portfolio, and
through diversification of investments by geography, industry, and individual stock
concentration. Furthermore, we seek to limit liquidity risk by focusing on equity holdings with
large market capitalizations and high daily trading volumes.

Although we strive to mitigate risks that may accompany an investment in our Global Equity
Product, clients who invest in this product can lose money, including losing a portion of their
original investment. The prices of the securities in our portfolios fluctuate. We cannot guarantee
any particular level of performance. The types of risks you should consider before investing in
this product are similar to those for our Large Capitalization Equity Product, which are
enumerated on the preceding page. You should pay particular attention to the discussion of risks
associated with foreign companies.

Core Fixed Income Product

Sarofim International Management Company’s Core Fixed Income Product emphasizes risk-
averse management, current income and low cash reserves. Portfolio holdings may include
United States Treasury securities, United States government agency securities, mortgage pass-
through securities of government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) such as Ginnie Mae, investment
grade corporate bonds, municipal bonds, high quality commercial paper, and shares of money
market funds. Foreign government and foreign corporate bonds and sub-prime mortgages are
not part of our strategy.

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In our fixed income portfolios, we emphasize certain sectors and select specific securities that we
believe offer the best combination of quality, liquidity, income, and value consistent with our
overall duration target. The duration of a fixed income portfolio is a measure of risk that
indicates the sensitivity of the portfolio’s market value to changes in interest rates. We will
make modest shifts in our duration target to reflect changes in the Investment Committee’s
projections for interest rates and inflation.

Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s Investment Committee determines the firm’s overall outlook for the
economy, interest rates, and inflation. Given this backdrop, the investment professionals on
Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s Fixed Income Investment Committee establish the specific parameters
for fixed income portfolios. The Fixed Income Investment Committee meets quarterly to set
duration targets and sector emphasis and to review and approve the list of corporate bond issuers
that may be utilized. The firm’s research analysts conduct fundamental credit analysis. Our
approach considers not only the current creditworthiness of an issuer but also the ability of the
issuer to grow and finance its future business plans. Our research analysts monitor the credit
quality of existing holdings and recommend high quality corporate issuers to the Fixed Income
Investment Committee for possible inclusion on the list of approved issuers.

Within the framework set by the Fixed Income Investment Committee, fixed income portfolio
managers structure portfolios to meet client requirements. Before transactions are executed, the
portfolio managers utilize the CMS/Bond Edge portfolio management system to simulate the
transaction and its effect on the portfolio. This process includes an analysis of the effect on the
portfolio’s duration, current yield, average maturity and other characteristics. The simulated
portfolio can also be stress-tested under various interest rate assumptions.

While we emphasize risk-averse management and capital preservation in our Core Fixed Income
Product, clients who invest in this product can lose money, including losing a portion of their
original investment. The prices of the securities in our portfolios fluctuate. We cannot guarantee
any particular level of performance. Below is a representative list of the types of risks you
should consider before investing in this product.

• Interest rate risk. Prices of bonds tend to move in the opposite direction to interest rate
changes. Typically, a rise in interest rates will negatively affect bond prices. The longer
the duration and average maturity of a portfolio, the greater the likely reaction to interest
rate moves.

• Credit (or default) risk. A bond’s price will generally fall if the issuer fails to make a
scheduled interest or principal payment, if the credit rating of the security is downgraded,
or if the perceived creditworthiness of the issuer deteriorates.

• Liquidity risk. Sectors of the bond market can experience a sudden downturn in trading
activity. When there is little or no trading activity in a security, it can be difficult to sell
the security at or near its perceived value. In such a market, bond prices may fall.

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• Call risk. Some bonds give the issuer the option to call or redeem the bond before the
maturity date. If an issuer calls a bond when interest rates are declining, the proceeds
may have to be reinvested at a lower yield. During periods of market illiquidity or rising
rates, prices of callable securities may be subject to increased volatility.

• Prepayment risk. When interest rates fall, the principal of mortgage-backed securities
may be prepaid. These prepayments can reduce the portfolio’s yield because proceeds
may have to be reinvested at a lower yield.

• Extension risk. When interest rates rise or there is a lack of refinancing opportunities,
prepayments of mortgage-backed securities or callable bonds may be less than expected.
This would lengthen the portfolio’s duration and average maturity and increase its
sensitivity to rising rates and its potential for price declines.

