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'Did you know that Eisenhower ran his HQ from Goodge
station, or that, 2,000 years ago, St Brides in Fleet Street was a pagan
place of worship dedicated to a Celtic goddess of childbirth called
Brighde? This street-by-street companion will be of absorbing
interest to anyone fascinated by the city's resonances' Independent

'Ed Glinert could give any black cab driver a run for his money with
his knowledge of London' Islington Gazette

'A breathtaking cavalcade of facts, figures and faces ... the book is not
only expertly organized but has a superb index and ties the whole of
London together into a sprawling, complex yet contiguous whole ...
Buy a copy, don a stout pair of wa1king shoes ... and explore'
East End Life

'He reveals the secrets of the streets and the magic and mischief of
the city' What's On in London ·

'An unusual and charming collection of obscure facts and stories that
will appeal to anyone who lives there, has visited there, or has just
flown over the city ... it will also provide hours of entertainment for
curious residents, determined day-trippers and tourists looking for
something more eccentric and amusing than the usual guidebook
fare' Focus

Ed Glinert was born in Dalston. The author of The Literary Guide to

London, he leads a variety of walks for a major London walking tours
A Street-by-Street Exploration of
the Hidden Metropolis

Ed Glinert

For Katy and Marian

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Copyrigllt C Ed Glinert, 2003

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Grateful acknowledgement is made for permission to reproduce extracts from 'City' (1937),
'Middlesex' (1954), 'The Metropolitan Railway' (1954) and Summoned by Bells (1960) by
John Betjen~an. Reprinted by permission of the executors of the estate of John Betjen~an and
John Murray.

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ISBN-13: 9784-141--01213-1

Acknowledgements vii WAPPING, El 260

Forewordix ISLE OF DOGS, El4 263
BARNES, SW13 265
The City of London 1 PUTNEY, SW15 265
Central London 67 BERMONDSEY, SEl 269

The West End 136 East London 273

SOHO, Wl183 North London 319
W estn1inster I Whitehall2o5 NORTHERN LINE 321
HOLLOWAY, N7,~19335

River Thames 249 STOKE NEWINGTON, Nl6 340

FULHAM, SW6 251 North-west London 343

South-east London 373


South-west London 396


West London 426


Select Bibliography 470

People Index 473 .

· Subject Index 499


Without my agent, Faith Evans, and editor, In producing the book, Penguin's
Margaret Bluman, this book would not have Nigel Wilcockson, Louise Ball (publicity),
been possible, and I cannot thank them Elisabeth Merriman, Andrew Barker
enough for their guidance, hard work and (design) and Paul Simonon (for the stun-
help. ning cover).
I would like to thank a number of people Finally, I would like to thank Katy Walsh
for providing information, inspiration and Glinert for listeriing so patiently while I read
assistance: Celia Boggis, John Naughton, out to her vast chunks of the editorial,
Tessa Fry, David Stone, Richard Aron, Marian Walsh for all her time, patience and
Simon Rose, Lucy Richmond, Sheila care, and in particular John Nicholson and
Redclift, Nancy Hopkins, Tim Perry, Peter Golds for all the wonderful stories,
Martin Morris, David Rich of Tower nuggets of information and ideas they gave
Hamlets archives, and the staff of the me, month after month, without which this
London Library. book would have been a considerably duller
Many thanks also to Cormach Moore and affair.
Andrea Vincenti.

Lord Macaulay, the great early-Victorian his- sleaze, football, transport, and so on - but
torian, claimed he had walked down every sets out the information in a dear and easily
street in London. Sam Weller, according to accessible manner.
Charles Dickens in The Pickwick Papers, had Let us see how this works in practice by
a knowledge of London that was 'extensive taking a typical London street - Dean Street
and peculiar'. Sherlock Holmes, according in Soho. A lively and welcoming West End
to his narrator, Dr Watson, had 'an exact thoroughfare, Dean Street is thronged with
knowledge of London'. office workers and the occasional celebrity
Although there are considerably more by day, revellers and partygoers at night,
London streets now than there were in the and tourists at the weekend straying
nineteenth century, it was with these august between the shops of Oxford Street and the
gentlemen in mind that I walked across the cafes of Old Compton Street. On the wall of
capital- from Limehouse to Lambeth, from No. 28 is a plaque commemorating the resi-
Sands Ends to Somers Town, from White- dency of Karl Marx during the 185os. There
hall to Whitechapel- also hoping to gain an is another plaque, to the considerably less
'extensive and peculiar' understaJ?.ding of well-known Dr Joseph Rogers, a Victorian-
London, even if the 'exact knowledge' of era health reformer, at No. 33· Neither
Sherlock Holmes is unattainable, in plaque has room to reveal anything other
researching The London Compendium. than the name of the house's illustrious
The book attempts to unravel the mystery former occupant, and most London guide-
of London and relate its most interesting books say little about Dean Street other
stories not in chronological order of events, than a cursory mention of its restaurants
through a haphazard list of themes and sub- and pubs or a brief summary of Marx's
jects, or in an A-Z format, but through the stay.
physical reality of the place: its areas, streets Yet Dean Street has a history that is
and buildings. This differentiates The characteristic of London and worth relating
London Compendium from countless in detail. At No. 21, on the east side, once
numbers of other books on London - stood the Venetian ambassador's chapel
themed guides, directories, encyclopaedias where, in 1763, the seven-year-old Mozart
and area histories- in that it not only con- played the harpsichord accompanied by his
tains considerable information on all the four-year-old sister. It was rebuilt in the
main topics that one would expect to find in 186os as a school, converted into the West
a book of this size and scope -local history, End Synagogue in 1944. and after that
politics, architecture, royal scandal, litera- closed, in the late 1990s became the Soho
ture, espionage and the secret state, music, Theatre. Almost next door is the Quo Vadis
art, religious activity, immigration, crime, restaurant, opened by the Italian Peppino
Leoni, in 1926. For fourteen years Leoni explained that such a move would be an
worked hard to make his restaurant one of excellent idea.
the finest in London. Then, in 1940, Italy The history of Dean Street comes more
joined the Second World War against the up-to-date with stories relating to the long-
Allies. Leoni, to his chagrin, was interned as running nightclub at No. 69, which during
an enemy alien. He later recalled how walk- the early years of the twentieth century was
ing to his cell he felt a 'sudden hatred for the Gargoyle dub, opened in 1925 by the
the police, for the British government which Hon. David Tennant and his fiancee, the
had issued the instructions for my intern- actress Hermione Baddeley. They spared no
ment, and for all forms of authority', having expense: Edwin Lutyens was hired as archi-
lived in the country for thirty-three years tect and Henri Matisse as designer, and
with no political or criminal blemish on his attracted a membership that included the
record. Released after the end of the war, actors Noel Coward and Fred Astaire and
Leoni returned to Soho and had to start the actress Tallulah Bankhead. During the
afresh to re-establish the restaurant's repu- Second World War some of the Gargoyle's
tation. Having done so, he was outraged luxurious scenery was sold off, but after the
when Westminster council decided to erect war it briefly reverted to being Soho's most
a blue plaque on the wall of the restaurant prestigious nightspot, where swing bands
commemorating the one-time residency of played and men in white tuxedos, such as
Karl Marx in an apartment upstairs. 'My cli- the spies Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean,
entele is the very best rich people ... nobil- bestrode the floor. By 1978 Steve Strange and
ity and royalty, and Marx was the person Rusty Egan were running a successful disco
who wanted to get rid of them all,' Leoni here, playing records by David Bowie, Roxy
. wailed, to no avail. Music and Kraftwerk, and its clientele went
That story leads us on to the tragic Soho on to play a major role in the development
stay of Marx himself. The founder of com- of the New Romantic movement, typified by
munism lived at 28 Dean Street, above the groups such as Culture Club, Depeche
modern-day Quo Vadis restaurant, from Mode and Spandau Ballet. The following
1850 to 1856 with his wife, Jenny, maid year Don Ward opened the Comedy Store
Lenchen, and a number of children, in what here, giving aspiring comics (one of whom
he described as 'an old hovel', with no toilet was Alexei Sayle) the chance to prove they
or running water. Three of the Marxes' chil- had the talent to perform live in front of a
dren died while they lived here, although probably hostile crowd.
one who survived was Eleanor, his last child, Opposite the former Gargoyle is the even
known in her own right as a socialist cam- more exotic Groucho dub, where the
paigner and writer. Yet No. 28 was not Marx nation's best-known journalists and media
and his family's only Dean Street address. celebrities congregate. During the mid-1990s
They had previously lodged at the now one could queue at the bar next to Salman
demolished No. 64, at a time when they Rushdie (it was the least likely place where
were so badly in debt that Jenny went to he might succumb to the fatwah), shock
Holland to beg money from her uncle, Lion artist Damien Hirst and the bass player
Philips, one of the founders of the Philips from Blur. The Groucho still enjoys a
electric company that now dominates the fashionable reputation, as does the nearby
city of Eindhoven. But Philips, worried French House pub, once a popular haunt
about the effect socialist activity, of the kind for writers and artists, where Charles de
that Marx advocated, was having on his Gaulle allegedly drew up his Free French
business, refused to make a loan, and when call-to-arms during the Second World War.
Jenny threatened that she and Karl would A few doors to the north is the Colony
therefore have to emigrate to America he Club, where the artist Francis Bacon was

once paid £10 a week to bring in rich cus- reader, giving as full and fascinating a his-
tomers and where Colin Macinnes, author tory of the place as possible. So, for
of Absolute Beginners, liked to sit on sunny instance, on Portobello Road we deal with
days with the curtains drawn 'gossiping antique stores, the history of Virgin
one's life away'. And we must not to miss Records, the Electric Cinema, Martin Amis's
out the Golden Lion at No. 51, a gay pub London Fields and the one-time residency at
since the 1920s, which was frequented in the No. 22 of George Orwell. On Brick Lane the
1970s by Dennis Nilsen, the mass murderer subjects cover the market, Jewish immi-
who killed at least seventeen men in the gration, the Ben Truman brewery, the Beigel
London suburbs around that time. It was Bake, Bloom's and the 1999 bomb.
here in November 1981 that he picked up The structure of the chapters is also easy
Paul Nobbs, one of the few targets he failed to follow. First I have split London into the
to murder. inner areas and the outer suburbs and then,
All wonderful tales, I am sure you will rather than dividing up the city into arbi-
agree, as central to the story of London as trary blocks, I have followed the postal dis-
the Changing of the Guard and the history trict boundaries, as these letters and
of the Routemaster buses, and absent from numbers appear on every street nameplate
other guidebooks. But instead of these and can therefore guide visitors and tourists
stories being presented in a Soho chapter as as well as locals. In inner London there are
continuous narrative, they appear in The chapters on The City of London (EC1-4),
London Compendium as entries in their own Central London (EC1 areas outside the City,
right, logically ordered to make life as easy i.e. Clerkenwell, WC1 and WC2), The West
as possible for the reader, whether they be a End (W1) and Westminster/Whitehall
London enthusiast familiar with the capital's (SW1). In outer London there are chapters
history, or a tourist who has never been to on East London (E1 and onwards), North
the capital before. The text for Dean Street London (N1 etc.), North-west London
simply begins at one end of the street, the (NW1 etc.), South-east London (SE1 etc.),
Shaftesbury Avenue end, works its way up South-west London (SW1 areas outside
the west side, noting each place of interest Westminster proper, which is mainly Bel-
in turn and telling its story, until Oxford gravia, and so on) and West London (W2
Street is reached. Crossing the road it then etc). Between inner and outer London lies
works its way down the east side, repeating the section on the River Thames, so that the
the process until reaching the end. The same Thames runs in the middle of the book, as it
system works for Dean Street's neighbours- does physically between north London and
Frith, Greek, Old Compton, Wardour south London.
streets, Soho Square, Carnaby Street, Within the area sections the postal dis-
Golden Square, everywhere else in Soho and tricts are listed in numerical order (Kensing-
the West End. The rest of London- ton W8, North Kensington W10, Notting
Portobello Road, Brick Lane, Euston Road, Hill Wu), and within them the streets are
Cheyne Walk, Long Acre, Strand- is treated listed alphabetically, unless the number of
the same way. entries dictates dividing the area into more
Readers familiar with the Buildings of manageable smaller chunks, such as Chelsea
England series started by Nikolaus Pevsner, village, Cheyne Walk, Hoxton and so on.
which takes each street in an area and analy- Another device adopted to help readers
ses its architecture in detail, will realize that navigate their way through the book is the
The London Compendium adopts a similar use of little arrows at the end of a number of
approach, but instead of dealing just with entries guiding the reader to another page
architecture, covers every possible subject of where they will find a story on a similar
interest that might attract the curious topic, individual or organization. Given that

no one is likely to read The London Compen- ofltalian anarchists who plotted the assassin-
dium from beginning to end these arrows ation of the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini
provide a host of alternative routes through in an Old Compton Street cafe, or for shock-
the book and allow the reader to glimpse ing details of the life led by Rolling Stones
something else of interest while looking guitarist Brian Jones and actress Anita
for more information on a particular Pallenberg in their flat at 1 Courtfield Road,
subject. South Kensington - what Marianne Faith-
Of course in a book of this size there is full in her 1994 autobiography described as a
not enough room to include every area (alas 'veritable witches' coven of decadent illumin-
Mill Hill, Penge and Forest Gate have ended ati, rock princelings and hip aristos ... peel-
up on the cutting-room floor) or every ing paint, clothes, newspapers and
wonderful story that could be told. So magazines strewn everywhere' - will have to
readers searching for the tale of the group wait for now.
The City of London

Old Jewry 18
(i) Holbom-Holborn Viaduct 4
Holbom 4 (iii) east of Moorpte 19
Holbom Viaduct 6 Liverpool Street 19
London Wall 2.1
(ii) west of Little Britain (Smithfield) 7
Threadneedle Street 21
Charterhouse Street 8
Cock Lane 8 Throgmorton Street 2.3
Tokenhouse Yard 23
Giltspur Street 8
Newgate Street 9 (iv) Bishopsgate and east 24
Snow Hill11 Bishopgate 24
West·Smithfield 11
(iii) ,Little Britain 11
Little Britain 11 (i) around CornhiU 26
Castle Court 2.6
(iv) east of Little Britllin 12.
Change Alley 26
Aldersgate Street 12.
Bartholomew Close 13
Cowper's Court 2.7
Cloth Fair 13
Gracechurch Street 27
King Edward Street 13
Lombard Street 28
Middle Street 13
Royal Exchange Buildings 28
St Martin's-le-Grand 14
St Michael's Alley 29
MOORGATE, EC2 14 (ii) north of Fenchurch Street 30
Aldgate 30
(i) .&rbiaJn 14
Bevis Marks 30
London Wall14
Duke's Place 31
Milton Street 15
Great St Helen's 31
Silk Street 15
Houndsditch 31
Wood Street 15
Leaden hall Street 31
(ii) south of the &rbican 16 Lime Street 33
Cheapside 16 Mitre Square 34
Coleman Street 16 Mitre Street 34
Gresham Street 17 St Mary Axe 35
Guildhall Yard 17 St Helen's Place 35
lronmonger Lane 17

(iii) Fenchurch Street and south 35 Mansion House Place 64

Byward Street 35 Queen Victoria Street 65
Fenchurch Street 36
Fish Street Hill36 Inns of Chancery 4
Jewry Street 36
City livery companies 18
Lower Thames Street 36
Pudding Lane 37 CIRCLE LINE 19
Railway Place 38
The Muggletorlians 24
Seething Lane 38
The Houndsditch murders 32
FLEET STREET I ST PAUL'S, EC4 38 Villains and con-men of Elizabethan
(i) north of Fleet Street 38 Alsatia 49
Fetter Lane 39 St Paul's glossary 62
Gough Square 39
Shoe Lane 40 Oranges and Lemons 65 _j
Wine Office Court 40
(ii) Fleet Street 41
Fleet Street 41
(iii) The Temple 46 The world's leading financial centre and
Inner Temple Lane 47 home of the Bank of England, the Stock
Middle Temple Lane 48 Exchange, ancient churches and medieval
alleyways, the City of London occupies one
(iv) Alsatia 48 square mile ofland on the north bank ~f the
Bouverie Street 49 Thames between the Temple and Tower Hill
Bridewell Place 50 and is the oldest settlement in the capital. It
Carmelite Street 50 was founded by the Romans by the
St Bride's Avenue 51 Walbrook stream in AD 43 as Londinium
Tudor Street 52 (from Lyn-dun, fortified town by the lake,
Whitefriars Street 52 the latter occupying much of the land
around the modern-day Fenchurch Street),
(v) Blackfriars 53
whose 330 acres, roughly corresponding to
Ireland Yard 53
the centre of the modern-day City, were
Queen Victoria Street 54
enclosed by a wall that partly survives,
(vi) around St Paul's 56 particularly seen near the street known as
Amen Court 56 London Wall.
Farringdon Street 56 The Romans also built a public hall, or
Fleet Lane 57 basilica, near where Leadenhall Market now
Ludgate Hill 57 stands, an amphitheatre on the site of what
Old Bailey 58 became the Guildhall, a bridge near what is
Paternoster Row 6o now London Bridge - the lowest convenie~t
Pasternoster Square 6o point where the river could be crossed - and
St Paul's Churchyard 6o roads leading to other settlements su~h as
Camulodunum (Colchester) and Durov-
(vii) around Cannon Street62 ernum (Canterbury). Within a decade the
Bow Lane 62 town was a flourishing mercantile centre, as
Cannon Street 63 archaeological remains unearthed in
Clement's Lane 64 December 2000 indicate, but Londinium

was sacked in AD 61 after a rebellion of be seen at the end of a Vista of Houses, and
tribes led by the Norfolk warrior Boadicea dispersed in such Distances from each
and rebuilt soon after under Gaius Julinus other, as to appear neither too thick, nor
Alpinus Classicianus, the Roman procu- thin in Prospect'. However, Wren was over-
rator. By the beginning of the second ruled by the authorities, who refused to
century Londinium was the capital of the redraw property boundaries that by then
Roman province that included Britain, but existed only in the ashes of the Fire and
it fell in 410 when the Emperor Honorius claimed his plans would cost too much
refused pleas from British cities to help repel money, and most of his suggestions were
invaders and it was not until 604, when abandoned.
Ethelbert founded St Paul's on the site of After the Fire most of London's wealthy
the present-day building, that the Roman inhabitants moved west, colonizing undevel-
town was revived. oped areas in what is now Mayfair and Mary-
William the Conqueror founded the lebone, but <:ommercial power remained in
Tower at the east end of London in 1078, at what came to be known as the City, zeal-
a time when Norman barons were settling ously preserved by the Corporation of
locally and building trade links with their London at the Guildhall and the livery
home towns, and around a hundred years companies in their hundred or so halls. The
later London acquired its first mayor, Henry founding of the Bank of England in 1694
Fitz Ailwyn. London was granted 'ancient helped the City regain its prestige status and
liberties and free customs, as well by land in the century after the Fire major civic
and by water' in the Magna Carta of 1215, buildings such as the Mansion House and
and around this time many of the craft the Bank of England were constructed.
guilds that today survive as livery com- By the end of the eighteenth century the
panies were established. London became a power of the City of London was so great that
great commercial centre in the fifteenth all cargo-bearing ships coming to London
century, home of successful stock com- had to unload in the heavily crowded Pool, to
panies such as the Muscovy Company the east of where Tower Bridge now stands,
(the world's first), founded in 1553 after an and pay a tariff to the City.
expedition made its way to the court of Ivan As London spread, railways and new wide
the Terrible in Russia; the Hudson Bay straight roads such as Queen Victoria Street
Company, which traded in furs; the Levant were cut through the old slums, following
Company, which traded in the Middle East; campaigns against unsanitary conditions
and the largest of all, the East India led by Charles Dickens and the journalist
Company. But in the following century Henry Mayhew, and the City's population
London was beset by disasters such as the declined from 129,000 in 1851 to 50,000 in
plague of 1665, in which around 1oo,ooo 1881 as the working class left for the
people, about one-fifth of the City's popu- developing inner suburbs such as Hackney.
lation, died, and the Fire of London, which Although the twentieth century saw the City
began in a bakery on Pudding Lane, to the lose thousands more inhabitants, its streets
north of London Bridge, on 2 September devastated by Second World War bombing,
1666 and destroyed seven-eighths of what is and industries such as newspaper publishing
now the City. depart en masse, the area has remained a
Christopher Wren was put in charge of financial stronghold and economic centre
rebuilding London after the Fire and he thanks to the ability of its biggest concerns
proposed a grand scheme with streets radi- such as the Bank of England and the Stock
ating from scenic points and embankments Exchange to adapt to changing circum-
along the Thames, intending to rebuild 'all stances and retain their independence from
the Parish Churches in such a manner as to Westminster.

London's few surviving timber-faced

north side: Gray's Inn Road to Holbom
The area of the City north of St Paul's Circus
Cathedral, Aldersgate is dominated by iflmri•Gt' i 3n, Holborn at Brook Street,
Smithfield meat market, the various build- north-east junction
. ings of Sf Bartholomew's Hospital (Bart's) An Inn of Chancery from 1383 to 1817,
and the winding alleyways between, named after the Fournyvals who rode to
protected in Roman and medieval times by the Crusades with Richard I and lived
Aldersgate (originally Ealdred's Gate). locally, it later was converted to apartments
• For EC1 entries outside the City see and was where Charles Dickens wrote The
Clerkenwell, pp. 67-82. Pickwick Papers from 1834 to 1837. The new
WUmiuol' s :lmt was itself demolished in 1897
when the Prudential building (now Holborn
(i) Holbom-Holbom Viaduct
Bars) was extended on to the site.
The brief stretch of road between Gray's Inn Inns of Chancery
and Holborn Circus, which shares its name The nine Inns of Chancery (Barnard's Inn,
with that of the area to the south, Clement's Inn, Clifford's Inn, Furnival's
commemorates the long-vanished Hoi- Inn, Lyon's Inn, New Inn, Staple Inn,
bourne stream, a tributary of the River Strand Inn and Thavies' Inn) were insti-
Fleet, and is marked by two nineteenth- tutions involved in running chancery law -
century granite obelisks which stand either law relating to public records and archives -
side of the road at its Gray's Inn Road junc- that came to be used for training barristers
tion at the site of Holborn Bars, medieval for the Inns of Court (Gray's Inn, Lincoln's
tollgates for traffic entering the City. In the Inn and the Inner and Middle Temple).
eighteenth century the road was lined with Each of the Inns was run as a miniature
coaching inns, including the ~gger - version of the Inns of Court, with a hall and
frequented by the Elizabethan playwright chambers but no chapel, and by the nine-
Ben Jonson and mentioned in his 1610 play teenth century their functions had mostly
The Alchemist- which was famous for its been assumed by the Law Society. They
'dagger frumety', a pie decorated with soon closed, and almost all the buildings
dagger shapes, and the !Jull cmb (f)clte, a were demolished towards the end of the
terminus for many of the stage-coaches century, although their names live on in the
running between London and northern titles of nearby streets. _j
towns, which is featured in Henry Fielding's
·Tom ]ones. Henry Mayhew, in his 1861 Prudential Assurance (Holbom Bars),
review of the capital's poverty, London Holborn at Brook Street, north-east
Labour and the London Poor, recalled how junction
costermongers would surround coaches Alfred Waterhouse's grand Gothic office
pulling into London at Holborn to sell trav- block in fiery-red brick and terracotta,
ellers bread and fruit: 'In their hopes of sale one of twenty-seven similar Prudential
they followed anyone a mile if encouraged, complexes across the country, was built
even by a few approving glances.' The inns from 1899 to 1906 on land where the Pneu-
were demolished after the growth of the rail- matic Despatch Company had opened a
ways in the mid nineteenth century made station for its mid-nineteenth-century
their prime purpose redundant and the underground railway. The railway ran from
road's only relic of the pre-industrial age is Holborn to Euston in tunnels only 4 ft high,
the late-sixteenth century Staple Inn, one of passengers being obliged to lie in coffin-like
carriages, to their great discomfort, and wasChief of Defence Staff, over a plan to over-
not a success, closing in 1874. The tunnels throw the Labour government and install a
are now used for cables. In 1879 the Pruden- national government peopled by capable
tial Mutual Assurance, Investment and Loan businessmen (such as himself), King turned
Association Company, founded in 1848 and to his own newspapers, splashing a vicious
aimed at professionals, but persuaded by editorial in the Mirror calling for a new
the government to provide penny policies Labour leader and Prime Minister with an
to help poorer workers save for funerals, article headlined: 'Enough is Enough!'. It
bought the land and commissioned Water- proved enough for the Mirror board, which
house to design a new headquarters in his promptly sacked King and replaced him
distinctive 'Waterhouse slaughterhouse' with Hugh Cudlipp whom King, ironically,
style. The company moved out in the had sent to open negotiations with Mount-
1990S. batten.
.,. Mount Pleasant underground post railway, Cudlipp produced a paper that carefully
P·73· balanced serious news against ephemera -
GJmnage'i, Nos. 116-128, between Leather coverage of the Vietnam War alongside
Lane and Hatton Garden light-hearted stories about the affairs of Prin-
One of London's best-known twentieth- cess Margaret, a campaign against drink-
century stores, (funnage' s was built in 1878driving at Christmas next to a feature about
. next to the ?Blctd SuU, one of Holborn' s the ever decreasing length of the mini-skirt
great coaching inns, featured by Charles - and nurtured a talented group of writers
Dickens in Martin Chuzzlewit, and was that could justly be described as the envy of
owned by draper Arthur Gamage, who hung Fleet Street: Keith Waterhouse, Marjorie
a sign above the door proclaiming: 'Tall Proops, Anne Robinson, Geoffrey
Oaks From Little Acorns Grow'. Gamage Goodman, Paul Foot, Kingsley Amis, Paul
gradually bought up the surrounding proper- Callan and Benny Green.
ties to create a huge rambling store which After Cudlipp retired in 1974 the paper's
specialized in toys, bikes and uniforms (it fortunes declined and management
was the official outfitter to the Boy Scouts),
launched a futile and costly campaign of
and shoppers had much fun exploring the aping Rupert Murdoch's new Sun, which
nooks, passageways and oddly shaped meant that quality, popular, left-of-centre
rooms until the store closed in 1972. Richardjournalism was replaced with increased
Seifert's British Telecom building covers thecoverage of the royal family and TV soaps
site, and below ground level is the citadel on the dubious grounds that its readers no
which stores De Beers's diamonds. longer had the attention span to deal with any-
south side: Holborn Viaduct to Staple Inn thing other than the most flippant stories.
~.lfllnw(t961-90), Holbom at In July 1984 the Mirror's owners, Reed,
Holbom Circus sold the group for £113.4 million to Robert
The Daily Mirror, founded in 1903 off Fleet Maxwell, the controversial millionaire
Street, moved to Holborn Circus in the early socialist, and he turned the paper into his
1960s, a time when the paper was the flag- personal newsletter, contributing articles on
ship of the world's biggest media organiz- the miners' strike under the pseudonym
ation, IPC, and run by Cecil Harmsworth Charles Wilberforce, splashing stories about
King, nephew of the paper's founder, Alfred Robert Maxwell solving the miners' strike,
Harmsworth (Lord Northcliffe). King had Robert Maxwell meeting East European
inherited his uncle's strain of megalomania dignitaries and Robert Maxwell the football
and unpredictability and in the summer club owner who would 'save' Reading and
of 1968, having been rebuffed by Lord Oxford by merging them, alongside inter-
Mountbatten, the army's recently retired views with civilians who had recently

enjoyed the honour of meeting ... Robert world's supply, De Beers was formed in 1888
Maxwell. Although profits increased under during the diamond rush at Kimberley,
Maxwell's stewardship, despite his predilec- South Africa, and named after the brothers
tion for raiding the group's pension fund, who owned the land where prospecting took
readers and respected writers deserted place. De Beers's marketing arm, the Central
the paper, and by the time he died in Selling Organization, has been based in
mysterious circumstances in 1991 it had lost London since its foundation, the gems
its credibility. In the 1990s the Mirror moved mostly arriving by helicopter and being
to the Isle of Dogs, where it has recently stored below ground.
staged a renaissance. ... Hatton Garden, p. 72.
.,. Birth of the Daily Mirror, p. 51; Fleet Street, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre-
p. 41, Lord Mountbatten's address, p. 402. without-Newgate
Staple Inn The largest parish church in the City, and
London's only existing sixteenth-century the regimental church of the Royal Fusiliers,
domestic building, Staple Inn, whose fas;ade who hold their annual service here, Holy
precariously overhangs the roadway, was an Sepulchre was founded in 1137, dedicated to
Inn of Chancery built from 1545 to 1549, St Edmund the Martyr, a king of East
restored in 1886, reconstructed in 1937, and Anglia, and designed in a style similar to
badly damaged by a bomb in 1944. It was that of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in
later restored and rebuilt by the Prudential Jerusalem. As its distance from the now
Insurance Company, and is now used by the demolished north-west gate of the City
Institute of Actuaries and various other corresponded almost exactly with the
companies. Old Holborn tobacco, originally distance of its Jerusalem namesake from the
produced in an alleyway on the north side Sepulchre and Calvary, it became an appro-
of Holborn, used to feature images of Staple priate starting point for the Crusaders
Inn on its packets. setting off on their journey to the Holy Land
... Inns of Chancery, p. 4· to rescue the Holy Sepulchre from the Sara-
cens. The church was destroyed in the Fire
Holborn v;aduct of London and rebuilt on its original founda-
' A major feat ofVictorian engineering, first tions with some of the surviving medieval
proposed in the Builder in the 1840s and masonry, such as the stone basin in the west
built in the 186os to ease the traffic flow wall, which bears scorch marks from the
between the City and the West End, blaze. There are memorials to Captain John
Holborn Viaduct spans the valley of the Smith, early-seventeenth-century founder of
now culverted Fleet River and replaced the US state of Virginia, rescued from death
Holborn Hill, on which Charles Dickens by the Princess Pocahontas, who is buried in
imagined a 'megalosaurus forty feet long or the south-west corner of the church and
so, waddling like an elephantine lizard' in commemorated in one of the windows; the
the opening page of Bleak House. The composer John Ireland, above which the
roadway's grand Romanesque name is closing bars of his song 'Sea Fever' are
complemented by much civic embellish- depicted; Dame Nellie Melba, the famous
ment, including statues representing Agri- Australian singer; and Henry Wood,
culture, Commerce, Fine Arts and Science. founder and conductor of the annual
north side: Holbom Circus to Giltspur Promenade concerts, whose laurel wreath is
Street taken to the Royal Albert Hall to adorn his
De Beers, junction Holborn Viaduct and bust during the Proms and is returned to
Charterhouse Street the church at the end of the season.
The world's largest diamond company,
producing about 43 per cent of the

south side: Old Bailey to Holborn Circus steps of the church in 1827 and could not
Ooltona etdad itotlou, opposite Snow get her admitted to a hospital he opened a
Hill new hospital at 16 Greville Street, off Hatton
The Lo~don, Chatham and Dover Railway Garden, the forerunner of what is now the
opened a station and hotel on the new Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead.
Holborn Viaduct in 1867 but the latter was a St Andrew lost its graveyard when Holborn
commercial failure and was soon converted Viaduct was built in the 186os, and was
into offices. The station closed in 1990 when almost destroyed during the Second World
the tunnel under Snow Hill was reopened War, but_it was restored as the church of the
and a new station, the clumsily named City London trade guilds and since 1991 has been
Thameslink, was built a little further to the the headquarters of the Royal College of
south to cater for trains running between Organists.
Bedford and Brighton.
City Temple, Holborn Viaduct at Shoe Lane
(ii) west of Little Britain (Smithfield)
Built in 1874, City Temple became the
leading centre for Nonconformity in Smithfield, best known for its meat market,
nineteenth-century London and was run by was originally Smooth Field, a swamp just
the Revd Joseph Parker, a radical firebrand outside the City boundaries, where the
whose telegraphic address was simply Romans buried their rubbish and their
'Preacher, London', who attracted the dead, and where some 270 Protestants,
young Mahatma Gandhi to services. In the including John Rogers, vicar of the nearby
1920s two of the first million-selling records, church of St Sepulchre, and John Aston,
Master Ernest Luff's '0 for the Wings of a who had been found eating pork during
Dove' and the Temple choir's version of Lent, were executed during the reign of
Mendelssohn's 'Hear My Prayer', were Mary Tudor (1553-8) while being forced to
recorded at the church. Martin Luther face the west door of the church of
King Jnr spoke at City Temple about St Bartholomew-the-Great. During the 1665
racial tyranny in December 1964 before Plague Smithfield was used as a mass burial
going to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace pit, and the following year the area escaped
Prize. the ravages of the Fire only thanks to the
StAndrew ditch that separated it from the City and a
Rebuilt by Christopher Wren from 1684 to sudden change in the direction of the wind.
1690 with a double-storeyed Portland stone In 1715 Smithfield was one of three local
exterior to frame what is his largest parish places chosen by the Jacobite rebels as a
church, St Andrew was originally a wooden rallying point if their putsch on London to
Saxon church, first mentioned in 951, and seize the throne for James Il's Catholic son
was where in 1808 the essayist William was successful. After assembling at Smith-
Hazlitt was married, his best man, the field the mob planned to march on the Bank
essayist Charles Lamb, having to be of England, set it on fire and kill some of the
restrained several times from bursting out chief magistrates, but their coup was unsuc-
laughing. cessful. When the live cattle market was
The nineteenth-century Tory prime removed from the City to Caledonian Road
minister Benjamin Disraeli, despite being in 1855 Smithfield became a meat market,
born Jewish, was baptized at St Andrew's in which continues to operate successfully, its
July 1817 after an argument between his huge Victorian buildings dominating the
father and the elders of Bevis Marks area.
Synagogue. When the surgeon William
Marsden found a woman dying on the

Charterhouse Street constant refurbishment and renovation have

The street, which is named after Charter- made it one of the most up-to-date markets
house School (based locally until1872) and of its kind in Europe.
leads from Holbom Circus towards Smith- ... Covent Garden market, p. no.
field meat market, is a relatively new road Cock Lane
for the area, as can be determined from its Now a forgotten side street, Cock Lane was
straightness. At No. 115 is the Fox and the only place in medieval London where
Anchor, one of a number oflocal pubs licensed prostitutes could solicit for trade
with unusual licensing hours to cater for and was where in 1688 John Bunyan, the
the nearby meat market workers, which author of Pilgrim's Progress, died from a
is famed for its massive breakfasts. fever caught during a heavy bout of rain. In
southside 1762 there were reports that a girl at !Jlo. 33
Smithfield meat market had seen a ghostly apparition of a late rela-
The market for which the area is best known tive who had died of smallpox. Hundreds of
has stood here since 1174 and was originally people came to Cock Lane to find proof of
a live cattle market, slaughtering and leather the phenomenon, being greeted most amic-
tanning not being tolerated in the centre of ably by the landlords of the local taverns.
the City. Until1855 trade climaxed on the The girl was taken to the rectory of
Monday before Christmas when some St 3o~n's, Clerkenwell, where she was
30,ooo animals were crammed into the visited by, among others, Dr Johnson, who
market prior to mass slaughtering, the decried her claims in 'An Account of the
ground 'covered nearly ankle-deep with filth Imposture in Cock Lane'.
and mire; a thick steam perpetually rising
from the reeking bodies of the cattle', as Giltspur Street
Charles Dickens explained in Oliver Twist. The fourteen-year-old Richard II met Wat
When the sale oflive cattle was moved to Tyler and the other leaders of the Peasants'
Caledonian Road (p. 326) Smithfield Revolt in Giltspur Street on 15 June 1381,
became purely a meat market, and new promising to agree to the rebels' demands,
Italianate buildings, designed by Horace which included a repeal of the Statute of
Jones with flamboyant corner turrets and Labourers that prevented workers changing
imposing statuary, were erected. When a jobs for better pay. However, during the
rocket fell on the market towards the end of negotiations William Walworth, Lord
the Second World War hundreds of people Mayor of London, lured away Tyler and
were queuing for their meat ration, many stabbed him, and when the peasants' leader
staff were trapped in the refrigerators, and took refuge in St Bartholomew's church he
115 people lost their lives. In 1963 a poultry was dragged out and beheaded. The Revolt
market was added on the site, and in the later subsided.
1990s new health legislation wiped out the iJorine of 8", north junction with Cock
practice oflorries pulling up at any available Lane, west side
gate, leaving the meat to be exposed to the In the eighteenth century surgeons from
elements and handled by large numbers of St Baqholomew's Hospital used a room at
workers; now the vehicles back on to special the ijoriune of !Oaf to inspect bodies
sealed loading bays where the meat is placed snatched from graves that could be useful
on to a semi-automated rail system with the for their experiments. The pub was
aid of a robot. The market deals with some demolished in 1910 and on the fa~de of the
85,000 tons of produce - meat, poultry, current building, the furthest point north-
cheese, pies- every year, with customers west reached by the 1666 Great Fire of
able to walk along the central avenues London and known as Pye Comer, is a
choosing from the goods on display, while cherub, a symbol of gluttony, the sin which
ALDERSGA TE, EC1 _.!.._]

supposedly led to divine retribution in the sions to the building at the end of the nine-
form of the Fire. teenth century to cope with the greater
St Bartholomew's Hospital, east side number of patients. Physicians connected
London's oldest hospital, popularly known with the hospital include John of
as Bart's, was founded in 1123 by Rahere, Gaddesden, court doctor in the early four-
jester to Henry I, who, according to legend, teenth century to Edward II, who treated
caught malaria on a pilgrimage to Rome and smallpox victims by advising that the
vowed to build a hospital and church dedi- patient and all their surroundings be
cated to St Bartholomew if he survived. On coloured red; Dr Rodrigo Lopez, who was
his return to London Rahere petitioned the accused of plotting to poison Elizabeth I
king for land in Smithfield to fulfil his and was hanged; and William Harvey, who
pledge and in 1123 a small hospital opened discovered the circulation of the blood in
as part of a priory which Henry vowed 'to 1615, in the face of colleagues' scepticism.
defend and maintain even as my crown', Later members of staff include the cricketer
patients arriving by boat on the Fleet River W. G. Grace; Robert Bridges, poet laureate
and disembarking at a specially constructed 1913-30; Edward Wilson, who died with
whar£ Scott and Oates on the 1912 South Pole
The site was extended during the reign of expedition; and, according to literary
Edward III (1327-77) when a church, legend, Sherlock Holmes, who in A Study in
St Bartholomew-the-Less, part of which still Scarlet (1887) is introduced to Dr Watson
survives, was built, and though Henry VIII for the first time at Bart's, where he is
closed down the priory, he re-founded researching chemistry.
St Bartholomew's as a royal hospital in 1546 The government announced plans to
with governors, rather than monks, in close the hospital in 1992 but after a voci-
charge, Smithfield residents being levied a ferous campaign of opposition from the
rate to pay for the hospital's upkeep. London public there was a reprieve and it
In 1730 James Gibbs, architect of now specializes in cardiac and cancer care.
St Martin-in-the-Fields church, was chosen St Bartholomew-the-Less, east side
to rebuild the hospital and funds were The hospital's parish church, which stands
raised by public subscription and endow- within the hospital's grounds, was founded
ment. The clay for Gibbs's work was dug in c. 1184 and after sUI"riving the Fire of
Kent and fired in kilns just outside the City, London was rebuilt by George Dance the
slate was brought from Wales, timber came Younger in 1789 around the fifteenth
by ships from Norway, and stone was century tower and vestry. Dance's timber
brought from Ralph Allen's quarries in quickly rotted and so the church had to be
Bath. The work took nearly thirty years and rebuilt again in 1825. A 1904 Act of Parlia-
Gibbs's hospital, in the form of a quad- ment allowed for the demolition of the
rangle with four detached wings, opened in church to extend the hospital but this was
1769 with room for 500 beds. Three of the never carried out.
four wings survive, the southern wing
Newgate Street
having been demolished in 1935, as does
Newgate Street is named after the 1135 gate,
Gibbs's masterpiece, the Great Hall, its stair-
the main route west out of the City, which
case decorated with Hogarth's first historical
was used as a prison until a gaol was built
paintings, The Good Samaritan (1736) and
on the site of the Old Bailey in the 1420s and
The Pool of Bethesda (1736), which the was redesigned according to the terms of
locally born artist produced for free when
Dick Whittington's will in 1423, being demol-
he heard that the hospital wanted a
ished along with the other City gates in the
foreigner, the Venetian Jacopo Amigoni, to
1760s. Until1381, when slaughtering was
carry out the work. There were further exten-

banned from the City and removed to eighteenth century when the mass dungeon
nearby Smithfield, it was also the site of the was replaced by fifteen new cells. On 30
butchers' market known as the Shambles, August 1724 Jack Sheppard, the burglar and
which incorporated the Flesh Shambles at recidivist prison-breaker romanticized in
its western end and Bladder Street to the John Gay's The Beggar's Opera (1728),
east. Over the centuries Newgate Street was escaped from Newgate dressed as a woman
also home to three long demolished insti- to avoid hanging, was recaptured on
tutions ctf)rist' s f)os,ital, founded by Finchley Common, and sent back to
Edward VI as a charitable school for Newgate, where his execution was delayed.
orphans and poor boys, QJrel)frian On 15 October Sheppard escaped from the
IJlonastefl) and ctf)rist ctf)urcf) 9h~woate strongest room in the prison, broke through
Street, the tower and outer walls of which six iron doors and readied the roof, where
remain. he decided to return to his cell to retrieve
.,.. Aldersgate, p. 4· some blankets so that he could lower
Newgate Prison, Newgate Street at Old himself down the prison wall. Sheppard was
Bailey, south side eventually found drunk in a gin shop on
The City's main prison for nearly 500 years, Drury Lane and sent back to Newgate,
Newgate was built in 1423 with money left where he was held down by 300 lbs of iron,
by three times Lord Mayor Dick Whit- and later executed at Tyburn.
tington, being nicknamed Whittington's George Dance Jr rebuilt Newgate in 1770,
Palace, and was where condemned prisoners and ten years later it was attacked during the
were kept in a mass dungeon with one Gordon Riots, when demonstrators battered
window and woken at midnight by twenty · down cell doors with sledgehammers and
rings of a handbell before being given a long · pickaxes, released prisoners, and set fire to
admonishment on sin. the building as crowds of onlookers cheered.
Inmates included Sir Thomas Malory, Towards the end of the eighteenth century
who wrote 'Morte D'Arthur' while serving a hangings moved from Tyburn, following
term for murder from 1469 to 1470, and is pressure from Mayfair residents, and locals
believed to have died in the prison; Mary began charging spectators £10 to sit at a
Frith (Moll Cutpurse), the seventeenth- window overlooking the place of execution.
century highwaywoman, who robbed Once the victim had been officially declared
General Fairfax, commander-in-chief of the dead a black flag would be hoisted and the
Parliamentarian army during the Civil War, crowd would give three cheers; ironically in
and used £2,ooo of her ill-gotten loot to buy 1807 twenty-eight people died in a crush
her way out of prison; and the writer Daniel when the scaffolding fell as they tried to
Defoe, who was sent to Newgate in 1702 watch the hangings.
after publishing an anonymous satirical Those hanged here in the early nineteenth
pamphlet, 'The Shortest Way with the century included Arthur Thistlewood,
Dissenters', which so cleverly sent up the leader of the Cato Street conspirators who
views of High Church Tories that it was planned to assassinate the British Cabinet.
taken seriously as an attack on the Tories' He went to the gallows sucking an orange
opponents, and who put his Newgate experi- on 1 May 1820 alongside fellow conspirator
ence to use for the prison scenes in Moll William Davidson, one of the first black
Flanders (1722). people to feature in British political history,
Newgate was rebuilt after the Fire of and before he died exclaimed: 'Albion is still
London, but it continued to have a in the chains of slavery. I quit it without
wretched reputation for overcrowding and regret.' In the early nineteenth century Eliza-
unsanitary conditions - pigs were allowed to beth Fry, the prison reformer, began visiting
be kept within the walls - until the early Newgate amid much controversy over


whether it was safe for a woman to enter the William Wallace, the Scottish nationalist
gaol and concern over the number of who was convicted of treason at West-
women prisoners who were being forced minster Hall in 1305, was dragged alive
into prostitution . 'We long to burn her through the streets to West Smithfield and
alive,' wrote Sydney Smith, the eccentric there briefly hanged on the gallows, taken
clergyman, 'examples of living virtue disturb down, and allowed to recuperate for a few
our repose and give birth to distressing · minutes before his intestines were ripped
comparisons.' Fry's report to the House of from his body in front of the crowd.
Commons' Committee on Prisons resulted Wallace's head and limbs were then
in several reforms, including the founding removed and his body parts sent to different
of a school for prisoners' children, who she locations across the country, his head being
noticed spoke in nothing other than oaths stuck on a pole on London Bridge, his right
and curses, and the abolition of the flogging arm displayed on Newcastle Bridge, his left
of women from 1820. arm exhibited in Berwick, his right leg
The last public hanging at Newgate took displayed in Perth, and his left leg put on
place on 26 May 1868 when Michael Barrett, show in Aberdeen.
who had taken part in the Fenian bombing From 1133 to 1855 West Smithfield was the
of the Clerkenwell House of Detention setting for the annual August !Jaril)olomew
(p. 74), went to the gallows, after which Walt, a cloth fair held for three days around
Newgate executions were held behind closed 24 August (St Bartholomew's Day), where
doors. In 1902 the prison was demolished the curiosities included a one-foot tall girl of
and replaced by an enlarged Central sixteen, monkeys dancing on ropes, men
Criminal Court and some of the artefacts fighting dogs and women fighting women.
were sold as gruesome relics. Lord George The atmosphere of the event was captured
Gordon's cell fetched £5 and one of the by Ben Jonson in his 1614 play of the same
prison doors was taken· to Flask Walk, name, which follows the fortunes of the
Hampstead, where it still stands. drunks and cut-throats at the event, and by
.,. Old Bailey, p. 58. the poet William Wordswort h who, in the
Snow Hill seventh book of The Prelude (1805),
One of the City's few hills, Snow Hill, which complained about the 'anarchy and din' of
winds eastwards from Farringdon Street the fair with its 'Albinos, painted Indians,
south of Smithfield market, was home to Dwarfs, the Horse ofknowledge, and the
the Saracen's beab (demolished 1868), a learned Pig'. In recent years the event has
popular tavern used by Samuel Pepys and been revived as a late summer street festival,
Jonathan Swift, and was where the without the medieval paraphernalia.
eighteenth-century Mohock gang engaged
in their practice of kidnapping .elderly (iii) Little Britain
women and placing them in barrels which
they rolled downhill to Newgate Street. Little Britain
The rebuilding in the 1980s of the railway Built on land owned by the Dukes of Brit-
tunnel under the hill enabled the Thames- tany, the street began to attract printers in
link line to take trains north-sout h through the late fifteenth century, following the
London. success of William Caxton's pioneering
printing press in Westminster, and before
West Smithfield long was the most important place for
In the Middle Ages the land now occupied publishing in London, being where Fleet
by the roundabou t at the eastern end of Street's first daily newspaper, the Daily
West Smithfield was an open space used for Courant, was printed in 1702. The three-
jousting, sports and executions. year-old Samuel Johnson stayed here in 1712,

in the
when his mother brought him to London to hot-cross bun placed on a gravestone
cure his skin disease, and thirteen years later churchyard.
Benjamin Franklin, the American scientist,
took lodgings on Little Britain after arriving (iv) east of Little Britain
from the American colonies with a package
supposedly containing letters of credit from Aldersgate Street
the Governor of Pennsylvania to buy type The street, with its small shops and offices
fonts. When Franklin opened it up the on the west side and Barbican tower blocks
letters were not there and so he found on the east side, is named after the Roman
himself stranded in London penniless, (tolbnb't (f)ote, which stood near the
eventually securing employment as a printer modem-day junction of Aldersgate Street
church of St Bartholome w- Long Lane and had residential quarters. In
in the nearby
the-Great. The street is now dominated by the sixteenth century these were occupied
buildings associated with St Bartholome w's by John Day, who in 1549 introduced Anglo-
Hospital. Saxon type and italics to Britain and here
east side printed an early copy of the Bible, the Folio
St Bartholome w-the-Grea t Gatehouse Bible. James I entered London for the first
The gatehouse leading to the church of time as king through Aldersgate in 1603, but
St Bartholomew-the-Great was built for Sir by 1761 it was found to be causing traffic
Philip Scudamore in the sixteenth century congestion and demolished. By that time
and was where Mary Tudor is believed to Aldersgate Street was lined with smart
have feasted on chicken and red wine while houses but it gradually became commer-
watching Protestant martyrs bum at the cialized and was heavily bombed during the
stake. When the church was bombed by a second world war.
Zeppelin in 1916 during the First World War -. Cripplegate, p. 15.
tiles fell off revealing the Elizabethan half- St Botolph, west side
timbering beneath. A church founded in 1290 and dedicated to
St Bartholome w-the-Grea t Botolph, patron saint of travellers, was
London's oldest parish church, where the rebuilt by Nathaniel Wright in 1788 and
local-born artist William Hogarth was decorated with a plaster ceiling and an oak
baptized on 28 November 1697, was founded pulpit resting on a carved palm tree. A
according to the wishes of Rahere, jester to window depicts John Wesley, founder of
Henry I, as part of the St Bartholomew Methodism, who experienced an evangelical
Hospital and priory, and was where Wat conversion nearby in 1738.
Tyler, leader of the 1381 Peasants' Revolt, Location of}ohn Wesley's conversion,
tried to take refuge from William Walworth, Aldersgate Street by Ironmonger s' Hall, east
the Lord Mayor of London, but was dragged side
outside and beheaded. The church was origi- John Wesley, the early-eighteenth-century
nally 300 ft longer than it is today, but after preacher who founded Methodism,
Henry VIII dissolved the priory in October experienced an evangelical conversion near
1539 the nave was demolished, thus reducing the present-day Ironmonger s' Hall,
on 24
it to its present-day size and leaving an open May 1738, later writing how 'in the evening
space in front of the entrance. After the I went very unwillingly to a society in
Reformation parts of the church were used Aldersgate Street, where one was reading
for commercial purposes, with a black- Luther's preface to the Epistle to the
smith's forge, stable, school, hop store and Romans. About a quarter before nine, while
printers setting up inside. Every Good he was describing the change which God
Friday twenty-one poor widows over sixty works in the heart through faith in Christ,
years old are given a sum of money and a I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I
did trust in Christ, Christ alone for pattern where 'everything could be reached
salvation.' on foot, down alleys and passages'. He
~Wesley's Chapel, p. 82. moved away in 1977, claiming that the noise
of the articulated lorries using Smithfield
Bartholomew Close market had become unbearable. Alongside
A meandering alleyway to the east of the poet's former property, at Nos. 41 and
St Bartholomew's Hospital, it was here in 42, are two rare pre-Fire of London City
1659 that the poet John Milton went into buildings.
hiding from supporters of Charles II,
looking to punish Milton for his support of King Edward Street
the regicide of Charles I in 1649. Stinking Lane until1843, on account of the
It was also where later that year the stench of the nearby market where animals
hangman of London publicly burned copies were slaughtered, it was home in the eight-
of Milton's anti-royalist tract Defensio pro eenth century to the galleried coaching inn
populo Anglicano. William Hogarth, who the tiull mtb !JloutfJ (the name a corruption
became London's leading social commen- ofBoulogne Mouth). Britain's first national
,tator through his paintings and engravings, mail coaches began their journeys here, and
was born at •o. 58 on 10 November 1697, the building was later replaced by a post
his Christian name being chosen in honour office on the roof of which the Italian
of the new king, William III. Bartholomew inventor Guglielmo Marconi first trans-
Close was one of the first streets in the mitted wireless signals on 27 July 1896. As
capital to suffer an air attack, being hit the Italian government had previously
during a Zeppelin raid during the First rejected his ideas, the Post Office and the
World War. Admiralty became Marconi's first sponsors.
~ William Hogarth in Leicester Square, p. 102.When a new post office was built here in
1905, part of the Romans' London wall was
Cloth Fair uncovered and preserved in the basement.
Named in honour of the annual medieval The building later became the home of the
festival tioriljolomew ifoif (p. n), which was National Postal Museum (outside is a statue
mainly a cloth fair, the street was home in of Rowland Hill, inventor of the Penny
the late seventeenth century to the publisher Post) and is now offices.
John Twyn, whose house was raided in ~ John Logie Baird's early work on television,
October 1663 by Roger L'Estrange, Charles
II's royal censor. L'Estrange seized all the
documents Twyn had not managed to Middle Street
destroy and convicted him of publishing One of a number of tiny passages to the east
seditious material, the punishment being of St Bartholomew's Hospital.
that Twyn be 'hanged by the neck, cut Hand and Shears, No. 1
down before he was dead, shamefully muti- A pub known to locals as the Fist and Clip-
lated, his entrails taken out' and his head pers replaced a building where the medieval
cut off and disposed of 'at the pleasure of Court of Pieds Poudres (Dusty Feet) tried
the king's majesty'. The sentence was tailors accused of selling short measures of
carried out at Tyburn and sections of cloth. In the sixteenth century many of
Twyn's body were later displayed at various those attending tiorifJolomew ifoit would
city gates 'as an example to all men who meet here the night before festivities began
advocate death or disobedience to such a for an evening of drunken debauchery
monarch'. during which local tailors, fuelled by
John Betjeman, late-twentieth-century copious amounts of ale, would rush out of
poet laureate, moved into No. 43 in 1955, the pub waving shears above their heads
enthusing about Smithfield's medieval street crying 'the proceedings shall begin'. The

following morning the Lord Mayor of dents, and became commercialized in the
London would announce the official nineteenth century when hundreds of rag
opening of the fair outside the pub. trade workshops filled the side streets. After
.,. ~arl~olomew ijair, p. n. being heavily bombed in the Second World
St Martin's-le-Grand War the area remained neglected until1956
A short stretch of road north of St Paul's when Duncan Sandys, Minister of Housing
tube station, it is named after the college and Local Government, proposed building a
and church of St !Dlarlin' s•le•tiranb, housing estate, and soon after the City of
founded in 700, which offered sanctuary to London Corporation and the London
thieves and debtors, but not traitors, and County Council placed a compulsory
which featured a bell that in medieval times purchase order on the area. Construction
tolled the start of the City's evening curfew. work followed over the next twenty years to
the designs of Chamberlin, Powell and Bon,
The buildings were demolished in 1538, a
time when, as the bishop Hugh Latimer who opted for an estate of tower blocks
noted, the street was a popular haunt of built in brutalist concrete, a style that had
prostitutes and was filled with 'houses with become popularly reviled by the time the
walled gardens where men and women estate was completed in the 1970s.
perform their filthie ceremonies'. While A hostile, bleak and eerie place, with no
working in the General Post Office, which obvious entrance or traditional streets,
stood on the east side of the street in the where movement is along a network of
early nineteenth century, the young elevated walkways marked with yellow lines
Anthony Trollope invented the pillar-box, that connect major landmarks, the Barbican
was detested by most Londoners as soon as
later capturing his experiences in his 1858
novel, The Three Clerks. it went up. Still more tolerated than
admired, it is now something of an
anomaly, a timepiece of early postwar
utopian social planning of a kind that once
threatened to devour large cities but was
long ago abandoned. However, unlike
The part of the City based around the busy
almost all other similar estates, it is aimed at
traffic route of Moorgate, named after the
long vanished Roman and medieval gate, it high earners, is run as a village community,
contains cleverly arranged flats that mostly
encompasses much of the City's financial
centre, including the Bank of England and offer superb views, and is blessed with an
Stock Exchange, as well as the City's only excellent arts centre, a well-stocked and fasci-
nating museum (the Museum of London), a
residential estate, the Barbican.
tube station and copious underground
parking - attributes that have attracted a
(i) Barbican number of well-known inhabitants,
The Barbican is a thirty-five-acre traffic-free including former Tory minister Norman
estate of concrete tower blocks, some over Tebbit and ex-miners' leader Arthur
400 ft high and among the tallest in Europe.
The City's only residential estate, it contains London Wall Also seep. 21.
2,113 flats housing some 6,500 people and is Dominated by huge corporate office blocks
named after a local watchtower demolished and particularly lacking in character, given
by Henry Ill in 1267. The area was fashion- its antiquated sounding name, London
able in the sixteenth and seventeenth Wall, which connects Aldersgate Street and
centuries, when William Shakespeare and Old Broad Street, is named after the
the poet John Milton were among the resi- Romans' tWo-mile wall ofKentish ragstone,

built in the second century to enclose their Silk Street

fort and 330-acre estate, small sections of Barbican Arts Centre, south side
which remain in place. The street was The Barbican, London's major arts centre,
heavily bombed in the Second World War contains a cinema, art gallery, concert
and in 1955, in its derelict state, was used hall (home of the London Symphony Orch-
to depict war-tom London in Michael estra), library and two theatres which have
Anderson's film of George Orwell's 1984, in been home to the Royal Shakespeare
which it is festooned with 'Big Brother Is Company (RSC).It opened in 1982 with the
Watching You' posters. In the early 196os RSC complaining about the small size of the
planners chose London Wall as the location Pit theatre, the orchestra moaning about the
for an architectural experiment of building acoustics of the concert hall - the pianist
office blocks on two-storey podia in stag- Maurizio Pollini refused to play until 2,ooo
gered arrangement, the roofs connected by glass spheres which he claimed ruined the
bridges across the roadway to provide a sound were removed from the ceiling- and
traffic-free walkway for pedestrians, which members of the audience claiming that they
was abandoned partly built. had spent so long trying to find their way into
Museum of London, London Wall at Alders- the complex they had missed the opening of
gate Street the performance. However, the complex's
Despite its concealed, barely accessible fortunes improved out of all expectations
location at the edge of the Barbican, the following the 1994 appointments ofJohn
museum is a popular facility that features a Tusa as managing director and Graham
wide range of informative exhibitions on the Sheffield as artistic director. The acoustics
history of the capital using reconstructed were improved, innovative new work was
street scenes, changing displays on different commissioned, and with nearby areas such as
aspects of London's history, and a vast Clerkenwell, Shoreditch and Spitalfields
collection of documents, pamphlets and being reborn as residential centres the
books relating to the metropolis. The Barbican now has the benefit of a ready-made
galleries divide London's history around local audience willing to experience chal-
major events such as the dissolution of the lenging works and concerts.
monasteries, the Fire and the two world
wars, with the 2002-built World City Gallery Wood Street
~legate, north end ofWeod Street
tracing how London became the world's
first metropolis. One of eight medieval gates at the edge of
the City, <tripplegote took its name either
Milton Street from the Anglo-Saxon word for tunnel
Milton Street, which connects Chiswell (crepel), from the cripples who begged in
Street and the Barbican, was formerly Grub the vicinity, or from a cripples' hospital that
Street, whose name came to be used as a once stood nearby, and was where in 1010
metaphor for hack writing in the seven- the body of King Edmund the Martyr was
teenth century and whose inhabitants were brought into London, resulting, it was said,
derided by Alexander Pope in The Dunciad in miracles, including the healing of the
(1728) in the memorable couplet 'While lame, being performed by the gate. In 1461 a
pensive poets painful vigil keep I Sleepless victorious Henry VI, who outfought
themselves, to give their readers sleep'. Grub Warwick the Kingmaker at St Albans,
Street was renamed Milton Street in the . arrived in London through <tripplegote, but
1830s, not after the poet, John, but after the his celebrations were curtailed when he
landlord who owned most of the properties. heard that Warwick and the future
Its buildings were demolished when the Edward IV were about to re-enter the
Barbican was built in the 196os. capital. Cripplegate was demolished in 1760.
.,.. Moorgate, p. 18.

St Giles Cripplegate, north-west end of canonized, becoming second in importance

Wood Street only to St Paul as London's saint.
The oldest building in the area, St Giles's In 1290 Edward I built ctbeapsibe ctross
church was originally built by Alfune c. 1090 at the corner of Cheapside and Wood Street
alongside the Jews' Garden, the only place in to commemorate the City resting-place of
England where Jews could then be buried, the coffin containing the body of his queen,
and named in honour of the patron saint Eleanor (other resting-places being named
of beggars and cripples. The church was accordingly Charing Cross and Waltham
rebuilt after a fire in 1545 (ironically it Cross), decorating it with statues of the
survived the 1666 Great Fire of London) Pope, the Madonna and Child, and the
and was where in August 1620 Oliver Crom- Aposdes. After being subjected to violent
well, then an unknown Huntingdon land- attacks by the Puritans, the statue was
owner, married Elizabeth Bourchier. The demolished in 1643. The church that stood
poet John Milton, who worshipped at alongside, et !peter mestc:beap, was
St Giles and wrote much of his epic biblical destroyed in the 1666 Fire and never rebuilt,
poem Paradise Lost (1667) locally, was although its garden, which contains the
buried here in 1674. Around a hundred years plane tree mentioned by William Words-
later his body was exhumed by workmen worth in his 1797 poem 'Poor Susan',
who caused the collapse of one of the ribs survives.
and knocked out some teeth, which they On StJohn's Night 1510 the nineteen-
kept as souvenirs. (There is now a life-size year-old Henry VIII strolled along
statue of the poet near the pulpit.) St Giles Cheapside unrecognized, dressed as a
was almost entirely destroyed in the 1940 Yeoman of the Guard, and drank in some of
Blitz, with only the outer walls surviving, the local taverns until he spotted the Night
and now incongruously stands in a Watch and beat a retreat. The romantic poet
pedestrianized courtyard amid the Barbican John Keats lived with his brothers at ~o. 76
tower blocks. in 1817 when he was working as a dresser at
Guy's Hospital and there wrote 'Ode on a
Grecian Urn'. Mrs Beeton, the Victorian
(ii) south of the Barbican
cookery writer, was born Isabella Mayson
Cheapside on Cheapside in 1836.
Cheap side was London's main medieval Coleman Street
market (the word 'ceap' being an ancient Coleman Street, just west of Moorgate, is
term for market) until Henry III switched named after the occupation of its medieval
the unloading of fish to Queenhithe -local residents and was a Puritan stronghold in
streets such as Bread Street and Milk Street the 1640s when five MPs whom Charles I
extend the connection - and was where the tried to arrest took refuge in a house here.
Normans under William the Conqueror London's first public telephone exchange
fought with Londoners on 20 December opened at No. 36 in August 1879, resulting
1066, two months after the Battle of Hast- in the Post Office, worried about the poss-
ings, according to evidence discovered ible loss of revenue should the public switch
during archaeological excavations in the late from writing to talking, successfully
twentieth century. Thomas aBecket, the lobbying Parliament to legislate against
priest and chancellor to Henry II murdered telephone companies running wires under
by the latter's knights in Canterbury or over private houses without the owners'
Cathedral in 1170, was born at the junction permission. The Post Office's stance
of Cheapside and Ironmonger Lane in m8. changed towards the end of the century
Two years after his murder he was when it set up its own telephone company,

and by 1911 it had seen off nearly all its design and it is now the official church of
rivals, establishing a monopoly throughout the Corporation of London.
England, except in Hull. The church of
et etepl)m at the south-western end of Guildhall Yard
Coleman Street, where the romantic poet A small opening north of Gresham Street,
John Keats was buried in 1821, and which Guildhall Yard leads to the Guildhall, the
was destroyed in the Second World War, seat of the Corporatio n of London, and was
was reached from the pavement through the home of the medieval tl)ne tuns
what was known as 'The Gate of Judge- taoem where General Monck, who brought
ment', a fearsome looking gate commem- Charles II to the throne in 1660 after eleven
orating the Great Plague. years of the Commonwealth, had his mili-
tary headquarters. Remains of a Roman
Gresham Street amphitheatre were found under Guildhall
Gresham Street, which connects Aldersgate Yard in 2000.
Street and Moorgate, is named after Thomas Guildhall
Gresham, founder of the Royal Exchange, The administrative headquarters of the
and is the location of Christophe r Wren's Corporation of the City of London, the
handsome church, St Lawrence Jewry. Square Mile's local authority, for over 8oo
north side: Aldersgate Street to Coleman years, Guildhall takes its name from its orig-
Street inal role as the place where geld (money)
St Anne and St Agnes was collected in taxes and was used in medi-
A church was first built on the site in 1137, eval times for trials, including those of
rebuilt after a fire in 1548 and, after destruc- Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, who intro-
tion in the Great Fire of 1666, redesigned by duced blank verse into English poetry and
Christophe r Wren from parts of the four- was charged with treason in 1547; the
teenth-cent ury tower. The church was nine-day queen, Lady Jane Grey, and her
damaged again in the Second World War husband, Lord Guildford Dudley, six years
and restored from 1963 to 1966 by Braddock later; and Henry Garnet, one of the
and Martin-Smith. It is now used by Gunpowder Plot conspirators, in 1606. The
Lutherans, with services in Swahili, Polish composer Frederic Chopin gave his
Chinese and Amharic, as well as English. last public performance at a Guildhall
StLawrenc e Jewry, Gresham Street at Guild- concert in aid of Polish exiles from the
hall Yard rebellion of1848 that year. At the end of the
First built in 1136, the church was so named century Guildhall was the setting for meet-
as it was built on the fringe of the Jewish ings of the newly formed London County
ghetto, and even after the expulsion of the Council, the first local authority directly
Jews from London in 1291 the suffix elected by Londoners, which moved to
remained to distinguish the church from the County Hall in 1922. The building is also
125 others in the City. St Lawrence Jewry now used for the presentation of the Booker
burned down in the Fire of London, was Prize, the best-known literary prize in
rebuilt by Christophe r Wren, and was Britain.
reopened by Charles II in 1677. But after .,. County Hall, p. 387.
Second World War bombing all that
remained were the walls, the tower and a Ironmonger lane
painting of the martyrdom of St Lawrence At the north-eastern end of Cheapside is
by an unknown member of the North lronmonge r Lane where pots, pans, cutlery
Italian School of the late sixteenth century, and fire implements were made to service
which survived unscathed. St Lawrence was the adjacent medieval poultry market and
later rebuilt by Cecil Brown to Wren's where the Mercers' Hall now stands, the
Mercers Company being first in order of

precedence among the City livery All-Russian Co-Operative Society (Arcos)

companies, a status which carries consider- which was mostly ignored by the British
able civic prestige. authorities until the Soviet government tried
to capitalize on political unrest caused by
City livery companies the 1926 General Strike and sent financial
The 102 City livery companies, successors of donations to British trade unions, including
the medieval guilds formed by merchants to £25o,ooo to the strike committee. When the
protect their skills and trades, evolved as news leaked out the Trades Union Congress
'friendly societies responsible for training demanded that all money be returned to the
apprentices and setting wages but were Russians immediately and the British govern-
fiercely competitive, their rivalry occasion- ment decided to halt Arcos's activities.
ally spilling over into violence (the Fish- Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin ordered a
mongers and Skinners fought a pitched raid, and on 12 May 1927 fifty Special Branch
battle in 1340 ). Their economic powers officers left Scotland Yard, travelled together
waned when limited companies were by tube as inconspicuously as possible and,
created and .they now enjoy a mostly after being met at Moorgate station by
ceremonial purpose, organizing functions around a hundred uniformed Corporatio n
and banquets, performing charitable works, of London uniformed police officers, raided
and meeting in the various livery halls that the building. There they found managers
can be found throughout the City such as rushing downstairs to seal the steel door
the Apothecaries' Hall on Blackfriars Lane that led to the room in which staff were
and the Drapers' Hall on Throgmort on busily shoving incriminating documents
Street. Guild members, also known as into the fire. The officers forced entry and
liverymen, choose the Sheriffs and Lord managed to retrieve some 25o,ooo papers, as
Mayor of the City of London (not to be well as crates of rifles which they took away
confused with the capital-wide elected in two truck loads, but much of the infor-
mayor of London), a mostly ceremonial mation turned out, inevitably, to be of ques-
figure. The livery companies are ranked in tionable value, typified by, as Nigel West
an order of precedence based loosely on revealed in his book Mls, descriptions of
their date of incorporation, with the party members along the lines of. 'Adams.
Mercers (dealers in fine cloth) being first Stoker. A good orator but a bad stoker and a
and the Grocers second. _j slacker. The other stokers do his work for
him. Deserted in Odessa.'
.,. Russian Tea Rooms, p. 424·
A major traffic route leading to the Bank of Old Jewry
England and lined with huge office blocks The street's name recalls the large local medi-
captaining accountancy firms, bankers and eval Jewish community which grew .!lfter
insurance agents, Moorgate is named after William the Conqueror invited the Jewish
the medieval City gate that led to the Fens, merchants of Rouen to settle in London in
which was rebuilt in 1672 to allow soldiers to the eleventh century so that they could take
pass through with their pikes upright and charge of lending money at interest, even to
demolished in 1762 when the stones were the Norman and Angevin kings, Christians
used to secure London Bridge, then in being barred from doing so. The ghetto was
danger of being washed away by the tides. subjected to various privations over the next
.,. Bishopsgate, p. 24· 200 years, including the killing of an ailing
eottlet e~'J cram (1920s), No. 49, west side man as part of a blood libel in 1130 and accu-
The Soviet Union ran a spy ring from sations of ritual murder in 1224 after it was
No. 49 in the 1920s under the guise of the alleged that gashes found on the body of a
dead child were in the form of Hebrew Liverpool Street station
characters. The terminus for the Great Eastern Railway
In 1232 Henry III closed London's main was built on land that had been the burial
synagogue on the pretext that the chanting ground for the Royal Bethlehem Hospital
could be heard in a neighbouring church, (Bedlam) and opened in 1874 to replace the
and thirty years later the area was beset by Bishopsgate terminus, half a mile north.
violence when hundreds of Jews were With the railway now enjoying a City outlet,
murdered after a Jew supposedly charged a the owners encouraged clerks and bankers
gentile too much interest. In 1291 Edward I to move out of central London to the
expelled the Jews from England and seized growing north-eastern suburbs served by
their property, selling it for considerable the line, such as Walthamstow, journeying
gain. The pioneering printer William on what the poet John Betjeman later
Caxton lived in a house on Old Jewry that described as 'extraordinary, cramped and
had previously been a synagogue from 1438 uncomfortable Great Eastern carriages
.to 1446. The street is the fictitious address of drawn out above the East End housetops to
Jonathan Swift's Lemuel Gulliver, hero of wide acres of Essex suburb'.
Gulliver's Travels (1726). No trace of medi- In 1894 Liverpool Street was extended to
eval Old Jewry remains. accommodate trains bound for the east
... Jewry Street community of sixteenth-century coast, becoming the biggest station in
Jews, p. 36. London, a mass of grey brick tempered by
the occasional moulded cherub and other
(iii) east of Moorgate baroque flourish encasing a warren of plat-
forms, bridges and secret comers, with the
Liverpool Street attached Great Eastern Hotel,· famed for its
The street, best known for its railway Louis XVI -styled ironwork staircase, being
terminus, has no connections with the for decades the City's only hotel. The station
northern city but is named after Lord Liver- had its character ripped out when it was
pool, early-nineteenth-century prime rebuilt in the late 1980s as part of the
minister. Broadgate Centre.
north side: Eldon Street to Bishopsgate
._.ftld emet itlltlea, Liverpool Street at
Sun Street Passage
Built in 1865 as the City terminus of the East in 1884 after Joseph Paxton's plans
& West India Docks & Birmingham Junc- a railway in glass - The Great
tion Railway; a line that opened in Way - fell through, the Circle
September 1850 to take goods unloaded at originally known as the Inner Circle,
the various east London docks to the most of London's main railway
Midlands, it had become the third busiest and is formed entirely of other
passenger terminus in London by the end of - the Metropolitan, Hammersmith
the century, being used by trains on the City and District lines - apart from
North London Line, a popular suburban tiny sections of track: just south of
route that brought clerks living in the and just west of Gloucester
suburbs into the City and whose western
end reached Richmond. In the 1980s the
inaton The western terminus of
authorities decided that !Jtoob Skeet
first underground, the Metro-
station had outlived its usefulness and after
n Railway, opened as Bishop's Road
it closed in 1984 it was demolished to make
January 1863.
way for an office block.

Road The station is dwarfed by

arylebone Flyover, which connects used to be executed.
bone Road with the Westway. The only station on the under-
connected to another (Bank) by

House The station was originally

Road on the first underground line in as a vast junction of all planned
1863. underground lines, but the
Square The first shaft for London's
underground line was sunk here in station given an erroneous name,
The station opened three years later Mansion House, home of the Lord
Street. , being situated some distance to the
by Bank station.
The underground outlet for
of the present site. Its disused was in the early twentieth century an
can still be seen from Circle/ London railway terminus known
tro,politcm/Hamrnel·sn,ith and City line Paul's.
When it opened in the 186os the
The site was chosen for the sported a roof promenade, but it

bank1me•nt Built on the site of Warren's

king Factory where Charles Dickens
The Dynamiters, who blew up a as a boy, it opened as Charing
passing through Paddington in 1883, In 1909.
1St1ml1ns1~er When work on the station
in the 186os engineers had to
that the foundations of West-
Abbey did not fall into the

Park Rebuilt by the under-

on the Death of Aldersgate Street greatest architect, Charles
It became Barbican in 1968. in the late 1920s, with a
Named after the old medieval office block, whose fa~ade
decorated with statues by Jacob
and Henry Moore, and which was
the tallest building in London.
Street One of only two stations In the 1948 Ealing comedy Pass-
network, the other being Sloane
which as late as the 1980s had a
The station is built on the site of
[Plague] pit' that Daniel Defoe
in A Journal of the Plague Year in above the station platforms in a
more than 1,ooo people were buried visible pipe.
weeks in 1665. Kensington The station was
in the late nineteenth century as

designed by Caius Cibber using a soldier

Wales Railway, a line that was never from Cromwell's New Model Army as his
model and which were described by William
Wordsworth in The Prelude as 'those carved
maniacs at the gates'. By the end of the
century the hospital had become a tourist
attraction, with visitors inspecting the caged
prisoners much as they would animals at a
zoo, a practice that continued until1770.
One inmate subjected to such treatment was
Nathaniel Lee, the seventeenth-century play-
wright and actor, who once asked a visitor
to leap off the roof with him to 'immortalise
ourselves' but was convinced it would be
all three stores and ran more immortalizing to leap up on to the
trains to bring customers to their roof, thereby being saved from instant
death. In 1815 the hospital moved to a site in
Lambeth which now houses the Imperial
War Museum .
... Imperial War Museum, p. 385.
Road. Bayswater. Station was one All Hallows London Wall, No. 83
first paintings with a London under- The church, first built by the Roman wall in
theme and shows a seated figure the twelfth century, was repaired in the
a train underneath an advert for fifteenth century and was where from 1474
to 1494 the hermit Simon the Anker was
confined to a cell, writing 'The Fruyte of
Redempcyon', one of the first books ever
printed, produced by Wynkyn de Worde in
1514. The church escaped the Fire of London
London Wall Also seep. 14. and was rebuilt by George Dance the
e~taa llot)d ,0~ (1676-ISIS), east Younger,.for whom it was his first com-
of Circus Place mission, between 1765 and 1767. Damaged
Of Bedlam beggars, who, with roaring during the Second World War, All Hallows
voices I Strike in their numb'd and morti- was rebuilt between 1960 and 1962 by David
fied bare arms I Pins, wooden pricks, Nye as offices for the Council for the Care
nailes, sprigs of rosemary ... - King Lear, of Churches. No services are now held
William Shakespeare (1605) inside.
Also known as Bedlam, for many years
Threadneedle Street
Britain's only national hospital for the
Home of the Bank of England - the 'Old
insane, it was founded in Bishopsgate in
Lady of Threadneedle Street', as first
1247 as the Priory of St Mary Bethlehem, to
described by the eighteenth-century play-
which a hospital was added in 1329, and was
wright Richard Brinsley Sheridan -
where the practice of chaining violent and
Threadneedle Street is named after the
unstable prisoners began fifty years later.
City's Needlemakers' Company, which
After the priory was dissolved in 1547, the
traditionally sported three needles in their
hospital was refounded as a lunatic asylum,
civic arms. The first London omnibus
moving here in 1675, the entrance framed by
service ran from here to the Yorkshire
two large stone statues, 'Raving Madness
Stingo inn, Paddington, in 1829.
and Melancholy Madness', which were

Bank of England, north side in circulation (a view now known as monet-

England's most important financial insti- arism), leading the pamphleteer William
tution and the world's first privately owned, Cobbett to comment: 'The Bank is blamed
national central bank, the Bank of England for putting out paper and causing high
was founded in 1694 by two City merchants, prices; and blamed at the same time for not
William Paterson and Michael Godfrey, to putting out paper to accommodate
help the King, William III, raise money for merchants and keep them from breaking. It
the war against an expansionist France. It cannot be to blame for both and indeed is
was incorporated on 27 July 1694 at Mercers' blameable for neither. It is the fellows that
Hall, off Cheapside, moving later that year put out the paper and then break that do
to Grocers' Hall on Princes Street where, the mischief.'
according to Daniel Defoe, 'No place in the By the mid nineteenth century the Bank
world [had] so much business done with so had a monopoly on issuing notes, and the
much ease', and then to Threadneedle Street 1844 Bank Charter Act ensured that the
in 1734. The public was invited to invest in Bank's capital of £14 million was backed by
the new bank, subscriptions totalling £1.2 gold coin or bullion, an arrangement that
million forming the initial capital stock, and led to a long period of price stability.
in 1706 the Bank began to act as the direct During this time the coinage was linked to
agent for the Exchequer, managing the the gold standard, but this was suspended
nation's accounts, making loans to the during the First World War, and reintro-
government, arranging the coinage, taking duced only in 1925 after impassioned
deposits and issuing notes, practices which campaigning by the governor, Montagu
created the idea of 'imaginary money' - a Norman, although not with the full
store of assets that couldn't be counted in approval of the Chancellor of the Exche-
terms of coinage but could be used to drive quer, Winston Churchill, who complained:
the economy. 'I'm lost and reduced to groping.'
Things did not always go well. During the Unemployment then rose past the 1 million
failed 1745 Jacobite uprising there were fears mark, as Churchill had feared, and in 1931,
of a run on the bank as investors panicked one of the worst years in the bank's history,
about the security of their assets and during which the German economy
managers paid out to those who demanded collapsed, gold losses briefly averaged £2¥2
their money in sixpences, only just having million a day, the Bank dropped the gold
enough. At the end of the century, following standard for good, and the country's gold
the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars, there reserves were transferred to the Treasury.
were further runs on the Bank, caused by a The Labour government of the late 1940s
false alarm that the French had landed in nationalized the Bank, which became the
Wales. As the war with France proceeded, Treasury's debt manager and adviser, and
the wealthy began hoarding their money monetary targets, introduced in 1976 to curb
rather than depositing it with the Bank, and inflation, became a guide to political policy
demanded their cash. during Margaret Thatcher's premiership,
The Bank's coinage dwindled to only £1 leading to lower inflation and higher
million, forcing the government to issue unemployment, amid considerable public
Spanish notes and coins seized from controversy. The Bank's main modern-day
captured ships, and, for the first time, £1 functions are to design and issue banknotes,
and £5 notes appeared, meaning that the store gold, and, as the government's banker,
currency was no longer worth its weight in manage the national debt.
metal. Detractors argued that the national ~ Montagu Norman's alliances with Hitler,
currency could be maintained at its proper p. 438.
value only by limiting the amount of notes

Throgmorton Street bought and sold, and stockbrokers made

Throgmorton is a corruption of Throck- money from commissions earned from
morton, Nicholas Throckmorton being buying and selling shares to the outside
Elizabeth I's ambassador to France and Scot- world at large.
land. In the mid sixteenth century the street The London Stock Exchange began
was home to the incorrigible Thomas Crom- playing a major role in financing the first
well, Master of the King's Jewels, Lord Privy industrial companies, eclipsing its main
Seal, Vicar General, Earl of Essex and rival, Amsterdam, in the mid nineteenth
favourite of Henry VIII, whose power and century, and introducing the innovation of
unpredictability were such that he evicted telegraphic tickertape, running at six words
the inhabitants of a row oflocal cottages, per minute, to help business in 1872. A
built himself a mansion on the site, and major blow. came in the financial crash of
then, unsatisfied with his acquisition, seized 1931 when the Exchange lost most of its
the gardens of his neighbou,rs. Cromwell overseas business, while after the Second
was executed after a disagre~ment with the World War there were fears that the Labour
king in 1540, and the following year his prop- government would nationalize the insti-
erty was bought by the Drapers' Company tution. Although this was averted, the Stock
to be used as their hall. General Monck Exchange was hampered by exchange
based his campaign to restore Charles II to controls that prevented British residents
the throne in the hall in 1660 and the from buying non-Sterling securities until
building was rebuilt following damage in 1979 when the Thatcher government intro-
the 1666 Fire of London and a fire of 1772. duced deregulation. This allowed outside
Throgmorton Street is now the home of corporations to own member firms, abol-
the dour brutalist tower that houses the ished minimum levels of commission and
Stock Exchange. Opposite, on its resulted in the functions of jobbers and
northern side, the street is lined with brokers being merged.
elegant shops. The so-called 'Big Bang' of 27 October
Stock Exchange, No. 2, south side 1986 saw the Exchange become a private
London's major trading floor, a market limited company, with individual members
place that deals in share trading, govern- no longer having voting rights, profits used
ment bonds, debentures, insurance and for financing developments by the
commodities, the Stock Exchange is where Exchange, rather than being distributed to
stockbrokers compete against each other in shareholders, and trading conducted on
share trading. It was formed by traders who computer and telephone, rather than in
met at the Royal Exchange (p. 29) and person. With the financial world dominated
behaved in such a rowdy fashion the by takeovers, mergers, salary hikes and
building's owners forced them out, which acquisitions, a worldwide stockmarket crash
led them to set up on their own, opening occurred on Black Monday, 19 October 1987,
premises in 1773 on the corner of Thread- when the City lost £94 billion.
needle Street and Sweetings Alley. .,. Royal Exchange, p. 29.
The Stock Exchange moved to the present
Tokenhouse Yard
site in the early nineteenth century and
OffLothbury is Tokenhouse Yard, site of
installed a system whereby trading was
the office where in 1635 Lord Maltravers
divided between jobbers and stockbrokers.
became the sole issuer of tokens, small coins
Jobbers dominated the trading floor, buying
which shopkeepers handed to customers as
and selling shares for stockbrokers, making
change until halfpenny and farthing coins
money through the difference between what
were introduced. London traders were
stockbrokers were prepared to pay for
outraged when Maltravers successfully asked
shares and the price at which they were

Charles I for permission to run the trade as people.' Some of those found guilty were
a monopoly, for previously each trader thrown in the Tower. The Postmaster-
produced their own coins, which could be General, James Craggs the Elder, who was
used only at the issuing shop. Tokens were blamed for the fiasco, killed himself shortly
officially withdrawn from circulation in 1672 before his trial.
on the introduction of low denominational .,.. Baring Brothers collapse, p. 25.
The Muggletonians
(iv) Bishopsgate and east Lodowick Muggleton, a Bishopsgate-born
tailor, claimed in 1651 that God had
Bishopsgate appointed him and his cousin, John Reeve,
Part of the main north-south road at the as the Two Last Witnesses, as foretold in the
eastern side of the City, Bishopsgate was verse in the Book of Revelations, which
named after the !4is~o,•s Ciote that stood by warns: 'I will give power unto my two
present-day Camomile Street and was the witnesses and they shall prophesy one thou-
major route out of the City towards Hert- sand two hundred and threescore days
fordshire. It is dominated on the west side clothed in sackcloth'. Muggleton and Reeve
by Liverpool Street station and the 1990s formed a sect, the Muggletonians, whose
Broadgate development, and on the east side major tenets were that:
by a number of narrow antiquated passage- 1. God and the man Jesus Christ are synony-
ways that provide glimpses of a mostly mous expressions.
vanished City of cramped rooms 2. The devil and human reason are
and small shops. synonymous.
west side: Cornhill to Norton Folgate 3· The soul dies and rises again with the
eoutlj eta .........,, corner with body.
Threadneedle Street 4· Heaven is a place above the stars.
One of the most spectacular financial 5· At present hell is nowhere, but this earth,
crashes in London history befell the Sout~ darkened after the last judgement, will be
eeo ctom,Cl1Uj, formed in 1711 to trade with hell.
Spanish America and provide the region 6. Angels are the only beings of pure
with slaves, after a bill was passed in 1720 reason.
allowing people who were owed portions of Reeve died in 1658, and Muggleton in 1698,
the national debt by the government to after which their teachings were handed
exchange their claims for shares in company down family to family. But as followers did
stock. The directors of the eout~ eeo not believe in converting outsiders the sect
ctom"CUUJ took on around three-fifths of the slowly died out. For instance, in 1697 nearly
national debt - £9 million - resulting in 250 people attende4 Muggleton's funeral,
considerable speculation in company stock, but the list of believers in 1803 showed there
with shares rising in value from £Ioo to were just over 100 members, and around 100
£1,000 and speculators trying to win finance years later only seventeen attended the
for impossible projects. When the bubble monthly meeting. An article in the Times
burst in September 1720 many investors Literary Supplement in 1974 unearthed a
were ruined. Isaac Newton, the leading handful of believers in Kent, and by 1979 it
English scientist of the era,,had sold £7,000- was thought there were only two remaining
worth of stock the previous April at 100 per Muggletonians.
cent profit but had then unwisely re-entered .,.. Joanna Southcott and Richard Brothers,
the market and lost £2o,ooo, which led him millennia! prophets, p. 152 and p. 153. _j
to comment: 'I can calculate the motions of
the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of
St Botolph without Bishopsgate, opposite the rest of his life in squalor. When Bentley
Houndsditch died the landlord of the pub that stood on
The Norman church of 1212 was replaced in this site bought the contents of his shop and
1572 and the building, despite surviving the house, including what remained of the
Great Fire, was demolished in 1724 and wedding breakfast, as well as the bodies of
rebuilt by George Dance the Elder. John Bentley's dead cats, which were displayed
Betjeman recounted in his 1937 collection of here until the 198os.
poems, Continual Dew, how he used to sit l'ti~-.igate, Bishopsgate at Camomile
down in the churchyard and wait 'for the Street
spirit of my grandfather I Toddling along The Roman gate that stood here led to
from the Barbican'. Though largely spared Ermine Street, the road to Lincoln and
from Second World War bombing, the York, and was rebuilt in the seventh century
church was damaged in 1992 by the IRA by Eorconweald, Bishop of London, whose
bomb that destroyed the nearby Baltic successors received one stick from every cart
Exchange. of wood passiD.g through. It was demolished
White Hart, Nos.n9-121 in 1760.
Many of those making long journeys to visit ~~oo Aldgate, p. 30.
inmates at the !Jetl)lem fts1)1um (Bedlam), St Ethelburga-the-Virgin within
which stood nearby from 1676, used to Bishopsgate
stay overnight at the White Hart until the An exquisite thirteenth-century church,
practice of visiting inmates ceased in 1770, named after the seventh-century abbess of
resulting in the White Hart's losing much Barking, it was where Henry Hudson, the
of its trade. The pub has since been explorer who opened up vast swathes of
rebuilt. North America to Europeans, and his crew
~-.. ~den, No. 123 took communion in 1607 before leaving on
Now rebuilt as the George bar and their ill-fated expedition to find the North-
restaurant, the !!onbon Xauem was the west Passage. The church escaped the Fire of
setting in the eighteenth and nineteenth London and Second World War destruction
centuries for many lavish functions but was almost entirely destroyed by an IRA
connected with the docks and a popular bomb in 1993. Since then various schemes
meeting place for radicals, where in 1849 the have been proposed for rebuilding it,
free trade campaigners John Bright and including the innovative idea of leaving the
Richard Cobden set up the National Free- ruins unrestored behind a glass wall, a plan
hold Society (subsequently the National rejected in favour of a proposal to rebuild
Building Society) to campaign for universal the church as a Centre for Reconciliation
male suffrage. In Charles Dickens's Nicholas and Peace. Past rectors include John Larke,
Nickleby the United Metropolitan Hot who was hanged, drawn and quartered after
Muffin and Crumpet Baking and Punctual refusing to accept Henry VIII's Oath of
Delivery Company meet here. Supremacy that made the king head of the
Liverpool Street station Church of England.
See Liverpool Street, p. 19. Baring Brothers, No.8
east side: Norton Folgate to Leadenhall London's oldest merchant bank, brought
Street down by the activities of a rogue trader in
Dirty Dick's, Nos. 202-204 1995, was founded as an import and export
'Dirty Dick' was the nickname of Nathaniel agency by John and Francis Baring in 1762
Bentley, a local nineteenth-century iron- and soon becall)e an important independent
monger who preserved the unused wedding merchant bank, underwriting marine
breakfast that was left over when his fiancee insurance and helping William Pitt the
died on the eve of their marriage and spent Younger finance the Napoleonic Wars.

Barings was celebrated by Lord Byron in

'Don Juan' ('Who keeps the world both old FENCHURCH, EC3
and new, in pain I Or pleasure? Who makes
politicians run gibber all? I The shade of The eastern end of the City, which includes
Bonaparte's double daring I Jew Rothschild Houndsditch, Leadenhall Street, Fenchurch
and his fellow, Christian Baring'), and such Street and Eastcheap and is one of the least
was its power that it was said that a man in populated areas in London, was built on the
Boston could not buy a cargo of tea in marshy or fenny ground (hence the name,
Canton without getting credit from Messrs Fenchurch) by the banks of the long-
Matheson (a rival) or Messrs Baring. vanished Langbourn stream. At the eastern
In the nineteenth century Barings began end was !Ubgote, the Romans' eastern gate
to speculate in English, French, Russian and into Londinium from Essex, remembered in
Austrian stocks, Panama bonds and the road and tube station of the same name.
American railroad shares, raising $soo The streets around Fenchurch Street station,
million in loans to the United States and which stands in the centre of EC3, are domi-
Canadian governments. But at the end of nated by finance houses such as Lloyd's of
the century Edmund Baring (Lord Revel- London and some of the most desirable
stoke) took a gamble in Argentina that spec- office locations in the City, particularly
tacularly backfired, underwriting a £2 those on cobbled St Helen's Place, off
million share issue by the Buenos Aires Bishopsgate.
Water Supply and Drainage Company and
sending the money abroad before selling the (i) around Cornhill
shares, which he was subsequently unable to
shift. Barings had insufficient funds to pay Castle Court
the huge debt, but City powerbrokers George and Vulture
reasoned that if the bank collapsed it would The tavern that has stood here, south of
drag down with it too many firms and Cornhill, since 1175 was rebuilt after the Fire
confidence in the Square Mile would be shat- of London, and again in the early nineteenth
tered. So in November 1890 a consortium century, and has been patronized by writers
led by the Governor of the Bank of England such as Jonathan Swift and Charles Dickens
bailed it out, resulting in the bank's being (it features in The Pickwick Papers and is
reconstituted as Baring Brothers & Co. Ltd decorated with pictures relating to the
and Revelstoke ruined. novel). In the eighteenth century the George
Around 100 years later a trader, Nick and Vulture was home to the Hellfire Club,
Leeson, working out of Barings' Singapore an aristocratic drinking and womanizing
office, lost $1.3 billion after a gamble that the club which flirted With Masonic ritual, the
Japanese stock exchange would rise went occult and Satanism and was led by a group
awry. Leeson blamed management in of wealthy playboys that included Sir
London for the debacle, they in turn blamed Francis Dashwood, who as a young man
him, but he was arrested and held for nine had attended a Black Mass in France and
months in a Frankfurt prison before being made contact with Masonic societies in Italy
extradited to Singapore where he was given whose members had been excommunicated
a six-and-a-half-year sentence. The bank by the Pope. Dashwood was later Chancellor
collapsed and the parts that were salvageable of the Exchequer and Postmaster-General to
were subsumed into the lNG corporation in George III.
the late 1990s.
Change Alley
.,. BCCI banking scandal, p. 32.
In 1669 Thomas Garraway, who introduced
into England tea, a drink he claimed to be

the 'cure of all disorders', opened being completed by Nicholas Hawksmoor,

CiOffOWtU)'t, which became the City's who modelled it on his own Magdalen
leading eighteenth-century maritime College tower in Oxford. William Boyce,
auction house and in the nineteenth century the eighteenth-century composer of choral
an estate agent's and drugs store, earning a music, was organist here for thirty-two
mention in Charles Dickens's Pickwick years. In Charles Dickens's A Christmas
Papers and Little Dorrit. It dosed in 1872 and Carol its gruff old bell was 'always peeping
was demolished soon after. Martin's Bank down at Scrooge out of a Gothic window in
now stands on the site. the wall'.
... 3tmsolem c:offee ~oust, Cowper's Court, No.32
below. A carved panel on the street door features a
number of reliefs relating to local historical
Corn hill
scenes, including an 1847 meeting that took
Settlements were established on Cornhill,
place at Smith and Elder's publishers, which
the highest point in the City, overlooking
was then based here, between the Victorian
the River W albrook, following the Roman
authors Charlotte Bronte and William
invasion of AD 43, and some twenty years
later Roman London, having been sacked by
Boadicea in AD 6o, was refounded here. Cowper's Court
Cornhilllater became the location of the Traders who dealt with India met in the
pillory and was where the author Daniel 1770s at the 3tnasolem c:offtt ~oust on
Defoe was placed in 1703 for writing a Cowper's Court, off Cornhill, to discuss
seditious pamphlet about the government. business, and for many years the Jerusalem
The street, which connects Bank tube with rivalled Lloyd's as a centre of maritime
the southern end of Bishopsgate, features commerce. In the nineteenth century metal
• much elegant nineteenth-century architec- traders, obliged to move out of the Royal
ture and two of the City's most imposing Exchange to discuss their affairs, met there,
churches - St Peter upon Cornhill and establishing the 'tradition of the ring',
StMichael. during which merchants with metal to sell
south side: Gracechurch Street to Bank tube would draw a circle on the floor with
St Peter upon Cornhill sawdust and call out 'Change', at which
The oldest place of Christian worship in point all those wishing to trade would
London, the church was founded by Lucius, assemble around the circle and make their
Britain's first Christian king, c. 179 and was bids.
rebuilt by Christopher Wren after the 1666 ... Sowmon's c:offtt ~oust, St Michael's Alley,
Fire of London. Above the entrance are p. 29.
three forbidding-looking figures installed in
Gracechurch Street
anger by the architect who erected the
A street of handsome nineteenth-century
adjacent Victorian office block but was
banks and grand offices, south of Bishops-
prevented by the Church authorities from
gate, named after the church of St Send
encroaching on church land. Home in the
«ifll55 (demolished 1868), Gracechurch
late fourteenth century to the Guild of
Street stands on the site of a huge Roman
StPeter, which was established by members
forum and basilica, whose existence was
of the Worshipful Company ofFish-
uncovered during excavation work in the
mongers, it is now a Christian Aid centre.
St Michael
Leadenhall market, east side
The first church on the site, built c. 1055,
An exquisite collection ofVictorian market
burned down in the Fire of London and was
buildings, dating from 1881, Leadenhall
redesigned by Christopher Wren, the work
market stands on the site of a Roman

basilica and was first opened in the four- one of the few City churches to be damaged
teenth century for the sale of poultry, cheese during the First World War.
and butter. The market was destroyed in StMary Woolnoth of the Nativity, south
the Fire of London but was rebuilt and side at King William Street
enlarged to sell leather, wool and meat. It Nicholas Hawksmoor's only City church,
now contains a variety of shops, bars and built 1716-17 and one of London's best-
restaurants, and much preserved period loved examples of the English Baroque, is
architecture, but is spoiled by an excess of named after the Saxon noble Wulfnoth and
faux Victoriana. occupies a site first used as a place of
• Smithfield meat market, p. 8. worship in 1273. The church was damaged,
but not destroyed, in the 1666 Fire of
Lombard Street
London, and Christopher Wren performed
Once the Jews, the City's moneylenders,
basic remedial work, but by the time the
had been expelled from England in 1290,
Fifty New Churches Act of 1711 was passed it
Venetians and Lombardians, who had first
was derelict. Hawksmoor, who was
arrived in London during the mid-
appointed architect for a new church on the
thirteenth-century reign of Henry III to
site, discovered the remains of an ancient
collect taxes due to the Pope, took up the
temple while laying the foundations and
same role, later introducing into England
decided to install a cornice of a Roman
double-entry book-keeping, doppia scrittura,
temple dedicated to Mars Vindicator inside
which had been invented by a fifteenth-
the new building. Also inside is a memorial
century Italian monk. The Lombardians'
to the slave trader John Newton, 'once an
power base was challenged by the opening
infedil and libertine [but] preserved,
of the first Exchange in 1565. They
restored, pardoned and appointed to preach
responded by increasing their banking rates,
the faith he had long laboured to destroy',
which failed to win back custom. In 1692
who worked on the slave run between Africa
Lloyd's Insurance moved from (Great)
and America, later became church rector,
Tower Street to Lombard Street, and began
and wrote the hymn 'How Sweet the Name
publishing Lloyd's News, the forerunner of
of Jesus Sounds'. The church was targeted
Lloyd's List and Shipping Gazette, here four
for demolition during the tube building
years later. By the nineteenth century the
programme of the 189os, but such was the
street contained the headquarters of a
public outcry the City and South London
number of major banks, including Barclay's
Railway was obliged to change its mind and
and Martin's, and was described by Walter
underpin the church's foundations when
Bagehot, editor of the Economist, as 'the
constructing the new station nearby. The
greatest combination of economical power
tube company also bought the crypt, for
and economical delicacy that the world has
£340,ooo, money which went on building
ever seen'. It is still one of the most pres-
thirty new churches in the London suburbs.
tigious streets for finance companies in the
The church is featured in T. S. Eliot's The
Waste Land and Peter Ackroyd's 1985
St Edmund the King, north side at George
mystery novel Hawksmoor.
• Christchurch Spitalfields, p. 285.
Originally St Edmund Grasschurch, on
account of the nearby herb market, the Royal Exchange Buildings
church is dedicated to the East Anglian king A stretch of pavement named after the
shot by Danes for refusing to renounce adjacent Royal Exchange, it is where in 1851
Christianity. Christopher Wren redesigned Paul Julius Reuter (born Israel Beer
the building after the Fire and work was Josaphat), having moved from Belgium,
completed by Robert Hooke in 1690. It was where he used pigeons to take news of the
closing prices on the Brussels Bourse to Exchange, one of the buildings from where
Aachen in a tiny silk bag tied under a wing, new kings and queens were officially
set up a news agency (at No. 1) to gather announced, but it soon declined in status
information from the local financial centres and became a refuge for tramps and prosti-
and sell it to investors. Reuter believed that tutes. After it was destroyed in the 1666 Fire
those who wanted to keep abreast of Christopher Wren planned a building which
political and social developments that might would be the focus of the new City, but the
affect their assets would pay well for infor- scheme was abandoned along with most of
mation and approached The Times for a his proposals. A new Exchange was designed
commission. When they turned him down instead by Edward Jarman, the City
he went to the Morning Advertiser, who Surveyor, which opened in 1669 and grew to
engaged him after he promised to deliver contain, as William Pyne noted in his 1806
news free for a fortnight while the editor Microcosm of London, 'the Lord Mayor's
made up his mind. Within seven years court-office, the Royal Exchange assurance
Reuter was supplying information to a host office, the merchant seamen's office, Lloyd's
of London newspapers including the subscription coffee-houses, counting houses
Morning Star, Daily News, Morning Post and for merchants and underwriters ... and
the initially dismissive Times. Once the [outlets] for stockbrokers, lottery office
company was established it moved to Fleet keepers and various retail traders', until it
Street, becoming the world's best-known too was destroyed by fire, in 1838.
news agency. The current Exchange, readily identifiable
Royal Exchange (1565-1939), Threadneedle by its giant portico of eight Corinthian
Street at Royal Exchange Buildings columns, designed by William Tite in 1842,
There is no Place in the Town which I so continued functioning until1939 when
love to frequent as the Royal Exchange. I trading ceased and the premises were taken
am wonderfully delighted to see such a over by the Guardian Royal Exchange Assur-
Body of Men thriving in their own private ance Company. The building was rede-
Fortunes, and at the same time veloped within Tite's frame as a luxurious
promoting the Public Stock - The Spec- shopping centre at the end of the twentieth
tator, Joseph Addison (1711) century, with outlets for Paul Smith and
Impressed by the Antwerp Bourse, where Prada among others.
the English Merchant Adventurers had set ... Stock Exchange, p. 23.
up office, Thomas Gresham, an Elizabethan
St Michael's Alley
merchant who owned a shop in Lombard
London's first coffee house, $owmmt'&, was
Street at the Sign of the Grasshopper,
opened on St Michael's Alley in 1652 by
founded the Exchange in 1565 for tradesmen
Pasqua Rosee, a Turk, and Christopher
to meet and discuss business. Gresham's
Bowman, and was where at the end of the
building was festooned with grasshopper
decade Charles II's supporters prepared for
symbols adapted from the family crest and
his return to the throne. Ironically, in 1675,
inside there were passageways with names
fifteen years after taking the throne, Charles
such as Grocers' Walk, Silkmen's Walk and
tried to ban coffee houses such as
Druggists' Walk, trade becoming so vibrant
!8owmmt'& on the grounds that they were
that the writer Thomas Dekker, Shake-
places where 'the disaffected meet and
speare's contemporary, noted how when
spread scandalous reports concerning the
walking in the Exchange 'a man is put in
conduct of his Majesty and his Ministers'.
mind of Babel, there is such confusion of
Charles was supported by a group of City
women who, the previous year, had
Following a visit by Elizabeth I in January
presented the king with a petition against
1570 the Exchange became the Royal

coffee, 'representing to public consideration that the water passed through a graveyard en
the grand inconveniences accruing to their route to Aldgate and had been contaminated
sex from the excessive use of the dying and by human remains.
enfeebling liquor'. The king's attempt to .- Temple Bar, p. 42.
close the establishments failed, the order
Bevis Marks
was rescinded within days, and by the begin-
Bevis Marks is a corruption of 'Buries
ning of the eighteenth century there were
Marks', the burial limits of land once owned
more than 1,ooo coffee houses in London
by the abbots of Bury St Edmunds. The road
and twenty-six between Cornhill and
of the same name, sandwiched between
Threadneedle Street alone. The 3amatca
Camomile Street and Duke's Place, is best
coffee ~ouse (since rebuilt as the Jamaica
known for the long-standing Spanish and
Wine House) replaced !JolOman's in the
Portuguese Synagogue.
1670s. The coffee houses died out during the
Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, west
nineteenth century.
junction with Heneage Lane
London's most famous synagogue, the
(ii) north of Fenchurch Street oldest in Britain, was built on the site of the
Abbot of Bury St Edmunds's town house in
1701 for the large influx ofJews with roots in
Originally Ealdgate ('the old gate'), a
the Iberian peninsula who had been offici-
Roman gate at the start of the route leading
ally allowed to return to England by Oliver
from the City to Colchester, the Roman
Cromwell in 1655, nearly 400 years after
capital, its gatehouse included apartments.
Edward I had expelled the Jews from
Here, the poet Geoffrey Chaucer lived rent-
England. When the building was planned
free, in return for allowing troops use of the
the City authorities insisted that the
fortification in time of attack, from 1374 to
entrance be installed on the side street,
1385 while engaged in customs duties for the
Heneage Lane, as they were worried about
government at the nearby Port of London,
the reaction of non-Jewish locals to the sight
and wrote a number of works including
of a synagogue being built. The architect
Troilus and Criseyde (1385). The surrounding
chosen for the project was a Quaker, Joseph
area suffered considerable hardship during
Avis, who had worked on the Fleet Street
the 1665 Plague and as Daniel Defoe noted
church of St Bride's, and his simple brick
in A Journal of the Plague Year (1722): 'There
building with a galleried interior, which
was no parish in or about London where
provided a template for synagogue designers
[the plague] raged with such violence as in
for the next century, has barely been altered
... Aldgate.' The gate was demolished in
1761 and Aldgate, the road named after the
The synagogue's register of births
gate, became heavily commercialized,
includes Benjamin D'Israeli (later Disraeli},
attracting in the nineteenth century shops
from 1804. However, the future Tory prime
associated with the local clothing trade that
minister was also baptized at St Andrew's,
were mostly staffed by Jewish immigrants
Holborn, taken there by his father after a
from eastern Europe. Although some
row with the synagogue authorities, the
clothing shops remain the industry has now
baptism later allowing Disraeli to become a
moved east and is run by Bangladeshis. At
M~~ber of Parliament and therefore prime
the junction of Aldgate, Fenchurch Street
mmtster. Seat No. 354, occupied in the early
and Leadenhall Street is Aldgate Pump,
nineteenth century by the stockbroker Sir
which ceased being used for dispensing
Moses Montefiore (1784-1885), brother-
water in 1876 when locals complained about
in-law of the Rothschild paterfamilias
the unusual taste. The stream that fed the
Nathan Mayer, is roped off and can be used
well was examined, and it was discovered

only by Montefiore's descendants or the features such as a hagioscope (squint) which

Lord Mayor of London. Services are still allowed the nuns to see the altar without
held in Portuguese, as well as in Hebrew. entering the church. John Wesley, the
..,.. fJfettt .SI)tlogogue, below. founder of Methodism, spoke here in 1768
shortly before his epiphany, but only once,
Duke's Place
for although he noted that his heart 'was so
Duke's Place was named after Thomas
enlarged to declare the love of God to all
Howard, Duke of Norfolk, who was
that were oppressed by the Devil', he was
beheaded in 1572, and built on the site of the
told afterwards: 'Sir, you must preach here
medieval Augustinian Priory of t)ol1)
no more.' The church was damaged by the
Xrinitl), ftlbgttte. It was home to the fJnot
IRA bomb that destroyed nearby
51)tlogogue, the seat of the Chief Rabbi,
St Ethelburga in 1992 and restored by
from the 1690s until it was destroyed in the
Quinlan Terry.
Second World War, which was visited in the
early nineteenth century by Leigh Hunt, Houndsditch
publisher of the poets Keats and Shelley, A major road leading from Liverpool Street
who 'took pleasure in witnessing the semi- to Aldgate, named after the ditch in which
catholic pomp of their service, and in people left their dead dogs in medieval times
hearing their fine singing; not without some- and which was filled in c. 1590, it was where
thing of as constant astonishment at their in 1866 Dr Thomas Bamardo, a trainee
wearing their hats' .Jn the nineteenth missionary, found eleven boys sleeping
century Duke's Place was almost entirely huddled together in the gutter. Subse-
occupied by Jews of northern European quently he began raising money to establish
ancestry (Ashkenazim) and lined with a home for destitute boys, which he founded
Jewish shops, as Henry Mayhew noted in soon after in Stepney as the first of the
London Labour and the London Poor. Duke's Bamardo's homes. In the nineteenth
Place has since been entirely rebuilt and century the street was dominated by
bears no trace of its Jewish history. clothing industry sweatshops, their
..,.. Old Jewry, p. 18. conditions so gruesome that Charles
Kingsley, the novelist and clergyman best
Great St Helen's
known for The Water Babies (1863), railed:
William Shakespeare is believed to have
'What is flogging or hanging to the slavery,
lived on the alleyway leading from Bishops-
starvation, waste oflife, year-long imprison-
gate to the church of St Helen in 1598,
ment in dungeons narrower and fouler than
although there is no proof that the Shake-
those of the Inquisition, which goes on
speare concerned was the playwright.
among thousands of free English clothes-
St Helen Bishopsgate
makers at this day?' The street is now domi-
Emperor Constantine, the first Christian
nated by characterless office blocks, and
emperor of Rome, had links with the orig-
many premises in the side streets are still
inal church built on the site in the fourth
involved in the less glamorous end of the
century, which was joined c. 1204 by a
clothing trade.
Benedictine nunnery, and although the
..,. Dr Barnardo in Stepney, p. 292.
nunnery was dissolved in 1538 the nuns'
church, St Helen Bishopsgate, surprisingly Leaden hall Street
survives, tucked away to the east of the An important City artery, linking Bishops-
modem corporate blocks of Bishopsgate. It gate and Aldgate, for centuries it attracted
features the finest collection of monuments prestigious institutions such as the East
of any City church, including a memorial to India Company, which was established here
Shakespeare who is believed to have lived in 16oo, and Lloyd's of London (now based
locally, as well as some unusual medieval to the south on Lime Street).

The Houndsditch murders north side: Bishopsgate to Aldgate

During the weekend of 17-18 December 1910 Bank of Credit and Commerce Inter-
a gang of Latvian anarchists killed three national (BCCI), No. 100
policemen who disturbed them in the early The most discredited bank in the world in
stages of a raid on a jeweller's shop at 119 the late twentieth century, BCCI, which had
Houndsditch. The ten-strong gang included its London headquarters here, went bust
Fritz Svaars, who was on the run after in 1991 with debts of around $12 billion,
robbing a bank in America, and George almost bankrupting a number of councils
Gardstein, who used to walk in the middle across Britain and thousands of Asian
of the road to avoid arrest by policemen or businessmen. Twenty years previously
'Tsarist agents lurking in doorways'. They BCCI had been created by Agha Hasan
chose the Houndsditch shop after being told Abedi, who persuaded the Bank of America
it contained jewels belonging to the hated to deal with him as a means of gaining
Tsar of Russia, which, if expropriated, influence in the Middle East. During the
would raise funds all the sweeter t{) use for seventies it grew into a huge corporation,
their political escapades. To facilitate their with 400 branches in seventy countries,
heist the gang rented a room in (bc(Jcmge 14,000 staff worldwide, assets of $2o billion
!Juilbings, Cutler Street, at the rear of worldwide and issues of credit cards feat-
No. 119, and planned digging a tunnel to the uring the sign of the zodiac. But BCCI had
shop over the weekend. But neighbours, also grown too quickly, from four UK
who heard their hammering, alerted police, offices in 1973 to forty-five offices by 1977,
and when officers went to check what they · and it escaped the level of supervision
thought was a routine burglary they were afforded to its rivals by basing its holding
fired on by members of the gang. Three company in Luxembourg, where it had no
policemen were killed and Gardstein was branches, registering in the Cayman Islands,
accidentally shot by one of his own men as a where again it had no branches, and
dying policeman pulled him down to use as conducting most of its global business from
a shield from the bullets. The gang escaped its Leadenhall Street offices in London. The
to a safe house in Mile End where a doctor Bank of England therefore considered it to
was asked to come and heal a man 'accident- be a foreign bank, based in Luxembourg
ally shot by a friend', and the doctor eventu- and the Grand Caymans, and thus the
ally called the police, who found Gardstein responsibility of regulators in those
dead and a woman frantically throwing countries.
papers into the fire. When police realized Although the Bank of England admitted
that they might have stumbled on the early on that BCCI was 'the most difficult
Houndsditch gang they mounted a huge bank we have to deal with', no action was
search to find the rest of the villains, putting taken until1988, when it became apparent
up posters in English and Yiddish across the that it was involved with the financing of
East End asking for information. Mean- terrorism and the laundering of drug
while, some of the gang were holed up at money. On 5 July 1991 banking regulators
100 Sidney Street, Stepney, and when police swooped on BCCI's offices in seven coun-
discovered the hideout a few weeks later it tries, including Britain, and froze its assets,
became the setting for a well-documented to the horror of thousands of small
siege . businessmen and thirty British local authori-
.... The Sidney Street siege, p. 303. _j ties who had taken advantage of its generous
credit terms. The precipitous closure meant
that innumerable financial transactions were
left incomplete, and when news of the
drama unfolded many branches were

surrounded by desperate investors anxious that, on hearing the news, he styled himself
to withdraw their savings, to no avail. The 'King of England, Scotland, Ireland, France
subsequent investigation into BCCI, run ... and Puloroon'. After tussling with the
from an office in Finsbury Square, was the Dutch, Portuguese and French for control
biggest and most complex financial investi- of trade routes in the area over the next 100
gation ever witnessed in the City. Scarcely years, the company began to establish itself
credible stories of corruption and brutality as a major force, opening up Hong K?ng
soon emerged- BCCI had helped the CIA and Singapore to the West, introducing tea
fund illegal arms sales to Iran, Iraq and to Britain, spices to the West Indies, opium
Afghanistan, and maintained accounts for to China, porcelain to Russia and coffee to
Saddam Hussein, the PLO, Mossad (the Arabia and establishing trading posts in
Israeli secret service) and various terrorist Madras and Calcutta. Meanwhile, the East
groups, Left and Right, as well as the govern- India Company faced competition and oppo-
ments of China, Libya and Syria. By the sition at home. In 1694 Parliament passed
beginning of the twenty-first century the legislation which enabled all British firms
BCCI scandal had failed to reach a to trade with the subcontinent, and when
conclusion, although accountants and even this resulted in little change to the
lawyers had managed to salvage around $7 company's dominant position throughout
billion of the bank's $12 billion losses. the eighteenth century the prime minister,
.,. Baring Brothers' collapse, p. 25. William Pitt, convinced Parliament to
St Katharine Cree accept a new India Bill, which weakened the
St Katherine de Christchurch at AI(iegate in power of the Company. Despite having
medieval times, it was rebuilt in 1504 and become the largest single commercial enter-
again in 1630, on that occasion to the stric- prise the world had ever seen, trading for a
tures of William Laud, Bishop of London, fifth of the world's population, the East
an enthusiast of ceremonies and the spir- India Company lost commercial and
itual aspects of Christianity. One of only political power, saw its monopoly broken
eight City churches to survive the 1666 Fire, in 1813, and from 1834 simply became a
its tower dates from 1504, making it some managing agency for the British government
200 years older than most City spires. John in India, a role that ended with the Indian
Wesley, founder of Methodism, spoke here Mutiny of 1858. Four years later the com-
in 1768, shortly before his epiphany, but was pany headquarters on Leadenhall Street
told afterwards that he was no longer were demolished, Uoyd' s taking over the
welcome to preach. Every 17 October the site.
Lion Sermon is read, commemorating the .,. East India Docks, p. 264.
deliverance of Sir John Gayer, Lord Mayor
Lime Street
of London in 1646, from a lion in the
lloyd's of London
Arabian desert.
An incorporated society of private insurers
south side: Fenchurch Street to Gracechurch
and one of the world's best-known
companies, occupying Richard Rogers's
«ftlit 3nbt• (;oak, junction with Lime Street
equally well-known building of 1986, lloyd's
The East India Company, which became the
was begun in the 186os by Edward Uoyd,
City's most powerful company, was estab-
who opened a coffee house on Tower Street
lished here in 16oo to challenge the Dutch-
and encouraged patrons connected with
Portuguese monopoly of the spice trade in
shipping to visit and exchange news. By the
the Orient, and gained its first foothold in
eighteenth century runners were scurrying
the East some ten years later when it seized
back and forth between the coffee house and
control of the nutmeg-producing island of
the docks gathering the latest information,
Puloroon, a feat that so impressed James I

and before long shipowners were coming has clever financial advantages, allowing
to Lloyd's to fill in forms listing the details repair work to take place without incurring
of their proposed voyage - the route, the usual expensive costs of burrowing into
intended ports of call, and value of the cargo the building's fabric.
- with speculators announcing how much
Mitre Square
they were willing to pay for insurance.
One of the City's lesser known squares, it
Other investors, meanwhile, would decide
marks the site of the cloisters of the ~oft)
how much they were willing to risk in
of t(Je boll) lrinitl), founded in uo8 by
exchange for the premium, writing their
Mathilda of Scotland.
names on the shipowner's slip under the
Location of the fifth Jack the Ripper
relevant information (hence the term 'under-
murder, south-east corner
writer'), with the thrill of accruing large
Catherine Eddowes, an occasional prosti-
profits offset by the risk of incurring
tute, became Jack the Ripper's fifth victim,
unlimited liability.
murdered in Mitre Square just before 2 a.m.
In 1760 the first Lloyd's Register of Ships
on 30 September 1888, shortly after Eliza-
was published and nine years later a new
beth Stride had become the fourth victim.
branch was opened in Pope's Head Alley, off
Only a few hours previously, Eddowes had
Cornhill, the first of several different City
been arrested on Aldgate High Street for
addresses where business could be discussed
being drunk and running along the road
more formally. The company sealed its repu-
imitating a fire engine, and after being
tation as a symbol of trust following the
released she went looking for a client. At
1906 San Francisco earthquake, when Cuth-
1.30 a.m. Eddowes was seen talking to a man
bert Evan Heath, a leading broker and
but twenty minutes later she was dead.
underwriter, telegraphed instructions to his
Witnesses who were called to the inquest
California representatives to pay all claims
gave what remains the only description of
to Lloyd's customers in full, immediately,
the Ripper, as wearing a tweed jacket, deer-
whatever the terms of their policies. Twelve
stalker cap and red neckerchief.
years later the sinking of the Titanic cost
.,. Location of the sixth Jack the Ripper murder,
Lloyd's underwriters more than $1 million,
p. 286.
but decades of success followed until the
end of the twentieth ceptury when a series Mitre Street
of cataclysmic events - asbestos poisoning, Mitre Street, to the west of Aldgate, a row of
hurricanes, maritime disasters such as the shabby workshops and offices, was the loca-
Exxon Valdez oil spill- resulted in $12.4 tion of a factory where the South London
billion in losses, losses exacerbated by the Richardson gang ran a 'long firm' fraud in
2001 World Trade Center destruction. 1962, initially buying luxury goods, such as
Some Lloyd's 'Names' (those who had silk stockings, on credit, paying the bills well
pledged a large sum to join a syndicate) within the expected time to build a trust-
refused to meet the losses, saying they had worthy reputation, and buying new stock on
been cheated by those with inside infor- credit, which again was paid off quickly.
mation; the company's solution was to offer Once this process had occurred several
the 34.000 Names a $5 billion package that times, and the firm had gained a reputation
would cut their losses in return for an agree- as prompt and reliable payers, the stock was
ment to end all litigation. removed so that the warehouse could be set
• In 1986 Lloyd's moved into Richard on fire and a claim lodged with insurers for
Rogers's glamorous hi-tech tower, festooned the 'destroyed' goods. But when the Richard-
with exposed pipes, ducts and lifts in the sons' explosives expert carried out his task,
style of his Pompidou Centre in France. The the conflagration was greater than expected
design, though seen by many as a gimmick, a~d the building exploded, taking with it a

gas mains, which caused fires and which led to fourteen locals being hanged
explosions in nearby shops and led to the for inciting the destruction of foreigners'
entire street and a neighbouring factory homes, and when in 1549 the curate ofthe
catching light. Twenty-seven fire engines nearby church of St Katharine Cree declared
were called out to quell the flames; the gang that the maypole was idolatrous locals
made around a quarter of a million pounds arrived with axes to chop it down. John
profit from the insurance claim. Stow, the pioneering historian, was buried
..,. The Richardsons in South London, p. 378. inside in 1605 and is commemorated with a
marble monument. Its hand holds a quill
StMary Axe
pen replaced every year by the Lord Mayor,
The street is named after the church of
who gives the old pen to the child who has
St !lnafl) !be, demolished in the late
written the best essay on the capital. The
sixteenth century and properly known as
west window features English monarchs and
St Mary the Virgin and St Ursula and the
heraldic decorations.
Eleven Thousand Virgins. It took its name
from the legend of the English princess who St Helen's Place
went on a journey to Germany with n,ooo A cobbled courtyard lined with ornate office
handmaidens and met a bloody end from blocks, St Helen's Place is also home to a
Attila the Hun, who killed them with three hall run by the Leathersellers' Company,
axes, one of which was later stored in the founded c. 1370 by a group of leather
church. merchant sellers who petitioned the Court
east side: Houndsditch to Leadenhall Street of Aldermen to regulate against the sale of
Baltic Exchange, Nos.14-20 artificial leather. The hall is a near perfect
Merchants working the Baltic routes 38ft cube and was restored in 1959 after
founded the Baltic Exchange as a centre for Second World War bombing.
freight distribution and chartering (where
cargoes were found for ships and ships for (iii) Fenchurch Street and south
cargoes) in May 1744 in a Threadneedle
Street coffee house that was soon renamed Byward Street
the Virginia and Baltick Coffee House. In Byward refers to the byword, or password,
1903 the company moved into an ornate given out at night at the nearby Tower of
Portland Stone headquarters on St Mary London.
Axe that was badly damaged by an IRA All Hallows Barking
bomb on 10 April1992 which left only the Founded in 675 by Eorconweald, Bishop of
brick shell of the grand hall. Controversy London, on land owned by Barking Abbey,
dogged plans to redevelop the site, with the church is supposedly the burial place of
Norman Foster's forty-one-storey tower for Richard the Lionheart' s heart and was where
the Swiss Re insurance company- the in January 1650 twenty-seven barrels of
so-called 'erotic gherkin'- winning plan- gunpowder stored on the premises accident-
ning permission in 2001 and dominating the ally exploded, blowing up around fifty
skyline by 2003. houses and killing a large number of people.
St Andrew Undershaft The diarist Samuel Pepys climbed to the top
The first church on the site, St Andrew Corn- of the church on Wednesday 5 September
hill, was built c. 1147 and because of the tall 1666 during the Fire of London and there
maypole erected·alongside every spring 'saw the saddest sight of desolation that I
became known as St Andrew Under the ever saw' - the charred remains of much of
Shaft, or St Andrew Undershaft. On 1 May the City. Two important figures from early
1517 the seasonal festivities were marred by a American history have connections with the
riot against immigrants and foreign goods, church: William Penn, who went on to

found Pennsylvania, was born on Tower intended statue of Charles II as the king
Hill in 1644 and baptized in All Hallows; refused the honour, telling Wren: 'I didn't
and John Quincy Adams became the sixth start the Fire.' Because of a seventeenth-
President of the USA in 1825, twenty-eight century c;onspiracy theory which held that
years after he married here. The Christian the Fire was started deliberately by Catholics
charity Toe H moved its headquarters to the to purge the City of sin, its inscription was
church in 1922. Although Second World altered in 1681 to read: 'But Popish frenzy,
War bombing left only the tower, walls and which wrought such horrors, is not yet
a few monuments undamaged, a Saxon quenched', which led the Catholic poet Alex-
doorway containing Roman tiles and the ander Pope to note in 'To Lord Bathurst'
remains of a Roman pavement were (1735) how 'London's column, pointing at
uncovered and can be seen in the Crypt. the skies I Like ~ tall bully, lifts the head and
The church was rebuilt in 1949 and a new lies'. The 'Popish' reference was removed in
pulpit from the bombed et ewit~in i!onbon 1831.
etone inserted.
Jewry Street
Fenchurch Street The street was the home in the sixteenth
A busy traffic route connecting the centre of century of the first Jews allowed to live in
the City with the East End, Fenchurch Street London since Edward I expelled the Jews
is best known for the railway terminus of from England in 1291, its number including
the same name and in late medieval times Rodrigo Lopez, physician to Elizabeth I,
was the home of the j\ing' s ~eob Xouem (at who was accused of being implicated in a
the junction with Mark Lane), where Prin- plot to poison the queen and on whom
cess Elizabeth (later Elizabeth I) enjoyed a Shakespeare partly based Shylock. The
meal of pork and peas on 10 May 1554 after Jewish immigrants had come mostly from
being released from the Tower, having been Spain and Portugal, where they had
imprisoned there by Mary Tudor for being a acquired the insulting name marannos
threat to the latter's place on the throne; it (Spanish for swine), due to their practice of
was renamed the Queen's Head after she hanging pigs outside their homes to show
was crowned in 1558. Fountain House near they were good conversos (converts to Cath-
Cullum Street on the north side, designed olicism), and where they had formed secret
by W. H. Rogers in the mid-1950s, was the congregations. They were officially allowed
first of London's many slab office blocks back in England in the 1650s by Oliver
built on a podium. Cromwell, Lord Protector, who, as a Puritan
~ Fenchurch Street station, .P· 38. - the strain of Christianity which was then
the most powerful- believed in a literal
Fish Street Hill application of the Bible and respect for Jews
Until London Bridge was repositioned Fish
and negotiated with the Amsterdam rabbi,
Street Hill was the main route connecting
Menasseh Ben Israel, author of The Hope of
the bridge with Gracechurch Street.
Israel, a book that propounded the idea that
The Monument, Fish Street Hill at Monu-
the American Indians were the descendants
ment Street
of the lost ten tribes.
A memorial to the Great Fire of 1666, the
~ Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis
Monument, designed by Christopher Wren
Marks, p. 30.
and Robert Hooke in 1671-7, is the tallest
stone column in the world at 205 ft, its Lower Thames Street
height being the same as the distance A major traffic route, Lower Thames Street
between it and the baker's shop on nearby was once home to Billingsgate market and
Pudding Lane where the Fire started, and is the ctool Cbc~onge, a cast-iron building of
topped with a vase of flames but not the 1849 whose demolition was universally

condemned, particularly by John Betjeman was known as St Magnus ad pontem. Miles

who praised its 'great domed interior' as Coverdale, who worked with William Tyn-
'one of the very best in the City'. dale on the first English translation of the
south side: Tower end to London Bridge end Bible, was rector here in the sixteenth
Custom House, opposite St Dunstan's Hill century and, though originally buried in
The custom house built here in 1275 to raise 5t !Jari~olometu•bl)•t~e•(fld)cmge, his body
duty on goods imported into London by was moved to St Magnus after the latter was
river was where the poet Geoffrey Chaucer demolished in 1841. T. S. Eliot featured the
worked as Controller of export tax on wool church in his epic 1922 poem The Waste
in the 1370s. It was destroyed by fire in 1559, Land.
and after its replacement burned down just
Pudding Lane
over a hundred years later, during the Fire
The Great Fire of London began in
of London, the government commissioned
Farryner's baker's shop on this small
Christopher Wren to design a new struc-
turning near London Bridge on 2 September
ture. This in turn was severely damaged by
1666, quickly spreading along the street and
an accidental gunpowder explosion in 1714,
setting fire to large parts of the City, or, as
being rebuilt by Thomas Ripley in 1717-25.
the anonymous ballad 'London Mourning
The present building, designed by David
in Ashes' recalled it, 'swallow'd Fishstreet
Laing and built between 1813 and 1817, now
hill, and straight I it lick'd up Lombard-
accommodates offices.
street I Down Cannon-street in blazing
Billingsgate market (tot6-t,S2), opposite
State I it flew with flaming feet'. The fire was
St Mary at Hill
not taken seriously at first, the mayor, Sir
A market for food and wine (and later fish)
Thomas Bloodworth, dismissing it with a
that had been brought into London by boat
curt 'Pish! A woman might piss it out!', but
opened here in 1016, and after the 1415 Battle
the month had been dry and the flames
of Agincourt the porters began wearing hats
soon spread around the wharves, fuelled by
modelled on the leather helmets worn by
their wood and coal, and along the narrow
Henry V's archers. Those that worked here
streets, raging for five days and destroying
in the twentieth century included the writer
seven-eighths of the City, including
George Orwell, in the early 1930s, and the
St Paul's, the Guildhall, Custom House, the
Kray twins, Reggie (as a trainee salesman)
Royal Exchange, eighty-seven churches and
and Ronnie (as an 'empties boy', scouring
nearly 15,000 homes, the last embers still
the market for empty fish boxes) in the early
smouldering the following March. There
1950s. The market moved to the Isle of Dogs
were claims that the Fire was started by
in 1982 after 900 years in the City, while the
Papists and that Frenchmen had been seen
building, designed by Horace Jones in the
throwing fireballs into houses, and one
French Renaissance style in the 1870s, has
Huguenot who 'confessed' to starting the
since been renovated into offices.
blaze was hanged at Tyburn, while the
St Magnus the Martyr, opposite Pudding
Dutch saw the conflagration as a judgement
on English arrogance, showing the country
St Magnus was a Norwegian earl murdered
that 'God is the only master of the elements,
by his cousin in mo and the church named
by punishing her, as Lucifer was punished,
after him has stood on the site for over 1,ooo
with the torments of fire'. Parliament,
years, being rebuilt between 1671 and 1676
however, officially split the blame, claiming
after the Fire of London by Christopher
that the Fire was 'due to the hand of God
Wren, who used a Jesuit church in Antwerp
upon us, a great wind and a season so very
as his model. Until the resiting of London
Bridge in the nineteenth century, the church
stood at the bridge's northern approach and

Railway Place Mayor of London at Mansion House as rent

Fenchurch Street station for a bridge built across Seething Lane in the
Built in 1841 for the London and Blackwall fourteenth century.
Railway Company to replace the original .,. Samuel Pepys's Diary, p. 222.
terminus situated a little further east, it was St Olave's, Seething Lane at Hart Street
served by trains that were wound into the The church is named after King Olaf of
station by cable until1854 when the station Norway who fought with Ethelred the
was extended for a new company, the Unready in the Battle of London Bridge in
London, Tilbury and Southend Railway, and 1014 and was canonized soon after his death.
steam trains were introduced. Fenchurch The diarist Samuel Pepys and his wife, Eliza-
Street is the only London terminus that does beth, who lived locally, are buried here; the
not cater for express trains and the only one bust of Pepys's wife in the nave was sited so
without a tube station of the same name, that Pepys could see it from his pew.
althougl{ Tower Hill station is located only a St Olave's was Charles Dickens's favourite
few hundred yards to the south. Neverthe- City church - he described it as his 'best
less the line running east from the station beloved churchyard, the churchyard of
offers the most stimulating view of any ghastly grim, its ferocious strong spiked iron
London railway line, encompassing the East gate like a jail ornamented with skulls and
End slums, two Nicholas Hawksmoor cross bones', in 'Uncommercial Traveller:
churches and a number of industrialized City of the Absent'.
waterways, diverging at Barking where the
northern section makes its way through
nondescript flatlands to Southend and the FLEET STREET I ST PAUL'S,
southern part through the mostly desolate
stretches of the Thames estuary to Tilbury.
.,. Cannon Street station, p. 64.
The oldest section of the City, being dose to
Seething Lane the pre-Roman settlements around Ludgate,
'Seething' refers to the Anglo-Saxon word it comprises the City's most important
for chaff rather than to boiling liquids and religious building, St Paul's Cathedral, and
the lane was where Sir Francis Walsingham, its most famous street, Fleet Street, which,
Elizabeth I's minister and spy, died in 1590 until the end of the tWentieth century, was
and where Samuel Pepys was allocated a the home of the British newspaper industry.
Navy house when he was appointed Clerk of
the Acts in 1660 following the Restoration of (i) north of Fleet Street
the monarchy. Pepys was still living here
when the Fire of London began on A small area which grew after the 1666 Fire
2 September 1666 and he was awoken at of London, when the population was forced
three in the morning by a maid to see a red out of the streets further east that had been
glow from his bedroom window. Not most affected by the blaze, it is characterized
particularly alarmed, Pepys returned to by the street pattern of the period - mostly
sleep, and the next day being a Sunday woke dark alleyways with period names such as
late to hear the maid informing him that the Hen and Chickens Court and Wine Office
Fire had now destroyed 300 houses and was Court. During Fleet Street's heyday as the
still raging. He took a boat on to the centre of the British newspaper industry the
Thames to gauge the true extent of the blaze area was filled with small workshops for
and quickly made for Whitehall where he associated trades such as stationers, printers,
relayed the news to King Charles. Every 24 bookbinders, ink sellers, engravers and type-
June a red rose is presented to the Lord writer repairers. It is now dominated by
offices connected with law, finance and managing director and made ingenious
accountancy, the most famous local improvements in production as well as
building being the museum to Dr Johnson shaping editorial content according to the
on Gough Square. tabloid Holy Trinity of sex, crime and sport.
Bartholomew also added a strong measure
Fetter Lane
of campaigning journalism, the paper
Fetter probably stems from the Old French
becoming increasingly left wing, and sales
'faitor', meaning lawyer, and residents of
doubled in three years.
Fetter Lane have included the seventeenth-
During the Second World War the Mirror
century poet John Dryden; the political
took up the cause of the common soldier
thinkers Thomas Hobbes and Tom Paine;
and housewife under the banner 'Forward
and, fictionally, Lemuel Gulliver, hero of
with the People', reflecting the broadly
Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726). In
socialist thinking that propelled the Labour
the sixteenth century the street was known
Party to power in 1945, and by 1949 sales
for its pawnbrokers, as Ben Jonson noted in
had topped 4 million. Soon after, Cecil
Every Man Out of His Humour, and in
Harmsworth King, the founder's nephew,
November 1789 the first major discussion in
forced out Bartholomew and took over as
London of the recent French-Revolution
chairman, improving the quality of the
took place at Fetter Lane's Moravian chapel
Mirror with striking headlines, punchy
with the Dissenting minister Dr Richard
stories, enticing pictures and unusual front
Price announcing: 'The times are
pages, such as that for 17 May 1960,
auspicious, Tremble all ye oppressors of
addressed to the Soviet premier, Nikita
the world', which led Edmund Burke to
Khrushchev, which read: 'Mr K!, (If you will
respond with his Reflections on the Revol-
pardon an olde English phrase) DON'T BE
ution in France (1790), in which he argued
SO BLOODY RUDE. P.S. Who do you
that British radicals ought not to copy their
think you are? Stalin?' King also expanded
French counterparts. The statue of the late
the Mirror Group into a powerful new
eighteenth-century political agitator John
conglomeration, the International
Wilkes (p. 76) at the corner of Fetter Lane
Publishing Corporation (IPC), and in 1961
and New Fetter Lane, captures the subject's
the Mirror moved to new lavish head-
squint and is said to be the only cross-eyed
quarters on Holborn Circus.
statue in London.
.. 1'aill) fllirrot, Holborn Circus, p. 5·
west side: Fleet Street to Holborn
~ 6fllntw (1920-61), Geraldine House, Gough Square
Fetter Lane at Rolls Buildings, north side Only Dr Johnson's house remains out of the
The Daily Mirror, founded in 1903 by Alfred original buildings on Gough Square, built
Harmsworth (p. 51), moved to offices north by wool merchant Richard Gough, those
of Fleet Street in 192.4. Although it soon demolished including No. 3, home in
became the first newspaper in the world to Johnson's day of a surgeon who once
sell more than a million copies, it declined brought home with him the body of a man
in importance under the stewardship of the hanged at Tyburn, which had been sold to
late owner's brother, Lord Rothermere, him for medical purposes. When a maid,
whose journalistic acumen could not match unable to resist a peek, approached the
his commercial skills and who flirted with 'corpse', it came to life. The surgeon cleaned
Fascism, writing articles for the paper in up the man, who seemed to be none the
favour of the British Union of Fascists ('the worse for his ordeal, and arranged for him
Blackshirts') in 1934· to be sent to America, where he made a
At the end of the decade, with sales down fortune which he bequeathed to his saviour.
to 734,000, Harry Bartholomew took over as

Dr Johnson's address (1748-58) I Dr Shoe Lane

Johnson's House, No. 17 ~ttlllj lfxpnBI (1900-33), No. 23, south of
Dr Samuel Johnson, the great scholar and St Bride Street
wit, moved into this large brick house - a The Daily Express, founded in 1900 by
rare eighteenth-century survival for the area Arthur Pearson, was bailed out financially in
- in 1748 after drawing up his plan for a 1916 by the wealthy Canadian businessman
Dictionary in which he aimed to 'preserve and Conservative MP William Maxwell
the purity, and ascertain the meaning of our Aitken, who immediately began cam-
English idiom'. Johnson calculated that it paigning vigorously against the Coalition
would take him three years to compile the government of Herbert Asquith in favour of
Dictionary, and when a friend, Dr Adams, his rival, David Lloyd George; when the
told him that forty members of the French latter took over as prime minister in 1916 he
Academy had taken forty years to compile was ennobled as Lord Beaverbrook and
theirs he replied: 'Let me see; forty times given a place in the wartime Cabinet. Irre-
forty is sixteen hundred. As is three to pressible, unpredictable and inconsistent
sixteen hundred, so is the proportion of an ('nothing is so bad as consistency', he once
Englishman to a Frenchman.' In fact it took claimed) and dazzled with his own power,
Johnson nine years of work in Gough Beaverbrook soon became the major news-
Square's attic, where he was joined by six, paper magnate in Britain, hiring writers of
mosdy Scottish, clerks, who toiled standing the calibre of Arnold Bennett and Evelyn
up, to complete the 2,300-page manuscript. Waugh who was sacked after two months
When the messenger who carried the last but later put his experience to use in writing
sheet to the publishers returned, Johnson his 1938 Fleet Street novel, Scoop, taking
asked him: 'Well, what did he say?' The Lord Beaverbrook as his model for Lord
messenger replied: 'Sir, he said "Thank God, Copper. He even formed a political party,
I have done with him.'' ' The Dictionary was the new United Empire Party, in February
published in Apri11755 as two volumes, 1930, to promote what he called his Empire
described by Johnson, not too elegantly, as Crusade of protectionist tariffs in favour of
'a dictionary by which the pronunciation of goods produced by countries in the British
our language may be fixed, and its attain- Empire. The Daily Express moved to a new
ment facilitated; by which its purity may be site on Fleet Street in 1933.
preserved, its use ascertained, and its ~~>- Daily Express, Fleet Street, p. 44·
duration lengthened.' When it was
Wine Office Court
suggested to Johnson that perhaps he had
Licences for the sale of wine were formerly
not realized the enormity of the undertaking
issued from this court off Fleet Street.
he replied: 'I knew very well what I was
Ye Old Cheshire Cheese, Wine Office
undertaking - and very well how to do it -
Court at Fleet Street
and have done it very well.'
One of London's oldest and most popular
Johnson moved away when the
pubs, the Cheshire Cheese, described by
Dictionary was finished and the house later
Arthur Ransome in Bohemia in London as
became a hotel, being bought by Lord North-
'the dirty-fronted, low browed tavern with
diffe in 1910. It is now a museum which
stone flasks in the window', was where
contains a number of the doctor's personal
Augustus Sala, the nineteenth-century man
artefacts, a first edition copy of the
of letters, noted how 'the waiters are always
Dictionary and his 'gout' chair from the
furious ... How could it be otherwise when
Olbe <tod Xauem, designed to ease the
on the waiter's soul there lies the perpetual
weight from the legs.
sense of injury caused by the savoury odour
of steaks; of cheese bubbling in tiny tins; of
floury potatoes and fragrant green peas; of Worde), opened a printing shop at the sign
cool salads, and cooler tankards of bitter of the Sun on Shoe Lane and there
beer without being able to spare the time to produced some 8oo works over the next
consume them in comfort?' thirty-five years.
The first new building to be erected Being halfway between the finance houses
locally after the Fire of London, it was of the City and the royal courts and Parlia-
named after the cheese that replaced the ment of Westminster, as well as being dose
Suffolk brand as London's most popular to Somerset House, where until1855 news-
around that time and its decor, dominated papers had to be stamped individually, the
by oak beams and low ceilings, has changed area was convenient for publishers and
little since the seventeenth century, as writers, the first formal local publication
emphasized by the sawdust which the land- being Benjamin Harris's The Domestick Intel-
lord liberally sprinkles on the floor. The ligence, a pro-Whig, Protestant journal
establishment has long been popular with which was launched on 7 July 1679. A month
tourists attracted by its lengthy literary later, a rival appeared with, confusingly, the
history, which dates back to Dr Johnson, same name. Each derided the other as an
who may have drunk here in the eighteenth impostor, but the latter was forced to make
century and who is commemorated by a a change and publish as The Protestant
plaque on what is claimed to be his seat in (Domestick) Intelligence. Censorship laws
the ground-floor restaurant. At the end of were eased in 1693 - anyone was now free to
the century the pub was home to the publish what they liked, provided they took
Rhymers' Club of poets, whose number the consequences - and on n March 1702
included W. B. Yeats and who came here Fleet Street's first newspaper, the Daily
to recite their poetry aloud to each other, Courant, appeared, published for 'E. Mallett
and early in the twentieth century it was against the Ditch at Fleet Bridge [Ludgate
regularly visited by the novelist G. K. Circus]', having no competitor until the
Chesterton, who would dress up as Dr advent of the Daily Post in 1719. The first
Johnson at the Cheshire Cheese's period Sunday papers appeared in 1780, and the
costume dinners dedicated to the Dictionary following century, with the advent of rail
compiler. Around the same time the travel, the abolition of taxes on adverts in
Cheshire Cheese was home to a parrot 1853, the removal of stamp duty in 1855 and
whose language shocked even the local news- paper duty in 1861 and the passing of the
papermen and whose death in 1926, at the Education Act of 1870, the newspaper
reputed age of forty, was marked by obitu- industry grew apace, helped by the introduc-
aries in many publications. Since the depar- tion of new rotary presses which increased
ture of Fleet Street's journalists to east the speed of production and new linotype
London the pub has attracted a broader machines which could quickly produce
range of patrons. bulky papers.
By the late nineteenth century most of the
(ii) Fleet Street present-day national papers were based on
or around Fleet ·street, although ironically
Fleet Street few dailies were based on the street itself,
A major east-west route through the City, which instead was dominated by the
Fleet Street is still synonymous with the London offices of provincial titles. The
British newspaper industry, even though few industry continued to thrive, tempered by
newspaper offices are left. Its status as a wartime paper rationing, until the 1970s
centre for printing dates back to 1500 when when proprietors began to dash ever more
William Caxton' s assistant, Wynandus van vociferously with the leaders of the various
Woerden (better known as Wynkyn de print unions. These bodies, who had their

origins in Elizabethan guilds and secret soci- north side: Temple Bar to Ludgate Circus
eties, set strict demarcation lines for the Temple Bar, junction Fleet Street and Strand
various tasks needed in bringing out a news- The City's western gateway, originally a
paper, devised their own elaborate hier- chain tied between two posts, became a gate
archies, headed by the grandly named with a prison above in 1351. It was rebuilt by
'Imperial Father', which ensured that jobs Christopher Wren in the 1670s, by which
were handed not to the most capable time it had become the setting for the
prospective employees but to favoured pillory, where the heads of those executed
friends and those with family ties, and were were displayed, with spyglasses hired out to
responsible for an arcane pay structure that morbid onlookers at halfpenny a look.
included 'fat' payments - wages paid for Wren's Temple Bar was removed in 1878
work which though not undertaken might and taken to Theobalds Park, Hertfordshire
have been. (there are plans to return it to the City at
During the 1970s the number of strikes Paternoster Square, by St Paul's Cathedral)
began to increase steadily, and in 1978-9 and replaced by Horace Jones's 1880
The Times failed to appear for almost a year, memorial containing Charles Birch's bronze
the most severe industrial action in British griffin. According to custom Temple Bar is
newspaper history, during which time it the only place where the monarch can enter
recorded losses of £4o million. Change, the City of London, being obliged to beg
which was inevitable, came courtesy of an permission from the Lord Mayor of London
outsider, the Australian tycoon Rupert who presents the sovereign with the City's
Murdoch, who had briefly worked as a sub- Pearl Sword. Once the monarch has entered
editor at the Daily Express on Fleet Street in the City Temple Bar is ceremonially closed.
the 1950s before returning to Australia to St Dunstan-in-the-West, Fleet Street at Hen
take over the business built up by his father, and Chickens Court
Sir Keith Murdoch, and on moving to Strike me ugly, if I should not find as
London in the late 196os bought the News of much pleasure in choosing my mistress
the World and the Sun. Realizing that the by the information of a lamp under the
inevitable arrival of computer technology clock of St Dunstan's - The Vicar of Wake-
would replace most of the traditional field, Oliver Goldsmith (1766)
printing jobs, after months of secret plan- The church, best known for its unusual
ning Murdoch moved production of his clock, was founded c. 1185 as St Dunstan's
four titles, The Times, Sunday Times, Sun Over Against the Temple, and from 1278 was
and News of the World, to a new non- known as St Dunstan in the West to differ-
unionized plant at Wapping in January 1986 entiate it from St Dunstan in the East in
amid considerable union opposition. Stepney. William Tyndale, whose transla-
Within a few years all his rivals had tions of the New Testament from the Greek
embraced new technology and had vacated provided the basis for the King James Bible,
their Fleet Street area locations (mostly for preached here in 1523, and a hundred years
Docklands) to break up the print unions later the poet and cleric John Donne was
and their traditional power structures. rector. The Compleat Angler, the pioneering
Nowadays Fleet Street no longer has a news- work on fishing by Izaak Walton, who held
paper industry (the name is still used as a the posts of scavenger, questman (pigeon
catch-all term for the press) and has little to shooter) and sidesman for the church, was
distinguish it from other busy City streets first published on the church's press in 1653.
other than the crushing weight of its own The church's clock, the first in London to be
history. marked with minutes, was erected in 1671 as
a thanksgiving from parishioners relieved
that the church had been spared by the Fire

of London. It features two burly figures, was connected by tunnel with a building on
Gog and Magog, originally known as nearby Bell Yard where Todd's lover,
Gogmagog (an Ancient Briton) and Cori- Margery Lovett, cooked the flesh of the
neus (a Trojan invader), symbolizing victims in meat pies. Todd's first name has
warriors destroyed c. 1000 Be by Brutus the since been enshrined in London lore as
Trojan, founder of London according to cockney rhyming slang for the Flying Squad,
some legends, which were paraded in medi- Scotland Yard's elite crime-busting force.
eval pageants. Over the years the name of • • 166
Corineus passed into disuse and the two Thomas Paine's The Rights of Man, the well-
giants were rechristened by a split in the known radical work that claimed 'all men
name of the other. In 1825 the clock was are born equal and with equal natural right',
bought by the Marquess of Hertford for his was printed at J, S. Jordan's shop at No. 166
Regent's Park villa but was returned to the in 1791 after an agreement that Paine remove
church by the newspaper magnate Lord one sentence - 'Everything in the English
Rothermere in 1935. Government appears to me the reverse of
e~eetadJ :lobb 1i t;uiu i~.... No. 186 what it ought to be, and of what it is said to
Sweeney Todd, the so-called 'demon barber be'. The first run ofw,ooo sold· out almost
of Fleet Street' is believed to have robbed overnight, and over the next two years the
and murdered more than 150 customers in book sold an astonishing 2 million copies in
his Fleet Street shop at 9lo. 186 towards the Britain, America and France.
end of the eighteenth century, thereby Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, Fleet Street at
making him one of the biggest serial killers Wine Office Court
in British history. However, few historians See Wine Office Court, above, p. 40.
ha~e been able to agree on even the most Daily Telegraph (1862-1987), No. 135
basic details surrounding his identity and The Daily Telegraph, founded in 1855 on the
existence and the main support for the story Strand (p. 127), moved to Fleet Street in 1862
now comes from Peter Haining, who in a and within a few years was the biggest-
1993 biography claimed that Todd, selling newspaper in the world. It was also
imprisoned in Newgate for petty theft, one of the world's most faithful employers,
vowed to avenge himself on mankind and for John leSage, who was appointed editor
after his release in 1785 established himself as in 1885, was still in charge in 1923 at the age
a barber at 186 Fleet Street under the sign of eighty-three, unable to use the phone and
'Easy shaving for a penny- as good as you obliged to hand reporters their assignments
will find any'. The legend of his misdeeds by hand. And not only did the paper have
probably arose from an article in the Daily an editor in his eighties, it had no news
Courant (Fleet Street's first newspaper) of editor or news desk, was put together at
14 April1785 about a 'horrid murder night by six journalists who worked in
committed in Fleet Street on the person of a silence in a comfortable room furnished
young gentleman from the country while on with horsehair sofas, and was staffed with an
a visit to relatives in London who fell into unknown number of ancient men dressed in
conversation with a man in the clothing of a green baize aprons wh<1 seemed to serve no
barber' who, after an argument, 'took from apparent purpose except to creep fastidi-
his clothing a razor and slit the throat of the ously from room to room. With sales down
young man'. In subsequent murders, so the to 84,000 by 1927, the paper was bought by
story goes, Todd terrorized his victims in his the Berry brothers, William (later Lord
shop with a cut-throat razor while they sat Camrose) and Gomer (Lord Kemsley), who
in a revolving chair poised over a trapdoor also owned the Sunday Times, and in
to the cellars into which they were dropped halving the Telegraph's price to 1d saw circu-
once dead. According to Haining, the shop lation pass the half million mark.

When the Second World War broke out the Telegraph with the appointment of Max
staff reacted quickly. Clare Hollingworth, Hastings as editor and moved the two titles
foreign affairs correspondent, was imme- from Fleet Street to the Isle of Dogs.
diately dispatched to Poland and after Daily Express (1933-89), No. 127
watching Hitler's tanks roll into Katowice In 1933 the Daily Express moved into a vast
gave one ofthe earliest first-hand accounts glass and vitrolite palace designed by Owen
of the conflict. (Fifty years later, aged Williams, the engineer who had worked on
seventy-nine, she shinned up a lamppost in Wembley Stadium, where the lights could
Peking to gain a good vantage point in be seen shining all night, giving the impres-
reporting on the trouble in Tiananmen sion that the newspaper was in a permanent
Square.) state of indefatigable production. Williams's
In 1954 Lord Camrose died and was building upstaged the Daily Telegraph's new
succeeded by his second son, Michael Berry, Fleet Street headquarters at No. 135, and its
Lord Hartwell, who maintained a stifling construction saw the paper's owner, the irre-
in-house style that constrained the paper in pressible Canadian magnate Lord Beaver-
such bumptious absurdity that when Eliza- brook, launch an ambitious sales boosting
beth Taylor visited the UK and stepped off scheme, distributing to registered readers
the plane at Heathrow airport announcing IO,ooo pairs of silk stockings and other
she 'felt like a million dollars', the Telegraph items of clothing. This led Malcolm
reported her as saying 'I feel like a million Muggeridge to comment in his book The
dollars (£357,ooo)'. Hartwell's most difficult Thirties that 'a whole Welsh family could be
moment in charge came in 1973 when the clothed from head to foot for the price of
Sunday Telegraph deputy editor, Peregrine eight weeks' reading', and resulted in sales
Worsthorne, asked by a BBC interviewer of 2 million copies of the Express a day, then
about a story linking the Tory politician the highest sales of any newspaper in the
Anthony Lambton with a call-girl, replied world. By the time Beaverbrook died in
live on air that he didn't think the British 1964, the paper was selling in excess of
people would 'give a fuck'. No. 135 Fleet 4 million copies a day, but Beaverbrook's
Street was in turmoil, wondering how to son, the playboy and war hero Sir Max
react to this horrific incident, and when the Aitken, was unable to maintain his father's
night editor phoned Hartwell, disturbing high standards and oversaw the beginning
him in the middle of an important dinner of what one-time editor Robert Edwards
party to read him the story, there was a preg- called 'years of bad editing and hopeless
nant pause at the other end of the line leadership'. In 1977 the Express group was
before Hartwell replied: 'Three paragraphs, sold for £14.6m to Victor Matthews's
middle page, below the fold, but no fucking Trafalgar House company, owners of the
in the paper please.' London Ritz and the QE II, but while the
The Berry family remained owners until Express's long-standing rival, the Daily Mail,
the 198os, by which time the paper was went from strength to strength, the Express
enmeshed in the kind of chaos that had declined further, continuing to search
greeted their forefathers' arrival in 1928, desperately and unsuccessfully for readers
having become, according to Stephen through a succession of uninspired owners
Glover, who later co-founded the Indepen- and nondescript editors. The last national
dent, a 'monument to laziness and general daily to be published in Fleet Street, it
shirking, a temple to restrictive practices moved on 17 November 1989 a few hundred
and stone age labour relations'. As the yards south-east, across Blackfriars Bridge,
Berrys could not afford to modernize the instead of joining the exodus to east
paper, they sold the title in December 1985 London, after which the building was aban-
to the Canadian Conrad Black, who revived doned, thieves ripping out the chromium
serpent handrails in the entrance hall, and owned by the British provincial and
lay empty until 2000 when it was renovated national press, but Reuters refused to accept
into offices. the proposal and established a trust to safe-
tlllbmon'i Ootd (188os), No. 126 guard its independence. In 1964 the agency
The first meeting of what became the Foot- pioneered the use of computers to transmit
ball League took place at ftnberion't botel financial data internationally and launched
on 22 March 1888, having been called by Monitor Money Rates Service, an electronic
William McGregor, a Birmingham. market place for foreign exchange, in 1973.
businessman, who wrote to a number of It became a publicly quoted company on the
professional football clubs including the London Stock Exchange in 1984.
previous two winners of the FA Cup, Aston ..,. Reuters' first London base, p. 28.
Villa and Blackburn Rovers, suggesting that No. 558
'ten or twelve of the most prominent clubs Louis Rothman took the lease of a shop at
in England combine to arrange home and 55a Fleet Street in the 1890s and sat there
away fixtures each season'. A month later late into the night hand-rolling cigarettes to
the decision was ratified at the Royal Hotel, sell the following day to journalists. Within
Manchester, and in September the first ten years business was so good Rothman
League season began with twelve teams all was able to move to a luxury showroom on
from the North or the Midlands: Pall Mall.
Accrington, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers,
Bolton Wanderers, Burnley, Derby County, No. 55 marks the furthest west the 1666 Fire
Everton, Notts County, Preston North End, of London advanced.
Stoke City, West Bromwich Albion and El Vino, No. 47
Wolverhampton Wanderers. In February The major local bar in the great days of
1892 the leading southern clubs met at Fleet Street, the front door of which,
ftnberion't to form their own league, the according to the veteran journalist Keith
Southern League, and twelve clubs, Waterhouse, 'looks like a small Dublin pub,
including Woolwich Arsenal, were elected, the back room like a working tea shop', El
Tottenham Hotspur coming bottom of the Vino's was for long the bastion of the most
poll with only one vote. snobbish writers, such as the novelist G. K.
south side: Ludgate Circus to Temple Bar Chesterton and the essayist Hilaire Belloc
Punch Tavern, No. 99 at the beginning of the twentieth century,
In 1841 the founders of Punch magazine and the journalist Auberon Waugh at the
used to meet in the tavern. It now sports end of the century. Charles Wintour, editor
period tiles and ornate mirrors and the walls of the Evening Standard in the 196os, once
are decorated with appropriate nineteenth- put in an appearance to impress his staff but
century memorabilia, including a gilded Mr unwittingly chose the day when the recidi-
Punch, the grinning portraits of Mr and Mrs vist prison escaper Alfie Hinds staged one of
Punch, old-fashioned framed cartoons, and his innumerable breakouts. When the story
pages from the magazine. broke in a rival publication the Standard's
Reuters, Nos. 82-85 owner, Lord Beaverbrook, furious that his
Reuter's news agency, founded by Paul paper had been beaten to the story, phoned
Julius Reuter in 1849 and established in the the office to put matters right and, shocked
City two years later, moved to new Fleet to discover that Wintour was in El Vino,
Street headquarters, designed by Edwin phoned the wine bar and told his editor
Lutyens, in 1939. Later in the year, the sharply: 'Mr Wintour, may I give you a
government put pressure on the company piece of advice? Mr Wintour, my advice to
to serve British interests during the war by you is this. You will not find Alfred Hinds
restructuring itself as a private company in El Vino's public house. Good day to you,

Mr Wintour.' With its bedrock clientele Apollo'), one of London's first literary
now departed and its great days seemingly groups, founded by the playwright Ben
over, El Vino's has undergone some degree Jonson. Later patrons included the poet
of modernization: women are no longer Alexander Pope and the Dictionary-
obliged to sit down and be waited upon, but compiler Dr Johnson, who once described
they must still wear a skirt, while men must the landlord of the time, Sim Wadlow,
sport a tie and jacket. as 'the king of stinkers'. The first news-
Hoare's Bank, No. 37 paper proprietors met at the tavern in the
The only remaining independent bank in 1720s. The building was demolished in the
London, it was founded in 1672 by gold- 1770S.
smith Richard Hoare and since 1690 has Child & Co., No. 1
been located at what was then the sign of Britain's oldest bank, founded following a
the Golden Bottle and is now 37 Fleet Street merger of two goldsmiths' shops in 1661,
(rebuilt 1827). It was here on 11 July 1676 moved to Fleet Street in 1673- Five years later
that one of the first ever cheques was the poet John Dryden deposited £50 here as
written: 'Mr. Hoare ... Pray pay to the a reward for anyone who could give him
bearer hereof Mr. Witt Morgan fifty-four information on the thugs who had beaten
pounds ten shillings and ten pence and take him in Rose Alley, Covent Garden. It later
his receipt for the same. Your loving friend, transpired that the assailants were in the pay
Will Hale, for Mr. Richard Hoare, at the of the Earl of Rochester, who wrongly
Golden Bottle in Cheapside.' believed that Dryden had written an essay
Prince Henry's Room, No. 17 satirizing him and the king. The bank
Built in the 161os as a tavern, the Prince's remained a small concern throughout the
Arms, it was named after Henry, Prince of nineteenth century, with profits of just
Wales, James l's sickly eldest son, who died £49,490 in 1845, but its proximity to the
from typhoid on 12 November 1612 aged Inns of Court and Chancery attracted a
only eighteen, despite the best efforts of the number of wealthy customers. In 1923 the
era's leading physicians who tried to cure owner, the Earl of Jersey, sold the firm to
his fever by applying the flesh of newly Glyn, Mills, Currie, Holt & Co. and in 1939
killed cocks and pigeons to his weak frame. Glyn's was acquired by the Royal Bank of
When the prince's condition continued to Scotland. Charles Dickens portrayed it as
deteriorate they administered a medicine of Tellson's Bank, 'very small, very dark, very
'pearl, musk, hartshorn, bezoarstone, mint, ugly, very incommodious', in A Tale of Two
borage, gentian, mace, sugar, aloes and Cities (1859).
spirits of wine' devised by Sir Walter Ralegh,
but this too failed to work. The building (iii) The·Temple
later housed Mrs Salmon's Waxworks, at the
Sign of the Trout, as mentioned by Charles The Temple
Dickens in David Copperfield, and by 1870 Those bricky towers, the which on
was a barber's. Now an exhibition centre, its Thames broad aged back doth ride I
first-floor room houses a permanent exhi- wherein the studious lawyers have their
bition display on the diarist Samuel Pepys, bowers I And whilom wont the Templar
who may have patronized the tavern in the knights to bide - Prothalamion, Edmund
seventeenth century. Spenser (1596)
~lje ~e•U' i ~a-.em, No. 2 The Inner and Middle Temple, two of
The tavern, with its sign of the devil's nose London's four Inns of Court, where lawyers
being tweaked by pincers, was home to the live and worJ<, or, as William Wordsworth
sixteenth-century Apollo Club ('Welcome put it in The Prelude, 'Look out on waters,
all who lead or follow I To the oracle of walks and gardens green', take their names

from the Knights Templar, a body of French Congreve and the novelists Henry Fielding,
warrior monks founded in 1118 as the William Makepeace Thackeray and John
Pauperes Commilitones Christi et Templi Buchan. The Inner Temple lies further east
Solomoni ('the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of and its sites are decorated with the winged
Christ and of the Temple of Solomon') to horse, Pegasus. Past members include Dr
protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land. Johnson's biographer James Boswell, the
Answerable to the Pope, and identifiable by playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the
their white tunics emblazoned with a red librettist W. S. Gilbert, Dracula author Bram
cross, the Knights Templar turned to Stoker and the Indian leaders Mahatma
banking and property development. In 1162 Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. There are
they acquired the land where the Temple helpful maps on the walls (one by the porch
now stands, then just beyond the City boun- on Middle Temple Lane and one by
dary, and built a church, known as the New Carpmael Buildings), marked with sites of
Temple, a monastery, halls and chambers of mostly literary interest.
residence, which were home in 1215 to King
John when the barons forced him to sign
Inner Temple Lane
Temple Church
the Magna Carta.
The first Gothic church to be built in
The Knights Templar's power and
London, erected between 1160 and 1185 in
wealth attracted envy from many in auth-
the style of the Church of the Sepulchre in
ority, such as Philip the Fair of France, who
Jerusalem, and consecrated by Heraclius,
accused them, unjustly, of blasphemy and
the Patriarch of Jerusalem, in 1185, Temple
sodomy, and persuaded the Vatican to
Church was where in the thirteenth century
suppress the order. In 1312 the Pope
initiation rites welcoming newcomers into
decreed that the Knights Templar be abol-
the order of the Knights Templar, the
ished and their buildings and furnishings
warrior monks after whom the Temple is
handed to their rivals, the Knights Hospital-
named, took place. Despite escaping the
lers (the Order of StJohn ofJerusalem),
Great Fire, the church was refurbished in
who leased what is now the Temple to
the late seventeenth century by Christopher
lawyers for use as a hostel. The Hospitallers'
Wren, who inserted box pews (removed in
possessions were seized by the Crown in
1842), and was severely damaged by the last
1539 and in 1609 James I granted the estate
raid of the 1941 Blitz. The north window
to the Benchers of the two local Inns, the
bears the crest of the Middle Temple (the
Inner and Middle Temple, on the condition
Holy Lamb and Flag), the south window
that they maintained the Temple Church
that of the Inner Temple (Pegasus, the
and its services in perpetuity. In the nine-
winged horse) and a recess in the south wall
teenth century membership was widened to
contains a Purbeck marble effigy of Bishop
include law students from overseas and
Sylvester, thirteenth-century Bishop of
from 1919 women were admitted, the first
Carlisle, who was killed when he fell off his
woman barrister (Ivy Williams) being
horse in London in 1255; and was buried in
called to the bar by the Inner Temple in
the Temple. A door in the north-west
comer of the choir leads to the Penitential
A maze of courtyards, the Temple does
Cell, where knights who had disobeyed the
not lend itself to easy exploration. The
Master or broken Temple rules were
Middle Temple is based on and to the west
imprisoned and in some cases starved to
of Middle Temple Lane, its lampposts, rail-
death. Those buried in the church include
ings and doorways being decorated with the
the sixteenth-century lawyer Edmund
image of a lamb. Past members include the
Plowden, who never left the Temple's
Elizabethan courtier Sir Walter Ralegh, the
precincts in the three years he was studying
diarist John Evelyn, the playwright William

for the Bar, later became treasurer of the shield belonging to Robertus Hyde, gave the
Middle Temple and was responsible for nineteenth-century novelist Robert Louis
building Middle Temple Hall. Plowden Stevenson the surnames of his two famous
coined the phrase 'the case is altered' while characters in the horror tale Dr Jekyll and
defending a priest accused of holding an Mr Hyde. The hall's double hammerbeam
illegal mass, when on being told that the roof survived Second World War bombing
man was an agent provocateur he exclaimed: and although the carved screen, which separ-
'The case is altered; no priest, no mass.' ates the hall from the service area, was badly
damaged, fragments that had been collected
Middle Temple Lane
while it was being restored were pieced
Middle Temple Lane, which originally ran
together with cuttings taken from a
down from Fleet Street to the river, divides
sixteenth-century oak bam.
the Inner Temple from the Middle Temple.
Middle Temple Hall, Middle Temple Lane
at Fountain Court (iv) Alsatia
Built between 1563 and 1573, the hall soon
The land lying between the Temple and
became a regular venue for plays and
Blackfriars offered sanctuary to those on the
masques and on 2 February 1601 was where
run from persecution in the Middle Ages
the premiere of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night,
but degenerated into lawlessness in the 1550s
possibly staged by the playwright's own
once Edward VI had abandoned Bridewell,
company, took place before Elizabeth I. The
the palace his father, Henry VIII, built here.
event was noted by John Manningham, a
With neither the Temple nor the City ready
member of the Temple, who wrote in his
to take responsibility for the place, and the
diary: 'Feb 2 at our feast we had a play called
police force of the time, the night watch,
Twelfth Night or What you Will, much like
abandoning the streets, it became one of the
the Comedy of Errors ... A good practise is
most violent enclaves of the capital, nick-
it to make the steward believe his Lady
named 'Alsatia' in mock honour of Alsace,
widdowe was in Love with him by coun-
the disputed land between France and
terfayting a lettre, as from his Lady, in
Germany. Alsatia soon attracted an assort-
general termes, telling him what shee liked
ment of criminals and those on the run such
best in him and prescribing his gesture in
as the writer Daniel Defoe who in 1692, after
smiling his apparraile etc. And then when
writing seditious material, took refuge here
he came to practise, making him beleeve
after spotting 'wanted' posters of himself in
they took him to be mad.'
Fleet Street taverns complete with descrip-
A number oflong-standing Temple
tion ('a middle sized, spare man ... a hook
traditions are associated with the hall. In the
nose, a sharp chin, grey eyes and a large
past a card marked with a topic for
mole near his mouth') and details of a
discussion would be placed beside the salt
reward for those who brought him to
cellar, the details kept from the diners until
after the meal, when two junior barristers
The repugnant atmosphere of the area
would argue from opposing sides, while
was captured in a number of works, particu-
lawyers must sign the roll on the battered-
larly Thomas Shadwell's The Squire of
looking hall table given to the Inn by Sir
Alsatia (1688), which was written in a
Francis Drake and formerly part of the
thieves' argot incomprehensible without
furnishings on his ship, The Golden Hind. A
translation, and Walter Scott's later novel
crest on the Chancellor's window, which
The Fortunes of Nigel (1822), but in 1697
contains three deer on a burnt-orange back-
Alsatia's independence was abolished and
ground pertaining to former member
slowly the area assumed the identity of its
Josephus Jekyll, near to a blue and yellow
neighbours as a bustling part of the City.

