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Text for questions number 1-2

Hello my name is Doni. I was born twelve years ago in Bandung. I live at Jln. Ahmad Yani number 49
Magelang, and every afternoon I take English course. My favourite song is “She will be loved”. My
father is a teacher of SMP N 1 Seputih Agung.
1. What is Doni's hobby?
a. dancing b. listening music c. Swimming d. Painting
Jawaban : B
2. Where does Doni come from?
a. Bandung b. Magelang c. SMP 5 Bandung d. Jln. Ahmad Yani no. 49
Jawaban : B
Read the dialog carefully to answer no 3-4
Mr. Joko Susilo, biology teacher is going to the laboratory, meets Yudho at break time.
Yudho: Good morning , sir
Mr. Joko: Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry ?
Yudho: I am going to library ,sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Joko: Great, How diligent you are !
Yudho: thank you, sir. Sorry, I must go now. See you
Mr. Joko: see you.
3. When do you think the dialog happen?
a. In the afternoon b. In the evening c. In the morning d. In the night Jawaban : C
4. Where does the dialog take place?
a. In the library b. In the laboratory c. In the canteen d. At school
Jawaban : D
5. Complete the dialog below!
Lia: Morning, dad.
Mr. Fadli: Morning, dear. Your right eye is red. Are you all right?
Lia: I have.......... dad.
Mr. Fadli: Don’t rub it. Let me put eye drops in your eyes.
Lia: Thanks, dad.
a. Sore throat b. Sore eye c. Backache d. Headache
Jawaban : B
6. Complete the dialog below!
Mr. Yono: What is your name ?
Hendi: My name is Hendi
Mr. Yono: How do you .......... it ?
Hendi: h–e-n-d-i.
a. Speak b. Spell c. Tell d. Read
Jawaban : B
7. Complete the following sentence below!
This month is May, next month is....... and last month was.......
a. June, April b. July, April c. June, July d. June, August
Jawaban : A
8. Complete the dialog below!
Ani: what time do you have lunch?
Tommy: at ....................
a. 6 am b. 1 pm c. 8 pm d. 10 am
Jawaban : B
9. When is national education day celebrated in Indonesia?
a. On December 22 b. On June 1 c. On October 5 d. On May 2
Jawaban : D
10. Complete the following sentence below!
Now, your father is going to....... He want to save his money.
a. Hospital b. Pos Office c. Bank d. Market
Jawaban : C
11. Today is Friday, I will go to Jakarta tomorrow. What is tomorrow ?
a. Sunday b. Thursday c. Saturday d. Wednesday
Jawaban : C
12. Complete the dialog below!
Dodi: Mom, this is Rio, my classmate. Rio, this is my Mother.
Dodi’s mother: Nice to meet you, Rio
Rio : ............................................
a. I am fine b. Thank you c. Good bye d. Nice to meet you, too
Jawaban : D
13. Complete the dialog below!
Rini: What do you usually do after arriving from the school?
Alvin: I usually.......
a. Have a dinner b. Have breakfast c. Take a nap d. Take a break
Jawaban : C
14. Which one of the following expressions is regarded as greeting?
a. Thank you b. I’m fine, thanks c. Good morning d. Good bye
Jawaban : C
15. Complete the dialog below!
Soni: Why are you holding your stomach? What’s the matter, Lidia?
Lidia: I have a.......... I ate too many chilies.
Soni: Let’s go to the medical room now.
Lidia: O.K.
a. Toothace b. Headache c. Backache d. Stomachache
Jawaban : D
Read the Monolog to answer no 16 - 17
Hi friends, my name is Ronaldo. This is my daily activities for a week after school. On Monday, I join
an English club. On Tuesday, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On Wednesday, I play badminton. On
Thursday, I read my favourite stories. On Friday, I visit my grandparents. On Saturday, I go jogging.
On Sunday, I go to supermarket to have window shopping.
16. On what days does Ronaldo do sports?
a. Wednesday and Saturday b. Monday and Friday c.
Tuesday and Sunday d. Sunday and Wednesday
Jawaban : A
17. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be .........
a. Tuesday b. Thursday c. Friday d. Saturday
jawaban : B
18. Complete the dialog below!
Arthur: Polly, could you accompany me to a bookstore?
Polly: Certainly. Arthur: ................
Polly: Nevermind.
a. I’m sorry b. You’re wellcome c. Thank you d. Very well, thanks
Jawaban : C
19. Complete the dialog below!
Big brother: Can you help me to sweep the backyard, bro?
Little brother: my pleasure
Big brother: Thanks my brother
Little brother: ..............................
a. You don’t have to say it. b. It’s ok, dear c. Good luck d. Get well soon
Jawaban : A
20. My father will go to bandung on Sunday, and he will back to lampung after Sunday.
What is the day after Sunday?
a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Tuesday d. Thursday
Jawaban : A
21. Give the right answer to the question below!
Question: How old are you and where do you live?
Answer: ......
a. I'm 12 years old and I live on Jalan Merdeka Jakarta b. I'm 12 years old and I live with my
parent c. I'm 12 years old and I live happy d. I'm student and I live on
Jalan Sukarame
Jawaban: A
22. Andini is a girl. .... likes reading.
a. He b. I c. You d. She
Jawaban: D
23. Novianto is a boy. ....likes mobile gaming.
a. He b. I c. You d. She
Jawaban: A
24. Bowo and Joko love playing badminton. ..... usually play badminton on Saturday night.
a. He b. They c. She d. We
Jawaban: B
25. Himawari has .... to drink.
a. Meal b. water c. rice d. donuts
Jawaban: A
26. It is rice. It's.....
a. hot and sweet b. bitter c. spicy and greasy d. plain and sticky
Jawaban: D
27. I love corn soup. It's ....
a. spicy b. sticky c. creamy d. tasty
Jawaban: C
28. My favorite meal is Nasi Goreng. It's ..... and a bit grreasy.
a. spicy b. savory c. nice d. tasty
Jawaban: B
29. Pecel is a traditional Javanese salad. Its consists of various boiled.....
a. rice b. meat c. vegetables d. peanut
Jawaban: C
30. Choose the correct a/an in the following sentences!
(1) Hadi needs (a/an) oven to bake the cake.
(2) Would you like (a/an) pack of potato chips?
(3) Can I have (a/an) bowl of soup, please?
a. an, a, a b. an, an, an c. an, a, an d. a, an, a
Jawaban: A