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Item 9 –Disciplinary Information
On November 21, 2014, Mr. Sarofim, who currently serves as Chairman of the Board and Co-
Chief Investment Officer of Sarofim International Management Company, submitted four
corrective filings to the Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) as required by the Hart-Scott-
Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the “HSR Act”), pertaining to his
personal acquisition of voting securities of Kinder Morgan, Inc. (“KMI”) and Kemper
Corporation (“Kemper”). On October 27, 2016, Mr. Sarofim settled the corresponding civil
complaint by paying a monetary fine.

Mr. Sarofim’s acquisitions of the KMI and Kemper securities in question were for investment
purposes; however, since he was a member of each company’s board of directors at the time, the
“investment-only” exemption from the premerger notification requirements did not apply. Mr.
Sarofim’s failure to observe the requirements under the HSR Act was inadvertent.

Additionally, Mr. Sarofim did not realize any benefit or advantage by not filing and observing
the appropriate HSR Act waiting periods, and the acquisitions in question did not raise any
competitive concerns. Mr. Sarofim’s holdings in KMI and Kemper were otherwise publicly
disclosed through filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Mr. Sarofim has
taken steps to ensure that any future acquisitions of voting securities, assets, or non-corporate
interests comply with the requirements of the HSR Act.

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Item 10 –Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations
Sarofim International Management Company is affiliated with three other registered investment
advisors: Fayez Sarofim & Co., Sarofim Trust Co., and Sarofim Realty Advisors. While the firm
and certain of its “management persons” have a relationship with the above-listed “related
person” investment advisors, Sarofim International Management Company does not believe that
the relationship is material to the firm’s advisory business or to the firm’s clients or that the
relationship may result in a material conflict of interest.

For purposes of this response, the firm's investment and administrative professionals are
considered “management persons” since they are considered to have a controlling influence over
the firm’s management or policies or the general investment advice given to the firm’s clients. A
“related person” for purposes of this response includes all employees of the firm and its affiliates
other than those performing only clerical, administrative support or similar functions.

The firm seeks to avoid and mitigate all conflicts of interest and has adopted policies and
procedures to be followed in determining and eliminating conflicts of interest. For example,
please see the discussion in the response to Item 11 Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in
Client Transactions, and Personal Trading on page 19.

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Item 11 –Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client
Transactions, and Personal Trading
As required by SEC rules and in line with what we believe to be good business practices,
Sarofim International Management Company has adopted a Code of Ethics for employees and
certain on-site contractors. The Code of Ethics is designed to reinforce a culture of compliance
within the firm and to ensure that we fulfill our fiduciary duty to our clients and prospective
clients. To help our employees understand, appreciate and uphold their fiduciary
responsibilities, the Code of Ethics sets standards of expected conduct and outlines prohibited
conduct. The code requires that each employee must:

• Comply with the spirit and the letter of the federal securities laws and the rules governing
the capital markets
• Act with competence, dignity, integrity, and in an ethical manner, when dealing with
Clients, the public, prospects, third-party service providers and fellow employees
• Use reasonable care and exercise independent professional judgment when conducting
investment analysis, making investment recommendations, trading, promoting Sarofim’s
services, and engaging in other professional activities
• Adhere to the highest standards with respect to any potential conflicts of interest with
• Recognize that he or she should never benefit at the expense of any Client
• Conduct all personal securities transactions in a manner consistent with fiduciary
obligations to Clients, and avoid any actual improprieties, as well as the appearance of
• Treat as confidential the identity of clients and their financial circumstances and security

Employees are required upon hire and annually thereafter to acknowledge that they have
received, read, understood, and agree to comply with the Code of Ethics. Annual compliance
training sessions, which are mandatory for all employees, review key precepts of the Code . To
help us enforce the Code of Ethics, we regulate and monitor employee securities trading activity
and require certain periodic disclosures from employees.

Within ten days of starting employment with the firm, an individual must submit an initial
holdings report to the firm’s Chief Compliance Officer, detailing security holdings and the
accounts in which they are held. An updated holdings report must be submitted semiannually by
all employees. Employees must also have trade confirmations and monthly or quarterly
statements sent to the firm. In addition, certain key employees are required to complete quarterly
transactions reports. The firm’s Chief Compliance Officer or her designee reviews these reports
periodically for accuracy and unusual trading activity.

Employees must receive preclearance for most personal securities transactions. Sarofim may
disapprove any proposed transaction, particularly if the transaction appears to pose a conflict of
interest or otherwise appears improper. The firm maintains a restricted list that includes
securities that are being traded in client accounts and securities that are being considered for
purchase in client accounts. Employee trades in securities on the restricted list may not be

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approved. Furthermore, employees are prohibited from engaging in securities transactions or
recommending transactions for client accounts that place, or appear to place, their own interests
above the interests of our clients or the firm.