The word 'alsatia' continued to be used to Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, News of the World,
denote run-down neighbourhoods until the News Chronicle and Observer opened offices
advent of the term 'slum' some time around here, making Alsatia the centre of Britain's
188o. twentieth-century newspaper industry until
Rupert Murdoch moved his titles to
Villains and con-men of Elizabethan Wapping in 1986. With the departure of the
Alsatia whirr of the presses, the shouts of the news-
Alsatia had a variety of esoteric terms to paper workers, and the to-ing and fro-ing of
describe local villains and characters the journalists the area lost its character and
including: now awaits a new identity.
Abram men or Tom o' Bedlams Thieves
who pretended to be mad and would wear
Bouverie Street
Built in 1799, and named after landlords the
ribbons or a fox tail.
Pleydell-Bouveries, the street contained
Anglers Thieves who used a fishing rod with
Fleet Street's first print works, built for the
a hook to lift goods at night through open
Scot James Moyes in 1824, and became one
of the great centres of the British newspaper
Dommerars Men who pretended to be
industry in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, with offices for the Daily News,
Fencing cullies Receivers of stolen goods.
Punch, News Chronicle, Daily Mirror, News
Fraters Men who pretended to be collecting
of the WQrld and Sun.
money for a hospital.
east side: Fleet Street to Tudor Street
Patricios or stroller's priests Those who
llt1116 -f tJe IB#Jdb (1892..,..1986), Nos. 30-32
performed mock marriage ceremonies,
The most commercially successful British
often joining couples over a dead horse.
newspaper of the twentieth century, which
Polliards or dapperdogeons Beggars who
at one point was selling 8 million copies, the
preyed on people's sympathy by working
News of the World owed its success to
with children, not usually their own.
EmsleyCarr (editor 1891-1941), who
Priggers or prancers Horse-thieves who
installed the banner 'all human life is here'
went around with a saddle and bridle in case
under the title and developed the tabloid
they should spot an untied horse, which
strategy of preaching conservative morals
they would steal and disguise by changing
amid a stream of soft porn, titillation and
the colour of its coat or adding new marks.
sensation, a format which has endured into
Quire birds Those who escaped hanging by
the twenty-first century among much of the
turning informer on their fellows.
popular press.
Rufflers Beggars who pretended to be
At the end of the 196os the title was put
wounded soldiers.
up for sale, and when it looked likely that
Strowling morts Old women who pre-
the new buyer would be the Labour poli-
tended to be widows.
tician and businessman Robert Maxwell, the
Toppin cove The hangman.
editor, Stafford Somerfield, attacked the
Upright man The gang leader.
latter's Czech origins and announced that
Whip Jack A sailor who begged with a
the paper was 'as British as roast beef and
woman he claimed to have saved from a
Yorkshire pudding'. He nevertheless sold
_j the title to the Australian Rupert Murdoch
who relentlessly maintained the paper's
In the late nineteenth century the City
sensationalist edge, coining the catchphrase
authorities established a freehold estate in
'No one ever went broke underestimating
the area, which made it attractive to
the public taste' to explain his approach.
companies wanting to build new offices, and
Murdoch moved the title to Wapping along
over the next few years, the Evening News,

with his other papers in 1986 (p. 42). Under level of 100 decibels. Murdoch solved the
the site of the former News of the World problem by moving the Sun and his other
building, which was renovated at the begin- national titles to a new plant in Wapping
ning of the twenty-first century, are remains amid much controversy in 1986.
of a crypt from the Carmelites' long vanished .,. Murdoch titles at Wapping, p. 299.
fifteenth-century Whitefriars monastery.
Bridewell Place
e111t (1969-86), No. 30 ~ribaueU...._ee
Britain's biggest-selling daily newspaper
Henry VIII built a royal palace by the
arose out of the demise of the Labour move-
Thames and Fleet River between 1515 and
ment paper, the Daily Herald, which closed
1520, naming it Bridewell after the nearby
in 1964 and was relaunched as the Sun, with
well dedicated to St Bride. It was here in
the front-page boast that it was 'born of the
1528 that the king discussed his proposed
age we live in'. The Sun failed to keep up
divorce from Catherine of Aragon with the
with its main rival, the Mirror, whose sales
Pope's representatives and held a number of
at 5 million were then five times larger, until
meetings relating to the English Church's
it was bought in 1969 by the Australian
break with Rome. After Henry's death
Rupert Murdoch, who relaunched it as a
Edward VI granted ~ribeweU !palace to the
sensationalist tabloid with a heady blend of
City authorities and it became a workhouse
sport, titillation, base patriotism and
for vagrants and beggars and a house of
vicarious excitement. Murdoch's coup de
cotrection-cum-prison for petty offenders,
grace was Page 3, and its daily picture of a
the name soon becoming a generic term for
near-naked female provoked a fascinating
similar institutions. In 1855 inmates were
argument with the Mirror over the vital ques-
transferred to Holloway and all the build-
tion of whether such pictures should feature
ings, apart from the 1802 gateway on New
nipples, the Sun printing nipples brazenly,
Bridge Street, were demolished.
the Mirror, with one eye on its colleagues in
• Bridewell was the setting for two well-
the Labour movement, the other on the
known paintings: Holbein's The Ambassa-
expanding market for sleaze, opting for a
dors (1533) and one of the scenes in William
compromise: that nipples would only be
Hogarth's The Harlot's Progress (1732).
shown 'where relevant'.
In 1981 Kelvin McKenzie became editor. Carmelite Street
He had won his sub-editing spurs at the The monks of the local monastery White-
New York Post by headlining a story about friars, the buildings of which dominated the
the discovery of a decapitated corpse in a area from the thirteenth century, were also
sleazy hostelry 'Headless Body in Topless known as Carmelites. During the twentieth
Bar', and he continued to -originate memor- century Carmelite Street was dominated by
able headlines, most notably 'Gotcha' on newspaper offices, particularly those of the
3 May 1982 following the sinking of the Daily Mail and its stablemates.
Argentine ship General Belgrano, which was west side: Victoria Embankment to Tudor
later pulled in favour of 'Did 1200 Argies Street
Drown?' when Sun executives realized the ~lfl11j IRttll (1897-1927), Carmelite House,
enormity of the event. By the beginning of south-west junction with Tallis Street
the 1980s the Sun's Bouverie Street building The Daily Mail, Britain's first mass appeal
had become so run down it was barely newspaper, was founded on 4 May 1896 by
usable, with cockroaches and mice gathered Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northcliffe),
around the old copper tea urn, tramps a Napoleon-obsessed megalomaniac with an
wandering around the works and sleeping unerring eye for producing mass-market
among the piles of paper, and the noise publications, with what was then a revolu-
from the presses louder than the permitted tionary format of short, snappy paragraphs,

opinion columns, sports coverage and ~IIIII) IRinllr (1903-05), No. 2, south-west
concise parliamentary reports. It was the junction with Tudor Street
first paper to offer advertisers a rate per Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northdiffe),
thousand sales, the first to have audited owner of the Daily Mail (see above),
circulation figures (a sure method of launched the Daily Mirror on 2 November
attracting advertisers) and caused a revela- 1903 as 'the first newspaper for gentle-
tion in the staid Fleet Street market. women'. The paper was not only aimed at
Businessmen and salesmen who did not women, but written by women and edited
have the leisure time that gentlemen had to by a woman (Mary Howarth), and copies of
spend with a newspaper could now keep the first issue were published with the free,
abreast of the news quickly, and the Mail womanly gift of ... a mirror. News was
was selling a million copies a day by the end condensed to a few brief paragraphs and for
of the year, despite the derision of the Prime those readers who lacked the necessary atten-
Minister, Lord Salisbury, who blasted it as 'a tion span these snippets were comple-
journal produced by office boys for office mented by a 'Today's News at a Glance' box
boys'. After Harmsworth died in 1922, his of single-sentence captions. The Mirror was
brother, Harold (Lord Rothermere), took a spectacular failure, sales slipping from a
over and two years later pulled off one of daily 265,000 to 25,000 within three months.
the greatest scams in newspaper history, the Inevitably Harmsworth blamed the women
so-called 'Zinoviev Letter', which unfolded ('women can't write and don't want to
on 25 October 1924, four days before the read', he thundered), replacing Mary
general election, when the Mail ran a Howarth with Hamilton Fyfe (a man),
sensational headline: 'Civil War Plot By who sacked the women and relaunched the
Socialists' Masters. Moscow Order to Our Mirror in January 1904 as the Daily Illus-
Reds. Great Plot Disclosed Yesterday', above trated Mirror. The new paper was staffed by
a story about how the Foreign Office had photojournalists who were rushed to hot-
gained possession of a 'Very Secret' letter spots such as the battleground of the Russo-
written by Grigory Zinoviev, head of the Japanese War to take pictures which they
Communist International, urging British would then despatch to London, no matter
Communists to 'strain every nerve' to press how trying the circumstances. In January
the Labour Party into ratifying a treaty 1905 the paper moved to new premises on
between Russia and Britain preparing for nearby Whitefriars Street (p. 53).
revolution. The letter appeared to be
St Bride's Avenue
genuine and not just the Mail, but the Daily
St Bride
Express, Times and Telegraph united to
Known as the journalists' church, St Bride
condemn Labour as Trojan horses who
stands on a pagan site of worship dedicated
would be usurped by their Soviet
some 2,ooo years ago to Brigit or Brighde,
paymasters within days of retaining office.
the Celtic goddess of healing, childbirth and
Only the Labour-supporting Daily Herald
fire, and in the sixth century a church dedi-
warned that the letter might be a forgery,
cated to St Bridget, an Irish saint, was built
and indeed it was, faked by a group of
on the same plot, later rebuilt by the Danes
White Russians to discredit the Soviet
and Normans, and used in 1210 by King
Union, but it helped the Conservatives win
John for convening one of the first Parlia-
the election. The Daily Mail moved to
ments. William Vyner, warden of the Fleet
Tudor Street in 1927.
Prison, rebuilt the church in the Perpen-
• $alii) !Ulnllin Tudor Street, p. 52; bizarre
dicular style in the fifteenth century and in
death of Alfred Harmsworth (Lord Northcliffe),
1670 Christopher Wren added the famous
p. 206.
steeple, then London's tallest at 234ft, which

inspired a Ludgate Hill baker to create the mere attempted to become a magnate-
first tiered wedding cake. statesman himself, but made the mistake of
After St Bride was heavily bombed on 30 . trying to hold the Conservative Party leader,
December 1940 items from the church's Stanley Baldwin, to ransom by pledging the
ancient past were found, including a small paper's support only if Baldwin discussed
section of tessellated pavement, now party policy with him and consulted him on
preserved in the crypt alongside an exhi- Cabinet appointments. When Baldwin
bition on the history of the church 'and local refused to comply, Rothermere wrote an
printing industry. In January 1986 the rector unsigned editorial denouncing Baldwin as
held an all-night vigil for those who wanted unfit to lead the Conservatives and the latter
to pray for the future of Fleet Street as a responded with a speech in which he railed
newspaper centre, and despite the exodus against press lords who aimed at 'power
of local newspapers to east London the without responsibility- the prerogative of
church has retained nominal links with the harlot throughout the ages', words
the industry. Those buried here include written for him by Rudyard Kipling.
Wynkyn de Worde, William Caxton's assis- Unfazed, Rothermere directed his attentions
tant, who brought the first printing press to the rising phenomenon of fascism, which
with movable type to Fleet Street in 1500, by the early thirties had become a political
and the diarist Samuel Pepys, who was force in Britain, writing an editorial on
baptized here in 1633 (the font survivc;s) and 8 January 1934 headlined 'Hurrah for the
thirty-one years later was obliged to bribe Blackshirts' (Oswald Mosley's British Union
the gravedigger to 'jostle together' bodies so of Fascists). Rothermere withdrew support
that he could make room for his late after violence broke out at a Blackshirts'
brother, Tom. rally at Olympia in June 1934, which led him
to send a telegram to his correspondent in
Tudor Street Berlin stating: 'The Blackshirts are in the
When Alsatia was at its most lawless in the
wash and the colour is running very fast.'
seventeenth century, lawyers from the
Rothermere died, conveniently, critics said,
Temple tried to protect themselves from the
in 1940 at the outset of the Second World
area's unruly inhabitants by bricking up the
War and the paper remained a spent force
Tudor Street entrance to the Temple, but
until its revival in the 1970s under the editor-
locals tore down the barrier as soon as the
ship of David English.
mason had put the last touches to it. For
much of the twentieth century Tudor Street Whitefriars Street
was one of a number oflocal streets domi- The Carmelite mbitefrion !Ulonosteq,
nated by the newspaper industry, with founded locally in 1241 and named after Hte
offices at various times for the Daily Mail, white mantle friars wore over their brown
Observer, Pall Mall Gazette, the Westminster habit, covered much of the land on the west
Gazette and Reynolds News. bank of the Fleet and was one of the few
~6Rtd/(1927-89), Northcliffe House, local buildings left untouched by the mob
north-west junction with Whitefriars Street during the 1381 Peasants' Revolt, such was
When the Daily Mail moved into North- the friars' popularity. The monastery was
cliffe House in the late 1920s it was owned shut down in the 1530s and though there are
by Harold Harmsworth (Lord Rothermere), no visible remains some sections survive
a financier with little journalistic flair but a below street level, including a crypt from
knack for making grand gestures. Envious of around 1420 under the former News of the
the status of Lord Beaverbrook, the Daily World building on the east side of Bouverie
Express owner who had served in the British Street. Thomas Tompion, known as the
Cabinet during the First World War, Rother- 'father of English watchmaking', who

supplied barometers and sundials to William tBlttdtfri~i IJlonaiter'J

III, had his shop at the northern end of The Dominican monastery of Blackfriars,
Whitefriars Street in the seventeenth century. founded in 1221 in Shoe Lane, north of Fleet
~11ift.f!~Unr(t905-2.0), No. 12, west side Street, moved here in 1278 and was used as a
The Daily Mirror, founded on Carmelite meeting place by Parliament in 1311 and a
Street as a paper for women in 1903 (p. 51), storehouse for state records the following
moved two years later to Whitefriars Street, decade. It was here in 1382 that the Arch-
where it was relaunched as a picture-led bishop of Canterbury's council met to
populist paper with strong news content. denounce John Wycliffe's religious doctrines
The paper was heavily criticized in May 1910 and translation of the Bible into English,
for showing a picture of the late Edward VII and when the City was rocked by an earth-
lying in state, and debate raged over quake as the hearing began Wycliffe, under-
whether the media was intruding into standably, claimed the event as a sign of
private grief, until it was revealed that the God's discontent with the council's
king' s consort, Queen Alexandra, had decisions while the council, with equal
herself given the paper, her favourite, confidence, took it as a sign of the Lord's dis-
permission. The following year pictures pleasure with Wycliffe and found against
taken at the Investiture of the Prince of him.
Wales at Caernarvon Castle were thrown A 1529 court held at Blackfriars heard the
from the castle wall, caught in a blanket, divorce proceedings between Catherine of
and rushed to London by motor-cycle so Aragon and Henry VIII, and after Henry
that the Mirror could beat rivals to the spoke the queen threw herself at his feet,
presses. The Mirror's proprietor, Alfred begging for mercy, with the plea: 'Alas! Sir,
Harmsworth, sold the paper to his brother how have I offended you? This twenty years
Harold (Lord Rothermere) in 1914, by which I have been your true wife and more, and by
time its circulation had topped 1 million. Six me ye have had children, although it hath
years later it moved to Fetter Lane (p. 39). pleased God to call them out of this world,'
thereby neatly encapsulating Henry's main
(v) Blackfriars problem with Catherine - her inability to
provide him with a male heir. Henry's
The area, which lies south of Ludgate Hill, is marriage to Catherine was later declared to
named after the Blackfriars' Dominican be 'utterly void and annulled' - but without
monastery of 1221 to 1538 and became a Rome's blessing - which led to the break
fashionable suburb of the City in the seven- from the Church of Rome in 1533.
teenth century when residents included the !8ladfrian !Jlonastefl) was dissolved in
playwright Ben Jonson, the artist Anthony 1538, most of the buildings being demol-
Van Dyck and William Shakespeare, who is ished soon after, and at the end of the
believed to have moved into a house on century the surviving sections were used as a
Ireland Yard in 1612. Despite modern playhouse, where Shakespeare's company,
redevelopment and Second World War the King's Players, acted, and which was
bombing Blackfriars has retained much of closed by the Puritans in 1642. Apart from a
its medieval street pattern of small, twisting fragment of the original wall in Ireland
lanes. Yard, all remaining traces of the monastery
perished in the Fire of London, but exca-
Ireland Yard
vations in 1890 uncovered an arcade, which
William Shakespeare is believed to have
was taken to Selsdon Park, Croydon, and in
moved to the street in 1612 to be near
1925 part of the choir, which was moved to
Richard Burbage's theatre (see below),
St Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill.
where he acted.
~ Shakespeare in Bankside, p. 376.

Queen Victoria Street Also seep. 65 frontage, the spandrel of which contained a
A relatively new road for the City, as can be clock and The Times crest and motto, but by
seen from its straight route which uncom- the end of the century the paper had run
promisingly cuts through the older lanes of into financial difficulties, with circulation
Blackfriars, it was built from 1867 to 1871 to down to 40,000. Negotiations soon began
cover the newly built District Line. between its owners and a mysterious 'Mr X',
north side and to the amazement of the newspaper
The Black Friar, No. 174 industry, the latter turned out to be Alfred
An excessively decorated art nouveau pub, Harmsworth, founder of the populist Daily
designed by H. Fuller Clark (1904-6), and Mail and Daily Mirror, owner of Comic
built on the site of the Slodfriott !Dlonot• Cuts, Home Chat and other cheap periodi-
teq, it contains a statue of a large laughing cals, and then the most successful proprietor
friar above the main door and walls clad in in the land. Harmsworth bought into the
green and red marble which are covered title for £320,000 amid considerable outcry
with illustrations of monks and friars - the Liberal politician David Lloyd George
singing carols and playing instruments. remarked how in Europe people believed
,2'Jt ~d (t785-1974), Printing House The Times to have a 'semi official character
Square, west of St Andrew's Hill . and to be inspired by the British Govern-
One of the greatest powers in the world. I ment. Not everyone knew that it was a
don't know anything which has more threepenny edition of the Daily Mail' - and
power, except perhaps the Mississippi- ignoring its sobriety and aloof arrogance
Abraham Lincoln (1861) sought to transform it in his own populist
Britain's most famous newspaper began manner, increasing pagination, reducing the
publishing on 1 January 1785 as the Daily price, cutting back staff numbers and intro-
Universal Register, a business information ducing an offbeat fourth editorial, a books
sheet run by John Walter, a coal merchant. page and fashion articles, despite opposition
It became The Times three years later, soon from the paper's shadowy senior editorial
being at the forefront of new advances in figures, the so-called 'Black Friars'. Sales
newspaper production such as the introduc- rose dramatically.
tion of logotype, which allowed whole When Harmsworth died in 1922 John
words rather than individual letters to be Jacob Astor, whose brother William
pre-set, and in 1814 becoming the first paper Waldorf had bought the Observer from
to use a steam press. Harmsworth in 1911, outbid Lord Rother-
The Times's best-known writer of that mere, Harmsworth's brother, for the title. In
period was Henry Crabb Robinson, said to 1966 Astor's son, Gavin, faced with a circu-
be the first foreign correspondent (he was lation challenge from rival 'heavyweights',
sent to Germany in 1807), and its first the Telegraph and Guardian, shocked the
professional editor was Thomas Barnes, who world by including news ('London to be
occupied the chair from 1817 to 1841, took a new H.Q. for Nato'), rather than advertise-
cudgel with him when completing an ments, on the front page. Sales soared,
edition in case, he claimed, he was 'set upon production costs rose, but advertising and
by Tory thugs', and called for the people to circulation revenue declined- it was calcu-
'petition, ay, thunder for reform', thereby lated that the paper was losing 6d on every
inadvertently giving the paper its long-term sale - and after nearly fifty years in charge
soubriquet, 'The Thunderer'. the Astors were replaced by the dynamic
In 1872 the founder's grandson, John elderly Canadian Roy Thomson, who had
Walter III, who had taken over the paper, introduced the Yellow Pages telephone
designed new premises, incorporating a vast directories to Britain and who already
pediment on the Queen Victoria Street owned the Sunday Times. The Times

moved to Gray's Inn Road in 1974 and then Al-Fayed. The paper has since regained its
to Wapping in 1986. Printing House Square reputation by becoming part of the Guar-
was redeveloped at the beginning of the dian Media group.
twenty-first century. St Andrew by the Wardrobe
CHmer (1969-88), No. 160 Originally the church of St Andre de
The Observer, Britain's oldest Sunday news- Castello, named after the nearby palace of
paper, founded on the Strand in 1711, moved Smpaorb ctostle, it was built in the thir-
to a site by The Times's office in 1969 and, teenth century and renamed in 1361 after the
under the stewardship of David Astor Crown Wardrobe where ceremonial clothes
(proprietor-editor, 1948-75), continued as a were stored. The church was destroyed in
crusading weekly at the forefront of a host the Great Fire of 1666 and redesigned by
of liberal campaigns. By the 1970s the paper Christopher Wren, who opted for a plain
was beset by losses of £750,000 a year and brick rectangle, and was partly destroyed
was put up for sale, but when Rupert during the Second World War, being rebuilt
Murdoch, owner of the Sun and News of the by Marshall Sisson in 1959 to 1961 to Wren's
World, emerged as the likely buyer, Clive design. The window in the west gallery
James, the paper's television correspondent, contains a memorial to Shakespeare carved
claimed that selling the Observer to in oak and limewood, and the church has
Murdoch would be like giving your antique fittings taken from other London
beautiful seventeen-year-old daughter to a churches destroyed in the last war, including
gorilla. Just when it looked as if Murdoch a pulpit from the demolished St IAottf)ew
would be successful, a previously unmen- tfriboiJ Skeet.
tioned company, the Atlantic Richfield Faraday House, west of Godliman Street
Corporation, bought the title, appointing a A nine-storey telephone exchange built in
new editor, Donald Trelford, with John the 1940s on the site of the demolished
Cole, later a well-known TV political corre- College of Advocates and Doctors of Law
spondent famed for his impenetrable Belfast (Doctors' Commons), Faraday House origin-
accent, as his deputy. In 1981 a new owner ally contained the international exchange
emerged in the shape of Lonrho, long- for overseas calls and during the Second
running investors in Africa, whom, ten years World War most of London's strategic
previously, prime minister Edward Heath communications ran through cables
had described as the 'unacceptable face of between here, St Martin's-le-Grand post
British capitalism' on account of its attempt office, and the Holbom exchange. Under-
to avoid tax. Lonrho was run by the neath Faraday House there remains a junc-
mysterious 'Tiny' Rowland, the German- tion of tunnels built by successive
hom Rowland Walter Fuhrhop, who had governments during the second half of the
joined the Hitler youth movement in the twentieth century to house civil servants and
1930s. When the company completed the dignitaries in the event of a 'manageable'
purchase the Monopolies and Mergers nuclear war.
Commission ruled that six independent ...-British Telecom Tower (former Post Office
directors had to be placed on the board. Tower), p. 146.
Over the next decade the Observer's status as College of Arms
an organ of detached sobriety and indepen- Founded by Richard III in 1484, the college
dent analysis was compromised by countless is officially the Corporation of Kings,
wrangles between the editorial team and Heralds and Pursuivants of Arms. In medi-
Rowland over coverage of Africa, where eval times heralds were in charge of
Lonrho had many financial interests, and announcing and organizing jousting tourna-
the latter's obsession with buying the ments and were recognized by the arms on
Harrods store, a battle he lost to Mohamed their shields and the crests on their helmets;

nowadays they have mostly ceremonial f>ttU on 27 February 1900 following a

duties during events such as the State decision made by members of the Trades
Opening of Parliament, state funerals and Union Congress to form a 'distinct Labour
the monarch's coronation. group in parliament who should have their
own whips and agree upon their policy,
(vi) around St Paul's which must embrace a readiness to
cooperate with any party which for the time
The area between Newgate Street and being may be engaged in promoting legisla-
Ludgate Hill is dominated by St Paul's tion in the direct interests of labour'. The
Cathedral and the Central Criminal Court committee's first secretary was James
(Old Bailey). Ramsay MacDonald (later the first Labour
prime minister) and the fifteen candidates
Amen Court put forward for the 1900 general election
The court's unusual name honours the
between them won 62,698 votes with two,
prayers of nearby St Paul's and contains the
Keir Hardie and Richard Bell, elected. In
late-seventeenth-century houses of the
1926 the General Strike was organized -
cathedral's canons. The Campaign for
unsuccessfully- from the hall and later that
Nuclear Disarmament (CND) was formed
year the world's first table tennis champion-
in the Amen Court flat of John Collins,
ship was held there, the men dressing in a
canon of St Paul's Cathedral, in January
variety of costumes -long trousers, shorts,
1958, its aim being to persuade the British
pullovers, plain suits and even ties - the
people that Britain should 'renounce uncon-
women in long dresses; participants were
ditionally the use or production of nuclear
forbidden to leave the hall without special
weapons and to refuse to allow their use by
others in her defence'. The founding
Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists
meeting was attended by Labour MPs
held its first meeting here in October 1932,
Michael Foot and Denis Healey, and
but after Mosley used the phrase 'three
support soon followed from playwrights
warriors of class war all from Jerusalem' in a
John Osborne and Arnold Wesker, actresses
speech Israel Sieff, the Jewish owner of
Flora Robson and Edith Evans, and the
Marks and Spencer, withdrew his support
composers Benjamin Britten and Michael
for the party. Scuffles took place in the street
Tippett, with the philosopher-mathe-
outside the hall following the meeting, some-
matician Bertrand Russell appointed
thing that became a regular outcome at
honorary president. The organization's first
fascist meetings throughout the decade.
public meeting was held at Central Hall,
Unabashed at the outcome of the Second
Westminster, on 17 February 1958.
World War, fascists held their first formal
... Central Hall, Westminster, p. 230.
postwar meeting here on 15 November 1947
Farringdon Street with delegates from more than fifty organiza-
Built OJ?. the course of the River Fleet in 1737, tions urging Mosley, who had been
when the waterway was arched over, it was imprisoned during the war, to return to poli-
named after William de Farringdone, a thir- tics. The hall was demolished in 1969 and
teenth-century goldsmith, and is now part rebuilt on the site as part of Caroone House.
of the main traffic route between King's ifled .riion, between Fleet Lane and
Cross and Blackfriars Bridge. Ludgate Hill
east side: Holborn Viaduct to Ludgate The first purpose-built prison in London,
Circus the Fleet opened here c. 1170 on what was
«on8ft94tionlll Manorilll O..U, No. 14 then a small island in the Fleet River that
The first ever meeting of the Labour Party flooded when it rained and was used mostly
was held in the <tongngcltional !Dlemorial for debtors, who were obliged to pay for the

irons that shackled them. The money raised create Farringdon Street and in 1766 the
went to the Keeper, who, according to a remainder of the river's City route was
hereditary principle, was always a member culverted to become a sewer. The northern
of the Leveland family, and abuse of the stretches continued to be moved under-
system was common, with some prisoners ground as London grew and the only ·
going missing for several days at a time, if remaining visible parts are Highgate Ponds.
bothering to return at all. During the A 1996 scheme launched by Clerkenwell resi-
Peasants' Revolt of 1381 rioters broke in and dents to open up the river again was not
set the prisoners free, but 400 years later taken up by the authorities.
when the prison was attacked and opened
Ludgate Hill
during the Gordon Riots many prisoners
According to London legend Brutus,
refused to leave - they felt that life was
grandson of the Trojan king Aeneas, a direct
easier inside the prison than outside. The
descendant of the Hebrew tribe founder,
best-known Fleet prisoners included the
Judah, built a city, New Troy, on Ludgate
poet John Donne, incarcerated in 1601 after
Hill c. noo Be, which was rebuilt in the year
being convicted of marrying a minor, and
113 BC by Lud and renamed Caerlud (the
John Cleland, who spent his time writing
city of Lud), a name later corrupted to Caer-
the risque Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
lundein, Londinium, and simply London.
(1748), better known as Fanny Hill, one of
north side: Ludgate Circus to St Paul's
the first pornographic novels. The prison
was pulled down in 1846.
t!dg.Ue, immediately west of
~ Marshalsea Gaol, pp. 382-3.
St Martin-within-Ludgate
Fleet Lane The gate is believed to have been built in
The lane recalls the now culverted Fleet 66 Be by King Lud, who is buried under-
River, which flows from Hampstead and neath the entrance, but it is also possible
Highgate into the Thames at Blackfriars and that the origin of the name was 'Flodgate',
formed the Romans' western London boun- the gate having been constructed to prevent
dary. In the Middle Ages its waters were the Fleet from flooding the City. William de
thought to have therapeutic qualities and Jumieges, the eleventh-century French
entrepreneurs opened pleasure gardens and historian, claimed that William the
taverns along parts of the route. But in the Conqueror entered London in December
City the river remained an open sewer, 1066, two months after the Battle of Hast-
running red with the blood of animals ings, through .Cubgate, which had been
slaughtered at Smithfield market, and, as opened by collaborators, but that Londoners
Jonathan Swift noted in A Description of a fought back and William took control of the
City Shower, full of 'Sweepings from town only after much bloodshed. The gate
Butchers' Stalls, Dung, Guts and Blood, I was rebuilt in 1215, probably using material
Drown'd Puppies, stinking Sprats, all taken from the houses of rich Jews who had
drench'd in Mud, I Dead Cats and Turnip- been expelled from the City, for when
Tops [which came] tumbling down the .Cubgote was again rebuilt in the early seven-
Flood'. The communities that grew along its teenth century Hebrew inscriptions were
southern banks were among the poorest, found on some of the stones. In 1377 it was
dirtiest, unhealthiest and most criminal in converted into a debtors' prison, some of
the capital, and after the Fire of London in whose inmates came voluntarily to flee from
1666 Christopher Wren proposed their creditors. The prisoners were let loose
converting the river into an ornamental as the Fire swept through the City in
canal. In 1731 it was arched over between September 1666. .Cubgote was demolished in
Holborn Viaduct and Ludgate Circus to 1760.

St Martin-within-Ludgate, east of Old fatality by reason of his own refusal of a

B~ey . request perfectly reasonable, R.I.P.' Twenty-
The origins of the church, whose earhest seven years previously Whiteley had impreg-
records date back to 1138, are shrouded in nated a girl who gave birth to a son she
confusion and have been unreliably attrib- named Horace and whom she brought up
uted to the seventh-century Welsh hero with her husband, George Rayner,
Cadwallader. The church burned down in Whiteley's friend. Rayner later told the boy:
the Great Fire and was rebuilt by Chris- 'Any time you're in trouble, go and see your
topher Wren with an elegant lead tower. real father, William. Whiteley', and when
The font is de<:·~·~i;ed with the transliterated
Horace Rayner eventually did so a bemused
Greek palindmme Niyon anomhma mh Whiteley, by then seventy-five, suggested he
monan oyin ('Cleanse my sin and not just went abroad, resulting in Horace shooting
my face'). Whiteley dead and wounding himself. At
the trial Rayner pleaded insanity, but
Old Bailey
although the jury convicted him on the
The street is synonymous with the Central
basis of the words 'double fatality' in the
Criminal Court, which is based by its junc-
note, considerable public sympathy led
tion with Newgate Street.
18o,ooo people to petition the Home Secre-
Magpie and Stump, No. 18, west side
tary to protest against the hanging of a
A chop-house and tavern with a long
penniless son wronged by a rich father, and
history, the Magpie and Stump was the
Rayner was eventually released.
closest public house to Newgate Prison and
• Arnold Leese, rabid anti-Semite and
was originally known as the Magpie, the
founder of the Imperial Fascist League, who
'Stump' suffix added in mock honour of the
derided Oswald Mosley's British Union of
headless victims executed at the prison.
Fascists as 'kosher fascists' on discovering
Before the Newgate executions were
that the grandfather of Oswald Mosley's
removed from the public arena in 1868, spec-
wife, Cynthia, was Jewish, was tried for
tators would pay £10 to gain a good view of
seditious libel and inciting a public mischief
events from the first floor of the house. In
at the courts in 1936 after describing Jewish
recent years the rebuilt pub has featured
slaughter of animals as ritual murder. Leese,
regularly in the television series Rumpole of
who believed that Christianity was part of a
the Bailey.
Jewish plot to undermine the virility of the
Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey at
Nordic races, carried out his own defence,
Newgate Street, east side
on the predictable grounds that all lawyers
Britain's most famous law courts, which
are in the pay of Jews, and although
opened in 1907 to replace those that joined
acquitted of seditious libel was found guilty
Newgate Prison, have been the setting for
of 'inciting a public mischief by rendering
many of the most famous criminal cases of
His Majesty's subjects of the Jewish faith
the last 100 years.
liable to suspicion, affront and boycott'. He
• The first major murder trial held at the
refused to pay his fine and was sentenced to
Old B~ey was in 1907 when the unfortu-
six months in Wandsworth Prison.
nate Horace Rayner was accused of
• At the end of the Second World War
murdering the wealthy grocer William
William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) was tried
Whiteley at his W estbourne Grove premises.
for high treason- broadcasting anti-British
Rayner was arrested at the scene of the
propaganda over the wireless from Germany
crime and in his pockets was found a note
in a contrived aristocratic voice mocking
which read: 'To all whom it may concern
Winston Churchill that earned him the
William Whiteley is my father and has
name 'Lord Haw Haw'. In 1945 Joyce was
brought upon himself and me a double
arrested near the Germany-Denmark

border and brought back to Britain, but the the recommendation that they served 'not
start of the trial was delayed by wrangling less than thirty years'.
over his nationality, for though Joyce owned • On 30 May 1972 the trial of the Angry
a British passport he claimed he had been Brigade, anarcho anti-capitalists modelled
born in Ireland. He was found guilty, taken on Germany's Baader-Meinhof gang and the
to Wandsworth Gaol, and hanged there in USA's Weathermen, began with eight
January 1946. suspects- James Greenfield, Anna
• Osteopath Stephen Ward was tried in July Mendleson, John Barker, Hilary Creek,
1963 for living off immoral earnings in a case Stuart Christie, Christopher Bott, Angela
that made the society call-girls Christine Weir and Kate McLean - known as the
Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies household Stoke Newington Eight, after the area where
names and brought about the resignation they were caught, accused of placing a series
of the Secretary of State for War, John of bombs at various locations around
Profumo, who had lied about having an Britain. The trial became the twentieth-
affair with Keeler (see Marylebone, p. 157). century's longest for a political case, the jury
When Rice-Davies was told by Lord Astor's being shown 688 items including a Beretta
counsel that Lord Astor categorically denied sub-machine gun and an 'unidentified
her allegation that she had had sex with him substance found at the foot of a tree in the
she famously replied: 'Well he would, garden'. Although there were claims that
wouldn't he', a phrase which now appears in evidence had been planted and that the
the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Ward defendants had been forced into making
committed suicide a day before he was incriminating statements, Greenfield,
found guilty in his absence, leaving behind Mendleson, Barker and Creek were found
fourteen suicide notes. guilty, receiving ten years each.
• The Kray twins, Reggie and Ronnie, • In October 1983 civil servant Dennis
planned the daring murder of a witness who Nilsen went on trial as 'the killer of the
was due to appear in court in February 1968 century' and was sentenced to life with a
through an associate who wanted to prove stipulation that he serve a minimum of
his worth to the Krays' organization. The twenty-five years on six counts of murder
man would take into the court an attache and two of attempted murder, after prob-
case containing a hypodermic needle and ably killing twice that number in Crickle-
syringe filled with cyanide attached to a wood and Muswell Hill in the late 1970s and
small brass ring which, when pulled, would early 198os. The victims were mostly homo-
push the needle out, and jab the witness sexuals whom Nilsen had picked up in West
with it as he walked by. The victim would End bars, taken home and strangled, .
die of poisoning five minutes later, by which burying their bodies under the floorboards.
time the assailant would have escaped. The As astonishing as Nilsen's catalogue of
plan failed on the relevant day when the crimes was his cool, unfussed manner.
witness did not walk through the designated When the lawyer asked him why he had
spot, the Krays unaware at the time that killed the men, he replied: 'I was hoping you
they had been set up by a man working for could tell me that.'
Scotland Yard's undercover team that was • In July 2ooo David Copeland, a loner who
investigating their criminal activities. bore a grudge against immigrants and homo-
Within months the Krays were themselves sexuals and whose house was decorated with
in court at the Old Bailey on various charges Nazi posters, was jailed for life for planting a
including murdering two fellow gangsters, bomb that killed three people in the
George Cornell and Jack 'The Hat' McVitie, Admiral Duncan pub in Soho. Copeland
and on 8 March 1969 they were sentenced to had also left a bomb near Brixton station,
life imprisonment for the two murders with which exploded but caused only minor

injuries, and one outside a Brick Lane curry St Paul's Churchyard

house, which went off on a Saturday, the Martyrs were executed outside St Paul's
day that Copeland wrongly assumed would Cathedral in medieval times, the five main
be the area's most busy. Copeland pleaded conspirators of the 1606 Gunpowder Plot,
not guilty, declaring he was a righteous mess- including Guy Fawkes, being hanged, drawn
enger from God, but was convicted. and quartered in St Paul's Churchyard for
.,. Royal Courts of Justice, p. 12.8. plotting to kill James I and soo MPs .
St Paul's Churchyard was also a centre for
Paternoster Row
second-hand bookselling and a major
The capital's major publishing and book-
publishing area, where Shakespeare's
selling area in the fifteenth century,
Sonnets and Hamlet, and Mary Wollstone-
Paternoster Row was also renowned for its
craft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women
taverns and coffee houses, such as the
(1792) were first published. The original
(tljopter coffee (Joust, where the ill-fated late
St Paul's School, which was founded here by
eighteenth-centur}r teenage poet Thomas
John Colet in 1509, was the largest school in
Chatterton knew 'all the geniuses', as he
England, the number of pupils (153) being
claimed in a letter to his mother, and which
the same as the number of fishes caught in
the novelist Elizabeth Gaskell described as
the gospel story. St Paul's School moved to
having the appearance of a 'dwelling-house,
Hammersmith in 1884 and is now in Barnes.
two hundred years old or so, such as one
Four London Masonic lodges met at the
sometimes sees in ancient country towns'.
CfJoote tmb CfJribiron file &oute in St Paul's
Corinthian Casuals, Britain's best-known
Churchyard on 24 June 1717 to form the
amateur football team, were founded in an
world's first Grand Lodge. A rival, claiming
office on Paternoster Row in 1882 and in the
greater antiquity, was formed in London
early years of international football their
thirty-four years later and for sixty years the
players dominated the England team,
two Grand Lodges co-existed before
contributing fifty-two of the eighty-eight
merging in 1813 to form the United Grand
players awarded caps between 1883 and 1890.
Lodge of England. George Williams and a
The Corinthians even fielded the full
group of eleven other men established the
England side twice, in 1894 and 1895, but
Young Men's Christian Association above a
declined as a force once professionalism
draper's shop in St Paul's Churchyard in
took hold. Paternoster Row was devastated
1844 'with the view of uniting and directing
by enemy bombing during the Second
the efforts of Christian young men for the
World War, when some 6 million volumes
spiritual welfare of their fellows in the
of books stored here were destroyed.
various departments of commercial life'.
Paternoster Square Before long other branches were formed,
Home of the Newgate meat market until first in London and then throughout the
1869, Paternoster Square was destroyed in world.
one of the worst Second World War 'fJatd'i«f:toii
bombing raids and redeveloped in the 1960s !tJaul' t <trot&, a wooden pulpit, stood in
in an uncompromising brutalist style, cour- front of St Paul's Cathedral until the Puri-
tesy of Trehearne, Preston and Partners, tans pulled it down in 1643 and was where
that had few supporters, especially once it papal bulls and royal proclamations were
was realized that the tallest building, made until the fourteenth century. A
although only 205 ft high, partially blocked preacher by the name of Beal stirred up the
the view ofSt Paul's Cathedral from Parlia- crowd so passionately on May Day 1517 that
ment Hill. At the beginning of the twenty- riots broke out across London, the crowd
first century the square was again turning on merchants from Flanders and
redeveloped. · the Baltic on what later came to be called

Evil May Day. On 12 May 1521 an unusual more of a social centre than a church. The
book, The Defence of the Seven Sacraments, nave, Paul's Walk, was used as a market for
was unveiled at Paul's Cross. The volume, selling groceries and animals, delivery boys
supposedly written by Henry VIII, the cut through to avoid traffic, and prostitutes
jousting, hunting, non-bookish king, set touted for business, although in 1554 the
out Catholic arguments against the new authorities did at least try to ban 'the
Protestant creed being propounded by leading of mules and horses' through the
Martin Luther in Germany, and though few building.
believed that Henry was capable of such a Inigo Jones, appointed King's Surveyor in
feat, evidence shows that the king was 1628, oversaw further rebuilding, basing his
indeed the author of the work which was design on Palladio's portico of the Temple
dedicated to the Pope, earning Henry the of Venus in Rome, and demolished the
title 'Defender of the Faith'. Although adjoining houses and shops, but during the
Henry is now best known for propagating Civil War of the 1640s the Parliamentarians
the schism which led to England's break took away the scaffolding encasing the south
from the Church of Rome, and the accom- transept, which duly collapsed, and set up a
panying violent dissolution of the monas- cavalry barracks in the nave, while Oliver
teries so that he could divorce Catherine of Cromwell even toyed with the idea of selling
Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn, he himself off the cathedral to the Jewish community
never rejected Catholicism per se, just the for use as a synagogue. Meanwhile its collec-
authority of Rome. tion of holy relics, helpful in attracting gifts
St Paul's Cathedral from pilgrims, continued to be sold off, the
Britain's major cathedral, the setting for supply seemingly inexhaustible, for the auth-
state occasions and one of the capital's orities were still selling portions of the
leading tourist attractions, was founded in Virgin Mary's milk and the hand of StJohn
604 by Ethelbert, King of Kent, and 150 years later.
Mellitus, Bishop of the East Saxons, and In August 1666 a commission set up to
built of wood. Rebuilt in stone by Bishop examine the state of the building hired as
Erkenwald in 675 after a fire, it was architect Christopher Wren, who proposed
destroyed by Vikings in the ninth century, rebuilding it with a 'Noble cupola, a forme
and when its replacement, which lasted of Church-building, not as yet known in
from 962 to 1087, also burned down, England, but of wonderful grace'. A few
Maurice, Bishop of London, chose to build weeks later the Fire of London destroyed
a new, grand cathedral on a larger scale than much of the City, including St Paul's, and
anything witnessed outside central Europe. after the Fire the site lay untouched for eigh-
Work on this Norman cathedral, now teen months. Wren was asked to rebuild the
referred to as Old St Paul's, took place cathedral, the authorities levying a special
throughout the first half of the thirteenth tax on London coal to pay for the new
century, being finished in 1240. Eighteen building, and though the foundation stone
years later the Norman choir was extended was laid in 1675 it was not until1697 that the
and the length of the church increased to first service could be held. Parliament
1,6oo ft, making it the largest cathedral in declared the new cathedral finished in 1711,
Europe after Seville and Milan, with its spire when Wren was seventy-nine, and the work
at 489ft, completed in 1315, the tallest ever was heralded by many as the finest example
built. During the Reformation of the of Renaissance architecture in Britain,
sixteenth century the High Altar was pulled characteristic of the new-found freedoms
down and replaced by a plain table, many of architects were able to express following
the tombs were destroyed, the reredos was the austerity of Puritan life under Oliver
smashed to pieces, and St Paul's became Cromwell. Wren's cathedral has been

St Paul's glossary burned down in the Fire of London, and

All Souls chapel Dedicated in 1925 to Lord in medieval times the space was occupied by
Kitchener of Khartoum, who was killed another church, St ijaitb's unber St \laul's,
during the First World War. the parish church for the community that
American Memorial Chapel Formerly the lived in Paternoster Row and Paternoster
Jesus Chapel, where in 1951 General Eisen- Square, its location marked by a brass strip.
hower presented to the cathedral the Roll of During the 1666 Fire of London
Honour, a list of 28,ooo US citizens based in parishioners left their books and documents
Britain who died in the Second World War. in St Faith's, mistakenly assuming they
Balustrade Added in 1718 against Wren's would be safe against the flames, but lost
wishes. everything.
Chapel of the Modem Martyrs The chapel Dimensions The cathedral is 510 ft long,
commemorates Anglican martyrs of the last 460 ft wide, and 365 ft high.
150 years, their names recorded in a book Dome The second biggest in the world, after
locked in a marble casket, and is reserved StPeter's, Rome, its design was changed
for private prayer. many times by Wren, a tribute to whom can
Chapel of St Dunstan The 1778 chandelier be read on the paving beneath: 'Lector, si
which hangs here was taken from the monumentum requiris, circumspice' -
church of St !IRilbreb \lOUltn), demolished 'Reader, if you seek his monument, look
in 1872. around'.
Choir The carvings on the stalls are by Grin- Exterior St Paul's is built in Portland stone.
ling Gibbons and the wrought ironwork, Marriages In 1501 Prince Arthur, eldest son
including the choir screens, by Jean Tijou, a of Henry VII and heir to the throne,
Huguenot refugee. married Catherine of Aragon in the
Clock tower The clock, Big Tom, is 16ft in cathedral amid great splendour, but the
diameter, with 10 ft-long hands ·and marriage was probably never consummated,
contains a 17-tonne bell, Great Paul, which despite Arthur's boast to an aide to 'bring
is rung for five minutes every day at 1 p.m. me a cup of ale, for I have been this night in
Crypt Those buried in the crypt, which the midst of Spain', and a year later the
stretches underneath the entire ground prince was dead. Catherine then married
level, include Christopher Wren (who died Arthur's brother, Henry VIII. In 1981 the
in 1723), Lord Nelson (1805) and the Duke marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana
ofWellington (1852). The crypt's outer Spencer took place here.
walls are those of Old St Paul's, which Nave The nave is 40 ft wide and 89 ft high.

altered little since and remarkably avoided Bow Lane

Second World War damage, despite the Originally Cordwainer Street, on account of
devastation met by much of the City. the local shoemakers, and now one of the
City's most pleasant streets, with its pictur-
(vii) around Cannon Street esque shop-fronts, it is home to the well-
known church of StMary-le-Bow and the
Cannon Street runs from St Paul's older, but lesser-known, StMary Aldermary.
Cathedral to Monument tube, a feeder for a StMary-le-Bow, west side
host of small, quiet streets where the less The most famous of the City's thirty-nine
glamorous parts of the City's commercial churches, StMary-le-Bow is enshrined in
life take place in an area that is now almost two London legends: that of Dick Whit-
completely non-residential. tington, who in Highgate sometime in the
late fourteenth century heard in the sound

North Aisle Contains memorials to Lord St Mary Aldermary to the south), was
Melbourne (prime minister 1834-41); Lord erected c. 1080 on marshy land riddled with
Leighton, the late-nineteenth-century underground streams and had to be
painter; the Duke of Wellington; and reinforced with stone bow arches, hence its
General Gordon of Khartoum. later name, StMary-le-Bow, originally
North Choir Aisle A statue of Dr Johnson Sancta Maria de Arcubus. William Long-
has the Dictionary-compiler dressed incon- beard, a radical orator, took sanctuary in the
gruously as an ancient Greek. church in 1196 after speaking out against the
North Transept and Chapel Bombed in the greed of the wealthy and the paying of a
Second Wqrld War and restored, it contains special tax to free Richard I from imprison-
a life-size terracotta statue of the Virgin and ment in Europe. After Archbishop Hubert
Child designed by the Portuguese Josefina instructed that the church be set on fire
de Vasconcelos and is festooned with the Longbeard fled. But he was captured and
colours of the Middlesex Regiment. stabbed to death, taken to the gallows in
South Aisle Here can be found the 259 steps Smithfield and hanged on a gibbet as a
leading to the Whispering Gallery. warning to others thinking of publicly
South Choir Aisle A statue of John Donne denouncing the king.
in a niche has the metaphysical poet, who Christopher Wren rebuilt the church after
was Dean of St Paul's from 1621 to 1631, the Fire of London, modelling it on the
wrapped in a shroud, standing on an urn Basilica of Maxentius in Rome, with the
awaiting his own resurrection. It was the grand doorway at the foot of the tower
only St Paul's memorial to survive the 1666 based on the work by Frans;ois Mansart in
Fire of London. Alongside is a piece of stone the Hotel de Conti, Paris. The church was
from Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. bombed again in the 1940s Blitz after which
South Transept There are memorials to only the outer walls and steeple were left
Captain Scott, who died trying to find the undamaged. The bells were recast using the
South Pole in 1912; the painter J. M. W. original metal and sounded again for the
Turner; and Admiral Nelson. first time in 1964.
Towers They were added by Christopher • In 1991 Dr Malcolm Hough of the
Wren in 1707 when he was seventy-five. Meteorological Office used weather and
West door It is opened only on special wind data to show that before the inven-
occasions. tion of motorized vehicles the church's
Whispering Gallery The acoustics enable bells could have been heard across
whispers to echo around the dome. _j central London and in suburbs such as
of its bells a call to return to London and Cannon Street
after a remarkable change of fortune became Cannon Street, one of the City's main
Lord Mayor of London three times; and that southern routes, which links St Paul's
only those born within the sound of the Cathedral with London Bridge, is a corrup-
church's bells are true cockneys- the word tion of Candelwrithe Street, a name
is a corruption of the Middle English commemorating the candle makers who
cockeney, or cock's egg, the misshapen eggs worked here from the twelfth century, and
laid by young hens - a term first applied to was where Samuel Pepys, during the Fire of
those born in the City of London by rural London, met the Lord Mayor, who cried out
dwellers, who felt themselves to be sturdier to him: 'Lord! What can I do? I have been
and purer. pulling down houses, but the fire overtakes
The first church to be built on this site, us faster than we can do it.' The street
StMary New Church (the old church was became a major commercial artery after the

building of the railway station of the same founded, three years after the Russian Revol-
name in the 186os. ution, from a hotch-potch of socialist organ-
London Stone, No. m, north side izations including the Socialist Prohibition
At length he sat on London Stone and Fellowship which wanted. to suppress the
heard Jerusalem's voice- Jerusalem, production of alcoholic drinks. The Soviet
William Blake (1820) Union leader, Lenin, who granted the
London Stone, a block of Clipsham lime- British communists £55,000 of state funds
stone embodied in the wall of m Cannon (just over £1 million in early twenty-first-
Street, and previously in the wall of century prices), sent the conference a
5t 5witbin's church on the same site, may message in the form of a pamphlet entitled
have been either a Roman milestone for all 'Left Wing Communism - An Infantile
British distances, the sacred pagan centre of Disorder' which urged the BCP to seek
the town, or even the ancient stone from affiliation to the Labour Party, a plea the
which King Arthur pulled Excalibur. In conference rejected. In 1931 Oswald Mosley
medieval times it was used as a totem for launched his short-lived New Party at the
the City's safety, where crowds used to same venue, and a year later closed it down
assemble to discuss important issues of the to found the British Union of Fascists. The
day and hear proclamations and new laws, hotel was converted to offices in 1931 and
and was where the Kent rebel Jack Cade, destroyed in the Second World War when
who in 1450 led a band of men into the City the station itself was badly damaged. Hawk-
to demonstrate against what they saw as bad shaw's arched roof was removed in the
government and legal injustice, stopped to 1960s when the station was remodelled to
tap the ancient monument as a show of incorporate pedestrian walkways and a
strength. Cade set up his headquarters at the precinct.
White Hart in Southwark while planning to
Clement's Lane
seize control of the capital, but was routed
St Clement Eastcheap
after a few days when Londoners tired of the
A church was built in the eleventh century
rebellion. Shakespeare dramatized Cade's
and dedicated to Clement, the third Bishop
arrival in Henry VI Part II (1591) in which
of Rome, who was cast into the sea chained
the rebel stops at London Stone and orders
to an anchor. After being destroyed in the
the 'pissing-conduit [the poor people's well]
Great Fire it was rebuilt by Christopher
run nothing but claret wine this first year of
Wren from 1683 to 1687 in an intimate style,
O'ur reign'.
being only 64 ft long and 40 ft wide. The
Cannon Street station, south side
St Clement of the nursery rhym~ 'Oranges
The station was built between 1865 and
and Lemons' is probably this church, rather
1867 by John Hawkshaw for the South
than St Clement Danes, as it was closer to.
Eastern Railway on the site where in the
the wharf where cargoes of citrus fruits were ·
first century AD the Roman governor of
London had his palace. Here, in 1157, the
Hanseatic League of German and Scandi- Mansion House Place
navian countries built a trading head- Mansion House
quarters, the Steelyard, that faced Mansion House, the official residence of the
considerable local prejudice until Edward II Lord Mayor of London, the nominal head
threatened to imprison for one year and one of the City, and not to be confused with the
day anyone who offended the foreign visi- newly created political mayor of London,
tors. Cannon Street station was originally was designed by George Dance the Elder
fronted by the «cmnon 5tuet t)otel, and built in 1753 on the site of the Stock
designed by E. M. Barry in 1867, where on 31 Market. As one of the City's major strategic
July 1920 the British Communist Party was buildings, Mansion House has attracted the

Oranges and Lemons ceremonies take place at Mansion House,

The verses of the well-known nursery rhyme including the Butchers' Company's annual
'Oranges and Lemons' were originally sung presentation to the Lord Mayor of London
to imitate the sound of the bells of the of a boar's head to mark the ancient pay-
various City churches which, according to ment for land on which they cleaned their
the song, rang the following sounds: beasts' entrails and the Fruiterers' Com- ,
Aldgate (St Botolph, Aldgate High Street) pany's annual tribute of a selection of fruit
'Old Father Baldpate.' in memory of the Fruit Meters, which were
Bow (StMary-le-Bow, Cheapside) 'I'm sure tolls on fruit entering the City.
I don't know.' ... Guildhall, p. 17.
Old Bailey 'When will you pay me?'
Queen Victoria Street Also seep. 54
St Anne's (Gresham Street) 'Kettles and
St Nicholas Cole Abbey, north side
Records for the church date back to 1144, a
St Clement's (St Clement Eastcheap)
charter from 1272 referring to the church as
'Oranges and lemons.'
'Sci Nichi retro fishtrate' (St Nick's behind
St Giles (St Giles Cripplegate, Wood Street)
Fish Street), but the name is something of a
'Brickbats and tiles.'
misnomer, given that there never was an
St Helen's (Bishopsgate) 'You owe me ten
abbey nor a Nicholas Cole, and results from
a nearby coldharbour, or shelter. When the
StJohn's (StJohn the Evangelist, Friday
Catholic Mary Tudor took the throne in
Street) 'Pokers and tongs.'
1553 she introduced a ruling that all married
St Catherine's (St Katherine Coleman,
clergy were automatically divorced, which
Fenchurch Street) 'Maids in white aprons.'
led Thomas Sowdley, the church's priest, to
St Marg'ret's (New Fish Street Hill) 'Bull's
sell his wife to a butcher, after which he was
eyes and targets'.
nicknamed the Parson Chicken and pelted
StMartin's (StMartin Ongar, Martin Lane)
with chamber pots and eggs. St Nicholas
'You owe me five farthings.'
was the first church to be rebuilt by Chris-
StPeter's (StPeter Westcheap, Cheapside)
topher Wren after the Fire, and after being
'Pancake and fritters.'
destroyed on Sunday 11 May 1941 in a
Shoreditch (St Leonard's, Shoreditch High
Second World War raid in which more than
Street) 'When I grow rich.'
3,ooo were killed it was restored to Wren's
Stepney (St Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney
designs. In the 1951 Baling comedy The
High Street) 'Pray, when will that be?'
Lavender Hill Mob the gold bullion robbery
Whitechapel (StMary, Whitechapel High
takes place just outside the church, a scene
Street) 'Two sticks and an apple.' _j which captures the devastation caused by
the Blitz, showing St Nicholas without glass
ire of various groups of demonstrators over
in the windows, roof or spire. In 1982 the
the years. In 1768 supporters of the popular
Church of England leased St Nicholas to the
orator John Wilkes, celebrating the latter's
Free Church of Scotland and many artefacts
election as MP, broke the windows when
were transferred to the Blackfriars church of
they noticed they were not lit, and twelve
St Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe.
years later the building was damaged during
~~le of IJHt~mi, No. 11, south side
the anti-Catholic Gordon Riots. Had the
A Roman temple to the light god,
Cato Street Conspirators been successful in
Mithras, 6o ft long and 26 ft wide and
their attempt to kill the entire British
built by the Walbrook stream, was dis-
Cabinet in 1820, the heads of Cabinet minis-
covered in 1954 when the ground was
ters Lord Castlereagh and Lord Sidmouth
excavated in preparation for the building
would have been displayed on pikes on the
of an office block, Bucklersbury House,
steps of Mansion House. Various City

on the site, and the artefacts taken to the constructed caves. MithrU~J, one of which
Museum of London. Knowledge of the was created in London near the site now
worship of Mithras - which began in P-ersia occupied by Mansion House - is limited
in the first century Be, was available only to due to the extreme secrecy surrounding
men and was carried out in specially the cult.
Central London


ECI 68
(i) around the colleges 83
(i) Little Italy 69 Byng Place 83
Bleeding Heart Yard 70 Gordon Square 83
Brooke Street 70 Gower Street 84
Clerkenwell Road 71 Malet Street 86
Coldbath Square 71 Russell Square 87
Ely Court 71 Tavistock Square 87
Ely Place 71
(ii) around the British Museum 87
Greville Street 72
Bedford Square 87
Hatton Garden 72
Bloomsbury Square 88
Leather Lane 73
Bloomsbury Way 88
Mount Pleasant 73
Great Russell Street 89
Saffron Hill 73
New Oxford Street 90
(ii) Clerkenwell Green area 73
(iii) east Bloomsbury 91
Clerkenwell Close 74
Doughty Street 91
Clerkenwell Green 74
Guilford Street 91
Farringdon Lane 75
Lamb's Conduit Street 91
Farringdon Road 75
Marchmont Street 91
StJohn's Square 76
Percy Circus 92
(iii) Farringdon 77 Queen Square 92
Charterhouse Square 77 Southampton Row 94
Cowcross Street 78 Theobald's Road 94
StJohn's Lane 79
(iv) High Holborn I Gray's Inn 95
St John Street 79
Bury Place 95
(iv) Finsbury 79 Gray's Inn Road 95
Exmouth Market 79 Gray's Inn Square 96
Pine Street 8o High Holbom 96
Rosebery Avenue .8o Red Lion Square 98
St Joh11 Street 81
(v) St Luke's 81
BunhillRow81 (i) around Leicester Square 98
City Road 82 Charing Cross Road 98

Cranbourn Street 100 (viii) Savoy 133

Leicester Square 101 Savoy Court 134
St Martin's Place 103 Savoy Hill 135
Trafalgar Square 104 Savoy Place 135
(ii) St Giles 105
The Sabini gang 73
Denmark Street 106
St Giles High Street 107 Wilkes and liberty 76
(iii) Covent Garden 108 John Wesley's general rules of employing
Bedford Street 108 time 82
Bow Street 108
The Bloomsbury Group 84
Covent Garden (Piazza) 110
Earlharm Street 112 Jeremy Bentham 86
Garrick Street 112
British Museum glossary 90
Henrietta Street 113
King Street 114 Lenin's Bloomsbury haunts 92
Long Acre 115
Demonstrations and rallies in Trafalgar
St Martin's Lane 116
Wellington Street 117
Gin Lane 106
(iv) Holbom 117
Aldwych 118 The Gordon Riots 125 _j
Drury Lane 118
Great Queen Street 119
Kingsway 120
Tavistock Street 121 CLERKENWELL I FINSBURY,

(v) Lincoln's Inn 121 ECl

Chancery Lane 121
Although there were busy trades in
Houghton Street 122
Lincoln's Inn Fields 122 Clerkenwell, and working jewellers by
scores, it was a purer place, with farm-
Portsmouth Street 124
houses nearer to it than many modem
Sardinia Street 124
Londoners would readily believe, and
Took's Court 124
lovers' walks at no great distance, which '
(vi) Strand 125 turned into squalid courts - Barnaby
Strand 125 Rudge, Charles Dickens (1841)
Clerkenwell, London's first suburb, grew in
(vii) Adelphi 131
medieval times on the slightly raised ground
Adelphi Terrace 131
to the north of the City by the east bank of
The Arches 131
the River Fleet and took its name from the
Buckingham Street 131
Pons Clericorum, or Clerks' Well, on
Craven Street 131
Farringdon Lane, a glimpse of which can be
Hungerford Lane 132
seen behind the fa~ade at 14 Farringdon
John Adam Street 132
Lane. To the east, between Sadler's Wells
Lower Robert Street 132
and Shoreditch, what is now Finsbury was a
Northumberland Avenue 132
fen, but in Clerkenwell springs, spas and
Northumberland Street 133
archery grounds abounded. By the four-
Villiers Street 133
teenth century Clerkenwell was home to
York Place 133
three great religious institutions - the Priory

of the Knights of St John, the Augustinian Clerkenwell's population, which peaked

nunnery of St Mary (both founded c. 1140) at 65,000 in 1861, declined through housing
and the Charterhouse Priory (1371), all of reforms and Second World War bombing
which were dissolved by Henry VIII during but, even though many of the better houses
the Reformation. were bombed, the area's traditional street
After the 1666 Fire of London many of pattern was left intact and major landmarks
those who had been made homeless in the and turnings, such as Clerkenwell Green,
City fled to the area, making living the nearby church of St James, the twisting
conditions difficult. In the eighteenth Clerkenwell Close and Myddelton Square,
century Clerkenwell was colonized by remained to attract recent generations.
Huguenots (French Protestants fleeing Clerkenwell' s revival, which would have
persecution), who opened workshops to seemed unlikely in the 1960s but is now
capitalize on their skills in making watches, taken for granted, began in the late 1970s
locks and jewellery, and these trades when media companies, advertising agen-
flourished alongside the more traditional cies, restaurant owners and City workers,
saddle-making and leather work, which tired of commuting into central London
were banned from the City. At that time the from afar, began seeking out the abandoned
local landscape was dominated by the Fleet workshops and factories, buoyed by the
River, which ran along the course of what is village charm that could be found away
now Farringdon Road, and was little more from the main roads, and made the area
than an open sewer. The average local life into what is now one of the most sought
expectancy was twenty-two years, and the after in central London.
district was so violent, even clergy had to be
escorted by the police. (i) Little Italy
Many of the worst slums were wiped out
when the eastern end of the first under- In the eighteenth century, before the Fleet
ground line, the Metropolitan Railway, was River was culverted, the area around Hatton
built in the Fleet valley between 1859 and Garden was one of the most overcrowded
1863, a story recounted by Arnold Bennett in and unhygienic in London: a warren of
his 1923 novel Riceyman Steps, in which he courts, alleyways and passages, often
referred, albeit slightly with tongue-in- connected by planks between windows and
cheek, to the 'great metropolitan industrial over ditches, where strangers were robbed
district of Clerkenwell'. By this time Clerken- and occasionally killed, their bodies being
well was heavily associated with radical poli- dropped from trapdoors into the river, and
tics and publishing: the Russian agitator and was where Charles Dickens set Fagin's Den
future Soviet leader V. I. Lenin produced his in Oliver Twist.
Bolshevik newspaper, Iskra, at what is now Following the Napoleonic Wars of the
the Marx Memorial Library on Clerkenwell early nineteenth century Italian immigrants
Green in 1903 and the communist daily moved here, their community run
Morning Star operated from offices on according to a hierarchical system that
Farringdon Road in the mid twentieth involved a padrone being in charge of the
century near where the Guardian and new arrivals and handing out rooms and
Observer are now based. Meanwhile, the jobs in return for a portion of the immi-
local council, Finsbury, built a reputation as grants' wages.
one of the most radical and progressive in Many of the Italians were craftsmen,
the metropolis, opening free libraries and picture-framers and watchmakers, who set
the pioneering Finsbury Health Centre in up workshops around Hatton Garden (now
1938, but was abolished during local govern- the centre of London's jewellery trade,
ment reorganization in 1965. although with little Italian presence), while

the poorer ones became ice-cream vendors west side: Holborn to Darrington Street
or knife sharpeners, living in cramped ~01114i ~.utmon 1 i ol»breii (1770),
tenements on Leather Lane. Slum clearance Jlo.39
of the late nineteenth century cleaned up Chatterton, the romantic poet described by
the area, and Italian immigration died out John Keats as 'the purest writer in the
after the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini English language', died at 39 Sroofe Street
imposed a restriction on emigration in 1927. (demolished 1880) at the age of seventeen
There are still traces of an Italian presencefrom a fatal dose of arsenic which he took in
around the church of St Peter on Clerken- a fit of depression induced by a publisher's
well Road while elsewhere, particularly rejection of his poems (some believe he was
around the Hatton Garden jewellery district, taking the mineral to alleviate venereal
the uncontrived liveliness and lack of sophis- disease). After his death, poems which he
tication has helped create one of central claimed had been written by Thomas
London's most appealing districts. Rowley, a fifteenth-century monk, were
• Little Italy occupies the area between found among his papers, published in 1777,
Mount Pleasant and Holborn, west of and hailed as masterpieces. But when the
Farringdon Road. scholar Thomas Tyrwhitt proved that the
poems could not have been written by the
Bleeding Heart Yard
monk, as they used grammatical construc-
Bleeding Heart Yard ... a place much
tions unknown at that time, it appeared as if
changed in feature and in fortune, yet
they must have been written by Chatterton,
with some relish of ancient greatness
who then became feted as a poetic genius
about it - Little Dorrit, Charles Dickens
and doomed romantic figure. In 1856 Henry
Wallis painted The Death of Chatterton in
A well-concealed dingy courtyard, south of
the room in which the poet had died, the
Greville Street, whose unusual name dates
novelist and poet George Meredith posing
back to a myth that grew up around the fate
as Chatterton. Peter Ackroyd's 1987 novel,
of Lady Elizabeth Hatton, who in 1626
entitled simply Chatterton, interweaves
supposedly danced here with the devil and
Chatterton's life with that of a modern-day
was found the next morning dead, her heart
aspiring writer, Charles Wychwood. A
still pumping blood.
branch of Barclays Bank now stands on the
Brooke Street site.
The street, which leads north from Holborn, .,.. Keats House, Hampstead, p. 364.
stands on the site of Sroofe t)ouse, a IBtUtmn ifrieie-6Jreene 1i IU~ki~-.. ~o. 20
mansion built in 1536 by the Earl of Bath as William Friese-Greene invented the kinema-
Bath House and renamed by Elizabeth I's tograph (Greek for 'motion writing'), a
Chancellor of the Exchequer, the poet Fulke camera that could take a series of photo-
Greville (Lord Brooke), who was murdered graphs on a roll of film moving behind a
in the house by his manservant when the shutter, in his laboratory at 20 Sroofe Street
latter discovered he had been left out of in January 1889, and used it to make a film
Greville's will. Oliver Cromwell entertained showing 'leisurely pedestrians, open-topped
the French government at Brooke House in buses and hansom-cabs with trotting horses'
1656 when he ruled the country as Lord in Hyde Park. Although Friese-Greene was ·
Protector and the house was demolished the first person to witness moving pictures
twenty years later. William Friese-Greene on a screen, his camera was too slow to be
gave the first ever demonstration of moving of practical use (it could not take shots
pictures on his kinematograph in his labora- quickly enough for animation) and he gave
tory at ~o. 20 in 1889. no public performances of his moving
pictures, which is why credit for the

invention has gone instead to Thomas of his fortune in the South Sea Bubble crash
Edison, who produced a more sophisticated and was later disgraced in contesting a will,
machine. Friese-Greene later pioneered left his house in Coldbath Square, took a
stereoscopic and colour cinematography but boat out on the Thames, and having filled
did not have the technical knowledge to his pockets with stones jumped in the water
develop his ideas commercially, and despite half-way across and drowned. In 1794 the
taking out seventy-eight patents between !Dlibblesu f)ouse of ionedion, also known
1889 and 1921, none was developed commer- as Coldbath Prison, was built here, ruining
cially, resulting in a number of experts the square's residential status. The prison
dismissing him as a charlatan. He was was often used for those suspected of insur-
honoured by John Boulting in the 1951 film rection against the state, but its best-known
The Magic Box. incumbent was John Williams, the prime
.,. John Logie Baird's pioneering television suspect for the 1811 Ratcliff Highway
work, p. 197. Murders, who committed suicide in gaol
before he could be brought to trial. Some
Clerkenwell Road
experts believe there was no case against
Originally Liquorpond Street, it was
Williams and that he was murdered in
upgraded from a lane in 1879 when scores of
prison to end the investigation. The prison
tiny alleyways and crumbling tenements
closed in 1877 and the square was all but
were demolished.
eradicated for the construction of Rosebery
StPeter, west of Herbal Hill
London's main Italian church, also known
.,. Ratcliff Highway murders, pp. 298-9.
as the Chiesa Italiana di San Pietro,
designed by John Bryson and based on the Ely Court
basilica of St Cristogona in Trastevere, The Olde Mitre
Rome, opened in 1863 and was for nearly a A tavern founded in 1546 for the staff of the
hundred years the religious and social centre adjacent <!b) q.Jalace, medieval home of the
of the large local Italian community. It is Bishops of Ely, its opening and closing times
now used by a congregation that has moved were set by magistrates in Ely, Cambridge-
far from Clerkenwell, and on the first shire, until the liberalization of the licensing
Sunday after 16 July every year there is a laws in the 1980s, and technically the police
service based around the feast of Our Lady were not allowed to enter unless invited to
of Mount Carmel, after which a lively do so. Elizabeth I supposedly once danced
procession makes its way through the local around the cherry tree preserved in the
streets . corner of the bar.
... The London Oratory of St Philip Neri,
Ely Place
p. 421.
A well-preserved terrace of Georgian houses
Coldbath Square built in 1770 on the site of the medieval <fl9
Barely noticeable as a square, and occupying q.Jalace, it was guarded by men in top hats
a squalid location opposite the huge Mount and frock coats until the 1980s. Between
Pleasant post office, it marks the site of the Nos. 9 and 10 a narrow court leads to the
Cold Bath Fields where, in 1697, Walter Olde Mitre pub, while at its northern end a
Baynes found a cold spring and bottled a high wall acts as a social and physical boun-
water 'famed for the curing compulsion, dary between the elegance of the street and
creeping fevers, dropsy, disorders of the the shabbiness of Bleeding Heart Yard
spleen, deafness ... and most nerval (p. 70).
disorders'. In 1737 Eustace Budgell, a
resident of the square and barrister in the
Inner Temple, who had lost three-quarters

""' .Gfoet
A medieval palace owned by the Bishops of
East End branch of Bloom's restaurant
Ely- the garden was noted for its straw- • Bloom's in the East End, p. 304.
berries, as mentioned by Shakespeare in
Hatton Garden
Richard III - it was where John of Gaunt,
A shabby, lively street at the centre of
son of Edward III and mentor of the poet
London's jewellery trade, it is named after
Geoffrey Chaucer, effectively ruled England
Sir Christopher Hatton, late-sixteenth-
in the 1370s. It was also where Henry VIII,
century Master of the Game at the Inner
according to the London chronicler John
Temple, who met Elizabeth I at the theatre
Stow, hosted a five-day feast in May 1531 for
and became one of the queen's favourites,
which the menu included '24 great beefs,
being appointed Vice-Chamberlain in 1577
100 fat muttons, 51 veals, 34 porks, 91 pigs,
and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal in 1587.
10 dozen capons, 14 dozen cocks, 37 dozen
During the eighteenth century Hatton
pigeons, 14 dozen swans and 340 dozen
Garden was a desirable residential street, but
larks'. In 1576 Elizabeth I ordered the Bishop
in the nineteenth century jewellers, silver-
of Ely to rent out some of the buildings to
smiths and goldsmiths opened small work-
Christopher Hatton, a favoured courtier,
shops near the luxurious houses and by the
and the palace was later demolished with
end of the century the smart houses had all
only the chapel, now the church of
been demolished and the entire street had
St Etheldreda's, remaining (see below).
come to be dominated by traders.
• ·~dJ..U ~. p. 233· Because of the riches on display Hatton
St Etheldreda, west side
Garden has long been a target for criminals.
St Etheldreda is the oldest Catholic church
In the early years of the twentieth century
in England and the only surviving building
hustlers would go into a jeweller's shop with
from the medieval Cfll) 'oloee, of which it
a £100 ring they were trying to sell, refuse to
was the chapel. Parts of the church date
accept the shopkeeper's offer, no matter
from 1290 and along with some of the
how large, but return a few seconds later
chapels ofWestminster Abbey are the only
having changed their mind and now willing
examples of Edward I era architecture to
to sell. If the shopkeeper failed to examine
survive in London. During the Reformation
the ring again he would find himself
the chapel became a Protestant place of
handing over a large sum for an imitation
worship. Fortunate to escape the Fire of
paste copy the crook had exchanged outside
London in 1666, it was renamed in honour
for the real ring. In 1919 the Soviet Union's
ofEtheldreda, seventh-century abbess of
trade commissar Leonid Krasin, who was
Ely. It became a Welsh chapel in 1833 and
later in charge of embalming Lenin's body,
returned to the Catholic fold in 1874 when it
and Leon Trotsky's brother-in-law, Lev
was bought by the Rosminian Fathers. The
Kamenev, a member of the Soviet Politburo, ·
huge west window, completed in 1964,
sold £4o,ooo-worth of diamonds and
commemorates the English martyrs of the
platinum they had smuggled into Britain in
Tudor period.
Hatton Garden, intending to use the
Greville Street proceeds to bankroll the labour newspaper,
Greville Street, named after Elizabeth I's ~e Daily Herald. When the details emerged
Chancellor of the Exchequer, the poet Fulke m the conservative Morning Post, the Herald
Greville, is a ramshackle street off claimed it had known nothing of the scam
Farringdon Road at the edge ofLo~don's and returned the money to the Soviets.
jewellery trade, best known for its twenty- • ~alii) bttalb, p. ns.
four-hour kosher-styled cafe, the Knosherie,
opened in 1999 by Michael Bloom after the

leather lane The Sabini gang

One of London's oldest, if not more Saffron Hill in the 1920s and 1930s was
auspicious, markets, its name relates not to home to the Sabini gang, then London's
the sale of leather but to the French word most feared criminal organization, headed
leveroun (greyhound), believed to be the by Darby Sabini, on whom Graham Greene
name of a local inn. It was home in the nine- based the gangster Colleoni in Brighton
teenth century to organ-grinders, beggars Rock, assisted by brothers Fred, Joseph,
and thieves and the location of public baths Harry-Boy and George. Like the later Krays,
where those with venereal disease would the Sabinis were excellent boxers in their
sweat in a tub and try to cure themselves by youth, but could not maintain the discipline
taking mercury, often in harmful doses. required to become successful professionals,
Richard Trevithick built Britain's first steam and in the 1920s swapped the ring for ring-
coach at Welton's <tooclj10ods, which stood side security, emerging as a serious under-
at No. 36, in 1802, the vehicle making the world force after Darby Sabini broke the jaw
first ever journey by a machine using its of a rival gangster, Monkey Benneyworth,
own power, ten miles from here to when the latter deliberately tore the
Paddington and back, during which time it barmaid's dress in the Griffin pub on
went out of control and caused some Saffron Hill. The Sabinis began to organize
damage. crime and protection at south-east race-
... Petticoat Lane market, p. 289. tracks, where they would surround book-
makers, standing sideways so that the
Mount Pleasant
hammers in their pockets could be seen,
Mount Pleasant post office
and prevent punters from placing bets
Opened in 1877 on the site of Cold Bath
until the bookmaker had paid the required
Fields, it was rebuilt from 1913 to 1917 to
premium. Their 'protection' involved hiring
incorporate the Post Office's underground
out stools at a grossly inflated price to
electric railway system, which until 2003
on-course bookmakers or taking round pails
ran from Paddington to Whitechapel via
and sponges which bookmakers would be
Wimpole Street post office, Drury Lane,
obliged to use to clean their blackboards
Mount Pleasant, St Martin's-le-Grand and
after each race, again for a price, wiping the
Liverpool Street station using automatic,
odds at an inconvenient moment of the
driverless trains that travelled at around
.racing if the bookmaker refused to pay up.
35 mph and carried half a ton ofletters. The
The Sabinis, whose members promised
tunnel was used as a shelter during the First
not to swear or drink alcohol under the
World War and was where the Elgin
age of twenty, expanded in the 1930s so that
Marbles were stored during the Second
their number included Jews and second
World War.
generation Sicilians, none of whom spoke
.,.. Elgin Marbles at the British Museum, p. 90.
Italian, but after older members of the
Saffron Hill family were interned as enemy aliens at the
Once the main north-south route through outbreak of the Second World War their
the area but now a minor road, Saffron reign collapsed.
Hill, named after the herb that grew here .,.. The Krays, p. 310; the Richardsons, p. 378. _j
in medieval times, was the centre of Italian
life in London in the nineteenth century. At
No.1 is the Diamond Trading Company, (ii) Clerkenwell Green area
which handles the sale of gems for the De
Beers group, brought in by helicopters that The centre of Clerkenwell village, home
land on the roof. of the eighteenth-century church of
StJames, the Green features a number of

enticing alleyways leading off at odd another 120 were injured. The Fenian ring-
angles. leader, Michael Barrett, was hanged at
Newgate a year later in what was London's
Clerkenwell Close last public execution.
A winding medieval lane built in the
The prison closed in the 1890s and the
grounds of St !Dlaq's !Jlunneq, it was
buildings were converted into the Hugh
lined with elegant villas in the sixteenth
Myddelton School, which was opened by
century and residents later included Thomas
Edward, Prince of Wales, the first time a
Challoner, friend of Oliver Cromwell, in
member of the royal family had performed
whose house the Parliamentarian leader
such a ceremony. Some 2,ooo children
stayed at the outbreak of the English Civil
attended the school, such was the density of
War of the 1640s. These properties fell into
the local population, many enticed by the
decay when the wealthy moved west at the
offer of free school meals. Only the primary
end of the following century, and were
school, to the west in Bowling Green Lane,
mostly divided into flats or converted to
is now in use, the other buildings func-
workshops, being demolished in the nine-
tioning as a further education college. A
teenth century when space in Clerkenwell
network of tunnels and dungeons from the
became greatly sought. A rare survival is the
prison days, which were used as air-raid shel-
pair of late-eighteenth-century converted
ters during the Second World War, and
houses at Nos. 47-48. Council plans in 1951
briefly opened as a museum in the 1990s,
to demolish the lane and replace it with a
remains underneath.
school and car park were thwarted. The
St James, north of Clerkenwell Green
feminist magazine Spare Rib was launched
The church, which stands in one of the most
at No. 27 in 1972.
glorious settings in London, is all that
east side: Corporation Row to Clerkenwell
remains of the medieval Augustinian
nunnery of et !Dlaq, founded by Jordan de
House of Detention (nineteenth century),
Briset in 1140 on fourteen acres of land by
north of Sans Walk
the Clerks' Well, dissolved by Henry VIII in
A prison built in 1845 on the site of the
1539, when it was the twelfth richest monas-
seventeenth-century Clerkenwell Bridewell,
tery in England, and demolished in 1780.
it was where in December 1867 a group of
Twelve years later James Carr rebuilt the
Fenians (Irish nationalists) attempted to
church in a baroque style, described by John
help some jailed associates escape by deton-
Summerson in Georgian London as 'a
ating a beer barrel full of explosives outside
belated imitation of a Wren steeple', with
the prison wall. Although the police in
colonial-style box pews at the back for
Dublin had warned the Metropolitan Police
church officers.
that there would be an attempt to spring the
Fenians from Clerkenwell, few precautions Clerkenwell Green
were taken and a constable who saw a group Last Sunday evening I spent on Clerken-
of men drag a barrel to the prison wall, light well Green - a great assembly place for
a fuse, and drag the barrel away as it smoul- radical meetings - George Gissing, letter
dered and fizzled out failed to report the to his sister (1887)
incident to his superiors. Two days later, the Clerkenwell's village green, its appearance
feat was repeated by three men and one more like that of a continental piazza than a
woman who hauled a 30-gallon cask London square, was the medieval setting for
containing more than 500 lbs of gunpowder the parish clerks' mystery plays and was
to Clerkenwell Close and asked a girl where rebels from the North camped out
playing in the street to fetch a match. In the during the 1381 Peasants' Revolt before
blast six people (including the girl) died and destroying the nearby priory of St John. In

the nineteenth century the Green became a and in a room so cramped that, according
popular setting for political demonstrations, to the Russian, 'there was no room for
and was where William Cobbett, author of another chair'.
Rural Rides (1830), spoke against the Com Iskra, which was bankrolled by the
Laws in February 1826. During the Chartist millionaire manufacturer Savva Morozov,
agitation of 1842 the prime minister, Robert moved to Geneva in April1903, and after
Peel, banned public meetings from taking the Twentieth Century Press left Clerken-
place here, but the Green later came to be well in 1922 the building was used by a
used for rallies again: in 1867 to protest variety of businesses until1933 when, on the
against the proposed hanging of three fiftieth anniversary of Marx's death, a confer-
Fenians; in 1871 in support of the Paris ence held here led to the founding of the
Commune; and, most famously of all, on Marx Memorial Library, such a venture
13 November 1887, when Annie Besant and being chosen because at the time the Nazis
William Morris addressed a large crowd in in Germany were burning books. The
favour of the right to assembly and marched building was saved from demolition in the
to Trafalgar Square where a riot that became 196os after a campaign involving the poet
known as Bloody Sunday took place. The John Betjeman that led to the discovery of
world's first May Day march left from tunnels in the basement that are linked with
Clerkenwell Green in 1890 and annual May the former Sessions House on the west side
Day marches still do so. Since the 1980s of the Green and the now-demolished
revival of Clerkenwell the Green has become fieaJgote ~son, and were once part of the
a popular location for companies and smart medieval St Mary's nunnery.
restaurants, although plans outlined in .- Marx's burial place, Highgate Cemetery,
October 2001 may yet see it shorn of its p. 335; Lenin's Bloomsbury haunts, p. 92.
character with unsuitable new development.
Farringdon lane
Marx Memorial library, No. 37a, north
A street off Clerkenwell Green flanked by
the deep ditch of the Metropolitan Railway,
A socialist library containing some 1oo,ooo
it once formed the embankment of the Fleet
books, pamphlets, tracts and publications,
its collection includes the first published
The Clerks' Well, Nos. 14-16
English translation of Marx and Engels's
The well which gave the area its name and
Communist Manifesto, the suffragettes' Votes
was filled with 'excellent springs, the water
for Women and William Morris's Common-
of which is sweet, clear and salubrious',
weal. It is housed in what was built as a
according to William Fitzstephen, secretary
Welsh charity school in 1738 and from 1872
to the twelfth-century martyr Thomas a
was home to the London Patriotic Club, a
Becket, is visible through the window of
radical organization co-founded by John
14-16 Farringdon Lane, although access is
Stuart Mill that, unusually for the time, was
limited. The well went into disuse through
open to women. In 1893 the premises were
pollution in the nineteenth century and was
bought by the designer and socialist extraor-
lost, but was rediscovered in 1924. The
dinaire William Morris for the Twentieth
socialist magazine New Statesman had its
Century Press, one of Britain's first left-wing
offices here in the mid-198os.
print works, which produced the weekly
journal Justice ('The Organ of the Social Farringdon Road
Democracy'). In 1902 the Russian revolu- The road, originally Victoria Street, was cut
tionary V. I. Lenin, who had just arrived in through the area's worst slums along the
London, came here to produce his revolu- course of the culverted Fleet River in 1845-6
tionary communist paper, Iskra (The and soon began to attract printers and
Spark), on a printing press that still survives publishers, the only surviving examples of

which are the Guardian and Observer news- 1993, a deal which meant that the liberal Left
papers at Nos. 119-141. It ~on beca~e ~ now had·a Sunday voice.
major road, part of the mam route linking ... Early days of the Observer, p. 126.
King's Cross and Blackfriars Bridge, and was
StJohn's Square
renamed Farringdon Road in 1863.
Barely noticeable as a square and straddling
GUilrdian I Observer, Nos. 119--141, west
both sides of the busy Clerkenwell Road,
The Guardian, Britain's only left-leaning
Wilkes and liberty
national daily broadsheet, was founded in
John Wilkes, the best-known radical poli-
Manchester in 1821 as the Manchester Guar-
tician of eighteenth-century London, was
dian and was published weekly until1855
born in StJohn's Square in 1725 and after
when Stamp Duty was abolished, after
becoming a country squire joined the Hell-
which it became a daily. C. P. Scott, editor
Fire Club that met in the ruins of StMary's
and owner for fifty-seven years from 1872,
Abbey at Medmenham for 'tasteful' orgies.
originated the famous slogan that has long
When a fellow member, the Earl of Sand-
been the paper's guiding principle -
wich, warned Wilkes that he would die
'Comment is free, facts are sacred' - and
either of the pox or on the gallows, the latter
his son and successor, John Russell Scott,
memorably replied: 'That depends, my lord,
transferred ownership of the paper to a
whether I embrace your mistress or your
trust to protect his father's principles. The
principles.' In 1762 Wilkes published the
Guardian left Manchester in the 1960s to
first issue of his satirical journal, The North
raise its profile, but in doing so lost its
Briton, named in mock honour of the
unique status as a national paper with a
government's publication The Briton, and
northern, rather than a metropolitan,
after attacking political corruption in Issue
perspective, and has survived financially not
through sales but, ironically, through the 45 (in April 1763) he was arrested on charges
of seditious libel and sent to the Tower.
subsidies of its illiberal stablemate, the
Wilkes won his appeal and as the self-styled
Manchester Evening News.
leader of the people against tyrannical
In 1988 the Guardian underwent a costly
government was cheered back to his West-
and only partially successful redesign and in
minster home by crowds chanting 'For
the 1990s many features were transferred
Wilkes and Liberty'. When in 1768 Wilkes
from the main broadsheet edition to an
entered Parliament as member for
increasingly downmarket tabloid section.
Middlesex his supporters chalked 'No. 45'
However, improvement in its news section
(in honour of the offending volume) on
and the publication of a series of high-
various London buildings and on the soles
profile investigations into sleaze within the
of the Austrian ambassador's boots. Six
1990s Tory government, in particular the
years later he introduced a bill 'for the just
behaviour of Tory MPs Neil Hamilton and
and equal Representation of the People of
Jonathan Aitken, saw the paper gain new
England in Parliament', and later sup~orted
credibility, especially after the latter, who
the independence claims of the Amencan
vowed to fight the Guardian armed only
colonists (there are a number of American
with 'the simple sword of truth and the
towns named after him), but his popularity
trusty shield of British fair play', not only
waned after the 1780 Gordon Riots when in
lost his case but was convicted of perjury
a desperate bid to reassert public order he
and sent to jail. Given the similarities
ordered troops to fire on the crowd. Wilkes
between the Guardian and the Observer
died in 1797.
since the Second World War, a merger long
... The Gordon Riots, p. 125. _j
seemed likely and this finally took place in

StJohn's Square marks the site ofthe The Grand Priory Church of the Order of
medieval 'riOfl) of 1St 3ofJn, dissolved by St John, east side
Henry VIII in the mid sixteenth century. A Modelled on the Church of the Holy
number of aristocrats, including the Earls of Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and consecrated in
Carlisle and Essex and the Bishop of 1185 by Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem,
Durham, built lavish properties here after who was in England to raise funds for the
the Fire of London. John Wilkes, the war against the Turks, the church is one of
colourful eighteenth-century politician, was only two remaining structures of the medi-
born here in 1725. The square declined after eval Priory of St John and its crypt is one of
Clerkenwell Road was cut through its centre the few surviving Norman structures in
in 1879. London. In 1550 the Duke of Somerset, Pro-
'J'rimj of et ~o~n, north side tector of Edward VI, blew up the church
A medieval priory founded in 1144 by and used the stone to build the first
Jordan de Briset, a local landowner, Somerset House on the Strand, the
StJohn's was for centuries one of the most surviving crypt serving as a wine cellar for
powerful institutions north of the City. It the next hundred years. When the graveyard
was here in 1185 that Heraclius, Patriarch of was cleaned out in 1894 the cost of the work,
Jerusalem, met Henry II to urge England to which included scraping out human
join his war against the Turks and on being remains three feet deep, was passed on to
rebutted exclaimed: 'We come to seek a ratepayers who took the council to court
king, not money, for every corner of the and lost. Since 1931 the church has been
world sends us money but not one a prince. used by the charitable Order of St John.
Here is my head; treat me if you like as you
did your brother [Thomas aBecket]; it (iii) Farringdon
matters little to me whether I die by your
orders or in Syria by the hands of infidels, The area south of Clerkenwell Road is domi-
for you are worse than a Saracen', thereby nated by the railway lines around
bringing the meeting to an untimely end. Farringdon station and the buildings of
Dick Whittington was given lodgings at Charterhouse, the former monastery and
StJohn's on arriving in London penniless in public school.
1368, and thirteen years later the leaders of
Charterhouse Square
the Peasants' Revolt attacked and sacked the
The most dramatic-looking of London
priory as it was the working address of Sir
squares, thanks to its curious five-sided
Robert Hales, 'Bob the Robber', the Lord
design, the buildings of Charterhouse and a
Treasurer of England, who collected the
collection of properties dating from the last
hated poll tax. The priory was rebuilt, but
four centuries.
after it was shut down in 1540 during the
Charterhouse, north side
Reformation members fled to Malta, which
An intriguing mixture of Tudor, Georgian
remained the headquarters of the Knights of
and Victorian buildings, now mostly used
St John until Napoleon conquered the
by St Bartholomew's Hospital as a medical
island in 1798. The former priory buildings
college, Charterhouse began in 1348 as a
were used as offices by the Master of Revels,
priory outside the City's jurisdiction. It was
who licensed plays, until the seventeenth
built on land used as a burial ground for
century when they were mostly demolished,
some 40,ooo victims of the Black Death,
leaving only the Church of St John (see
with twenty-four cells for monks living in
below) and the imposing gateway south of
solitary confinement and water piped down
Clerkenwell Road (p. 79).
to the site from the hills around Barnsbury.
The priory was closed down in 1535 when

John Houghton, the prior, and three monks Norfolk was arrested was destroyed.
who refused to accept Henry VIII as head Rebuilding uncovered parts of the original
of the Church and were accused of high monastery, including one of the monks'
treason, led away on a cart, dragged upside cells and the Elizabethan Great Chamber,
down through the streets to Tyburn gallows, which was expertly restored. Charterhouse
and there half-hanged, disembowelled, and is now mostly offices for St Bartholomew's
relieved· of at least one limb each. One of Hospital and home to a number of hospice
Houghton's arms was then fastened to the pensioners.
outer gate of Charterhouse as a warning to
Cowcross Street
Cattle en route to Smithfield market crossed
Elizabeth I used the premises to prepare
the River Fleet at this point until1855 when
for her Coronation in 1558, spending five
the market stopped using live animals. Eight
days at Charterhouse as the crowds gathered
years later Farringdon Street station (now
outside, and it was also here that a later
Farringdon) opened here.
owner, Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk,
north side: Farringdon Road to StJohn
plotted with Ridolfi, agent of King Philip of
Spain, to overthrow Elizabeth and replace
Farringdon station
her with Mary Queen of Scots. In 1611 the
Opened with brass bands and a banquet on
property was sold to the mining magnate
9 January 1863 as Farringdon Street, the
Thomas Sutton, reputedly the richest man
eastern terminus of the Metropolitan
in England, who played a prominent role in
Railway, the world's first underground line,
saving England from the Spanish Armada
the sit~ was chosen because of the proximity
and was Ben Jonson's model for the venal
of Smithfield market, with the western
Volpone, the title character of his 1605 play
terminus at Praed Street (now Paddington).
of the same name. In his will Sutton left
The line had been first planned in the 1840s
funds to convert the buildings into a
as an attempt to solve the growing traffic
hospice for eighty military pensioners and a
problems in the capital, where the popu-
school for forty boys. The school opened as
lation had doubled since the start of the
Charterhouse, famous alumni including
century, and the intention was for it to link
Joseph Addison, who founded the Spectator
the three London railway termini of
(in the 168os); John Wesley, founder of
Paddington, Euston and King's Cross
Methodism (1714-20); and William
(St Pancras not then having been built).
Makepeace Thackeray (1822-8), who was
As the technology to encase a line in a
propositioned by a fellow pupil within five
tunnel well below ground level had not yet
minutes of arriving on his first day and later
been developed, Charles Pearson, Solicitor
lampooned Charterhouse as Slaughterhouse
to the City of London, MP for Lambeth and
in Vanity Fair (1848) and more sympatheti-
the main inspiration for the line, advocated
cally as Greyfriars in The Newcomes (1855).
a 'cut and cover' system of lines lying in
By the early nineteenth century the
shallow ditches that were occasionally open
surrounding area had become so unpleasant
and occasionally covered. It took fourteen
that a tunnel connecting the school with the
years to raise the money to build the line,
pupils' boarding house was built for the
and it was not until186o that the first shaft
safety of pupils. The school moved to Surrey
was sunk- in Euston Square. Building work
in 1872 and Merchant Taylors' school took
involved not only constructing huge chasms
over the site, moving in 1933 when the
in the roads, and diverting sewers and gas
medical college for the nearby St Bartho-
and water mains, but also protecting the line
lomew's Hospital took the eastern portion.
from the Westbourne, Tyburn and Fleet
Charterhouse was bombed in May 1941 and
rivers, the latter bursting through a number
the Elizabethan staircase where the Duke of

of times. For the vehicles ordinary steam home of scores of dingy workshops and
engines were unsuitable, as people would offices. It now contains a number of smart
suffocate, but Pearson's suggestion that the restaurants and bars that have opened since
trains be hauled by pulleys was rejected. the gentrification of the area in the 1990s.
Eventually, the engineer, John Fowler,
advocated diverting the smoke and steam
(iv) Finsbury
through exhaust ducts as the trains emerged
from the tunnels. The land north of Clerkenwell Green was a
The line was an immediate success and fen belonging to St Paul's Cathedral which
was soon carrying 12 million passengers, was drained in the seventeenth century
being extended to Moorgate the following when gravel was laid down and houses built
year. Later extensions saw the line sub- around the London terminus of the New
sumed into the labyrinthine Metropolitan River, the canal cut through from Hertford-
Line, the western section of which is now shire to bring water to the capital. Much of
known as the Hammersmith and City Line. the land was covered with cheap housing,
..,. Metropolitan Line, p. 370. but nearer Pentonville Road handsome
houses were erected for the middle class,
StJohn's Lane
which are now among the most sought-out
A road of great antiquity, it still contains
properties in central London.
much period charm, largely on account of
The Borough of Finsbury that was created
the presence of the medieval St John's Gate
for the built-up community in 1900 was the
at its northern end.
most radical in London during the· twen-
St John's Gate, north end
tieth century until its abolition in 1965,
A gatehouse of Kentish ragstone, built in
when it was subsumed into Islington. It was
1504, and one of the oldest structures in
responsible for the pioneering Finsbury
London, it was originally part of the Priory
Health Centre.
of St John of Jerusalem, which was sacked
during the dissolution of the monasteries in Exmouth Market
the 1530s. In the sixteenth century it was Baynes Row, where the clown Joseph
adapted for commercial use and later incor- Grimaldi grew up, was renamed Exmouth
porated a tavern run by Richard Hogarth, Street in honour of Admiral Pellew, Lord
father of the eighteenth-century artist Exmouth, in 1818 and Exmouth Market in
William, in which patrons had to speak in 1939, but little of the market remains now,
Latin, but which unsurprisingly flopped. It save for one or two stalls by the Rosebery
was also home of the Gentleman's Magazine, Avenue junction. At No. 70 is the London
one of whose staff in the 1730s was Dr Spa pub, which is built on the site of a
Johnson. The St John Ambulance Brigade chalybeate spring that could supposedly
was founded here in 1877. The gatehouse is cure all ailments and was a popular attrac-
home to the British Order of St John and tion in the eighteenth century.
contains a museum and library relating to Church of the Holy Redeemer, south side
the history of the Order. The church was designed in 1888 in the
..,. Priory of St John, p. 77· Italian-basilica style ofBrunelleschi's
Church of Santo Spirito in Florence by John
St John Street
Dando Sedding, who wanted a building
The main street leading from Smithfield to
'stately and impressive, uplifting the minds
the Angel was until the mid nineteenth
and hearts of those who dwelt beneath its
century the last leg of the journey for cattle
shadow'. It stands on a site previously occu-
and sheep being taken from the farms of
pied by the Ducking House tavern and the
Middlesex and Hertfordshire to the Smith-
Pantheon, an entertainments centre which
field livestock market and later became the

failed to attract sufficient custom and was from springs at St Chad's Well in Ware,
converted into a Methodist Chapel. William Hertfordshire, to a duck pond that stood
Gladstone, the Liberal prime minister, laid near the modem day Sadler's Wells. To
the church's foundation stone in 1887. The maintain the purity of the water, bathing
bell-tower, parish hall and institute were was forbidden and watchmen were
later additions. employed to ensure no one entered the
water. Nevertheless the poet Samuel Taylor
Pine Street
Coleridge swam across the river fully
Finsbury Health Centre
clothed ~hen he was seventeen and after
A building of graceful white curves, Fins-
remaining in his wet clothes for the rest of
bury Health Centre was designed by the
the day spent the following six months in
Georgian-hom architect Berthold Lubetkin
Christ's Hospital with rheumatic fever. The
in 1935-6, some ten years before the
New River Company built its headquarters
creation of the National Health Service, for
at this site in 1920, its Oak Room containing
Finsbury Borough Council, then London's
woodwork carved by Grinling Gibbons. The
most radical borough, in an overcrowded
building was used by the Thames Water
working-class community of cramped
Authority until1987 and has since been
terraced housing plagued by bad nutrition
converted into luxurious apartments.
and poor health. The centre originally
Sadler's Wells, east of Arlington Way
contained a TB clinic, chiropodist and
Britain's premier dance venue since the
delousing station. Rooms were given
1930s, Sadler's Wells is named after Thomas
partition walls to allow flexibility and set at
Sadler, who discovered a well with supposed
angles to allow the maximum daylight to
medicinal qualities at the London end of the
enter, and by the entrance was a communal
New River in 1683 and created a garden and
waiting area, where a map showed Finsbury
wooden concert hall briefly known as
at the heart of London and a mural urged
Miles's Musick-house. It was here in 1798
locals 'to live out of doors as much as you
that the poet William Wordsworth saw
can'. Remarkably, the centre has survived
'Singers, Rope-dancers, Giants and Dwarfs,
more or less intact, despite little spending
Clowns, Conjurors, Posture-masters, Harle-
on maintenance.
quins', as he recorded in The Prelude. At the
.,. Lubetkin's Highpoint, p. 333·
beginning of the nineteenth century the
Rosebery Avenue venue was managed by the down Joseph
Built between 1889 and 1892 and cut diagon- Grimaldi, who had made his first public
ally through the area, Rosebery Avenue was appearance here as an infant dancer aged
named after Archibald Primrose Rosebery, fourteen months in 1781, and hosted Charles
the first chairman of the London County Dibdin's aquatic plays in a water tank under
Council and prime minister at the end of the stage. It was later used for actor-
the nineteenth century, and is the main manager Samuel Phelps's bowdlerized
route between Holbom and the Angel. versions of Shakespeare's plays, and after
north side: Farrington Road to StJohn Phelps retired in 1862 it became a skating
Street rink, boxing venue, music hall and cinema,
New River Head I Fonner Thames Water until it dosed in 1906. Lilian Baylis rescued
headquarters, east of Hardwick Street Sadler's Wells in the 1930s and it reopened
The New River, a canal bringing fresh water in 1931 with a performance of Shakespeare's
to London, was built between 1606 and 1613 Twelfth Night, starring John Gielgud and
by Hugh Myddelton, who obtained a loan Ralph Richardson. Damaged in the Second
from James I to begin work. It soon began World War, the venue reopened in 1945
providing Londoners with 38,ooo gallons a with the premiere of Benjamin Britten's
day of water, which was brought 38 miles Peter Grimes, which heralded a successful

run of operas, and was completely rebuilt in Fields, the largest green space in the vicinity.
the 1990s with a stage door that also serves east side: Old Street to Chiswell Street
as the public entrance and a borehole on the Braithwaite House
site from which water is bottled. The Kray twins, Reggie and Ronnie, were
• Covent Garden Opera House, p. 109. arrested for the last time in the early hours
ofthe morning of 8 May 1968 at their
StJohn Street
mother's flat in the Braithwaite House tower
Spa Green Estate
block after a painstaking two-year investi-
One of the most thoughtfully designed
gation into their activities. When police
postwar estates in Britain, and one of four
smashed down the front door they found
local developments designed by Berthold
Reg asleep with a girl from Walthamstow
Lubetkin's Tecton team, Spa Green was
and Ronnie in bed with his latest boyfriend,
planned in the 1930s when Lubetkin, the
his jacket, lying beside the bed, containing
Georgian-born architect, convinced Fins-
a list of those he wished to see murdered.
bury council of his grand vision of an estate
The twins received life imprisonment
incorporating new housing, schools and a
for the murders of Jack 'The Hat' McVitie
health centre. Construction was held over
and George Cornell, Ronnie never seeing
until after the Second World War, however,
freedom again and Reggie released
when Lubetkin was joined by the Danish
only when the authorities knew he was
engineer Ove Arup and, using box-frame
concrete imported from Denmark, created
• The Kray:s' gangland activities, pp. 306, 310;
an estate of eight-storey and four-storey
the Krays at the Old Bailey, p. 59·
blocks. Living areas were arranged so that
Bunhill Fields
they received at least some sunlight during
Known as Bone Hill Fields after the
the day and bedrooms were placed in the
authorities moved a quantity of bones from
shadier areas, as in Lubetkin's luxury High-
St Paul's Churchyard to the site in 1549, it
point in Highgate. The lavish budget also
was used as a cemetery for Nonconformists
allowed for woodblock floors and kitchen
from 1657 to 1854 and was where, according
waste-disposal units using the latest tech-
to Daniel Defoe in A Journal of the Plague
nology, which still work.
Year (1722): 'many [plague victims] who
were infected and near their end, and
(v) St Luke's delirious also, ran wrapped in blankets or
rags and threw themselves in and expired
A large triangle of land between City Road
there'. Defoe himself was buried here, but as
and Goswell Road, populated by an almost
he had been hiding from creditors and other
entirely working-class community, St Luke's
enemies when he died in 1731, his tombstone
is buffered by sought-after Clerkenwell to
was marked 'Mr Dubow'. Nearly 150 years
the west and the newly fashionable Hoxton
later, an obelisk was erected for the author
to the east and is named after the now
by his grave after an appeal in The Christian
disused Hawksmoor church of St Luke on
World newspaper, but it later disappeared
Old Street.
and was discovered in the
Bunhill Row 1930s in Southampton, after which it was
The poet John Milton finished his epic work moved to Stoke Newington Library. When
Paradise Lost (1667) and wrote its follow-up, Susanna Wesley, the mother of the founder
Paradise Regained (1671), and Samson of Methodism, John Wesley, was buried
Agonistes (also 1671) in a house at !Jlo. 123, here in 1742, Wesley himself conducted the
where he lived between 1663 and 1674 and service in front of a large crowd. Others
which has long been demolished. The east buried in what the early-nineteenth-century
side of the street is dominated by Bunhill poet Robert Southey described as the

Campo Santo of Nonconformity include ment of Harold Wilson in the 1960s.

the writers John Bunyan and William Blake, Whittam Smith risked going to jail under
whose stone receives regular bunches of the Official Secrets Act, but when the govern-
fresh flowers. The southern section of the ment backed down the editor became a
fields are used as playing fields by the hero. A Sunday edition was soon begun,
Honourable Artillery Company, the oldest with mixed results, failing to find its own
military body in the City, and it was here identity in the market place, and in 1994,
that some of London's first cricket matches when circulation fell below 30o,ooo for the
were played in the eighteenth century. first time in six years, Whittam Smith
announced that a consortium of investors
City Road
led by Mirror Group Newspapers was to
The main road leading into the City from
take over the paper, a move that ended the
the Angel.
Independent's autonomy and removed its
Independent (1986-c. 98), No. 40, west side
unique status. The paper is now based at
The youngest national newspaper in Britain
Canary Wharf.
by almost a hundred years, the Independent
... Fleet Street, p. 41.
was set up in 1986 by three Daily Telegraph
Wesley's Chapel and House, No. 49, east
journalists - Matthew Symonds, Stephen
Glover and city editor Andreas Whittam
In 1739 the Methodists opened their main
Smith -who wanted to take advantage of
chapel (converted from a foundry), which
the latest developments in newspaper tech-
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism,
nology that had already seen an explosion of
who often preached in the fields outside
free mass-market titles to launch a quality
before crowds of 1o,ooo, described as
daily and chose a City Road site for their
'perfectly neat, but not fine'. Wesley lived
offices, as it was neither in Fleet Street nor
in a house to the west, on the modern-day
Docklands. Around one-third of the new
City Road, which is now a museum of
posts were filled by journalists from The
Times and Sunday Times, who were
unhappy about the editorial direction of the
John Wesley's general rules of
papers under Rupert Murdoch and the
employing time
titles' recent move to Wapping. The launch
In creating a 'method' for living his life
in October 1986 was an editorial, if not a
Wesley drew up a list of nine guiding
financial, success, the public quickly
warming to the paper's elegant typography,
1. Begin and end every day with God; and
grand front-page photographs, quality
sleep not immoderately.
writing, particularly in the foreign pages,
2. Be diligent in your calling.
and the idea of a newspaper that was inde-
3· Employ all spare hours in religion; as able.
pendent of a figurehead proprietor and of
4· Keep all holidays as holy-days.
party political bias.
5· Avoid drunkards and busybodies.
Inevitably, costs were higher than
6. Avoid curiosity, and useless employments
budgeted, and circulation barely reached
and knowledge.
25o,ooo; however, by the end of 1988 the
7· Examine yourself every night.
paper was making a profit and sales were
8. Never on any account pass a day without
being achieved at the expense of the Guar-
setting aside at least an hour for devotion.
dian. In April1987 Whittam Smith
published extracts from the banned book
9· Avoid all manner of passion. _j
Spycatcher? the memoirs of Peter Wright, a
former British spy, which alleged that MI5
had tried to destabilize the Labour govern-

antidote to the excesses of the neighbouring


With its university buildings, Georgian

(i) around the colleges
squares, and the British Museum, Blooms-
bury has been a centre of intellectual and The straight roads between Euston Road
creative activity since the nineteenth century and Russell Square are dominated by
and was where the Bloomsbury Group, academic institutions connected with the
whose members included Virginia Woolf University of London, which, during its vast
and Lytton Strachey, hosted their salons twentieth-century expansion, took over
early in the twentieth century. many of Thomas Cubitt's early-nineteenth-
In 1201 William de Blemund bought land century buildings, preserving the fas;ades but
locally and set his manor house to the south renovating within.
of what is now Bloomsbury Square.
Byng Place
Although de Blemund's descendants were
University Church of Christ the King, west
forced to relinquish the land after the
baronial revolt against Henry III in the
Built between 1851 and 1854 in the Early
126os, they are remembered in the name of
English style for the Catholic Apostolic sect,
the area. In 1375 the land was acquired by
its first preacher was Edward Irving, who
Charterhouse, the Carthusian monastery
had been expelled from the Presbyterian
near Smithfield, and after Henry VIII
church in Regent Square, St Pancras, for
dissolved the monasteries in the 1530s he
encouraging the congregation to 'speak in
apportioned Bloomsbury to his Lord Chan-
tongues' (talk spontaneously in ancient
cellor, Thomas Wriothesley, later Earl of
biblical languages). The Apostolic move-
Southampton (hence Southampton Row,
ment died out in the twentieth century, and
the name of the main road that bisects
in 1963 the trustees leased the building to
the Church of England for London Univer-
Bloomsbury grew substantially after the
sity's chaplaincy, an arrangement that
Building Act of 1774, which forced devel-
recently ended. Although the spire, which
opers to adopt more professional practices,
the architect wanted as the tallest in
and it became the first part of London to be
London, was never built, the poet John
built with straight new streets (South-
Betjeman praised the _church as having 'the
ampton Row, Gower Street) and squares
something extra which raises it out of mere
(Bloomsbury Square, Russell Square,
copying into great architecture'. In the
Bedford Square).
church basement is a room filled with
Bloomsbury's two major institutions,
ceremonial cloaks, including one reserved
University College and the British Museum,
for the return of Jesus Christ.
were created in the nineteenth century, and
over the next hundred years the area was at Gordon Square
its creative peak, home to progressive move- Begun by Thomas Cubitt in the 182os, and
ments such as Christian Socialism, the Pre- completed after his death by his son, Lewis,
Raphaelite Brotherhood and the designer of King's Cross station, Gordon
Bloomsbury Group of writers. The relative Square was later home to members of the
absence of wartime bombing, compared Bloomsbury Group of writers and intellec-
with other parts of London, and the Univer- tuals, including Virginia Stephen (Virginia
sity of London's willingness to preserve the Woolf), who lived at No. 46 from 1904 to
building fabric, has helped create the 1907, and the economist John Maynard
modern-day Bloomsbury, whose Georgian Keynes, who lived at the same address from
elegance and ordered streets make it an ideal

The Bloomsbury Group D. H. Lawrence denounced 'this horror of

The Bloomsbury Group of writers, artists little swarming selves'; Wyndham Lewis
and critics had its origins in the Apostles called them 'elitist, corrupt and talendess',
society at Cambridge University, which satirizing them mercilessly in his 1930 novel
reassembled at 46 Gordon Square in the The Apes of God; while the poet and critic
early twentieth century. Members included Osbert Sitwell mocked their mannerisms
Virginia Stephen (later Woolf); Clive Bell; with phrases such as 'how simply too
Vanessa Stephen, who staged Britain's first extraordinary' and 'exquisitely civilised'.
exhibition of Post-Impressionist paintings; Although the Group's influence was
the biographer Lytton Strachey; the critic minimal, its place in history was secured
Roger Fry; Gwen Darwin, granddaughter of on account of what the Encyclopaedia
the famous anthropologist Charles Darwin; Britannica described as the 'extraordinary
the economist John Maynard Keynes; and number of talented persons associated
the novelist E. M. Forster. The name with it'.
'Bloomsbury Group', along with the nick-
Bloomsbury Group sites
name 'Bloomsberries' for its members, first
38 t\ftUlilUtdl e..-ftft Five members of the
appeared around 1910. Unlike other contem-
Bloomsbury Group, including Virginia
porary bodies, such as the Vorticists, the
Woolf and John Maynard Keynes, lived in
Bloomsbury Group had no formal member-
1911 and 1912 in 9lo. 38, a house that was
ship and published no manifesto, but
destroyed in the Second World War.
followed the teachings of the philosopher
37 Gordon Square The painters and Blooms-
G. E. Moore, whose Principia Ethica (1903)
bury Group acolytes Vanessa Bell and
alleged that 'by far the most valuable things
Duncan Grant had rooms at No. 37 in 1925.
are ... the pleasures of human inter-
46 Gordon Square When Virginia Stephen
course and the enjoyment of beautiful
moved into No. 46 in 1904 Bloomsbury was
down-at-heel and unfashionable, but the
The Group's self-righteousness and risque
address soon became the main meeting
lifestyles- Virginia Woolf had a relationship
place for the Bloomsbury Group. A later resi-
with Vita Sackville-West; Lytton Strachey
dent was the economist John Maynard
with Dora Carrington and Ralph Partridge -
Keynes. In 1974 No. 46 was leased to
repelled many. The poet Rupert Brooke
Birkbeck College.
spoke of the 'rotten atmosphere in the
so Gordon Square Home from 1922 to
Stracheys' treacherous and wicked circle',

1916 to 1946. Many of the properties are now street architecture', a description that now
owned by the University of London. seems unfair. The first ever exhibition of a
railway engine took place on a patch of
Gower Street waste ground at the northern end of Gower
One of Bloomsbury's most prominent
Street in 1802, when a steam-powered loco-
streets - past residents include Charles
motive pulled a carriage on a small circular
Dickens and Charles Darwin, though the
track enclosed by a high fence. The exhi-
houses of both have since been demolished
bition was organized by the mining engineer
- Gower Street was named after Lady Gert-
Richard Trevithick, who developed his high-
rude Leveson-Gower, wife of the 4th Duke
pressure steam engine ten years before
of Bedford, who in 1790 was in charge of
George Stephenson, but who after leaving
building its first houses. It was described by
for South America lost out to the latter in
the mid-nineteenth-century arch critic John
the race to develop a workable railway
Ruskin as the 'ne plus ultra of ugliness in

1939 to Clive Bell, the art critic and west side: Bedford Square to Euston Road
promoter of the Post-Impressionists, and a Birthplace of the Pre-Raphaelite Brother-
regular meeting place for the Bloomsbury hood, No.7
Group. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Britain's
51 Gordon Square Lytton Strachey, the best-known art movement, was founded
biographer and essayist, moved into No. 51 here in 1848 by the painters Dante Gabriel
in 1919 shortly after writing Eminent Rossetti, William Holman Hunt and John
Victorians, his controversial critique of Everett Millais who wanted to create a body
Victorian values, which revolutionized of work similar in brightness of co].our,
biography writing. attention to detail and honest simplicity to
34 ~ e...-e Virginia Woolf the period of Italian painting prior to
addressed envelopes for the People's Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520). Rossetti
Suffrage Federation here before the First wanted the group's name to include the
World War and later cast the property as then fashionable term 'Early Christian', and
the workplace of Mary Datchet in her novel when Hunt objected and proposed 'Pre-
Night and Day. 9lo. 34 was also home of the Raphaelite' Rossetti added the word
Women's Trade Union League and the 'Brotherhood', as he wanted the body to be
National Anti-Sweating League. secret, in line with the Italian political group
371Jl~t etpaare The Woolfs, the Carbonaris. In the summer of 1849 they
Virginia and Leonard, moved to Mecklen- staged their first exhibition, in which Dante
burgh Square in August 1939, and there Gabriel Rossetti's The Girlhood of Mary
Virginia wrote the last chapters of her Virgin was signed 'PRB' to maintain the
biography of Roger Fry, despite her claims society's air of mystery, but the Brotherhood
that the impending war with Germany made fell apart when Millais, whom Ruskin had
it hard to concentrate. taken under his wing, was elected to be an
52 :b..titeei e..-.m Virginia Woolf Associate of the previously despised Royal
wrote Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Light- Academy and Holman Hunt left for
house (1927), Orlando (1928), A Room of Palestine.
One's Own (1929) and The Waves (1931) .,. Dante Gabriel Rossetti in Chelsea, p. 419.
while living here from 1924 to 1939. The Frank Dutton Jackson's 'Temple of the
property was bombed in October 1940 and Occult', No. 99
has since been replaced by the Tavistock Frank Dutton Jackson, a fake cleric, and his
Hotel. wife, Editha, set up a Temple of the Occult
at No. 99 in the early years of the twentieth
century, where Jackson, or Theo Horos as
system, and returned to Britain penniless in
he preferred to be called, debauched
1827. London's first underground railway
hundreds of young girls in mock religious
would have been built under Gower Street
ceremonies amid incense smoke and under
had plans announced in the 1830s to extehd
subdued lights. Dutton told one girl, Daisy
the Euston-Birmingham railway to a new
Adams, that he was Jesus Christ and that she
central London terminus by the Thames
would give birth to a divine child. But he
been approved. Gower Street is now domi-
and Editha (who claimed to be the illegiti-
nated by university buildings and small
mate daughter of Ludwig I of Bavaria) were
eventually prosecuted and tried at the Old
Bailey where, despite Jackson's plea, 'Did
Solomon not have 300 legal wives and 6oo
others?', he was convicted of raping and
procuring girls for immoral purposes. The

Spectator magazine occupied the building Jeremy Bentham

from the 1920s to 1975 and No. 99 now Jeremy Bentham, the eighteenth-century
belongs to the Catholic chaplaincy. philosopher, bequeathed a large sum of
east side: Euston Road to Montague Place money to University College on condition
IJl351jtld1JUAritri (1970-94), No. 140 that his own skeleton be preserved and
Ml5, the semi-secret government depart- displayed every year at the annual general
ment responsible for combating terrorism meeting. Every year the mummified
and subversion, was based in a drab 1950s Bentham is taken along to the AGM
block at the corner of Gower Street and enclosed in a mahogany case with folding
Euston Road, known to those who worked glass doors, seated in an armchair and
in it as 'Russia House', until1994. Three holding his favourite walking stick. Over
years previously Stella Rimington had been the years there have been some cosmetic
appointed as MI5's first woman Director changes to the skeleton: the head is a wax
General following an unprecedented public model, the original being stored in the
announcement, part of prime minister John college safe, and the underclothes were
Major's policy of limited openness changed as recently as 1935, a visiting
regarding the security services, something academic insisting on it before giving a
which had been unthinkable during the lecture. The late philosopher, who resides
Cold War. The block was demolished at the in a prominent public position in the
end of the decade and rebuilt by Michael South Cloister, is also taken to the board
Hopkins as the Wellcome Trust's new head- of governors' meeting once a week where he
quarters. is registered as present but not voting. _j
... MI5 in Millbank, p. 247.
University College, south of Gower Place
Malet Street
University College, founded in 1826 and
The street, which lies to the east of Gower
based on William Wilkins's classical revival
Street, is home to a number of academic
building of 1829, came into existence after a
buildings including the London School of
group of radical early-nineteenth-century
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the
freethinkers that included James Mill (father
Vanbrugh Theatre, where plays are staged
of the better-known philosopher John
by students from the nearby Royal Academy
Stuart Mill), the poet Thomas Campbell and
of Dramatic Arts, Birkbeck College and
the law reformer Lord Brougham decided
Senate House, the administrative head-
that Regency London would benefit from a
quarters of the University of London.
university that was non-residential and
Senate House, east side opposite Keppel
included students and lecturers regardless of
their religious beliefs, unlike Oxford and
Headquarters of the University of London
Cambridge, which had an Anglicans-only
and model for George Orwell's Ministry of
policy. The new institution opened as
Truth in 1984, Senate House was one of
University College in 1826 and was derided
London's first skyscrapers, built by Charles
as 'the Godless College on Gower Street' by
Holden between 1927 and 1936, and three
critics who established an Anglican rival,
years later, at the start of the Second World
King's College, on the Strand two years
War, was commandeered by the govern-
later. Parliament, asked to choose between
ment to house the Ministry of Information,
the two in 1836, decided to favour neither
which was satirized by Evelyn Waugh as
college but to create an umbrella body, the
'that great mass of masonry ... the vast bulk
University of London, to administer exams
of London University insulting the
for both sets of students. University College
autumnal sky' in his 1942 novel about the
was the first British university to grant
Phoney War, Put Out More Flags. According
degrees to women.

to the poet Dylan Thomas, the ministry made the team take refuge on the third
attracted 'all the shysters in London ... all floor, believing it to be the safest place in
the half-poets, the boiled newspaper men, case of flying glass.
submen from the island of crabs ... trying
to find a safe niche'. Among those who
Tavistock Square
worked here alongside Thomas were the Built in 1820 by Thomas Cubitt, the first
London builder to use a permanent work-
poet John Betjeman and the novelist
Graham Greene, who claimed staff often force, who was responsible for constructing
parts of Barnsbury, Belgravia and Stoke
had to wait up to twenty-four hours to
Newington, and once. a quiet residential
receive replies to memos, and that the
building was like a beacon 'guiding German enclave, Tavistock Square is now part of the
main route between Holborn and Euston,
planes towards King's Cross and St Pancras
stations', although some believe the Luft- dominated by the grotesque brickwork of
the British Medical Association's head-
waffe spared the block as Hitler wanted it
for his post-conquest London headquarters,
It stands on the site of the house where
After the war Senate House reverted to its
Charles Dickens lived from 1851 to 1860 and
original role, as headquarters of the Univer-
wrote Bleak House (1853), Hard Times
sity of London.
(1854), Little Dorrit (1857) and parts of A
• Other Charles Holden buildings in
London include Birkbeck College, also on Tale of Two Cities (1859). The gardens oppo-
site contain a memorial $lone dedicated to
Malet Street, and the highly praised
conscientious objectors, unveiled by the
suburban stations on the Piccadilly Line,
with Park Royal and Amos Grove of composer Michael Tippett in 1994, and a
statue of the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi
particular note.
designed by the Polish born artist Fredda
Russell Square Brilliant.
London's second-largest square stands on
land used during the English Civil War by (ii) around the British Museum
the Parliamentarians, who constructed
bulwarks later moulded into a terraced walk Bedford Square
for the gardens of the 1657-built South- Bloomsbury's oldest complete Georgian
ampton House. The square features in square, spoilt by over-zealous pedestrianiz-
William Thackeray's Vanity Fair (1848) and ation, Bedford Square was financed by the
Virginia Woolfs Night and Day (1919). money that flowed into London after the
Russell Hotel, Nos. 1-9, east side 1763 Peace of Paris, a treaty which recog-
Victorian architecture at its most flam- nized the independence of the American
boyant, Charles Fitzroy Doll's 1898 hotel, colonies and, according to the 4th Duke of
built in the French Gothic style, features Bedford, 'excited a rage for building'. The
colonnaded balconies, cherubs and four square was home to a number of publishers
female figures in period costume above the during the twentieth century, providing
main entrance representing the four Prot- offices at various times for Jonathan Cape,
estant pre-twentieth-century English queens Frederick Warne, Michael Joseph, Hodder
-Elizabeth, Mary II, Anne and Victoria. and Stoughton and the Publishers'
While dining at the hotel on 3 September Association.
1939, the day the Second World War broke No. 6, east side
out, the Sunderland football team, hearing During the nineteenth century the
the sound of air raid sirens, rushed into the property was the official home of the Lord
street to see what was happening but were Chancellor, its best-known incumbent of
chased back into the hotel by the police who the period being Lord Eldon, who held the

office from 1804 to 1815 and was charac- In the late eighteenth century mo. 29 was
terized acerbically by the poet Shelley in the home to the Lord ChiefJustice, Lord Mans-
lines 'next came Fraud, and he had on I Like field, and was attacked and razed to the
Eldon, an ermined gown' in his vitriolic 1819 ground in June 1780 by the anti-Catholic
work, 'The Mask of Anarchy'. Gordon Rioters who suspected Mansfield of
Eldon, as Attorney-General, had antag- having sympathy for Catholicism. Mansfield
onized opponents by suspending Habeas fled the property by the back door as the
Corpus between 1794 and 1801, prosecuting rioters, fuelled by a rumour that the king
members of the radical London Corre- had been buried in the ruins of Buckingham
sponding Society, and helping pass the Palace and Lord North, the prime minister,
Corn Laws, which protected landowners hanged in Downing Street, gathered outside,
from cheap imports of grain and ensured an eventually breaking in and destroying his
artificially high price for bread. In 1815 he law library. Mansfield himself later presided
bore the brunt of the anti-Corn Law over Lord George Gordon's trial for inciting
protests when a mob besieged his house for the riots, and won much acclaim among
three weeks. When at one point a rioter anti-slavery campaigners for refusing a
broke into the property and came face to request to repatriate a black slave, James
face with Eldon the latter thundered: 'If you Somersett. Dickens incorporated the riots
don't mind what you are about you will be into his 1841 novel Barnaby Rudge in which
hanged,' which led the man to reply: the half-witted eponymous hero is due to be
'Perhaps so, but I think it looks now as if hanged in the square for his part in the
you will be hanged first.' events but wins a last-minute reprieve.
... The Gordon Riots, p. 125.
Bloomsbury Square
Bloomsbury Square, the first junction of Bloomsbury Way
roads in London to be called a square, was St George, north side between Museum
created as Southampton Square in 1657 by Street and Bury Place
the Earl of Southampton with the unusual St George, the most complex architecturally
layout of housing for wealthy families on of Nicholas Hawksmoor's eight churches,
three sides and servants' houses on the took fifteen years to complete (1716-31), due
fourth. Its status declined when the south to the inaccessibility of a site hemmed in by · .
side became a major traffic route in the houses. On completion it was criticized by
late nineteenth century, and around a James Ralph, the architecture writer, who
hundred years later the north side became complained: ' 'Tis built all of stone, adorned
blighted while the authorities debated the with a pompous portico, and yet is ridicu-
merits of a scheme to build a new British lous and absurd even to a proverb.'
Library in the neighbourhood, an idea 'Pompous portico' refers to the steeple, in
abandoned in 1981. None of the original the form of a stepped pyramid and
houses survives. modelled on Pliny's description of the
east side Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, at the top of
The east side of Bloomsbury Square is occu- which stands a statue of George I - the only
pied by Victoria House, a huge BeauX: Arts statue of the non-English-speaking king in
block built between 1925 and 1932 for the Britain. The church's burial ground was
Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society, which unpopular until Robert Nelson, the religious
was abandoned at the end of the twentieth pamphleteer, was interred there, leading the
century and briefly considered for the head- historian Timbs to remark: 'people like to
quarters of the London mayor and the be buried in company, and in good
newly formed Greater London Authority company'. The funeral of the suffragette
until a site by Tower Bridge was preferred. Emily Davison, who threw herself under the
king's horse at the 1913 Derby, was held at minerals, pathological specimens, coins,
StGeorge's. books, prints and drawings. It opened on 15
.,. Christ Church Spitalfields, p. 285. January 1759 in Montagu House, the prop-
erty that then stood on the site, for three
Great Russell Street
hours a day to those who had made a
Renowned for its peaches and snipes at the
written application for tickets.
end of the seventeenth century, according to
The collection soon grew beyond all
the historian Lord Macaulay, the street's
expectations. An Act of Parliament passed
rural nature began to disappear when a
the year Sloane died allowed the founders to
seven-acre plot ofland to the west of
buy Robert Harley's manuscript archive;
Bloomsbury's manor house was granted
public lottery raised £3oo,ooo; George II
in 1675 to Ralph Montagu. He in turn
donated his 12,ooo-volume library, which
then built Montagu House, which later
comprised volumes collected by every
became the first home of the British
monarch since Henry VIII, in 1757; and
when British troops defeated Napoleon in
north side: Tottenham Court Road to
Egypt in 1801 more treasures, including the
Bloomsbury Street
Rosetta Stone, key to Egyptian hiero-
glyphics, and the Elgin Marbles, were
When the Second World War Home
Guard refused to allow women to join their
During a visit to the museum in 1818 the
ranks, even though they were teaching
poet Shelley, inspired by the many Egyptian
male recruits to fire guns, fifty women,
artefacts, including the granite statues of
including Marjorie Foster, a winner of the
Rameses II, which had recendy been added
King's Prize for shooting, met here and
to the collection, was inspired to write the
formed the Amazon Defence Corps. Before
sonnet 'Ozymandias'. John Keats, Shelley's
long similar units had been set up across
contemporary, wrote 'Ode on a Grecian
Urn' (1820) after seeing on a visit to the
museum, what he mistakenly took for a
The Bloomsbury Dispensary opened at this
Greek antiquity. It was, in fact, a W edgwood
address in 1801 and employed as Superinten-
copy of a Roman copy of a Greek urn, made
dent oflnoculation Edward Jenner, who
not in Etruria, Italy, but near Etruria, Stoke-
conducted pioneering work into vaccina-
tion, carrying out more than 8oo inocu-
Sir Robert Smirke was hired to expand
lations over a ten-year period and treating
Montagu House for the growing collection
all the children at the nearby Foundlings
in the 182os and thirty years later Smirke's
younger brother, Sidney, designed the
No. 59
Reading Room with the second-largest
The travel pioneer Thomas Cook opened his
dome in the world after the Pantheon in
first London office at this address in 1862. As
Rome, later immortalized by Virginia Woolf
the lease forbade him to advertise the
in her 1929 essay 'A Room of One's Own'
business, he named the premises Cook's
('the vast dome ... the huge, bald forehead
British Museum Boarding House.
which is so splendidly encircled by a band of
British Museum, between Bloomsbury
famous names'). The Reading Room closed
Street and Montague Street
in 1997 when the museum's book collection,
Britain's foremost museum, home to one of
known since 1973 as the British Library,
the world's greatest collections of antiquities
moved to new headquarters in St Pancras.
and manuscripts, was established from the
1753 bequest of the physician Sir Hans
Sloane, who left a wealth of plants, fossils,

British Museum glossary an Ancient Briton who was garrotted and

British Library (1759-1997) After the thrown into a peat bog in Lindow, Cheshire,
eighteenth-century novelist Tobias Smollett c. 300 sc, it was discovered in 1984 and sent
complained that the museum lacked a good to the museum.
book collection, the trustees began accumu- Manuscripts The museum contains two
lating a copy of every book, newspaper and of the four surviving copies of the Magna
magazine published in Britain. The library Carta, King John's treaty with the barons in
soon became the main literary research 1215; a manuscript of The Canterbury Tales;
centre in the country and after neariy 250 the first folio editions of Shakespeare's plays;
years moved to St Pancras in October 1997. the manuscript of James Joyce's Finnegans
The space has since been reworked into the Wake; and Lewis Carroll's handwritten Alice
Great Court. in Wonderland.
Elgin Marbles Sculptures dating back to the Nereid Monument The monument of a
fifth century sc, they were removed from reconstruction of a Greek tomb from Asia
the Parthenon in Athens by Lord Elgin in Minor, originated c. 400 sc, which was
the early years of the nineteenth century, discovered during an archaeological dig in
sold to the museum for £35,000 in 1816, and 1838 and put back together over the next 100
have been the subject of much wrangling years.
between the British and Greek governments Rosetta Stone A slab of black basalt, 4 ft by
since. 21/2 ft, discovered near the Egyptian town of
Flood Tablet A seventh-century clay tablet Rashid (Rosetta), it took fifteen years to be
written in cuneiform script that was once in deciphered an<;~ was found to be the key to
the Assyrian royal library, it relates the story the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Its worth was
of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a flood similar to established when researchers discovered that
that ascribed to Noah in the Bible. the frequently occurring elongated ovals
Lindisfarne Gospels The first written trans- always contain a royal name.
lation of any part of the Bible into English, Tutankhamun In 1972 the museum
the gospels were produced by a monk, exhibited 'Treasures ofTutankhamun',
Eadfrith, on the island of Lindisfarne (Holy loaned from Egypt, and received 1,694,117
Island), off the Northumbrian coast, c. 698. visitors.
Lindow Man The preserved remains of _j

south side: Bloomsbury Street to Tottenham huge lending library (Mudie's), cheap
Court Road restaurants, and oddities such as James
Smith and Sons' umbrella store at No. 53,
New Oxford Street
founded in 1830, which survives today with
A relatively new major street for central
an unspoilt Victorian frontage. In the 1940s
London, built in the 1840s as part of the
a number of bleak, utilitarian, steel-framed
slum clearance scheme that wiped out the
buildings with deep shafts and linked by
St Giles Rookery, it soon became a busy
tunnels were constructed on New Oxford
shopping street. An early shopkeeper was
Street so that they could be used by civil
the pharmacist Thomas Holloway, one of
servants for governing London if the war
the first businessmen to use newspaper
intensified. They are now office blocks but
advertising to promote his wares, who
the tunnels remain in place.
amassed a fortune, which he mostly gave to
charity, and founded the Royal Holloway
College in Egham, Surrey. Nineteenth-
century New Oxford Street also sported a

(iii) east Bloomsbury plan to move Covent Garden market here,

which he dropped after a public outcry, and
Doughty Street instead a campaign was launched to buy the
One of Bloomsbury's most sought-after land and build children's playing fields on
streets, on account of its luxurious Georgian the site, a scheme that was achieved with
terraced houses and the presence of Charles help from Harold Harmsworth (Lord
Dickens's one-time ddress at No. 48 (now Rothermere), owner of the Daily Mail. The
the Dickens Museu ), it was built by Henry playing fields are still in use, entry available
Doughty as Upper J hn Street between 1792 to adults only when accompanied by a child,
and 1822 with securi gates at each end. and some of the hospital architecture
This led the journali Edmund Yates, who survives, including the eastern colonnade,
lived at No. 43, to d clare: '[Doughty] is the gateway and the lodges, in whose niches
none of your comm n thoroughfares to be mothers used to leave their babies in a
rattled through by gar cabs and earth- basket before ringing the bell and running
shaking Pickford va s'. Harriet Vane, the away.
fiancee of Lord Pete Wimsey in Dorothy L.
Sayers's stories, lives at No. 100, a fictitious
Lamb's Conduit Street
William Lambe, a member of the
address, and in Geo ge Orwell's Keep the
Clothworkers' Company City trade guild,
Aspidistra Flying (19 6) Gordon Comstock,
constructed a conduit to take water from
the anti-hero and w uld-be poet, takes a
local springs to Snow Hill in the City in 1577
furnished room in e street as 'it felt
(a plaque in nearby Long Yard states that
vaguely literary livin in Bloomsbury'.
'Lamb's conduit is the property of the City
Guilford Street of London. This pump is erected for the
ifo.Wlhtg 4)oi~itol benefit of the publick'). It fell into disuse
side after the New River opened in 1613, but it
Coram's Fields, alar , oddly shaped was not until1851 that the reservoir which
expanse of greenery n the centre of Blooms- fed the conduit was rediscovered in the
bury, stands on the te of the Foundling cellar of the now demolished 9lo. SS. The
(orphan) Hospital w "ch Thomas Coram, a Lamb at No. 94, Bloomsbury's best-known
shipwright whose m ther had died when he pub, still contains original Victorian 'snob
was seven, establishe in 1741 in Hatton screens' made of cut glass which pivot at
Garden and moved t this 56-acre site, then head height and which were installed to
known as Conditesc otte Field, four years allow gentlemen in the lounge to avoid
later. Within a few ars of moving to being looked at by working-class drinkers in
Bloomsbury the hos ital was taking more the public bar. For much of the twentieth
than 1,ooo children year, and it ran what century the street was home to a variety of
was for the time a h ane regime: each small shops and offices, including a phono-
child was given a na e (usually of a hospital graph maker's run by the French Pathe
governor or his wife, or a biblical character); brothers, founders of the eponymous news
boys left at fourteen "than apprenticeship company, at the now demolished 9lo. 15.1ts
or a place in the arm arranged; and the elegance was recently ruined by partial
girls went into seryi . The hospital moved pedestrianization.
to Berkhamstead in 1926 after the governors
decided that living in central London was
March mont Street
A well-preserved street of mostly Victorian
no longer conducive to the good health of
shops, it includes two popular bookshops,
its charges (it has since closed), and the
Judd Two (No. 82) and Gay's The Word
Bloomsbury site was demolished. The new
(No. 66), named after an Ivor Novello
owner of the field, James White, proposed a
musical, which was founded in 1979 and

Lenin's Bloomsbury haunts Iskra, the revolutionary newspaper, used this

While in London in the early years of the three-storey house, home of contributor Leo
twentieth century the Russian revolu- Deutsch, in 1902-3.
tionary V.I. Lenin spent much of his time 30 ('olfotb eCJUtlfe Lenin's first London
in a variety oflocal 'safe' houses inhabited address in April1902 was the now demol-
by fellow revolutionaries, as well as ished 30 Holford Square where he and his
researching at the British Library on Great wife, Krupskaya, posed as the German Mr
Russell Street and working on the revolu- and Mrs Jacob Richter. The landlady, who
tionary Iskra newspaper in Clerkenwell was concerned that Krupskaya had no
Green. wedding ring, provided them with food they
22 Ampton Street Iskra editors met in the could not eat- 'ox-tails, skates fried in fat
property, home of Nikolai Alexeyev, a and indigestible cakes not made for Russian
doctor who went on to take part in the 1917 stomachs'.
October Revolution, in October 1902, and it Pindar of Wakefield, 328 Gray's Inn Road
was here the following July that Lenin and Lenin brought Bolshevik delegates to this
associates welcomed delegates to London pub during the 1903 Russian Social-
for the 2nd Congress of the Russian Social- Democratic Labour Party Congress and
Democratic Labour Party. they took up a corner of the room singing
British Library Reading Room, Great Russian songs.
Russell Street. Lenin signed himself into the 16 Percy Circus Lenin lived here when he
British Library in 1902 as Jacob Richter, came to London for the second time in
rese;:1rching at seat L13 some fifty years after April1905 to attend the 3rd Congress of the
Marx had written Das Kapital in the same Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party,
room. an event shrouded in such secrecy that
14 Frederick Street This four-storey no one knows where in London it was
house with its pretty ironwork veranda held. A number of delegates stayed at other
was Lenin's London mailing address and Percy Circus addresses, including Nos. 9
home in early 1902 of Nikolai Alexeyev (see and 23.
above). 20 9legatt equllfe It was the home of the
26 Granville Square The editorial board of Bolshevik K. M. Takhtarev and used by

raided five years later by Customs and particularly Lenin, who later became the
Excise, who seized works by Tennessee Soviet Union's first leader.
Williams, Gore Vidal, Christopher Isher-
Queen Square
wood and Jean Genet and charged the
An immaculate and secluded enclave to the
shop's owners with conspiracy to import
east of Southampton Row, dominated by
indecent books. After a vigorous protest
hospitals, which the novelist Henry James
campaign the charges were dropped.
described as 'smelling strongly of the last
Percy Circus [eighteenth] century with a hoary effigy of
A once genteel but now down-at-heel junc- Queen Anne in the middle'. The square was
tion of radiating roads east of King's Cross built between 1716 and 1720 and originally
Road named after Robert Percy Smith, nine- named Devonshire Square before being
teenth-century director of the New River rededicated in honour of Queen Anne. In
Company, it was colonized in the early twen- the north-east section of the gardens a
tieth century by a number of Russian revolu- plaque marks the spot where a Zeppelin
tionaries on the run from the Tsarist police, dropped a bomb in 1915, without anyone

Iskra as a mailing address. Letters sent here Hoyle, the eighteenth-century playing cards
from Russia were intercepted by Russian expert; and Louisa Twining, the eighteenth-
police and sent to the Metropolitan Police century social worker and reformer who
with the warning: 'correspondence between housed homeless women inside the house,
members of the criminal Iskra society goes to the astonishment of her neighbours.
via this address'. William Morris lived at !Jlo. 26 from 1865 to
Sidmouth Street In 1902 the Russian Social- 1871. His design shop, Morris, Marshall,
Democrats had a commune in an unknown Faulkner & Co., was located on the ground
house on this street where they secreted floor, and workshops were built into a
Iskra's paperwork and welcomed colleagues converted ballroom at the back.
who had escaped to Britain. When Lenin Soddq 801Reft'i C.Uqe (1864-1901},
visited he found specks of tobacco in the No.29
sugar tin and thereafter refused to take Elizabeth Malleson, who famously omitted
sugar in his tea. to include the word 'obey' when she
36 Tavistock Place Lenin lived here in married, and Barbara Bodichon, a landscape
1908 after returning to London from painter once described by Dante Gabriel
Geneva to research philosophy at the British Rossetti as being 'blessed with large rations
Library. In his letters he railed against associ- of tin [money], fat, enthusiasm and golden
ates such as the writer Maxim Gorky, who hair, who thinks nothing of climbing up a
he claimed were 'prone to moods mountain in breeches, or wading through a
of depression evoked by episodes of the stream in none, in the sacred name of
struggle abroad and splits, dissension and pigment', founded the !Boding momm's
quarrelling'. U:ollege here in October 1864. As an alterna-
Twentieth Century Press, 37a Clerkenwell tive to the Revd F. D. Maurice's Working
Green. Lenin and associates worked on the Men's College on Great Ormond Street
revolutionary paper Iskra at the printing which refused to accept women, it offered
house on Clerkenwell Green set up by cheap evening classes in a wide range of
William Morris (now the Marx Memorial subjects. Those who taught here, persuaded
Library) until April1903, when Iskra moved by Malleson to volunteer their services free,
to Geneva. _j included the housing reformer Octavia Hill
and the doctor Elizabeth Garrett Anderson.
The college closed in 1901.
being killed, and lines of poetry by Philip
Larkin and Ted Hughes have been set in the
south side
Italian Children's Hospital, south-east
paving stones. Two benches commemorate
the lives of sixteen doctors from the nearby
Giovanni Ortelli opened the Ospedale
homeopathic hospital who died in the 1972
Italiano in his own house (No. 41) in 1884
Trident air disaster.
and after the last patients left in 1989 the
north side
building reopened as the Italian wing of the
Until1960 the north-western corner of the
Great Ormond Street children's hospital,
square was occupied by !Jlo. 20, whose
which stands to the north-east.
garden contained a trapdoor and steps
Mary Ward Centre, No. 42
leading to the stone tunnels of a stream
An adult education and community centre
known as the Devil's Conduit. Occupants of
named after the late-nineteenth-century
No. 20 over the years included a Dr John
novelist, Chartist and death-penalty
Campbell, who was regularly visited by Dr
reformer, which from 1861 to 1908 was
Johnson on Sunday evenings; Edmond
used as the Female School of Design.

west side colour, no ground existed on which the

StGeorge the Martyr, west side defendants were entitled to refuse to receive
The church predates the square and was and lodge him'. In his 1954 book The Colour
built as a chapel-of-ease to St Andrew, Bar Constantine explained that 'most British
Holborn, in the early eighteenth century, people would be quite unwilling for a black
with alterations to the building carried out man to enter their homes, nor would they
by Nicholas Hawksmoor from 1717 to 1720. wish to work with one, nor stand shoulder
St George was promoted to the status of to shoulder with one at a factory bench'.
parish church in 1723 and from 1747 to 1765 The hotel, built from 1905-11, was designed
the rector was William Stukeley, who first with many ornate flourishes by Charles
promoted the idea that Stonehenge may Fitzroy Doll and included a Winter Garden
have been a druid temple. S. S. Teulon and Turkish Baths.
inserted the zinc steeple in 1868 and until .,. The West Indies at Lord's, p. 369.
1875 the church was the setting for an International Times (1966-8), No. 102
annual Christmas dinner for 100 chimney- International Times (IT), the main journal
sweep apprentices (it is still occasionally .of London's 1960s counter-culture, began
referred to as the Chimney Sweeps' church). publishing its uncompromising mix of
The poets Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath offbeat articles, drug information, icono-
married here on 16 June (Bloomsday, from clasms of sexual taboos and paeans to avant-
James Joyce's Ulysses) 1956 before going off garde literature, art and music in 1966 in
to their honeymoon in Benidorm, then a what had previously been the Indica book-
quiet fishing village. store. Early issues included pieces on the
Queen Charlotte's surrealist Andre Breton, the Vietnam War,
The pub is named after Charlotte, wife of Yoko Ono's exhibitions and Ezra Pound's
George Ill, who prepared his favourite pro-fascist views. On 9 March 1967, after a
dishes in the cellars while the king was being reader complained about a supposedly
treated for his madness in the hospitals of obscene article, twelve plain-clothes detec-
Queen Square. tives raided the premises and seized every
back issue, all the scrap paper, the phone
Southampton Row books and, most importantly of all, the
The main road connecting Russell Square
contents of every ashtray. The haul, except
with Theobald's Road, named after the
for the ashtray contents, was returned after
former landowner, the Earl of Southampton.
two months, but though the police declined
east side: Guilford Street to Theobald's Road
to press charges against the magazine, John
Imperial Hotel, east side south of Guilford
Hopkins, one of the editors and the driving
force behind the publication, was arrested
When Learie Constantine, the mid-
for possessing pot and sentenced to six
twentieth -century West Indies test cricketer
months in Wormwood Scrubs, where he
who became Trinidad and Tobago's
was joined for a few days by Rolling Stones
Minister of Transport in the 1960s, tried to
Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who were
book a room in the hotel in 1943, his party
also being arraigned on drugs-related
was told: 'We are not going to have all these
charges. IT moved to Covent Garden in
Niggers in our hotel. He may stop tonight
but if he doesn't go tomorrow his bags will
.,. Oz magazine, p. 456.
be put outside and his door locked.' As
there were no laws against racial harassment Theobald's Road
at that time Constantine sued on grounds of Occasionally pronounced by locals as
'personal distress and injury', and the courts 'Tibbalds' Road, it follows the route the
found that although he was a 'man of Stuart kings took from the royal hunting

fields in Soho towards Theobald's Park in British Museum station also features in the
Hertfordshire and was where, according to 1974 horror film Death Line, which is based
Pepys, the royal coach containing Charles II around the fantastic story of a gang of
overturned one day in 1669 as it came out of navvies, entombed by a landslip during the
the King's Gate (junction of Theobald's station's construction, having mutated into
Road and Drake Street), throwing the king a race of man-eating ghouls. The station was
and his courtiers into the gutter, unharmed.· commandeered by the Ministry of Defence
Theobald's Road was widened in 1878 when during the Second World War and has since
it was linked with adjacent streets and laid been occupied by offices for the Brigade of
with tramlines. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Guards and the civil defence body, the
Britain's first notable black musician, was London District Military Command, which
born at !Jlo. 13 on 15 August 1875. According would take over London in the event of
to legend he was spotted playing marbles in flooding.
the street while holding a violin by a violin .,.. Disused Aldwych station, p. 128.
teacher who asked him if he would like
lessons. Coleridge-Taylor later studied at the
Gray's Inn Road
The section of Gray's Inn Road south of
Royal College of Music and at twenty-four
Theobald's Road is dominated by the Gray's
was conducting at the Royal Albert Hall. He
Inn legal institution, entrance to which can
is best known for a musical version of Long-
be obtained through a gate on Gray's Inn
fellow's Hiawatha.
Road, beside which Richard Nelthorp, a
member of the Inn, was executed in 1685 for
(iv) High Holborn I Gray's Inn taking part in the Duke of Monmouth's
rebellion against James II. Samuel Romilly,
The streets between Bloomsbury Way/
the law reformer, and a band of men
Theobald's Road and High Holborn, first
defended the Inn from the Gordon Rioters
developed in the late seventeenth century,
in June 1780.
became a trading area for craftsmen in the
Gray's Inn, north of Chancery Lane station,
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, their
west side
workshops being mostly replaced in the mid
Gray's I~n, gentlemen. Curious little
twentieth century by large office blocks.
nooks in a great place, like London, these
Bury Place old Inns are - The Pickwick Papers,
~ritii~ lbitmn itatioa (south of Barter Charles Dickens (1837)
Street) One of the four remaining Inns of Court,
British Museum station opened on the along with Lincoln's Inn, the Middle
Central Line in July 1900 but being particu- Temple and the Inner Temple, where
larly close to the Piccadilly Line station of lawyers have traditionally lived and studied,
Holborn was chosen for closure when Gray's Inn was founded as a hospitium for
London Transport decided to extend lawyers c. 1370 and named after Sir Reginald
Holborn to take Central Line trains. The de Grey, chief justice of Chester, who lived
station shut down on 24 September 1933 and in a manor house on the site. The Inn
two years later was used in shooting the film declined in status and its finances dwindled
Bulldog Jack, which made use of rumours during the eighteenth cen:tury, and when the
that it was haunted by the real-life incar- new Courts of Justice on the Strand opened
nation of one of the British Museum's Egyp- in 1882 Gray's Inn became the most distant
tian artefacts. The film also features a of the four Inns from the building, although
sarcophagus that opens to reveal a secret the closure of the many Inns of Chancery
passage leading from the museum to the soon after helped bring about a revival in its
station, named Bloomsbury in the film. fortunes. The Inn's most illustrious past

member is Francis Bacon, the essayist, better get Carman, before Aitken gets him.'
historian and statesman, who occupied Aitken dropped his action on the eve of the
chambers in the Inn from 1576 until his trial and was later convicted of perjury.
death in 1626, and as Lord Chancellor had After Carman died in 2001 his son,
considerable influence on the English legal Dominic, published a book which claimed
system, particularly the concepts of fairness his father was plagued by a 'dark side' that
and impartiality. Other past members involved drink, gambling and beating up his
include the historian Lord Macaulay, the wife.
poet Robert Browning and the essayist
High Holborn
Hilaire Belloc.
Originally a Roman road, but not a straight
• Lincoln's Inn, p. 123; the Temple, p. 46.
route on account of the swampy nature of
Geographers' A-Z shop, No. 28, east side
the land, High Holborn became a centre for
Phyllis Pearsall supposedly walked every
popular entertainment and leisure in the
road in London, rising at 5 a.m. in her
nineteenth century, with the 9lol)ol tlm"l)l•
Holloway Road bedsit and walking until
tl)ecrtn, where the Marquess of
midnight every day, covering 3,000 miles in
Queensberry's boxing rules were first
all, to compile the first A-Z of London,
enforced to help regulate the sport, at Nos.
published in 1936. A-Z now produces guides
81-87; the t)olbom (fm"in at No. 242; and
to nearly 300 cities from offices here.
the grand &olbom 9lestourcmt at No. 218,
Gray's Inn Square none of which survives on what is now a
Nos. 4-5 purely commercial street.
The premises were chambers at the end of north side: Shaftesbury Avenue to Gray's
the twentieth century for George Carman, Inn Road
the leading libel lawyer of the period, who Old Red Lion, No. 72
made his name in 1979 successfully After being exhumed from their graves, the
defending the Liberal Party leader, Jeremy bodies of those responsible for the death of
Thorpe, from a charge of conspiracy to Charles I- Oliver Cromwell; his son-in-law,
murder his former lover Norman Scott. In Henry Ireton; and John Bradshaw, the
his closing speech he told the jury: 'In his officer who had given the order for the
time Mr Thorpe has won millions of votes King's execution- were displayed overnight
from people in this country, but now come in 166o in the previous Red Lion that stood
the 12 most precious votes of all', and on this site, before being taken to the
pointing at each juror in turn, repeated: Tyburn gallows to be hanged and decapi-
'Yours, yours, yours .. .' Carman success- tated. Bradshaw's body had not been satisfac-
fully defended the comic Ken Dodd from torily embalmed, and as it had badly
accusations of tax evasion in the 198os, with decayed, the tavern was filled with a
the quip 'some accountants are comedians, considerable stench during the overnight
but comedians are never accountants', and exhibition. Following the display at Tyburn
later represented the News of the World, the heads were then skewered on to poles
which was being sued for libel by Sonia outside Westminster Hall.
Sutcliffe, the wife of the Yorkshire Ripper, • Tyburn gallows, p. 433.
whom he accused of' dancing on the graves Cold War bunker, No. 32.
of her husband's victims'. In the mid 1990s The government's Cold War-era bunker,
Carman defended the Guardian from a libel built as part of the capital's defence against
suit brought by former Tory minister Jona- envisaged nuclear attack in the 1950s, can be
than Aitken, having been hired when the reached through two doors, one of glass,
paper's editor, Alan Rusbridger, announced, one of steel, at 32 High Holborn. It was
on receiving a letter from Aitken: 'We'd originally constructed in the 1940s as a

telecommunications centre for the Kingsway were built and it was replaced by a hotel, the
telephone exchange, and by the 1950s had Inns of Court, which catered for railway trav-
been converted to a bunker equipped with ellers until it too was sold in 1923. The
an artesian well and enough fuel, tinned and Kingsway telephone exchange (see No. 32)
dried food to last six weeks. It was also later was built on the site in 1929.
linked with other government tunnels under , ~m, No. 242
Whitehall, Bloomsbury's Judd Street and Built in 1858 as Weston's Music Hall, and
the Post Office Tower in Maple Street, hosting music hall acts such as Marie lloyd
Fitzrovia. Although defence staff in the 1950s and George Robey, it became the f)olbom
calculated that a bomb falling on London 4hl1)in in 1900, and was where fourteen
similar in impact to the A bombs which the years later, on 9 Apri11914, the 100-minute
Americans had dropped on Nagasaki and melodrama The World, the Flesh and the
Hiroshima would not be able to penetrate Devil was shown as the first full-length
the bunkers, subsequent improvements in feature film in Kinemacolor. Louis
nuclear weaponry soon made such thinking, Armstrong, the pioneer jazz trumpeter,
and the bunk~rs, redundant. Since the appeared at the venue on 31 July 1933,
ending of the Cold War the site has been despite a recent article in the Daily Express
abandoned and in 1996 it was put up for which claimed he had died, backed by a
sale. hastily assembled group of musicians and
.,. The Whitehall bunker, p. 233. spending much of the show clowning and
Cittie ofYorke, Nos. 22-23 joking. The chaotic performance divided the
The impressive interior of this 1430 pub, crowd, with older members of the audience
rebuilt in 1923 and known as Henekey's leaving in disgust and younger elements
Wine Lodge from 1695-1982, includes fine cheering wildly. By the end of the week
panelling, one of the longest bars in the Armstrong, realizing that he was losing
country and enormous vats in which friends, played down the showmanship, to
Henekey's used to store their wine. There the delight of the audience and press. The
are also wooden cubicles constructed so that Empire was bombed in the Second World
patrons, who would most likely come from War and stood derelict until demolition in
Gray's Inn, could enjoy privacy with their 1954 when the site was subsumed into the
clients, and an old Gothic stove in the adjacent Pearl Assurance Building.
centre, originally installed in Gray's Inn Princess Louise, No. 208
Hall, which allows smoke to escape, surpris- An ornate Victorian public house named
ingly, through a chimney running under the after Queen Victoria's fourth daughter, the
floor. Princess Louise was built in 1872 and refur-
south side: Staple Inn Buildings to Shaftes- bished in 1891 by Arthur Chitty with fine
buryAvenue craftsmanship, particularly the tiles,
qe IJtoq~e m telae fSoat', Nos. 268-280 glasswork and joinery, much of which has
The George and Blue Boar was a medieval been preserved.
inn where those being taken from Newgate In the 1950s the pub was home to the
Prison to be hanged at Tyburn could stop Ballads and Blues club, organized by James
for a glass of beer, as noted by Jonathan Miller, a Salford-born songwriter who had
Swift in his 1727 poem 'Tom Clinch' in the changed his name to Ewan MacColl and
lines: 'As clever Tom Clinch, while the composed the song 'Dirty Old Town', where
rabble was bawling I Rode stately through songs by American country blues artists
Holborn to die in his calling I He stopt at were sung alongside English murder ballads,
The George for a bottle of sack I And sea shanties and work songs. MacColl's club
promised to pay for it when he came back.' was replaced in the early 1960s by gigs feat-
The inn lost much trade when the railways uring the virtuoso guitarists Davey Graham

and Bert Jansch and the pub also became a

popular haunt for musicians using the COVENT GARDEN, WC2
nearby De Lane Lea studios, such as the
Who's Pete Townshend who devised the The heart of London, a buffer between the
humorous fake adverts which segue tracks great buildings of state of Westminster and
on the group's 1968 album, The Who Sell the nightlife centre of Soho, and an area of
Out, while relaxing in the pub in between considerable importance for shopping and
recording sessions. tourism, Covent Garden is built on what
Dennis Nilsen, the homosexual serial was the Saxons' Thames port of Lundenwic
killer who murdered at least fifteen men in and is probably the same as Bede's
the late 1970s and early 1980s, met Kenneth 'Metropolis ... a mart of many peoples
James Ockenden, a 23-year-old Canadian, in coming by land and sea', which was aban-
the Princess Louise on 3 December 1979 and doned c. 900. After Westminster Abbey
at the end of the evening took him back to bought the lands at the beginning of the thir-
his Cricklewood flat and killed him. In teenth century it established a convent
recent decades the Princess Louise has garden, later Covent Garden, which grew
become one of London's leading real ale into London's major flower and vegetable
pubs, winning a number of awards from the market, giving its name to the area in a
Campaign for Real Ale. corrupted form, and now located in Nine
Elms, Battersea.
Red Lion Square
Originally Red Lion Fields, setting for
executions and punishments, the square was (i) around Leicester Square
developed in 1684 by Dr Nicholas Barbon, a
Charing Cross Road
surgeon and speculative builder, whose
Now one of the most heavily used roads in
plans were vociferously opposed by Gray's
the capital, the boundary between the
Inn lawyers. Annoyed about losing their
western and eastern sides of the metropolis,
green views, the lawyers attacked Barbon's
and home to London's greatest conglomer-
builders with bricks. (OfBarbon's 168os
ation of bookshops, Charing Cross Road
development only Nos. 14-15 remain.) In was previously Hog Lane, upgraded after
the 1850s the painter-poet Dante Gabriel
Charing Cross station opened in 1864, to
Rossetti, the designer and poet William
become one of the liveliest in London, with
Morris, and the artist Edward Burne-Jones,
nightclubs, theatres, cheap restaurants and
lived at No. 17, where the landlord warned
bookshops, but also a centre for crime.
Rossetti to keep his models 'under some
Frank Norman, the Barnardo's boy who
gentlemanly restraint, as some artists sacri-
became a celebrity in the 1960s after writing
fice the dignity of art to the baseness of
his prison memoirs, once explained how he
passion'. A demonstration organized by the
first came to be involved in the central
National Front in Red Lion Square on 15
London underworld: 'You are 14 years old.
June 1974 ended in violence when Front
You walk down the Charing Cross Road.
members clashed with· members of the Inter-
You are accosted by a man wearing a flashy
national Marxist Group (IMG) and
tie. The rest follows on from there.'
Warwick University students, one of whom,
west side: StMartin's Place to St Giles
Kevin Gately, was killed in the fighting.
Cambridge Circus
Previously known as Five Dials, on account
of the number of intersecting roads, it
briefly became Shaftesbury Circus after the
opening of Shaftesbury Avenue in 1886, and

later Cambridge Circus. The office block on appreciate the Pistols' performance as a
the south-west corner, above the bank, was defining point in rock history and pulled the
depicted as the Circus, the headquarters of a plug after five numbers.
spy ring which organizes espionage across .,. Gilbert and George in Spitalfields, p. 288.
Britain, in John Le Carre's George Smiley Foyle's, Nos. 113-117
books. London's best-known yet most eccentrically
Palace Theatre, Charing Cross Road at run bookshop was opened by William and
Shaftesbury Avenue Gilbert Foyle in 1904 in Islington and
The theatre, renowned for its extravagant moved in 1929 to Charing Cross Road. One
brick fa~ade, and now owned by the musical of the first customers was the novelist
impresario Andrew Lloyd Webber, was built Arnold Bennett, who used to walk from
as the Royal English Opera House in 1891. floor to floor holding a £5 note which he
Money was supplied by the Gilbert and said he would offer to anyone he found
Sullivan impresario, Richard D'Oyly Carte, reading one of his books, but which he
who wanted it to be a home for English never parted with. The following year Chris-
opera but had to settle for a music hall, the tina, William's nineteen-year-old daughter,
Palace Theatre of Varieties, when he realized launched Foyle's famous literary lunches,
his original ideas were too ambitious. Anna and when in the mid-1930s she heard that
Pavlova made her West End debut here in Hitler's brownshirts were burning books she
1910, and a year later the theatre was the cabled him with the message: 'Don't burn
setting for the first Royal Command books, we'll give you a very good price.'
Performance, with the music hall star Marie Christina Foyle took over as owner of the
Lloyd excluded from the bill for being too shop in 1963, after her father died, and over
vulgar. Since the 196os it has been the the next thirty years Foyle's became a
setting for long-running musicals: The byword for cultivated chaos, the art of
Sound of Music (1961-7), Jesus Christ Super- finding volumes made more enticing by
star (1972-80) and Les Miserables (1985- ). the vast size of the shop, but also more exas-
St Martin's Art College, No. 107 perating by the arranging of novels by
The college, founded in 1854, was where in publisher, rather than author. Staff were
the late 1960s Gilbert Proesch, born in a hired and fired on an erratic basis,
small Italian village in the Dolomites, met successful applicants rarely stayed, or were
Flete George Charles Ernestine Passmore allowed to stay, longer than six weeks, trade
and formed the infamous duo Gilbert and unions were outlawed, women were
George, communicating at first by sign confined to cashier jobs, and there was a
language, for Gilbert could speak no glut of people with unusual classical names.
English. Their first collaboration was a (When one customer asked where he could
human face in which, as Gilbert explained, find Ulysses he was told he had just gone out
'we had a mould and poured in liquid to lunch.) Foyle also steadfastly refused to
colour. We arranged for photos to be taken modernize the shop's bureaucracy and
of us with the sculptures, and that's when customers were obliged to take part in a
we realised we were the sculptures.' The first Kafkaesque queuing system if they wished to
Sex Pistols gig took place at the college on leave the store with a book by legal means.
6 November 1975 in front of fewer than Since Foyle's death in 1999 the shop has
twenty people, with Johnny Rotten, wearing been brought into the modern world.
baggy pin-stripes held up with braces and a .,. Foyle's literary luncheons at the Dorchester,
ripped Pink Floyd T -shirt with the words 'I p.160.
hate' scrawled over it, menacingly prowling
the stage impersonating Ian Dury. The
students' union organizers failed to

east side: St Giles's Circus to Cambridge Allan Poe's The Gold Bug valued at £850 he
Circus decided he had to read the story. It set off an
Centre Point, Charing Cross Road at interest in codes that eventually led to his
Andrew Borde Street becoming one of the government's leading
Central London's best-known skyscraper, wartime codebreakers. Helen Hanff began a
designed by Richard Seifert and built twenty-year correspondence with the shop
between 1956 and 1967, was intended to be owner in 1949, compiling the letters into
one of a number of government-operated book form in 1971.
air-conditioned tower blocks standing above • Leo Marks's codebreaking exploits, p. 149.
a network of bunkers which, in the event of
Cranbourn Street
chemical or biological warfare, could be
William Hogarth was apprenticed here,
used to accommodate civil servants and
under the sign of the Golden Angel, in 1713.
ministers who could quickly make their way
. In the eighteenth century Cranbourn Street,
below to man the bunkers if danger
which connects Leicester Square and Long
increased. Other blocks included in the
Acre, was a bonnet market where girls were
scheme were Euston Tower, New Scotland
positioned outside shops to entice
Yard, the Post Office Tower (now Telecom
customers inside, and it is now one of the
Tower}, Telstar House in Paddington,
busiest side streets in London, even though
Bowater House (Knightsbridge) and the
its name is barely known to most of its
Meteorological Office at 281-288 High
Holborn. By the time most of these blocks
had been constructed advances in weaponry
The Hippodrome, one of London's best-
had rendered their defence capabilities
known and largest night spots, was designed
obsolete. Centre Point stood empty, amid
by Frank Matcham with 1.340 seats and
much controversy, throughout the sixties
opened on 15 January 1900 to stage music
and seventi~s, the public being spun a
hall, circus and variety acts. The country's
spurious tale about office rents rising so
first performance of Swan Lake was staged
sharply that it was better to leave the tower
at the Hippodrome in 1910 and it was here
empty than rent it out and tie its value
on 7 Apri11919 that live jazz was heard in
down to a particular rent review period.
~ritai~ ~or the first time, thanks to the Orig-
Little use has been made of the tower since,
mal Dooeland Jazz Band, mostly white
although it now contains offices for the
musicians from New Orleans playing piano,
Confederation of British Industry.
c~rnet, clarinet and trombone. The maga-
zme Performer was not impressed and wrote
The bookshop immortalized in Helen
how 'the best qualification for a jazzist is to
Hanft's 84 Charing Cross Road was based on
have no knowledge of music and no musical
Marks & Co., a shop housed here for much
ability beyond that of making noises', but
of the twentieth century and visited by
when Irving Berlin's 'Alexander's Ragtime
Charles Chaplin, George Bernard Shaw and
Band' was performed here in 1926 the Daily
the elderly Sigmund Freud. Too weak to
. Express excitedly proclaimed: 'Go where
climb the stairs to the third floor where the
you will you cannot escape from the mazes
rare books on religion and the occult were
of music he has spun. In all London
stored, Freud would wait at the bottom
restaurants, parks and theatres you hear
while an assistant carried them to him. The
his strains. Ragtime has swept like a whirl-
shop had a policy of awarding expensive
wind over the earth and set civilisation
books a secret code, so that staff would
humming.' In 1947 the twelve-year-old Julie
know how much discount to give to
Andrews was an instant hit when she sang
awkward customers, and when the owner's
an aria during the show Starlight Roof. The
eight-year-old son, Leo, saw a copy of Edgar

theatre was converted to the Talk of the grew, and the square now features London's
Town nightclub in 1957 and later reverted to highest concentration of cinemas and largest
its original name. crowds, despite the inferiority of its cafes,
eateries and architecture compared with
Leicester Square
similar continental squares.
It will never be known, I suppose, why
• Maurice Micklewhite, an up-coming
this square itself should look so alien and
actor, making a phone call from a booth on
in some w~ys so continental. It will never
Leicester Square in the early 1960s, noticed a
be known whether it was the foreign look
poster for The Caine Mutiny and decided to
that attracted the foreigners or the
change his nan1e to Michael Caine.
foreigners who gave it the foreign look-
north side
The Man Who Was Thursday, G. K.
Though one of the largest properties in
Chesterton (1908)
seventeenth-century London, .eeicestef
Leicester Square, London's busiest quarter
t)ouse was marred by the presence of four
and a major gathering place for tourists and
lock-up shops at the front. It nevertheless
visitors, was laid out in the 1630s by Robert
attracted royalty, including Elizabeth,
Sidney, the 2nd Earl of Leicester, who built a
Queen of Bohemia, who came to England
mansion, .eeicestef t)ouse, on what is now
penniless in 1661 and died in the property a
the north side of the square and enclosed
week later, and from 1717 George, Prince of
the central grassy area, Leicester Fields,
Wales (later George II), who left St Jan1es's
paying £3 annually to the parish to compen-
Palace after a row with his father, the king,
sate for the loss of grazing land. By the end
and brought to Leicester House a large
of the seventeenth century the square was
retinue of attendants and servants, who
attracting wealthy merchants from the City
moved into the adjacent tlilesbufl) t)ouse.
who wanted to live closer to the royal court
When George I died in June 1727 Prince
and the seat of government, but it was also
George was crowned king in the gateway of
full of 'ruffians around the livery stables and
Leicester House and moved back to
horse-dealers, and there were rows of hotels
St Jan1es's Palace. In 1774 the Manchester
wi$ foreign names where moustachioed
bird-fancier Sir Ashton Lever moved into
loungers breathed garlic and tobacco',
Leicester House, where he opened his Holo-
according to Jenny Uglow, the modem-day
phusicon, a natural history collection of
biographer of the artist William Hogarth,
some 26,ooo items, but the public were
who played chuck in the square as a boy in
unmoved by his birds, fossils and Sandwich
the early eighteenth century and later
Islands Room, and Lever was forced to dose
moved his studio here.
the venture after a year. Leicester House was
In 1717 the royal court attached to Prince
demolished soon after and the site is now
George (later George II) can1e to Leicester
occupied by a cinema.
House, but after the property was demol-
east side
ished in the 1790s the square declined in
Edward Clarke opened the Royal Panop-
importance. Various schemes were enacted
ticon of Science and Art, an institution for
to revive its fortunes, including the opening
'Scientific Exhibitions, and for Promoting
of the Panopticon display of scientific
Discoveries in Arts and Manufacturers', in
exhibits in 1854, but it was not until the late
a vast exotic Moorish building on the east
nineteenth century, when theatres,
side of the square in 1854. After a local
including the Empire (later replaced by a
cholera outbreak it closed and was sold to
cinema of the san1e nan1e), and music halls
the theatre impresario E. T. Smith, who
were built, attracting hordes of visitors, both
installed a circus ring and in 1856 reopened
Londoners and foreigners in equal
the premises as the tll()ambfa X()eatn. The
measures, that Leicester Square's popularity
London debut of the Parisienne Quadrille,

better known as the Can-Can, took place Demonstrations and rallies in Trafalgar
here fourteen years later, causing such Square
public outcry that the theatre's licence was Trafalgar Square has long been the setting
removed for three years. A fire destroyed the for major political meetings, demon-
building, costumes and stage sets in 1882, strations and events, despite regular bans
and it was rebuilt as a music hall, Gracie from the authorities.
Fields winning rave reviews for her perform- Demonstration against the raising of
ance in Mr Tower of London in 1923. The income tax, 6 March 1848 Ten thousand
!lll)om&ro was demolished in 1936 and people assemble to protest against the
rebuilt as the Odeon Cinema. raising of income tax from 3 per cent to
IBUllat .O•t~'j itu.... (1733-64), 5 per cent and when the authorities order
No.3o Cochrane, the campaigner for low tax, not
William Hogarth, England's greatest to speak G. W. M. Reynolds, the Chartist
satirical painter, moved into a shop at the leader, takes the stage, brandishing a placard
sign of the Golden Head, in what was then proclaiming: 'A Republic for France- The
Leicester Fields, in 1733. He soon made Charter for England'. Asked by a member of
himself a new shop sign, a bust of Van the crowd if he would kill Louis Philippe
Dyck, the Dutch artist who had settled in (the French king) if he met him, Reynolds
England, out of 'several thicknesses of cork replies: 'No, I would put him in Woombles
compacted together' and built a studio Menagerie instead', at which point he is
where he began to work on his many seized by two police officers. The crowd
'modem moral subjects' - witty and caustic then attacks the police with stones and as
paintings and engravings conveying a the cry 'To the Palace! Bread and Revol-
message. The first of these was The Rake's ution' goes up, the mob advances towards
Progress, which in eight parts details the StJames's Park, but is halted by sealed-off
tragic life of the irresponsible Tom Rakewell entrances.
from birth to fortune to penury. Hogarth 'Black Monday', 8 February 1886 Those
held back from releasing it until the passing made redundant by the closure of the sugar
of the 1735 copyright act that he himself refineries gather to protest in a demon-
helped draw up to prevent pirating of stration organized by the Fair Trade Associ-
artists' work. In June 1748 Hogarth, the arch ation and backed by the Conservative Party
Anglophile, visited France to do some draw- but taken over by the left-wing Social-
ings and to his horror was expelled at Calais Democratic Federation. A crowd of around
for supposedly being a spy. Incensed, he 1o,ooo then leaves the square and makes its
returned to Leicester Fields and painted the way along Pall Mall throwing missiles at the
mocking The Roast Beef of Old England (The Reform Club after members, intrigued to
Gate of Calais), which savaged French see what is happening, make the mistake
claims of superiority and promoted suppos- of appearing at the windows. Leaders of
edly English virtues, such as reliability. The the Social-Democratic Federation are
following year Hogarth bought a country
retreat in Chiswick, but continued to work first president of the Royal Academy in 1768,
occasionally in Leicester Fields, and died lived at ,.o. 47 on the west side of the
here of an aneurism on 25 October 1764. square, building himself a 'detached gallery
The house later became the area's first and painting rooms' where he entertained
restaurant, the Hotel de la Sablionere, and the writers James Boswell, Oliver Goldsmith
was eventually demolished. Capital Radio is and Fanny Burney. When Reynolds intro-
now based in an office on the site. duced Dr Johnson to Laurence Sterne, the
west side latter read him a few lines from the 'dedi-
The artist Joshua Reynolds, who became the cation of his recently completed comic

prosecuted for sedition, but found not VE Day, 8 May 1945 Hundreds of thou-
guilty. Nevertheless for the next few weeks sands of people gather in the square to cele-
London goes into a state of siege. brate the ending of the Second World War
'Bloody Sunday', 13 November 1887 Organ- in Europe and sing songs, the most popular
ized to protest against the jailing of the of which is Charles Coborn's 'Two Lovely
radical Irish MP William O'Brien, the demo Black Eyes'.
is taken over by radicals wanting to test Aldermaston anti-nuclear march, 4 April
their right to free speech and results in 1958 Four thousand marchers set out on the
considerable violence when a Socialist first anti-nuclear march, which leaves
League contingent that includes William Trafalgar Square en route for Aldermaston,
Morris, Annie Besant (leader of the match Berkshire, headquarters of the Atomic
girls' strike) and George Bernard Shaw Energy Research Establishment, on a cold
reaches the square and is rushed by the and wet Good Friday, sleeping overnight in
police. Eventually the crowd disperses, but church halls and schools. The last mile of
200 people are injured and two are killed. the 50-mile route is marched in complete
The following Sunday a smaller version of silence. Many further anti-nuclear demon-
the rally takes place, with the police again strations take place in the square over the
attacking marchers at points leading into following decades.
the square. Anti-Vietnam War demonstration, 22
Coronation of Edward VII, 9 August 1902 October 1967 The first of three mid-196os
The radical American writer Jack London anti-Vietnam War demonstrations hears
watches the coronation of Edward VII from speakers call not for peace in Vietnam, but
a vantage spot in the square, writing in his for victory to the communist forces, before
London travelogue The People of the Abyss marching to the United States Embassy in
(1903): 'Vivat Rex Eduardus! They crowned Grosvenor Square (p. 164). At the second
a king this day, and I am perplexed and rally on 17 March 1968 a crowd of around
saddened ... nor did I ever see anything so 25,000 hears speeches from Tariq Ali and
hopeless and so tragic.' While waiting for Vanessa Redgrave.
the procession, London reflects on how 'the Anti-poll tax demonstration, 31 March
people of Israel first took unto themselves a 1990 A rally attended by some 2oo,ooo
king', and how 'five hundred hereditary people ends in violence when police clash
peers own one-fifth of England'. When the with anarchists, resulting in considerable
royal party arrives London notes: 'Every- looting and destruction in the Whitehall
body has gone mad. The contagion is area. Commentators cite the demonstration
sweeping me off my feet - I, too, want to as a significant factor in the demise of
shout, "The King! God save the King!" Margaret Thatcher as prime minister later
and I check myself with a rush, striving that year.
to convince myself that it is all real and
novel Tristram Shandy, but Johnson was National Portrait Gallery, west side
unimpressed, later intimating to an The gallery was established in Westminster
associate that he had told Sterne 'it is not in 1856 according to the wishes of the
English, Sir'. historian the Earl of Stanhope, moving to
the present site in 1895, and until1969
StMartin's Place
featured only those who had been dead for
A short stretch of the main road north of
at least ten years. It now contains more than
Trafalgar Square.
9,000 portraits arranged chronologically,

with Hans Holbein's cartoon ofHenryVIII centre is dominated by Nelson's Column,

among the oldest works. other statues including those of Charles I,
St Martin-in-the-Fields, east side George IV, Admirals Beatty, Cunningham
A church has stood on the site since the thir- and Jellico, and Generals Napier and Have-
teenth century, when it was reachable only lock. There is also a plinth that was meant
by walking across fields. The current church, for a statue of William IV which never tran-
described by the poet Francis Thompson as spired and was filled in 2001 by Rachel
'Jacob's ladder I Pitched between Heaven Whiteread's amusing Monument, a cast of
and Charing Cross', designed by James the very same plinth in crystal-dear resin
Gibbs between 1722 and 1726, was adopted placed upside-down on the stone original.
by American pioneers as the model for centre of square
church building, resulting in replicas Nelson's Column
throughout New England. StMartin's also E. H Baily's statue of Lord Nelson, victor of
contains a cafe, a bookshop, a homeless the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, carved between
shelter, a craft market and the London Brass 1840 and 1843, looks towards Plymouth,
Rubbing Centre, and promotes lunchtime from where Nelson left England for the last
and evening classical music concerts. The time, and is surrounded by lions designed
steeple can be seen in the William Hogarth between 1859 and 1867 by Edwin Landseer,
painting Beer Street, and the church 'served as who used as his model a dead animal
the model for the Museum of Propaganda in brought to his StJohn's Wood studio by cab
George Orwell's 1984. from Regent's Park Zoo. On 30 May 1884
the Dynamiters, a socialist terrorist group,
Trafalgar Square left sixteen cakes of explosives at the base of
Trafalgar Square, London's main meeting
the column. They were defused, but that
point, along with Piccadilly Circus, was built
evening at 9.20 p.m. a bomb exploded at
from 1827 to 1835 according to the designs of
Scotland Yard police headquarters, injuring
John Nash and replaced the .SUng's !news,
many people, while a bomb went off at the
a prison where the Parliamentarians
Junior Carlton Club at the same time
imprisoned Royalist captives during the
causing much damage. To Adolf Hitler,
Civil War, and the Q)olben <ttoss f)otd,
Nelson's Column represented 'a symbol of
depicted by Charles Dickens in The Pickwick
British naval might and world domination'
Papers as the place where Mr Pickwick which he wanted to remove, boasting 'it
meets Tupman, Snodgrass and Winkle. As
would be an impressive way of underlining
Nash died before work was complete the
the German victory if it were to be trans-
square was finished by Charles Barry, who
ferred to Berlin', which may explain why the
levelled the sloping land and paved the
Germans failed to bomb the column during
central area, surrounding it with a low wall
the Second World War. In the government
on the northern side in which the Imperial
bunker underneath Nelson's Column lies
measures of inch, foot and yard are etched
the Whitehall Telephone Exchange, installed
in metal. In 1848 the square was the setting
in the 1950s as part of London's prep-
for the capital's first-ever display of electric
arations for dealing with nuclear war.
lighting, when arc lamps lit up the area, and
north side
every 30 January, the anniversary of Charles
National Gallery
I's execution, it is the setting for a memorial
The National Gallery, London's oldest
service to the executed king. The square is
major art gallery, highlights of which
ringed with grandiose buildings of question-
include Leonardo da Vinci's Cartoon (1504),
able architectural merit, such as William
John Constable's The Haywain (1821) and
Wilkins's National Gallery and Herbert
Van Gogh's Sunflowers (1888), was estab-
Baker's 1935 South Africa House, and the
lished at 99 Pall Mall in 1824. George IV

persuaded the government to buy thirty- Richardson received a six-month sentence,

eight paintings belonging to the banker John and later explained that she had chosen the
Julius Angerstein, whose collection included Velazquez because she did not like the way
works by Raphael and Rembrandt and a 'men gaped at it all day'. In 1985 Lord Sains-
large altarpiece by Sebastiano del Piombo, bury financed the construction of a new
The Raising of Lazarus. But following public wing to the west of the gallery which opened
criticism of the venue there were calls for a in 1991 and was filled with the entire early
permanent gallery to be built to house the Renaissance collection.
growing collection, and once the site of the ... Tate Britain, p. 246; Tate Modem, p. 376.
former King's Mews at Charing Cross had
been chosen, John Nash, who was in charge
(ii) St Giles
of creating Trafalgar Square out of the
jumble of medieval buildings that stood St Giles, the area between New Oxford
here, hired as architect William Wilkins, Street and Shaftesbury Avenue, was
who used the portico from <tarlton f>ouse developed in the twelfth century on the
(George IV's recently demolished palace to marshy ground around a leper hospital situ-
the south, which stood where Carlton ated where the Church of St Giles now
House Terrace can now be found) to front stands. After suffering considerable loss of
his 1832-8 building. life during the 1665 Plague St Giles became a
The new gallery opened in 1838 and origin- slum, one of London's most unruly, with
ally had no formal collection policy, new thieving and prostitution rife, and a popu-
pictures being acquired according to the lation of poor Irish immigrants and black
personal tastes of the Trustees, but by the beggars, mostly escaped slaves who became
1850s the Trustees were being criticized for known as St Giles blackbirds, crammed into
neglecting to buy works of the earlier Italian crumbling houses in the narrow courts and
Schools, and so Sir Charles Eastlake, the first alleys. The desperate conditions attracted
director, journeyed to Italy to buy around considerable attention from the country's
140 paintings of the Italian Renaissance, foremost writers. When Henry Fielding, the
including Botticelli's Adoration of the Kings novelist and barrister, conducted a survey
and Uccello's The Battle of San Romano. In into London crime in the middle of the eigh-
1856 J. M. W. Turner bequeathed over 1,ooo teenth century, he noted how 'in the parish
paintings, drawings and watercolours and in of St Giles's there are great numbers of
1871 the gallery's collection grew further houses set apart for the reception of idle
when seventy-seven works, including Dutch persons and vagabonds'. Lord Byron told
and Flemish paintings, were bought from the House of Lords in 1812: 'I have been in
the collection of the late Tory politician Sir some of the most oppressed provinces of
Robert Peel. Turkey, but never under the most despotic
In 1876 the gallery was enlarged again, but of infidel governments did I behold such
by this time British works were being squalid wretchedness as I have seen since
exhibited in other buildings, leading to the my return in the very heart of a Christian
creation of what became the Tate Gallery on country', and it was probably St Giles that
Millbank, which opened in 1897. In 1914 the Oscar Wilde had in mind when describing
suffragette Mary Richardson damaged Vehiz- the slum inhabited by 'women with hoarse
quez's The Rokeby Venus, telling reporters: 'I voices and harsh laughter' in Lord Arthur
have tried to destroy the picture of the most Savile's Crime. The derided buildings were
beautiful woman in mythological history as demolished when New Oxford Street was
a protest against the government destroying built in the 1840s and the area then gradu-
Mrs Pankhurst [who was then on hunger ally became commercialized, with Crosse
strike in support of votes for women)'. and Blackwell's pickle factory one of the

main local employers. Since the construc- north side: Charing Cross Road to St Giles
tion of Centre Point and the introduction High Street
of a one-way system in the 1960s the area No.19
has become something of a backwater Melody Maker, until recently one of Britain's
at the edge of the West End and Covent major music magazines, was launched at
Garden. 19 Denmark Street in 1926 by Lawrence
Wright, a music publisher and songwriter
Gin Lane who doubled as Horatio Nicholls, composer
William Hogarth set one of his best-known of romantic songs with a desert theme, as
works, Gin Lane (1750-51), in St Giles, one popularized by Rudolph Valentino in The
of the areas of London most affected by the Sheikh. Early issues did little more than
abundance of gin imported from Holland promote Wright's own songs, but things
following the accession ofWilliam of changed when the media group Odham's
Orange to the British throne in 1688. Within bought the title in 1929, the first post-
a few years every fourth house was a gin- Wright edition containing a thinly disguised
shop, a state of affairs that led the prime swipe at the previous owner which read:
minister, Robert Walpole, to bring in an Act 'The passing of central control will not
in 1736 restricting its sale, resulting in riots affect the Melody Maker in any way except
and cries of: 'No Gin, No King'. In that it will ensure complete editorial inde-
Hogarth's picture the Madonna and Child pendence from vested interests.' Melody
are personified in the gin-sodden mother Maker later became the leading magazine
dropping her baby underneath a pawn- for jazz in Britain but lost ground to New
broker's sign bearing the legend: 'Drunk for Musical Express in the rock era and ceased
a penny I Dead drunk for two pence I Clean publishing in 2000.
straw for nothing', while in the background Mills Music Ltd, No. 20
is the steeple ofHawksmoor's church of Elton John worked as office boy earning £5
StGeorge, Bloomsbury Way, and a tumble- a week for publishers Mills Music in 1965,
down building typical of the jerry-building when he was still known by his original
of the day. _j name, Reg Dwight. When he told his former
history teacher, Bill Johnson, that he had
secured the job the latter replied: 'When
Denmark Street you're forty you'll still be some sort of glori- ·
The centre of Britain's music industry for
fied office-boy or you'll be a millionaire.'
much of the twentieth century, Denmark
Paul Simon tried to sell his song catalogue,
Street was named after Prince George of
which included 'Homeward Bound' and
Denmark, Queen Anne's consort. Music
'The Sound of Silence', without success to
publishers moved here in the nineteenth
Mills Music in 1965.
century to be close to the theatres and
Peter Maurice Music (1960s), No. 21
concert halls where new songs could be
In the early 1960s chart-topping British
aired. The street later came to be filled with
singers such as Adam Faith and Marty
recording studios and offices for promoters,
Wilde used to drop into the office to pick
showbiz journalists and songwriters, its
up songs from in-house songwriters who
heyday being in the early 196os, before the
included Lionel Bart. In the 1990s No. 21
Beatles revolutionized the industry.
was home of Acid Jazz Records, which
Denmark Street is nowadays dominated by
issued early records by the Brand New
musical instrument shops.
Heavies and Jamiroquai.
Rhodes Music, No. 22
One of Britain's best-known musical instru-
ments shops, its customers have included

Pete Townshend, Jeff Beck and Eric No.7

Clapton. In the 1960s Manfred Mann and No. 7 was home in the early years of the
the Small Faces recorded in the Tin Pan twentieth century to music publishers Box
Alley Studios in the basement. & Cox, founded by H. Elton Box and
Denmark Productions (196os), No. 25 Adrian Cox, whose biggest hit was 'I've
Denmark Productions handled the Kinks Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts'.
and the Troggs in the 1960s, while Gordon Southern Music, No. 8
Mills, who also worked here, ran the A number of well-known chart hits of the
affairs of Engelbert Humperdinck and 1960s were recorded in the ground-floor
Tom Jones. studio, including Donovan's 'Catch the
south side: St Giles High Street to Charing Wind', the Ivy League's 'Funny How Love
CrossRoad Can Be' and the Flowerpot Men's Summer
Job Centre, No. 1 of Love cash-in 'Let's Go to San Francisco'.
Dennis Nilsen, the serial killer who mur- Barino Coffee Bar, No. 9a
dered at least fifteen men at his home in As La Gioconda Restaurant it was a
north-west London in the late 1970s and hang-out for mods in the sixties and was
early 198os, worked at the Job Centre at where David Bowie (then David Jones) met
1 Denmark Street while engaged in his his first backing band, the Lower Third, and
killing spree. To help with the catering for where the Small Faces decided to tum
the 1980 staff Christmas party Nilsen professional. By the late 1970s No. 9a had
brought in a huge cooking pot in which he become a popular meeting place for punk
had previously boiled the heads of some of bands, including the Clash and Slits.
his victims.
St Giles High Street
Regent Sound Studios (1960s) I Helter
Despite its curved shape, St Giles High
Skelter, No. 4
Street was built as a Roman road, linking
The Rolling Stones cut most of their debut
the western route out of London with the
album here in January 1964, and over the
City, the bend being necessary to ford the
next few years Elton John recorded cover
marshy land. Criminals being taken from
versions of well-known songs for the budget
Newgate Gaol to the gallows at Tyburn at
label Embassy at Regent. Cat Stevens, whose
the western end of Oxford Street before 1783
real name was Steven Georgiou and who
would be taken to one of the many inns on
was born only a few hundred yards away on
St Giles High Street for a last drink from
New Oxford Street, made his first demon-
what became known as 'the St Giles bowl'.
stration record at the studio in 1965. The
The road's status declined following the
bookshop Helter Skelter, London's only
construction of New Oxford Street in the
store devoted to rock books and magazines,
has been based on the ground floor since
St Giles-in-the-Fields
The 1733 church, which is the oldest
building in the area and was designed by
New Musical Express's first address in 1952
Henry Flitcroft in a style simil;u to that of
was at No. 5, while on the top floor was
St Martin-in-the-Fields, half a mile south,
Lorna Music where in 1964 Paul Simon tried
stands on the site of a leper hospital built by
to sell his songs, only to be told they were
Queen Matilda, wife of Henry I, in m7. The
too intellectual and uncommercial.
spire can be seen in the Hogarth painting
The Times of Day: Noon (1736) in which
The then unnamed Sex Pistols rehearsed
Cupid, Venus and Apollo lounge among the
and slept in the flat above the ground-floor
Huguenot crowd outside the building.
shop in late 1975.