Syam: Hello, my name is Syam. What's your name?

Bian: My name is Bian.
Syam: .... do you come from?
Bian: I came from Bandung.

1. The correct word to fill the question is....

A. What
B. Where
C. Why
D. Who

Jawaban: B. Where

2. My name is Reza. I have many kind of books. My hobby is....

A. Reading
B. Cooking
C. Watching
D. Cycling
Jawaban: A. Reading

Read the text and answer question 3-5!

Fahri likes fishing. He goes to the river for fishing once a week. He needs bucket, fishing road,
and fishing net. Fahri invites Azka to join Fishing with him. But Azka can't go fishing, he wants
to read some books.

3. Who love reading books?

A. Bima
B. Azka
C. Bima and Azka
D. Azka and friends

Jawaban: B. Azka

4. How often does Fahri go fishing?

A. Once a week
B. Once a month
C. Twice a week
D. Twice a month

Jawaban: A. Once a week

5. What tools does Fahri need to go fishing?

A. Googgles
B. Charger
C. Bucket
D. Bicycle

Jawaban: C. Bucket

6. Faiz: ..... brother do you have?

Rara: I have three brothers.

A. How much
B. How old
C. How many
D. How are you

Jawaban: C. How many

7. Icha is a beautiful girl. She is patient and calm. She has curly hair.
The antonym of curly hair is....

A. Long hair
B. Short hair
C. Soft hair
D. Straight hair

Jawaban: D. Straight hair

Read the text and answer questions 8-10!