As an investment adviser, we hold many of the same securities that we recommend for our
clients. A significant portion of the firm’s assets and our investment professionals’ net worth is
invested in equity portfolios constructed and managed similarly to those of most of our clients;
however, at times the firm and its employees may invest in directionally different ways from our
clients. Consequently, the firm often effects transactions on behalf of clients in discretionary
accounts or recommend transactions to clients with non-discretionary accounts that involve
securities held in the firm’s account or in the accounts of employees. When this is the case,
employee trading in the particular security must be conducted in accordance with the principles
and procedures outlined in the Code of Ethics.

Sarofim International Management Company and our registered investment adviser affiliates
have adopted and follow policies and procedures that prohibit trading while having material
information that is not available to the public and during “blackout periods.” An individual
employed by or associated with Sarofim International Management Company may be an officer
or director of a publicly traded company or a party to contractual arrangements with a publicly
traded company. If so, such an individual may be prohibited by the policies of the public
company from trading in the securities of that company during blackout periods imposed or
recommended by the company. It is also the policy of Sarofim International Management
Company and our registered adviser affiliates that these individuals may not trade in securities of
the public company during a blackout period. These policies also require that all directors,
officers and other employees of Sarofim International Management Company and our affiliates
are subject to the same restrictions.

Although trading in securities of the designated public company during a blackout period is
prohibited in the personal accounts of employees and in the firm’s account, Sarofim International
Management Company and our affiliates may trade in securities of the public company on behalf
of our discretionary investment advisory clients provided:

• The individual who is the officer, director, or affiliate of the public company does not
exercise sole investment discretion over the trading of these securities for client accounts
during the blackout period; and
• This individual has not, does not and will not disclose material information that is not
available to the public.

In addition, our compliance policies and procedures require us to make certain disclosures if any
of our employees have these types of relationships with a public company.

In an effort to streamline compliance reporting requirements for employee security purchases

and sales, Sarofim International Management Company is utilizing ACA Compliance Science
(ACA). ACA offers Sarofim International Management Company online access to a system, the
Personal Trading Control Center (PTCC), which assists the firm in the approval of employee
personal trades, semi-annual reporting of securities held and quarterly transactions reporting.

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Other topics discussed in the firm’s compliance policies and procedures, including the Code of
Ethics, include:

• Prohibition against insider trading

• Restricting access to material non-public information
• Approval for outside business affiliations
• Contributions to candidates for political office
• Communications with clients
• Entertainment, gifts and gratuities

Clients or prospective clients may receive a copy of the firm’s Code of Ethics by sending a
written request to:

Mrs. Raye G. White

Executive Vice President
and Chief Compliance Officer
Sarofim International Management Company
Two Houston Center
Suite 2907
Houston, Texas 77010
[email protected]

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Item 12 –Brokerage Practices
Sarofim International Management Company is not affiliated with a brokerage firm. The firm’s
brokerage practices related to transactions in clients’ accounts may differ among clients
depending on the degree of discretionary authority the client has given us. We prefer to have full
discretionary authority to manage the investment of a client’s assets. Full discretionary authority
includes brokerage discretion, which gives the firm the ability to select the broker to execute
transactions in a client’s account and to negotiate the commission rate. In some instances, the
firm’s brokerage discretion is limited by directions from the client or by third-party agreements
the client has entered into.

The firm also offers non-discretionary arrangements with clients. In certain non-discretionary
arrangements, once the client has approved a particular transaction, the firm is authorized to
place the order and select the broker to execute it. In other non-discretionary arrangements, the
client places the order and selects the broker to execute the transaction. Please see also Item 16
Investment Discretion beginning on page 30.

Sarofim International Management Company’s general policy when placing orders for the
purchase or sale of securities in a client’s account is to seek to secure the best net execution,
including both execution prices and commission rates. In selecting brokers or dealers to execute
transactions, we consider such factors as:

• the price of the security

• the commission rate
• the size and difficulty of the order
• the reliability, integrity, financial condition and general execution and operational
capabilities of competing brokers and dealers
• the research services that competing brokers provide

Orders are placed with brokers that we believe are responsible and will give effective execution
of orders under conditions favorable to our clients. On an overall basis, we believe we obtain
favorable executions and competitive commission rates for client transactions. However, it is
possible that a more favorable execution or a lower commission rate may have been obtained if
the order had been placed with another broker.