Locals formed an association at a meeting

(iii) Covent Garden
in 1971 to oppose plans to allow Covent
One of London's main tourist spots, along Garden to be redeveloped for hotels, confer-
with Leicester Square and Westminster, ence centres and corporate tower blocks. A
Covent Garden stands on the site ofWest- worldwide recession in the 1970s meant
minster Abbey's thirteenth-century convent, many of the proposed schemes were aban-
which later reverted to the Crown and was doned and ~e environment secretary,
granted to the Duke of Somerset following Geoffrey Rippon, then listed some 245 local
the dissolution of the monasteries in the buildings and surrounding properties, so
mid fifteenth century. When the duke fell that when the market left for Nine Elms the
out offavour in 1552 the land was handed to buildings, instead of being demolished and
John Russell, the tst Earl of Bedford, whose replaced with skyscrapers, were converted to
descendants still own large tracts of land an indoor flea market. Covent Garden has
locally, who built himself a mansion, since re•emerged as a popular shopping
Sebfofb ~ouse, near the modern-day junc- area.
tion of Southampton Street and Strand. In
Bedford Street
1613 the 3rd Earl walled the former convent
The street dates back to 1633 and became a
garden and his successor, Francis Russell,
publishing centre in the late nineteenth
chose to develop the suburb, paying £2,ooo
century with offices for Macmillan, Edward
for a licence to build houses 'fitt for
Arnold, Joseph Dent and Heinemann, who
Gentlemen and men of ability'. He also
first published Robert Louis Stevenson,
hired Inigo Jones to design a grand
H. G. Wells, Somerset Maugham and Joseph
Palladian piazza which has remained the
Conrad. The Dutch artist Vincent Van
centrepiece of the area since the 1630s.
Gogh worked at Goupil's, the art dealer's at
After a market developed in the 1650s the
No. 25, in 1875 but his moody behaviour
area declined as a prestigious residential loca-
annoyed his bosses so much he was trans-
tion, but it became a centre for theatre and
ferred to Paris. In t86o the Jewish tailor
opera following Charles II's decision to
Moses Moses moved his East End clothes
license two Theatre Royals in 1660. It also
shop to Bedford Street and changed his
attracted coffee houses, gambling dens,
name to the anglicized Alfred Moss, hiring
brothels and criminals, particularly the
out suits from 1897 when a customer,
Mohock gang of aristocratic hooligans,
Charles Pond, unable to afford a new one,
feared throughout London for their
persuaded the manager to lend him a suit he
speciality of assaulting elderly women,
could return and borrow a number of times.
throwing them into empty barrels, and
By 1920 Moss Bros owned the entire west
rolling them along the road. The Bedford
side between No. 25 and King Street. The
Estate, which ran the market, lost interest in
Lady, Britain's oldest women's magazine, is
administering it at the beginning of the
based at Nos. 39-40.
twentieth century, and in 1918 sold the lease
to a new company, the Covent Garden Bow Street
Estate Co. Ltd. Built between 1633 and 1677 in the shape of a
By the mid twentieth century it was bow, the street attracted a number of well-
apparent that the narrow streets of central known figures as residents, including the
London could no longer take the market- Dutch wood carver Grinling Gibbons and
bound traffic, but it was not until1961 that the novelist-barrister Henry Fielding. The
the authorities took action, recommending Covent Garden Theatre (now the Covent
that the market be moved to Beckton, Garden Opera House) opened on Bow
east London, and when that choice was Street in 1732 and eight years later the
vehemently opposed, Nine Elms.

magistrates court that has since become one had a unique white lamp. The court moved
of London's most famous first sat. across the road in 1880 and the site is now
west side: Russell Street to Long Acre occupied by the Floral Hall.
~- emu IJlegtitratd <tom (1740- Covent Garden (Royal Opera House), Bow
188o), No.4 Street at Floral Street
Thomas de Veil, a 'trading justice' who London's grandest opera venue opened on
aimed to make a profit and kept accounts, 7 December 1732 with a performance of the
opened London's first magistrates court William Congreve play The Way of the
here in 1740, a time when there was little World under the management of John Rich,
official protection for members of the who had made his name with his superlative
public. After he died in 1747 de Veil was dance routines, founded the Sublime Society
replaced by Henry Fielding, barrister, circuit of Beefsteaks (motto: 'beef and liberty'), and
judge and novelist, who set up a small force had once killed a fellow actor in a fight over
of'thief-takers', known as 'Mr Fielding's a wig. Until the Theatres Act o£1843, Covent·
Men', who were unpaid but received a share Garden was one of only two London venues
of the reward money. The public, under- allowed to present drama, as well as musical
standably, assumed Mr Fielding's Men were works, but it was best known for the latter
involved in trading stolen goods, so when and was where the premieres of several
the team broke up a gang of thieves, in the works by the German-hom George Fred-
first major haul of criminals for thirty years, erick Handel, including Alexander's Feast,
the Recorder of London would not give Judas Maccabaeus and The Messiah, were
them the rewards to which they were held in the 1730s.
entitled. In 1807 Joseph Grimaldi, known as the
After Fielding died in 1754 he was 'Garrick of Clowns' and the 'Jupiter of the
replaced by his blind half-brother, John, practical joke', began his seventeen-year
who had written a crime report entitled association with the theatre. The following
'Thieving Detected: Being a True and year Covent Garden burned down in a fire
Particular Description of the Various that killed more than twenty firemen and
Methods and Artifices Used by Thieves and resulted in the destruction of Handel's
Sharpers to Take in and Deceive the Public; original manuscripts. It was rebuilt soon
with Proper Cautions to Guard against Such after, in the style of the Temple of Minerva
Destructive Measures'. John reformed at the Acropolis, but the opening night was
Henry's thief-taking unit, allowing them to marred by noise from protestors com-
claim expenses but be paid a retainer for plaining about the increased admission
their work in combating crime. prices who released pigs and pigeons into
Fielding's troupe, known from 1785 as the auditorium, or as the publisher Leigh
the 'Bow Street Runners', did not wear Hunt put it: 'the actors became the audi-
uniforms but carried short tip staves with ence, and the audience the actors'. The
gilt crowns so that they could be identified, demonstrations, known as the Old Prices
and they continued as an independent force Riots, lasted for two months before the
until1839 when they were disbanded managers, John Kemble and Thomas Harris,
following the founding of the Metropolitan conceded defeat. Charles Macready took
Police. over as manager in 1837 and introduced a
When blue lamps were introduced new calcium light known as limelight, which
outside police stations in 1861, Queen revolutionized stage lighting. After Covent
Victoria objected to being reminded every Garden lost the drama part of its duopoly in
time she visited Covent Garden Opera 1843 there was a lull in its fortunes until
House of the blue room in which Prince Michael Costa and Giuseppe Persiani took
Albert had died, and so Bow Street station over the theatre and redesigned it as an

Italian opera house, hiring the leading east side: Long Acre to Russell Street
singers of the day. Bow Street Magistrates Court (t88o-
The theatre burned down again on London's main magistrates court was
3 March 1856 and was rebuilt in a Roman- where Oscar Wilde was charged with gross
esque style by E. M. Barry, son ofthe House indecency in April1895 and thrown into a
of Commons architect Charles, reopening as cell, waking after a fretful night to order a
the Royal Opera House Covent Garden on breakfast of tea, toast and eggs from the
15 May 1858 with a production of Meyer- nearby Tavistock Hotel, which was brought
beer's Les Huguenots that was ruined when across on a tray. It was also where the trial
the last act had to be cancelled because the ofRadclyffe Hall's lesbian novel The Well of
audience had taken so long to return to Loneliness, indicted on the grounds of
their seats after the intermission. Yet despite obscenity, took place in November 1928.
its superficial grandeur Barry's design was The novel had achieved notoriety after the
second-rate, the public spaces cramped and Sunday Express's James Douglas wrote in
poorly designed, and many seats suffered his review: 'I would rather give a healthy
from appalling sightlines. But with few rivals boy or girl a phial of prussic acid than this
the theatre achieved its aim of becoming a book', and during the trial it was found to
prestigious opera venue. Augustus Harris contain 'acts of the most horrible, un.natural
promoted German as well as Italian opera, and disgusting obscenity' and banned. After
with Gustav Mahler conducting Wagner's prominent members of the Campaign for
Tristan and The Ring Cycle iil1892. When Nuclear Disarmament demonstrated outside
Hans Richter became conductor early in the the Russian Embassy in 1961, thirty-six of
twentieth century he demanded that all the organization's members were taken to
performers, even the principal singers, Bow Street, where they were bound over
rehearsed. Richter's standards were main- for a year. When all thirty-six defied the
tained by his successor, Thomas Beecham, order the authorities sent them to prison
who promoted relatively new composers for two months, although one of the group,
such as Richard Strauss and Frederick the 89-year-old Lord (Bertrand) Russell,
Delius. When the venue reverted to opera was released after a week in Brixton
after being used as a Mecca dance hall Prison .
during the Second World War there were .,. Brixton Prison, p. 406; CND in Trafalgar
performances by Maria Callas and Joan Square, p. 103.
Sutherland and visiting conductors such as
Covent Garden (Piazza)
Otto Klemperer and John Barbirolli.
The paved piazza at the centre of congested
At the end of the twentieth century £2oo
Covent Garden was designed by Inigo Jones
million-worth of refurbishment overseen by
in the 1630s to attract wealthy Londoners
Jeremy Dixon so pleased the dancers of the
wishing to move out of the City into
Royal Ballet they broke into spontaneous
hitherto semi-rural areas. It was based on
applause after their first rehearsal. Neverthe-
the piazza of Livorno, northern Italy, with
less, at the same time, technical problems
luxurious stuccoed houses (none of which
meant that a performance of Ligeti's Le
survives, the current piazza buildings being
Grand Macabre had to be cancelled at a cost
mostly Victorian) around a colonnaded
of several hundred thousand pounds,
square and church. Early inhabitants
forcing managers to admit that the
included Sir Thomas Trenchard, a member
reopening had been rushed.
of Oliver Cromwell's Long Parliament, who
... Royal Albert Hall, p. 422.
lived at !Jlo. 1, and Thomas Killigrew, who
built the first Theatre Royal Drury Lane, at
!Jlo. 8. The Civil War of the 1640s saw many

aristocrats flee; the best houses were vacated fellow customer how he could remain so
and shops opened. composed replied: 'Can't a fellow enjoy a
Within ten years a market had developed drink by his own fireside?'
that grew into one of London's greatest, Floral Hall/ London Transport Museum
selling fruit, flowers, roots, herbs and The hall, designed by E. M. Barry and built
animals. By the eighteenth century London's in 1859 by the owners of the Covent Garden
most expensive prostitutes had begun Opera House, made use of the possibilities
renting the upper rooms of the piazza afforded by cast iron and glass that had
buildings for £250 a night, punters buying inspired Joseph Paxton's Crystal Palace, but
Harris's New Atlantic: The Whoremonger's was not a success and a rival flower market
Guide to London to help them make the opened in Bedford Street soon after. It was
right choice. But by the following century converted to a fruit market in 1887 and just
the market had grown so large it had 100 years later, in 1980, the western section
pushed almost all other activities out. became the home of the Transport
After the market left for Nine Elms in Museum, based around a collection of
1973 there was an opportunity to convert vehicles first assembled in Chiswick in the
the piazza into a central square for London, 1920s by the London General Omnibus
in the manner of Madrid's Plaza Mayor, or Company. The museum features the work
Rome's St Peter's Square, but instead the of Harry Beck, designer of the first struc-
authorities opted to convert the main tured underground map in 1931, while
market building into an indoor flea market the shop, one of the best of the many
that has become one of the most popular London museum shops, contains a large
locations in London. collection of E. McKnight Kauffer's art deco
north side Underground posters.
Rock Garden, Nos. 6-7 south side
A former banana warehouse, converted into The south side of the piazza was occupied
a rock-themed restaurant in the style of the by the wall of the !Jebfotb &oute mansion
Hard Rock Cafe in 1976, it has since become until the latter was demolished in 1706 and
an important venue for bands at early stages is now home to the 1985 Jubilee Market,
of their careers, including the Stranglers, during the construction of which archaeolo-
who were showered with spaghetti thrown gists uncovered evidence of the Saxon settle-
by unimpressed diners, Talking Heads, ment of Lundenwic, including traces of
Dire Straits, the Police and U2. The Smiths timber buildings and burial sites. The
made their London debut at the Rock adjacent Jubilee Market Hall, built in 1903
Garden on 23 March 1983 billed as the for vegetable traders and florists, now
'Mancunian 5-piece whose sound though contains a smaller version of the main flea
difficult to pigeon-hole leans towards pop market.
and the dance floor'. west side
east side St Paul
The artist William Hogarth had his studio at Where Covent Garden's famous temple
the north-eastern corner of the piazza from stands I That boasts the work ofJones's
1729 to 1733, by which time Covent Garden immortal hands- Trivia, John Gay (1716)
had lost its allure, thanks to the ramshackle Known as the actors' church - the late-
market in the piazza, the local brothels and Victorian actress Ellen Terry is buried here
bawdy taverns. The playwright Richard and the church contains memorials to the
Brinsley Sheridan watched the Theatre actress Vivien Leigh and the music hall star
Royal, which he owned, burn down while Marie lloyd - St Paul was the work of the
sitting in the (f)not '*caua coffee fJoute on 4th Earl of Bedford who on informing the
24 February 1809 and when asked by a architect Inigo Jones that he wanted a

chapel, but nothing too expensive, 'nothing small workshops making furniture, watches,
much better than a barn', was told: 'you clocks, musical instruments, fittings for the
shall have the handsomest barn in England'. nearby Covent Garden market and at one
Between 1631 and 1633 Jones erected what firm, Comyn Ching, at 15-21 Shelton Street,
was central London's first classical building furnishings for the Titanic. When the
and the capital's first new Anglican church market moved away in the 1970s the build-
for nearly 100 years, placing the altar at the ings were left untouched and were
western end so that the Tuscan portico subsequently gentrified into designer shops,
fa~ade could face the piazza, but annoying particularly around Neal Street and Neal's
the clergy, who ensured that the altar was Yard, a courtyard off Monmouth Street
moved to the east and the main entrance to filled with shops selling vegetarian food and
Bedford Street. In his 1662 diary Samuel New Age wares.
Pepys recorded seeing the English version of Donmar Warehouse, No. 41, north side
the Italian Punchinello (Punch and Judy), A nineteenth-century banana warehouse, it
which had been introduced to England by became a rehearsing centre in 1961 and was
the Italian puppeteer Pierro Gimonde, used by the Royal Shakespeare Company as
under the church's portico, which is also the a studio theatre from 1976 unti11981 when it
setting for the opening of George Bernard was taken over by Ian Albery, who renamed
Shaw's play Pygmalion and its musical it the Donmar Warehouse after his father
version, My Fair Lady. A fire in 1795 Donald (Don) and the dancer Margot
destroyed much ofJones's original work, Fonteyn (Mar) and reopened it as a fringe
although the church was rebuilt to his theatre venue. Sam Mendes was appointed
designs. artistic director in the late 1980s, and staged
successful productions of Cabaret and The
Earlham Street Glass Menagerie, before achieving greater
At the junction of Earlham Street, Mercer
fame with the film American Beauty. He left
Street, Monmouth Street and Shorts
the theatre in 2002 and was replaced by
Gardens stands Seven Dials, a Doric pillar
Michael Grandage.
with, strangely, only six dials, copied from
• Almeida Theatre, Islington, p. 325.
the 1693 original which was torn down in
1773 by a mob who, believing a horde of trea- Garrick Street
sure was buried at its base, had dug away, More than 5,500 people were displaced to
but found nothing. The surrounding area of build Garrick Street, named after the actor
small compact streets was laid out by David Garrick. In the 186os the street
Thomas Neale, Charles II's Master of the replaced an area described by Maud Stanley,
Mint, at the end of the seventeenth century, the campaigning social worker, as having
and soon became a slum noted for, the 'poorest, the dirtiest, and the lowest
according to Dickens, its 'wild visions of houses that this part of London can boast
prodigies of wickedness, want and beggary'. of. Below street level is the oldest section of
It was also a poor Jewish area, as Flora London's tiled 9-mile 1850s utility subway
Tristan noted in her London Journal of 1840, which carries cables and pipes in purpose-
in which she described how 'the cellars are built tunnels.
nothing but kennels where the hapless Garrick Club, No. 15, west side
people oflsrael are crowded pell-mell'. The The club, named after the famous
slums were wiped out at the end of the nine- eighteenth-century actor David Garrick
teenth century and subsequent commer- and established in nearby King Street in 1831
cialization led to the almost complete to cater for actors who could not gain admit-
removal of the residential population and tance to the Pall Mall gentlemen's clubs,
the creation of streets that soon filled with moved to the newly constructed Garrick

Street in 1864 and was where in the early him into the Force or you'll get your bowler
1960s society osteopath Stephen Ward met hat.'
Captain Yevgeny Ivanov, the Soviet naval Jane Austen's address (1813-14), No. 10
attache with whom he became embroiled The early-nineteenth-century novelist stayed
in the Profumo Scandal (p. 157). In 1998 the with her brother in the flat above the bank
Disney Corporation paid the Garrick £so he owned at No. 10 in the summer of 1813,
million for the rights to Winnie the Pooh, and again in March 1814, describing the
which the author A. A. Milne, a Garrick property as 'all dirt and confusion, but in a
member, had bequested to the club. very promising way'. While in Covent
Garden Austen saw Don Juan at the Lyceum
Henrietta Street
Theatre and The Merchant of Venice at
north side
Drury Lane's Theatre Royal. The property
was later used as a hospital and is now
The Boy Scouts, founded by Robert Baden-
Powell, had their first office at the address of
Gollancz (192.8-1994), No. 14
Baden-Powell's publisher, Pearson's, and
Victor Gollancz opened a publishing firm
grew from the success of the latter's Scouting
on Henrietta Street in 1928, where one of his
for Boys, first published in 1908.
first projects was A Scullion's Diary by Eric
south side: Southampton Street to Bedford
Blair, a retired Burmese military policeman,
which arrived at the firm courtesy of a
friend of the author who ignored instruc-
The early-twentieth-century military hero,
tions to destroy the script but save the paper
Arabist and writer T. E. Lawrence
clips. Gollancz contacted Blair and told him
(Lawrence of Arabia), disillusioned with
he would publish the book pseudony-
Britain's role in dividing up the Middle East
mously, to which the author replied: 'I have
at the end ofthe First World War, tried to
no reputation that is lost by doing this and
enlist in the Royal Air Force under the
if the book has any kind of success I can
pseudonym John Hume Ross at the Air
always use this pseudonym again.' The
Recruitment Office based here in August
pseudonym Blair adopted was George
1922. Racked with nerves, Lawrence paced
Orwell- George because it was archetyp-
up and down Henrietta Street for two
ically English and Orwell after the Suffolk
hours, relieved himself by St Paul's church,
river near where he was raised - and the
and then entered the building, only to fail
book was given the title Down and Out in
the medical because 'You aren't as good as
Paris and London.
we want'. One of the officers in charge was
In 1936 Gollancz, John Strachey and
Captain W. E. Johns (author of the Biggles
Harold Laski founded the Left Book Club,
books), who was suspicious of'Ross' and
a socialist reading circle modelled on com-
checked his appearance with photographs
mercial book club lines to propagate Soviet
of wanted criminals. When Johns could
communism. It was an instant success,
find no entry for a John Hume Ross in the
attracting some so,ooo members, who
public records at Somerset House, he
received a aew title in a garish orange cover
scolded Lawrence and sent him away. A few
every month and frequent newsletters, -
hours later Lawrence, to Johns's astonish-
whose frantic production schedule led to
ment, returned with an Air Ministry
complaints about clattering typewriters
messenger who had an order for the recruit
from the nearby Covent Garden Opera
to be enlisted immediately. When Johns
House. Having spent the 1930s promul-
expressed his surprise, the messenger
gating communism and denouncing
warned him, 'For heaven's sake watch your
fascism, the Left Book Club was caught
step. This man is Lawrence of Arabia. Get
unawares by the Hitler-Stalin pact of 1940.

However, the vanquishing of fascism at the Communist Party of Great Britain head-
end of the war led to an upturn in its for- quarters (192.0-198o), No. 16, south side
tunes, and during the campaigning for the Soon after the British Communist Party
1945 general election, which returned a huge opened its first London office at 16 King
Labour majority, the LBC's yellow-backed Street with money donated by Lenin, it was
anti-Tory pamphlets each sold around a raided by the police, acting under 'emer-
quarter of a million copies. Once Labour was gency regulations', who used information
elected the Left Book Club's popularity gleaned from tapping the Party's telephones
declined and it was dissolved in 1948. and arrested Party Secretary Albert Inkpin
for publishing Soviet literature deemed to
King Street
be seditious, resulting in the latter serving
Named after Charles I, who was on the
six months' hard labour. In October 1925
throne when the street was laid out to the
police raided King Street again, this time
west of the newly built Covent Garden
carrying away 250,000 letters, a statue of the
Piazza in the 1630s, King Street, until
Soviet leader Lenin, and an interesting lump
twentieth-century commercialization, was
of metal which turned out to be the toilet
one of the most popular residential streets
ballcock. Inkpin was again jailed for
in Covent Garden, home at various times to
seditious libel, as well as incitement to
the actor David Garrick, the poet Samuel
mutiny. On a later occasion Special Branch
Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Arne,
officers rented rooms in nearby Bedford
composer of 'Rule Britannia', who was
Street, burrowed into the building, and by
born at !Jlo. 31 in 1710.
means of an open trapdoor sat taking notes
No. 43/ Middle Earth (196os), north side
directly under the stage where the Party was
One of the few surviving early-eighteenth-
holding a meeting. Eventually the officers
century properties in the area, No. 43 was
were spotted and CP officials called the
built in 1716 by Thomas Archer, also respon-
police, who found themselves arresting their
sible for the church of St John the Evangelist
plain-clothed superiors.
in Smith Square, Westminster, and was
With the intensification of the Cold War
immediately castigated by the architectural
in the 1950s, Ml5 stepped up its surveillance
critic Batty Langley, as 'certainly one of the
of King Street and in 1955 the security
most expensive and worst buildings about
service obtained a complete membership list
London'. In 1772 it became a hotel and in
after raiding a wealthy member's Mayfair
1856 a theatre where, eighty years later,
flat while he was away for the weekend,
Leonard Sachs and Peter Ridgeway formed
microfilming it and replacing it before he
the Players Theatre Club so that Londoners
returned. To no one's surprise the names
could still hear music hall, by then
included those of thirty-one Labour MPs.
disappearing from the London stage. Many
Later that decade, Ml5 agent Peter Wright
of the Players' sets were designed by Rex
(who would go on to attain public notoriety
Whistler, and a large rooftop view of Covent
with his book Spycatcher) devised an
Garden from 43 King Street, painted by -
ingenious means of bugging No.16. He
Whistler for an early production, hung in
constructed a false door wired up with a
the foyer of the Players Theatre in Chacing
microphone which could be fixed over the
Cross. In 1967 43 King Street became home
coal chute, but wary of installing it by day,
to the psychedelic rock club the Electric
when the street would be full of office
Garden, a rival to the UFO club on
workers, in the evening, when it would be
Tottenham Court Road, where Tyranno-
thronged with theatre-goers and other revel-
saurus Rex played their first gig. The prem-
lers, or late at night, when any such activity
ises are now occupied by a PR firm.
would immediately look suspicious, he sent
.,. Uif~ dO, p. 148.
a group ofMI5 officers and their wives to

the street one Saturday afternoon. They stag- circular rotating cardboard disc, a knitting
gered along, pretending to be drunk, until needle as spindle, a projection lamp set in
they reached No. 16. There, one of their an empty biscuit box and lenses bought
number dropped to his knees and, as the from a bicycle shop at fourpence each, the
party laughed and joked, took out a drill, apparatus assembled with glue, sealing wax
quickly bored a few holes in the coal chute and string. Nevertheless it was good enough
door, removing the brick dust in his hand- to allow Baird to make his first outdoor tele-
kerchief, and placed the new, bugged door vision transmission on the roof of No. 133
over the old one. on 12 June 1928 and to make a film, The
.,. Lenin's Bloomsbury haunts, p. 92. Bride, a monologue with the comedian
George Robey, transmitted from the studio
Long Acre
on 19 August 1929, although he struggled to
The main east-west route through the area,
show sound and vision at the same time.
Long Acre was laid out in 1615 on gardens
Baird began transmitting a daily experi-
owned by the monks of Westminster Abbey
mental picture on 30 September 1929, but it
and was where in June 1780 the painter-poet
was the BBC rather than Baird who synch-
William Blake, on his way to the Great
ronized sound and vision, making it poss-
Queen Street shop where he was being
ible for 'televisors' to. be sold, one of the
taught engraving, was caught up with the
first people to buy a set being the prime
anti-Catholic Gordon Rioters, following the
minister, James Ramsay MacDonald.
mob to Newgate Prison, where he watched
.,. Baird's pioneering television work in Soho,
them burn it down. Long Acre has long
enjoyed important commercial associations.
In the seventeenth century it was renowned
et ln.mln'i ~aU I :Ob~...'i, No. 94
for its coach repairers, who worked from
et !Dlartin's t)all was the setting for the first
meeting of the International Working Men's
premises later adapted to showrooms for
Association (the First International) on 28
motor cars; in the eighteenth century it was
September 1864, the delegates including Karl
dominated by cabinet makers; and in the
Marx, and was converted into the Queen's
twentieth century its major firm was the
Theatre in 1867 and a gymnasium in 1878.
publisher Odham's, owners of the Daily
The building was later taken over by the
Herald and Sunday People, which was based
publisher Odham's to produce magazines
in a huge complex half-way along the
such as Racing Pigeon, Vanity Fair and John
northern side of the road. Although the
Bull, a red light flashing whenever the
street is now central to local shopping, an
presses were not working, and from 1925
unofficial Covent Garden High Street, it is
the ailing Sunday People, which Odham's
filled mostly with chainstore outlets, a rare
owner, Julius Elias, revived by introducing
exception being Stanford's at Nos. 12-14,
sensationalist articles and offering free
London's best-known shop for maps and
insurance to new readers.
travel books, founded in 1852, and believed
Even by 'Fleet Street' standards Elias
to be the largest of its kind in the world.
was seriously eccentric. He refused to keep
north side: Upper StMartin's Lane to Drury
pennies in his pocket, had an irrational
loathing of green (he refused to allow his
John Logie Baird's studio (19:l7-31),
wife to wear a green dress), and hated any
design that featured peacocks, so much so
Baird, the pioneer of television, moved from
that arriving home one day and finding a
Frith Street, Soho, to Long Acre in 1927 to
new carpet bearing an heraldic pattern he
work in a small studio the size of a living
announced: 'looks like peacock to me'
room, and there constructed what he called
and had it removed. Elias died in 1946, but
a 'televisor' out of an old tea chest with a
even that was not enough to curtail his

involvement with his papers according to west side: StMartin's Place to Cranbourn
his successor, A. C. Duncan, a keen spiri- Street
tualist, who claimed he held regular 'consul- Duke ofYork's Theatre, north of Great
tations' with his deceased predecessor. Newport Street
In the 1950s the People's chief crime Opening as the Trafalgar Theatre in 1892, it
reporter, Duncan Webb, pioneered the became the Duke of York's three years later
modern style of crime reporting, each and was where in 1900 the Italian opera
Sunday producing a detailed investigative composer Giacomo Puccini was inspired to
report, usually on a disturbing moral matter write Madame Butterfly after watching a
such as West End vice or south London performance of David Belasco's play of
protection rackets. In these articles the same name. Four years later, on
he would breathlessly 'lift the lid' on the 27 December 1904, the premiere ofJ. M.
'dangers threatening London', explain how Barrie's Peter Pan took place here. The
he had sent the article, in the form of a theatre is supposedly haunted by the ghost
'dossier', to the Home Office (who, needless of Violet Melnotte, a former owner.
to say, were not in the least bit interested), Salisburytavern,No.9o
and at the end reveal how he had extricated A pub long popular with theatre-goers,
himself from danger using a phrase he actors and journalists, it was originally the
coined that is now one of the archetypal Coach and Horses, later became Ben
newspaper cliches - 'I made my excuses and Caunt's, named after the prize-fighter
left'. known as 'the Nottinghamshire Giant', and
The Mirror Group took over Odham's in was renamed the Salisbury Stores in 1866,
the early sixties, leaving the People intact but 'Stores' denoting that take-home sales of
giving the Herald a new image and a new alcohol were available. The pub was rebuilt
name - the Sun - whose first issue was as the Salisbury in 1892, furnished with
described by the left winger Tony Benn as etched glass, bronze nymphs and mahogany,
'appalling ... basically the same minus the and features in the 1961 Dirk Bogarde movie
Herald's political content'. When the paper Victim, one of the first British films to deal
flopped it was sold, in 1969, to Rupert sympathetically with homosexuality.
Murdoch for £1 million, moving to Bouverie Albery Theatre
Street, off Fleet Street. The building was Built as the 877-seater New Theatre by
demolished after Covent Garden market W. G. R. Sprague for Charles Wyndham in
closed in the 1970s. 1903, it was where John Gielgud scored a
.... Sun, Bouverie Street, p. so. number of triumphs in the 1930s, particu-
larly with Hamlet, which ran for 155 nights
St Martin's lane
in 1934· During the 1940s it was home to the
In medieval times the route was West
Old Vic and Sadler's Wells companies,
Church Lane, an open drain, 'full of great
which had been bombed out of their homes,
muckhills', but it soon began to attract the
and featured memorable performances from
wealthy looking for places to live west of the
Ralph Richardson in Peer Gynt (1944) and
City following the Fire of London, and one
Uncle Vanya (1946). The theatre turned
of the first residents was James I's physician,
down John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in
Sir Theodore Mayerne. The road later
the 1950s because of the play's risque
attracted Thomas Chippendale, the furni-
language but achieved success with Lionel
ture maker, and Sir Joshua Reynolds, the
Bart's musical Oliver! which ran for over
artist. The StMartin's Lane Academy,
2,ooo performances from 1960 to 1967. It
London's first art school, was founded in
was renamed the Albery after the impresario
1720, with the satirist William Hogarth and
Sir Bronson Albery in 1973.
the architect William Kent early students.

east side: Long Acre to StMartin's Place Wellington Street

London Coliseum Originally Charles Street and named after
The Coliseum, London's largest theatre with Charles I when built in 1631, it was renamed
2,354 seats, designed by Frank Matcham and Wellington Street after the Duke ofWell-
built in 1904 with a roof topped with a globe ington, the victor at Waterloo, in 1844, by
resting on carved figures of Art, Music, which time it had filled with brothels. ·
Science and Literature, was the first in the Charles Dickens moved the office of his
capital to have a revolving stage and lifts. It popular magazine All the Year Round, whose
opened with a four-shows-a-day variety contributors included Elizabeth Gaskell and
programme that was replaced two years Wilkie Collins, to No. 26 in 1859 and when
later by The Revue, an ambitious cabaret Collins's novel The Moonstone was serialized
with a 300-strong cast which nearly bank- in the magazine nine years later, it proved
rupted the impresario Oswald Stoll and so popular crowds gathered in the street
forced him to close the building tempor- outside waiting for the latest instalment.
arily. When Stoll invited Sergei Diaghilev's Dickens himself lodged above the shop in
Russian ballet company to perform here the the late 186os, shortly before he died, while
latter thundered 'and have the Russian visiting London to do public readings.
ballet between a fat lady playing a silver Lyceum, west side
trombone and performing dogs? Never!', Built in 1772 at the eastern end of the
but changed his mind in 1917. Musicals Strand, the Lyceum theatre moved here in
dominated the Coliseum in the 1950s, but 1834 and was where the Victorian actor
the theatre failed to compete with Drury Henry Irving made his name in the 1870s
Lane, where My Fair Lady was running, or with his performance of Hamlet. Much
Her Majesty's, which was showing West Side of the theatre was demolished for road
Story, resulting in MGM's buying the venue widening schemes in 1902 and was rebuilt as
for use as a cinema in 1961. Seven years later a music hall by Bertie Crewe, who hoped it
MGM pulled out and was replaced by would rival the Coliseum on StMartin's
Sadler's Wells Opera, which in leaving its Lane. Instead it was a spectacular flop and
Islington home forSt Martin's Lane opened only sporadically, mostly for melo-
renamed itself English National Opera. dramas. Demolition was planned, but the
Despite the excellent acoustics, described by Second World War intervened, and the
the conductor Mark Elder, a former music Lyceum was revived as a discotheque which
director, as the best for Wagner in Britain,. became popular with mods. By the end of
the building is unsuitable for large-scale the 1960s it was staging rock concerts; Led
opera as its fly tower cannot be rai$ed to Zeppelin played here in October 1969 on the
allow large scenery to be moved, there are fifty-fourth anniversary of the dropping of a
inadequate side stages, and a lack of storage Zeppelin bomb on the theatre. The most
room. However £4o million worth of reno- celebrated Lyceum gig was the Bob Marley
vation, lasting four years, began on the and the Wailers concert of 18 July 1975
Coliseum in 2001. recorded for the live album that included
Marquis of Granby, No. 20 'No Woman No Cry'. The venue closed
The pub is named after the peer who down in 1991 and has since been refurbished
ordered 300,000 pints of porter to be drunk for staging musicals.
after winning a battle in the Seven Years
War (1756-63), resulting in grateful (iv) Holborn
members of his regiment naming public
houses they opened on their retirement A mostly commercial area between Covent
from the army after him. Garden and the Strand, Holbom takes its
name from the now culverted Holeboume

stream and was one of the first suburbs spies, consisting mostly of journalists and
outside the Romans' walled town (now the businessmen, from a set of rooms on the
City of London) to be built. In the nine- eighth floor which masqueraded as the
teenth century Holborn became over- export office of a diamond company.
crowded and over-commercialized, as the Another intelligence department partly
Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle noted in based at Bush House was the Political
writing to his brother about 'the black Warfare Executive which during the Second
vapour brooding over [Holborn], absolutely World War made radio programmes in
like fluid ink; and coaches and wains and German to be broadcast to the Reich. Every
sheep oxen and wild people rushing on with night at 6 p.m. programmes would begin on
bellowings and shrieks and thundering din'. the Radio Deutschland frequency with a
It was cleaned up at the end of the nine- burst of military music, followed by an
teenth century when a major new road, announcer proclaiming in German: 'Here is
Kingsway, was driven through the old the soldiers' Radio Calais. We bring music
slums. and news for comrades in the command
areas west.' So effective was the programme
Aldwych it received praise from the Nazis' own chief
The street, which takes the form of a cres-
propagandist, Joseph Goebbels.
cent at the southern end of Kingsway, dates
Since the war the building has been used
back only as far as 1905, but the name is
by a number of radio stations, including the
considerably older, Via de Aldewych being
BBC World Service. It is likely that most
the name by which Drury Lane was known
celebrity interviewees have met with better
in 1398 when the surrounding area was
treatment at the reception desk than the
called Aldwic, 'the old settlement'. When
Norwegian king, Haakon VI, who
Aldwych was built a number of small streets
announced his arrival and was asked by the
in what was the densely packed Clare
receptionist: 'Sorry, dear, where did you say
Market area, as well as a number of theatres,
you were king of?'
including the Gaiety and the Opera
Comique, the first home of the Gilbert Drury Lane
and Sullivan operas, were demolished. Best known as a night-time haunt of
south side: St Clement Dane's end to Well- theatre-goers, Drury Lane was called Via de
ington Street end Aldewych ('route of the old town\) in the
Aldwych's south side is dominated by three Middle Ages when a stone monument, the
monumental blocks: the Beaux Arts Aldewych Cross, stood at the northern end,
Australia House, home of the Australian and became Drury Lane after Sir William
High Commission from 1907; Bush House, Drury built a property, ~ntfl) ~ouse, at the
associated mostly with the BBC; and India southern end in 1590. In 1665 London's
House, offices for the Indian High worst outbreak of the Plague, inadvertently
Commission. caused by Flemish weavers who opened a
Bush House, Strand at Montreal Place parcel of contaminated goods imported
Built as a trade centre in the 1920s by Irving from Holland, occurred on Drury Lane. The
T. Bush, it was where a decade later the diarist Samuel Pepys noted a number of
advertising agency J. Walter Thompson took houses marked with a red cross, which
offices, converting the basement swimming meant that the occupants had fallen victim
pool into a studio where sponsored to the disease, and the words 'Lord have
programmes for Radio Luxembourg could mercy upon us' written on the door in regu-
be recorded. One of the less conspicuous lation one-foot high letters. Shortly after-
tenants around that time was Colonel wards armed guards were installed to
C. E. M. Dansey, who ran his 'Z' network of prevent people leaving the area, and that

summer 1oo,ooo Londoners died of the away for 200 years. Many were suspicious
plague. about Ireland's claims, but Sheridan went
By the eighteenth century Drury Lane had ahead with the production, despite the publi-
become a popular haunt of con~ men, cation of a damning inquiry into the play's
thieves and prostitutes, as captured by authenticity the night before the premiere. If
William Hogarth in The Harlot's Progress- the doubters had not managed to convince
in 1725 a visitor counted 107 brothels in and Sheridan to pull the play, the audience did,
around the street - and things had barely finding the language increasingly uncon-
improved by the nineteenth century. vincing and laughing uproariously at the
Charles Dickens described how 'the filthy line 'And when this solemn mockery is o'er'.
and miserable appearance of this part of In 1811-12 the current building was
London can hardly be imagined by those designed by Benjamin Wyatt with the Grand
who have not witnessed it' in 'A Gin Shop' Theatre of Bordeaux in mind and two royal
from Sketches by Boz (1837). The area was boxes: one for the reigning monarch and
cleaned up towards the end of the century, one for the royal heir, George Ill having
its impoverished residential character giving publicly rowed with the Prince of Wales in
way to small shops including the first Sains- the theatre foyer. By the late nineteenth
bury's, which opened at No. 173 in 1869. century the Theatre Royal was putting on
Theatre Royal Drury Lane, west side spectacular pantomimes, Dan Leno setting
One of London's most famous theatres, the the standard for the male pantomime dame
Theatre Royal dates back to 1660 when in a series of renowned performances, the
Thomas Killigrew, a former page to Charles last being in 1903 a year before his surprise
I, obtained one of two licences granted by death at forty-three. In 1961 RudolfNureyev
Charles II to stage drama and took a lease made his London debut at the theatre,
on the land, owned by the Duke of Bedford, having defected from the Soviet Union
to build a playhouse, which was burned earlier that year.
down in 1672 by footmen, annoyed at being
Great Queen Street
refused free entry. The theatre was rebuilt in
Work began on the street, which is named
a grander style by Christopher Wren and
after James I's queen, Anne of Denmark, in
was where on 28 September 1745 'God Save
1623, and early residents, such as Thomas
the King' was sung publicly for the first
Fairfax, the Parliamentary Civil War
time, just as the Young Pretender's Jacobite
general, and the artist Joshua Reynolds,
forces were landing in Scotland preparing
enjoyed northern views of the Highgate and
for their ultimately unsuccessful march
Hampstead hills. In the eighteenth century
south to overthrow George II.
Great Queen Street began attracting traders
David Garrick, the revered actor who
connected with coach building and
became manager-owner in 1747, spent the
repairing, and since the nineteenth century
next thirty years improving the quality of
it has been the centre of Masonic activity in
the productions and the facilities, but the
London. The north side contains offices,
playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan, who
shops and charities associated with the
took over from Garrick as manager in 1777,
movement, such as the Masonic outfitters
did not get off to a good start when his play
Central Regalia Ltd at No. 23, and the south
The Rivals was panned on the opening night
side is dominated by the huge bulk of
following a poor performance by John Lee,
Ashley and Newman's formidable neo-
who was accidentally hit on the head with
classical Freemasons Hall of 1933, the head-
an apple. Then in 1795 he staged a disastrous
quarters of English Freemasonry and a
performance of Vortigern, a play which the
meeting place for London Lodges and Chap-
forger William Ireland claimed had been
ters, and the New Connaught banqueting
written by Shakespeare and had been locked

rooms, formerly the Freemasons Tavern and passing of the Reform Act, which gave the
a major nineteenth-century meeting place. vote to a million more people, the National
New Connaught Rooms (former Free- Union of Conservative and Constitutional
masons Tavern), Nos. 61-65, south side Associations met here to organize working-
Banqueting rooms with a long and varied class support for the Conservatives at what
history, the New Connaught Rooms stand is now considered to be the first party
on the site of the seventeenth-century political conference. In 1888 the venue
(l;ontuQI) &oute, the residency of the Lord staged the first meeting of the Lawn Tennis
Chancellor, whose best-known incumbent Association, and in 1910 it was rebuilt as the
of the period, Heneage Finch, hid the Great luxurious new Connaught Rooms, named
Seal of England under his pillow to prevent after the first Duke of Connaught, Grand
its theft. In 1774 Conway House was Master of the Freemasons. The Social Demo-
replaced by the Freemasons Tavern which cratic Party was launched here on 26 March
soon became a popular venue for public 1981.
meetings. Thomas Taylor, a vehement
opponent oflsaac Newton's scientific
Built in 1905 as the centrepiece of the
theories, gave a lecture here on the subject
improvements to the slum area of Clare
of perpetual light, using supposedly 'ever-
Market, and lined with large ostentatious
lasting' lamps filled with phosphorus, but
office blocks such as Craven House, Beacon
succeeding in little more than setting light
House and Africa House, Kingsway was
to the room. On 28 October 1863 the
hailed fulsomely by the historian Harold
Football Association was founded here by
Clunn as a road of 'unsurpassed beauty ...
eleven clubs- Barnes, Blackheath, Black-
nothing of the kind is to be seen in Paris,
heath Proprietary School, Crystal Palace,
Berlin or New York'. By the end of the twen-
Crusaders, Forest (Leytonstone), 'Ken-
tieth century Kingsway had lost much of its
sington School, No Names Kilburn, Perceval
commercial importance with the departure
House (Blackheath), Surbiton and War
of many firms to greenfield sites. Estate
agents then optimistically tried to revive
The clubs met here a number of times
the area by labelling it Midtown, in the
over the next few months to debate ways of
American manner, and by the end of the
uniting the various rules being played
century a number of bars and coffee shops
around the country, with the most conten-
had opened in the abandoned buildings,
tious issues being the use of hands and the
although the new name had failed to
physical charging of players. Representatives
capture the public imagination.
of Blackheath were keen on approving a rule
• Visible at the junction of Southampton
that allowed a player 'to run with the ball
Row and Theobald's Road is a former tram
towards his adversaries' goal if he makes a
tunnel, the only one connecting the north
fair catch', and another which noted that if
and south sides of the river, which ran
'any player shall run with the ball towards
under Kingsway and after closing in 1952
his adversaries' goal, any player on the
was mosdy used as a control centre for
opposite side should be at liberty to charge,
· London's flood defences. The southern
hold, trip or hack him, or wrest the ball
section is now a traffic underpass linking
from him'. After losing the vote that
Kingsway and Waterloo Bridge.
December the club withdrew its member-
west side: Aldwych to High Holborn
ship and Association Football developed
KingswayHall (twentieth century), No. 75
without players being able to use their
An important meeting place during the
hands or make full-bodied assaults on
twentieth century, Kingsway Hall was run
by Donald Soper, the Methodist minister,
On 12 November 1867, following the

who during the Second World War opened banner proclaiming: 'we cannot neglect the
a canteen where he cooked breakfasts of opportunity of calling the attention of our
porridge, fried potatoes and spam for those readers to the deep, eloquent and masterly
sleeping in the air raid shelter in Holbom paper which stands first in our present
tube station. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Number. Such Confessions so powerfully
Jawaharlal Nehru shared a platform on uttered cannot fail to do more than interest
3 December 1946 during the campaign for the reader.'
the independence of the Indian subconti-
nent from British rule, and it was Jinnah's
(v) Lincoln's Inn
call for Britain to 'give Muslims their home-
land and Hindus Hindustan' that led to the Lincoln's Inn, one of the four remaining
subsequent partition of Pakistan and India. Inns of Court in London, and Lincoln's Inn
One of Britain's first blues concerts took Fields, the large leafy square to the west of
place in Kingsway Hall in September 1951, the Inn, dominate the area to the immediate
with Big Bill Broonzy playing to what east of Kingsway. East of the Inn is Chan-
Melody Maker described as a 'small but cery Lane, the spiritual heart of legal
discerning audience' who gave Broonzy a London.
particularly warm welcome as at that time a
Chancery Lane
Musicians' Union ruling meant that blues
The first street of consequence west of the
performers had to be promoted in Britain as
City of London, Chancery Lane has been
'variety acts' and therefore rarely played. In
associated with the legal profession since
1971 the hall roof collapsed only minutes
Edward III took possession of the &ouse fot
after a service had finished on a Sunday
&:onuerieb 3tiU5 at the south-east end of
evening and the building was subsequently
what was then New Street in 1377 and
handed it to the Keeper of the Rolls of Chan-
• • 129
cery, the court of public records and
A supermarket stands on the site of the nine-
archives. New Street later became known as
teenth-century Holbom Restaurant which
Chaunceleres Lane and then as Chancery
in 1955 was replaced with the De Lane Lea
Lane, being dose to the courts of Chancery,
recording studio where Jimi Hendrix
the body that settled trusts, legacies and
recorded his first single, 'Hey Joe', on
wills. The arrival of the Royal Courts of
Sunday 23 October 1966. The record failed
Justice at the south-west end of the street
to captivate executives from Decca Records
from Westminster in the 187os put the street
- the label which had previously turned
at the centre of the legal profession in
down the Beatles - who rejected the single,
telling his manager, Chas Chandler, 'He
west side
hasn't got anything.'
A wine bar at No.115 occupies what was
Tavistock Street Hodgson's book auction rooms, an eccentri-
Tavistock Row, the predecessor to Tavistock cally decorated property festooned with carv-
Street, attracted artists such as Willem Van- ings of turbaned and bearded heads and
develde, the Dutch court painter, and winged dogs, while nearby are several build-
Samuel Scott at the end of the seventeenth ings connected with the legal profession,
century, and was where at No. 36 in the including the former Law Fire Insurance
182os Thomas de Quincey wrote Confessions Office, designed in the Renaissance style,
of an English Opium Eater, the first and still with carved firemen's helmets on both sides
the best-known drugs book in English litera- of the doorway, and offices for the Law
ture. Confessions first appeared in September Society, a voluntary organization of solici-
1821 in the London Magazine, which ran a tors, at Nos. 100-113. The tailors Ede and

Ravenscroft at No. 93 have supplied ermine, 9 John Street, south of the Strand, moving
used for ceremonial robes in medieval times here in 1902, and later took over a number
as a symbol of moral purity, to members of of neighbouring buildings, resulting in a
the House of Lords since 1689. An ermine sprawling site that lacks an obvious main
suit now costs around £7,000. entrance. In the 1960s the LSE was a focal
east side: High Holbom to Fleet Street point for student unrest and on 23 May 1968
London Silver Vaults, Nos. 53-64 students showing solidarity with their
The vaults were set up in 1882 under the French counterparts' anti-establishment
name Chancery Lane Safe Deposit to house activities in Paris - les evenements - held a
local jewellery dealers' valuables and have number of protests, including an all-night
also held the personal papers of the Liberal vigil. They were visited a month later by two
politician David Lloyd George and the of the leading figures of the Paris student
Spanish republican government's secret demonstrations, Danny Cohn-Bendit and
documents. Alain Geismar, who were attending a confer-
Public Record Office (1860-1996), Chan- ence entitled 'Students of the World Ignite'.
cery Lane, south of Bream's Buildings That October, students occupied the main
Now being renovated for King's College, the building to campaign against American
building stands on the site of a medieval involvement in Vietnam and the following
bouse for U:onoerieb 3ews, or Domus year, when it emerged that the college had
Conversorum, which Edward III appropri- investments in Rhodesia and South Africa,
ated in the mid fourteenth century to store students broke down new gates the authori-
the rolls of Chancery (public records). As ties had installed and a number of students
the records grew so did the number of sites were arrested, resulting in the shutting
in which they were stored, and by the begin- down of the college. The lockout lasted four
ning of the nineteenth century some fifty weeks and the LSE took out injunctions
buildings, including the Tower and Chapter against thirteen people including the soci-
House ofWestminster Abbey, were being ology don Robin Blackburn.
used. In the 1830s the authorities decided to
Lincoln's Inn Fields
create one vast public record office, which
Lincoln's Inn Fields, London's largest
was designed in the mock-Tudor style by
square, was used in medieval times for
James Pennethorne. In the late twentieth
sports and jousting and was where in
century, by which time the quantity of
September 1586 the fourteen Babington Plot-
records was growing at around a mile a
ters who had planned to murder Elizabeth I
year, there were proposals for a new, larger
and install Mary Queen of Scots on the
public record office, which was duly built at
throne were hanged, drawn and quartered.
The architect Inigo Jones introduced plans
Houghton Street for the fields in 1618, but nothing ensued
London School of Economics until1638 when thirty-two houses were built
Henry Hunt Hutchinson, a Fabian socialist (of which only Nos. 59-60, Lindsey House,
who committed suicide in 1894, left instruc- remain), the green space in the centre
tions in his will for Sidney Webb and other remaining unspoilt as promised to members
trustees of his estate to establish an insti- of the legal body, Lincoln's Inn.
tution 'to promote the study and advance- Development did not immediately
ment of Economics or Political Economy, improve the area and it remained a shabby,
Political Science or Political Philosophy, Stat- ill-kempt spot where rubbish accumulated
istics, Sociology, History, Geography, and and executions took place, the most famous
any subject cognate to any of these'. The being that of Lord William Russell, con-
college was founded the following year at victed of participating in the Rye House Plot

to assassinate the Duke ofYork (later James around 1,ooo people including the painter
II) and Charles II on their return from the J. M. W. Turner and the poet Samuel Taylor
Newmarket races. In 1734 the residents Coleridge.
applied for an Act of Parliament which The Picture Room contains more than
would allow them to raise funds and enclose 100 works, mostly fixed to hinged screens
the fields, keep the area clean and appoint which fold away to reveal further walls of
watchmen to police it. The residents' trus- paintings, and is crowned with William
tees ran their affairs in this way for more Hogarth's The Election (1754), which satir-
than 100 years before municipal legislation izes the corrupt hustings in Oxford, and The
reduced their powers. The square's best- Rake's Progress, an eight-part morality tale
known past resident is John Soane, architect detailing the rise and fall of the dilettante
of the Bank of England, whose late- To~ Rakewell. Before he died Soane,
eighteenth-century home, which he concerned about the fate of his collection
designed, has been splendidly preserved as a should it come into the hands of his
museum. Other major architects responsible prodigal son, bequeathed the house to the
for Lincoln's Inn Fields properties include nation, ensuring through a private Act of
Charles Barry (the Royal College of Parliament in 1833 that the building and its
Surgeons, on the south side, in the 183os), contents would be kept unaltered in
Philip Webb (No. 19, 1868-70), Alfred perpetuity.
Waterhouse (Nos. 17-18, 1871-2) and Edwin east side
Lutyens (No. 66, 1930). Lincoln's Inn
northside One of four surviving Inns of Court, the
No.3 others being Gray's Inn and the Inner and
The first headquarters of the Labour Party, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn's origins are
formed in 1900, were at No. 3, then home of uncertain but it was founded either by
James Ramsay MacDonald, the party's first Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln (1272-1307),
secretary and in the 1920s its first prime or by Thomas de Lincoln, a law officer who
minister. trained legal apprentices, in the mid four-
Sir John Soane's Museum, Nos. 12-14 teenth century, and was originally located
A remarkable museum created from the near modern-day Holborn Circus, moving
cultured eccentricity of the architect Sir to Furnival's Inn on the Strand, and finally
John Soane, designer of the Bank of England to the present site c. 1412. In 1659 eighty
and an obsessive collector of arcana, who members of the Long Parliament met in the
lived here from 1792 to 1837, it is filled with chapel's open undercroft to campaign for
classical curios, fragments of Gothic architec- the restoration of Charles II to the throne.
ture, paintings squeezed into every imagin- During the eighteenth century unmarried
able corner, and architectural surprises and mothers would leave their babies in the
illusions created from unexpected sources of undercroft and the Inn would offer five shil-
light and a multitude of mirrors that alter lings to anybody wishing to take one, until
and obscure shape and size. In the crypt is 1750 when it decided to keep the children,
the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Seti I, who died give them the surname Lincoln, and take
in 1279 BC, carved out of a single piece of care of their welfare until they reached
Egyptian alabaster that has turned yellow in apprenticeship age. Alumni of Lincoln's Inn
the London air, which was discovered in the include the Catholic martyr Thomas More,
Valley of the Kings in 1817. Soane arranged Oliver Cromwell, the poet John Donne, and
for it to be shipped to London but needed the politicians Benjamin Disraeli, William
to construct a hole in the back of the house Gladstone, Muhammad Ali Jinnah (founder
to bring it through. Its arrival in 1825 was of Pakistan), Margaret Thatcher and Tony
marked with a three-day party attended by Blair.

southside of Orange had landed in England to take the

The south side of Lincoln's Inn Fields, throne and again nearly 100 years later in
formerly known as Portugal Row, is domi- June 1780 at the outset of what became the
nated by huge corporate blocks of anti- anti-Catholic Gordon Riots. In 1861 the
quated design, including the Royal College chapel became the church of St Anselm and
of Surgeons and the neo-Jacobean Land St Cecilia and moved to a nearby site on the
Registry Office. newly built Kingsway in 1910.
west side
Took's Court
Lindsey House, Nos. 59-60
A small dog-leg-shaped street to the east of
The square's only surviving original prop-
Chancery Lane built in 1650 by Thomas
erty, Lindsey House was described by Sir
Tooke, a City merchant, it features in
John Summerson, the leading twentieth-
Charles Dickens's 1853 novel, Bleak House,
century expert on Georgian London, as
as Cook's Court, where law stationer Mr
'perhaps, historically, the most important
Snagsby 'pursues his lawful calling, [dealing]
single house in London'. It was designed -
in all sorts of blank forms oflegal process,
from 1638 to 1641 by David Cunningham
in skins and rolls of parchment, in paper -
(not as commonly believed for many years
foolscap, brief, draft, brown, white, whitey-
Inigo Jones) for Robert Bertie, the 1st Earl
brown, and blotting'. No. 15 has been '
of Lindsey, Charles l's commander-in-chief,
renamed Dickens House in honour of the
who was killed at the battle of Edgehill in
1642. The block was divided into two
No.14, north side
addresses in the late eighteenth century,
The premises are chambers for Michael
No. 59 being the home of Spencer Perceval,
Mansfield QC, the leading left-wing
the only British prime minister to be assas-
barrister of the late twentieth and early
sinated, but has since been reconverted into
twenty-first centuries, who first came to
one address.
public notice in 1972, defending Angela
Portsmouth Street Weir, one of those accused of being a
The Old Curiosity Shop, No. 13 member of the Angry Brigade, an English
Though billed as the Old Curiosity Shop of anarchist group which had planted scores of
Charles Dickens's novel and believed to be bombs throughout London. Mansfield
the oldest surviving shop in England (it discredited key scientific evidence and Weir
dates back to 1657), the building, formerly a walked free. The following year Mansfield
dairy and antiques shop, took the name in defended two sisters accu~d of taking part
1868 nearly thirty years after the book was in an IRA bombing of the Old Bailey, which
published and is the only survival from had destroyed his own car, and he secured
Clare Market, swept away at the end of the his reputation with a number of high-profile
_ nineteenth century when Kingsway and cases of miscarriages of justice, such as those
Aldwych were created. involving the Birmingham Six and the
alleged IRA bomber Judith Ward. He has
Sardinia Street also represented the family of Stephen
The street is named after the Sardinian
Lawrence, the black youth murdered by
Embassy and chapel that stood here in the
racist assailants in Eltham in 1993.
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when
south side
it was one of the few places in London
London Centre of Regional Government
where mass could legally be heard at a time
The ungainly brick and concrete structure
when Catholicism was forbidden. The
by the bend in the road was built in the late
chapel was attacked in 1688 when news
1940s at the outset of the Cold War to house
reached London that the Protestant William

The Gordon Riots prisoners, and setting fire to the building.

The week-long Gordon Riots, the most On the Wednesday the rioters stormed Lang-
violent protests in London history, took dale's Distillery in Holborn, rolling out the
place in June 1780 after Parliament voted to casks and smashing them open, which
grant more rights to Catholics, who were resulted in the raw spirit catching fire, a
then not allowed to belong to the House of pillar of flame reaching up to the sky, and
Commons or Lords, buy land, keep arms, hot gin running down the road, rendering
hold military office, practise medicine or those who gorged themselves on the liquid
teach. The mob was spurred on by Lord dead drunk, or just dead.
George Gordon, a peer in his late twenties As the violence increased thousands of
who made rousing speeches in Parliament householders c!_talked up the warning 'No
against 'Popery', and by rumours that Popery' on their doors- the Italian (Cath-
2o,ooo Jesuits were hidden in a network of olic) parents ofthe clown Joseph Grimaldi
secret tunnels under the Thames, ready on daubed on their door 'No religion' -while
the order of Rome to overrun the capital. in the Jewish ghetto around Houndsditch
They took to the London streets after houses were chalked with the words: 'This is
Gordon delivered an anti-Catholic petition the home of a true protestant.' The authori-
to Parliament on Friday 2 June 1780 and ties regained the upper hand on the
attacked the Sardinian Chapel by Lincoln's Thursday, when troops poured into
Inn Fields and the Bavarian Chapel on London, and the destruction was counted as
Warwick Street, Soho, two of the few places 285 people dead, 200 wounded, £2oo,ooo-
in London where Catholics could worship worth of damage caused and 450 rioters in
openly. prison. Although Lord George was charged
Outbreaks of violence increased with high treason and sent to the Tower,
throughout the weekend, and on the where he languished for eight months, he
Monday a procession marched to Lord was cleared of blame but later forsook the
George's house in Welbeck Street, Maryle- Anglican church for Judaism, changing his
bone, bringing him relics ransacked from name to Israel Abraham George Gordon.
the looted chapels. The following day He died at the age of forty-two in Newgate
hundreds of protestors attacked Newgate Prison where he had been incarcerated for
Prison, battering down cell doors with libelling Marie Antoinette.
sledgehammers and pickaxes, releasing
senior government figures who would run (vi) Strand
London in the event of a nuclear attack. It
contains a supposedly bombproof bunker Strand
and tunnels connected with government Until the construction of Victoria Embank-
departments under Whitehall and strategic ment in the 186os the Strand, named after
properties such as Centre Point, the former the shore of the Thames, was the closest
London Weather Centre on High Holborn, road to the river linking Westminster and
and Telecom Tower (former Post Office the City of London and was lined with
Tower). Once the advances in nuclear aristocratic mansions, all of which have
weaponry had rendered the system redun- been demolished, apart from Somerset
dant the buildings were abandoned. House. In the nineteenth century Strand
~ High Holborn bunker, p. 96. became home to Charing Cross station, the
monumental Cecil Hotel, the Savoy, King's
College, Somerset House and the Royal

Courts of Justice, leading the Conservative Adelphi Theatre, No. 414

politician Benjamin Disraeli to describe it asBuilt as the Sans Pareil in 1806 by John
'perhaps the finest street in Europe'. It was Scott, a tradesman who wanted to launch
also the home of many music halls, its place his daughter, Jane, as an actress, it became
in popular music immortalized in William the Adelphi in 1819 and was rebuilt in 1858
Hargreaves's song about Burlington Bertie by T. H. Wyatt to resemble the Opera
who 'rises at 10.30 and saunters along like a Comique in Paris. Oscar Wilde pulled the
toff I walks down the Strand with [his] production of his first play, Vera, du~ to be
gloves on each hand I and walks back again premiered here in 1881, when the Russian
with them off'. During the twentieth Tsar Alexander II, married to the Prince of
century the street gradually lost its exclu- Wales's sister-in-law, was assassinated. On
sivity, its theatres, stamp shops and 16 December 1897 the actor William Terris
restaurants standing alongside discount was stabbed to death by a jealous colleague
clothes shops, amusement arcades and run- outside the theatre. During the twentieth
down office blocks, but the late twentieth- century the Adelphi staged a number of
century rejuvenation of Somerset House has long-running musical comedies including
brought about improvements. Charlie Girl with Anna Neagle (1965-71) and
north side: Trafalgar Square to Temple Bar more recently Me and My Girl (1985-92)
Coutts, No. 440 and Chicago (1998- ).
The aristocrat who hunts and shoots I CfJBtntr (1791-1911), No. 396
The aristocrat who banks with Coutts - Now the oldest Sunday newspaper in the
The Gondoliers, W. S. Gilbert (1889) world, the Observer was founded at 396
The bank, probably London's most pres- Strand on 4 December 1791 by A. S. Bourne,
tigious, with many royal clients, was who promised a paper 'unbiased by preju-
founded by Scottish goldsmith John Camp- . dice and uninfluenced by party, whose prin-
bell at the sign of the Three Crowns in 1692 ciple is independence'. Despite believing the
and a few years later was sold to an Edin- paper would enable him to make a rapid
burgh banker, James Coutts, who moved it fortune, Bourne was £1,6oo in debt within
to 440 Strand in 1904. It was rebuilt in 1973 three years. Bourne tried to cut his losses by
with a tree-filled atrium, then an unknown selling the title to the government, and
feature in London, and is now indepen- though ministers were unwilling to buy the
dently operated within the National West- paper, they agreed to subsidize it (from
minster Bank. Home Office funds) in return for influ-
Zimbabwe House, No. 429 encing its content. The Observer gradually
Designed in 1907 for the British Medical began to move away from its role as a propa-
Association by Charles Holden, best known ganda sheet in the nineteenth century,
for his impressive modernist stations on taking on the call for reform, and eventually
the Piccadilly Line, the building's fa~Yade universal suffrage, while Rachel Beer, editor
features sculptures by Jacob Epstein that at the end of the century, was responsible
were immediately denounced as obscene by for one of its greatest exclusives, the admis-
religious figures. Dr Cosmo Lang, who later sion by Count Esterhazy that he had forged
became Archbishop of Canterbury, climbed the letters that condemned the innocent
the scaffolding to examine them and Jewish officer Captain Dreyfus to Devil's
declared them acceptable. They were partly Island. The Observer moved nearer Fleet
destroyed by the Southern Rhodesia govern- Street early in the twentieth century.
ment after it took over the building in 1937, .,. Fleet Street, p. 41.
leaving the incongruous spectacle of several St Mary-le-Strand
headless figures adorning the building's The church, which stands on an island in
outer wall. the middle of the Strand, was first built in

