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Anger and frustration are both common emotional responses that everyone faces.

However, if these feelings become too intense, they can lead to both
mental and physical distress, and cause problems in relationships. This worksheet can help you identify the emotions and thoughts behind your anger
and frustration, and help you determine what you need to feel better.

Describe the event and identify specific things someone said or did that brought on
your anger or frustration.




List out any emotions that were What parts of the description above
underlying your feelings of are focused on facts, actions, or
frustration or anger. behaviors (and not a judgement or
For a list of emotions, visit opinion)? Write it down.
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Take some time to think about what needs to happen for you to be less angry. Focus on what you can do and what you need others to do.

What can you do to feel better? What do you need someone else to
________________________________________ do to help you feel better?
Remember - we can only control our own actions. However,
________________________________________ writing down what you need from others can help you advocate
for yourself.
________________________________________ ________________________________________

The next time you feel angry or frustrated, walk yourself through these same steps to
help you process your feelings. Ask yourself these questions:

Disclaimer: This material is adapted from NVC

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