In selecting brokers, we may give preference to brokers that provide research and other services
to us so long as we believe that the objective of best net execution is not being sacrificed. A
discussion of what is meant by research and other services and our policy governing procedures
for giving preference to the brokers who provide them is included on the next page in the section
Research and Other Soft Dollar Benefits.

The firm will not choose a broker to execute a transaction solely on the basis that the broker has
referred clients or prospective clients to us. Please refer to the discussion on Brokerage for
Client Referrals on page 25.

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When orders from our portfolio managers are received concurrently for more than one client
account, the firm may seek to aggregate or batch the orders in an effort to obtain reduced
commission rates or more favorable execution. A broker may be selected to execute an
aggregated order because of the broker’s ability to handle such executions, provided that the
primary consideration of best net execution is met. Generally, when trades are aggregated, each
client account within the block will receive the same price and commission.

From time to time, the firm will evaluate the performance of the brokers that have been selected
to execute orders for our clients’ accounts. If we believe a broker’s performance has been
unsatisfactory, we will cease doing business with this broker entirely or until improvement has
been demonstrated.

The firm’s executive officers are available to discuss brokerage allocation with clients or
prospective clients upon request.

Research and Other Soft Dollar Benefits

Brokers and dealers may provide research or other services in addition to the services required to
execute an order. When a portion of the commission paid to a broker for the execution of an
order is considered to be a payment for these additional services, this portion of the commission
is often referred to as “soft dollars.” The additional research and other services received are
sometimes referred to as “soft dollar benefits.”

Sarofim International Management Company uses the soft dollar benefits received from brokers
to supplement our own internal research activities and to consider a broader range of information
and opinions in formulating our investment decisions. The soft dollar benefits will be used in
servicing all of our client accounts as well as the firm’s proprietary accounts, not just those
accounts that paid commissions to the brokers providing the soft dollar benefits. A client
account may pay a higher commission because of the soft dollar safe harbor benefits provided by
a broker, but this will only occur if we have determined in good faith that this commission is
reasonable in relation to the value of the soft dollar safe harbor benefits provided by the broker.
However, the value we receive from these soft dollar benefits is difficult to quantify in a dollar

The use of soft dollar benefits may create conflicts of interest. One such conflict is that when
client brokerage commissions are used to obtain research or other products and services, Sarofim
International Management Company receives a benefit because the firm does not have to
produce or pay for the research, products, or services. Also, Sarofim International Management
Company may have an incentive to select broker-dealers based on the firm’s interest in receiving
research or other products or services, rather than on the clients’ interest in receiving most
favorable execution.

Sarofim International Management Company has adopted a soft dollar policy to address the
conflicts of interest that may arise when the firm has discretionary authority to direct brokerage
related to clients’ accounts to brokers from which we also receive soft dollar benefits. Under the
our soft dollar policy, Sarofim International Management Company will only use soft dollars to

Sarofim International Management Company Part 2A Form ADV Page 23 of 35

obtain products and services that fall within the safe harbor provided by Section 28(e) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as interpreted by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The following products and services fall within the definition of “research services” within the
soft dollar safe harbor:

• Research reports;
• Discussions with research analysts and meetings with corporate executives;
• Fees to attend conferences or seminars that provide substantive content regarding issuers,
industries, and/or securities;
• Research related to the market for securities, such as trade analytics (including analytics
available through order management systems), and advice on market color and execution
• Market, financial, economic, and similar data;
• Pre-trade and post-trade analytics used during the investment decision-making process;
• Proxy services that the adviser uses during the investment decision-making process, as
opposed to services used to satisfy the adviser’s own voting, recordkeeping, or disclosure

These safe harbor services do not include the referral of clients to Sarofim International
Management Company.

The Section 28(e) safe harbor applies to research products and services that are “provided” by a
broker-dealer. In addition to proprietary research produced directly by a broker-dealer, the safe
harbor also applies to third-party research. Sarofim International Management Company may be
involved in deciding what third-party research will be provided, and the third-party may send the
research directly to us, but the broker-dealer must either (a) have a legal obligation to pay for the
research, or (b) pay for the research directly, review the description of the research for red flags
that would indicate that it was outside of the safe harbor, and develop and maintain procedures
so that research payments are documented and paid for promptly.