1147 as the Church of the Nativity of Our Conservative Party. Lawson-Levy adapted
Lady and the Innocents and after it was the format ofJames Gordon Bennett's New
demolished some 400 years later the site lay York Herald in incorporating sensationalist
vacant until a new church was planned as stories with incredible headlines such as 'A
part of the 1711 New Churches Act. Thomas Chile Devoured by Pigs', 'Extraordinary
Archer was chosen to be architect of the Discovery of Man-Woman in Birmingham'
new church, with James Gibbs selected to and 'Shocking Occurrence: Five Men Smoth-
build a column and statue to Queen Anne ered in a Gin Vat'. His star writer was the
outside, but when Anne died in 1714 work flamboyant G. A. Sala, who once filed an
stopped and Archer's ideas were stolen by expenses chit: 'To expenses in Persia-
Gibbs who resubmitted a design that £3,ooo', and when asked for more detail
omitted the column to the late monarch. seized a scrap of paper and scrawled: 'To
Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender arsing and buggering about in Persia -
(known as 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'), tried to £3,000'. The Telegraph's sales continued to
boost his claims to the British throne by rise, nearing 25o,ooo in 1877, by which time
entering into the Anglican faith at the it was the biggest-selling paper in the world,
church during a secret visit to England in and it moved to 135 Fleet Street in 1882. The
1750. thereby incurring the displeasure of site is now partly covered by the Royal
Pope Clement XIII, who refused to support Courts of Justice.
the prince's campaign, but reverted to Cath- ... Daily Telegraph on Fleet Street, p. 43·
olicism before his death. The church was St Clement Danes, Strand at Aldwych, east
saved from destruction in the mid 1980s end
following protests led by the poet John No accurate records exist to explain the
Betjeman, who wrote a poem in its honour church's Danish connection, but it is
which ran: 'There's nothing quite so grand I believed that when Alfred the Great
as the Baroque of your Chapel/ of St Mary banished the Danes from England those
in the Strand'. St Mary-le-Strand is now the who had married English women were
official church of the Women's Royal Naval allowed to live locally and they built the
Service, the Women's Royal Naval Reserve Ecclesia Clemtis Danorum, from which the
and the Association of Wrens. present names derives. The first church,
~~~ (18SS-82), No. 253 which was wooden, was replaced with a
Lt-Col Arthur Sleigh launched the Daily stone building in the eleventh century and
Telegraph and Courier from No. 253 on came into the possession of the Knights
Friday 29 June 1855, taking advantage of the Templar, the warrior monks after whom the
abolition of stamp duty on newspapers and Temple is named, in 1189. Christopher Wren
undercutting his rivals by selling the paper rebuilt the church from 1679 to 1682, even
for a penny. After running into financial though it had escaped damage in the Fire of
difficulties Sleigh sold the paper to his London, and James Gibbs added the tower
printer and chief editor, Joseph Levy, who in 1719. St Clement Danes, which is the
changed its name to the Daily Telegraph RAF's main church, has several literary
with the slogan 'the largest, best, and connections. In Shakespeare's Henry IV,
cheapest newspaper in the world'. Within Part II (16oo) Falstaff's line, 'We have heard
six years the paper was selling nearly 150,000 the chimes at midnight, Master Shallow',
copies a day, and had overtaken The Times. refers to the chimes of the church and
When Levy retired he was succeeded by his inspired Orson Welles to call his film based
son, Edward, who changed his name to on Falstaff Chimes at Midnight; Dr Johnson
Edward Lawson-Levy, converted from attended services in the 1770s, sitting at seat
Judaism to Christianity, and moved the No. 18 in the north gallery, and is
paper away from the Liberals towards the remembered with a statue behind the

building; and in George Orwell's 1984 south side: Temple Bar to Trafalgar Square
St Clement Danes serves as the model for Wig and Pen Club, Nos. 229-230
the 'oval building with rectangular windows One of only a few buildings remaining in
near the Palace o{Justice' [the Law Courts the Strand from before the 1666 Fire of
on the Strand], which Winston remembers London, the property is the home of the
when shown the picture by the secret police Wig and Pen Club, patronized by those
agent Charrington. connected with the law, and was a regular
Royal Courts of Justice haunt of journalists trying to catch inter-
Britain's major civil courts, where libel esting gossip relating to cases at the Royal
suits, divorces and appeals are heard, were Courts of Justice, opposite, in the days
designed by George Edmund Street and when the newspaper industry was based
built from 1874 to 1882 to contain the Court around Fleet Street. It closed in 2003 to be
of Appeal, the Crown Court and the High redeveloped.
Court o{Justice (which itself comprises the Aldwych station (1907-94), Strand at
Queen's Bench, Chancery and the Family Surrey Street
Divisions). Many famous personalities have The station opened as Strand, a one-stop
fought libel battles here, including the infa- branch of the Piccadilly Line, in 1907, with
mous occultist Aleister Crowley, who in trains run as a shuttle service to and from
April1934 sued the painter Nina Hamnett Holborn, and was renamed Aldwych in 1915.
for libel after she accused him of practising In the 1930s London Transport announced
black magic. The jury found for Miss plans to close the station, rather than extend
Hamnett and the judge, Mr Justice Swift, the line south, and it shut at the outset of
who had researched Crowley's writings, the Second World War to be used for
complained that he had never heard 'such storing treasures from the British Museum,
dreadful, horrible, blasphemous stuff'. In including the Elgin Marbles. Aldwych
1987 the Tory politician and blockbuster reopened in the late 1940s, and plans were
novelist Jeffrey Archer won £5oo,ooo announced to extend the line to Waterloo,
damages from the Daily Star over allega- but nothing happened until1978 when the
tions that he had paid for sex with a prosti- Greater London Council announced that
tute, Monica Coghlan, but fourteen years exploratory work was to start on the Jubilee
later Archer himself was jailed for perjury Line extension, which would include
and perverting the course of justice over the Aldwych station. Tunnels were constructed
case and was forced to pay the Star £2.7 under the Strand, but when the newspaper
million compensation. The libel case that industry left Fleet Street for east London the
received the most attention at the end of the authorities wavered and work ceased with
twentieth century was the so-called 'McLibel the tunnel half-built, and in 1994 Aldwych
trial', the longest in English legal history, in closed again. Over the years the station has
which the hamburger company McDonald's featured in a number of novels and films
sued two protestors, David Morris and including Geoffrey Household's 1939
Helen Steel, who had distributed leaflets thriller, Rogue Male, in which the hero,
entitled: 'What's Wrong with McDonald's?' having unsuccessfully attempted to assas-
Although McDonald's won, the judge was sinate Hitler, being cornered by his pursuers
critical of some of the company's practices, in the station, and the John Landis 1981
and Morris emerged from court brandishing horror comedy An American Werewolf in
a clenched fist and a briefcase emblazoned London, in which David Kessler (David
with the scrawled message: 'Judge for your- Naughton) kills a man on the escalator
self. Read the leaflet.' while gripped by lupine disease .
... Old Bailey, p. 58. ... Former British Museum station, p. 95.

King's College, Strand, opposite In 1771 the Royal Academy, founded by

St Mary-le-Strand leading artists of the time, took rooms in
Established in 1828 by the Duke of Well- Somerset House, and five years later the
ington and the bishops of the Church of 21-year-old William Blake passed his inter-
England as an Anglican alternative to the view for the Academy here after finishing
non-denominational University College, it his apprenticeship as an engraver. Around
came under the jurisdiction of the newly the same time William Chambers began
formed University of London in 1836. Exten- rebuilding Somerset House in a Palladian
sions to the building were constructed in the style for civil service offices, creating four
1960s, the stark brutalism of the new block grand blocks around a courtyard. The navy
resting uneasily alongside Robert Smirke's took the plum riverside view, while the less
classical revivalist architecture. desirable blocks were occupied by the Sick
Somerset House, north-east of Waterloo and Hurt Offices, the Office of the Clerk of
Bridge the Estreats, the Comptroller of the Pipe
A monumental eighteenth-century riverside and the Registry of Births, Deaths and
complex, home of the General Register of Marriages, for the latter of which Somerset
Births, Deaths and Marriages unti11973, and House was best known for the next two
now mostly a tourist attraction, Somerset centuries.
House is named after Edward Seymour, By the 1970s decline had set in- the court-
Duke of Somerset, uncle of Edward VI, who yard had become little more than a glorified
built a palace here by the Thames from 1547 car park - encouraging the journalist Simon
to 1554 using stone taken from the church of Jenkins to launch a campaign in the Evening
St John in Clerkenwell, which was extracted Standard to revitalize the building and
with the aid of gunpowder. However, he a
restore its grandeur, project that won
was beheaded on Tower Hill in 1552 before support from the poet laureate, John
he was able to see the fruits of his work. Betjeman, and the leading art historian,
Six years later Princess Elizabeth (later Kenneth Clark. In 2000 the refurbished
Elizabeth I) moved here, but she preferred Somerset House reopened as a tourist
Whitehall Palace when she became queen in attraction and repository for the Courtauld
1558, and Somerset House later became the Institute Galleries. Tax officers still work in
official residence of Anne of Denmark, parts of the building.
consort of James I. During the residency of Simpson's-in-the-Strand, No. 100
Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I, the Opening as a 'home of chess' in 1818, it later
building became a centre of opposition to became the Grand Cigar Divan, where chess
the government, and when the English Civil players relaxed on divans and sofas, refresh-
War broke out in 1642 it was one of the first ments being provided when John Simpson
London buildings to be attacked by Parlia- reopened the premises as Simpson's Divan
mentary forces. Somerset House was used and Tavern in 1848. The building was demol-
as an auction hall for the royal treasures ished when the area was redeveloped at the
during Oliver Cromwell's 1649-60 end of the century and rebuilt by T. E.
Commonwealth, and the building was itself Collcutt, who incorporated art nouveau
put on sale, but when there were no takers it elements, and it reopened in 1904 as an
was converted into the headquarters of exclusive restaurant which, according to the
Cromwell's New Model Army. Cromwell comic writer P. G. Wodehouse, offered 'two
himself lay in state here for eleven weeks great advantages, namely that you need not
before his funeral in 1658, members of the dress, and, secondly, that you paid your
public, no longer enamoured with his half-crown, and were then at liberty to eat
regime, throwing dirt on his shield which till you were helpless, if you felt so disposed,
had been placed over the gate. without extra charge'. Simpson's was

refurbished again at the end of the twentieth production, and after the war, when Shell
century and now, as part of the Savoy returned to its headquarters, the govern-
Group, is an exclusive, if old-fashioned, ment continued to use parts of the building;
eaterie offering traditional British food. it was here in 1945 that the Labour prime
Shell-Mex House, No. So minister Clement Attlee gathered his most
A monumental office block, previously trusted Cabinet ministers and outlined plans
home of the Shell company, So Strand for Britain's new atomic weapons. In
stands on the site of the Cecil Hotel, which January 1999 environmental demonstrators
was built by a group of building societies occupied the building as a protest against
headed by Jabez Balfour, who at the time the company's oil policies. Filing cabinets,
had just begun a fourteen-year jail sentence desks, computers and chairs were piled high
for fraud. The Cecil opened as the largest in front of doors and inner walls and during
hotel in Europe in 1S96, with t,ooo rooms their four hours in the building the
decorated with coloured marble and protestors set up and maintained a website,
tapestries, each with a canopied bed and giving the world's media a live commentary
Doulton chamber pot. The hotel was from the occupation, until Shell employees
portrayed by H. G. Wells as the magnificent and the police smashed through the walls.
Hardingham in his 190S novel Tono-Bungay, Soon after, the building was sold to US
while a famous Punch cartoon of the time private investor Steven Winkoff for £too
depicted a lady asking a bus conductor: 'Do million and leased to various companies,
you stop at the Cecil?', to which the including Pearson, owners of the publishers
conductor replies: 'What, on 2S bob a Penguin.
week?' Charing Cross station
It was a particular favourite of American Charing Cross station, the railway terminus
businessmen such as William Barry Owen, closest to the West End, was designed by
the recording pioneer, who booked into the E. M. Barry in the tS6os and built on the site
Cecil in 1S97 and began trading under the of Hungerford Market, a location chosen by
name ofThe Gramophone Company, the Samuel Smiles, author of the libertarian
forerunner ofEMI. Owen's compatriot classic Self-Help (1S59), who was also secre-
Irving Guy Ries, a corn merchant who tary of the South Eastern Railway. At the
stayed here in 1915 during the First World fr~nt is the Charing Cross Hotel, built to
War, was however unmasked by the British entice travellers taking the boat train. to stay
authorities as a German spy, taken to the in the station the night before. Facing the
Tower, and shot. Most of the building was hotel is A. S. Barry's Eleanor's Cross, often
demolished in 1930, when the site was mistakenly described as Charing Cross, a
bought by the Shell Oil Company, but the replacement of the cross that Edward I
architect Milton Cashmore retained the erected nearby in 1293 to mark the funeral
Cecil's fas:ade when he designed a new office route of his queen, Eleanor of Castile, whic.h
block for the site, adding the huge distin- was pulled down in 1647 by the Long Parlia-
guished dock, London's biggest, and ment. The station was rebuilt by Terry
incorporating into the decor globe-shaped Farrell in 1991 in an exotic Egyptian-
gaslights taken from the stations and influenced style best seen from the south
tunnels of the first underground line, the side of the river.
Paddington-Farringdon Metropolitan
The property that stood at the western end
During the Second World War the of the street is believed to have been the first
government requisitioned the building for house in London to be numbered and
the Ministry of Supply, which was respon- during the seventeenth century was the
sible for two-thirds of Britain's war official residence of the Secretary of State,

the most powerful politician in the country At !no. 6 in the late nineteenth century
given that there was no prime minister. was the Savage Club, whose members
included the future Edward VII. In 1899 the
(vii) Adelphi American author Mark Twain gave a literary
lecture at the club and told the audience:
An area to the south of Charing Cross 'Chaucer is dead, Spenser is dead, so is
station dominated by handsome streets and Milton, so is Shakespeare, and I'm not
alleyways, some of which run into the feeling very well myself.' After Victoria
bowels of imposing office blocks, it is Embankment was constructed between 1864
named after the Adam Brothers' 1770s river- and 1870 the threat of flooding receded and
side terrace, which was built around the the arches were used to store coal and wine,
many wharves, hovels, factories and dark as well as becoming a convenient bolt-hole
corners that abutted the river and was for criminals. Most of the Adelphi was
demolished in the 1930s. The area buzzes demolished in 1936, despite much oppo-
with life around Charing Cross station but is sition, and replaced by Collcutt and Hamp's
silent and eerie further east. intimidating Adelphi office block, London's
most authentic example of totalitarian 1930s
Adelphi Terrace
architecture, the fa~ade of which is decor-
ated with N. A. Trent's 'heroic' relief of
The Adam Brothers' grand colonnaded
classical development of twenty-four
terraced houses, built between 1778 and 1785 Buckingham Street
and designed in the style of the ruined The Dukes of Buckingham occupied 1)od
palace of Diocletian at Spalato (Split), was t)ouse, a mansion that stood south of the
named Adelphi from adelphoi, Greek for Strand, and whose grounds ran down to the
brothers, and had as its centrepiece a forty- Thames, in the sixteenth century. In 1679
one-bay row of eleven four-storey terraced the diarist Samuel Pepys moved into No. 12,
houses which stood by the river's edge, the the house of his friend Will Hewer, after
Thames then running further to the north being released from the Tower, where he
than it does now. The houses were luxuri- had been imprisoned for baseless alle-
ously fitted with the finest interior decor- gations of betraying naval secrets to the
ations, courtesy of Angelica Kauffman, French. By then PeJ?ys had lost his power-
among others, while below were servants' ful job as Secretary to the Lord High
cottages, each of which had street access. Admiral of England, but the charges
There were problems with the foundations, against him were dropped and in 1684
which kept sinking into the mud, and a Charles II made Pepys Secretary for Admir-
perennial threat of flooding at high tide. alty Affairs. The latter stayed in Buckingham
Nevertheless the area attracted a number of Street and moved the Admiralty into No. 12.
well-known figures, including the Gilbert Pepys was obliged to move out in 1688 when
and Sullivan impresario Richard D'Oyly a nearby wooden water tower caught fire
Carte, who lived at !no. 4 from 1888 to 1901 but he later moved into the rebuilt !no. 14.
and hired James Whistler to decorate the In 1698 the Russian Tsar, Peter the Great,
library walls with a tint of yellow so that stayed at !no. 15, a property occupied by the
they appeared warm with sunshine even novelist Henry Fielding in 1735 and by
during winter; and the playwright George Charles Dickens around a hundred years
Bernard Shaw who lived at !no. 10 from later.
1896 to 1927, mostly with Charlotte Payne- Craven Street
Townshend, with whom he shared an uncon-
Craven Street, described by the novelist
summated marriage.
Henry James as being 'packed to blackness

with accumulations of suffered experience', Lower Robert Street

was named after William, Earl Craven, who A concealed street with a blind turn which
won acclaim for his selfless deeds in helping runs through the buildings south of John
victims of the 1665 Great Plague and who, Adam Street.
according to legend, was secretly married to
Northumberland Avenue
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of
The south-western boundary of wc2,
James I. The American scientist and poli-
connecting Trafalgar Square and Victoria
tician Benjamin Franklin briefly lived at
Embankment, it was built in 1876 on the site
No. 36 in the eighteenth century, and the
of 9lorl~umbedanb f)ouse, seventeenth-
American author Herman Melville stayed at
. century home of the Earl of Northumber-
No. 25 in 1849 before leaving for New York
land, and was later lined with luxurious
to start work on 'The Whale', the story that
hotels built in a grand baroque style,
became Moby Dick. The street is now domi-
including the Metropole.
nated by hotels and smart offices.
south side: Victoria Embankment to
Hungerford Lane Charing Cross
A small dark alleyway almost entirely Former Metropole Hotel, between White-
covered by buildings, Hungerford Lane hall Place and Great Scotland Yard
leads off Craven Street, plunges unexpec- The grand nineteenth-century hotel was
tedly under the Charing Cross Hotel, and commandeered at the start of the Second
then runs along the back of the houses on World War by British Intelligence's wartime
the east side of Craven Street in place of the escape and evasion section, MI9, whose
expected gardens. director, Christopher Clayton-Hutton, set
up office in Room 424 and immediately sent
John Adam Street
agents to scour second-hand bookshops to
Originally John Street, it was later renamed
find books on how prisoners-of-war escaped
after one of the developers of the nearby
during the First World War. Ml9 also
contacted Bartholomew's, the Edinburgh-
The Royal Society for the Encouragement
based map makers, to order maps of
of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce,
Germany, about 18 inches square and made
No.8, north side
of silk, which could be stored in flying kits.
Founded in 1754 by William Shipley,
Meanwhile agents set to work constructing a
Viscount Folkestone and Lord Romney to
multitude of ingenious gadgets, including
'embolden enterprise, enlarge science, refine
hacksaws that could fit into trouser legs,
art, improve manufacture and to extend our
fountain pens containing poison, RAF
commerce', its first offices were in Covent
uniforms which could easily be converted
Garden and meetings were held above a
into Luftwaffe uniforms, and blankets that
library in Crane Court, off Fleet Street. In
could quickly be turned into civilian over-
1760 the society organized Britain's first
coats. Clayton-Hutton's best creation was
contemporary art exhibition, showcasing
the Escape Box, a pair of flat plastic boxes,
works by sixty-nine artists including Joshua
one fitting inside the other, which were
Reynolds, and fourteen years later moved to
handed to airmen before a flight and
John Adam Street. It was a society member,
contained everything they could need -
William Ewart, who in 1866 proposed
malted milk tablets, boiled sweets, a bar or
erecting blue plaques commemorating the
two of chocolate, benzedrine tablets for
residences of famous people, beginning with
energy, halazone tablets for purifying water,
one for Lord Byron at 24 Holles Street,
rubber water bottle, soap, needle and
Marylebone. The society also helped
thread, matches, chewing gum, fishing line
organize the Festival of Britain in 1951 and
(not for fishing, but as a substitute for
now has some 3o,ooo members or fellows.

braces, or to be used as a sling in case of a life-size reconstruction of the 221B Baker

broken arm) and a razor with a magnetized Street sitting room complete with Holmes
blade so that anyone taken prisoner and mannequin (as used in 'The Empty House'),
allowed to keep his shaving gear always violin, books, period furniture and shelves
had one compass. MI9 moved out when a laden with foul-looking bottled chemicals.
German bomb skimmed a comer of the
Villiers Street
building in September 1940.
The street covers the grounds of t)od
.,. MI5 on StJames's Street, p. 217.
Former Victoria Hotel, between Great Scot-
&ouse, which once belonged to George
Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, power-
land Yard and Chacing Cross
broker for Charles I, and is dominated by
During the Second World War the govern-
the east side of Charing Cross station.
ment's Special Operations Executive, which
Rudyard Kipling, the late Victorian/early
was in charge of sabotage and subversion,
twentieth-century poet and novelist, lived in
recruited agents for its F (French) section in
rooms at No. 43 from 1889 to 1891 above
the hotel's Room 238, which was furnished
Harris, 'the Sausage King', who would give
with nothing other than two chairs, a table,
him as much sausage and mash for
a bare light bulb and blacked-out windows.
tuppence as he could carry upstairs.
The interviewing officer, Major Selwyn
Jepson, never gave his name and after a York Place (formerly Of Alley)
sentence or two in English would suddenly This tiny alley to the east of Charing Cross
switch to fluent French to test whether the station was formerly known as Of Alley,
interviewees could cope. Applicants would thanks to the literal application of the will of
also be tested on the nature of their oppo- George Villiers, the seventeenth-century
sition to Hitler and National Socialism, with Duke of Buckingham, who lived here in his
those deemed too fanatical or too casually mansion, t)od f>ouse. The will stipulated
opposed weeded out. After the war it was that neighbouring streets be renamed after
calculated that out of some 470 agents sent him using all parts of his name, thereby
into France n8 failed to return. leading to the creation of George Court,
.,. SOE in Baker Street, p. 149. Villiers Street, Duke Street, Of Alley and
Buckingham Street.
N9rthumberland Street
Sherlock Holmes, Northumberland Street
at Craven Passage (viii) Savoy
A pub and restaurant crammed with
The tiny lanes and blind alleyways to the
mementoes and ephemera relating to the
west of Waterloo Bridge are dominated by
Sherlock Holmes stories, it was previously
the name Savoy- Savoy Buildings, Savoy
the Northumberland Arms, possibly the
Court, Savoy Hill, Savoy Place, Savoy Row,
model for Arthur Conan Doyle's North-
Savoy Steps, Savoy Street and Savoy Way, as
umberland Hotel where Sir Henry Basker-
well as the Savoy Hotel, the SavoyTheatre
ville stays in The Hound of the Baskervilles.
and Savoy Chapel- the name being in
In 1957 the pub was renamed the Sherlock
honour of the medieval Soool) •oloce,
Holmes and filled with curios taken from an
sacked during the Peasants' Revolt of 1381,
exhibition about Holmes held at 221B Baker
when thirty-two men inside the wine cellar
Street- Holmes's address in the detective
found themselves trapped and drank them-
stories - held during the 1951 Festival of
selves to death. The palace was rebuilt by
Britain. The collection includes briar pipes,
Henry VII as a hospital in 1505 and closed
bent poker sticks, posters, placards and
in the 182os to make way for the building of
newspaper cuttings relating to the stories,
Waterloo Bridge, only Savoy Chapel
while upstairs, next to the restaurant, is a

Savoy Court who went on to found the Ritz Hotel, and

The road where the Savoy Theatre and the the main chef was Auguste Escoffier, and
Savoy Hotel are located is the only one in the two men helped revolutionize the
Britain where traffic drives on the right. concept of eating out, at a time when such
Savoy Theatre an activity was not considered very British,
Built by Richard D'Oyly Carte in 1881 to by concocting a number of famous dishes
stage his productions of Gilbert and including Peach Melba in honour of a
Sullivan's operettas, it opened with a per- visit from the opera singer Dame Nellie
formance of the latter's Patience, starring Melba.
George Grossmith, later the co-author of In 1898 Ritz was accused of conducting
The Diary of a Nobody. The theatre was the his own commercial affairs on hotel prop-
first building in the country to be lit entirely erty- he and Escoffier admitted taking
by electricity, D'Oyly Carte reassuring the £8,ooo in commissions - and to avoid a
public that there was no danger from the scandal they resigned in exchange for the
hundreds of electric lamps bathing the audi- hotel refraining from commenting, moving
torium in a rich yellow light by holding a to the Carlton in Haymarket and then to
bulb covered with muslin in his hand, Piccadilly where Ritz opened the hotel
smashing it with a hammer, and bran- named after him. Nevertheless the Savoy
dishing the cloth to show there were no continued to be a haunt of royalty, society
scorch marks. W. S. Gilbert, the operetta's figures, artists and writers including Oscar
librettist, who refused to sit through early Wilde, who conducted his affair with Lord
performances of his works, would prowl the Alfred Douglas in the hotel's Room 346 in
streets outside the theatre or go for long the early 1890s, and after being arrested for
walks until the show had finished. One gross indecency appeared in court, where
night, dressed in all his finery, he slunk out the presiding magistrate remarked: 'I know
of the theatre only to be mistaken at the nothing about the Savoy, but I must say that
door for a commissionaire. 'You sir,' in my view chicken and salad for two at
shouted the theatre-goer, 'call me a cab.' sixteen shillings is very high. I am afraid I
'All right,' replied Gilbert. 'You're a shall never supper there myself.'
growler.' When the man made a puzzled The French artist Claude Monet, who
face, he explained: 'Well, I can hardly call used to take lunch and dinner at the hotel,
you hansom.' The theatre was redesigned in painted Waterloo Bridge, Grey Day in 1903
1929 so that the exterior would match that from a hotel balcony, describing the view of
of the Savoy Hotel and reopened with a the river as 'the finest riparian coup-d'oeil
revival of Gilbert and Sullivan's The Gondo- in Europe'. Fred Astaire and his sister,
liers, which began a trend for regular Adele, danced on the roof when they stayed
revivals of the repertoire. at the hotel in 1923, and the novelist Arnold
Savoy Hotel Bennett based his last and longest novel,
The Savoy, one of London's most famous Imperial Palace (1930), on life in the hotel,
hotels along with the Ritz, was financed by protecting himself from accusations of libel
the profits the Gilbert and Sullivan impre- by claiming the hotel was located in
sario Richard D'Oyly Carte made from the StJames's rather than the Strand.
light operas performed at the nearby Savoy During the 1980s the hotel was a regular
Theatre and opened on 6 August 1889. It haunt of Britain's two most powerful news-
had its own power generator, an indepen- paper magnates, Robert Maxwell and
dent water supply courtesy of an artesian Rupert Murdoch, and one day the two men
well, and seventy bathrooms, at a time when were lunching separately when Murdoch
even the largest hotels had only four or five. approached Maxwell and casually
The Savoy's first manager was Cesar Ritz, mentioned that he was about to take

Concorde to New York for a business the hospital that replaced the medieval
dinner in Manhattan's Four Seasons Grill Savoy Palace, and in 1890 became the first
Room. On his way back to his Holborn London church to be lit by electricity. The
office-Maxwell decided he would beat chapel features stained glass memorials of
Murdoch there. He called for a helicopter, the Canterbury Tales author Geoffrey
which picked him up from the helipad atop Chaucer and John Wycliffe, the religious
the Mirror offices, and whisked him to an reformer who was one of the first translators
airfield on the outskirts of London, and of the Bible into English.
there he transferred to his recently acquired
private Gulfstream G-4 jet. As Maxwell
Savoy Place
flew over the Atlantic, en route for New BBC offices (1923-32), No. 2
The BBC, founded in 1922, moved in April
York and the Four Seasons, he contem-
1923 to 2 Savoy Place, described in an early
plated the look of amazement that would
anonymous broadcasting review as 'quite
appear on Murdoch's face when the Austra-
the most pleasant club in London', where
lian spotted him and realized that as
there was always the chance of running
Maxwell had not been on Concorde he must
into a famous figure such as H. G. Wells,
have travelled by private jet. Everything
George Bernard Shaw or G. K. Chesterton.
went to plan, and Maxwell duly arrived at
Here broadcast journalism was a relaxed
the Four Seasons before Murdoch and
affair, a newscaster one night announcing,
waited there for his rival for several hours,
so legend has it, 'This is the BBC. There is
until he realized that Murdoch had changed
his mind at the last minute and was not no news tonight.' In March 1929 John Logie
Baird gave his first demonstration of tele-
going to turn up.
vision to the BBC at Savoy Place. Three
Savoy Hill years later the Corporation moved to Broad-
Savoy Chapel casting House. The Savoy Place premises are
The oldest building in the area and now a now occupied by the Institute of Electrical
private chapel for the queen, Savoy Chapel Engineers.
dates from 1510, when it was built as part of ... BBC Broadcasting House, p. 155·
The West End

Oxford Street 137 MAYFAIR, Wl158

(i) Park Lane 159
Park Lane 159
Charlotte Street 143
(ii) around Grosvenor SqUilre 161
Cleveland Street 144
Brook Street 161
Eastcastle Street 144
Carlos Place 162
Fitzroy Square 145
Grosvenor Square 162
Fitzroy Street 145
Grosvenor Street 164
Maple Street 146
Upper Grosvenor Street 165
Percy Street 146
Rathbone Place 146 (iii) around Berkeley SqUilre 166
Rathbone Street 147 Albemarle Street 166
Scala Street 147 Berkeley Square 167
Tottenham Court Road 147 Grafton Street 168
(iv) around Shepherd Market 168
Audley Square 169
(i) Baker Street and west 149 Chesterfield Street 169
Baker Street 149 Curzon Place 169
Bryanston Mews West 150 Curzon Street 170
Cato Street 150 Old Park Lane 171
Portman Square 151
(v) Bond Street 171
(ii) Marylebone village 151 New Bond Street 171
Manchester Square 151 Old Bond Street 173
Manchester Street 152
(vi) around Savile Row 173
Marylebone High Street 153
Burlington Arcade 173
Paddington Street 153
Burlington Gardens 173
(iii) around Harley Street 153 Cork Street 173
Cavendbh Square 153 Hanover Square 174
Harley Street 154 StGeorge Street 174
Langham Place 155 Savile Row 175
Portland Place 156
(vii) Piccadilly 176
Wigmore Street 157
Piccadilly 179
Wimpole Mews 157
Wimpole Street 158

SOHO 183
Oxford Street
In Oxford Street there are too many
(i) around Carnaby Street 185 bargains, too many sales, too many goods
Argyll Street 185 marked down ... the buying and selling
Beak Street 187 is too blatant and raucous - 'The London
Berwick Street 188 Scene', Virginia Woolf (1932)
Broadwick Street 189 London's main shopping street, home of the
Carnaby Street 189 department stores Selfridges, John Lewis
Great Windmill Street 191 and Debenhams, was a Roman route, the
Newburgh Street 191 Via Trinovantica, which by the Middle Ages
Regent Street 192 had become the Waye from Uxbridge, or
the Tyburn Way, as the Tyburn stream
(ii) around Soho Square 193
flowed underneath. It was renamed Oxford
Dean Street 193
Street in 1739, in honour of the landowner
Frith Street 195
Edward Harley, the 2nd Earl of Oxford, and
Greek Street 197
after the Tyburn gallows moved to Newgate ·
Old Compton Street 199
Prison it became a shopping centre, 'a street
Soho Square 200
taking half an hour to cover from end to
Wardour Street 201
end with double rows ofbrighdy shining
(iii) Chinatown 202 lamps', according to the German novelist
Coventry Street 202 Sophie von la Roche, who visited London in
Gerrard Street 203 1786. Most of the main stores date from the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
CENTRAL LINE 140 Peter Robinson opening a linen draper's
shop at No. 103 in 1833, John Lewis setting
Anti-Vietnam War demonstrations in
up a shop at No. 132 in 1864, Marshall &
Grosvenor Square 164
Snelgrove (now Debenhams) taking the
PICCADILLY Ll N E 177 comer of Oxford Street and Vere Street in
1870 and Gordon Selfridge launching his
Soho's pubs and restaurants 184
store in 1909. Today, Oxford Street is
Soho's clubs 186 responsible for around 10 per cent of retail
spending in the capital.
Soho sex 188
north side: Edgware Road to Tottenham
Soho crime 189 Court Road
Cumberland Hotel, between Great Cumber-
John Snow and the 1854 cholera
land Place and Old Quebec Street
epidemic 190 _j Jack Spot, one of the major West End
underworld figures of the 1950s, had a daily
routine which began with a shave and
The West End, the commercial and social
brush-up in a barber's on Edgware Road, a
centre of London, is based around the four
saunter along the road waving and wishing
areas - Fitzrovia, Marylebone, Mayfair and
passers-by good morning, and a few hours
Soho - that emanate from Oxford Circus,
spent holding court in the Cumberland
with Oxford Street running east-west
Hotel's Bear Garden where people would
through its centre.
drop in and seek his advice on a wide range
of topics. Jimi Hendrix occupied a suite,
Room 507, during the last week of his life in
September 1970, broadcasting his last radio

performance for Radio One's Scene and Debenhams, Nos. 334-348, between Maryle-
Heard from the room. bone Lane and Vere Street
Selfridges, No. 400, between Orchard Street The department store Marshall & Snelgrove
and Duke Street opened here in 1870 and in 1919 merged with
One of London's best-known department Debenham's, which had been set up as a
stores, together with Harrods and Harvey drapery shop in nearby Wigmore Street in
Nichols, was opened on 15 March 1909 by 1778. The company was sold to the Burton
Gordon H. Selfridge, a self-made Chicago Group in September 1985 for £550 million
millionaire, who had arrived in London but broke away in January 1998.
determined to build the capital's first House of Fraser (D. H. Evans), No. 318
American-style superstore. It featured Dan Harries Evans, a Welsh lace-maker,
130 departments, including a post office, bought a property on this site in 1879 and
roof garden and soda fountain - shopping opened a draper's store, staying with the
on a scale never previously witnessed in firm until1915 when he lost his money in an
London. Believing that the British knew unsuccessful property deal that resulted in
how to make goods but not how to sell his dying penniless in 1928. In 2000 the store
them, Selfridge concentrated on developing was renamed after its new owners, the
a new retailing philosophy that involved a House of Fraser.
credit scheme, bargain basement, sales, John Lewis, Nos. 278-306, comer Oxford
innovative window displays, themed depart- Street and Holies Street
ments, publicity and advertising, his John Lewis, a silk buyer, opened a shop here
opening slogan being: 'Why not spend the in 1864, and in 1906 bought Peter Jones's
day at Selfridges?', thereby introducing the store in Sloane Square, making it over to
idea of shopping as leisure pursuit in its his eldest son, John Spedan Lewis, on the
own right. He was rewarded by the arrival of condition that the latter worked a full day at
a million people at the store in its first week. the Oxford Street store before attending to
John Logie Baird gave one of the first the new shop. The two men later clashed
demonstrations of television in Selfridges in over the development of the company, but
April1925 and three years later the store it was Spedan's policy of equitable sharing
made the world's first sale of a television set. that was implemented, and in 1929 Spedan
The store fared badly during the economic transferred his shares to a trust 'for the
crises of the 1930s, and after the company's happiness of all its members' which is set to
board forced the founder to resign in expire twenty-one years after the death of
October 1939 Selfridge sold his fifteen prov- the last descendant of King Edward VII
incial department stores to the John Lewis alive at the time of its creation. At the begin-
Partnership. ning of the twenty-first century only two
In 1968 the Situationist group King Mob descendants remained alive: Queen Eliza-
(named after a nickname the 1780 Gordon beth II and Lord Harewood.
Rioters gave themselves), one of whose Oxford Circus
number was Malcolm McLaren, who later Sir Henry Tanner designed the four
created the Sex Pistols, visited Selfridges identical comers of the quadrant, which
with their own Santa Claus and began were built between 1913 and 1928.
handing out the store's toys as 'alternative' too Club, No.1oo
presents to queuing children, along with a London's oldest jazz club was opened in
leaflet which proclaimed 'Christmas: it was October 1942 by Robert Feldman, a jazz clari-
meant to be great butit's horrible'. nettist, and taken over in 1954 by trumpeter
Humphrey Lyttelton, who renamed it
Humph's. It began to attract a fashionable
crowd that included 1960s fashion pioneer

Mary Quant, wearing clothes - black Stones played their first gig on 12 July 1962,
tights - that caused an outrage, until the billed as 'Brian Jones, Mick Jagger and the
crowd spotted her companion, Alexander Rollin' Stones', the night ending in violence
Plunkett-Green, wearing his mother's cast- when the audience was attacked by a group
offs. By 1964 it had become the 100 Club of Mods. When the Marquee's owner
(unkindly claimed to derive from the decided to install a new cinema screen in
number of people it could hold in comfort), the basement in 1964 the club moved to
putting on beat groups. But it was not until 90 Wardour Street, taking most of the
the early days of punk that it became an fixtures and fittings with it. No. 165 is now
important rock venue, being where the Sex a bank.
Pistols played in front of an audience of fifty • Marquee II, 90 Wardour Street, p. 201.
in March 1976 and where Britain's first ·~eon, No. 173
major punk festival- an event that saw the Faith may grow bold I And take to herself
debut of Suzie [sic] & the Banshees, with the all the wonders of old I Near the stately
distinctly unmusical Sid Vicious on drums - Pantheon you'll meet with the same I In
was held in September 1976. Since 1978 the the street that from Oxford hath
100 Club has returned to being mainly a jazz borrowed its name - 'The Power of
venue. Music', William Wordsworth (1806)
• Ronnie Scott's, p. 196. James Wyatt built a grand entertainment
Kinetoscope Parlour (nineteenth century), palace, the 'ant~eon, here between 1770
No.7o and 1772, incorporating galleries framed by
Moving pictures were shown in London for Corinthian columns and niches modelled
the first time on 17 October 1894 at 70 on those of St Sophia, Istanbul. More than
Oxford Street, where Franck Z. Maguire and 1,500 people attended the opening cere-
Joseph D. Baucus, using the Edison Kineto- mony, the aesthete Horace Walpole, unsure
scope, which showed films on a loop to a whether to marvel or mock, exclaiming:
single viewer at a time, presented a dance by 'imagine Balbec in all its glory! The ceilings,
Carmencita, a cock fight, bar scenes and even of the passages, are of the most
pictures from a blacksmith's and a barber's. beautiful stuccos in the best taste of
Virgin (1970s), No. 24 grotesque', and later deciding that the
Richard Branson set up the first Virgin building was 'the most beautiful edifice in
record shop at 24 Oxford Street in 1970, England'. Although the 'ant~ton became
having been forced to turn to retailing the most talked about venue in London, it
records when a postal strike threatened was not as commercially successful as
the existence of his fledgeling mail order expected and was converted into a theatre in
company. As a record shop Virgin broke 1791. Destroyed by fire the following year,
the mould, providing bohemian decor, floor possibly in an arson attack caused by those
cushions and headphones to listen to the involved with the rival King's Theatre,
latest hip releases, with no pressure placed Haymarket, it was rebuilt and continued as
on customers to buy. a theatre until1813, when Nicholas Wilcox
south side: Charing Cross Road to Park Cundy defied the Lord Chamberlain by
Lane staging opera without a licence, the latter
Marquee I (1958-64), No. 165 exacting revenge by ruling that the
The Marquee, which became London's most 'ant~eon must close. The building was
revered rock venue in the 1960s, opened as a later converted into a department store and
coffee bar-cum-jazz club on 4 January 1958, was demolished in 1937 by Marks and
in rooms below the Academy Cinema, then Spencer when they bought the site for a new
one of the few places in London to see art- store, also known as the Pantheon.
house films. It was here that the Rolling • Marks & Spencer, p. 150.

HMV,No.363 ailways in the areas linked by the

The composer Edward Elgar officially line. The line was extended west of
opened what was the first HMV store here ' ~·~pherd's Bush to Ealing Broadway in 1920
on 21 July 1921, and it was at No. 363 just 1/~~ east beyond Liverpool Street after the
over forty years later that the Beatles cut '' ,,, ond World War. using redundant Great
their first demonstration disc. The premises tern Railway track. which resulted in the
are now a shoe shop. ngruous sight of tube trains moving
.. Abbey Road studios, p. 367. ugh open Essex countryside alongside
William Morris's showroom (1877-83), ift•ing cows. The 34-mile journey from
No. 449 ,,~ western terminus, West Ruislip. to the
William Morris's design company, The ; :&.tt;tern terminus, Epping, is the longest on
Firm, opened a showroom here in 1877 ~;>~system.
/ \ ~

specializing in painted glass, embroidery,

Rulsllp Opened as West Ruislip (For
tapestry, carpets and wall-hangings, decor-
ham) in 1948.
ations that were unknown in London at the
Gardens Featured by John
time. The shop attracted householders from
in his 1954 poem 'Middlesex', in
the new Bedford Park estate, London's first
the 'red electric train' [runs] gaily'
garden village, and aesthetes such as Oscar
Wilde, whose Morris wallpaper in his Tite
Street home in Chelsea popped and split
when poked. Although Morris's conscience
was troubled by dealing with well-heeled
The footpaths climb 't,wisty ...
clients ('ministering to the swinish luxury of
of Northolt on and upward to the
the rich'), he noted that the poor did not
of Harrow Hill', according to John
have the money or time to take an interest
poem 'Middlesex'.
in his medieval-style decorations and
rd When the station opened it had
compromised by moving The Firm to
surprising feature of an escalator that
Manchester in 1883.
passengers up to the platforms .
.. William Morris in Hammersmith, p. 250.
Early plans to adorn the station
Marble Arch
the motif of a pear were abandoned
John Nash's monument, constructed of
funds ran out during the Second
white Carrara marble, is based on Rome's
Arch of Constantine and commemorates
Nelson's and Wellington's early-nineteenth-
century victories over France. The arch
stood outside Buckingham Palace from 1827
to 1851, when it became too small to accom-
modate the new enlarged coaches and was Line's western terminus.
moved here. Acton The only station on the 1940s
Line western extension entirely
according to the wishes of the archi-
Brian B. Lewis, following the scaling
of plans for the other stations when
Second World War broke out.
below what was then the most
route of horse-drawn traffic in
capital. It attracted workers and t•r·ar~,..,,tt system.

by day and theatre-goers by Acton Has a wooden platform shelter

its popularity assured as there were a Victorian country station.
City Opened in 1947 a few yards Plans to build a wartime bomb
Wood Lane, a station built for the in the tube station, originally
as Post Office, were abandoned for
of damaging the cathedral's foun-
whose disused platforms and anti-
posters can still be glimpsed while The original booking hall occupies
east from White City station to crypt of the church of St Mary
Bush The original western Street To promote one of their
which opened in July 1900, it has events, a 1968 show in the staff
con1nelcticm with the other Shepherd's of a meat-packing factory on
Green Road, the performance
Gilbert and George stood outside
Street station handing
invitations. Few people took up
offer, but the couple did arouse the
rest of Robert Fraser, one of the
gallery owners of the time, who
the young artists their first major
Originally Queen's Road and
Queensway in 1946. Green One hundred and seventy-
Gate Named after an awkwardly people taking refuge in the station's
nearby street of sumptuous stucco shelter on 3 March 1943 died when a

Arch Named after the nearby arch entrance as rockets began drop-
originally stood outside Buckingham on nearby Victoria Park. As the victims
at the top kept pushing,
that they had been locked out,
were killed. It was later deter-
to build a tunnel connecting that all173 died within ninety
with the station, which he Two days after the disaster the
to rename after his store. of Home Security released a state-
Circus The underground network's there had been an accident at
busiest station, with the equivalent tube shelter', revealed only two
later as Bethnal Green station.

with millions of tiny tiles that

up a mosaic designed by Eduardo
Part of what is now the largest
Before 1933 Holborn served only interchange In suburban London.
Piccadilly Line, the nearest Central Line The station was originally built for
being British Museum. But when Great Eastern Railway.
lines were upgraded Holborn began rt:ons1~on1e The then unfinished tunnel
Central Line trains and British Leytonstone and Newbury Park
closed. used as an aircraft components factory
Lane Britain's central telephone the Second World War when work
was moved into a tunnel below new line stopped.
station during the Second World War Designed in the style of the
safety purposes. Museum in The Hague.

The shuttle section east of Epping

the most remote part of the
pub, it was eventually called Red- ~ ... rart\llrltl network, closed in 1994 after

after the nearby red bridge over the of underuse, with passenger numbers
Reding, the name now being used for the stations, Blake Hall, barely
surrounding area and borough.
Hill The station's design, with its
central hall between platforms and
s use of space, is reminiscent of

Park The station's huge curved The area to the north-east of Oxford Circus
shelter won the Festival of Britain was known until the mid twentieth century
as Marylebone at its western end, Blooms-
It was built in a grand style at bury at its eastern end and North Soho, near
end of the nineteenth century to Oxford Street, but later became Fitzrovia,
dignitaries visiting the nearby a neologism coined in the 1930s by an
children's home. unknown party, possibly the painter
Home of an ancient fair that was Augustus John, in homage to the Fitzroy
every July under the branches of a Tavern, the nerve centre of the louche local
oak tree until it blew down in 1820. bohemian scene.
The name comes from Henehout, Once the manor ofTottenhall, which
stretched north to Highgate, it belonged to
the canons ofSt Paul's at the time of the
Domesday Book (1086), the manor house,
the TV programme of the same name. tottenf)om <toun, being situated to the
The arrival of the tube helped north of where Warren Street station now
Chigwell's modern-day prosperity, stands. The estate was seized by Parliament
nowadays the station is, ironically, in 1640 and later came into the possession of
Henry Fitzroy, an illegitimate son of Charles
II, who became Earl ofEuston, and the
names of Euston and Fitzroy have since
been used for local streets and buildings.
During the eighteenth century the area
Trains used to run non-stop
became fashionable, but when the wealthy
here to Liverpool Street.
began moving west the following century
Woodford Originally George Lane
the houses were turned into workshops,
Great Eastern Railway.
mostly making furniture, or divided into
The ford is over the River
cheap flats. These were often taken by
artists, particularly on and around Charlotte
Hill The station nearest to
Street, where John Constable lived in the
182os and 1830s, and Italian and German
Built in the early 1940s with
immigrants. The latter included a number
sound-proofing inspired by the
of political agitators, who took over the
New York World's Fair.
cafes, restaurants and clubs of Tottenham
Originally Chigwell Lane. _
Street, Goodge Place and Charlotte Street.
Bois One of three ancient
The mid twentieth century was Fitzrovia's
Epping parishes, the others being
heyday, when pubs such as the Fitzroy
Gernon and Theydon Mount.

Tavern on Charlotte Street and the Thursday Club from John Buchan's The
Wheatsheaf on Rathbone Place played host Three Hostages. Its members included Rex
to the artists Roger Fry, Duncan Grant, Rex Warner, John Berger, Christopher Isher-
Whistler and Augustus John and writers wood and T. S. Eliot. The restaurant was
such as Dylan Thomas and Julian Maclaren- featured in the 1997 film Sliding Doors.
Ross, whose unfinished Memoirs of the Anti-Apartheid offices (1960s), No. 89
Forties is the definitive work on the area. Charlie Richardson, the south London
After the Second World War the local gangland leader, burgled Anti-Apartheid's
bohemian scene slowly died out and the Charlotte Street offices on 3 March 1966 at
area became little more than a shabby land the request of the South African security
of small offices and workshop~ for the rag service, BOSS, which had agreed to protect
trade until the arrival of media organiza- Richardson's mining interests in South
tions such as Independent Television News Africa in exchange for political help in
at 48 Wells Street and Channel4 at 6o Char- London. The job was not one of Rich-
lotte Street in the late 1970s, which led to the ardson's most taxing. He went to the offices
area's rebirth as a favoured media stamping late in the afternoon, hid in the toilet, and
ground, with advertising agencies, recording when the staff left, removed the member-
studios and magazine offices filling the ship lists which he then air-mailed to his
pleasant Victorian streets. contact in Johannesburg.
.,. The Richardsons in South London, p. 378.
Charlotte Street
«:01IUIUUitit &cwfduglnen' i taafJ (1902-
Named in 1787 after Charlotte of Mecklen-
18), No. 107
burg-Strelitz, wife of George III, it was
The 1903 congress of the devoutly commu-
colonized by artists who in turn attracted
nist Russian Social-Democratic Labour
frame-makers, art supplies shops and
Party was transferred to the club following
craftsmen, its bohemian character con-
police harassment in Brussels and was where
tinuing into the twentieth century when
the 23-year-old Leon Trotsky helped Lenin
poets and artists such as Dylan Thomas and
secure a majority for his policies, following
Augustus John congregated at the Fitzroy
which the latter organized his group as the
Tavern at No. 16. (It was said of John that
'majoritarians' (bol'sheviki in Russian), with
during the 1930s he would pat the head of
his defeated opponent, Martov, coining a
every child walking along Charlotte Street in
similar name, 'minoritarians' (men'sheviki),
case it was one of his.) Anthony Powell
for his group. The congress later moved to
described Charlotte Street as retaining 'a
the Brotherhood Church on Southgate
certain unprincipled integrity of character'
Road, near Dalston. When it was over the
in A Buyer's Market, the 1952 instalment of
delegates went on an outing to Karl Marx's
his novel sequence, A Dance to the Music of
grave in Highgate Cemetery, where Lenin
Time. In recent decades the street has
warned them that British and Russian police
become more glamorous with advertising
officers who knew that the delegates were in
agencies, media companies and fashionable
the country could be staking out the
restaurants moving in.
cemetery waiting to photograph them. The
west side: Percy Street to Howland Street
Charlotte Street club was closed by the
Bertorelli's, Nos. 19-21
police in 1918.
A restaurant opened in 1913 by the Italian
east side: Howland Street to Percy Street
Bertorelli brothers, one of whom died in
{f~teeth~ iJtcutfatlie, No. 78
1995 aged 101, it was home in the 1950s to
In the 1870s the restaurant at this address
the Wednesday Club, a literary group
was the headquarters of an anarchist cell
founded by the reviewer Philip Toynbee,
that supported terrorism and assassination
named in honour of Richard Hannay's
and drew up, as Hugh David outlined in

The Fitzrovians, a list of handy phrases Cook, who was later sent to a mental insti-
French members needed to use to ingratiate tution, while the baby went to her friend
themselves with locals, including 'if you Mary Kelly, murdered in 1888 by Jack the
deun't g'hive mi a sixepen' ce, aille breke Ripper, who some believe was the prince
your nose'. One of the restaurant regulars, himself. Prince Eddy was also involved in
Enrico Malatesta, was later involved in the the so-called Cleveland Street scandal (see
planning of the Houndsditch murders of below).
1910 (p. 32). ... The Jack the Ripper murders, p. 276.
Fitzroy Tavern, No. 16 !Jlo. 1e, east side
Fitzrovia's most famous pub was built in A Victorian brothel at 19 Cleveland Street
1897 with typically ornate fin de siecle (since renumbered No. 18 and rebuilt) was
touches and became the major gathering the setting for one of the major homosexual
place for the area's bohemian set in the mid scandals of the late nineteenth century,
twentieth century when regulars included which came to light when a boy who
the poet Dylan Thomas, the artist Nina worked at the General Post Office in
Hamnett, who would approach men she did St Martin's-le-Grand and had been accused
not know and cajole them into buying her a of stealing explained that he had earned the
drink by rattling a money box in their face, money 'by going to bed with gentlemen' at
the hangman Albert Pierrepoint and the 18 Cleveland Street. Scotland Yard launched
satanist Aleister Crowley, the so-called an investigation and found that boys sup-
'Great Beast', who invented a cocktail for plied by a George Veck, who worked at the
the pub, Kubla Khan No. 2, made of gin, Post Office, were paid 4 shillings for sexual
vermouth and laudanum. By the time the favours by 'a number of men of superior
Second World War broke out the pub's in bearing and apparently good position',
crowd, moaning that the Fitzroy had including the Earl of Euston, Lord Arthur
become too popular, had moved to the Somerset (an equerry to the Prince of
nearby Wheatsheaf (see p. 146). In the 1950s Wales) and Queen Victoria's grandson
the Fitzroy became popular with homo- Prince Eddy. Arrests followed, and a
sexuals at a time when male homosexuality number of clients were convicted of gross
was illegal. After a police raid the landlord indecency and conspiracy, with Veck, who
was taken to court, which heard that 'there tried to leave the property disguised as a
can be very little doubt that this house was vicar, receiving a light sentence and Charles
conducted in a most disorderly and Hammond, who ran the brothel, tipped off
disgusting fashion', but he won the case. in time to flee the country. The 24-year-old
... Coach and Horses, Soho, p. 198. prince left on a tour oflndia just before the
scandal broke.
Cleveland Street
The street, which runs north-south through Eastcastle Street
the centre of Fitzrovia, was named after the If they get us, I'll tell 'em she planned the
Duchess of Cleveland, mistress of Charles II, job.J'll tell 'em she planned the big one,
and was where, according to the historian the Eastcastle Street job - The Ladykillers
Stephen Knight, Prince Eddy, the eldest son (1955)
of the future Edward VII, was secretly London's first major postwar armed robbery
apprenticed to the painter Walter Sickert, took place on Eastcastle Street, a small quiet
masquerading as the latter's brother, road to the north-east of Oxford Circus, on
learning about everyday life so diligently 21 May 1952, when a gang led by West End
that he fathered an illegitimate child with crime boss Billy Hill, posing as a film crew
Annie Cook, a shop girl who worked at making a gangster movie, stole £287,000
~o. 20. The prince then secretly married from a mail van at quarter past four in the
morning. Hill's team had planned the raid furniture. Those who worked here included
with military precision. The van had been the painter Wyndham Lewis, who left after a
followed for months, so that the robbers row in 1914 to set up the Vorticists and in
would be acquainted with all its movements, his ire described Omega as 'Mr Fry's curtain
the nine-strong team was taken to a secret and pin-cushion factory'.
location where they were locked in and George Bernard Shaw's address (1887-
briefed only on the night before the raid, 98) I Virginia Stephen's address (1907-11),
and a few hours before the robbery one of No. 29, west side
the gang broke into the van while the Shaw moved to Fitzroy Square when he was
drivers were on their tea-break and discon- largely unknown, having written several
nected the alarm. Because the booty was the unsuccessful novels, and here wrote his first
largest single sum that had ever been stolen, play, Widowers' Houses (1892), an attack
the prime minister, Winston Churchill, on slum landlords, which received poor
ordered daily updates on the police's reviews, and his second, Mrs Warren's
progress, but Scotland Yard's investigating Profession (1893), which was banned by the
team of more than 1,ooo officers never Lord Chamberlain for containing sugges-
apprehended anyone and none of the tions of incest. Shaw moved out in 1898, and
money was ever recovered. In his memoirs nearly ten years later Virginia Stephen (later
Hill boasted about being the main perpe- Woolf) and her brother, Adrian, moved into
trator and handing Jack Spot, his main rival the same five-storey house, much to the
for the West End underworld crown, consternation of their friends, who thought
£14,000 from the proceeds. the area to be socially beneath the Stephens.
... Virginia Woolf in Bloomsbury, p. 84.
Fitzroy Square
One of London's great showpiece squares, Fitzroy Street
rich in architectural detail and history, Like much of the area, Fitzroy Street was a
although spoiled in recent years by excessive haunt of writers and painters in the nine-
and ugly pedestrianization, Fitzroy Square teenth century and was where George
was created in 1790 by Charles Fitzroy, md Bernard Shaw lived with his mother (at
Duke of Grafton, and designed by Robert No. 37) from 1881 to 1886, writing a novel,
and James Adam. The chapel and houses Cashel Byron's Profession, that sold badly,
on the south side, which many claimed was and contracting smallpox. The artist Walter
the finest of the Adams' four sides, were Sickert lived at Jlo. 8 in the early twentieth
destroyed in the 1940 Blitz but later rebuilt century, hosting tea parties in what many
to resemble the original. The east side, domi- critics have since derided as a very 'English'
nated by a giant order of columns, escaped set-up, and in 1907 hired a studio at Jlo. 19,
destruction. where he, Harold Gilman, Walter Sickert,
Roger Fry's Omega Studios (1913-19), Spencer Gore and others set up the Fitzroy
No. 33, south side Street Group of artists, 'celebrating the
Fry, a member of the Bloomsbury Group, minutiae of everyday domestic life', as Hugh
opened Omega Studios to make 'well- David noted in The Fitzrovians. The studio
designed articles of daily use' in 1913, was open to anyone who wanted to peruse
three years after organizing London's the artists' creations and art collectors were
first exhibition of Manet and Post- quick to take advantage. The protagonists
Impressionist paintings (held at the Grafton later moved a mile north and established
Galleries, Mayfair). Fry had the walls what came to be known as the Camden
padded with seaweed to keep out the noise Town Group.
and paid artists a wage to produce Post-
Impressionist-style pottery, paintings and

Maple Street here in 1912 by the future German dictator.

Telecom Tower In 1914 the artist-novelist Wyndham Lewis
Built as the Post Office Tower from 1963 to took rooms at No.4 while working on his
1966 - then the tallest building in London - avant-garde publication, BLAST, in which
on the site of the former Museum Tele- he railed against various targets including
phone Exchange and the BBC's 1930s 'BOURGEOIS VICTORIAN VISTAS'
national distribution centre, as part of a civil and the 'purgatory' of Putney.
defence programme linking a network of No.1
similar buildings deflecting high-frequency The Restaurant de Ia Tour Eiffel at 1 Percy
microwave beams across the country, the Street was a major literary meeting place
next one in the chain being in Stanmore, during the middle of the twentieth century,
12 miles north-west. It was also one of a its first regulars being members of the Poets'
number of London tower blocks (others Club, led by Ezra Pound. In 1914 the icono-
include Centre Point) that in times of mili- clastic group the Vorticists, an avant-garde
tary tension could house civil servants who art and literature movement led by
could quickly descend into the bunker Wyndham Lewis, used the rooms to discuss
underneath to run London under emer- the contents of BLAST, their short-lived
gency regulations. (Below the tower the publication, which was printed on yellow
Victoria tube line links important central paper with grotesque pink covers. Between
London buildings.) Despite the building's the wars the Eiffel Tower was run by an
importance the Post Office allowed the Austrian, Rudolf Stulik, who had reputedly
public access to the observation tower and been chef to Emperor Franz Joseph. It is
around a million people took advantage now the No. 1 Restaurant.
until an IRA bomb exploded in a toilet in
Rathbone Place
1971. The tower is still used for broadcasting
The first local street to be developed, and
purposes, its slender circular frame and
named after a Captain Thomas Rathbone, it
massed aerials one of the most potent
was home in the early nineteenth century to
symbols of postwar London.
the Revd Henry Matthews, who lived at
.,. Secret history of the Victoria Line, p. 247;
!no. 27, where he entertained, among others,
Centre Point, p. 100.
the painter-poet William Blake, who used to
Percy Street sing his poems at parties. Some sixty years
A small street connecting Tottenham Court later Karl Marx practised fencing at
Road and Charlotte Street whose restaurants Sttri~eleml)'515ttlon, which was also on
were heavily patronized by members of Rathbone Place.
Fitzrovia's literary set in the mid twentieth east side: Percy Street to Oxford Street
century. The Wheatsheaf, No. 25
south side: Tottenham Court Road to One of a number of pubs popular with the
Rathbone Place local mid-twentieth-century Fitzrovian
No.18 crowd, its best-known character was the
George Orwell used the upstairs room at dilettantish writer Juliari Maclaren-Ross,
No. 18, one-time home of his second wife, who carried a silver-knobbed cane, was
Sonia Brownell, as the model for the room court-martialled in 1943, and was memor-
in which Julia and Winston conduct their ably cast as the incorrigible X. Trapnell in
ill-fated affair in 1984. Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of
No.4 Time. After spending the early hours of the
Alois Hitler, half-brother of Adolf Hitler, afternoon in the Wheatsheaf, Maclaren-Ross
lived at 4 Percy Street in the years leading would take a late lunch at the Scala
up to the First World War and was visited restaurant in Charlotte Street, usually roast

beef with as much fat as possible and lash- east side: Charlotte Place to Percy Street
ings of horseradish sauce, stroll down to the Marquess of Granby, Rathbone Street at
Chacing Cross Road bookshops, and then Percy Street
return to the Wheatsheaf till closing time, The poet Dylan Thomas enjoyed visiting the
after which it was back to the Scala for Marquess of Granby so that he could pick
supper and coffee. Unsurprisingly, in view fights with guardsmen, who themselves had
of this hectic schedule, Maclaren-Ross never dropped by to pick on homosexuals. As the
finished writing his long-awaited memoirs. pub was in a different licensing area from
Black Horse, No. 6 most of its neighbours it stayed open half an
According to Julian Maclaren-Ross (see the hour later and attracted a large crowd once
Wheatsheaf, above) the Black Horse was the Fitzroy Tavern and Wheatsheaf had
where 'old dears in dusty black toasted closed.
departed husbands with port and lemon
from black leather settees'. The folk singer
Scala Street
The street took its name from the now
Ewan MacColl ran his Ballads and Blues
demolished Scala Xl)eatn on Charlotte
Club here in the early 1950s before moving it
to the Princess Louise in High Holborn
Pollock's Toy Museum, No. 1
(p. 97).
A lavishly stocked small museum, with
Rathbone Street puppets, theatrical material, Victorian dolls'
Rathbone Street is Fitzrovia's main street for houses and toys from around the world, it
pubs, where mid-twentieth-century regulars is named after Benjamin Pollock, a late-
included the writers Dylan Thomas, George nineteenth-century toy maker, was founded
Orwell and later Anthony Burgess. The news- in Hoxton in 1851, and became a favourite of
agent on the corner of Rathbone Street and the Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson,
Percy Street was used in the 1959 Michael who once remarked: 'If you love art, folly
Powell thriller Peeping Tom as the establish- or the bright eyes of children, speed to
ment where respectable gentlemen buy Pollock's.' It closed after being bombed in
'glamour shots' of partly clothed women the Second World War and moved first to
and where, in the flat above, the film's Seven Dials and then in 1969 to Fitzrovia.
protagonist takes photographs of models in
between committing murders.
Totten ham Court Road
A well-trodden medieval route from St Giles
west side: Percy Street to Charlotte Place
to the edge of the Hampstead hills, it was
Duke ofYork, No. 47
developed from 1760, when houses replaced
During the middle years of the twentieth
the ash tip on the west side which people
century the Duke ofYork was famed for its
used to make rudimentary bricks, and soon
eccentric landlord, Alf Klein, who liked to
began to attract furniture makers, there
cut off customers' ties and collected some
being more than 100 cabinet makers by 1850.
1,500 as trophies.
Karl Marx, walking along Tottenham Court
The Newman Arms, No. 23
Road one day in the 185os, attempted to
Delightfully positioned over an alleyway, the
solve a row between two people after
Newman Arms, renowned for its pies, was a
hearing a woman crying out: 'Murder!
favourite of George Orwell who, being a
Murder!'. He waded through the crowd to
beer snob, approved of its lack of a spirits
find a drunken woman arguing noisily with
licence and based scenes in the novels Keep
her husband, but the sound of his German
the Aspidistra Flying and 1984 on the pub.
accent caused the protagonists to turn on
him as an interfering foreigner. Marx and a
German companion later took a pub crawl
along the road, visiting the Rising Sun at

No. 46, the Roebuck (No. 108), and the Place, Heal's moved to Tottenham Court
Northumberland Arms (No. 119), after Road in 1840 and through the work of
which they ran down the street throwing Ambrose Heal, one ofJohn's sons, played a
stones and smashing a street lamp with leading role in the development of the Arts
several policemen giving chase. There are and Crafts movement in England. The
still furniture stores at the northern end of rebuilt store, the work of Smith and Brewer
the road, while the southern end contains in 1916, alarmed the leading modernist archi-
London's most intense concentration of tect Le Corbusier, who said: 'The existing
hi-fi and computer shops. plan of the dwelling ... is conceived as a
west side: Oxford Street to Euston Road furniture store. This scheme of things,
Uif:O dP (1960s), No. 31 favourable enough to the trade of
The 1960s psychedelic club Ul}O (Unlimited Tottenham Court Road, is of ill omen to
Freak Out), London's first all-nighter, which society.' The store donated its archive to the
opened its doors in December 1966 and was Victoria and Albert Museum in 1978 and
run by the International Times's John five years later was sold to Terence Conran's
Hopkins and record producer Joe Boyd, Habitat/Mothercare group .
featured underground films, poetry read- ... Liberty's store, p. 192.
ings, plotless impromptu plays and the Dominion, Tottenham Court Road at New
newly formed Pink Floyd, who played a set Oxford Street
that consisted of seemingly interminable Now a venue for musicals, it was built as a
one-chord numbers. Ul}O closed in the concert hall in 1929 on the site of the Luna
summer of 1967 when John Hopkins was Park fairground, where a woman wrapped
convicted of possessing cannabis and jailed in cotton wool known as the Human Seal
for nine months, but by then tourists had would set herself alight and dive into a
begun to edge out the regulars. The block water tank. It was converted into a cinema
was demolished in the seventies. in 1932, being where in February 1957 Bill
~~>Pink Floyd's first concerts, Notting Hill, Haley and the Comets became the first
p. 461. American rock 'n' roll act to play Britain. Street station
In 1939 at the outset of the Second World a planned new express tube system due MARYLEBONE, WI
to be run from Goodge Street station was
abandoned (a notice warning of a deep shaft The least hectic of the four West End
can still be seen at one end of the plat- districts, Marylebone, owned in the twelfth
forms). Three years later the space was allo- century by the Knights Templar, a brother-
cated to the United States army for their hood of warrior monks established to
signals centre, being where General Eisen- protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land,
hower, the US's wartime commander-in- was named after the church of St Mary-by-
chief, planned the D-Day landings in 1944. the-Tyburn or St Mary-a-le-Bourne, built
In 1951 the station was used as a hostel for c. 1400, by what is now the northern end of
visitors to the Festival of Britain, and five Marylebone High Street. The land eventu-
years later as a transit camp for troops on ally came into the possession of Thomas
their way to Suez. Since 1956 the British Hobson, one of Henry VII's exchequer
Library has used the abandoned works for officials, and was used as a hunting ground
storage space. by Henry VIII. It was developed from 1719
east side: Euston Road to New Oxford Street by the architect James Gibbs (best known
Heal's, Nos. 191-199 for the church ofSt Martin-in-the-Fields by
An innovative furniture store founded by Trafalgar Square) with a rigidity unusual for
John Harris Heal in 1810 at 33 Rathbone London but occasionally relieved by squares

and mews. What has always been one of the east side: Marylebone Road to Orchard
wealthiest enclaves of inner London became Street.
fashionable at the end of the twentieth Apple boutique (1967-8), No. 94
century when a number of chic boutiques The Beades opened a boutique here in
and cafes opened on Marylebone High December I967 with an announcement
Street, which runs through the centre of the from Paul McCartney that it would be run
area. according to 'Western communism prin-
• Marylebone is the quarter of WI to the ciples'. The store was a financial disaster and
north-west of Oxford Circus. Entries for closed on 30 July I968 with all £15,ooo-
the Marylebone area around Marylebone worth of stock given away to members of
station, in NWI, can be found on pp. 347-9. the public.
(i) Baker Street and west The Special Operations Executive inter-
viewed potential codebreakers in a room
Baker Street Also seep. 347 above what was then Marks and Spencer's
The street, f~ous as the home of the head office in I940, inviting those who had
fictional detective Sherlock Holmes (at sent in correct answers to the Daily Tele-
No. 22IB), was built by William Baker, who graph crossword. Among the first to be
leased land from the Portman Estate in I755, hired was Leo Marks, a member of the
and originally ran from Portman Square to family that ran the bookshop at 84 Charing
York Street, north of which it was known as Cross Road (p. 100), later made famous by
Upper Baker Street. Many Baker Street Helen Hanff s story of the same name, who
properties were requisitioned during the on his first day was given a coded message
Second World War by the Special Oper- to decipher but failed to solve it within the
ations Executive, the government depart- allotted half an hour. An unimpressed
ment responsible for sending undercover presiding officer revealed dismissively that
agents into enemy territory to engage in most of his secretaries would have com-
subversion and sabotage. The blocks pleted the task in that time; Marks took the
reverted to offices for a number of major rest of the day to solve the problem, and
companies, including Marks and Spencer, in distraught handed in his work. The officer
later decades. thanked Marks and asked him to hand back
west side: Orchard Street to Marylebone the codebreaker he had used to decipher the
Road message. When Marks explained that he had
No.n not been given a codebreaker and had
The Special Operations Executive used cracked the code with nothing more than
No. 77 during the Second World War as a the original cryptogram, the officer was so
homing station for its pigeons, which were astonished he hired Marks straight away and
trained to take coded messages from the immediately made him head of department.
American forces bases in Bedfordshire to Marks's work was later instrumental in
strategic military and political locations in penetrating the Germans' coded messages.
London. .,. 84 Charing Cross Road, p. Ioo.
Norgeby House, No. 83 Special Operations Executive headquarters
The Special Operations Executive used (1940-46), No. 64
Norgeby House as an overspill for officers Britain's wartime clandestine operations
working for F (French section), which outfit, the Special Operations Executive
was based at Orchard Court, Portman (SOE), was set up in I940 to 'organise move-
Square. ments in enemy-occupied territory compar-
able to the Sinn Fein movement in Ireland
... using industrial and military sabotage,

terrorist acts and propaganda'. It was not Tom Spencer in 1894. It grew steadily during
immediately popular with war chiefs, for as the early twentieth century, opening several
espionage historian Roy Berkeley explained stores in the north of England and London.
in A Spy's London, when the Chief of Air In 1924 the then owner, Simon Marks, went
Staff was told about the newly formed group to America to gain ideas on making and
he commented that 'the dropping of men selling clothes using man-made fibres and
dressed in civilian clothes for the purpose of on retailing in general, and when he
attempting to kill members of the opposing returned Marks installed a 5s price ceiling
forces is not an operation with which the on clothes and began refurbishing his stores
Royal Air Force should be associated'. using the latest American ideas. These devel-
At the main headquarters in No. 64 the opments helped the company dominate the
SOE's head, Major-General Sir Colin British market after the Second World War,
Gubbins, who had been Britain's first com- often being the first store to introduce innov-
mando, also organized Britain's Auxiliary ative ideas such as self-service. Marks and
Units, teams based along the British coast Spencer remained Britain's mo~t prestigious
primed to counter an expected German retailing chain until the end of the century,
invasion, something that came close to when a series of unsuccessful decisions
fruition in August 1940 when eighty para- particularly over clothing saw an alarming
chutes decorated with giant German eagles dip in its reputation.
and loaded with maps, wirelesses and
Bryanston Mews West
instructions were found in the Midlands.
Mandy Rice-Davies's address (1960s), No. 1
On 7 September there was another scare,
Mandy Rice-Davies, the 1960 Earls Court
when reconnaissance flights noticed an
Motor Show's Miss Austin, best known for
increase in enemy activity in the Channel,
her later role in the Profumo Scandal,
and at 8.07 p.m. that night the War Room
moved into this smart flat, owned by the
in Whitehall flashed a message to all its
west London slum landlord Peter Rachman,
posts across Britain. Church bells rang in
at the beginning of the decade, living on the
seaside towns to herald the expected
£8o a week spending money that Rachman
invasion and a couple of bridges were
gave her along with expensive gifts such as
destroyed by enthusiastic members of the
a mink coat and a 3.2litre Jaguar. She
units, some of whom immediately went
moved out in October 1962 to live with the
underground for five days. But again no
society osteopath Stephen Ward at nearby
invasion took place.
17 Wimpole Mews, the address that became
SOE's highpoint came after the 1944
central to the unfolding scandal.
D-Day Normandy landings when, thanks to
., The Profumo Scandal, p. 157; Peter
the work carried out by the thousands of
Rachman's property empire, p. 435·
SOE agents stationed in occupied France,
Belgium and Holland, the Nazis found it Cato Street
difficult to maintain their occupying forces Cato Street Conspiracy headquarters,
and were obliged to surrender. In January No.1a
1946 following the end of the war Labour A group of anarchists led by Arthur
prime minister Clement Attlee closed down Thistlewood met in 1820 at this mews
the entire SOE operation. cottage, just off the Edgware Road, to plan
., SOE French section, p. 206. the assassination of the entire British
Marks & Spencer, Nos. 47-67 Cabinet, including the prime minister, the
The renowned retailing group, which has its Duke of Wellington, while- they dined at
headquarters here, was founded in a Leeds 44 Grosvenor Square, Mayfair. The plot was
market in 1884 by Polish refugee Michael foiled when the police raided the cottage
Marks, who went into partnership with and found some twenty men armed with

guns, swords and other weapons standing builder he created a square, Montagu
next to the two sacks in which they intended Square, in her honour a few hundred yards
to carry off the heads of senior ministers. to the north-west. !IRontogu f)ouse was
When one constable, PC George Ruthven, destroyed in the Blitz and parts of the gate
shouted: 'We are officers! Seize their arms!', are now in the grounds of Kenwood House,
Thistlewood picked up his sword and thrust Highgate. When in the 186os Lord Lyttleton,
it into the body of another officer, Richard brother-in-law of the liberal politician
Smithers, who cried out: 'Oh my God, I am William Gladstone, announced that he was
done!' and fell to the ground, dead. Thistle- leaving Portman Square for Grosvenor
wood escaped, but was recaptured the Place, Belgravia, his entire staff gave notice
following night near Moorgate, and after to quit. Portman Square was commer-
being imprisoned in the Tower, was hanged cialized towards the end of the nineteenth
outside Newgate Prison on, ironically, century.
1 May. For being a traitor as well as a
murderer Thistlewood was decapitated as (ii) Marylebone village
well as hanged.
.,. 44 Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, p. 163; Manchester Square
Newgate Prison, p. 10. Hertford House (The Wallace Collection),
north side
Portman Square
The Wallace Collection of porcelain, furni-
The centrepiece of Henry William
ture and paintings is based in Hertford
Portman's estate, Portman Square was
House, built in 1m for the 4th Duke of
begun in the 1760s and became the. most
Manchester, and was begun in the mid eight-
fashionable square in London outside
eenth century by the 1st Marquess of Hert-
Mayfair in the early nineteenth century. Its
ford, Francis Seymour-Conway, who bought
social nuances captivated the novelists
six Canalettos on his Grand Tour. The
William Thackeray, who set many scenes
collection was enlarged by the 3rd Marquess,
from his novels locally, and Anthony Trol-
Francis Charles Seymour-Conway, Envoy
lope, who featured the square in Phineas
Extraordinary to the Court of Russia, on
Finn and The Small House at Allington. The
whom Thackeray based the Marquis de
two main Portman Square properties were
Steyne in Vanity Fair. It was considerably
f)ome f)ouse, designed by Robert Adam in
improved by the 4th Marquess, who lived as
1772 to 1776 for Lady Home, heir to a for-
a recluse in Paris but was a tireless accumu-
tune made in Jamaica and known for her
lator of Old Masters and beat Baron de
foul language, and !Dhmtogu f)ouse,
Rothschild into buying Frans Hals's The
designed by James 'Athenian' Stuart for
Laughing Cavalier in 1865, bidding six times
Elizabeth Montagu, whom the novelist
the asking price. The 4th Marquess left the
Fanny Burney described as 'brilliant in
collection to his illegitimate son, Richard
diamonds, solid in judgment'. Elizabeth
Wallace, whom he never publicly acknowl-
Montagu ran a literary salon that became
edged, and Wallace's widow bequeathed it
known as the Blue Stocking Society after she
to the public, the gallery being opened by
told one of the guests, Benjamin Still-
Edward, Prince of Wales, on 22 June 1900.
ingfleet, who complained of having no
The 775-strong painting collection also
formal wear, to come in his 'bluestockings'
includes works by Rembrandt, Rubens, Van
- ordinary clothes.
Dyck, Velazquez and Poussin, whose A Dance
Montagu held a dinner for London's
to the Music of Time gave Anthony Powell the
chimneysweeps every May Day, serving
title ofhis twelve-part series of novels.
roast beef and pudding on the lawn, and
.,. Sir John Soane Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields,
when one sweep, David Porter, became a

EMI (t96o-9s), No. 20, west side pregnant with what would be the virgin
Electrical and Mechanical Industries (EMI), birth of either 'Shiloh', as prophesied by
Britain's most successful record company, Jacob in Genesis 49:10 ('The sceptre shall
had its origins in the National Gramophone not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from
Company of New York, whose director, between his feet, until Shiloh come'), or the
William Barry Owen, arrived in Britain in man-child of Revelations 12: 5 ('who is to
1897 and two years later bought Francis rule all the nations with a rod of iron').
Barraud's painting His Master's Voice as a After nearly twenty doctors asserted that
logo for his new company. EMI's early Southcott was pregnant gifts were sent and a
recordings included speeches by the poli- cradle was decorated with a gold crown and
ticians Winston Churchill and David lloyd the name Shiloh embroidered in Hebrew
George, and in 1955 it bought America's letters at the head. Supporters thought it
Capitol Records, an astute move that netted best that Southcott acquire a husband
millions of dollars in sales courtesy of Nat prior to the birth, so that the child would
King Cole, Dean Martin and Peggy Lee. not be declared illegitimate, and so on
Three years later EMI signed Cliff Richard, 12 November 1814 she married John Smith, a
who went on to make more hit singles than steward to the Earl of Darnley. The news-
any other British act, and in 1962 it made itspapers of the day were not enthusiastic,
most successful ever signing, the Beatles. many alleging that the birth would be of the
Success continued with Pink Floyd, signed 'baby-smuggled-in-warming-pan' variety,
in 1967, Berry Gordy's Tamla group of and by November, when the signs of preg-
labels, distributed in Britain by EMI under nancy had disappeared, Southcott herself
the logo Tamla Motown, and Queen. But declared it to have been an 'illusion'. The
when in 1976 a new signing, the Sex Pistols, pregnancy over, she grew increasingly weak
enlivened a TV programme with a cascade and when she died on 27 December 1814 her
of Rabelaisian invective workers at the followers placed hot-water bottles around
company's Hayes plant refused to handle her body to keep it warm in expectation of
the group's 'Anarchy in the UK' single and either a resurrection or the appearance of
EMI terminated the Pistols' contract, losing Shiloh. When neither happened after four
much credibility. EMI continued to main- days her remains were taken to StJohn's
tain its commercial status in the 1980s and Wood Cemetery where she was buried, with
after acquiring other labels, such as United supporters hopeful of her resurrection
Artists and Virgin, moved to Hammersmith vowing to refrain from shaving off their
in 1995· beards until the great day.
..,. Abbey Road studios, p. 367. Southcott left a box which she insisted
should only be opened in the presence of
Manchester Street
twenty-four bishops, but it proved difficult
Joanna Southcott, a Devonian upholsterer
to find the required number willing to take
who led a breakaway movement from the
part in the ceremony, and it was not until
Methodists in 1m, moved to !Jlo. 38
the 1920s, when a group of supporters
Manchester Street in 1801, announcing
paraded through the streets of London
herself as a millennia! prophet - the 'woman
bearing sandwich-boards proclaiming 'The
clothed with the sun' of Revelations 12 and
Bishops must open Joanna's Box to save
the 'bride of the lamb' of Revelations 19.
England from ruin', that the box was
Her followers believed her to be a visionary
opened in the presence of one bishop at
and claimed she had accurately predicted
Church House, Westminster. It was found
the war with France and the failed harvests
to contain some coins, a pistol, a nightcap,
of1794, 1795 and 1797. In 1814, at the age of
a lottery ticket and a cheap novel.
sixty-four, Southcott announced she was
..,. Richard Brothers, millennia! prophet, see

below; controversial birth ofJames II's son, tary, adopting some of the popular Prot-
StJames's Palace, p. 209. estant teachings of the day (Rome as the
great whore of Revelations 17, the Pope as
Marylebone High Street
the scarlet-coloured beast, the cardinals as
The main road through the centre of
the ten horns, and so on), fixing the day of
Marylebone was the location of the local
the Millennium as 19 November 1795. The
manor house and the parish church of
Times nicknamed him 'The Great Prophet
St Mary which stood by the Tybourne
of Paddington Street', his book became a
stream; the church was known as St Mary-
bestseller, and he was visited by large
by-the-Tybourne and gave its name to the
numbers of people. But in 1'.1arch 1795 the
area, since corrupted into Marylebone. The
authorities, worried about the scope of
High Street is now lined with appealing
Brothers's influence, arrested him, and
shops, including a number of designer
after an interview with the Privy Council
clothes outlets, smart restaurants and the
Brothers was declared insane and sent to an
renowned travel bookshop Daunt at
asylum in Islington where he stayed for
eleven years. Brothers's incarceration only
St Marylebone, west side .
served to reinforce the views of his sup- ·
Originally St Mary-by-the-Tybourne, or
porters, who saw his plight as proof of his
St Mary-a-le-Bourne, the church that gave
status as a true prophet persecuted by his
its name to the area was built dose to the
own people, and his influence continued
present site, by the Tybourne stream, in
into the new century, with much publicity
1400 and was where the 45-year-old Francis
given to his unsuccessful plan to return the
Bacon, Lord Chancellor and philosopher,
Jews to the Holy Land.
married the fourteen-year-old daughter of
.,. Joanna Southcott, millennial prophet,
an alderman in 1606, 'dad from head to toe
in purple', according to contemporary
reports. The church was pulled down in
1740, rebuilt in 1774, and <;!emoted to a (iii) around Harley Street
parish chapel when Thomas Hardwick built
Many of Britain's most prestigious and most
the current church, a short distance to the
expensive private medical consultancies
south, in 1817. The poets Elizabeth Barrett
have their offices on and around Harley
and Robert Browning were married in the
new church on 12 September 1846 in secret,
as her father disapproved of their relation- Cavendish Square
ship, and after the wedding the couple Edward Harley, 2nd Earl of Oxford, laid out
temporarily parted, Barrett returning home what was originally Oxford Square, renamed
as if nothing had happened. A week later Cavendish Square after his wife, Lady Henri-
they eloped to Italy with her maid and dog, etta Cavendish Holies, in 1717, and its excel-
Flush. The older church was destroyed by lent location soon came to the attention of
Second World War bomb damage and the Duke of Chandos, who owned much
demolished in 1949, the site now being land between here and <timons, his mansion
marked by a garden. in Edgware, which Daniel Defoe described
as 'the finest in England'. The duke
Paddington Street
announced that he would build himself a
While living at !Jlo. 37 from 1792 to 1795 the
mansion to take up the north side of the
preacher Richard Brothers proclaimed
square, and line the 12-mile route to it with
himself to be the Prince of the Hebrews and
luxurious properties that would form a
published A Revealed Knowledge of the Proph-
grand processional way, but his plans were
ecies and Times, a mixture of extracts from
spoiled by the South Sea Bubble financial
the Bible interspersed with his ~wn commen-

crash of 1720, in which he lost a fortune, Harley Street

and he settled for just two mansions at the Suspecting myself of a cardiac disease, I
northern comers ofthe·square. Cavendish went one morning to Harley Street -An
Square was also meant to include a market, Error of judgement, Pamela Hansford
but the scheme was obstructed by Lord Johnson (1965)
Craven, owner of Camaby Market, south of The London street most associated with
Oxford Street. The square's gardens, which private medical consultants was built in 1729
used to contain a statue of the Duke of and named after Edward Harley, 2nd Earl of
Cumberland ('Butcher Cumberland', victor Oxford, becoming connected with medicine
of Culloden), y;("-: uprooted during the in 1828 when John St John Long opened a
building of the Victoria Line in the 1960s practice for wealthy women clients at
and replanted when the work was No. 84. The street's first private consultants,
completed. whom Joseph Lister struggled to convince of
... Bloomsbury Square, p. 88. the need for sterilizing their instruments,
west side would use their ground-floor dining rooms
~amottri ~-k ,.orifab ~··it
A grand property designed by Thomas
and libraries as waiting and consulting
rooms and live in the quarters above. There
Archer, architect of the former church of are now estimated to be more than 1,400
StJohn in Westminster's Smith Square, for doctors and dentists in the Harley Street
Lord Bingley, Chancellor of the Exchequer, area and eight private hospitals, the most
it became Portland House when the Duke famous of which is the London Clinic,
of Portland moved here in 1825. The house which has treated King Hussein of Jordan,
was later at the centre of one of the strangest the tycoon Paul Getty, Elizabeth Taylor and
legal tussles London has ever witnessed Charlie Chaplin.
when a Mrs Druce, the daughter-in-law of a west side: Cavendish Square to Marylebone
local shopkeeper, the late Thomas Druce, Road
petitioned the home secretary for NO.l9
permission to open Druce's coffin on the Morell Mackenzie, the late-nineteenth-
grounds that the duke and Druce had been century throat specialist who was the first
one and the same. The duke had created the doctor to suggest a link between smoking
shopkeeper persona as an elaborate hoax, and lung cancer, had his consulting rooms
she claimed, the coffin would be empty, and at 19 Harley Street where he treated Fred-
she would be entitled to a share of the erick, Emperor of Germany, Queen
millions that the childless Duke of Portland Victoria's son-in-law, but was unable to
had left in his will. A legal battle ofJarn- save him from dying from cancer of the
dycean proportions ensued, but Mrs Druce larynx. Mackenzie earned the royal family's
remained unsuccessful in her attempts to displeasure for writing a book about the
prove that her father-in-law's coffin was affair and suggesting that Frederick might
empty, the coffin remained unopened, and have contracted syphilis.
after seven years Mrs Druce was consigned east side: Marylebone Road to Cavendish
to a mental hospital, the case unsolved. Square
Meanwhile, the Druce family formed a No.9o
public company to continue the case and Florence Nightingale became Superinten-
speculators, sensing a killing, took up their dent of the Establishment for Gentlewomen
cause. At last, in 1907, the coffin was During Illness at what was then 1 Upper
opened. Inside, to no one's surprise, was the Harley Street in 1863, her improvements to
body of Druce and the case collapsed. The nursing including piping hot water to every
house was demolished in 1904 and replaced floor and arranging for the installation of a
by a block of flats. lift to bring patients their meals. A year later

Nightingale left to serve in the Crimean challenged him to a duel but O'Connor,
War, where her nursing work reduced the who had previously killed a challenger and
death rate among soldiers from 42 to 2 per had promised not to duel again, ignored
cent. him. Disraeli was eventually arrested and
No.84 bound over to keep the peace.
John St John Long, the first well-known Langham Hotel, Langham Place at Portland
Harley Street physician, nicknamed 'the Place, west side
King of the Quacks', began practising at Built on the site of the demolished mansions
No. 84 in 1828, attracting wealthy women, of ijolel) ~ouse and !!angl)am f)ouse, the
whom he would ask to inhale from a long . Langham Hotel, designed in the style of a
length of pink tubing filled with a potent gas Florentine palace, with room for 6oo guests,
and whose resistance to undergoing massage opened in 1865 with a celebratory dinner
would then usually decrease. Long's star attended by over 2,ooo people. It was soon
waned after the death of two of his patients attracting custom from Napoleon III and
and he was convicted of manslaughter, for the writers Mark Twain and Ouida (Marie
which he was fined £250. He died of tubercu- Louise de la Ramee), who kept a suite with
losis at the age of thirty-six. black velvet curtains fully closed to keep out
No.64 the sunlight and hosted a number of literary
At the end of the 1950s the aspiring actors evenings at which the visitors included the
Terence Stamp and Michael Caine shared a poet Robert Browning. At a dinner held in
flat in the house where the painter J. M. W. the hotel in August 1889 and organized by
Turner had lived in the early nineteenth the American magazine publishers Lippin-
century. One day Caine, who had married cott, Oscar Wilde was commissioned to
young and divorced soon after, was visited write The Picture of Dorian Gray and Arthur
by bailiffs acting for his former wife who Conan Doyle the Sherlock Holmes novella
wanted alimony and he was obliged to The Sign of Four. The hotel was bombed
attend debtors' court, where the magistrate during the Second World War, when its
refused to believe that the actor had no 38,ooo-gallon water tank was destroyed, and
money yet lived in Harley Street. was later taken over by the BBC. It reverted
to its earlier status in 1991.
Langham Place
east side: Portland Place to Mortimer Street
Langham Place, the short stretch of road
BBC Broadcasting House
between Portland Place and Regent Street,
The BBC, which first began broadcasting
takes a sharp curve rather than a straight
from Savoy Hill, off the Strand, in 1922,
line due to the activities of Lord Foley, a
chose this larger site for its rapidly
wealthy eighteenth-century resident, who in
expanding organization in 1928 and hired
1767 won a guarantee from the landowner,
G. Val Myers to create a huge Portland
the Duke of Portland, that no building
stone block with art deco touches. Figures of
would spoil his view of the Highgate and
Prospero and Ariel for the outside of the
Hampstead hills. Daniel O'Connor, the
building were commissioned from Eric Gill,
champion of Catholic emancipation, lived
the sculptor notorious for having sex with
on Langham Place in 1836 while repre-
his sisters, daughters and dog. When he
senting Kilkenny in Parliament, southern
worked outside the building on a scaffold he
Ireland then being controlled by West-
wore a smock but no underclothes, shouting
minster. When he was denounced by
down to those who looked up: 'It's all balls,
the young Benjamin Disraeli, who wanted
you know.' The building opened in 1932, the
to impress Conservative Party leaders, he in
year the corporation began regular tele-
tum criticized Disraeli as an 'abominable,
vision transmissions using John Logie
foul and atrocious miscreant'. Disraeli
Baird's 30-line system, but the BBC soon

decided even Broadcasting House was mostly aristocrats or diplomats, but it later
insufficient for its needs and further nearby became commercialized and now consists
extensions were made, followed by the almost entirely of prestigious offices,
construction of Television Centre in White including at No. 66 those of the Royal
City in the early 1950s, which left Broad- Institute of British Architects.
casting House devoted to radio. In the 1990s .,.. The Gordon Riots, p. 125.
the corporation moved many of its radio Special Operations Executive research
stations to White City in west London, section offices (1940s) I IBC studios
leaving a shadow service in Broadeasting (1960s), No. 35
House. The research section of the government's
.... The BBC at Savoy Hill, p. 135. wartime subversion unit, the Special Oper-
All Souls, Langham Place at All Souls Place ations Executive (SOE), was based in 1940
The church, designed by John Nash as part at 40 Portland Place where officers trained
of his grand 182os development of the area new recruits in a variety of unusual skills:
around Regent Street, was not immediately how to wire up dead rats with explosives,
popular with the public and an early car- how to destroy the same· part of every
toon showed the architect impaled on the machine - and its replacement - so that
spire. Nevertheless All Souls soon became nothing would work, how to kill with one's
fashionable with the London aristocracy bare hands, how to remove a pair of hand-
and was described in an 1864 brochure, cuffs with a piece of thin wire and a pencil,
published to advertise the construction of and how to derail trains, for which agents
the Langham Hotel, opposite, as that 'quaint were sent to practise on a stretch of rail
church with its peculiar steeple'. Bombed in track in the Midlands. After an enemy
the Second World War, it was restored in bomb fell on the property in 1940 the SOE
the 1950s. moved to Aylesbury.
.,.. John Nash's Regent's Park, p. 350. The premises were later taken over by the
IBC recording company. It was here that
Portland Place
the Rolling Stones recorded their first
Portland Place, the main route linking
demonstration discs in 1963, the Yardbirds
Oxford Circus with Regent's Park, was
cut 'For Your Love' in 1964, and the Who
designed in 1778 by Robert Adam, who
their early singles such as 'I Can't Explain'
envisaged a street lined with palaces, but
(December 1964) and 'Anyway Anyhow
was obliged to scale down his plans after
Anywhere' (April1965). The building is now
the decline in house building following the
occupied by architects.
outbreak of the American War of Indepen-
.,.. SOE in Marylebone, p. 149 and p. 150.
dence in 1776. It was later reconstituted by
Chinese Embassy, No. 49
James Adam as a picturesque terrace of
Sun Yat-sen (1867-1925), the Chinese revolu-
exquisitely decorated fas:ades disguising the
tionary leader who at nineteen had taken
separate houses, and an early resident was
part in an unsuccessful rebellion against the
James Holroyd, editor of the memoirs of the
Imperial government of the Manchu
historian Edward Gibbon. When Lord
dynasty, was seized and kidnapped while in
George Gordon brought his anti-Catholic
London in October 1896 and taken to the
petition to the Houses of Parliament in June
Chinese Embassy in Portland Place where
1780, at the outset of what became the
he was held prisoner on the orders of the
Gordon Riots, Holroyd seized his throat and
Emperor. After a week he smuggled out a
threatened to run his sword through him
note that explained his predicament and
should the mob gain access to the building.
ended: 'I am certain to be beheaded. Oh
Until the middle years of the nineteenth
woe is me.' The embassy officially denied all
century Portland Place's residents were
knowledge of the abduction, but eventually

released him. Sun Yat-sen later became go-between, hoping that he could use his
President of China. call-girls as bait so that they could take
compromising photographs or arrange
Wigmore Street
some other means of blackmail.
The major route east-west through the area,
Ward's first opportunity to help Mls
Wigmore Street was named after Baron Wig-
came at a party on 10 July 1961 at Lord
more of Herefordshire, one of the subsidiary
Astor's Cliveden mansion in Buckingham-
titles of Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford, and
shire, where the guests included Ivanov,
is best known for the Wigmore Hall concert
John Profumo and Keeler, who soon began
affairs with both men. When she moved out
Wigmore Hall, No. 36, north side
ofWimpole Mews in 1962 Ward moved
Friedrich Bechstein, who wanted to bring
another teenage girl, Mandy Rice-Davies,
German music to London, built what is now
into her old room, and events might have
London's major venue for chamber concerts
tailed off without further interest but for an
as the Bechstein Hall in 1901, a time when
incident on 14 December 1962 when Johnny
London audiences were unfamiliar with
Edgecombe, a West Indian friend of Keeler,
much of what is today considered to be the
followed her to Ward's mews apartment,
standard concert repertoire. At the opening
where she was visiting Rice-Davies, and
concert on 31 May 1901 the Italian composer
fired a gun at the building.
Busoni performed piano music by Beet-
Journalists picked up on developments
hoven, Schubert, Bach, Schumann and
and agreed to print Keeler's 'life story' in the
Brahms. During the First World War, when
papers. Prior to publication, however, Ward
German assets were confiscated, more than
tipped off Ivanov, who immediately made
100 instruments were auctioned off for just
arrangements to leave London, while
£s6,ooo and the venue was reopened as the
Profumo, concerned that news of his dalli-
Wigmore Hall, with the German repertoire
ances was to be made public, sought help
scaled down. During the twentieth century
from Mls. When Keeler's story hit the news
the hall played host to the tenor Enrico
stands Profumo was adamant that he had
Caruso, the cellist Pablo Casals and the
had no physical connection with her and on
pianist Artur Rubinstein, who made his
Friday 22 March 1963 made what turned out
farewell appearance here in 1976 at the age
to be an unfortunate statement to the House
of eighty-nine.
of Commons, when he announced: 'Miss
Wimpole Mews Keeler and I were on friendly terms. There
Stephen Ward's address (1960s), No. 17 was no impropriety whatsoever in my
The Wimpole Mews address of the society acquaintanceship with Miss Keeler.' But
osteopath Stephen Ward was at the centre three months later, on 4 June 1963, Profumo
of the Profumo affair of the early 196os, the admitted that he had lied to the House -
major political scandal of the time, which that there had been 'impropriety' between
led to the resignation of the war secretary him and Christine Keeler - and resigned
John Profumo. Here Ward not only treated from the Cabinet.
the aching bones of his wealthy clients, but Ward was charged with living off immoral
provided many of them with call-girls, earnings and after being sent for trial at the
including the eighteen-year-old Christine Old Bailey took an overdose while the trial
Keeler, whom he moved into the property was still taking place. The following day he
after meeting her at a Regent Street club. was found guilty in his absence but he died
One of Keeler's clients was the Soviet naval before sentencing. Christine Keeler was
attache Yevgeny Ivanov, whom Mls wanted found guilty of perjury that December.
to enlist as a double agent, and in June 1961 .,. The Soviet Embassy in London during the
the security service approached Ward as a Cold War, p. 439·

Wimpole Street number of songs, including 'I Want to Hold

Dark house, by which once more I Your Hand' (together with John Lennon in
stand, I Here in the long unlovely street, I the basement) and 'Yesterday', which he
Doors, where my heart was used to beat - claimed came to him in a dream. Waking
'In Memoriam', Alfred Lord Tennyson up, he went over to the piano beside the bed
(1850) and played the complete melody. He called
Best known for the clandestine romance the new piece 'Scrambled Eggs', in honour
between Elizabeth Barrett and Robert of the Booker T & the MGs' instrumental
Browning, which took place at !no. 30 in the 'Green Onions', and took it to Beades
184os, Wimpole Street was developed by producer George Martin, expressing
John Prince in 1724 and named after the concern that he might have subconsciously
Cambridgeshire estate of the landlord, lifted the tune from an existing song.
Edward Harley. The street is the setting for McCartney's fears turned out to be
Tennyson's 1850 poem 'In Memoriam', in unfounded and the song is now the most
which he stands in the 'long unlovely street', commercially successful in the history of
following the death of a friend, Arthur recorded music. At the height of Beade-
Hallam, who lived here - a description that mania in the mid-sixties McCartney used to
irked Virginia Woolf who believed Wimpole escape from the house by clambering on to
to be 'the most august of London streets'. the flat roof of the adjacent property,
The author Wilkie Collins, a close associate No. 56, having made an arrangement with
of Charles Dickens, died at No. 82 in 1889. the owner, and making his way out of the
In the George Bernard Shaw play Pygmalion latter's entrance. McCartney moved to
Professor Higgins lives at No. 27a and there StJohn's Wood in 1965.
teaches Eliza Doolittle to talk like a lady. ~ Abbey Road studios, p. 367.
Elizabeth Barrett's address (1838-46),
No. 50
The love affair between Elizabeth Barrett MAYFAIR, Wl
and Robert Browning, one of the best-
known romances in literary history, began London's aristocratic playground for much
in this now rebuilt house in the 184os, in of the last 300 years, Mayfair is named after
the face of considerable opposition from the annual spring festival, renowned for its
Barrett's tyrannical father, after Browning pedlars, jugglers and sideshows, held in
favourably reviewed a collection of her what is now Shepherd Market until the
poems and wrote her a note that read: 'I 1730s. The area expanded after wealthy
love your verses with all my heart, Miss Londoners moved west following the Fire
Barrett.' He soon became more daring, of London .and by the early eighteenth
expressing his love for her, and by 1845 was century London's greatest concentration of
visiting her twice a week. The couple the rich and influential- peers, politicians,
married in secret at St Marylebone church merchants, bankers, playboys and princes -
in September 1846 and she returned to was living on and around Grosvenor
Wimpole Street as if nothing had hap- Square, Brook Street and Duke Street. The
pened, eloping with Browning a week later, intricacies of the relationships between
for which her father never forgave her. members of the upper classes in Mayfair
No. 57 were expertly encapsulated by novelists such
Paul McCartney lodged in the luxurious as William Thackeray in Vanity Fair (1847-
five-bedroom house owned by the parents 8), Michael Arlen in The Green Hat (1924)
of his girlfriend, Jane Asher, towards the and Evelyn Waugh in A Handful of Dust
end of1963, only a year after living in a (1934). But the regular social pattern of
Liverpool council flat, and here wrote a lunch at the Ritz, sandwiches, iced cakes
MAYFAIR, W1 l!_j

and, according to Barbara Cartland, a pink east side: Marble Arch to Hyde Park Corner
fruit punch known as 'Turk's Blood' at NO.l40
Ciunttr' 1 on Berkeley Square, followed by During the Second World War 140 Park
formal dinner in white ti~ and tails or gowns Lane was used as offices by the 'N' (Nether-
at one of the area's many opulent mansions, lands) section of Britain's secret guerrilla
died out after the First World War. section, the Special Operations Executive, a
The financial crises of the 1920s and 1930s branch so incompetent that almost every
led to a decline in service and saw the agent sent into Holland was captured and
moneyed families vacate the grand houses later murdered at Mauthausen concen-
for the suburbs, or America. After the tration camp, according to the espionage
Second World War most of the grand historian Roy Berkeley. When one captured
properties that had survived bombing were agent sent back coded warnings of the
converted into banks, hotels and head- impending doom to 140 Park Lane he was
quarters for prestigious companies, and ignored, which convinced him that HQ's
though Mayfair is still a centre of wealth, lack of interest was part of a grand plan. It
opulence and luxury living, it has none of was only when twenty or so captured agents
the social whirl that once characterized the began communicating at Mauthausen via the
area and its small residential population is camp's central heating system that they real-
now almost entirely drawn from wealthy ized they were the victims of major incom-
overseas visitors attracted by the idea of petence rather than pawns in a clever game.
owning a London base. ~ SOE in Baker Street, p. 149.
• Mayfair is the quarter of w1 to the south- No.139
west of Oxford Circus. The property was the location of the Home
Guard headquarters in the 1943 Powell-
(i) Park Lane Pressburger film The Life and Death of
Colonel Blimp.
Park Lane l'~oi ,Onk, north of Upper Brook Street
The West End's western boundary and one T. H. Wyatt's opulent 1869 house, which
of London's showpiece roads, Park Lane was had a dining room that could hold 100
developed at the edge of Hyde Park in the guests, was acquired by Edwina Ashley when
mid eighteenth century and because of its she married Lord Mountbatten, a cousin of
outstanding position overlooking the park the royal family, in 1922. It was fitted out
soon attracted the grandest private resi- with London's first penthouse, which could
dences in London, the properties be reached only by an express lift - then a
embellished with baroque flourishes and rarity for London - in which Queen Mary
fa~des. By the end of the nineteenth became stuck when she visited. Mount-
century Park Lane was studded with the batten, who was a navy officer, soon had the
mansions of the aristocracy and the wealthy property redesigned with a marine theme.
but in the twentieth century many of the One room was turned into a replica of the
buildings were demolished and replaced cabin on his navy ship, the walls and ceilings
with smart office blocks, banks and lined with cork, and a regulation officer-size
luxurious hotels, most famously the bunk with a brass handrail installed (not
Dorchester and Hilton. The oldest surviving that the weather in Park Lane was choppy
properties, both dating back to the 182os, enough to warrant it), while his personal
are Nos. 93-99 and Dudley House at bathroom was decorated with rocks,
N0.100. seaweed, shells and pictures of fish, to the
bemusement of visitors such as George
Gershwin and Noel Coward. The Mount-
battens put the house on the market in 1931,

claiming that heavy taxation under the new businessman behind the venture, diamond
'socialist' government meant they could no merchant Alfred Beit, who co-founded the
longer afford to live there. The property was De Beers company, a note stipulating that
demolished soon after and rebuilt by Edwin he must spend at least £10,ooo on the prop-
Lutyens. erty. Beit explained in his reply that he
..,. Mountbatten and the 1968 attempted coup, intended to spend that much on the stables
p. 402. alone. Aldford House was pulled down in
Grosvenor House Hotel, Nos. 87-89 1929 and rebuilt as a block of flats bearing
The 1930s-built Grosvenor House stands on the same name, with long concrete
the site of the eighteenth-century (J)Ioucestef balconies designed by Val Myers and
t)ouse which was used as a hospital for inval- Watson Hart, Edwin Lutyens acting as
ided soldiers during the First World War consultant.
and was later bought by the soap magnate Dorchester Hotel, No. 53
Lord Leverhulme, who, having no use for A world-renowned hotel, it was built in 1931
the building, demolished it. The new hotel, on the site of,~ofc~stef t)ouse, with 6oo
the first of Park Lane's many grand twen- bedrooms and walls of reinforced concrete
tieth-century hotels, was designed by Edwin soundproofed with seaweed and cork. The
Lutyens and had 478 en-suite bedrooms (a Dorchester soon began hosting Foyle's
radical concept at the time) with running literary luncheons, organized by the twenty-
iced water, and 160 private apartments. year-old Christina Foyle and attended in the
During the Second World War the hotel early days by the novelist D. H. Lawrence,
became a refuge for the wealthy and the actor Charlie Chaplin and the Ethiopian
powerful, including the Dutch Cabinet, who ruler Haile Selassie. When Sir John Gilbey of
fled after the Germans occupied the Nether- the gin distillers once spoke for one and a
lands, and the French resistance leader half hours, a guest fell asleep, whereupon
Charles de Gaulle, who rallied his followers William Foyle, the bookstore's owner,
with a speech here on Bastille Day 1941. At a approached the sleeping gentleman and hit
party held in the hotel on 1 December 1944 him on the head with his gavel, only to be
to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of told by the awakened guest: 'Hit me harder,
the entry of women into Parliament, Lady I can still hear him.'
Astor, who had been the first woman MP During the Second World War the hotel
to take her seat, announced she was not was considered to be one of the safest build-
seeking re-election to the House of ings in the capital against attack and became
Commons, telling the gathering: 'I believe a refuge for the aristocracy, with a menu
I have something to give to the House of that despite rationing featured oysters,
Lords, but I'm not sure they want what I've smoked salmon and lobster - although by
got.' 1944 the sandwiches were being made of
• Other Lutyens buildings in London soya paste. Those who made use of these
include the Midland Bank on Poultry, in the wartime luxuries included society hostesses
City, and St Jude's church, Hampstead Diana Cooper and Lady Cunard (who died
Garden Suburb. in her suite here in July 1948), members of
Aldford House, between Aldford Street and Churchill's War Cabinet and the
South Street 66-year-old novelist Somerset Maugham
When plans were announced for the who was wrongly thought to have gone
building of the original Aldford House on missing when France fell to the Germans.
the site in 1897 the local landowner, the While staying at the hotel in 1958 John
Duke ofWestminster, worried that the Steinbeck, author of The Grapes of Wrath,
proposed house might not be of a struck up conversation with the economist
sufficiently high standard, sent the J. K. Galbraith, who was returning to Boston

from Warsaw, and asked him to explain a Buildings, the like of which no City, no
particularly complicated piece of economic Town, nay no Place in the World can shew'.
theory, only to be told: 'Under capitalism The square was completed in 1770 and by
man exploits man, whereas under commu- the end of the nineteenth century the Gros-
nism it is just the reverse.' Breakfasting with venors, who were granted the Duchy of
Adlai Stevenson, the American Democratic Westminster in 1874, were Europe's
presidential candidate, during the same trip, wealthiest family. Descendants are still the
both men agreed that the biggest threat to area's major landowners, the estate office
the American system was not Soviet Russia being based on Grosvenor Street.
but Richard Nixon, who as US President
was later impeached.
Brook Street
The brook is the Tybourne or Tyburn,
.. Foyle's, p. 99·
which flows underneath the road by the
London Hilton, No. 22
junction with South Molton Lane and Avery
The thirty-storey hotel, with its famous
rooftop restaurant, opened in 1963 and was
south side: Hanover Square to Grosvenor
where the following year the gangster
Ronnie Kray met the leading New York
mafioso, Angelo Bruno, to discuss ways of
Jimi Hendrix's address (1969), No. 23
The flamboyant rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix
establishing a transatlantic crime syndicate.
moved into 23 Brook Street with girlfriend
The Beatles first heard the Maharishi
Kathy Etchingham in January 1969 and was
Mahesh Yogi lecture on transcendental
soon visited by the Daily Mirror's Don Short
meditation in the hotel in August 1967. Ten
who reported that 'the attic, Hendrix's
years later, in July 1977, Elvis Costello
favourite room, contains an assortment of
husked outside on the pavement during a
bric-a-brac and a bed with a Victorian shawl
conference held by the CBS record label,
pinned to the ceiling as a canopy'. Short
astounding company executives who had
also noted how Hendrix had described
never heard of the singer, then with only
Etchingham to him as 'my girlfriend, my
two relatively obscure singles to his name.
past girlfriend, my next girlfriend. My
Costello was arrested, taken to Vine Street
mother and my sister and all that bit. My
police station, and charged £5 for obstruc-
Yoko Ono from Chester.' When Jane de
tion. The New York rap outfit the Beastie
Mendelssohn from International Times inter-
Boys drilled a hole through the floor so that
viewed Hendrix that March the guitarist
they could reach the room below when they
opened the door naked and conducted the
stayed in the late 198os and were banned
interview from his bed, the journalist sitting
from the Hilton chain worldwide.
on the edge by a table stashed with 'grass,
.. The Krays in Bethnal Green, p. 310.
amyl nitrate, pills and three different types
of hash'. Hendrix moved out of Brook
(ii) around Grosvenor Square Street later that month, but despite the
brevity of his tenure the property was
In 1720 the landowner Sir Richard Gros-
awarded English Heritage's first blue plaque
venor (the name comes from the French
in honour of a rock star in 1997.
gros veneur- fat hunter) designed a grid
Handel Museum I George Frederick
pattern of new streets with what would be
Handel's address (172.3-59), No. 25
one of London's largest squares as its centre-
Handel, the German-born composer,
piece. The writer Daniel Defoe, who visited
moved into No. 25 in 1723 after ten years as
the development in September 1725, noted
musical director of the Italian Opera
'an amazing Scene of new Foundations, not
Company at the Queen's Theatre,
of Houses only, but as I might say of new
Haymarket, converting the front parlour
Cities, New Towns, New Squares and fine

into an office where he sold tickets for his Maxwell: 'If you're so bloody good, you.
concerts and copies of his published music, drive,' leaving him alone in the vehicle.
the back parlour into a sitting room and the .,. Ritz Hotel, p. 183.
first floor into a room for entertaining.
Carlos Place
Handel composed a number of works in
The Connaught, No. 16
Brook Street, including the operas Giulio
A prestigious hotel, as exclusive but not as
Cesare and Tamerlano (1723-4), but his
famous as nearby Claridge's, where film
annus mirabilis was 1741 during which he
stars visiting London are likely to stay, the
wrote Samson and The Messiah. After
Connaught was opened as the Coburg
composing the Hallelujah chorus for the
Hotel, in honour of Victoria's consort,
latter he proclaimed: 'I did think that I did
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg, in 1897 and
see all Heaven before me, and the great God
renamed after the Duke of Connaught in
himself seated on His throne, with His
1917. The thriller writer Raymond Chandler
company of angels.' Handel died in the
was thrown out in 1955 for the heinous
house in 1759 and in 2001 it was opened as a
crime of having a woman in his room, and
museum to the composer after an exorcism
thirteen years later when Richard Nixon,
had been held in one of the rooms t~
then president of the USA, was staying at
remove a troublesome ghost.
the hotel the telephonist, asked by a caller if
Claridge's, No. 57
he could be put through to the president
One of London's most exclusive hotels,
but bound by the strictest rules of protocol,
Claridge's was opened by William Claridge,
replied: 'Nixon? And the initial, sir?'
a butler, in 1855 and bought forty years later
by the owners of the Savoy. Winston Chur- Grosvenor Square
chill, when prime minister during the Fortunately in England at any rate,
Second World War, often used the hotel to education produces no effect whatsoever.
hold all-night meetings with US army intelli- If it did, it would prove a serious danger
gence personnel that would end at 6 a.m. to the upper classes, and probably lead to
when the hotel barber would appear and acts of violence in Grosvenor Square -
whisk the prime minister off for a haircut The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar
and shave. Churchill moved into the hotel Wilde (1895)
penthouse in 1945 after his shock defeat at The Grosvenor Estate's showpiece, one of
the general election left him homeless. London's largest squares and the last part of
When Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet poli- the capital to be lit by gas rather than elec-
tician, stayed at Claridge's during his April tricity, was built from 1725 to 1731. With its
1956 visit to Britain he was bugged by Mis, houses conveniently located within walking
who used a radio beam to activate his distance of Hyde Park, it soon attained
phone, as was the Soviet premier, Alexei popularity with the aristocracy and poli-
Kosygin, when he visited Britain five years ticians; Lords Rockingham, Grafton and
later, Mis agents feeding prime minister North, all British prime ministers at various
Harold Wilson details of his conversations. times, took residence here in the late
When he took over Mirror Group News- eighteenth century. When the Second
papers in 1984, Robert Maxwell invited World War broke out many of the square's
editors of all the group's titles to Claridge's wealthy residents fled to the country, or to
for an expensive lunch. But the publisher the nearby Dorchester Hotel, which was
arrived late for the meeting, for en route his believed to be impregnable, and were
chauffeur was so annoyed at being bullied replaced by US army intelligence personnel,
into jumping the lights, overtaking the car who set up office in the relinquished build-
in front, and taking unnecessary short cuts ings. After the war, businesses took over the
that he got out of the car and shouted to properties and the entire west side of the

square was later demolished to make way No.1

for Eero Saarinen's stark American Embassy The building, used as the American
building. Grosvenor Square is still one of Embassy in the 1950s, was visited in 1954 by
the most prestigious locations in the West the musicians Lonnie Donegan and Wally
End, but almost entirely commercial. Whyton who came to examine the
north side embassy's Information Service Library, a
No.:w treasure trove of US blues and folk records
Dwight Eisenhower, commander of the US by artists then barely known in England,
armed forces during the Second World War, such as Big Bill Broonzy, Leadbelly and
who wanted a base at least fifty miles out- Muddy Waters. Their music inspired
side London but was told such a develop- Donegan into trying to repjicate such
ment was impossible as he would not be sounds on ad hoc instruments- guitar,
able to drive 'even 20 miles in the blackout', stand-up bass and home-made drums- a
moved his London headquarters into No. 20 style that came to be known as skiffle, soon
in 1944. copied by thousands of teenage aspiring
No.9 musicians across the country, including the
One of few surviving original houses on the teenage Beatles. The building is now occu-
square, No. 9 was home to John Adams, the pied by the Canadian High Commission.
US statesman who became the first ... The 21's club, p. 200.
American ambassador at the Court of south side
StJames's in 1785. Adams was one of the News of Wellington's victory over Napoleon
signatories of the American Declaration of at the 1815 Battle of Waterloo officially
Independence in 1776 and became the arrived in London on 21 June, three days
USA's second president in 1796. after the event, when a chaise and four
eastside decorated with French flags pulled up
The now demolished !Jlo. 1 on the east side outside 44 &fosoenof 5quon, home of the
of the square was home from 1926 to 1940 to Earl ofHarrowby, where the British Cabinet
Lady Cunard, who acquired the nickname were dining and out stepped the Honour-
'Emerald' on account of her dazzling jewel- able Henry Percy, Wellington's aide-de-
lery and threw Mayfair's most glamorous camp, bearing a dispatch for the Earl of
parties between the wars, 'a rallying point Bathurst, the war secretary, confirming the
· for most of London society', according to victory. Five years later, on the night of
the diarist Chips Channon. When the 23 February 1820, the Cabinet, including the
author Somerset Maugham left one of her prime minister, the Duke of Wellington,
soirees early with the excuse 'I have to keep were again meeting here at the same time
my youth,' she replied: 'Why don't you as anarchist conspirators in Cato Street,
bring him with you?' When Lady Cunard Marylebone, were plotting to kill them and
returned to Grosvenor Square during the install a revolutionary government. The
Second World War she found her home Cato street mob, led by Arthur Thistlewood,
destroyed by bombs and, salvaging what she planned to knock on the door, rush in,
could, she moved to Suite 707 of the Dor- overcome the servants, enter the dining
chester Hotel, where she hosted parties for room and kill the ministers, Thistlewood
leading politicians and society figures. having boasted that he would 'cut off every
.- Dorchester Hotel, p. 160. head in the room and bring away the heads
No.4 of Lord Castlereagh and Lord Sidmouth in a
Now the Italian ambassador's residence, bag'. The plan was foiled when the police
No. 4 is one of the square's oldest original caught up with the plotters at their hide-
houses, sold by raffle in 1739. away; Thistlewood, who murdered a

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in opponents, chant 'Hot chocolate, drinking

Grosvenor Square chocolate', as in the popular advertising
Where has Harold Wilson gone? Crawling jingle of the day.
to the Pentagon- Anti-Vietnam War Second Vietnam Solidarity Campaign
banner (February 1965) demonstration, 17 March 1968 Around
British protest against the American 2o,ooo meet for the second demonstration
government's involvement in Vietnam and which starts at Trafalgar Square and makes
the Labour government's support for the its way to Mayfair amid the usual chanting
US stance reached a peak in 1967 and 1968 of 'Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh'. Posters adver-
at three well-attended demonstrations tising the event have urged the crowd to
around the US Embassy on Grosvenor 'come armed', an order which the Vietnam
Square. Solidarity Campaign denies is its work.
First Vietnam Solidarity Campaign demon- Once in the square the crowd storms
stration, ::12. October 1967 Nearly 1o,ooo towards the embassy, hurling smoke bombs
people call for victory for communist and throwing marbles under the hooves of
Vietnam at the first Vietnam Solidarity the police horses. One girl who tries to offer
Campaign demonstration in October 1967 at a mounted policeman a flower is trun-
which 350 police officers forming a cordon cheoned to the ground. The fighting lasts
around the square to protect the embassy two hours and 117 officers and forty-five
are attacked with missiles. Some demon- demonstrators are injured. The events
strators force their way into the embassy inspire Mick Jagger, an onlooker, to write
garden but are dissuaded from entering the 'Street Fighting Man', a sardonic swipe at
building by the thought of meeting sterner his own inability to do anything more worth-
opposition inside. Not all the protestors while than play for a rock and roll band, the
have serious political intentions. As the song summing up better than any other the
main body chant: 'Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh' political mood in London at the time.
(the name ofthe anti-colonialist leader), the Third Vietnam Solidarity Campaign
Situationist King Mob group, equally scep- demonstration, 27 October 1968 In the
tical of the establishment and left-wing run up to the third, the biggest and the

policeman during the raid, was later Kennedy could have the land in exchange
hanged. for the American territory the US govern-
west side ment had seized from his ancestors in the
American Embassy, Nos. 24-31 1770s, which included the Cape Canaveral
The American government bought land on rocket launch site. The embassy has been
the west side of the square, site of much the target for a number of demonstrations
wartime bomb damage, in 1950 on a 999- against American government policies,
year lease - a deal that resulted in the land- particularly during the Vietnam War, but
owner, the Duke ofWestminster, making on 11 September 2001 was visited by thou-
around £1 million - and hired Eero Saarinen sands demonstrating in support of America
to construct a new embassy. After the following the attack on the World Trade
building was completed one of the first visi- Center.
tors was President John F. Kennedy who,
Grosvenor Street
remarking how the United States owned the
Grosvenor Street, which leads from
land on which all their embassies were built,
Grosvenor Square to New Bond Street, was
apart from the one in London, asked the
built from 1720 to 1734. Past residents
Duke of Westminster if he could buy the
include the chemistry pioneer Humphry
freehold, to which the latter replied that

last anti-Vietnam War demo, the authori- being like 'jeunes filles en fleur straight from
ties, with the May student riots and strikes a finishing school', included William Casey,
in Paris fresh in mind, have tapped phones, later head of the CIA.
opened the mail of leading campaigners, No.16
and infiltrated socialist groups, often as In the early 1930s No. 16 was home to Laura
agents provocateurs. On the day of the Corrigan, the dazzling Wisconsin-born
demonstration, the Vietnam Solidarity society hostess, who had worked as a wait-
Campaign at the last minute redirects the ress in Cleveland, Ohio, and had become
march from Grosvenor Square to Hyde fabulously wealthy after marrying the owner
Park, but a splinter group from the Britain- of the Corrigan-McKinney Steel Company,
Vietnam Solidarity Front ignores the call who died soon after, following a heart attack
and clashes with police outside the US and left her $6o million in his will. Failing
Embassy, leading to forty-two arrests and to win acceptance in American high society,
injuries to four policemen and fifty demon- Laura Corrigan moved to London and
strators. The bulk of the 1oo,ooo marchers rented 16 Grosvenor Street from Alice
congregates on Hyde Park, where at the end Keppel (one-time mistress of King Edward
of the demonstration the marchers and VII and great-grandmother of Camilla
police together sing 'Auld Lang Syne'. The Parker Bowles}, where she became famed
newspapers later congratulate themselves at for her solecisms and malapropisms, com-
the failure of the campaigners to bring plaining to Keppel that the Chippendale
down the government, the royal family chairs were spoiled by their 'petit pois'
and world capitalism. The year of 1968 is covers and when listing the merits of Gothic
later seen as a watershed for direct -action architecture discoursing on a cathedral's
socialism following the failure of the 'flying buttocks'. Few could resist her social
Paris student evenements, the assassin- invitations, although one who did was the
ations of Robert Kennedy and Martin playwright George Bernard Shaw who, when
Luther King, and Soviet Russia's brutal sent a card that read: 'Mrs Corrigan At
repression of the Prague Spring in Czecho- Home 6-8 p.m.', replied 'GBS Ditto'.
slovakia. _j Charlie Richardson's office (1964-6},
No. 65, south side
At the height of his power in the 1960s
Davy, who made many breakthrough dis-
London underworld Charlie Richardson,
coveries in chemistry at the Royal Insti-
the south London gangland leader, rented
tution on Albemarle Street (p. 166), and
an office in Mayfair to impress his wealthy
the nineteenth-century statesman and free-
contacts in the South African diamond
trade pioneer Richard Cobden. The proper-
ties are now mostly offices.
.,. The Richardsons in South London, p. 378.
north side: Grosvenor Square to New Bond
Street Upper Grosvenor Street
OSS headquarters (19405), No. 70 Built in 1724 to 1741 to link Park Lane with
Members of the US army's intelligence Grosvenor Square, the street was dominated
outfit, the Office of Strategic Services (0 SS), in the nineteenth century by «ifotomof
moved in October 1943 into the heavily f)oute, which stood on the south side until
guarded No. 70, one of a number oflocal 1916. Adlai Stevenson, the American Demo-
properties taken up by the American army cratic politician, collapsed in the street in
towards the end of the Second World War. July 1965 only yards from the US Embassy,
The fresh-faced recruits, mostly hired from dying in the ambulance taking him to
Wall Street banks and described by the jour- hospital.
nalist and historian Malcolm Muggeridge as

No.48 George, Prince of Wales (the future

No. 48 was home in the 1950s to the George II), and the architect Robert Adam.
Duchess of Argyll, Debutante of the Year in Albemarle Street is now home to expensive
1930 and the subject of Cole Porter's song art galleries and prestigious offices.
'You're the Top'. The duchess was impli- east side: Grafton Street to Piccadilly
cated in a famous 1950s divorce case enliv- The Royal Institution, No. 21, east side
ened by photographs found by the duke that Humphry Davy discovered the elements
showed the duchess fellating an anonymous sodium and potassium and Michael Faraday
man (the frame cut him off at the neck) in made a number of pioneering discoveries
the bathroom, while wearing a three- involving electricity and magnetism in the
stringed pearl necklace and a wide smile. Albemarle Street premises of the Royal Insti-
The public was gripped by debate over the tution, one of London's most prestigious
identity of the 'headless man' and expert scientific organizations, in the early nine-
opinion narrowed it down to two possibili- teenth century.
ties- the actor Douglas Fairbanks Jnr and Davy began lecturing here as a 23-year-
the Tory Cabinet minister L<>rd Duncan old in 1801 and the following year was
Sandys. The latter, alarmed by the thought appointed professor, Britain's only pro-
of a sex scandal, said he would resign if it fessional scientist other than the Astron-
were proved to be him, and so the prime omer Royal. He gave lectures which drew
minister, Harold Macmillan, enlisted the huge crowds and made groundbreaking
legal expert Lord Denning to solve the scientific discoveries including isolating two
mystery. Denning came up with an new elements, potassium and sodium, in
ingenious solution. He invited Sandys, 1807 after passing an electrical current
Fairbanks and an outsider, Sigismund von through the alkalis potash and soda held in
Braun, the brother of the Nazi rocket scien- a platinum spoon over a flame. When Davy
tist Werner von Braun, to the Treasury to resigned from the Royal Institution in 1812
discuss the matter. As the words 'before', to go on a continental tour with passports
'during' and 'finished' were written on the granted to him, his new wife, her maid and
incriminating polaroids Denning ensured valet by Napoleon Bonaparte, his place at
that each suspect signed the Treasury visi- the institution was taken by his assistant
tors' register. A graphologist matched the Michael Faraday, a member of the Sande-
handwriting and identified Fairbanks as the manian Christian sect that had broken away
culprit. from the Church of Scotland. Faraday was
guided in his work by Matthew's stricture:
'Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon
(iii) around Berkeley Square
earth', in contrast with his mentor's ostenta-
The south-west corner of Mayfair, built tious materialism.
around the 1730s Berkeley Square, contains a On 3 and 4 September 1821 in the Royal
number of small residential eighteenth- Institution's basement laboratory Faraday
century streets which still exude some of the discovered electromagnetic rotation (the
atmosphere of the old rural village, although principle behind the electric motor), which
the square itself has been spoiled by insensi- led to the invention of the electric telegraph,
tive twentieth-century development. first used in 1838 along the Paddington-
West Drayton railway line. After he became
Albemarle Street director of the laboratory in 1825 Faraday
The 2nd Duke of Albemarle briefly became
hosted a series of Friday evening lectures
the major local landowner in the late seven-
here at one of which, in 1846, he suggested
teenth century and the street soon attracted
that matter was made not of billiard ball-
wealthy figures, early residents including

like indestructible atoms but of wave-like together haphazardly around the peer's
particles. 166os mansion, !Jedelel) t)ouse. Well-
On 29 August 1831, ten years after his known residents of the square have included
discovery of electro-magnetic rotation, Colly Cibber, poet laureate in the 1730s and
Faraday discovered electro-magnetic lampooned by Alexander Pope in 'The
induction, the principle behind the electric Dunciad' (1728), who died in a house which
transformer and generator, which enabled stood at No. 19 in 1757; and Horace Walpole,
electricity to be adapted for everyday son of the first Prime Minister, Robert
purposes. He spent the remainder of the Walpole and the main instigator behind the
decade engaged in further experiments in Gothic revival of the nineteenth century,
electricity, proposing the notion that elec- who lived at No. n after curtailing his
tricity was a force that passed from particle Grand Tour before reaching Italy. When
to particle and coining a number of new the square's railings were torn down at the
scientific terms, which are now part of start of the Second World War one MP
everyday speech, including electrode, anode complained that it was a 'barbaric piece
and cathode. There is a reconstruction of his of socialism'. Since the war Berkeley Square
1850 laboratory in the basement. has consisted mostly of offices. The plane
.. John Logie Baird's pioneering television trees, which are its most famous landmark,
work, p. 197. date from 1789.
tiUJaurlt <nut, No. 13 east side
Oscar Wilde's descent into public disgrace Horace Walpole, the novelist and Gothic
began at the Albemarle Club in February revivalist, moved into 9lo. 11 in 1747 and
1895, the day before the opening of his play was so taken with the view that he
The Importance of Being Earnest, when the compared the statue of George III to the
Marquess of Queensberry, father of Lord work of the Athenian Phidias, something of
Alfred Douglas, with whom Wilde was which he would have been barely aware,
having an affair, left at the club a note which having failed to reach Greece on his Grand
read: 'To Oscar Wilde Posing Somdomite Tour. A later tenant, the Earl of Orford,
[sic]'. Wilde issued libel proceedings, and staked the house on a game of cards at
the peer was arrested for 'unlawfully and Almack's dub in 1770 and lost. At 9los.7-S
maliciously publishing a certain defamatory in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
libel'. But when Wilde failed to win the case stood Negri's tea rooms, founded by an
he was prosecuted for gross indecency - in Italian pastry-cook, Domenico Negri,
effect sodomy, as opposed to somdomy- 'making and selling all sorts of English,
and sent to jail. The club moved to 37 Dover French, and Italian wet and dry sweetmeats'.
Street in 1909 and the basement of No. 13 In 1799 it became Gunter's, popular for its
then became one of London's first night- ice creams and sorbets, which gentlemen
clubs, Uncle's, designed as an American would eat while leaning against the railings
speakeasy with 'hard liquor' served in paper watching the ladies sitting in carriages eating
cups. theirs. The original houses were demolished
.. Oscar Wilde in Chelsea, p. 415. in 1937 to build the Berkeley Square House
office block.
Berkeley Square
south side
The square made famous by Eric Masch-
The south side of the square was the loca-
witz's 1940 song 'A Nightingale Sang in
tion of the 1665-built mansion !Jedelel)
Berkeley Square' was named after the 1st
t)ouse, sold at the end of the seventeenth
Lord Berkeley of Stratton, Royalist
century to the Duke of Devonshire, who
commander during the Civil War, but
renamed it Devonshire House. It was a
without being planned architecturally came
Whig stronghold in the late eighteenth

century under the tenure of the 5th Duke Services (OSS), moved here in the early
and his colourful wife, Georgiana. The 1940s to train hundreds of agents, mostly
property was demolished in 1924 and the from Ivy League universities. Before long
Mayfair Inter-Continental Hotel built on the OSS had taken over a number of May-
the site. fair addresses, including 68 Brook Street
west side (for its clothing department), 70 Grosvenor
Annabel's I The Clermont club, No. 44 Street (for the planned invasion of Europe)
The architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner and Hay's Mews (for the agents' residential
described No. 44, one of the square's orig- quarters). After the war the premises were
inal houses, which was built by William leased by the J. Walter Thompson adver-
Kent from 1742 to 1747 for Lady Isabella tising agency.
Finch, a member of George II's court, as
Grafton Street
'the finest terrace house in London', on
Grafton Galleries (early twentieth
account of its ornate staircase and wrought
century), No.7, north side
iron-balustrade. In 1959 the property was
Roger Fry held the first British exhibition of
bought by John Aspinall, the zoo owner,
Post-Impressionist paintings, showing the
who converted it into the .exclusive Cler-
works of Gauguin, Van Gogh and cezanne
mont club, and it was here that Lord Lucan
for the first time to an incredulous British
planned to meet friends the night he dis-
public, at the Grafton in November 1910.
appeared in 1974, never to be seen again. In
The exhibition attracted a barrage of oppo-
the 1960s Mark Birley opened the basement
sition epitomized by the critic Robert Ross,
as a nightclub, Annabel's, named after his
who denounced the show as part of a 'wide-
wife, who later married the tycoon James
spread plot to destroy the whole fabric of
Goldsmith. It soon became the most fashion-
European painting'. A second Post-
able in London among the super rich and
Impressionist exhibition of British, French
once refused entry to George Harrison for
and Russian artists was held here in the
not wearing a tie. When in 1986 a police-
autumn of 1912. By the 1920s the Gallery
woman and traffic warden turned up at the
also incorporated a popular nightspot that
door a journalist put his finger through the
featured a black jazz band, rare for Britain
lens of the traffic warden's spectacles to prove
at the time, playing popular new numbers
they contained no glass and then realized that
such as 'I'm Just Wild About Harry' before
the 'traffic warden' was the Duchess ofYork
a crowd that included the young Barbara
and the 'policewoman' Princess Diana. The
Maitre D turned them away on the grounds
.,. Mayor Gallery, Cork Street, P: 173.
that no uniforms are allowed inside.
.,. Lord Lucan:•s disappearance, p. 403.
No.42 (iv) around Shepherd Market
No. 42, headquarters of the Polly Peck
A secluded enclave of passageways, antique
company, was raided by the Serious Fraud
shops, expensive restaurants, delicatessens
Squad in 1990 during investigations into the
and wine bars off the north-west end of
running of the company. Accused of insider
Piccadilly, Shepherd Market is named after
trading, its founder, Asil Nadir, fled to
Edward Shepherd, the architect who laid
Cyprus. In the 1990s the premises were
out the street pattern in 1735 on the site
converted into Pasley-Tyler and Co., an
where the annual May Fair had taken place.
exclusive gentlemen's club aimed at
It has long been one of London's best-
American businessmen.
known haunts of prostitutes, one of whom
in the 1980s was Moni~ Coghlan, the call-
The US government's Second World War
girl who received £2,ooo in £50 notes at
intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic

Victoria Station in 1987 from a friend of the himself of his childhood demons - his
Tory Party deputy chairman, Jeffrey Archer. nervousness, sexual confusion and sense of
inferiority - and showed critics that he
Audley Square
could deal with weightier formats than
Reduced by demolition and redevelopment
drawing-room dramas. In 1917, during the
to a fraction of its former size, Audley
First World War, Maugham was hired by
Square is now little more than a kink in
British intelligence and sent to Moscow,
South Audley Street, but in the 1950s and
where he gained sensitive political infor-
1960s Soviet spies regularly used the lamp-
mation for the prime minister, David Lloyd
post outside No. 2 as a message post,
George. After hostilities ended Maugham
chalking a mark below the number '8' to
returned to Mayfair to write another well-
show that a new operation was about to
received novel, The Moon and Sixpence
start and later looking for a chalk mark on a
(1919), which relates the story of a banker
bench in nearby St George's Gardens to
who flees his humdrum life and responsibili-
check whether or not it had been seen.
ties to paint in Tahiti and is partly based on
In the early 1960s No. 3 was home to Eon
the life of Paul Gauguin.
Productions, the film company that
produces the James Bond films, and it was
George Bryan ('Beau') Brummell, the iras-
here that the series' first producers, Harry
cible Regency dandy, narcissist and confi-
Saltzman and Cubby Broccoli, looking for
dant of the Prince Regent (later George IV),
an actor to play the secret agent in the first
lived at 4 Chesterfield Street at the end of
Bond film, Dr No, considered Roger Moore,
the eighteenth century, shocking friends by
Rex Harrison, Trevor Howard, Patrick
taking a daily bath at a time when personal
McGoohan, Cary Grant and Noel Coward
cleanliness was low down the list of social
who, in his inimitable style, responded to
requirements. Brummell was so fastidiou~
their interest with a telegram that read
about his attire that if his cravat was not t1ed
simply, 'Dr No? No! No! No!' Eventually,
properly at the first try it was discarded.
Eon chose Sean Connery, a former milkman
Brummell was also fussy about his surround-
and labourer, because they 'liked the way he
ings. When his regiment was sent north he
moved', claiming that 'for a big man to be
beseeched the prince to be excused: 'I really
light on his feet is most unusual'.
could not go. Think your Royal highness -
Chesterfield Street Manchester!'
One of Mayfair's most desirable streets, In Derek Marlowe's 1966 novel, A Dandy
named after Philip, the eighteenth-century in Aspic, No.4 is the location of the
4th Earl of Chesterfield, it was home at the espionage headquarters.
end of the century to the society dandy Beau
Brummell (No.4) and in the early years of
Curzon Place
Mama Cass, the Mamas and Papas singer,
the twentieth century to the writer Somerset
and the Who's drummer, Keith Moon, both
Maugham (No. 6).
died in the 1970s, in Flat 12, 9 Curzon Place,
east side: Charles Street to Curzon Street
a property owned by the singer Harry
Somerset Maugham's address (1911-19),
Nilsson. Although press reports said that the
cause of death for Cass in July 1974 at the
Somerset Maugham, one of the most finan-
age of thirty-two was inhalation of vomit .
cially successful writers of the early twen-
after choking on a sandwich, the pathologtst
tieth century thanks to the money generated
found no traces of food blocking her trachea
by his West End plays, bought this tall red-
and concluded that she had died of natural
brick house in 1911 and here set to work on
causes. Four years later, on 7 September
his epic semi-autobiographical novel, Of
1978, Moon overdosed on chlormethiazole
Human Bondage (1915), in which he purged

pills prescribed to fight his alcoholism. bought by the Saudi Arabian government in
Thirty-two Heminevrin tablets were found the 1970s to house its embassy.
in Moon's stomach, twenty-six of them .,. Death of Lord Northdiffe, p. 206.
undissolved. Ml5 headquarters (1945-70), Leconfield
House, west junction with Chesterfield
Curzon Street Gardens
A winding street that is one of the busiest in
The security service Ml5 set up base after
Mayfair, built in the 1720s and named after
the Second World War in a building that
Nathaniel Curzon, an early eighteenth-
had been the army's London District
century Derbyshire aristocrat, it has con-
Command headquarters and was fortified
tained several important buildings
with gun ports in its south-west corner,
connected with the British security
installed in case German paratroopers
services over the years and is now best
landed in the nearby parks and began street
known for the luxurious Curzon cinema.
battles in Mayfair. Even after the war MI5
north side: Park Lane to Lansdowne Row continued to man the ports, especially on
Crewe House
Sundays, just in case mobs from Speaker's
Mayfair's most impressive surviving
Corner stormed the streets. Ml5 moved to
mansion with its exquisite stone fa<,:ade and
Gower Street near Euston in 1970 and
sumptuous grounds, Crewe House was built
returned to Curzon Street (see below) in
as Wharncliffe House in 1730 by Edward
Shepherd, the architect after whom nearby
.,. MI5 on Gower Street, p. 86; MI5 at Thames
Shepherd Market is named, and was bought
House, Millbank, p. 247.
in 1899 by the Marquess of Crewe. The prop-
Heywood Hill, No. 10
erty was requisitioned by the government
The novelist Evelyn Waugh claimed this
during the First World War for the Ministry
long-running bookshop was 'a centre for all
of Propaganda, run with much success by
that was left of fashionable and intellectual
the newspaper proprietor Lord Northcliffe.
London' during the Second World War,
The latter appointed the novelist H. G.
when the author Nancy Mitford worked as
Wells as director (he resigned when North-
an assistant and customers included the
cliffe refused to employ anyone with
society diarist Chips Channon and the
German parents) and placed Wickham
designer Cecil Beaton. Heywood Hill still
Steed, the Times's foreign editor, in charge
retains its period charm, using handwritten
of campaigning in the Balkans, where many
bills and selling books wrapped as parcels.
people had been forced into fighting for the
Ml5 (1976-1990s), Curzon Street House,
Austro-Hungarian Empire. Steed and North-
Nos. 1-4, east of Clarges Street
cliffe installed printing presses at Crewe
Curzon Street House, built in 1939 on land
House and turned out thousands of leaflets
that had been occupied by some thirty
decorated with nostalgic Balkan imagery
houses, has a fortified bunker, constructed
which were then dropped by aeroplane over
as part of Lord Beaverbrook's mass tunnel-
divisions of wavering enemy troops. But
building programme at the start of the
Northcliffe's coup de grace was to send Allied
Second World War, which is connected, it is
soldiers near to enemy lines armed with
believed, to the tunnels under Buckingham
gramophones that played stirring nationalist
Palace where members of the royal family
songs. Hundreds of Polish, Romanian and
sheltered during air raids. After hostilities
Czech troops fighting unenthusiastically for
ceased the authorities set up the War Depart-
Austria-Hungary downed arms and later
ment Prisoners of War Information Bureau
admitted that the turning point for them
here and in 1976 Ml5 moved its Adminis-
had been when they heard a few stirring
trative and Technical Department head-
bars of their native songs. The building was
quarters into the building, mostly to house

its 2 million personal files on suspected New Bond Street

subversives. MI5 left for Thames House on Mayfair's high street, built c. 1720, some
Millbank in the 1990s and the premises have thirty-five years after Old Bond Street, lived
since been renovated into offices. in the shadow of its older relation for many
... Ml5 at Thames House, Millbank, p. 247. decades, for whereas the aristocracy met on
Old Bond Street to trade in fine art New
Old Park Lane
Bond Street was dominated by tradespeople
The main route of Park Lane until nine-
selling household goods, albeit luxury house-
teenth-century road widening turned it into
hold goods. In the nineteenth century the
a side street.
street attracted sporting organizations such
Hard Rock Cafe, No. 150, west side
as the Pugilist Club, run by Gentleman
Two expatriate Americans, Isaac Tigrett and
Jackson, the bare-fist champion of England,
Pete Morton, opened a restaurant at this
but it gradually became a sought-after shop-
address in June 1971, claiming that it was the
ping street in its own right, with auctioneers
only way they could get a good burger in
(Sotheby's, Nos. 34-35), the jewellers Cartier
Britain. The company now has branches
(Nos. 175-176), stamp-sellers (Harmer's,
throughout the world and the Old Park
No. 41), tobacconists (the original Benson
Lane original displays more than 300 items
and Hedges at No. 13) and department
of rock ·memorabilia.
stores (Fenwick's, No. 63).
Metropolitan Hotel, No. 19, east side
west side: Old Bond Street to Oxford Street
The hotel, formerly the Londonderry, was
built on the site of .eonbonbem) ~ouse,
a 1760 mansion where in the 1930s
The first Vidal Sassoon salon, where the
Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Nazi
geometric cut was pioneered in 1963, was at
German ambassador to Britain, was a
this address.
regular guest of the Marquess (nicknamed
Asprey's, Nos. 165-169
'the Londonderry Heir' by the diarist Chips
Famous jewellers founded as a silk-printing
Channon). The Londonderry was closed
shop by William Asprey in 1781, it moved to
down at the outset of the Second World
49 New Bond Street in the 183os, and in 1848
War after it was bombed. General Raymond
to the current site, where there is a fine
E. Lee, the US military attache in London,
unspoilt Victorian shop-front.
noting the owners' pre-war courting of the
Nazi ambassador, later recalled remarking
The naval hero Lord Nelson stayed here in
as he passed the bomb site, 'I could only
1797-8, heavily sedated with laudanum to
wonder what that chump Londonderry
take away the pain from losing his right arm
thinks now of his friends Hitler, Ribbentrop
during a failed raid on Tenerife in the
and Goering.'
Canary Islands.
(v) Bond Street Until the 1970s the premises were occupied
by the chemist's Savory and Moore, famous
Home to scores of smart shops and world-
for their Seidlitz powders, a laxative named
renowned names such as Vidal Sassoon,
after the German springs of the same name.
Asprey's and Sotheby's, Bond Street exudes
In 1853 they won the contract to make
an air of luxury and timeless style. The only
medical supplies for troops fighting in the
street running the full length of Mayfair
Crimean War.
from Oxford Street to Piccadilly, it is
known as N~w Bond Street north of
Burlington Gardens and Old Bond Street to
the south.

Grosvenor Gallery (1877-1903), Nos. 135- ture', and the auction house was later
137 involved in selling books Napoleon had
A greenery-yallery I Grosvenor Gallery Itaken with him into exile on St Helena and
Foot-in-the-grave young man- Patience, libraries owned by the French politician
Gilbert and Sullivan (1881) Prince Talleyrand and the radical agitator
London's first independent art gallery John Wilkes. It was Baker's nephew, John
opened in 1877 and soon came to be associ- Sotheby, who joined the firm in 1776, who
ated with the Aesthetic Movement, the body gave his name to the company, which
moved from Wellington Street, off the
dedicated to the notion of 'art for art's sake'
epitomized by the illustrator Aubrey Strand, to New Bond Street in 1917.
Beardsley, the painter James McNeill Sotheby's grew under the management of
Whistler and, most notably, Oscar Wilde. Peter Wilson in the 1940s and 1950s, capi-
The gallery was painted in green and yellow, talizing on the increased popularity of
colours the Victorians thought not only Impressionist and Modern paintings. At
unmanly but a sure sign of sexual depravity, the Goldschmidt sale of 1958, attended by
especially once Aesthetic Movement hundreds of art dealers, the novelist
members began appearing in public Somerset Maugham and the actor Kirk
carrying colour-coordinated flowers. The Douglas, seven pictures, including
opening ceremony was attended by Wilde, Cezanne's Garfon au Gilet Rouge, were sold
who wore a frock coat designed at the back in twenty minutes for nearly £8oo,ooo, then
in the shape of a cello, a display which got the highest total ever witnessed at a fine art
him into the papers and saw him become a sale. In the 1960s branches were opened in
celebrity; and John Ruskin, the critic and Paris, Los Angeles, Melbourne and Florence,
mentor of British art, who, after seeing and in 1977 the company went public. By
Whistler's Nocturne in Black and Gold: The the end of the twentieth century Sotheby's
Falling Rocket here, declared that he had had more than 100 branches around the
'seen and heard much of Cockney impu- world and was selling nearly £2 billion-
dence before now but never expected to worth of art in New York and London.
hear a coxcomb ask two hundred guineas Guy Burgess's address (194os-;os), No. 10
for flinging a pot of paint in the public's Clifford Chambers
face'. Whistler sued for libel and won Clifford Chambers on New Bond Street was
damages - of a farthing - but was ruined the last London address of Guy Burgess, the
financially by the trial. The gallery's Foreign Office diplomat who defected to the
proprietor, Sir Coutts Lindsay, installed Soviets in 1951, a year after he had been sent
an electricity generating station, now the to the USA where he gained notoriety for
world's oldest surviving example, in the his unusual behaviour which included
basement in 1883, and in 1903 the venue emptying a plate of prawns into his pocket
reopened as the Aeolian Hall to stage and leaving them there for a week. Burgess
concerts. It was taken over by the BBC m left New Bond Street on 25 May 1951 to help
1941 and is now used by Sotheby's. fellow spy Donald Maclean to defect and,
~~o- Whistler in Chelsea, p. 416. expecting to return swiftly to Britain, left his
east side: Oxford Street to Old Bond Street Austin A7o at Southampton Dock. But
Sotheby's Auctioneers, Nos. 34-35 neither Burgess nor Maclean returned, and
Now the largest fine art auctioneers in the once MI5 realized they had defected deputy
world, the company was founded in 1744 by director general Guy Liddell and an
a bookseller, Samuel Baker. The first sale associate, Anthony Blunt, director of the
was that of Sir John Stanley's library Courtauld Institute, searched Burgess's flat
containing 'several Hundred scarce and valu-. for incriminating evidence. Liddell could
able books in all branches of Polite Litera- not have made a worse choice of who to

help him, for Blunt, art adviser to George mansion designed by James Pennethorne in
VI and later Queen Elizabeth, was himself 1866-7, built in the garden ofthe even more
a Soviet agent, and during the search, monumental Burlington House (now home
according to the espionage historian Roy of the Royal Academy), which was used as
Berkeley, made sure that he removed the main building of the University of
anything suspicious from the flat, particu- London until1900, was later taken over by
larly documents relating to himself. the Civil Service Commission, and then
became home of the Museum of Man-
Old Bond Street
kind. The block was bought by the Royal
The older of the two Bond Streets dates
Academy and is currently being renovated.
back to 1686 when Thomas Bond began
New Burlington Galleries, No. 5, north side
development on what was a swamp, part
In 1936 the galleries staged Britain's first exhi-
of the Corporation ofLondon's Conduit
bition of surrealist art, organized by the
Meade Estate. By the early eighteenth
British surrealist Roland Penrose and the
century it had become a place where rich
poet David Gascoyne, with exhibits selected
young men, 'Bond Street loungers', paraded
by the art historian Herbert Read and the
in the fashionable clothes of the day. Old
sculptor Henry Moore. The exhibition was
Bond Street was home to the writers Jona-
heralded by a number of unusual events
than Swift (in 1727), Edward Gibbon (1758),
including the artist Sheila Legge's being
Laurence Sterne (1768) and James Boswell
photographed in Trafalgar Square as Sal-
(1769), the politician William Pitt the Elder
vador Dali's 'Ia Femme au Tete des Roses',
(1766) and the naval hero Lord Nelson
her head obscured by roses, and Dali
(1797-8), but is nowadays mostly commer-
himself appearing for a lecture accompanied
cial, dominated by art galleries.
by two borzoi hounds and dressed in a
diving suit, the helmet of which made his
(vi) around Savile Row words inaudible and nearly suffocated him.
Picasso's Guernica was first shown in Britain
East of New Bond Street, village Mayfair
at the gallery in 1938.
gives way to commercial Mayfair, where the
streets are lined with grand nineteenth- Cork Street
century office blocks and, around Savile The centre of fine art in London, Cork
Row, some of London's leading gentlemen's Street was named after the Irish seat of the
outfitters. landowners, the Earls of Burlington.
Mayor Gallery, No. 22a, west side
Burlington Arcade
Fred Mayor opened Cork Street's first
One of three local arcaded walkways lined
gallery at No. 22a in 1925 and it soon became
with exclusive shops selling expensive
the headquarters of the modernist Unit One
goods, Burlington Arcade was built from
group of artists which included Paul Nash,
1815 to 1819 by Samuel Ware for Lord Caven-
Henry Moore and Wells Coates (architect of
dish, who lived here in a large property and
Isokon in Belsize Park, p. 359). Unit One
wanted to stop passers-by throwing rubbish
announced its formation through a letter in
on his land. The arcade is patrolled by top-
The Times on 2 June 1933 but split up after
hatted beadles who ensure that visitors are
two years as it could not agree on its aims.
not carrying unfurled umbrellas or bulky
Artists whose work was first exhibited
commercially at the Mayor Gallery include
Burlington Gardens Francis Bacon, Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Joan
A short street at the north-east end of Old Mir6 and Eduardo Paolozzi.
Bond Street which contains on its south side
an impressive thirteen-bay Italianate

Hanover Square men with a cheque in a ceremony photo-

A busy traffic route just south-west of graphed by the ship's doctor. When the
Oxford Circus lined by impressive office party reached New York, however, one of
blocks, Hanover Square was laid out on the the men went to the press claiming that the
Kirkham Close Estate by the Earl of Scar- money was a bribe Duff Gordon had paid
borough in 1714 and named in honour of him to row away from the Titanic to pre-
the accession to the British throne of vent the lifeboat from being swamped by
George, Elector of Hanover. The develop- drowning passengers. Although Duff
ment was an immediate success, attracting Gordon was exonerated at the inquiry his
a number of titled people, and during the reputation and Lucille's were damaged and
nineteenth-century growth of commercial she never regained her standing.
London prestigious offices, fashion houses • Danny La Rue's 1960s club, where La Rue,
and clubs moved to Hanover Square as the Britain's first drag artist, appeared with the
residents moved away. At the south end of considerably shorter Ronnie Corbett as
the square is Chantrey's statue of William straight man, was situated in the basement
Pitt the Younger, which supporters of the at No.17.
Reform Bill unsuccessfully tried to pull 4)tUUJbU etfUue 8lof111i, No. 4, east side
down on the day it was unveiled. The f>cmouet Squote !Rooms opened on the
No. 17, north side east side of the square on 1 February 1775 -
Lucy Christiana Sutherland, who as 'Lucille' Johann Christian Bach gave the first of
was the leading British dressmaker of the fin many concerts here the following year - and
de siecle, moved her clothes store to Han- annual performances of Handel's Messiah
over Square in 1897, and it soon became one were staged in the rooms from 1785 to 1845.
of London's great couture houses, 'Maison In 1791 the composer Joseph Haydn made
Lucille', her clothes- 'a cascade of chiffons, the first of several visits, and he later wrote
of draperies as lovely as those of ancient symphonies Nos. 93-104, popularly known
Greece' - challenging the prevalent look of as the London Symphonies, many of which
flannel underwear, woollen stockings and were introduced here, in commemoration
voluminous petticoats. Lucille was the first of his visits. The American novelist Mark
dressmaker to use live mannequins, pion- Twain spoke at the rooms to an enthusiastic
eered the brassiere and created skirts that crowd on the subject of 'Our Fellow Savages
revealed, rather than concealed, the leg. She of the Sandwich Islands' on 13 October 1873,
opened a branch in New York and in 1912 and the following year the rooms were
booked herself on White Star Liners' new converted to the Hanover Square Club. The
flagship, the Titanic, for the transatlantic premises were demolished in 1900.
St George Street
Disconcerted by the size of the vessel,
St George, St George Street at Maddox
Lucille went to bed each night fully dressed.
When an iceberg fatally struck the ship at
The parish church of Mayfair and one of
around midnight on 16 April1912 she and
London's most fashionable places of
her husband, Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon,
worship, St George was designed by John
fortuitously secured safety on the almost
James, who had been apprenticed to Chris-
deserted Number 1 boat. When one of the
topher Wren, and built in 1721 to 1724 with
crew remarked that as the ship had sunk
money raised by a tax on coal. As well as
their pay would stop and they would not be
being a favourite with West End society, it
able to afford new uniforms, Duff Gordon
specialized in cheap marriages at a guinea a
promised to meet the men's costs. Once
time, without the requirements of banns or
safely aboard the vessel Carpathia which had
licences. One of those who took advantage
rescued them, Duff Gordon presented the

was James Blake, father of the poet-painter wealthiest customers regardless of shifts in
William, who married Catherine Hermitage fashion.
here in autumn 1752. A better-known west side: Vigo Street to Conduit Street
marriage that took place here, fictionally, is No.35
that of Alfred Doolittle in George Bernard Tommy Nutter shocked the traditional
Shaw's Pygmalion, an incident depicted in tailors of Savile Row in 1968 when, on
the song 'Get Me to the Church on Time' in setting up his House of Nutter outlet here
the play's musical incarnation, My Fair with a cash injection from the singer Cilia
Lady. Black, he laid a chocolate-coloured carpet in
the store and installed a nameplate that read
Savile Row
simply: 'Nutters'.
Home of bespoke British tailoring since the
Anderson and Sheppard, No. 30
early nineteenth century, Savile Row was
The tailors where Charles, Prince of Wales,
built over the kitchen garden of Burlington
has his suits made.
House (now home of the Royal Academy)
Savile Row police station, No. 27
in 1695 and acquired its name in the 1730s
During the Second World War the British
from Lady Dorothy Savile, wife of the 3rd
secret service's subterfuge and subversion
Earl of Burlington. Its first residents were
unit of the Special Operations Executive
mostly military officers and politicians
used the newly built police station basement
and the first tailors set up here in 1806,
for storing weapons and explosives. By the
establishing their reputations after gaining
1950s the station was in the pay of West End
the custom of the society dandy Beau
vice merchants who rewarded officers who
Brummell and the Prince Regent (later
turned a blind eye to clubs which sold
George IV), the supreme hedonists of the
alcohol outside licensing hours.
.,. SOE in Baker Street, p. 149.
It acquired a different kind of prestige
east side: Conduit Street to Vigo Street
during the 1930s when the firm of Kilgour,
Henry Poole, No. 15
French and Stanbury at No. 8 made Fred
One of the leading Savile Row firms, it
Astaire's morning coat for the film Top Hat,
began by dressing local huntsmen and
and this set the pattern for the biggest Holly-
bankers such as the Rothschilds in the nine-
wood names - Cary Grant, Bing Crosby and
teenth century and won royal patronage
Frank Sinatra - to come to Savile Row for
from Queen Victoria. Its owner, Henry
their suits.
Poole, inadvertently created the tuxedo in
In 1948 Savile Row tailors successfully
1860 when a new type of short smoking
promoted an Edwardian revival style of
jacket designed for Edward, Prince of Wales,
velvet collars, long-lapelled waistcoats and
to wear at informal dinner parties at Sand-
narrow trousers that became known as the
ringham caught the eye of a visitor from
'Teddy Boy' look. When, within a few years,
America, James Potter of Tuxedo Park, who
the look was taken up by delinquent
asked Poole if he could design a similar
working-class teenagers one Savile Row
garment for him to wear back home. After
customer was heard to complain that 'the
Poole died in 1876, his cousin, Samuel
whole of one's wardrobe immediately
Cundey, took over the store, enlarging the
became unwearable'. In 1968 the Beatles,
premises and concentrating on civil, rather
who bought their suits at Tommy Nutter's
than military, tailoring, and by the twentieth
House of Nutter at No. 35, set up their
century it had become the largest tailors in
Apple Corps company at No. 3, playing
the world, employing some 300 staff. Poole's
their last gig on the roof of the building on
has since absorbed several other firms and,
3 January 1969. Savile Row continues to
when the original Savile Row premises were
flourish, supplying suits to the world's
demolished in 1961, it moved to No. 15, a

property built for the Countess of Suffolk in replied to a note from George's successor,
1733· the Prince Regent, demanding his
Hardy Amies, No. 14 immediate attendance on a Sunday, by
The most famous name on Savile Row, informing the Prince that 'for six days I
Hardy Amies opened a shop at No. 14 in serve my King, on the seventh day I serve
1946 and gained national fame in 1955 when my God'. The Prince Regent was not
he was appointed dressmaker to Queen offended and continued his patronage. The
Elizabeth II. Previously the property had two firms later merged and in the nine-
been home to the playwright Richard teenth century the company developed the
Brinsley Sheridan, who lived here in poverty Kitchener and Wolseley sun helmets that
from 1813 to 1816 and who even after dying became essential items for those who
was not entirely free of creditors. A visitor travelled in hot climates, equipping David
who came to view the corpse claiming he Livingstone and Henry Morton Stanley for
was a long-lost relation wanting to look at their expeditions to central Africa. In
his dear relative one last time revealed 1912 the firm moved to No.1 Savile Row,
himself to be a bailiff when the coffin was the 1732 town house that had previously
opened and arrested the dead playwright for been home to the Royal Geographical
non-payment ofbills. Jules Verne gave Society, where, ironically, Livingstone's
Phileas Fogg Sheridan's former address in corpse had lain in state in 1874. In the early
his celebrated 1872 work Around the World 1930s it supplied Charles Laughton with
in Eighty Days. corpulent costumes for his role as Captain
Apple Corps (1968-72.), No. 3 Bligh in the film Mutiny on the Bounty,
Apple, the Beatles' chaotically run record working with the same designs they had
label, moved into this tall eighteenth- used for the real-life Bligh in the late eigh-
century property, now home of the Building teenth century.
Societies Association, in July 1968. The
following January the Beatles played their (vii) Piccadilly
last gig on the roof of the building, which
shows them at the point of breaking up, One of London's most famous roads, its
generating little warmth and perfunctorily name copied by a number of other British
running through the songs that formed the cities, Piccadilly is one of two traditional
bulk of their last album. They were stopped routes leading west from central London
after forty minutes by the police following (the other being Oxford Street) and prob-
complaints about the noise from nearby ably took its name from the 'picadil', a stiff
office workers. In September 1969 the four collar made by a local seventeenth-century
Beatles met for the last time at a business tailor, Robert Baker. The route was origin-
meeting held here and three years later ally known as Hyde Park Road west of
Apple moved out. The graffiti'd front do~r Berkeley Street, where a stone bridge took it
was later shipped out to Lennon and Yoko over the now culverted Tybourne stream,
Ono's New York apartment. and Portugal Street, in honour of Catherine
"" Abbey Road studios, p. 367. of Braganza, the Portuguese wife of Charles
Gieves and Hawkes, No. 1 II, further east, but became Piccadilly in the
Founded as two separate firms by a Mr eighteenth century. On the north side were
Gieves (in 1785) and a Mr Hawkes (in 1771), a number of aristocrats' mansions, of which
the former gave P. G. Wodehouse the idea only Burlington House and the Albany
for the name of his butler in the Bertie remain, while on the south side there was a
Wooster stories (spelled as Jeeves), while the succession of small, intimate shops such as
latter, who secured a Royal Warrant from the surviving Hatchards bookshop. Early in
George III early in the nineteenth century, the twentieth century the street's wealthy

residents, finding the noise of vehicles and

the bustle of the capital not to their liking,
moved away, but the modern-day Piccadilly
retains its grandeur, thanks to the presence house, which may have been
of the Ritz Hotel, the Royal Academy in by Inigo Jones and whose
Burlington House and the quality grocers, are now bisected by the M4.
Fortnum & Mason, at No. 181. .-..r....... , n'"' The station once used kestrels
• In Bram Stoker's vampire novel, Dracula hawks to kill pigeons which were
(1897), the bloodsucking count buys the up home within.
fictitious No. 347, a property 'grim and Eallng Built with an innovative
silent in its deserted condition among its waiting room, a style much copied
more lively and spruce-looking neighbours'.
Rebuilt in the 1930s with many
period features, including brick
and stripped-down classical
Piccadilly Line opened as the Great
Piccadilly and Brompton Railway
A grand rebuilding programme
to link Finsbury Park and Hammer-
be curtailed because of the Second
the soil excavated from the digging
tunnels being used to shore up
The original station was so short
terraces at Chelsea Football Club's
there was no room for more than
Bridge ground. The line was
carriages at a time; trains had to stop
west in 1911 along existing District
tracks to Acton Town. Further exten-
The station regularly used in the
took place in the 1930s when new
by a stream of Soviet spies visiting
mostly designed by Charles
notorious agents Helen and Peter
that were among the most exciting
at their nearby bolt-hole.
new buildings in London, were
Manor The 1912 halt was replaced
Holden's expertly propor-
Terminal-4 In 1986 the line was asymmetricallate 1930s brick
to Terminal-4, ending in a loop
connects it with Terminals I, 2, 3. Named after a local mansion,
Terminals 1, 2, 3 Opened in 1977 House.
row Central, the first ever under- Lane The Piccadilly and Metro-
lines meet just east of the station.
Harrow There Is a ghost station (the
South Harrow) to the south of the

Small, modern, labour-saving houses

garages and gardens. Live in the
where you have room to breathe.'
Town The first of Charles

and designed in free-form brick with

windows and no supporting ·
took his inspiration for the design It was the first on the network not

built on the side of the road, like a new Victoria Line and again In the 1970s
but ih its own cul-de-sac. the new Jubilee Line.
Th~ only other station on the Illy Circus Opened in 1906, the
nd system apart from Greenford was deemed too small by the 1920s
passengers take escalators (origin-
used in the Dome of Discovery in the was no room for a surface level
Festival of Britain) up to the platforms. The new station, with its art deco
Royal John Betjeman recalled Park hall, shops. world clock, maze of
l as a 'little wooden platform, high walkways and painting showing
the football ground of Queen's Park Circus as the centre of the world,
In a Times article in May 1963. in 1928 as the biggest station the
Eallng Opened in 1903 on the Ealing system had then witnessed.
South Harrow Railway. Square When the station was
Common The 1931 ticket hall was in the 1930s the nearby Hippodrome
by Baslllonides, who also worked Crown Hotel had to be underpinned.
Savoy Theatre. Garden Legend has it that the
Town Opened as Mill Hill Park in is haunted by the ghost of Victorian
1879 and changed to Acton Town In William Terris, who was stabbed to
by a jealous colleague outside the
nn1e11smlth One of the few stations on Adelphi Theatre in 1897.
network where passengers can change Members of the Cabinet and the
one line to another on the same plat- family, Including King George V, took
in this case from the Piccadilly Line in the deep tunnel of the Piccadilly
District Line, and vice versa. spur from Holborn to Aldwych
Court A rare listed station build- First World War Zeppelin raids on
the original1905 fittings carefully

1974 horror film, Deathline, a

first escalator, which opened in City gent is abducted from
1911. Bumper Harris, a man with a station platform by a member of a
n leg. was hired to ride up and tribe of cannibalistic troglodytes
all day to reassure passengers· of live in a nearby abandoned tunnel and

Road The original station

contains a board that boasts, in
lettering. 'Metropolitan Railway non-rail disaster took place on
I Trains To All Parts Of London'. mber 1987 when a fire in the
Kensington Captain Franz Rintelen at the top of the Piccadilly Line
Kleist, a lieutenant-commander in the led to the deaths of thirty-one
navy who had been imprisoned on
Isle of Man during the First World War
spying for the Germans, was found
in a tube train at South Kensington
In May 1949. intervals.
lahtsttrlclae Rebuilt for the benefit of Road The station faces major
In 1934. work to deal with the planned
Park Corner A rare West End tube Arsenal stadium nearby.
serving only one line. When opened in December 1906
Park Extended in the 1960s to take station was Gillespie Road and Arsenal

:f~tball Club were based in south London ·West (Oakwood), which was shortened to
· · after Arsenal moved to Highbury the ' '~kwood in 1946.
, pressurized the transport authorities ~kfosters The line was taken this far
~"f:hange the name to Arsenal, and it is "'th so that trains could reach their new
;:;ftiw the only station on the network /~~t~ ~ather than to serve a transport-
ed after its local team. " ""*""fommunity.
Park British R&B pioneer Graham
died in mysterious circumstances
the wheels of a train at Finsbury
north side: Hyde Park Corner to Piccadilly
station in May 1974, supposedly the
of a demon who had entered his
Hyde Park Comer
during an exorcism, dragged him to
The traditional gateway to London from
station, and forced him in front of the
the west and now a fearsome traffic round-
about, Hyde Park Corner stands at the
House One of a number of stations
north-west corner of Green Park. Entrance
include Swiss Cottage) named after
to the park is through Constitution Arch -
rather than an area.
also known as Wellington Arch and
Lane Rebuilt in the 1930s with a
designed by Decimus Burton between 1825
tram and bus interchange and shop-
and 1828 as a monument to the Duke of
Wellington's victory at Waterloo- which
Green Built in the 1930s, with venti-
originally stood a little further to the north
grilles depicting idyllic rural scenes,
but was moved here after causing a traffic
more with the station's name
bottleneck. The statue of Wellington was
with the nature of the surrounding
removed in 1883 and in 1912 Adrian Jones's
statue of the Goddess of Peace was installed
Green A remarkable piece of archi-
on the roof. The arch used to contain a tiny
with a louvred ventilation shaft
police station, the second smallest in the
a unique octagonal tower.
Grove Charles Holden's master-
Apsley House, No. 149
its cylindrical ticket hall modelled
A Robert Adam mansion built between
Asplund's public library in Stock-
1771 and 1778 for Henry Bathurst, the Lord
was described by the Observer on its
Chancellor, one of whose family names
in 1932 as 'an architectural gem of
was Apsley, it was later acquired by the
Marquess ofWellesleywho sold it to his
Another outstanding Holden
brother, the Duke of Wellington, in 1817,
it is designed in the shape of a
and it was here that the duke exhibited
with an upper storey of windows and
trophies from the 1815 Battle ofWaterloo
an accompanying shopping parade of
including Napoleon's coach. The duke '
high quality.
preferred Apsley House to 10 Downing
When the station was being
Street when he was prime minister in the
in the 1930s London Underground
182os and liked to sit on the roof watching
a board outside asking locals to
troops march by without being observed.
names to complement their own
He was obliged to turn the house into a fort-
of East Barnet, Merryhills (a
ress in 1830 after the mob singled him out
pub) and Oakwood. Enfield West
for abuse when he refused to accept political
chosen but Southgate council claimed
reform. After the 6th Duke was killed in
name was misleading. as the station
action during the Second World War the
not in Enfield, and a compromise was
property was granted to the nation and it is
with the station renamed Enfield

now a museum devoted to the nctor of nemesis, the Norwegian agent Rune Hauge,
Waterloo and filled with paintings from the in the hotel bar and accepted from him a
Spanish Royal Collection, including Velaz- hold-all 'as an appreciation of all you
quez's Waterseller of Seville and works by [Graham] have done to help me open doors
Goya, Rubens and Brueghel. The property's here in England'. When Graham arrived
postal address is the quaint No.1 London, home and opened the bag he found
awarded to it for being the first house east £140,500 in £50 notes. He later received a
of the former Hyde Park toll gate. banker's draft for a further £285,000 and
flo. 145 banked the money in Jersey without
Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) declaring it, on the grounds that it was an
and Princess Margaret were brought up at unsolicited gift, but when the news leaked
145 Piccadilly, which was the family home of out he was sacked by Arsenal and banned
their parents, the Duke and Duchess of York from football for a year, despite handing the
(later George VI and the Queen Mother), money back.
before the Second World War. When the ... Arsenal Football Club, p. 331.
duke assumed the throne in 1936 following No.94
the shock abdication of his brother, Edward An imposing Palladian building, set back
VIII, he came home in a daze and asked his from the road and built by Matthew
curtseying daughters: 'If anyone comes Brettingham between 1756 and 1760 for
through on the telephone, who should I say the Earl of Egremont, it was the mid-
I am?' In preparation for his coronation in nineteenth-century home of Lord Palmer-
May 1937 the new king paced his study for stan, one of the era's most formidable
hours rehearsing his speech and wearing politicians and prime minister in the 1850s
heavy weights on his head to ready himself and 186os. After Palmerston's death it was
to carry the 7lb St Edward's Crown, which taken over by the Naval and Military Club,
would be used during the ceremony. later being known as the In and Out dub,
The property was destroyed by a Second on account of the signs painted by the gates.
World War bomb and was later replaced by Early in the twenty-first century the dub
the Hotel Inter-Continental. moved to 2 StJames's Square and the
... Buckingham Palace, p. 212. building was sold to a mystery buyer from
Park Lane Hotel, No. 112 Kuwait.
The hotel, planned before the First World Burlington House, east of Old Bond Street
War for a site which had contained several A rare surviving Piccadilly mansion, now
Piccadilly mansions, was abandoned when home to the Royal Academy of Arts,
hostilities broke out and the frame of the Burlington House was begun in 1665 by Sir
building stood forlornly until1924 when John Denham, poet, architect and Surveyor-
work resumed. The author Evelyn Waugh, General to Charles II, and redesigned after
chronicler of upper-class Mayfair life, stayed Richard Boyle, the 3rd Earl of Burlington,
here during the Second World War, after returned from his Grand Tour of Italy in
serving with the British Military Mission in 1716 enthusing over the Palladian style. He
Yugoslavia. Some forty years later the TV upgraded the house from a plain brick struc-
company making an adaptation of Waugh's ture to a grand Palladian mansion, its glory
Brideshead Revisited shot in the hotel scenes best seen in the lower storeys of the
meant to be taking place on an Atlantic liner entrance arch on Piccadilly, which had
and the makers of the 1980s British movies considerable influence on the next genera-
Dance with a Stranger and Mona Lisa filmed tion of architects.
in the ballroom. The government bought Burlington
In December 1991 George Graham, the House in 1854, without having a plan for its
manager of Arsenal Football Club, met his use, and later leased it to a number of organ-

izations including the Royal Academy, Piccadilly Circus

which now occupies much of the building One of the world's great landmarks, dazz-
and uses it to display its permanent collec- ling in the flashing neon lights of its adver-
tion of works by Constable, Gainsborough, tising hoardings, Piccadilly Circus is also the
Turner and others and to host its annual unofficial centre of the capital, a title for
summer exhibition. In 1851 the Millais which it competes with Trafalgar Square
painting Christ in the House of His Parents and Leicester Square. It was created in 1819
met with a hostile reception when exhibited as part ofJohn Nash's work on the newly
here on account of its extreme realism, built Regent Street, originally taking the
which was unusual for the time, and the form of a French place with the curved
inclusion of the mysterious initials 'PRB' on corners of the buildings fronting a cross-
the canvas, initials that were found to stand roads. The layout changed in the 188os when
for 'Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood'; the the Metropolitan Board of Works, in
painting was one of the first created by the creating Shaftesbury Avenue, demolished
group of artists that also included Dante the north-east section. The tenants of the
Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt. new buildings realized they could raise
In 1997 Marcus Harvey's portrait of Moors considerable revenue by fronting their
murderer Myra Hindley made out of chil- fa~ades with illuminated advertising, while
dren's handprints was vandalized when it the buildings on the other corners were
first went on show and its inclusion led to prevented from following suit by the terms
the resignation of a number of Academy of the original leases. Although many
members. London historians have decried the resulting
.,. Tate Britain, p. 246; the Pre-Raphaelites, awkward shape, Piccadilly Circus gains its
p. 8s. character from the unusual angles and
Albany, Piccadilly at Albany Court Yard directions of the roads that meet here. The
The most exclusive bachelor apartments in famous Eros statue was erected in 1892 as a
London, Albany was built as Melbourne memorial to the philanthropist the Earl of
House between 1770 and 1774 for the 1st Shaftesbury.
Viscount Melbourne by Sir William Cham- south side: Piccadilly Circus to Hyde Park
bers, who also redesigned Somerset House, Corner
and was soon taken over by Frederick, Duke The Criterion, No. 224
ofYork, son of George III. When the duke Lavishly decorated inside in a neo-Byzantine
ran into debt the complex was converted style, the Criterion, a restaurant and base-
into luxury apartments, where only ment theatre situated on the south side of
gentlemen, bachelors and those with no Piccadilly Circus, was built by Thomas
connections with trade were allowed to live. Verity in 1873, and soon attracted a raffish
Since Lord Byron moved into No.2 in 1814 male crowd. It was here that Dr Watson
- Lady Caroline Lamb disguised herself as a bumps into an associate who later intro-
page-boy to get into the building- scores of duces him to Sherlock Holmes in the first
writers have adopted an Albany suite as Holmes book, A Study in Scarlet. It was also
their pied-a-terre- Lord Macaulay, Arnold the haunt of villains such as the gangster
Bennett, Aldous Huxley and Graham Eddie Guerin who, while on the run from
Greene - while other wealthy socialites who the police and private detectives in Chicago,
have lived here include the actor Terence came to London and in the Criterion told
Stamp, Anthony Armstrong-Jones (Lord gullible associates how he had escaped by
Snowdon), the former prime minister boat from Devil's Island, off the coast of
Edward Heath and the politician and diarist French Guiana, and eaten his companions
Alan Clark. to stay alive. His story would have been
immediately ruined had any of them

realized that Devil's Island was by then no Hatchards, No. 187

longer in use as a prison. The Criterion's John Hatchard opened a bookshop at 173
basement theatre was taken over by the Piccadilly in 1797, moving to this site in 1801
BBC during the Second World War for the and inscribing on a plate on the shop wall
production of light entertainment shows 'God blessed my industry and good men
such as the radio success ITMA (It's That encouraged it.' Hatchards soon established
Man Again), and after the war staged an itself as the leading bookshop in London,
early run of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for the destination for the wealthy installing
Godot. In the early 1980s Ray Cooney's Run libraries in their newly built mansions, and
for Your Wife! played for over 1,500 per- an early customer was the Duke of Well-
formances, while more recently the theatre ington, who would ride here on horseback
has been showing the Complete Works of from his Apsley House residence further
William Shakespeare (Abridged). west on Piccadilly. Around 100 years later
No. 213 the eighteen-year-old Noel Coward was
Joe Lyons opened his first tea-shop here in caught shoplifting by an assistant who saw
1894· him putting books into a suitcase, itself
Waterstone•s (former Simpson•s), No. 203 stolen. When challenged he quickly retorted:
Britain's largest bookshop was built into the 'Really, look how badly this shop is run! I
former Simpson's store, the model for Grace could have made off with a dozen books and
Brothers in the TV sitcom Are You Being no one would have noticed,' leaving with no
Served?, which was built of welded steel to further bother.
the designs of Joseph Emberton in 1936. A Fortnum and Mason, No. 181
customer during the Second World War was London's most prestigious food store was
the French Resistance leader Charles de founded in 1707 by William Fortnum, a
Gaulle, whose discussion with a colleague footman to Queen Anne, who later formed
about plans involving the movement of a partnership with his landlord, Hugh
Resistance fighters in France was accident- Mason. By the end of the century it was
ally overheard by an enemy agent trying on supplying delicacies such as game in aspic
clothes in one of the changing rooms. jelly embellished with prawns and lobster to
StJames the wealthy of Mayfair and StJames's. The
A rare non-City Christopher Wren church, store sent foodstuffs to British soldiers
the only one he built on a site not previ- fighting in the Peninsular War (1808-14)
ously occupied by another building and said and the Crimean War (1854-6), and officers
to be the architect's favourite, it was conse- wrote back asking Fortnum and Mason to
crated in 1684 and has been one of London's leave the store's name off the products they
best maintained and most fashionable were shipping out as it was a temptation to
churches since, now home to a radical thieves. The firm has remained a major
ecumenical organization and the William supplier to the royal family.
Blake Society, the painter-poet having been ~~>-Harrods, p. 397·
baptized in the Grinling Gibbons-designed (fgtj~tlmt ('..U, No. 170
marble font. The church was bombed in Egyptian House stands on the site of the
1940 and restored with a new spire, a replica 1812 (fggl)thm f)all, a museum that was the
of the original. The Piccadilly entrance is first building in London designed with Egyp-
home to a small market. tian motifs, where curiosities brought back
No.195 from the South Seas by Captain Cook, and
Built as the Royal Institute of Painters in Napoleon's carriage seized at Waterloo were
Water Colours in 1881, it now houses Bafta, exhibited. In 1844 the 25-inch-tall American,
the British Association of Film and Tele- Charles Sherwood Stratton, known popu-
vision. larly as General Tom Thumb, took part in a
SOHO, Wl 1~

show organized by the flamboyant Phineas here. By the 1980s the hotel had descended
T. Barnum. Two years later the hall dis- into tastelessness, furnished with pink
played Benjamin Haydon's enormous curtains that the journalist Victoria Mather
canvas, Christ's Entry Into Jerusalem, described as 'looking like cami-knickers'.
which had led the artist to exclaim: 'What Since being bought by the Barclay brothers
fire, what magic!' on completion of the in the 1990s it has regained some of its
work. The building was demolished former reputation .
in 1905. ..,.. The Savoy, p. 134.
The Ritz
The famous luxurious Beaux-Arts hotel,
built in 1904-5 with a steel frame, London's SOHO, WI
first, was financed by Cesar Ritz, who had
revolutionized London dining in the 1890s 'Yes,' returned Mr. Hyde. 'It is as well we·
at the Savoy- he resigned in 1898 after being have met; and a propos, you should have
accused of conducting his own business my address.' And he gave a number of a
affairs on hotel property - but was not street in Soho - The Strange Case of Dr
immediately popular with locals who Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis
claimed its vast bulk would stem the flow Stevenson (1886)
of fresh air from Green Park. If the City of London is the capital's historic
However, the hotel soon attracted the and financial square mile, then Soho is its
wealthiest and most celebrated guests, nightlife, social and glamour centre, a
including the opera singer Enrico Caruso, dynamic area of chic bars, packed pubs,
the ballerina Pavlova and the Russian smart restaurants and crowded clubs, its
choreographer Diaghilev. Even during the streets awash with tourists, day-trippers,
First World War entertaining continued on celebrities and those looking for excitement.
a lavish scale, Francis Meynell writing scorn- The area was entirely covered in fields in
fully in the left-wing Daily Herald of meals 1582 when Elizabeth I passed a law forbid-
of 'hors d' oeuvres, rich soups, sole and ding the building of houses within three
lobster with cream everywhere - on the miles of the City, citing 'the improbability of
soup, in the fish sauce, on the fruit salad'. supplying [the residents] with food, fuel and
While lunching at the Ritz on n May 1920 other necessaries of life at a reasonable rate
the Conservative politician Oswald Mosley, and the danger of spreading plague and
who later founded the British Union of infection throughout the realm'. Neverthe-
Fascists, was approached by the hostess Lady less by the seventeenth century a number of
Cunard who asked him: 'Were you not houses had been constructed illegally, and
being married five minutes ago?' Mosley real- in 1633 the name So-hoe, of uncertain
ized that he should have been, rushed out, etymology, first appeared in the parish rate
and ran along StJames's Street to the book. Some thirty years later Charles II
Chapel Royal, StJames's Palace, where he bestowed the land around what is now
was just in time for his wedding to Lady Soho Square to his bastard son, James Scott,
Cynthia Curzon, daughter of the foreign Duke of Monmouth, who built a mansion,
secretary, Lord Curzon. !lnonmout(J ~ouse, there. He used the phrase
When Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pick- 'So Ho!' as his battle cry in 1685 at the Battle
ford stayed at the Ritz that June the crowds of Sedgemoor, where his peasant forces were
outside the hotel were so overwhelming that routed in his unsuccessful bid to usurp the
buses were stopped in the traffic for twenty throne of England from James II.
minutes. A year later forty police were By the end of the seventeenth century
needed to ensure Charlie Chaplin could those fleeing the devastation caused by the
enter the hotel in safety when he stayed Fire of London, a few miles to the east, had

Soho's pubs and restaurants World War and which in the 1960s was
Soho is London's most popular drinking popular with music business people, who
and eating-out area with scores of well- claimed that the bottom three places in the
known establishments. pop chart could allegedly be bought in the
Admiral Duncan, 54 Old Compton Street. pub's Oyster Bar.
Soho's leading gay pub, the target of a bomb L'Escargot, 48 Greek Street. One of Soho's
attack in 1999. most exclusive restaurants, where the civil
Argyll Arms, 18 Argyll Street. A pub with servant Clive Ponting held a party after
well-preserved Victorian fittings where the being cleared of leaking official secrets in the
novelist George Orwell chastised BBC 1980s.
colleagues for failing to show sufficiently French House, 49 Dean Street. A favour-
proletarian credentials. ite of Soho's literary crowd throughout
Bar Italia, 22 Frith Street. An authentic the twentieth century and used by
Italian cafe with giant TV screen, open until Charles de Gaulle during the Second
the early hours. World War.
Coach and Horses, 29 Greek Street. The Gay Hussar, 2 Greek Street. Favourite
venue for Private Eye's fortnightly lunches, London restaurant of wealthy socialists.
presided over by Norman Balon, London's Groucho Club, 45 Dean Street. Soho's most
self-styled 'rudest landlord'. celebrated media dub, patronized by Julie
Colony Club, 41 Dean Street. Soho's best- Burchill, Ben Elton, Damien Hirst and
known private drinking dub, run for many Salman Rushdie.
years by the foul-mouthed Muriel Belcher, Intrepid Fox, 99 Wardour Street. A haunt
and haunt of the artists Francis Bacon and of bikers and heavy metal fans and named
Lucian Freud. after the great eighteenth-century Whig poli-
Crown and Two Chairmen, 32 Dean Street. tician Charles James Fox.
Named after the two sedan chair-bearers The John Snow, 39 Broadwick Street. A pub
who dropped by when taking Queen Anne built on the site of the surgery where John
to have her portrait painted opposite. Snow discovered the source of Soho's 1854
De Hems, 10 Macclesfield Street. Dutch pub cholera epidemic.
where Resistance fighters met in the Second Kettner's, 29 Romilly Street. A former

begun to settle in the area alongside an Joseph Nollekens (29 Dean Street) and
influx of Greek refugees, the first of scores the sculptor John Flaxman (27 Poland
of foreigners settling in Soho after fleeing Street), while a number of houses were
political or social persecution. Although converted into workshops by picture-
Soho was popular with the aristocracy in framers, watchmakers, silversmiths and
the early eighteenth century, those with furniture makers.
money soon moved further west to During the nineteenth century Soho
the pleasant lanes of Mayfair or the became one of the most densely populated
courts of StJames's and many of their parts of London, a shabby district teeming
properties were taken over by foreign with life and energy, but also one of great
envoys who enjoyed the cosmopolitan poverty, the dingy streets as described by
atmosphere. Robert Louis Stevenson in The Strange Case
At the end of the century the area was of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde typically
colonized by Huguenots and other French containing a 'gin palace, a low French eating
citizens fleeing the Revolution. It also house, a shop for the retail of penny
became popular with artists including numbers and twopenny salads, many ragged
Canaletto (who settled at 41 Beak Street), children huddled in the doorways, and
SOHO, W1 1~

French restaurant frequented by Oscar smashed windows, and in June 1940

Wilde and Edward VII, now owned by Winston Churchill ordered that all
Pizza Express. London's Italians be rounded up and
King of Corsica, 90 Berwick Street. A pub interned, thereby avoiding the need to
named in honour of the Frenchman Theo- differentiate between those who felt allegi-
dore Neuhoff, who was invited to become ances to their ancestors' birthplace and
King of the island of Corsica and died in those who wanted to fight for their new
Soho in 1756. homeland, a stance that infuriated loyal
Leoni's Quo Vadis, 26-29 Dean Street. subjects such as the restaurateur Peppino
Exclusive Italian eaterie situated below Karl Leoni, founder of the long-running Leoni's
Marx's old rooms. Quo Vadis restaurant.
Patisserie Valerie, 44 Old Compton Street. Soho escaped the kind of war damage
A 1920s cafe renowned for its cakes and that ruined other parts of London and after
pastries. the war a new feeling of egalitarianism,
Pillars of Hercules, 7 Greek Street. coupled with the area's tradition for toler-
A favourite of the Victorian cricketing poet ance, gave rise to a bohemian scene that
Francis Thompson. thrived around the area's espresso bars,
Pollo, 20 Old Compton Street. London's drinking dens and jazz clubs. In the 1960s
best-known cheap .Italian restaurant. the clothes shops on Carnaby Street briefly
Soho House, 40 Greek Street. A 1990s rival became the most fashionable in the western
to the Groucho (see above), popular with world, the centre of the Swinging London
a more pop-oriented celebrity crowd. scene famously celebrated by Time maga-
Sun and 13 Cantons, 21 Great Pulteney zine, while in the many after-hours drinking
Street. A charming pub named after the clubs, particularly the Colony and Caves de
Swiss woollen merchants who were based France on Dean Street, disreputable and
locally. dilettante writers and artists such as Jeffrey
Wong Kei, 41-43 Wardour Street. A cheap Bernard, Francis Bacon and Colin Macinnes
Chinese restaurant which caters for parties held court. By the seventies sex shops had
of pre-clubbers who come to be abused by gradually become the area's dominant
the legendarily rude waiters. _j image. But as Soho's reputation sank, prop-
erty prices became more attractive, resulting
in the area's rebirth as publishers, adver-
women of many different nationalities
tising agencies and restaurateurs moved into
passing out, key in hand'.
the area.
By the beginning of the twentieth century
• Soho is the quarter of w1 to the south-east
different ethnic groups occupied their own
of Oxford Circus.
sections of Soho: Jews around Berwick
Street market, where many of the stall-
holders spoke only in Yiddish; the Swiss in (i) around Carnaby Street
the Golden Square area; and Italians in the
Argyll Street
streets off Soho Square. In the 1930s Soho's
Pedestrianized and crowded with theatre-
Italian cafes were targeted by Benito Musso-
goers and tourists walking between Oxford
lini's ruling Italian fascists, and hundreds of
Circus station and the rest of Soho, Argyll
local youngsters of Italian extraction were
Street is named after John Campbell, the
sent to summer camps that were little more
2nd Duke of Argyll, who owned the land in
than fascist recruitment centres. When the
the 1730s when the street was created. His
Second World War broke out in 1939 Soho's
brother, who became the 3rd Duke, built the
large Italian community feared for its
street's grandest property, tlf91Jll bouse,
existence. Violence erupted, crowds

Soho's clubs virtuoso guitarist John McLaughlin, who

Soho's growth as London's major nightlife later played with Miles Davis.
centre dates back to the 1920s when night- Goings-On Club, 3-4 Archer Street. A
clubs first opened to cater for soldiers who regular venue for the 1960s beat poets Pete
were banned from local restaurants. Brown, Johnny Byrne and Spike Hawkins
Beat Route, 17 Greek Street. An early 198os and the location of early, experimental Pink
new romantic club, directions to which were Floyd gigs where members of the group
provided by Spandau Ballet in 'Chant No.1'. would discuss their work with the audience
Cafe de Paris, 3 Coventry Street. Soho's at the end of the show.
most exclusive nightspot, bombed in the Madame Jo-Jo's, 8-10 Brewer Street.
Second World War, and later host to the In April1964 the then unknown David
singer Marlene Dietrich. Bowie received his first big break at what
La Chase I Mezzo, 100 Wardour Street. was then the Jack of Clubs, playing with his
A chic restaurant where the prog rock band group at the wedding reception of the
Yes were conceived in May 1968 after Jon washing-machine tycoon John Bloom who,
Anderson, working there as a cleaner, met unimpressed, shouted: 'They're driving me
Chris Squire and found they had a mutual mad, get them off!' Now Madame Jo-Jo's, it
interest in Simon and Garfunkel, the is one of Soho's most famous nightspots,
Beatles, Jimmy Webb and the 5th particularly popular with transvestites, and
Dimension. the London club most associated with the
Les Cousins, 49 Greek Street. Soho's major 1990s 'cheesy listening' phase.
1960s folk club, where performers included Marquee, 165 Oxford Street, 90 Wardour
Bert Jansch, John Martyn, Donovan and Al Street. The most famous ofSoho's many
Stewart, and where Nick Drake played a rare rock clubs was where Mick Jagger made his
gig. After husking around North Africa, stage debut and where, after the Marquee
Europe and London in 1964 Roy Harper moved to Wardour Street in 1964, countless
secured himself a residency here, before new acts, including the Yardbirds, Who,
being throWn out 'for not being Nana Mous- David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and