Hello, I am Fina. Today, I want to help my mom cooking in the kitchen. My mom wants make
my favorite food. It is rica-rica chicken. It's spicy and savory when we mixed it with rice. I
make a pudding for snacking. It is soft and sweet. My Mom also makes fruit salad for my
father. It's sour, sweety, and spicy. My father loves it.

8. What does Fina like having for the main meal?

A. Rica-rica chicken
B. Fruit salad
C. Pudding
D. Rice

Jawaban: A. Rica-rica chicken

9. What does Fina like having for snacking?

A. Rica-rica chicken
B. Fruit salad
C. Pudding
D. Rice

Jawaban: C. Pudding

10. Rica-rica Chicken is ....

A. Sweet and spicy

B. Bitter and savory
C. Sour and soft
D. Spicy and savory

Jawaban: D. Spicy and savory

11. A coffee without sugar is bitter.

The antonym of bitter is....

A. Sweet
B. Sour
C. Bitter
D. Plain

Jawaban: A. Sweet

12. I have .... apple in the refrigerator.

A. A
B. An
C. At
D. The

Jawaban: B. An

Question for number 13-14!

These are steps to make the Instant Bubur pack:

1. First, prepare a bowl and two glass of hot water

2. Pour all of porridge and seasoning into the bowl
3. Add hot water slowly, stir the porridge until smooth
4. Add souce, sprinkles, and if you want add chili sauce
Finally, your Instant Bubur pack, is ready

13. What utensils do you need to make the Instant Bubur?

A. Bowl, pan, glass, and fork

B. Plate, pan, glass, and knife
C. Bowl, stove, cup, and spoon
D. Stove, spoon, up, and frying pan

Jawaban: C. Bowl, stove, cup, and spoon

14. How many steps are there to make the Instant Bubur?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Jawaban: B.4

15. What does the fried rice taste like?

A. Savory and greasy

B. Crispy and tasty
C. Sweet and crunchy
D. Sour and creamy

Jawaban: A. Savory and greasy

16. A guest comes to my house. He sits on the sofa in....

A. Kitchen
B. Bedroom
C. Living room
D. Bathroom

Jawaban: C. Living room

17. Tyfa goes to school. She forgot to tidy up her room. Now, her room is messy.
The antonym of messy is....

A. Tidy
B. Clean
C. Health
D. Busy

Jawaban: A. Tidy
Read the text and answer questions 18-20!

Every Sunday Mr Adi's Family clean the house. They work together to keep clean their house.
Mrs Adi sweeps and mops the floor. Chika help her parents, she cleans the windows and
furnitures. Tika washes the plates. Mr Adi takes out the rubbish. He separates the rubbish into
two types. They are organic rubbish and non-organic rubbish. Separating rubbish can keep
our environment clean and health.

18. What is the purpose separating the rubbish?

A. To make decorate the house easily

B. To make the house more beautiful
C. To keep our environment clean and health
D. To keep our house more expensive without rubbish

Jawaban: C. To keep our environment clean and health

19. Who does help the parents to wash the plate?

A. Chika
B. Tika
C. Mr Adi
D. Mrs Adi

Jawaban: B. Tika

20. What does Chika do?

A. She cleans the furniture

B. She washes the plates
C. She sweep the floor
D. She takes out the rubbish

Jawaban: A. She cleans the furniture

Teks untuk soal no 1 - 3

Complete the text with appropriate words

I used to have a beautiful cat named Proudy. She had white fluffy fur and
purple eyes and she had a little gray spot on her head and a black spot on her
tail, and she also had small ..... (1) with very cute paws.

Proudy was a very ... (2) cat too. She knew my schedule. She would wake
me up in the morning, a couple of minutes before my alarm clock rang. She
even knew what time I came home. When I opened the door, she would jump
on me ... (3) as if she was trying to tell me that she missed me so much.