From time to time Sarofim International Management Company may enter into commission
sharing agreements with certain brokers that allow us to use client commissions to pay for
research produced by someone other than the executing (or introducing or clearing) broker-
dealer. It is our belief that such arrangements may offer efficient execution venues that provide
high quality, low-cost execution while research providers compensated out of the shared
commissions offer valuable research ideas that benefit our clients. Each commission sharing
arrangement is evidenced by written agreement. We evaluate such arrangements on a case-by-
case basis and negotiate each commission sharing agreement accordingly.

In the event that a product or service has multiple uses, some of which are eligible under the soft
dollar safe harbor, and others of which are not, Sarofim International Management Company
may only use soft dollars to pay for that portion of a product or service that falls within the safe
harbor. We must use hard dollars to pay for the portion of the product or service’s costs that are
outside of the safe harbor. In such a case, Sarofim International Management Company will
make a reasonable allocation of the cost of the product or service according to its use. We will

Sarofim International Management Company Part 2A Form ADV Page 24 of 35

maintain adequate books and records so as to be able to demonstrate that the allocation was made
in good faith. We are subject to a conflict of interest when making any such allocation

Soft dollar credits are assets of Sarofim International Management Company’s clients that must
be treated with appropriate care. We review at least monthly soft dollar accrual and expenditure
reports sent by broker-dealers and reconcile such reports against our internal records. Any
discrepancies should be promptly reported to the CCO.

Sarofim International Management Company will periodically review soft dollar credit and debit
balances, and if we develop large credit balances, we will consider whether clients are paying
unnecessarily high commissions. Conversely, if we develop large deficits, we will evaluate
whether we should curtail our soft dollar spending or take other actions in order to avoid the
appearance that we must trade accounts excessively in order to reduce our soft dollar deficits.

Over the past year, the soft dollar benefits we have received have been limited to the research
and other services that fall within the soft dollar safe harbor provisions of Section 28(e) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Brokerage for Client Referrals

Sarofim International Management Company has a policy that precludes the firm from selecting
a broker to execute transactions solely on the basis that this broker has referred clients or
prospective clients to us. This practice is prohibited because of the conflicts of interest that
could result. In exercising our brokerage discretion, we may select brokers that have referred
clients or prospective clients to us to execute portfolio transactions, but this selection cannot be
based solely on referrals and must be made in accordance with the general policies and
procedures discussed throughout Item 12.

Client-Directed Brokerage

A client of Sarofim International Management Company may direct the firm to give preference
to certain brokers or dealers in allocating brokerage transactions for the client's account. The
firm will comply so long as we, in good faith, believe that the objective of best net execution is
not being sacrificed or that the amount of commission being paid to such broker or dealer is
reasonable in relation to the value of the services provided.

In some instances, the firm is directed to use a specific broker for executing transactions either as
a result of instructions from a client or as a result of arrangements entered into by the client. In
these instances, the designated broker may charge higher commission rates than those generally
available to us. We will follow the client’s direction and seek to obtain the lowest commission
rate and best net execution available from this broker as long as the client understands that this
arrangement limits our ability to negotiate commissions on the client’s behalf and to aggregate or
batch the client’s order with the orders of other clients to attain reduced commission rates or
better executions. The client in these instances must understand that if the firm were free to
select a broker, negotiate for institutional brokerage rates, and to batch orders, the client might
pay rates below customary retail brokerage rates and might achieve better executions.

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When a broker has custody of a client’s securities, the client may direct us to use this custodial
broker for executing trades in the client’s account. Often, a client and the custodial broker enter
into a brokerage arrangement to contain the total costs related to a client’s account by avoiding
the higher fees for trust, custody, or other services that may be charged by another custodian,
such as a bank or trust company. In these instances, the firm will seek to obtain the lowest
commission rate and best net execution available from the custodial broker. Despite the firm’s
efforts, however, the commission rate charged by the custodial broker may be higher or the
executions less favorable than the firm could have achieved for the client if we had been granted
brokerage discretion. From time to time, the firm will evaluate the performance of the custodial
broker in executing portfolio transactions. If the firm believes the custodial broker’s executions
are sufficiently unfavorable or the commissions charged sufficiently excessive considering the
brokerage and custody services being provided by the custodial broker, we will advise the client
of our assessment. We may also recommend that the client change the custodial broker. (See
also Item 15 Custody on page 29.)