kouri'. Not so confident was the young Cat Sex Pistols, played early gigs~
Stevens, raised only a few hundred yards Miranda Club, 9 Kingly Street. More
away on New Oxford Street, who told the exclusive than most Soho nightspots, it was
music magazine Mojo that he was 'too shy where members of the 1960s rock aristo-
to play more than one or two songs'. The cracy would come to get away from the
club closed in the 1970s. crowds and where Paul McCartney first
Dive Bar, 48 Gerrard Street. A gay venue met Linda Eastman, whom he later
below the King's Head pub mentioned by. married.
the Pet Shop Boys in 'West End Girls'. Sa •our.dle, Great Marlborough Street.
Flamingo, 33-37 Wardour Street. A 196os London's first discotheque opened in a
mod venue, favoured by black American Great Marlborough Street basement in 1959,
Gls, where the house band was Georgie a time when music in nightclubs was
Fame and the Blue Flames, starring the provided by live bands.

later replaced by the Palladium Theatre, the where in July 1932 the pioneering jazz trum-
street's best-known building. peter Louis Armstrong, brought over at
Palladium, No.7, east side great expense from Los Angeles, appeared
One of London's best-known concert halls, on a bill of variety acts backed by a scratch
the Palladium was built in 1910, opening band. The London audience did not know
that Boxing Day with a variety bill, and was how to react to a jazz instrumentalist and
SOHO, Wl 1~

Roaring Twenties, 50 Carnaby Street. started to play, he stayed because he wanted

It opened in 1961 when Carnaby Street was to know what Armstrong was going to do
just beginning to establish its reputation for next. 'I have never seen such a thing. I
fashionable clothes and was initially aimed thought he might even play the trumpet
at Jewish teenagers, but when they failed to before he was through.' Melody Maker was
flock to the club, it was taken over by the more supportive, claiming that Armstrong's
Jamaican Count Suckle. 'technique, tone and mastery of his instru-
Ronnie Scott's, 39 Gerrard Street and 46 ment is uncanny ... The amazing thing is
Frith Street. Britain's best-known jazz club his personality. He positively sparkles with
opened in Gerrard Street in 1959 and moved showmanship and good humour. When he
to Frith Street in 1965. is singing he carries a handkerchief and
Roundhouse, 83 Wardour Street. Alexis mops his face.'
Korner and Cyril Davies pioneered their On 12 June 1933 another jazz pioneer,
British version of the Chicago R&B sound Duke Ellington, made his British debut
above the Roundhouse pub in the late here, sharing a bill with the comedian Max
fifties, playing alongside US blues Miller, the so-called 'Cheeky Chappie' of the
performers such as Muddy Waters and Big music hall, watched by the ten-year-old
Bill Broonzy. Ahmet Ertegun, who later founded Atlantic
~t eeent, Ham Yard, Great Windmill Records. But further visits of leading jazz
Street. Soho's leading early sixties mod club, musicians to the UK were prevented by a
celebrated by the High Numbers (who deal struck between the US Ministry of
became the Who) on 'I'm the Face' and Labour and the British Musicians' Union,
owned by Ronan O'Rahilly, who later who refused work permits to visiting jazz
founded Radio Caroline. musicians until satisfactory reciprocal
Top Ten Club, 10 D'Arblay Street. Run in arrangements were set up with the
the late fifties by Vince Taylor, Britain's first American Federation of Musicians. As there
credible rock star and the model for David were no British jazz outfits that Americans
Bowie's Ziggy Stardust. wanted to hear, Britain became a live jazz
2.l's (1950s), 59 Old Compton Street. Birth- wilderness for the next two decades. When
place of British rock 'n' roll, where the performing ban was lifted in 1956, the
merchant seaman Tommy Hicks metamor- first US act to take advantage were the banal
phosed into Tommy Steele, Terry Nelhams rock 'n' roll copyists Bill Haley and the
into Adam Faith and Harry Webb into Cliff Comets.
Richard. During the 1960s the venue was host to
Vortex, 203 Wardour Street. Punk venue the popular television show Sunday Night at
mentioned by the Jam in '"A" Bomb in the London Palladium and more recently has
Wardour Street', where the journalist staged lavish musicals such as Barnum (the
Danny Baker, announcing the death of Elvis lead, Michael Crawford, had to be treated by
Presley in 1977 at the height of punk, was his osteopath after every performance, such
cheered - to his disgust and the delight of were his sprains), Singing in the Rain, and
the crowd. _j Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor
.,. Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, p. 119.
one punter remarked to the Daily Herald's
Hannen Swaffer: 'That man, why he did Beak Street
everything with the trumpet but play it,' Full of appealing small shops, ranging from
while a theatre manager at the back of the select clothes stores to places selling boxing
auditorium explained that although he ephemera and an ironmonger's, Beak Street
almost left immediately when Armstrong was Silver Street when the Italian artist

Soho Sex shabby properties around Brewer Street and

In Soho, all the things they say happen, Walker's Court were soon leased by
do: I mean, the vice of every kink - Abso- 'models', while there was also a growth in
lute Beginners, Colin Macinnes (1958) the number of sex shops, outside which
Giovanni Giacomo Casanova, the Venetian- 'hostesses' would try to lure gullible men
born Lothario known simply by his inside so that they could be relieved of large
surname, briefly lived on Greek Street in sums of money for the chance of talking to a
1764, but sex in Soho has mostly been closer member of the opposite sex.
in spirit to the seedy back-street shop where The number of local sex shops grew to
Joseph Conrad's AdolfVerloc sells smutty such levels that by the 1970s there were some
magazines and naughty photos in The Secret 200 such premises, their prevalence dissu-
Agent. In Graham Greene's novels Soho ading many people from visiting the area.
prostitutes were usually cast as Belgian or This led the Soho Society, formed in the
French - sex in the mid twentieth century 1960s to campaign for the preservation of
was seen by the British largely as a conti- Soho's character, to press the council to act,
nental affair. Gangsters set up stables of not out of concerns for morality but to
prostitutes, often French and known in combat local shabbiness and sordidness, and
vice circles as 'Fifis', on streets such as the MP Tim Sainsbury pushed a private
Brewer Street or Rupert Street, whose liai- member's bill through Parliament to ban
sons with clients would often be interrupted overtly sexual window displays. In 1982 a
by men with cameras bursting in and taking law was passed forcing sex establishments to
shots that could be used for blackmail. be licensed, which effectively led to scores of
The 1959 Street Offences Act mostly properties closing and saw Soho down to
cleared the streets of prostitutes, but the thirty-five sex shops by the end of the
decade. _j
Canaletto took a lease on a studio at No. 41 the 1840s - it was a Berwick Street market
in 1746 and was later renamed after Thomas trader, Jack Smith, who introduced the
Beake, one of Queen Anne's messengers. grapefruit to London in 1890 - and was one
Charles Dickens alluded to Beak Street as 'a of Soho's main mid-twentieth-century
tumbledown street with two irregular rows parading grounds for what local historian
of tall meagre houses' in Nicholas Nickleby, Mark Edmonds described as 'gentlemen
but the O::fown inn on the corner of Beak with brilliantined hair who sold hot cases of
Street and James Street, as recommended by whisky or organised impromptu card
Newman Noggs in the novel, and which was games'. Berwick Street is still a vibrant and
probably the pub used by Philip Carey and noisy place, flanked by London's greatest
friends in Somerset Maugham's Of Human conglomeration of record outlets, a state of
Bondage, no longer stands. affairs that led Oasis to use a shot of the
street on the front cover of their 1995 album
Berwick Street
(What's the Story) Morning Glory? At the
The League of Nations met in Berwick
southern end of the street stands Kemp
Market, to discuss on which side kippers
House, a rare Soho tower block, the sole
ought to swim- 'The League of Nations',
example of the Pilkington Glass company's
Billy Bennett (1934)
1954 proposal to glass over much of Soho at
Soho's market street, which was developed
rooflevel and build six twenty-four-storey
in 1688 and named after the Duke of
towers, each equipped with heligarages for
Berwick, bastard son of James II, has been
helicopter parking and canals to transport
one of the best places in London to buy
people around the area on hi-tech boats.
fruit, vegetables, cheese, fish and olives since
SOHO, W1 1~

Although the scheme's seventeen-storey The John Snow, No. 39, south side
Kemp House was built, the heligarage or The 1870s pub, originally the Newcastle-
mooring facilities never materialized. upon-Tyne, was built on the site of the
surgery run by John Snow, one of the first
Broadwick Street
surgeons to use anaesthetics, who gave
Broad Street until1936, when it was merged
Queen Victoria chloroform for the birth of
with Edward Street to form Broadwick
Prince Leopold in 1853 and made startling
Street, it was where the painter-poet
discoveries concerning the 1850s cholera
William Blake was born in 1758 (in a house
where the tower block Blake House now
stands), his parents running a hosiery shop Carnaby Street
where he later claimed he saw God's face The centre of British fashion in the 1960s
pressed against the window. When Winston but now selling mainly tourist tat, Carnaby
Churchill at the outset of the Second World Street was built in the 168os and named after
War ordered that Soho's Italians be rounded the local seventeenth-century mansion,
up for internment or deportation, a group 5\amabl) t)ouse. In the late eighteenth
of local women marched along Broadwick century Carnaby Street was home to an
Street heading for the Italian shops of Old abbatoir run by female butchers, as the
Compton Street, ready to carry out the artist William Blake depicted in the plates
prime minister's injunction themselves, but he produced for Jerusalem, which shows
were thwarted by a Rose Blau, who pleaded three women removing the entrails of a
with them to reconsider, explaining that fallen man. In the early nineteenth century
Soho's Italians were mostly English-born it was home to the 9lag's t)eab public
and did not support Mussolini. The march house, a hotbed of revolutionary political
broke up. activity where the toast was 'May

Soho crime invitations for which read: 'The above-

Though no more violent than other parts of named person is hereby appointed as a free
London - indeed many reports show that it · and virtuous citizen of the iniquitous and
is one of the safest places of its kind in the uninhibited province of Soho ... known for
Western world - Soho has always attracted its burglars, bandits, gangsters and con men.'
publicity on account of its glamorous repu- Hill's main rival was Jack Comer, a Jewish
tation and the way local crime usually fits gangster known as Jack Spot (it was said
into a cliched pattern involving nightclubs, that where there was trouble he.was always
casinos and dip-joints. on the spot), who looked the part in his
In the early years of the twentieth century perfectly tailored suits, fedora and crombie
the Soho underworld was run by the Italian and ran illegal gambling dens and protec-
Sabini brothers of Saffron Hill, Farringdon tion rackets. But Spot's standing was never
(p. 73). But when they were interned as as high as Hill's, especially after a bullion
undesirable aliens during the Second World raid at London Airport he organized went
War their place was taken by Billy Hill, a awry, and in 1956 he was badly beaten up
master of safe-breaking, smash-and-grab outside his flat by Hill's gang, which
raids and illegal gambling, who in 1955 included a young Frankie Fraser, who was
published his autobiography, Boss of sentenced to seven years for the offence. In
Britain's Underworld, in which he claimed the 1960s the Kray twins ran a number of
he was 'the undisputed king ofSoho'. To local clubs and in recent decades Soho's
celebrate the launch Hill threw a party main criminal gangs have been the Chinese
(at Gennaro's, now the Groucho), the Triads. _j

the last of the kings be strangled with the Street and before long Stephen owned more
guts ofthe last of the priests.' Tailors set up shops such as Male West One and His
workshops here in the nineteenth century Clothes. By the mid-sixties Carnaby Street
but there was no identifiable local clothing had become the shop window for men's
industry until photographer Bill Green fashion in England, with crowds flocking to
opened a select shop, Vince, at nearby the street at weekends. The Kinks simul-
15 Newburgh Street in the mid-1950s, selling taneously lionized and sent up the scene
dandified clothes to homosexuals and with their February 1966 single 'Dedicated
showbusiness celebrities. Follower of Fashion' about a dandyish fop
who does the rounds of the street's
John Snow and the 1854 cholera boutiques. The rest of the world caught up
epidemic with the idea of London, rather than Paris,
When cholera, which had killed some as a fashion centre on 15 April1966 when
1o,ooo people in various parts of London in Time published its infamous article on
1853, hit Soho the following year John Snow, 'Swinging London', in which it described
a local surgeon, announced that the disease how 'On any twilight evening when the
was spread through dirty water but had his day's work is done, Carnaby Street pulses
findings rubbished, particularly by local with slender young men in tight, black pants
water companies who claimed it was caused that fit on the hips like ski-pants, their tulip-
by a 'miasma in the atmosphere'. When like girlfriends on their arms, peering into
127 local people died of cholera early in the garishly-lit windows at the burgundy
September 1854 Snow began more research coloured suede jackets with the slanted,
and after interviewing the families of those pleated pockets.'
who had died found out that all the victims The publicity killed Carnaby Street, which
had drunk from a well on Broad Street was soon filled with cash-in shops stuffed
(Broadwick Street). He took samples of the with inferior hipster jeans and second-rate
water, discovered that it contained infec- Cuban-heeled boots, but even though it
tious particles, and went to the guardians of enjoyed a brief revival at the end of the
the local parish, urging them to remove the 1970s, when its stores latched on to punk,
pump handle. After they did so spread of stocking tartan bum-flaps, knee-length
the disease stopped, but still the authorities lace-up boots and zip-festooned leather
were not convinced, and cited the death of a jackets, it is now purely of nostalgic interest,
Hampstead woman and her niece in its days as a cutting edge fashion centre long
Islington, neither of whom had been in gone.
Soho, to boost their argument. Snow visited west side: Beak Street to Foubert's Place
their relatives and discovered that the His Clothes, No. 41
woman had previously lived in Broad Street John Stephen opened his pioneering men's
and liked the taste of the water so much she boutique, His Clothes, at 41 Carnaby Street
had engaged her servant to journey to Soho in 1960, selling sharp Italian clothes to a
to raise water from the well and take it back young narcissistic crowd and introducing
to her house in Hampstead. _j new concepts into marketing clothes, such
as experimental window displays and goods
Soon after, a former Vince assistant, John on racks outside on the pavements. His
Stephen, opened a menswear shop, His customers included members of the new
Clothes, on Beak Street, specializing in clothes-conscious groups such as the Small
scarves loosely knotted around the neck, Faces, the Yardbirds and the Who. It was
velvet suits and cheap throwaway clothes. here that the latter's drummer, Keith Moon,
When the shop burned down in 1960 would come with the eccentric performer
Stephen opened a new branch at 41 Carnaby Viv Stanshall to try out their trouser-testing
SOHO, Wl 1~

gag, which involved Moon and Stanshall Red Lion, No. 20, east side
demanding the 'strongest pair of trousers Karl Marx attended the communist
in the shop', tearing them apart, to the debating club that met above the Red Lion
horror of the store manager, and then being pub in 1850, as did the Prussian govern-
joined by a one-legged man who had been ment agent Wilhelm Stieber, who watched
waiting outside, who would grab the Marx under instructions from the Prussian
trousers, announce that they were 'just the Minister of the Interior, Ferdinand von
thing he was looking for' and order the Westphalen, Marx's brother-in-law. Stieber
confounded manager to 'Wrap them reported back to von Westphalen that the
separately!' communists were plotting in code to kill
Queen Victoria, and though von West-
Great Windmill Street
phalen in turn reported this to Lord
A windmill, built c. 1560, stood on what is
Palmerston, the foreign secretary, the
now Ham Yard, opposite Archer Street, and
latter sat on the information. When the
was demolished at the end of the seven-
Prussians complained that the British
teenth century.
authorities were not showing sufficient
:tlje eeene, No. 41, west side
concern the home secretary explained that
The Scene, London's leading 1960s mod
'under our laws, mere discussion of regicide
club, was previously Club n, a jazz venue,
... does not constitute sufficient grounds
where in the 1950s Ronnie Scott and Johnny
for the arrest of the conspirators'. After the
Dankworth showcased Dixieland jazz of the
cell was wound up it moved to Cologne
1920s, thereby launching the trad jazz scene
where it was rounded up by the Prussian ·
of the period. It became the Scene in 1963
when it was taken over by Ronan O'Rahilly,
• Karl Marx's Soho addresses, p. 193 and p. 194;
who employed a dancer called Johnny Moke
Anarchists in Fitzrovia, p. 143.
to showcase new moves- the Swim, Jerk,
Mashed Potato, Pony, Watusi, Fly et al.- Newburgh Street
and hired as house D J Guy Stevens who Vince (1950s}, No. 5
later produced the Clash's London Calling. Bill Green, a photographer who specialized
The Scene's clientele dropped inordinate in shots of muscle men, opened London's
amounts of pills and after closing time first men's boutique (as opposed to mere
would head to a cafe in Fleet Street and clothes shop) here in 1954, selling dandified
maybe to the south coast on their scooters, clothes to homosexuals (according to the
or catch the milk train from Waterloo. jazz performer and scene chronicler George
Many groups and budding musicians visited Melly, it was the only shop where 'they
the club, including the Who in their High measured your inside leg each time you
Numbers days, who immortalized the venue bought a tie'), its celebrity clientele
and its modish members, or 'tickets', in including the songwriter Lionel Bart, the
their first single 'I'm the Face', the Small actor John Gielgud and even the Spanish
Faces, Rod Stewart, and the Animals' Chas artist Pablo Picasso, who bought a pair of
Chandler (later manager of Jimi Hendrix suede trousers. The store featured in the
and Slade), who turned up during a visit to 1960 WolfMankowitz story Expresso Bongo,
London from Newcastle and later recalled in which 'sweating teenagers [wear] Vince
how 'there were no lights and no alcohol. Man's Shop jeans with heavy rollnecks,
When we saw it we couldn't believe it. On dose-fitting Charing Cross Road teddy
Tyneside people went to clubs to fight.' The trousers and velvet-collared coats bought
building was demolished at the end of the on hire purchase', and its success paved
sixties and a car park now occupies the site. the way for nearby Carnaby Street's growth
• The Marquee, Wardour Street, p. 201.

as a centre of British men's fashion in the Gilbert to create the Japanese-style sets for
1960s. the first run of The Mikado. But the store
,. Carnaby Street, p. 189. was constantly prone to ridicule from detrac-
tors. Oscar Wilde described a dress designed
Regent Street
by E. W. Godwin as 'looking like a badly
One of the most attractive streets in
made salad', while others poked fun at the
London, it was built by John Nash early in
shop being staffed not by assistants but
the nineteenth century for the Prince Regent
by 'cicerones' who only spoke when
(later George IV), who wanted to link his
approached and were expected to know the
<tadton f)ouse mansion in StJames's with
names of all the shop's customers, particu-
Regent's Park and provide a boundary
larly that of Nicholas II, the last Tsar of
between the areas occupied by the 'Nobility
Russia, who ordered new furnishings for
and Gentry' (Mayfair) and the streets occu-
the imperial palace from Liberty's in 1914
pied by 'mechanics and the trading part of
three years before his assassination.
the community' (Soho). Regent Street's
Liberty's has remained a major store
arrival caused much disruption to West End
since, renowned for its fabrics, carpets and
life and led to a considerable number of
furniture, even if not for the innovation of
complaints from shopkeepers, residents and
its early days.
visitors. Nevertheless Nash's broad boule-
.,. Heal's, p. 148.
vard soon attracted the wealthy residents
Cafe Royal, No. 68
and the best shops, and the curving stretch
London's best-known Parisian-style fin de
between Oxford Circus and Piccadilly
siecle cafe was established by Daniel
Circus, known as the Quadrant, was lavishly
Thevenon, a French wine-merchant, as the
decorated with colonnaded terraces and
Cafe-Restaurant I)aniel Nichols at nearby
buildings designed by many of the leading
15 Glasshouse Street in 1865 and was
architects of the day, including Sir John
extended on to the present site in 1870.
Soane and Robert Smirke. (It was partly
Its lavish ornate decor, velvet seats and
demolished in the 1840s as the colonnades
elaborate mirrors attracting the most flam-
had become overrun with prostitutes.)
boyant members of the Aesthetic Move-
Today, Regent Street is still a major shop-
ment, such as Oscar Wilde, who lunched
ping area, one of the most popular in the
here at exactly one o'clock most days. In the
capital, home to a number of the most
middle decades of the twentieth century
famous names in retailing- Burberry, Aqua-
patrons included Edward, Prince of Wales
scutum, Jaeger, Hamleys- its ornate archi-
(later Edward VIII), the Duke ofYork (later
tecture obscured by shop signs.
George VI), for whom waiters were
east side: Beak Street to Piccadilly Circus
instructed 'always plain food, no fuss', the
Liberty's, at Great Marlborough Street
poet John Betjeman and the painter
Arthur Lasenby Liberty opened a store here
Augustus John, on whose entrance younger
in 1875, selling silks and other goods from
artists would rise. An impoverished George
the Orient, and hired the painter James
Orwell's insistence on paying for a meal for
McNeill Whistler, to help him create what
himself and his friend, the much wealthier
became known as le style Liberty- a blend of
Richard Rees, editor of the literary magazine
art nouveau, Arts and Crafts and art deco
Adelphi, inspired the scene in the former's
created by English craftsmen, which
novel Keep the Aspidistra Flying in which
included printed cotton clothes and much
Gordon Comstock embarrasses himself in
of the Tudor-style furniture bought for the
the Cafe Imperial, a fictitious establishment
new villas springing up in London suburbs.
based on the Cafe Royal. Charles Forte
Liberty also engaged William Morris to
bought the Cafe Royal in 1954, and it
design prints and was himself hired by W. S.
continued to attract the crowds until the
SOHO, W1 1~

seventies, by which time it had become whom they had spotted watching their every
unfashionable. Its reputation improved in move around Soho, but ruined their case by
the 1990s when Marco Pierre White took admitting they wer~ revolutionaries on the
charge of the Grill Room. In the basement is run from Germany, their country of birth.
the exclusive China White club, magnet for Indeed the Prussian authorities had
stars and celebrities. dispatched police spies throughout Europe's
~~> Gay Hussar restaurant, p. 198. main capitals since the attempted assassina-
tion of the Prussian King, and the London
(ii) around Soho Square agents were reporting back to Ferdinand
von Westphalen, the Minister of the Interior
Dean Street ... and half-brother of Marx's wife. ·
One of three bustling streets running The Gargoyle I Gossip's, No. 69
north-south through Soho around Soho The Gargoyle was a drinking club opened by
Square, Dean Street was developed in 1680 the Hon. David Tennant and his fiancee, the
and probably named after Henry Compton, actress Hermione Baddeley, in 1925. Edwin
Bishop of London and Dean of the Chapels Lutyens had been hired as architect and no
Royal. Many of the early residents were expense had been spared on the decor, with
French immigrants and by the eighteenth Henri Matisse as designer. Its membership
century the street was attracting craftsmen register included the actors Noel Coward,
and artists. It is now best known for its Fred Astaire and Tallulah Bankhead, but the
restaurants, such as the Red Fort at No. 77 Second World War briefly put an end to the
and Quo Vadis (No. 28). club's glamour days and some of the
west side: Shaftesbury Avenue to Oxford luxurious furnishings were sold- Matisse's
Street Red Studio went to America when the Tate
St~fiJlux'i Mbnii (1850), No. 64 Gallery decided to turn it down. After the
Karl Marx and family came to Soho in May war the Gargoyle briefly reverted to being
1850 to live at the now demolished No. 64 Soho's most prestigious nightspot, where
and were so badly in debt his wife, Jenny, swing bands played and men in white
went to Holland to beg money from her tuxedos, including the spies Guy Burgess
uncle, Lion Philips, one of the founders of and Donald Maclean, strutted on the dance
the Philips electric company that now domi- floor. In 1978 Steve Strange and Rusty Egan
nates the city of Eindhoven. Philips, worried ran a successful night playing records by
about the effect socialist activity, of the kind David Bowie, Roxy Music and Kraftwerk,
that Marx advocated, was having on his out of which grew the New Romantic move-
business, refused her and when Jenny threat- ment of groups such as Culture Club,
ened that she and Karl would therefore have Depeche Mode and Spandau Ballet. The
to emigrate to America he explained that following year Don Ward opened the
such a move would be an excellent idea. Comedy Store here, giving aspiring comics
Eventually Marx's financial problems were (one of whom was Alexei Sayle) the chance
eased by his long-term collaborator, Fried- to prove they had the talent to perform live
rich Engels, who took a lucrative job in his in front of a probably hostile crowd. In 1982
father's Manchester textile firm and sent No. 69 began hosting the Batcave, a goth
Marx money from the petty cash, cutting night, identified by its clientele ofblack-clad
bank notes in two and sending them separ- Dracula stylists, where according to the
ately so that no would-be thief would Cure's Robert Smith 'the people were really
prosper from opening an envelope. In June nice, but the music was awful'. It is now
1850 the Spectator printed a letter from a Gossip's nightclub.
Charles Marx and Frede. Engels of 64 Dean
Street complaining about police spies,

east side: Oxford Street to Shaftesbury 'A. Williams' in case the authorities opened
Avenue his mail. Three of the Marxes' children died
No.::u while they resided here, but one who sur-
The Venetian ambassador's chapel, erected vived was Eleanor, their last child, who was
in 1746 as the first building on the site, later born here in 1855, and is known in her own
became Caldwell's Assembly Rooms, where right as a socialist campaigner and writer.
in 1763 the seven-year-old Mozart played Marx spent his time researching Das Kapital
the harpsichord, accompanied by his four- in the British Museum, and when in 1856
year-old sister. It was rebuilt in the 186os as Jenny received an inheritance they moved to
St Anne's National School, converted into Kentish Town.
the West End Synagogue in 1944, and after .,.. Karl Marx's burial place, Highgate Cemetery,
that closed in the late 1990s became the p. 334·
Soho Theatre. Caves de France, No. 39
Leoni's Quo Vadis, Nos. 26-29 A fiercely cliquey drinking club, 'the closest
Peppino Leoni opened what is now one of thing to Bohemia in Soho', according to
Soho's best-known restaurants in 1926. mid-twentieth-century Soho chronicler
Fourteen years later, when Italy joined the Daniel Farson, the Caves de France attracted
Second World War, he was interned as an eccentrics such as the artist Francis Bacon,
enemy alien, later recalling how while who used to drink here with the Scottish
walking to his cell he felt a 'sudden hatred painters Robert MacBryde and Robert
for the police, for the British government Colquhoun, the latter using their strong
which had issued the instructions for my Scottish accents to full effect in intimidating
internment, and for all forms of authority. I tourists into buying them drinks.
had starved for 33 years to establish my Colony Club, No. 41
restaurant. I deeply resented the fact that Soho's best-known drinking club was
after 33 years in England with no political or opened in 1948 by the incorrigible Muriel
police blemish on my record I had been Belcher, a foul-mouthed harridan who
scooped up without proper consideration.' attacked customers with her lashing tongue,
Leoni returned after the war, and built up gave all men feminine names, such as 'Miss
the restaurant into one of the finest in the Hitler', and who on meeting the novelist
capital, but was later outraged again when John Braine, author of Room at the Top,
a blue plaque was placed on the building remarked out loud: 'There's plenty of room
commemorating the 1850s residency of Karl at her top.' Brian Howard, the social gadfly
Marx (see below): 'My clientele is the very on whom Evelyn Waugh modelled Anthony
best ... rich people ... nobility and royalty, Blanche in Brideshead Revisited, brought the
and Marx was the person who wanted to artist Francis Bacon to the Colony in the
get rid ofthem all.' In the 1990s, after the 1950s, shortly after Bacon's father had
founder had passed away, the restaurant was thrown him out of the family home for
bought by superchef Marco Pierre White wearing his mother's underwear, and
and the artist Damien Hirst. Belcher was so impressed with Bacon she
.,.. Gay Hussar restaurant, p. 198. paid him £10 a week to bring in rich
Karl Marx's address (1850-56), No. 28 customers.
Marx lived in extreme poverty with wife Others who patronized the club included
Jenny, maid Lenchen and a number of chil- the painters Lucian Freud and Frank Auer-
. dren, in what he called 'an old hovel', with bach; the writer Daniel Farson, whose Soho
no toilet or running water, on the top floor in the Fifties is the definitive account of
of No. 28 in the 1850s. Describing himself postwar life; the Absolute Beginners author
for the 1851 census as Charles Mark, Doctor Colin Macinnes, who liked sitting here
(Philosophical Author), he signed letters on sunny days with the curtains drawn
SOHO, Wl 1~

'gossiping one's life away'; and the irascible mont, at the ti~e the only foreign landlord
homosexual Labour politician Tom Driberg, in Britain, who would eject troublesome
who would usually be accompanied by a customers by announcing: 'I'm afraid one of
leather-jacketed youth described as a us will have to leave, and it's not going to be
'constituent'. me.' Berlemont changed the pub's name to
When Belcher died in 1979 she was the York Minster, and during the Second
replaced by the even more bad-tempered World War it became a meeting place for
Ian Board, who had been head barman, and the French Resistance, Charles de Gaulle
when Board himself passed away in 1994 the allegedly drawing up his Free French call-to-
more reasonable Michael Wojas took over. arms after lunch upstairs. After the war
Nowadays the artist patrons include Damien painters such as Lucian Freud and Francis
Hirst, some of whose work is on permanent Bacon became regulars, and in 1951 Berle-
display around the room, the decor of mont was succeeded by his son, Gaston,
which has barely changed since it first who, despite being born in Soho and serving
opened. in the RAF during the war, played up his
Groucho Club, No. 45 Gallic background to the full by sporting a
Soho's most celebrated media club, which flamboyant moustache and engaging in
takes its name from Groucho Marx's adage much hand-kissing. Officially renamed the
about not wanting to join anything that French House, it has maintained its popu-
would have-him as a member, was the brain- larity.
child of the publishers Carmen Callil and Golden Lion, No. 51
Liz Calder who wanted an alternative to the A gay pub since the 1920s, it was frequented
stuffy, male-only Pall Mall clubs. Soon after in the 1970s by Dennis Nilsen, the mass
opening in May 1985 it became the favourite murderer who killed at least seventeen men
hangout ofliterary agents, authors (Salman in the London suburbs around that time,
Rushdie), artists (Damien Hirst) and the and was where in November 1981 Nilsen
better-paid journalists (Julie Burchill) who, picked up Paul Nobbs, one of the few
following the newspaper industry's move intended victims he failed to murder.
from Fleet Street to the Isle of Dogs, were
Frith Street
unwilling to spend their evenings on a
With its well-known restaurants such as
wind-swept Docklands quay. By the end of
Jimmy's (No. 35), dell'Ugo (No. 56) and
the 1990s the Groucho had a rival in Soho
Alastair Little (No. 49), the continental-style
House and in 2001 there were ructions
cafe Bar Italia (No. 22) and Ronnie Scott's
among members when it was revealed that
jazz club, Frith Street is central to Soho
Benjamin Fry, a member of the Sloane
nightlife. Originally parkland, it was bought
Square set and therefore infra
by Richard Frith in 1677 and later became
dig in Soho circles, had launched a take-
home to the young Mozart (No. 20, 1764-5),
over bid, aiming to establish the Groucho as
the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (No. 55,
a worldwide brand with a branch in Los
1810 ), the painter John Constable (No. 49,
181o-n) and the essayist William Hazlitt
• El Vino's, p. 45·
(No.6, 1830). The television pioneer John
The French House, No. 49
Logie Baird transmitted the first recogniz-
A popular haunt for writers and artists
able TV pictures from his attic workshop at
during the early decades of the twentieth
No. 22 in October 1925.
century, this compact pub opened as the
west side
Wine House in 1910 and was run by a
Ronnie Scott's, No. 46
German, Schmidt, who was deported when
Britain's best-known jazz club, which was
the First World War broke out. He was
founded in 1959 by the saxophonist Ronnie
replaced by the Frenchman Victor Berle-

Scott, moved here from 39 Gerrard Street in allegiance once details of the Terror
December 1965 and introduced the then emerged). Hazlitt wrote his four-volume
radical policy for Britain of providing jazz Life of Napoleon here in the 182os and died
six nights a week. Despite the predictable in the small back room on the third floor on
decor of whitewashed walls and tables 18 September 1830, at the age of fifty-two,
covered in gingham cloths, uninteresting dictating on his deathbed a note to the maga-
food, slow bar service and off-hand attitude zine editor Francis Jeffrey which read: 'Dear
(those who called requesting a table were Sir, I am dying. Can you send me £10 and so
sometimes asked: 'Certainly, Sir, would consummate your many kindnesses to me.'
you like it here or taken away?'), the club The essayist faded from fashion during the
thrived, booking many of the biggest names twentieth century, and when the writer Tom
in jazz, including Count Basie, Sarah Paulin opened Hazlitt's Life of Napoleon in
Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, more left-field Oxford's Bodleian Library he discovered
performers such as Rahsaan Roland Kirk that the pages needed cutting, no one
and Ornette Coleman, and even novelty acts having opened the book in the sixty years it
such as Cheech and Chong and Scaffold. had been in stock.
The club also put on rock and was where As a hotel Hazlitt's offers a gentility that
the Who premiered Tommy to journalists in contrasts sharply with.Soho's cosmopolitan
1969 and Jimi Hendrix made his last public vigour - its walls covered in old prints and
appearance, jamming with the jazz-rock cartoons and its rooms, with their antique
band War a few days before he died in furniture, named rather than numbered.
September 1970. The ensuing decade was Although it provides none of the usual hotel
mostly a successful time for the club, its 'facilities', hundreds of restaurants and bars
pivotal role in the jazz fusion boom are within easy walking distance, or as
resulting from a Weather Report show in Nigella Lawson once pointed out: 'It's
1972, but things later declined and it looked quicker to get from your room in Hazlitt' s
as if the club would close, until Chris to Ronnie Scott's or L'Escargot than to get
Blackwell, owner of Island Records, made a from a Penthouse suite in the Hilton to its
£2s,ooo donation, with the stipulation that coffee shop.' Bill Bryson began the jaunt
Scott continued to run the club in exactly around England recounted in his bestselling
the same way. In the eighties a jazz revival travelogue Notes from a Small Island from
saw the venue regain its fashionability. Since Hazlitt's, which he chose 'because it's inten-
the death in 1996 of Scott, himself a fine sax tionally obscure'.
player, who played the break on the Beatles' lno~m'i abbftii (1764-s), No. 20
'Lady Madonna', the club has been run by The eight-year-old Mozart came to London
his partner, Pete King. with his father, Leopold, and sister in
.,. Ronnie Scott's in Gerrard Street, p. 204; Louis September 1764, played before George III
Armstrong at the Palladium, p. 186. at ~udtngf)am t)ouse and began giving
east side: Soho Square to Shaftesbury recitals at No. 20 after Leopold, acting as the
Avenue young prodigy's manager, placed a notice in
Hazlitt's I William Hazlitt's address (1830), the Public Advertiser which read: 'Tickets
No.6 may be had at ss. each, of Mr Mozart, in
A charming anachronism of a hotel,. one of Thrift [sic] Street, Soho; where such Ladies
few in the area, Hazlitt' s dates from 1718 and and Gentlemen ... will find the Family at
takes its name from the brief residency of home every Day in the week from twelve to
the waspish, left-wing, early-nineteenth- Two 0'clock, and have an opportunity of
century essayist William Hazlitt, a supporter putting his [the younger Mozart's] Talents
of the French Revolution (unlike many of to a more particular proof by giving him
his contemporaries who withdrew their anything to play at sight, or any Music
SOHO, W1 1~

without a Bass, which he will write upon the screen. Nevertheless, forty members of the
spot, without recurring to his harpsichord.' Royal Institution of Great Britain, clothed in
While he was living here Mozart composed full evening dress, were impressed when
'God is Our Refuge', a sonata for piano, they visited the workshop on 26 January
violin and flute dedicated to Queen Char- 1926 to see what Baird called 'noctovision'.
lotte, and began work on music for the Baird then moved operations, first to Moto-
opera Idomeneo. The family left the property graph House, Upper StMartin's Lane,
in July 1765. Covent Garden, and then to nearby Long
John Logie Baird's address (192.4-7), Acre. Ten years later, when the BBC
No. 22 launched television, pictures were trans-
Baird, the inventor of television, transmitted mitted over alternate weeks for six months
the world's first recognizable television using two methods, Baird's (with 240 lines)
pictures from his attic workshop at No. 22, and those of Russian emigre Isaac Shoen-
above what is now Bar Italia, in October berg (with 405lines), and it was Shoenberg's
192.5, at a time when science accepted that system that was adopted. Baird's models can
the technology might be possible but had now be seen in the Science Museum.
not yet seen the results. Self-taught, Baird ..,. Baird's television work in Long Acre, p. 115.
had borrowed £200 to indulge in his experi- Bar ltalia, No. 22
ments and once installed in Frith Street Opened in 1950 by the Polledri family, Bar
began improving upon his early, crude Italia, its walls festooned with mirrors and
machines, developing a sophisticated model pictures of boxers, has become the best
using a large rotating disc studded with a known of Soho's many coffee bars, thanks
spiral of holes to achieve a scanning effect to mentions in books (Will Selfs Grey
and selenium cells to convert light and Area), films (Absolute Beginners) and rock
shade to electrical impulses. Once Baird records (Pulp's 'Bar Italia'). Much of the
had succeeded in displaying stationary back wall is taken up with a huge TV screen
objects on screen, he began work on more which proves popular when football
ambitious plans, which would involve matches (especially those involving Italian
televising people, and on 30 October 1925, players) are shown. When Italy lost the
needing a model for his experiment, went final of Euro 2000 the distraught owners
downstairs to the Cross Pictures company closed early- the only time in the bar's
and borrowed the office boy, William history.
Taynton. Baird tried to screen Taynton, but Moka (1950s), No. 29
the experiment was unsuccessful as the boy, Moka was the first fifties Soho cafe to
scared by the intense light, had moved too feature its own gleaming espresso machine,
far away from the equipment. To win taking advantage of the Italian Achille
Taynton's co-operation Baird handed him Gaggia's 1948 invention of a machine that
half a crown, and this time Taynton stayed pumped a jet of hot water through the
in the right position. Baird, watching in the coffee, supposedly producing a more
next room, saw the boy's head on screen in satisfying drink. After the first Gaggia
what was the first recognizable television machine was installed at Moka's Frith Street
picture of an individual- Taynton not only briefly became popularly known as Froth
becoming the first person ever to appear on Street. The premises are now occupied by a
TV but also, after a fashion, the first paid building society.
Greek Street
Baird was not so successful with his
Named after the Greeks who settled here in
next subject, the Australian baritone Peter
the 1760s after escaping Turkish persecution,
Dawson, who had to stop singing as only
the street became a centre for craftsmanship
the middle of his body was showing on

in the eighteenth century when its most popularity in exalted left-wing circles
famous resident was briefly the Italian survived throughout the 1960s, and it was
Lothario Casanova (a different kind of here towards the end of the decade that
craftsman). Later residents included the Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithfull, journalist
hallucinatory writer Thomas de Quincey, Paul Foot and Labour MP Tom Driberg
best known for his autobiographical met to discuss forming a new socialist party,
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater Logos (Greek for word), a venture that
(1822), the first literary work of fiction to never came to fruition. In 1987 Sassie sold
discuss drugs at some length, and the the establishment to the Wheeler's fish
pottery manufacturer Josiah Wedgwood. restaurant company, and it is still popular
Today, Greek Street is famous for the with the country's best-known journalists,
Coach and Horses pub at No. 29 and media figures and champagne socialists.
smart restaurants (the Gay Hussar, No.2; The Pillars of Hercules, No. 7
L'Escargot, No. 48), as well as the Soho The pub that has stood here since 1733 was
House media club (No. 40). a favourite of Francis Thompson, the
east side: Soho Square to Shaftesbury cricketer-poet, who in 1888 was supposedly
Avenue rescued from the doorway, where he was
House ofSt Barnabas-in-Soho, No.1 lying in a drunken stupor, by Wilfred
One of the oldest surviving properties in Meynell, editor of Merry England, who
Soho and retaining many original fittings, subsequently gave Thompson his first
No.1 was built in the 1740s for Richard chance of being published. In the 1970s the
Beckford, a West Indian planter who pub was frequented by up-coming authors
became MP for Bristol in 1754, and bought Martin Amis, Julian Barnes and Ian
in 1862 by the House of Charity, founded McEwan, and used as a home-from-home
sixteen years previously for 'deserving by those who worked for the literary maga-
persons in distress', which received a £so zine the New Review, then based at No. u.
donation from Queen Victoria. Some of its Establishment Club (1961-4), No. 18
first residents were women waiting to In October 1961 Peter Cook opened the
emigrate to Australia, while others were Establishment Club to showcase comedy
prostitutes 'rescued' from the West End and satire in what had been the Club
streets by the Liberal politician William Tropicana ('All-Girl Strip Revue- Dancing
Gladstone. Now a women's hostel, it took to 3-D Sound'), putting on performers such
its present name in 1945. as himself, Dudley Moore and the American
Gay Hussar, No. 2 iconoclast Lenny Bruce, which led one
A Hungarian restaurant named after the tabloid newspaper to howl: 'Get this vile
Magyar cavalrymen who would gallop up to creature out of Britain!' When the club tried
restaurants demanding buckets of wine for to book Bruce again in April1963 Henry
their horses, the Gay Hussar was opened in Brooke, the home secretary, banned him
1953 by Victor Sassie, a Barrow-in-Furness from entering the country.
native of Italian stock who had studied Coach and Horses, No. 29
catering in Budapest and was therefore the Soho's most famous pub, presided over by
closest thing London then had to a conti- Norman Balon, the self-styled 'rudest land-
nental restaurateur. It soon began attracting lord in London', it gained its reputation
the Bevanite left wing of the Labour Party- towards the end of the twentieth century as
Tony Benn, Barbara Castle and Michael the home-from-home of the Spectator
Foot - along with a number of Soviet diplo- columnist and professional alcoholic Jeffrey
mats whom Sassie was obliged to discourage Bernard, the archetypal pub bore, who
for fear of the restaurant becoming known could regularly be found perched on a
as a centre for intelligence gathering. Its favourite stool and who, according to
SOHO, Wl 1~

Daniel Farson, 'paid for his formidable north side

intake of drinks by writing very funnily Admiral Duncan, No. 54
about the disastrous effect the drinks have Soho's leading gay pub, the scene of a
on him'. Keith Waterhouse turned horrendous nail bombing incident in 1999,
Bernard's life into a West End show, Jeffrey was where in October 1953 the poet Dylan
Bernard Is Unwell, the excuse often found Thomas left the only copy of the original
on the page where his Spectator column handwritten manuscript of Under Milk
should have been. The pub is also the Wood, a few weeks before leaving Britain for
setting for the fortnightly lunches hosted by good, launching a treasure hunt that was
th~ satirical magazine Private Eye, which is eventually won by a BBC producer, Douglas
based in nearby Carlisle Street. Cleverdon, who was spurred on by
Thomas's promise that if he found the orig-
Old Compton Street
inal he could keep it. Cleverdon later sold
Soho's high street and the centre of
the manuscript for the then princely sum of
London's gay scene, Old Compton Street
£2,ooo. On 30 April1999 David Copeland, a
was built in the 1670s as Compton Street,
loner and Nazi sympathizer, hid a bomb
being named after Henry Compton, Bishop
packed with 500 nails in the bar as part of a
of London, who raised the money for the
one-man war against minority groups,
nearby church ofSt Anne on Wardour
nervously asked the barman directions to
Street. In the 1950s it attracted coffee bars
the nearest bank, and left the building.
and clubs such as Act One Scene One ('Real
Fifteen minutes later the bomb exploded,
French coffee where the film and theatrical
killing three people and injuring scores of
celebrities gather'); Heaven and Hell
bystanders. Copeland also planted bombs in
(No. 55), where the basement was in total
Brixton and Brick Lane that spring. The pub
darkness (hell) and the ground floor bathed
has since been refurbished but the presence
in light (heaven); and most famously of all
of bouncers has spoiled the atmosphere.
the 21's, birthplace of British rock 'n' roll
"" Copeland's Brick Lane bomb, p. 284; Cope-
(No. 59). Since the 1970s the street has been
land's Brixton bomb, p. 405.
dominated by gay culture - there is a branch
south side: Charing Cross Road to Wardour
of the Manchester gay bar Manto's at
No. 30, and other popular establishments
include Compton's (No. 53) and the
Now the Boheme restaurant, the property
Admiral Duncan (No. 54)- and such is its
was until recently Wheeler's fish restaurant
popularity that it is packed with revellers
where during 1950s' rationing sole and
until the early hours. As with other main
lobster were cooked in thirty-two different
Soho streets its restaurants are particularly
ways, but with no vegetables. An account in
well known and include Amalfi at Nos. 29-
'Bon Viveur in London' at the time
31, the Soho Brasserie (Nos. 23-25) and the
described Wheeler's as a 'temple devoted to
much-loved Hungarian pastry emporium
shell-fish ... oysters in season are whipped
Patisserie Valerie at No. 44· Two well-
open by Jack, once a wrestler, now a
known food outlets can be found here as
renowned oyster opener'. Its best-known
well: the Algerian Coffee Stores, which
patron then was the artist Francis Bacon,
opened in 1887 at No. 52; and Camisa's deli-
who would arrive around noon most days
catessen at No. 61. At the end of the twen-
after completing his morning work in the
tieth century Westminster councillors
studio, accompanied either by fellow artists
introduced pedestrianization and bollards
or his latest favourite East End bruiser.
that might have killed off the street's
:1l's (1950s), No. 59
vibrancy, but the scheme was soon
Soho's best-Jmown 1950s club, quoted by
many as the birthplace of British rock 'n'

roll, took its name from the first letter of the including the owners, Ennio and Isidor
surname of its founders, the Irani brothers, Camisa, taking them to Lingfield race-
and was run by two Australian wrestlers, course in Surrey, and then to Warth Mills
Ray Hunter and Paul Lincoln (Doctor in Bury, while the Foreign Office decided
Death). At first there were few customers on their future. When a list of those to
and the 21's could barely compete with the be deported to Canada on the luxury
more enterprising Heaven and Hell club liner Arandora Star was read out, the
next door at No. 57, but its fortunes Camisas' names were omitted and they
improved in the summer oft956 when discovered, to their disappointment, that
Wally Whyton and his group began playing they were to be imprisoned on the Isle of
skiffie, a British revivalist take on American Man instead. A few days later the Arandora
street folk and Southern blues played on Star was sunk in the Atlantic by a German
crude home-made instruments. torpedo with the loss of 730 lives. After their
Before long other skiffie groups, encour- internment, the Camisas returned to Soho
aged by the chart success of Lonnie to reopen their deli.
Donegan's skiffie version ofHuddie Lead-
Soho Square
better's 'Rock Island Line', began to play the
Laid out in 1681 on land that had been a mili-
21's, the most exciting of whom were the
tary yard, Soho Square was originally King's
Vipers, whose Tommy Hicks, a merchant
Square (it was designed by a Gregory King)
seaman, so impressed a watching A&R man
and became one of London's most desirable
from Decca Records that he signed him,
addresses after Charles II's bastard son,
rather than the band, and convinced him to
James Scott, the Duke of Monmouth, built
change his name to Tommy Steele.
a house here. Ironically, one of its first resi-
Hicks's success made the 21's the most
dents was Oliver Cromwell's daughter,
talked about music venue in Britain and it
began to attract agents, managers and impre-
The square was popular with foreign
sarios looking for the next star, as captured
ambassadors in the eighteenth century and
in the 1959 film Expresso Bongo, a superb
is now home to various prestigious
expose of the ruthless superficial world of
companies and organizations, including
the local showbiz scene. Thousands of
Paul McCartney's MPL Communications
young hopefuls came to the 21's searching
(at No.1), the British Board of Film Classifi-
for success, among them the Worried Men, ·
cation (No. 3), 2oth Century Fox (No. 31)
featuring Terry Nelhams (later Adam Faith);
and the publishers Bloomsbury (No. 38).
the Newcastle guitarist Brian Rankin (later
The well-tended gardens contain Caius
Hank Marvin); and the Drifters, fronted by
Gabriel Cibber's statue of Charles II and a
Harry Webb, an extraordinarily confident
rickety mock Tudor hut that originally
and charismatic singer who changed his
housed a transformer for the Charing Cross
name to the sleeker Cliff Richard and
Electric Light Company. Underneath are
secured a recording contract with EMI,
bomb shelters constructed to protect Soho
which led to an unmatched run of hit
people during the Second World War.
singles. The club failed to keep up with the
east side
changes in popular music and closed in
~liik ()ouie I St Patrick, No. 21a
1970, after, which it was converted into a
Soho's Roman Catholic church, the oldest
place of worship in London dedicated to the
Camisa, No. 61
patron saint of Ireland, stands on the site of
Soho's best-known delicatessen opened in
(tadisle i)ouse. In 1760 the Venetian opera
1929 at No. 66 and shut ten years later at the
singer Theresa Cornelys began staging the
outbreak of the Second World vyar, when
Temple of Festivities here, masked balls that
the authorities rounded up Soho's Italians,
SOHO, W1 20~

soon became the leading events in the social little effect on those US soldiers who, as pop
calendar and were attended by, among manager Simon Napier-Bell explained in his
others, the rake Casanova and Joseph autobiography, came to the Flamingo 'every
Merlin, the French inventor who pioneered weekend and paid for their night out by
a form of roller-skates and was so drunk selling Benzedrine tablets taken from their
one night he crashed into mirrors at the end cockpit emergency kits'. In 1968, in a
of the room. The house was demolished in desperate bid to cash in on the new psy-
1791 and soon after a Catholic chapel chedelic scene, the club became the Pink
opened in the extension, which had escaped Flamingo, a scuzzy dive decorated with
demolition. The chapel was rebuilt in 1893 stuffed pigeons (no stuffed flamingos could
and is now St Patrick's church. be found), which failed to draw in the
punters and later became the Temple,
Wardour Street
catering for the new underground rock
Soho's spine, a narrow street running
scene. In recent years it has been home to
through the heart of the area from Oxford
the popular WAG club.
Street to Shaftesbury Avenue, was originally
east side: Oxford Street to Shaftesbury
Colman Hedge Laae and took its current
name from Sir Edward Wardour, a Treasury
Marquee II (1964-88), No. 90
official who in 1633 obtained a licence from
For nearly thirty years the. Marquee was
Charles I to draw water from a local spring
London's major rock venue for breaking
for the b~nefit of householders. It was
new bands, the Yardbirds, the Who, David
developed in the late seventeenth century
Bowie, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Jethro
and soon became a centre for furniture
Tull, the Police and the Sex Pistols all
makers, antique dealers and music pub-
playing early gigs here, but there were also
lishers. In the nineteenth century the
more unusual events. In 1966 New Yorker
publisher Leigh Hunt advised anyone
Steve Stollman began organizing the outre
wanting the 'richest books for ninepence' to
Spontaneous Underground on Sunday after-
come here. Later the term 'Wardour-street
noons, featuring beat poets Johnny Byrne,
English' came to be used to describe
Spike Hawkins and Pete Brown, film
pseudo-archaic fanciful words such as 'erst-
makers, magic artists and the then unknown
while', 'hither', 'howbeit', 'peradventure'
Pink Floyd. Billed as the Pink Floyd Sound,
and 'quoth', as used by writers of historical
as house band, they played versions of
romances. After the Second World War the
'Louie Louie' and 'Roadrunner', with what
street began to attract the nightclubs, music
Julian Palacios described as 'freak out explo-
venues, advertising agencies and film
rations in the middle'. On Sunday after-
companies for which it is still best known.
noons around that time David Bowie would
Flamingo (1950s, 1960s), Nos. 33-37, west
perform his three-hour 'Sunday Showboat',
watched by around twenty people, in which
A 196os mod venue which sold no alcohol
he engaged in mime and first wore
(although a lot of the coke was laced with
scotch), it gained public notoriety in 1963
When Jimi Hendrix played a gig, his only
when a club member collapsed outside and
ever appearance at the Marquee, in 1967,
was later found to have seventy-six purple
just after he had starred at the Monterey
hearts (Drinamyl) in his stomach. Henry
festival, the queue stretched down Wardour
Brooke, the Conservative home secretary,
Street and along Shaftesbury Avenue as far
made an incognito visit to Soho's nightclubs
as Cambridge Circus. After the Sex Pistols
and later announced that anyone found
supported Eddie and the Hot Rods on 12
with Purple Hearts would be fined £2oo or
February 1976 they trashed the main act's
face six months in jail. His warning had
equipment and terrorized members of

the audience, or as guitarist Steve Jones the upper floors on strings pinned with
explained in an interview with the New bank notes.
Musical Express: 'We're not into music.
Coventry Street
We're into chaos.' The club declined in the
Henry Coventry, Charles II's Secretary of
1980s although visiting Ameri'can bands
State, gave his name to the street which,
such as ZZ Top and Metallica were keen to
being near the major meeting places of
pay homage. In 1988 the Marquee moved to
Charing Cross, Leicester Square and Picca-
Charing Cross Road and 90 Wardour Street
dilly Circus, has long attracted some of
was later redeveloped as loft apartments
London's most popular restaurants and
with the Mezzo restaurant downstairs.
places of entertainment.
.,. Marquee I, p. 139.
north side: Piccadilly Circus to Wardour
St Anne, Wardour S~reet at Old Co,mpton
Trocadero, west junction with Rupert Street
Only the tower remains of the seventeenth-
Opened in 1882 as a music hall, it was where
century church built by William Talman-
some of the era's best-known songs, such as
not Christopher Wren, as some claim- with
Charles Coborn's 'Two Lovely Black Eyes'
money donated by an unknown benefactor.
and Albert Chevalier's 'Wot Cher! (Knocked
It was consecrated in 1686 when still
'em in the Old Kent Road)', attained popu-
unfinished and without a spire and bombed
larity. In 1895 the premises became a
in the Second World War, after which a
restaurant, renowned for its magnificent
campaign led by the poet John Betjeman
frieze and marble decor, and was later taken
resulted in its restoration as a community
over by Lyons, becoming a shopping centre
centre. Those buried in the churchyard
in 1980. It was renovated in 1996 as an
include the essayist William Hazlitt and the
indoor entertainments complex.
mystery novelist Dorothy L. Sayers.
Cafe De Paris, No. 3
As to class, at the top there's the Cafe de
(iii) Chinatown Paris, booked solid with Dietrich,
Coward, Bankhead and Steele - Expresso
Europe's biggest Chinatown, Tong Yan Kai
Bongo, WolfMankowitz (1958)
- Chinese Street - a dynamic, bustling,
One of London's first nightclubs, the Cafe
endlessly fascinating enclave, was first
De Paris, opened in 1924, decked out with
settled by Chinese in the 1920s. But it was
the most ostentatious decor - twin staircases
not until the Chinese residents of Lime-
curving down from the balcony based on
house and Poplar, whose streets were
the Palm Court of the Lusitania ocean liner,
heavily bombed in the Second World War,
and a dance-floor modelled on the ballroom
moved to Soho that the area acquired a
of the Titanic - and was where some of the
significant Chinese presence. In the 1960s
greatest entertainers of the time, including
they were joined by farm workers from
Marlene Dietrich and Josephine Baker,
Hong Kong, forced out by economic
performed. At the outset of the Second
changes in the Eastern rice markets, and as
World War the singer Inge Anders
the local Chinese community's first genera-
premiered here a new novelty song that
tion of children born in England grew up
went: 'We're going to hang out our washing
and moved to the suburbs Chinatown
on the Siegfried Line', jokingly referring to
became a commercial, rather than a residen-
the Germans' First World War western
tial area. The most exciting time, to visit
defensive line, which quickly became one
Chinatown is during Chinese New Year, in
of the most popular in the country. Harry
February, when huge papier mache lions
Roy's Band, the club's regular act,
dance in the streets to a cacophony of fire-
contributed to the war effort with the song
crackers and devour cabbages hung from
SOHO, Wl 2~

'God Bless You, Mr Chamberlain [the bombed out of Limehouse in the 1940s.
prime minister], We're all mighty proud Pedestrianized in 1971, the street has since
of you I You look swell holding your become one of the busiest in London and
umbrella, All the world loves a wonderful features a variety of Chinese furnishings,
feller .. .' including Oriental gates, Chinese street
Another Cafe De Paris regular was the signs, stone lions and red telephone boxes
bandleader Ken 'Snakehips' Johnson, a in the form of mini-pagodas.
native of British Guiana, who announced: south side: Newport Place to Wardour Street
'I'm determined to make them like swing at Happening 44 (1950s), No. 44
the Cafe or die in the attempt.' He did both, London's first all-night 'raves' were held in
for on 8 March 1941 as Johnson's band the early 1950s in what was then the West
played to a packed crowd, a bomb fell on End Jazz Club, George Melly describing the
the club killing the band leader and thirty- scene as being where 'an extreme sloppiness
three others, the explosion so intense that was de rigueur, both on stage and off. The
the musicians and dancers were instan- duffel coat was a cult object, sandals with
taneously killed. Survivors included a Dutch socks a popular if repulsive fad, beards
officer, who had his injured leg washed with common, and bits of battle dress, often
champagne, the only liquid at hand, and dyed navy-blue, almost a uniform.'
Betty Baldwin, daughter of the erstwhile Following the success of the 21's rock 'n' roll
Prime Minister, Stanley, who complained club on Old Compton Street, No. 44 was
about looters arriving on the scene and renamed the New 21's and by the mid-196os
making off with handbags and rings torn off had become Happening 44, where the pion-
the fingers of the dead. The venue soon eering folk rock outfit Fairport Convention
reopened to entertain troops, with Tommy played some of their first gigs after placing
Trinder as main performer, and was where adverts in Melody Maker which read:
Princess Elizabeth (Elizabeth II) celebrated 'Friday:' Fairport Convention stays home
her twenty-third birthday in 1949. The Cafe tonight'; Saturday: 'Fairport Convention
De Paris was relaunched as a plush night- stays home again, patiently awaiting book-
club in the 1990s. ings.' The building is now a Chinese
Gerrard Street
.,. 21's, p. 200.
Chinatown's main street, home of
restaurants, bun shops, tea houses, herbal-
Home of John Dryden (poet laureate 1687-
ists and acupuncturists, is named after
1700 ), it was the 43 Club in the 1920s, patron-
Baron Gerard of Brandon, Suffolk, who
ized by artists, writers, aristocrats and gang-
commissioned Nicholas Barbon, the prop-
sters, such as the burglar Ruby Sparks and
erty developer responsible for large parts of
the Sabini brothers, who would make
central London, to develop the land in 168o.
regular raids on the wealthier members' furs
The street was soon known for its taverns
and wallets. It was also the centre of drug
and coffee houses, and colonized by the
dealing in Soho, and the owner, Kate
wealthy, being home to the Restoration poet
Meyrick, was convicted a number of times
John Dryden at the end of the seventeenth
of running a disorderly house and allowing
century and also to Samuel Johnson's
after-hours drinking. At one court hearing
Literary Club. By the twentieth century
the actress Tallulah Bankhead, asked why
Gerrard Street had a down-at-heel look, full
she went to the club, explained: 'It's useful
of prostitutes and seedy clubs, but it also
for early breakfasts', and when asked 'What
had a smattering of foreign restaurants, and
time is breakfast, then?' replied '10 p.m.'
it was this as well as the peppercorn rents
When Meyrick died London's nightlife
that attracted Chinese restaurant owners

crowd was shocked, not at her demise, but Armstrong and Bix Beiderbecke. The club's
at the size of her estate - just £58. fortunes rose in 1963 when the Musicians
Ronnie Scott's (19S9-6s), No. 39 Union dropped its ban on American
Ronnie Scott's jazz club opened at No. 39 musicians, who had been allowed to play in
beneath a Chinese fan-tan gambling den on Britain only if British players went out to
Friday 30 October 1959 and was at the time the States in exchange. It movedto superior
the only place in London to listen to Soho premises at 47 Frith Street in
modern jazz- Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Christmas 1965.
Thelonious Monk- as opposed to trad • Ronnie Scott's, Frith Street, p. 196.
(traditional) jazz in the style of Louis
Westminster I
(i) StJames's 206 (iv) around the Houses of Parliament 235
Carlton Gardens 206 Dean's Yard 236
Carlton House Terrace 207 Great College Street 236
Constitution Hill 208 Great Smith Street 236
Cleveland Row 208 Little Dean's Yard 236
Jermyn Street 212 Old Palace Yard 236
The Mall 212 Parliament Square 237
Marlborough Road 213 St Margaret Street 240
Pall Mall 213 The Sanctuary 240
StJames's Place 215
(v) Houses of Parliament to Horseferry
StJames's Square 215
StJames's Street 217
Lord North Street 242
Stable Yard 219
Smith Square 244
Stable Yard Road 219
(vi) Pimlico 245
(ii) Buckingham Gate 219
Cathedral Piazza 245
Birdcage Walk 219
Chichester Street 245
Broadway 220
Churchill Gardens Road 246
Caxton Street 220
Millbank 246
Queen Anne's Gate 221
Terminus Place 247
Tothill Street 221
(iii) Whitehall222 Occupants of Buckingham Palace 210
Axe Yard 222 DISTRICT LINE 222
Bridge Street 222
Downing Street 225 Occupants of No. 10 226
Great George Street 225
Houses of Parliament I Palace of West-
Great Scotland Yard 229
minster glossary 238
Horse Guards Road 229
King Charles Street 229 Westminster Abbey glossary 241
Parliament Street 230
Passport to Pimlico 245
Storey's Gate 230
Whitehall 231 VICTORIA LINE 247
Whitehall Court 234 _j
Whitehall Place 235

Westminster and Whitehall are home to the him from other office Mackenzies, and to
nation's great buildings of state- the randomly sack members of staff ('to whom
Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, am I speaking?', 'this is the news editor, sir',
Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street, 'correction, the ex-news editor'), unaware
the Treasury, Home Office and Foreign that his orders were being disregarded.
Office. Northcliffe slept alongside a loaded revolver,
which he once cocked at his own dressing
(i) St ]ames's gown believing it to contain a body, and
told aides that his stomach problems
Long associated with the aristocracy and the stemmed from having had his ice cream
wealthy who wanted to be close to the royal poisoned during the First World War by a
palaces and now containing some of the German gang during a visit to the Dutch
most expensive real estate in the world, border. This was not as far-fetched as it
StJames's was first laid out by Henry seems, for Northcliffe, Director of Allied
Jermyn, Earl of St Albans, in the 166os. Propaganda during the First World War,
It was soon home to a number of coffee may have been recognized by enemies
houses - opened to take advantage of the during a visit to Holland and targeted.
arrival of chocolate in England in 1652 - Northcliffe spent his last days in a hut on
many of which were later transformed into the roof, incarcerated there for his own
the gentlemen's clubs such as the Athe- safety, and died of general paralysis of the
naeum, Reform and Travellers that still insane in August 1922. No.2 is now used by
provide StJames's with its air ofexclusivity. the Privy Council, a body of ministers past
• StJames's is the area south of Piccadilly, and present of mostly symbolic importance.
around Pall Mall and StJames's Palace. ... Fleet Street, p. 41.
Carlton Gardens
The official residence of the foreign
An oddly numbered street of sumptuous
stucco-dad villas designed by John Nash
east side
and built between 1830 and 1833.
west side
Home in the eighteenth century to various
Privy Council office, No. 2
statesmen, including the foreign secretary
Lord Kitchener devised his First World War
Lord Palmerston (from 1847 to 1855); A. J.
poster recruitment campaign with its
Balfour, who became prime minister early
famous slogan, 'Your Country Needs You',
in the twentieth century (1874-97); and
at 2 Carlton Gardens, where he would turn
Lord Curzon, early-twentieth-century
up for work every day at 9 a.m. in full field
foreign secretary (1898). Charles de Gaulle
marshal's uniform. In March 1915 Kitchener
set up an office for his Free French resist-
moved to York House in StJames's Palace
ance movement here in the early 1940s, after
and four years later the property was bought
the Nazis had overrun France and installed
by the Duke of Devonshire who soon after
a puppet government in Vichy. When the
let the house to Lord Northcliffe, owner of
British press announced that the French
the Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and The Times.
government had condemned de Gaulle to
Northcliffe was by then suffering from a
death and confiscated his property sympathi-
mixture of stomach pains and acute para-
zers left jewellery including wedding rings
noia and he would phone The Times's office
on the steps of 4 Carlton Gardens as
to make bizarre pronouncements, such as
gestures of support.
telling the night editor, C. Robert
Mackenzie, that he would henceforth be
MI6's ultra-secret Section Y, unknown even
known as Crobert Mackenzie, to distinguish
to most of the administration, was based

here after the Second World War, one of its 1977 by Labour foreign secretary David
staff being George Blake who, while working Owen who claimed it had too many links
· at No. 3, provided the Soviets with details with Labour's opponents.
of the West's covert operations. After No.u
confessing to espionage activities in 1961 he Home from 1855 to 1875 of the Liberal poli-
was brought back here to be interrogated. tician William Gladstone, who continued to
Blake was eventually sentenced to forty-two live here when he became prime minister in
years' imprisonment but escaped from 1868 and occasionally hosted Cabinet meet-
Wormwood Scrubs in 1966 and fled to ings within. It is now offices for the Foreign
Moscow. No.3 is still used for recruiting Press Association.
Ml6 agents. German Embassy (1849-1936), No. 9
.,.. Ml6, p. 235. When the German ambassador, Leopold
von Hoesch, died of heart failure after
Carlton House Terrace collapsing in the bathroom here in April
A long terrace coated in dazzling stucco,
1936 rumours spread that he had been assas-
designed by John Nash in the 182os, it was
sinated by the Nazis, with whom he had not
named after <todton f>ouse, the mansion
shared political sympathies. His replacement
that stood here and which George III gave
was a Hitler favourite, Joachim von Ribben-
to his son, the Prince Regent, on his twenty-
trop, and around the same time the building
first birthday in 1783 but which the latter
was redesigned by Albert Speer, Hitler's
vacated on taking the throne in 1820 as he
architect. After the Second World War the
felt it was not of sufficient grandeur for a
contents of the building were auctioned off,
king. Carlton House was demolished in 1829
the theatre producer Jay Pomeroy paying
-Nash used its columns for the National
£590 for von Ribbentrop's mahogany desk.
Gallery and the Ionic screen for the Buck-
ingham Palace conservatories - and the
Headquarters since 1967 of the Royal
lavish houses of Carlton House Terrace,
Society, the world's oldest scientific society
built in its place, were immediately taken up
in continuous existence (founded in 1660 in
by the wealthy. Some of the properties were
the City), whose original members included
later taken over by institutions such as the
the architect Christopher Wren.
German Embassy (now in Belgrave Square),
Turf Club, No.5
the Royal Society (at No.6) and the Mall
The Turf Club was founded in 1868 at 85
Galleries, home of the Federation of British
Piccadilly as the Arlington. Its members are
Artists and the Royal Society of Portrait
mostly drawn from the racehorse-owning
Painters (at No. 17).
south side: Trafalgar Square end to Buck-
ingham Palace end The Tories founded the Carlton Club here
to revive the party's fortunes following their
Home during the Cold War ofthe Infor-
disastrous performance at the 1832 general
mation Research Department, a secret
election. The club is now at 69 StJames's
branch of the Foreign Office set up to
Street and No. 2 is occupied by the Royal
combat nationalism in the British Empire
College of Pathologists.
and monitor the Left in Britain. The depart-
ment's agents gleaned their information
From 1905 to 1925 No. 1 Carlton House
from radio broadcasts, smuggled news-
Terrace was home to Lord Curzon, Viceroy
papers, refugees and asylum seekers, and
oflndia (1899-1905) and foreign secretary
assisted in overseas missions, such as the
(1919-22), a stiff and pompous figure
1965 overthrow of the Indonesian leader
derided by opponents as 'God's butler', who
President Sukarno. It was closed down in
once famously defended his image by

explaining: 'If you are leader of the House StJames's Park, by Charles II in 1688, being
of Lords, it is your metier to be a snob.' renamed Green Park in 1746. An explosion
Curzon hosted many society dinners at during a royal fireworks display in 1749
No. 1 in the early years of the twentieth destroyed a number of buildings, while in
century and put much effort into the 1814 festivities marking the Prince Regent's
arrangements, including instructions in his gala were abandoned when the Temple of
invitations to Labour MPs, whom he felt Concord exploded. The park no longer
obliged to invite, on how the member contains any buildings.
should address any aristocrat or royal likely
to be present. When the Labour member's
Cleveland Row
Cleveland Row, which occupies a secluded
secretary, unversed in aristocratic protocol,
position by Green Park, is one of the most
responded, predictably, in everyday
exclusive streets in central London as, unlike
language, Curzon would send back a stiff
every other street bar The Mall, it contains a
warning about the correct etiquette begin-
working palace- StJames's.
ning: 'In the first place your secretary
should address me (if he must address me at
Green Park end to Pall Mall end
Bridgewater House
all) as My Lord .. .'
When the Earl of Ellesmere discovered in
Curzon's daughter, Cynthia, married
the 1830s that «Ieudcmb t>ouse, the property
Oswald Mosley, then.a Tory MP, in 1920,
that stood on the site, was to be demolished
and soon after gave birth, to the conster-
he hired Charles Barry to build the gran-
nation of Margot Asquith, wife of the
diose Bridgewater House (1846-54), which
former Liberal prime minister Herbert, who
was home to the Greek shipping magnate
told her: 'You look very pale. You must not
John Latsis until his death in 2003.
have another child for a long time. Herbert
Stornoway House, No. 13
always withdrew in time. Such a noble man.'
A fourteen-bedroom .mansion built for Tory
At a dinner party here on 7 June 1921 the
prime minister Lord Granville in the 1790s,
king, George V, and various royals and poli-
it was bought in 1924 by the Daily Express
ticians were entertained by the music-hall
owner Lord Beaverbrook and was where in
singer George Robey, the so-called 'prime
1933 he entertained the jazz bandleader
minister of mirth', who gave a splendid
Duke Ellington at a post-concert party
performance until he stopped suddenly
attended by the Prince of Wales (later
during one number and ran from the stage
Edward VIII) who, to Ellington's surprise,
in fright at having to sing the next line in his
was sipping gin, a drink the latter had
song, 'I feel just as good as a jolly old queen'.
always regarded as 'rather low', but which
Constitution Hill from that time on he decided was 'rather
Charles II took walks - constitutionals - grand'. The two men soon established a
along this tree-lined route, which now separ- rapport and jammed together, Edward on
ates Green Park and the gardens of Buck- drums calling the bandleader 'Sonny' and
ingham Palace. Queen Victoria survived Ellington calling the Prince 'The Whale'.
three assassination attempts here in the When Beaverbrook, who had been in Lloyd
1840S. George's Cabinet during the First World
Green Park War, was appointed to Winston Churchill's
Fifty acres ofland to the north-west of Second World War Cabinet in 1940 as
StJames's Palace, used in the Middle Ages Minister for Aircraft Production, he turned
as a burial ground for lepers (which may Stornoway House into his ministry office
account for its surprisingly bleak appear- and here organized the national campaign
ance), were enclosed by Henry VIII and to get the public to send in pots and pans so
converted into a royal park, Upper that the metal could be reconstituted to

make aeroplanes. When Stornoway House provide James with a male heir, for even
was deemed too small, the ministry moved though a crowd of around thirty people
to the ICI building on Millbank. The were amassed by the queen's bedside the
Granada group bought the property in midwives took the newly born child into an
1996 and put it up for sale in 2001. adjoining room before it could be shown to
.,.. Daily Express, p. 44· onlookers.
StJames's Palace When George, Elector of Hanover, took
London's major royal residence before Buck- the throne in 1714 as George I he brought
ingham Palace, and still home to a number with him to StJames's a court of some 700
of royals, including the Prince of Wales Germans, most of whom spoke no English.
when he is in the capital, StJames's Palace George's successor, George II, also lived
was built by Henry VIII between 1532 and here but found it hard to get to grips with
1536 on the site of a leper hospital and was English ways, remarking to the writer
where Mary Tudor signed the treaty surren- Horace Walpole: 'This is a strange country,
dering Calais, the last portion of France Sir. The first morning after my arrival I
administered by England, to the French. looked out of my window and saw a park
Elizabeth I resided here during the with walks and a canal, which I was told was
campaign against the Spanish Armada, mine. The next day, Lord Chetwynd, the
receiving news of the battle through a chain park ranger, sent me a fine brace of carp out
of beacons lit from the Cornish coast. of my canal; and I was told I must give five
Charles I spent the last night before his guineas to Lord Chetwynd's servant for
execution, 29 January 1649, at StJames's bringing me my own carp, out of my own
Palace, so that he would not be able to hear canal, in my own park.' George Ill, George
the hammering of the carpenters building II's grandson, moved the court to Buck-
the scaffold for him on Whitehall, and on ingham Palace in 1762, but StJames's has
. the following morning awoke at six, calling remained the monarch's official residence,
to his servant: 'I will get up. I have a great which is why foreign ambassadors and high
work to do this day. This is my second commissioners are nominally sent to the
marriage day; I would be as trim today as Court of St James.
may be for before tonight I hope to be .... Buckingham Palace, p. 212.
espoused to my beloved Jesus.' After Chapel Royal
receiving the sacrament of Holy Com- One of only two surviving parts of the orig-
munion, Charles, wearing extra shirts so inal1530s palace, the other being the gate-
that the crowd would not see him shivering house, the Chapel Royal was where
from the cold and think it cowardice, made Elizabeth I prayed while the Spanish
his way across the park to Banqueting Armada remained a threat and Charles I
House, Whitehall, where he was beheaded. received Holy Communion before his
Charles's two sons who became kings, execution in 1649. In 1997 the coffin of
Charles II and James II, were both born Diana, Princess of Wales, lay before the altar
here, as was James's son, the Catholic James so that family and friends could pay their
Francis Edward Stuart, whose birth in 1688 respects prior to the Princess's funeral in
alarmed Protestants. They spread a rumour Westminster Abbey. Every 6 January the
that the queen would give birth to two sons, Royal Epiphany Gifts service, a 700-year-old
one of whom would be king of England, the ceremony, takes place here during which
other Pope of Rome. But was James Francis officials of the royal household offer up
Edward Stuart royal at all? Some historians gold, frankincense and myrrh, the gold later
believe that James's 'son' was a foundling, being returned to the Bank of England and
smuggled into the royal chamber to replace its value donated to charity.
the girl that had been born, in order to

Occupants of Buckingham Palace with his left hand and the Austrian national
George III (1760-182o) After buying the anthem simultaneously with his right hand.
property in 1762 George made many alter- After Prince Albert, her consort, died in
ations, adding four new libraries and December 1861 the queen went into
renaming the building the Queen's House prolonged mourning and the palace became
in honour of his consort, Charlotte of a mausoleum, the rooms and Albert's
Mecklenburg-Strelitz. In his declining years possessions left untouched, with a
George, obsessed with protocol, forbade manservant filling a basin with water for the
members of the royal household to pass a deceased prince every night.
room occupied by a member of the royal Edward VII (1901-10) Loathing the palace
family if the door was open and refused to as a child, Edward, on becoming king, went
allow anyone to sit in the presence of the through the rooms smashing objects that he
king or queen. Frequent visitors to Buck- remembered from his youth, in particular
ingham House included the composers busts ofVictoria's one-time close confidant,
Johann Christian Bach, who gave Queen John Brown, but he later brightened it up,
Charlotte music lessons, and Dr Johnson, rearranging all the clocks to run half an
who came to use the libraries. hour fast to satisfy his mania for punctu-
George IV (1820-30) When George sought ality, and installing modern plumbing,
permission to convert the Queen's House which was just as well given his penchant
into a palace suitable for his outre tastes and for breakfasts of eggs, bacon, haddock and
gargantuan ego Parliament, aware of chicken and dinners of pheasant stuffed
George's profligacy and ability to amass with snipe and woodcock. On 21 June 1902
debts in inverse proportion to the suitability leading European royals arrived in London
of their worth, turned him down. But for the Coronation and travelled to Buck-
George concocted a devious plan to proceed ingham Palace for a feast to end all feasts.
regardless, and Parliament fell for the For Edward it nearly was an end feast, for he
duplicity, voting through an initial £252,690 collapsed with acute appendicitis and was
for the work and later forwarding more taken for surgery in an emergency theatre
money for a triumphal arch ..,.. Marble Arch set up in one of the palace rooms. The coro-
- which was found to be too small to allow nation was cancelled and rearranged for
coaches to pass through and was later 9 August, the uneaten food, including 2,500
removed to the north-east corner of Hyde quails, given to charities in Whitechapel.
Park. George V (1910-36) After the lechery and
William IV (1830-37) When the Duke of debauchery of the Edwardian palace a sense
Clarence took the throne in 1830 as William of calmness and order was restored with the
IV, work on what was then known as accession of George V, described by Antonia
Pimlico Palace was still unfinished and the Fraser as the first great constitutional
new King had to live nearby in Clarence monarch. On hearing the band of Grena-
House. diers play Richard Strauss's Elektra one day,
Victoria (1837-1901) Victoria was the first George sent them a note stating that'His
monarch to use Buckingham Palace as an Majesty does not know what the band has
official residence. She gave receptions and just played but it is never to be played
musical evenings that were attended by again.' In 1931 the king met 'the little man
composers such as Felix Mendelssohn, who with no proper clothes on'- India's spir-
sat at the piano and played 'Rule Britannia' itual leader Mahatma Gandhi - at the

palace, warning him not to encourage Elizabeth II (1952- ) Elizabeth II originally

terrorism 'in my empire' and being told in intended to live in nearby Clarence House
response that Gandhi would 'not be drawn and use the palace only for state business
into a political argument in Your Majesty's and ceremonial occasions, but the prime
Palace, after receiving Your Majesty's hospi- minister, Winston Churchill, insisted that
tality'. the people would expect the Queen to work
Edward VIII (1936) Edward assumed the and live in Buckingham Palace. In the
throne on the death of his father, George V, summer of 1982 labourer Michael Fagan
in January 1936 and was soon embroiled in made two uninvited entries into the
scandal for having a married mistress - grounds and buildings, scaling a drainpipe
Wallis Simpson. Even though she later and wandering at will around the palace
divorced her husband, Edward abdicated corridors during his first visit, on 7 June
the following December, without being 1982, and entering Room 108, where he
crowned, and countless conspiracy theories helped himself from a bottle of Californian
have since emerged to boost claims that Riesling and waited for the Duke of Edin-
Edward did not simply step down to 'marry burgh. When nobody carne Fagan made his
the woman he loved', but was forced to quit way out, just before a helicopter containing
by government figures who felt he was the US president Ronald Reagan landed on
incapable of ruling competently, might the palace lawn.
become a focus for Tory dissidents such as A month later, on 8 July, Fagan broke
Winston Churchill, and was too sympath- into the palace grounds at four in the
etic to the Nazis. Some people believe that morning, scaled a wall and entered the
Wallis Simpson was a Nazi honeytrap (it building through the Stamp Room. In the
later became known that Hitler wanted to Throne Room he tried different seats for
reinstate Edward to the throne if Germany size, urinated in the corgis' food bowl, and
won the war) or, more bizarrely, that accidentally made his way into a bedroom
Edward was a homosexual and Wallis where his movements woke the Queen who
Simpson a man in drag. shouted: 'What are you doing here? Get out!
George VI (1936-52) Unprepared for the Get out!' The Queen pressed the alarm bell
throne and, many felt, psychologically and phoned for the police, but having recov-
unsuitable on account of his shyness and ered from the shock, calmly chatted to
stammer, Prince Albert assumed the Fagan, despite the fact that he was holding a
throne as George VI on u December 1936, broken glass ashtray with which he intended
following the abdication of his brother, to slash his wrists. Five minutes later, when
Edward VIII, overcoming his initial prob- help had still not arrived, the Queen
lems through devotion to duty, selflessness summoned a maid who, when she saw
and capacity for hard work. When the palace Fagan sitting on the edge of the bed,
was bombed for the first of nine occasions exclaimed: 'Bloody hell, Ma'am. What's he
during the Second World War in 1940, doing in here?' Eventually the police rescued
wrecking the chapel where Princess Elizabeth the Queen and arrested Fagan, who told
had been christened and smashing a hundred them he was Michael Hess, son of the Nazi
windows, a policeman turned to Queen war criminal, Rudolf.
Elizabeth (the future Queen Mother) and In 1993 the Queen opened parts of the
remarked: 'A magnificent piece ofbombing, palace to the public to help pay for the
Ma'am, if you'll pardon my saying so.' restoration of Windsor Castle after the fire._j

Jermyn Street of black mulberry trees here sometime

Along with Savile Row, Jermyn Street is a around 1605, hoping to produce silk, but
leading street in London for bespoke men's although the trees blossomed in the marshy
tailoring, with Turnbull and Asser at Nos. ground no silk was forthcoming and the
70-72, Russell and Bromley shoes at No. 95, grove became a place of outdoor entertain-
and Harvie and Hudson shirtmakers at ment and courting, which the diarist Samuel
No. 97· Named after Henry Jermyn, the Pepys found to be 'a very silly place [full of]
seventeenth-century Earl of St Albans- the rascally, whoring, rouging sort of people'. In
poet Andrew Marvell claimed he looked like 1633 George Goring, Earl ofNorwich, built
a butcher with 'drayman's shoulders'- who himself a property, Cioring t)ouse, by the
was granted a sixty-year Crown lease on 45 garden, which later burned down and was
acres ofland in StJames's Fields in 1660, the rebuilt as Buckingham House for John
street was laid out in the 168os, a relief at Sheffield, who became the Duke of Buck-
No. 73 showing Charles II, who was then on ingham in 1703, and in 1762 George III
the throne, handing the deeds to Jermyn. bought Buckingham House for £28,ooo,
Past residents of what is now an almost making it his London home. After consider-
entirely commercial street include the scien- able reconstruction it became Buckingham
tist Isaac Newton, who lived at No. 87 from Palace, which all British monarchs since
1696 to 1710, and the poet Thomas Gray. At William IV have used as their London seat.
No.40 is the exclusive nightclub Tramps. ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts),
opposite Horse Guards Road
The Mall
The Institute of Contemporary Arts, which
A grand boulevard central to state cere-
opened in Mayfair in 1947, moved in 1968 to
monies and usually filled with tourists on
larger premises on The Mall where there
their way to Buckingham Palace, it was
was room for galleries, a cinema, a lecture
cut through StJames's Park in 1660 by
hall and a theatre. In the 1970s, under the
Charles II as a pitch for the game of paille-
directorship of Mike Laye, the ICA became
maille, with two long avenues of trees in the
the champion of the avant-garde and con-
French style. By the eighteenth century it
troversial. The Socialist Theatre season
had become a haunt of prostitutes and
included a lunchtime production by the Gay
robbers, but was cleaned up between 1904
Sweatshop, a play about the 1972 miners'
and 1907. Underneath is a network of
strike, the Women Theatre Group's feminist
tunnels connecting Buckingham Palace
Work to Role and Monstrous Regiment's
with major government departments and
SCUM- Death, Destruction and Dirty
buildings, including 10 Downing Street,
Washing about the women of the 1871 Paris
which allows the prime minister to visit the
Commune, and when in 1976 the governing
monarch without venturing into the open
council announced they were closing the
air, but is never obviously used. Street level
theatre, citing financial problems, many
indication of the tunnel can be seen through
saw the decision as politically loaded. The
an extractor fan outside the gentlemen's
theatre reopened in January 1977 with a
toilets in the Institute of Contemporary
different programme. However, by that time
the ICA's galleries were causing more
north side: Buckingham Palace to Admiralty
consternation. In 1976 Mary Kelly's exhi-
bition, 'Post Partum Document', featured
Buckingham Palace
· dirty nappy liners as a statement against the
Home of the British monarchy since 1762,
stereotyping of the mother and child,
the site was covered with fields by the
causing predictable outrage in the press.
Tyburn and Westbourne streams before the
That October COUM Transmissions' multi-
seventeenth century. James I planted a grove
media exhibition, 'Prostitution', organized

by Genesis P-Orridge, featured bondage took place in StJames's Park to celebrate the
photos of his girlfriend, Cosey Panni Tutti, tooth anniversary of Hanoverian rule, but
taken from the porn magazine Whitehouse disaster occurred when the gas-lit pagoda
and framed like museum artefacts alongside caught fire, killing two men and injuring
four boxes on a wall called 'Tampax several others as well as the royal swans.
Romana', one of which featured an art deco The watching crowd, assuming that this was
clock whose workings had been replaced part of the organized spectacle, applauded
by used tampons. The Sun claimed that wildly. After Victoria moved into Buck-
P-Orridge was 'prostituting Britain- and ingham Palace in 1837 the lake was dredged
sending us the bill', while the Arts Council, and the park cleaned up to create what now
outraged, scrapped the ICA's grant. In ranks as the most attractive green setting in
1984 P-Orridge, returning in musical guise central London, all the more astonishing
with his band Throbbing Gristle, destroyed for its proximity to the West End and
part of the stage using electric saws, genera- Whitehall.
tors and torches, and some time later the ... Regent's Park, p. 350.
German noise band, Einsturzende Neu-
baten, drilled through the stage and broke
Marlborough Road
Queen's Chapel, east side
through into a section of the Underground.
When the future Charles I announced his
In recent years the I CA has failed to make
intended marriage to the Spanish infanta in
the headlines with quite the same impact,
the 162os Inigo Jones built a Catholic chapel
although in 1992 it staged the first solo
at StJames's, basing the structure on the
Damien Hirst exhibition.
Temple ofVenus in Rome. The marriage
Admiralty Arch
never took place and work on the building
A triumphal arch incorporating offices
ceased, recommencing in 1626 for the king' s
and apartments for the Sea Lords, it was
marriage to Henrietta Maria.
designed in 1911 by Aston Webb as part of a
memorial to Queen Victoria and as a means Pall Mall
of reaching Buckingham Palace from A once elegant and prestigious street which
Trafalgar Square. takes its unusual name from the croquet-
south side like game paille-maille (related to the Italian
St James's Park pallo a maglio- 'ball to mallet') that the
London's first royal park was created in aristocracy used to play in nearby StJames's
1532 by Henry VIII and, though initially Park in the seventeenth century, it is home
covering an area larger than the West End, to several of StJames's best-known
was later reduced to 90 acres between Buck- gentlemen's clubs, including the Athe-
ingham Palace and Whitehall. In 166o naeum, the Reform Club and the Travel-
Charles II opened the park to the public lers'. The street no longer enjoys its once
and, wishing to convert its lake into a 'Little enviable status, having been spoiled in
Venice', imported specially built gondolas. recent decades by a one-way system.
Unfortunately the ships bringing the vessels • Pall Mall became the first London street to
to Britain ran into storms off the toe of Italy be lit by gas on 4 June 1807 after Friedrich
and the gondolas were so badly damaged Albrecht Winzer laid a pipe under the road
that the scheme was abandoned. As late as outside Uorlton bouse.
the eighteenth century there were no powers north side: Stjames's Street to Haymarket
of arrest within StJames's Park, which had Horatio Bottomley's address (1879-1912.),
become a haven for robbers and a gang No. 56a
known as the Mohocks, who roamed the One of the great swindlers of the early
park brandishing swords. On 1 August 1814 a twentieth century, Horatio Bottomley, nick-
re-enactment of the 1798 Battle of the Nile named Hot-air-io Bottomley, made his

fortune publishing newspapers in Hackney, elled abroad, the club later moved here, to
where he became MP, was worth £3 million Charles Barry's palazzo building of 1829 to
by his late thirties, and during the First 1832, the first in that style in London. The
World War styled himself Britain's leading initial requirement that members must have
patriot, encouraging people to persecute travelled at least 1,ooo miles from London
anyone with a German-sounding name. He no longer applies.
also promoted a Victory Bond Club whose Reform Club, Nos.104-105
brochure contained a biography of its A radical club founded in 1836 by supporters
publisher and the caption: 'Who is Mr of the 1832 Reform Bill, it is where Phileas
Bottomley? He is the finest orator in the Fogg takes on the bet that results in his trav-
kingdom. He is the first lay lawyer in the elling around the world in eighty days in the
land; He is our best recruiter; He is a fine Jules Verne novel of the same name.
sportsman; He is a great financier; He is a ~Uon <ani (1835-1940), No. 94
fearless politician. There are many people The Conservatives' main social and political
who think Mr Bottomley is the greatest club, which was formed at 2 Carlton House
man in Britain today', which raised some Terrace after the party's poor showing at
£9oo,ooo. When demobbed servicemen who the 1832 general election, moved here three
had invested in the scheme tried to cash years later. Despite the energy members
their bonds after the war they found that he expended in creating a strong party organiz-
had absconded with their money. Bottomley ation based around the three tenets of the
was arrested and sentenced to seven years' long-serving Tory prime minister Lord Liver-
imprisonment. In prison, according to a pool- defence of the Crown, Church and
popular story, spotted by an inmate one day Constitution - the party was torn apart in
working on mailbags and asked whether he 1846 when Tory PM Robert Peel repealed
was sewing, he replied: 'No, reaping.' the Corn Laws, a move opposed by the
south side: Cockspur Street to St ]ames's majority of members. In the 1870s the
Street Carlton was replaced as the most powerful
All the properties except for No. 79 belong bastion of Conservatism by the party's
to the Crown. Central Office, and in 1886 the windows of
The Athenaeum, No. 107 the Pall Mall building were smashed by
The leading intellectual club of StJames's, demonstrators following a march by the
the Athenaeum was founded in 1824 as The London United Workmen's Committee in
Society by John Croker, who first coined the demand of jobs. At a meeting in the Carlton
term 'Conservative', and moved to Decimus in October 1922 the Tories withdrew their
Burton's Pall Mall building in 1830, when it support for the Coalition government of
took its present name. The novelist and the Liberal David Lloyd George, which led
Conservative politician Benjamin Disraeli a group of Tory MPs to form the 1922
wrote many of his novels at the Athenaeum, Committee, the major powerbase for
despite having once been blackballed, while backbench MPs since. The building was
the novelist Anthony Trollope promised to destroyed in the Second World War and the
kill off Mrs Proudie after hearing two Carlton moved to StJames's Street in the
members at the club complain about the i950S.
character during the serialization of The Last Royal Automobile Club, No. 89
Chronicle of Barset in 1867. The club, founded 'for the protection,
Travellers' Club, No. 106 encouragement and development of Auto-
Founded in 1819 at 12 Waterloo Place mobilism' in 1897 at Whitehall Court, ·
through the wishes of the despised foreign moved here, the site of the eighteenth-
secretary Lord Castlereagh as a reunion century 1)od f)ouse, in 1911 and was where
point for English gentlemen who had trav- the spies Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean

had lunch before defecting to the Soviet Prince Albert, hearing that his brother,
Union in June 1951. When it was revealed in Edward VIII, had abdicated the throne and
the early 1990s that the roof of the new that he, Albert, would now become king
Jubilee Line tunnel lay only 16 ft below the (George VI), cried on the shoulder of his
bottom of the club's swimming pool, a mother, Queen Mary, for an hour. The
member of the committee told the Sunday house was badly damaged in the Second
Times that 'the prospect of members diving World War and was donated to the govern-
into the pool and ending up in Neasden is ment in 1959.
not one I relish'. In 1999 RAC members
received a windfall of £34,000 each after the
StJames's Place
Spencer House, No. 27
club's motoring services section was sold for
A Palladian mansion built by John Vardy
£437 million.
between 1756 and 1766 for the 1st Earl
Schomberg House, Nos. 80-82
Spencer, who assumed ownership after the
Built in 1698 for the 3rd Duke of Schom-
intended owner, Henry Bromley (Lord
berg, the property was home to James
Montfort), shot himself shortly after making
Graham's late-eighteenth-century Temple
his will on New Year's Day 1755. It was
of Health and Hymen, where women
home to the Spencer family until1895 when
having trouble conceiving could engage with
the building was let to various tenants,
their partners in the 'Grand celestial bed',
including Barney Barnato, the diamond
supported by forty pillars of glass, and
merchant who had been brought up in
under a mirror-lined dome 'obtain the
poverty in the East End. When Barnato was
desire of their lives'. The venture ended in
obliged to appear in court one day and gave
farce and Graham was committed to a
his address as 'Spencer House, StJames's'
lunatic asylum in 1787. From 1859 to 1956
. the judge inquired: 'Are you the owner's
various departments of the War Office
major-domo?', to which Barnato replied,
were based at Schomberg House and after
'No, I'm my own bleedin' major-domo.'
the civil servants moved out the building
From 1926 to 1943 the house was used as the
was restored to resemble its original
Ladies' Army and Navy Club, was later
requisitioned by the government as admin-
Marlborough House
istrative offices for nurses, and after the
Now used by the Commonwealth
Second World War was taken over in turn
Secretariat, Marlborough House was built
by the auctioneers Christie's, the British
between 1709 and 1711 for the Duchess of
Oxygen Company and the Economist
Marlborough. She completed the design
Intelligence Unit think-tank. In 1980
herself after sacking the architect, Chris-
Lord Rothschild redeveloped the property
topher Wren the Younger, son of the more
at a cost of £17 million and filled it with
famous architect of the same name, for alleg-
works of art, opening it to the public on
edly cheating his contractors, and the
building was extended by Sir William Cham-
bers, architect of Somerset House, in the StJames's Square
1770s. The house remained in the Marl- The grand centrepiece of StJames's was
borough family until1817, when the Crown built from 1667 to 1677 as the 'Place Royale'
bought it for Princess Charlotte, heir to the by Henry Jermyn, Earl of St Albans, 'for the
throne, and her husband, Prince Leopold of conveniency of the Nobility and Gentry who
Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. From 1863 to 1903 it were to attend upon his Majestie's Person,
was home to Edward, Prince of Wales (later and in Parliament', and it was later lined
Edward VII), and was where the prince with some of the finest Georgian town
conducted his extensive socializing. It was at houses in London, attracting leading poli-
Marlborough House in December 1936 that ticians such as William Pitt the Elder and

William Gladstone. The square is no longer east side

residential and is dominated by institutions No.4
and businesses. Nancy Astor was living in this 1728 property
north side in 1919 when she became the first woman to
No.12. take her seat in the House of Commons.
Built by Thomas Cubitt in the 1830s and From 1943 to 1945 No. 4 was used as a refec-
later home to Lord Byron's daughter, Ada, tory for the Free French resistance move-
Countess of Lovelace, who worked with ment, who were plotting to overthrow the
Charles Babbage on his nineteenth-century Nazis from occupied France. The Naval and
forerunner of the computer. Military Club recently moved here after
Chatham House, Nos. 9-10 leaving its Piccadilly premises.
A 1736 building which has been home to Norfolk House, No. 31
three prime ministers - William Pitt the The original Norfolk House, the birthplace
Elder (Lord Chatham), the Earl of Derby of the future George III, was rebuilt in 1938,
and William Gladstone - and is now the and used during the Second World War as
headquarters of the Royal Institute of Inter- the headquarters of Anglo-American intelli-
national Affairs, a think-tank founded in gence, being where General Eisenhower
1920 funded by the Rothschild family and directed the Allied Expeditionary Forces for
various South African mining houses, which the D-Day landings in 1944.
in the first few decades after the Second west side
World War was a major influence on British Winchester House, No. 21
foreign policy. Two ofJames II's mistresses- Arabella
No.8 Churchill and Catherine Sedley -lived at
It was used by the French ambassador in the No. 21 in the late seventeenth century and in
eighteenth century and as a showroom by 1829 the property was taken over by the
the Wedgwood firm from 1796 to 1830. Bishops of Winchester, being renamed
No.7 Winchester House. In 1901 one of British
Built by Edwin Lutyens in 1911 for the intelligence's earliest organizations, the
banker Gaspard Farrer, No.7 was requisi- Mobilization and Military Intelligence
tioned by the government in 1943 for Department, moved into the block, which
espionage activities and is now home of was demolished after the Distillers Com-
the Royal Fine Art Commission. pany bought it in 1934 and then rebuilt to
Former Libyan People's Bureau (198os), resemble the adjacent Adam-designed
No.5 house.
On 17 April1984 a policewoman, Yvonne Adair House, No. 20
Fletcher, standing by the square's railings, Designed from 1775 to 1789 by Robert Adam
was killed by shots fired from a sub- for Sir Watkin William Wynn, it was bought
machine gun during a raid on the building, by the Distillers Company in 1935 when it
then the Libyan People's Bureau, carried out was combined with No. 21.
by dissidents opposed to the regime of. No.18
Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi. British From 1815 to 1822 No. 18 was home to Lord
police and troops besieged the embassy for Castlereagh, the late-eighteenth-century
eleven days, the longest siege ever witnessed Tory politician involved in the subjugation
in London, but could not enter due to diplo- of the 1798 Irish rebellion, which brought
matic immunity and the culprits were Ireland under British rule. In 1819 he was
allowed to leave Britain on the day Fletcher vilified by the poet Shelley in the lines: 'I
was buried. Later, some sixty embassy met Murder on the way I He had a mask
officials were deported for refusing to like Castlereagh I Very smooth he looked,
co-operate with the police. yet grim I Seven bloodhounds followed

him', in his poem 'The Mask of Anarchy', a including the architect Sir Christopher
diatribe against the Manchester Peterloo Wren, who is believed to have died here in
Massacre which was brought about, it was 1723, and the poet Alexander Pope. In the
said, by Castlereagh's repressive policies. By eighteenth century StJames's Street became
1822 Castlereagh was deemed insane and home to many of London's most celebrated
after telling colleagues 'I'm mad. I know I'm coffee houses- White's, the «ocoa tree and
mad', he asked his doctor for the precise the St 3ames's- which later developed into
location of his jugular vein and deliberately the gentlemen's clubs for which the area is
cut an artery with a small knife, bleeding to still renowned. Exclusive shops soon opened
death at his Kent country seat. When his alongside the coffee houses, the most
coffin was borne on a gun carriage to West- famous modern-day names including Lock,
minster Abbey it was booed in the street. the hatters (at No.6), and John Lobb, boot-
No.16 makers to the Crown since 1911 (No.9). In
Now occupied by the East India, Devon- Plate 4 of William Hogarth's The Rake's
shire, Sports and Public Schools Club, Progress (1732-4) Tom Rakewell is thrown
No. 16 was where a bloodstained Major out of his sedan chair and arrested at the
Henry Percy arrived from Europe on 21 June northern end of StJames's Street, the gate-
1815, interrupting a ball to announce news of house of St James's Palace clearly visible in
the British army's victory over the French at the background.
Waterloo three days previously. He later west side: Pall Mall to Piccadilly
travelled on to Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, Carlton Club, No. 69
to inform the Cabinet who were dining at Britain's major Conservative club moved
No.44. here after its Pall Mall headquarters was
Lichfield House, No. 15 bombed in the Second World War. When
Built by Richard Frith in 1678-9, it was later Margaret Thatcher was elected leader of the
occupied by the Duchess of Richmond, who Conservative Party in 1975 she was declared
sat for the model of Britannia used on coins. an 'honorary man' to keep up the tradition
London Library, No. 14 that every Tory leader automatically
A private library with a vast stock, it was becomes a life member of the club.
founded in 1841 by the writer Thomas Brooks's Club, No. 61
Carlyle who, fed up with the protracted A gentlemen's club founded by William
methods for borrowing books at the British Almack on Pall Mall in 1764, it moved here
Library and 'the man with the bassoon nose' in 1778 and was run by the wine merchant
who sat next to him, organized a group that William Brooks, whom members buried
included the philosopher John Stuart Mill to under the club floor after he died so that
establish a library that would 'supply good creditors could be kept at bay. The original
books in all departments of knowledge'. twenty-seven members were known as
Five hundred subscribers donated £6, 'macaronis', dandies who specialized in
setting annual fees at £2, and the library wearing flamboyant clothes and enormous
opened at 49 Pall Mall that year with 3,ooo wigs. Brooks's later became a major
volumes, moving to StJames's Square in gambling venue and a meeting place for
1845. The premises have been extended Whigs.
considerably since and the number of books Mls headquarters (1940-45), Cassini
has now surpassed one million. House, Nos. 57-58
The security service Ml5 moved into
StJames's Street
The street, which is the main route between StJames's Street during the Second World
War and appointed Victor Rothschild, the
Piccadilly and Pall Mall, grew as StJames's
millionaire scientist, peer, banker, jazz
Palace expanded, early notable residents
pianist and county cricketer, who had been

involved in developing atomic weapons Boodle's, No. 28

ahead of the Nazis, to head the unit Now Boodle's, a favourite ofMI6 officers,
organizing the dismantling of bombs and the model for Blade's in the James Bond
entering Britain. Rothschild knew that the books, it was White's Chocolate House from
Nazis had inserted bombs into thermos 1693 to 1783, a club notorious for gambling,
flasks, or even lumps of coal, which would where members would wager sums on the
explode if slivers were removed, and at most trifling of matters, such as which of
StJames's Street he once made safe a device two raindrops would reach the bottom of a
placed inside a crate of onions while giving window pane first, an event on which Lord
staff a running commentary: ' ... I have Arlington gambled £3,000. The novelist
taken the primer out ... I can now see the Horace Walpole recalled in 1755 how a man
detonator buried in the middle of the plastic who collapsed at the door was carried into
[long silence] ... I have taken the primer the club while members bet on whether or
of(. The other detonator is off. All over, all not he was dead, complaining that efforts to
safe now.' For this deed Rothschild was revive him would affect the fairness of the
awarded the George Cross and immediately wager. In 1783 the premises were taken over
entrusted with the task of ensuring that by Boodle's, becoming popular with country
presents given to Churchill were safe for gentlemen betting on hazard, a game of
consumption, which meant that the prime chance, in which the players threw dice
minister's cigars were X-rayed for explosives against a number between five and nine,
and foods such as hams or bottles of brandy and faro, a form of roulette.
were tested for poison without it looking Ml9 headquarters (1940S), No. 5
obvious that they had been examined. After MI9, the government's Second World War
the war the building was used as offices by escape and evasion unit, was based in a
the entertainments company MGM. room at this address, and here agents
... MI5, p. 247. preparing to be sent into enemy territory
east side: Piccadilly to Pall Mall were provided with a host of ingenious
White's, Nos. 37-38 devices, such as compasses hidden in tooth-
StJames's oldest and most illustrious club . brushes or combs and blades secreted in
was founded in 1693 by Francis White (an cricket bats, to be passed to prisoners of war
Italian whose real name was Francesco through fake charities, Red Cross parcels
Bianco) as White's Chocolate House at being considered too risky. In charge of
No. 28 (now the location of Boodle's, see MI9 was Colonel Claude Dansey, whom
below), moving to various other nearby the historian Hugh Trevor-Roper once
addresses before relocating here in 1755. described as an 'utter shit; corrupt, incom-
Membership was hard to come by, and petent, but with a certain low cunning', who
when the Tory prime minister William Pitt had run spy networks in Somaliland during
who was passing White's one day was asked the First World War, established the Ameri-
by a colleague if he could propose him he · cans' first secret service unit, and been in
replied: 'At the end of the year we shall be charge ofMI6's activities in the 1930s,
making some new viscounts and some new hiring businessmen expert in areas such as
barons. Can you accept a viscountcy avionics or steel-manufacturing. During the
instead?' In 1811 the famous bow window Second W odd War Dansey was also in
was inserted into the fa~ade, and it was by charge of passing Gennan secrets to Soviet
the window that the society dandy Beau allies without letting the latter know that the
Brummell held court with the Duke of British had cracked the Germans' Enigma
Argyll and Sir Lumley Skeffington, in the code. He was depicted by Graham Greene,
nineteenth century. who had lived in the flat below in the late
1940s, as the spymaster, Colonel Daintry, Museum. Queen Elizabeth II's coronation
in the 1978 novel The Human Factor. banquet was held here in 1953 and in the
Berry Brothers and Rudd, No. 3 1970s Lancaster House hosted the 1979
Established in 1690 as a grocer's, Berry's has Rhodesian independence talks that resulted
been one of London's best-known wine in the creation of Zimbabwe. Film crews
merchants for more than a hundred years regularly used Lancaster House until govern-
and below the shop are extensive cellars ment ministers clashed with cameramen
which stretch for hundreds of yards under shooting Warren Beatty's Reds and banned
St James's Street and can house 18,ooo filming.
bottles of wine. The shop also contains Clarence House, east side
human weighing scales which have been Home of the Queen Mother from 1953 to
used by Lord Byron, Napoleon III and the 2002, Clarence House was designed by John
actress Vivien Leigh. Nash in 1825 to 1828 for William, Duke of
Clarence, younger brother of George IV,
Stable Yard
who on hearing here in 1830 that George
Access to this road and Stable Yard Road is
had died and that he would now take the
restricted for security reasons.
throne told a servant: 'I will now return to
Warwick House
bed, as I have always wanted to sleep with
The only large private building in an area of
a queen.' After his accession, William
court property and company headquarters,
continued to live at Clarence House, as
Warwick House was built in 1770 by Sir
work on Buckingham Palace was still
William Chambers, architect of Somerset
proceeding, and after his death the house
House. In 1924 Warwick House passed to
passed to various members of the royal
Esmond Harmsworth, the 2nd Lord Roilier-
family, including his sister, Princess
mere, proprietor of the Daily Mail, who
Augusta, and the Duchess of Kent (mother
closed it down during the Second World
of Queen Victoria). The Red Cross was
War at a time when many similar London
based here during the Second World War
mansions were being vacated by their
and the property later became home to Prin-
wealthy owners. Ann, Esmond's wife,
cess Elizabeth who on succeeding to the
reopened Warwick House in 1946 and,
throne in 1952 moved to Buckingham
hoping to become one of London's leading
society hostesses, threw a number of lavish
... StJames's Palace, p. 209.
parties and invited a panel of guests to
discuss the important issues of the day, a
move that Evelyn Waugh described as an (ii) Buckingham Gate
'utter failure'.
An estate of well-constructed, handsome
Stable Yard Road houses built to the south of StJames's Park
Lancaster House, west side in the eighteenth century on land known as
Built to the designs of Benjamin Wyatt in the Almonry- the land of the alms giver -
1825 and used for government hospitality, where the most prestigious address was, and
meetings and conferences, Lancaster House still is, Queen Anne's Gate. Though now
was where Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Italian mostly commercial, the area that remains
nationalist, was greeted by some 50,000 exudes an effortless charm helped by the
supporters when he came to London in consistency and elegance of the architecture
1864. The building was later sold to the and the presence of the park.
soap magnate Sir William Lever (Lord
Leverhulme) who gave it to the nation so
Birdcage Walk
James l's aviary was situated at this end of
that it could be used for government enter-
StJames's Park and, though the roadway
taining and as a home for the London

was created as early as the 166os, until1928 identify 'our man in Berlin', Menzies told
only the Hereditary Grand Falconer was the king: 'Sire, if my service has a man in
allowed to drive along it. Berlin, I may not divulge his identity', and
when the king then asked him: 'What would
Broadway you say if I said, "Give me the name of our
No trace remains of pre-twentieth-century man in Berlin or off with your head!"',
Broadway, an awkwardly shaped street in Menzies retorted: 'Sire, were you to give
two parts, once home of the ~lttd t)ofse, such an order, and were that order carried
the pub where Dick Turpin planned his out, my head would roll with my lips still
highway raids. Since the mid twentieth sealed.'
century Broadway has been dominated by .. MI6, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth,
offices for major organizations such as MI6
p. 386.
(from 1924 to 1966), London Transport
(since 1929), and Scodand Yard (since 1967). (axton Street
In the late 1930s a German spy positioned Named after Britain's first printer, William
outside StJames's Park station, disguised as Caxton, who lived and worked close to here
a match-seller, spent a number of days in the fifteenth century, the street is best
surreptitiously photographing those who known for Caxton Hall and also features a
went in and out ofMI6's headquarters luxurious hotel, St Ermin's, which was requi-
opposite, sending the results on to the sitioned by the government at the outset of
Gestapo, as various British officers the Second World War to train agents in
discovered when they were interrogated guerrilla warfare.
during the Second World War. Absent from .. William Caxton's printing shop, p. 222.
the agent's pictures, however, were shots of Caxton Hall, north side
MI6's senior personnel, who entered and And afterward she saw a very much larger
left the building via the director's residence and more enthusiastic gathering, a
at 21 Queen Anne's Gate, which was con- meeting of the advanced section of the
nected to the MI6 building by a passageway. women's movement in Caxton Hall,
Ml6 headquarters (1924-66), No. 54, north where the same note of vast changes in
side progress sounded- Ann Veronica,
Ml6, Britain's secret intelligence service, H. G. Wells (1909)
moved into what the biographer Tom A public meeting place and registry office
Bower described as a building full of'dust, which opened as the Westminster City Hall
decay and dark corridors' in 1924, at a time in 1878, Caxton Hall was where in February
when the organization did not 'officially' 1907 the first Women's Parliament met
exist (the sign on the door of No. 54 claimed during the early days of suffragette activity.
the premises were the headquarters of the Here in 1937 Sir Michael O'Dwyer, former
previous occupants, the Minimax Fire lieutenant governor of the Punjab, was assas-
Extinguisher Company) and few of the staff sinated by Udham Singh, who
even knew the.identity of their director had been his chauffeur and held him
general, who was always known as 'C'. responsible for the 1919 Amritsar massacre,
During the Second World War 'C' was Sir during which British officers ordered
Stewart Menzies, rumoured to be one of soldiers to open fire on the unarmed crowd,
Edward VII's illegitimate children and the killing hundreds of people. Singh was
model for 'M' in the James Bond books, hanged at Pentonville on 31 July 1940.
who sat behind an antique desk that had Celebrities married at Caxton Hall include
allegedly belonged to Lord Nelson and kept the nineteen-year-old Elizabeth Taylor
a pigeon loft on the roof as he did not trust (to Michael Wilding, twenty years her
the radio. Once, when asked by George V to senior) on 19 February 1952, Peter

Sellers (to Britt Ekland), Diana Dors (twice), receiving help in the event of fire in the days
George Harrison and Ringo Starr. before free municipal cover.
Queen Anne's Gate
One of the best-preserved Georgian streets Henry John Temple, the future Lord
in London, Queen Anne's Gate was origin- Palmerston, nineteenth-century statesman
ally two streets - Queen Square (the eastern and prime minister, was born here in 1784.
end, built 1704) and Park Street (to the No.16
west, built 1774) - divided by a wall, the old The 1780s home of William Smith, known as
names still being visible on wall plates the pioneer of English liberty, whose family
half-way along. Popular with the upper fortune was made from slavery but who
echelons of government as a residential area fought to abolish the system, it was used as
until around the time of the First World the headquarters of British Army Intelli-
War, the street is now mostly offices, with gence from 1884 to 1901. Posing as a lepidop-
the Home Office based in a postwar tower terist, Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the
block at No. 50 and the National Trust at boy scouts, was sent from here as a spy to
Dalmatia, where he was dismissed by locals
north side: Petty France to Old Queen Street as a harmless eccentric but sketched the fort-
Home Office, No. 50 resses of Cattara, disguising the guns and
An unpopular block of consummate forts in pictures of butterfly wings. Admiral
ugliness designed by Basil Spence and of the Fleet Lord John Fisher, who
modernized the navy, lived here from 1904
completed in 1976.
No.42 to 1910.
No. 42 was home in the 1770s to Lord Simon south side: Old Queen Street to Broadway
Harcourt who acted as proxy groom in the Queen Anne statue
marriage of the future George III and Prin- In the nineteenth century the statue had no
cess Charlotte Mecklenburg-Strelitz and title and when a group oflocal children,
died in 1m when he fell into a well trying to believing that it represented the sixteenth-
century Catholic queen Mary Tudor, called
retrieve his dog. A later resident, in 1839-40,
was Sir James Pennethorne, assistant to upon the monarch to descend from her
the architect John Nash, who worked on pedestal and found her unable or unwilling
to do so, they threw stones at the figure and
designing Battersea ParK and Victoria Park.
damaged it. The statue was repaired and the
National Trust headquarters, No. 36
Built for the Anglo-American Oil Company words 'Anna Regina' carved on the plinth,
in 1909, No. 36 is now home to the National and legend has it that the queen descends
Trust, founded in 1895 as the National Trust from the pedestal every 1 August, the anni-
for Places of Historic Interest or Natural versary of her death, to walk up and down
Beauty by the housing reformer Octavia the street three times. Behind the queen's
Hill, among others, to preserve traditional head are the faded street signs for Park
aspects of Britain. Street and Queen Square, the names of the
No.2.6 two former streets that now constitute
Outside the property, which the MP Shaun Queen Anne's Gate. Below is a plaque
Woodward, who defected from the Tories to bearing the initials C.H., standing for
Christ's Hospital, the original landowners.
Labour in 1999, put up for sale in 2002 for
£6.75 million, is a cone-shaped link snuffer, Tothill Street
which was used for extinguishing visitors' A 'tot' is a sacred mound, and druids used
torches in the days before electric ligliting, the land as a meeting place in the sixth
and a fire insurance plaque indicating that century. In 1482 William Caxton, who had
the householder could be certain of set himself up as Britain's first printer in a

shop by Westminster Abbey, rented a house personal life and the political world of the
at the south-eastern end ofTothill Street, Restoration period, as he rose through the
printing books under the sign of the 'reed bureau-
pale', a shield with a vertical red band, and cratic ranks to become Secretary to the
there over the next fifteen years printed Admiralty, and historians owe much of their
18,ooo pages, translated more than twenty knowledge of the period to it. Pepys, who
works from Latin and French into English, never intended the diary to be published in
and produced the first edition of The Canter- his lifetime, compiled it in shorthand,
bury Tales, a copy of which was sold at obscuring the more controversial passages
Christie's in 1998 for a world record by using foreign languages and coded
£4.6 million. After Caxton died, his press names. It was sent with his personal papers
was maintained by his assistant, Wynkyn de to Cambridge University after his death, and
Worde, who moved to Fleet Street in 1500. was not deciphered until1822.
Caxton's house was demolished in the nine- Bridge Street
teenth century. north side: Parliament Street to Victoria
(iii) Whitehall Westminster station
The station opened on the Metropolitan
The name Whitehall is synonymous with District Railway (now the District Line) in
government - the Houses of Parliament, the
1868 and was redesigned by Michael
Treasury, the Foreign Office, 10 Downing Hopkins at the end of the twentieth century
Street and a host of government depart-
to accommodate the Jubilee Line.
ments and ministries are based on or near
the road. Whitehall dates back to medieval ICT LINE
times, when it linked the Palace of West-
minster and the village of Charinge (now the success of the Metropolitan
Charing Cross) and was known as King
Street, its name coming from the colour of
the sixteenth-century palace where Henry ls for new lines were sent to the
VIII lived, outside which Charles I was including a plan to drain
executed in 1649. Canal and lay tracks on the bed
'!fxe !)n~b
Samuel Pepys, clerk to Sir George Downing, in glass around central London.
the secretary to the Treasury after whom the proposal which gained most
Downing Street is named, moved to Axe was for an underground railway by
Yard, which stood just to the south of Thames - what became the District
Downing Street, in 1658 and on 1 January and was originally called the Metro-
166o bought an octavo notebook, lined the District Line. Building began in June
margins in red ink, and made a New Year and the first section, f~om South
resolution to begin a diary. That day he to Westminster, opened in
wrote the first entry: 'Blessed be God, at the 1868, soon being extended east-
end of the last year, I was in very good under Victoria Embankment to Black-
health, without any sense of my old pain,
but upon taking of cold. I lived in Axe Yard,
having my wife and servant Jane, and no
other in family than us three.' For the next
ten years Pepys continued to write his diary, Queen Victoria and a royal party
a frank and detailed description of his included Nicholas, the heir to the

when exhibitions were being staged at

adjacent Olympia centre.
revolution, arrived at Richmond
en route to the White Lodge to see bledon There are ,connections here to
newly born Prince (the future Edward new south London tram system that
Wimbledon and Croydon.
in 1894.
ml:llle<don Park The station nearest the
nd Lawn Tennis Club, home of
British atomic secrets to the Wimbledon tennis tournament.
met his KGB contact at this Celebrated in a classic tube
in the late 1940s. In 1993, fourteen of 1933 promoting the tennis cham-
at Wimbledon.
nuclear scientists who admitted
they had built their first bomb based
he provided. Bridge The station, being in
'"••r•l~n•-v In 1954 a tornado hit west
should properly be named Fulham

Broadway The 1911 station building

but not for railway use.

a growing reputation, according to the

of a mile from Acton town centre. song 'What a Waste'.
Park A superbly designed station, Brompton The station was upgraded
of Charles Holden, featuring a interchange with the adjacent West
semicircular ticket hall, a rare Railway at the end of the twen-
,til<!l!vt~r~~~~·tf platform canopy, and an

Court The original1871 station was a

wooden affair, the huge present-day
dating from the early twentieth

Kensington Opened in 1868 as

(High Street).

in <1 third-class carriage of a

exploded as it passed through the
directly with the Metropolitan injuring sixty-two people.
whose station stood opposite. Road The northern terminus of a
Court The station contains church-
pews for waiting passengers.
Kensington North End (Fulham)
opened in 1874.
Until1986 the station opened
Road In the Arthur Conan

le short story 'The Bruce-Partington

s' Sherlock Holmes wanders along the
ks leading to the station while
stigating a murder.
th Kensington The original western
'ttirninus of the District Line in 1868.
:.,ane Square Two bombs fell on the
;\~ion in 1940 while two trains were there
:'.d 4
an unknown number of people were
' , d. The station remained closed for
en years, reopening in time for the
ival of Britain in 1951 as the nearest
ion to Battersea Fun Fair. A rare station located on

oria The busiest station on the London (the A102M).

ames's Park Rebuilt by the under-
. .,Ound's greatest architect, Charles
l<fQLden, in the late 1920s, with a fa~ade Opened in 1902 on what was then
'-orated with statues by Jacob Epstein Whitechapel and Bow Railway.
,; '='
Henry Moore and an office block Park The stop for West Ham foot-
ve, at 55 Broadway, that was then the club, as opposed to the more likely
est building in London.
tminster When work on the station
~an in the 186os engineers had to ensure
, ·.~h·t Westminster Abbey did not fall into
· t~gully. The station is also the eastern
. '~bankment Plans for a surface building of the Hammersmith and City
modelled on Wren's extensions to
~pton Court Palace were rejected by
_.,ple The roof promenade was once a
nt of prostitutes.
· · ckfriars Originally part of an important
~way terminus known as St Paul's.

· <,..,sion House Originally intended as a
junction of all planned London under-
. ~und lines, it was later downgraded and
liv~n an erroneous name, the building
'k~~wn as Mansion House being situated rch The surrounding area is
:~~e distance to the east by Bank station. after the horns on the gable of
' · • non Street Built in 1884 to complete rew's church.
,... , Circle Line . Bridge The bridge is over the
. ·"'nument Built in 1884 as one of the last rne River.
~ stations on the Circle Line and the The most easterly station on
. 'Jly station on the network connected to
~-ther (Bank) by escalator.
'rJt,;.,er Hill Named not after the Tower,
don's oldest building, but the hill on
};~ch prisoners used to be executed.

Portcullis House No. 10, north side

An office block for MPs, it was designed The most famous house in Britain was built
by Michael Hopkins, who was responsible without foundations in 1581 and was first
for the Mound Stand at Lord's, and built occupied by Sir Thomas Knyvet, the Justice
between 1992 and 2000 with a no-expense- of the Peace who arrested Guy Fawkes for
spared £250 million budget (£1.2 million for trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament
each MP), £30 million of which was spent in 1605. It later passed to a Mr Chicken, who
on bronze cladding, £5oo,ooo on restaurant was evicted by George II so that the prop-
furniture, £2oo,ooo on plants for the res- erty could be used as an office and home for
taurant, £15o,ooo a year on renting fig trees Robert Walpole, Chancellor of the Exche-
from Florida and £75,000 for the reception quer and First Lord of the Treasury, the
desk. Yet no sooner had it been built than first politician to be described as 'prime
the glass panels slipped from their frames in minister'. Until the twentieth century prime
the atrium, crashing to the ground, and ministers preferred to live in their own
MPs began complaining about the lack of (superior) properties, mostly around White-
storage space, water leaking from the foun- hall, and even as recently as the 1970s
tains, and sprinklers and fire alarms going Harold Wilson lived in Lord North Street,
off without warning. Despite the phenom- half a mile south, when PM. No. 10 appears
enal cost Hopkins's building, with its forest to be a typical Georgian town house from
of tubular steel chimneys and dormer the outside but is of an unexpected size
windows topped with stainless steel flaps, is inside, having been extended north and east
also a visual disappointment for a site as to incorporate some 160 rooms.
important as Westminster Bridge.
Great George Street
Downing Street A short street connecting Birdcage Walk
One of the most famous streets in the with Parliament Square, Great George Street
world, Downing Street was built in 1682 by is dominated on the north side by the Trea-
Sir George Downing, secretary to the Trea- sury and on the south side by the buildings
sury and the second person to graduate of the Royal Institution of Chartered
from Harvard University. Of the original Surveyors, which partly occupy No. 11, built
buildings only No. 10, the official home of in 1756, and the only original property.
the prime minister since 1732, and No. 11, Demolished houses include 9lo. 13, where
used by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1762 John Wilkes, London's most promi-
since 1828, survive. Until1989 it was possible nent eighteenth-century radical, set up a
for members of the public to enter the road printing press to publish the satirical journal
and directly deliver petitions to the prime The North Briton, which led to his being
minister, but this privilege was removed in charged with seditious libel and being sent
the 1980s by Tory prime minister Margaret to the Tower; 9lo. 24, where in 1845 Joseph
Thatcher, who had gates installed at the Bazalgette, the engineer who built London's
ends of the road. Underneath the street is a sewer systems in the late nineteenth century,
tunnel that connects No. 10 with Buck- had his first practice; and 9lo. 29, first home
ingham Palace and the huge underground of the National Portrait Gallery in 1857.
citadel, Q-Whitehall, built at the height of ... John Wilkes, p. 76; Joseph Bazalgette's
the Cold War in the 1950s as a bunker where clean-up ofLondon, p. 255.
politicians, business leaders and royalty
could take shelter in the event of a nuclear

Occupants of No. 10 Harbour (the so-called 'Boston Tea Party')

• When Robert Walpole became Chan- on 18 December 1773, the government did
cellor of the Exchequer and First Lord of the not find out until the following February,
Treasury in 1721 he was obliged to converse when it resolved that the Port of Boston be
with the king, George I, who spoke no closed 'immediately', a directive which
English, in schoolbook Latin and so effec- Boston learned about at the end of March.
tively became first, or prime, minister. After • William Pitt, the youngest ever prime
George II assumed the throne in 1727 he minister, who took office in 1783 when he
offered Walpole the house as a gift, and was twenty-four, presided over imperial
when Walpole rejected the offer, George advances in India and Canada which went
persuaded him to accept the property as his some way towards compensating for the
official residence as First Lord of the Trea- earlier loss of the American colonies. In 1799
sury. On the morning Walpole moved in, Pitt introduced the most unpopular policy
23 September 1735, the London Daily Post in British history- income tax - set at 10
announced: 'Yesterday the Right Hon. Sir per cent, to pay for the war against Napo-
Robert Walpole, with his Lady and Family, leon. Supposedly a temporary measure, it
removed from their House in StJames's has never been rescinded.
Square, to his new house, adjoining to the • The Duke of Wellington, who presided
Treasury in StJames's Park.' over Britain's victory at the Battle of
• Francis Dashwood, Chancellor of the Waterloo in 1815, is the only military figure
Exchequer and rogue, who once took a whip to have become prime minister, arriving at
to penitents in Rome's Sistine Chapel, No. 10 in 1828 on his horse, Copenhagen. He
moved into No. 10 in 1762, but spent more organized races along No. to's corridors in
time with his Dilettanti friends than on which women would sit on rugs and be
Exchequer business. Despite, or perhaps pulled by male guests, but he spent little
because of, his enthusiasm for drink he time here, preferring his own property,
imposed a tax on cider and perry, which led Apsley House, by Hyde Park Corner,
to riots among fruit growers. He moved out lending No. 10 to Earl Bathurst, Lord Presi-
of No. 10 when the 10o-year-old house dent of the Council.
began to crumble. • Earl Grey, the first Whig to take the
• Lord North, the second Tory PM (1770- premiership for twenty-five years, led the
82), refused to consider himself prime campaign in the 1830s for political reform
minister, claiming the title was not in the but failed to placate the mob, who surged
British Constitution, and presided over a round No. 10 chanting 'Liberty or death', to
regime that lost control of the American which one soldier replied: 'Liberty I don't
colonies. Because of the length of time it know much about, but if you come any
then took to send information from further I'll show you what death is.'
America to Britain North and his ministers • When Robert Peel became PM in 1834 he
were unaware of how Britain's hold on the chose to live in his house in Whitehall
New World was slipping. For instance, Gardens, something unbeknown to Daniel
although a group of Bostonians threw the Macnaghten, a Glasgow woodcutter, who,
East India Company's tea chests into Boston having a grievance with Peel, waited for him

outside No. 10 one night in 1843, and shot • David lloyd George became prime
Edward Drummond, the prime minister's minister of a Coalition government in
secretary when he emerged, mistakenly December 1916 during the First World War
assuming Drummond was Peel. Drummond and moved into No. 10 his large household
died five days later. that included five children, his wife, Dame
• Benjamin Disraeli, who lived at Margaret, and his mistress, Frances
2 Whitehall Gardens, had a brief spell at Stevenson. Barricades were erected at the
No. 10 in 1868 and moved back reluctantly Whitehall end of the street in December
in 1877 when he was seventy-two and 1920, as Lloyd George, who had antagonized
suffering from ill health. As the rooms had the Irish by sending the Black and Tans
been empty for decades the prime minister [special members of the Royal Irish
sought funds for expensive redecoration, Constabulary] on to the streets of Dublin,
which resulted in a barrage of correspon- feared reprisals, as have recent prime
dence being banded forth between the ministers who have intervened in Irish
tenant and the Treasury. A year later the affairs. Lloyd George's tenure came to an
state began paying for the upkeep of end when the Tories pulled out of the
No. 10, a cost previously borne by the coalition on 19 October 1922.
occupant. • When James Ramsay MacDonald became
• William Gladstone, four times prime the first Labour prime minister in 1924
minister between 1868 and 1894, was never a London society was awash with concern
favourite of Queen Victoria, who described over whether a socialist premier could be
the Liberal statesman as a 'half-mad fire- trusted to run 10 Downing Street with
brand who would soon ruin everything'. He sufficient decorum and good taste. But
lived at n Carlton House Terrace, using doubts were swiftly dispelled when vans
No. 10 as an office and home for his grand from the Co-op pulled up outside No. 10
piano. bringing deliveries of food and Mac-
• A. J. Balfour, who moved into Donald's daughter, Ishbel, furnished the
10 Downing Street when appointed First property after a trawl through the winter
Lord of the Treasury and Leader of the sales. On 31 March 1930 John Logie Baird
Commons in 1891, was the nephew of the installed a television receiver at No. 10 and
prime minister, Lord Salisbury (Robert the following week Ramsay MacDonald told
Gascoyne-Cecil), a state of affairs which led Baird in a letter: 'When I look at the trans-
to the coining of the saying 'Bob's Your missions I feel that the most wonderful
Uncle'. Balfour returned to No. 10 as prime miracle is being done under my eye ... You
minister in 1902 and was the first PM to use have put something in my room which will
a car, a De Dion Voiturette, which he never let me forget how strange is this world
parked outside. - and how unknown.'
• During the premiership of H. H. Asquith • Huge crowds gathered in Downing Street
(1908-16) suffragette activity increased, with for Neville Chamberlain 's return to No. 10
women chaining themselves to the railings after his meeting in Germany with Adolf
and Annie Kenney and Adelaide Knight Hitler in September 1938. With his assistant,
being arrested for trying to enter No. 10. Lord Dunglass (later to become prime

minister himself as Alec Douglas-Hom e), but was not sure whether the perpetrators
Chamberlain appeared on the balcony and were MI5 or MI6.
announced: 'My good friends, this is the • Edward Heath, the first Tory prime
second time in our history that there has minister to be educated at a state school,
come back from Germany to Downing and the first to be elected by fellow MPs,
Street peace with honour.' A year later moved his Steinway grand piano and harpsi-
Britain was at w;u with Germany and after chord into No. 10 on taking office in 1970.
another six months Chamberlain was When Parliament voted for Britain to join
replaced by Winston Churchill. the European Community in 1971 Heath cele-
• In running the Allies' war effort Winston brated by playing Bach's First Prelude to
Churchill made little use of No. 10 which friends.
was, after all, a prime bombing target, • To Margaret Thatcher, the longest-
moving operations to the nearby under- serving prime minister for more than 150
ground Cabinet War Rooms (p. 230). When years, some parts of No. 10 were like a
No. 10 was indeed bombed, pictures of the 'down-at-heel Pall Mall club' and others like
attack were withheld from the public lest a 'furnished house to let'. Worried about
they sapped morale and aided German terrorist attack and unwilling to accept
propaganda. protest, she installed security gates at the
• A visit from Charles de Gaulle, the French end of Downing Street, which helped
president, during the late 1950s premiership protect her from the mob that gathered near
of the Conservative Harold Macmillan Downing Street on several occasions.
caused the staff of No. 10 much conster- • No. 10 was the target for a mortar attack
nation. De Gaulle travelled everywhere with by the IRA during a Cabinet meeting held
a quantity of blood, in case he needed a by John Major (prime minister 1990-97) on
transfusion in the event of an assassination 7 February 1991. It was launched from a
attempt, and when his entourage declared white van parked in Whitehall, and when
their intention to store the supply in the one mortar exploded in No. 10's garden
No. 10 fridge the cook, Mrs Bell, remon- Major's private secretary, Charles Powell,
strated vigorously that it was too full of pulled the PM to the ground to take cover.
haddock to accommoaate the president's Two more bombs landed on the grass near
wishes. the Foreign Office, but when no further
• During the premiership of Harold Wilson bombs fell over the next few minutes Major
the south London gangleader Charlie calmly announced: 'I think we'd better start
Richardson bugged No. 10 on orders of the again somewhere else.' The Cabinet then
South African intelligence agency, BOSS, reconvened in an underground room in the
for whom he was then working. Friends of block.
Richardson who worked in the GPO went • Tony Blair and family occupy a flat in
to Downins Street in overalls, opened the No. 11 more capacious than the official
manhole that carried the cables from prime ministerial quarters at No. 10 but
No. 10's telephones and doctored the wires. enter at night through the door of No. 10,
Wilson later claimed that he suspected that making their way along the connecting
the phones were tapped around that time corridor. _j

British Union of Fascists headquarters withstand a 1,ooo lb bomb, it was built in

(1932.-3), No. 1, south side, corner with 1940 to house a wartime communications
Storey's Gate system. Dubbed Lenin's tomb by critics, it
Oswald Mosley, a former Labour Cabinet remains a grim reminder of the Second
minister as well as an ex-Conservative MP, World War, despite the extensive land-
founded the British Union of Fascists (BUF) scaping.
here on 1 October 1932 with a manifesto, Horse Guards Parade, north of Downing
The Greater Britain, that gave a detailed Street
critique of Marxist economics and advo- London's largest meeting place, the name
cated an Italian-style corporatist state with commemorating the military practice of
industry run by representatives of both parading flags and banners to familiarize
owners and workers. Initially, the party troops with the battle colours, it was where
was 'neither pro- nor anti-Jewish', as the Henry VIII held jousting tournaments and
historian Geoffrey Alderman explained in where the Changing of the Guard and the
Modern British Jewry, and it was only later Trooping of the Colour take place.
through the attitude of members such as
William Joyce, the party's Propaganda King Charles Street
Director (later to become the notorious Running parallel to Downing Street to the
wartime traitor Lord Haw-Haw), that the south, King Charles Street is lined with the
party began to move towards ·full-blown vast blocks of the Foreign Office on one side
anti-Semitism. The BUF moved to Chelsea and those of the Treasury on the other.
north side
in 1933.
.-The British Union of Fascists in Chelsea, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The first foreign secretary, the eighteenth-
p. 411.
century Whig Charles James Fox, was
Great Scotland Yard assisted by the playwright Richard Brinsley
Scottish kings visiting London in the Sheridan, MP for Stafford, with the work
sixteenth century stayed in an outpost of administered from two houses on Cleveland
Whitehall Palace that came to be known as Row by StJames's Park. The fledgling
Great Scotland Yard and was used in the Foreign Office moved in 1793 to Lord
seventeenth century as the official residence Sheffield's house in Downing Street, a prop-
of the Royal Architect, an incumbent of the erty that was not popular with politicians,
time being Inigo Jones who planned Covent Sir Horace Rumbold describing it as 'dingy
Garden. In the nineteenth century the name and shabby to a degree, made up of dark
Scotland Yard came to be used as a popular offices and labyrinthine passages'. Although
term for the Metropolitan Police as their proposals to rebuild were shelved after a fire
first headquarters had an entrance for the destroyed the Houses of Parliament in 1834,
public on Great Scotland Yard. The force politicians reconsidered after a ceiling fell
now has its department of technology and down ~nd narrowly missed Lord Malmes-
police stables on the north side of the street. bury, the foreign secretary, in 1852. Four
.- Metropolitan Police first headquarters, White- years later the government held a compe-
hall Place, p. 235. tition to find an architect for a new Foreign
Office. The eventual choice was George
Horse Guards Road
Gilbert Scott who, when told that his Gothic
east side: The Mall to Great George Street
design was inappropriate and that he should
The Citadel, Horse Guards Road at The
build in an ltalianate style, bought some
Mall (south-east junction)
A vine-covered windowless concrete exten- 'costly books on Italian architecture and set
vigorously to work to rub up what though I
sion to the Admiralty, still used by the
'Ministry of Defence, and secure enough to had once understood pretty intimately, I

had allowed to grow rusty by 20 years which has been restored to its wartime
neglect', and created what he considered to appearance with the appropriate coloured
be a 'national palace or drawing room for marker pins in place.
the nation' between 1861 and 1868. .,. Churchill on Hampstead Heath, p. 361.
south side: Whitehall to Horse Guards Road Parliament Street
The Treasury Created in 1750 when some of the slums
The Treasury has been based in John around the Houses of Parliament were
Brydon and Henry Tanner's huge Portland demolished, Parliament Street serves as the
Stone block, built between King Charles southern continuation of Whitehall,
Street and Parliament Square between 1898 connecting Richmond Terrace Mews with
and 1917. since 1940. It was previously Parliament Square.
shunted around various Whitehall sites, No. 1, east side
including !Bl)itel)all 'alace, Henry VIII's Offices in the early years of the twentieth
(todpit, near Horse Guards Parade, and century for the honours broker Maundy
William Kent's 1734 building between Horse Gregory, who charged £10,000 for those
Guards and Whitehall, which still stands wishing to become a knight bachelor,
and is now used as the Cabinet Office. Two £4o,ooo for a baronetcy, and £10o,ooo for
tributaries of the Tyburn River run under a peerage. His main customer was the
the western end of the building. Liberal David Lloyd George (prime minister
Cabinet War Rooms, corner with Horse 1916-22), who told Lord Davidson: 'You
Guards Road and I know that the sale of honours is the
Winston Churchill based his Second World cleanest way of raising money for a political
War operations room in an underground party. The worst of it is that you cannot
complex deep below the current Treasury defend it in public.' In this way a host of
building, made safe from enemy attack by a pushy businessmen and newspaper mag-
3-foot layer of concrete, and consisting of nates received titles from Lloyd George, who
twenty-one windowless rooms large enough created forty-three baronetcies a year
to accommodate more than 500 people, a compared with his predecessor, Asquith's,
canteen, a hospital and a shooting range. twenty, and 354 knighthoods annually,
In December 1940 Churchill moved in to compared with Asquith's 154.
command the British war campaign,
vowing to 'sit here until either the Germans Storey's Gate
are driven back or they carry me out dead', A short street to the west of Parliament
and in April1941 he set up the highly secret Square covering a branch of the River
London Controlling Section. Based here, it Tyburn, Storey's Gate is named after
co-ordinated an operation which involved Edward Storey, keeper of Charles II's
laying false trails to trick the enemy, and aviary in nearby StJames's Park.
was staffed by a dozen men including Sir Central Hall
Roger Wingate, who spoke various Arab A huge Beaux Arts hall designed by
and Indian dialects, the horror writer Lanchester and Rikards and built in 1912
Dennis Wheatley, and John Harvey-Jones, on the site of the Royal Aquarium for the
who became chairman ofiCI in the 1980s. Methodist Church after a campaign of
In 1948, after the war, the rooms were con- 'one million guineas from one million
verted into a museum, open at first only by Methodists'. It played host to the first
special arrangement and from 1981 to the general assembly of the United Nations
public. On view are Churchill's desk, the from 10 January to 14 February 1946 and the
phone on which he and American president first meeting of the Campaign for Nuclear
F. D. Roosevelt spoke, and the Map Room, Disarmament (on 17 February 1958), which

was attended by some 5,ooo people, many Cabinet Office, Nos. 68-70, north of
more than expected, speakers including the Downing Street
mathematician and pacifist Bertrand Built on the site of the royal cockpit by
Russell, the writer J. B. Priestley and the William Kent in 1733 to 1736 as offices for
historian A. J. P. Taylor. the Board of Trade, the building later
Whitehall became the Treasury and was enlarged by
Synonymous with government, Whitehall John Soane in 1827 and Charles Barry in
takes its name from the sixteenth-century 1844, both of whom, like Kent, incorporated
!Bl)itel)oll !palace and began as a lane remains of the Tudor and Jacobean build-
linking Westminster Abbey and the Palace ings into their fa~ades. The complex was
severely damaged by bombs during the
of Westminster with the village of Charinge.
It was popular with the aristocracy, who Second World War and restored for the
could live near the court in houses whose use of the Privy Council (now at 2 Carlton
long gardens (if they were on the east side) Gardens) and the Cabinet Office.
Dover House I The Scotland Office
led down to the river. Around the year 1240
some of the properties came into the Dover House was built by James Paine for
possession of the Archbishop ofYork, after Sir Matthew Featherstonehaugh in 1758 on
the site of the Whitehall Palace Tilt Yard
which the street became known as York
Place, serving as home to several arch- ground, was later used as the French
ambassador's home, and offered to the
bishops until the reign of Henry VIII.
When the archbishops' residence was Liberal prime minister William Gladstone
renamed Whitehall Palace, York Place as an official residence in 1884. When he
turned it down, fearing that he would be
became Whitehall, as Shakespeare noted in
obliged to host more social events there, the
his play Henry VIII ('Sir, You must no more
building was handed to the Scottish Office,
call it York-Place, that's past; I For, since the
Cardinal fell, that title's lost: 'Tis now the recently renamed the Scotland Office.
Horse Guards
King's and call'd Whitehall'). After fire
destroyed !Bl)Uel)aU !palace in 1698 the William Kent designed the Palladian-style
court moved away and government build- guard house between 1750 and 1758 on
ings gradually filled the area. land where jousting had taken place in the
sixteenth century, basing the windows on
west side: Parliament Square to Charing
the StJames's Park side on a Palladio
Cenotaph, centre of road opposi_te Rich- drawing owned by Lord Burlington. Only
members of the royal family are allowed to
mond Terrace Mews
ride through the arch; in Plate 2 of the
Edwin Lutyens's 1920 war memorial takes its
William Hogarth painting The Election the
name from the Greek kenos (empty) and
taphos (tomb) and was designed using the royal coach is being driven through by a
headless driver. The Changing of the Guard
Greek device of entasis, whereby lines that
takes place here twice a day.
look straight are imperceptibly curved. At
n a.m. on the Sunday nearest n November Parliamentary Counsel I Paymaster-
every year (Remembrance Sunday) royalty, General's Office (1836-1986), No. 36
politicians and war veterans attend a cere- Built in the seventeenth century as an office
for the Paymaster ofthe Forces, No. 36 was
mony at which the monarch places a wreath
of red poppies by the cenotaph to remember rebuilt from 1732 to 1733 by John Lane,
Surveyor of the Horse Guards and Clerk of
the war dead.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, south the Works at Chelsea Hospital, and became
the Paymaster-General's office in 1836. It
of Downing Street
was bombed in the Second World War and
See King Charles Street (p. 229).

restored over twenty years with some of the Yorktown in 1781, a defeat which hastened
original panelling, doors and plasterwork, the end of the American War oflndepen-
as well as a carved wooden chimneypiece dence, news was sent across the Atlantic,
salvaged and incorporated into a recon- received in Britain at Falmouth, and
struction ofthe Paymaster-General's orig- dispatched to the Admiralty, from where it
inal room on the ground floor. Since 1986 it was sent by semaphore to Lord Germain's
has been used by the Parliamentary house on Pall Mall, Germain then speeding
Counsel, a specialized team of lawyers who off to 10 Downing Street to inform the
draft government bills for introduction into prime minister, Lord North. News of the
Parliament. Battle of Trafalgar was brought to the
Admiralty House Admiralty on 6 November 1805, sixteen
Home of the First Lord of the Admiralty days after it ended, by a panting officer who
until196o, and now general government burst in on William Marsden, first secretary
offices, the property was built in 1786 to 1788 to the Admiralty, and told him: 'Sir, we have
. by Samuel Pepys Cockerell and occupants gained a great victory but lost Lord Nelson.'
over the years have included Winston Chur- The Admiralty Board continues to hold
chill (from 1911 to 1915 and from 1939 to meetings in the boardroom within.
1940) and Austen Chamberlain- the only Charing Cross
twentieth-century Tory leader apart from Charing Cross, the point from which
William Hague not to become prime distances to London are measured, refers to
minister- in 1931. The Cabinet used Admir- the northern tip of the street that leads into
alty House, rather than 10 Downing Street, Whitehall and takes its name from the Caen
during a wave of terrorist attacks in the stone cross (the last of twelve) that Edward I
1990s, a move that caused enormous prob- erected in 1290 at the medieval hamlet of
lems on Black Wednesday, 16 September Charinge where the cortege carrying the
1992, when ministers were forced to deal corpse of his wife, Eleanor, stopped on its
with the ERM financial crisis without their way to Westminster Abbey. The cross was
usual means of communication, resulting in pulled down during the Commonwealth, so
the Chief Whip's being sent out to find a that it could be used to make knife handles,
radio so they could keep up with events. By and a replacement has stood in front of
the beginning of the twenty-first century Charing Cross station since 1863. In the late
Admiralty House was being used as their seventeenth century Charing Cross was used
residence by various MPs, including John as a place of capital punishment for those
Prescott, deputy prime minister, whose who had taken part in the execution of
tenure was marred by blown fuses, Charles I, Samuel Pepys writing in his diary:
exploding lights and faulty microwave 'I went out to Charing Cross to see Major-
ovens courtesy of the property's anti- General Harrison hanged, drawn and quar-
quated electrics. · tered ... he looking as cheerfully as any
Old Admiralty man could do in that condition.' Dr
Long-time home to the Navy, the building Johnson, in answer to the point made by his
was designed by Thomas Ripley in th~1720s biographer, James Boswell, that Fleet Street
to replace a Christopher Wren block that had 'a very animated appearance', famously
had been constructed only twenty-five years responded that 'the full tide of human exist-
previously and is shielded from Whitehall ence is at Charing Cross'.
by Robert Adam's Admiralty Screen of east side: Charing Cross to Parliament
1759-61. Before the invention of the tele- Square
graph the Admiralty was equipped with Silver Cross, No. 33
rooftop semaphore, and when the British The pub stands on the site of the thirteenth-
general Charles Cornwallis surrendered at century ~ermitage of 15t .S\atl)arine and was

first licensed in 1674. The landlord is obliged became the royal seat of his devoutly
to renew his licence annually with the Board Catholic daughter, Mary Tudor, and one
of Green Cloth at Buckingham Palace. day Protestants broke into her chamber and
Old War Office, between Whitehall Place left the body of a dead dog, its head shaved
and Horseguards Avenue like a priest's and a rope tied around its
Built from 1899 to 1906 on the site of the neck, as a protest against her decision to
'lBbitebaU !palace kitchen quarters, and now restore the Catholic Mass and make the
horne to the Defence Intelligence Staff, a (Protestant) Book of Common Prayer
department of the Ministry of Defence, it illegal.
was where MI5 was set up as M05 (Military Elizabeth I, Mary's successor, preferred
Operations Five) on 23 August 1909 to ease Richmond Palace to Whitehall, and though
government concerns about German spies Charles I drew up plans for further enlarge-
in England. Its one member of staff was ment with a series of grand quadrangles to
Captain Vernon Kell, a Sandhurst graduate, replace the muddle of alleyways and court-
who had fought in China during the Boxer yards, few of his plans were carried out and
Revolution and became its first director- in 1644 the Puritan-led Parliament carried
general, secretary and sole spy-catcher - out a purge of the palace, removing 'all
Agent 001. Underneath the Old War Office Papists ... all other ill-affected persons, and
is the £42 million Pindar bunker, used by persons of scandalous conversation'. Five
Margaret Thatcher as a military command years later the king was beheaded outside
centre during the Falklands War of 1982. It Banqueting House, now the only surviving
was modernized in 1993 at a cost of some part of the palace.
£125 million and was where in 1998 the Charles II moved into the palace
Queen and leading government figures, following the restoration of the throne in
including the prime minister, Tony Blair, 1660 and it soon became the setting for
took part in a full-scale practice 'Doomsday' 'luxury, profaneness, gaming and dissol-
exercise to test the government's ability to ution', according to the diarist John Evelyn,
defend itself from chemical and biological who was even more shocked when James II
warfare. In 1999 foreign secretary Robin opened a Catholic chapel in the palace in
Cook, Foreign Office ministers and chiefs 1685, commenting: 'I could not believe I
of defence staff met in Pindar to discuss should ever have seen such things in the
military strategy during the Kosovo King of England's palace.' The entire palace,
conflict. save for Banqueting House (see below), was
... MI5, p. 247; the High Holbom bunker, p. 96. destroyed in a 1698 fire caused by a Dutch
B~ttelj..U tf,J..We, between Horseguards washerwoman who lit a charcoal blaze to
Avenue and Derby Gate dry her clothes, and although Christopher
England's major late medieval royal resi- Wren drew up plans for a replacement that
dence grew out of York Place, the Arch- would have rivalled Versailles in size and
bishop of York's London base, which after status the king, William III, decided that the
being seized by Henry VIII in 1529 was smoke of central London and damp of the
extended into a complex containing more nearby Thames would have a debilitating
than 2,000 rooms. The palace sprawled over effect on his chronic asthma and chose to
a 23-acre site from the Thames to StJames's live in Nottingham House, now Kensington
Park, and included a cockpit, bowling green Palace, resulting in 'lBbitebaU !palace never
and four tennis courts, the site described by being rebuilt.
the historian Lord Macaulay as the 'most ... StJames's Palace, p. 209; Buckingham Palace,
celebrated palace in which the sovereigns of p. 210.
England have ever dwelt'. After Henry died
here on 28 January 1547 the building

Banqueting House, south junction ofWhite- fortress, beneath which are extensive
hall and Horseguards Avenue · medieval cellars that were once part of
The only surviving building from !Bl)itel)oll !BI)itel)oll !poloce. It has been the setting for
!l)oloce and the setting for Charles I's a number of demonstrations against govern-
execution, Banqueting House was originally ment military policy over the years. On
part of three banqueting halls constructed in 18 February 1961, the day on which the first
the sixteenth century of wooden poles and US submarines arrived at Holy Loch, Scot-
canvas, decorated with ivy, fruit and flowers. land, 6,ooo people, led by the 89-year-old
It was rebuilt in 1619 by Inigo Jones who mathematician and pacifist Bertrand
used mathematical proportions- Ban- Russell, marched on the ministry to stage a
queting House is a double cube and there sit-down protest outside the building. As
are no superfluous sections - in con- Russell gingerly approached the MoD's
structing the first building in London main entrance, ready to bang on the door
erected in the Italian Renaissance Palladian and hand over a petition, an official volun-
style, the ceiling painted by Peter Paul tarily opened the door and came out
Rubens. Because the building glorified the carrying a roll of Sellotape to help him
institution of monarchy, Oliver Cromwell secure the document to the entrance.
chose it as the execution site for Charles I, Gwydyr House I Wales Office
who went to the scaffold outside the hall Built as a private house in 1772 and leased to
on 30 January 1649, his last words (to the Reform Club in 1838, it was home to the
Dr Juxon, the Bishop of London) being: 'I Charity Commissioners for England and
go from a corruptible to an incorruptible Wales from 1842 to 1972, after which it
Crown, where no disturbance can be. became the Welsh Office, unnecessarily
Remember,' after which his head was lifted renamed the Wales Office at the end of the
up to the crowd (which included the twentieth century.
sixteen-year-old Samuel Pepys) by the Whitehall Court
executioner with the cry: 'Behold, the
An immense luxury apartment block (now
head of a traitor.' the Royal Horseguards Thistle Hotel),
To avenge the death of his father, Charles
designed by Archer and Green in the French
II chose Banqueting House as the venue for Renaissance style, lines the south side of
celebrating the restoration of the monarchy Whitehall Court, its skyline, seen from
in 166o. But following the 1698 fire that StJames's Park, the most striking in
destroyed the rest of ml)ttel)oll !poloce London. It was built in 1884 as Whitehall
Banqueting House's status declined and it Court, a speculative development by Jona-
came to be used for minor ceremonial than Carr, who was also involved with the
events, as the Museum of the Royal United building of Bedford Park in Chiswick but
Services Institution from 1892 to 1964> and later went broke, taking down with him
now contains an art exhibition hall. In the
many small investors. He fled his White-
entrance is a seating plan for the coronation hall Court apartment for Argentina, from
of Edward VIII, which was meant to take
where he was extradited in 1895. Early resi-
place here in 1937 but never occurred. Every dents included the novelist H. G. Wells
30 January, the anniversary of Charles's and the playwright George Bernard Shaw,
execution, a wreath is laid outside.
who never realized that the building's
Ministry of Defence commissionaires were Special Branch
The Ministry of Defence, an amalgamation officers recruited to guard Ml6, which
of the Admiralty, War Office, Air Ministry occupied part of the building from 1911 to
and Ministry of Aviation, occupies
E. Vincent Harris's bleak white 1957-built

Ml6 headquarters (1911-23), No.2, east moved into government offices at

side 4 Whitehall Place, at the back of which
Ml6left cramped offices in unfashionable was a police station that was entered from
Vauxhall Bridge Road near Victoria station Great Scotland Yard, the name soon being
in 1911 and moved into the top floor of used for the force itself. In the 1890s the
2 Whitehall Court, a maze of oddly shaped Metropolitan Police moved to New Scotland
rooms, narrow staircases, small alcoves and Yard, a grand Norman Shaw-designed block
false corridors which the organization's at the junction of Victoria Embankment
director-general, Mansfield Smith- and Bridge Street, and is now based on
Cumming, using a complicated system Broadway near StJames's Park tube station.
of pulleys and levers, would rearrange for At the outset ofthe Second World War the
his own amusement and to perplex new government's Auxiliary Units, which
recruits. A memorable figure who wore a secretly trained groups of civilians to defend
monocle and indulged in chemical experi- Britain against a possible German invasion,
ments in his office, Smith-Cumming was were based there. The buildings are now
obliged to use an alias and he was not at offices.
liberty to tell anyone where he was, what he
was doing, or receive mail, visitors or tele-
(iv) around the Houses of Parliament
phone calls, which probably explains why a
typical diary entry for the time reads: 'Went The Houses of Parliament and Westminster
to the office and remained all day, but saw Abbey are built on the ancient Thomey
no one, nor was there anything to do.' Island, a small marshy patch of land
Smith-Cumming left for France when the surrounded by the Thames and two
First World War broke out in 1914 and branches of the River Tyburn, where,
driving through the countryside with his according to legend, St Peter rewarded the
son crashed his Rolls-Royce. Unable to ferryman who rowed him across the water
reach the boy, as his shattered leg was to consecrate a chapel by promising him a
trapped in the wreckage, he shook himself bountiful catch of fishes. After Edward the
free by amputating his own leg with a Confessor moved his palace to the same site
penknife, but by the time he reached his son in the 1040s and built an abbey dedicated to
the boy was dead. After the war Smith- StPeter (what is now Westminster Abbey),
Cumming would strike matches on his new the locality began to attract a sizeable popu-
wooden leg to light his pipe, or stab it with lation, its number later including Geoffrey
a penknife to test the nerve of potential Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales,
recruits. Ml6 moved to Broadway, who was Clerk of the King's Works at the
St James's Park, in the 1920s. Palace of Westminster from 1389 to 1391,
.... Ml6, StJames's Park, p. 220. and the printer William Caxton, who
Whitehall Place moved into a house by the abbey in 1476
and there the following November
Scotland Yard's first headquarters,
produced the first book to be printed in
Nos. 3-8, north side
Britain, The Dictes or Sayengis of the Philos-
The Metropolitan Police was formed in
September 1829 - a time when London was
ophers. The area's residential nature petered
out in the nineteenth century, when the
at the mercy of criminal gangs, particularly
in Alsatia (between Fleet Street and the houses were cleared away to create the
river), Covent Garden, Saffron Hill (where Westminster of today, where the great
Dickens set Fagin's Den in Oliver Twist), buildings of state stand in an uncluttered
St Katharine's Dock and Limehouse- and

Dean's Yard charitable organization, providing free

A quiet square with the character of a education for sons oflocal tradesmen and
genteel village green, despite its proximity became independent of the abbey in 1868.
to Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Its buildings, severely damaged by a 1941
Parliament, it was known as The Elms in bomb, have since been restored. Ancient
the Middle Ages, when it was dominated by school customs include tossing the pancake
monastic buildings attached to the abbey. It on Shrove Tuesday, during which the boys
is now enclosed by educational and religious fight for possession and the winner is
buildings such as Westminster School and awarded a guinea, and the right of the
Church House, the headquarters of the pupils to be the first to proclaim the sover-
Church of England, where Parliament eign on entry into the abbey. Famous
assembled during the Second World War alumni include the Elizabethan playwright
and the War Crimes Commission and Ben Jonson, the architect Christopher
fledgeling United Nations met in 1945. On Wren, the Labour politician Tony Benn and
the east side is an archway leading to Little the musical impresario Andrew Lloyd
Dean's Yard, a square within a square and Webber.
an even more secluded world than that of • Charterhouse, p. 77·
Dean's Yard, where various Westminster
Old Palace Yard
Abbey outbuildings can be found, and The roadway south ofWestminster Hall
where the sound of the choir rehearsing in
takes its name from a yard in Canute's
the abbey can often be heard.
eleventh-century Palace of Westminster and
Great College Street was where the Canterbury Tales author,
The 'Great College' is Westminster School, Geoffrey Chaucer, lived when he was Clerk
which backs on to the early-eighteenth- of the King's Works in the fourteenth
century street that marks the southern century. Much ofthe,Gunpowd er Plot to
boundary of the ancient Thomey Isle, the blow up Parliament was hatched at the Old
marshland between the river Thames and Palace Yard house of Thomas Percy, cousin
Tyburn on which Westminster Abbey was of the Earl of Northumberland , which stood
built. The street is now home to various where the southern section of the Parlia-
political lobbyists. ment buildings can now be found. In
January 1606, after the plot was uncovered,
Great Smith Street Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators
A branch of the River Tyburn runs under were hanged in Old Palace Yard, the exe-
the street on which London's first public cutioner cutting out the heart of each of the
library was built in 1857, a site now occupied seven men, lifting it up before the crowd,
by Church House, headquarters of the and exclaiming: 'Here is the heart of a
Church of England. traitor.' Sir Walter Ralegh was executed on
Little Dean's Yard the same site in October 1618, and as his
A well-secreted courtyard within the shadow head was placed on the executioner's block
of Westminster Abbey, entrance to which he remarked: 'What matter how the head
can only be gained from Dean's Yard (see lie, so long the heart be right.' The Yard and
above). its houses burned down during the 1834 fire
Westminster School, south side that destroyed the medieval Houses of
One of London's most prestigious schools, Parliament.
founded c. 1340 according to the decree of Jewel Tower, west side
Pope Alexander III, who urged all monas- The Jewel Tower, the only substantial
teries (in this case Westminster Abbey) survival of the medieval Palace of West-
to support a school. It was originally a minster apart from Westminster Hall, and

now a museum on the history of Parlia- in 1099 as part of the newly built West-
ment, was built in 1365-6 as a store for minster Hall, in contrast with Old Palace
Edward III's royal valuables by Henry de Yard (see above), which dates back to the
Yevele, 'deviser of the king's works of early eleventh century, and was where
masonry', who used n41ety-eight boatloads crowds would gather on coronation day,
of Kentish ragstone transported along the when the fountains would flow with wine.
rivers Medway and Thames from Maid- But it was also a place of punishment, where
stone. From 1621 to 1864 the Jewel Tower Perkin Warbeck, the Flemish pretender to
housed the records for the House of Lords the English throne who led a putsch against
and from 1869 to 1938 it was home to the Henry VII, was placed in the stocks in 1498.
Weights and Measures office. The Tyburn Lord North, the late-eighteenth-century
River runs through the moat that surrounds prime minister, was nearly killed when the
the building during heavy rain. mob attacked his coach in New Palace Yard
Parliament Square to show its support for the radical John
The centre ofWestminster, framed by
the Treasury, the Houses of Parliament, ... John Wilkes, p. 76.
St Margaret's church and Middlesex Guild- St Margaret, south side
hall, Parliament Square is a relatively new Dwarfed by the adjacent Westminster
creation, constructed by Charles Barry in Abbey, St Margaret, where the pioneering
1868 to replace much slum property, which printer William Caxton (died c. 1491) and
became London's first modem traffic round- the explorer-statesman Walter Ralegh (1618)
about in 1926. The lawn was enclosed in the are buried, was built between 1485 and 1523
'for the great honour and peace of the
1960s when the authorities realized that the
monks as of the parishioners', according to
impact of a driver crashing on to the grass
the fifteenth-century Liber Niger Quaternus.
might open up the cavity leading to the tube
For several centuries it hosted a festival on
line below, and at the end of the twentieth
century millennium celebrations were the third week after Easter during which
banned from the square because of similar young men would bring girls they had taken
structural concerns. captive, who would be released only if they
made donations to the church; the girls
Middlesex Guildhall, west side
The former Middlesex County Council head- swapping places with the men the following
quarters, now used by the Crown Court
service, it was built from 1906 to 1913 in a On Easter Day 1555 William Flower, a
Gothic revival style with art nouveau Protestant fundamentalist, attacked the
touches by J. S. Gibson and Partners. It priest as he was administering the sacrament
stands on a site previously occupied by a and was arrested and imprisoned in the
medieval sanctuary and Tothill Fields Gatehouse before having his hand cut off
and being burned alive in the churchyard,
Prison, whose seventeenth-century doorway
following which the church's clergy cele-
is set into the west wall. During the First
World War courts martial of those accused · brated by holding a feast at which a sirloin
of passing information to .the enemy were of beef, half a veal, four green geese, three
capons, a dozen pigeons and a dozen rabbits
held here.
The Treasury, north side were consumed. Since 1614 St Margaret has
been the official church of the House of
Seep. 230.
New Palace Yard, east side Commons and during the 1649-60
The open space between Westminster tube Commonwealth was raided by Puritans,
who removed all the statues and 'scan-
station and the Palace of Westminster was
dalous' pictures in the windows (i.e. the
named New Palace Yard when it was created
stained glass) and denounced the

Houses of Parliament I Palace of West- great and free country be thwarted by men,
minster glossary sitting in the hereditary chamber, who are
Big Ben One of the best-known sights in not there by right of votes given them, and
the world, Big Ben is the 14-ton bell in the through whom the voice of the millions of
clock tower on Bridge Street, rather than the United Kingdom is not heard?' The
the clock itself, which was cast in Stockton- powers of hereditary peers were cut in 1911,
on-Tees in 1856 and installed by the rotund and although there were plans for their
Sir Benjamin Hall, Commissioner of imminent abolition Tory members ensured
Works. The bell was originally to be called that the measure was dropped. In 1948 an
St Stephen's, but the newspapers renamed it all-party conference voted for their aboli-
Big Ben, in honour of Hall and the 18-stone tion, but it was not until1999 that a bill was
boxer Benjamin Caunt, landlord of the passed removing the right of hereditary
Coach and Horses pub in Covent Garden. peers to sit in the House of Lords (they keep
The original bell cracked in October 1857 their titles and land).
and a new one cast in Whitechapel was House of Lords crypt At midnight on
found to have cracks too. In August 1976 Wednesday 5 November 1605 Guy Fawkes
metal fatigue caused another disaster when was discovered in the crypt under the House
the bell caine loose and crashed against the of Lords guarding twenty barrels of gun-
clock room wall, breaking the main frame. powder, his pockets loaded with touch-
When Parliament is sitting after dark a wood, preparing to blow up Parliament and
light shines at the top of the Big Ben clock the king, James I, who it was feared would
tower. increase the persecution of Catholics.
House of Commons chamber There was no Fawkes stayed behind to set the fuses and
clear separation between Commoners and was discovered only because the gang had
Lords until around 1377 and in its early argued among themselves and one of them
days the House of Commons had no per- .had' sent a letter to the Catholic Lord Monte-
manent base, meeting in a variety of rooms, agle warning him not to attend Parliament.
including the Abbey's Chapter House and He was arrested and tortured for three days.
the Abbey Refectory. Its first settled home, Eventually, eight men were caught and
from 1547 to 1834, was St Stephen's Chapel, stood trial, being sentenced to death in
in the Palace of Westminster, where January 1606. To this day members of the
members would bow to the altar as they Yeoman of the Guard search the Lords
arrived; hence the tradition of members' cellars before the State Opening of
bowing to the Speaker's chair. A new Parliament.
Commons chamber built after the 1834 fire Lobby The only assassination of a British
was destroyed during the Second World prime minister took place in the House of
War and rebuilt. Commons lobby on 11 May 1812 when
House of Lords chamber Ever since a Spencer Perceval was shot dead by Henry
chamber for the Lords was built into Bellingham, a businessman who felt
Charles Barry's mid-nineteenth- century aggrieved at the collapse of a Russian
Houses of Parliament the Upper House has business deal and was probably intending
faced regular reform. Life peers were to shoot the former ambassador to Russia,
admitted for the first time in 1876, and who was in the prime minister's party. On
-during the passage of the 1884 Reform Bill being shot Perceval cried out: 'Oh, I am
the very existence of the House was ques- murdered!' and died a few minutes later.
tioned by the Liberal John Bright, who When Bellingham was seized he nonchal-
asked the Commons: 'Shall the policy of a antly exclaimed: 'My name is Bellingham. It

is a private injury- I know what I have Victoria Hall and Tower The royal
done - it was a denial of justice on the part entrance to the Palace ofWestminster,
of the Government.' known as the King's Tower when rebuilt in
St Mary Undercroft The crypt below the 1850s and then the biggest tower in the
St Stephen's Chapel is a rare survival from world, now contains the 3 million parch-
the 1834 fire which destroyed the Palace of ment records of every law passed in England
Westminster and is now used for christen- since the eleventh century.
ings and the marriages of MPs. On Saturday Westminster Hall The main survival of the
24 January 1885 a policeman discovered a medieval Palace ofWestminster, escaping
bomb in the undercroft and carried it the 1834 fire that burned down practically
almost as far as St Stephen's Hall before every other building in the vicinity, it is now
having to put it down due to the excessive the vestibule of the House of Commons.
heat. The bomb then exploded, injuring Built by William Rufus in 1097 to house the
the PC and blowing out the south royal treasure, it hosted the first meeting of
window. Parliament, Simon de Montfort's Great
St Stephen's Hall The Hall stands on the Parliament of 1265, which consisted of
site of the medieval St Stel)(Jm's «()opel leading members of the clergy, five earls,
where the monarch worshipped and which eighteen barons, two knights from each
was used for meetings of the House of shire, two citizens from each city and two
Commons from "1550 to 1834. It was here in burgesses from each borough (it is uncertain
January 1642 that Charles I burst in on MPs who attended). From noo to 1834 West-
and demanded to know the whereabouts of minster Hall was used as the law courts.
five members whom he wished to arrest; Edward II was deposed here in his absence
seeing that they were absent he remarked: before a crowd of citizens, earls, barons and
'The birds have flown.' Although Charles leading members of the clergy. Sir Thomas
ordered the Speaker, William Lenthall, to More was tried for treason in the hall in 1535
tell him where the five were, Lenthall and accused of acting 'traitorously and
replied: 'I have neither eyes to see, nor maliciously ... to deprive our Sovereign
tongue to speak in this place, but as this lord the king of his dignity, title and name
House is pleased to direct me'. No monarch of Supreme Head on Earth of the Church of
has since been allowed into the House of England'. He was condemned to be hanged,
Commons. The chapel was destroyed in the drawn and quartered but was spared the
1834 fire. ordeal by the king, who took pity on him
Speaker's House The Speaker, the suppos- and reduced the sentence to a simple
edly non-partisan MP who presides over the beheading. Charles I was tried here in
House of Commons, lives in the Speaker's January 1649, accused of abusing his auth-
House within the Palace of Westminster and ority by 'introducing arbitrary and tyran-
when Parliament is in session walks to the nical government' and beheaded three days
chamber in a slow-moving procession led by later outside Banqueting House (p. 234).
the Commons Bar doorkeeper, dressed in a Since the removal of the law courts to the
black cloth court suit with linen bands, Strand Westminster Hall has been used
knee-breeches, buckled shoes and wig - mostly for ceremonial events. In 1911 the
what passed for typical parliamentary attire suffragette Emily Davidson hid for forty-
in the eighteenth century- followed by the eight hours in the Crypt Chapel under the
Serjeant at Arms, who carries the Mace, and Hall so that she could put 'House of
a police officer who shouts: 'Speaker ... Commons' as her address in the 1911
Hats off, strangers.' census.

uncrowned king, Charles II, as 'the great Charles Barry, who argued that Gothic
Barabbas, murderer, tyrant and traitor'. was the only style suitable for a Christian
After the throne was restored in 1660 country, but died before the work was
Christopher Wren commissioned reno- complete.
vations, but as central Westminster's residen- The fittings and furnishings were the
tial population declined, particularly after work of A. W. Pugin, the leading Gothic
nineteenth-century slum clearance, the revivalist, who employed intense Gothic
parish withered away, being abolished in detail even in the nails used on the chairs
1972. The church has long been a popular and 'down to the very inkstands and coat
venue for society weddings, hosting those hangers', according to the essayist V. S. Prit-
of the diarist Samuel Pepys (1655), the poet chett- and died in a madhouse in 1852 from
John Milton (1656), Winston Churchill a condition brought on by overdecorating.
(1908) and the Hon. Frank Pakenham (the The complex was damaged during the
future Lord Longford) in November 1931, Second World War, when the House of
which was attended by the writers John Commons chamber was destroyed, and it
Betjeman, Nancy Mitford and Evelyn was rebuilt by the Ministry of Works and
Waugh, with the flamboyant Tory politician Giles Gilbert Scott in the 1940s.
Lord Birkenhead (Fred Smith) as best man. The Sanctuary
St Margaret Street The small triangle of land to the immediate
Houses of Parliament I Palace ofWest- west ofWestminster Abbey is named after
minster the medieval place of refuge for those
The Houses of Parliament occupy the fleeing authority, which was abolished in the
medieval Palace of Westminster, begun by seventeenth century when the Gatehouse
Canute c. 1020, used by William the Prison was built. The Elizabethan explorer
Conqueror some fifty years later as his and statesman Sir Walter Ralegh was
London base, and transformed into a digni- imprisoned in the Gatehouse in 1618 shortly
fied palace by William's successor, William before his execution, and the Cavalier poet
Rufus, at the end of the eleventh century, a Richard Lovelace was jailed for seven weeks
time when the seat of government was wher- there in 1642 for petitioning the House of
ever the king placed his Seal. Successive Commons in support of King Charles.
monarchs made the palace their London Inside he wrote the poem 'To Althea, from
base until a fire in 1512 resulted in Henry Prison', which contains the famous lines
VIII's moving the court to what became 'Stone Walls do not a Prison make I Nor
Whitehall Palace, the Palace of Westminster Iron bars a Cage'. The Gatehouse was torn
then becoming solely a seat of government. down in 1776, fifteen years after Dr Johnson
Almost the entire palace perished in a fire claimed that the building brought shame to
on 16 October 1834, caused when two cart- London.
loads of tallies, ancient accounting sticks Westminster Abbey
made of elmwood, being burned in the Westminster Abbey, officially the Collegiate
stoves beneath the Lords' chamber, set the Church of StPeter in Westminster, is
flues alight. A large crowd, including the England's main religious building. Origin-
artist J. M. W. Turner, who later painted a ally built by Sebert, King of the East Saxons,
number of watercolours of the fire, gathered in 616, being first recorded as West Minster
to watch and one man was arrested for c. 730, it was rebuilt as an abbey with
'excessively huzzaing'. Immediately after the seventy monks in 1065, when Edward
fire Parliament announced the launch of a the Confessor set his throne in the
competition to choose an architect to adjacent Palace ofWestminster (now the
rebuild the palace and the winner was Houses of Parliament). Its subsequent

Westminster Abbey glossary St Edward's Chapel The chapel houses the

Chapter House Used for storing state coronation chair, Edward the Confessor's
papers from 1540. George Gilbert Scott shrine and the tombs of medieval kings.
uncovered the wall paintings when he Sanctuary The spiritual heart of the abbey,
restored the building in the nineteenth containing the High Altar and reredos
century. designed by George Gilbert Scott.
Choir The choir, which sings a daily service, South Transept (Poets' Comer) Almost
is made up of boys from the nearby West- every major English poet is either buried or
minster Choir School, and was where the remembered in the south transept's Poets'
monks worshipped before the Benedictine Corner, described by Oliver Goldsmith as
abbey was dissolved. 'the place of sepulchre for the philosophers,
Henry VII Chapel Cited by many as the heroes and kings ofEngland'. It owes its exist-
finest example of late Perpendicular Gothic ence to the fifteenth-century printer William
architecture in England, it was begun in 1503 Caxton, who mentioned in the inscription he
as a burial place for the saintly Henry VI, placed on the grave of Geoffrey Chaucer in
but later became a burial place for the abbey garden that the latter had been a
monarchs, including Henry VII, Elizabeth I, poet, beginning a fashion for burying poets
Mary Tudor and George II. Since 1725 the and writers alongside.
chapel has been used for swearing in the Stone of Scone From 1296 to 1996 the Stone
Knights of the Bath. of Scone, a relic which looms large in Scot-
Nave Abbot Litlington, a master mason, tish history, was on display in the Abbey, to
began work on rebuilding the nave of the chagrin of nationalists. A block of sand-
Edward the Confessor's original abbey in stone believed in Scots legend to be the
1376 and by 1502 what is the tallest Gothic pillow on which the Hebrew Patriarch Jacob
nave in England was complete. Here can be rested, it was taken from the Holy Land
found the tomb of the Unknown Warrior, c. 700 Be. After a journey through Egypt,
an unidentified soldier buried in the abbey Sicily, Spain and Ireland, where it was used
on 11 November 1920 to represent the to crown the kings at Tara, it made its way
unknown British dead of the Great War, to Scotland where it was captured by the
and the graves of a number of famous English in 1296. On Christmas Day 1950 four
Britons, including the explorer David Living- Scottish nationalists stole back the Stone
stone (1873) and the 1940s Labour prime from the Abbey, resulting in police closing
minister Clement Attlee (1967). the border between England and Scotland
North Transept Rebuilt by Christopher for the first time in 400 years. Three months
Wren in the early eighteenth ·century, the later, on 11 April, the Stone was discovered
North Transept became the Statesmen's on the altar of Arbroath Abbey, with a letter
Aisle after the burial of the former prime addressed to George VI lying nearby, and
minister William Pitt the Elder (Lord returned to Westminster. In November 1996
Chatham) here in 1778. it was removed to Edinburgh Castle.
development into one of the world's great continued despite the dissolution of the
religious buildings stems from Edward's Benedictine abbey in 1540. At the end of the
successors' desire to honour his name, ascer- seventeenth century it was discovered that
tain their legitimacy to the throne through four pillars at the central crossing had
connection with him, and be buried near swayed inward and Christopher Wren super-
his ashes. By the mid sixteenth century the vised major repairs, continued after his
abbey had become the setting for coro- death by Nicholas Hawksmoor, whose
nations, royal marriages and funerals, which western towers are one of the abbey's

best-known images. Since the early eigh- in 1999. A few houses on the street still
teenth century little major work has been quaintly bear original painted signs pointing
needed on the structure. to subterranean wartime air-raid shelters.
west side: Smith Square to Great Peter Street
(v) Houses of Parliament to Horseferry
Hugh 'Binkie' Beaumont, a formidable
theatre impresario who was a master at
The land was once Bulinga Fen, marshland using the casting couch (for male hopefuls),
reclaimed by Westminster Abbey in medi- lived at No. 14 from 1943 to 1973, a period
eval times, and features an enclave of small during which his visitors included many of
Georgian streets whose properties are the biggest names in theatre and cinema
mostly taken up by MPs keen to live within such as Laurence Olivier, Ingrid Bergman,
range of the Commons' division bell. Noel Coward, Richard Burton and Marilyn
Monroe, who once stayed overnight with
Lord North Street Arthur Miller. No. 14 has been home since
One of the best preserved Georgian streets 1978 to the maverick Tory MP Teresa
in the capital, central to English political life Gorman.
for over a century, Lord North Street was Lady Sybil Colefax's address (1939-50 ),
built in the late eighteenth century as North
Street, being the northern entrance to Smith A leading society figure of the 1930s and
Square, and its first residents were pro- 1940s, Lady Sybil was notorious for inviting
fessionals, an early inhabitant (at No. 15) guests to dinner, switching the venue to the
being Thomas Gayfere, the mason who Dorchester at the last minute, and then
restored the Henry VII Chapel in West- sending guests the bill. Among her visitors
minster Abbey. In the nineteenth century were the authors Cyril Connolly, Evelyn
the houses were broken up into flats to cram Waugh and Somerset Maugham, and
in tenants, including a number ofMPs' society figures such as the Duke and
mistresses, but the growth in public trans- Duchess of Windsor (the former Edward
port saw the poorer inhabitants move to VIII and Mrs Wallis Simpson), who came
the new suburbs, such as Battersea and for lunch on 27 September 1939, a few days
Clapham, and North Street gradually began after the start ofthe Second World War,
to attract wealthier residents and MPs who travelling to London from the continent
wanted to live in quiet surroundings but be incognito. Edward Du Cann, chairman of
able to reach the nearby Houses of Parlia- the Tories' 1922 Committee ofbackbench
ment quickly enough to answer division MPs during Edward Heath's premiership,
bells. lived here in the 1970s, and the property is
In 1936 the street's name was augmented now home to the former Tory MP Alistair
to Lord North Street- a perverse joke on Goodlad, Chief Whip in John Major's last
behalf of the council, given that Lord government, who lent Major the property
North was the British prime minister when as a campaign headquarters during the 1995
America won the War of Independence - Tory Party leadership election.
and around that time it first began to east side: Great Peter Street to Smith Square
feature in political intrigue, being the home The Institute of Economic Affairs, No. 2
of Brendan Bracken, the Tory MP who gave Home in the early 1920s to Sir Stuart
shelter to Winston Churchill when the latter Samuel, Liberal MP for Whitechapel, Presi-
was in the political wilderness in the 1930s. dent of the Board of Jewish Deputies, and
More recently its best-known inhabitant has an avowed anti-Zionist, it was used as an
been Jonathan Aitken, the disgraced Tory officers' club for the Free French navy in the
Cabinet minister who was jailed for perjury
Second World War and since 1969 has been

home of the Conservative think-tank the Jonathan Aitken, jailed in June 1999 for
Institute of Economic Affairs, which reached perjury and perverting the course of justice.
its peak of influence during Margaret But the house witnessed political intrigue
Thatcher's government. as far back as the 1930s when another
Harold Wilson's address (1970s), No. 5 notorious (but non-criminal) Tory poli-
A 1720s property, home in its time to a tician, Brendan Bracken, moved in, filling
carpenter and later a police sergeant, it was No.8 with antique furniture, though a bed
where Harold Wilson lived during his last he imported from Venice turned out to be
term as prime minister (1974-6), despite too large to fit in the house. Bracken was a
being paranoid that the house was being ruthless schemer and social climber, who
bugged by MI5 (which it probably was). On used to get his servants to interrupt dinner
one occasion Wilson invited the journalists parties with pronouncement s such as 'the
Barrie Penrose and Roger Courtiour to a prime minister would like to speak to you
private meeting here to inform them that on the telephone, sir'. He would dash away
there had been a series of burglaries on the even though there was, of course, no such
property, probably by 'forces threatening call. Bracken revelled in the nickname 'B.B.',
democratic countries like Britain' and which George Orwell purloined as the
agents hired to find incriminating evidence epithet for Big Brother in 1984 (the less
again him, and told them that he saw notorious Rex Mottram in Evelyn Waugh's
himself as a 'big, fat spider in the comer of Brideshead Revisited was also based on him),
the room'. 'Sometimes, I speak when I'm and was rumoured to be Winston Chur-
asleep,' Wilson continued. 'You should both chill's illegitimate son, something neither
listen. Occasionally, when we meet, I might party refuted convincingly, Randolph Chur-
tell you to go to Charing Cross Road and chill, Winston's legitimate son, calling him
kick a blind man standing on the comer. 'my brother the bastard'. Indeed Winston
That blind man may tell you something, Churchill stayed here in the 1930s, when he
lead you somewhere.' A little while later was in the political wilderness, using No. 8
Wilson resigned as prime minister through to hold meetings with other leading Tories
ill health. opposed to the appeasement policies of
.,. Harold Wilson in 10 Downing Street, p. 225. prime minister Neville Chamberlain, and
No.7 when Churchill took over from Chamber-
Home in the 1920s to Gavin Henderson, a lain as PM in 1940 he appointed Bracken
Labour MP and one of the original Bright Minister of Information.
Young Things, who on his stag night set the Jonathan Aitken, a backbench Tory MP
Thames alight with eight 2-gallon cans of and a millionaire financial adviser, moved
petrol. A longer staying resident, from 1951 into No. 8 in 1981, hosting meetings of the
to 1991, was the Conservative thinker Diana Conservative Philosophy Group attended at
Spearman, a research worker at nearby various times by Tory MPs Keith Joseph
Central Office and a leading exponent of and Enoch Powell, the arch-monetarist
economic liberalism within the Tory Party Milton Friedman, Henry Kissinger and even
before Margaret Thatcher made such views Richard Nixon, who came here to help
popular. Aitken with his hagiography, Nixon: a Life
Brendan Bracken's address (1933-58) I (1990). Though overlooked for promotion
Jonathan Aitken's address (1981-2.001), by Margaret Thatcher, probably for
No.8 slighting her daughter, Carol, Aitken was
The largest property on the street, featuring later invited to join the government by
ten bedrooms and its own ballroom, No. 8 John Major, who made him Minister of
was home at the end of the twentieth State for Defence Procurement in 1992,
century to the disgraced former Tory MP promoting him to the Cabinet in 1994 as

Chief Secretary to the Treasury. A year later hall), it was home at various times during
Aitken resigned from the Cabinet following the twentieth century to the Trades Union
allegations in the Guardian that while he Congress, the Labour Party and the Con-
was Minister for Defence Procurement he servative Party, of which only the last
had concealed his links with a Lebanese remains, at No. 32.
arms dealer and that a hotel bill for his stayFormer St John the Evangelist
at the Paris Ritz in 1993 had been paid by a A very hideous church with four towers
Saudi businessman, in breach of parliamen- at four corners, generally resembling
tary guidelines. some petrified monster, frightful and
Distraught, Aitken vowed to sue the gigantic, on its back with its legs in the air
Guardian (and Granada TV) using 'the -Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens
simple sword of truth and the trusty shield (1865)
of fair play to cut out the cancer of bent A major example of the English Baroque,
and twisted journalism', and for a while it St John was designed by Thomas Archer
looked as if he would be exonerated. But between 1715 and 1728 as the most expensive
the Guardian staged a clever coup to of the fifty new churches planned in the 1711
ensnare him. The paper's editor, Peter Act, the foundations having to be sunk
Preston, sent the Ritz Hotel a fax on securely into swampy land. Queen Anne,
House of Commons notepaper, pur- irritated by architects asking for her
portedly from Aitken, requesting infor- approval of the design, kicked over her foot-
mation about the bill, and received the stool and told Archer 'build it like that',
required information in response. Aitken's resulting in the church becoming known as
case collapsed, he was subsequently tried for Queen Anne's footstool. The church was
perjury, and in June 1999 convicted and not immediately popular, Robert Walpole,
jailed. the prime minister, dismissing the architect
There are painted letters on the house as 'a Mr Archer, the groom porter'. It
wall pointing down to the wartime air-raid burned down in 1742, was struck by light-
shelter and the mail box has a video camera ning in 1773 and was bombed during the
trained on it, part of the surveillance Second World War, after which it was
installed in the late nineties to ensure that rebuilt for use as a concert hall.
Aitken did not break the terms of his release Transport House (192.0-99 ), east junction
by leaving the house between 7 p.m. and with Dean Bradley
7a.m. Built in the 1920s as the headquarters of the
No.n Transport and General Workers' Union
In the 1990s No. 11 was home to Greville (TGWU), much to the delight ofthe
Howard, former political secretary to Enoch dockers' leader Ernest Bevin, who took
Powell and friend of Lord Lucan, and was pride in a working-men's association being
where Michael Portillo installed forty tele- able to move into a costly eight-storey
phone lines while preparing to enter the building within the precincts of the Palace
1995 Tory Party leadership election contest. ofWestminster, at a time when no union
In 2001 lain Duncan Smith ran his had so salubrious a headquarters. It soon
successful campaign for the Tory Party became home to the Trades Union Congress
leadership from here. and the Labour Party, who shared the prop-
erty until1957 when the former moved to
Smith Square Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. The
Central Westminster's major square, created Labour Party left for Walworth Road, south
in 1725 in honour of the landowner, Henry of Elephant and Castle, in 1981, the TGWU
Smith, and dominated by the former church moved out in 1999, and the building is now
of St John the Evangelist (now a concert

the home of the Local Government revived by Cardinal Vaughan he appointed

Association . Bentley, but as there were still insufficient
.,.. Birth of the Labour Party, p. 56. funds to realize the latter's ambitious plans,
the cathedral opened with the upper areas
(vi) Pimlico unfinished, and they remain unfinished over
100 years later.
A mostly down-at-heel triangle ofland
south of Victoria, dominated by crumbling Passport to Pimlico
stucco terraces, Pimlico's unusual name A much-lov~d Ealing comedy, directed by
relates either to the Pamlico tribe of Red Henry Cornelius in 1949, Passport to Pimlico
Indians, who exported timber to London in is set during a summer heatwave, shortly
the seventeenth century, or to a Ben after the Second World War, that is shat-
Pimlico, a Hoxton brewer, who developed a tered by an explosion in a Pimlico bomb-
popular 'nut browne' ale around the same site which opens up an Aladdin's cave of
time. In the tenth century the land was a treasure and unearths a parchment proving
swamp, Bulinga Fen, into which the Tyburn that the district of Pimlico belongs to the
stream drained, and in the nineteenth Duchy of Burgundy. Locals, realizing they
century attained its modern-day are no longer answerable to Whitehall, tear
look when Thomas Cubitt began develop- up their ration books, ignore the licensing
ment on earth brought by river from the laws, ban the police from entering 'foreign'
excavations of St Katherine Dock, near the territory, and stop tube trains at the frontier
Tower, and created street upon street of (Victoria) for passport checks. But White-
stucco houses with little interruption and hall fights back, imposing frontier and
no greenery. The new Pimlico's first resi- currency controls, putting Pimlico-en-
dents contained a large proportion of Burgundy under siege and leaving resi-
artists, musicians and writers, including dents torn over their identity. (When one
the composer Arthur Sullivan, the authors character is accused of being a foreigner
Joseph Conrad and George Eliot and the she memorably retorts: 'We always were
aesthete and designer Aubrey Beardsley, but English, and we always will be English, and
bohemian Pimlico gradually disappeared it's just because we're English we're sticking
during the twentieth century. up for our right to be Burgundians!')
Eventually, the old order is restored and
Cathedral Piazza
Pimlico is readmitted to the United
Westminster Cathedral
Kingdom. Ironically, the film was shot
The Catholic cathedral for the north side of
not in Pimlico but in Lambeth, across the
the Thames was designed by John Bentley
in a Byzantine style with a striking striped
"'King's Cross on film, p. 356.
campanile and built in 1895 to 1903 after _j
several delays, Bentley being the third archi-
tect to be involved with the project. The Chichester Street
first, Henry Clutton, who controversially Dolphin Square, west side
was a relative of the powerful Catholic A stark, totalitarian-looking block of luxury
Cardinal Manning, the owner of the land, flats, the largest of its kind in Europe with
was removed following delays in raising the some 1,250 apartments, it was designed in·
money to fund the building, resulting in Sir 1937 by Cecil Eve and Gordon Jeeves in the
Tatton Sykes, a Yorkshire businessman, shape of a doughnut around a central
being brought in as benefactor and choosing garden. Socially, if not architecturally,
a different architect, Baron von Herstel, who Dolphin Square comes close to Le
died soon after. When the project was Corbusier's vision of an all-inclusive estate,

enjoying its own shops, leisure facilities, Mls), Millbank Tower (late-twentieth-
bars and restaurants. It has been home at century Labour Party headquarters) and
different times to Princess Anne, Labour the Tate Britain art gallery.
prime minister Harold Wilson, the singer north side: Bessborough Gardens to
Shirley Bassey and currently some fifty MPs. Horseferry Road
It has also long been popular with spies and Morpeth Arms, No. 58
spymasters: in the 1930s Mls's Maxwell A well-preserved Victorian pub, featuring
Knight ran a small, select band of recruits, cut glass and wood panelling, that was built
who dubbed themselves Knight's Black for the warders of !IJUilbcmf 'mitmtiafl).
Agents (the name adapted from Macbeth's lnilUim 'lJeutteuti.m,, Millbank at Bulinga
'night's black agents'), from 10 Collingwood Street
House; Mls used 308 Hood House as a safe Built in 1816 under the guidance of the social
house during the Second World War; while reformer Jeremy Bentham as the largest
