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CS3691- Embedded Systems and IoT

University Exam Important Questions

Unit -1:

1. With a functional block diagram, briefly discuss the architecture of the 8051
2. Discuss on the different types of addressing modes supported by the 8051
microcontroller with examples.
3. With example explain entire instruction set of 8051 microcontrollers.
4. Explain Timer modes of 8051 microcontrollers.

Unit - 2:
1. Explain in details about memory Interfacing.
2. Explain in details about IO Interfacing. (keyboard, LED).
3. Priority Based Scheduling: i) Rate – Monotonic Scheduling
ii) Earliest Deadline First Scheduling.
4. Explain Multitask and Processes.
Unit - 3:

1. Explain the concept of Iot Devices.

2. What is Arduino? Explain its feature. Discuss types of Arduino board and Arduino
sketch structure with Pins structures.
3. Explain in details about Arduino Programming with examples.
4. Discuss about the Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino.

Unit - 4:
1. Explain the IoT Communication Models with APIs.
2. Explain Raspberry Pi architecture with example.
3. Explain the IoT Communication Protocols with examples.
i)Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
4. Explain Raspberry Pi programming with examples.

Unit - 5:

1. Explain the complete design of embedded systems.

2. Explain concept of Home Automation.
3. Explain concept of Smart Cities.
4. Explain concept of Smart Healthcare and Agriculture.

*****ALL THE BEST*****

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