For accounts subject to directed brokerage arrangements, Sarofim International Management

Company will not aggregate trades or seek better execution services or prices from other broker-
dealers unless the client has allowed Sarofim International Management Company some
discretion with respect to brokerage. Generally, Sarofim International Management Company
will place trades on behalf of accounts subject to directed brokerage arrangements after trading
on behalf of other client accounts. Consequently, the firm may not obtain best execution on
behalf of clients that direct brokerage; such clients may pay materially disparate commissions,
greater spreads, or other transaction costs, or receive less favorable net prices on transactions
than would otherwise be the case. In order to meet directed brokerage mandates and trade in an
efficient manner, Sarofim International Management Company may ask clients that direct
brokerage to permit the use of “step-out” trades. Traders will document any step-out trades on
the relevant trade ticket and in our electronic trading system.

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Item 13 –Review of Accounts
Sarofim International Management Company accounts are managed within the guidelines set by
Fayez Sarofim & Co.’s Investment Committee. Teams of two to four investment professionals
share the client servicing and portfolio management responsibilities for each account. We
manage accounts on an individual basis, taking into consideration a client’s known financial
resources, investment objectives, and needs. Each account is reviewed at least quarterly by one
of the investment professionals assigned to the portfolio management team for the account. This
review is conducted in conjunction with the quarterly reporting process discussed below.
Several factors may prompt a more frequent review, including significant cash flows, unusual
liquidity requirements, or changes in a client’s situation, investment objectives, or guidelines.
Accounts may also be reviewed more frequently if there is a dramatic change in market
conditions or a significant shift in the firm’s economic and market outlook. Matters reviewed
include portfolio holdings, asset mix, cash flow and liquidity requirements, account-specific
instructions or guidelines, and other pertinent factors.

Portfolio reports are distributed to clients on a quarterly basis. In some instances, the report may
be prepared monthly. These written reports typically include:

• summary of investment performance, including current and longer-term results

• S&P sector classifications of portfolio holdings
• portfolio appraisal by individual security, including purchase cost, current market value,
percent of portfolio, unrealized gains and losses, estimated current income and current
• corporate capital changes and dividend changes
• commission report
• purchases and sales during the period
• income and expense report
• realized gains and losses

This written portfolio report also strongly recommends that clients compare our portfolio
appraisal with the statements received from their custodians and to notify us immediately of any
discrepancies. This recommendation is made in accordance with our obligation to protect client
interests and is consistent with the SEC rules for investment advisers.

Periodically, clients receive our commentary on the economy and the market outlook. One or
more of the investment professionals assigned to an account will confer with the client from time
to time. Clients may also request a conference to review their account. Client communication is
an important part of our investment advisory services, and we encourage clients to contact us if they
have questions.

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Item 14 –Client Referrals and Other Compensation
Both Sarofim International Management Company and our parent company, Fayez Sarofim &
Co., have entered into written solicitation agreements.

Sarofim International Management Company has entered into such an agreement with
Papamarkou Wellner Asset Management Inc. (PWAM). PWAM has agreed to solicit
investment advisory clients for the firm on a non-exclusive basis. For accounts referred under
the agreement, the firm has agreed to pay PWAM a referral fee, which is computed quarterly at
40 percent of the aggregate quarterly investment advisory fees the firm receives from clients
referred by PWAM. The referral fee is due promptly after the firm collects the advisory fees.
No accounts are to be solicited in states in which such solicitations are not in compliance with
state laws.

Fayez Sarofim & Co. has also entered into several written solicitation agreements. The firm has
one such agreement with MBSC Securities Corporation (MBSC), formerly named Dreyfus
Service Corporation. MBSC has agreed to solicit investment advisory clients for the firm on a
non-exclusive basis. The firm, in turn, has agreed to pay MBSC a referral fee, which is based on
the investment advisory fees the firm receives from a client referred by MBSC. The referral fee
is computed quarterly and due within 30 days after the end of a quarter. For accounts managed
less than 12 months, the referral fee is 50 percent of the investment advisory fee. For all other
accounts, the fee is 20 percent. No accounts are to be solicited in states in which such
solicitations are not in compliance with state laws.

Fayez Sarofim & Co. also has three written solicitation agreements with PWAM. One
agreement is for institutional accounts, one for non-institutional accounts, and the third
agreement, which is inactive, is for incentive-fee government margin accounts. PWAM has
agreed to solicit investment advisory clients for the firm on a non-exclusive basis. For accounts
referred under the institutional and non-institutional account agreements, the firm has agreed to
pay PWAM a referral fee, which is computed quarterly at 40 percent of the aggregate quarterly
investment advisory fees the firm receives from clients referred by PWAM. The referral fee is
due promptly after the firm collects the advisory fees. No accounts are to be solicited in states in
which such solicitations are not in compliance with state laws.