807 Hood House, the postwar home of the prison in the world, it was used mostly for
spy William Vassall, was raided in 1962 by convicts awaiting transportation to Aus-
police who found 140 photographs of top- tralia, who were kept separate and silent for
secret Admiralty documents hidden in the the first half of their sentence, a system that
bookcase. was scrapped after a cholera outbreak in
1823 when the women were released and the
Churchill Gardens Road men transferred to prison boats on the
Churchill Gardens Estate Thames. Twenty years later the penitentiary
Regarded by many architecture experts as was converted into a general prison, and
the finest postwar estate in London and after it closed in 1890 the site was taken up
selected by the Civic Trust in 2000 as the by the Tate Gallery. Parts of the penitentiary
outstanding British building of the previous tunnel, along which convicts were taken
forty years, Churchill Gardens was designed en route to Thames barges, remain.
by Philip Powell and Hidalgo Moya while Tate Britain, Millbank at Bulinga Street
they were still at architecture school and Henry Tate, the nineteenth-century sugar
erected between 1946 and 1962. A deliberate magnate, wanted to present the state with
contrast to traditional stucco Pimlico, the fifty-seven paintings from his collection,
estate consists of a series of seven- to nine-
but as he stipulated that they could not
storey concrete blocks coated in yellow
become part of the National Gallery, a new
brick, set at right angles to the river and
gallery was built on land donated by the
positioned to allow maximum sunlight to government. The new gallery, with an
flood the rooms - in the manner devised by
£8o,ooo grant from Tate, opened in 1897
Walter Gropius, founder of the Bauhaus - as the National Gallery of British Art, with
and is expertly landscaped with lawns and
the works of the recently deceased Pre-
children's play areas.
Raphaelite John Millais as the main feature.
Millbank At first only paintings by those born after
Millbank began as a riverside walk from 1790 were exhibited, but it was considered
Westminster Abbey towards Chelsea, named inferior to the National Gallery until a
after the fourteenth-century abbey mill that Turner wing opened in July 1910 to take the
stood at the modern-day junction of 180 oils and 19,000 drawings and water
Millbank and Great College Street, and by colours the painter J. M. W. Turner had
the nineteenth century had become a slum. donated in his will. Over the following
Its cramped houses were demolished in the decades the Tate gathered much of the best
early twentieth century, after which the , ofBritish art from 1500 to the present day-
street was redeveloped with grandiose works by William Hogarth, John Constable,
blocks including Thames House (home of Thomas Gainsborough, George Stubbs,

William Blake (which can be found in a terial, Mr Worthing- The Importance of

room devoted to the artist), Dante Gabriel Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde (1895)
Rossetti and David Hockney- but the Built in 1860 for the London, Brighton
opening of the Tate Modern in 2000 for and South Coast Railway, it was extended
the gallery's huge twentieth-century collec- two years later for the London, Chatham
tion saw the Millbank building become and Dover Railway, resulting in the older
increasingly forlorn and visitor numbers tenants erecting a wall between the two
dropped from 16o,ooo in April 2000 to sections of the station to prevent its pas-
62,ooo the following August, tempered by sengers having to gaze upon those using
a subsequent revival in its fortunes. its arriviste rival, whom it slighted as the
Millbank Tower 'London, Smash 'Em and Turnover
A lofty late-1950s tower, until recently the Railway'. Nevertheless, the two companies
tallest office block in London, it was built formed a partnership in 1899, but it was not
for the Vickers group and contained the until the arrival of Southern Railway in the
headquarters of the Labour Party from 1920s that the wall between the two stations
1955 to 2002. was removed.
Mls headquarters (1937-9, 1994- ),
Thames House, No. u
MI5, the government department involved
with internal security, first moved into Victoria Line, which opened in 1968 as
Thames House in 1937, when it was flrst new tube line since 1907,
unknown to members of the public, and its its existence more to civil defence
twenty-odd staff were mostly engaged with than transport requirements, dating
monitoring the activities of Germans in to government concerns in 1944
England and investigating the possibilities of German A-bomb-tipped V2 rockets
a British fifth column of Nazi sympathizers. on London. This led the authori-
When war broke out with Germany in 1939 construct a number of bomb-proof
agents photographed all their important that could take cables between
files, only to discover after the war that the .L. . ,.. , .....,LLY important buildings: Buck-

negatives had been overexposed and ruined.

MI5 moved to Wormwood Scrubs and later
occupied various London addresses until it
returned to a refurbished Thames House olld~a~:tiMICI'
House; the Museum Tete-
in 1994, by which time staff numbers had Exchange, which was also home of
grown to some 2,ooo and it was no longer BBC's national distribution centre, on
secret. le Street, Fitzrovia (where Telecom
Terminus Place now stands); and the railway termini
Victoria station St Pancras and King's Cross.
the war finished the authorities
LADY BRACKNELL: In what locality did
to build tunnels large enough for
this Mr James, or Thomas, Cardew come
alongside the cable lines and in 1946
across this ordinary hand-bag?
JACK: In the cloak room at Victoria
Station. It was given to him in mistake for
organizations later moved into
his own.
located above the Victoria Line,
LADY BRACKNELL: The cloak-room at
Victoria Station? MIS, who were based in offices
Warren Street station in the 1960s;
JACK: Yes. The Brighton line.
whose 1990s headquarters were built
LADY BRACKNBLL: The line is imma-
Vauxhall station, as was Scotland

<''l~d's computer department, Tintagel

'~~se; and the British Library, the Victoria
,·~ running between two of the latter's to stop the railway authorities
~~erground floors. The line also runs ing the grand Doric arch that used
cl;ose to Buckingham Palace (between nt the entrance to Euston.
Victoria and Green Park stations). Street The walls and corridors by
· toter-government department bickering Victoria Line platforms are decorated
F,o\Jlted in lengthy delays to the building the predictable pattern of a warren.
o!~he tube line, with work not starting Circus A huge steel umbrella
\U'ttil September 1962, and the southern inserted under the station to protect
.fOite needed to be redirected to Stock- buildings and roadway during con-
W'4lll and Brixton after springs of water of the Victoria Line in the late
w¥e discovered by the Oval. The line
OQtned in September 1968, with the link
to,:Brixton reached in 1971, but the original
~' to take the line further south to
';$:,~atham, Norbury, Mayday [Thornton Six so million-year-old fossil
were discovered when the line
dug under Victoria.
Decorated with artist Peter
op art design of yellow spray
on a white ground, inspired by his
painting Go.
ll Nawies excavating the new
in 1968 claimed they saw a 7-ft
'the Ouaire Fellow', which allegedly
been disturbed from one of the nearby
American troops used the
flood water running down the esca-
if the nearby River Lea overflows.
Sisters The section of tunnel
here to Finsbury Park is the longest
any two stations in London.
ry Park The busiest station on the
with the area.
still not to have electronic
rs by 2003.
& Islington The first station was
here in 1849 for the overground line
~ ... n.rhurt~h Street and twenty-five years

a much enlarged Highbury, with a

building resembling St Pancras,
constructed, being demolished after
World War bombing.
Cross St Pancras In rebuilding the
in the 1960s to accommodate the
Line, the subterranean River Fleet
to be encased in a new concrete pipe.
The inclusion of a Doric arch motif
River Thames





WESTMINSTER, SWl 254 The great clean-up of London 255

STRAND, WC2 256 Shipworming under the Thames 262

'Waterloo Sunset' 268


LIMEHOUSE, El4 262 London's main artery and the second

longest river in England, the .Thames, which
ISLE OF DOGS, E14 263 rises in Gloucestershire, meanders through
Oxfordshire and Berkshire to London where
BARNES, SWI3 265 it was easily forded in ancient times, a factor
that led the Romans to set up camp in what
PUTNEY, SW15 265 is now the City of London in AD 50. The
river became its main transport network,
WANDSWORTH, SW18 265 and by the nineteenth century was filled
with ships unloading goods at one of the
BATTERSEA, SWil 265 world's busiest ports. Since the closure of
the docks and the building of motorways in
the second half of the twentieth century the
Thames has emptied of craft, but in recent
years much of the land along its banks has
been reborn for residential and commercial
THE SOUTH BANK, SEl 267 use.

• The Thames section covers sites and build- from The Retreat to Kelmscott House, in
ings of interest by the river in and near the honour of his Oxfordshire mansion, Kelms-
centre of London, from Hammersmith to cott Manor, often journeying between the
Bow Creek on the north bank, and from two properties by boat. A more recent occu-
Barnes to the Millennium Dome on the pant has been the playwright Christopher
south bank. Hampton, best known for the screenplay of
Dangerous Liaisons.
The Dove, 18 Upper Mall. A cosy 1790s-built
pub where the Scottish poet James
Thomson wrote 'Rule Britannia' and which
North bank: Hammersmith to Bow Creek has the smallest snug in Britain.
Furnival Gardens The gardens that separate
Upper Mall and Lower Mall were named
HAMMERSM ITH, W6 after Dr Frederick Furnival, one of the first
people to promote rowing as a sport, and
One of London's most dynamic communi- were laid out in the 1950s over the mouth of
ties, thanks to its intensely commercialized Hammersmith Creek.
centre, underground lines and motorway, Lower Mall A short stretc~ of roadway to
with a riverside that contains some fine the immediate west of Hammersmith Bridge
houses and a number of popular pubs. lined with rowing clubs.
Hammersmith Terrace The building of a Blue Anchor, 12 Lower Mall. The pub where
row of :aloomsbury-style town houses in the the composer Gustav Holst wrote some of
eighteenth century in what was then open his Hammersmith Suite.
countryside by the river amazed locals. An Hammersmith Bridge Built in 1824 to 1827
early-twentieth-century resident (at No. 13) by William Tierney Clarke as London's first
was A. P. Herbert, the Independent MP suspension bridge, it has since earned the
for Oxford University, who steered the dubious honour of being the most bombed
divorce bill through Parliament and wrote of London's bridges. The IRA left a device
musical comedies and books about the under the bridge in March 1939, which was
Thames. spotted by a passer-by, who threw it into the
Upper Mall An attractive stretch of town river, where it exploded, causing minimal
houses and boating clubhouses, popular damage, and in 1996 an IRA bomb resulted
with drinkers in summer, on account of its in the closure of the bridge for four years.
many welcoming pubs. Soon after Hammersmith Bridge reopened
Latymer Preparatory School, 36 Upper in 2000 it was the target for another bomb,
Man. Built on the site of 9Uunscouri, home detonated at 4.30 in the morning and
of Catherine of Braganza, consort of causing no injuries. Although the media
Charles II, it was occupied by the writer blamed Irish terrorists, no one was ever
Naomi Mitchison in the early twentieth apprehended for the crime, and rumours
century. circulated that the device might have been
Old Ship A pub furnished with nautical placed by militant Barnes residents to
ephemera that was originally the garden prevent the bridge reopening and maintain
lodge for the mansion of 9Uuetcouri. the peacefulness of their community when
William Morris's address (1878-96), free of Hammersmith traffic.
Kelmscott House, 2.6 Upper Mall. Morris, Riverside Studios, Crisp Road. Built as a
the larger than life Victorian designer and water-pump factory in the late nineteenth
writer, moved into the house where in 1816 century, it was used as a munitions factory
Francis Ronalds had built the world's first in the Fil.'st World War and was converted
electric telegraph and changed its name in 1934 into a film studio, becoming
CHELSEA, SW3, SW10 2.~

Europe's biggest TV studios by the 1950s- Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race, first staged
the first to broadcast colour television - in 1845, begins.
where BBC programmes such as Hancock's Hurlingham. Park Large, mostly inaccess-
Half Hour, Blue Peter and Doctor Who were ible, grounds, partly designed by Humphrey
recorded. The building was converted into Repton, where polo was first played in
the Riverside arts centre in 1974 and, England, it contains the 1760-built Hurl-
though occasionally used for television, it ingham House, home to the exclusive
is best known for its repertory cinema. Hurlingham Club, and the athletics stadium
Thames Wharf, Rainville Road. Offices for used in the film Chariots of Fire.
Lord (Richard) Rogers's architectural prac- Wandsworth Bridge The ugliest of
tice and also home of the River Cafe, the London's many Thames bridges, designed
renowned restaurant run by his wife, Ruth, by T. Pierson Frank in 1936 to 1940 to
and Rose Grey. replace J. H. Tolme's private toll bridge
Sands End A mile-long stretch ofland
FULHAM, SW6 consisting mostly of mud banks.

One of London's most popular inner

suburbs since 1960s gentrification, it is separ- CHELSEA, SW3, SWIO
ated from Hammersmith by Parrs Ditch, a
tributary of Stamford Brook. The most exclusive riverside community
Fulham Football Club Perennial under- in London, Chelsea, originally a fishing
achievers, now owned by Harrods' village, attained popularity with royalty in
proprietor Mohamed Al Fayed, Fulham the late Middle Ages and later with artists
used to play in the most pleasant location on account of its excellent light.
of any of London's football clubs, Craven Chelsea Harbour, off Lots Road. An exclu-
Cottage, built on the site of a property of sive, well-concealed luxury estate beloved
that name which burned down in 1888, but of pop stars and footballers, memorably
moved out in 2002. described by the novelist lain Sinclair in
Bishop's Park A half-mile-long narrow park Radon Daughters as being 'neither in
that belonged to the Bishop of London and Chelsea, nor a harbour', it contains apart-
was featured in the 1976 horror film The ments, a hotel and a yachting marina.
Omen in the scene in which a priest vainly Chelsea Creek The waterway, which rises
tries to flee the wrath of Satan. near Kensal Green Cemetery, where it is
Fulham. Palace Summer residence of the known variously as Billingswell Ditch, Pools
bishops of London from 704 to 1973 and Creek and Counters Creek, was converted
home in the sixteenth century to London's to an industrial canal by Lord Kensington
major botanical gardens. in 1820. After enjoying a brief period of use-
Putney Bridge In 1729 a wooden bridge that fulness it was taken over in 1839 by the
was the only means of crossing the river on Birmingham, Bristol and Thames Railway,
foot upstream of Westminster opened here which filled it in north of King's Road to
and was where Mary Wollstonecraft, the build what is now the West London
eighteenth-century feminist and mother of Railway, resulting in considerable wasteland
Mary Shelley, tried to commit suicide in abutting the railway line by Scrubs Lane and
1795 after her partner - she daringly defied Wood Lane in Shepherd's Bush. The land
convention by refusing to marry- eloped around the mouth of the creek in Chelsea is
with an actress. The bridge was replaced in still industrialized,. being the location of the
1882. by a granite structure designed by Sir Sands End gas works and the Lots Road
Joseph Bazalgette and is where the annual power station.

Lots Road power station, Lots Road. Built to cover the cost of repairs, and .was
in 1902 to 1905 for powering the London demolished in 1885 for being dangerous to
Underground, it soon became the biggest vessels, which often crashed into the piers.
power station in the world, using 6,ooo tons It was mistily captured by the artist James
of coal brought in each week by barge. It Whistler in his 'Nocturnes'. The new bridge
was converted to apartments at the begin- was designed by Joseph Bazalgette, who also
ning of the twenty-first century. constructed Chelsea Embankment.
«ttatome tlatbeni, Cremorne Road Chelsea Old Church (All Saints) The
Pleasure gardens which stood to the east of oldest building in the area, bombed in the
Chelsea Creek in the early nineteenth Second World War and carefully restored.
century, it was where Madame Genevieve 48 Cheyne Walk Home to the Rolling
performed a tightrope walk across the Stones Mick Jagger from 1967 to 1978.
Thames and Charles Green ascended in a Albert Bridge An exquisitely designed
balloon accompanied by a. lady friend and a bridge, courtesy of R. M. Ordish, in 1873,
leopard. The gardens closed in 1877 after who based the suspension on the Franz Josef
complaints about the patrons' rowdy Bridge in Prague, it was meant to take the
behaviour. heavy traffic that nearby Battersea Bridge
World's End A huge housing estate of tower could not cope with but by the 1950s was
blocks, built in 1966 to 1978, and named wobbling when pedestrians crossed. The
after the World's End pub on King's Road. authorities wanted it demolished, but the
A late 1970s resident was the Clash's Joe poet John Betjeman campaigned for its
Strummer, who was inspired to write the retention, describing how 'shining with
group's best-known single, 'London electric lights to show the way to Festival
Calling', with its chorus 'London is Gardens or grey and airy against the
drowning and I live by the river', while . London sky, it is one of the beauties of the
living in a World's End flat. London River'. Instead of being demolished
Cheyne Walk The most prestigious river- the bridge was strengthened and saved. A
side street in London, whose residents have sign warns that troops must break step
included the artist J. M. W. Turner; the while crossing it.
James Bond author, Ian Fleming; the Cadogan Pier, south of Oakley Street. Every
Victorian novelist George Eliot; and the July a group of people re-enact the last
Rolling Stones Mick Jagger and Keith journey of the ill-fated Thomas More,
Richards. Henry VIII's Lord Chancellor, taking a boat
}. M. W. Turner's address (1846-52), 119 from Cadogan Pier downriver to the Tower,
Cheyne Walk. Turner moved to what where they visit the cell in which he was
became his last address, then 6 Davis Place, imprisoned and the place on Tower Hill
in 1846 when he was in his seventies, living where he was executed.
here incognito as 'Mr Booth', to.avoid atten- ~eu~j-VIII'i 11WtOf 'ode, 19-26 Cheyne
tion, and building a gallery on the roof so Walk. Henry VIII built a manor house on
that he could watch sunsets. Here Turner this site in 1.536 when he made himself Lord
painted his last four works and died on of the Manor of Chelsea, but was not able to
19 December 1851. A later resident was the fulfil his wish that it should become the resi-
young Ian Fleming who went on to create dence of his queen, Jane Seymour, as she
James Bond. died the following year, nine days after
Battersea Bridge A wooden bridge was built bearing him a male heir (the future Edward
in 1771 at the point where Thomas More, VI). In 1543 Henry gave the building to Cath-
Henry VIII's ill-fated Lord Chancellor, had erine Parr, his sixth wife, as a wedding
his private landing stage, but was financially present, and although it was demolished in
unsuccessful, the receipts from tolls failing

the 1780s traces of the brickwork and

gardens remain. PIMLICO, SWI
Dante Gabriel Rossetti's address (186:z.-
8:z.), 16 Cheyne Walk. Rossetti, the Pre- A triangle ofland south of Victoria domi-
Raphaelite painter and poet, moved into nated by crumbling stucco houses, Pimlico
the 1719-built property in 1862, while was named either after the Pamlico tribe
mourning the death of his wife Elizabeth of Red Indians, who exported timber to
Siddal, and converted it into a temple of London in the seventeenth century, or a Ben
Aestheticism that incorporated a menagerie Pimlico, a Hoxton brewer who developed a
of exotic animals including a zebra, popular 'nut browne' ale in the seventeenth
kangaroo and racoon. century.
4 Cheyne Walk The novelist George Eliot Chelsea Bridge Thomas Page constructed
died here in 1880 only a few weeks after a bridge connecting Sloane Square and
moving in. Clapham in 1858 at a fording point where
3 Cheyne Walk Home to the Rolling Stones the Romans and Ancient Britons are
guitarist Keith Richards from 1969 to 1978. believed to have clashed in battle, the
Chelsea Embankment Built by Joseph Bazal- Romans winning after producing their
gette in 1871 to 1874 to conceal a newly trump card - an elephant they had secreted
constructed sewer, it swept away the old in the woods. The current bridge was
riverside village where the water lapped the erected in 1936.
properties, and contains several houses, River Westbourne I Former Grosvenor
including No.17 (Old Swan House) and Canal The Westbourne, which rises in
No. 18 (Cheyne House), built for the tea Hampstead, flows in a pipe through Kilburn
merchant E. J. Homiman, designed by and Paddington into Hyde Park, where its
Norman Shaw, England's leading domestic waters feed the Long Water and Serpentine.
architect of the late nineteenth century. It then runs under Knightsbridge (hence
Chelsea Physic Garden, Swan Walk. The the name) and Sloane Square, where it is
second oldest garden in England, it was conveyed above the tube station platforms
created in 1673 and ran down to the river in a huge pipe, and splits in two south of the
before the Embankment was built. It is station, the western branch reaching the
home to England's first cedar trees, the Thames near the Royal Hospital, the eastern
largest olive tree and the oldest rock garden reaching it here, by Chelsea Bridge. In 1725
in England. the eastern section was converted into the
Chelsea Royal Hospital, Royal Hospital Grosvenor Canal, which ran north to where
Road at West Road. Built in the style of Victoria station now stands, but was closed
Paris's L'Hotel Royal des Invalides by in 1899 when the station was expanded.
Christopher Wren in 1682 to 1694 to proVide Churchill Gardens Estate A highly regarded
accommodation for discharged soldiers, the postwar council estate, it was designed by
Chelsea Pensioners. It also houses the Philip Powell and Hidalgo Moya in 1946 to
National Army Museum. 1962 on the site of war-damaged terraced
8l1Ule&lglj .ledute <lubati A major eigh- housing, its blocks set at right angles to the
teenth-century centre for entertainments, river to allow maximum sunlight to flood
banquets, balls and fireworks, now used for the rooms.
the annual Chelsea Flower Show. St George's Square The only London
square facing the river, it was created in 1839
with its own pier for steamers. Bram Stoker,
author of Dracula, died of syphilis at No. 26
in 1912.
Dolphin Square A starkly totalitarian-

looking block of luxury flats, the largest in Queen Alexandra Hospital Located to the
Europe with some 1,250 apartments, immediate east of the Tate, it opened in
designed by Cecil Eve and Gordon Jeeves in 1905 as a military hospital and its buildings
1937 and now home to scores of MPs, it was are now used by the gallery.
originally heated with untreated Thames Millbank Tower, 30 Millbank. A soaring
water heated at Battersea Power Station, 1960s glass tower block built as the head-
which lies opposite on the south bank. A quarters of the Vickers group - there was a
proposed landing stage for residents' craft Spitfire on the forecourt - and used by the
was never built. Labour Party as its headquarters from 1995
River Tyburn The mouth of one branch of to 2002.
the now culverted river which gave its name Ml5 headquarters (1937-9, 1994- ),
to the Tyburn tree gallows by Marble Arch Thames House, 11 Millbank. Ml5 first used
and which rises in Hampstead, flowing Thames House in 1937, moving to Worm-
south under Regent's Park, Marylebone wood Scrubs two years later when war was
Lane and Buckingham Palace, emptying
declared, and returning here in 1994, by
into the Thames just west ofVauxhall which time it had expanded out of all
Bridge. proportion to its 1930s siie. .
Vauxhall Bridge Opened by the Prince Horseferry Road The eastern end of
Regent as Regent's Bridge in 1816, there was Horseferry Road marks the point where an
a 1d charge for pedestrians, 2s 6d for a coach ancient horse ferry took passengers between
of six, and sixpence for each score of cattle. Thomey Island (now subsumed into West-
The tolls were withdrawn in 1879 and the minster) and Lamb Hythe (Lambeth).
bridge was replaced in 1895 by Alexander Occasionally heavily laden carriages would
Binnie's structure. sink, despite the relative tameness of the
Millbank Named after the fourteenth- river at this point, and one of those who
century Westminster Abbey mill that stood suffered this hardship in 1656 was Oliver
at the modem-day junction with Great Cromwell. When James II fled London on
College Street, it began as a riverside walk 10 December 1688 he threw the Great Seal of

from the Abbey to Chelsea and, though a ·England into the Thames by the horse-ferry
slum in the nineteenth century, is now quay. It was later recovered by fishermen.
dominated by large office blocks. Lambeth Bridge Built on the site of the
Morpeth Arms, 58 Millbank. A well- ancient horse ferry in 1862 and replaced in
preserved Victorian pub with cut-glass 1932.
partitions and wood panelling, which was
built for the warders of Millbank Peni-
tmmtak •mitmtitmj, Millbank at Bulinga
Street. A nineteenth-century prison where The political and royal centre of Britain,
inmates, mostly convicts awaiting transporta- whose riverside is dominated by the Houses
tion to Australia, were originally kept in of Parliament.
silence in a huge circular area. The prison Nobel House, 9 Millbank. A monumental
closed in 1890 but parts of the penitentiary block built in 1928 for ICI and taken over by
tunnel, along which convicts were taken to the Department of Environment, Transport
Thames barges, survive. and the Regions in 2000.
Tate Britain, Millbank at Bulinga Street. An 1 Millbank Headquarters of the Church
art gallery mostly devoted to the Tate's huge Commissioners.
pre-twentieth-century collection, housed in Abingdon Street Its junction with Great
a baroque building designed in 1890 to 1897 College Street marks the ditch boundary of
by Sidney R J. Smith. the ancient Thomey Island, the marshy land

between the Thames and the branches of the Westminster Bridge', with its famous
Tyburne River on which Westminster is opening line, 'Earth has not anything to
built. Before wartime bombing Abingdon show more fair', on the roof of a coach after
Street was lined with houses inhabited by crossing the bridge with his sister Dorothy
members of Parliament. on 3 September 1802.
College Green A small green space opposite Portcullis House There is a side view
the sovereign's entrance to the House of from the river of Michael Hopkins's late-
Lords, where MPs are often interviewed for twentieth-century building, the most
television. expensive office block ever constructed in
Houses of Parliament I Palace of West- London.
minster King Canute famously commanded Victoria Embankment Built in 1864 to
the waves to obey him by the Thames 1870 as part of engineer Joseph Bazalgette's
outside the Palace of Westminster which he ambitious land reclamation and road-
built here in the eleventh century and which building project to cover his newly con-
was later vacated by royalty to become the structed sewer and the new District Line
Houses of Parliament. When the palace underground railway.
was rebuilt after the disastrous 1834 fire the Westminster Pier Until the growth in air
Duke of Wellington insisted that the travel in the 1970s the pier was used as a
building should back on to the river so landing area for foreign dignitaries arriving
that it could not be surrounded by mobs. in Britain by boat, one of the last to do so
being Marshal Tito, the Yugoslav leader,
The great clean-up of London who in 1953 was met here from his vessel by
During the hot dry summer of 1858 the Prince Philip and Winston Churchill.
smell of sewage from the Thames was so Former New Scotland Yard Headquarters
foul - the politician Benjamin Disraeli of the Metropolitan Police from 1890 to 1967
described it as a 'Stygian pool reeking with and now used by MPs, it was immediately
ineffable and unbearable horrors'- MPs derided by the home secretary, Sir William
were obliged to cover the windows of the Harcourt, who claimed it was architecturally
Houses of Parliament in sheets soaked in inferior to Crosse and Blackwell's pickle
chloride oflime. A solution was found by factory across the river.
Joseph Bazalgette, chief engineer to the Ministry of Defence A bleak white fortress
Metropolitan Board of Works, who built an of a building, designed in 1957 by E. Vincent
82-mile network of sewers and drains lined Harris, it stands above the cellars of the
with special bricks, Staffordshire Blues, medieval m~tte~all !polcne, the royal seat
baked to extremely high temperatures to that occupied a huge site between the
make them more durable, to take was_te and Thames and Whitehall.
rainwater to treatment plants at Barking and Victoria Embankment Gardens The
Plumstead. _j gardeits, which stretch from Horseguards
Avenue to the Temple in three separate
Westminster Bridge Resisted by river sections, were built in the 186os on land
watermen, who ferried pedestrians across reclaimed from the river.
the river at this point, and by Southwark Whitehall Court A monumental late-
residents, who feared increased flooding, the nineteenth-century French Renaissance-
bridge was none the less built (in the 1750s), style block, whose early residents included
with money raised by a state lottery, the H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw and
work resulting in the demolition of the alley- Ml6.
ways and courts by the Houses of Parlia-
ment. By 1759 it was unsafe and had to be
rebuilt William Wordsworth wrote 'Upon

~e tlbef.lJ~i, Adelphi Terrace. Collcutt and

STRAND, WC2 Hamp's intimidating Adelphi block,
London's most authentic example of totali-
Wharves, jetties and narrow lanes filled the tarian 1930s architecture, stands on the site
land between Strand and the river before the of the Adam Brothers' spectacular late-
construction of Victoria Embankment in eighteenth-century Adelphi development, a
the 186os, the area now being mostly one of terrace of twenty-four houses, designed in
imposing office blocks with no traces of the the style of the ruined palace of Diocletian
old riverside community. at Spalato (Split), which was home for
New Hungerford Bridge (I) One of the nearly 150 years to the rich and famous,
newest Thames bridges, it was designed by including the actor-manager David Garrick
Alex Lifschutz and opened in 2002 alongside and the Gilbert and Sullivan impresario
the Hungerford rail bridge despite fears that Richard D'Oyly Carte. It was demolished in
laying the foundations would unsettle 1936.
wartime bombs that had been buried in the ,Cleopatra's Needle, Victoria Embankment,
river bed and trigger time-delay fuses that south of Adam Street. A 6o-ft high 186-ton
could flood the tube network. obelisk, the oldest exposed artefact in
Hungerford Railway Bridge Built to the London, Cleopatra's Needle was cut from
design of Sir John Hawkshaw in 1864 to take granite quarries in Aswan, Egypt, around
trains and pedestrians across the river, it 1475 sc, carved with dedications to various
replaced Brunei's 1845 suspension bridge, gods and rulers, and erected in Alexandria,
the chains of which were taken to Bristol to where it fell into the sand. It was presented
be used for the Clifton Bridge. To the north to the British by Mohammed Ali, Viceroy of
is Terry Farrell's Egyptian-style shell Egypt in 1819, and transported to London
containing Charing Cross station. amid much difficulty in 1877.
New Hungerford Bridge (II) The second of Shell-Mex House, No. So Strand. A monu-
the new, 2002-opened, Hungerford bridges, mental1930s office block built on the site of
built to connect Charing Cross and the grand Victorian Cecil Hotel, whose river
Waterloo. fas:ade contains the largest clock tower in
6ftnfl11 j t\loddng iJaftortJ, Villiers Street London.
at Embankment Place. Embankment station Savoy Hotel, Strand at Savoy Court. T. E.
fills the site of the blacking factory at Collcutt's flamboyant 1889 hotel, the
30 Hungerford Stairs where the twelve- epitome of late-Victorian glitz, has been a
year-old Charles Dickens covered pots of haunt of royalty and society figures since.
paste with paper and string, alleviating the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2 Savoy
boredom by entertaining workmates with Place. The first permanent home of the
stories. He later recreated the factory as BBC, from 1923 to 1932.
Fagin's den in Oliver Twist (1839) and as Brettenham House, Lancaster Place.
Murdstone and Grinby's, 'a crazy, tumble- A 1930s Portland Stone office block at the
down old house abutting the river and liter- north-west end of Waterloo Bridge.
ally overrun with rats', in the Waterloo Bridge Built in 1811 to 1817 as
semi-autobiographical David Copperfield Strand Bridge to the designs of John Rennie,
(1850). and renamed following the Battle of
Water Gate, end of Buckingham Street. Waterloo, its opening was captured by John
Built in 1626 as a triumphal arch leading Constable in his 1832 painting The Opening
from the river through the Duke of Buck- of Waterloo Bridge, in which the Prince
ingham's private gardens to his mansion, Regent (later George IV) is shown about to
t)od t)ouse, previously the London home of take the short river journey from Whitehall
the Archbishop of York. Stairs to the bridge. The bridge was painted

over forty times by Claude Monet between Embankment dominated by corporate

1899 and 1905, before being demolished blocks, including Arundel House, head-
amid public outcry in 1936, and later rebuilt quarters of the military think-tank the Inter-
to the designs of Giles Gilbert Scott. national Institute for Strategic Studies;
Georgi Markov, a 49-year-old Bulgarian Globe House at No.4, offices for the British
exile who worked for the BBC's World American Tobacco Company; and No.2,
Service, was waiting for a bus at the the former Astor family estate office,
southbound stop on 7 September 1978 when designed in 1895 in an ostentatious Eliza-
he was stabbed in his right thigh with the bethan style.
sharpened end of an umbrella by a man Electra House, Temple Place. One of a
who apologized to him and fled in a taxi. number of substantial interwar office blocks
The Bulgarian later slipped fnto a coma and on and around the Strand, it was built as
died, and in his thigh was found a 1.7 mm the headquarters of the Cable & Wireless
platinum-iridium pellet filled with ricin, a Company and was home to a secret Foreign
poison for which there is no known anti- Office department, CS, involved in planning
dote. The murderer is believed to have been propaganda, during the Second World War.
working for the Bulgarian secret service Beneath the building, the authorities laid a
· agency Durzhavna Sigurnost, which was plan- number of telephone lines linked to the
ning to rid the country of troublesome Central Telegraph Exchange at Moorgate
opponents as a birthday present to President which monitored calls made to and from
Todor Zhivkov. every foreign embassy in London.
Somerset House, Strand, east of Lancaster HQS Wellington The Honourable
Place. The only surviving medieval riverside Company of Master Mariners' floating
Strand palace, now a tourist attraction, with livery hall was built at Devonport in 1934
offices for civil servants alongside, it was and used in the South China Sea during the
built i~ the late eighteenth century with a Second World War.
river entrance that was rendered unusable
by the construction of Victoria Embank-
ment 100 years later. The grandeur of the CITY OF LONDON, EC4, EC3
north frontage is compromised by the shops
of the Strand. Two griffins saved in 1963 from the demol-
King's College, Strand, west of Surrey ished Coal Exchange on Lower Thames
Street. Part of the University of London, Street mark the western riverside boundary
King's College was founded in 1828 by the of the City of London, the ancient heart of
Duke of Wellington and the bishops of the London.
Church of England as an Anglican alterna- Middle Temple Garden The gardens of the
tive to the non-denominationa l University Middle Temple Inn of Court.
College. The various college buildings Middle Temple Lane The dividing line
visible from the river include Robert between the Middle Temple and Inner
Smirke's original Classical-style college of Temple, which originally ran down to the
1829 to 1831. water's edge.
Temple station The tube station opened in Inner Temple Garden Home of the Royal
1870 as part of the eastern extension of the Horticultural Show, that became the
Metropolitan District Railway. Its colon- Chelsea Flower Show, which was first held
naded rooftop, built to complement the here in 1888.
local surroundings, had to be closed after a Hamilton House, 1 Temple Avenue. Built
few months as it had become a haunt of by William Emerson in the Renaissance
prostitutes. scyle in 1898 to 1901, it used to be the home
Temple Place A street behind Victoria of the Employers' Liability Corporation and

is now offices for various legal and account- Joseph Cubitt and F. T. Turner in 1862 to
ancyfirms. 1864 for the London, Chatham and Dover
Telephone House, 2 Temple Avenue Railway, alongside the 188os eastern bridge,
A baroque building that is home to British designed by John Wolfe-Barry and H. M.
Telecom's archives. Brunei, which now takes Thameslink
Audit House, 58 Victoria Embankment trains.
A 1903 Wren-influenced building, home of Puddle Dock Geoffrey Chaucer is believed
the Employment Appeal Tribunal. to have been born by Puddle Dock in 1343
9 Carmelite Street An 1890s red-brick or 1344.
Gothic block with a 'sugar icing' interior, City of London School The fifteenth-
built as a library for the Carmelite monks century school moved to this new block in
and converted in 1909 into offices for the 1986.
Thames Conservancy. Millennium Bridge An unusual addition to
Sion Hall, 56 Victoria Embankment. Built the many Thames bridges, with horizontal,
in 1884 to 1887 in red-brick Tudor Gothic by rather than vertical, suspension, it was built
Arthur Blomfield as a social centre for at a cost of £12.8 million in 1999, to link the
London's Anglican clergy, it contained Sion newly created Tate Modem with the area
College's 10o,ooo-volume library until1996. south of St Paul's Cathedral, and was
City of London Boys School (1883-1986), inspired according to its chief architect,
John Carpenter Street. A prestigious school Lord (Norman) Foster, by 'the most
founded by John Carpenter, town clerk of primeval of bridges, like ropes slung across·
London in 1442, which moved into Davis peaks in the Himalayas, or a plank across a
and Emmanuel's French Renaissance-style stream' and by the Flash Gordon comics'
building, now occupied by J.P. Morgan fantastical 'ray of light' bridges. The bridge
bank, in the 188os and is now based east of became an embarrassment to the national
Blackfriars Bridge. millennia! celebrations within days of
Unilever House, Victoria Embankment opening in December 1999 when it was
A vast baroque office block faced in Port- found to be wobbling, or as the official
land Stone, built by Burnet, Tait and Part- description put it, suffering from 'pedestrian
ners in 1930 to 1932 for the Unilever induced vibration, synchronization reson-
company. ance', and was closed. The architects blamed
Blackfriars Bridge Built in 1760 to 1769 as the engineers, Ove Arup, and the latter
Pitt Bridge, at the place where felons had blamed the architects, while the dismayed
boarded ships to be transported to Virginia, public quickly renamed the structure the
it was paid for with money from fines paid Wobbly Bridge. It reopened in 2002 after
by men who had refused to take up the post major repairs.
of sheriff, and replaced with a Joseph Queenhithe Dock All vessels entering the
Cubitt-designed structure in the 186os. The Port of London in medieval times were
body of Roberto Calvi, a banker with the obliged to moor either at Queenhithe, to the
Italian Banco Ambrosiano and known popu- immediate south of the modem-day
larly as God's banker, as his client list Mansion House tube station, or Billingsgate,
included the Pope, was found hanging from further east, so that the authorities could
the underside of the bridge on 15 June 1982. impose the appropriate charges.
Calvi was a member of the Italian P2 Vintners' Hall, Thames at Vintner's Place
Masonic Lodge and murdered, probably by The hall of the City livery company in
the Mafia. The Fleet River flows into the charge of wine importing, it is where
Thames under the bridge. members give five, rather than three, cheers
Blackfriars Railway Bridge There are in their toast in commemoration of a 1363
remains of the western bridge, designed by feast attended by five kings - those of

England, Scotland, France, Denmark and during the Second World War and was
Cyprus. restored from 1943 to 1953.
Southwark Bridge A steel structure built in London Bridge London's main bridge,
1912 to 1921 replaced John Rennie's 1819 around which the Romans established a
bridge, on which John Chivery proposes to camp in the first century AD, and the only
qttle Dorrit in the 1857 Dickens novel of the bridge over the Thames in central London
same name, while 'putting his penny on the until1750. Here, according to Norse legend,
toll plate of the iron bridge'. Danes who had seized control of London in
Bracken House, 1 Southwark Bridge. Built 1014 stood throwing stones and weapons on
for the Financial Times in 1959 to the design Ethelred the Unready, king of England, and
of Sir Albert Richardson and based on the Olaf, king of Norway, who were sailing in a
1679 Palazzo Carignano in Turin, it was boat on the Thames underneath. Eventually,
unsympathetically refurbished in the 1990s. Ethelred and Olaf recaptured the city by
Location of the Marchioness disaster tying ropes to the wooden slats, rowing
A collision between the dredger Bowbelle along the river and pulling down the bridge.
and the passenger vessel Marchioness, at this The first stone London Bridge, which
part of the river on 20 August 1989 resulted opened in 1209, rested on nineteen arches -
in the deaths of fifty-one people, mostly in the number being that great to prevent
their twenties, in what was the worst unwelcome ships travelling further upriver-
Thames disaster of the twentieth century. caused a change in the river flow and
Stringent new safety laws have since been allowed the Thames to freeze easily in
introduced for Thames travelling. winter. On the bridge itself a chapel, houses,
Cannon Street rail bridge Built to carry and eventually as many as 150 shops, were
South-Eastern Railway trains using built and when the bridge burned down in
Cannon Street over the Thames by the site 1212 many people jumped in the river to flee
of the steelyard used by the Hanseatic the flames and drowned. Once rebuilt, the
merchants from the tenth to the sixteenth bridge again became home to more than a
centuries. hundred shops and houses, whose inhabi-
Mondial House, 90-94 Upper Thames tants would empty their chamber pots from
Street. Europe's largest international tele- the windows on to the heads of those jour-
communications complex, built on the site neying by river below, if they spotted the
of Christopher Wren's tlll f)allows tf)e opportunity.
Cireat church, is designed in a style that so The accession to the throne of the boy-
vexed Prince Charles he wrote in 'A Vision king Richard II in 1377 was toasted with a
of Britain' (1988): 'As you continue down pageant and banquet on the bridge, after
the river ... you pass the dreadful Mondial which 'one hundred and thirty Citizens with
House. To me this building is redolent of a innumerable Trumpetts, Sackbuts, Cornetts
word processor. I don't see that people and Wax Lights, rode from Newgate
particularly want a perpetual view of a word through Chepe over the bridge to Suth-
processor when they find themselves living warke to meet the yonge Prince'. Around
with them all the time in the office or at the same time began the practice of placing
home.' the heads of executed wrongdoers on the
Fishmongers' Hall, King William Street end of poles on the bridge, the heads first
The 1834 hall for the Fishmongers' parboiled in the gatehouse to dissuade scav-
company, founded at the beginning of the enging birds from pecking at them. Among
fourteenth century, and one of the most those exhibited were William Wallace, the
important medieval City livery companies Scottish nationalist; and Sir Thomas More,
on account of the religious importance of Henry VIII's Lord Chancellor, who was
fish. The hall suffered considerable damage executed at the Tower for treason in 1535.

The houses were demolished in 1762, Barry and Horace Jones's Gothic towers, it
when the bridge was widened, and in 1831 a opened in 1894 as the last of the Victorians'
new bridge, designed by John Rennie, was new London bridges and the only bascule
constructed a little to the west of the bridge in the capital. In its first year the
existing structure. Rennie's bridge was itself roadway opened to allow ships to travel
dismantled and transported to Lake Havasu further upstream over a thousand times,
City, Arizona, in the early 1970s and but nowadays it opens only on rare
replaced by Harold Knox-King's reinforced occasions.
concrete structure.
Adelaide House, London Bridge. A 1924
office block by London Bridge designed by WAPPING, El
Sir John Burnet in the American skyscraper
style, it was, at 148 ft, the tallest office block A maritime community of considerable
in London at the time and included what mercantile activity until the closure of the
were then unusual features, such as air- docks in the 1960s, Wapping nestles by the
conditioning, an internal mail system and section of the river known as the Pool of
a rooftop golflawn. London, which became so congested with
Billingsgate market (1016-1982.), Lower boats during the nineteenth and early
Thames Street. London's main fish market, twentieth centuries, when London was the
built on the site of one of three Roman busiest port in the world, that it was com-
harbours in London, stood here for over monly believed it was possible to cross from
900 years until it was moved to the Isle of one bank to the other along the decks of
Dogs in 1982. The current building, waiting vessels.
designed by Sir Horace Jones in 1874 to 1877, Irongate Stairs Tens of thousands of Jewish
is now used as offices. immigrants - 'flocks of aliens, mostly
Custom House, Lower Thames Street. A Russians in top-boots and leather leggings
building where the authorities could collect and little round fur hats; wild-looking
duty payable on goods imported into people from the most outlandish parts of
London by river was first built on the site in that great uncivilised land', according to the
1275 and rebuilt by Christopher Wren after former head of the Flying Squad, Nutty
burning down in the Fire of London. It was Sharpe- first set foot in England at Irongate
severely damaged by a gunpowder explosion Stairs at the north-eastern end of Tower
in 1714 and rebuilt by Thomas Ripley in 1717 Bridge during the great waves of immi-
to 1725. The present building dates from 1817 gration from continental Europe at the end
and is now used as offices. of the nineteenth century. On leaving their
Tower of London, Tower Hill. Built by boats many of the new arrivals would bend
William the Conqueror as a fortress against down and kiss the ground in thanks for
invasion from the river, and since used as an arriving in a country where they were free to
armoury, mint and prison, it has been a practise their religion, and they were then
major London tourist attraction for the last greeted by Jewish welfare workers from the
hundred years. Visible from the river is nearby Jewish Temporary Shelter at
Traitors' Gate, the medieval water-bound 84 Leman Street, set up by the Rothschild
entrance for prisoners such as Princess Eliza- family to remove the uncouth manners and
beth (later Elizabeth I), who was brought to alien ways of the refugees. 'We have now a
the Tower in 1554 when suspected of taking new Poland on our hands in East London.
part in a plot to replace the Queen, Mary Our first business is to humanise our Jewish
Tudor. immigrants and then to Anglicise them,'
Tower Bridge One of London's best- Rothschild once explained. Mass immi-
known sights, thanks to Sir John Wolfe gration from Russia eased off after the

passing of the 1905 Aliens Act, which Wapping Entrance The former eastern
allowed the authorities to turn back immi- entrance to London Docks, it was filled in
grants they thought to be 'undesirable'. during the 1970s and converted to a garden.
Entrance to former St Katharine's Dock The water course is marked by old cannon
St Katharine's, the dock closest to the City barrels.
of London, was built by Thomas Telford in Wapping Old Stairs Captain Blood was
the 182os and replaced the warren of captured here in 1671 while attempting to
crowded alleyways with names such as Cat's leave London with the stolen Crown Jewels.
Hole and Dark Entry that were home to The stairs were also where convicts being
some n,ooo people, few of whom received deported to Australia boarded their boats.
any compensation for being forced out. Town ofRamsgate, 62 Wapping High Street
New warehouses were built to store tea, A seventeenth-century pub named after the
perfume, wine, wool, ivory, silver and live Ramsgate fishermen who left their catches
turtles (for turtle soup, a Victorian deli- here before they were taken to Billingsgate
cacy), but they were mostly bombed during market, it was also where in 1688 Judge
the Second World War. Those that survived Jeffreys, James Il's unpopular Lord Chan-
were demolished during 1970s redevelop- cellor, was seized while attempting to flee
ment when the area was renovated as a to the continent to avoid the troops of
leisure and commercial area with a hotel William Ill, who had taken the throne
(the Thistle Tower), offices, wine bars, from James. Jeffreys was arrested and taken
health clubs and a yachting marina. to the Tower of London where he tried
Devon House A 1980s development built on unsuccessfully to drink himself to death and
the site of Devon Wharf, a tea and wool was rendered unable to eat anything but
warehouse once managed by the father of poached eggs for months. The pub cellars
the local author W. W. Jacobs, it contains used to hold convicts· awaiting transport to
the Dickens Inn, a former spice warehouse Australia.
that has no links with the author. Oliver's Wharf, Wapping High Street
Presidents' Quay Luxury apartments built A former tea warehouse, built in 1870 for
around the ship HMS President, which occu- George Oliver, it was the first of the
pies the lower three floors. Wapping dock warehouses in the 1970s to be
Wapping High Street An unusual high converted to luxury apartments, one of
street, almost devoid of shops, it once which was taken by the American singer
boasted some thirty pubs, including the Cher.
Xud's t)eob .3nn, which had a licence to Wapping Pier(~ ~odl) In medi-
serve the last quart of ale to condemned eval times pirates were hanged from the
pirates on their final journey from New- gibbets at <fucution ~oct until three tides
gate Prison to Execution Dock. Since the had washed over them. Alongside the dock
1970s closure of the docks its tall, brick, was the Bell pub, a major centre for press-
nineteenth-century warehouses have been ganging locals into joining the navy. In
renovated into luxury apartments, the smell September 1736 the Daily Post reported how
of spices has been obliterated, and the street one reluctant internee staying here over-
has emerged as an unlikely magnet for the night hanged himself using the catch of
rich, albeit one devoid of conspicuous life or the door; when his friends came to wake
community. him in the morning and found him on his
Hermitage Basin Once the western entrance knees they assumed he was praying and
to London Docks. departed.
Wapping Pierhead houses Built from 1810 Captain Kidd, 108 Wapping High Street
to 1813 for senior officials of the London A pub converted from a warehouse named
Dock Company. after the seventeenth-century pirate William

Kidd, who was hanged in 1701 at nearby pubs, it dates back to 1520 and is named
(fncution tlod. after a coal boat, the Prospect, registered at
Wapping station Dating from 1884, it is the Whitby, Yorkshire, which was positioned
East London Line station at the northern outside in 1777·
end of Marc Isambard Brunei's 400-yard Entrance to Shadwell Basin A narrow inlet
Thames tunnel, the first to be constructed leads to the former London Docks basin,
under the river, which opened for where in 1945 a German U -boat captured in
pedestrians, not trains, in 1843. the Atlantic in the Second World War was
publicly displayed.
Shipworming under the Thames King Edward Memorial Park Laid out in
The first tunnel under the Thames, built 1921 on land previously occupied by a fish
amid considerable difficulty from 1825 to market, it was the only riverside land
1843 to connect Wapping and Rotherhithe, between the Tower of London and the Isle
was designed by Marc Isambard Brunel, a of Dogs open to the public when the docks
royalist exile from revolutionary France, were in use.
who came upon the idea in debtors' prison Rotherhithe Tunnel The tunnel, which
while watching a shipworm making its way runs from Shadwell to Rotherhithe under
through wood, passing the material through King Edward Memorial Park, was designed
its body and excreting it as it moved on. To by Sir Maurice Fitzmaurice in 1904 to 1908
build the tunnel Brunei constructed a huge and contains a footpath which allows
iron shipworm with corkscrew blades and a pedestrians an unusual, if noisy, means of
honeycomb of thirty-four cells in which crossing the river.
miners dug four or five inches, shoring it up Free Trade Wharf, The Highway, south of
with planks, before moving on to another Schoolhouse Lane. One of the busiest parts
cell and repeating the process, masons and of the river during its trading heyday, filled
bricklayers lining the receding tunnel as the with lighters and barges carrying coal from
contraption moved forward. It took eigh- collier ships, it was rebuilt in the 1980s with
teen years to complete the job - the Thames a large block of ziggurat-shaped flats.
broke through three times, workmen fell ill
and ten men died - but once the tunnel
opened new problems emerged. Public LIMEHOUS~, E14
patronage was not as high as expected and
·the tunnel became the haunt of prostitutes Limehouse, named after the long-vanished
and 'tunnel thieves', who lay in wait for local lime industry, was where Englishmen
pedestrians in the arches. The structure was set off on ocean-going trips to open up new
taken over by the East London Railway in trade routes in the sixteenth century and
1869 and it is now part of the Underground was home of London's Chinatown between
network. __j 1850 and 1950.
Ratcliffe Cross Stairs, south of Butcher
Wapping police station When the world's Row. The point where the Thames met the
first river police was established here in 1798 red cliff ('ratcliffe') and the Pool of London
local thieves were so upset that their reign became Limehouse Reach was used as a
of lawlessness was over that they attacked boarding point for those crossing the oceans
the station. A museum inside is open by in late medieval times. Their number
appointment only. included the explorer Sir Hugh Willoughby,
Metropolitan Wharf A converted tea ware- whose party left in three ships to try to find
house, home to more than a hundred small the elusive North-East Passage, a sea route
firms. north of Scandinavia and Russia to China
Prospect of Whitby One of London's oldest and America. Ratcliffe Cross faded into

insignificance once the first docks were built now best known for Canary Wharf,_ Britain's
locally in 1800. most densely developed business park.
Sun Wharf, 30 Narrow Street. The home in Canary Wharf Pier A jetty directly west
the 198os of David Lean, the film director of the imposing Canary Wharf towers.
responsible for David Copperfield, Brief Entrance to West India Dock An inlet
Encounter and the Oscar-winning Bridge on leads to what was London's first enclosed
the River Kwai. dock, built in 1802 to protect merchandise
Entrance to Limehouse Basin An inlet from thieves and ensure that traders
leading to a 10-acre marina created in 1812 bringing produce from the Caribbean paid a
to 1820 as the southern terminus of the tariff to the authorities. The area was
Regent's Canal. restored after Second World War bombing
The Grapes, 76 Narrow Street. The pub on and saw a short-lived boom in trade but
which Charles Dickens supposedly based the dosed in 1980 after which the site was spec-
Six Jolly Fellowship Porters in Our Mutual tacularly transformed into Canary Wharf.
Friend, at the back of which a wooden Cascades, 2 Westferry Road. A cleverly
ladder leading down to the shore acts as designed housing development built in
a reminder of the time when watermen 1987-8 by CZWG Architects, the most
would use it to leave the pub carrying striking feature of which is the 45 degree
drunks to the middle of the river, where northern slope.
they would drown them to sell the corpses Launch site of the Leviathan I Burrell's
to dissectors. Wharf, offBlasker Walk. Isambard
David Owen's address, 78 Narrow Street Kingdom Brunei's 19,000-ton ship Levi-
. The original four members of the Social athan - at least four times bigger than any
Democratic Party- the so-called Gang of other ship in the world and able to hold
Four former Labour ministers, David Owen, 4,ooo passengers - was built here between
Roy Jenkins, Bill Rogers and Shirley 1853 and 1857 and unsuccessfully launched in
Williams - issued the Limehouse Declar- November 1857, when the crush caused by
ation, a statement in favour of social demo- the excessive number of people who gath-
cracy, as opposed to traditional Labour ered to watch resulted in one man being
Party-style socialism, here on Sunday 25 killed and the ship getting stuck on its
January 1981,-forming the Social Democratic rollers. Another three aborted launches took
Party and creating a brief three-party race place and the vessel was not waterborne
for power before merging with the Liberals. until the end of January 1858, by which time
Dunbar Wharf, 138 Narrow Street. The first the owners had gone bankrupt. The ship,
travellers journeying from England to which was later renamed The Great Eastern,
Australia left from Dunbar Wharf. plied the trade routes between India and
Limekiln Wharf, 148 Narrow Street Australia and laid telegraphic cables in the
England's first porcelain factory was built Atlantic until1886, when it came to be used
here in the 1740s. as a showboat for the Lewis's store of Liver-
pool, being broken up two years later. Some
remains of the timber slipway are still in
ISLE OF DOGS, E14 place.
Island Gardens The gardens, laid out by the
A low-lying U-shaped peninsula bounded Commissioners of the Royal Naval Hospital
on three sides by the Thames, it was home in Greenwich in the nineteenth century,
to London's main docks and considerable mark the south-east point of the Isle of
heavy industry in the nineteenth and twen- Dogs, and it was here that pirates were
tieth centuries, when every inch of riverside hanged in chains, often watched by the
was filled with factories and works, and is

pensioners of Greenwich Hospital through Brunswick Wharf, south of East India

their spyglasses. station. A late-twentieth-century office devel-
Foot Tunnel dome A red-brick rotunda opment stands on the site of Smnstuid
marks the northern entrance of the 1217-ft tlod, built in 1789 for fitting-out and
Edwardian foot tunnel that connects the Isle roasting vessels and later transformed into
to Greenwich and which until the recent East India's Export Dock. The dock
opening of the Docklands Light Railway company also built a public house, the
extension was the only non-marine means Srunstuid Xttuem, here, on the Meridian
of negotiating the Thames between Rother- line, which provided superb views over the
hithe and Woolwich. Thames and surprisingly, given its isolated
Blue Bridge, south ofColdharbour. Until location, became a popular nineteenth-
modern-day transport improvements the century haunt, renowned for its whitebait
bridge, built in 1969 over the inlet to suppers, with day-trippers arriving by train
Blackwall Basin, was one of two swing to what was affectionately nicknamed 'East
bridges that provided the only communi- End-by-the-Sea'. The dock was heavily
cation between the Isle and the rest of bombed in the Second World War and
London. closed in 1967.
-The Gun, 27 Coldharbour. Named in Entrance to East India Dock The East India
honour of the ship The Henry Addington, Company built its own deep-water docks at
which fired its guns from the river outside, the beginning of the nineteenth century to
according to legend it is connected by allow the vast quantity of goods from Java,
underground passage with No.3, where Bali, China and India, particularly tea and
Nelson is believed to have stayed in 1799 spices, that had previously lain in boats for
before leaving to fight in the Battle of weeks waiting to be discharged, to be stored
Aboukir. in secure conditions off the river before
Blackwall Stairs, continuation of Blackwall being taken under armed guard to the
Way. A major place for embarking on ships company's Cutler Street warehouses near
crossing the ocean in the seventeenth and Petticoat Lane. Occasionally, some of the
eighteenth centuries, it was where in 1606 chests would break open and the contents
nearly 150 men, women and children spill on the floor, where they were trodden
departed in three ships to found the state of on by men returning from the overflowing
Virginia, the first American colony. toilets before being repackaged. In the
Blackwall Tunnel The first traffic tunnel Second World War the import dock was
connecting the north and south ,sides of the drained and used for storing craft, prior to
river, Blackwall Tunnel was built as one the Normandy beach landings. The Port of
tunnel from 1889 to 1897 and complemented London Authority closed the docks in 1967
by a companion tunnel in the 1960s. The and filled in much of the site.
gangster James Moody, dressed as a Trinity Lighthouse, Orchard Place
policeman, once hijacked a security van in London's only lighthouse, built in 1860, now
the tunnel, blocking the traffic and forcing used to train lighthouse keepers.
motorists who had stopped nearest him to Bow Creek A short stretch of waterway
hand over their keys to prevent their raising which leads to the River Lea, the Thaines's
the alarm. Moody later escaped from main London tributary and the traditional
Brixton Prison but was shot dead in the border between London (Middlesex) and
Royal Hotel pub in Hackney in 1993. Essex.
Reuters A dramatic-looking glass-faced
block designed for the news agency by
the Richard Rogers partnership in

South bank: Barnes to the Millennium Club from 1894 to 1939. Since the mansion
Dome burned down in 1954 the land has been used
mostly as school playing fields.

The most attractive of London's many river-
side villages, with street after street of hand- An attractive late nineteenth-century suburb
some well-appointed Edwardian houses. with a glorious river setting.
The Terrace A particularly glorious river- Embankment Created 1888 and one of the
side stretch lined with houses in cokmred most picturesque riverside stretches in
pastel wash, closer in spirit to Lyme Regis London, it is lined with boating clubs and
than London, with their bow windows, mari- grand Victorian pubs, outside one of which
time embellishments and graceful terraces (the Star and Garter) John Christie, the
overlooking the Thames. The composer serial killer of 10 Rillington Place (p. 454),
Gustav Holst lived at No. 10 from 1907 to was arrested after a police manhunt in 1953.
1913 when head of music at St Paul's Girls Putney Bridge See p. 251.
School, the house featuring a large music StMary the Virgin Oliver Cromwell's.New
room on the top floor perfectly positioned Model army had its headquarters at the
to capture the light from one of London's Putney church in the autumn of 1647,
most expansive horizons and a terrace holding discussions about a new consti-
where he and fellow composer Ralph tution - the Putney debates - around the
Vaughan Williams would watch the annual communion table.
Oxford-Cambridge boat race.
Bull's Head An ornate Victorian pub which
doubles as a major jazz venue. WANDSWORTH, SW18
St Paul's School Founded alongside
St Paul's Cathedral in 1509, it moved to A traffic-choked lower-middle-class suburb
West Kensington in 1884 and to Barnes in with an unattractive and mostly indus-
1968. trialized river frontage.
Hammersmith Bridge See p. 250. River Wandie The mouth of the river that
Harrods Furniture Depository, off River- rises in Croydon and flows through south
view Gardens. An 1890 warehouse where London, giving its name to Wandsworth, is
Harrods used to store its furniture and one of only three London waterways south of
which now contains luxury apartments, the Thames which remains above ground for
including one inhabited at the beginning of much of their length, the others being the
the twenty-first century by Harrods owner, Ravensbourne and Beverley Brook. Visible a
Mohammed Al-Fayed. few hundred yards to the south of the river's
West Middlesex reservoirs Built from 1886 mouth is London's main brewery, Young's.
to 1897 and decommissioned by Thames Jews Row An unusual name for a riverside
Water in 1990, the reservoirs are now home street in this part of London, the local
to the 105-acre Wildfowl and Wetlands Jewish community having long departed.
Trust Centre, which features lagoons, reed Wandsworth Bridge Seep. 251.
beds and grazing marshes.
Barn Elms Open land named after the !Bam
<tlms manor house which in the sixteenth BATTERSEA, SWll
century was owned by Sir Francis
W alsingham, Elizabeth I' s Secretary of State, A barely inhabited swamp when Chelsea was
and was used by the exclusive Ranelagh an eighteenth-century fishing village, it grew

into a land of market gardens until the

arrival of the railways in the mid nineteenth NINE ELMS, SWS
century created a working-class suburb
that away from the river has recently been Named in 1645 after the trees that lined the
gentrified. roadway, it was once home to breweries,
Battersea Heliport, Lombard Road. One of lime kilns, potteries, timber yards and gas
few heliports in London, it is owned by works but is now one of the most blighted
Harrods. districts in London.
West London Railway An underused rail Chelsea Bridge See p. 253.
route, connecting Kensington Olympia and Battersea Power Station, off Nine Elms
Clapham Junction. Lane. Designed in the late 1920s in the shape
StMary The church, which has Norman of an upside-down billiard table by Giles
origins and was granted to the monks ofWest- Gilbeq Scott, of red telephone booth fame,
minster Abbey by William I, was rebuilt in it was soon producing 40o,ooo kilowatts of
1379 and was where in 1782 the painter-poet electricity and was later enlarged to become
William Blake married Catherine Boucher, the largest brick building in Europe, but has
who marked the register with an 'X'. lain dormant since closure in 1983. In the
Battersea Bridge See p. 252. summer of 1963 the Great Train Robbers
Foster Associates Headquarters of the archi- staged a full-scale dress rehearsal of their
tectural firm led by Lord (Norman) Foster, crime at Stewarts Lane railway depot by the
which was responsible for the Millennium power station.
Bridge, the new Greater London Authority River Effra, western continuation of Parry
building for the London mayor and the Street. The source of the river which rises in
redesign ofWembley stadium. All300 or so Upper Norwood and flows underground
staff work at long benches, there is no through Norwood Cemetery, Dulwich
division between design and production, (whre it forms an ornamental lake), Herne
and the building is open twenty-four hours Hill, Brixton and the Oval.
a day, seven days a week.
Albert Bridge See p. 252.
Battersea Park The park was created in 1853 LAMBETH, SEl
by John Gibson, who raised the river
embankment to add more drama to the Loamhithe meant a 'muddy landing place'
surroundings, built hillocks out of earth and the area, never a wealthy or confident
excavated in the building of London Docks, locality, has a riverfront of considerably less
and planted some 40,000 trees and 45,000 interest than its northern counterpart.
bushes. Here the first football match to be Vauxhall Bridge Seep. 254·
played under Football Association rules, Albert Embankment Built by Joseph
between the Secretary's XI and the Presi- Bazalgette in 1866 to 1870, it swept away
dent's team, took place on 9 Ian?ary 1863. much of the riverside industry of boat yards
The park hosted concerts and political meet- and timber yards and is now dominated by
ings in the early years of the twentieth corporate blocks of mostly dubious architec-
century and pleasure gardens were added tural quality, saved only by Terry Farrell's
for the 1951 Festival of Britain, but they were Ml6 building.
demolished after the collapse of the Big Ml6 headquarters (1994- ) A flamboyant
Dipper in 1974. The park contains the Three building with Egyptian and South American
Standing Figures sculpture by Henry Moore, touches, nicknamed the Aztec Temple and
the bronze Single Form by Barbara Ceaucescu Towers after the late Romanian
Hepworth and a Buddhist Peace Pagoda dictator, it was designed by postmodernist
presented in 1985. pioneer Terry Farrell and built at a cost of
£240 million for the secret service branch block overlooking the Thames, formerly
concerned with overseas intelligence work at Alembic House and once an MI6 safehouse, ...
a time when it did not officially exist. Parlia- it is filled with luxurious apartments, occu-
mentary rules were broken to allow the pied at various times by Tommy Steele,
spending to exceed the agreed budget on John Barry and Jeffrey Archer who has the
new building, and by the time MI6 moved penthouse suite when he is not in jail.
in, in 1994, John Major's Tory government Lambeth Bridge See p. 254.
had admitted the existence of the organiz- Lambeth Palace Home of the archbishops
ation. In the opening sequence of the 1999 of Canterbury since 1197, it stretched down
James Bond film The World is Not Enough, to the Thames until the embanking of the
the building is blown up by a bomb river in the late nineteenth century.
smuggled in by a terrorist. The following StThomas's Hospital Previously based
September life almost imitated art when the where London Bridge station now stands,
building was attacked by a missile launched, it moved here in the 186os.
it was claimed, by the Real IRA, which StThomas's Steps, by Westminster Bridge
caused little damage and which some Lord Noel-Buxton walked into the Thames
espionage experts believe was the work of at this point at low tide in 1952, wearing ordi-
MI6 itself, carried out to 'induce public nary clothes, to try to prove the river was
support for increased security measures. still fordable here. When the water reached
~~ Qtubeni, between Glasshouse his neck and was still rising, he was forced
Walk and Kennington Lane. Riverside plea- to admit that the ford had disappeared.
sure gardens from 1661 to 1859, where the Westminster Bridge Seep. 255.
diarist Samuel Pepys ate lobster and
syllabub and the poet William Wordsworth
saw 'green groves, and wilderness oflamps I THE SOUTH BANK, SE 1
... gorgeous Ladies, fairy cataracts'. The
gardens were so popular that other cities An area rich in theatres, cinemas and attrac-
used them as a model for their pleasure tions, mostly built on industrial land that
grounds- Copenhagen's Tivoli Gardens had been used for the 1951 Festival of
were based on Vauxhall- and the Russians Britain.
adopted the word 'vokzal' as the name of County Hall, north of Westminster Bridge
the country's first railway station and now Ralph Knott's London County Council head-
as their word for station itself. quarters, later used by the Greater London
Tintagel House Police offices housing Scot- Council, is built on the site of Eleanor
land Yard's computer room and disciplinary Coade's Coade Stone manufacturing works,
wing from where the late 1960s investigation where the hard-wearing artificial stone
that netted the Kray twins was run, as Scot- popular in housing developments was made
land Yard was believed to contain corrupt until1840. After the Greater London
officers who would tip off the gangsters. Council was abolished in 1986 County Hall
After Tintagel House was bombed by the was partly converted into a hotel which also
Angry Brigade on 22 May 1971 the anarchist contains an aquarium and museum devoted
organization released Communique No.9 to the surrealist painter Salvador Dali.
which announced: 'The Angry Brigade is the Jubilee Gardens Created in 1977 to mark the
man or woman sitting next to you. They Queen's Silver Jubilee on land that was used
have guns in their pockets and hatred in for the 1951 Festival of Britain Dome of
their mind. We are getting closer. Off the Discovery.
system and its property. Power to the London Eye One of the few successes of the
People.' various late-twentieth-century millennium
Peninsula Heights A 196os-built tower projects, the London Eye, a giant wheel

designed by Julia Barfield and David apartments and what has become a
~Marks, revolves through a complete vertical renowned restaurant.
circle every forty-five minutes and provides Sea Containers' House, 20 Upper Ground
users with an unrivalled panorama of A 1970s hotel redesigned in the 1980s as
London. offices for Customs and Excise.
Hungerford Railway Bridge See p. 256.
Royal Festival Hall Robert Matthew's
concert hall is the only permanent legacy of BANKSIDE, SEl
the 1951 Festival of Britain and the western-
most of the various South Bank venues. Home of the 1990s-built Shakespeare's
Waterloo Bridge Seep. 256. Globe Theatre and the Tate Modern art
'Waterloo Sunset' Blackfriars Bridge See p. 258.
A view of the sky, river and buildings at this mtrion lnW, east of Blackfriars Bridge
part of the river which the Kinks Ray Davies A 1786 mill which was the first to grind corn
saw when he was taken outside by a nurse by steam power and was soon producing
while in hospital in the early 1960s inspired 6,ooo bushels of flour a week, it burned
the 1967 song 'Waterloo Sunset', one of down in 1791, and in the charred remains
the best-loved singles of the period. Ironic- the graffiti 'Success to the mills of Albion
ally Davies originally chose to ignore the but no Albion Mills' was found, leading
London inspiration and call the song many to assume that the fire was an arson
'Liverpool Sunset', the 'dirty old river' attack carried out by disgruntled indepen-
being the Mersey, but changed his point of dent millers.
reference when the Beatles released 'Penny Founders Arms The bells used for Wren's
Lane'. _j St Paul's Cathedral were cast on this site,
now occupied by a pub.
National Film Theatre Britain's leading art Bankside Gallery, 48 Hopton Street. Head-
house cinema opened in 1952 and is home of quarters of the Royal Watercolour Society.
the annual London Film Festival. Tate Modern An ambitious art gallery
National Theatre More than 100 years in created in the shell of Giles Gilbert Scott's
the planning, Denys Lasdun's bleak, stark disused Bankside power station and the
concrete building opened in 1976, some most spectacular London development of
twenty-five years after Princess (now the new millennium.
Queen) Elizabeth laid the foundation stone, Cardinal's Wharf A rare surviving south
and has since been the setting for many London seventeenth-century terrace which
memorable productions courtesy of includes at No. 49 the house where Chris-
successive artistic directors Peter Hall, topher Wren may have lived while working
Richard Eyre and Trevor Nunn. on the reconstruction of St Paul's Cathedral
London Weekend Television, Upper opposite.
Ground. Headquarters of the television Shakespeare's Globe A 1990s theatre built
company that was founded in 1968. in an Elizabethan style near the site of the
Oxo Tower The surviving section of an original Globe Theatre and which hosts
early-twentieth-century power station, it mostly Shakespeare plays in the open-air
was bought in the 1920s by the Liebig every summer.
Extract of Meat Company, makers of Oxo, Southwark Bridge See p. 259.
who circumvented rules on advertising by Anchor, 34 Park Street. A pub owned in the
picking out the letters of the brand name in eighteenth century by Henry and Hester
the design of the windows. Derelict by the Thrale, friends of Dr Johnson.
early 1970s, it was later restored to include Pickford's warehouses, Clink Street. Built

in 1864 for storing flour, hops and seeds London Authority building has a trans-
over five floors. parent fas;ade to symbolize the openness of
St Mary Overy's Wharf A replica of the the democratic process, incorporates
Golden Hind, the ship in which Sir Francis energy-saving features such as natural venti-
Drake circumnavigated the globe, stands lation and uses water from its own well:
here in dry dock. Tower Bridge See p. 260.
'Nancy's Steps', west of London Bridge Butler's Wharf, Shad Thames. Built in 1873
Once a popular spot for boarding boats to as the largest collection of warehouses on
travel along the river, it is where in Charles the Thames, it was converted into luxury
Dickens's Oliver Twist (1839) Nancy tells flats in the 198os and has long been popular
Rose Maylie Oliver's story. with television and film producers, featuring
London Bridge See p. 259. in the scene in the comedy A Fish Called
Wanda in which Otto (Kevin Kline) holds
the lawyer Archie Leach (John Cleese)
BERMONDSEY, SEI upside down from an upper window.
Design Museum Opened in 1989 as the first
A run-down area, built on marshy land, it museum in the world devoted to the design
was an important religious centre in the of everyday objects.
Middle Ages, and after the opening of the St Saviour's Dock Once the mouth of the
Surrey Docks to the east in the early nine- lower course of the River Neckinger, used as
teenth century was developed with tall ware- a port by the monks of the medieval
houses built for storing flour, fish, maize, Bermondsey Abbey.
grain, syrup and spices.
St Olaf House An art deco 1932 block built
for the Hay's Wharf company on the fas;ade ROTHERHITHE, SE 16
of which the name of the company is picked
out in gold lettering. A marshy peninsula which became a mari-
Hay's Galleria A smart shopping area built time area, it was from here that the Pilgrim
into a former enclosed wharf, it was Fathers sailed for America in the Mayflower
designed by Thomas Cubitt in 1857 for the in 1620.
Hay's Wharf group of companies, founded Bermondsey Wall The river was embanked
by Alexander Hay in 1651, which by the here in the eleventh century by the monks
1930s owned almost all the warehouses on of the nearby Bermondsey Abbey who
the south side of the river between London found a Saxon cross, the Rood of Grace, in
and Tower bridges. Here, large ships the Thames in lll7 and claimed that it had
unloaded their dairy cargoes, resulting in fallen from heaven and had miraculous
the area being nicknamed 'London's larder', powers. During the sixteenth century the
and smelling, according to the docks writer Rood was placed on Horselydown Common
H. M. Tomlinson, 'distinctly curious. A (near the junction of Abbey Street and
funny blended odour of the wood and straw Bermondsey Street), but was pulled down
of boxes of eggs, and of tea, cheese, butter by a Protestant mob in 1559. The sur-
and bacon'. The warehouses closed in 1969, rounding land was until the late nineteenth
the dock was filled in and the site was given century Jacob's Island, a disease-ridden
a glass roof to house the new shops. slum in which Dickens set the home of the
HMS Belfast A former Royal Navy cruiser villain Bill Sikes in Oliver Twist.
which in 1943 helped sink the German New Concordia Wharf Warehouses built in
cruiser Scharnhorst and has been used as a 1885, now apartments, sold to the Butler's
floating museum since 1971. Wharf company in 1934 with the agreement
GLA bullding Foster Associates' Greater that they could not use the buildings for

flour milling. Scenes from the film version

of The French Lieutenant's Woman were DEPTFORD, SE8
shot here.
Cherry Garden Pier, Bermondsey Wall East A great maritime centre until the twentieth
Site of an eighteenth-century pleasure century, Deptford became prosperous from
garden where J. M. W. Turner painted the shipbuilding and the naval yard founded by
Fighting Temeraire ship on its return from Henry VIII by the River Ravensbourne in
the Battle of Trafalgar. 1513 so that England could prepare against
~btutn!b Ill'i IJbmcw Oouie, Bermondsey the threat of invasion from France and
Wall East I Cathay Street. Remains of Spain. After attracting wealthy residents,
the moated 1361 manor house of King particularly sea captains and merchants
Edward III, excavated in the 1980s, can looking for a pleasant residential environ-
be found here. ment away from the smoke of London, it
The Angel A fifteenth-cent4ry pub, founded became industrialized, covered with repair
by the monks of Bermondsey Abbey, where yards, gasworks, factories and jerry-built
Samuel Pepys drank, according to his 166os housing. Second World War bombing, a
diary. decline in maritime activity in the late
St Mary, St Marychurch Street. A church 1960s and the building of crude municipal
has occupied the site since the tenth housing stock saw the creation of the
century, the present building being erected modern-day slum, the Thames-side area
from 1715 to 1737, and is where Christopher desolate and the main streets lined with
Jones, captain of the Mayflower, on which poundsaver stores and takeaways.
the Pilgrim Fathers sailed to America, is llo'JeliJle1Jel !}tn!b (1513-1871), east of
buried. Grove Street. Henry VIII founded a yard to
Rotherhithe Street Built as an embankment service England's first navy, which included
against the Thames and a busding thorough- a wet dock for fitting out ships and a dry
fare during Rotherhithe's maritime heyday. dock for building and repair, in 1513, and it
Mayflower, 117 Rotherhithe Street. A pub was soon the best-equipped dockyard in
named after the boat that took the Pilgrim Britain, being where the ships used in
Fathers from Rotherhithe to the New defeating the Spanish Armada in 1588 were
World, it is the only one in the country constructed. The yard was also the depar-
licensed to sell UK and US stamps. ture point in 1575 for the explorer Martin
Entrance to Surrey Docks An inlet leading Frobisher, who left to find the North-West
to a string of docks, now mosdy filled in, the Passage, a sea route north of America
first of which - Howland Great Wet Dock - linking the Adantic with the Pacific, and was
was built in 1699, and the last - Quebec where ten years later Francis Drake departed
Dock- in 1926. from to sail around the world.
Cuckold's Point The point direcdy opposite After the naval yard closed in 1871 the site
Canary Wharf takes its name, according to was used for the Foreign Catde Market, a
local tradition, from the story of how King source of employment for many local
John seduced the wife of a local miller and women, known as the 'Gut Girls', who
in compensation gave the wronged husband earned considerably higher wages than they
(the cuckold) a portion ofland from would have done in service in the grand
Rotherhithe to Charlton. The annual Horn houses of Blackheath and Lee, but who were
Fair (the horn being a symbol of cuckoldry) also obliged to clean out the innards of
used to depart from here en route to slaughtered animals in the offal sheds. Their
Charlton. working conditions- alongside coarse, foul-
mouthed men- and their after-work
behaviour in the local taverns (which, no

doubt, they learned from the men) caused down to the tiled tunnel that was the easiest
much consternation among members of the means of crossing the river until the Dock-
Humanitarian League, who urged them to lands Light Railway was extended in 1999.
join the local Albany Institute so that they Cutty Sark, King William Walk. The fastest
could spend their after-work hours engaged of the late-nineteenth-century tea clippers,
in 'useful' or 'wholesome' Christian activi- named after the shirt worn by Nan, the
ties. The market closed during the First witch in Robert Burns's 'Tam o' Shanter', it
World War, when the land was used by the was built in Dumbarton in 1869, used for
War Office for storing supplies, and is now plying the route between Britain and the Far
derelict. East until1922, and brought to this site,
Deadman's Dock, east of Grove Street. So home of the nineteenth-century SIJi4J'S
named because when excavated in the 1920s Xcavem, destroyed in the Second World
it was found to contain large numbers of War, in 1954.
corpses, probably plague victims from the Royal Naval College Wren's riverside
seventeenth century. It was also where pris- masterpiece began as a refurbishment of
oners from France, Spain and Holland were Greenwich Palace and, when money ran
executed during the Napoleonic Wars. The out in 1664, was converted to a seamen's
site is now covered by the Pepys council hospital. After the hospital closed in 1869 it
estate. was converted into the Royal Naval College,
Deptford power station (1887-196os), which moved out in 1998. The building is
north of Stowage. Sebastian de Ferranti now part of the University of Greenwich.
chose the site to build what became the Greenwich Park The oldest royal park in
world's largest power station to harness the London, first enclosed in 1433, it became
river water for cooling and to allow easy home of the Royal Observatory (now a
access for coal ships. museum), which is located at the highest
Deptford Creek The river inlet for the point of the park, in 1675, and following
Ravensbourne River, which rises in the observatory's pioneering work in time-
Bromley and flows through Lewisham keeping was made the setting for the
and Deptford. 0° Meridian in 1875.
Trafalgar Tavern, Park Row. Built in the
1770s and featuring large bowed windows
GREENWICH, SEIO and balconies that provide splendid views of
the river (and now the Millennium Dome),
Long the wealthiest riverside settlement east it was renowned for its whitebait dinners in
of the City, Greenwich is now a major the nineteenth century but was converted
tourist centre, thanks to its many popular into a seamen's hostel in 1915. Refur-
attractions. bishment to something approaching its orig-
Gipsy Moth, north of Greenwich Church inal splendour came in 1965 when whitebait
Street. The 54-ft ketch in which Francis returned to the menu.
Chichester in 1966, at the age of sixty-six, Crane Street Home of the Curlew Rowing
became the first man to sail around the Club, believed to be the oldest in London.
world single-handed rests at the spot where Highbridge The road is named after a
he finished his 226-day journey. Here Chich- fifteenth-century bridge beyond which,
ester was knighted by the Queen with the according to a decree issued by the Venetian
same sword that Elizabeth I had used in Senate in 1453, Venetian galleys were for-
knighting Francis Drake here some 400 bidden to proceed upstream.
years previously. Trinity Hospital, Riverside Walk. Alms-
Greenwich Foot Tunnel dome The houses founded in 1613 by Henry Howard,
Edwardian dome covers the stairwell leading Earl of Northampton and now run by the

Mercers' City Livery Company. A tablet set telephone lines, opened here at the south-
in the river wall commemorates the abnor- western end of the Bugsby Marshes
mally high tides recorded here in 1874 and peninsula in 1834 and made cables until
1928. 1979·
Greenwich Power Station Built in 1906 to Millennium Dome The single most spec-
power London's tram network. tacular government-sponsored financial
Granite wharf, north of Cadet Place. Stone disaster in British history, built at the end of
for many of London's best-known build- the twentieth century to house exhibitions
ings, including Admiralty Arch, was stored during the year 2000 at a cost of almost £1
here after being quarried. billion of taxpayers' money.
Enderby's Wharf, west of Mauritius Road Blackwall Point The northern tip of Bugsby
Enderby's rope and cable factory, which Marshes, where pirates were hanged in
made the cable for the first transatlantic chains.
East London

THE EAST END, El 274 (v) Tower Hill292

(i) Mile End 275
Tower Hill292
Mile End Road 275 (vi) Wapping 293
(ii) StGeorge's 278 Asher Way 297
Cable Street 279 Gamet Street 298
Cannon Street Road 280 The Highway 298
Commercial Road 28o Pennington Street 299
Grace's Alley 280 Wapping High Street 300
Henriques Street 280 (vii) Whitechapel300
Hessel Street 281 Cavell Street 301
Royal Mint Street 281 Chicksand Street 301
Swedenborg Gardens 281 Commercial Street 301
Wellclose Square 281 Durwal'd Street 301
(iii) Spitalfields 282 Fieldgate Street 302
Artillery Lane 282 Goulston Street 302
Bell Lane 283 Gunthorpe Street 302
Brick Lane 283 Old Castle Street 303
Brushfield Street 285 Sidney Street 303 ~t J' f\ \'~ t
Wentworth Street 303 ~;~ '.: ·,
Commercial Street 285
Dorset Street 286 Whitechapel High Street 303
Elder Street 286 Whitechapel Road 304
Fashion Street 287
Folgate Street 287 BETHNAL GREEN, E2 307
Fournier Street 287 Bethnal Green Road 307
Hanbury Street 288 Cheshire Street 309
Lolesworth Close 289 Columbia Road 309
Middlesex Street 289 Old Nichol Street 309
Norton Folgate 290 Vallance Road 310
Princelet Street 290
Shoreditch High Street 291 BOW, E3 310
Spital Square 291
(i) north of Bow Road 311
(iv) Stepney 292 Coborn Road 311
Stepney Causeway 292 Fairfield Road 311

Grove Road 312 Wapping and setting up a military camp

'lost in a wilderness, like a needle in a
(ii) Bow Road 312 bundle of hay - cold, fog, tempests, disease,
Bow Road 312 exile, and death', as Joseph Conrad mused
(iii) south of Bow Road (Bromley) 312 in Heart of Darkness. When William the
Povns Road 312 Conqueror's forces reached London in 1066
Three Mill Lane 313 a fort was built on Bryn Gwyn, a sacred
pagan site, which gradually grew into the
POPLAR I ISLE OF DOGS, E14 313 Tower of London- in tum fortress, prison,
barracks, palace, royal mint and tourist
(i) Isle of Dogs 313 attraction. Churches and religious insti-
Canada Square 314 tutions were founded nearby and the Tower
(ii) Limehouse 315 spurred on the growth of the surrounding
Three Colt Street 316 villages- the Tower Hamlets of Mile End,
Stepney, Wapping, Whitechapel et al.-
(iii) Poplar 316 which developed through maritime trades
East Indfa Dock Road 317 such as shipbuilding, repairing, sail-making
Gfraud Street 317 and cargo unloading which relied on poorly
Pennyfields 317 paid, semi-skilled, casual labour, the volume
Robin Hood Lane 318 of work depending on the unpredictable
arrival and departure of the vessels.
The jack the Ripper murders 276 As trade increased so did immigration.
Opium smoking in the East End 278 Huguenots fleeing religious persecution in
France arrived at the end of the seventeenth
The Battle of Cable Street 279 century; the Irish carne after the potato
Tower of London glossary 294 famine of the 184os; the Chinese and Lascars
arrived in the mid nineteenth century; Jews
EAST LONDON LINE 296 fleeing the pogroms of northern Europe
The 'Call On' 297 settled lo~ally between 186o and 1905; and
since the Second World War Pakistanis and
George Lansbury and 'Poplarism' 316 _j Bangladeshis have moved into the area. As
the population grew so the East End became
24 APR 2018 an ever more hostile area, horne to 'every
THE EAST END, El type of delinquent- thieves, brigands, cut-
throats, coiners, forgers, bigamists, profli-
The East End is a vast city ... a shocking gate priests and pederasts - in holy order',
place ... an evil plexus of slums that hide according to the twentieth-century Jewish
human creeping things; where filthy men historian Chairn Berrnant; it was the setting
and women live on ... gin, where collars for some of London's most infamous
and clean shirts are decencies unknown, crimes, in particular the Ratcliff Highway
where every citizen wears a black eye, and murders of 1811 and Jack the Ripper's
none ever combs his hair- Tales of Mean murders in the 188os.
Streets, Arthur Morrison (1894) The horrors of these events plus the
The dark comer of London, shaped by poverty, disease and depravity of the sur-
poverty, deprivation and violence, the East roundings spurred on local philanthropists
End was barely inhabited when the Romans to redouble their efforts to improve con-
journeyed along the Thames in AD 43, ditions: George Peabody created the
reaching a huge lake by what is now Peabody homes in 1864; in 1867 Thomas
Bamardo set up the Bamardo's children's

homes; the Salvation Army was founded by pavements in England can be found along
William Booth in 1878; and the Toynbee the main road that connects Whitechapel
Hall welfare centre was opened by Canon and Bow, home to the market known as the
Samuel Barnett in 1884. Mile End Waste, where in the nineteenth
Nevertheless, the East End remained the century, according to Charles Dickens, 'Old
most deprived and depressed part of iron and fried fish, cough drops and arti-
London, where life was a daily struggle for ficial flowers, boiled pigs' feet and house-
work, food and safety from attack. The hold furniture that looks as if it were
Second World War destroyed much of the polished up with lip-salve, umbrellas full of
area, tearing apart communities and wiping vocal literature and saucers full of shell-fish
away streets, houses, schools, shops and in a green juice, which I hope is natural to
factories, and though the decimated land- them when their health is good, garnish the
scape gave the authorities the chance of paved sideways.' The Waste was also home
creating an improved East End, the opportu- to the Penny Gaffs, described by Daniel
nity was wasted and the landscape was Farson in Limehouse Days as 'the lowest
blighted with socially divisive housing and form of entertainment in which a girl
shambolic estates. The closure of the docks turned the handle of an organ until a man
and the decline of its attendant industries in without arms appeared who could shave
the 1970s led to further impoverishment and himself, play a violin and perform
the dereliction of vast tracts of land - prob- numerous feats with his toes', as well as
lems that have been only partly alleviated by oddities such as John Lee, the amateur
the recent gentrification of Wapping and boxer known as the Southpaw Cannonball
Spitalfields. and grandfather of the Kray twins, who
made money by licking a white-hot poker.
(i) Mile End In October 1936, a week after fascists and
Jews dashed in the Battle of Cable Street,
A humdrum district between Whitechapel half a mile south, all the windows of the
and Bow, Mile End is named after the first Jewish shops on Mile End Road were
milestone eastwards from the City, which smashed by supporters of the British Union
stood near the corner of Mile End Road and of Fascists who during the violence lifted up
Stepney Green, a mile from the old Roman a Jewish hairdresser, threw him through his
gate to the City (Aldgate), where in 1381 shop window, and then attacked a four-
marchers from Kent and Essex allied with year-old girl. In recent decades the street
W at Tyler's rebellion against the poll tax has declined as a shopping centre.
met the fourteen-year-old king, Richard II, ... The Battle of Cable Street, p. 279.
and where 200 years later Henry VIII's north side: Cambridge Heath Road to the
bowmen practised. The fields were built Grand Union Canal
over from the eighteenth century to house Trinity Almshouses, west of Bardsey Place
those employed at the various local brew- Stone ships mark the entrance of the Trinity
eries, railways, workshops and docks. Much Brethren's almshouses which may have been
of the area was wiped out in the Second designed by Christopher Wren and were
World War, after which it was rebuilt with built in 1694 to 1697 for '28 decayed masters
an uneven mix of poorly designed and commanders of ships or widows of
municipal flats set behind the road line in such', with money donated by sea captains
their own shabby grounds. Richard Maples and Henry Mudd. When
the authorities proposed demolishing the
Mile End Road
almshouses in 1895 there was considerable
Rickety shops built into the frontages of
opposition, particularly from the designer
Victorian terraced houses and the widest
C. R. Ashbee, who had recently set up a

The jack the Ripper murders on whores and I shan't quit ripping them
London's most infamous murders have till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job
inspired countless books, films, studies, was. I gave the lady [Annie Chapman] no
pamphlets and tourist walks, gripping the time to squeal. How can they catch me now?
public imagination more than any other I love my work and want to start again. You
crime in the capital's history due to their will soon hear of me and my funny little
gruesome details, lack of motive and identi- games. The next job I do I shall clip the
fiable culprit. They had all the most cliched lady's ears off and send to the police officers
but mesmerizing ingredients of the just for jolly ... Keep this letter back till I
Victorian Gothic nightmare -the dirty, do a bit more work, then give it out straight.
shabby, badly lit, fog-enveloped East End My knife is nice and sharp. I want to get to
streets out of which the murderer appeared work right away if I get a chance. Good
a number of times without warning, killing luck. Yours truly, Jack the Ripper.'
violently and disappearing without trace The appearance of the letter, which some
before vanishing for ever. experts believe to be a hoax, proved timely,
The Ripper's first victim is believed to be for in the early hours of 30 September two
Martha Tabram, or Turner, who was found more women were violently murdered: Eliza-
lying in a pool ofblood in Gunthorpe Street, beth Stride was found with her throat cut on
near Aldgate East station, on 8 August 1888. Berner Street, off the Commercial Road; and
At the end of the month a woman later identi- Catherine Eddowes was found in Mitre
fied as Mary Ann Nichols, a prostitute, was Square, Aldgate, with her throat cut and her
found disembowelled and with her throat cut intestines protruding. A few hours later
from ear to ear, on Buck's Row (now police received a postcard which read: 'I was
Durward Street), Whitechapel, half a mile not codding [joking], dear old Boss, when I
east. On 8 September, two days after Nichols gave you the tip. You'll hear about Saucy
was buried, the murderer struck again, this Jack's work tomorrow. Double event this
time in Hanbury Street, Spitalfields, killing, time. Number one squealed a bit. Couldn't
mutilating and disembowelling Mary Ann finish straight off. Had not time to get ears
Chapman. for police. Thanks for keeping last letter
As the news leaked out a crowd of several back till I got to work again. Jack the
hundred gathered outside Chapman's lodg- Ripper.' A few days later a gruesome
ings, remaining there for several days. But package, containing a kidney, which may
though locals feared that the murderer have been the one missing from the body of
would strike again nothing happened until Catherine Eddowes, was delivered to George
28 September when a letter sent to the Lusk, chairman of the Whitechapel Vigil-
Central News Agency warned: 'Dear Boss, I ance Committee, with a note that ran: 'Mr.
keep on hearing the police have caught me Lusk. Sir I send you half the Kidney I took
but they won't fix me just yet ... I am down from one woman preserved it for you. The

committee to campaign for the preservation tStne ~alJen, No. 31, in front of almshouses
of buildings of historical and architectural William Booth first began preaching, prom-
interest. The saved almshouses became the ising 'heaven in east London for everyone',
first buildings on Ashbee's preservation on 2 July 1865 outside the !fine, being
register, which eventually led to the greeted with jeers, oaths and rotten eggs.
Grade I and Grade II list of protected Undeterred, Booth founded the East
buildings. London Revival Society, which in 1878
became the Salvation Army, a Christian

other piece I fried and ate it was very nice. I moralizing tone ('When it's wet we stand
may send you the bloody knife that took it about all night under the Arches ... there
out if you only wait a while longer. Signed are women who sleep out here. They are
"Catche me when you can Mister Lusk".' decent people, mostly charwomen and such
A month of fruitless police work followed like who can't get work'), became a best-
before the worst of the Ripper murders took seller. The Salvation Army now has some
place on 9 November 1888 when Mary Kelly, 16,ooo branches in more than 100 countries.
also a prostitute, was found lying on her bed 11- Toynbee Hall, p. 301.
in Dorset Street, Spitalfields, her throat cut Genesis Cinema, Nos. 93-95
and her body mutilated. There were no The East End's only cinema stands on the
further similar murders locally until the site of the Eagle pub and music hall which
following July, when Alice M'Kenzie was was destroyed by a fire in 1884 and replaced
found murdered and mutilated on Castle by the Paragon Theatre of Varieties
Alley (now Old Castle Street), Aldgate. The (designed by Frank Matcham, the greatest
last murder attributed to the Ripper, that of theatre designer of the late nineteenth
Frances Coles, occurred eighteen months century), where Charlie Chaplin appeared
later. in Fred Karno's Mumming Birds. The
Despite assembling a huge investigation Paragon was replaced by a cinema in the
team and making several arrests, the police 1930s and was where on 26 February 1963
failed to find the culprit. Hampered in their the premiere took place of the locally filmed
inquiries by the absence of policewomen to Sparrers Can't Sing, produced by Joan
act as decoys, police chiefs ordered a few Littlewood and starring Barbara Windsor. It
male officers to patrol the streets in was attended by the actor Stanley Baker, the
women's clothes. One heavily moustachioed comedian Roy Kinnear, the gangsters the
officer, who kept his whiskers hidden Kray twins and society figures such as the
behind a veil, stopped a male journalist, also Earl of Snowdon, but not his wife, Princess
dressed as a woman, and asked him: 'You're Margaret, who staged a diplomatic with-
a man, aren't you? Are you one of us?', to drawal after being advised against appearing
which the journalist replied: 'I don't know in public alongside the Krays. The building
what you mean, but I'm not a copper.' closed in the 198os and was reopened by
Meanwhile, bloodhounds, brought in to Barbara Windsor in 1999.
track the killer by tracing the scent through 11- The Krays in east London, p. 310.
the alleyways of Spitalfields and Charrington brewery (1760s-1975)
Whitechapel, were taken to Tooting One of three large former breweries in the
Common to be trained but immediately ran East End, the others being Ben Truman on
off, leaving the police to dispatch telegrams Brick Lane and Mann's on Whitechapel
throughout the force to track down the Road, it was opened by John Charrington in
dogs. The Ripper was never found. _j 1766 and handed down through the family
without incident until Frederick Char-
rington gave up his inheritance in 1870, at
welfare movement modelled on quasi-
the age of twenty, after experiencing an
militaristic lines that paid for itself through
epiphany outside an East End pub. There
donations and sales of the organization's
he saw a woman and her three children
newspaper, War Cry. In 1890 Booth
beg her husband for money to buy bread,
published his ground-breakin g work on
only for the man to knock her into the
poverty, In Darkest England and the Way
gutter and enter the pub. As the brewery
Out, the title a pun on Henry Stanley's
heir watched the wretched scene, his eyes
lecture series In Darkest Africa, which, with
glanced up at the pub sign with his own
its down-to-earth prose, unembellished by

name, 'CHARRINGTON ', written in large immigrants whose presence led to consider-
letters above the door. Shocked at what he able unrest, culminating in anti-Irish riots
believed to be the effect of the family business in 1736. There was more fighting in 1813, this
on the local population, he chose to give up time between locals and Chinese Lascars,
brewing and campaign for temperance. and the feeling that violence was always
~~>-Ben Truman brewery, p. 284. imminent led one incoming nineteenth-
People's Palace (1887-1945) I Queen Mary century preacher to announce memorably
College Graduation Hall, east of Bancroft in his first sermon, 'Woe is me that I
Road sojourn in Mesach, but dwell in the tents of
The creation of the People's Palace, the East Kedar', and to choose to live in more
End's first cultural centre, was inspired by a comfortable surroundings in the Strand.
passage in the Walter Besant novel All Sorts
and Conditions of Men, in which the Opium smoking in the East End
heroine, Angela Messenger, uses her Chinese immigrants who arrived in
brewing fortune to demolish a 'whole four- StGeorge's in the nineteenth century soon
square block of small houses' and replace it opened opium dens where, according to the
with a 'Palace of Delight ... to awaken in Pall Mall Gazette's James Greenwood, the
opium master would hold in a flame a piece
dull, lethargic brains ... a craving for things
of which as yet they knew nothing'. The 'as large as a common grey pea' till it was
People's Palace opened in 1887 as a 'centre done to his liking and then 'clap the
of intellectual and material advancement, precious morsel into the pipe that one of the
recreation and amusement', incorporating a Chinamen was already greedily sucking,
technical school, library and concert hall, and, to all appearance, be at once translated
and it was there that the local results of thefrom earth to heaven'. The local opium
1945 general election, which resulted in a scene transfixed the country's best writers.
Labour landslide, were declared and photos Charles Dickens, researching what became
of the winning candidates taken. When the his last novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood
pictures were relayed around the world they (1870 ), visited such a den where, according
showed the new prime minister, Clement to the American J. T. Fields, who accom-
Attlee, standing next to the Stepney victor, panied him, 'in a miserable court we found
Phil Piratin, a communist, much to the a haggard old woman blowing at a kind of
horror of the Americans who, having helped pipe made of an old penny ink-bottle. We
Britain win the Second World War, were heard her croon as we leaned over the tat-
about to embark on the Cold War with the tered bed on which she was lying ... "Ye'll
Soviets to vanquish communism. Queen pay up according, deary, won't ye?"' Oscar
Mary's College has since taken over the site. Wilde had the eponymous hero of his 1890
novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, search for
an opium den where he could 'cure the soul
(ii) StGeorge's
by means of the senses, and the senses by
Caught between the glamorous Docklands means of the soul', eventually arriving at a
developments to the south and east and 'small shabby house and [entering] a long
bohemian Spitalfields to the west, low room which looked as if it had once
StGeorge's, ungentrified and little known, is been a third-rate dancing-saloon [where]
named after the Nicholas Hawksmoor- some Malays were crouching by a little char-
designed church ofSt George-in-the-East, coal stove, playing with bone counters and
built at the junction of Cable Street and grotesque things lay in fantastic postures on
Cannon Street Road in 1729, and was the ragged mattresses'. The opium dens
developed in the eighteenth century with faded away in the twentieth century. _j
streets ofcheap housing for sailors and Irish

Nor did the ill-feeling go away when the Cable Street

next wave of immigrants, Jews from eastern An eighteenth-century street named after
Europe, arrived, antipathy to the Jewish the ship's cables made locally, and originally
community culminating in the 1936 Battle of the length of a nautical cable - 6o8 ft - it
Cable Street in which Jews and communists was later colonized by Scandinavians and
blockaded Cable Street to prevent a British Irish at its eastern end and Jews at the
Union of Fascists march. The area was devas- western end, leading George R. Sims to note
tated by Second World War bombing, and in 1911 in Off the Track in London that 'you
in the 1970s the decline of the local dock will not see a single curling-pin [on Cable
industry brought about severe economic Street]. The young alien Jewess dresses her
depression tempered a decade later by Paki- hair very much as the work-girl of Paris
stani and Bangladeshi immigration which does. It is neatly and artistically arranged,
has helped revitalize the local clothing and it frequently boasts an ornamental
industr}r. comb, which, though cheap, is effective and
• StGeorge's is the area to the south-east of picturesque.' When the British Union of
Aldgate. Fascists tried to stage a march along the

The Battle of Cable Street Street, throwing marbles at the police

The most famous of London's many anti- horses' hooves, tearing down a barricade,
fascist skirmishes took place on Sunday arming themselves with the jagged wooden
4 October 1936. After months of simmering pieces, and on Cable Street itself over-
tension between Oswald Mosley's British turning a lorry, which they used as a barrier
Union of Fascists (BUF) and opponents to prevent the fascists marching through.
fierce fighting prevented Mosley's followers At 3.30 p.m., while some of the worst street
marching along Cable Street through the fighting London has ever witnessed con-
heart of the local Jewish community. The tinued, Oswald Mosley's Bentley turned into
BUF planned the march as a celebration of Dock Street and was pelted with bricks. The
the fourth anniversary of the founding of fascists began chanting 'M-0-S-L-E-Y', the
the party and in the weeks leading up to the communists retorted with the Interna-
march the fascists stirred up tension by tionale, and the fascists' leader, surrounded
defacing the walls in Jewish areas with by his wrestler bodyguards, gave a Hitler-
insulting slogans and on one occasion riding style salute as his car was attacked.
through the streets shouting through loud- When the police told Mosley to retreat
hailers: 'The Jews have got the money. And and head west through the City of London,
how do you think they got it? From you of which was empty on a Sunday, rather than
course! Jewish sweat-shops! The Yids drive through the Jewish areas, he made a short
in big cars on the money they make out of speech in which he claimed 'the Govern-
you.' ment has surrendered to red violence and
By 1 p.m. on the day itself over 2,ooo Jewish corruption'. Fascists in the crowd
Blackshirts were congregated around Cable then began to sing the 'Horst Wessel Lied',
Street, while some 500 anti-fascists and but at four o'clock they headed off. The
Jews, who feared the march might presage a anti-fascists claimed they had won the day,
pogrom, assembled at Gardiner's Corner, as they had prevented the BUF marching
the junction ofWhitechapel High Street and along the predominantly Jewish Cable
Commercial Road, chanting: 'They shall not Street.
pass'. When the cry went up 'Everyone to .,. The British Union of Fascists in Chelsea,
Cable Street' the crowd surged along Leman p. 411. _j

street on Sunday 4 October 1936 to provoke with lunch in mind. The sight of the tiger,
the local Jewish community they met with with attendant unwilling child, walking
considerable resistance, the events later along the road caused much alarm, and led
passing into popular mythology as the Battle one passer-by to fetch a crowbar, but in
of Cable Street. In the 1950s a number of trying to prise the child from the beast's
Caribbean merchant seamen moved to the jaws the man struck the boy a fatal blow.
area, and the following decade, around the The tiger was eventually captured. Much of
time that the singer Paul Simon was an Commercial Road was destroyed by Second
unlikely resident, most of the houses were World War bombs but the shops that sur-
demolished and rebuilt with low-rise vived at the Aldgate end are now Asian-run
council flats. rag trade cash-and~carry outlets.

Cannon Street Road Grace's Alley

St George-in-the-East Wilton's Music Hall
One of a small number of churches The oldest surviving music hall building in
designed by the enigmatic Nicholas Hawks- England, Wilton's was originally a pub, the
moor, eighteenth-century Britain's leading Prince of Denmark, incorporating a concert
exponent of the European Baroque, hall with ornate mahogany furnishings, and
St George was built between 1714 and 1729 in was taken over in 1858 by John and Ellen
the shape of a basilica, featuring a tower Wilton, who ran it as a music hall for thirty
with an octagonal lantern and four years. From 1888 to the 1950s the building
pepper-pot turrets at the corners. In 1859 it was used as a Wesleyan Mission Hall and
was the setting for 'No Popery' riots when when it was outlined for demolition in 1964
parishioners, on discovering that the vicar, the poet John Betjeman led a successful
Bryan King, had co-founded a secret campaign to save it from destruction.
brotherhood for priests, the Society of the Wilton's has since been used by film
Holy Cross, threw rubbish at the altar and companies looking for an authentic slice of
brought in barking dogs to disrupt the Victoriana, featuring in The Krays, Chaplin
services. Following the riots the church was and Interview with the Vampire, and it is
forced to close for six weeks. StGeorge's now run by the Broomhill Opera Company.
interior was destroyed during the Second ~~>- ~ritonnia !Dlusic ~all, Roxton, p. 330.
World War and restored in the 1950s.
Henriques Street
~~>- Christ Church Spitalfields, p. 285.
A gloomy and uninviting street to the
Commerdal Road south of Commercial Road, it was known
Commercial Road, the longest road in east as Berner Street in the nineteenth century
London, was built in 1803 to allow imported and later renamed Henriques Street after the
goods unloaded at Poplar's docks to be philanthropist Sir Basil Henriques, known
brought into central London by road, and in locally as 'the Gaffer'.
its early days aspired to a level of gentility west side: Boyd Street to Commercial Road
rare for the East End, with houses built on Location of the fourth Jack the Ripper
'Places' or 'Terraces'. Industrialization murder, No. 40
wiped out the smart properties, which were On 30 September 1888 Elizabeth Stride, a
replaced with cheap lodging houses used by 45-year-old Swedish woman, was found
seafaring people and travelling labourers. with her throat cut and the blood still
In 1875 a tiger which had escaped from pouring out in the entrance to Duffield's
3omrod)'s, the exotic animal shop on Rat- Yard by No. 40, a spot where prostitutes
cliff Highway, made its way along Commer- regularly took their clients. The Ripper,
cial Road where it picked up a small boy by presumably, struck again later that night at
the collar and made off with him, doubtless Mitre Square, near Aldgate station, half a

mile west, committing another bloodthirsty Graces, briefly known as Eastminster and a
murder, and the following day a mob gath- Cistercian rival to the Benedictine abbey at
ered on Berner Street protesting against the Westminster, here in 1349, having previously
continuing killings and the police's inability vowed to build a monastery after surviving a
to catch the culprit. shipwreck. It was shut down in the mid six-
.,. Location of the fifth Jack the Ripper murder, teenth century during Henry VIII's dissolu-
P·34· tion of the monasteries. In 1811 the Royal
Hessel Street Mint moved here from the Tower of London
and in 1968 the last minting of coins took place,
The street, which runs parallel to Cannon
Street Road, is named after Phoebe Hessel after which the Mint moved to Llantrisant in
Wales. The building is now an office block.
who served for seventeen years in the 5th Regi-
ment of Foot in the British army dressed as a Swedenborg Gardens
man and died in Brighton in 1821 aged 108. By And lo! Swedenborg is the Angel sitting at
the early twentieth century Hessel Street was the tomb; his writings are the linen
a centre ofJewish life which, the playwright clothes folded up. Now is the dominion
Steven Berkoff later explained, 'could have ofEdom, & the return of Adam into Para-
been tom out of a European ghetto', the dise - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,
people speaking 'a dense soup oflanguages William Blake (1790-93)
with Yiddish being the unifying one ... [and Swedenborg Gardens, a run-down stretch of
where] old bent backs sold bagels in the street cheap municipal houses, is all that remains
out of giant sacks'. The street is now domi- of Swedenborg Square, originally Prince's
nated by halal butchers and small shops Square, which was built by a John Prince in
selling cheap clothes. the eighteenth century and became the
centre of London's small Swedish com-
Royal Mint Street
munity with a Swedish church, gardens and
Location of the eighth Jack the Ripper
pond. It was later renamed after Emmanuel
murder, north side, under the railway arch
Swedenborg, the Swedish philosopher and
Frances Coles, a prostitute, was found dying
theologian who claimed to be in contact
under the railway arch to the north of Royal
with biblical characters, kings, popes and
Mint Street by a policeman on 13 February
saints and was a major influence on William
1891, some eighteen months after the pre-
Blake, who was buried in the church in 1772.
vious East End murder attributed to Jack
When the church was demolished in 1908
the Ripper. Police soon arrested Thomas
Swedenborg's body was exhumed so that it
Sadler, a merchant seaman who had
could be taken to Sweden, and the skull
consorted with Coles, and believed, under-
removed by a Swedish sailor, who hoped to
standably, that they might have caught Jack.
sell it as a relic, but when it went on display
But witness statements claimed that Sadler
in an exhibition it was mixed up with
was so drunk at the time of the crime he
another skull and the wrong one was
could not have been the murderer and the
returned to the coffin.
jury returned a verdict of 'Willful Murder
against some person or persons unknown', Wellclose Square
to the delight of crowds who had gathered Wellclose Square was a Sherlock Holmes
outside the magistrates' court to lend Sadler sort of place; not exactly producing
their support. There were no further lepers, abominable lascars and wicked
murders in the style of Jack the Ripper. Chinamen, but giving that impression all
.,. The Ratcliff Highway murders, p. 298. the same.- The Plant Hunters, Tyler
~aitatiaita I Former Royal Mint, south Whittle (1970)
side at Mansell Street Sev~rely blighted and pockmarked with
Edward III founded the abbey of St Mary council-owned buildings of astonishing ugli-

ness, Wellclose Square was until the early and was later replaced by the flea market
twentieth century the most desirable address that now occupies the Spitalfields market
in the East End, lined with solid brick . building.
houses built around Caius Gabriel Cibber's In 1685 Huguenot silk weavers (French
1696 Danish church, that became home to Protestants) fleeing persecution began to
the Danish ambassador, merchants made arrive locally. Refusing to work in factories,
wealthy by the local silk industry and naval they set up workshops in the attics of the
officers. Its most unusual resident was closely packed houses, planted in the
Chaim Samuel Jacob Falk, one of the gardens the mulberry trees they had brought
leading Cabbalistic exponents of eighteenth- with them and established London's first
century Jewry, who fled to England penni- textile industry. By the end of the seven-
less after being sentenced to death for teenth century there were hundreds of
sorcery in Westphalia, Germany, but was weavers' workshops in Spitalfields, and on
soon living in extreme comfort in W ellclose streets such as Elder Street, Folgate Street,
Square where he had his own private syna- Fournier Street and Spital Square the silk
gogue. Falk made a number of trips from merchants built grand houses with marble
W ellclose Square to Epping Forest to hold chimneypieces and rococo plasterwork,
ritualistic ceremonies and, according to some of which survive thanks to the high-
locallegend, to bury chests of gold that are profile conservation campaigns of the 1970s.
still in the ground. By the late nineteenth The local silk-weaving industry died out
century Wellclose Square had become after the government lifted duties on the
predominantly Jewish, the home of alms- importing of French silks in 1860, but the
houses and the Hand in Hand Asylum for _ clothing industry has remained, operated at
'aged and decayed tradesmen'. It was the end of the nineteenth century by Jews
destroyed by enemy bombs during the based in small workshops, who sold their
Second World War. wares at the nearby Petticoat Lane (p. 289),
.,. Joanna Southcott, millennia! prophet, p. 152. and since the departure of the Jewish com-
munity in the 1970s, by Bengalis.
• Spitalfields is the area around Spitalfields
(iii) Spitalfields
Market, Commercial Street and Brick Lane.
Spitalfields meant Architecture, the
Artillery Lane
Prince, Development schemes ... gay
Well, I say, thrive brave Artillery Yard I
vicars swishing incense - Downriver, lain
that has not spar' d I Powder or paper to
Sinclair (1991)
bring up youth I Of London in the mili-
A cosmopolitan community of lively street
tary truth- Underwoods, Ben Jonson
markets, thriving cottage industries, brash
neon-lit curry houses and carefully restored
A winding medieval lane running east from
Georgian houses, Spitalfields is one of the
Bishopsgate, previously known as Artillery
oldest suburbs of the City and grew in the
Yard, it was where Henry VIII's Royal Artil-
Middle Ages around the late-twelfth-
lery Company practised until164o and
century priory and hospital of the tilesseb
features at No. 56 a 1756-built property that
!Jitgin IRan) Ritljout tiisljopgate, which
contains what many experts believe to be
came to be known as 5t !Ulan) of tlje Spital.
the finest Georgian shop-front in London.
After the priory was dissolved in 1538 the
At No. 41 is a wedge-shaped late-eighteenth-
land around the former hospital buildings,
century building which the Spitalfields Trust
the Hospital Fields (since corrupted into
bought in 1977 when the grocer's that had
Spitalfields), was built over. In 1682 Charles
been run by the same family since 1912
II granted a charter to hold a market, which
closed. When Trust members entered the
took place until the 1970s ·

property for the first time they discovered its Sunday flea market and for having
hundreds of antiquated food boxes and London's highest concentration of curry
sixty years' worth of shop displays that houses, Brick Lane has recently become the
had been serit by food manufacturers and epitome ofboho London, home to ultra
never thrown away. The property was saved, fashionable bars, cafes, 24-hour bagel
but to the horror of the Trust was converted bakeries and nightclubs, underage prosti-
into an estate agent's office, decorated with tutes from eastern Europe and Slavonic-
1980s 'period-style' fittings. looking men hawking trinkets and contra-
Bell Lane band cigarettes at street corners.
Bell Lane was the 'worst area in all London', Named after the local sixteenth-century
according to the East End News of July 1888, brick works and mostly fields in 1685 when
a time when the surrounding streets were so the poorer of the Huguenot immigrants
densely populated. there were around Boo who came to London moved here, it grew
people to the acre, compared with a capital- after Ben Truman established the Black
wide average of fifty per acre. Next to the Eagle Brewery at the junction of Brick Lane
chicken slaughterhouse on the west side of and Hanbury Street in 1724. In the nine-
the street from 1821 to 1939 stood the Jewish teenth century it became home to thousands
Free School, at one time the largest school of immigrant Jews fleeing persecution in
in the British Empire, with 4,300 pupils. eastern Europe, who crowded into the tene-
Though denominational, the establishment ments and cheap lodging houses to man the
aimed at anglicizing its pupils and ridding sweatshops of the local rag trade. The Jews'
them of their guttural European accents, unusual garb, strange accents and alien
and its alumni included the diamond customs caused much resentment from the
merchant Barney Barnato; the comic Bud local native Englishmen, the novelist and
Flanagan; the danceband leader Joe Loss; journalist Arthur Morrison complaining of
Morris 'Two-Gun' Cohen, the only non- 'German-Hebrew provision shops
, Chinaman to become a member of the [displaying] food of horrible aspect; greasy
Kuomintang, China's nationalist party; and yellow sausages, unclean lumps of batter
the novelist Israel Zangwill, the leading fried in grease; and gruesome polonies and
other nondescript preparations repellent to
Jewish writer of the late nineteenth century.
look upon'.
!no. 12, on the east side, was home in the
182osto Ikey Solomons, the Jewish 'fence' As the Jewish population began to move
away after the Second World War, Bengalis,
(receiver of stolen goods) on whom Charles
Dickens based Fagin in Oliver Twist. Twen- mostly Chittagong seamen, arrived in Brick
tieth-century renovation eradicated the Lane and soon settled into the ways of the
worst poverty and modern -day Bell Lane dwindling number of Jews, living in poverty
in the same streets, taking up similar trades,
has little to differentiate it from its
but setting up halal butchers where there
had been kosher ones, and opening curry
Brick Lane houses where there had been kosher
Brick Lane was a hotbed of villainy. restaurants. The author Salman Rushdie,
Women sold themselves for a few pence. who later set parts of The Satanic Verses in
Thieves hung about the corner of the the area, which he renamed Brickhall, was
street. In the back alleys there was garrot- fascinated by the demographic changes and
ting- East End Underworld: Chapters in wrote how: 'When people board an Air
the Life ofArthur Harding, Samuel India jet and come halfway across the
Raphael (1981) planet, they don't just bring their suitcases.
Home to successive waves of immigrants - They bring everything. And this can lead to
Huguenots, Jews, Bengalis - and famous for such strange things ... teen-age girls [with]

Levi 501s, Madonna T -shirts, spiky hair and Buxton, was the biggest brewer in the
[who] never think at all of going back to world and the air was filled with the smell of
India or Pakistan, even for a visit. And hops and yeast. The brewery closed in the
yet you find among them a willingness, 1980s and the site was redeveloped as part of
an eagerness in some cases, to have an the rejuvenation of Spitalfields.
arranged marriage. An arranged Beigel Bake, No. 159
marriage!' One offew London eateries open twenty-
Just as the Jewish immigrants had been four hours a day, seven days a week, it sells
subjected to racist attacks, so the Asian bagels filled in the traditional north Euro-
immigrants were singled out. In May 1978 pean Jewish manner- egg, salt beef, smoked
Altab Ali was chased along Brick Lane and salmon and cream cheese being the most
murdered near Aldgate East station, and on popular choices - at the cheapest possible
n June that year around 150 white youths, prices, attracting queues of customers which
mostly skinheads, rampaged down the stretch outside the door but are served with
street attacking Bengalis and smashing shop admirable speed and efficiency.
windows. During the 1980s the violence east side: Bethnal Green Road to Old
gradually abated and Asians became grudg- Montague Street
ingly accepted, if not welcomed. Tower No.92.
Hamlets council erected street signs in Urdu Until the 1990s, No. 92 was Katz's, the last
and in a much criticized move tried to Jewish shop on Brick Lane, which survived
rename the area 'Bangia Town'. Although for decades despite selling little other than
by then the main criminal activity was not bales of string.
racist violence but, ironically, turf wars No. 58
involving Asian heroin gangs, thoughts Rebecca and Morris Bloom opened their
that Brick Lane was no longer a target for first restaurant, Bloom's, at No. 58 in 1920,
racist violence were proved wrong in April building a reputation through their unique
1999 when a bomb left by a lone Nazi recipe for pickling beef. They later moved to
sympathizer exploded near the police bigger premises at 2 Brick Lane, which
station. became known as Bloom's Comer and was
Despite its long history of violence Brick destroyed in 1943 by a German bomb.
Lane continues to thrive: a bustling street byBloom's then uprooted to 90 Whitechapel
day, a restaurant centre at night, where High Street and is now in Golders Green,
waiters rush out to grab potential with a rival branch, run by a scion of the
customers, and a magnet for bargain family, in Farringdon.
hunters at weekends. ... Bloom's on Whitechapel High Street,
west side: Wentworth Street to Bethnal p. 304.
Green Road Location of 1999 Brick Lane bomb, Nos.
Ben Truman brewery (17:14-198os), north 46-48
junction with Hanbury Street A bomb planted by David Copeland, a
... the prevailing winds that gifted us all 22-year-old vigilante staging a one-man war
with the odours of Truman's Brewery: against immigrants and homosexuals,
odours you can taste, Whitechapel Made- exploded on 24 April1999 in a car parked
leine- Downriver, lain Sinclair (1991) outside the Cafe Naz curry house at 46-48
Workshops, studios, media company offices, Brick Lane, injuring six people and
furniture showrooms and cafes fill the site damaging buildings, but causing consider-
of Ben Truman's Black Eagle Brewery which ably less damage than envisaged as Cope-
opened in 1724 and soon began producing land had wrongly believed that Saturday,
some 2oo,ooo barrels of porter a year. By rather than Sunday, was the main market
1873 the extended firm, Truman, Hanbury day. He had placed the bomb in a black

Reebok sports bag on nearby Hanbury in slum areas, which resulted two years later
Street, but a passer-by picked it up and took in the first Peabody estate of forty flats and
it to Brick Lane police station. Finding it shops with laundries and baths, opening on
closed, the man put the bag in the boot of Commercial Street. There are now some
his car and began walking to Leman Street 12,000 Peabody flats in London.
police station. En route he remembered the east side: Shoreditch High Street to Went-
bomb that had recently exploded in Brixton worth Street
and stopped to phone the police which was The Ten Bells, No. 94
when the bomb exploded. According to local legend, Jack the Ripper is
~~>-Copeland's Soho bomb, p. 199; Copeland's believed to have chosen some of his victims
Brixton bomb, p. 405. at this pub where Annie Chapman, the third
Brushfield Street victim, was working as a prostitute the night
Spitalfi.elds market she was murdered. The sixth victim, Mary
Kelly, reputedly ordered her last drink here
Charles II drew up a charter in 1682 to allow
before returning home to nearby Dorset
for a market selling 'flesh, fowl and roots'.
Street, where she was murdered. The pub
Spitalfields market thrived, being extended
was briefly renamed 'The Jack the Ripper' in
in 1928 to provide storage space for new
1988 to mark the 1ooth anniversary of the
heated cellars where bananas could be kept,
~ings, selling a Ripper Tipple cocktail and
and further extensions followed the lifting
Ripper T -shirts.
of food rationing in the 1950s, resulting in
Christ Church Spitalfields, Commercial
the destruction of much of neighbouring
Street at Fournier Street
Spital Square. In the 1980s the market
The most famous and striking of Nicholas
moved to Temple Mills, Leyton and when
Hawksmoor's six surviving London
the 1928 market building was threatened
churches, its spire soaring high above Spital-
with demolition in 1987 locals campaigned
fields, Christ Church was built following the
for its retention, bringing about its conver-
Tories' Fifty New Churches Act of 1711, but
sion into a lively flea market. Plans unveiled
was not immediately popular with all archi-
at the beginning of the twenty-first century
tecture experts. Writing in 1734, James
to redevelop the site and demolish part of
Ralph claimed Christ Church was 'one of
the property resulted in the loss of some of
the most absurd piles in Europe' and
the market's vitality.
Hawksmoor retorted in kind, deriding 'Mr
~~>- Covent Garden market, p. 108.
Rafe the Critick' for using the term 'Gothick
Commercial Street Also seep. 301 to signifye every thing that displeases him,
The street was cut through the slums of as the Greeks and Romans call'd every
Spitalfields in 1845 and is now the main Nation Barbarous that were not in their way
traffic route through the area, busy at week- of Police and Education'. Many of the
ends with visitors moving between Spital- furnishings were gutted in the nineteenth
fields Market and Brick Lane. century: the original altarpiece and
west side communion table were sold in 1851 when
Peabody Buildings, Nos. 135-153 Ewan Christian, architect of the National
This was the first of the many austere blocks Portrait Gallery, renovated the church
of flats built from funds provided by George following a fire on Ash Wednesday 1836;
Peabody, the mid-nineteenth-century the side galleries and old box-pews were
American millionaire who came to England removed in the 186os; and further destruc-
and, shocked by the poverty he saw in the tion took place in the 188os.
East End, asked for a meeting with the phil- The American writer Jack London,
anthropist Lord Shaftesbury. In 1862 passing by in 1903 while researching what
Peabody set up a trust fund to ease suffering became The People of the Abyss, described

how 'in the shadow of Christ's Church I saw ably by Jack the Ripper, in her lodgings at
a sight I never wish to see again ... a mass 26 Dorset Street (a site now occupied by a
of miserable and distorted humanity, the multi-storey car park), only a few hours
sight of which would have impelled Dore to after she was heard leaving the flats singing:
more diabolical flights of fancy than he ever 'Only a violet I plucked from my mother's
succeeded in achieving'. By 1957 the church grave'. The murderer spent considerable
had become increasingly forlorn and it time mutilating Kelly's body, completely
closed for worship because of structural disembowelling her as the fire lay burning.
problems. In the mid-sixties meths drinkers By the time she was found the next day her
took over the building, and in 1978 a group body was empty, the entrails draped around
of architectural enthusiasts started cam- the room as if they were Christmas decor-
paigning for funds to restore the church. In ations. The police failed to arrest anyone
1996 English Heritage and the Heritage for the crime, much to the fury of Queen
Lottery Fund launched a scheme to renovate Victoria, who told the prime minister, the
churches and granted Christ Church £2.9 Marquess of Salisbury, 'this new most
million, which was spent on repairing the ghastly murder shows the absolute necessity
tower and spire and cleaning the south for some very decided action. All these
fa'rade to uncover the whiteness of the courts must be lit, and our detectives
stone. By 2000 the floor of the aisle galleries improved. They are not what they should
had been reinstated to Hawksmoor's orig- be.' The Ripper next struck the following
inal designs. July.
The church's imperious beauty has long ~~> Location of the seventh Jack the Ripper
captivated writers. In his 1975 collection, murder, p. 303.
Lud Heat, lain Sinclair claimed that the Elder Street
three East End Hawksmoor churches -
One of Spitalfields' best-preserved streets, its
Christ Church, St George-in-the-East and
houses were central to the 1970s campaigns
St Anne, Limehouse - 'were centres of
that led to the preservation of the area.
power for those territories; sentinel, sphinx
Nos. 30-36, west side
form, dynamos abandoned as the culture
In 1977 Douglas Blain, one of the leaders
they supported went into retreat', while
behind the campaign to preserve Georgian
the novelist Peter Ackroyd drew inspiration
Spitalfields, successfully fought to save this
for his 1985 mystery novel, Hawksmoor,
stretch of Georgian houses, which included
from the church, setting much of the book
a property that was being used as a brothel
and No. 32, the home of Mark Gertler, the
~~> Hawksmoor's St Anne, Limehouse, p. 316.
painter who in the 1930s threatened to kill
Dorset Street himself if the Spanish Civil War ended in
Now an unnamed service road between government defeat; he committed suicide
Crispin Street and Commercial Street, when the fascist leader Franco won. Blain
Dorset Street in the nineteenth century was found himself negotiating with a Polish land-
popularly known as Dosset Street, owing to lord who used two surnames, Field and
the large number of lodging houses, and was Galinsky, depending on whether he was
where Jack the Ripper killed his sixth victim, buying or selling, and bought the terrace of
Mary Kelly, in November 1888. four houses for £3,000 each before estab-
Location of the sixth Jack the Ripper lishing the Spitalfields Housing Develop-
murder, !Jlo. 26, north side so yards west of ment Trust to conduct further restoration.
Commercial Street No.7, east side
On the night of 9 November 1888 Mary Jane The campaign to prevent the destruction of
Kelly was murdered and mutilated, presum- Georgian Spitalfields became national news

in 1977 when a group of architectural they would hear in the distance noises of
historians, including Dan Cruikshank, Colin a family of Huguenot silk weavers going
Amery and Mark Girouard, squatted No.7, about their daily routine. To add to the
one of the few remaining local purpose- period charm Severs kept a pot of his own
built weaver's houses, and held an at-home urine under his bed. Despite Severs's death
to which they invited John Betjeman, the in 1999 the house is still open as before, with
poet laureate. Betjeman offered his support the format relatively unchanged, minus the
for their campaign and after much publicity founder's quirky presence.
the owners agreed to sell to the conser-
vationists. Fournier Street
Spitalfields' best street, abutted at each
Fashion Street end by religious buildings with interesting
Unicorns can't grow in Fashion Street, histories- Nicholas Hawksmoor's Christ
but boys have to -A Kid for Two Farth- Church Spitalfields at the western end; and
ings, WolfMankowitz (1955) the Jamme Masjid mosque, formerly a
An untidy side street off Brick Lane which church and synagogue, at the eastern -
Israel Zangwill, the main chronicler of the was built in the late seventeenth century
Jewish East End, described in his best- and colonized soon after by silk-making
known novel, Children of the Ghetto (1892), Huguenot refugees fleeing France (who
as a 'dull, squalid, narrow thoroughfare erected a barrier across the road to ward off
[which] a dead and gone wag called Fashion trespassers). It is lined on both sides with
Street', whose name should have been Georgian brick houses with wooden door-
swapped with Rotten Row, the smart horse- cases, segment-headed windows and
riding route in Hyde Park. In the early years keystones, the ones on the north side also
of the twentieth century Abraham Davis featuring attics built to give more light to
opened the ill-fated Moorish Market, a the weavers' looms. After the silk industry
covered arcade with 250 shops, reading died out in the nineteenth century Fournier
room and bathrooms - at a time when few Street declined socially, along with the rest
people had their own - on the north side of of Spitalfields, but the houses survived and
the street, hoping to pull trade from Petti- the street became the centrepiece of the
coat Lane, but saw his scheme fail. The 1980s regeneration of the area.
screenplay writer Wolf Mankowitz and the north side: Com'!'ercial Street to Brick Lane
playwright Arnold Wesker were both born No.3
on Fashion Street, Mankowitz in 1924, The property was used as a hairdresser's in
Wesker in 1932, and set some of their work the 1992 Neil Jordan film The Crying Game.
here. Former Market Cafe, No. 5
The cafe where the performance artists
Folgate Street
Gilbert and George, who live close by, break-
The south side of Folgate Street, north of
fasted for thirty years, even being known to
Spitalfields market, contains the best-
remove their jackets when it became uncom-
preserved stretch of Georgian houses in
fortably hot, closed amid much dismay in
September 2000.
Dennis Severs's House, No.18
Jamme Masjid mosque, Fournier Street at
An unusual museum, open on the first
Brick Lane
Sunday of every month as a performance art
The only building outside the Holy Land to
'Huguenot experience', until1999 it was
have housed the world's three major mono-
presided over by Californian artist Dennis
theistic faiths- Christianity, Judaism and
Severs, its founder, who would greet visitors
Islam- it was built in 1742 as a Huguenot
dressed in top hat and tails and invite them
chapel, the Neuve Eglise, and was one of a
to wander at will through the house, where

number oflocal places where John Wesley, decades later found that their locale had
founder of Methodism, hosted the earliest become one of the most fashionable places
Methodist covenant services in 1755. In 1819 in central London, thanks to the sur-
the property became a Methodist Chapel rounding gentrification and the influx of
and headquarters of the Christian Evan- artists into Spitalfields and Shoreditch.
gelical Society for promoting Christianity Nos. 4-6
among Jews, but in 1898 it reopened as the Built as a silk merchant's house by Marma-
Spitalfields Great Synagogue, run by the duke Smith in 1726, Nos. 4-6 - used in the
Jewish sect Machzikei Hadas V'Shomrei late-twentieth-century television version of
Shabbas ('strengtheners of the law and guar- Dava Sobel's Longitude - is grander than
dians of the Sabbath'), who refused to do most of the other properties on the street
work of any kind on the Sabbath - even and features a rusticated central doorway,
carry handkerchiefs (they tied them around carved surround, cantilevered canopy and
their waists), employing for vital tasks a full height Doric pilasters, as well as being
flunkey known by the semi-insulting decorated internally with much mahogany,
Yiddish term, the 'Shobbos Goy', who could used because the duty on the wood had
not be directly ordered but had to guess the been lifted only four years previously. By
nature of their tasks by convoluted osmosis. 1914 the property was part banana ware-
Ironically, the Machzikei found harassment house and part tenement residence, and in
not so much from gentiles but from non- 1977 it was bought by the Spitalfields Trust,
religious Jews, and in 1904, on the Day of becoming the first local house to be saved
Atonement, a day of fasting and the most from destruction at a time when Georgian
important date in the Jewish calendar, properties were being bulldozed because
worshippers taking a break from the service they were unfashionable or uninhabitable.
were pelted with bacon sandwiches by When the property went on the housing
members of a local Jewish anarchist group market in 2000 for £I million estate agents
driving a food van along the street, who in pointed out that a similar property in
turn were pelted with stones and broken Chelsea would fetch between £4 and £5
bottles by the orthodox Jews. The synagogue million pounds.
closed in 1965 and at the beginning of the No.2
1990s was converted into a mosque. Built between 1726 and 1728 as the house
.,.. Rodinsky's Room, p. 290. for the minister of the adjacent Christ
south side: Brick Lane to Commercial Street Church, it was designed not by local jobbing
Howard House, No. 14 builders, like most of Spitalfields' houses,
A 1726 weaver's house where the silk for but by Nicholas Hawksmoor, the major
Queen Victoria's Coronation gown was church builder of the period, and is the
woven. only Spitalfields house for which there are
Gilbert and George's studio (1968- ), construction records, now kept in Lambeth
N0.12 Palace.
The well-known performance artists Gilbert
Hanbury Street
Proesch and Flete George Charles Ernestine
Once an important side street of small shops
Passmore, better known as Gilbert and
and houses, it was where in 1896 the
George, moved to Spitalfields in the late
comedian and Crazy Gang stalwart Bud
196os, when the area was at its lowest ebb
Flanagan was born Reuben Weintrop at
and one of the least fashionable enclaves of
No. 12, some eight years after Jack the
the capital ('it was like walking into a book
Ripper murdered his fourth victim at
in the nineteenth century: amazing light,
No. 29. Weintrop chose for his stage name
and few people in the street, more like litera-
that of a particularly nasty sergeant-major
ture than reality', according to Gilbert), but

he had encountered during the First World co-founded Toynbee Hall, suggested demol-
War, vowing to exact revenge by turning the ishing the street and its cramped tenement
man's name into a laughing stock. blocks, a proposal which was greeted with
Location of the third Jack the Ripper widespread opposition on the grounds that
murder, !Ro. 29, north side it would make 13,000 people homeless. Abe
Mary Ann Chapman, a 47-year-old prosti- Sapperstein, the. businessman who founded
tute known as 'Dark Annie', was found the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team,
murdered and disembowelled, her head was born in Flower and Dean Street in
almost severed from her body, at the back of 1900, and two years later Jack London, the
29 &onbufl) 5tfeet on 8 September 1888, a American writer, researching East End
week after the similar murder of Mary Ann poverty in the guise of an American sailor
(Polly) Nichols on Buck's Row, down on his luck, lodged here. London had
Whitechapel. As the morning broke a huge originally looked for local accommodation
crowd gathered outside !Ro. 29, some of at Thomas Cook's on Ludgate Hill but was
them paying to be taken to an upper told: 'You can't do it you know. It is so-
window of a nearby block to gain a better ahem- so unusual. Consult the police. We
view of the spot where the body had been are not accustomed to taking travellers to
found. The following day the public, the East End; we receive no call to take them
looking for a scapegoat, turned their atten- there, and we know nothing whatsoever
tion to the local Jewish community, singling about the place at all.' London later wrote
out John Pizer, a bootmaker known as up his exploits in The People of the Abyss.
'Leather Apron', who had a reputation for
bullying prostitutes and had previously
Middlesex Street (Petticoat lane)
The Lane was the stronghold of hard-
served six months hard labour for
shell Judaism, the Alsatia of 'infidelity',
wounding. When Pizer heard that police
into which no missionary dared set foot -
had found a leather apron near Chapman's
corpse he went into hiding. But though he
The Children of the Ghetto, Israel Zangwill
was arrested he had alibis for the times at
London's most famous street market, now a
which Polly Nichols and Annie Chapman
shadow of its former self, was previously
were murdered. No one was ever appre-
Hog Lane, lined in the seventeenth century,
hended for Chapman's murder, which is
according to John Stow's Survey of London,
believed to have been the work of Jack the
with hedgerows and elm trees. Before long,
local Huguenot silk weavers were selling
.,. Location of the fourth Jack the Ripper
their wares here and the street soon
murder, p. 280.
acquired the nickname 'Petticoat Lane' on
lolesworth Close (formerly Flower and account of the silk petticoats on sale. In 1830
Dean Street) complaints about the street being named
... the ragged wretch who has never been after an item of underwear led to the auth-
taught to work ... lives in Flower and orities renaming it Middlesex Street (it
Dean Street, where the policemen walk formed the boundary between the City of
two and two, and the worst cut-throats London and the County of Middlesex), and
surround him- Work, Ford Madox by the end of the century the market was
Brown (1865) dominated by Jewish rag trade workers, its
In the nineteenth century Flower and Dean busiest day being Sunday, when 'every insa-
Street had a reputation for violence, poverty lubrious street and alley abutting it [was]
and overcrowding, and following a cholera covered with the overflowings of its com-
outbreak in the 1870s the Rev. Samuel merce and its mud', according to Israel
Barnett, the social reformer who later Zangwill. Although the modern-day market

is still crowded it sells little other than cheap north side: Wilkes Street to Brick Lane
clothes, fake jewellery and dismal toiletries, NO.l7
with discerning shoppers now heading for The 1886 birthplace of Miriam Moses, who
Camden Town, Portobello Road or Brick in 1935 became the first British woman to
Lane. become mayor of a local authority
.,. Portobello Road market, p. 459. (Stepney) .
Rodinsky's Room I Former Princelet
Norton Folgate Street synagogue, No. 19
Norton Folgate, the short stretch of main
Rodinsky's room was left as he had aban-
road linking Shoreditch High Street and
doned it: books on the table, grease-caked
Bishopsgate, is an ancient liberty - an area
pyjamas, cheap calendar, with the repro-
by the City of London but outside its juris-
duction of Millet's Angelus, fixed for ever
diction- which belonged to St Paul's
at January 1963 -Downriver, lain Sinclair
Cathedral in medieval times and took its
name from the Foliot family, one of whom,
Brought to public attention through the
Gilbert, was Bishop of London from 1163
writings of lain Sinclair and his collabor-
to n86. At No. 5 until the mid twentieth
ator, the artist Rachel Lichtenstein, No. 19,
century was the Slue <toat Sol) pub, the
built in 1718 by Samuel Worrall, master
setting for a major East End gangland show-
carpenter for Nicholas Hawksmoor, was
down on 23 December 1911 between the
inhabited by Huguenot silk weavers in the
gang led by Arthur Harding, who had
eighteenth century- their spinning wheel
already taken part in a number of shoot-
remains in the attic - and in 1869 was
outs in the Brick Lane area, and the Jewish
bought by Russian and Polish Jews who
villain lkey Bogard, a pimp who liked
built a synagogue in the garden using fur-
dressing as a cowboy, openly carried a gun
nishings made in Poland and transported to
at a time when it was still legal to do so and
London intact. The building ceased being a
ran a number of stalls on Petticoat Lane
place of worship in 1963, but caretaker
market. When the two gang leaders met
David Rodinsky, a reclusive polyglot scholar
Bogard offered Harding a drink, but the
who had lived there since the 1940s without
latter threw it and the glass at Bogard,
upgrading the furniture or decor, stayed on _
leaving his face 'looking like a map of
for six years before suddenly vanishing.
England', according to one witness. After
When workmen renovated the derelict prop-
the fight the pub's manager fled to
erty in the late 1970s they discovered a
Southend, and when Harding's gang
locked room that had been Rodinsky's
ambushed Bogard's men as they came -
refuge, piled high with 78 rpm discs, a table
out of Old Street Magistrates' <;:ourt a
laid for a meal, an opened copy of the news-
few weeks later they declared themselves
paper Israel Reborn and a calendar for
January 1963, amended to Julian time,
Princelet Street marked in cuneiform and dotted with notes
Now gentrified, Princelet Street was a about the Hittite kings. In the early 1990s,
slum at the centre of Jewish life in Spital- around the time that lain Sinclair was
fields in the nineteenth century and home at adapting fantastic tales around Rodinsky
No. 19 to a synagogue which later became into his novel Downriver, the artist Rachel
the setting for the story of Rodinsky' s Lichtenstein began collecting information
Room, turned into a book in 2000 by the on the mysterious caretaker, discovering
novelist lain Sinclair and the artist Rachel that he had died of bronchial pneumonia
Lichtenstein. aged forty-four in a Surrey mental hospital
the year he vanished. She then became
No. 19's artist-in-residence, collaborating

with Sinclair on a book about the building the bells at Fleetditch', referring to a long-
and its attendant East End myths, Rodinsky's demolished City church. Soon after
Room. The property is now the Centre for rebuilding work on St Leonard's began in
Immigration Studies. 1711 to the designs of George Dance the
south side: Brick Lane to Wilkes Street Elder the builders were sacked and replaced
No.18 by cheaper Irish labourers, which led to
Built like No. 19 by Samuel Worrall, three successive nights of local rioting. By
master carpenter for Nicholas Hawksmoor the 1960s the church had no parishioners,
(in 1723), it is enticingly set back from thanks to the depopulation of Shoreditch
the building line behind gates leading following waqime bombing, but it
to an alleyway and for much of the twen- somehow continues to survive.
tieth century was used as a beansprout ..,. Oranges and Lemons, p. 65.
Hebrew Dramatic Club (late nineteenth
Spital Square
century), Nos. 6-10 Spital Square, once the area's Georgian resi-
dential showpiece and now a sad spectacle,
The Hebrew Dramatic Club was the major
its grand houses almost entirely destroyed
local entertainments venue for Spitalfields'
and replaced by a hotchpotch of ugly build-
Jewish community in the late nineteenth
ings, was built on the site of the priofl) cmb
century, featuring a grand orchestra pit,
~ospital of St IRaq of t~e Spital in the late
library and restaurant, but on 18 January
seventeenth century and soon inhabited by
1887 seventeen people were crushed to death
silk merchants. In 1891 the City of London
after a false cry of 'fire' was made during a
Girls School was built here, and in the 1920s
performance of the Hurvitz operetta, Gypsy
the Corporation of London demolished the
Princess. The Jewish Chronicle, far from
eastern side to extend Spitalfields market.
being sympathetic, blamed the tragedy on
The western and northern sides followed
Yiddish-speaking Jews keeping themselves
the east side into obliteration when the
in ~persistent isolation' and warned fellow
Co-operative Wholesale Society later built
Jews to 'avoid such performances of
a fruit warehouse, and by the 1960s the
strolling minstrels acting in the jargon
[and] hasten the process of"Anglicising" '. remaining silk merchants' houses had been
vacated or were being squatted by tramps.
After the fire the actors left for America,
The properties were subsequently served
where many became major players in the
with compulsory purchase orders and all
emerging film industry. There is a relief of a
cello in the pavement outside the house to save Nos. 20 and 37 were demolished, with
No. 20 itselflater destroyed by the GLC.
mark the site.
Ironically, the market building, which had
Shoreditch High Street been the cause of some of the destruction,
The start of the Romans' route out of the was demolished within twenty years. Over
City of London towards Lincoln, it is domi- the centuries excavation work has
nated by wholesale shoe warehouses and uncovered various findings. including a
packing factories but contains no trace of cache of Roman urns, coins and bones, and
the recent arrival of artists into Shoreditch. recently, on the south side of the square,
St Leonard evidence of a large reservoir which acted as
Although the church, which has stood by the main water supply to the priory, rubbish
the junction of the Romans' Ermine Street pits, and the remains of small timber and
and the route from Clerkenwell to Hackney stone buildings.
since the twelfth century, features in the
nursery rhyme 'Oranges and Lemons', the
original words were 'When I grow rich, Say

his policy and erected a sign proclaiming:

(iv) Stepney
The name given to much of the East End ADMISSION'. In 1874 he opened a photo-
until1900 when the borough of Stepney was graphic department at the home, to take
created (it was abolished in 1965), Stepney is pictures of every child on arrival and then
now a small East End enclave between Mile several months later, when they had recov-
End Road and Commercial Road which, ered from life on the street. He sold the
because of its lack of riverfront or proximity photos as 'before' and 'after' cards in packs
to the City, has missed out on the gentrifica- of twenty to raise the homes' public profile
tion that has occurred elsewhere in the East and bring in money. By the time Barnardo
End and now contains some of the most died in 1905 he had rescued some 6o,ooo
deprived communities in Britain, inhabited destitute children.
mostly by immigrants from the Indian
subcontinent. The name Stepney is derived (v) Tower Hill
from the Saxon warlord Stibba and it was a
land of market gardens until the late eigh- The Tower of London and the land immedi-
teenth century when houses were built and ately outside its walls, the Tower Liberty,
colonized by Jewish immigrants, leading the came under the jurisdiction of the building
Bishop of Stepney to complain that its in medieval times, which gave locals certain
churches would be 'left like islands in the advantages, such as being excused jury
midst of an alien sea'. The bishop was service and most taxes. In 1900 the land
supported by the local MP, Major Evans- became part of the Borough of Stepney
Gordon, who moved an amendment to the (now Tower Hamlets).
Queen's Speech in which he argued that
Tower Hill
these 'strangers from abroad' were taking
Tower Hill, where every spring Druids cele-
homes, jobs and school-places from the
brate the Equinox, was used by locals in the
natives. Evans-Gordon helped form the
Middle Ages as a dumping ground until the
British Brothers League to campaign against
Tower authorities complained of contami-
Jewish immigration, which in turn led to the
nated possessions left there during the Black
passing of the Aliens Act of 1905 curtailing
Death of the fourteenth century. In 1381
further immigration. The rise of the Nazi
rebels taking part in the Peasants' Revolt
party in Germany in the 1930s brought more
broke into the Tower, dragged out Sir
refugees, but during the Second World War
Robert Hales, the Chancellor, responsible
one third of Stepney's properties were
for enforcing the poll tax, and took him to
destroyed by bombs. Subsequent redevelop-
Tower Hill, where they killed him by
ment has not been kind, resulting in a
hacking away until 'being mangled with
landscape of ugly, barely habitable council
eight several strokes in the neck and head,
he fulfilled most worthy martyrdom'. Hales
Stepney Causeway was the first public figure to be put to death
Dr Thomas Barnardo, an Irish medical here, and before long Tower Hill was being
missionary, set up his first home for desti- used for executions such as (iri 1535) that of
tute boys in 1870 at mo. 1s under the Thomas More, who refused to accept the
patronage of Lord Shaftesbury and limited Act of Supremacy which made Henry VIII
the number of inmates to twenty-five until a head of the English church, and (in 1540)
boy called John Somers, who had been told that of Thomas Cromwell, who organized
the home was full, was found dead from the separation of the English church from
exposure a few days later by a porter at Rome and dissolved the monasteries.
Billingsgate market. Barnardo then changed When the notoriously unreliable

executioner Jack Ketch tried to execute the palace was James I (1603-25), and after the
Duke of Monmouth on Tower Hill in 1685 execution of Charles I in 1649 the Tower
his first blow caused only a slight wound was mostly abandoned. As the complex
and even after his second the duke's head attained its present appearance so its role as
refused to budge. Eventually the executioner a prison and state fortress diminished,
had to call for a knife to complete the decapi- revived only during times of political crisis
tation, but when the headless duke was such as the Chartist riots of the 1840s and
taken to the Tower the authorities, realizing the First and Second World Wars when it
that no official portrait of him existed, asked received its last inmate, the Nazi deputy
the royal surgeon to stitch the head back on leader Rudolph Hess.
and tie a white cravat around the neck to
make him look more appealing so that his
(vi) Wapping
portrait could be painted. The portraitist,
William Wissing, had twenty-four hours to Occupying an isolated V-shaped peninsula
complete his work before the body started at the southern tip of the East End,
decomposing. The picture now hangs in the Wapping, named after a Saxon warlord,
National Portrait Gallery. W eappa, was developed from the eighteenth
Tower of London century through boat-building and riverside
If the King finds out that you are not a trade carried out at the local wharves, ware-
lady, the police will take you to the Tower houses and docks. It was for centuries the
of London, where your head will be cut place where sailors and immigrants bound
off as a warning to other presumptuous for London landed and many of its houses
flower girls - My Fair Lady, Lerner and were filled with maritime paraphernalia -
Loewe (1956) model ships, quadrants, chronometers and
London's oldest collection of buildings and huge compasses. Unlike other parts of the
its principal tourist attraction, which has East End, Wapping never attracted a middle
been palace, prison, mint, armoury, class, even during its seafaring heyday,
observatory and menagerie, dates back to because people were dissuaded from living
1078 when William the Conqueror built a locally by the sight of pirates being hanged
small timber castle (now the White Tower) in public by the river edge and left on the
on what was Bryn Gwyn, a sacred pagan site gallows until three tides had washed over
where Bran, the crow god, was allegedly them. The most famous,pirate to be hanged
buried, as a show of strength, a symbol of at Execution Dock was the mercenary
security for locals, and a warning to Captain (William) Kidd in May 1701, his
miscreants. final message to the crowd warning all ship-
Richard I was responsible for construct- masters to learn from his fate.
ing more towers and increasing the size of In the early nineteenth century thousands
the enclosed estate and Henry III and of houses were demolished for the building
Edward I further fortified the Tower in the of London Docks (1805) and St Katharine's
thirteenth century, when many of its famous Dock (1828), which created a new indus-
buildings, including the Beauchamp Tower, trialized Wapping that thrived until the
were erected. Edward IV made the Tower Second World War, when they were
the centre of his court in the 1470s and bombed. Although the docks were patched
Henry VIII added a range of timber-framed up, they dosed in the late sixties, leaving
buildings which after the Reformation came Wapping a forlorn and forgotten place until
in useful as prisons for dealing with non- the 1980s redevelopment when the bonded
compliant religious figures, such as Thomas warehouses by the river were converted to
More. luxury flats taken up by City workers and
The last monarch to use the Tower as a even celebrities (most notably the American

Tower of London glossary Clarence', according to Shakespeare), was

Beauchamp Tower Named after Thomas incarcerated in the Bowyer Tower after
Beauchamp, a fourteenth-century inmate, being accused of high treason and drowned
it was often used to hold prisoners of high here in 1478 in a butt of malmsey wine.
rank. Those jailed here include Thomas Brick Tower The Elizabethan explorer and
More, Henry VIII's Lord Chancellor; the poet Sir Walter Ralegh was sent to the Brick
Elizabethan explorer Sir Walter Ralegh; and Tower in 1592 for seducing one of the
the diarist Samuel Pepys. queen's maids of honour but lived a fairly
Beefeaters The Tower is patrolled by comfortable life, lodging with his cousin, the
Yeoman warders known as Beefeaters (a Master of the Ordnance.
name that may have been derived from the Byward Tower The main entrance through
French buffetier, food taster), established in the outer walls, built at the end of the thir-
1485 as Henry VIII's bodyguard, who are dad teenth century.
in scarlet and gold dress uniforms and armed Ceremony of the Keys Every night the
with a halberd, or pike, known as a partisan. 70o-year-old Ceremony of the Keys takes
The chiefYeo man Warder carries a staff place in the Tower during which the chief
topped by a silver model of the White Tower. Yeoman Warder locks the West Gate,
Bell Tower Elizabeth Tudor (later Elizabeth Middle Tower and Byward Tower and is
I) was imprisoned here for three months in challenged at the Bloody Tower by a sentry
1554 for allegedly taking part in a plan to whom he tells he is bringing 'Queen Eliza-
depose her half-sister, the devoutly Catholic beth's Keys'. At the end of the ceremony at
Queen Mary. Guy Fawkes and his fellow 10 p.m. the Yeoman Warder raises his
conspirators involved in the 1605 Tudor bonnet and proclaims: 'God preserve
Gunpowder Plot were interrogated in the Queen Elizabeth', to which the guard
Bell Tower before their trial at Westminster responds 'Amen' and a bugler sounds the
Hall. The diarist Samuel Pepys staged an Last Post.
epic treasure hunt in the basement in 1662 Chapel Royal of St Peter ·ad Vincula (Peter
and with permission from Charles II dug up in Chains) The oldest chapel royal in
the floor looking for £5o,ooo in gold suppos- England, it burned down in 1512 and was
edly buried in butter churns. After fifteen rebuilt three years later. Most of those
hours they gave up, none the richer. executed on Tower Hill and Tower Green,
Bloody Tower (Garden Tower) Built including Lady Jane Grey and the Scottish
c. 1400 and named the Garden Tower after Lords who took part in the unsuccessful
the Constable's private garden, it was where Jacobite Rebellion ofi745, are buried here.
in 1483 the twelve-year-old Edward V and Devereux Tower Named after Robert
his brother Richard, Duke of York, the Devereux, Earl of Essex, who was
so-called Princes in the Tower, were last imprisoned here by Elizabeth I in 1601
seen before being murdered, after which before being executed.
the Garden Tower became known as the Lanthom Tower Built in the 1220s, it gained
'Bloody Tower'. In 1674 two skeletons, its name from the night-time lantern placed
believed to be those of the boys, were found in the small turret of the roof to guide ships
in the White Tower, placed in an urn, and on the river.
reburied in Westminster Abbey. They were ~ion ~otuer The !!ion tower, which stood
forensically examined in 1933 but could not from 1200 to 1834 on the site of the
be definitely identified. present-day ticket office and refreshment
Bowyer Tower Edward IV's brother, the room, was the home of the Royal
Duke of Clarence ('false, fleeting, perjured Menagerie, founded in 1235 when the Holy

Roman Emperor gave Henry III three country and assume the government was
leopards. At one time a polar bear donated negotiating for peace. When the prime
by the king of Norway was kept on a chain minister, Winston Churchill, heard the
so that it could fish in the Thames without news of Hess's capture he rel!lembered
being able to escape. The collection was more pressing matters and announced:
moved to London Zoo in 1828. 'Hess, or no Hess, I am going to see the
Martin Tower The Martin Tower was Marx Brothers.' The VIP prisoner was later
where Colonel Blood and others tried to sent to Aldershot and after the war was held
steal the Crown Jewels in 1671. Blood hid in Spandau Prison, Berlin. Military experts
the crown under his cloak while an accom- have since argued at length over whether
plice secreted the orb and another filed the Hess was acting unilaterally, had arrived to
sceptre in half, but they were eventually make peace, had been set up by the Nazis,
disturbed and captured. Nevertheless, was acting under the orders of the KGB, or
Charles II pardoned them and even con- even whether he really was the former
ferred a pension on Blood, leading some to deputy FUhrer.
suppose that the king had set up the StJohn's Chapel The oldest intact church
robbery, or that Blood had incriminating in England, StJohn's Chapel was built in
information on Charles. Henry Percy, the 1078 by Gandulf, Bishop of Rochester, and
9th Earl of Northumberland, known as the renovated in 1241. On the eve of his coro-
'Wizard Earl' because of his enthusiasm for nation Henry IV chose forty-six followers
scientific experiments, was imprisoned in to be spiritually cleansed in the baths
the Martin Tower for being one of Guy adjoining the chapel and as the men
Fawkes's Gunpowder Plotters and while washed, the king made the sign of the
incarcerated here carried out considerable cross on their back and knighted them, thus
renovations, having paths, a sundial and initiating the Ceremony of the Bath. Mary
even a bowling alley built in the garden out- Tudor was married to Philip of Spain by
side. Eleven German spies were shot outside proxy in the chapel in March 1554, the real
the Martin Tower in the First World War. wedding being held four months later in
Queen's House Built in 1530 as the Lieu- Winchester Cathedral.
tenant's Lodgings and renamed the Queen's StThomas's Tower Built in the thirteenth
House in 188o, it was where Anne Boleyn century, it contains a small chapel dedicated
was held for eighteen days in 1536 prior to to Thomas aBeckett, murdered at prayer in
her execution for adultery and where Guy Canterbury Cathedral, and was where Roger
Fawkes was interrogated following his arrest Casement, the Irish nationalist who spied
in 1605 for taking part in the Gunpowder for the Germans during the First World
Plot against Parliament. War, was imprisoned, before being hanged
Ravens Legend has it that should the Tower at Pentonville.
ravens fly away the kingdom will fall. Just to Salt Tower Previously known as Julius
be on the safe side the authorities dip the Caesar's Tower, it was built by Henry III
birds' wings. c. 1235 and used as a prison for Jesuits. The
Rudolph Hess The last prisoner held in the walls contain a number of inscriptions
Tower, Hess, deputy leader of the Nazis, including a diagram cut in stone for casting
was incarcerated here from 17 to 21 May 1941 horoscopes and carved body parts
after parachuting into Scotland without symbolizing the wounds of Christ.
warning and being taken to the Foreign Tower Green The scaffold was erected on
Office in London amid the tightest security, Tower Green for beheading public figures
lest the public discover that he was in the such as Anne Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey

whose public execution might have incited singer Cher) looking for an unusual
a riot. The timber houses on the site were metropolitan bolthole. Despite the influx of
built c. 1520. money the locale is still swamped by an all-
Traitors Gate Most prisoners held in the pervading eeriness and solitude that is
Tower arrived by boat, rather than on the unusual for inner London and Wapping has
muddy cart tracks to the north, and entered failed to return to its dock-era dynamism.
through Traitors Gate.
Wakefield Tower Named after William de LONDON LINE
W akefi.eld, the King's Clerk in the 1340s, the
Wakefield Tower was where state records
were kept from 1360 and where on 21 May on the network, Marc Brunet's 1843
1461 Henry VI was murdered at prayer. On Tunnel, originally a pedestrian
the anniversary of Henry's death, staff of the linking Wapping and Rotherhithe,
two institutions he founded - Eton College began taking trains between White-
and King's College, Cambridge- place and Surrey Docks from 1869, being
flowers in the Tower. north to Spitalfields (Shoreditch
Waterloo Barracks The gangsters Ronnie in 1876. Four years later the line
and Reggie Kray enlisted for national ser- extended south, taking trains to Croy-
vice in March 1952 at the Tower's Waterloo
army barracks, but walked out after
listening to their corporal's welcoming were created at New Cross and
speech, telling the amazed corporal: 'We Cross Gate stations. In the 1990s the
don't care for it here. We're off home to see
our mum.' new Canada Water station, which
Wellington Barracks Home of the Crown held up while English Heritage ensured
Jewels, which mostly date back to the restor- Brunet's original tunnel was not
ation of the throne in 1660, and which . In the early twenty-first century
include the crown made in 1837 for the Coro- were announced to extend the line
nation of the eighteen-year-old Victoria, -west of Shoreditch station and link
since worn by the monarch at each state
opening of Parliament.
London's least-used tube
White Tower The oldest part of the Tower,
built from 1078 to 1097, and therefore
London's oldest building, it was renamed
the White Tower after being whitewashed
in 1240. Some thirty years later London's
1lte1chap41!1l Until 2000 the line's only
Jewish community, which numbered fewer
with the rest of the network.
than a thousand, was imprisoned in the
Named after the new town to
crypt on charges of coin-clipping, some 260
north of Wapping which was
Jews later being executed here. Richard II,
in the seventeenth century by
coerced into giving up the throne, signed his
abdication statement in the White Tower in
1399· Henry VIII briefly lived in the White
Tower in the early 1530s and Guy Fawkes
The station is located at the
was shackled by his ankles and wrists in the
end of Marc Brunet's 1820 foot
tower's dungeon, 'Little Ease', after the
Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

The station is located at the

~h.oorhl~h,llll The 'Call On'
end of the first Thames tunnel. Dock work, the most arduous job in
Water The newest station on the London (given the absence of coalmines),
and a link with the Jubilee Line. was reliant on casual labour hired by the
Quays Previously Surrey Docks, dock foreman, who )Vielded tyrannical
after the nine south London docks power and took his pick of labourers at the
opened here in 1807. _ 'Call On' outside the main dock gates,
Cross Gate One of two termini, half a where thousands would gather looking for
work once a ship had arrived in the port
The other local terminus on and needed unloading. When the hiring
Road. began, the men would rush towards the
foreman, shouting his name, or calling out
their own names, and they would scuffle
with each other to gain ground. Some
Asher Way
would triumph by a look or a wink, others
~••• ~•eki, south of Pennington Street,
would scream for all their worth and still be
between Thomas More Street and Wapping
ignored, and those who were turned away
(the majority) had to return later in the
The docks nearest to central London,
hope of being picked, which prevented them
designed by John Rennie and opened on
searching for work elsewhere. It was also
31 January 1805 to accommodate the
known that the foremen were open to bribes
growing volume of trade in the Port of
in the form of a few drinks the night before
London and prevent traders from avoiding
a ship was due in and that many of them
paying duty, enjoyed a twenty-one-year
were in the pay of gangs, such as the Watney
monopoly on tobacco, rice and wine
Street mob from Shadwell.
imported on all routes except those covered
A labour market dominated by casual,
by the East India Company. Henry Mayhew,
unskilled work did little for the
founder of Punch, who visited J!onbon ~ods
community's sense of its own worth. Wages
in 1850, wrote how the quay was
were low and irregular and women were
filled with men whose faces were 'blue with
forced into the worst-paid and most menial
indigo [alongside] gaugers, with their long
jobs to supplement the family income. In
brass-tipped rules dripping with spirit from
1889, during the biggest of the various dock
the cask, a group of flaxen-haired sailors
strikes, the dockers carried poles topped
chattering in German, a black sailor with a
with rotting fish heads - what they claimed
cotton handkerchief twisted turban-like
was their main diet- through the City
round his head, a blue-smocked butcher,
demanding wages of 6d an hour ('the
with fresh meat and a bunch of cabbages in
dockers' tanner') and a minimum working
the tray on his shoulder; and a mate with
period of half a day. They received much
green parakeets in a wooden cage'. J!onbon
public sympathy, people blaming the inept
~ods closed in 1969 and five years later the
dock companies for the chaos, and received
water was drained (scores of vehicles,
donations totalling £24,000. Ten years later
mostly stolen, were lifted from the empty
the individual dock companies were abol-
dock), the excavations were filled in, new
ished and the Port of London Authority was
flats were built alongside, and an orna-
founded, leading to some improvement in
mental canal was created to maintain the
working conditions .
water theme .
... East India Docks, p. 264.
... East and West India Docks, p. 263-4. _j

Garnet Street one of London's oldest routes, dating back

Garnet Street, which connects the Highway some 2,ooo years, and was originally a
and the Thames, was originally New Gravel Roman Pretorian Way connecting the lake
Lane, where sand dug from pits in Dalston fort, Llyndin, with the gravel spur by the
was deposited on its way to the riverside river at Ratcliff ('red cliff). In the mid
works. The pawnbrokers and pubs that sixteenth century it was lined with hedges
lined the street in its seafaring heyday have and 'long rows of elme and other trees', but
long since vanished, replaced by small, by the time John Stow came to write his
burrow-like council houses. Survey of London in 1598 it had degenerated
Location of the second Ratcliff Highway into a 'filthy strait passage with alleys of
murders, Jto. 81, west side small tenements'.
On 19 December 1811 the Williamsons, who As maritime trade increased, Ratcliff
ran the King's Arms pub at 81 New Gravel Highway became the point where, according
Lane (now Garnet Street), were killed by an to The Annual Register of 1763, 'dissolute
unknown assailant in the second set of the sailors, blackmailing watermen, rowdy
so-called Ratcliff Highway murders twelve fishermen, stock-fish hawkers, quarrelsome
days after the Marr family of nearby chairmen, audacious highwaymen, sneak
29 Ratcliff Highway had been murdered in thieves and professional cheats', disem-
the middle of the night, possibly by the barking from boats at Ratcliff Cross, could
same assailant. During the attack, one of enjoy their first shore leave after weeks on
the lodgers, John Turner, made his way the water, visiting the street's brothels, beer
out of an upper window, shouting as he .houses and gin palaces.
descended: 'Murder! Murder! ... they are In 1811 the road's reputation as a centre of
murdering the people in the house!', and depravity was underlined by the savage and
when a crowd forced their way in they motiveless murder of the Marr family of
found Williamson at the foot ofthe stairs Jto. 29 in the first of the so-called Ratcliff
with his throat cut and his wife and maid Highway murders. The horrific nature of
upstairs bleeding to death, their throats cut, the crimes made Ratcliff Highway the most
too. The alarm went out through the- district notorious street in the capital- a status it
and police launched a huge manhunt, held until the even more gruesome Jack the
resulting in John Williams, who had been Ripper murders took place in other parts of
Marr's shipmate, being charged with the the East End at the end of the century- but
murders. Williams committed suicide in the little changed over the following decades.
House of Correction at Cold Bath Fields, According to Charles Dickens in Sketches by
Clerkenwell before he could be tried. Boz (1837 ), Ratcliff Highway was a 'reservoir
... Location of the first Ratcliff Highway of dirt, drunkenness and drabs', and nearly
murders, p. 299. thirty years later in Our Mutual Friend the
home of Gaffer Hexham was 'down by
The Highway (former Ratcliff Highway) Ratcliff ... where accumulated scum of
As I was walking along Ratcliff Highway I humanity seemed to be washed from higher
a recruiting party came beating my way I
ground'. A few years later a police officer
They enlisted me and treated me 'til I did
talking to James Greenwood, researching his
not know I And to the Queen's barracks
book The Wilds of London, complained how
they forced me to go' - 'The Deserter',
'at times it is unsafe for our men to peram-
Fairport Convention (1969)
bulate it except in a gang of three. They'd
Now little more than a speedway track for have the hair off a man's head if they could
vehicles leaving the City and the setting for get a penny a pound for it.'
some of the worst violence perpetrated in To rid the street of its stigma its name
the history of the capital, The Highway is was changed in the late nineteenth century

to St George Street, and in 1937 to The proclaiming: 'Fifty Pounds Reward. Horrid
Highway, while slum clearance and Second Murder!', and such was the outrage at the
World War bombing removed many of its killings that 100 guineas, later increased by
buildings, including 9lo. 29, which were the government to 500 guineas, was offered
replaced by shabby estates set back behind for information.
grass verges. In 1986 the road became the Twelve days later another similar killing
scene of violent clashes outside Rupert spree took place a little further east on New
Murdoch's News International plant when Gravel Lane (p. 298), and police eventually
printers who had lost their jobs following arrested a sailor, John Williams, who had
the removal of The Times, Sunday Times, been a shipmate of Marr, at the Pear Tree
Sun and News of the World to Wapping pub on nearby Cinnamon Street. Williams
clashed with the police. was charged with the murders, but com-
.,. Fleet Street, p. 41. mitted suicide in the House of Correction
i1~tmm~'i, Nos. 179-180, north side, oppo- at Cold Bath Fields, Clerkenwell (p. 71)
site Artichoke Hill before he could be tried. His corpse was
London's foremost nineteenth-century then dragged through the streets of
store for the purchase of exotic animals was Wapping on a cart which stopped outside
founded by a German, Charles Jamrach, 29 9latdiff t)ig~Wa1) for a quarter of an hour
and was the only place in the capital where and came to a halt at the junction of Cable
the casual buyer could obtain, for instance, Street and Cannon Street Road, a crossroads
a lion, no questions asked. The store's wild being the traditional site for those whose
animals, which also included elephants and destiny was uncertain. There, hundreds
monkeys, were kept in the yard on Betts watched as the corpse, a stake driven
Street, while the main part of the shop held through the heart to exorcize the devil, was
curios assembled from around the globe thrown into a hole. Around 100 years later
including a jewelled buddha, Javanese the body was exhumed and mutilated, after
pottery, Burmese temple bells and Japanese which the bones were shared out among
medicine chests. The store is featured in the criminologists searching for forensic clues,
literature of the period, being the London and the landlord of the Crown and Dolphin
home of an escaped wolf in Bram Stoker's at the junction where Williams was cast to
Dracula. the ground kept the skull as a souvenir.
... Exploits of a 3amfac~'s tiger on Commer- ... Location of the second Ratcliff Highway
cial Road, p. 280. murders, p. 298.
Location of the first Ratcliff Highway
murders, !Jlo. 29, south side, opposite Betts
Pennington Street
News International
The headquarters of Rupert Murdoch's
The so-called Ratcliff Highway murders, the
News International group of papers- The
most notorious London killings of the early
nineteenth century, began on the night of
Times, Sunday Times, Sun and News of the
7 December 1811 when just before midnight
World- was built in the early 1980s amid
some of the most intense security ever seen
the householder and shop-owner, Timothy
at an industrial plant. Murdoch, aware of
Marr, sent his maid, Margaret Jewell, to buy
the controversial nature of introducing new
oysters. Unable to find any, Jewell returned
technology at the expense of the traditional
home, and found the house in darkness, to
print unions and their Fleet Street base,
her surprise. Her knocks alerted the neigh-
took every precaution. The Wapping site
bours who came out to help, and when they
was ringed with razor wire and a 12-ft high
gained entrance they found Marr, his wife,
steel fence and monitored by searchlights
baby and assistant dead, their throats cut.
and dosed-circuit cameras. Computer
Posters went up throughout the vicinity

equipment was smuggled in and installed in quarter. 'Not a wery nice neighbourhood,
a room guarded by electronic security, all this, Sir,' said Sam, with a touch of the
mail was considered to be a potential letter hat, which always preceded his entering
bomb and scrupulously checked, and all into conversation with his master. 'It is
documents produced in the office, even not indeed, Sam,' replied Mr. Pickwick,
shorthand notes, were immediately surveying the crowded and filthy street
shredded after use. Staff were warned to through which they were passiJ!g - The
beware of car bombs, to check their vehicles Pickwick Papers, Charles Dickens (1837)
carefully as they left work and to continue A busy part of the East End, taking in the
being vigilant when they arrived home. 'To market streets to the east of Petticoat Lane,
ward off undesirables,' they were told, the Whitechapel Waste shopping stretch,
'remove or trim trees and shrubs near the the sweatshops of the local rag trade
house to minimize the possibility of industry and the brightly lit curry cafes
concealment.' around New Road, Whitechapel takes its
On Friday 24 January 1986 the first jour- name from the white stones used to build
nalists were bused into the plant past the the chapel of St !Jlttf1) !Jlatfelon, which
pickets and through electronically stood near Aldgate East station and was
controlled front gates beyond which they demolished in 1952 after Second World War
were photographed and issued with identity bombing.
passes that gave them access only to their Its history has been one of poverty, depri-
own news room - each clinically white, vation and violence, much of it directed at
open plan, fluorescent-lit and devoid of the immigrants- Irish, German, Jewish and
Fleet Street ephemera of leather armchairs, more recently Bengali. In 1736 there were
piles of newspapers, dog-eared dictionaries anti-Irish riots, during which a circus strong
and tea cups. The pickets maintained their man, Enoch Foster, ripped up floorboards
vigil throughout the winter, which had a and hurled them through the windows of
demoralizing effect on Murdoch staff who homes owned by Catholics. In 1742 John
had to go into work every day past jeering Wesley, the founder of Methodism, was
and cat-calling. Public opinion, which had pelted with eggs while preaching locally and
grudgingly supported Murdoch at a time of was struck between the eyes with a stone by
disillusionment with trade unionism, began opponents who tried to set a herd of cows
to turn against him. Murdoch cleverly on him, Wesley noting in his diary that the
outmanoeuvred his detractors, offering the 'brutes ... were wiser than their masters'.
sacked print workers and journalists who And in the late 188os a number of prosti-
had refused to go to Wapping the old Times tutes were brutally murdered by the
plant on Gray's Inn Road as an office for a unknown assailant Jack the Ripper- whose
new left-of-centre trade union-friendly news- crimes are still the most notorious killings
paper, even though surprisingly he was in London history.
turned down. Alongside the violence was poverty. John
.,. Fleet Street, p. 41. Hollingshead, in his 1861 survey of local
conditions, felt that the district should go by
Wapping High Street
'its more appropriate name of Blackchapel
See River Thames.
. .. overflowing with dirt, and misery, and
rags', where the children 'dart about the
(vii) Whitechapel roads with naked, muddy feet; slink into
corners to play with oyster-shells and pieces
... away went the coach up Whitechapel,
of broken china, or are found tossing half-
to the admiration of the whole popu-
pennies under the arches of a railway', while
lation of that pretty densely populated
the Revd Samuel Barnett, when offered the

local parish of St Jude's in 1873, was told by Commercial Street Also seep. 285
the Bishop of London that Whitechapel was Toynbee Hall, No. 28, east side
the 'worst district in London, containing a The social reformer Canon Samuel Barnett
large population of Jews and thieves'. opened a mission hall named after Arnold
During the twentieth century conditions Toynbee, the Oxford economist and social
continued to be among the most deprived reformer who had worked in Whitechapel,
in Britain and though Second World War in 1884, running it in the style of an Oxford
bombing destroyed many of the worst College, with a range of educational and
houses they were replaced by similar social activities as well as accommodation.
deprivation. Hall staff helped Charles Booth research
what became Life and Labour of the People of
Cavell Street
The side street, which runs south from the
London (1889), the work that inspired the
London Hospital, commemorates the early- authorities to combat the worst of the local
twentieth-century nurse Edith Cavell, who poverty, and a number of influential groups
-among them the Workers' Education
trained locally and moved to Brussels to
become head of nursing at the Rue de la Association (in 1903) and the Youth Hostel
Culture in 1906. When the First World War Association (1931)- were established here,
staff at various times including William
broke out in 1914 Cavell stayed in Belgium,
Beveridge, the welfare state pioneer, who
treating wounded allied soldiers and helping
smuggle allied prisoners to safety. Dis- was sub-warden from 1903 to 1905, and
covered by the Germans in August 1915, Clement Attlee, 1940s Labour prime
minister, who was secretary from 1910 to
she was arrested and sentenced to death.
1911. Quentin Crisp, the flamboyant homo-
~ London Hospital, p. 306.
sexual, posed naked for art students in the
Chicksand Street hall in the 1930s (hence the title of his well-
One of a number of depressed streets known autobiography, The Naked Civil
between Brick Lane and Vallance Road, Servant). John Profumo, the 1960s Tory war
Chicksand Street was where Bram Stoker, secretary implicated in the Christine Keeler
author of Dracula, briefly stayed in the late scandal, rebuilt his public profile by
nineteenth century at No. 197, using it as becoming involved with the hall's charity
one of the London addresses where the work.
vampire count sends his boxes in the novel. .,. Profumo Scandal, p. 157.
In the 1920s ChickSand Street was home to
Durward Street
Isaac Glassman's coal depot and there he,
Location of the second Jack the Ripper
his daughter, Minnie, and her husband,
murder, south side of road, east of railway
Edgar Lansbury, son of the Labour poli-
tician George, secreted the Crown Jewels of
Mary Ann Nichols, a 44-year-old prostitute,
Russia, which the communists had origin-
was found murdered on Durwar4 Street
ally hidden under the Kremlin before taking
(then Buck's Row), to the north ofWhite-
them to London. When the jewels were sold
chapel station, at around 3·45 a.m. on
in the 1920s Glassman offered the proceeds
31 August 1888. Being the second murder
to George Lansbury to help fund his Daily
of a prostitute in the vicinity that year, it
Herald newspaper, but the latter rejt:cted the
caused panic among the public, but there
offer. The jewels are now on display in the
were no witnesses, no weapon, nor any
clues. The murder was later attributed to
~ Dracula in Hampstead, pp. 360, 362 and 363.
Jack the Ripper.
.,. Location of the third Jack the Ripper murder,
p. 289.

Fieldgate Street festival times with a 'pandemonium of

Tower House (Former Rowton House) caged poultry, ducking and quacking, and
The best [lodging houses] are the Rowton cackling and screaming. Fowls and geese
Houses, where the charge is a shilling, and ducks were bought alive, and taken to
for which you get a cubicle to yourself, have their throats cut for a fee by the official
and the use of excellent bathrooms. The slaughterers.' On the night that Jack the
Rowton Houses are splendid buildings, Ripper claimed his fourth and fifth victims,
and the only objection to them is the strict 30 September 1888, a policeman discovered
discipline, with rules against cooking, card graffiti on the wall of Wentworth Model
playing, etc.- Down and Out in Paris and Buildings, on the east side, which read: 'The
London, George Orwell (1933) Juwes [sic] are not the men That will be
One of six fearsome-looking lodging houses Blamed for nothing', and on the ground
built by the philanthropist Montague Wil- below the graffiti a fragment from the apron
liam Lowry-Corry (Lord Rowton), Benjamin of Catherine Eddowes, the fifth victim.
Disraeli's private secretary, to provide cheap To prevent a pogrom the police wiped the
and dean accommodation for working words from the wall of the block which, at
men new to London, Rowton House was that time, was inhabited by many Jews, but
described by the American social commen- failed to photograph the wall for their
tator Jack London as 'the Monster Doss records. Twenty years later Sir Robert
House' in The People of the Abyss, his 1903 Anderson, the Assistant Commissioner of
account of East End poverty. But for much of Police at the time of the Ripper murders,
the twentieth century it was considered to be explained how officers had been 'certain
one of the best places of its kind in London, that the murderer was a low-class foreign
as George Orwell noted in Down and Out in Jew. It is a remarkable fact that people of
Paris and London. The building's most that class in the East End will not give up
famous inmate was Joseph Stalin, the future one of their number to gentile justice.' Or
Soviet leader, who as a 28-year-old stayed as the Jewish commentator Chaim Bermant
here in 1907 during the London-based fifth later explained: 'If Jack the Ripper was a
congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Jew then one can be fairly certain that his
Labour Party, the organization that gave fellows would have kept quiet about it, for
rise to the revolutionary Bolsheviks, occupy- the simple reason that the whole
ing a cubicle alongside Maxim Litvinov, who community could have been held culpable
became the Bolsheviks' representative in for his deeds.'
London at the time of the Russian Revol- .,. The Jack the Ripper murders, p. 276.
ution and later Soviet ambassador to Wash-
Gunthorpe Street
ington. Tower House dosed in the 1990s and
Location of the first Jack the Ripper
the building is now awaiting redevelopment
murder, Cieorge !)orb !JuUbings (Sunley
.,. Lenin's Bloomsbury haunts, p. 92.
Goulston Street Martha Tabram, or Turner, a 36-year-old
A vibrant market street to the north of prostitute, was found dead on the landing of
Aldgate East station and home to Tubby Cieorge t)otb !JuUbings, a block of flats
Isaacs's seafood stall, it was a poverty black- (since demolished and replaced by Sunley
spot in the nineteenth century when a House) on Gunthorpe Street, near Aldgate
Whitechapel sanitary inspector found East station, on 8 August 1888 in what is
twenty people living in one house and now believed to have been the first of the
twelve fowls feeding under a bed in another. Jack the Ripper murders.
According to the novelist Israel Zangwill, .,. Location of the second Jack the Ripper
though, the street came alive at Jewish murder, p. 301.

Old Castle Street government's hospitable immigration policy

Location of the seventh Jack the Ripper towards east European refugees, but as shots
murder, west side rang from the house the heckling abated.
At 12.50 a.m. on 17 July 1889 Alice M'Kenzie, After a couple of hours of stalemate the
a prostitute, was found murdered and muti- house caught fire and collapsed, just as the
lated, her throat cut and abdomen sliced postman came by on his round. When the
open, on what was then Castle Alley, a fire brigade arrived to quell the blaze the
passageway between Middlesex Street and chief police officer told them they would be
Commercial Street, described in The Times shot if they attempted to intervene, which
as 'one of the lowest quarters in the whole led to a public row between officers from
of east London'. At the inquest a verdict of the two bodies. After the blaze died out a
murder 'by a person or persons unknown' policeman entered the burnt-out property
was reached. A drunk named William and found the bodies of two men, Fritz
Wallace Brodie confessed to murdering Svaars and William Sokolow, but no .third
M'Kenzie and claimed responsibility for all party. At the inquest it was alleged that
the murders associated with Jack the Ripper. Churchill had muttered at the time of the
Scotland Yard dismissed Brodie as being of fire 'Let the bastards burn'. 9lo. 100 has
unsound mind and it was later discovered since been demolished.
that he had been in South Africa when most ., The Houndsditch murders, p. 32.
of the murders had taken place. The street is
now home to the Women's Library, which Wentworth Street
was opened in 2002. A major market street off Petticoat Lane
., Location of the eighth Jack the Ripper where food rather than clothes was tradition-
murder, p. 281. ally sold. By the beginning of the twentieth
century the street was home to fifteen
Sidney Street kosher butchers and, on Sunday mornings,
Sidney Street Siege, 9lo. 100 women plucking chickens and stallholders
Three Latvian anarchists on the run from selling bagels, cholla, smoked salmon and
the police following a botched raid on a pickled cucumber. The Jewish presence
jeweller's in Houndsditch were traced to began to die out in the 1960s and there are
100 Sidney Street, south ofWhitechapel now no Jewish stalls, the food available
station, home of one of the raiders, William consisting of little other than grease-soaked
Sokolow, on 3 January 1911. Finding their beefburgers and hot dogs.
escape route obstructed by police they fired ., Petticoat Lane market, p. 289; Bloom's,
guns, one shot hitting a Sergeant Leeson p.304.
who fell to the ground and spluttered to his
superior, Detective Inspector Wensley, 'Mr
Whitechapel High Street
W ensley, I am dying. They have shot me One of the shortest high streets in London
through the heart. Good-bye. Give my love but a major traffic route through the East
End, Whitechapel High Street was
to the children. Bury me at Putney.' The
developed during the sixteenth century as
officers, in need of reinforcements,
part of the main route between London and
contacted the home secretary, Winston
the Essex countryside and was lined with
Churchill, who was enjoying his morning
coaching inns such as the Bull, which
bath, but once roused Churchill sent in the
Dickens featured in Pickwick Papers, and the
Scots Guards, who took up positions in
Blue Boar, mentioned by Dickens in David
the street and on various nearby roof-
tops. When Churchill himself arrived at Copperfield, which closed when the railways
were built in the mid nineteenth century. Its
Sidney Street he was taunted with cries of
'Oo let 'em in?', a reference to the Liberal two best-known current buildings,
Whitechapel Art Gallery and Whitechapel

Library, date from the end of the nineteenth each other questions. From 1976 to 1988 the
century when great social improvements gallery director was Nicholas Serota who
were made in the area. improved the building, raised funds and
north side: Aldgate High Street to Osborn later became the main force behind the
Street Tate Modern. His success has been con-
Bloom's (1952-96), No. 90 tinued by Catherine Lampert and lwona
The East End's most famous Jewish Blazwick.
restaurant moved to 90 Whitechapel High Whitechapel Library, No. So
Street in 1952, its 2 Brick Lane address In the early years of the twentieth century
having been bombed during the Second the library was known as the 'University of
World War, and thrived despite the gradual the Ghetto' as it was where hundreds of
exodus of the Jewish community from the Jewish immigrant children, including Jacob
East End and the waiters' habit of rudely Bronowski, who became an acclaimed scien-
angling for tips. In January 1996 the branch tist and author of The Ascent of Man, first
had its kosher food licence removed by the learned to read and write English. In recent
Court of the Chief Rabbi following a breach decades Tower Hamlets council has failed to
of the Jewish dietary laws, and after it closed maintain the quality of the building or book
down Michael Bloom opened a new twenty- collection, and in 2000, despite a local
four-hour restaurant off Hatton Garden unemployment rate of around 13 per cent
(p. 72). and figures which show that around a
Whitechapel Art Gallery, No. 82 quarter of the population can barely com-
East London's foremost art gallery, one of municate in English, the council announced
the capital's most important centres for plans to close the service and convert the
exhibiting avant-garde works, was the brain- building into an 'Ideas Shop'. On the wall
child of the Barnetts (Canon Samuel and his outside is a plaque to Isaac Rosenberg, the
wife Dame Henrietta), local late Victorian Jewish poet and artist who lived in Stepney
philanthropists extraordinaires, financed by and used the library, and who was killed in
John Passmore Edwards. It was built in the the First World War trenches.
early years of the twentieth century in the south side
art nouveau style of Charles Harrison floj. 19-20
Townsend, who was also responsible for the In 1927 Levy's gramophone shop which
Horniman Museum in Forest Hill. The stood on this site was responsible for the
gallery soon became renowned for experi- first jazz music ever released in Britain,
mentation. In 1914 avant-garde works by with works by Jelly Roll Morton, Duke
Wyndham Lewis and Mark Gertler were Ellington and Louis Armstrong recorded
exhibited; twenty-five years later Picasso's for the British labels Oriole and
Guernica, a condemnation of the fascist Levaphone.
bombing of the defenceless Spanish town
Whitechapel Road
ofthe same name in 1937, was displayed;
Whitechapel Road is the greatest public
and in August 1956 the gallery held the
pleasure-ground of the East End, access-
This Is Tomorrow exhibition, its centrepiece
ible to all. Large music halls with broad
being Richard Hamilton's just what is it
lobbies and high stories and galleries are
that makes today's homes so different, so
located there, and small hidden penny
appealing?, a collage mocking the American-
gaffs, in which there is little to see on
ization of Britain, which kick-started the
account of the tobacco smoke, and little
pop art movement. Two years later the first
to hear on account of the noise -A
Jackson Pollock display in Britain took place
Picture of Civilisation at the Close of the
here and in 1971 Gilbert and George held
19th Century, John Henry Mackay (1891)
an exhibition that involved the pair asking

The road along which Boadicea travelled to Scotland Yard officers, disguised as
burn the City in revenge for the rape of her Russians, also attended to check on the
daughters by Roman soldiers became the Tsarist spies. Experts now believe the
main route from London to Essex and was congress contained more police and secret
where in 1813 the coach taking Lord Castle- service infiltrators than socialists.
reagh, the unpopular early nineteenth- ... Lenin's Bloomsbury haunts, p. 92.
century foreign secretary, to his boat for the No.2.59
first overseas meeting to be attended by a John Merrick, the so-called Elephant Man,
British foreign secretary became trapped in who suffered from neurofibromatosis, a
icy fog. Castlereagh's party, terrified at the disorder of the lymphatic system that
prospect of being attacked (it was only two severely disfigured his face, was in 1884 kept
years since the Ratcliff Highway murders in a cage in the window of the shop at
had taken place half a mile south), sat on No. 259 (now a homeopathy clinic) and
the trunks until they were safely beyond the made to act like a dog to entice people
dangers of the East End. As the nineteenth inside to see a freak show. Merrick was
century proceeded the road became lined rescued from his plight by Dr Treves, a
with music halls, penny gaffs, raucous pubs specialist in skin disorders, who took him to
and theatres, and on Saturday evenings it the London Hospital, where Merrick taught
was a parading ground for young Jews himself to read using the Bible. In 1889,
dressed up in their finery at the end of the shortly after the murders now associated
Sabbath. Although the entertainment with Jack the Ripper, the building housed
venues and the Jewish population have long an exhibition displaying waxwork models of
departed, the road is still lively around the victims' bodies.
Whitechapel station, with a market selling Grave Maurice, No. 269
food, flowers, boots, books and cheap A gloomy and uninviting pub, even by East
clothes by day and crowds weaving from End standards, the Grave Maurice is named
pub to pub by night. after Graf Maurice, a German Royalist
north side: Osborn Street to Cambridge mercenary of the English Civil War, and was
Heath Road a regular haunt of the Kray twins and much
Jewish Socialist Club (early twentieth of the East End underworld in the 1960s. In
century), Whitechapel Road at Fulbourne 1964 Scotland Yard asked Inspector Leonard
Street 'Nipper' Read (the policeman who later
The fifth Congress of the Russian Social- brought the Krays to justice) to watch over
Democratic Labour Party, the communist the twins' activities and when Read learned
agitators behind the Russian Revolution, that Ronnie Kray was to be interviewed in
opened in the Jewish Socialist Club at this the Maurice by TV presenter Michael
address in May 1907, the delegates includ- Barrett he visited the pub incognito to
ing the author Maxim Gorky, the revolu- watch Kray in action. Looking out of the
tionary leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Leon window, Read saw a flash American car
Trotsky, and Joseph Dzhugashvili (the draw up, the driver get out and feel in his
future Joseph Stalin), who claimed to pocket, presumably to check that his gun
represent the Bolshevik workers from the was still in place, and enter the pub, care-
Borchalo district even though no party fully looking around the rooin. The man
branch existed there then. It was here that then returned to the car and after checking
Stalin first met Trotsky, whose murder in that the way was clear opened the back door
Mexico he engineered when Soviet leader of the vehicle with a flourish to let out
thirty-three years later. Twelve Tsarist spies Ronnie Kray who was dressed like a 1930s
infiltrated the meeting to check up on their gangster, his cashmere coat nattily tied at
exiled political adversaries and a number of the waist and reaching down to his ankles.

Kray made a suitably grand entrance into meant that both the barmaid and Woods
the pub, ordered a minion to frisk Barrett, claimed not to know the identity of the
even though the latter was wearing a neck murderer, although, as Woods later pointed
brace, and when the interview finished left out, Cornell would have probably not
as ostentatiously as he had arrived. wanted it any other way. Kray himself felt
Blind Beggar, No. 337 invincible, returning to the pub some time
Amid the moving pageant, 'twas my after to order a pint of 'luger and lime', but
chance I Abruptly to be smitten with the he was jailed for life for the crime in 1969.
view I Of a blind beggar - The Prelude, Although the pub has been gentrified it
William Wordsworth (1805) continues to attract thrill seekers.
The pub is named after Bethnal Green .,.. The Krays' Vallance Road headquarters,
native Henry de Montford, who fell at the p. 310.
battle of Evesham in 1265 and was found, south side: Sidney Street to Whitechapel
blind and dressed as a beggar, by a High Street
nobleman's daughter who nursed him back London Hospital, opposite Whitechapel
to health. station
At the end of the nineteenth century The 1752 hospital was where Thomas
William Booth, founder of the Salvation Barnardo, founder of the boys' homes of
Army, began selling his War Cry newspaper the same name, underwent his medical
outside the pub, around the same time that training and where John Merrick, the
it became home to a gang of pickpockets, so-called Elephant Man, lived after being
one of whose number, according to James rescued from a freak show at 259 White-
Morton's East End Gangland, was accused chapel Road. His remains are kept in the
of murdering a man here by pushing the hospital museum, which is not open to the
ferrule of an umbrella through his eye and public. Because of its East End location, the
was cheered back to the pub from court by hospital's casualty wing has often tended
regulars after being acquitted. injured villains, including Eric Mason, a
But it is for another murder, that of member of the Kray twins' firm- believed
George Cornell by Ronnie Kray on 9 March to be the last man to have been flogged in
1966, that the Blind Beggar is best known. prison - who was thrown out of a car
Cornell, an associate of the rival, south wrapped in a blanket outside the hospital in
London Richardson gang, was sitting on a 1965 and was subsequently sacked from the
stool by the small U -shaped bar drinking a Kray gang with a £40 'redundancy'
light ale, when Ronnie Kray and an accom- payment. The hospital is now a major emer-
plice, Ian Barrie, entered. Cornell exclaimed gency centre and incorporates a helipad.
what were to be his last words, 'Well, look Hospital Tavern, No. 176