1. ...
A. Tail
B. Legs
C. Head
D. Body

Jawaban : B. Legs
2. ...
A. Cute
B. Smart
C. Funny
D. Adorable

Jawaban: B. Smart

3. ...
A. Quickly
B. Slowly
C. Wildly
D. Lazily

Jawaban: A. Quickly

4. Mrs. Alwi and her daughter, Syntia, have been out for shopping at Puri Mall for two hours.
Mrs. Alwi bought Syntia a new sweater. Now, she has already put on. She is so happy that
she hasn't even removed the tag yet.

Why didn't Syntia remove the tag of the sweater?

A. The tag cannot be removed

Hide quoted text

B. The sweater has been put on

C. She was so glad to have it
D. The sweater is really good

Jawaban: C. She was so glad the have it

5. Siti : Good morning, Beni

Beni : Good morning, Siti. How are you today?
Siti : I'm doing very well
Beni : You arrive very early. Do you always arrive early every day?
Siti : Yes, I do. I always come to school early. I always leave home at 6. I
don't want to be late. Beni, why do you clean the classroom by
Beni : Dayu is not here. She's late
Siti : Don't worry. I will help you to clean the classroom
Beni : Thank you, Siti. You always help other people
Siti : You are welcome, Beni.
Where does the dialog take place?

A. In the garden
B. At Siti's home
C. At Beni's home
D. In the classroom

Jawaban: D. In the classroom

6. Aura : What does your father usually do in the morning before going to work?
Raisah : He usually ... the internet to read recent online news.
A. Creates
B. Browses
C. Uploads
D. Downloads

Jawaban: B. Browses

7. Bram : There is a big ... in my bedroom. It's used for storing my clothes.
Tini : You must have a lot of clothes, so you need a big one.
A. Locker
B. Wardrobe
C. Cupboard
D. Spring bed

Jawaban: B. Wardrobe

8. "I've never seen it before."

The word 'it' refers to ....
A. The coral
B. The starfish
C. The clown fish
D. The Sea World

Jawaban: B. The starfish

9. Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large

Lisa : I think it is small.
Siti : I don't think so. It is big. It has many things. There are a lot of things.
They are two pink wardrobes, a green bookshelf, a pretty bed and a
brown mirror
Why does Siti think that Lisa's bedroom is big?

A. There are many things in the bedroom.

B. The bedroom is tidy and comfortable.
C. The bedroom is well organized.
D. There are two pink wardrobes.

Jawaban: A. There are many things in the bedroom

10. "Wow your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable ..."

What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?

A. Shady
B. Clean
C. Nice
D. Neat

Jawaban: D. Neat

11. "I like visiting it"

The underlined word refers to ....
A. The item
B. The place
C. The tour guide
D. The description
Jawaban: B. The place

12. "This place is fascinating." What is the antonym of 'fascinating'?

Hide quoted text

A. Creepy
B. Boring
C. Exciting
D. Satisfying

Jawaban: B. Boring

13. Erlin : Hi, I'm Erlin. ______

Lili : Hi, Erlin. I'm Lili
A. I'm fine, thanks. And you?
B. May I know your name?
C. Nice to meet you to.
D. How do you do?

Jawaban: B. May I know your name?

14. Noval : Mom, please meet Miss Adisti, my physical education

teacher. Miss Disti, this is my mother, Mrs. Betty
Mrs, Betty : __________
Miss Disti : How do you do?
A. Who are you?
B. How are you?
C. How do you do?
D. What's your name?

Jawaban: C. How do you do?

15. I live with my father, mother, elder brother and younger sister. My father is
Mr.Rajali, He's a teacher. My mother is Mrs.Kurnia, She is a nurse. My elder
brother is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little sister Rizkia
attends a kindergarten
How many people are there in writer's family?

A. Two
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

Jawaban: C. Five

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