From time to time, brokers, dealers, or other persons may refer clients or prospective clients to
Fayez Sarofim & Co., Sarofim International Management Company, or the other affiliates on an
informal basis. The firms do not pay fees for these informal referrals. Furthermore, the firms
will not select brokers or dealers to execute portfolio transactions solely on the basis that they
have referred clients or prospective clients to the firm. Please refer to Item 12 Brokerage
Practices—Brokerage for Client Referrals on page 25.

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Item 15 –Custody
“Custody” means holding, directly or indirectly, client funds or securities or having authority to
obtain possession of them. Sarofim International Management Company does not hold client
assets or provide custodial services. Assets of clients of our firm are held by a “qualified
custodian” as defined by the SEC, usually a bank or brokerage firm. If the firm inadvertently
receives client funds, we are generally required to return them to the sender within three business

Before entering into an investment advisory agreement with Sarofim International Management
Company, you must first establish an account with a qualified custodian. If you need assistance
in selecting a custodian, the firm will make suggestions, taking into consideration the cost, the
perceived quality of the custodial services, and the types of securities involved as well as other
factors we think may be relevant. Clients should receive account statements from their qualified
custodian on at least a quarterly basis. If you do not receive such statements, please notify us

As a client, you should compare the quarterly portfolio report you receive from us with the
account statements you receive from your qualified custodian. We urge you to notify us
immediately if you find discrepancies. For tax purposes, the account statement you receive from
your custodian is the official record of your transactions and assets.

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Item 16 –Investment Discretion
Sarofim International Management Company will manage clients’ assets on a fully discretionary
basis, a limited discretionary basis or a non-discretionary basis. Most of our clients have granted
us full discretionary authority to manage the investment of the assets in their accounts, and we
prefer to manage accounts on this basis.

Before the firm may assume discretionary authority, the firm and the client must execute an
investment advisory agreement. The investment advisory agreement includes:

• A statement of the firm’s appointment as investment manager.

• A discussion of the duties and powers of the firm as investment manager,
including discretionary authority
• A description of the duties of the client, including advising the firm of investment
objectives and any specific restrictions
• Other pertinent information on matters such as compensation and termination

With full discretionary authority for an account, the firm is able to do the following without
obtaining the client’s consent:

• Determine which securities to buy or sell

• Determine the total amount of securities to buy or sell, subject to available funds
• Determine the broker or dealer through which securities are bought or sold
• Negotiate with the selected broker regarding commission rates for securities

Unless the client notifies the firm in writing of specific restrictions, the investments made on
behalf of the client are considered not to be restricted. The firm manages a number of accounts
subject to client instructions that prohibit holding certain securities or types of securities or that
limit weightings in individual sectors, industries, or securities.

In certain instances, the firm’s discretion to determine the broker through which client securities
are bought or sold is limited due to arrangements entered into by the client such as wrap fee
programs or directions from the client. For example, a particular broker may have custody of a
client’s securities, and the client may direct the firm to use this custodial broker to purchase or
sell securities in the client’s account. In other instances, the client may direct the firm to give
preference to one or more brokers in allocating brokerage transactions for the account. For a
discussion of the firm’s policies and procedures in these instances, please refer to Item 12
Brokerage Practices on page 22.

When we provide services on a non-discretionary basis, we give the client investment advice, but
we do not have the authority to implement our recommendations in the client’s portfolio without
the client’s approval. The client may or may not follow the firm’s advice. In certain non-
discretionary arrangements, once the client has approved a particular transaction, the firm is
authorized to place the order and select the broker to execute it. In other non-discretionary
arrangements, the client places the order and selects the broker to execute the transaction.

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Item 17 –Voting Client Securities
Proxy Voting and Class Actions Policy

A client may give Sarofim International Management Company the authority to vote the proxies
requested by the issuers of securities in the client’s account. To guide us as we exercise this
authority and to comply with SEC rules, the firm has adopted a Proxy Voting and Class Actions
policy and procedures. We evaluate each proxy on a case-by-case basis and generally seek to
vote proxies in a way that maximizes the value of clients’ assets. In deciding how to vote on a
particular proxy proposal, we rely, for the most part, on the business judgment of the
management and directors of the issuer of the security, and the fiduciary responsibilities that the
issuer’s directors have with respect to the issuer’s shareholders. If we decide the
recommendation of the issuing company’s management is not in the best interests of
shareholders, we will not follow management’s recommendation.