who's here then,' and while Barrie fired a A regular haunt of East End villains, the
shot into the ceiling Kray aimed his gun pub was the setting in 1960 for a show-
between Cornell's eyes and shot him dead. down between the Watney Street gang
The needle of the jukebox, which was from nearby Shadwell and the Kray
playing the Walker Brothers song The Sun twins' firm, who were looking to avenge a
Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore, sticking on the three-year sentence Ronnie Kray had
word 'anymore' which it began to play received in 1956 after attacking one of the
repeatedly. , Watney Streeters. Both gangs arrived for the
There was little immediate response to fight armed with knives, chains and knuckle-
the killing. Albie Woods, who was drinking dusters, and the Krays won overwhelmingly,
with Cornell, cleared the pub of any incrimi- the local papers describing it as the worst
nating glasses that might yield fingerprints East End gang fight seen since the Second
and the underworld code of 'not grassing' World War.

East London Mosque, Nos. 84-92 covered with the crudest type of tenement
It opened in 1985 to cater for East End immi- blocks and cottages, populated, according
grants from Sylhet, Bangladesh, following a to John Hollingshead writing in 1861, with
£2 million donation from King Fahd of 'poor dock labourers, poor costermongers,
Saudi Arabia. poorer silk-weavers, clinging hopelessly to a
Whitechapel Bell Foundry, Nos. 32-34 withering handicraft, the lowest kind of
Britain's oldest manufacturing company was thieves, the most ill-disguised class of swell-
established by Robert Mot in 1570 and was mobsmen, with a sprinkling of box and toy
where 200 years later America's 2,ooo lb makers, shoe-makers, and cheap cabinet-
Liberty Bell, with its inscription: 'proclaim makers, its women mainly hawkers,
liberty throughout all the land unto all the sempstresses, the coarsest order of prosti-
inhabitants thereof', was cast. The bell tutes, and aged stall-keepers'.
cracked on the first ring but the captain who Although the authorities welcomed in the
had brought it from England refused to take new century by making major social
it back, and even though cracked it was improvements and demolishing the worst
hung in the Philadelphia State House slums, such as the Old Nichol, to the east of
steeple. Big Ben was cast here Shoreditch High Street, a 1932 survey found
in 1858 and after the Second World War the some 6o per ce~t oflocal children to be
firm replaced many of the London church suffering from malnutrition and 85 per cent
bells destroyed by German bombs. living in unsatisfactory housing.
Altab Ali Park, east ofWhitechapel Lane By then Bethnal Green was as renowned
The park is named after a local Pakistani, for its crime as its poverty, and with each
Altab Ali, murdered in 1978 in nearby Adler working-class district having its own
Street by members of the National Front, speciality (thieves in King's Cross, cat
who chased him along Brick Lane and burglars in Hackney), Bethnal Green
across Whitechapel Road. The land marks became known for its villains - those who
the site of St !Dlctq !Dlcttfelon church, relied on intimidation and protection
destroyed in the Second World War, whose rackets, with every man for himself- a state
white chapel gave the area its name and of affairs that reached its apogee in the 1960s
whose churchyard contains the Martyrs' with the local Kray gang. Second World
Monument dedicated by the local Bengali War bombing devastated much of the area,
community to those killed in Pakistan for but the rebuilding staged by Bethnal Green
refusing to give up their own language and council and later Tower Hamlets council
speak Urdu. 24 APR 2018 was of the crudest to be found in London,
being mostly in the form of stark, ungainly
tower blocks and shabby deck-access low-
BETHNAL GREEN, E2 rise estates.

I began visiting those of our society who Bethnal Green Road

lived in Bethnal Green. Many of them I Before Bethnal Green Road, now the main
found in such poverty as few can conceive thoroughfare running east-west through
without seeing it- John Wesley (1777) the area, was developed in the nineteenth
Farmland in medieval times, Bethnal Green, century the surrounding land was a haunt
which is believed to have taken its name of cattle rustlers who would attack herds on
from a Saxon warlord, Bledda, became a market days, grab as many animals as they
slum in the eighteenth century as the could capture and hide the beasts in the
growth of the weaving industry to the south, marshes. When in 1826 the rustlers began to
in Spitalfields, brought the lowest-paid tum their attentions to people, staging
workers into the area. Before long it was robberies that on occasions ended in

murder, the local police watch sent a group meetings here when planning their attacks
of forty mounted officers into the area and against local Jews.
the trouble gradually abated. Even since StMatthew
development which followed the arrival of The funerals of the Kray twins, Ronnie
the railways in the 184os, the vicinity has (on 29 March 1995) and Reggie (u October
continued to be one of the most lawless in 2ooo), and their elder brother, Charlie
London, being a favourite for Oswald (19 April2ooo), were all held at this 1746
Mosley's fascists in the 1930s and the main George Dance-designed church. The best
stamping ground of the Kray twins in the attended was that of Ronnie, whose coffin
1950s and 1960s. At the western end of was carried by four pallbearers- Johnny
Bethnal Green Road a weekend street Nash, Freddie Foreman, Ginger Dennis and
market attracts huge numbers of people Charlie Kray- representing the four corners
to examine what Robert Sinclair once of the London gangworld.It was London's
described as 'unsellable junk, rusty nails, biggest funeral since the death of Winston
mouldy books, broken records - that fill the Churchill thirty years previously. Reggie,
pavements by the railway arches and act as a Ronnie's twin brother, was allowed out of
perverted museum of household rubbish'. prison, where he was serving a thirty-year
north side: Shoreditch High Street to sentence for the murder of fellow villains
Cambridge Heath Road George Cornell and Jack 'The Hat' McVitie,
Pellicci's, No. 103 and attended handcuffed to a woman
An old-fashioned working-class cafe with officer. Outside the church there were more
typical decor of chrome fittings, mirrors and unusual characters - young men who, as
family portraits, it was a regular mid- Duncan Campbell remarked in The Under-
twentieth-century haunt of the Kray twins, world, 'looked uncertain whether they were
who would scold customers who used bad auditioning for Pulp Fiction or The Lavender
language. Hill Mob'. After the service the coffin,
St James, east of Pollard Row resting on a carriage led by six black-
The wedding of Reggie Kray and Frances plumed horses and decorated florally with
Shea, held at StJames's church on 19 April the word 'Ron', along with twenty-five
1965, was east London's wedding of the year, limousines toured the local streets of Ron's
attended by 200 guests, including the boxers 'manor' and proceeded on to Chingford
Ted 'Kid' Lewis and Terry Spinks; and the where Kray was buried. The later funerals of
photographer David Bailey. Telegrams were Charlie and Reggie were each in turn less
read from the theatre impresario Joan Little- ostenta1~us. . .
wood, the actress Barbara Windsor and the St Marlhew•s h'as lortg enjoyed associ-
singer Judy Garland. Some Kray experts ations with villains. In 1839 it was the setting
claim the marriage was never consummated; for the funeral of Joseph Merceron, Bethnal
two years later Frances Kray killed herself Green's first gangster boss, who was born in
with an overdose of drugs. poverty in Brick Lane but .rose through the
south side: Cambridge Heath Road to Shpre- ranks, legitimately, to become treasurer of
ditch High Street parish funds, commissioner of the local
Salmon and Ball, No. 502 court of requests and a justice of the peace.
On 6 December 1769 two weavers who had Once ensconced in office Merceron became
taken part in the so-called 'Cutters Riots', a a law unto himself, appointing members of
campaign against low wages in the local silk- his family to parish office, and at one stage
weaving industry, during which the silk was owned around twenty local pubs where the
cut from the looms, were hanged outside licensing laws were ignored and dog-
the pub. In the 1930s the Salmon and Ball fighting and duck-hunting proceeded
was a favourite of local fascists who held without objection. In 1818 Merceron was

24 APR tntl

tried for fraud and convicted, receiving a Harrison, who won a gold medal for Britain
£2oo fine and an eighteen-month prison at the 2000 Olympics, trained. The card
sentence, but on his release regained most of game featured in the Guy Ritchie film Lock
his original positions. Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was filmed
at Repton.
Cheshire Street
north side: Brick Lane to Hereford Street Columbia Road
The Carpenter's Arms, No. 73 Now home to London's best flower market,
The last pub to be owned by the Kray twins, Columbia Road was the locatiQ)l of the huge
the Carpenter's was where their infamous, Gothic (tolum&io !Rotfet financed by the
omnipotent mother, Violet, held court Victorian banking heiress Angela Burdett-
every weekend, surrounded by over-dressed, Coutts, which opened in 1869 at the north-
bejewelled women sporting huge peroxide- western end of the road. The building,
coloured beehive haircuts, until the impris- which featured soaring turrets, Tudor
onment of the twins in 1969. In January 1965 arches, a quadrangle, cloisters and crypt,
Ginger Marks, a local villain, was shot dead looked more like a northern England town
outside the pub by Freddie Foreman, the hall than a London market and was
south London gangster, who had driven described in the 1950s by architectural
around Bethnal Green looking for him and historian Nikolaus Pevsner as 'one of the
Jimmy Evans who, Foreman claimed, had great follies of the Victorian age'. Once it
shot his brother. When Foreman spotted was built costermongers no longer needed
Marks and Evans walking along Cheshire to work outdoors, but the scheme was a flop
Street eating chips he drove up, leaned out for the costermongers preferred the streets
of the window and aimed his .38 revolver at and were not thankful for rules preventing
the pair, at which point Evans grabbed them opening on Sunday on religious
Marks and used him as a human shield to grounds and for signs urging them to 'Be
protect himself from Foreman's bullets. Sober, Be Vigilant, Be Pitiful, Be Courteous'.
Marks died instantly and police later (tolum&io !Ulodtt was later relaunched as
concluded he had probably been shot in the a fish market, but opposition from Billings-
stomach as they found a chip embedded in gate resulted in another failure and trading
the wall of the pub. Marks's body, however, ceased in 1885. The buildings were then used
was never found - there were rumours he as furniture workshops and after suffering
had been put in a cement-mixer and used in bomb damage in the Second World War
the construction of Hammersmith flyover - were left to rot until1960 when in a display
but it is more likely that a compliant under- of municipal incompetence typical of the
taker inserted his corpse into an already postwar history of the area they were demol-
filled coffin, as in the Sherlock Holmes story ished. Had they been retained they would
'The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax'. now be the most sought-after artists' studios
Foreman was later acquitted of the murder in London, given the popularity of inferior
and has since told reporters that his only nineteenth-century warehouses among the
regret about the affair is that he 'didn't growing art community that has moved east
shoot the two of them that night'. in recent decades.
Repton Boys Club, Cheshire Street at Here- .,.. Petticoat Lane market, p. 289.
ford Street
London's best-known boxing club, it was Old Nichol Street
The Old Nichol, one of London's worst
where the Kray twins, who lived dose by,
learned their moves in the 1940s and 1950s, Victorian slums, located to the east of Shore-
becoming two of the most feared schoolboy ditch High Street, was, according to John
Hollingshead in 1861, 'rotten with mud and
boxers on the circuit, and where Audley
water; its houses black and repulsive

[where] at least fifty dark sinister faces look where the Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie,
at you from behind blinds and dirty cur- grew up in the 1940s and later ran their
tains as you pass up the rugged pavement'. powerful crime network, assembling an
Two years later the Illustrated London News arsenal of choppers, machetes, knives,
called the locality as 'foul a neighbourhood revolvers, Luger automatics, Mausers and
as can be discovered in the civilised world', sawn-off shotguns which they stored
and in 1894 the local-born novelist Arthur beneath the floorboards. When Ronnie Kray
Morrison renamed the district the Jago in was released from Long Grove mental
his novel A Child of the ]ago, the name asylum in 1959 he spent his first few months
created in honour of the Revd Osborn Jay, huddled around the fire at flo. 178. If he
vicar of the local Church of the Holy Trinity went out it was after dark, dressed in a
and the model for the priest who in the double-breasted suit, tightly knotted tie and
story attempts to reform a criminal. The shoulder-padded overcoat, carrying a sword-
Old Nichol was demolished towards the end stick and .32 Biretta. The Krays were visited
of the century and replaced with the every day by a barber who would massage
London County Council's Boundary Estate, their hair with olive oil and surgical spirit
which comprised more than 1,ooo flats in and divided their energies between their
twenty five-storey walk-up tenement blocks, long firms, protection rackets, casinos and
a school, workshops, a public garden and a nightclubs, even becoming involved with
bandstand. Ironically, the Boundary Street the mafia, who once asked them to burn
rents were too expensive for the poor people £2so,ooo-worth of laundered bonds in the
who had been moved out of the Old Nichol dustbin at the back of the house. A housing
and they were then obliged to find accom- association property now stands on the site,
modation in similarly impoverished bearing a plaque commemorating not the
conditions further east. infamous former residents but Prince
Charles, who opened the new estate in
Vallance Road 1988.
A long road of run-down estates connecting
Bethnal Green Road and Whitechapel Road,
and cut in two by a railway viaduct whose BOW, E3
arches are filled with scrap metal merchants
and car dealers, it was known during the Bow takes its name from the shape of the
Second World War as 'Deserters' Corner', original stone bridge across the River Lea,
owing to the number of local able-bodied the area's eastern boundary, and developed
men who shirked war duty living in the around the 'stink' industries - tanning,
houses nestling under the bridge. One of which involved boiling blood for making
them was Charles Kray, father of the gang- dye, and fulling, in which woollen cloth was
ster twins, Ronnie and Reggie, who lived at pounded with water and fuller's earth to
No. 178 and who claimed that having never clean and thicken it - that the authorities
previously 'worked for a guv'nor', he was
would not allow in central London. When
neither willing nor able to obey the instruc-
industrialization beca~e more sophisticated
tions of an army officer. In 1943 the ten- in the nineteenth century local factories
year-old Ronnie Kray contemplated began producing soap, rubber and matches,
committing suicide by throwing himself off which increased pollution to unprecedented
the bridge that takes Vallance Road over the levels. Although parts of Bow later became
East London tube line. a popular suburb for City workers com-
ltmiJ tlubti' {Jeabqumui, 9lo. 178 muting on the new railway lines, Second
A two-up two-down terraced Victorian World War bombing spoilt the area's
cottage at 9lo. 178, demolished in 1966, was appearance.
BOW, E3 3~

(i) north of Bow Road Federation, heard a Fabian Society talk

about the conditions in which the match-
Coborn Road makers worked. The talk described how the
Colin McCallum, an ambitious late- yellow phosphorus, which was used to make
nineteenth-century music hall star, renamed the matches even though it was banned in
himself Charles Coborn after talking to a many countries, caused a yellowing of the
friend.about a change of name on Coborn skin, loss of hair and the withering away of
Road, Bow, and went on to become one of the jaw, resulting in what was known in the
the leading performers of the era, best trade as 'phossy jaw', a form of bone cancer
known for the songs 'Two Lovely Black in which the face discharged a foul pus and
Eyes' (1886) and 'The Man Who Broke the which often ended in death. Besant visited
Bank at Monte Carlo' (1891). After Coborn the factory the next day and discovered that
premiered 'Two Lovely Black Eyes' at the the women worked a fourteen-hour day for
,..rotOR :tf)eotre, Mile End Road, he found low wages, their pay often reduced to cover
himself unable to walk the streets of Bow fines for talking or dropping matches. She
without groups of youths bellowing the also found out that when the factory owner,
chorus ('Two lovely black eyes, I Oh, what a Theodore Bryant, had chosen to erect a
surprise! I Only for telling a man he was statue to his political hero, William Glad-
wrong, I Two lovely black eyes') at him. Five stone, the former Liberal prime minister, he
years later the songwriter Fred Gilbert had forced his workers to contribute to the
offered Coborn the song 'The Man Who cost by taking a shilling from their wages
Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo', and the and had deprived them of half a day's work
latter turned him down. But Coborn soon by closing the factory to 'celebrate' the
had second thoughts, and after spending the unveiling.
day mulling over the chorus ('As I walk When Besant complained to Bryant &
along the Bois Boulogne I With an indepen- May about the way they were treating their
dent air I You can hear the girls declare I He workers the company tried to force the staff
must be a millionaire! .. .') he realized the to sign a statement stating their enthusiasm
song's worth and desperately sought out for their working conditions. A group of
Gilbert to retrieve the song, paying him £10 women who refused to sign were sacked and
for the rights when he found him. Coborn on 5 July 1888 the women went on strike.
eventually recorded it, changing the pronun- Besant successfully lobbied her well-
ciation with each verse and chorus as befit- connected friends to boycott Bryant &
ting somebody becoming increasingly drunk May's matches and organized the workers
on the proceeds of his newly found wealth, into a union. After three weeks the company
but sold the copyright for £6oo, a fraction of announced that it would rehire the sacked
what he and his estate, let alone Gilbert and workers and end the fines system, an
his estate, could have earned. unexpected victory for the strikers.
... !Jritcnmio !Rusic ~on, p. 330. Bryant & May stopped using yellow phos-
Fairfield Road phorus in 1901 and a later proprietor, Sir
Bow Quarter (Former Bryant & May George Paton, won praise for running the
factory), east side, north of railway line works as a model factory, which explains
The match girls' strike of 1888, staged by why the company avoided industrial disrup-
some 1,500 Bryant & May workers over pay tion during the 1926 General Strike. The
and conditions and now regarded as one of factory closed in 1980 and the attractive Itali-
the most significant dates in English labour anate red-brick buildings have since been
history, came about after Annie Besant, a converted into luxury apartments that are
member of the left-wing Social Democratic surprisingly popular given the aural
brutality of the nearby motorway.

Grove Road knew the place was free of police officers,

The Germans' Second World War V1s, jeopardizing the smooth running of the club
pilotless planes designed to explode on by meting out disproportionate violence to
impact and nicknamed doodlebugs, first fell anyone who crossed him. After Reggie was
in London on Grove Road at around half jailed in 1960 the ~ouble '9l' began losing
past four in the morning of 13 June 1944. money and it soon closed. There is now a
Herbert Morrison, Minister for Home car hire firm on the site.
Security, forbade any immediate mention of .,. The Blind Beggar, p. 306.
·the bombs in the press, lest the Germans StMary
realized how much damage they had caused. The church, which dates from 1311 and this
Their arrival meant that Britain's existing building from 1719, stands in an island in the
air-raid warning system had been rendered middle of the road, the carriageway having
useless. On the west side of Grove Road in run on either side since the Middle Ages,
August 1993 the sculptor Rachel Whiteread and is often confused with StMary-le-Bow
took possession of !Jlo. 193, the last remain- in the City of London, the so-called 'Cock-
ing property on a Victorian terrace, itself neys' church', within the sound of whose
due for demolition, and with the permission bells true Cockneys are born. The mistake is
of the local council began work on redeco- compounded by the nearby pub being called
rating the house, lining the interior with a BowBells.
metal mesh sprayed with concrete before .,. StMary-le-Bow, p. 62.
dismantling the house's walls, doors and Bow Flyover, Bow Road at River Lea
windows to leave a mass of concrete she Legend has it that parts of the body of Frank
called House, which won the 1993 Turner 'The Mad Axeman' Mitchell, a violent but
Prize. Tower Hamlets, rather than genial giant whom the Kray twins sprang
expressing its support, were horrified and from Dartmoor Prison in 1966 and then
insisted on demolishing the building. killed when his presence became a threat to
their safety, were buried in the concrete
supports of the flyover when it was being
(ii) Bow Road
built. During Ronnie Kray's funeral pro-
Bow Road cession, some thirty years later, twenty-six
A wide straight road which developed in the hearses crossed the river on this stretch of
nineteenth century as part of the main route highway heading for Chingford Cemetery
between London and Essex. where Kray was to be buried. Given that the
north side: Mile End Road to the River Lea procession had no need to take this route its
i'oufJle 481' «fu(J, No. 145 inclusion perhaps indicated a nefarious
The Kray twins' main east London night- association.
club, furnished with items stolen by
members of the Kray firm, was officially (iii) south of Bow Road (Bromley)
opened by the boxer Henry Cooper in 1957
and was run by Re,ggie Kray, as Ronnie was Powis Road
in jail. The former found he had a talent for Kingsley Hall, No. 21
running a club and the ~ouble '9l' began to The Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, invited
attract a glamorous crowd of sharp-suited to London in 1931 for talks on Indian inde--
businessmen, West End socialites, villains, pendence, rejected the chance of staying in
actors and sportsmen, the entertainment the kind of luxurious hotel usually chosen
provided by Queenie Watts and her senti- for visiting overseas dignitaries. Instead he
mental cockney songs. But after Ronnie chose to stay at Kingsley Hall, a hostel run
escaped from Long Grove prison hospital he by volunteers (now a community centre),
began turning up at the ~ouble '9l' when he 'set among the rotting row houses, smelly
gas works and soap factories' of Bow,
according to his biographer, James D. Hunt. POPLAR I ISLE OF DOGS,
Gandhi rose early and with his hostess,
Muriel Lester, would take lengthy strolls
along Three Mill Lane,
Now home to London's most intensely
across the River Lea, and on to the
Northern Outfall Sewer walk, before developed commercial estate, Canary
Wharf, as well as some of its bleakest
heading back and journeying across
London for his meetings. council estates, Poplar, named after the
large amount of poplar trees that grew
Three Mill Lane locally, developed through shipbuilding,
The best view of the myriad of waterways maritime trade and the opening of large
that constitute the southern end of the docks in 1800, which made it the most indus-
River Lea can be seen from Three Mill Lane trialized part of London. Slum cle~rance,
to the east ofBlackwall Tunnel Northern Second World War bombing and the
Approach. Their existence dates back to the closure of the docks in the 1960s devastated
ninth century, when King Alfred diverted the area, but the southern section, the Isle
the waterway into a number of different of Dogs, has been the setting for the most
channels so that the water level dropped remarkable urban regeneration the capital
and the Danes who had sailed north along has experienced and is now home to much
the river were marooned. Re-cut and of Britain's newspaper industry as well as its
retrenched many times since to aid naviga- tallest buildings.
tion and commerce and prevent flooding, • For riverside sites and the former docks,
the waterways now consist of a bewildering see River Thames, pp. 262-4.
number of branches with exotic names such
as the Channel Sea River, City Mill River,
(i) Isle of Dogs
Pudding Mill River, Three Mills Wall River,
Waterworks River, as well as the main River So we were fain to stay there, in the
Lea (or Lee) itself. unlucky Isle of Doggs, in a chill place, the
The Clock Mill night cold, to our great discomfort -
A white clock tower denotes the mill, once a Diary, Samuel Pepys (1665)
gin distillery, where the Russian-hom scien- A low-lying, mile-and-a-halflong , U-shaped
tist Chaim Weizmann, who became the first peninsula, bounded on three sides by the
president of Israel in 1948, worked on Thames, the Isle of Dogs, until recently best
producing acetone, a solvent used in making known for its large docks, heavy industry
explosives, for the British government and inhospitable residents, has now
during the First World War. While in witnessed the most remarkable urban regen-
London Weizmann promoted Zionism, eration ever seen in Britain, particularly
which eventually resulted in the Balfour around the small riverside estate of Canary
Declaration of 1917 that paved the way for Wharf.
the founding of Israel after the Second The Isle was deserted until a chapel was
World War. The mill buildings have since built in the late fourteenth century near the
been converted into workshops and film modern-day Chapel House Street, probably
studios used in the 1990s for films such as for pilgrims making their way between
Guy Ritchie's Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Canterbury and Waltham Abbey, and it was
Barrels and Mike Leigh's Topsy Turvy. abandoned when the river overflowed in
1448. Originally known as Stebunhethe
(Stepney) Marsh, it became the Isle of Dogs
in the 1580s for reasons which remain

unclear, perhaps as a corruption of 'Isle of programme, and it was not until Margaret
Ducks', 'Isle of Dykes' (to keep out the Thatcher's Conservative government
Thames), because Henry VIII's royal formed a new quango, the London Dock-
hounds were kept on the land, or more fanci- lands Development Corporation (LDDC),
fully from a local legend about a dog that which was given authority over the local
swam around the body of his dead master, councils in 1981, that urban regeneration
who had been thrown into the sea, and later began. The LDDC's powers to attract invest-
growled at a waterman, who turned out to ment capital and circumvent restrictive
be the murderer. municipal planning regulations led com-
The land was prone to constant flooding panies looking for a change from the City
until the sixteenth century, when it was and newspapers who wanted to break the
drained by a Dutchman, Vanderdelf, who power of the Fleet Street print unions to
built an embankment and made it suitable move here into new offices, particularly at
for cattle, but as late as 18oo the by now Canary Wharf where Britain's tallest
ruined chapel was just about the only skyscrapers have been built.
building and there were only two inhabi- Alongside the new office blocks well-
tants, the man who drove the cattle off the appointed flats have been built or converted
marshes and the man who operated the from redundant warehouses, fast roads have
ferry. Development came swiftly following been cut through (major roads had deliber-
the construction of the West India and East ately not been built while the docks were
India Docks at the beginning of the nine- active, to discourage thieves), the Docklands
teenth century and before long the Isle had Light Railway has been constructed, and at
become one of the most industrialized parts the end ofthe century the Jubilee tube line
of London, with not only docks, but ware- extension was brought to the Isle.
houses, factories, ironworks, brass foun-
Canada Square
dries, cement works, potteries, shipbuilding
Canary Wharf
yards and engineering firms filling the land.
A narrow strip of land between the West
Alongside the factories and workshops
India Import and Export Docks, Canary
locals lived in barely habitable houses with Wharf, London's biggest commercial devel-
mud seeping through the floorboards, their
opment, has a working population of some
children obliged to stand at the back in
50,ooo based in Britain's three tallest towers:
school photos to hide their bare feet. The
No.1 Canada Square (the tallest), designed
Isle's isolated position and harsh way of life
by Cesar Pelli, clad in stainless steel, topped
created a community that was distrustful
with a distinctive louvred pyramid and
of outsiders (anyone not living locally was
popularly known as Canary Wharf; Norman
known as a 'foreigner') and in 1920 a group Foster's HSBC building (Nos. 8-16); and
of residents closed the two roads that
the Citigroup building (No. 33), also
connected the island with Poplar and briefly
designed by Pelli.
declared independence. Wartime bombing
Following the opening of the docks in
wiped away much of the worst housing, as
the early nineteenth century the land was
well as many factories, docks and shipyards,
known as Rum Quay, on account of the
and although the docks prospered in the
produce unloaded here, and it was renamed
1960s they soon closed and the industry
Canary Wharf after the Second World War,
collapsed, leaving a devastated landscape
when the Fred Olsen Line unloaded bananas
and an even more impoverished population.
and tomatoes imported from the Canary
Various ideas, many outlandish, were
Islands next to a two-storey warehouse, the
proposed for dealing with the derelict area,
only building on the site. After the docks
including a park, zoo and prison, but the
closed in the late 1960s the warehouse
various local councils could not agree on a

became derelict but redevelopment began night - Dockside Noises, Thomas Burke
following a meeting between the restaura- (1920)
teurs, the Roux Brothers, and Michael von Few areas of London can match the
Clemm, the chairman of the Credit Suisse romantic history of Limehouse, thanks to
First Boston bank. At the meeting, held on its long maritime tradition, the presence of
a barge moored on the river nearby, Von London's Chinatown between 1850 and
Clemm remarked that the derelict ware- 1950, and the vivid, descriptive name, a refer-
house reminded him of those in Boston ence to the local lime industry which was
harbour that had been converted into offices conducted in what Oscar Wilde described
and small business premises. as 'strange, bottle-shaped kilns with their
By the summer of 1985 the Chicago archi- orange, fan-like tongues of fire'.
tects Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Mostly fields until the mid nineteenth
creators of parts of the Manhattan skyline, century, when Burdett Road was cut
had been hired to devise a scheme and the through grazing land, Limehouse gradually
Reichmann Brothers, Canadian owners of became industrialized following the 1770
Olympia and York, who had built on opening of the mile-long Limehouse Cut,
Battery Park in New York, had been London's oldest industrial canal, which
brought in as developers. When work began linked the Thames with the River Lea and
in 1987locals dressed in black staged a mock allowed goods coming into London from
funeral procession, objecting to what they Hertfordshire to avoid the long journey
called the despoiling of their area, and they around the Isle of Dogs. Alongside the lime
greeted the collapse of Olympia and York in works locals made ropes, built barges, wove
1992 with barely restrained schadenfreude. sails and fitted out rigging and masts.
However Canary Wharf was rescued by a The opening of the Strangers Home for
new consortium of bankers, led by Lloyd's, Asiatics in West India Dock Road in 1856
which was then bought out by one of the gave rise to the growth of a local Chinese
previously humbled Reichmann brothers, community, and after the government
Paul, for £8oo million, and by the end of the passed a law banning the sale of opium in
decade the original vision of a new financial 1908 the Limehouse opium dens that had
centre for London, allowing City companies gripped the imagination of Charles Dickens
to relocate three miles downriver rather and Oscar Wilde began to be replaced by
than in Paris or :frankfurt, was taking shape. cafes, Fan Tan parlours and laundries. A
The first companies moved into Canary new Limehouse emerged to entice the next
Wharf in 1991 and the estate has since generation of writers, such as Thomas
grown at a phenomenal rate, now being the Burke, who described how 'by daytime a
London home of a number of international cold, nauseous light hangs about it; at night
companies (Citigroup, Morgan Stanley a devilish darkness descends upon it' in
Dean Witter, Credit Suisse First Boston, Limehouse Nights (1916), and Arthur Sars-
BZW and the Hong Kong and Shanghai field Ward (Sax Rohmer), who depicted 'the
Bank), media groups (the Telegraph, Mirror sordid drama of Limehouse, with its orches-
and Independent newspapers, the Reader's tral accompaniment of river noises, a mono-
Digest Association), an up-market shopping tonous symphony, its frequent fog effects
centre, a Docklands Light Railway station and sinister sadistic crimes casting a queer
and a state-of-the-art tube station. spell' in the entertainingly mysterious Fu
Manchu stories such as 'Dope: a Story of
(ii) Limehouse Chinatown' and 'The Drug Traffic' (1919).
Chinatown declined after the 1930s, when
There are in Limehouse many sounds; a new law made it illegal to sign on a
A hundred different sounds by day and Chinese crew in a British port, and in the

1950s the advent of the automatic washing Nairn, and so on- until practically every
machine and launderettes caused the letter of the alphabet had been used up.
Chinese to dose their laundries and move Conditions here were among the least
to Soho - where the rents were then cheap - healthy in London - during the cholera
to concentrate on catering. Limehouse outbreak of the 186os a Poplar man
suffered further economic decline after the checking his water tank following the death
closure of the local docks in the 1980s and of his two children found a decomposing
now remains a bedraggled community 14-inch long eel blocking a pipe. Poplar
tempered by occasional snatches of gentrifi- began to attract Chinese immigrants, who
cation by the river. set up laundries and introduced exotic foods

Three Colt Street George Lansbury and 'Poplarism'

St Anne, west side Poplar, with a long history of municipal
One of six surviving Nicholas Hawksmoor- initiative and radicalism, was among the
designed churches in London, St Anne first London authorities to build public
was built in 1714 to 1730 in open fields baths, wash-houses and free public libraries,
following the 1711 Fifty New Churches Act, and in 1921 it made the national news when
which the government brought in as a councillors voted to give more poor relief to
means of taking Anglicanism to areas that the local unemployed rather than hand over
were rife with dissent. For the following 200 their levy to the London County Council
years the steeple, its design evoking that of (LCC). The government took Poplar to
a ship's topmast and crow's nest, was the court and on 29 July 1921 council leader
first London landmark glimpsed by those George Lansbury, accompanied by a mace
arriving in the capital by sea, captains bearer, brass band and 2,ooo supporters,
setting their chronometers by its clock. marched from the town hall on Newby
The church was damaged by fire in 1850, Place to the High Court to reiterate the auth-
and bombed during the Second World War, ority's refusal to levy the precept. Twenty-
but has since been restored. five male councillors were arrested and sent
.,. Hawksmoor's St Alfege, Greenwich, p. 390. to Brixton prison, where they continued to
The Five Bells and Bladebone, No. 27, east hold council meetings in George Lansbury's
side cell, while the five women councillors were
The pub's unusual name is a combination sent to Holloway. When other councils
of the five bells that would ring in the local expressed their support the jailed Poplar
docks at 2.30 p.m. and the whalebone that councillors were asked to negotiate but ,
used to be displayed outside. refused to do so from prison. They were
released (after six weeks inside) and the
(iii) Poplar government relented, agreeing to apportion
the precept according to each borough's
... the inhabitants of that end of the means. Lansbury later became leader of the
town where life goes on unadorned by
parliamentary Labour Party and in 1939, .
grace or splendour - Chance, Joseph when mayor of Poplar, journeyed to Berhn
Conrad (1913) to meet Hitler and Mussolini in an
Poplar, the area between Bow Common ambitious, but fruitless, attempt to seek
and the Isle of Dogs, was developed around peace. He died on 7 May 1940, disillusioned
noxious industries such as paint-making, by the outbreak of the ·Second World War.
bone-boiling and glue-making and His home, at 39 Bow Road, was, ironically,
consisted in the 186os of streets of dull one of the first East End houses to be
terraced houses with Caledonian names - destroyed by wartime bombing. _j
Blair, Culloden, Ettrick, Glencoe, Leven,

and opium, living on streets whose names Giraud Street

alone - Pennyfields, Ming Street and Amoy · Lansbury Estate
Place - were enough to send a vicarious Built as a showpiece 50-acre estate of
thrill through the mind of the imaginative maisonettes, shops, schools and churches,
Londoner. In the Second World War Poplar and incorporating Britain's first shopping
was carpet-bombed and was later rede- precinct, the Lansbury Estate, designed by
veloped by planners who were given licence Frederick Gibberd (best known for Liver-
to experiment in the knowledge that there pool's Roman Catholic Cathedral), was
would be little opposition from the local created as a 'live' architectural exhibition
inhabitants. The result was chaos. Undam- for the 1951 Festival of Britain on a site devas-
aged buildings - town halls, public halls, tated by wartime bombing and was named
theatres, cinemas, pubs, libraries - which after the late Labour politician George
had serviced the community for generations Lansbury. It paved the way for thousands of
were demolished because they did not fit similar municipal precinct centres built
into the planners' vision, important roads along culs-de-sac rather than traditional
were turned into culs-de-sac thus losing roads, with buildings separated by com-
their vitality, while new fast roads were cut munal grass verges rather than private
through communities to take traffic across gardens and facilities dependent on the
the area. The early-twentieth-century vision whim of the local authority rather than a
of George Lansbury, Poplar's former council private investor.
leader and mayor, of a strong, cohesive The estate was heralded by much trium-
working-class community using popular, phant publicity, and residents initially kept
well-funded municipal services was replaced the communal spaces dean and tidy while a
by a dystopia of violent run-down council porter looked after the external areas. But
estates reliant on some of the worst the problems the council had created for
municipal services in London in an area of itself by introducing modernist architecture
overwhelming impoverishment and depri- and experimental ideas on a whim gradually
vation. appeared and it soon became dear that the
blocks and their layout were not conducive
East India Dock Road
to communal living - few inhabitants knew,
East India Dock Road, the main thorough-
trusted or could depend on their neigh-
fare running east-west through the area,
bours. As the council began to get bored
was built in 1805 to provide access to the
new docks and was then the only means of with the estate, funding levels dropped, facili-
crossing the River Lea south of Stratford. ties dosed, repair work was overlooked and
problem families were moved in, resulting in
Because the incline was so steep the brakes
the Lansbury becoming a 'no-go' estate
on early motorized vehicles could not cope,
forcing drivers to negotiate the descent by riddled with drugs, street crime and racism, a
twisting their front wheels along the kerb. blight from which it has yet to emerge.
On the north side of the road stood the Pennyfields
3tonbribge taoem, treated by locals as the I was glad when I was through Penny-
'last' building in London - children would fields. It was the only street in the miles of
stand with one foot on the Middlesex side East London that I traversed day and
and one foot on the Essex side - which had night that inspired me with any real fear -
an early hours licence to cater for dockers East ofAldgate, Horace Thorogood (1935)
and was run in the 1960s by the actress and Until the mid twentieth century Penny-
singer Queenie Watts. There is little of fields was the centre of London's Chinatown
interest to be found now. for those from Shanghai and Ningpo, its
menacing atmosphere and record of

violence giving rise to the legend that any Robin Hood Lane
white girl nai've enough to visit the area Robin Hood Gardens
alone would be grabbed by a sinister A frighteningly utilitarian concrete estate,
Oriental, injected with an opiate, and taken the epitome of austere postwar council
to a boat on the Thames bound for the housing, it was built by the husband-and-
South China Seas and the white slave wife team of Peter and Alison Smithson in
trade. The street was lined with cafes and 1968 to 1972 and consists of two long slabs
gambling dens, regularly raided by police, of pre-cast concrete, separated by a no
where Chinese men played Fan Tan, a game man's land of landscaped open space and
in which a cup of haricot beans is covered surrounded by a concrete segmented wall.
and bets are placed on how many beans The Smithsons' reasoning behind its design
will remain after the contents have been was that they wanted to provide an alterna-
divided into four, and Puk-a-Pu, or tive to tower blocks and hoped that a low-
Plucking Pigeons, a game played on a rise estate of long corridors would revive
sheet marked with Chinese characters. In traditional east London street life but in a
the 1930S many buildings were demolished safer environment. Instead, the absence of
as part of the council's slum-clearance traffic, both human and vehicular, the resem-
project and further devastation followed in blance of the concrete exterior to a Stalinist
the Second World War. Pennyfields was concentration camp and the estate's location
redeveloped in the 1960s with low-rise flats next to the thunderous Blackwall Tunnel
and shops (now mostly boarded up) and approach road has resulted in one of the
has remained impoverished and crime- most dystopian estates in London.
ridden. ... The Barbican, p. 14.
North London


(i) The Angel 320 Fitzroy Park 332
Camden Passage 320 The Grove 333
Chapel Market 320 Highgate High Street 333
Essex Road 320 Highgate West Hill333
Islington Green 321 North Hill333
Islington High Street 324 Pond Square 334
Penton Street 324 South Grove 334
Popham Street 324 Swain's Lane 334
Upper Street 324
(ii) Bamsbury 325
HOLLOWAY, N7, Nl9 335
Almeida Street 325 (i) Lower Holloway (N7) 335
Barnsbury Street 325 Caledonian Road 335
Caledonian Road 326 Hilldrop Crescent 336
Stonefield Street 326 Holloway Road 336
(iii) Canonbury 326
Parkhurst Road 338
Canonbury Place 326 Seven Sisters Road 338
Canonbury Square 327 Vale Royal339
Upper Street 328 (ii) Upper Holloway (N19) 339
(iv) Roxton 329
Archway Road 339
Charlotte Road 329 Highgate Hill 339
Hoxton Square 329
Hoxton Street 330 STOKE NEWINGTON, Nl6 340
Poole Street 330 (i) Stoke Newington Common 340
Shepherdess Walk 330 Evering Road 340
(ii) Stamford Hil1341
Rookwood Road 341
Avenell Road 331
High bury New Park 332 LINE 321

in Britain, their number having grown

THE ANGEL I ISLINGTON, Nl apace since John Peyton, who ran a music
shop at No. 112, led a campaign in the early
A coveted address for the stylish and 196os to prevent Islington council replacing
moneyed and a place in tune with the most the street with council flats. In the early eigh-
fashionable ideas and attitudes of the day, teenth century Camden Passage was home
Islington began as Yseldon, a rural retreat to Alexander Cruden, who completed a
near the City, where cattle were fattened concordance to the Bible and strode
before making the last leg of their journey to through the streets of Islington removing
the slaughter-houses of Smithfield, and was all traces of the number 45 to show his
pock-marked with a chain of ponds until contempt for the radical orator and
nineteenth-century development saw elegant pamphleteer John Wilkes, whose issue
squares and terraces built in Barnsbury, No. 45 of the North Briton had criticized
Canonbury and De Beauvoir. Much of the George III.
ensuing development, however, was shabby, • Portobello Road antiques' market, p. 459;
and a 1967 survey found that Islington had John Wilkes, p. 76.
the highest proportion (6o per cent) of
Chapel Market
houses in London in multi-occupation,
Islington's main street market was originally
many with outside toilets and no baths. Gent-
Chapel Street, built in 1787 as a residential
rification came following the opening of the
middle-class street, one of its earliest resi-
fast Victoria Line tube at Highbury in the
dents being the essayist Charles Lamb, who
early 1970s, which meant the West End was moved to !Jlo. 43 to be near the asylum
only a quarter of an hour's ride away and
where his sister, Mary, had been incarcer-
attracted those with money who wanted to
ated for stabbing their mother to death.
live near central London. Islington's better
When Mary was released in 1799 she and
houses were reconverted to f~ily homes and
Charles moved to !Jlo. 36, where Charles
its high street shops revitalized, and by the
kept a strait-jacket to hand so that he could
1980s Barnsbury and Canonbury were desir- restrain Mary if she had a relapse. The
able areas, with the main roads north of the market, for which the street is now best
Angel- Essex Road and Upper Street- home known, sells fruit, vegetables, shoes and
to scores of antique shops and restaurants.
cheap COs, began in 1868; it gave its name
to the street in 1936.
(i) The Angel • Petticoat Lane market, p. 289.

The commercial centre of Islington takes Essex Road

its name from the former Angel Inn on The main road from the Angel to
Islington High Street Outside stood the Newington Green was originally Lower
Islington turnpike through which hundreds Road, as opposed to nearby Upper Street,
of sheep and oxen would arrive in the and between New North Road and the
capital each day and Oliver Twist and John Angel it contains one of the best collections
Dawkins 'enter London at nearly eleven of small everyday shops- baker, green-
o'clock ... as John Dawkins objected to grocer, butcher, fishmonger- in London.
their entering London before nightfall' in On the corner with Cross Street is Get
Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist. Stuffed, a taxidermy house of horrors that
includes cheetahs, tiger cubs and black
Camden Passage panthers, whose owner was prosecuted
Camden Passage, a lane running to the east
for illegally buying and selling animals in
of Upper Street, near Angel station, contains
the greatest concentration of antiques shops

Alfredo's (1919-99), Nos. 4-8 Stage Coach here and some forty years later
One of the best loved of London's twen- the radical philosopher Thomas Paine began
tieth-century 'greasy spoon' cafes, decorated writing The Rights of Man, a response to
with much steel, Formica and Vitrolite, and Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revol-
renowned for its thickly cut chips and lavish ution in France, at the inn. The Angel was
helpings, was owned by the Deritis family rebuilt at the end of the nineteenth century
for eighty years and closed to great dismay and from 1921 to 1959 was used as a Lyons
in 1999 after the owners retired. The fight Comer House, after which the building
scene from the 'mod' film Quadrophenia remained derelict until1981, when it became
was shot here. The listed premises reopened a branch of the Co-op Bank.
in 2002.
Islington Green
A tiny triangle of land where Essex Road
meets Upper Street, used as a plague pit in main north-south line began
the seventeenth century. lines: the City and South London
.-.mai ~Raitt ~..U (1862-19S3), Nos. 10-n which opened as the first deep
Sam Vagg, a nineteenth-century chimney- line on 4 November 1890 to link King
sweep who toured public houses and music Street (near London Bridge) with
halls as 'Irish' singer Sam Collins, took over and the Charing Cross, Euston
the Lansdowne Arms on Islington Green in Hampstead Railway, the two merging
1862 and converted it into U:ollhtt !Rusic
bctll, a venue where most of the leading
names in the genre, including George section from Camden Town to High-
Robey, Marie lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, Harry opened in 1907 and was extended
Lauder and Tommy Trinder, performed and in 1941 using track that had belonged
where in 1896 the first public film show held London North-Eastern Railway.
in Britain took place. Laurence Olivier Barnet An unlikely setting for the
visited the venue in the mid-1950s while northern terminus, being some
researching his role as Archie Rice in the short of the ancient Barnet village
Tony Richardson film The Entertainer the New Barnet overground railway
shortly before the building was destroyed by
fire. The premises are currently occupied by & Whetstone Built in the late
Waterstone's bookshop. Dollis Brook.
.,. Xl)e !Jritmmica, Hoxton, p. 330. Park Redecorated in 1974 with a
scheme chosen by Spike Milligan.
Islington High Street
One of london's shortest but busiest high Flnchley Opened in 1933 in an
re side-street location.
Angel Inn, No. 1 Hill East Although the station, which
The former coaching inn at the junction of in 1941 to serve a nearby barracks,
meant to be the first stop on a branch
Pentonville Road and Islington High Street,
to Edgware, work was abandoned
which gave its name to the area and the
of the war, leaving Mill Hill East
nearby Northern Line tube station, was built
conspicuous stump jutting out from
c. 1225. Its signboard depicting the angel
main High Barnet branch.
Gabriel and Virgin Mary was removed
during the Reformation in the sixteenth Central The southbound plat-
has a reproduction of Harry Beck's
century and the inn was rebuilt in 1638 with
1930s Underground map, as it was
a galleried coach yard and theatre. In 1747
the artist William Hogarth painted The

Flnchley Located at the northern It was known as Brent until the

of what until the end of the twentieth ng of Brent Cross shopping centre in
was the world's longest tunnel, 1970S.
cnltiTrl•rn section emerging at Morden. Green Like Burnt Oak, the station
Open-air platforms of the aban-
Highgate-Finsbury Park railway are
from the Shepherd's Hill exit.
Opened as Highgate station in
became in turn Archway
Highgate (Archway) and finally
to avoid confusion, Archway.
Park One of the few London areas for the labouring classes.'
after an individual, in this case, a Before construction of what Is
Tufnell Joliffe, who owned the deepest station - 192 ft below
surface of the road - took place in 1903
,to,gr:IDtl~ were taken of the cracks in
buildings so that the builders could

entrepreneur Charles Tyson

who had already financed the
and District lines, took a carriage
pstead Heath and getting out near
Bull and Bush pub vowed to build a Line tunnel near Belslze Park in
tube line from there to central
ry 1983. When he was searched, a tiny
Work started on a station which
was found gummed to the roof of
to be called North End, but was aban-
at an advanced stage in favour of a
to the west - now Golders Green
The line opened as the Charing
Euston and Hampstead Railway in
and was later extended to Edgware,
plans to go further north to Elstree of the stations have names other
dropped during the Second World their original1907 ones, among them
Street which was originally Euston
The station, built in 1924, Goodge Street (Tottenham Court
and Tottenham Court Road (Oxford

was then open countryside to Town In the 1920s Welsh miners

the London County Council's
but then unbuilt, Watling Estate. lines here.
Until the 1990s a set of sema- lngton Crescent When the station
signals outside the station was used rebuilt in the 1990s members of the
testing drivers' eyesight. of the BBC radio comedy I'm Sorry I
Central The original building was 't a Clue, which uses the station's
in 1922 by Stanley A. Heaps to as one of its long-running gags, were
a Roman basilica. to reopen it.
Cross Originally planned as Wood- The original station building on this

lies derelict at the corner of Drum-

Street and Eversholt Street.
Street The station had the first
shopping precinct.

there are no lifts now. The London Underground

Street General Eisenhower,
United States' Second World War
nmanc::ler-ln-chief, briefly ran his

redesign of the station in 1984 Moorgate and slammed into

Paolozzi depicted the demography tunnel at the southern end of platform
Charing Cross Road in his mosaic, himself and forty-two passengers.
saxophones for the Denmark Street reason for the crash was ever found,
trade and cows and chickens to
the growth of local restaurants in trains to prevent a recurrence.
fast-food outlets. When the station was originally
Square Rebuilt in 1935, It in the early twentieth century the
on Cup Final day to accommo- proposed demolishing the
Sheffield Wednesday and West of St Mary Woolnoth nearby, but
Albion fans, who had been cele- was the public outcry they were
to underpin th~ church's founda-
Cross Formerly Strand. instead.
bar,kn"erlt Originally Charing Cross. Bridge Built under London's first
The tunnel to the north was station, which had opened in 1836.
Rebuilt by Charles Holden, the
nd's greatest architect, in the

YBRANCH and Castle The City and South

on Railway (the predecessor of the
section contains the oldest part of the
Line) was originally meant to be
the original City and South London
ble railway powered by a stationary
, which ran from King William
(now replaced by Bank) to Stockwell at Elephant and Castle station.
1890 and featured none of the ameni-
enjoyed by passengers on the older nlngton The only station on this part
n Line, the coaches having basic line to retain Its original dome,
shielded hydraulic lift machinery.
The long submerged River Effra flows
of Dr Who in the deep wartime and burst through during the
under the station. World War when engineers tried to
Rebuilt within the British Rail a bomb shelter.
The 1890 southern terminus of
Cross St Pancras The under- City and South London Railway.
nd's biggest station's hybrid name North One of seven Northern
from a long demolished statue of
IV and a third-century boy saint
The station has the longest

South The first West Indian immi- left Islington to found the Marylebone
Cricket Club (MCC), which played its first
game the following year against the White
Conduit at Dorset Square. A new tavern was
built in 1828, and it was there that five of the
Tolpuddle Martyrs were welcomed on their
return from Australia in 1836. It is now the
Penny Farthing.
.... Lord's, p. 328.

Popham Street
Cathy Come Home, Ken Loach's harrowing
TV drama of 1966, which followed the
miserable social descent of a northern girl
seduced by the prospects of living in
London, was partly filmed on this side
used by charcoal burners.
street off Essex Road.
Wimbledon Originally Trinity Road.
The authorities gambled on Upper Street Also seep. 328
~ station here in 1926 at a time One of the liveliest roads in the capital,
were few buildings kt the thanks to its abundance of cafes and
restaurants, two famous pubs (the King's
Head and the Hope and Anchor), the
Screen on the Green cinema and the nearby
Almeida Theatre, Upper Street is also part
Penton Street of the traditional main route north from
Much of Pentonville at the western end
London - the A1 - and was briefly known as
of Chapel Market was covered by fields
King Street in the first decade of the seven-
before the growth of Islington, but near the
teenth century after King James, riding
modem-day junction of Penton Street and
southwards from Edinburgh, was met by the
White Lion Street stood the Dl)ite <tonbuit Lord Mayor of London at Stamford Hill and
Xovem, which opened on 30 January 1649,
escorted along the road to the City. Upper
the day Charles I was executed. It was
Street's present-day look dates back to the
converted into a fashionable tea house in
nineteenth century when small shops and
the mid eighteenth century. There, accord-
large pubs with mews replaced the Tudor
ing to Oliver Goldsmith in The Citizen of the
World, 'the inhabitants of London often
west side: Liverpool Road to Almeida Street
assembled to celebrate a feast of hot rolls
Screen on the Green, No. 83
and butter; seeing such numbers, each with
A popular cinema showing mostly art house
their little table before them, employed on
new releases, it was here that the Clash first
this occasion, must no doubt be a very
performed in public on Sunday 29 August
amusing sight to the looker-on, but still
1976 on a bill also featuring the Buzzcocks,
more so to those who perform in the solem-
playing their first gig outside Manchester,
nity'. Cricket was played next to the tavern,
and the Sex Pistols. Among the outrageously
and when the cricket club's wealthy
dressed audience was Suzi Ballion (later of
members decided they could no longer play
Siouxsie and the Banshees), in black cup-
on a public field they asked an employee,
less bra, fishnet tights and swastika arm-
Thomas Lord, to find a new ground. Lord
band. The Clash's performance was derided
chose a site in Dorset Square, Marylebone,
by the NME's Charles Shaar Murray who,
and he and several White Conduit members
to his later embarrassment, described them

as 'the kind of garage band that should be its status as a haven for the wealthy middle
speedily returned to the garage, preferably class. However, the absence of damage to its
with the motor still running, which would housing stock in the Second World War
undoubtedly be more of a loss to their laid it open to 'rediscovery' in the 196os and
friends and families than to either rock or gentrification has since increased, making it
roll'. again one of the most desirable addresses in
The King's Head, No. 115 inner London.
London's best-known and first pub theatre,
described by Steven Berkoff as 'a sanctuary Almeida Street
for every maverick in the theatre world', Almeida Theatre
was opened by Dan and Joan Crawford in What became London's leading small
theatre at the end of the twentieth century
1970, its early successes including William
Trevor's Going Home and Robert Patrick's was built in the 183os for the Islington
Kennedy's Children, which transferred to the Literary and Scientific Society, on what was
then Wellington Street, and converted to the
West End in 1974, the first time a fringe
production had done so. Those that have Wellington Music Hall when the society
appeared at the pub which, confusingly, sells moved to Camden Road in 1871. The street
drinks at today's prices but expressed in pre- was renamed Almeida Street in 1890 in
decimal terms, include Joanna Lumley, Tom honour of one of the Duke ofWellington's
military victories, and the hall was taken
Conti, Ben Kingsley and Janet Suzman.
over by the Salvation Army then and by
Beck's Carnival Novelties as a warehouse in
(ii) Barnsbury 1952. Beck's put it up for sale in 1971 when
A bland but elegant residential area lying proposals for its future included a light
between Caledonian Road and Upper entertainment centre, courtesy of the former
Street, Barnsbury has come to be seen as the Goon Harry Secombe, and an alternative
theatre, the idea of the landlord of the
spiritual homeland of New Labour, as Tony
Blair lived at 1 Richmond Crescent before nearby King's Head. But when neither plan
he became prime minister and it was in a was approved it instead became the Almeida
nearby restaurant, Granita (at 127 Upper Theatre, which opened with Glenda Jackson
Street), that he and Gordon Brown agreed appearing in Howard Barker's Scenes from
the deal whereby Blair would become an Execution. In the 1990s major figures
such as Harold Pinter, Glenda Jackson and
Labour Party leader and Brown shadow
chancellor in 1994. In the thirteenth century Kevin Spacey enhanced the Almeida's repu-
the land came into the possession of Ralph tation by performing in this unlikely non-
de Berners, which led to the coining of the West End setting.
name 'Barnsbury', but it remained an incon- Barnsbury Street
sequential semi-rural outpost until the tBanifJam, ~au
building of Charles Barry's Holy Trinity Michael Collins, the leading early-twentieth-
church in 1824, following which a host of century Irish revolutionary, was sworn in as
squares - Barnsbury, Cloudesley, Gibson, member of the Irish Republican Brother-
Lonsdale, the singularly gloomy Milner and hood at the hall in November 1909 by Sam
Thornhill- were built for City gentlemen Maguire - a fellow post office worker who is
who could live in a refined semi-rural now remembered in the name of the All
setting but still be able to walk to work. In Ireland Gaelic Football trophy, the Sam
the early twentieth century, as suburbia Maguire Cup - and later enrolled in the
moved further away from central London Irish nationalist No. 1 Company of the
following the development of the Under- London Volunteers, drilling each week with
ground network, Barnsbury gradually lost sawn-off shotguns in the German


Gymnasium (now the Railwaymen's Club) gian housing stock, an event crucial to the
on Pancras Road, King's Cross. subsequent gentrification of the area. For
years speculators had been buying up
Caledonian Road Stonefield Street properties and leaving the
The Battle Bridge and Holloway Road
houses to deteriorate, so that there would
Company privately built what was the~ be less controversy over their demolition.
Chalk Road in 1826, the first houses bemg
When householders who refused to sell
constructed in the 1840s, as was Pentonville
formed an association to prevent the street
Prison (see Holloway, p. 335). After King's being spoiled the developers responded by
Cross station opened in 1852 the road was knocking down the front wall of No. 16
renamed in honour of the Latin name of
while the tenants, the Murphys, were at
Scotland, the trains' northern destination. It
work. The protestors then successfully
gradually filled with small shops and houses
secured an injunction to halt demolition
but after Second World War bombing was
and Islington council bought the properties
rebuilt with shabby council estates. to prevent further disruption.
Jlo. 136, east side
Karl Gustav Ernst, a second-generation
German, ran a spy ring from his barber- (iii) Canon bury
shop at this address in the early years of. the The best-preserved and most picturesque
twentieth century, receiving his instructions
suburb in inner London, Canonbury is built
in the post together with packages of hair-
on land which took the name of Canon's
cutting sundries. Ernst would hand agents
Burgh after coming into the possession of
their orders when they visited the shop, but
the Canons of St Bartholomew in the thir-
his activities were exposed in 1910 following
teenth century and became more popular
the funeral of Edward VII when two detec-
when Hugh Myddelton's New River, bring-
tives, told to watch a German naval attache,
ing water from Hertfordshire to the City,
Baron Rostock, who was in London as part
was cut through local fields in the early
of the Kaiser's entourage paying respects to
seventeenth century. A residential estate for
the late British monarch, followed the
the wealthy middle class in the nineteenth
nobleman to the barber's. The detectives, century, it became shabby in the early twen-
suspicious of why the baron would go to so
tieth century. But the destruction wrought
seedy a quarter for a haircut, and why so
to similar suburbs such as Kennington and
many smart-looking men continued to drop
North Kensington during the 'Second
in over the next few weeks, decided to inter-
World War, and the subsequent decline of
cept Ernst's letters. In his mail they fo~nd a
districts such as Bayswater and Lisson
list of German agents, but took no act10n as
Green, gave Canonbury, with its homo-
they feared the Germans would simply estab-
genous early-nineteenth-century appear-
lish a new network, which would itself have
ance, fresh appeal, and the opening of the
to be identified. Instead they watched and
Victoria Line in the early 1970s made it a
waited, rounding up the spies at the outset
sought-after address.
ofthe First World War in 1914. After a trial
• Canonbury occupies the triangle bounded
at the Old Bailey Ernst received a seven-year
by Upper Street, St Paul's Road and Essex
jail sentence.
... German Embassy in the early twentieth
century, p. 207. Canonbury Place
A narrow lane in two sections at the centre
Stonefield Street of Canonbury village, which is home to the
A small street off Cloudesley Square, it was
ancient Canonbury Tower, it was developed
where in 1973 residents won a campaign to
in the 1770s when the Marquess of North-
prevent developers demolishing the Geor-

ampton leased the land to a local stock- his short tenure brought several parties of
broker, John Dawes. Weedon Grossmith, guests to his door and allowed them to peer
co-author of The Diary of a Nobody, moved through the keyhole at him. From 1952 to
into No. 5, The Old House, in 1891. Basil 2003 the building was home to various
Spence, architect of the postwar Coventry theatre companies including the Tower
Cathedral, moved to No. 1 in 1956. Theatre.
Canonbury Tower
The oldest building not only in Canonbury Canonbury Square
but also in Islington, Canonbury Tower The area's most prestigious address, lined
has Roman origins but the structure in with tall brick houses set around a pleasant
its present guise, with its unusual tower, is ruled-off green space, was designed in 1807
from the early sixteenth century when by Henry Leroux, the Huguenot architect
William Bolton, Prior of St Bartholomew also responsible for the nearby Compton
(now St Bartholomew's Hospital), built a Terrace and Union Chapel, which towers
property two miles from the nearest settle- over Highbury Corner. It was spoiled five
ment - with a tower as he was worried years later when the authorities chose to
about astrological warnings of a flood - build North Road (now Canonbury Road),
stocking it with food to last two months. an extension of Holloway Road leading to
The property passed to the Crown on the Shoreditch, through the middle. The pres-
dissolution of the monasteries in 1539 and in ence of a main road running through the
~quare dissuaded the wealthy from moving
1616 it became home to Sir Francis Bacon,
essayist, Lord Chancellor and Keeper of the m, Leroux was ruined and went bankrupt, ·
Great Seal of England, who, according to a and Canonbury Square began to attract
mid seventeenth century inscription on the mostly artisans and clerks.
wall in the top room, may have had a legiti- By the time the author Evelyn Waugh
mate claim to the throne. (The Francis moved to No. 17a in 1928 the square was
Bacon Society, which was formed to debate down at heel, and Waugh left two years
the theory that the essayist wrote the plays later, tired of having to explain to friends
attributed to William Shakespeare, moved why he was living in so appalling a district.
to the Tower in 1886.) Ironically, some fifteen years later George-
Orwell, with typical contrariness, moved
By the eighteenth century Canonbury
Tower was a lodging house, its most illus- into No. 27B, where he wrote some of 1984
trious tenant of the period being the novelist precisely because of its shabbiness. In the
and dramatist Oliver Goldsmith, who came 1950s speculators and wealthy householders,
here from 1762 to 1764 when hiding from his including Vanessa Bell, sister of Virginia
Woolf, began buying up the derelict proper-
creditors. On 26 June 1763 Goldsmith was
visited by the biographer James Boswell, who ties, refurbishing them into desirable homes,
recorded how he 'walked out to Islington to while Basil Spence, the modernist architect
Canonbury House, a curious old monastic responsible for rebuilding Coventry
building now let out in lodgings'. In 1770 Cathedral, moved his practice to North-
John Dawes demolished the buildings to the ampton Lodge (No. 39), now home of the
south of the tower and built what is now Estorick Gallery of Italian Art. Subsequent
Canonbury Place, and fifty years later Wash- renovation and changes in the public's atti-
ington Irving, the American author of Rip tude towards Georgian squares and houses
Van Winkle, moved into Goldsmith's former have made Canonbury Square a desirable
room in the tower, leaving after a few days location, despite the traffic.
'stunned with shouts and noises from the George Orwell's address (1944-7), No. 27B
After writing Animal Farm, the allegorical
cricket ground nearby'. Irving was also irked
by the behaviour of his landlady who during fable and satire of communism that became

his first commercial success- in local book- 1984, a time when the live music scene in
shops he would surreptitiously move it from London was in decline, and later resumed
the children's section to the adult fiction the gigs with little comparable success.
shelves - George Orwell and his wife, Eileen, .,. Marquee I, p. 139·
moved to a C~nonbury Square damaged by No. 32.8
German bombs and there became renowned Tariq Ali, the Pakistan-hom political acti-
for their traditional English high teas, which vist, opened The Other Bookshop at this
included various jams and marmalades, address in 1968 to sell radical literature and
gentlemen's relish, kippers, toast, scones political newspapers. It later became a
and very strong tea which Orwell would general second-hand bookshop and has
pour from a two-handled gallon-sized pot. since closed.
When Eileen died from complications after Highbur}r Comer
an operation in 1946 a distraught Orwell The green area at the junction of the At,
moved to the Hebridean island of Jura for St Paul's Road and Canonbury Road was
the summer, returning to Canonbury for the setting for regular political rallies and
the winter. In fact, Orwell would probably demonstrations before a Second World War
have been better off in Jura, for 1946-7 was bomb fell on Highbury station in 1944 and
one of the worst winters in London's history destroyed much of the surrounding prop-
and he was obliged to bum furniture and erty. Its best-known regular speaker was the
his son's wooden toys for firewood. It was Revd Donald Soper, the Methodist minister
at 27B and in Scotland that he began who railed against blood sports and child
working on his dark satire of postwar labour and once remarked that the House
bumptiousness, 1984, basing Victory of Lords was proof that there was life after
Mansions, dilapidated home of the novel's death.
hero, Winston Smith, on his Canonbury east side: Highbury Corner to Cross Street
address. Union Chapel, Compton Terrace
Designed by James Cubitt and built in
Upper Street Also seep. 324 1876-7, its attractive brick mass, based on
west side: Almeida Street to Highbury the eleventh-century church of Santa Fosca
Corner in Torcello, Italy, is flanked by elegant Geor-
gian terraces set back from Upper Street
Sisterwrite, London's first feminist book- behind green space and railings. It is now
shop, opened here in 1978. also used as a meeting hall and concert
Hope and Anchor, No. 207 venue.
Dr Feelgood, the Stranglers, and Graham
Islington Town Hall
Parker and the Rumour sealed their repu-
The ideological battles that beset the Labour
tations as some of the most exciting groups Party following the election of Margaret
on the mid-1970s London circuit at gigs Thatcher's Conservative government in 1979
staged in the basement of what was were keenly felt in Islington where left-wing
London's leading pub rock venue. Barely activists began to challenge traditionalists
large enough to contain a handful of for control of the town hall, positions of
musicians, let alone an audience, its size
influence within the party, and the chance
helped generate a livewire atmosphere that
to control the lavish budgets making grants
electrified even the most mundane gigs. The to non-council organizations. The Left
venue ignored punk, but swiftly moved on gained control of the party and Islington
to new wave, allowing Joy Division to make council after the borough's two Labour MPs
their London debut on 27 December 1978, and a number of councillors defected to the
playing to only twenty people, mostly jour-
newly formed Social Democratic Party in
nalists. The pub stopped booking bands in
1981. On taking over the council hoisted the

red flag above the town hall, displayed a a spate of pick-pocketing at an Arsenal-
bust of Lenin in the lobby, and trium- Tottenham football match. The area has
phantly announced an imminent campaign never recovered from blanket bombing by
of rebellion against the Tories' plan to the Germans in the Second World War,
reduce the power of local government. But having been rebuilt in the 196os with poor-
when the realities of being in charge saw quality blocks of flats. In the 1990s some of
pragmatism replace revolution Islington the redundant manufacturing warehouses
reverted to its earlier moderation; Lenin's around Old Street were taken over by artists
bust is no longer in place. and Hoxton briefly became chic.
Old Parr's Head, Upper Street at Cross
Street Charlotte Road EC2
This boisterous pub is named after Thomas A short turning connecting Great Eastern
Parr ('Old Parr'), a Shropshire man born in Street and Old Street, lined with solid brick
1483, who supposedly first married at eighty warehouses and showrooms, which is now
and was made to stand in his village church at the centre of the new local art scene. At
dressed in a white sheet twenty-five years No. 63 is the Bricklayers' Arms, the area's
later for making another woman pregnant. most popular pub, which has its own
Parr was taken to London after his 1s2nd gallery.
birthday to be presented to King Charles I. Factual Nonsense (1990s), No. w
The gallery was opened here in the early
He died soon after and was buried in West-
1990s by the artist Joshua Compston with a
minste~ Abbey.
street party at which the stalls were manned
by up-and-coming artists such as Tracey
(iv) Hoxton Emin, who did palm reading, Gavin Turk,
A run-down land of council estates and who offered punters the opportunity to hit a
bomb sites, Hoxton, previously Hogsden, rat made of old socks stuck in a drainpipe,
and Damien Hirst, dressed as a clown, who
has been one of the poorest and most
violent parts of London since it was colon- hired out his spin-painting equipment at
sop a go to anyone who wanted to attempt a
ized in the 166os by those burned out of
their homes in the Fire of London. In 1820 work in his style. (For a further sop Hirst
the Regent's Canal was cut through the would expose his genitalia, which had been
fields, attracting light industry (timber, furni- decorated especially for the occasion by the
artist Leigh Bowery.) Compston died in his
ture, brewing) and closely packed streets of
grim terraced housing, bringing about the bed here in March 1996 after taking a
exodus of the wealthy to Stoke Newington mixture of alcohol and ether.
or Canonbury. In the 1890s Charles Booth, Hoxton Square
author of the seventeen-volume Life and Hoxton's 1683 centrepiece, now exhibiting
Labour of the People in London, claimed that 300-plus years of London architectural
'Hoxton is the leading criminal quarter of history in various stages of decay, was where
London, and indeed of all England'. In the the Ancient Deists of Hoxton, an academy
early twentieth century Hoxton continued for dissenters from the Church of England,
to be at the forefront of advances in villainy, was established in 1780, attracting 'Alchem-
being home to the notorious fifty-strong ists, Astrologers, Calculators, Mystics,
Titanic Mob - so named because members Magnetisers, Prophets and Projectors of
dressed in mockery of the liner's beautifully every kind', and where James Parkinson, the
attired first -class passengers who took the late-eighteenth-century physician who gave
best seats on the lifeboats - who were his name to Parkinson's disease, lived (at
involved in racetrack robberies but were No.1). In the 1990s Hoxton Square was
broken up by the Flying Squad in 1922 after 'rediscovered' by magazine writers and

artists, leading to the opening of the Lux and Good-Morning, Boys, and Hitchcock's
Cinema and the White Cube• art gallery at first masterpiece, The Lady Vanishes (1938),
No. 48, designed in the shape of a double starring Michael Redgrave, Margaret Lock-
cube entirely top-lit with translucent ceiling wood and the duo Basil Radford and
panels. Naunton Wayne as two cricket-mad eccen-
trics desperate to reach Old Trafford for a
Hoxton Street test match that is inevitably rained off.
qe l'ritll1Uria, No. 107, west side Balcon left in 1936 to take over Ealing
Xl)e !Jritcmnio, which became London's studios, which he converted into Britain's
most celebrated music hall, opened in 1841 greatest film company, and Gainsborough
as the !Jritcmnio Soloon, where the manage-
closed in 1939 at the outset of the Second
ment would send round trays of food piled World War because it was feared that the
high with ham sandwiches to satisfy the chimney might collapse during an air raid.
hungry patrons, and was rebuilt in 1858 as
The Ministry of Defence used the studio to
the Britannia Theatre to seat 3,200. In 1869 make training films and gradually regular
the nine-year-old Dan Leno performed a filming was allowed, with Anthony
routine here with his uncle, Johnny
Asquith's Fanny by Gaslight shot inside and
Danvers, which ran: 'I once had an I.O.U.' 1
by the adjacent canal. In 1945 J. Arthur Rank
:so had I, but now I've only got U.' I 'Yes, reopened Gainsborough, employing the
poor I. 0. died.' I 'What did I. 0. die of?' 1 Welsh poet Dylan Thomas as screenwriter
'Don't you know? Iodide of potassium.' for a number of unsuccessful, long lost
Two later star attractions were Harry
, films, but it closed in 1949 and later became
Weldon and Jack Melville whose repartee a carpet warehouse, before being renovated
included the banter: 'Are you married?' 1
in the 1990s as flats.
'Yes, sixteen wives, no kids.' I 'Ridiculous.
... King's Cross on film, p. 356.
No man in England is allowed sixteen
wives.' I 'Yes, he is. It says so in the Shepherdess Walk
Marriage Service, "Four richer, four The Eagle, No. 2
poorer, four better, four worse".' The venue Up and down the City Road, I In and out
later became a cinema, was bombed in 1940, the Eagle I That's the way the money
and was subsequently demolished. goes I Pop Goes the Weasel- traditional
nursery rhyme
Poole Street The tavern associated with the nursery
Gainsborough Studios (19 2.4-39)
rhyme 'Pop Goes the Weasel', which refers
North London's major early-twentieth-
to local tailors pawning their flat-irons
century film studio, where Alfred Hitchcock (weasels) so that they could buy drink,
made some of his first films, began as a
opened as the Shepherd and Shepherdess in
power station for the Metropolitan Railway
what was then a rural area in the 1750s,
and was bought in 1919 by the American
changing its name to the Eagle when it was
company Famous Players-Lasky. Five years rebuilt to incorporate the Grecian music
later, following a number of unmemorable
hall in 1825. The teenage Marie Lloyd, who
films, it was taken over by Michael Balcon's became London's leading music-hall
Gainsborough Pictures, whose logo featured performer, made her first appearance (as
Thomas Gainsborough's picture of the
Bella Delmere) here on 9 May 1885 when she
actress Sarah Siddons, and who employed was fifteen.
the young Alfred Hitchcock as a studio
hand. An early success was The Rat, starring
Ivor Novello, set in the Parisian underworld
but filmed here, and it was followed by two
of Will Hay's best comedies, Oh, Mr Porter

of Dogs, winning 6-o. Growing success in

HIGHBURY , NS the various south London cups saw Wool-
wich Arsenal join the Football League in
By modern urban standards Highbury is a 1893, but they achieved little until the
barely spoilt village, free of system-built megalomaniac Henry Norris took over as
postwar estates, blight and excessive chairman in 1910. Norris wanted to merge
industry, which has escaped the intense Woolwich with his other team, Fulham, and
development of neighbouring districts such move to the latter's stadium, Craven
as Holloway by the good fortune of occu- Cottage, in south-west London, but when
pying a hilly site between major roads. After the League turned down his proposals the
the Norman Conquest William I granted Ars~nal chairman, realizing that the club
the local manor, then known as Tolentone would never be able to make enough money
and stretching from Crouch Hill to Hoxton, at their Plumstead ground, began looking
to Ranulf and the land passed to the Order for a new location.
of the Knights of St John Jerusalem in 1271. Sites in Battersea and Harringay were
The name Highbury was first recorded in considered, but in 1913 Norris found out
1370 and during the Peasants' Revolt, eleven that StJohn's College of Divinity in High-
years later, rebels ransacked ~ig~bun) bury wanted to sell its playing fields and
!Dbmor, which stood where Leigh Road decided to move Woolwich Arsenal to north
can now be found. By the mid eighteenth London. The proposal enraged locals, who
century the only buildings in Highbury were objected to the 'undesirable elements of
three terraces, the Highbury Barn pleasure professional football', and other nearby
gardens, and some twenty villas, but expan- clubs, such as Clapton Orient and
sion followed the opening of the railway at Tottenham Hotspur, but the deal went
Highbury Corner in 1849, with villas and ahead none the less. The deed of transfer for
handsome red-brick terraced houses built the property was signed by the Archbishop
on Highbury Fields and the roads around of Canterbury and the lease included a stipu-
·Highbury Park, and it soon became one of lation stating that Woolwich Arsenal could
the most attractive suburbs in north not play at home on Christmas Day or
London. Good Friday. At the end of the First World
War the club, by then simply Arsenal, won a
Avenell Road
Members of the Russian Social-Democratic place in an enlarged First Division despite
Foundation (forerunners of the Bolsheviks) having finished only fifth in the Second
including Lenin used the now demolished Division, after an intense lobbying
!Jlo. 85, home of a sympathetic British campaign by Norris and at the expense of
doctor, A. P. Hazell, as a mailing address in Tottenham Hotspur, who had finished
bottom of the First Division and expected to
1903 to foil officers from the Metropolitan
Police looking to intercept mail and inform be allowed to stay in the extended division.
the Tsarist secret police in Russia. In 1913 Following the appointment of Herbert
Arsenal Football Club moved to a site Chapman as manager in 1925 Arsenal gradu-
ally began to achieve success, winning the
Arsenal Football Club FA Cup in 1930 and becoming the first
London side to win the League Champion-
London's most successful football club was
founded in 1886 by workers from the Royal ship the following year. Not only did
Arsenal, Woolwich, who as Dial Square, the Chapman transform a previously unremark-
name of their workshop, played their first able team into the finest in the land, he was
game against Eastern Wanderers that also behind some notable new initiatives
December on a patch of ground on the Isle such as floodlighting, numbered players, the
white ball, rubber studs, training schemes

for schoolboys, and his greatest off-the-field Otg~fnt"J ifUat etubtoi, No. 96
achievement, the renaming of Gillespie Built in 1864 as a temporary church, which
Road tube station as Arsenal- aPR coup was later converted into the Athenaeum, a
which cost the train companies a fortune in venue for debates and lectures, it became
rewriting tickets, maps and signs. Chapman the ~igl)buq iJilm Stubios in 1936 and two
died suddenly of pneumonia on New Year's years later was responsible for the locally set
Day 1934 but so solid were the foundations Arsenal Stadium Mystery (1939), the story of
he had laid that success continued seam- a footballer who dies of poisoning during a
lessly: a hat-trick of championships was game at Highbury between Arsenal and the
completed in 1935, the FA Cup was won the Trojans (played by Brentford). During the
following year and the Championship again Second World War panic-stricken local
in 1938, with only the Second World War residents, convinced that Nazi paratroopers
interrupting the flow. The club continued to had landed in Highbury, phoned the police
dominate until the 1950s, recently returning but inquiries revealed that the 'German'
to success. In 1999 Arsenal announced plans invaders walking along the road were extras
to move from Highbury to a new state-of- for the Boulting Brothers film Pastor Hall.
the-art stadium on the other side of the lTV made some of their earliest television
nearby Great Northern Railway which programmes here in the 1950s, including
would be able to accommodate more than Double Your Money, Take Your Pick and
6o,ooo seated spectators, but found them- Noddy. The building was demolished in the
selves regularly thwarted by lack of funds. 1960s.

Highbury New Park

A long road containing many of the area's HIGHGATE , N6
largest villas, it was built in the 1850s,
following the shelving of plans to create a North London's leafiest suburb, part pictur-
soo-acre park between Highb4ry Grove and esque village, part wild heathland, part brick
Green Lanes, in a bizarre mixture of styles, villa suburbia, is named after the long
including Venetian, Gothic and Greek (best vanished thirteenth-century gate to Homsey
seen at the hybrid No. 55) for City shop- Park and occupies a lofty position at the
keepers of comfortable, rather than wealthy edge of Hampstead Heath. It grew slowly,
means, who could easily reach their work- owing to the difficulties vehicles and ped-
places on the new North London Railway. estrians endured to reach the top of the hill
At the southern end is Highbury Grove in the days before motorized transport, and
school, made famous in the 1970s by its has maintained its air of exclusivity and
Lancastrian-vowelled disciplinarian head village atmosphere, despite industrialization
teacher Rhodes Boyson, who went on to be and the twentieth century.
a minister in Margaret Thatcher's
government. Fitzroy Park
east side: Green Lanes to Highbury Grove An unadopted rural road by Hampstead
Matrix-Wessex Studios, No.1o6 Heath, Fitzroy Park covers the tree-lined
It was in this former Rank Charm School drive designed by Capability Brown that led
that the Sex Pistols recorded 'Anarchy in the to Charles Fitzroy's 1775 mansion, ~iiafOI)
UK', their provocative first single, in the ~oute (demolished 1826). It features a
autumn of1976 and the Clash cut their number of desirable properties including
lauded London Calling LP, chosen by critics The Elms - home in the early nineteenth
on Rolling Stone magazine as the best album century of George Basevi, the Jewish archi-
of the 198os. tect who converted to Christianity and was
killed when he fell off the roof of Ely

Cathedral- which went on sale for £7 mil- Domini, demanded he provide her with the
lion in 1999, and No. 10, designed by the biggest domestic property in the capital, and
mid-twentieth-century civic architect The Eagles, at No. 33, home of the Russian
E. Vincent Harris, which was later trade delegation. The nursing pioneer Flor-
bequeathed to Camden Council. In 2002 ence Nightingale recuperated at No. 37 after
council proposals to sell the house to devel- returning to Britain from the Crimean War;
opers resulted in a campaign of opposition Dick White, head of Ml5 and Ml6 at
led by locals whose number included various times, lived at No. 83 after the
Andrew Morton, the royal biographer. Second World War; and the poet John
Betjeman was raised in the early years of
The Grove
the twentieth century at No. 31.
A well-preserved seventeenth-century
The Flask, No. 77, east side
terrace, secluded from Highgate village by
Highgate's most delightful pub, parts of
an avenue of horse chestnut trees, The
which date back to 1663, is the home of a
Grove is built on the site of 1'otd)ester
bizarre local drinking ceremony known as
f>ouse, a sixteenth-century mansion so
'Swearing on the Horns', which began as an
named when it was bought by the 1st Mar-
initiation rite for travellers and involves the
quess of Dorchester, which was demolished
landlord brandishing a pair of stag's horns
in 1688. Past residents include the poet
fixed to a pole in front of a visitor who must
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who lived at No. 3
recite an oath before being granted the
from 1823 to 1834 and rarely left the house
freedom of Highgate.
except to sit on Highgate Hill looking down
on the smoke of London, and the violinist North Hill
Yehudi Menuhin, who lived at No. 2. Highpoint
The building at Highgate is an achieve-
Highgate High Street
ment of the first rank, and a milestone
Andrew Smith Hallidie, the Scottish engineer
that will be useful to everybody- Architec-
responsible for San Francisco's cable system,
tural Review, Le Corbusier (1936)
created a cable tramway linking Highgate
The supreme example ofluxury modernist
High Street and Archway in 1884, but the
architecture in London, Highpoint was
scheme suffered a number of accidents and
commissioned by Sigmund Gestetner, head
was scrapped early in the twentieth century.
of the office equipment firm of the same
The High Street, which offers dramatic views
name, as housing for his workers, and was
of central London, is lined with seventeenth-
designed by Berthold Lubetkin, the Geor-
and eighteenth-century buildings and quaint
gian-born founder of the pioneering design
shops and was saved from ruin in the 1960s
team Tecton, in the 1930s. The first block,
when locals successfully lobbied to prevent
Highpoint One, consists of fifty-six flats
the authorities introducing a one-way system
over seven storeys built in reinforced
that would have brought heavy traffic
concrete, grouped in the shape of two linked
through the village.
crosses, designed so that the living rooms
Highgate West Hill received sunlight during the day, and st:par-
Set amid beautiful woodland, Highgate ated from the ground by slim columns
West Hill winds down from Highgate village (pilotis). When Gestetner saw the results he
towards Parliament Hill and is mostly lined chose to sell the flats, rather than use them
with luxurious properties set back behind for his workforce. He also bought the
huge gates. They included Witanhurst, the adjacent plot of land to prevent unsympa-
largest private house in London after Buck- thetic new development, and it was there, in
ingham Palace, built in 1913 for the soap 1936, that Lubetkin created Highpoint Two,
magnate Sir Arthur Crosfield whose wife, furnishing the grounds with models of the

Erechtheum's caryatids (draped female Michael Faraday, Charles Dickens's wife and
figures named after the priestesses of daughter, the author George Eliot, William
Artemis) and a penthouse in which Foyle (ofbookshop fame), Sir Leslie
Lubetkin himself lived until1955, When the Stephen (father of Virginia Woolf and
Swiss architect Le Corbusier, the master of first editor of the Dictionary of National
modernism, visited Highpoint One in 1935 Biography) and the poet Christina Rossetti.
he remarked: 'This beautiful building sets a The most famous of the 50,000 graves and
question of principle: to follow tradition or one that attracts many visitors, however, is
to break with it? I reply unhesitatingly by that of Karl Marx who, being Jewish, was
stating my personal point of view; a new buried in unconsecrated ground. The most
tradition must be created ... For a long elaborate architecture can be found in the
time I have dreamed of executing dwell- mausoleum ofJulius Beer, designed by
ings in such conditions for the good of J. Oldrid Scott and based on the tomb of the
humanity.' Highpoint has since maintained Greek king Mausolus at Halicarnassus.
its exclusivity. Western Cemetery
... Trellick Tower, p. 446. The older section, which was designed by
Stephen Geary and can be inspected cour-
Pond Square
tesy of the Friends of Highgate Cemetery
Full of unexpected twists and turns and
Society, has as its centrepiece the Circle
attractive architecture, Pond Square is
of Lebanon, a ring of excavated vaults
neither a uniform square nor home to a
surrounding a huge cedar tree that is
pond, the standing water having been
considerably older than the cemetery. The
removed in 1864. Francis Bacon, the early-
section contains the grave of Elizabeth
seventeenth-century essayist and Lord Chan-
Siddal, wife of the poet and artist Dante
cellor, died of pneumonia he caught while
Gabriel Rossetti, who died of laudanum
trying to refrigerate a chicken in the square
poisoning in 1862, leaving Rossetti so grief-
in 1626.
stricken he buried a book of new poems in
South Grove her grave. Seven years later, looking to raise
The social hub of Highgate village, forming money, Rossetti decided he needed to
a pleasant setting south of the High Street publish the poems and so, after obtaining
by Pond Square and West Hill, South Grove permission from the authorities, he dug up
is home to St Michael's church, which con- the coffin and disentangled the book of
tains the tomb of the poet Samuel Taylor poems from her hair. Each page had to be
Coleridge, and the Highgate Literary and soaked with disinfectant before it could be
Scientific Institution at No. u, set up in 1839 published.
'for the promotion of useful and scientific By the mid-196os the western section had
knowledge' - one of the few surviving clubs been abandoned and in its overgrown state
of its kind in the country. was being used by Satanists, spurred on by
the legend of the Highgate Vampire that had
Swain's lane supposedly been seen by two teenage
Highgate Cemetery
students walking past the North Gate late
Huge catacombs, Egyptian columns, stone
one night, who also claimed they saw graves
angels and ivy-covered vaults create one of
opening and bodies rising. Local newspapers
the wildest settings in London, a cemetery
regularly featured stories about ghostly sight-
built in what was part of the Forest of
ings, such as the report that a local vampire
Middlesex and opened by the London
hunter accompanied a woman to the Circle
Cemetery Company in 1839 as one of seven
of Lebanon where they heard a booming
new commercial London cemeteries. Those
sound which stopped when the man threw a
buried at Highgate include the scientist
silver cross at the rusted iron door.
HOLLOWAY, N], N19 3~

According to the story Thames Television suburbia caught between fashionable

were called in, but when they attempted to Islington and wealthy Highgate and known
interview the man in front of the North Gate mostly for its railway lines and congested
a sudden outbreak of freak weather forced roads, Holloway was built on land owned
them to move further down Swain's Lane. around the time of the Norman Conquest
Over the following months the mutilated by the Dean of St Paul's, which later passed
bodies of foxes and cats were found in to the StJohn's Priory and StMary's
nearby Waterlow Park, an escaped mental Nunnery in Clerkenwell. The name first
patient was seen wandering the cemetery appeared in the fifteenth century in refer-
covered in his own blood, and graves were ence to the muddy hollow way, now
desecrated by the High Priest of the British Holloway Road, the main route through the
Occult Society who, according to Judi area. Holloway grew in the mid nineteenth
Cuthbertson and Tom Randall in their 1991 century following the arrival of the railways,
book, Permanent Londoners, 'broke into two when streets of basic brick houses were built
dozen tombs and drove stakes through the for manual workers. Further north, by the
hearts of the deceased'. The High Priest later foothills of Highgate Hill and Crouch Hill,
received a four-year jail term for his 'anti- more ambitious properties, decorated with
Dracula activities'. The number of stories perfunctory classical embellishments, were
has dwindled since and there have been few erected on the featureless fields for the
fresh sightings of animal corpses or the clerical classes working in the City, who trav-
undead. elled there on the new railways and omni-
Eastern Cemetery buses, as epitomized by Charles Pooter, the
The eastern section, which can be visited hero of George and Weedon Grossmith's
daily, was opened in 1854, a tunnel linking Diary of a Nobody of 1888. Due to its lack
it with the western section so that coffins of importance, Holloway escaped severe
could be transferred discreetly. Its most destruction during the Second World War
famous resident is Karl Marx, who died in and has barely changed in appearance since,
1883 and whose death was commemorated a save for the erection of a number of council
year later on its first anniversary by some estates around the Nag's Head junction.
3,000 supporters, including William Morris,
who journeyed to the cemetery to pay
(i) Lower Holloway (N7)
tribute. Morris was unable to get dose to
the grave and had to pay his respects at a Caledonian Road
nearby patch of ground where the crowd Pentonville Prison, Caledonian Road at
sang 'The Internationale'. Every 12 March, Wheelwright Street
the day Marx died, the Marx Memorial 'Jimes Potter' 'is nime was. 'E was found
Library holds a ceremony by the grave. at seven in the morning underneaf the
kitchen sink wiv 'is froat cut from ear to
ear. It was the landlady's brother done it.
HOLLOWAY, N7, N19 They 'anged 'im at Pentonville- 'The
Return ofthe Battling Billson', P. G.
His home was in the Holloway region Wodehouse (1924)
north of London ... a tract of suburban Built in 1842 as a model prison for men
Sahara, where tiles and bricks were burnt, between eighteen and thirty-five and based
bones were boiled, carpets were beat, on John Haviland's Pennsylvania State Peni-
rubbish was shot, dogs were fought, and tentiary, Pentonville initially employed a
dust was heaped by contractors - Our regime in which inmates were kept in soli-
Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens (1865) tary confinement in light, airy cells (an
An intensely developed grimy slice of inner improvement on the overcrowding of

traditional prisons), sent to the basement Crippen he claimed that Cora had eloped
if they dared to make contact with other with a lover and that he had withheld the
inmates, and transported to the colonies news out of embarrassment. The police were
after eighteen months. The authorities satisfied, but Crippen panicked and fled to
deemed this system so successful that fifty the United States with Ethel. Officers
prisons were built in similar fashion in searched the house but found nothing,
England over the next decade. When Oscar failing to notice the loose brick leading to a
Wilde spent a short time in Pentonville in coal hole where Cora Crippen's headless
1895 after being convicted of gross inde- remains were buried. However, when police
cency, friends tried to bribe the governor, tried again they found her corpse and
J. B. Manning, by offering him £10o,ooo to launched a search for Crippen. The captain
help Wilde escape. ofthe SS Montrose notified them, via
The poisoner Dr Crippen was hanged at Marconigram wireless, that Mr and Master
Pentonville in 1910 and before his execution Robinson (Ethel Le Neve dressed as a boy)
was visited by the librettist W. S. Gilbert, who were on board could be Crippen and
researching what became his final play, The _friend. Police caught up with the abscond-
Hooligan. Sir Roger Casement, the Irish ing pair on a faster vessel and arrested them
patriot who was indicted for treason during in one of the first examples of a criminal
the First World War after spying for the being captured with the help of radio
Germans, was hanged here in August 1916, telegraphy. Crippen was hanged at Fenton-
his body being exhumed from the prison ville in November 1910 and the Scottish
cemetery in 1965 and reburied in Dublin. comedian Sandy McNabb later bought the
Timothy Evans was hanged at Pentonville in house for £1oo, briefly opening it as a
March 1950 for supposedly murdering his Crippen Museum.
wife, Beryl, and daughter, Jeraldine, at
Holloway Road
10 Rillington Place, Notting Hill, an act now
A relentlessly traffic-choked route sloping
considered a major miscarriage of justice
upwards from Highbury Comer to Archway
that aided the campaign to repeal the death
past second-hand furniture stores, corroded
sentence for murder. The real murderer was
domes, decaying stone work, cheap cafes,
later revealed to be John Christie, Evans's
the bedraggled buildings of the University of
landlord, who was hanged here in July 1953
North London and the shops around the
by Albert Pierrepoint 'in less time than it
Nag's Head junction, Holloway Road is part
took the ash to fall off a cigar I had left half-
of the ancient route north (now the AI) and
smoked-in my room'.
in medieval times was made impassable in
~ Holloway Prison, p. 338; 10 Rillington Place,
the rain by the hooves of animals herded
p. 453· down the hill from the fields of Middlesex
Hilldrop Crescent to the Smithfield slaughterhouses, giving
In 1910 Dr Hawley Harvey Crippen -rise to the name Hohl Weg, from which
poisoned his wife, Cora, an unsuccessful comes Holloway. Shops opened alongside
music-hall star, at 9lo. 39 Hilldrop Crescent, the cattle trail in the nineteenth century,
off Camden Road (now replaced by council and side roads were built, but major develop-
flats) for reasons unknown, then telling ment did not take place until the railway
friends that she had died in America while linking Gospel Oak and Barking arrived in
visiting relatives. Suspicions were aroused the 1840s, soon followed by the Great
when Crippen's secretary, Ethel Le Neve, Northern Railway and the North London
was spotted wearing Cora's clothing and Line.
jewellery, and when police questioned
HOLLOWAY, N7, Nl9 3~

west side east side: Tollington Way to Highbury

Black House (1969-71), Nos. 95-99 Comer
Michael de Freitas, a.k.a. Michael Abdul Joe Meek,s studio, No. 304
Malik, or Michael X, the self-styled leader of In a small cramped studio converted from
London's black community in the 1960s, ran two bedrooms above what is now a cycle
a number of separatist movements from this store, Joe Meek, Britain's first independent
building, to which he gave the unfortunate record producer, cut a number of the most
name Black House, the same name as successful hits of the early 1960s, including
Oswald Mosley had given his British Union Johnny Leyton's eerie 'Johnny Remember
of Fascists Chelsea headquarters in the Me' and the Tornados' instrumental
1930s. De Freitas, who modelled himself on 'Telstar', a tribute to the space satellite of
American black power leader Malcolm X, the same name, which became the first track
had been a pimp and rent collector for slum by a British group to top the US charts.
landlord Peter Rachman in Notting Hill- Placing the string section in the hallway,
his excuse being that Rachman was the only vocal backing groups in the bathroom, and
west London landlord willing to house West brass players on the stairs, Meek also
Indians - and he enjoyed a large cult recorded the then unknown Tom Jones and
following amgng the fashionable white Left. Rod Stewart, though not Marc Bolan who
(When asked what the establishment could knocked on the doo~ begging for the chance
do to tackle racism, de Freitas responded of a session but was rejected.
that a black man should impregnate the Meek, who was paranoid about rivals,
Queen, so that they could rear a half-caste particularly Phil Spector, stealing his work,
child.) would incessantly search the building for
Shortly before Black House opened the bugs and lose his temper at the slightest
counter-culture paper International Times thing, flinging typewriters and even a
proclaimed: 'The great centre which speaker cabinet across the room, and once
Michael Abdul Malik will build will be white threatened drummer Mitch Mitchell (who
with a god-like figure like those Tibetan later joined the ]imi Hendrix Experience)
Buddhist temples which reflect the old with a shotgun for playing the wrong
vision of the winged disc, and prepare us for rhythm, telling him: 'If you don't play it
the new.' But much of the money to finance properly I'll blow your fucking head off.'
the project came from drug dealing and in Mitchell, it is believed, then played it prop-
August 1969, shortly after Black House erly. But from being one of the most
opened, de Freitas was committed for trial powerful men in British pop in the early
at the Old Bailey for robbery and 196os, Meek became unfashionable once the
demanding money with menaces after Beatles and other beat groups took over the
making a business associate wear a dog charts, and he was prone to bouts of melan-
collar and crawl around the building on all choly which increased when police ques-
fours for supposedly double-crossing him. tioned him about the so-called 'Suitcase
Two years later he jumped bail before his Murder', in which a rent boy was cut up
trial and fled to Trinidad, where he was and dumped in a suitcase in a Sussex field.
joined by various associates, including Gail On 3 February 1967 Meek shot his landlady
Benson, daughter of the Tory MP for during an argument at No. 304 and then.
Chatham, to form a new black power move- turned the gun on himself.
ment. After attacking a colleague and .,. Abbey Road studios, p. 367.
decapitating him with a cutlass de Freitas Islington Library, Holloway Road at
was hanged for mu~der. Fieldway Crescent
.,. Michael X in Notting Hill, p. 458. The playwright Joe Orton and his lover

Kenneth Halliwell stole seventy-two books, in Britain did not have the vote), who
mosdy from this branch, in the late 1950s refused to take her seat there and was
and early 1960s, pasting their own illustra- imprisoned for participating in the Easter
tions over the books' photos for humorous Rising.
effect. After placing the books back on the In March 1929 hundreds of people gath-
shelves they stood around the library ered outside the prison to witness the arrival
waiting for unsuspecting users to read their of Lillias Arkell-Smith who, masquerading
handiwork. Orton and Halliwell were as Colonel Sir Victor lvor Gaundett Blyth
eventually caught and jailed; the library Barker, had married in Brighton but, after
keeps some of the defaced books in its failing to attend a bankruptcy hearing, had
archive. been unveiled as a woman and sentenced to
nine months' imprisonment fbr falsely
Parkhurst Road describing herself as a bachelor in a register
Holloway Prison, Parkhurst Road at
of marriage.
Camden Road
In the mid-1940s Oswald Mosley, leader
Built as a House of Correction for men and
of the British Union of Fascists, was incarcer-
women in 1849 to 1851, and used for women
ated in Holloway, his 'prison' conditions
exclusively since 1902, Holloway was where
being a flat for him and his wife, Diana, in
W. T. Stead, editor of the Pall Mall Gazette,
which they could cook their own meals and
was jailed in 1885, during his paper's cam-
be waited on by other prisoners. But that
paign against child prostitution, after
did not suit Diana, who complained to the
buying a thirteen-year-old girl from her
governor. When asked if she knew anyone
mother simply to show how easy it was to
in the government who could help, she
do so. Treated leniently, Stead was allowed
replied that she knew all the Tories, begin-
to edit the paper from his cell and after his
ning with Churchill, and that 'the whole lot
release wrote how he had 'never had a pleas-
deserve to be shot'. When it was revealed in
anter holiday, a more charming season of
November 1943 that Oswald and Lady
Mosley were to be released there was an
Oscar Wilde spent a couple of weeks
outcry in the press, and film companies
here on remand while awaiting trial for
erected rigs outside the prison to capture
gross indecency in 1895, his flamboyant
the event on newsreel. The authorities side-
clothes taken from him and replaced with
stepped reporters and photographers by
prison issue embellished with arrows. In the
releasing the Mosleys through the back
early years of the twentieth century
Holloway was where many suffragettes,
It was here that Ruth Ellis became the last
including Sylvia Pankhurst, were jailed.
woman to be hanged in Britain at 9.01 a.m.
When one of them, Marion Dunlop, went
on 13 July 1955, her hanging delayed by a
on hunger strike she was released, as the
minute after a hoax telephone call was made
authorities feared she would become a
to the governor by someone claiming to be
martyr, and this encouraged other suffra-
working for the home secretary, Gwilym
gettes to copy her. The number of women
Lloyd George.
on hunger strike became so high that the
..,. Old Bailey, p. 58.
prison authorities back-tracked and started
to force feed the suffragettes. An internee Seven Sisters Road
during the First World War was Countess Bank of Cyprus, Nos. 160-162
Constance Markievicz (Constance Gore- George Davis, released in 1975 from a
Booth), the Sinn Fein MP for Dublin and robbery sentence after a high-profile
the first woman to win election to the cam.Paign - his supporters daubed 'George
House of Commons (at a time when women Davis Is Innocent OK' graffiti throughout
HOLLOWAY, N7, N19 3~

London, drove through the gates of Buck- The road belatedly opened in 1813 but was
ingham Palace, and dug up the pitch at not a success in terms of the toll money gath-
Headingley during the Ashes Test- was ered until the 183os.
embarrassingly caught attempting to rob the
Bank of Cyprus on 23 September 1977.
Highgate Hill
Police, acting on a tip-off, watched the bank A steep road with a long, eventful history
from a nearby property and when they and stunning views of London, it was
approached one of the robbers threatened where sometime around the year 1360 Dick
to shoot, grabbing an 82-year-old passer-by Whittington, according to the well-known
legend, having endured a· miserable time in
as a human shield; he was foiled by a
member of the public who dropped his shop- the City despite assurances that the streets
were paved with gold, chose to leave the
ping bags and threw his arms around the
robber, forcing him to let go. Davis, mean- capital but heard in the distant peal of the
while, was sitting in a car supposedly resting bells of St Mary-le-Bow the cry: 'Turn again,
Dick Whittington, thrice Lord Mayor of
between shops but suspiciously wearing a
London', returning to the City to find a
balaclava. His arrest brought the 'George
fortune awaiting him on a ship he had
Davis Is Innocent OK' campaign to an
recently left. For tlie eighteenth-century
abrupt halt.
commentator James Boswell, journeying
Vale Royal into London from Scotland, Highgate Hill
An obscure side street off York Way, just offered a first glimpse of the city and the
north of the North London Railway line, it writer was 'all life and joy. I gave three
has been enshrined in London mythology huzzas and went briskly on.' William
since the 1977 publication of Aidan Dun's Powell, the late eighteenth-century Treasury
Vale Royal book of poems, championed by clerk who retired after winning £soo in a
lain Sinclair in Lights Out for the Territory, lottery, used to walk from his Sloane Street
which speculates about the land north of home to the foot of Highgate Hill every
King's Cross being converted into a city of morning and after a brief pause at the
canals and becoming the centre of the spir- bottom of the hill run towards the top
itual rebirth of London. without stopping until he had reached the
.,.. lain Sinclair's Rodinsky's Room, p. 290. summit. If his run were interrupted he
would return to the starting point and
(ii) Upper Holloway (N19) begin again. When asked why he performed
this eccentric feat Powell replied that if he
Archway Road stopped doing so the world would cease to
Begun as a tunnel in 1810 to link Holloway exist.
Road and the Great North Road through south side: Archway tube to Highgate High
the steep Highgate Hill, it caved in prior to Street
completion two years later, to the delight of Dick Whittington stone
residents who had objected to the project, The stone marks the spot where Dick Whit-
but the scheme was soon resurrected, the tington is meant to have sat and heard in
engineer, John Rennie, being invited to the bells of St Mary-le-Bow a call to turn
submit a new design. Rennie decided to back to London. The seated cat was added
shelve the tunnel plan and cut a thorough- in 1964.
fare (Archway Road) through the hill, Lauderdale House
resulting in Homsey Lane crossing the Now a cultural centre hosting exhibitions,
new road on a tall bridge - now popularly concerts and craft fairs, the house was built
known as Suicide Bridge- held up by John in 1580 for Richard Martin, master of the
Nash's-arch (hence the name, Archway). Royal Mint, on a vantage point overlooking

London, and in the mid seventeenth century Newington (which means 'new town in the
came into the possession ofJohn Ireton, wood') grew around the Romans' Ermine
brother of Cromwell's general, Henry, Street - now the A10, which includes Stoke
who was imprisoned when Charles II was Newington High Street and Stamford Hill.
restored to the throne in 166o and banned A small farming community, it began to
from owning property. John Maitland, Earl attract wealthy merchants after the man-
of Lauderdale, Charles's Secretary of State made New River, bringing water from Hert-
for Scotland and the 'L' of the Cabal fordshire to the City, was cut through the
ministry, then took over the property. In fields in 1613 and in the seventeenth century
1670 Nell Gwynn supposedly threatened to Stoke Newington became a haven for
throw the son she bore for Charles II out dissenters and radicals who were unable to
of an upper window if the king did not meet in the City, the best known of whom,
grant him a title, which made the king locally, was the author Daniel Defoe, who
immediately exclaim: 'Save the Earl of briefly lived on Stoke Newington Church
Burford!' Street. By the beginning of the nineteenth
John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, century Stoke Newington was a 'misty
preached at Lauderdale House in 1782, and looking village of England, where there were
the building later became one of the many a vast number of gigantic and gnarled trees',
private boarding schools in Highgate. It according to the mystery writer Edgar Allan
then reverted to private use until a late- Poe, who was schooled locally. Its sylvan
nineteenth-century resident, the Liberal MP look disappeared as London became indus-
Sir Sidney Waterlow, gave the house to the trialized and suburbanized, and in 1821 farm-
London County Council in 1889 'for the land on the south side of Church Street was
enjoyment of Londoners'. auctioned off for new houses. The fields
east side west of the A10 were built over with fine
Cromwell House, No. 104 houses in the 186os, whereas east of the A10,
The Ghana High Commission occupies the where the housing stock was more
handsome 1638 house built for Richard pedestrian and cheaper to rent, immigrants
Sprignell, an associate of Oliver Cromwell, moved in. Today, this is echoed in
which was later bought by Alvaro Mendes bohemian Stoke Newington village to the
da Costa, physician to Charles II, the first west and down-at-heel Stoke Newington
Jew to own property in London following Common to the east.
Oliver Cromwell's decree that Jews be
allowed to return to England. Early in the (i) Stoke Newington Common
twentieth century Cromwell House was
taken over as a convalescent home by Great Evering Road
Ormond Street children's hospital and was Location of Jack 'The Hat' McVitie's
later occupied by the Montfort Missionary murder, No. 97
Society. The gangster Reggie Kray murdered Jack
... The Jews' return to London, Jewry Street, 'The Hat' McVitie, a bald-headed villain
p. 36. who always wore a hat, because he had
failed to obey the Krays' order to kill an
associate, in this basement flat on 28 Octo-
STOKE NEWINGTON, N16 ber 1967, eighteen months after twin brother
Ronnie shot dead George Cornell in the
Quintessential village London, long popular Blind Beggar pub, Whitechapel. The Krays
with writers, radicals, artists and musicians lured McVitie to the property after urging
despite being isolated from the centre with the tenant, 'Blonde' Carol, to spend the
no tube and poor bus and rail links, Stoke night elsewhere, with the ruse that there was

going to be a party. When McVitie entered such as Lubavitch, and were followers of
the room and found things were not Israel ben Eliezer, also known as Ba'al Shem
swinging as he expected, he asked: 'Where's Tov, a charismatic figure who founded a
all the birds, where's all the booze?' Reggie mystical, ecstatic movement in the eigh-
Kray responded by pointing a gun at his teenth century. They are easily recognizable,
head and firing, but the gun jammed. As the men wearing black headwear, beards,
McVitie tried to escape through the ringlets and long black frock coats, even in
window, his hat fell off. He was hauled back summer, and the women sporting gruesome
in, held down so that he could not get away, ritual wigs.
and attacked by Kray, who picked up a More mainstream local Jews were instru-
carving knife and pushed it into McVitie's mental in the late 1950s in helping instigate
face below the eye, then stabbed him in the the 'mod' movement, which also laid down
throat so severely the knife stuck to the wall strict rules on clothes - sharp Italian suits
and had to be wriggled around in his throat with narrow lapels and shirts with pointed
to be removed. Once McVitie was dead the collars - that could be bought at places such
Krays were faced with the problem of as Connick's, 55 Stoke Newington High
disposing of the body. As it would not fit Street, one of the few clothes shops in
into the boot of their car it was placed London which sold Levi's in small sizes, and
upright on the back seat and driven on a therefore attracted custom from the teenage
long tortuous route through London (to Marc Bolan (then Marc Feld). An article in
lose possible pursuers and confound poten- Town magazine in 1962 printed photos of
tial witnesses) to a quiet street in Woolwich, Stamford Hill mods, including the fifteen-
and later taken to a watery grave off the year-old Feld, who told the reporter: 'You've
coast of Sussex. The car was later reduced to got to be different from other kids. I mean
the size of an Oxo cube by a friendly scrap you got to be two steps ahead. The stuff that
metal merchant. half the haddocks you see around are
.., Blind Beggar, p. 306. wearing I was wearing years ago.' Photo-
graphs of the adolescent Bolan were taken
(ii) Stamford Hill by war photographer Don McCullin, who
later worked on the Antonioni film Blow
Stamford Hill, the name of the A1o north of Up, while captions were provided by the
Stoke Newington and of the area around the features editor, Michael Parkinson.
high ground through which the road runs,
is the centre of London's orthodox Jewish
Rookwood Road
community, with twenty-one schools,
Church of the Good Shepherd
Many a time have I stood outside those
fifty-six synagogues, and the largest popu-
barricaded art nouveau railings and
lation of ultra-orthodox (Hassidic) Jews
looked up at the soaring stone spire, with
outside New York and Israel. It was first
great bronzed beasts at its base, and
colonized by Jews after the First World War,
regarded that locked door with longing -
when those born in the East End of London
article in the Spectator, John Betjeman
to refugees who had fled eastern Europe in
the late nineteenth century grew up and (1956)
Built in 1892 as the Church of the Ark of the
moved north, attracted by Stamford Hill's
Covenant for the Agapemonites, a sect
open spaces, spacious houses, greenery and
founded in Somerset in the late nineteenth
river (Lea). Some of the new arrivals were
century by Henry Prince, who left the
White Russians (anti-communists), exiled
Church of England claiming that the Holy
after the Revolution, who brought their
Ghost had taken up residence in his body, it
wealth with them. Others could trace their
was the setting for a dramatic incident in
ancestry to a number of villages in Poland,

1902 when John Hugh Smyth-Piggott, verification, thus saving him from either
Prince's successor, proclaimed his own instant deification or death. The building
divinity from the pulpit. A mob chased the closed as a place of worship in 1923, but was
preacher from the church into the nearby leased in 1956 to the Ancient Catholic
pond to ascertain whether or not he could Church, who renamed it the Church of the
walk on water. However, the police, Good Shepherd.
indifferent to the outcome but determined "" University Church of Christ the King, Blooms-
to keep the peace, rescued the cleric before bury,p. 83.
North-west London

CAMDEN TOWN I REGENT'S Euston Station Colonnade 357

PARK, NWI344 Pancras Road 358
(i) Camden Town 344
Albert Street 344
Gloucester Crescent 345 (i) Belsize Park 359
Oval Road 345 Lawn Road 359
Parkway 345 Maitland Park Road 359
Chat~ Farm Road 345
(ii) Frognal36o
Camden High Street 346
Church Row 360
(ii) Marylebone 347 Frognal360
Baker Street 347 Frognal Way 360
Balcombe Street 348 Maresfield Gardens 360
Dorset Square 349 Oak Hill Park 361
Melcombe Place 349 Platts Lane 361
(iii) Primrose Hill349 (iii) Hampstead Heath 361
(iv) Regent's Park 350 (iv) New End 363
Outer Circle 351 Hampstead High Street 363
Broad Walk 351 Heath Street 363
Cambridge Gate 351 Keats Grove 364
Chester Terrace 351 New End 364
Cumberland Terrace 352 NewEnd Square 364
Marylebone Road 352 South Hill Park 364
Clarence Terrace 352 Well Road 365
Hanover Gate 352 Well Walk 365
Hanover Terrace 353 Willow Road 366
Outer Circle 353
(v) Vale of Health 366
Prince Albert Road 353
Sussex Place 353
Inner Circle 353
Abbey Road 367
(v) Somers Town 354
Boundary Road 368
Euston Road 354

Grove End Road 368 the World's End). The area was dramatically
StJohn's Wood Road 369 altered early in the nineteenth century, as
Charles Dickens outlined in Dombey and
BAKERLOO LINE 347 Son, with 'houses knocked down; streets
broken through and stopped; deep pits and
Primrose Hill and the Popish Plot 350 trenches dug in the ground; [and] enor-
Regent's Canal351 mous heaps of earth and clay thrown up',
to prepare for the arrival of the London
King's Cross on film 356 and Birmingham Railway.
Major matches at Lord's 369 As there were no local stops on the line,
and the terminus was a mile south at
METROPOLITAN LINE 370 _j Euston, Camden Town was unable to attract
middle-class commuters and in11tead was
CAMDEN TOWN I REGENT,S colonized by Irish immigrants and covered
with tightly packed houses, small shops and
PARK, NWI yards forming an intensely urban, working-
class community. In the 1960s, following the
Camden Town began as a speculative devel- growth in further education, students,
opment on land originally owned by Charles attracted by the cheap rents, began to move
Pratt, 1st Earl of Camden, and became a here, their presence helping to boost the
major residential and commercial neigh- local music scene - until then purely Irish -
bourhood following the arrival of the rail- and sustain the local markets that had
ways in the 1830s. Regent's Park to the west opened on the land made derelict by the
developed out ofHenryVIII's wish to decline of the local railway industry.
have a hunting ground to the north of Gradually, a youth-orientated scene grew
Whitehall Palace and was originally called up around the pubs of Parkway, the markets
Marylebone Park, being renamed in honour of Chalk Farm Road, and the record shops
of the Prince Regent (later George IV) early near the tube station, particularly Rock
in the nineteenth century. On at 2 Kentish Town Road, creating a
bohemian reputation that in the 1980s
(i) Camden Town attracted media companies both small
(around the renovated Camden Lock area)
Yesterday I walked for miles in that maze and large (TV -am moving into Terry
of poor back streets between Camden Farrell's corrugated metal pop art building
Road station and the canal. Cloudy, in 1983). Since then Camden Town has
drizzling, not drizzling, cloudy. Canal grown into one of London's most sought-
black, with plastic cups floating in it, after areas, its market area eclipsing even
potato-crisp bags, Kentucky Chicken and Portobello Road and Petticoat Lane at week-
a dead cat- In Camden Town, David ends when tens of thousands of shoppers
Thomson (1983) arrive to search for clothes old and new in
One of the metropolis's great centres of Camden Market, Camden Lock Market and
activity, dominated by music venues, bars, the Stables Market.
cafes and markets, Camden Town is named
after the 1st Earl of Camden, who sold plots Albert Street
of land to the east side of what is now Now one of the most desirable streets in the
Camden High Street in 1791, when the only area, thanks to its central location and smart
.major buildings were two inns - the Black well-maintained houses- inhabitants
Cap (on land now occupied by the tube include the novelists Beryl Bainbridge and
station) and the Old Mother Red Cap (now A. N. Wilson-: Albert Street was a violent
place in the 1960s, full of cheap lodging tation at the end of the decade. At No. 25 is
houses, according to the film director Bruce the Rat and Parrot, where the scene used in
Robinson, who lived in a squat furnished the opening of the Pogues' 'A Pair of Brown
with little more than an oven, light bulb and Eyes' takes place. At Nos. 35-37 is London's
mattress. Robinson recreated the seediness best-stocked pet store, Palmer's, where a
for the flat shared by Withnail and family of boa constrictors used to be let
Marwood in his 1986 film, Withnail and I. In loose af night to deter burglars until the
the mid-1990s Oasis's Noel Gallagher lived authorities intervened.
at No. 83a, where he wrote 'Wonderwall',
moving out in 1995 when interest in the
Chalk Farm Road
Part of the ancient route leading from the
group was at its peak.
West End to the Hampstead heights, it is
Gloucester Crescent named after the Chalk Farm pub, whose
A street popular in recent decades with name was a corruption of the local Chalcot's
figures from the arts, its residents have Farm.
included the photographer David Bailey, west side: canal to Chalk Farm station
the playwright Michael Frayn, the theatre Pirate's Castle
director Jonathan Miller, the artist David A mock medieval castle designed by Richard
Gentleman, the novelist Alice Thomas Ellis, Seifert and now a children's club.
the cartoonist Mark Boxer - it was home of Camden Lock, Chalk Farm Road at
his sixties caricatures the Stringalongs - and Commercial Place
the jazz musician George Melly, for whom One of London's most interesting markets,
Gloucester Crescent was ideally placed, set in a well-preserved site surrounded by
being a bracing walk across Regent's Park to Victorian brick warehouses, chimneys and
the West End. Another resident, Alan cobbles, it is named after the lock of the
Bennett, used it as the setting for his short adjacent Regent's Canal and for much of the
story 'The Lady in the Van'. twentieth century was the timber yard for
T. E. Dingwall's warehouse. By the 1970s the
Oval Road
site was derelict and in 1972 craftspeople
At the northern end of Oval Road, which
were invited to take space at low rent. Two
should have been oval-shaped to comple-
years later a market opened, which
ment nearby Gloucester Crescent, lie the
expanded after a relaxation in the Sunday
Camden Town catacombs, a labyrinthine
shopping laws, and now features around 100
expanse of tunnels and vaults, built to stable
stalls selling clothes, furniture, jewellery,
the horses used in moving railway trucks
gifts, books and records divided between a
and wagons for the nearby London and
permanent building on Chalk Farm Road
Birmingham Railway in the mid nineteenth
and the yards outside.
century. They were later used by Gilbey's
.- Portobello Road, p. 459·
Gin company when it was based in the
Dingwall's (19705), Middle Yard,
Roundhouse on Chalk Farm Road.
35 Camden Lock Place
Parkway Dingwall's, which opene~ in 1973, soon
A busy but charming road at the centre of became one of London's most popular
Camden's music scene, Parkway is home to night-time venues and an early home for
the Jazz Cafe at Nos. 5-7 and at No. 94 to punk. In July 1977 after a gig here by Elvis
the Dublin Castle, one of the first pubs in Costello and the Attractions, Melody
Britain allowed to serve alcohol until Maker's Allan Jones proclaimed: 'They
midnight, six days a week, in the early 1970s, played the most startling set I've experi-
which led to its becoming a major music enced since Television pinned me to the
venue, where Madness secured their repu- deck in Glasgow. This combo is so damned

hot they could reduce the Post Office Tower full, who won the best costume prize for
to a mess of molten metal in 6o seconds.' a nun's habit that just failed to cover her
Punk and new wave continued to dominate behind. On stage were new groups such as
the bill in the 198os but was replaced by the Soft Machine and Pink Floyd, the latter
comedy in the 1990s and Dingwall's now missing the opportunity of reaching their
features a more eclectic range of acts. first worldwide audience as the reviewer
"' Roundhouse, see below. from the San Francisco Examiner assumed
Stables Market, opposite Hartland Road that they were amateurs filling in between
London's biggest flea market has hundreds the major acts and failed to comment on
of stalls filling every inch of available space their performance.
around the arches ofthe North London It was at the Roundhouse in July 1970 that
railway and is the best place in the capital the nude revue Oh! Calcutta!, the title a pun
to find retro clothes - Victorian pea jackets, on 'Oh, quel cul tu as', French for 'Oh, what
twenties gowns, original Levi's- as well as an arse you have', opened, leading to
oddities that are likely to appear on next immediate complaints about taxpayers'
year's catwalks, such is the area's popularity money paying for smut. In the late seventies
with designers. There are also scores of the Roundhouse won a new lease of life as a
cheap noodle bars with covered seating, punk venue. On 4 July 1976 a gig headlined
which help draw the largest crowds to be by the Ramones was the first opportunity
found anywhere in the capital at weekends. for a British audience to see any of the new
Roundhouse, No. 99 acts from New York that were creating so
One of London's leading rock venues in the much media interest, and later in the year
196os and 1970s and now occasionally used Patti Smith played a set that became a major
as a theatre, the Roundhouse was originally influence on the new music emerging from
a railway shed, designed in 1846 by Robert Britain. Few gigs have taken place since the
Dockray under the supervision of the early 198os and the building is now underuti-
railway engineer Robert Stephenson, built lized, with no one able to find a useful role
for turning locomotives on a 34-ft turntable. for what is probably the best medium-sized
When the railway companies moved out in venue in the capital.
1869, it became a storehouse for Gilbey's "' Marquee I, p. 139.
Gin, until falling into disuse after the
Camden High Street
Second World War.
One of London's most energetic high
In the early 1960s the playwright Arnold
streets, with a range of shops covering practi-
Wesker made an ambitious bid to convert
cally every branch of retailing, it features
the building into an arts venue for his
typical chain stores south of the tube station
Centre 42 organization, which he hoped
and shops selling leather jackets, boots and
would 'destroy the mystique and snobbery
youth tribe ephemera north of the station.
associated with the arts [by aiming at] the
east side: canal to Crowndale Road
bus driver, housewife, miner and Teddy
Compendium Bookshop (1968-2ooo),
Boy', and by 1966 it was putting on unusual
No. 234
events such as 'The All-Night Rave Pop Op
London's leading late-twentieth-century
Costume Masque Drag Ball Et Al' fancy-
left-wing bookshop opened in 1968 (at
dress party, held on 15 October 1966 to
No. 240), at a time when there were only
launch the underground newspaper Inter-
two or three outlets in Britain for beat litera-
national Times. As they entered the building
ture, obscure political pamphlets, tracts and
guests were handed a sugar lump, suppos-
magazines, and moved to No. 234 soon
edly containing acid, and inside they
after. It dosed in 2000 to widespread
mingled with Swinging London luminaries
such as Paul McCartney and Marianne Faith-

Electric Ballroom, No. 184 Baker Street Also seep. 149

The Electric Ballroom opened as a dance The section of Baker Street north of Maryle-
venue, the Buffalo, in 1937, catering mostly bone Road was Upper Baker Street until
for the local Irish working class, and it was 1930 and contains at No. 221 the head-
here that the American balladeer Jim Reeves quarters of the Abbey National which by
pulled out of an appearance in June 1963 chance occupies an address similar to the
when the management failed to adhere to one Arthur Conan Doyle gave his fictional
a rider in his contract stipulating that the detective, Sherlock Holmes (No. 221B),
piano be tuned. Staff left the building to ,.esulting in the building society's receiving
deposit the ticket money safely before hundreds of letters a year from Holmes
making their unfortunate announcement. devotees.
A month later the teenage Van Morrison east side
played the ballroom and stayed with his Baker Street station
band in the flat above after the gig. In 1978 A station was built here for the Metro-
the Buffalo reopened as the Electric Ball- politan Railway, the world's first under-
room and on 22 August that year Sid ground railway, in 1863 and was later
Vicious gave his last stage performance here, extended in several directions, first for the
playing in a punk 'supergroup' with Rat northern branches of the Metropolitan, and
Scabies and Glen Matlock. in 1906 for what became the Bakerloo Line.
Camden Palace I Music Machine, No. 1a. In autumn 1999 a statue of Sherlock
A grand Edwardian music hall venue, it Holmes, whose fictional home was on Baker
opened in 1900 as the Camden Theatre and Street, was installed by the Marylebone
has since served as a cinema, BBC studio Road entrance, sixty years-after it was first
(the Goons' show was often recorded here) suggested by the writer G. K. Chesterton.
and the Music Machine punk/new wave
venue, which stayed open until 2 a.m. six
nights a week. In that incarnation it was
plagued by trouble: Bob Geldof was attacked
on stage at a June 1977 Boomtown Rats gig; line opened in 1906 and the name
the Human League had to play behind riot coined by the Evening News
shields to protect their equipment, mostly 'Quex', was soon adopted by the
computers, on 17 August 1978; and a twenty- owners, who were criticized by the
year-old man was stabbed to death while Magazine for appropriating 'a
talking to a friend on the stairway in title ... not what we expect from a
January 1979. Three years later, at the height company'. The line was extended to
of the new romantic era, the venue using existing overground track in
reopened as the Camden Palace, hosting a and took over the Stanmore branch of
narcissistic club run by Steve Strange. Metropolitan Line in 1939, but it has
contracted, losing the Watford to
(ii) Marylebone & Wealdstone section to British
and the Stanmore-Saker Street
An enclave of smart apartment blocks, to the Jubilee. The Bakerloo is
offices and small shops situated around tar with commuters because it Is
Marylebone station which is overshadowed n's slowest and noisiest line, the
by the main part of Marylebone to the south '-~>tM!ilstinl:!' track causing severe screeching.
and StJohn's Wood to the north.
& Wealdstone One hundred and
• Also see Marylebone in the West End,
people were killed on 8 October

into the rear of a suburban train Road One of two unconnected

stations named Edgware Road.
ryl.eb10n1e It was known as Great Central
network, thanks to Its proximity to until1917.
stations on fast lines into London. Street During the Second World
Kenton An unnecessary station, the prime minister, Winston Churchill,
its proximity to North Wembley and mber of secret service agents and
rs of the French Resistance prac-
pistol shooting in a range built under-
the station.
Park One of few West End tube
that serves only one line.
Circus One of the biggest stations
'"e,brlldJ:e Park In 1963 the Great Train system, with five and a half miles of
found the train they had decided
in the sidings and were able to
it, which helped them with the plan-
for the eventual robbery. The station
appears in the Ealing comedy The "I Cross Previously two separate
the White Suit. - Strand and Trafalgar Square -
A station wasn't built here until the long distances passengers must
en·tv-·Tive years after a line was first cut when changing between the Northern
Bakerloo lines.
ba!nk1mt1nt The station was built on

The line's original southern

North A mostly pointless

too close to Waterloo and
end of Kensal Green Cemetery, & Castle to be of practical use,
first commercial burial ground. no interchanges with other lines,
Park Named after a small, two- serving an under-populated neigh-
park which opened in 1887 to
with Queen Victoria's Golden
of the line, the proposed continu-
Park Named after a long-vanished towards Camberwell having been
and abandoned several times.
Vale Named after a short section of Line, p. 374·
As, whose name commemorates the
Battle of Maida in Italy.
Balcom be Street
Avenue Rita Tushingham, arriving
Four IRA gunmen took hostage the elderly
the North of England, emerges from
couple who lived at No. 22B on 6 December
1975, after police had chased them here from
Scott's restaurant in Mayfair. The gunmen
barricaded the occupants into the living
To entice the Bakerloo Line
room and phoned the police to demand a
Paddlngton in 1913 the Great
car to take them to the airport so that they
Railway paid a sweetener to the
could escape to Ireland, but Robert Mark,

the Commissioner of the Metropolitan unable to afford an architect to design the

Police, stated on air that the only place the station, which opened with only four plat-
hostage-takers would be going to was forms. Always less congested than other
Brixton prison and after a week the men major stations, Marylebone came alive
surrendered. They were later found guilty of mostly on Cup Final day or before inter-
bombing two pubs and were given lengthy national football matches when trains left
prison sentences. every few minutes for Wembley. It enjoyed
a revival in its fortune at the end of the twen-
Dorset Square
tieth century.
In 1787 Thomas Lord, a property dealer
and wine supplier, leased a small field to
stage a cricket match between members of (iii) Primrose Hill
the White Conduit club of Islington. The
The fields from Islington to Marylebone I
players so liked the venue that they moved
To Primrose Hill and Saint John's
here and renamed themselves the Maryle-
Wood I Were builded over with pillars
bone Cricket Club (MCC), drawing up a
of gold ... -Jerusalem, William Blake
list of rules for their own use, just as other
cricket clubs had done elsewhere in the
A gracefully built and well maintained
country. Healthy crowds meant Lord made
suburb, Primrose Hill is lined with tall,
a profit, which he increased by staging
grand Victorian houses and is home to one
balloon ascents, pigeon shooting and
of London's most visible bohemian com-
hopping contests. When a number of crick-
munities, with the writers Alan Bennett,
eters complained that the ground was too
Kazuo lshiguro and Ian McEwan among
small, Lord offered twenty guineas to any
recent inhabitants. Once part of Middlesex
batsman who could smash a ball out of the
Forest, and covered with undergrowth until
playing area, but he failed to pay up in 1808
the sixteenth century, the land later came
when Edward Budd duly obliged, breaking a
into the ownership of Eton College, but
greenhouse window. The following year
when proposals were made in 1820 to dig
Lord moved the ground half a mile further
into the hill and create a vast cemetery
north and then to the present site in
which could hold 5 million corpses, a
StJohn's Wood in 1814, the same year
campaign to create a public park was
Dorset Square was laid out.
suggested as an alternative.
... Lord's, p. 369.
In the 1830s Eton College insisted that if
Melcombe Place the London and Birmingham Railway
Marylebone station wanted the line to run through their land it
The last of London's Victorian railway had to do so underground, and so a tunnel
termini to be built, Marylebone opened in was built between Finchley Road and Prim-
1899, having been funded by Sir Edward rose Hill Road. The public greeted it as one
William Watkin, a Manchester cotton of the marvels of the age, and crowds
magnate who was chairman of the flocked to admire the classical architecture
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire framing the black hole into and out of
Railway and the Metropolitan Railway which the trains plunged.
underground line, and saw Marylebone The hill itself, 200 ft high, has long fasci-
not as a terminus, but as a stop on a line nated imaginative writers and religious
running from the north of England to extremists and is the setting for an annual
France via a Channel tunnel. Watkin's Druid ceremony. In the sixteenth century
grand scheme was curtailed when he Ursula Sontheil, the prophetess also known
suffered a stroke in 1894, and with funds as Mother Shipton, claimed that when
running low the railway company was London surrounded the hill its streets would

run with blood. The painter William Blake, assets - was built on land belonging to the
walking on the hill early in the nineteenth Abbess of Barking in the Middle Ages that
century, had a vision of the 'spiritual sun, was bought by Henry VIII as a hunting
not like a golden disc the size of a guinea, ground, Marylebone Park, later leased to the
but like an innumerable company of the Duke of Portland, and eventually granted to
heavenly host crying "Holy, holy, holy" '. In the Crown.
H. G. Wells's The Warofthe Worlds (1898) In 1809 John Fordyce, the Surveyor-
the Martians attacking London attempt to General, suggested the land be used for a
make their headquarters on the hill. In luxurious new estate of Palladian-style
Dodie Smith's 101 Dalmatians (1956) the properties and John Nash was hired to
dogs run to the 'open space called Primrose create the most dazzling of all London's
Hill' after escaping from Regent's Park. housing estates, given the name Regent's
Primrose Hill is also the hill referred to in Park in honour of the Prince Regent, who
the Beatles' 1967 song 'The Fool on the Hill'. took the throne in 1820 as George IV. Nash
drew up plans for fifty-six villas and classical
Primrose Hill and the Popish Plot crescents built around two circuses, set in
In 1678 the body of Sir Edmund Berry 487 acres of parkland, linked to the Prince
Godfrey, a well-known London magistrate, Regent's «tadton f)ouse mansion in West-
Protestant and friend of the diarist Samuel minster by a new route, Regent Street. But
Pepys, was found on the hill, stabbed with his original quota of villas was cut by the
his own sword. The inquest gave a verdict of Chancellor of the Exchequer to twenty-six,
wilful murder. It emerged that a few weeks of which only eight were built, and what
previously Godfrey had been approached by would have been the centrepiece, the
two men, Dr Israel Tongue and Titus Oates, palazzo Petit Trianon, separated from
and told of a Catholic plot to massacre Prot- Cumberland Terrace by a stretch of water,
estants, overthrow the government and was discarded. To make matters worse,
replace the king (Charles II) with the Cath- landowners near Oxford Circus refused to
olic Duke ofYork (later James II).-When it sell, forcing Nash to abandon his pro-
was revealed that the murdered Godfrey's cessional route to Westminster and to insert
name was almost an anagram of 'Dy' d by a kink in what should have been a relent-
Rome's reveng'd fury' panic spread. A cutler lessly straight road at the southern end of
who made a special Godfrey dagger with the Portland Place (by All Souls' church).
words 'Remember the murder of Edmund During the 1820s, grand crescents,
Berry Godfrey' on one side and 'Remember classical terraces and triumphal arches - the
religion' on the other sold 3,ooo in one day. first being Cornwall Terrace- began to
A Catholic silversmith named Prance later appear on what had been rough open land
confessed that he had been hired to murder and Vicomte de Chateaubriand, the French
Godfrey, but what became known as the ambassador to the Court of StJames's,
Popish Plot faded only after three years of spoke in awe of how 'wide streets lined with
public turmoil. palaces have been cut, bridges built, and
..- The Gordon Riots, p. 125. _j walks planted with trees'. The park was fully
opened to the public in 1841, and although
many of the stucco crescents were bombed
during the Second World War they were
(iv) Regent's Park
restored with a degree of care and attention
London's most beautifully landscaped park absent from the rebuilding of other devas-
- its setting so dose to the heart of the tated parts of London.
metropolis being one of the capital's greatest

Regent's Canal the remarkable Gorilla House (1934), built

The canal that runs through the northern as a two-part drum with a viewing area and
end of Regent's Park by Prince Albert Road a public walkway and since used for koala
was built to allow imported goods arriving bears, and the Penguin Pool (1935), an
at the various London docks to reach the abstract design in reinforced concrete with
Midlands more easily than on the muddy long spiral ramps and rendered screen walls
roads and was incorporated into John which allows the penguins to parade before
Nash's plans for Regent's Park. But the visitors. At the outset of the Second World
canal, which was named after the Prince War chloroform was used to kill the pois-
Regent and opened in 1820, was not as onous snakes, the aquarium was drained
profitable as expected and was soon rivalled (many of the fish were eaten), and when a
by the railways as the main local conduit bomb fell nearby in September 1940 a zebra
for moving goods. During the twentieth escaped from its cage and ran off across
century the canal was used to transport Regent's Park, closely followed by the zoo's
building materials and since the Second secretary, Professor Julian Huxley. At the
World War has become a picturesque end of the twentieth century a change in the
tourist trail. public's attitude towards the caging of
animals brought about a financial crisis
north end of Regent's Park which nearly led to the building's closure.
Macclesfield Bridge east side of Regent's Park
Five barges loaded with explosives being
towed along the Regent's Canal on 2 Octo-
Broad Walk
The walkway running along the entire east
ber 1874 blew up as they passed under
side of the park was originally intended as
Macclesfield Bridge, the southern extension
. the northern section of a processional route
of Avenue Road, instantly killing the crew
linking the Prince Regent's intended Prim-
of three, destroying the bridge and lodge-
rose Hill palace, which was never built, to
keeper's house at the park gate, blowing in
C£adton t;ouse, his Westminster palace.
the windows at nearby Townshend House,
home of the Dutch painter Laurens Alma- Cambridge Gate
Tadema, who was absent at the time, and Named after George IV's brother Adolphus,
damaging the tomb of the Millennia! proph- Duke of Cambridge, and built in 1876 to
etess Joanna Southcott, in StJohn's Wood 1880 to the designs of Archer and Green, it
Cemetery. soon became home to Decimus Burton's
Outer Circle Q:olosseum, a huge rotunda containing a
panorama of London based on drawings
Zoological Gardens
made in 1822 by Thomas Hornor while
London Zoo opened in 1828 after the newly
perched in a cabin on the dome of St Paul's
formed Zoological Society bought the
Cathedral. The Colosseum was meant to
northern portion of Regent's Park. Decimus
open in 1827, but was delayed by two years
Burton was appointed to design the zoo
when Hornor and his backer, Rowland
buildings, many of which he created as
Stevenson, absconded after running up
dramatic-looking follies, and the zoo
debts of £6o,ooo, and after fluctuating
obtained its first animals from the Royal
fortunes was demolished in 1875.
Menagerie in Windsor and the collection
based at the Tower of London. When it Chester Terrace
e'xpanded in the early twentieth century A grandiose neoclassical creation, 900 ft
leading contemporaryarchitects such as long, abutted by. triumphal arches and
Berthold Lubetkin were brought in to create designed by James Burton, it was built in
new pavilions for the animals, resulting in 1825 and named after one of George IV's

titles (Earl of Chester) but was derided by Clarence Terrace

John Nash, who denounced the statues A stucco terrace designed by Decimus
surmounting each of the terrace's columns Burton, who was obliged to scale down his
as 'ridiculous' and ordered that the end original plan to have a large central block
pavilions be demolished. linked to the sides by an open Ionic colon-
nade decorated with caryatids and sarco-
Cumberland Terrace
phagi No. 2 was home from 1935 to 1952 to
The most magnificent ofJohn Nash's
Elizabeth Bowen, who here wrote The House
Regent's Park terraces, constructed in 1816
in Paris (1935) and two London-based
with much care as the Prince Regent's
novels, The Death of the Heart (1938) and
palace was meant to be built opposite, it
The Heat of the Day (1949 ). In one Clarence
consists of three blocks that are over 250
Terrace property in the 1950s members of
yards long and divided by decorative arches
MI6 and the CIA planned the West's
filled with statuary, and has as its centre a
'secret' 1,8oo-ft tunnel linking West Berlin's
large pediment decorated with Britannia
American zone and the Soviet sector, details
and plaster reliefs representing imperial
of which were leaked to the Soviets before it
themes. Wallis Simpson was living at No. 16
was even built.
in 1936 when news of her affair with Edward
VIII broke, to the amazement of the public, Hanover Gate
some of whom gathered outside the twice- A short stretch of roadway at the west side
divorced American's flat to throw bricks at of the park, it used to contain f)olforb
the windows, provoking her swift exit to f)ouse, the most expensive and elaborate of
France. the original Regent's Park villas, designed by
.,. Edward VIII at Buckingham Palace, p. 211. Decimus Burton in 1832 for the merchant
south end of Regent's Park James Holford, which became Regent's Park
. College, a Baptist school for training minis-
Marylebone Road ters, and was destroyed in the Second World
north side: Baker Street to Albany Street
Madame Tussaud's
Hanover Lodge, north of Hanover Gate
A perennially popular waxworks museum,
Built in 1827 by Decimus Burton for Colonel
founded by Marie Grosholtz (Madame
Sir Robert Arbuthnot, it was home from
Tussaud) who arrived in England from
1832 to 1845 to Thomas Cochrane, the Earl
France in 1802 with thirty-five wax figures
of Dundonald, one of the most successful
and opened a permanent exhibition on
naval officers of the Napoleonic Wars, who
Baker Street in 1835 that moved here nearly
was sacked in 1814 and jailed for circulating
fifty years later.
news of Napoleon's death in order to make
money on the Stock Exchange. Although
A star gallery which opened alongside
Cochrane was the last person sentenced to
Madame Tussaud's in 1958 and where
stand in the pillory, he never served the
members of the public gaze at a huge
punishment, and by the time he moved to
domed ceiling lit up with replicas of the
Hanover Lodge he had been cleared of fraud
constellations while listening to a tape
and reinstated into the Navy. Matthew
explaining the workings of the solar system
Uzielli, the banker who financed much early
and galaxy.
railway construction work, lived at Hanover
west side of Regent's Park
Lodge from 1846 to 1860, and in 1911 Edwin
The large three-armed lake at the west side
Lutyens remodelled the property for Lord
of the park was created out of the Tyburn
Beatty. In 1926 it was bought by Alice Astor,
River by John Nash.
daughter ofJ. J, Astor, the millionaire who
perished with the Titanic, and when Bedford
College acquired the building in 1948 it finished than the RAF at the outset of the
removed Lutyens's additions. The property Second World War commandeered it for
is now privately owned. storing barrage balloons. When Hutton
• In the grounds stand three late-twentieth- returned in 1945 she found buckled floor-
century villas - Ionic Villa, Veneto Villa and boards and broken windows, and instead of
Gothick Villa - each designed for the Crown moving back donated the house to the US
Estate in the different period style befitting government, who have used it as the resi-
its name by Quinlan Terry, the Georgian dence for their ambassadors since 1953.
revivalist responsible for Richmond .,. Wallace Collection, p. 151.
Prince Albert Road
Hanover Terrace Grove House I Nuffield Lodge, south of
Twenty houses by Nash arranged as a StJohn's Wood High Street
unified group, their porticos linked by a Decimus Burton built the park's second
continuous loggia, form Hanover Terrace, mansion, Grove House, which occupies a
whose residents have included the play- commanding site at the north-west corner
wright Harold Pinter, who lived at No.7 of the park, in 1823 for George Greenhough,
from 1968 to 1978; the composer Ralph geographer and geologist, using a circular
Vaughan Williams, who composed his last theme for much of the design, the result
symphony at No. 10, where he lived from being a circular entrance hall and a drawing
1953 to 1958, the last five years of his life; and room with a semi-circular portico. Sigis-
the author H. G. Wells, who lived at No. 13 mund Goetze produced seventeen panels
from 1937 to 1946 and died there. depicting scenes from Ovid's Metamorphoses
inside the house in the 1940s but they were
Outer Circle
painted over when the Nuffield Institute
London Central Mosque, Outer Circle at
bought the property in 1954 and converted it
Hanover Gate
to Nuffield Lodge, which is now offices.
The mosque has its origins in a fund set up
by the Nizam of Hyderabad in the 1920s and Sussex Place
was built from 1974 to 1977 to the designs of Now the London Graduate School of
Frederick Gibberd on land that in 1944 had Business Studies, the twenty-six-house long
been handed to Islamic community leaders terrace with curved wings and Corinthian
by the Crown Estate Commissioners in columns, was designed by John Nash for the
exchange for a site in Cairo that was used builder William Smith in a style similar to
for a new Anglican cathedral. the Prince Regent's abandoned «affton
~mf.wb ~tua I Winfield House, north of f)ouse mansion.
mosque centre of Regent's Park
f)erifofb 8illa was built by Decimus Burton
in 1825 for Francis Charles Seymour-Conway,
Inner Circle
the 3rd Marquess of Hertford and Envoy
clockwise from the north
St John's Lodge
Extraordinary to the Court of Russia, who
One of Regent's Park's greatest villas, its
began theWallace Collection of paintings
sturdy stucco blocks massing into a power-
and artefacts. Later it became St Dunstan's
ful frame, StJohn's Lodge was built in 1817
Villa, used as a training centre for blind and
by John Raffield for Charles Augustus Tulk
disabled soldiers in the First World War, and
MP, a friend of the poet William Blake,
in 1934 home to Lord Rothermere, owner of
whose work he published shortly after the
the Daily Mail. Two years afterwards the
latter's death, when Blake was unknown and
Woolworth heiress, Barbara Hutton,
even in his own circle uncelebrated. It was
acquired the lease and rebuilt the property as
home from 1829 to 1833 to the Marquess
Winfield House. But no sooner was it

ofWellesley, elder brother of the Duke of developed as a middle-class estate around

Wellington and Governor-General of India, Xl)e 'Ol1J9on, a fifteen-sided building
and in the mid nineteenth century passed to erected in the 1780s on what is now Polygon
Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, the first Jewish Road, where the feminist Mary Wollstone-
baronet, who founded London Docks. craft briefly lived and the young Charles
In 1887 StJohn's Lodge became home to Dickens later lodged. The rest of the scheme
the 3rd Marquess of Bute, the model for foundered when the building contractors
Disraeli's Lothair in the 1870 novel of the went bankrupt, resulting in houses being
same name, who installed a domed circular built for the working class instead. After the
chapel (demolished in 1959), redecorated the London and Birmingham Railway was cut
rooms with heraldic and astrological through in the 1830s Somers Town became
symbols, and transformed the gardens with a slum, the land further blighted by the
terraces and 'arboured retreats' that are now construction of the Midland Railway into
part of the park. During the First World St Pancras station in the 186os, which
War the property became a hospital for rendered hundreds homeless. Attempts to
disabled soldiers and after Second World improve the area, with buildings for railway
War damage it was elaborately and pain- workers, a model baths (1840), and the
stakingly restored. It was sold in 1995 to St Pancras School for Mothers (1907), failed
Prince Jefri, brother of the sultan of Brunei, due to the many railway lines and associated
for £4o million, which at the time was the industries, and conditions further deterio-
highest price ever paid for a London rated with Second World War bombing.
domestic property.
Euston Road
8fttt tmla, west of York Bridge Built in 1756 as the New Road, London's
Only the lodge gates near York Bridge
first by-pass, to ease the manoeuvring of
remain ofDecimus Burton's 1819 villa,
troops and allow drovers to take their cattle
acquired by Bedford College in 1908 and
to Smithfield market without having to use
demolished in 1913.
Oxford Street and Holborn, it became the
The Holme, east of the lake
setting for three of London's great railway
Decimus Burton planned what was the
termini- Euston, St Pancras and King's
park's first villa when he was eighteen and
Cross - when Bloomsbury and Fitzrovia
built it in 1817-18 for his father, James, the
landowners refused to allow the lines to
builder responsible for much of Blooms-
enter their land. The New Road was
bury and StJohn's Wood, incorporating
renamed Euston Road in 1857 and has since
a splendid bowed drawing room featuring
been widened and upgraded into one of
Ionic pilasters that is visible from the lake.
London's major traffic routes. The northern
During the Second World War the RAF
side has been continually redeveloped and
requisitioned the house, and though it was
now contains a number of large granite and
later acquired by Bedford College it has
glass office blocks, while the southern side is
since reverted to being a private residence,
home to several major organizations,
exchanging hands for around £50 million in
including the Wellcome Trust, the Society
1994· of Friends and Camden Council.
north side: Albany Street to York Way
(v) Somers Town Setting for William Hogarth's The March
of the Guards to Finchley, Euston Road at
A broken-down area of crumbling housing
Hampstead Road
estates, boarded-up shops, railway lines, gas
Hogarth's 1750 painting The March of the
stations and canals south of Camden Town,
Guards to Finchley shows a band of rough,
Somers Town is named after the local land-
unshaven troops outside the long demol-
owners, the Somers family, and was initially

ished Adam & Eve and King's Head taverns, which Ml5 until recently housed its tele-
by what is now the junction of Euston Road phone network, on the seventeenth floor.
and Hampstead Road, being inspected .,. Centre Point, p. 100.
before marching north to Finchley, the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital
hill in the background of the painting, to (t866-198os), No. 144
protect the capital during the 1745 Jacobite Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, who founded
uprising from Bonnie Prince Charlie and the hospital as a dispensary for women and
the invading Scots. The inclusion of ' children, was England's first female doctor
Finchley in the title stemmed from a speech and the only woman on the British Medical
made by the Duke of Cumberland, leader of Council from 1873 to 1892. The hospital was
the government's forces against the Jacob- saved from closure after a campaign in the
ites, in which he mentioned that 'a camp at 1980s and later moved to Huntley Street,
Finchley would prevent any little part of Bloomsbury. The Euston Road site is
them who might give me the slip from currently being refurbished.
giving any alarm in London'. British Library, Euston Road at Oussulston
Hogarth filled the picture with suggestive Street
detail: the duke's soldiers look more like a The British Library was established in 1973
drunken rabble than a powerful unit to to bring together the British Museum's vast
whom the security of the country is being collection, which includes a copy of every
trusted; a fat soldier watches a colleague kiss book published in the country, under one
the milk girl, whose pail falls to the ground, organization, and plans to move the library
the milk tipping into another soldier's hat; to a huge new site in St Pancras were
they in turn are being watched by a smug announced soon after, with Colin St John
pastry cook who cannot see the hand Wilson chosen as architect. However, the
reaching up to steal his pies, or the soldier project was beset by delays and it opened
urinating against the wall of the pie hut; a in 1997 £350 million over budget, with only
keg has been punctured and the contents 10 per cent more seats than in the British
are being drunk by a fourth soldier; and the Museum. The critics lined up to damn the
grenadier in the centre of the picture is building, and Prince Charles derided it for
being simultaneously tugged by a young its resemblance to 'an academy for secret
pregnant woman, whose basket contains a police'.
copy of 'God Save the King', and by a preg- The St Pancras site, formerly taken up by
nant harridan who is threateningly bran- a goods depot, had been chosen so that the
dishing rolled-up copies ofJacobite library could be linked up with a number of
journals. other strategic buildings (MI6, Buckingham
.,. Hogarth in Leicester Square, p. 102. Palace, Telecom Tower), connected by an
Euston Tower underground cable network located along-
Along with Centre Point and Telecom side the parallel Victoria Line, which itself
Tower, Euston Tower was built in the 1950s, runs between two of the library's basement
at a time of intense government paranoia, as floors.
one of a number of hi-tech skyscraper office ... Victoria Line, p. 247.
blocks equipped to shelter leading civil St Pancras station
servants and other government personnel in Best known for its monumental Gothic
the event ofwar. Below the blocks a net- hotel fa~ade, one of the most exuberant
work of bunkers was ready to be manned by expressions of Victorian architecture, the
officials if military tension increased, but the station was named after the fourteen-
system soon became technologically year-old Christian martyr killed in Rome in
obsolete and Euston Tower is now simply AD 304 and was built in 1867 on the site of
another London office block, albeit one in scores of demolished alleyways and slum

houses. Among the streets demolished was King's Cross on film

Eve Court where Dan Leno, the leading late- King's Cross and St Pancras stations and the
nineteenth-century music hall performer, railway land to the north, with its canal,
was born as George Galvin in 1860. He later grimy yards and huge gas holders, have
recalled his birthplace on stage, with the featured as a backdrop in a number of films,
refrain: 'Ah! What is man? Wherefore does including Chaplin and Richard III, but
he why? Whence did he whence? Whither is never more so than in the 1955 Ealing
he withering? Then the guard yelled out: comedy The Ladykillers, starring Alec Guin-
"Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Manchester, ness and Peter Sellers, which is set around
Liverpool."' the King's Cross home of Mrs Wilberforce,
St Pancras' s enormous iron and glass a genteel elderly lady who lives in a house
roof, spanning 240 ft, stood alone until1873, from whose steps the Gothic majesty of
when it was joined by George Gilbert Scott's St Pancras station can be seen. Exterior
extravagant red-brick Midland Grand Hotel, shots of Mrs Wilberforce's house were
a riot of castellated fringes, dormers, filmed outside the Wardonia Hotel, 48-52
pointed-arch windows and steeply pitched Argyle Street, just south of King's Cross and
roofs, which incorporated 250 bedrooms St Pancras stations, while interior scenes
and all the latest facilities - gasoliers, electric were filmed. on 3rebericf Moob, off Cale-
bells, lifts and rubber surfaces in the road- donian Road, half a mile north, where the
ways to deaden night-time sounds. The producers built a set as close as possible to
prominent journalist G. A. Sala described it the railway lines running into King's Cross.
as 'the most sumptuous and the best The wages snatch was filmed at Cheney
conducted hotel in the Empire', while Scott Street, near King's Cross station, which also
himself claimed 'that it is possibly too good features in the film, the getaway car isaban-
for its purpose, but having been doned on Field Street, a now almost obliter-
disappointed of my ardent hope of carrying ated side street to the south of King's Cross
out my style in the government offices [the Thameslink station, while .at the end of the
Foreign Office], I was glad to be able to film the villains meet their fate by the Copen-
erect one building in that style in London'. hagen Tunnel, east ofVale Royal. _j
(A story, probably apocryphal, tells of an
American tourist staying in a nearby hotel King's Cross station (Nt)
who asked for the nearest church and London's terminus for trains bound for
having been directed to St Pancras church Yorkshire and Scotland was built over the
mistook Scott's ecclesiastical fa«rade for a burial site of the first-century warrior queen
place of worship and entered, asking a Boadicea (which supposedly lies beneath
porter the time of the next service, only to either Platform 8 or 13) and was named after
be told that being a Sunday it was closed.) a monument to George IV which stood at
The hotel lost popularity after the First the northern end of Gray's Inn Road from
World War and in 1935 was converted to 1836 to 1845. The station was designed by
offices, which were used until the 1980s, Lewis Cubitt in stock brick and the plainest
since which it has lain derelict, one of the of styles, with none of the Gothic finery of
largest unused sites in the capital. However, the later St Pancras or the neoclassical piety
much of the interior remains unaltered and of Euston (prior to 1960s redevelopment), as
the building is being revived in readiness for befitting the wishes of John Ruskin, who
the eventual arrival of Eurostar at the wrote in The Seven Lamps of Architecture in
adjacent station, itself the most rundown of 1849: 'Better bury gold in the embankments
the London railway termini. than put in ornaments on the stations'.
King's Cross opened on 14 October 1852 for

the Great Northern Railway, the most 1920s by the theatre impresario Alfred Butt,
powerful of the companies using London. he ensured that in reselling the properties
The station soon became associated with the new buyers would have no rights over
the romance ofleaving London in the early the gardens. The western end of the terrace
evening and arriving in Edinburgh at mid- was acquired by the Society of Friends, who
night, ideally on the Flying Scotsman, but commissioned a new building designed in
has long been bedevilled by accidents. In 1926 by Hubert Lidbetter, which surprisingly
J.86o an excursion train from Manchester won RIBA's building of the year award.
overshot the buffers, causing much mess but During a visit to London in 1931 as official
no casualties, and five years later a section of spokesman for pre-independence India,
a coal train came loose and rolled down the Mahatma Gandhi spoke here at a reception
Copenhagen tunnel into the terminus. The organized by Fenner Brockway, secretary of
guard jumped off before the train hit the the Independent Labour Party, telling the
buffers but again, surprisingly, no one died. gathering: '[We] want freedom unadulter-
On 4 February 1945 two passengers were ated for the dumb and starving millions'. He
- killed in a rail derailment, but the worst of was driven after the reception to his
all King's Cross disasters occurred below unassuming lodgings in Bow.
ground in the tube station concourse on .,. Ghandi in Bow, p. 312.
18 November 1987 when thirty-one people W ellcome Building, Euston Road at
perished in a fire. Gordon Street, west side
.,. Euston station, p. 358. Built in 1931-2 by Septimus Warwick in the
south side: Birkenhead Street to Bolsover classical revival style for the laboratories of
Street Sir Henry Wellcome, the scientist who
St Pancras (new church), east of Upper photographed archaeological sites during
Woburn Place the First World War, it is now the head-
The first classical revival church in London, quarters of the Wellcome Trust.
it was built in 1819 to 1822 at great cost to
replace the shabby church further north Euston Station Colonnade
(now Old St Pancras church on Pancras The decaying hotels, run-down shops and
Road) by Henry Inwood, who travelled to crumbling terraces that once stood around
Athens where he drew the Tower of Winds Euston station were removed in the early
and the Erechtheum, borrowing its design 196os when developer Joe Levy began
of columns supporting the entablature in buying up what he described as a 'derelict
the form of draped female figures (cary- bloody den of disease' so that he could
atids). Despite the expense incurred, replace them with state-of-the-art office
Inwood's caryatids were too tall and had to blocks. Levy conducted business as part of a
be cut down, and the construction of the consortium of estate agents, so that local
church was halted when members of the old property owners would not realize a single
church's congregation tried to sabotage the firm was behind the purchases and raise
building work while the foundation stone their prices accordingly, and he was so dili-
was being laid. gent in his dealings that by the late 1950s
Friends Meeting House, west of Upper only one house remained occupied, the
Woburn Place owner being a Cypriot whom Levy threat-
The Meeting House stands on land which ened with a council compulsory purchase
once contained the southern gardens of order. After shaking hands on a deal for
Euston Square alongside a row of houses, £so,ooo, an astronomical sum in those days,
Levy revealed to the man that he needed the
including 181 "uston !Jloob, where the
property so badly he would have given him
novelist H. G. Wells lived as a student in the
a quarter of a million pounds.
188os. When the leases were bought in the

Euston station Pancras Road

Built to serve the London and Birmingham Old St Pancras Cemetery
Railway, Euston station opened on 20 July A site of Christian worship since the early
1837 as the southern terminus of the first seventh century, according to archaeological
long-distance railway line in the world. It findings, the present church dates back to
contained an Ionic-styled Great Hall, built the thirteenth century although much of the
in what the poet John Betjeman later building is Victorian. In its churchyard can
described as 'palatial splendour', and its be found the graves of Jonathan Wild, the
southern entrance was through a 72-ft Doric so-called 'thief-taker general', who was
arch supported by fluted columns with the hanged in 1725; the feminist Mary Wollstone-
word 'Euston' etched into the stone, which craft (died 1797); and Sir John Soane, archi-
was criticized by A. W. Pugin, the doyen of tect of the Bank of England (1837), his grave
Gothic revival architecture, as a 'piece of marked by an ostentatious mausoleum
Brobdingnagian absurdity'. The arch was designed by him for his wife, in a style
demolished in the 1960s by British Rail, who which influenced Giles Gilbert Scott's red
insisted it was in the way of plans to extend telephone kiosks. When the Midland
the platforms, despite a campaign led by Railway Company built a tunnel under the
Betjeman and an outcry in the press. That cemetery in the 186os for their line into
the platforms were never extended led many St Pancras, skulls and bones were disturbed,
to suggest that the demolition was pure and after a passer-by revealed that he had
vandalism. The early-nineteenth-century seen an open coffin and locks of hair the
station was also destroyed and the new company was forced into carrying out a
station that replaced it was rebuilt with no reburial. One of the surveyors engaged in
recourse either to aesthetics or practicality, the work was the young Thomas Hardy,
containing platforms unavailable to waiting who in his poems 'The Levelled Church-
commuters, few seats for those waiting in yard' and 'In the Cemetery' entreats passen-
the main concourse, an underground cab gers who use the line to remember the
rank barely accessible to those with heavy 'piteous groans I Half stifled in this jumbled
luggage getting off trains, and a labyrinth of patch I Of wretched memorial stones'.
paths and passageways outside winding
through an ugly stretch of greenery, factors
which make it the least popular r,ailway HAMPSTEAD , NW3
terminus in the capital.
• In 1963 the Great Train Robbers Gordon Quintessential village London, with a
Goody and Bruce Reynolds, worried that romantic hill and heath setting high above
the driver of the train they planned to rob the metropolis, Hampstead was previously
might not co-operate, decided to steal a Hamestede (homestead), land which
train so that they could practise driving it. Ethelred the Unready granted to StPeter's
They waited at Euston until after midnight, monastery in Westminster (now West-
boarded an engine standing in a siding, and minster Abbey) in 986. It retained its exclu-
after several attempts managed to whirr it sivity as London expanded, thanks to its
into motion. But finding the locomotive not lofty position, clean air, medicinal waters,
as easy to stop as to start, they jumped off, twisting winding hills, narrow streets,
leaving it to continue down the track inaccessibility from central London and
unmanned. picturesque appearance, qualities which
... Paddington station, p. 432. have long attracted writers (Dr Johnson,
John Keats, D. H. Lawrence) and artists
(John Constable, Ford Madox Brown and
Stanley Spencer).

In the 1930s Hampstead briefly became had been for prefabricated houses that could
home to a number of well-known figures be clipped to the back of a lorry on a Friday
from the arts fleeing persecution in Europe evening, taken to the countryside for the
-Walter Gropius, the head of the Bauhaus; weekend, and brought back to town for
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoan- Monday.
alysis; Piet Mondrian, the Dutch painter - With Isokon Coates built a series of self-
who brought with them the latest pro- contained flats that were minimalist to the
gressive ideas and ideologies, such as point of monasticity, taking up the least
cubism, surrealism, constructivism and amount of space needed by a 'rational,
modernism, and made Hampstead the modem person', calculated by Coates at
centre of intellectual life in Britain, a 17' 2 by 15' 4, and consisting of a bedsitting
position which it maintained after the war area, bathroom, dressing room and all-
until the qualities that made it so exclusive electric kitchenette furnished with the
began to price all but the most wealthy out Isokon company's furniture.
of the area. In keeping with the modernist ideology,
the building incorporated communal facili-
(i) Belsize Park ties, such as a clubroom and a basement bar,
Isobar, designed by the Bauhaus's Marcel_
The southernmost and lowest part of Breuer, and a canteen serving meals such as
Hampstead, set around Haverstock Hill, kebabs, then unknown in England, made by
takes its name from the French bel assis a resident cook, Philip Harben, who later
(beautifully situated) and became a residen- became the first TV chef.
tial area for the middle class in the nine- .Isokon was aimed specifically at the intelli-
teenth century, attracting in the 1930s gentsia and attracted a number of artists
avant-garde artists such as Ben Nicholson, and writers fleeing Nazi Europe, such as the
Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore, who Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius and the
congregated around Mall Studios on Tasker sculptor Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, as well as
Road, where they were briefly joined by those closer to home looking to break away
continental artists fleeing Nazi Europe in from English insularity, such as the writer
particular the abstract painter Piet Agatha Christie and the sculptor Henry
Mondrian, who lodged at 6o Parkhill Road. Moore.
In recent decades Belsize Park has lost some Not everyone was enamoured with the
of its exclusive status, following the conver- place. Cyril Connolly's Horizon magazine
sion of many of the houses into student voted Isokon second in its Ugliest Building
bedsits and the construction of council competition of 1946 and its popularity
estates to the east of Haverstock Hill; declined after the war, the developer selling
however, the streets to the west of the it in 1968 to the New Statesman magazine,
station retain their exclusivity. who tore out the bar to build more flats and
sold the block to Camden Council. Some-
Lawn Road
how Isokon has survived, while continuing
A landmark in modernist architecture, to deteriorate, and by the beginning of the
Isokon, made of reinforced concrete and twenty-first century was covered with
graffiti and boarded-up awaiting redevel-
built in 1933-4 in the Bauhaus style, with
reference toLe Corbusier's Pavilion Suisse opment.
in Paris, was financed by Molly and Jack Prit- .,. Goldfinger's house, p. 366.
chard of the Venesta Plywood and Isokon Maitland Park Road
furniture companies and designed by Wells Karl Marx died at Jlo. 41 in March 1883,
Coates whose earlier architectural ambitions aged sixty-five, without leaving a will. His

estate was valued at £250. His letters, notes Frognal

and manuscripts passed to his patron, Fried- A winding hill leading from Finchley Road
rich Engels. to the edge of the heath, it has long been
one of London's most sought-after
addresses, home to writers (Dr Johnson,
(ii) Frognal
Kate Greenaway and Stephen Spender),
A semi-rural idyll of hidden corners, musicians (Kathleen Ferrier and Dennis
unadopted roads and fine modernist archi- Brain) and politicians (Charles de Gaulle
tecture set on the hill that rises from Swiss and Ramsay MacDonald).
Cottage to the Hampstead heights. east side: Frognal Rise to Finchley Road
Church Row One of London's most unusual houses,
Hampstead's best-preserved Georgian ter- 66 Frognal was designed by Connell, Ward
race, built in 1707 to meet the demand created and Lucas in 1936 to 1938 and fulfils Le Cor-
by the success ofHampstead's chalybeate spa busier's five points of architecture in that
and barely altered since, was home to the pilotis (slender columns) bear the weight,
author H. G. Wells, who lived at No. 17 from there is a free plan layout and fa~de, and it
1909 to 1912. The poet Lord Alfred Douglas, has long horizontal sliding windows and a
Oscar Wilde's 'Bosie', his one-time lover and roof garden. However, it caused such a
ruin, moved to No. 26 in 1907 with his 'wife' furore that the client told the Royal
after winning a libel suit against the Daily Institution of British Architects: 'I can
News, which had run an obituary calling him only regret that this building should
a degenerate, only to find he was still alive. offend the susceptibilities of some people
St John, north side, opposite Frognal and be beyond the comprehension of
Gardens others.'
At last we reached the wall of the church-
yard, which we climbed over. With some Frogna·l Way
little difficulty, for it was very dark, and A short unpaved road built in 1899, it
the whole place seemed so strange to us, contains buildings of considerable architec-
we found the Westenra tomb - Dracula, tural interest such as Maxwell Fry's Sun
Bram Stoker (1897) House of 1935-6 - the first modernist
Hampstead's major church was designed concrete house to be built in London as
by John Sanderson, built in 1747 to replace opposed to the rural outskirts - which has
the medieval church of St Mary and steel balconies, slender columns and a roof
re-orientated 100 years later to resemble terrace and shares many qualities with Le
StPeter's, Rome. In 1894 a group of Corbusier' s Villa Stein at Garches, France;
American admirers of Keats installed a No.4, a touch of California in the windy
marble bust of the poet inside, and three Hampstead heights, the wall of which
years later Bram Stoker was probably features a plaque of a flying monk;
thinking of St John when he wrote in his Shepherd's Well at No.5, designed in 1930
vampire classic, Dracula, of a 'lonely church- by Adrian Gilbert Scott; and the Mediter-
yard, away from teeming London, where the ranean-style Blue Tiles at No. 20, designed
air is fresh, and the sun rises over Hamp- by R. L. Page for the entertainer Gracie
stead Hill, and where wild flowers grow of Fields in the 1930s.
their own accord'. Maresfleld Gardens
Those buried in the graveyard include the
Freud Museum, No. 20
artist John Constable, the architect Norman
Sigmund Freud, the originator of psychoan-
Shaw and the 1950s Labour Party leader alysis, who fled Vienna and the Nazis in 1938
Hugh Gaitskell. when he was eighty-two, arrived in London

with little money and, after briefly living in appear before me out of a hole in the
Primrose Hill, came to Hampstead, where ground'. The PM and a team of civil
he charged patients between three and four servants, looking for suitably protected
guineas (about £125 in today's prices) for an places for the Cabinet to meet, had come
hour's therapy. Here, Freud was visited by to Hampstead Heath to explore the
the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali, the tunnels connected to the abandoned tube
novelist H. G. Wells and the Zionist leader station near the Bull and Bush pub on
Chaim Weizmann, and despite suffering North End and had made their way along
from cancer completed a book on Moses one of the tunnels for three-quarters of a
and monotheism, in which he argued that mile until Churchill noticed a grille leading
Moses was not Jewish but Egyptian, and to a manhole and forced his way through,
that the story of Moses being abandoned by coming face to face with the astonished
his Jewish mother and reared by an Egyp- sentry.
tian princess was a fabrication. After Freud ... Cabinet War Rooms, p. 230.
died in September 1939 - he was cremated Annesley Lodge, No. 8, south side
in Golders Green cemetery- his daughter The architectural historian and local resi-
Anna, a founder of child psychoanalysis, dent Nikolaus Pevsner described Annesley
lived here until her death in 1982. The house Lodge, designed by the modernist pioneer
is now a museum in which Sigmund Freud's C. F. A. Voysey in 1896 for his father, as the
study and library have been preserved as he 'best house in London', praising its experi-
left them, with one of his psychoanalyst's mental shape of two wings in an 'L' shape,
couches still in place. long unbroken red-tiled roof with comer
... Sigmund Freud at 84 Charing Cross Road, buttresses, and its updating of the trad-
p.100. itional English cottage format with its white
Oak Hill Park pebbledashed walls, mullioned windows and
A dramatic-looking route through thick heart motifs on the front door.
trees, lined with luxury 196os-built apart-
ment blocks nestling among foliage in the (iii) Hampstead Heath
manner of Frank Lloyd Wright's work in the
Illinois countryside, Oak Hill Park was first On the top of the hill indeed, there is a
developed in 1851 with houses that won a very pleasant plain, called the Heath -
Great Exhibition Award for Gentlemen's A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great
Dwellings but were mostly demolished in Britain, Daniel Defoe (1727)
The 8oo-acre wild heath, the best walking
the 1950s and replaced by blocks such as
Northwood Lodge, where Peter Sellers lived land in London, was formed by Ice Age glaci-
ation, which left it with a crest of sand and
briefly in 1962 and which he described as my
'Hampstead Torture Chamber'. One of the gravel that is unable to sustain crops, and is
few original properties that remains, No.1, probably the largest open space within the
at the eastern end, was home in the 1930s to boundaries of any of the world's capitals.
The heath was the site of one of the many
Sir Geoffrey Faber of the publishing firm of
beacons lit as part of a chain of fires to warn
the same name.
southern England of the approach of the
Platts Lane Spanish Armada in 1588 and was where in
A sentry on anti-aircraft duty during the 1673 the highwayman Francis Jackson was
Second World War on Platt's Lane (previ- hanged on the now uprooted Gibbet Elm
ously Duval Lane, itself a corruption of . (near Jack Straw's Castle) and left dangling
Devil's Lane) was startled to see a manhole for eighteen years to dissuade his colleagues
lid move and the head of the prime from committing further felonies. The heath
miirister, Winston Churchill, 'suddenly was saved from development in the 187os,

thanks to the campaigns of Hampstead Bram Stoker's Dracula. Jack Straw's Castle
residents, and in the Second World War was bombed during the Second World War
much sand was extracted to fill sandbags for - only the brick southern wall remains of
civil defence use. After the war the sheep the building that Dickens used - and was
that grazed on the lands were removed and rebuilt in 1964 by Raymond Erith and
the heath has since been carefully main- Quinlan Terry with antiquated-looking
tained by the Corporation of London. weather-boarding, sash windows and castel-
Hampstead Ponds, off East Heath Road lated turrets. The building was renovated at
One of two sources of the River Fleet, which the beginning of the twenty-first century.
flows underground into central London and Kenwood House
empties into the Thames at Blackfriars, the A Georgian mansion and popular tourist
other being Highgate Ponds. attraction that contains an outstanding art
Inverforth House, North End Way, off collection, Kenwood House is set in
Inverforth Close gorgeous landscaped grounds at the north
A grand house redeveloped into apartments, end of Hampstead Heath near the source of
it was built around a smaller property, The the underground River Fleet. It takes its
Hill, bought in 1906 by the soap magnate, name from what was Caen Wood, named in
Lord Leverhulme, who devised the Port honour of Odo, Dean of Caen in France,
Sunlight 'model village' on the Wirral, and who owned the surrounding forest in the
was redesigned so that it would be invisible eleventh century, and was first built in 1616
from the road and heath. Leverhulme also by John Bill, printer to James I. It was
added a ballroom and art gallery and in rebuilt in 1694 by William Brydges, Surveyor
1926, a year after he died, the property General of the Ordnance, and remodelled in
passed to Lord Inverforth who, thirty years 1754 by Robert Adam, who built the second
later, bequeathed it to Manor House storey, the library and a bridge over the lake,
Hospital. The little-known grounds, one of describing how he saw while working 'a
London's great gardens, feature Italianate noble view of the City of London, Green-
'ruins' and stone terraces with climbing wich Hospital and the River Thames, the
plants. ships passing up and down'.
Jack Straw's Castle, North End Way, oppo- In 1780, when it was home to Lord Mans-
site Spaniards Road field, the Lord Ghief Justice, the property
We dined at Jack Straw's Castle along became a target for the Gordon Rioters,
with a little crowd of bicyclists and others venting their fury on any building con-
who were genially noisy- Dracula, Bram nected with members of a government plan-
Stoker (1897) ning to allow Catholics more rights, and a
The highest pub in London, built on the mob travelled north from Bloomsbury,
summit of the hill that begins in Chalk where it had sacked Mansfield's town house,
Farm, it was constructed early in the eigh- to destroy Kenwood, being stopped only by
teenth century, taking its name from an the landlord of the Spaniards Inn, who plied
unreliable legend that Straw, one of the them with drink.
leaders of the 1381 Peasants' Revolt, had At the end of the nineteenth century the
taken refuge in a building that then stood 6th Earl of Mansfield sold many of the
on the site. In 1838 Charles Dickens invited contents and planned to demolish the
his biographer, John Forster, to dine with mansion to build thirty villas in the
him here, describing Jack Straw's Castle as 'a grounds. But the project was abandoned
good 'ouse where we can have a red-hot when Edward Cecil Guinness, the 1st Earl of
chop with a glass of good wine', and sixty Iveagh, bought the property to house his
years later the pub earned a mention in collection of paintings, which includes

Vermeer's The Guitar Player (stolen in 1974, entrance to what was the Bishop of
but recovered soon after) and works by London's deer park.
Rembrandt, Gainsborough and Turner, ~ The Gordon Riots, p. 125.
bequeathing the property in his will to the Whitestone Pond
London County Council. It is now run by The pond is named after the white mile-
English Heritage and entrance is free. stone inscribed '4¥2 miles from Holborn
~ Lord Mansfield's Bloomsbury Square prop- Bars' that once stood in the middle of the
erty, p. 88; the Gordon Riots, p. 125. road but can now be found in the bushes
Parliament Hill and was where in 1588 one of a chain of
At the southern end of the heath is Parlia- beacons was lit warning of the approach
ment Hill, at 319 ft one of the highest points of the Spanish Armada.
in London, which was originally known as
Uandin (from Llan sacred, din eminence),
(iv)NewEn d
and was where, according to legend, St Paul
once preached. The followers of Guy Fawkes An eighteenth-ce ntury village of pretty
came here to watch the Houses of Parlia- cottages, secluded lanes and picturesque
ment burn down in 1605, after which it settings tucked away between Heath Street
acquired the 'Parliament' prefix. and East Heath Road.
Spaniards Inn, Spaniards Road at Spaniards
.End Hampstead High Street
By good chance we got a cab near the A busy street dominated by boutiques,
Spaniards, and drove to town - Dracula, coffee bars and restaurants where at
Bram Stoker (1897) No. 42a, at the corner with Flask Walk, John
One of the heath's two famous pubs (the Lydon squatted in the 1970s and wrote the
other being Jack Straw's Castle), the Spani- Sex Pistols' 'God Save the Queen'.
ards, with its alcoves, low beams and oak Heath Street
panels, was named either after two Spanish The main street through Hampstead village,
brothers who owned it in the seventeenth it winds steeply uphill from the tube station
century, and killed each other in a duel, or to Whitestone Pond and is lined with attrac-
in honour of the Spanish ambassador to the tive shops, estate agents, smart restaurants
court ofT ames II. The eighteenth-ce ntury and appealing pubs.
highwayman Dick Turpin stabled his horse, west side: Perrin's Walk to Lower Terrace
Black Bess, here so that he could note the Everyman Cinema, Heath Street at
coaches worth robbing, and in June 1780 the Hollybush Vale, west side
landlord waylaid the Gordon Rioters, en Hampstead's long-running repertory
route to destroy the Lord Chancellor's house cinema opened as a drill hall in 1888 and
in nearby Caen Wood (Ken Wood), plied later became a theatre, making the head-
them with drink, and sent for the army, Ilnes in 1922 when a planned run of Noel
thereby preventing the raid. John Keats Coward's The Vortex, in which Coward
heard the nightingale that inspired his himself was due to perform, was halted by
poem dedicated to the bird in the pub's the government theatre censor, the Lord
garden, and in Charles Dickens's Pickwick Chamberlain, for promoting 'immorality'.
Papers Mrs Bardell and friends plot Mr Pick- The building became a cinema in 1933 and
wick's downfall in the Spaniards. was London's leading venue for art house
• Opposite the inn, by a narrowing of the films until a change of ownership in the
road that vexes motorists and considerably 1990s led to its conversion to a more main-
slows traffic, stands a listed eighteenth- stream cinema.
century toll house which used to control the

The Mount, opposite New End five. In 1920 the council bought the house,
A small patch of grass on an incline above after public subscription had saved it ·from
Heath Street, the Mount was where the demolition, and opened it as a museum, one
artist Ford Madox Brown, an associate of of the first visitors being Thomas Hardy,
the Pre-Raphaelites, set his monumental who was inspired to write the poem 'At a
mid-nineteenth- century painting Work House in Hampstead', which contrasts
(displayed in Manchester City Art Gallery), Keats's Hampstead with that of Hardy's
a vast panorama, rich in detail, imagery time. The museum contains the poet's anno-
and incident celebrating the art oflabour, tated books, letters, personal possessions
which was inspired by the sight of a group and lecture notes from Guy's Hospital
of navvies digging a sewer here in 1852. where he did his medical training.
11- The Pre-Raphaelites in Bloomsbury, p. 85.
New End
Keats Grove On the north side of the road is the innov-
Originally Albion Grove, it was renamed ative New End Theatre, previously a
after its most famous resident, the poet John mortuary, where according to rumour the
Keats, in the nineteenth century and was body of Karl Marx, who died in Kentish
depicted by George Orwell in his 1936 novel Town in 1883, was laid out on a slab before
Keep the Aspidistra Flying as Coleridge being buried at Highgate Cemetery.
Grove, 'a damp, shadowy secluded road New End Square
[where] Coleridge was rumoured to have Burgh House
lived for six weeks in the summer of1821'. A charming small local history museum-
Past residents include the Liberal politician cum-events venue and cafe built for the
Herbert Asquith (No. 12, 1877-87) and the Sewells, a Quaker family, in 1703 and home
playwright Alan Ayckboum (No. ua, in the
in the 1720s to William Gibbons, the man
1970s). who 'proved' Hampstead's waters to be
John Keats's address (1818-20) I Keats medicinal. Burgh House was taken over by
House, south side
the Royal East Middlesex Militia in 1858 to
A small museum dedicated to John Keats, it be an officers' mess and restored for
was originally two properties, in one of domestic use by Thomas Grylls, the stained-
which the poet lived from 1818 to 1820, when glass painter who designed the rose window
he was ill with consumption, and in the in Poets' Comer, Westminster Abbey, in
other of which lived the eighteen-year-old 1884. Fifty years later, Captain George
Fanny Brawne, with whom Keats fell in love Bambridge, who was married to Rudyard
and became engaged, only to be told to Kipling's daughter, Elsie, rented the prop-
avoid spending too much time with her in
erty and the elderly poet visited her here a
case it made his condition worse. In
number of times. After the war Hampstead
October 1819 Keats staggered home, not council bought Burgh House and ~onverted
drunk, as his landlord, Charles Brown, it for public use.
believed, but ill, made his way upstairs to lie
down, and after coughing up blood asked South Hill Park
Brown to bring him a candle which enabled Magdala, No. 2a, north side
him to see that the blood was bright red and The pub wall still features the bullet holes
therefore from an artery. Keats told Brown: made by the gun fired by Ruth Ellis, who
'I cannot be deceived in that colour - that shot her boyfriend, David Blakely, outside
drop of blood- it is my death warrant- I the building on Easter Sunday 10 April1955.
must die'. Although Keats went with fellow She was convicted of his murder and was
writers, the Shelleys, to Italy to recuperate, the last woman to be hanged in England (at
he died .there in February 1821, aged twenty- Holloway Prison on 13 July 1955). By a

remarkable coincidence the penultimate NO.l3

woman to be hanged, Styllou Christofi, also No. 13 was home at the end ofthe nine-
lived on South Hill Park. teenth century to Henry Hyndman, one of
Well Road the founders of English socialism- P. G.
Built on the site of a chalybeate spa, Well Wodehouse based his character Psmith on
Walk was home in the late nineteenth him- who is believed to have been con-
century to Karl Pearson, the statistician who verted to the cause in 1880 after reading
coined the term 'standard deviation' and Marx's Capital in French (it was not trans-
lived at No.7, and to Flinders Petrie, the lated into English until1887). Cynics
Egyptologist who in the 188os unsuccessfully claimed Hyndman was influenced more by
attempted to prove that the pyramids had his rejection from the Cambridge University
been built with divine assistance, at No. 8. cricket XI than by economic considerations.
At the north-east end of the road is the The poet John Masefield lived here from
Gothic monstrosity The Logs (Nos. 17-20), 1914 to 1916.
home in the 196os to the comic Marty No.27
Feldman, and more recently to the singer An imposing red-brick Queen Anne-style
Boy George. house, it was home to the writer J. B.
Priestley from 1929 to 1931 during the initial
Well Walk success of his novel The Good Companions.
Water containing traces of iron and, sup- 'Keats's bench'
posedly, health-giving properties was While ill with consumption in 1818 the poet
discovered in a well in the area in 1698. A John Keats was spotted sitting on a bench
Pump Room was opened and the waters on Well Walk 'sobbing his dying breath into
were soon being bottled at the Flask Tavern a handkerchief by the antiquarian William
on Flask Walk. The village then began Hone. The bench Keats used has since gone
marketing itself as a spa to rival Bath and but its replacement is also known as 'Keats's
Tunbridge Wells, with some success, but the bench'.
waters have not been taken since the nine- east side: East Heath Road to Willow Road
teenth century. Klippan House, No. 50
west side: New End Square to East Heath The house, with its excessively tall Eliza-
Road bethan-styled chimneys and huge size, was
eee.d O~ted ~· designed by Ewan Chris~an for himself in
Wells House, a block of council flats, stands 1881 when he was an adviser to the Church
on the site of the tuonb &cunpsteob spo, Commissioners, and was where the architect
opened in the 1730s, which the poet Alex- George Gilbert Scott Jnr urinated on the
ander Pope and Dr Johnson patronized but doorstep after Christian turned down some
which failed to impress Fanny Burney, who of his designs.
in her 1778 novel Evelina talks of the horrors ifirit O~ted ~·· Well Walk at Gains-
of an evening spent there and of men borough Gardens
'whose appearance and language was inel- After the discovery of medicinal waters in a
egant and low-bred'. The spa closed in the local well in 1698, John Duffield opened a
nineteenth century and the room was later spa with an Assembly Room where visitors
used for meetings, being demolished after drank the iron-rich chalybeate water, played
war damage in the 1940s. A view of the spa cards and listened to entertainers until their
was captured in Wedgwood for a 950-piece antics so annoyed residents that Duffi~ld
dinner service which is now among the was served with a series of law suits, which
exhibits of the Hermitage Museum in resulted in the closure of the spa in 1719. The
St Petersburg. room was later converted to a drill hall for
local volunteers arid demolished in 1882.

No.4o Henry Brooke to object to what he called

John Constable, the leading British land- 'square houses', only to be told by Gold-
scape artist of the early nineteenth century, finger, 'Only Zulus and Eskimos live in
lived at No. 40 from 1827 to 1834, writing to round houses.' Goldfinger and his wife,
a friend that 'our little drawing room com- Ursula, moved into No. 2 in 1939 and rented
mands a view unsurpassed in Europe'. In out the adjacent units to pay for their
the 1930s the house was occupied by the project to turn the house into a centre for
poet T. Sturge Moore, whom A. E. intellectual activity. The income enabled
Housman, author of A Shropshire Lad, once them to host exhibitions of Paul Klee and
described as a 'sheep in sheep's clothing' Max Ernst paintings and amass a formid-
and who had been loosely connected with able art collection, which included works
the Aesthetic Movement in the 1890s. With by Man Ray, Henry Moore, Max Ernst and
his wizened white beard and skull cap, Eduardo Paolozzi. Goldfinger died in 1987,
Sturge Moore had become the Grand Old and after Ursula passed away four years later
Man of the London poetry scene, hosting negotiations began with the National Trust
Friday night 'at-homes' where he would to convert the building into a museum.
surround himself with young literary hope- ~~> Trellick Tower, p. 446.
fuls and manically recite his own verse to
guests. George Orwell attended once despite (v) Vale of Health
his abhorrence of literary salons and
brought his mother, who fell asleep. A swamp drained in 1801 by the Hampstead
D. H. Lawrence's address (1917), No. 32 Water Company was given the euphemistic
The novelist moved to No. 32, home of the name 'Vale of Health' and was where
poets Dollie and Ernest Radford, during the Samuel Hatch, a collar-maker, built a house,
First World War after being forced to leave 'Hatches Bottom'. Cottages and villas
Cornwall when the authorities decided, followed, the properties being named, rather
wrongly, that his wife, Frieda, was a than numbered, and a small community
German spy. grew up in what is still one of the quietest
Wells Tavern, at Christchurch Hill and most unusual locations in the capital,
Built as the Green Man on the site of the accessible by car only from a barely sign-
house where the poet John Keats lived with posted road off East Heath Road, containing
fewer than 100 houses, no shops or pubs,
his two brothers from 1817 to 1818, it became
the Wells Tavern in 1850. The River Fleet and barely featured on most street atlases.
runs under the property. (There is an indispensable local map at the
East Heath Road end of the main Vale of
Willow Road Health road.) Past residents include the
Emo Goldfinger's address (1939-87), south writers D. H. Lawrence (1 Byron Villas,
side, Nos. 1-3 1917), Lady Lucy Duff Gordon ('Lucille'),
A small terrace designed in the modernist couturier and Titanic survivor
style in the 1930s by the Hungarian emigre (6 Villas-on-the-Heath, 1930s), the thriller
architect Erno Goldfinger, best known for writer Edgar Wallace (Vale Lodge, 1920s)
Notting Hill's Trellick Tower, it became the and, more recently, the actresses Janet
National Trust's first modernist property in Suzman and Judi Dench.
the 1990s, amid controversy similar to that ~~> Lucille and the Titanic, p. 174.
which greeted Goldfinger's earlier decision Spencer House
to build it in place of some 'derelict worm- A block of flats called Spencer House stands
ridden cottages'. Its unusual appearance - on the site of the Suburban t)otel, a promi-
brown brick, ribbon windows, concrete
nent-looking tavern featuring a castellated
pilotis, wood, flat roof -led the politician roofline and turret, built next to the Vale of

Health lake in 1863, which offered 'a com- And When Did You Last See Your Father?
modious taproom and enclosed bowling (1876).
alleys'. Being patronized mostly in summer, By the mid nineteenth century StJohn's
the hotel proved uneconomical and closed, Wood's veneer of respectability was being
later being used for artists' studios, and was challenged by the spread of high-class
where Stanley Spencer finished The Resurrec- brothels and of houses where politicians and
tion: Cookham in the 1920s. aristocrats kept their mistresses. Such
properties included 2 !Joscobel \Uace, !Upl)a
!Jloab, where one Frederick Cooper paid
STJOHN'S WOOD, NW8 women to undress so that he could pelt
them with jam tarts, and various houses on
People ... could, if they liked, go and live Circus Road, where the eccentric poet
at a place with the dim, divine name of Algernon Charles Swinburne indulged in
StJohn's Wood. I have never been to whipping sessions.
StJohn's Wood. I dare not- The Napo- During the early twentieth century
leon ofNotting Hill, G. K. Chesterton StJohn's Wood was rebuilt with stylish
(1904) apartment blocks to replace the poorer
Built on land bought in 1312 by the Knights housing and gradually the bohemian set
of St John of Jerusalem, which later passed moved north to Hampstead, leaving the area
into the hands of Eyres, City merchants · as the bastion of the nouveaux riches but
and wine importers, StJohn's Wood was also home to two internationally renowned
developed in the early nineteenth century institutions: EMI studios on Abbey Road,
from plans of 'an elevated view of the where the Beatles recorded almost their
British Circus, proposed to be built by entire catalogue; and Lord's cricket ground
subscription between the Paddington-road to the south.
and Hampstead on the freehold estate of
H. S. Eyre Esq.', which were displayed by Abbey Road
the architect John Shaw at the Royal An attractive, tree-lined main road, famous
Academy. throughout the world for its recording
Whereas Regent's Park, to the east, studios, Abbey Road began as a footpath
featured large detached villas in a woodland leading from Lisson Green to the twelfth-
setting, StJohn's Wood provided semi- century Kilburn Abbey (hence the slight
detached villas, some of London's first, to twist to the west at the northern end) and
tempt the middle classes to move away was improved in 1824, during the first wave
from the smoke and congestion of central of building in StJohn's Wood, when it was
London. The liberal aspirations of its lined with spacious villas. Fifty years later
earliest settlers attracted a number of members of the Free Church of Abbey Road
political agitators taking refuge in England, met in the church hall to form a fund for
and those who moved here included Karl the street's residents, the Abbey Road
Blind, an associate of Karl Marx; Louis Building Society, which in 1944 became the
Blanc, author of the phrase 'from each Abbey National. The famous Abbey Road
according to his abilities, to each according recording studios opened in 1931.
to his needs'; and Louis Kossuth, the Abbey Road studios, No. 3
Hungarian patriot, as well as The world's most famous recording studios
a community of artists, the StJohn's occupy a nine-bedroom 1872-built villa
Wood Group- its most famous member, which was later converted into flats and sold
Edwin Landseer, lived at 1 et 3o(Jn't in 1929 to the Gramophone Co., later EMI.
Soob 9loob from 1824 to 1873 - the most It was here that in 1932 the fifteen-year-old
typical work of which is W. F. Yeames's Yehudi Menuhin recorded Elgar's Violin

Concerto, conducted by the composer, and to symbolize the direction in which their
over the following ten years Artur Schnabel career was moving. A month after the
recorded all thirty-two Beethoven piano album was released a Detroit student jour-
sonatas and five concertos at Abbey Road, nalist claimed that McCartney had died in a
often slamming down the piano lid and car crash in 1966 and that the album sleeve
calling a halt to proceedings while his was littered with clues - Lennon being the
temper cooled. Little recording was done in priest, Ringo the undertaker, Harrison the
Britain immediately after the Second World congregation, and McCartney, who is bare-
War -' the public was forced to listen to foot and out of step, the corpse - and that
American dance band music of variable the number plate of the Beetle [sic] car on
quality- but in 1950 the man who did more the left, LMW 281F, stands for 'Linda
than anyone to enhance the studio's repu- McCartney Widow', the '28 IF' referring to
tation, George Martin, joined the staff, the age McCartney would have been when
rising swiftly to become head of EM I's Parlo- the album came out, had he lived.
phone subsidiary. Boundary Road
In July 1958 EMI, looking to capitalize on
The boundary was between ancient parishes
the new American rock 'n' roll sound, hired
and is now that between the Borough of
the most professional of the new singers,
Camden and the City of Westminster. Here
Cliff Richard, who cut his first single,
Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northcliffe),
'Move It', one of Britain's few credible
who founded the Daily Mail and Daily
rock records from that era, here. Four