To avoid conflicts of interest, no employee of Sarofim International Management Company may

participate in the voting process for a particular proxy if the employee meets any one of the
following criteria:

• is an officer or director of the company issuing the proxy

• beneficially owns 5 percent or more of the outstanding shares of any class of security
of the company issuing the proxy
• otherwise is interested in any way in the outcome of the vote, with the exception of
being a beneficial owner of less than 5 percent of the outstanding shares of any class
of securities of the company issuing the proxy

Sarofim International Management Company, or a third party acting on the firm’s behalf, retains:

• copies of all proxy statements received regarding client securities

• records of votes cast on behalf of clients
• records of client requests for proxy voting information
• documents used or prepared by the firm that were material to deciding how to vote on
a particular issue
• copies of the Proxy Voting and Class Actions policy and procedures adopted by the

Clients may obtain a copy of our Proxy Voting policy and procedures by writing to:

Mrs. Raye G. White

Executive Vice President
and Chief Compliance Officer
Sarofim International Management Company
Two Houston Center
Suite 2907
Houston, Texas 77010
[email protected]

Sarofim International Management Company Part 2A Form ADV Page 31 of 35

Clients who have given us authority to vote proxies on their behalf may obtain an annual,
semiannual or quarterly record of these votes by submitting a written request to Mrs. White at
the address above. Clients who have given us authority to vote proxies but wish to direct a
particular vote may do so by submitting their instructions in writing to Mrs. White.

Clients may choose to retain the authority to vote the proxies related to securities in their
accounts. In such instances, clients would receive the proxy statements from their custodians.
Clients may contact Mrs. White at the address on the preceding page if they have questions about
a particular solicitation.

Proxy Voting Procedures

Fayez Sarofim & Co., the parent company of Sarofim International Management Company, has
retained Glass Lewis & Co. (“Glass Lewis”) to assist in the proxy voting process. Charles
Sheedy, Chairman of the Proxy Committee, or his delegatee, manages Sarofim’s relationship
with Glass Lewis. Glass Lewis provides the following in connection with the voting of proxies
by Sarofim International Management Company: (i) analyses of proposals, (ii) vote
recommendations, (iii) vote execution services and (iv) record keeping services. Glass Lewis
provides its analyses of proposals and vote recommendations pursuant to and in accordance with
the proxy voting guidelines furnished to it by the firm.

Absent specific client instructions, Sarofim International Management Company has adopted the
following proxy voting procedures designed to ensure that proxies are properly identified and
voted, and that any conflicts of interest are addressed appropriately. First, ISS analyzes the proxy
proposal in accordance with a set of policy guidelines established by the firm’s Proxy Committee
and makes a vote recommendation to the firm. This recommendation, which becomes the
default position for the vote, is then sent to the analyst at our firm who is responsible for the
research coverage of that security.

If our analyst agrees with the vote recommendation submitted by Glass Lewis, he or she will
instruct Glass Lewis to cast the vote according to that recommendation. If the analyst at our firm
does not agree with the default recommendation provided by Glass Lewis, the analyst must
provide a written explanation of the reasons for the different opinion. This written explanation is
reviewed by the chairman of the firm’s Proxy Committee. If the chairman agrees with the
analyst’s recommendation, that recommendation becomes final and binding, and Glass Lewis is
instructed to vote according to the analyst’s recommendation. In the rare instance that the
chairman and the analyst cannot reach an agreement, the matter is considered by all the
investment professionals on the Proxy Committee. The decision of the group is final and
binding. No employee of the firm may participate in the voting process for a particular proxy if
any one of the three disqualifying factors enumerated in the Proxy Voting Policy section above

Sarofim International Management Company and Glass Lewis, acting on our behalf, maintain as
permanent records the original proxy bulletin, the voting instructions, and the reasons for such

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Class Actions

Sarofim International Management Company does not direct clients’ participation in class

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Item 18 –Financial Information
The disclosures required by Item 18 do not apply to Sarofim International Management
Company. The firm is in sound financial condition, and we are confident that we can meet future
contractual commitments to our clients. The firm does not require, solicit or permit prepayment
of fees. Neither Sarofim International Management Company nor any of our affiliates has ever
filed a bankruptcy petition.

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Item 19 –Requirements for State-Registered Advisers
Sarofim International Management Company is not a state-registered adviser.

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