Mirror, and his brother, Harold (later Lord
years later, on 6 June 1962, with British Rothermere), who owned the Daily Mail
popular music dominated by singers who
in the 1930s, were raised in the 187os at
relied on the songs of others, an unusual
event took place at Abbey Road when a
Saatchi Collection, No. 98a
group who wrote their own songs and
An unlikely setting for one of London's
played their own instruments - the Beatles -
most progressive art galleries, given the
recorded their first single, 'Love Me Do' I
conservative nature of nineteenth century
'P.S. I Love You'.
art in StJohn's Wood, and the lack of any
The Beatles used the studios for almost
local art scene since, it was converted from
their entire recorded output over the
an industrial workshop in 1985 and became
following seven years, and as rock became
heavily involved in promoting the work of
more sophisticated Abbey Road, with its
Damien Hirst, showcasing The Impossibility
advanced technology, capable staff and
of Death in the Mind of the Living, a tiger
generous budgets, remained a major
shark in a glass tank of formaldehyde, which
recording studio, being responsible for such
earned Hirst a Turner Prize nomination,
landmark albums as Pink Floyd's The Piper
and of Tracey Emin who here exhibited
at the Gates of Dawn (1967) and Dark Side of Everybody I Have Ever Slept With (1963-95)
the Moon (1973), the Pretty Things' S. F. and My Bed.
Sorrow (1968), Kate Bush's Hounds of Love
(1984) and Radiohead's The Bends (1995). Grove End Road
• The famous photograph of the Beatles Alma-Tadema,s temple of aestheticism
walking along the pedestrian crossing south (1886-1912.), No. 44
of the studios that features on the cover of The Dutch painter Laurens Alma-Tadema,
their Abbey Road album was taken by lain who designed the sets for Henry Irving's
MacMillan, positioned on a stepladder in 188o production of Coriolanus, reproducing
the middle of the road at noon on 8 August the classical detail meticulously, moved into
1969, and was the only take which showed No. 44, previously the home of the French
them in step walking away from the studio, artist Jacques-Joseph (James) .Tissot, after

Major matches at Lord's and Valentine'. The celebration procession

27 June-1 July 1930, England v Australia, then dances its way from Lord's to the Eros
second Test, Donald Bradman's record statue in Trafalgar Square.
double century Crowds queue overnight to 22-2.6 June 1972, England v Australia,
see Donald Bradman, who had recently set a second Test, Bob Massie destroys England
world record score of 425, score 254 in his Australian fast bowler Bob Massie, who
first Lord's Test, leaving England bowler had been rejected by Northamptonshire,
Gubby Allen with unenviable figures of destroys England single-handedly in his first
none for 115. Test, taking 8 for 84 in the first innings and
21-2.5 June 1947, England v South Africa, 8 for 53 in the second. Few can believe
second Test, Denis Compton's 208/Bill Massie's figures and accusations are made
Edrich's 189 The first Lord's Test after the that the ball was out of shape and that he
Second World War makes a slow start, but used lip salve to keep it shiny.
by lunch on the second day Edrich and 2-7 July 1981, England v Australia, second
Compton have put on 370, still a record Test, Ian Botham's pair England Captain
third-wicket partnership. Ian Botham scores o twice in what turns out
24-29 June 19.50, England vWest Indies, to be his last match in charge and his return
second Test, the West Indies' first win in to the pavilion is met by silence. In the next
England The West Indies' first victory in Test at Headingley Botham helps England
England is celebrated by supporters such as stage the greatest comeback in the history of
the calypso performer Lord Beginner who the game.
comes on to the pitch at the end and 29 June-1 July 2000, England v West
performs a song written for the occasion: Indies, the Centenary Test The Friday of
'Cricket lovely cricket I At Lord's where I the 10oth Lord's Test is marked by parts of
saw it I Yardley tried his best I But Goddard all four innings taking place on the same
won the Test I They gave the crowd plenty day, the first time this has happened in Test
fun I Second Test and West Indies won I history.
With those little pals of mine, Ramadhin
his Regent's Park house was damaged by a dealer, wine supplier, and cricketer for the
barge that exploded on Regent's Canal. White Conduit Cricket Club in Islington,
Alma-Tadema converted No. 44 into a who in 1787 laid out a cricket pitch in Dorset
temple of aestheticism to rival Sir John Square, Marylebone, half a mile south, for
Soane's Holborn address, with ceramics, what became the Marylebone Cricket Club
stained glass, marble, painted wood, Roman (MCC) and moved here in 1814, hiring a
fountains, Persian tiles, panels painted by flock of sheep to maintain the grass at the
Lord Leighton and John Singer Sargent, and required length. The first match at the new
an entrance hall featuring a bronze Lord's took place on 22 June 1814- the
surround cast taken from the doorway of MCC beat Hertfordshire- and Lord was so
the house of Eumachia in Pompeii. The pleased with the surroundings he built
property is now divided into flats. himself a house at the north-east corner of
._ The Sir John Soane Museum, Holborn, the ground, living there from 1816 until his
p.123. death in 1832. England played Australia in
StJohn's Wood Road the first Lord's Test Match in July 1884 and
Lord's, Wellington Road at StJohn's Wood the ground has since been the setting for
The world's most famous cricket ground is annual Test Matches, cup finals and other
named after Thomas Lord, a property major cricketing occasions, as well as being

the home of Middlesex County Cricket in his famous 1971 TV special,

Club. 'Child of the first war,
... The Oval, p. 394· by the second, we called you
We laid our schemes, lured by

expeditions by North London

I To dim forgotten stations -
iun1mc~me1d by Bells, John Betjeman

the success of the Metropolitan

the world's first underground line,
from Paddington to
in 1863, entrepreneurs vied to
the line north. The first new ERSHAM I CHESHAM I
the Metropolitan & St John's TFORD TO HARROW-
Railway, which opened as a single- -THE-HILL
line in 1868, was not a success as the Amersham to Aylesbury and
rous fumes of the steam-powered Vale, /In those wet fields the
greatly discomforted passengers didn't pay./ The Metro stops at
pickpockets thrived when the gas ~m,ersharTI today - 'Metroland', John

At 490 ft above sea level the

Watkin, who envisaged the Metro-

n as part of an inner-city line from In reaching further and further
r to France, via a Channel in the 188os, the Metropolitan Line
Sir Edward extended the line In 1887 out of funds and instead of building
line to Aylesbury came to a halt in
where locals donated land to
Metropolitan Railway company to
the line to reach their village.
or France. and Latimer One of three local
a subsidiary, the Metropolitan lfonts, the others being Chalfont
Country Estates Ltd, the company and Chalfont St Peter's.
up farms and estates in
Pinner and Ruisllp and built

km1answot1:h In the Dr Who episode

and set in luscious tree-lined Endings' the TARDIS, disguised as a
- the epitome of the suburban hut; lands on the platform at Rick-
promoting the Idea of 'living in
, a term which first came into
in 1915. The Metroland dream was sold
lovingly created posters and of Watford town centre as the
jingles {'Hearts are light, eyes are refused to allow the railway
/In Metroland, Metroland'), affec- pany to build through Cassiobury Park.
remembered by the poet John The upper half of the station was

to resemble a local suburban Marathon runners in the 1908

rather than a typical tube station. Games passed by the station.
Lane In his 1954 poem 'The Metro-
Railway' John Betjeman contem-
a new Metroland couple travelling
and on, through rural Rayner's Lane I
aut:unm-·SC4ant:ed Middlesex again'.
the station opened in 1910 it was so
and lonely locals gave it the nick-
'Pneumonia Junction'.
Harrow Opened in 1913 in an obscure

In 1939 locals petitioned London

to ensure that station rebuilding
ld be carried out in a manner
to the medieval character of
various Middlesex places to Corn-
London Transport responded
aba1ndonilnD' the work, and so Pinner

Harrow A prosaic name for an area

as Hooking Green when the station
built in 1915.

Park The main station for

bley stadium.
Road Only two inches of
separate the top of the Metro-
n Line tunnel from the base of the

The original station had to be Street One of the original seven

and rebuilt after the A4o on the first underground line, the
trooolltllln Railway.
Portland Street Originally Portland
when opened as part of the first line

Square Opened as Gower Street

original1863 line.
Cross St Pancras The only station

Manor Opened as a halt in 1912 as

of the Ruislip Garden City scheme.
~:1 NORTH-WEST LONDON The Metropolitan Line

extended further east to Liverpool
The original Metropolitan Line 875-
extended here In 1865. The eastern terminus, reached In
The 1865 station was rebuilt in.
to Incorporate a headquarters for the
and South London Railway.
South-east London

SOUTHW ARK, SE 1 373 (iii) west of Greenwich Park 392

Maidenston·e Hill392
· (i) Bankside 375
Bankside 376 (iv) North Greenwich 392
Clink Street 376
Park Street 377 KENNINGTON, SEI1393
(ii) Bermondsey 377 Kennington Oval394
Old Kent Road 378 Lambeth Walk 395
Shad Thames 380
(iii) The Borough 380
Borough High Street 380 The Richardson gang 378
Harper Road 383
Festival of Britain 387
(iv) Elephant and Castle 383
Major sporting events at the Oval 394 _j
Gaunt Street 384
(v) North Lambeth 384
Hercules Road 385
Lambeth Palace Road 385
Lambeth Road 385 The swampy land on the south side of the
StGeorge's Road 386 Thames, where medieval builders found it
Westminster Bridge Road 386 difficult to lay roads, was developed at a
slower rate than the north side, with none of
(vi) The South Bank 386 the great buildings of Church, Crown or
state that could be found north of the river.
(vii) Waterloo 388
Nevertheless, Southwark is one of the oldest
Waterloo Road 388
communities in the metropolis, where the
Romans under the general Aulus Plautius
built a bridge near the present-day South-
(i) Greenwich Park 389 wark Bridge in AD 43· In medieval times it
became the home of theatres such as the
(ii) north of Greenwich Park (Greenwich
Globe, with its Shakespeare associations, as
town centre) 390
well as a great coaching centre, the London
Greenwich Church Street 390
King William Walk 391 terminus for vehicles journeying to the
South Coast. In the nineteenth century
Park Row 391
Southwark attracted considerably more
Romney Road 391

industry than the land on the opposite bank, riment, as the authorities wanted
with mills and distilleries and later engin- new stations to act as beacons for the
eering factories and car-making works (the , and who hired many leading
first Vauxhall car plant). Second World War such as Michael Hopkins and
bombing destroyed much of the area but Foster to design the ambitious
modem-day Southwark is still heavily indus-
trialized (for London), its gloomy black-
Opened in 1932 as part of the
brick streets dominated by depots, yards
~rn,nniiT~•nLine, later transferring to the
and workshops.
and in 1979 to the Jubilee.
Park Named after the canons of
medieval priory of St Bartholomew in
City, who owned the land in the four-
newest underground Line,
from central London to Stratford
ry The station opened in 1932 as
cost of £3.3 billion at the end of the
ry, but when a new station opened
century, was unveiled in 1965 as
years later half a mile south, closer
Fleet Line, running from Baker Street
centre of Kingsbury, it was decided
1-lti',Y'::.''a'"' via Fleet Street. As the new
the latter Kingsbury and this the
from Baker Street to Charing
but somewhat contrived,
neared completion in the late seven-
the Line was renamed the Jubilee,
ry The second station on the line
in 1979 and taking the Stanmore
called Kingsbury {see above).
of the Bakerloo Line north of Baker
Park A multi-million pound
levelc,pnnerlt scheme for the station was
plans remained in place to
delayed at the beginning of the
the Jubilee Line east from Charing
•ntv-·tir~~'t century due to the adminis-
to Aldwych and under Fleet Street
chaos surrounding the proposals for
stations at Ludgate Circus, Cannon
bley stadium.
Fenchurch Street, Surrey Docks en
The station serves the dull
for either Lewisham or Thamesmead,
urb that has been the butt of a thou-
the newspaper industry left Fleet
derogatory Private Eye jokes.
in the late 1980s the authorities
Hill Opened in 1909 in an area
to reroute the eastern extension
known as Daleson Hill and
and across Southwark and
to Canary Wharf, the news-
Green Opened as Willesden
new home, and thence to Stratford,
in 1879, became Willesden Green
lting in further delays. Later, when
Cricklewood in 1894, and reverted to
Marshes peninsula in North Green-
Green in 1938.
was chosen for the Millennium Dome,
The station is situated on the
Line was rerouted again, leading to yet
Watling Street route {now the
r delays. The Jubilee extension
Road), about a mile north of
opened in 1999, just in time to
government promises that the
Hampstead One of three uncon-
Dome section would be ready
West Hampstead stations in the
the Millennium.
despite the line's problems the
Road It has an interchange with
ns have been hailed for their bright
fast Metropolitan Line route into the
architecture, overseen by
Paoletti, who was given Licence

Cottage During the Second World into a drained section of West India
users of the station's air-raid shelter Above is Britain's tallest building,
their own newsletter, The Swiss Square, which could fit sideways

Wood Opened in 1939 to replace

underground stations, constructed

The northern end of a new grand scale as part of the over-
built in 1979 that allows passengers Millennium Dome project, and
alternative route to Charing Cross almost useless by its closure,
that provided by the Bakerloo Line. the lack of a resident local popu-
Street There is no Bond Street as
the name being a hybrid of Old Bond ning Town Its opening, together with
and New Bond Street, the latter new Docklands Light Railway station
more than 100 yards to the east. revitalized North London Line, has
Park The tunnel from here to
Cross was abandoned when the
Line extension was built at the end
twentieth century.
st.,nln1st•ar The line was rerouted from lines.
Cross to Westminster in the 1990s Many of Britain's leading media
it ran close to 10 Downing Street res and dignitaries were forced to wait
the government's Pindar bunker. for up to three hours on New Year's
The Jubilee Line section of the 1999 before being taken to the grand
was designed by Roland Paoletti, ceremony of the Millennium
architect in overall charge of the
line's design.
Although the new station Is
far away from the new Bankside devel-
of the Globe Theatre and Tate
(i) Bankside
to be useful, the station building
is a triumph, with huge cavernous London's medieval entertainments centre, a
and a curved wall containing 630 land of theatres such as the Globe, bear- and
panels of enamelled glass. bull-baiting pits, gaming dens and brothels,
Bridge Like Waterloo, designed by located on the south bank of the Thames
Paoletti, the architect in overall opposite St Paul's, Bankside flourished until
the Puritans closed the theatres in 1642 as
part of a programme of moral reform.
Gradually the area became industrialized,
filling with wharves, warehouses and
factories. Second World War bombing and
the decline in manufacturing and heavy
Water Incongruously sited only a industry in the 1970s and 1980s blighted the
hundred yards from Surrey Quays landscape, but the building of the new
and built with a huge cavern of a Globe Theatre and the conversion of
that occupies the same space as Bankside power station into the Tate
Cathedral. Modem art gallery has brought life back to
Wharf Designed by David Nelson the area.
Foster's architects' firm, it was

Bankside attracts what is for Britain an atypical audi-

The name of the road that runs along the ence: raucous, restless and irreverent, good-
Thames bank for most of the route between naturedly booing villains. The surrounding
Blackfriars Bridge and Cannon Street rail building houses permanen.t exhibitions on
bridge. Shakespeare and Elizabethan theatre.
south side: Cannon Street railway line to Cardinal's Wharf
Hopton Street A rare surviving seventeenth-century river-
Shakespeare's Globe (1997- ), Bankside at side terrace for this part of London, situated
New Globe Walk immediately west of the Globe, it includes at
The cloud-capp'd towers the gorgeous No. 49 a house where Christopher Wren is
palaces I The solemn temples the great believed to have lived while working on the
globe itself- The Tempest, William Shake- reconstruction of St Paul's opposite.
speare (1611) Tate Modem
Modelled on the nearby seventeenth- A spectacular art gallery built into Giles
century .. lobe lf)eotfe, where Shakespeare Gilbert Scott's soaring brick Bankside power
acted, Shakespeare's Globe was the last station by the Swiss architects Herzog and
theatre built in London in the twentieth de Meuron, who converted the shell of the
century, an ambitious and brilliantly building, which had been left with its huge
conceived project, devised by the late actor turbines and boilers still inside after closing
and film director Sam Wanamaker, that has in 1981, making excellent use of the vast
helped revive a forgotten corner of London. space, in time to greet the new millennium.
Wanamaker first outlined the idea in the The new Tate, which opened in May 2000,
late 1980s, but his plans to build a theatre was an immediate success with the public,
were constantly thwarted by Southwark attracting huge and unforeseen numbers of
Council which would not sell the land visitors to displays arranged in four main
south-east of Southwark Bridge where the sections by themes, rather than chronologi-
original .. lobe stood; they denounced Shake- cally, or in rooms devoted to particular
speare as 'elitist', and placed what they artists.
thought were enough obstacles in its way to .... Tate Britain, p. 246.
stymie the project.
Clink Street
This made the Globe's supporters pursue
A narrow gloomy street of canyon-like
their ideal with even greater vigour, and
nineteenth-century warehouses near the
they built the new theatre on a different site,
river, which fits the popular view of how
to the west of Southwark Bridge. Using
Dickensian London looked.
materials faithful to the Elizabethan orig-
south side: St Saviour's Dock to Bank End
inal, including timbering, goat's hair and
Btadjeiter •aloee
water reeds, they created a galleried, circular
Only the fourteenth-century rose window
open-air auditorium with space for hun-
and a tumbledown wall remain of the
dreds to stand close to the stage. The Globe
bishops of Winchester's London palace,
opened in 1997, four years after Wana-
which stood on this site from 1109 to 1663.
maker's death, with a performance of Shake-
Here James I of Scotland and Joan Beaufort
speare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona done,
enjoyed their wedding reception in 1424,
surprisingly, in modern costume, and it has
and around 100 years later Henry VIII met
since hosted performances of Henry V, The
his fifth wife, Catherine Howard. When the
Merchant of Venice and A Midsummer
Winchester episcopacy was abolished in
Night's Dream, as well as works by Shake-
1642 during the Civil War, the palace was
speare's contemporaries.
commandeered by the Parliamentarians and
As it has an open-air auditorium, the
used as a jail for Royalist prisoner~, and
theatre is used only in the summer and

although it was returned to the Bishop of the finest actor of his generation, who took
Winchester on the Restoration of the throne the lead roles here in the premieres of
the buildings were in so poor Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great (1587),
a condition they were barely usable and the The Jew of Malta (1589) and Doctor Faustus
bishops moved out, letting the property as (1589), and later founded Dulwich College.
apartments until the fabric of the building The theatre's foundations were discovered
deteriorated too badly. For much of their in 1989 and in 2001 further artefacts were
tenure the bishops ran an unusual sideline, found beneath the office block that stands
licensing the local brothels and prostitutes, on the site.
known as Winchester Geese, who operated south side: Stoney Street to Sumner Street
according to the palace rule that 'No single The Anchor Inn, No. 34
woman [was] to take money to lie with any Built after the Southwark fire of 1676, it was
man, but she lie with him all night till the owned 100 years later by Henry and Hester
morrow.' Thrale, friends of Dr Johnson. Henry died
.,. Priory of StJohn, Clerkenwell, p. 77. in 1781 leaving debts of £130,ooo, which
Clink Prison Museum, No. 1 prompted Johnson, the executor ofThrale's
The prison, whose name has become a slang will, to make his famous remark about
term for all jails, opened c. 1509 within the 'growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice'.
precincts of the Bishop of Winchester's GJftbe ~tam (1599-1644), east of South-
palace for those who misbehaved at the wark Bridge Road
theatres and brothels ofBankside. It fell into May we cram I Within this wooden 0 the
disuse after the Civil War of the 1640s, was very casques I That did affright the air at
burned down in the Gordon Riots of 1780 Agincourt? - Henry V, William Shake-
and was rebuilt as a museum in the 1990s. speare (1599)
The original (&lobe t~eotre, built at the end
Park Street
of the sixteenth century with wood rescued
This winding street near Southwark Bridge,
from t~e t~eone in Shoreditch, was the
with its antiquated properties, was from 1781
setting for a number of Shakespeare
to 1955 the location of the Sordq cmb
premieres, including in 1599 Henry V, which
'edins breweq, visited in August 1850 by
refers to the theatre as 'this Wooden 0' in
the Austrian Field Marshal Baron von
its Prologue, Julius Caesar (also 1599), and
Haynau, known for torturing prisoners,
who was attacked by a bale of hay thrown
Cymbeline (1611). During the premiere of
by one of the draymen and pelted with Henry VIII in June 1613 cannons, which
were being used as stage props, set the
manure. Von Haynau fled, but was found
thatched roof ablaze and burned down the
trying to hide in a dustbin outside the
theatre, as witnessed by the playwright Ben
George Inn on Bankside, and was attacked
Jonson who had just returned from Europe.
again, finally being rescued by the river
Though no one was injured, one man had
police. The brewery merged with Courage's
to be 'doused with pottle ale'. The Globe
in 1955 and closed in 1982. The 1998 gangster
was rebuilt the following year but was closed
film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
by the Puritans in 1644.
was partly filmed at Nos. 13 and 15.
ll•ie ~eme (1587-1605), No. 56, north
side (ii) Bermondsey
The earliest theatre to be built locally, and
A depressed area to the south-east of
the only Elizabethan theatre in England of
which there are substantial remains, the- London Bridge, built on marshy land (the
name comes from Beormund's Ey- Beor-
Rose was home to Lord Strange's company,
mund's Island), it was owned in the Middle
which included Edward Alleyn, said to be

The Richardson gang The Addington (19sos, 196os), 33a

South London's most powerful twentieth- Addington Square, Camberwell. Charlie
century gang,_ based around the Richardson Richardson bought a small two-storey
brothers: Charlie, who had his first brush property and yard for his burgeoning scrap
with the law in the early 1950s, being chased metal firm in Addington Square, half a mile
by the police along the Old Kent Road while north of Camberwell Green, in 1951, when
driving a stolen car, and Eddie, the south he was nineteen. When he moved the
London 'King of the Teds'. The brothers business to nearby New Church Road in
grew up in Camberwell in the 1940s and ran 1957, he converted No. 33a into a drinking
scrap metal yards locally, later branching dub and social centre for the south London
out into 'long firms', fruit machines and, in underworld, open in the afternoons when
Charlie's case, South African mining. pubs were legally obliged to shut, and filled
Although less glamorous and less publicly the premises with exotic animals (two bears
feted than the Krays, their east London once escaped on to the streets of Camber-
rivals, the Richardsons were more powerful, well). Richardson punished those who
until1966 when they were jailed for a total stepped out of line in his office using an old
of thirty-five years. army field generator known as the 'Black
Wyndham Road, Camberwell. Charlie and Box', that had been fitted out with crank
Eddie Richardson were brought up in handle and leads.
Wyndham Road, a typical south London The Richardsons' scrap metal finn (19S7-
street of working-class terraced houses, 6S), 50 New Church Road, Camberwell
in the 1940s, were evacuated during the Charlie Richardson, who saw himself as a
war and returned after hostilities latter-day Robin Hood, ran a semi-
ended to an area that had mostly been legitimate empire from here that involved
destroyed. 'reducing local crime to a dribble ...

Ages by religious institutions including the already depressed local economy and
long closed !Jemonbse1) tlbbel), and the created a ghost town that has barely recov-
abbeys of St Augustine, Canterbury and ered, despite recent attempts at gentrifica-
Battle, whose leaders built themselves tion and the opening of a tube station on
luxurious properties by the river that were the Jubilee Line.
seats of power until the Reformation. After • Bermondsey occupies the parts of SE1 east
the opening of the nearby Surrey Docks in of Borough High Street.
the early nineteenth century warehouses
Old Kent Road
were built by the river, alongside which .
The next morning, our money being at an
locals lived in overcrowded tenements that'
end, Paddy and I set out for the spike. We
were demolished at the beginning of the
went southward by the Old Kent Road -
. twentieth century through the campaigning
Down and Out in Paris and London,
work of the local philanthropist Dr Alfred
George Orwell (1933)
Salter. Second World War bombing hit
A road synonymous with many of the least
Bermondsey, with its strong industrial base,
attractive aspects of south London life -
hard, and much of the land was cleared of
poverty, blight, decrepit housing and casual
all pre-war buildings in the 1950s and
violence - it was in medieval times the
rebuilt with crude tower blocks and barely
major route out of Southwark into Kent
habitable deck-access estates. Changes in
(hence the name), a straight road that
economic patterns in the 1970s, in particular
bypassed the wharves and docks of the
the closure of Surrey Docks, devastated the

I would be enraged when local people would Mr Smith and the Witchdoctor, Rushey
come and tell me of burglaries to their Green, Catford. A popular south London
houses ... We would know within hours nightclub of the sixties where a major gang-
who had done the job, give them a smack land fight on the night of 7 March 1966 saw
and tell them to fuck off to the West End to Eddie Richardson (Charlie's brother), the
steal from rich people who could afford an brothers' chief ally, 'Mad' Frankie Fraser,
insurance policy.' Those who disobeyed and several others battle with the Hawards,
gang rules would find themselves dealt with a group planning to usurp the Richardsons'
' harshly, one miscreant being bound and fruit machine empire. During the melee a
gagged and hung by his ankles for a few gun was fired and Richard Hart, a member
hours, a punishment idea adapted for the of the Kray gang, who was with the
upside-down-gang-in-the-freezer scene in Hawards, was shot dead. When news of
the 1979 London underworld film The Long Hart's death reached the Krays they decided
Good Friday. to exact revenge, Ronnie Kray shooting dead
Shirley Ann, Queen's Road, Peckham a Richardson acolyte, George Cornell, in the
An illegal drinking club run in the late 1950s Blind Beggar pub, Whitechapel. The
by the Richardsons, accessible only through Richardsons' empire crashed later that year.
a garage on Queen's Road, it was where the At the subsequent trial at the Old Bailey,
eventual Great Train Robbers Bruce sentencing Eddie Richardson to ten years
Reynolds and Buster Edwards met, but its and Charlie Richardson to twenty-five, Mr
activities were long ignored by the police. Justice Lawton told them: 'One is ashamed
Twenty years later the Peckham station to live in a society with men like you. There
sergeant at the time, Ken Drury, received a is no known penal system to cure you. You
long jail sentence for corruption in connec- must be kept under lock and key.'
tion with vice in Soho. ... Blind Beggar, p. 306. _j

Thames where public gallows were built to tlridWUjui 1 tlmai itettou (1844-52.), north
warn potential miscreants. side, east of Page's Walk
In 1836 James Greenacre, an Old Kent A number of local railway companies
Road grocer, murdered a fifty-year-old opened a terminus at the northern end of
woman and left parts of her body in various the Old Kent Road in 1844, naming it Brick-
locations across south London, and when layers' Arms after an old coaching inn, and
the story became public knowledge local desperate to win passengers from London
pie-sellers renamed their meat pies 'Green- Bridge, a mile to the north, advertised the
acres', to popular acclaim. Albert Chevalier's station as a 'West End terminus', despite it
early-twentieth-century music hall song being nearly three miles away. Things
'Wot Cher! (Knocked 'Em in the Old Kent descended into farce when the Dover
Road)' made the road famous. Second Railway Company, inconvenienced by
World War bombing devastated the having two Bermondsey termini to deal
surrounding land, which was redeveloped with, began alternating the destination of
with shoddy council estates, and with no the trains without warning. Passengers
tube or rail links, a poor bus service, an never knew whether their journey would
' ever-congested roadway and only the most end at London Bridge or Bricklayers' Arms
basic shops, Old Kent Road steadfastly until the last moment, to the inevitable
refuses all attempts at improvement. chagrin of those meeting them. This
absurdity continued until1852 when Srid~
ICU)ets' tlnns stcrtion closed to passengers

and became a freight depot, in which guise scenery that had been used in Jarman's
it continued for over 100 years before being Sebastiane film. Terence Conran, founder of
shut. The site has since been redeveloped as Habitat, bought the site in the late 1980s to
an industrial estate. redevelop it as luxury apartments, but the
.,. London Bridge station, p. 381. subsequent property crash led to the
Thomas A Becket, No. 320, south side collapse of the venture. He later obtained
A pub famous for its boxing gymnasium, the lease and opened a restaurant, Le Pont
the Thomas A Becket is built on the site of a de la Tour, that has become particularly
medieval watering place for horses and was fashionable (Tony Blair and Bill Clinton
where Chaucer's Canterbury pilgrims drew dined there in the late 1990s). When the
lots to see who would begin the storytelling property market improved at the end of the
in The Canterbury Tales. Above the gym is a twentieth century the flats were sold for
room where David Bowie rehearsed his exorbitant prices.
Ziggy Stardust album in the early 1970s .,. Sex, King's Road, p. 409.
before taking the songs on tour. Design Museum, No. 28
Established by the Conran Foundation in a
Shad Thames disused warehouse in 1989, it was the first
One of the best-preserved stretches of early-
museum in the world devoted entirely to
nineteenth-century industrial warehouses in
the design of everyday objects.
London creates a canyon of brick whose
upper floors are connected by a lattice of
iron bridges. The street, whose name is a (iii) The Borough
corruption of St John at Thames, has long
Borough comes from Burgh, a stronghold
been popular with television and film
to protect a river crossing, and the area was
producers looking to recreate the myth of
one of the busiest in London in medieval
'Dickensian London' - productions partly
times as well as the first metropolitan stop
filmed here include The French Lieutenant's
for immigrants from Flanders and
Woman and David Lynch's Elephant Man- Germany. Borough was devastated in the
and has recently become an enclave of
'Little Fire of London' of 1676, when the
cosmopolitan cool among the drabness of Tabard inn, associated with Geoffrey
Bermondsey, the flats that overlook the
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, was destroyed,
Thames being keenly sought by the wealthy and 'after being rebuilt it became heavily
commercialized. Changing economic
Buder's Wharf, No. 36c
patterns at the end of the twentieth century
Butler's Wharf, the largest collection of ware-
brought about considerable commercial
houses on the Thames, and built from 1871
decline and much dereliction.
to 1873, was for 100 years one of the busiest
• The Borough is the area of SE1 around
sites in the capital, dealing with goods
Borough High Street.
unloaded at Surrey Docks or nearby Hay's
Wharf (p. 269). In 1972 traders ceased using Borough High Street
the buildings and the space was let as A road of considerable antiquity, the Roman
studios. Those who moved in included the route from Londinium to Chichester and in
painter David Hackney, the film-maker later centuries the main route south from
Derek Jarman and the avant-garde artist London Bridge, it was one of the busiest
Andrew Logan, at whose 1976 Valentine ball streets in medieval London, lined with
the Sex Pistols played one of their first gigs, coaching inns and places of entertainment,
using a set made from materials rescued and the site of several prisons, such as the
from the children's department at the Marshalsea, immortalized by Charles
recently closed Biba store in Kensington and Dickens in David Copperfield. It was the

setting for the medieval Southwark Fair, the dissolved during the Reformation.
biggest in south London, held for two weeks St Saviour continued as a parish church,
every September from 1462, the stalls and which fell into ruin by the late eighteenth
booths taking up every available space in century.
the high street and side streets. The fair Parts of the building were destroyed
closed down in 1763, and around a hundred during the rebuilding of London Bridge in
years later the coaching inns met the same 1830, and even though the leading Gothic
fate when the railway arrived. Although architect A. W. N. Pugin, designer of the
Borough High Street has never recovered its interior of the Houses of Parliament,
importance, it retains a shabby liveliness described the nave as 'the vilest preaching
due to the proximity of London Bridge place that ever disgraced the nineteenth
station and nearby institutions such as century', the church survived, becoming
Guy's Hospital. Many small medieval alleys a cathedral in 1905. Inside is the tomb of
still lead off the High Street including John Gower, who died in 1408 and is often
George Inn Yard, home of the area's oldest described as 'the first English poet', as he
surviving non-religious building, the George wrote in English, rather than French or
Inn, which dates from 1676. Latin. A carved stone screen behind the high
west side: Borough Road to London Bridge altar of 1520, decorated with figures from
Borough market, south of Bedale Street Southwark's history, contains memorials to
The oldest fruit and vegetable market in the writers Geoffrey Chaucer, John Bunyan
London, dating back to 1550, Borough and William Shakespeare, who may have
market's black brickwork and dark recesses attended services here and is commemor-
evoke a period feel that has brought film- ated with a full-size reclining alabaster effigy
makers looking for Victorian atmosphere near a stained-glass window depicting
here decade after decade, as can be seen in scenes from his plays. Edmund, Shake-
Merchant Ivory's Howards End, the 1990s speare's younger brother, was buried here
version of George Orwell's Keep the Aspi- on 31 December 1607.
distra Flying, and the gangster film Lock, .,... St Paul's Cathedral, p. 61.
Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Since the east side: London Bridge to Harper Road
beginning of the 1990s Borough market, London Bridge station, at London Bridge
which is at its liveliest early in the morning, Street
has attracted a cult following and a number London's first railway line, a 4-mile track
of chic restaurants and bars, but plans to resting on 978 arches, opened between Spa
redevelop London Bridge station currently Road, half a mile east of London Bridge, and
threaten its existence. Greenwich in February 1836 and the
.,... Petticoat Lane .market, p. 289. following October the western terminus was
Southwark Cathedral rebuilt at what is now London Bridge
The oldest building in Southwark and the station, the capital's oldest terminus. Over
oldest Gothic church in London, what is the next few decades various railway
now officially the Church of St Saviour and companies, including the South Eastern
St Mary Overie was begun in the seventh Railway and the London, Brighton and
century by Mary, daughter of John Overy South Coast Railway, constructed routes to
(John of the Ferry), who rowed people London Bridge, creating the jumble oflines
across the river to worship here, and was that now cross south-east London, and it
rebuilt by St Swithun, Bishop of Winchester, soon became an important station for the
from 852 to 862. It was mentioned in the thousands of clerks working in the City and
Domesday Book, rebuilt in the twelfth living in the new middle-class suburbs of
century, this time by Augustinian canons Croydon, Norwood and Syden:ham, a
and, although the attached monastery was phenomenon T. S. Eliot noted in his 1922

poem The Waste Land. London Bridge is ~•fJ~b, Borough High Street at Talbot Yard
now one of the least loved and least attrac- In Southwark at the Tabard as I lay I
tive railway termini in the capital, with Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage I To
narrow and draughty platforms and poor Caunterbury with ful devout co rage - The
signposting, outside which a world of dark Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer (1387)
alleyways, hidden corners and arches has The most famous of the Southwark inns,
become home to hundreds of garages, thanks to its inclusion in the opening of
timber yards and workshops. Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the
~ King's Cross station, p. 356. Xo&orb, named after a knight's sleeveless
tB~ite ~m ~nn, Borough High Street at jacket, was a popular gathering place for
White Hart Yard pilgrims on their way to Thomas a Becket's
Hath my sword therefore broke through shrine in Canterbury Cathedral, as Chaucer
London gates, that you should leave me at related. When the pub was rebuilt in 1629 as
the White Hart in Southwark? - Henry VI the Talbot the landlord displayed a board
Part II, William Shakespeare (1594) outside proclaiming 'This is the inn where
A major coaching inn until the late nine- Sir Jeffry [sic] Chaucer and the nine and
teenth century, the northern terminus for twenty pilgrims lay, in the journey to Canter-
the coaches from London to Portsmouth bury, anno 1383.' The inn burned down in
and Rye, the nlfJite ~ort was where Jack 1676 in the 'Little Fire of London', and
Cade, the Kentish rebel, set up headquarters though rebuilt, was demolished in 1875.
at the start of his unsuccessful campaign to ln~i~llliett ~ion I (1373-1811), north of
seize control of the City of London in 1450. Mermaid Court
It was described by Charles Dickens in The I visited Marshalsea Prison, a nursery of
Pickwick Papers (1837) as one of the 'great all manner of wickedness. Oh shame to
rambling, queer, old places ... with galleries men that there should be such a place,
and passages and staircases, wide enough such a picture of hell upon earth!- John
and antiquated enough to furnish materials Wesley's journal, 3 February 1753
for a hundred ghost stories', being where One of the most famous prisons of pre-
Mr Pickwick meets Sam Weller, the inn's modern London, Marshalsea's name
boots, for the first time before taking him derived from the court held by the Steward
on as his manservant. The inn declined and Marshal of the King's Household, and
when the railway came to Southwark and it in 1381, only eight years after opening, was
was demolished in 1889. destroyed by the anti-poll tax rebels. The
~ Jack Cade at London Stone, p. 64. Elizabethan explorer Walter Ralegh served a
The George, No.77 short sentence in the rebuilt prison in 1580,
A riot of black and white timbering, based after being convicted of 'a fray beside the
in George Inn Yard, an alley just east of the tennis court in Westminster', and in 1597
High Street, the George is London's only the Privy Council imprisoned the play-
remaining galleried public house and was wright Thomas Nashe and some of the
first recorded in 1542 when it was one of actors who performed in his supposedly
nearly twenty pubs around Borough market. seditious play, The Isle of Dogs, in Mar-
Rebuilt in 1620, it was destroyed by fire in shalsea. By the nineteenth century the
1676, rebuilt again, in a galleried style, and prison was mostly being used for debtors,
since 1937 has been owned by the National and it closed in 1811, moving a few hundred
Trust. In Charles Dickens's Little Dorrit Tip yards south.
Dorrit writes a begging letter to Arthur ~ Marshalsea II, p. 383.
Clennam from the George. Shakespeare
plays are staged in the courtyard in the

sthag'i ~endj ~in (1758-1880), Borough Marshalsea'. A section of the prison wall
High Street, north of Angel Place remains by Angel Place.
At last Mr Micawber's difficulties came ... Newgate Prison, p. 10.
to a crisis, and he was arrested early one StGeorge the Martyr, Borough High Street
morning, and carried over to the King's at Long Lane
Bench Prison in the Borough - David First mentioned in 1122, and at that time
Copperfield, Charles Dickens (1849) owned by Bermondsey Abbey, St George
Titus Oates, who was jailed at the King's was rebuilt in the 1730s and again in 1897, by
Bench in 1685 for fabricating the so-called Basil Champneys, architect of Manchester's
Popish Plot, a supposed widespread Cath- John Rylands Library. It is now known as
olic conspiracy which, it was feared, would the Little Dorrit chmch, on account of its
lead to innocent Protestants being mass- central role in the Dickens novel of the
acred and a Jesuit government installed, same name, and features a window which
spent the first year of his confinement in depicts the kneeling figure of the heroine
irons but survived to father a child born to who, in the book, is baptized and married
his prison bed-maker. In 1768 the radical here. Outside the church in 1658 Oliver
politician John Wilkes, who had been Cromwell's body was met by friends and
charged during his absence in France with supporters en route to its lying-in-state in
seditious libel and obscenity, was jailed at Somerset House.
the King's Bench on his return to England,
Harper Road
prompting demonstrations outside the
prison during which supporters rent the air
O~n .sat._, (1790-1878),
Harper Road at Newington Recreation
with the famous cry 'Wilkes and Liberty'.
By the nineteenth century the prison had
The prison, which was built in the 1790s,
assumed an absurdly lax regime and outside
was where the publisher and friend of
the courtyard was filled with tailors, hatters,
Shelley, Leigh Hunt, was gaoled in 1813 for
piano-makers and oyster-sellers. It was
calling the Prince Regent (later George IV) a
demolished in 1880.
'fat Adonis of fifty'. Charles Dickens came
.,.. Fleet Prison, p. 56.
to the jail in 1849 to witness the hanging of
a.ri~ ~in II (1811-42}, south of
a Mr and Mrs Manning, who had killed a
Angel Place
friend for his money, and reported on it
The final home of !Dlart~altea !pfiton was
for The Times. The prison was closed
where Charles Dickens's father, John, was
in 1878.
gaoled for debt in 1824. He was joined there
by his wife and family, as was the custom,
although the twelve-year-old Charles was (iv) Elephant and Castle
spared the ordeal. After Dickens senior had
The Elephant was not exactly a classy
been imprisoned for a few months, his
district. The streets were as rough and
mother died and he inherited £450, enough
dangerous as it was possible to get
to pay off some of his creditors, and was
without anybody actually declaring war,
released. Dickens remained embarrassed by
and even the cinema was not without its
his father's imprisonment throughout his
perils - What's It All About?, Michael
life, but maintained that the latter's conduct
Caine (1992)
towards his family was exemplary, and he
A deeply unpleasant part of south-east
recreated him affectionately as Wilkins
London, dominated by traffic-choked twin
Micawber in the largely autobiographical
roundabouts situated at the crossroads of
David Copperfield (1850). Dickens also wrote
several historically important routes, its
about Marshalsea in Little Dorrit (1857), the
name comes from an inn called the
heroine of which is born here, 'a child of the

Elephant and Castle, itself a corruption of In September 1959 ambitious plans to

the Spanish La Infanta de Castilla, the redevelop the area with a shopping centre
Spanish princess who was once engaged to were unveiled by Sir Isaac Hayward, leader
Charles I. By the beginning of the twentieth of the London County Council, who
century it was an area of music halls, claimed: 'With its famous name and history
brothels, pubs and filthy streets of closely of traditions the new Elephant and Castle
packed houses that was one of the most offers opportunities one would have to go a
lawless parts of the capital, run by gang long way to better. Here's a: real chance for
leaders such as Charles 'Wag' McDonald of the South to "show them how" on the north
the so-called Elephant Boys. side of the Thames.' The reality was rather
While the men were heavily involved in different, and the new Elephant and Castle
racetrack protection, the women were became the most derided development of its
experts at shoplifting, their leader being kind in the capital, a dystopia of badly lit,
Aggy Hill, the 'Queen of the Forty Ele- smelly, impenetrable tunnels leading to
phants', whose gang would descend on the grim shops lying underneath a double
West End in chauffeur-driven cars and load roundabout where cars inched forward in
up while the cars waited outside (this being seemingly perpetual gridlock, set alongside a
before the advent of parking restrictions). housing estate that resembled an east Euro-
The Elephant and Castle was heavily pean prison. Plans to demolish the centre
bombed in the Second World War, and for and start again gathered pace at the end of
over a decade the streets lay desolate and the twentieth century.
unrepaired. Nevertheless the area gave birth
Gaunt Street
to a new phenomenon~ the Teddy Boy-
Ministry of Sound, No. 103
Britain's first youth cult, made up of
London's best-known modern-day night-
aggressive working-class young men staging
club was opened in a disused warehouse in
a sartorial protest against postwar austerity
September 1991 by James Palumbo, son of
by adapting American zoot suits to Savile
the businessman Lord Palumbo, who after
Row's 1948look- that of the Edwardian.
initial problems and bad publicity worked
The word 'Edwardian' became corrupted
hard at establishing a cult following. Run-
into 'Ted', and by the 1950s the look had
ning the club with a precision rare for the
changed to narrow trousers, luminous
nightclub world, Palumbo created a care-
socks, brothel creeper shoes, velvet collars
fully executed mystique, aided by the club's
on overcoats and sleeked-back hair. The
official-looking 'ministry' logo, dance music
'King of the Teds' was Eddie Richardson,
compilations, clothing range, tours to other
brother of the future South London gang
cities' clubs, website, magazine and policy of
leader Charlie Richardson, who acquired the
allowing entrance only selectively.
title not because of the quality of his drapes
.,. Soho nightclubs, p. 186.
or the size of his quiff but by virtue of the
fact that he had knocked out the reigning
king, Tony Rolands, in a fight. Unlike later (v) North Lambeth
cults the Teds were not initially associated
Lambeth you've never seen I The skies
with a particular form of music- the infatu-
ain't blue, the grass ain't green - 'The
ation with American rock 'n' roll, and
Lambeth Walk', Noel Gay (1937)
rockabilly in particular, came later- and the
Lambeth, from Loamhithe, or muddy
style died out as a contemporary fashion
landing place, one of few residential districts
statement in 1958 with the introduction
close to the political centre ofthe country,
among London's youth of Italian styles of
although lying across the Thames, is also
dressing, a style that came to. be described as
one of the most run-down and blight-

ridd~n, dominated by the kind of crumbling Book of Los. The house was demolished in
housmg estates and intimidating streets, the 1920s and the site is now occupied by an
particularly around Lambeth High Street, austere-looking block of flats named after
that would not be tolerated north of the the artist.
river. Until late-eighteenth-century indus-
Lambeth Palace Road
trialization Lambeth was barely inhabited
Lambeth Palace
and the community was dominated by
London home of the archbishops of Canter-
Lambeth Palace, the London home of the
bury since 1197 and one of the few surviving
archbishops of Canterbury.
episcopal seats along the Thames, Lambeth
A working-class community grew to
Palace in medieval times was a maze of
service the factories near the Thames in
alleyways and courtyards where those in
the eighteenth century and the area soon
debt took sanctuary, coming out only on
became overcrowded and polluted, the only
Sundays when they were immune from
variations in the landscape being the pub
arrest. The palace was attacked during the
and the music hall. What was a lively if
Peasants' Revolt of 1381, when books were
impoverished community was destroyed
burned and furniture smashed, and again in
first by German bombers during the Second
1640, when around 500 London apprentices
World War blitz and then by Lambeth
stormed the palace on Shrove Tuesday, their
Council planning officers in the 1950s and
annual day oflawlessness. During the anti-
1960s who, assuming megalomaniac
Catholic Gordon Riots of 178o)mndreds of
dominion over the area, laid waste vast
demonstrators, many with drums and fifes,
swathes of the locality so that it could be
surrounded the palace yelling: 'No Popery',
rebuilt with all areas of human activity-
until they were beaten off by some wo
housing, schooling, transport, welfare, jobs
troops. In the crypt, which is the oldest
- coming under the jurisdiction of the town
surviving part of the palace, the religious
hall. In the mid-1970s rate-capping by the
reformer John Wycliffe was interrogated in
Thatcher government withheld further
1387 for 'heretical propositions'. The palace's
funding and the ideal of a socialist Lambeth
Morton's Tower houses the oldest free
was wiped out, leaving a blighted, devas-
public library in the country, open only by
tated land on the 'wrong' side of the river
appointment. Since 2000 the buildings and
with little prospect of imminent
courtyards, many of which retain their medi-
eval shape, have been open to visitors.
• North Lambeth is the part of SE1 south of
... Charterhouse, p. 77·
Waterloo station.
Lambeth Road
Hercules Road
Former Bedlam I Imperial War Museum,
The postwar Ealing comedy Passport to Pim-
Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park
lico was filmed here among the Second
The museum, devoted to British conflicts of
World War rubble, Pimlico itself not being
the twentieth century, was created in 1935
considered visually suitable, close to the
out of what was the Bethlehem Royal
address where William Blake, late-
Hospital, popularly known as the Bedlam
eighteenth-century artist and poet extra-
lunatic asylum, which moved to Lambeth
ordinaire, lived at 13 &ereules !JuUbings, a
from Moorgate in 1815 and left for Surrey in
three-storey house with uninterrupted views
1926. The grounds were then bought by the
of the Thames. There, Blake created his own
newspaper proprietor Lord Rothermere,
alternative bible, based on the existing
who renamed them Geraldine Mary
chapters and verses, in which Genesis and
Harmsworth Park after his mother, and
Exodus were rewritten as three books - The
presented them to the council.
Book of Urizen, The Book ofAhania and The
... Bedlam in the City, p. 21.

StGeorge's Road did not exist. In the forecourt of the

StGeorge's Cathedral building was a petrol station staffed, in~­
South London's Catholic cathedral stands, tably, by former agents on the lookout for
ironically, on the site of StGeorge's Fields terrorists contemplating driving up and
where in 1780 Lord George Gordon's 'No leaving a bomb on the premises. Meanwhile,
Popery' rioters assembled before burning inside the offices, agents were hatching a
and looting central London in protest at the number of unethical plans including the
prospect of more rights being granted to toppling of Colonel Gaddafi, the Libyan
Catholics; The large local Irish community leader. Ml6 moved to Vauxhall Cross in
donated money for the construction of a 1994, and during refurbishment of the
cathedral, and by 1839 there were sufficient building at the end of the twentieth century
funds to buy the land and hold a compe- workmen found a basement cell, a powerful
tition to find a suitable architect, which chemical disintegrator, stronger than a
was won by A. W. N. Pugin, who was also shredder, and evidence that Ml6 probably
responsible for the interior design of the had its own private tube station connected
Houses of Parliament. Unfortunately, there to the nearby Bakerloo line.
was not enough money to finish the ... Ml6 at Vauxhall Cross, p. 266.
building to Pugin' s designs - the spire had Necropolis Railway tenninus (1854-190:2.),
to be abandoned - and Second World War No. 121, south side
bombing destroyed his work, although his In 1854 Waterloo station began operating a
altar frontispiece was found under the funeral service, the Necropolis Railway, with
rubble and restored. Pope John Paul II trains divided into carriages for the different
celebrated mass in front of 3,000 people classes (First, Second and Third) and for
at StGeorge's during his 1982 visit to different shades of Christianity (Anglican
Britain. and Nonconformist). Corpses that could
... Westminster Roman Catholic cathedral, not be accommodated in existing London
p. 245· cemeteries were taken to Brookwood grave-
yard in Woking, Surrey, passing through
Westminster Bridge Road
what the authorities hoped was scenery that
Philip Astley, a strongman and former
would be 'comforting' to mourners-
cavalry household officer, opened a horse-
Battersea Park, Wimbledon Park, Richmond
riding exhibition ground in fields to the east
and the Surrey countryside. When Charles
of Westminster Bridge in 1768, attracting
Bradlaugh, the Victorian free-thinker, died
huge crowds. He then built ftstlq's tlm"(Ji•
in 1891, having chosen to be buried at Brook-
t(Jecme, which opened on the site in 1794 to
wood, 5,ooo mourners, none wearing black,
stage circuses and was later described by
turned up at Waterloo Necropolis station to
Charles Dickens, in Sketches By Boz, as
accompany the coffin to Woking. In 1902
'delightful, splendid and surprising'. It
the Necropolis terminus moved from
dosed in the 1890s and was demolished
Waterloo station to 121 Westminster Bridge
soon after.
Road. The service was discontinued after the
Ml6 headquarters (1966-94), Century
Second World War.
House, north side
This twenty-two-storey tower block was the
unlikely home of the Secret Intelligence (vi) The South Bank
Service (SIS)- better known as Ml6, the
Britain's greatest concentration of arts
organization made glamorous by the antics
venues can be found at the southern end
of its most famous fictitious member, James
of Waterloo Bridge, occupying former
Bond- during the last decades of the tWen-
industrial land reclaimed for the 1951
tieth century, at a time when, officially, it
Festival of Britain, and includes the Royal
Festival Hall, the National Theatre, the ment, proud of this extraordinary collection
National Film Theatre and the Hayward of assets.
Gallery. Despite the wealth of facilities the heading north from Westminster Bridge
South Bank has been continually bedevilled Road
by press criticism, which resulted in various County Hall
schemes being outlined at the end of the A bulky building designed by Ralph Knott
twentieth century to renovate the site, in an awkward Renaissance style, County
including the encasing of the buildings in a Hall was built in 1919 to 1922 for the London
glass roof designed by Richard Rogers. But County Council, reformed as the Greater
by the beginning of the twenty-first century London Council in 1965 and abolished by
it had become apparent that the main the Conservative government in 1986. It has
problem facing the South Bank was not the since been converted into a hotel, aquarium
lack of quality of its amenities but the and museum devoted to the surrealist
absence of a strong and confident manage- painter Savador Dali.
London Eye
Festival of Britain One of the few successes of the various
To commemorate the 10oth anniversary of millennium projects that commemorated
the 1851 Great Exhibition, celebrate the the start of the twenty-first century, the
achievements of Britain and rejoice in the British Airways-sponsored London Eye,
ending of the Second World War, the a giant wheel which revolves through a
government organized a Festival of Britain, complete vertical circle every forty-five
held on derelict land near Waterloo. The minutes, was conceived in 1993 by two
festival was mostly held within the Dome of unknown architects - Julia Barfield and
Discovery, a 90ft-high self-supporting struc- David Marks - and has won considerable
ture with an aluminium roof, alongside praise since its opening in 2000 for the
which stood pavilions dedicated to science dynamic panorama of the metropolis it
and the festival's most unusual structure, offers and for the elegance of its archi-
Skylon, a slender, cigar-shaped tower tecture.
pointing to space, at that time the per- Royal Festival Hall
ceived setting for man's immediate progress. The permanent legacy of the 1951 Festival of
Although the festival was considered a Britain, and the first and most attractive of
success, not everyone was triumphant. The the various South Bank venues, the Royal
novelist Evelyn Waugh explained how 'the Festival Hall was designed by London
Government decreed a Festival. Monstrous County Council architects Robert Matthew
constructions appeared on the south bank and Leslie Martin, who were influenced by
of the Thames', while the journalist Keith the clean lines of Le Corbusier' s buildings
Waterhouse described how the festival was and the use of light wood associated with
'a monument to British tat; escalators which Scandinavian architects, and was built in
didn't work, elegant glass entrance halls only eighteen months so that it would be
stuck over with scrawled notices reading ready for the festival. There were immediate.
"Use other door"; the corporate italic criticisms about the acoustics, which have
display lettering already peeling off some of barely improved since, but the hall has
the fa~ades'. The festival's major legacy was staged many notable concerts including Sir
the Royal Festival Hall, now the oldest John Barbirolli conducting Verdi's Requiem
building of the South Banks arts complex. and an appearance by Toscanini. The first
.-. The Great Exhibition at Hyde Park, p. 427; South Bank summer music festival took
tl)e 1908 Wtcmco-!Brittsl) <hl)ibition at White place in 1968, with Jacqueline du Pre and
City, p. 464i the Millennium Dome, P• 393· _j Itzhak Perlman among the performers, and
on 24 September 1969 Fairport Convention

unveiled their ne~ folk rock direction at a to the Queen. Yet despite these disasters the
concert - the first following the death of National has been the setting for many
drummer Martin Lambie in a car crash - in memorable productions since, thanks to
which they were supported by Nick Drake the successive artistic directors Peter Hall,
in a rare public performance. Since the Richard Eyre and Trevor Nunn.
1970s the hall's programming has become .,.. Sadler's Wells, p. So.
increasingly eclectic, showcasing jazz, world
music, rock and poetry, as well as perform- (vii) Waterloo
ances by the London Philharmonic and
Philharmonia orchestras, the highlight being A dishevelled area of grimy streets, unap-
the annual Meltdown concerts, hosted by a pealing shops and windblown council
different celebrity each year, to showcase estates saved by the presence of the Old and
mostly left-field acts. New Vic theatres, Waterloo station and the
.,.. Royal Albert Hall, p. 422. proximity of the South Bank.
Hayward Gallery
Waterloo Road
Named after Sir Isaac Hayward, a former
The route from Waterloo Bridge to the
leader of the London County Council, the
Elephant and Castle was built on what
Hayward is London's second most impor-
until the mid nineteenth century were
tant gallery after the Tate Modern for show-
St George's Fields, used for archery practice
casing contemporary works and is housed in
and popular demonstrations, where in 1768
a building typical of 196os brutalist archi-
a mob assembled in support of the dema-
gogue John Wilkes, who had been charged
National Film Theatre
(during his absence in France) with
Britain's leading art house cinema opened in
seditious libel and obscenity. Twelve years
1952 and is home to the annual London
later, on 2 June 1780, thousands gathered
Film Festival.
here to march on Parliament to present a
.,.. Riverside arts centre, p. 250.
petition against laws allowing Catholics
National Theatre
more rights, the first event in what became
The National Theatre, which comprises the
the Gordon Riots.
Cottesloe, Lyttelton and Olivier, opened in
Waterloo station, west side
1976, some twenty-five years after Princess
Waterloo opened on n July 1848 as
(now Queen) Elizabeth laid the foundation
Waterloo Bridge, the terminus for the
stone, and was immediately savaged for its
London and South Western Railway, and
architecture, the work of Denys Lasdun,
immediately attracted wealthy passengers, as
which critics found 'earnest, gloomy and
it served Southampton where the trans-
depressing ... like a hotel foyer at floor level
atlantic liners docked. In its early days the
and a car park at ceiling level'. There was
station had no ticket-checking point and
further criticism about spending more on
swarms of collectors were obliged to board
individual productions than most provincial
trains a few yards short of the station so that
companies received in grant for one year,
they could check tickets en masse. The plat-
and if that was not enough, the opening
form numbering system was even more
night was marred by further farce. The
chaotic and one Devonian farmer is believed
fanfare version of 'God Save the Queen'
to have remarked to his wife: 'No wonder
made the monarch shudder with horror; the
the French got licked here.' The writer
chosen opening piece was an obscure work
Jerome K. Jerome worked the confusion
by Goldoni, rather than one of the classics
into his 1889 comedy Three Men in a Boat,
of Engli~h theatre, and the great actor Laur-
whose protagonists arrive at the station to
ence Olivier, who was also the National's
take the 11.05 to Kingston, but are unable to
artistic director, fell asleep while sitting next
find their platform, obtain agreement on its
location from the porters, station master or GREENWICH, SEIO
traffic superintendent, and are obliged to
bribe an engine-driver to take them west. Greenwich, home of international time
Nearly 13,000 evacuees- children, settings (the 0° Longitude Meridian runs
pregnant women, hospital patients -left through the area) and a host of world-
Waterloo in late 1939, after war had been renowned tourist attractions - the Old
declared with Germany, for safer accommo- Royal Observatory, the National Maritime
dation in the countryside. A few months Museum, the Royal Naval College, the Cutty
later, in May 1940, soldiers who had been Sark tea dipper and Greenwich Park -
evacuated from Dunkirk arrived at began as a fishing village, Gronovic (Green
Waterloo dishevelled and beaten, giving Town). Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester and
Londoners their first experience of the reali- brother of Henry V, enclosed 200 acres of
ties of the Second World War. The station land here for a park in 1433 and built a
was extended in the 1990s to take Nicholas palace alongside the river that was replaced
Grimshaw's Eurostar terminal and now by Christopher Wren's seamen's hospital,
serves some 30o,ooo people a day, making now home to the University of Greenwich.
it Britain's busiest. Alongside the hospital stands Inigo Jones's
.,.. Paddington station, p. 432. Queen's House, built for Anne of Denmark,
Old Vic, east side at The Cut James I's queen, the first Palladian building
One of London's oldest theatres, the Old erected in Britain, and now part of the
Vic was designed by Rudolph Cabanel using National Maritime Museum, while across
stones from the Savoy Palace, by the Strand, the park on a hill stands the former Royal
which was being demolished, and opened Observatory, where work on finding an accu-
in 1818 as the Royal Coburg to stage melo- rate method of measuring time at sea eventu-
drama. For much of the nineteenth century ally resulted in Britain becoming the home
it was a music hall, attracting, according to of international time settings.
the writer Charles Kingsley, 'the beggary
and rascality of London pouring in to hear (i) Greenwich Park
their low amusement', but in 1890 it was
turned into a temperance hall by the social An immensely popular royal park, London's
worker Emma Cons, being converted back oldest, it was first enclosed in 1433 as the
to a theatre in 1898 by Cons's niece, Lilian grounds for the mansion built by
Baylis. By the early 1920s the Old Vic had Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, the
become London's leading Shakespearean younger brother of Henry V, to the north,
theatre, and in 1963, under Laurence Olivier, a site now occupied by the former Royal
it became home to the National Theatre. Naval Hospital. The park was opened to
When Olivier left in 1976, the theatre went the public in the eighteenth century.
into an artistic decline that was only partly Old Royal Observatory
alleviated when the Canadian Ed Mirvish Standing on a lofty position over Green-
bought the building in 1982 and spent £2 wich, the observatory was designed by Chris-
million on refurbishment. topher Wren in 1675 as Charles II wanted
... Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, p. 119. astronomers to find a way of measuring
time accurately at sea. John Flamsteed, the
first Astronomer Royal, worked from sheds
in the observatory garden (now Quadrant
House and Sextant House), erecting a tele-
scope on the balcony that was fixed to
observe the movement of Sirius, day and

night, proving that the earth rotates at a one originally chosen for the task. As a
constant speed. consequence the Greenwich Meridian was
In 1714 the authorities offered a lucrative moved 26.39 feet. The observatory moved to
prize to anyone who could construct a longi- Herstmonceaux, Sussex, in the 1960s and
tudinal watch and the winner was John the Greenwich buildings are now used by
Harrison (1693-1776), whose first timepiece, the National Maritime Museum. In the
H1, completed in 1735, kept time at sea on courtyard a brass strip divides east from
the Centurion with considerable accuracy, west.
despite the movement of the ship, the
regular changes in the temperature and the (ii) north of Greenwich Park (Green-
scepticism of Isaac Newton. Centurion later wich town centre)
sailed without H1, a factor which may have
been instrumental in its sinking with the The quaint town centre with its maritime-
loss of seventy lives en route to the island of flavoured antique shops and bookshops
Juan Fernandez. Harrison was then given dates back to improvements made by
financial aid to construct further chron- Joseph Kay in 1830, when properties on
ometers, resulting in H4, which won him King William Walk and Greenwich Church
the £2o,ooo prize when he was in his seven- Street were given a stucco frontage.
ties. In 1833 Maudslay and Field installed a
Greenwich Church Street
time-ball, the world's first public time
St Alfege with St Peter
signal, at Greenwich to allow vessels on the
Nicholas Hawksmoor's only church south
Thames to adjust their timepieces - it is still
of the Thames is named after Aelfheah, or
dropped from the top of a pole on an obser-
Alfege, an eleventh-century Archbishop of
vatory turret at exactly one o'clock every
Canterbury who was kidnapped by Danes,
day- and by the 1850s 98 per cent of British
brought to Greenwich by boat and clubbed
clocks were being set by Greenwich Mean
to death with the bones of his captors' feast
when he refused to allow a ransom to be
In 1871 the world's leading nations,
paid. A church was first built c. 1012 and was
looking to fix a centre for international time
where Henry VIII was baptized in 1491 and
settings, through which the o0 Meridian
Thomas Tallis, remembered in Vaughan
would be drawn on maps, called an Inter-
Williams' 'Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas
national Geographical Congress in Antwerp,
Tallis', was organist from 1540 to 1585. The
where it was suggested that Greenwich be
diarist Samuel Pepys worshipped here in
the recognized setting. At the second
the 166os, and described how he enjoyed 'a
congress, held in Rome in 1875, France
good sermon, a fine church and a great
announced it would be happy to accept
company of handsome women'. The col-
Greenwich as the setting if Britain adopted
lapse of the roof of the medieval building in
the metric system. Britain agreed, but more
a storm in November 1710 led the govern-
than 120 years later the metric system has
ment to .introduce the J;lifty New Churches
still not been fully implemented.
Act oh7u, which resulted in the appoint-
Even though Greenwich was given the 0°
ment of Nicholas Hawksmoor as surveyor
longitude setting, calculations in 1949
to the Commission, and he started work on
showed that the Greenwich meridian, rather
a new building in 1712. During the Second
than having a longitude of exactly
World War the crypt was used as an air-
00° oo' oo", measured 00° oo' 00.417" East,
raid shelter by hundreds of locals as well
an anomaly which had arisen because the
as the writer George Orwell who was visit-
seventh Astronomer Royal, George Airey,
ing relatives in the neighbourhood and
had measured 0° longitude in the 1840s in a
described the stench of live bodies
different room of the observatory from the ·

when the shelter was full as 'almost insup- Romney Road

portable'. ClfteuiUtdj •ofaee, north side
..,. Hawksmoor's Christ Church Spitalfields, Greenwich's one-time royal connections
p. 285. date back to 1300, when Edward I made an
offering of seven shillings at each of the holy
King William Walk
crosses in the local Chapel of the Virgin
King William Walk, which links the river
Mary, but Greenwich's first royal building
with Greenwich Park, is lined with antique
was Bella Court, which Humphrey, brother
stores and antiquarian bookshops displaying
of Henry V, began constructing in 1427,
maritime paraphernalia.
equipping it with the first great privately
Cutty Sark, north end
owned library in the country, which later
He could not run straight against the
passed to the Bodleian Library in Oxford.
wind because he was a sailing vessel, a
After Humphrey died, Bella Court was
tea-clipper, the Cutty Sark- Swallows and
occupied by Margaret of Anjou, wife of
Amazons, Arthur Ransome (1930)
Henry VI, and renamed the Palace of
The Gutty Sark which is based in dry dock
Placentia ('the pleasant place'). It was here
at the north end of King William Walk, was
that Henry VIII was born in 1491 and that
the fastest of the late-nineteenth-century
his elder brother, Arthur, who died before
tea-dippers. Built in Dumbarton in 1869
he could assume the throne, married
and named after the shirt worn by Nan, the
Catherine of Aragon in 1501.
witch in Robert Burns's 'Tam o' Shanter', it
The palace later became the summer
plied the tea route from China to Britain.
retreat of Elizabeth I (who was born here
After it was taken out of service in 1922, it
in 1533) and was where she reinstated the
was restored, and since 1954 has occupied
Maundy ceremony of washing the feet of
this site, home of the nineteenth-century
the poor the day before Good Friday and
Sl)ip' s Xouem, destroyed during the Second
where the explorer and poet Walter Ralegh
World War. Nearby on the Thames is Sir
famously laid his cloak over a puddle for her
Francis Chichester's Gipsy Moth (p. 271).
(near the junction of Romney Road and
Park Row King William Walk). James I made the
Trafalgar Inn palace over to his queen, Anne of Denmark,
One of London's most famous riverside for whom Inigo Jones designed the adjacent
inns, the Trafalgar was built in the 1770s Queen's House, but by the early seventeenth
with large bowed windows and balconies century Greenwich had gone out of fashion.
that provide splendid views of the river (and Charles II drew up plans to rebuild the
now the Millennium Dome). It was famous palace but they were abandoned due to lack
for whitebait dinners that attracted patrons of money. The remains were demolished
such as the novelists Charles Dickens and when Wren's Royal Naval Hospital was built
Harrison Ainsworth, who gave a dinner here on the site.
in 1851 to mark the release of his novel ... S~ttdj.U •ofaee, p. 233.
Mervyn Clitheroe. The pub began to lose its Royal Naval Hospital and College (1696-
popularity in the twentieth century and in 1998) I University of Greenwich (1998- ),
1915 was converted to a seamen's hostel. It north side
was refurbished to something approaching Wren's riverside masterpiece, one of the
its original splendour, with much maritime capital's most splendid sights, particularly
decor, in 1965 with whitebait, caught in when seen from the north bank of the
non-Thames waters, returned to the menu. Thames, was created out of Christopher
Wren's abandoned work on the rebuilding
of Greenwich Palace in the late seventeenth
century and completed by John Vanbrugh

after Wren was deposed as Surveyor General (iii) west of Greenwich Park
in 1716. By 1750 the hospital was bestowing
relief and support to more than 1,500 pen- Maidenstone Hill
sioners, but their number declined after the Jack Cade's Cavern, No. 77
Napoleonic Wars and by the mid nineteenth The property, which can be found nearly a
century many thought it incongruous that mile south of the main Greenwich attrac-
so magnificent a building was used merely tions, stands above a network of caves and
as a hospital (a Captain Baillie remarked tunnels built into the chalk escarpment
how 'Columns colonnades and friezes ill which may once have been part of a chalk
accord with bully beef and sour beer mixed mine, and were named after Jack Cade, the
with water'), resulting in the hospital closing Kent rebel who in 1450 led an army to
in 1869 and being converted to the Royal London and camped on Blackheath. Soon
Naval College. After more than a hundred after the cavern was discovered in 1780 steps
years at Greenwich the college moved out in were constructed to allow access, ventilation
1998 and the building was taken over by the was installed and tours were conducted by
University of Greenwich as an adminis- guides armed with suitably demonic stories
tration centre. The westerly parkside until the lights went out one night in 1853,
section, the King William Block, contains after which it closed down. There was an
the complex's piece de resistance, the Painted unsuccessful attempt to reopen the cavern
Hall (now open to the public), designed by in 1906, and when in the late 1930s the auth-
James Thornhill as a dining room for the orities selected the site for an air-raid
hospital pensioners, where Admiral Lord shelter, no one could find the entrance and
Nelson lay in state in 1805 following his so a shaft was sunk at 77 Maidenstone Hill.
death at Trafalgar. There, a passage was found graffiti' d with
Queen's House I National Maritime names of visitors from the eighteenth
Museum, south side century and carvings of the devil, but plans
When James I's queen, Anne of Denmark, to use the cavern were abandoned due to
expressed her dissatisfaction with Green- concerns about safety, and they have
wich Palace as a royal residence in 1616, the remained unused since.
king commissioned Inigo Jones to build her
a house to the south. Over the next twenty (iv) North Greenwich
years Jones created England's first Palladian
villa (one where the framework was coated The peninsula thrives on secrecy. For as
in white cement, rather than exposed brick), long as anyone can remember much of
and as Anne died eighteen years before it this land has been hidden behind tall
was finished it was occupied by Charles I's fences. Walkers held their breath and
queen, Henrietta Maria. By the end of the made a wide circuit. Terrible ghosts were
eighteenth century the house had fallen into trapped in the ground - London Review of
disrepair, smugglers having set up base Boctks, lain Sinclair (1999)
inside, and in 1806 it was taken over by the Bugsby Marshes, the peninsula to the east of
Royal Naval Asylum School. When the latter the Isle of Dogs, was a blighted,· polluted ;
moved out' in 1933 the property became the landscape of industrial units, wharves and
National Maritime Museum. In 1990 the gas works until it was chosen in the 1990s
interior was restored to its perceived 1662 as the site for a new building to host the
appearance. government's celebrations to greet the new
millennium. The site was chosen because it
was the only available large piece of land in
London standing on the course of the 0°
Meridian. Millions were spent on trying to

decontaminate the land, rerouting the new and Dome executives had predicted. Few
Jubilee Line tube extension, which needed people booked in advance. Many were
an awkward twist in what would have been dissuaded by the tales of horror from the
a straight line from Canary Wharf to opening night, by the interminable queues
Canning Town, and building the Dome. But on the opening day, by the absence of a car
the venture, which opened at the end of park, despite the nearby motorways, and
1999, was a spectacular disaster. Since the few trusted the new and then unreliable
Dome's closure at the end of 2ooo, the land tube line to get them there. Critics were
has lain unused while various parties nego- nearly unanimous in their condemnation.
tiate over its future in the knowledge that The novelist J, G. Ballard described the
the peninsula is too contaminated for non- building as a 'sinister abattoir disguised as a
industrial development. circus tent', while Hugo Young in the Guar-
Millennium Dome dian claimed it was not an emblem of
Built at the end of the 1990s to the designs British brilliance but of a 'desperate, empty
of Richard Rogers to house the official national grandiosity'.
millennium celebrations, the vast hangar- By May the venture was bankrupt.
like building became the setting for the Commissioners considered closing it down
single greatest financial disaster in the before the summer to stop the haemor-
history of London, an exhibition centre rhaging of more money, but Dome execu-
into which £1 billion of taxpayers' money tives calculated that that would be another
was poured to pay for a year-long show PR disaster (rather than a triumph for the
consisting of a variety of 'zones' devoted to public purse) and so an injection of £229
areas of human existence that ignored the million of public cash was given to keep the
achievements of British culture from the venture afloat. At the end of 2000 the Dome
previous millennium. closed, its interior was gutted and its
The project was beset by a series of public contents rapidly auctioned off while the
relations disasters from its inception. There computers still flickered, switched to
were claims that the Dome would introduce screensaver mode. The vacant site continues
to the world a new game, surfball, except to haemorrhage some £3 million pounds a
there was no such game; details of the month in security costs while the authorities
contents of the displays were kept a secret considered its future.
until the very last minute (the 'best-kept • British Library, p. 355·
secret in the world'), but it was only when it
was too late to make changes that it was real-
ized that such a course of action had been KENNINGTON, SE 11
taken because those in charge knew they
would be publicly ridiculed if the exhibition Kyning-tun, the 'place of the king', was an
details had been revealed in advance; tickets occasional home to royalty until the flat
had not been sent out by Christmas, a week· open land of Kennington Common (now
before the opening ceremony; and on the Kennington Park) became popular with holi-
night itself, New Year's Eve 1999, VIP guests daying workers, preachers and protestors,
were kept waiting for hours at! a nearby tube and by the mid nineteenth century thou-
station before being allowed entrance, while sands were gathering regularly on the
Dome press officers denied there were any Common to take part in political demon-
problems until they learned that newspaper strations. On 10 April1848, the year of revol-
editors were among those waiting. ution across Europe but not England,
Throughout its year as a tourist attraction 15o,ooo people were present at one of the
visitor numbers were consistently lower best attended of the various Chartist
than the 12 million government ministers meetings taking place at the time. The

Major sporting events at the Oval new world runs record of 364, a score
The world's first football international, which remains unbeaten in England until
s March 1870 England draw 1-1 against a the 1990s. England declare at 903 for 7 and
Scottish Representative XI. Australia, with Don Bradman injured, lose
The first FA Cup Final, 16 March 1872 by an innings and 579 runs.
Wanderers beat the Royal Engineers 1-o in England v Australia, fifth Test, England
the first FA Cup Final and as winners are regain the Ashes, 15-19 August 1953 The
given a bye until the following year's final, Ashes return to England for the first time in
and they are allowed the choice of venue, twenty years thanks to Laker and Lock's
favouritism which was swiftly expunged. devastating bowling and a powerful batting
The 'Ashes' Test, 28-29 August 1882 order featuring Len Hutton, Bill Edrich,
England, needing only 85 in their second Denis Compton and Trevor Bailey. It is the
innings to beat Australia, lose by 7 runs. The first time since 1926 that England have
following day the Sporting Times carries a beaten Australia at home.
mock obituary: 'In Affectionate Remem- England v Australia, fifth Test, 10-16
brance of ENGLISH CRICKET which died August 1972 Australia win by five wickets in
at the Oval on 29th August, 1882. Deeply the only test to be played over six days, with
lamented by a large circle of Sorrowing both Chappell brothers, Ian and Greg,
Friends and Acquaintances, RIP. NB - The scoring centuries for the visitors.
body will be cremated and the Ashes taken England v South Africa, third Test, Devon
to Australia.' Since then the regular Test Malcolm's 9 for 57, 18-21 August 1994
series between England and Australia has Malcolm, the bespectacled West Indian-
been known as the Ashes. born fast bowler known as 'The Destroyer',
England v Australia, fifth Test, Hutton's rips through South Africa with remarkable
record innings, 21-24 August 1938 Len bowling figures, spurred on, it is alleged, by
Hutton and Maurice Leyland establish a being hit on his helmet earlier in the Test.
second wicket stand of 382 as Hutton sets a ... Lord's, p. 369. _j

authorities, fearing insurrection, hired extra Kennington Oval

special constables and stationed 5,ooo The Oval
troops at strategic points across the capital, South London's major sporting arena came
including Hyde Park, the Tower and the into being in 1844 when the Montpelier
Bank of England to ward off the mob. The Cricket Club, founded in 1796 in Walworth
royal family and a number of landowners and looking for a new ground, chose the site
fled London, but after the Chartist leader, of a Kennington market garden owned by
Feargus O'Connor, agreed to the authori- the Duchy of Cornwall that stood alongside
ties' demand that the crowd should not the meandering River Effra. At a dinner held
accompany the Chartists to Whitehall to at the Horns public house on Kennington
deliver their radical petition, the events Road on 2 August 1845 Montpelier members
passed off relatively peacefully. Kennington formed the Surrey County Cricket Club and
was heavily bombed in the Second World as the Players of Surrey they played their
War and later rebuilt with disregard for first game at the new ground, which they
aesthetics, although a few elegant Georgian called the Oval, against the Gentlemen of
terraces remain to the west of the tube Surrey on 21 August 1845.
station and attract MPs as residents due to Originally, the Oval had no clubhouse,
their proximity to the House of Commons. and the pitch, which consisted of IO,ooo
squares of turf cut from Tooting Common,
was of poor quality, so when the duchy gave

the club notice to quit in 1854 a new site was the ground first to the Foster's Oval and
identified in Brixton. However, the threat of later to the AMP Oval.
eviction was lifted by the intervention of the
Lambeth Walk
Prince Consort, and as facilities improved,
Once crammed with market stalls and a bois-
other sports, including tennis and football,
terous working-class community, Lambeth
began to be played here. The 1870s wit-
Walk was celebrated in song in the 1937
nessed a series of historic matches at the
musical Me and My Girl with a number
ground, including the world's first football
that became so popular internationally that
international in 1870, and the first FA Cup
the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini,
Final in 1872, and in 1878 spectator areas,
ordered a London girl to go to Milan to
which consisted solely of unsheltered banks
teach it to him. Ironically, Lambeth Walk
of earth arranged in tiers, were added for
was destroyed in the Second World War
the first ever visit by an Australian cricket
and was redeveloped in the precinct style
team, an event watched by 20,000 spec-
with overhead walkways that hastened its
tators. The ground was used as a prisoner-
descent into a postwar slum. It is now lined
of-war camp in the 1940s, but has continued
with boarded-up shops, abandoned pubs,
to be home to Surrey County Cricket Club
graffiti'd concrete walls, run-down council
and a regular Test venue for cricket matches
flats and few signs of life.
since, despite being disfigured by unattrac-
~~> Robin Hood Gardens, Poplar, p. 318.
tive extensions and the 'official' renaming of
South-west London

BELGRAVIA, SWI 397 Old Church Street 413

Radnor Walk 414
(i) The Cadogan Esmte 397
Royal Avenue 414
Brompton Road 397
Royal Hospital Road 414
Lennox Gardens 397
Swan Walk 414
Pont Street 398
Tite Street 415
Sloane Square 398
Sloane Street 399 (iv) Cheyne Walk 415
Cheyne Walk 415
(ii) Upper Belgravia 400
Belgrave Mews West 400
Belgrave Square 400
Eaton Square 400 Warwick Road 420
Knightsbridge 401
Wilton Crescent 402 SOUTH KENSINGTON, SW7 420
(iii) Lower Belgravia 402 (i) north ofCromweU Road 420
Chester Square 402 Brompton Road 421
Lower Belgrave Street 403 Ennismore Gardens Mews 421
Exhibition Road 421
BRIXTON, SW2, SW9 403 Kensington Gore 422
Prince's Gate 423
Electric Avenue 405
Gresham Road 406 (ii) south of CromweU Road 423
Jebb Avenue 406 Cromwell Place 424
Gloucester Road 424
CHELSEA, SW3, SWIO 406 Harrington Road 424
Queen's Gate 424
(i) north of King's Road 407
Reece Mews 425
Cale Street 407
Selwood Terrace 425
Fulham Road 407
(ii) King's Road 408
King's Road 408
@e Brixton riots 404
(iii) Chelsea village 412
Cheyne Row 412
Glebe Place 413
Oakley Street 413
24 APR 2018 BELGRAVIA, SW1 3~

style with much red brick, the Cadogan

BELGRAVIA, SWl Estate, which lies either side of Sloane
Street, is owned by the Cadogan family,
Belgravia, the flower boxes, and the hence the use of the name for several streets,
awnings over doors, and the front walls and is home to several of Britain's most cele-
painted different shades of cream. The brated stores, particularly Harrods. In 1975
gracious living in red with huge green Peter York coined the name 'Sloane Ranger'
squares outside the windows -Absolute in the magazine Harpers and Queen to
Beginners, Colin Macinnes (1958) describe the kind of wealthy local socialite
An ostentatiously wealthy district domi- who in the 1920s would have been called a
nated by stucco-dad nineteenth-century 'Bright Young Thing' and in the 1960s an
properties, Belgravia was developed after 'International Jet-setter', whose embodi-
Lord Grosvenor paid £3o,ooo in the 182os ment was the late Princess of Wales.
for what was then known as the Five Fields
Brompton Road
-a swamp through which the River West-
Harrods, Nos. 87-135
bourne flowed and 'a place where robbers
London's most prestigious, and Europe's
lie in wait', as Addison wrote in the Tatler-
largest, department store, its motto omnia,
and obtained an Act of Parliament to drain,
omnibus, ubique ('everything for everyone
clear and raise the land. Grosvenor hired
everywhere'), opened as a small grocery
Thomas Cubitt, the first master-builder to
store, run by Henry Harrod in Stepney, in
use a permanent workforce of craftsmen, to
1835, moved to Eastcheap in the City, and
build an estate and Cubitt in turn hired
then to Belgravia in 1849. It expanded
architects such as George Basevi, who also
through the efforts of Richard Burbridge,
designed Cambridge's Fitzwilliam Museum,
who left Whiteley's on Westbourne Grove,
to create what he called Belgravia, named in
then London's greatest department store,
honour of the Grosvenors' Belgrave estate
where he had been head of provisions, and
in Leicestershire. Graceful terraces, well-
transformed Harrods into a worthy rival. In
appointed villas and handsome squares
1901 Stevens and Munt began work on the
filled the streets but, though luxurious and
store's grandiose baroque frontage, and they
much sought after, the new estate had a
installed Britain's first escalator, at the top
rigidity and intensity that caused the Con-
of which was an attendant equipped with
servative politician and -novelist Benjamin
sal volatile and brandy to resuscitate those
Disraeli to comment: 'the Belgrave district is
troubled by moving stairs. The House of
as monotonous as Marylebone, and is so
Fraser group acquired Harrods in 1959,
contrived as to be at the same time insipid
selling it to the Fayed brothers in 1985. In
and tawdry'. Being the suburb closest to the
2000 Harrods lost its royal warrant, prob-
royal palaces and buildings of government,
ably because of Mohamed Al-Fayed's criti-
Belgravia soon attracted wealthy residents
cism of the authorities' alleged role in the
and embassies, particularly around Belgrave
death of his son, Dodi, in the crash that also
Square, Eaton Square and Chester Square,
killed the Princess of Wales.
and has remained among the most desirable
... Whiteleys, p. 435.
addresses in inner London.
• Belgravia is the part of sw1 west of the Lennox Gardens
Z4 APR 2018
railway line into Victoria. Middlesex County Cricket Club head-
quarters (1872.-6)
(i) The Cadogan Estate The Middlesex club, founded in 1850,
moved to the Cadogan Estate in 1872 to play
An estate of some 4,ooo flats, 700 houses in a field that two years previously had been
and 300 shops built in a flamboyant Flemish a market garden and was described in that

year's Wisden as 'grand and quick and one [and] can cause temporary insanity ... just
of the truest playing grounds in England'. half an ounce could knock out London.'
As there was a skating rink close by for
Sloane Square
'ladies who had been presented at Court',
A major south-west London junction and
batsmen were warned not to hit the ball too
meeting place, which acts as a buffer
hard to square leg in case they hit a lady
between Chelsea and Belgravia, the land was
skater. Following an argument about
the traditional site of the maypole and was
finances Middlesex left forSt John's Wood,
where the Chelsea Volunteers drilled. Sloane
and after the ground closed in 1886 most of
Square was laid out in 1771 and later lined
the fields were built over, although a small
with houses designed by Henry Holland. By
patch of grass between the two sections of
the twentieth century it had become
road remains.
completely commercialized. It is now best
"" Lord's, p. 369.
known for the Royal Court Theatre and the
Pont Street Peter Jones department store.
Named after a bridge over the now east side
culverted Westbourne River, Pont Street Sloane Square station
was developed from 1805, with gabled red- Opened in 1864 on the Metropolitan District
brick houses that were derided by the upper Railway (now the District Line), Sloane
classes but sought after by those with social Square was until the 1990s one of only two
aspirations and were later given the name stations on the network with a platform bar
'Pont Street Dutch' by the cartoonist Osbert (the other being Liverpool Street); this one
Lancaster, a term that came into general use was known as the Drink Under the River as
to describe similar properties everywhere. the River W estbourne runs above the lines
In one such Pont Street property in 1965 in a pipe clearly visible from the platforms.
Michael Holingshead, a disciple of the LSD Two bombs fell on the station in 1940 when
guru Dr Timothy Leary, who had assumed two trains were at the platforms and an
his name in honour of the imagination's unknown number of people were killed.
supposed 'third eye', or 'hole in the head', Royal Court Theatre
opened the World Psychedelic Centre. Long one of the most progressive theatres in
Clearing the building of everyday furnish- London, the Royal Court dates back to the
ings, which he replaced with 'sympathetic' 187os, when a Dissenters' chapel on the
objects such as wood, flowers, fruit, cheese south side of the square was converted into
and incense, he organized a soundtrack that a theatre. It was taken over in 1904 by
included music by Ravi Shankar, John Cage Harley Granville-Barker who produced
and Bach (Beatles tracks not then being eleven plays here for George Bernard Shaw,
hallucinogenically suitable and Pink Floyd including the premieres of Major Barbara,
not existing), and held Britain's first acid Heartbreak House and Candida. At the first
trip using the first batch of LSD to be night of the latter in 1905 the audience
imported into the country (it was not then demanded the appearance of the author and
illegal), which had been impregnated in cheered uproariously when the manager,
grapes. When news ofHolingshead's activi- J, E. Vedrenne, came on stage. With some
tie§ sptead;the :Rewspapers began a hostile difficulty Vedrenne convinced the audience
campaign of publicity against this new that he was not Shaw, who had just left the
risque hedonism, the Evening Standard building to take the tube home, whereupon
leading with 'The Drug That Could some of the audience ran into the station
Threaten London', which explained that only to find Shaw's train pulling out and the
'LSD, one of the most powerful drugs playwright waving to them as it sped off.
known to man, produces hallucinations In the 1930s the Royal Court briefly

became a cinema, but it was converted back After Jones died in 1905 the store was beset
to a theatre in 1952 following bomb damage by financial problems until a buyer emerged
and was bought by George Devine who made in the shape of John Lewis, who walked
it London's most talked-about theatre after from his Oxford Street store to Sloane
premiering John Osborne's Look Back in Square with twenty £1,000 banknotes in his
Anger in May 1956. The set included a kitchen pockets to buy the company. The current
!link, a prop that soon gave its name to the building, designed by Slater, Crabtree and
genre of working-class productions with a Moberly in the 1930s, embodies some of the
vaguely northern, socialist feel. Although the best ideas from the modernist architecture
arch critic Kenneth Tynan hailed Look Back of the period, in particular the glass curtain
in Anger as the 'best young play of its decade', wall, the first seen in Britain, which was
takings were low until the theatre's publicity modelled on Erich Mendelsohn's Shocken
department answered a journalist's question store in Chemnitz.
by describing Osborne as a 'very angry young ... John Lewis, p. 138.
man', a term that became a convenient hook
to sell the production.
Sloane Street
The major traffic route from Knightsbridge
In 1965 the Royal Court challenged the
to Sloane Square, Sloane Street was created
Lord Chamberlain's prerogative to censor
by Henry Holland in 1780 and lined with
plays, after his department had cut entire
elegant houses designed with fanlights, of
scenes from Edward Bond's Saved, by
which only No. 123 remains. It is now
converting the theatre into a private club to
London's most prestigious shopping street,
show the unexpurgated work. Prosecution
linking Harrods and Harvey Nichols at its
followed, none the less, and the theatre was
northern end with Peter Jones and King's
fined, but when Bond's Early Morning was
Road at the southern end, and is home to
performed here three years later the second
sever;U major fashion labels in between.
performance was described as a free 'critics'
Cadogan Hotel, Sloane Street at Pavilion
dress rehearsal', thereby circumventing the
Street, west side
law, and within a few months Parliament
The aesthete, wit and writer Oscar Wilde
had expunged the Lord Chamberlain's
was found by police drinking hock and ·
powers. In 1972 the Royal Court staged
seltzer in Room 118 of the Cadogan Hotel in
Owners, the first of many Caryl Churchill
April1895 and was arrested without putting
works, and challenging productions con-
up any resistance on charges of gross inde-
tinued, mostly under Max Stafford-Clark,
cency, having failed to take advantage of the
until the 1990s when the theatre shut for
few hours' grace that the authorities had
£26 million of refurbishment, reopening in
unofficially given him so that he could flee
the country. The adjacent Pont Street home
.,. Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, p. 119.
of the actress Lillie Langtry, in which she
west side
installed a machine that printed out up-to-
Peter Jones
the-minute racing results, is now incorpor-
A perennially popular department store, its
ated into the Cadogan.
founder was a Welsh draper's assistant who
Holy Trinity, Sloane Street at Sloane
opened a shop in Hackney in 1868 and later
Square, east side
moved, first to Southampton Row, Blooms-
A major church of the Arts and Crafts move-
bury, and then to Draycott Avenue, Chelsea.
ment, designed for the Earl of Cadogan by
After a wall between his two shops
John Dando Sedding, a friend ofWilliam
collapsed, with fatal results, Peter Jones
Morris, in 1890, it led Norman Shaw, the
walked bareheaded at the funeral of the
leading suburban architect of the period, to
victim, and despite opposition he reopened
exclaim: 'What arches! What surprises!',
his store here in 1877, with much success.

when he first saw it. In the mid-1970s the Belgrave Square

poet John Betjeman led a successful Hearts just as pure and fair, May beat in
campaign against the threat of closure of Belgrave Square, As in the lowly air, Of
the church, which he described as 'the Seven Dials- Iolanthe, W. S. Gilbert
Cathedral of the Arts and Crafts' (its nave (1882)
is wider than St Paul's), and which he had The centrepiece of the ar~a, at the mercy of
previously celebrated in his 1940s poem speeding traffic desperately trying to avoid
'Holy Trinity, Sloane Street'. Victoria, Belgrave Square was begun by
Thomas Cubitt in 1825 and lined with
immense stucco properties that soon
(ii) Upper Belgravia
became favoured by the aristocracy. With
The eastern, non-Chelsea section of King's the decline of service in the twentieth cen-
Road divides Upper Belgravia (to the north) tury the houses became unmanageable and
from Lower Belgravia (to the south). a number were converted into embassies,
such as the Syrian at No. 8, Portuguese
Belgrave Mews West (No. n) and Turkish (No. 43).
Star, No.6
No• .5, north side
Showbiz people and aristocrats who lived
No. 5 was the home from 1935 to 1958 of
locally, such as Lord Lucan, who vanished
Henry 'Chips' Channon, who wrote the
in 1974, drank in this up-market pub in the
best-known social diary of the era and
1960s alongside the West End gang leader
whose gatherings, held in a dining room
Billy Hill, the Great Train Robber Bruce
modelled on that of Amalienburg Palace in
Reynolds and the lesser-known Nobby
Munich, were so exclusive that when the
Clarke, who fell foul of the law when an
celebrated novelist Somerset Maugham was
associate, 'Little Caesar', was heard running
invited he told Channon it was the apogee
from the scene of a crime shouting: 'Wait
of his career.
for me, Nobby Clarke of Number 18 Garven
Downshire House, No. 24, south-west
Road, Fulham'. (Clarke was once entering a
shop, surprisingly, by unlocking the door
A four-storey ornate terraced house built
with a key, when a man approached and
by Henry Kendall for Thomas Read Kemp,
asked him what he was doing. 'What does it
developer of Brighton's Kemp Town, it was
look like?', replied Clarke. 'I'm the manager
in the early twentieth century home to Lord
and I'm locking up', to which the man
Pirrie, owner of the Harland and Wolff
replied, 'Oh, that's odd because I'm the
shipyard, and was where at a dinner in 1907
manager and I'm locking up.') The jewel
he and the businessman J. Bruce Ismay
thief Peter Scott announced in the Star one
planned the construction of two new ships
night in May 1960 that he was going to stea1
for the cross-Atlantic run- the Olympic and
the jewellery of the actress Sophia Loren,
the Titanic. The building is now part of the
who was staying in London at the time.
Spanish Embassy.
Posing as a journalist he found out the
actress's temporary London address, staged Eaton Square
the robbery, and seized some clothes and a A luxurious but grimly austere square,
briefcase containing cash and jewellery which is really two long parallel streets set
worth £2oo,ooo, a record haul for the time. either side of the eastern end of Kin,g' s
After committing the theft Scott returned to Road, it was built from 1826 to 1855 by
the Star where he made more money selling Thomas Cubitt and named after Eaton Hall
items of Loren's lingerie than he did selling in Cheshire, the country seat of the local
her gems. landowners, the Grosvenors. Past residents
..,. Planning of the Great Train Robbery, p. 425. include the American philanthropist George

Peabody, who built well-planned estates for in the 1920s was favoured by the silent
the working class in the nineteenth century screen film star Rudolph Valentino.
and lived at No. So in the 186os, and French Embassy, No. 58
Raymond Chandler, the American detective A once grand property, built in 1844 by
writer, who stayed at No. n6 for several Thomas Cubitt on the site of a leper
months in 1955, explaining to guests at hospital, it was bought the following year by
lunch one day that he was just a 'beat-up the railway entrepreneur George Hudson,
pulp writer' who ranked 'slightly above a MP for Sunderland and former Lord Mayor
mulatto' in the USA. Upstairs Downstairs, of York, who ran his companies with a
the 1970s TV costume drama about life disdain for corporate law, issuing more than
among a rich family and their servants in the authorized number of shares, selling
the early decades of the twentieth century, new issues at inflated prices, and misappro-
was set here. priating £6oo,ooo of shareholders' money-
No. 1, east side misdeeds which went undetected for years.
Bob Boothby, the Tory peer wh~ lived here Although Hudson escaped arrest for debt,
from 1946 to 1986, threw parties attended by through the immunity ofbeing an MP, he
the gangster Ronnie Kray and the Labour was forced to move to humbler accom-
politician and spy Tom Driberg where modation in Pimlico and then left for
'rough but compliant East End lads were France, where he lived in poverty. On
served up like so many canapes', according returning to England in 1865 to stand as MP
to the latter's biographer, Francis Wheen. for Whitby, Hudson was challenged by his
When the Sunday Mirror ran an article in creditors and imprisoned in York Castle for
1965 entitled 'The Peer and the Gangster' the duration of the election. The house was
Kray and Boothby were furious, even later sold to the French government for its
though the story mentioned no names, and embassy.
Boothby contacted Driberg, who in tum south side: Hyde Park Corner to Knights-
sought help from the prime minister, bridge Green
Harold Wilson. Following encouragement Spaghetti House (1970s), No. 77
from the latter's QC, Arnold Goodman, Three gunmen held up nine members of
Boothby sued and was awarded £4o,ooo staff in a much-publicized burglary at the
compensation. restaurant on 28 September 1975, claiming
.,. The Krays' Bethnal Green headquarters, that they represented the Black Liberation
p. 310. Front and demanding the release of allies
from prison and use of an aircraft so that
they could escape abroad. When the police
The name comes from the story of two
discovered that the prisoners the gunmen
knights who, according to legend, once
wanted released were not actually in
staged a duel on the bridge that spanned the
custody, the gunmen gave themselves up.
now-culverted River W estboume, close to
At the subsequent trial at the Old Bailey
the modem-day No. 58.
their leader, Franklin Davies, when asked to
north side, SW1 boundary to Hyde Park
plead, exclaimed: 'We've been pleading for
five hundred years,' while an associate cried:
Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel,
'This isn't a trial but a lynching party.'
Davies received twenty-one years.
Built by Archer and Green in 1882 on the
Harvey Nichols, Nos. 109-125
site of the tjOI 1mb lJUIJ pub, whose sign had
London's most glamorous store was built on
been painted by Joshua Reynolds, it was orig-
the site of the !Bodb's <fnb Xauem, where
inally a luxurious apartment block. After a
the diarist Samuel Pepys ate a 'mess of
fire in 1904 it was converted into a hotel that
cream, was merry and tarried late', and was

opened in 1813 as a draper's shop by nees', and King used the Mirror to wage a
Benjamin Harvey, later merging with the war of words against Wilson until he
nearby Nichols store, and first being himself was removed from his position that
recorded as Harvey Nichols in 1859. The spring by angry newspaper executives. Later
new store thrived as the neighbourhood that year Mountbatten sold the property to
prospered, being rebuilt with a grand the Republic of Singapore who wanted the
frontage in the 188os, and its current chic building for its embassy.
status dates back to a 1991 takeover by .,. Daily Mirror, p. 5·
Dickson Poon, the previous owners being
Burton's. (iii) Lower Belgravia
... Harrods, p. 397·
Chester Square
Wilton Crescent According to one survey, by the early
The northern approach to Belgrave Square,
twenty-first century Chester Square had
it was designed by Seth Smith around a
become the richest street in Europe, the
grassed area decorated with classical embel-
combined ~ealth of the residents, such as
the musical impresario Andrew Lloyd
Lord Mountbatten's address (1959-68),
Webber and the former Tory prime minister
Margaret Thatcher, being some £20 billion.
No.2 Wilton Crescent, 1960s home of Louis
In June 1965 the film-maker David Larcher
Mountbatten, Britain's post-Second World
invited the Beatles to a dinner party in his
War army chief, was the setting in May 1968
Chester Square basement flat so that they
for a bizarre plan, hatched by Cecil Harms-
could meet the American beat poet Allen
worth King, chairman of Mirror group news-
Ginsberg. When John Lennon and George
papers, to stage a coup to replace Harold
Harrison arrived with their wives, they were
Wilson's ruling Labour government by a
greeted at the front door by Ginsberg .
'Government of National Emergency',
himself, drunk, wearing nothing but a patr
which would be run by a team of patriotic
of underpants on his head and a 'No
politicians and capable businessmen, such
Waiting' sign dangling from his penis,
as himself.
which prompted Lennon, ever the gentle-
King did not go to see Mountbatten
man, to exclaim: 'You don't do that in front
himself, but sent his assistant, Hugh
of the birds.'
Cudlipp, also a Mirror executive, and the
north side
two men discussed the liberalization of
Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein,
· laws on abortion and homosexuality under
moved to No. 24 in 1846, twenty-five years
Wilson and the huge number of letters
after the death of her husband, the poet
sent to the Queen complaining about the
Percy Bysshe Shelley. The leading Victorian
lowering of standards. Although Mount-
poet Matthew Arnold lived at No. 2 from
batten, who had recently retired as Chief of
1858 to 1868.
the Defence Staff, was disillusioned with
Guy Burgess's address (1935-40), No. 38
the government, he felt uneasy about the
Guy Burgess, the Foreign Office official who
proposal and sought the advice of his confi-
famously defected to the Soviets in 1951,
dant, Solly Zuckerman, who, ironically, was
moved into the top-floor flat in 1935 after
also Wilson's scientific adviser. Zuckerman
his Cambridge friend Victor Rothschild
denounced the Mirror chairman for 'rank
secured him a job as an investment adviser
treachery' and walked out.
in the family's powerful banking firm.
As the journalist David Leigh explained in
Burgess hid his communist beliefs by dis-
The Wilson Plot, the coup got as far as iden-
playing fascist tendencies (then ~onsidered
tifying the Shetland Isles as a home for 'inter-
mildly fashionable) in public and decorated

his flat with splashes of patriotic red, white police discovered that Lucan had posted
and blue. letters to two friends, one of which, to the
eastside jockey Bill Shand Kydd, read: 'Dear Bill ...
The Dutch government was based at No. 77, the circumstantial evidence against me is
Queen Wilhelmina's London home, during strong ... I will lie doggo for a while .. .'
the Nazi occupation of Holland in the Speculation soon mounted that Lucan had
Second World War. fled Britain, even though he had left his pass-
south side port behind. Over the next few years there
The British government ran the Second were regular supposed sightings of the peer,
World War Joint Broadcasting Committee but he has never officially been discovered
at No. 71, organizing propaganda which and in his absence was found guilty of
could be broadcast to Germany to combat murder by a coroner's jury.
the pro-Nazi bulletins aired by William
Joyce, the notorious 'Lord Haw Haw'.
Margaret Thatcher moved into No. 73 in BRIXTON, SW2, SW9
1990 after resigning as prime minister.
A cosmopolitan but notoriously violent
lower Belgrave Street
area, first recorded in 1067 as Brixistane
Lord Lucan's address (1970s), No. 46
('Brixi's stone'), it was developed as a
Richard John Bingham, the 7th Earl of
suburban retreat for City merchants fol-
Lucan, disappeared from society, never to
lowing the opening of Brixton station in
be seen again in public, following the
1862. This saw the market gardens, meadows
murder of the family nanny and an attack
and brickfields replaced with streets of
on his wife, Veronica, Lady Lucan, at
densely packed houses for clerks and arti-
46 Lower Belgrave Street on 7 November
sans, and after the Second World War
1974. The drama unfolded when Lady
Brixton became home to a large proportion
Lucan, wondering why the nanny, Sandra
of the 492 West Indian immigrants who
Rivett, who had gone downstairs to make a
came to Britain on the Empire Windrush.
cup of tea, was so long in returning, went
As the 1950s proceeded other West
down to the darkened basement and was
Indians, attracted by advertisements placed
grabbed around th~ throat by a gloved hand
in Caribbean newspapers promising well-
and hit on the head by, she claimed, her
paid jobs with London Transport or the
husband, who admitted that he had killed
National Health Service, began to move to
the nanny mistakenly thinking it was her.
Britain and settle in Brixton where they had
Lady Lucan saved her own life, she later
friends and relatives, who had themselves
explained, by reasoning with the peer while
met with hostility from local landlords who
she nursed her wounds, and as soon as
had placed signs proclaiming: 'No Blacks,
Lucan had left the house she fled in her
No Irish, No Dogs' in their windows. The
nightclothes and ran into the nearby
arrival of black immigrants predictably led
Plumber's Arms pub shouting: 'Murder,
to an exodus of the established white lower
there's been a murder. He's in the house ...
middle class from their rented properties
my children ... he murdered the nanny',
and this left the housing stock ripe for squat-
her head wet with rain and blood.
ters, a phenomenon which increased in 1971
Police searched No. 46 and found Rivett's
after the arrival of the tube eradicated
body and a weapon, a 9-in. section of
Brixton's quiet village feel.
piping. Later that night the peer phoned his
By the end of the decade what had been
mother, the Dowager Countess Lucan, to
a dull, uneventful petit-bourgeois com-
tell her that a 'terrible catastrophe' had
munity, epitomized by its most famous
taken place. Two days after the murder
native, John Major, who went on to be Tory

The Brixton riots Sporadic confrontations between black

On three occasions - 1981, 1985 and 1995 - youths and the police take place.
Brixton has witnessed considerable unrest as • Saturday 11 April. The morning starts off
simmering local tension, mostly caused by calmly, with shoppers packing the streets,
policing methods, has boiled over into but rumours spread that the injured youth
serious violence. has died in hospital, fuelling tension. At
The first Brixton riots, 10-13 April1981 3.30 p.m. officers spot a man on Atlantic
Early in 1981 plainclothes police stop Road placing something in his socks and,
nearly 1,ooo people (mostly black) in assuming it is drugs, stop him. He explains
Brixton on suspicion ('sus') that they have that he is a mini-cab driver and is putting
committed or are about to commit a crime, his takings there for safekeeping, but police
arresting 118 people in one six-day burst. search the vehicle and a crowd gathers,
Although the police try to justify the deciding that the officers' actions are pro-
operation by citing a 138 per cent increase in vocative. The man is arrested for obstruc-
local crime between 1976 and 1980, tion, but when news spreads that he has
compared with 38 per cent across London been punched in the stomach violence
as a whole, they ruin their case by breaks out. The police charge to dear the
using the operation as an excuse to indulge road and at around 6.30 p.m. petrol bombs
in racial harassment that causes much resent- are thrown, a police car is set alight and a
ment locally, resulting in the first Brixton police van stoned. As reinforcements arrive
riots. the crowd flees, looting shops. The police,
• Friday 10 April1981. Two police officers on who have no riot gear, protect themselves
foot patrol stop a black youth who is being from attack using dustbin lids, but by 7 p.m.
chased by a group of black men along there is rioting throughout Brixton. At
Kellett Road, near the Ritzy cinema. He has 7-40 p.m. a fire engine turntable is set alight
been stabbed in the back and is bleeding on Railton Road and later a mob hijacks a
profusely, but the youth, who assumes he No. 37 bus, robs the conductor of his
is being arrested, refuses to explain his takings, and drives it at police, finding the
injuries. As he tries to flee a crowd forms way blocked by vehicles abandoned by
and jostles the officers, helping him take other rioters. The police gain the upper
refuge in a nearby house and later putting hand after 9 p.m., but nearly 300 officers
him into a taxi. When the police stop the and sixty-five civilians are injured and 145
taxi and try to call an ambulance a crowd properties damaged in the worst disturb-
gathers and there are shouts of 'look they're ances witnessed in London since the 1780
killing him ... we will look after our own'. Gordon Riots.

prime minister in the 1990s, had begun to During the 1970s increasingly draconian
fracture. The first generation of children policing led to growing social tension, which
born locally to West Indian immigrants met exploded in the riots of the 1980s and 1990s
hostility and racism in school and when that left much of Brixton destroyed. More
they left without suitable qualifications recently, the demography of Brixton has
found few jobs available. Many left home, changed again as white liberals, attracted
and not wishing to move out of the area, by the diverse cultural and racial mix of the
took up places in the local squats, where area, have moved in, opening cafe bars,
their refusal to conform to the established delis and chic shops near the station and
social codes and to respect (white) authority frequenting night-time venues such as the
provoked hostility from the police. Roxy cinema, Fridge, Telegraph and Brixton

• Sunday 12 April. The Metropolitan Police attack Brixton police station, at 367 Brixton
Commissioner blames 'outside agitators' Road, with bricks, stones and petrol bombs.
for the violence as home secretary Willie During eight hours of mayhem the mob
Whitelaw tours Brixton to taunts of 'Sieg ransacks a Texaco petrol station and fire-
heil!' and 'Why haven't you been here bombs high street shops. The police charge
before?' At night gangs assemble and rioting the crowd at midnight but it is not until
erupts, although not as fierce as the previous 2.30 a.m. that the fighting subsides, with
day's, with around 122 officers injured and forty-three civilians and ten police officers
sixty-one police vehicles and twenty-eight injured and 230 people, over half of whom
private vehicles damaged or destroyed. are white, arrested. The following day the
• Monday 13 April. There is more violence area is flooded with riot police to prevent
and looting at night along Railton Road. further trouble.
The prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, The third Brixton riots, 13 December 1995
rubbishes suggestions that unemployment The third and most recent riots, supposedly
and racism lie beneath the Brixton disturb- organized by men with mobiles to outflank
ances: 'Nothing, but nothing, justifies what the police, occurred after the death in police
happened,' she says, and rejects calls for custody of a young black man, Wayne
increasing investment in the area with the Douglas, at Brixton police station.
claim 'Money cannot buy either trust or On Wednesday 13 December a peaceful
racial harmony.' Lord Scarman, who is in protest outside the station turns nasty after
charge of the inquiry into the disturbances, one public speaker describes the police as
finds that the riots were spontaneous and killers and an hour later scuffles break out
that there was no premeditated plan by during a march along Brixton Road. The
outside agitators to destroy the area. first bottle is thrown at 8 p.m. near the Ritzy
The second Brixton riots, 28 September Cinema and during running battles between
t98S Four years later Brixton erupts again as the police and masked youths shops are
police officers and youths, mostly black, attacked and cars are set alight. The Dogstar
clash following a police raid on :1:1 Nor- pub (formerly the Atlantic), at 389 Cold-
mandy Road, home of a black man, Michael harbour Lane, which was refurbished with a
Groce, who is wanted for illegal possession £2oo,ooo grant and aimed at an upmarket
of a shotgun. During the raid Groce's white clientele after being burned down
mother, Cherry, is wounded by an officer, during the 1981 riots, is singled out for
who later explains how he 'shot the first attack.
black shape I saw', and is permanently para- .,.. Notting Hill race riots, pp. 448-9.
lysed. A few hours later 300 youths
Academy, but without managing to rid the tom area. It was here on Saturday 17 April
area of its lawless character. 1999 that David Copeland, a lone psycho-
path with extremist political views, left a
Electric Avenue
bomb taped to the inside of a sports bag
Opened in 1888 as one of the first shop-
which was spotted by street traders who
ping streets lit by electricity- hence its
called the police. The bomb exploded at
name - with glazed canopies to protect
5.25 p.m., just as officers arrived, injuring
shoppers from the weather, it was given an
fifty people. Copeland later planted two
international reputation with the success
more bombs in other parts of London.
of Eddy Grant's 1981 hit single, 'Electric
.,.. Copeland's Brick Lane bomb, p. 284; Cope-
Avenue', a statement of support for the riot-
land's Soho bomb, p. 199.

Gresham Road Light Years from Home' and 'We Love You'
Brixton Mosque, No.1, north side on Her Majesty's notepaper, and later told
Two of those who worshipped here in the reporters that the jail was no worse than a
1990s were Richard Reid, the so-called 'shoe Minnesota hotel room.
bomber', who tried to blow up an American On 16 December 1980 the IRA bomb-
Airlines plane in December 2001 by setting maker Gerard Tuite, the suspected armed
alight explosives hidden in his shoe, and robber Stanley Thompson and the security
Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged Al-Qaeda van hijacker extraordinaire James Moody
supporter who was detained by the escaped from Brixton using tools which
American authorities shortly before the relatives had brought in secreted in food.
September u attacks and became popularly Thompson had gone to a lot of trouble for
known as the 'twentieth hijacker'. nothing, as he had escaped while the jury
was out during his trial and when it recon-
Jebb Avenue
vened it found him not guilty. Moody was
Brixton Prison
later shot dead in the Royal Hotel, Hackney,
The Surrey House of Correction, built here
by a mystery gunman.
in 1820, was converted to a military prison
... Holloway Prison, p. 338.
in 1882 and became Brixton Prison, for
everyday criminals, in 1897. When in 1921
George Lansbury and twenty-four other
Poplar Labour councillors were jailed at
Brixton after refusing to cut grants to the
A land of idyllic streets, luxurious houses,
local poor, thousands of supporters besieged
artists' studios and riverside walks, its name
the building and Lansbury addressed the
derived from either Ceoles-ige ('place of
crowd through the grille of his prison cell.
ships'), Chesil ('a gravel bank'), or Celchyth
The councillors also held meetings in
('a chalk wharf), Chelsea grew as a fishing
Lansbury's cell and on one occasion in the
village where, according to a local historian
governor's office.
in 1829: 'salmon, trout, pike, carp, roach,
In 1940, at the start of the Second World
dace, perch, chub, barbell, smelt, gudgeon
War, scores ofJewish refugees who had fled
and of flounders there are numbers in this
Hider's Germany were held in Brixton along-
river, the roach and dace being sold to Jews
side a number of fascists, detained under
for the purpose of making false pearls'.
Regulation 18B, who taunted the Jews merci-
Away from the river, which was the village's
lessly, to the indifference of the prison
best transport route into London until the
officers. The 89-year-old Lord (Bertrand)
nineteenth century, Chelsea was known for
Russell spent a week in Brixton in 1961 after
its gardens of cherries, plums, peaches and
he and members of the Campaign for
apricots, becoming fashionable with the
Nuclear Disarmament refused to be bound
king and court during the Restoration
over for a year. Six years later the Rolling
period when the King's Road, now Chelsea's
Stones' Mick Jagger was incarcerated here
most famous street, was built as a private
for one night on a drugs charge, having
royal route to Westminster.
been convicted to set an example, rather
In the nineteenth century rows of brick
than as a just punishment for a heinous
houses were erected around its oldest road,
crime. The Times railed against his plight in
Old Church Street, and Cheyne Walk, which
a famous editorial on 1 July 1967 entided
became popular with artists such as James
'Who Breaks a Butterfly on a Wheel?', a line
Whisder, who came to capture the light, the
taken from Alexander Pope's Epistle to Dr
best in London, and take in the riverside
Arbuthnot. Jagger spent his short time in jail
views nearby. With the growth of London
constructively, writing the songs '2,000
Chelsea became an exclusive residential

area, thanks to its pleasant riverside setting north side (SW6)

and bijou houses, all the more desirable for Chelsea Football Club, Fulham Road at the
being so rare in the capital, the main road, West London Railway
King's Road, attracting clothes shops, night- The only major English football club
clubs and pubs patronized by a raffish, without a nineteenth-century history,
bohemian crowd. Chelsea were formed in 1905 by the Mears
By the 1960s Chelsea had begun to rival Brothers, who had bought the freehold of
Soho as the hippest area in London, the the land on the Fulham-Chelsea boundary
so-called Chelsea Set including the photogra- to build what they hoped would be the
pher David Bailey, the clothes designer finest sporting arena in the country, but
Mary Quant and the Rolling Stones, and in having no team to play there approached
the following decade punk rock developed nearby Fulham Football Club to move in.
around the King's Road boutique run by When Fulham rejected their offer the
Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren. Mears decided to form a new club from
Since then Chelsea has remained wealthy scratch, considering various names,
but has lost its bohemian/avant garde crowd including Kensington and even London,
to Camden Town, Notting Hill, Spitalfields before eventually opting for Chelsea, even
an<J Brixton. though the stadium was technically in
Fulham. A number of established players
(i) north of King's Road signed for the new club, including the highly
rated 22-stone Sheffield United goalkeeper,
Cale Street Willie 'Fatty' Foulke, and after stem canvas-
Hung On You (196os), No. 22 sing in the bar of Covent Garden's Tavistock
A typical Chelsea boutique of the 1960s, Hotel, the Mears brothers scrambled enough
where the Beatles were regular customers, it votes to join the newly extended Football
was run by Jane and Michael Rainey, whom League at the start ofthe 1905-6 season,
Jon Savage described in his punk history, making Chelsea the only team ever to enter
England's Dreaming, as 'one of the original the League without having kicked a ball.
aristocratic Chelsea stylists ... who believed Archibald Leitch built an impressive
in clothes worn not in a uniformity of caste 5,000-seater grandstand for the new ground,
or taste but in a riotous confusion of Stamford Bridge, using earth excavated
colours, eras and nationalities'. It featured a during the construction of the Piccadilly
fa~de that had the front end of a car stuck Line for the banking, and it was considered
in the window, a technique much copied so good that it was used for the FA Cup
since, and moved to 430 King's Road in Final until Wembleywas built. In Novem-
196]. ber 1945 Stamford Bridge was the setting for
• Hung On You, King's Road, p. 409. one of the strangest football matches ever
seen in Britain when Chelsea played the
Fulham Road
touring Moscow Dynamos team at a time
One ofthe longest roads in south-west
when games between English and European
London, stretching nearly 3 miles from
clubs were a rarity. Crowds began arriving
Fulham Palace in the west to Brompton
soon after breakfast and the ground had to
Cross at the edge of the Exhibition Road
be shut an hour before the afternoon kick-
museum land in the east, its route is marked
off, with perhaps 1oo,ooo inside, many
by scores of well-stocked shops and smart
having climbed over walls and gates to gain
entrance. Before the kick-off each Soviet
player, their shirts emblazoned with an
ornate letter 'D', came on the field bearing a
bunch of flowers, but though the press had

dismissed Moscow Dynamos as enthusiastic domestic design. The store moved to the
amateurs, they were considerably fitter renovated Michelin Building nearby in
than the Londoners, if naive tactically, and November 1987.
drew 3-3. Michelin Building, No. 81, south side
Chelsea won the League Championship A memorable art deco building, designed
for the only time in 1955 and in 1972 by Fran~ois Espinasse from 1909 to 1911 for
recorded what is still the highest ever aggre- the Michelin tyre company, its reinforced
gate total in European cup football, beating concrete walls, then rarely found, are
Luxembourg's Jeunesse Hautcharage in the covered in white tiles coloured with motifs
European Cup Winners' Cup 21-o over two relating the early story of automobiles and
games, the scorelines helped by the fact that images ofBibendum, the Michelin Man. It
one of the Jeunesse players wore glasses now contains shops, offices and Terence
and another had only one arm. Soon after Conran's Bibendum restaurant.
though, the Chelsea board made the first of
several ill-considered decisions, including (ii) King's Road
the building of a new £2 million stand,
which crippled the club financially, leading King's Road
to a decline that culminated in relegation One of London's most glamorous and
from the First Division in 1975. popular routes, King's Road, which cuts
In the early eighties David Mears sold his through the heart of Chelsea, was synony-
holding to the property speculators Marler mous with what Time magazine described
Estates, thus ending the family's seventy- in the 196os as 'Swinging London' when the
five-year connection with the dub, and street was renowned for its clothes shops,
further relegation ensued before revival nightclubs and cafes. It was built in the
under Ruud Gullit, Gianluca Vialli and late seventeenth century as a private road
Claudio Ranieri saw Chelsea begin their between Hampton Court and Westminster
second most successful spell with three Cup for Charles II, at a time when there was no
Final appearances towards the end of the thoroughfare linking Chelsea and central
millennium and the winning of the Euro- London, and until1830, only those who had
pean Cup Winners' Cup in 1998. In 2003 a a pass stamped 'The King's Private Roads'
Russian billionaire, Roman Abramovitch, could use it.
bought the dub and financed several ill- Once King's Road had opened to the
judged and costly transfer deals. public appealing houses were built and
.- Arsenal Football Club, p. 331. shops sprang up, and by the early twentieth
south side: Brompton Road to Sydney Street century King's Road had become a major
Habitat, No. 77 London thoroughfare. But it was not until
Terence Conran opened the first Habitat 1955, when Mary Quant opened Bazaar, the
store at No. 77 on 11 May 1964- he chose country's first boutique, at No. 138a, that
the name by going through the thesaurus to King's Road began to be associated with the
find alternative words for 'house' - to sell fashion industry. Bazaar was soon joined by
high-quality continental household wares, other stores selling outrageous clothes, and
including Italian furniture, kitchen units by the mid-196os King's Road had become
made from Swedish pine, and office chairs the stamping ground for London's hippest
from Finland, in a store hung with signs crowd- Terence Stamp, Vidal Sassoon,
urging customers: 'Don't just sit there ... sit David Hemmings, Michael Caine, Twiggy,
there ergonomically'. Conran was warned David Bailey - making their way from the
that as the shop was not located on a major Chelsea Potter pub to Le Reve restaurant
bus route it would never succeed, but or from the Markham Arms to the Dell'
Habitat and Conran's ideas revolutionized Aretusa nightclub, while at weekends

crowds of hippies, beatniks and freaks Hung On You boutique from Cale Street
would stroll along the road, visiting Gan- here. Two years later it was taken over by
dalfs Garden bric-a-brac shop or the I Was Trevor Miles and Tommy Roberts, who
Lord Kitchener's Valet clothes store looking reopened it as a fifties Hollywood pastiche,
for Regency jackets, tie-dye shirts and boots. Mr Freedom, and in 1971 Malcolm McLaren,
The following decade the hedonism of the an ex-film student, and his partner, Vivi-
late sixties gave way to a post-party malaise, enne Westwood, moved into the empty flat
but at No. 430 Vivienne Westwood and above the shop. By November they had
Malcolm McLaren opened their Let It Rock taken over the premises, renaming it Let It
boutique, aka Sex, aka Seditionaries, where Rock, in homage to Teddy Boy culture, and
not only the next generation's outrageous had begun selling period records, winkle-
fashion was sold but its most notorious rock picker shoes and drape jackets designed by
band, the Sex Pistols, was formed. In the Westwood, attracting a clientele of teddy
early 1980s King's Road remained a fashion boys and the occasional rock star - David
parade ground, with Mohican-haired punks, Bowie, Roxy Music, Marc Bolan -lookirig
who would occasionally pose for tourists' for chic revivalist gear. In the spring of 1972
cameras, lining the route, but later that McLaren and Westwood spotted the slogan
decade many of the independent shops were 'Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die' on a
driven out by high rents and were replaced biker's jacket and changed the shop's name
by bars, restaurants and chain stores. accordingly, attracting new customers such
Though King's Road remains a magnet for as the film director Ken Russell, who asked
tourists and shoppers and has retained its Westwood and McLaren to provide the
energy and excitement into the twenty-first clothes for his film Mahler, some of the
century, it has been upstaged as a bastion costumes for which -leather, swastikas,
of the unusual by Camden Town and fishnet tights - exhibited ideas later manifest
Portobello Road. in punk fashion. In April1974 they refur-
north side: Chelsea Creek to Sloane Square bished the interior again, this time to look
Granny Takes A Trip (196os), No. 488 like a womb, gave the store a new name,
One of the best-known King's Road Sex, 'specialists in rubberwear, glamour-
boutiques, Granny Takes A Trip featured wear and stagewear', and decorated it with
blackened windows, a car emerging from slogans such as the French philosopher
the front wall, a mural painted by Mickey Rousseau's 'Craft must have clothes but
Finn, who later joined Tyrannosaurus Rex, Truth loves to go naked'.
and an upstairs flat occupied by the writer After McLaren visited New York also
Salman was run by Nigel Way- in 1974 he began selling tom T-shirts and
mouth, one of the pioneers of disposable clothes decorated with safety-pins and
clothing, who sold kaftans, velvet trousers nurturing ideas for forming an unmusical
and satin jackets in a suffocating atmos- rock band, with a singer looking like Hitler
phere of incense and patchouli oil to rock 'talking about his mum in incestuous
stars such as Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, phrases'. McLaren recruited the fledgling
Syd Barrett and Jimi Hendrix, who stocked group members from a bunch of youths, all
up on most of his flamboyant wardrobe called John, who hung out at the shop and
here in October 1966. included John Wardle (later Jah Wobble,
World's End, No. 430 bass player extraordinaire and well-known
British punk rock was born in the 1970s in William Blake promoter), John Beverly
the outrageous clothes shop run by Vivi- (later Sid Vicious), who occasionally helped
enne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren at out in the store wearing a padlock over his
430 King's Road, first used for selling clothes crotch, and John Lydon (aka Johnny
in 1967, when Michael Rainey moved his Rotten), who wore a Pink Floyd T-shirt

with the words 'I hate' scrawled over the became the Pheasantry club, favoured by
group's logo. McLaren was so impressed actors and artists. When the club closed the
with Lydon's surly attitude that he suggested building was converted into luxury apart-
the latter join his new band, which became ments whose tenants included Martin
the Sex Pistols, as singer. Sharp, the illustrator who co-
In 1976 Sex was renamed Seditionaries, its edited the underground magazine Oz and
brilliant white decor setting off provocative wrote the lyrics to Cream's 'Tales of Brave
photos of the Second World War bomb- Ulysses', the epitome of the psychedelic rock
ing of Dresden and featuring a hole sound that encapsulated the era, and Eric
punched in the ceiling to resemble bomb Clapton, then Cream's guitarist. (On one
damage, designed by Ben Kelly, who later occasion Clapton narrowly escaped arrest
created Manchester's Hacienda club and on drugs charges by fleeing out of the back
Dry Bar. But the following year, when the of the building as Norman Pilcher, a detec-
Pistols brought the new King's Road look to tive who had a talent for arresting rock stars,
national recognition, other designers took buzzed the intercom, shouted 'postman,
up punk fashion and 430 King's Road special delivery' and burst in.) When the
became one of many places, rather than the building was threatened with demolition in
only place, to buy such clothes. The store 1969 all manner of fanciful tales were told
was reborn in the 1980s as the avant-garde about the Pheasantry's history, in a des-
clothes store World's End, part of what had perate bid to save the property, including
by then become the Vivienne Westwood one that claimed Nell Gwynn, Charles Il's
empire, and is identifiable by its backward- mistress, had lived here, and after protracted
moving clock above the awning. negotiations it was saved.
Bluebird Garages, No. 350 Bazaar (19SOS, 196os), No. 138a
Europe's largest motor garage for much Mary Quant opened King's Road's first
of the twentieth century, built by Robert boutique here in 1955 - a 'tough time when
Sharp for the Bluebird company in 1924 in girls wore white gloves', according to the
reinforced concrete clad in white faience, it writer Angela Carter - allowing customers
was converted by Terence Conran into a the hitherto unknown pleasure of wander-
shopping centre in the mid-1990s. ing at will through the shop without being
Registry Office, No. 250 harangued by tape measure-wielding assis-
A venue for celebrity weddings until1968, tants. Bazaar's success inspired Quant to
it was where the playwright John Osborne design her own clothes, what she termed,
married Mary Ure, who had starred in his 'The Look', which was epitomized by the
groundbreaking play Look Back in Anger, in floppy hat, skinny-rib sweater and mini-
1956, telling reporters: 'We both have the skirt with white boots and was worn by
strongest possible objection to marrying in middle-class girls who refused to conform
church - we loathe all clergymen.' to their parents' expectations and came to
The Pheasantry, No. 152 be known semi-disparagingly as 'dolly
A stylish cafe bar-cum-nightclub, built into birds'. In the basement below the shop was
a flamboyantly designed but much-altered a restaurant run by Quant's husband, Alex-
1769 property, the Pheasantry took its name ander Plunkett-Greene, who had once
from the pheasants the owner Samuel appeared at Quaglino's, the fashionable
Baker sold here from 1864 to 1878. In 1916 StJames's restaurant, in a suit with no shirt
the Russian ballet dancer Princess Serafina and a row of buttons painted on his chest.
Astafieva, great-niece of Leo Tolstoy, .,.. Carnaby Street, p. 189.
converted it into a dancing academy, her No.1:w
students later including Alicia Markova and Thomas Crapper, royal plumber, ran his
Margot Fonteyn, and in 1932 the basement toilet production company at No. 120 from

1907 to 1966, advertising his goods with the entitled 'Hurrah for the Blackshirts',
slogan 'a certain flush with every pull'. claimed that Mosley would bring Britain 'up
Peter Jones to date, [for] at these next vital elections
See Sloane Square. Britain's survival as a great power will
south side: Sloane Square to Chelsea Creek depend on the existence of a well-organized
Former Duke ofYork,s Headquarters party of the Right ready to take over
Built in a powerful classical style by John responsibility for national affairs with the
Sanders in 1801 to 1803 on the site of ctf)elseo same direct purpose and energy of method
f>ouse, the eighteenth-century residence as Mussolini and Hitler have displayed'. But
of the Cadogans, the building, named after Rothermere and many others withdrew
George III's second son, was originally their support after violence marred a BUF
the Royal Military Asylum school, where rally at Kensington Olympia on 7 June
soldiers' orphans were educated, and from 1934- Mosley, predictably, blamed Jewish
1909 until the end of the twentieth century hecklers- and by 1935 the British Union
was used by the Territorial Army. Roger of Fascists' overt anti-Semitism had led to a
Bannister and Christopher Chattaway decline in donations, forcing Mosley to sell
practised for what became Bannister's the lease of the building. It was subsequently
record-breaking four-minute mile race pulled down to make way for flats.
in the grounds in the early 1950s. In 2000 ~ The Battle of Cable Street, p. 279.
the site was sold for £66 million to be Chelsea Drug Store (196os), No. 49
redeveloped for shops, offices and A sprawling 196os shopping centre with a
housing. restaurant, disco and boutiques, modelled
l'ritti' u.t.u -t iJ•kiiti f)e.d....,mm 1 on Le Drugstore in Paris, it was mentioned
l'btek O•it (1933-5), west junction King's in the Rolling Stones' 1969 song 'You Can't
Road I Cheltenham Terrace Always Get What You Want' and its exist-
Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union ence so annoyed the residents of nearby
of Fascists, converted what had been the Royal Avenue that they urged the council
Whitelands Teacher Training College into to protect them from 'rubbish, noise and
the party's new headquarters, tilod f>ouse, hippies'. The venture dosed in the 1970s and
named after the colour of the shirts its the premises are now a branch of
members wore, in 1933, decorating the McDonald's.
exterior of the building with posters ~ Mick Jagger in Cheyne Walk, p. 418.
proclaiming 'For King and Country' and I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet (1960s), No. 65
equipping it inside with a gym for boxing One of the most famous 1960s King's Road
and judo, a mess, canteen, social centre, boutiques, its quasi-military touches
dormitories and cellars where miscreants inspired a number of rock groups, including
could be disciplined. Mosley spent a tenth the Beatles, who personified the look on the
of his personal fortune on Black House, sleeve of their 1967 Sergeant Pepper's Lonely
supplemented by donations from the Italian Hearts Club Band album.
dictator, Benito Mussolini, and for three Chelsea Potter, Nos. 117-119
years the building resounded to the noise of A pub patronized in the 1960s by celebrities
heel-clicking and arm-swishing (Blackshirts such as the actors Michael Caine and
would salute even when answering the Terence Stamp, its premises were raided in
phone). 1968 by police looking for the Great Train
Meanwhile, the party's anti-Bolshevik, Robber Bruce Reynolds, who, having
anti-organized labour stance won support returned to the UK after being on the run
from influential establishment figures such for five years, phoned an associate and
as ~rd Rothermere, owner of the Daily arranged to meet at the Chelsea Potter that
Mail, who in an article on 8 January 1934 night. The police didn't realize that 'Chelsea

Potter' was code for Sloane Square tube World's End has become a sink estate,
station and the raid proved fruitless . plagued by crime and squalor.
.,. The planning of the Great Train Robbery,
p. 425. (iii) Chelsea village
Apple Tailoring (1960s), No. 161
The less famous of the two Apple boutiques Between King's Road and the Thames lies
opened here on 23 May 1968, selling what one of the most visually splendid quarters of
the company called civil and theatrical the capital, a village of exquisite streets, gaily
clothes, and closed soon after without the painted cottages and elegant houses, closer
stock being given away, unlike at the better- in spirit to a Mediterranean town than to
known store at 94 Baker Street. suburban London. Before the growth of the
.,. Apple, Baker Street, p. 149. capital it was isolated enough to give rise to
Chelsea Old Town Hall, Nos. 165-179, its own bohemian community, its principal
King's Road at Chelsea Manor Street characters being, at various times, the early-
Judy Garland married her fifth husband, nineteenth-century publisher and poet
Mickey Deans, at the Registry Office in Leigh Hunt, who described how the 'air of
Chelsea Old Town Hall on 15 March 1969. the neighbouring river is so refreshing', the
Only fifty or so of the hundreds of invited Victorian philosopher Thomas Carlyle,
guests turned up and Garland argued with who complained about the absence of hills,
reporters outside the building after the cere- the late-nineteenth-century artist James .
mony. A few months later she was dead Whistler and the writer and wit Oscar
from an accidental overdose of sleeping Wilde. Despite being subsumed into the rest
tablets. of Chelsea, the village has retained its exclu-
No.181 sivity, attracting twentieth-century residents
Chelsea Arts Club was founded at No. 181 in such as the actors Judy Garland, Laurence
March 1891, its first secretary being the Olivier and Vivien Leigh and the writers
painter James McNeill Whistler, by then in Antonia White and Anita Brookner.
his late fifties, who always dressed in full-
Cheyne Row
length frock coat with white duck trousers,
A short turning built in 1708, known chiefly
even in summer. A regular patron was the
for Carlyle's House at No. 24 and used in
painter Philip Wilson Steer, who would go
the filming of Jules Verne's Around the
to the club every night in mortal dread of
World in Eighty Days, which starred David
catching a cold, close all the doors and
Niven, in the summer of 1955.
windows, play chess and walk home carry-
Carlyle's House, No. 24
ing a box of fifty cigarettes. Steer even
One of few writers' houses in London to
refused to attend formal dinners because of
have been preserved as a museum, it was
the supposed risks involved in changing into
home from 1834 to 1881 to Thomas Carlyle,
evening dress. The club moved to 143 Old
historian, philosopher and critic, who origin-
Church Street in 1902.
ally meant to stay only for a year, thought
World's End Estate
Chelsea 'very dirty and confused in some
An extensive housing estate of ungainly
places' and spent much of his time wan-
brick-dad tower blocks to the east of Edith
dering around the streets, often with the
Grove, it is named after the World's End
poet Alfred Lord Tennyson, denouncing
pub at 459 King's Road, and was built from
the government and complaining about
1966 to 1978 on the site of a number of
the 'acrid putrescence' of the neighbour-
traditional streets, thereby spoiling the archi-
ing houses and the 'black jumble' of the
tectural consistency of the area. Though
suburbs. Working in the attic, which was
billed as a symbol of progress at the time,
soundproofed from distracting neighbour-

hood noise, Carlyle wrote his renowned based on the designs of the family's ances-
history of the French Revolution. The manu- tral home in the Loire valley, which con-
script was used by John Stuart Mill's maid tained a dining room filled with models
to light the fire after he had lent it to the of ancient American and Asian temples.
philosopher. Having spent a number of Because Phene never completed work on
years researching and writing the work, the building, or ever lived in the property,
Carlyle no longer had much interest in the preferring to stay at 32 Oakley Street, oppo-
subject, but after Mill gave him £200 for the site, the legend arose that it was a memorial
inconvenience he rewrote it. Carlyle died to his bride-to-be, who had died on their
here in 1881 and the house was converted wedding day, causing him to abandon
into a museum in 1896, preserving many England and travel the world voraciously
original furnishings and mementoes, collecting objets d'art and interesting junk.
including a piano on which Chopin once Phene did however spend much time in the
played. garden, which he filled with monstrous
• Keats House, p. 364. classical statues and ornaments, and a
mortuary for dead cats. He uncovered parts
Glebe Place
of an underground passage which connected
A delightful dog-leg-shaped street built on
the property with the medieval riverside
land owned by the Chelsea Rectory and
mansion of S{}temsbuq t)ouse on Cheyne
beloved of artists and writers, it contains an
Walk and with Henry VIII's nearby manor
eclectic mixture of follies (No. 50), ginger-
house (p. 418). Phene's property was demol-
bread cottages and creeper-covered houses,
ished in 1917 and the site is now occupied by
in one of which in 1991 the householder
a large Arts-and-Crafts house whose ground
created a roof garden containing minarets
floor displays Charles Rennie Mackintosh-
resembling those of the Brighton Royal
style touches.
Pavilion, 8oo potted plants and speakers
Oakley Street has also been home to Jane
which played bird songs. At No. 51 is White
Wilde, mother of Oscar, an Irish patriot
Cottage, believed to be the oldest building
who wrote poems under the pseudonym
in Chelsea, which according to local lore
Speranza, who lived at No. 87, where
may have been Henry VIII's hunting lodge,
Wilde took refuge during his trial at the Old
and at No. 49 Charles Rennie Mackintosh,
Bailey in 1895; Robert F. Scott, the ill-fated
the celebrated Scottish architect, was resi-
polar explorer (No.5, 1905-8); and the
dent during the First World War, having
reggae musician Bob Marley (No. 42 in
moved from Suffolk, where he had been
accused of being a German spy. At No. 35
is Philip Webb's best-preserved London Old Church Street
house, built in the Arts and Crafts style in A long narrow road, it is the oldest in the
1868 to 1871 for the artist George Boyce, the area and the only one to run from the river
interior of which was used in the film as far north as Fulham Road.
Withnail and I as the home ofWithnail's John Betjeman's address (1917-24), No. 53,
lascivious gay uncle, Monty. west side
The poet moved from his beloved Highgate
Oakley Street
to Chelsea when he was eleven, in 1917, later
Oakley Street was the first London street to
describing No. 53 as being in Chelsea's
be planted with trees, thanks to the eccentric
'slummy end' in his autobiographical work
late-nineteenth -century barrister-
of 1960, Summoned by Bells.
architect-scientist Dr John Samuel Phene,
who lived at No.2 in the so-called (f;inger•
bnab (tastle, a five-floor house decorated
with rococo effects and baroque carvings

Sound Techniques Ltd (196os, 1970s), Royal Hospital Road

No. 46a, east side Chelsea Royal Hospital, Royal Hospital
Now private apartments, in the 1960s the Road at West Road
building contained one of London's major One of Christopher Wren's greatest achieve-
recording studios, Sound Techniques- 'a ments, the hospital, founded by Charles II,
big sort of greenhouse place [where] the was built from 1682 to 1694 as a home for
coffee machine didn't always work, and you discharged soldiers, in the style of Paris's
had to watch out for the wires and things on L'Hotel Royal des Invalides, with shallow
the floor', according to Jethro Tull's Ian steps to make walking easier for elderly
Anderson. The studios were used by the limbs and a colonnade so that the men
vanguard of the British rock underground, could enjoy the fresh air but keep dry. It is
such as AMM whose Music for a Continuous still used as an almshouse for around 450
Performance, recorded here in June 1966, retired soldiers - the red-coated Chelsea
featured Cornelius Cardew playing piano, Pensioners - who give up their pension
cello and transistor radio. Others who when they join in exchange for free board,
recorded here include Pink Floyd, who cut lodging and clothing, and who can be
their first two singles, 'Arnold Layne' and publicly seen on alternate weekends at the
'See Emily Play', at Sound Techniques in Chelsea football ground. Every June, on
1967; Tyrannosaurus Rex, featuring Marc Oak Apple Day, Charles II's statue in the
Bolan; the Incredible String Band; and Nick grounds is decorated with oak branches,
Drake, whose three esoteric albums of loneli- while the Pensioners parade in uniforms
ness and isolation- Five Leaves Left (1969), covered in oak leaves before saying three
Bryter Later (1970) and Pink Moon (1972)- cheers for their founder. The National Army
are now among the most feted works from Museum is located in the grounds, and to
the era. the east, in Ranelagh Gardens, the annual
~ Abbey Road studios, p. 367. Chelsea Flower Show has taken place since
Radnor Walk ~Wren's Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich,
Quorum (1960s), No. 52
p. 391.
Ossie Clark, the clothes designer extra-
ordinaire, who, according to Vivienne Swan Walk
Westwood's assistant, Bella Freud, could Chelsea Physic Garden
cut into cloth without a pattern, opened a The second oldest garden in England,
boutique at No. 5 with Alice Pollock in 1965 created in 1673 by the Society of Apothe-
after returning to London from America. caries for the study of plants used in medi-
His op art-influenced hot pants, maxi coats, cine, it is home to England's first cedar trees
snakeskin trousers and jackets attracted as well as the largest olive tree and the oldest
custom from Raquel Welch, Elizabeth rock garden in the country, the latter
Taylor, Twiggy, and the Rolling Stones created from blocks of lava brought back
Mick Jagger and Brian Jones. Clark sold from Iceland in 1772. When the gardens ran
the shop in 1968. short of funds in the 1730s Hans Sloane, the
physician and botanist whose collection
Royal Avenue later formed the basis of the British
The approach to Wren's Royal Hospital
Museum's first exhibits, and who had
from King's Road was intended to be part of
studied botany here, stepped in with a
a mile-and-a-half processional walk from
rescue plan and presented the Physic
Kensington Palace, but only 100 yards of the
Garden to the Apothecaries Society on
route was built.
condition that fifty plants be given to the
Royal Society every year.
CHELSEA, SW3, SWlO 412_j
Tite Street Dorian Gray (1891), and the plays Lady
One of Chelsea's most famous streets, many Windermere's Fan (1892), A Woman of No
of its houses built with studios for artists, it Importance (1893), An Ideal Husband (1895)
took its name from William Tite MP, the and The Importance of Being Earnest (also
member of the Metropolitan Board of 1895). After Wilde was convicted of gross
Works responsible for building Chelsea indecency in 1895 (ironically, the judge lived
Embankment in the 187os, and at the end only a few doors away) looters broke in and
of the nineteenth century briefly rivalled stole his possessions, and a little while later
Cheyne Walk as the most fashionable the house and its contents were sold for a
address in Chelsea. pittance to help pay off court costs.
west side: Chelsea Embankment to Tedworth • Oscar Wilde's downfall, p. 167.
Oscar Wilde's address (1881), No. 44 (iv) Cheyne Walk
When the architect E. W. Godwin sub-
mitted to the Board of Works a design for Cheyne Walk
remodelling the house which Oscar Wilde A riverside street of considerable historical
shared with the artist Frank Miles, a friend importance and period charm, lined with
from Oxford who introduced various the finest Jacobean and Queen Anne proper-
Japanese flowers to England, they took one ties, it was named after the Cheyne family,
look at the plans and exclaimed in horror: lords of the Chelsea manor in the late seven-
'It's worse than Whistler's [the adjacent teenth century, and was washed every day
No. 46, Tower House]!', before turning it by the high tide until the embankment was
down. Godwin, obliged to rethink his ideas, built in the late nineteenth century. Because
moaned about 'retired farmers and cheese- of its sweeping views and, for London, excel-
mongers [sitting] in judgement on my lent clear light, Cheyne Walk has attracted
work', but complied with their request, several painters, including J. M. W. Turner
toning down some of the effects but pro- and James Whistler. Other well-known
ducing a shockingly asymmetrical fa~ade residents have included George Eliot, the
with a great expanse of brick and unusual- composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, the
shaped balconies. Rolling Stones Keith Richards and Mick
Oscar Wilde's address (1884-95), No. 34 Jagger, and more recently the celebrity
Wilde bought the property (then No. 16) in cook Jane Asher and the footballer George
1884 when he married Constance Lloyd, Best.
at the time he was coming into public north side: Cremorne Road to Chelsea
recognition as a self-styled 'Professor of Embankment
Aesthetics', wit and art critic, and hired the J, M. W. Turner's address (1846-52),
architect E. W. Godwin to redesign the NO.ll9
house with much use of white: white for the The artist J. M. W. Turner moved to the
front door, hall and stairs, 'different shades property, then 6 Davis Place, in 1846, when
of white', according to Wilde, for the dining he was in his seventies. He spent the last
room; buttercup yellow for the drawing six years of his life here living incognito as
room walls; and blue with painted dragons 'Mr Booth' (locals thought he was a retired
and peacock feathers for the ceiling. admiral) to avoid the public glare and built
Wilde did his writing at a desk that had a gallery on the roof of the cottage so that he
once belonged to the Scottish philosopher could watch the sunsets. Turner's last words
and long-term Chelsea resident Thomas on his deathbed on 19 December 1851 were
Carlyle, in a room painted not white, but 'The sun is God', which some have inter-
primrose, there producing the fairy tale The preted as the more devout 'the Son is God'.
Happy Prince (1888), the novel The Picture of The young Ian Fleming moved here with his

mother in 1923, when he was fifteen, and No.1oo

was still living here in his late twenties, by Home of Robert Bourne, the property devel-
which time he had become a stockbroker, as oper who was involved in the long-term
it was a convenient pied aterre for a man plans for the Millennium Dome site and
about town. donated money to the Conservative Party
.- William Hogarth in Leicester Square, p. 102. and the Labour Party in the 1990s.
Hilaire Belloc's address (1900-190S), No.98
No.104 From 1808 to 1825 No. 98 was occupied by
The French-hom essayist, who became a the engineer Marc Brunei, who was respon-
British citizen two years after moving here, sible for the first tunnel under the Thames
had the area's first telephone installed, its (now part of the East London Line), and his
number being KEN(sington) 1724- He left son, Isambard Kingdom Brunei, who went
Cheyne Walk after being elected liberal MP on to become chief engineer for the Great
for Salford at the 1906 general election. Western Railway and design Paddington
No.101 station.
Home from 1863 to 1866 of the American- James Whistler's address (1866-79) I Paul
hom painter James Whistler- whom the art Channon's address (1970s), No. 96
historian James Laver claimed 'no educated It was at No. 96 that the American-hom
person can walk along the bank of the painter James Whistler painted the famous
Thames at nightfall without thinking of' - picture'Of his mother that hangs in the
who specialized in painting the new build- Louvre and worked on a portrait of the
ings and structures of the industrialized city, writer Thomas Carlyle, who sat for the artist
such as its wharves and warehouses. Here, while he painted the face but was replaced
Whistler painted Nocturne: Blue and Silver - by someone with the same figure wearing
Cremorne Lights (1872), a view from Batter- the same clothes for the rest of the portrait.
sea Bridge of the Battersea factories and In the 1970s No. 96 was home to the
Chelsea's <ttemome ~leotun tiotbmt, and millionaire Tory MP Paul Channon and was
Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling where members of the British government,
Rocket (1875), inspired by the fireworks in including Willie Whitelaw, the Northern
the Pleasure Gardens, which led John Ireland secretary, secretly met members of
Ruskin, the great art critic who felt that art the IRA on 7 July 1972 at a time when the
ought to have a moral message, to comment government were regularly insisting in the
that he 'never expected to hear a coxcomb media that ministers would 'never talk to
ask 200 guineas for flinging a pot of paint terrorists'.
in the public's face'. Whistler sued for libel The Irish delegation comprised the two
and won a farthing's damages but was made best-known nationalists of modem times,
bankrupt on account of the huge legal Martin McGuinness, who was then twenty-
costs. two and on the run from the authorities and
Lindsey House, Nos. 96-100 who only agreed to participate if his safety
Nos. 96-100 form Lindsey House, the only could be guaranteed, and Gerry Adams,
remaining seventeenth-century aristocratic who was released from prison to take part.
property in Chelsea, built in 1674 by the 3rd Their journey from Ulster to England would
Earl of Lindsey, Lord Chamberlain to have graced a spy film. They and four others
Charles II, on the site of a farmhouse that met in Londonderry, were transported in a
was once Pat:l of Thomas More's estate and blacked-out van to a field, from where a heli-
later home to Count Zinzendorf, leader of copter took them to Aldergrove airport,
the Moravian church. It is now divided into near Belfast. When the party stepped off the
separate P,roperties. helicopter a British soldier saluted them,
though it is not clear whether he was

acknowledging their status in the Repub- built a 34-acre estate here in 1523, was run
lican movement or had mistaken them for with the strictest discipline. The sexes were
military personnel. In Belfast they trans- segregated, all members of the household
ferred to an RAF plane, which landed in a were obliged to attend prayers, and heretics
military field, probably Northolt, and was were tied to trees and flogged. In 1529,
met by a fleet of limousines carrying mem- following the dismissal of Cardinal Wolsey,
bers of the Special Branch, from where the More became Lord Chancellor, but he
delegation was transported to Cheyne Walk. resigned three years later when Henry
Around the negotiating table the Irish declared himself, rather than the Pope, head
delegates listed their demands: that the of the English Church. When More was com-
British government recognize the right of mitted to the Tower in 1534 for incurring
Irish self-determination, that the troops be the wrath of the King, his estates were
withdrawn by 1 January 1975, and that all - confiscated.
prisoners be granted an amnesty, all of Crosby Hall, Cheyne Walk at Danvers
which were rejected. Whitelaw later recalled Street, west side
in his memoirs that the meeting was a 'non- The hall, built from 1466 to 1475, originally
event. The IRA leaders simply made imposs- stood near Bishopsgate in the City, where it
ible demands which I told them the British was home to Richard III before he became
government would never concede.' king, and later to Thomas More, the ill-
Elizabeth Gaskell's birthplace (1810), fated sixteenth-century Lord Chancellor
N0.93 (see above). It was moved here in 1907 to be
A month after the novelist was hom here as used as a hostel for the British Federation
Elizabeth Stevenson on 29 September 1810, of University Women, and changed hands
her mother died and she was sent to an aunt in the 1990s, when it was refurbished
in Knutsford, Cheshire, where she grew up. according to Tudor specifications.
Belle Vue House, No. 92 Chelsea Old Church (All Saints), Cheyne
Built in 1771 and possibly designed by Walk at Old Church Street
Robert Adam for John Hatchett, a cabinet The clock of Chelsea Old Church ground
maker, No. 92 was home in the 1960s to out grudgingly the hour of ten -Murphy,
the Conservative MP Patrick Wall, who Samuel Beckett (1938)
founded the right-wing 92 Committee pres- The oldest building in the area, Chelsea Old
sure group at a dinner party here in 1964 to Church is believed to have Saxon origins
'keep the Conservative Party conservative'. dating back to 789, although the first docu-
When Margaret Thatcher won the 1979 mentary evidence comes from the mid
general election six of its members were twelfth century. A number of writers have
made ministers, including, most famously, had associations with the church, particu-
Norman Tebbitt. In the 1990s the property larly Thomas More who attended services in
became home, ironically, to the 'champagne the sixteenth century, sang in the choir, and
socialists' the Folletts: Ken, the blockbuster is commemorated with a huge seated statue
novelist, and Barbara, who was responsible outside the building, a Thomas More chapel
in the mid-1990s for the sartorial make-over in which he worshipped and a tomb
of several Labour Party MPs, particularly designed by him. The church was heavily
Robin Cook, whom she encouraged to dress bombed in the Second World War, but the
in 'earth colours', and who herself was disaster, ironically, helped to preserve its
elected a Labour MP in 1997. history, as ancient monuments were found
q ...i a.t'i ....,._,...,Cheyne Walk in the rubble and restored.
at Danvers Street, west side ~ Church of the Good Shepherd, p. 341.
Life in the manor house of Thomas More,
Speaker of the House of Commons, who

Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk at May 1969 and the courts fined Jagger £2oo
Lawrence Street, east side but cleared Faithfull.
Three writers- Henry James, T. S. Eliot and OeJmJ VIII'i 11Wtot touit, Nos. 19-26
Ian Fleming - had flats in this luxury block In 1536 Henry VIII built a manor house
overlooking the river early in the twentieth on the site and made himself Lord of the
century. James, who moved into No. 21 in Manor of Chelsea. His wish was that the
January 1913, found 'this Chelsea perch ... house should pass to his queen, Jane
just the thing for me'. A hypochondriac, he Seymour, but she died in 1537, nine days
once compared constipation to terminal after bearing him a male heir (the future
cancer, which he never contracted, and Edward VI). Six years later he gave the
eventually collapsed with a stroke, gasping: house to Catherine Parr, his sixth wife, as
'it's the beast in the jungle, and it's sprung'. a wedding present. Sir Hans Sloane, who
T. S. Eliot lived in monastic austerity, with a owned much of Chelsea in the early eigh-
bare light bulb and a crucifix over the bed, teenth century, bought the property in 1712
the latter his sole concession to decoration, to house his vast array of antiquities and
and Ian Fleming had a flat two floors above curios, which after his 1782 death formed
Eliot in the early 1950s, around the time the bulk of the British Museum's first collec-
that he was planning his first Bond novel, tion. Although the house was demolished
Casino Royale, which he wrote in Jamaica in in the 1780s, traces of the brickwork and
1952. gardens remain at the end of the alleyway
The King's Head and Eight Bells, No. 50 under the arch at No. 24, in what for
Now a restaurant, the pub was popular with London is a remarkably peaceful and
the 1930s Chelsea in-crowd, what biographer verdant setting.
Humphrey Carpenter dubbed the 'Brides- ~en e..Uere'i, No. 18
head Generation', and a favourite of Dylan John Salter, valet to Sir Hans Sloane, the
Thomas who, one night here in 1934, founder of the British Museum, opened a
explained to the novelist Pamela Hansford coffee house, ~on 5ctltero's, on Lawrence
Johnson that his criteria for being a poet Street in 1695 and moved it here in 1717, by
were drinking, being tubercular and being which time he had acquired his former
fat. The former pub is George Smiley's local master's penchant for collecting curios,
in John le Carre's spy books. filling the establishment with an assortment
Mick Jagger's address (1967-78), No. 48 of arcana that included a petrified crab from
A Queen Anne town house built in 1711, it China, pieces of the 'True Cross', William
was bought for £4o,ooo in 1967 by the the Conqueror's Flaming Sword, the Pope's
Rolling Stones singer, who moved in with 'infallible candle', a necklace supposedly
Marianne Faithfull and was shortly after- made o{Job's tears, Henry VIII's coat of
wards visited by a young Richard Branson, mail and, most treasured of all, 'Pontius
then editor of Student magazine, for an Pilate's wife's chamber-maid's sister's hat'.
interview. Neither party had much to say, It was all rubbish, of course, but many of
and when Branson asked Jagger: 'Do you the leading writers of the day, including
like giving interviews?', he simply replied: Oliver Goldsmith, Laurence Sterne, Fanny
'No.' Branson then asked him: 'Why did Burney and Richard Steele, would drop by
you ask Student to interview you?' and the to marvel at the wonder of it all, or just to
singer responded: 'I don't know. I've got watch Saltero pull out customers' trouble-
no idea. I don't usually give interviews. I some teeth. One visitor in 1725 was
mean hardly ever.' Police found Jagger and Benjamin Franklin, the American politician
Faithfull in possession of a quarter-ounce and scientist, who was then working in
of cannabis when they raided the house in London as a printer, and who on leaving
Saltero's swam back to central London. such as the set of all non-teacups, are
After Salter died his daughter converted the members of themselves, a proposition that
property into a museum and in 1799 sold went on to influence much of the thinking
the stock for £so. 9lo. 18 then became a involving logic, set theory and philosophy.
tavern and was demolished in 1876. George Eliot's address and deathsite
No.17 (188o), No.4
The author Naomi Mitchison, an expert on An exquisitely designed 1718-built house
African affairs, lived here from 1919 to 1923. with a hooded doorway and Corinthian
Queen's House (Dante Gabriel Rossetti's pilasters, it was occupied in the 1830s by the
address (1862-82)), No. 16 Irish artist Daniel Maclise, who was caught
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the Pre-Raphaelite here in bed with his mistress, a Lady Sykes,
painter and poet, moved into No. 16, a 1719- by her husband. In 188o the novelist George
built property designed by John Witt into Eliot moved to No.4 Cheyne Walk after
which the river would trickle at high tide, marrying John Cross, twenty years her
while mourning the death of his wife, Eliza- junior, and enduring an unsuccessful honey-
beth Siddal in 1862, and converted it into a moon in Venice, during which he had tried
temple to Aestheticism where, as one visitor to commit suicide by drowning in a canal
explained, the only modem possession was and had been rescued by gondoliers. When
a box of Bryant and May's safety matches. Eliot moved in she announced, somewhat
The house also became home to a number optimistically: 'I find myself in a new
of poets (his brother, Michael, George Mere- climate here, the London air and this
dith and Algernon Swinburne), and a particular house being so warm', but she
menagerie of exotic animals that included a died a few weeks later from kidney trouble.
raven, a jackdaw, owls, lizards, an opossum Keith Richards's address (1969-78), No. 3 I
that came in at night to sleep on Rossetti's River House
table, a zebra, a donkey, an armadillo, a Richards moved into No. 3 in 1969 with his
kangaroo, a racoon that killed the kangaroo, then girlfriend, Anita Pallenberg, and a year
a wombat that ate a guest's hat and led later installed a shrine to Jimi Hendrix, who
Rossetti to exclaim: 'Oh poor wombat! It is had recently died. In June 1973 the property
so indigestible', a white bull with eyes was raided by the drugs squad and Richards
supposedly like those of William Morris's and Pallenberg were caught with an assort-
wife, some dormice that Rossetti tried to ment of illegal substances, including heroin,
wake by prodding them until a visitor cannabis and mandrax, as well as a revolver
remarked: 'They can't. They're dead, and I and ammunition. The guitarist was
believe they've been dead for some days', convicted and fined £275 at Soho's Great
and peacocks that caused such problems Marlborough Street magistrates court. A
that to this day the authorities have banned year later, future Sex Pistol Steve Jones
Cheyne Walk residents from keeping such burgled the house and took a colour TV.
birds .
..,. Birth of the Pre-Raphaelites, p. 85.
While living here in the early twentieth
century and working on his Principles of A small square-shaped area between
Mathematics, Bertrand Russell established Hammersmith and South Kensington,
his famous paradox, which says that some almost entirely covered with tall, imposing
sets, such as the set of all teacups, are not terraced houses, Earl's Court is spoiled by
members of themselves, while other sets, its overriding shabbiness, incessant traffic,

bad pubs, cheap restaurants and run-down Court has been one of Britain's most pres-
shops. It is home to one of the capital's tigious rock venues, despite the fact that the
most transient populations due to the pres- sound of even the biggest groups tends to
ence of a large number of foreign students, get lost in the huge cavernous spaces. David
particularly Australians. Earl's Court's aristo- Bowie unveiled his Aladdin Sane persona
cratic name derives from the Earls of War- here in 1973 before a record 18,ooo audience
wick and Holland, former lords of the - an event marred by fighting in the audi-
manor, whose court house was situated torium, fans dancing naked and urinating in
locally, and it grew after a station was built the aisles - and a few weeks later Pink Floyd
for the Metropolitan District Railway in played the recently released Dark Side of the
1869. The area attained much of its present- Moon album in its entirety, greeting
day look in the 188os with the construction concert-goers with Second World War style
of grand houses that were originally home spotlights outside the venue. At the edge of
to large families and were looked after by the venue lies the West London Railway,
servants, but following the decline in service which opened to public indifference in 1844
·during the twentieth century many of the - 'going from nowhere to nowhere', the
properties were converted to cheap hotels local paper said.
and hostels. ... Olympia, p. 466.
Earl's Court has long been associated
with male homosexuality. It was notori-
ously described as being 'famous for male SOUTH KENSINGTON, SW7
perverts' by Brian Leary, counsel for the
prosecution during the 1971 Oz obscenity South Kensington exudes wealth and im-
trial, and was brought to international portance thanks to its colleges, museums,
attention in 1977 with the release of the stucco villas, hotels, smart apartment blocks
Stranglers' song 'Hanging Around' from and, at its north-eastern corner, the
their debut album which refers to the hust- charming mews and alleys of Knightsbridge
lers big and burly down Earl's Court Road village, one of London's most desirable resi-
and the leather-dad revellers in the sweaty dential quarters.
steamy Coleherne, the macho gay bar at 261
Old Brompton Road. (i) north of Cromwell Road
Warwick Road London's greatest concentration of
Earl's Court Exhibition Hall
museums and cultural buildings - the
The area's best-known amenity, regular
Natural History Museum, Science Museum,
home of the Boat Show and the Motor
Victoria and Albert Museum and Royal
Show and one of London's largest buildings,
Albert Hall- can be found between Hyde
was built in the 1930s to the designs of
Park and Cromwell Road, their existence a
C. Howard Crane as the largest reinforced
legacy of the 1851 Great Exhibition held in
concrete building in Europe and rests on
Hyde Park, the profits from which were
sixty bridges spanning the railway lines
directed, thanks to Prince Albert, towards
below. It opened in September 1937 with the
creating a cultural and educational quarter
Chocolate and Confectionery exhibition and
where art and science could be promoted.
in 1951 featured the world middleweight title
The first development was the South
bout between Randolph Turpin, son of the
Kensington Museum (later the Victoria and
first black man to settle in Warwickshire,
Albert Museum) which opened in 1856, the
and Sugar Ray Robinson, who had previ-
Natural History Museum followed in 1881,
ously lost only one fight, but was beaten by
and the Science Museum building opened
Turpin on points. Since the 1970s Earl's
on the present site in 1913.

Brompton Road numbers were considerably lower than in

The London Oratory of St Philip Neri 1851, and there were no profits. The prefabri-
The first large Catholic church to be built in cated buildings which had been erected here
London following the Catholic Emancipa- for the exhibition were swiftly demolished
tion Act of 1829, the Oratory is the London and in their place came various museums,
headquarters of the Catholic Oratorian and a number of grand Italianate villas,
order, founded by Renaissance saint Filippo designed by Charles James Freake, a friend
Neri in the sixteenth century, which of the Prince of Wales, of which only Nos.
Cardinal Newman introduced to London in 69-72 remain.
1848. The church was designed in the 188os west side: Cromwell Road to Kensington
not in the then fashionable Gothic manner Gore
but in a baroque style modelled by Herbert Natural History Museum
Gribble on the order's mother church, the Alfred Waterhouse, master of the secular
Chiesa Nuova in Rome, to impress those Gothic grand statement, created this monu-
who 'had no opportunity of going to Italy'. mental block between 1873 and 1881 in the
During the 1980s the KGB had a dead letter style of a thirteenth-century Flemish cloth
· box (a safe place where they could leave hall, as with his contemporaneous Man-
secret documents and messages) in a recess chester Town Hall. His first public building
behind a column by the altar. in London, it was not universally admired,
the historian W. J. Loftie claiming its design
Ennismore Gardens Mews
was 'in defiance of all the rules of propor-
At the outset of their acting careers in the
tion laid down by the architects of the last
late 1950s the actors Terence Stamp and
generation and equally in defiance of all the
Michael Caine moved into a mews flat at
rules oftaste'. Nevertheless, the museum has
12 Ennismore Gardens where, according to
weathered well and now ranks as a prime
Stamp's autobiography, Coming Attractions,
example of Victorian civic pride, ideal for its
a typical morning would begin with Caine
vast collection of specimens from the animal
announcing: 'Right, it's a shiny, upper-
kingdom (past and present), minerals and
middle-class day. You have first bath; I'll
make some breakfast. Then we'll stroll to
Science Museum
Harrods and mingle with the other idle
The Science Museum had its origins in the
classes. You can cruise the pet shop and I'll
South Kensington Museum, which opened
see what new books they've got. Then we'll
opposite in 1856, receiving its first collection
cut through the parks to Leicester Square
of scientific instruments in 1874 and the
and read all the papers in the library. At
Patent Office's stock of models, which
lunchtime we'll nip into that gaff in Whit-
included Stephenson's Rocket of1829 and
comb Street before the luncheon voucher
Arkwright's original textile machinery, in
lot get loose.'
1884. By 1909 the authorities had decided
Exhibition Road that the collection had grown to a sufficient
Laid out in 1856 on land owned by the 5th extent to be categorized and Richard Allison
Earl of Harrington, the road was meant to was hired to create a new museum on the
be at the centre of an international exhi- present site, a building that Edward Jones
bition scheduled to be held in 1861, ten years and Christopher Woodward have described
after the highly successful1851 Great Exhi- as being like an Edwardian office block out-
bition, but the events were delayed for a side and a department store inside. The
year when Prince Albert, who had been museum has continued to expand since
heavily involved originally, died. When the opening in 1913 and now contains some
exhibition took place in 1862 it was a flop. 30o,ooo objects, coveripg the entire history of
Queen Victoria failed to attend, visitor western science, technology and medicine.

Imperial College of Science, Technology lished a literary salon that was visited by
and Medicine · Benjamin Disraeli, Louis Napoleon and the
Established in 1907 from a number oflocal Duke of Wellington, who was amused by
institutions, and affiliated to the University the house's talking crow's shrieks of'Up
of London a year later, Imperial College boys and at 'em'. The house was converted
soon attracted the greatest names in science to a restaurant for the 1851 Great Exhibition
teaching including T. H. Huxley, known as in Hyde Park and demolished in the
'Darwin's bulldog' for his robust defence of 1870S.
the evolutionist. At the outset of the Second south side: Exhibition Road to Queen's Gate
World War it was the setting for the govern- Royal Geographical Society
ment's early work on nuclear weapons, at a Built from 1873 to 1875 by Norman Shaw for
time when it was feared that Germany, then William Lowther MP, its rural appearance
the most scientifically advanced country in and asymmetry were an incongruous sight
the world, had the technology to make an for an inner London suburb at that time.
atomic bomb. Lowther's son, James, Speaker of the House
east side of Commons, sold the property to the Royal
Victoria and Albert Museum Geographical Society in 1912.
Britain's major museum for the arts and Royal Albert Hall
design had its origins in the Museum of Britain's most famous concert hall, setting
Ornamental Art, which moved from Pall for the annual promenade concerts (the
Mall's Marlborough House to South Proms), came into being, like much of
Kensington to take up room in William South Kensington, through the success of
Cubitt's 'Brompton Boilers' buildings in the 1851 Great Exhibition, held nearby in
1857. Sir Henry Cole, the museum's first Hyde Park, but was bedevilled in its early
director, amassed its huge collection of furni-years by abandoned plans and untimely
deaths. The foundation stone was laid in
ture, tapestries, pottery, porcelain, jewellery,
glass, china and medals which, along with May 1867 by Queen Victoria, who
the Gherardini collection of sculpture ·announced that the building would be
models, John Sheepshanks's British paint- called the Royal Albert Hall, rather than
ings, Raphael's Cartoons and the contents the Hall of Arts and Sciences, as previously
of the India Museum, stretch over 100 mooted, after her late husband, Prince
galleries, being so uncategorizable that the Albert. The queen was too overcome with
museum has defied logical definition since. emotion, however, to conduct the ceremony
The British Galleries were revamped at a at the opening concert, on 29 March 1871,
cost of £31 million at the beginning of the after hearing the Austrian composer Anton
twenty-first century and in recent years Bruckner play the organ, and her place was
there has been considerable debate over the taken by Edward, Prince of Wales.
merits of a planned £30 million extension in There were problems with the hall's acous-
the form of an unusual, multi-faced abstract tics from the beginning: the 'Amens' during
shape designed by Daniel Liebeskind. the opening prayers reverberated so strongly
~ British Museum, p. 89. that the conductor joked that any work
receiving its premiere at the Royal Albert
Kensington Gore
Hall was immediately assured of a second
A short stretch of the main Kensington
performance, but major concerts soon
Road, it is named after the .s\msington (f;ore
began taking place. In 1877 Richard Wagner
mcmsion, built in 1750, which was occupied
conducted eight times during a festival of
from 1808 to 1821 by the slavery abolitionist
his music; in 1906 a 9,ooo record attendance
William Wilberforce. Bought in 1836 by
heard the first ever gramophone concert;
Lady Blessington, it was where she estab-
and in 1918 the choral version of Blake's
'Jerusalem', composed by Hubert Parry, was century a major refurbishment programme
given its first performance to celebrate the was begun.
granting of the vote to women. ... Covent Garden Opera House, p. 109.
On n June 1965 some 7,ooo people Royal College of Art
attended the Poets of the World/Poets of The college was created as the School of
Our Time Festival, featuring Adrian Design in 1837 to provide British industry
Mitchell, Stevie Smith, the American beat wjth trained designers and after a variety of
poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who called for addresses came tc:> Kensington Gore in 1961
an 'international fucking exchange', and when the current building, by H. T.
Allen Ginsberg, who topped the bill, but in Cadbury-Brown and Sir Hugh Casson,
his drunken state ruined his own perform- believed by many to be one of the worst
ance with a slipshod reading. In the front eyesores in the capital, was erected.
row sat a group of certified schizophrenics Albert Hall Mansions
who had been allowed out of hospital for Albert Hall Mansions, designed in 1879 by
the evening, and caused some chaos during Norman Shaw, was the capital's first block
the performances, while backstage Jeff of flats to be built in red brick with tall
Nuttall, author of one of the era's major Dutch gables, a style subsequently imitated
sociological works, Bomb Culture, and the throughout the wealthy parts of the capital.
avant-garde artist John Latham paraded
through the corridors tarred and feathered Prince's Gate
in pages torn out of books as a statement A peeling stucco terrace set back from
about the printed word. Latham had also Knightsbridge, it was built as an entrance to
painted himself blue, but having forgotten Hyde Park and opened by Edward, Prince of
to leave his nose or mouth clear passed Wales, in 1848.
out and was thrown into a dressing-room Iranian Embassy (1980s), No. 27, south side
bath where he came to and was joined by The setting for a dramatic siege from 30
Nuttall, the two men washing the muck April to 5 May 1980 by gunmen demanding
off each other until a commissionaire autonomy for the Khuzestan province of
entered the room to investigate the source Iran and the release of ninety-nine political
of the commotion and found two men prisoners. The siege was captured live on
seemingly in flagrante delicto at a time when television and proceeded amid enormous
such behaviour could result in a prison media attention. The prime minister,
sentence. Margaret Thatcher, stipulated that there
In 1968 mushroom shapes were hung
would be no surrender to terrorism. On the
from the roof to improve the acoustics, and sixth day the gunmen threatened to kill the
refurbishments took place following a hostages one by one unless their demands
centenary appeal in 1971, the same year that were met and at 7.10 p.m., half an hour after
Steeleye Span manager Tony Secunda threw shots were heard and the body of an Iranian
the night's takings, around £8,ooo, over the diplomat was pushed out of the front door,
balcony on to the heads of bemused and the SAS stormed the building, freed the
soon to be slightly richer punters. In recent hostages and killed five gunmen. Twenty-
years the hall has witnessed performances by four of the twenty-six hostages were rescued
the Bolshoi Ballet and the Kirov Opera, the unharmed.
month-long annual concerts by Eric
Clapton, and the first Sumo tournament (ii) south of Cromwell Road
ever held outside Japan, but it is best known
for the annual Prom concerts, which moved A shapeless area of ostentatious houses and
tree-lined streets, it lacks the sophistication
from the bombed Qaeen' • &all near Oxford
of neighbouring Kensington, or the warmth
Circus in 1941. At the end of the twentieth

of Chelsea and Fulham, and is ~polled by Harrington Road

the traffic of the A4 and the high proportion Russian Tea Rooms (mid twentieth
of hotels. century), No. 50
Nikolai Volkov, a naval attache at the
Cromwell Place Russian embassy in London in 1917, opened
Francis Bacon's studio (1940s), No. 7 a caff at No. 50 that soon became the
Few London houses have played a ,role as meeting place of the extreme nationalist
central to the history of British art as Right Club, an organization run by Captain
7 Cromwell Place, near South Kensington Archibald Ramsay, MP for Peebles. Its aim
station, where the Pre-Raphaelite John was to 'oppose and expose the activities of
Millais lived in the 186os, using as his studio organized Jewry', for Ramsay believed Jews
a room that is now the boardroom of the responsible for communism, capitalism, the
Art Fund charity, and which was later occu- Masons and the Vatican. In May 1940 Anna,
pied by the photographer E. 0. Hoppe (in the Volkovs' daughter, was arrested here on
1912), the ballet photographer Gordon espionage charges - an event watched,
Anthony (in 1936), and in the 1940s by supposedly, by the eleven-year-old Len
Francis Bacon, who painted the windows Deighton, whose mother worked here at the
black. When not working on his paintings, time. He went on to write a series of well-
Bacon ran an illegal gambling dub, bringing
received espionage thrillers.
back a succession of rough-looking men
whom he had met in Soho pubs and who, Queen's Gate
on being told that he was a painter, would A relentlessly straight road, it was known as
occasionally ask him to do a painting and Albert's Road until1859 and was lined with
decorating job for them. luxurious family homes designed in an Itali-
~~> Francis Bacon in Reece Mews, South anate style by Norman Shaw, among others,
Kensington, p. 425. which have either been demolished for
college buildings or converted to embassies
Gloucester Road and expensive hotels.
No.79 Onslow Court Hotel (Jury's), Nos. 109-113,
John George Haigh, the acid bath murderer
south of Cromwell Road
of the 1940s, killed his first victim, an Jo?n George Haigh, the suave and charming
acquaintance called William McSwan, in actd bath murderer of the 1940s, lived in
his workshop at 79 Gloucester Road in Sep-: Room 404 while planning his last murder,
tember 1944, disposing of the body in acid that of Olive Durand-Deacon, a fellow guest
and pouring the remains down the drain. who had expressed enthusiasm for his ideas
Haigh kept in contact with McSwan's for manufacturing stick-on fingernails.
parents, writing them letters which sugges- Haigh invited Mrs Durand-Deacon to his
ted their son was still alive but had disap- workshop in Crawley, Sussex, and there he
peared to avoid joining the army, and a year shot her in the back and then dissolved her
later invited Mr and Mrs McSwan to the body in acid. When those staying at the
workshop to show off some contraptions he hotel began to miss her, Haigh offered to go
had been working on. When they arrived he to the police station, but there an officer
shot them and, wearing a full-length leather recognized him as a convicted fraudster and
apron and gas mask, immersed their bodies
took him in for questioning. A police patho-
in acid. He then posed as their son to claim logist went to his Crawley workshop and
~is share of their £5,600 estate. After carry-
noticed human gallstones in a pile of rubble
mg out further murders Haigh became too (they do not dissolve in acid) and a set of
arrogant and was tracked down by the
dentures which Mrs Durand-Deacon's
police. He was convicted of murder and dentist later identified as hers. Haigh

admitted his crimes and explained that he and conservators from Dublin arrived to
had a fascination for blood dating back to transport the contents to Ireland for reas-
his childhood and that he killed to satisfy his sembly in a museum.
craving rather than for profit. His plea of .,.. David Hockney in Notting Hill, p. 462.
insanity was not accepted, and he was
hanged in August 1949.
Selwood Terrace
A short turning connecting Onslow Gardens
.,.. 10 Rillington Place, pp. 454-5.
and Fulham Road, it was where Charles
Reece Mews Dickens briefly lived (at No. u) in 1836 so
Francis Bacon's address and studio that he could qualify to be married at the
(1961-92), No. 7 nearby church of St Luke's.
Bacon, Britain's most celebrated twentieth- Anglesea Arms, No. 15
century artist, who once claimed that he had Bruce Reynolds, an antique dealer, and an
had an epiphany to rank alongside William associate known only as 'Geordie' began
Blake's vision of angels in Peckham, namely planning what became the 1963 Great Train
the sight of a dog-turd on the pavement Robbery, one of the most famous crimes
which made him realize that 'There it is. of late-twentieth-century Britain, at the
This is what life is like', lived at 7 Reece Anglesea Arms after conversation turned to
Mews in conditions which the journalist the subject of a train carrying South African
Mick Brown described as 'almost monastic gold from Southampton Docks to London.
simplicity'. His small sitting room was After staking out the train in Weybridge in
reached by a narrow set of stairs with a rope the early hours one morning, they aban-
for a banister and contained only a bed, doned the plan and instead turned their
table, battered sofa and four bare light attention to the Glasgow-London mail
bulbs. Bacon's studio, where he worked on train, assembling an eighteen-strong gang
his disturbing visions of alienation and para- that included motor racing driver Roy
noia, was in contrast to his sparse quarters a James, former boxer Buster Edwards,
confusion of artists' ephemera and impedi- Ronnie Biggs and Gordon Goody, who had
menta. There he created works such as the tattoos saying 'Hello Ireland' on one arm
triptych Crucifixion (1965), based around a and 'Dear Mother' on the other. The Great
distorted headless being immersed in a pool Train Robbers stopped the London-
of blood, in the third section of which a Glasgow mail train at Bridego Bridge, Buck-
swastika armband is wrapped around the inghamshire, on 8 August 1963, seizing 120
same figure, by now more recognizable as a mailbags and a haul of £2,631,684 (around
sleek blond-haired Aryan, and May-June £40 million in today's prices), then a world
1973 which was sold for £3.53 million at record for a robbery, but despite the
Sotheby's, New York, in 1989 making Bacon assiduous preparations things soon began to
the world's highest-selling living artist. go wrong and most of the gang were
Three years later he left the property for a rounded up, receiving some of the stiffest
tryst in Spain, where he died of a heart sentences ever meted out for robbery.
attack, aged eighty-two. For six years after Reynolds, who remained on the run for five
his death the studio and its contents years and was only caught after police staged
remained undisturbed except for the gath- a huge international manhunt, received
ering dust, until a team of archaeologists twenty-five years.
West London

BAYSWATER, W2 427 Kensington High Street 442

Kensington Square 443
(i) Hyde Park 427 Pembroke Gardens 443
(ii) Kensington Gardens 429
(iii) Little Venice 430
The Westway 444
(iv) Paddington 430
Harrow Road 431 (i) west of Ladbroke Grove (North Pole) 445
Lancaster Gate 431 Freston Road 445
Leinster Gardens 431 Harrow Road 445
Paddington Green 432 (ii) east of Ladbtoke Grove (Golbome
Praed Street 432
Town) 446
(v) Tybumia 432 Golborne Road 446
Bayswater Road 433 Southam Street 447
Hyde Park Crescent 434
(vi) Westbourne Park 434
Chepstow Road 434 Ladbroke Grove 449
Hereford Road 434
(i) Notting Dale 450 .
Queensway 434
Bartle Road 453
Westbourne Grove 435
Blenheim Crescent 453
Hippodrome Place 454
Lansdowne Crescent 455
KENSINGTON, W8 437 Princedale Road 456

(i) Campden HiU 437 (ii) Kensington Park 456

Airlie Gardens 438 All Saints Road 457
Holland Walk 438 Blenheim Crescent 457
Kensington Church Street 438 Colville Terrace 458
Kensington Park Road 458
(ii) Kensington Palace 439 Notting Hill Gate 459
Kensington Palace Gardens 439 Portobello Road 459
Palace Green 441 Powis Gardens 461
Palace Avenue 441 Powis Square 461
(iii) Kensington Court 442 Powis Terrace 462
Abingdon Road 442
BA YSW A TER, W2 .P2_j
Pepys Cockerell built stucco houses in cres-
cents and squares overlooking Hyde Park
(i) Wormwood Scrubs 463 and became one of the most desirable
Braybrook Street 463 addresses in London. It has gradually
Du Cane Road 463 declined in status, mainly due to the
commercialization around Paddington
(ii) White City 464
station, although there are still pockets of
Commonwealth Avenue 464
opulence near Hyde Park with expensive
Wood Lane 465
hotels, luxury offices and mews that date
(iii) Shepherd's Bush Common 465 back to the great era of stabling.
Shepherd's Bush Green 465
Lime Grove 466 (i) Hyde Park
WEST KENSINGTON, W14 466 The largest stretch of open land in inner
London, and the largest of the royal parks,
(i) around Olympia 466
Hyde Park was created in 1536 when Henry
Addison Road 466
VIII seized land roamed by wild bulls and
Hammersmith Road 466
boar that belonged to Westminster Abbey to
Holland Park Road 467
use as a deer park, and it was opened to the
Melbury Road 467
public by James I early in the seventeenth
(ii) around West Kensington station 469 century. The Parliamentarians, under Oliver
Beaumont Crescent 469 Cromwell, took it over for military use
Gunterstone Road 469 during the Civil War and Cromwell, driving
a carriage through the park in September
Hyde Park glossary 428 1654, was thrown to the ground when his
horses bolted, but remained unhurt even
Kensington Gardens glossary 430
though the pistol in his pocket fired. It was
HAMMERSMITH & CITY LI.NE 436 Cromwell's second lucky escape in Hyde
Park: an assassin once stalked him, but
The 1958 Notting Hill race riots 448
never got the opportunity to attack.
The Notting Hill Carnival 450 Charles II took possession of the park
after the restoration of the throne in 1660
Notting Hill music 451
and enclosed it for the first time. It became
Notting Hill on film 452 fashionable in the eighteenth century once
the wealthy had moved away from the City
Christie's victims 454
and had begun to live locally. Decimus
19o8 Franco-British Exhibition 464 _j Burton was hired to add classical furnish-
ings in the 182os, which resulted in new
carriage drives and the Grecian lodges and
BAYSWATER, W2 screen at Hyde Park Corner, and in
1851 the Great Exhibition, now seen as the
A cosmopolitan and once fashionable embodiment of Victorian confidence, was
district, Bayswater, the name a corruption of held
at the southern border of the park
Bayards' Water, a former well in Hyde Park, (roughly
opposite Ennismore Gardens)
was one of the first suburbs to be colonized from 1 May to u October. The first of its
by wealthy Londoners moving west to kind in the world, the exhibition was the
escape the squalor of the City and West brainchild of Prince Albert, Victoria's
End. It was formally developed at the begin- consort,
who wanted to draw attention to
ning of the nineteenth century when Samuel Great Britain as a world
industrial power,

Hyde Park glossary Unfortunately the stone sides of the

Achilles statue When Westmacott's statue memorial are too deep to allow birds to
of Achilles, its head modelled on that of the drink from it.
Duke of Wellington, was unveiled there was The Long Water Formed in the 1720s from
an outcry about the penis - not believed damming the River Westboume and now a
necessarily to have been modelled on that of wildlife sanctuary.
the duke - which was immediately covered llefota~"it i:nt A circular mosaic in the
with a fig leaf to protect the sensibilities of north-east comer of the park marks the site
passers-by. of a tree that was burned down in 1866 after
Apsley Gate A classical screen copied from the police refused to allow supporters of the
the Parthenon, built to the west of Apsley Reform League to hold a rally. The mosaic
House by Decimus Burton in 1825. was unveiled by the Labour politician Tony
The Broad Walk In 1954 eltn trees on the Benn in 2000.
walk, west of Park Lane, were felled to leave Rotten Row William III built a new illumi-
a strip 25 yards on each side of the path, nated path, the Route des Rois or Route of
large enough to take a Hawker Siddeley 748 Kings (later corrupted to Rotten Row), to
twin-engine plane capable of carrying connect Kensington P,alace with StJames's,
fifty-two people for 500 miles, that could be after discovering that the existing walk was
used as an emergency air strip for the royal plagued by thieves and footpads. Lined with
family should they need to escape London 300 oil lamps, it became the first artificially
in an emergency. lit highway in the country.
Cumberland Gate Named after the Duke of The Serpentine Created from the damming
Cumberland, brother of George IV, the gate of the River Westboume in the 1720s, it
can be found at the north-east comer of the was where Harriet Westbrook, wife of the
park by Marble Arch, and was where in the poet Shelley, drowned herself in 1816.
summer of 1821 riots broke out when the Speaker's Comer Since 1872 members of
funeral cortege of Queen Caroline, the public have been allowed to speak
estranged wife of George IV, tried to pass without P,rior arrangement on practically
through. Magistrates ordered troops to open any subject at this designated spot in the
fire and two people were killed. north-east comer of the park, set up after
Hudson Memorial To the north-east of violence marred a Reform League march in
the bridge over the Serpentine stands a Hyde Park in 1866. Those who have spoken
memorial toW. H. Hudson, author of Birds here include Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels,
of London (1898), the book that influenced Lenin, the suffragette campaigners the Pank-
the park authorities into taking an interest hursts, the Trinidadian historian C. L. R.
in its wildlife, partly designed by Jacob James and the black nationalist Marcus
Epstein and featuring Rima, the spirit of the Garvey.
forest from Hudson's Green Mansions. ..,. Regent's Park, p. 350. _j

and it was held in a vast.greenhouse of iron, ventilated by a rudimentary system of air

glass and wood, designed by Joseph Paxton, conditioning, a kite-drawn carriage for trav-
the Duke of Devonshire's gardener, which elling on windy days, rare jewels including
earned the nickname Crystal Palace from a the Koh-i-Noor diamond, the latest in tech-
cartoon in Punch. nology and pavilions representing different
Inside the Crystal Palace some 6 million countries (at a time when most people had
people saw railway engines, sewing never left England). Toilets were installed
machines, model working-class houses especially for the occasion - hundreds of

thousands of people experienced a sit-down but on 2 July Jones was found dead at his
flushing convenience for the first time - and Sussex farm and the concert was turned into
refreshments were supplied by Schweppes, a memorial to the guitarist, at which Mick
who sold a million bath buns (no alcohol Jagger, wearing a white dress and sporting
was allowed). After the exhibition closed the a wooden cross and dog collar, read from
structure was emptied and the building Shelley's 'Adonais' ('Peace, peace, he is not
dismantled and rebuilt in Sydenham, south- dead, he doth not sleep, he hath awakened
east London, where it gave its name to the from a dream of life') He released thousands
area and the local football club. Of the exhi- of mainly dead butterflies into the air. After
bition's £186,437 profit £5,000 went to the concert the Stones were berated for the
Paxton and the rest went towards foundmg amateurishness of their set, which was put
the museums on and around Exhibition down to Jones's death, and the plaudits
Road in South Kensington. In 1885 W. S. went to Family and the barely known King
Gilbert, librettist of the Gilbert and Sullivan Crimson, who were playing one of their first
operas, found inspiration for The Mikado shows. Subsequent concerts in the park have
after visiting a Japanese village of dwellings, failed to capture the public imagination.
tea-houses and temple in the park and The park continues to be used as a last
watching demonstrations of wood-carving, stop for political demonstrations that start
fencing, dancing and wrestling. at Trafalgar Square and in recent decades
In 1920 Winston Churchill, then war secre- has seen Ban the Bomb marchers, miners'
tary, was driving through the park with Sir strike supporters, anti-poll tax demon-
Basil Thompson, head of Special Branch, strators and pro-countryside lobbyists.
discussing the discovery of Churchill's name
on an IRA hit-list, when Thompson noticed
(ii) Kensington Gardens
a man loitering by some bushes. Churchill
gripped his pistol and growled: 'If they want Then the Divine Vision like a silent Sun
trouble, they can bloody well have it,' but appear'd above I Albion's dark rocks:
Thompson decided not to stop. 'Drive like setting behind the Gardens of
the devil!', he bellowed at the chauffeur, and Kensington I On Tyburn's River, in
the car continued its route without incident. clouds of blood- Jerusalem, William
In 1936 the }arrow hunger marchers ended Blake (1804)
their long trek from the north-east in the Kensington Gardens, the stretch of parkland
park, and two years later, when a crowd west of the Long Water and the Serpentine,
spotted the Nazi sympathizer Unity Mitford was originally the grounds of Nottingham
at a Labour Party rally here, they attempted, House, converted into Kensington Palace
unsuccessfully, to throw her in the Serpen- by William III in 1689, and first opened
tine, whereupon she told them: 'I am (on Sundays only) in 1733. Servants in livery
looking forward to becoming a German were excluded and a strict dress code
citizen as soon as possible.' banning silk neckties and breeches without
On 7 June 1969 15o,ooo gathered here to boots was enforced, but relaxed in 1820
see the debut of Blind Faith, the short-lived to allow all 'respectably dressed persons'.
supergroup formed by Eric Clapton and The number of people using Kensington
Stevie Winwood, an event which prompted Gardens increased considerably after the
the Rolling Stones to play 1997 death of Princess Diana, who occasion-
a concert, their first live show for two years, ally lived in Kensington Palace (seep. 441).
in the park on 5 July 1969. The group were
going to introduce Mick Taylor as Brian
Jones's replacement on guitar at the gig,

Kensington Gardens glossary named after Ralph Baynardus, a Norman

Albert Memorial Now seen as typical of baron. The name was later corrupted to
Victorian excess, the memorial to Prince Bayswater and ascribed to the area to the
Albert, in the form of a shrine housing John north.
Foley's statue, was designed by George Kensington Palace See p. 441.
Gilbert Scott, built from 1863 to 1875, and Peter Pan statue George Frampton's
inlaid with mosaics, statues and marble sculpture on the west side ofthe Long
figures. During the Second Wo:dd War anti- Water was installed on the evening of
aircraft guns in Hyde Park accidentally shot 3 April1912 as a fully completed work
off the orb and cross at the apex and in the because J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan's creator,
198os £11.2 million worth of cleaning and wanted children to believe it had appeared
restoration work took place, during which as if by magic. The novelist and artist
the memorial's detractors claimed the Wyndham Lewis later denounced the
scaffolding that encased the work was statue as 'the sickly and dismal spirit of
more visually exciting than the memorial that terrible book'.
itself. Powder magazine It was used to store
The Broad Walk It marks the boundary ammunition to defend London until
between Kensington and Bayswater and Winston Churchill feared that German
runs the length of the park from Kensington agents in London might destroy the
Road to Bayswater Road. building and had it dosed.
The Fountains Until1795 the site, opposite Round Pond It was here in 1904 that
Lancaster Gate station, was known as the playwright J. M. Barrie, walking
Bayard's or Baynard's Watering Place, his dog, met Jack llewellyn Davies, the

(iii) Little Venice (iv) Paddington

Her one rich wish is to write a book Paddington is named after Padda, an Anglo-
about I A Venetian mother's problems on Saxon chieftain who lived in the vicinity,
a barge in Little Venice - 'Chateau in and after the Norman Conquest the land
Virginia Waters', Tyrannosaurus Rex came into the possession of the Abbot of
(1968) Westminster until it was seized by Henry
A small picturesque harbour area north of VIII for his sixth wife, Catherine Parr, in
the Westway, where the Paddington branch the 1540s. Henry's son, Edward VI, returned
of the Grand Union Canal meets the main the estate to the Church and the Bishops of
canal, its name may have come from London remained landlords (except during
remarks made by Lord Byron and repeated the Commonwealth) until the area's rural
by the poet Robert Browning, who lived identity and role as a market garden for
locally, but was not commonly used until central London withered away, first by the
the 1950s. An island in the middle of the opening of an extension of the Grand Junc-
canal is known as Browning's Island, as the tion Canal in 1801, and then by the building
poet is believed to have planted trees on it, of Paddington railway station in 1838~
while the streets to the north, such as Mai~a Second World War bombing led to much
Avenue, are among the most pleasant to be blight, a sharp decrease in the population
found in this part of London with elegant and an unsavoury identity; Christine Keeler,
villas decorated with arches, urns and balus- the call-girl caught up in the 1960s Profumo
trades. Affair, claimed that in the early fifties
Paddington succeeded Soho as the capital

boy who became the inspiration for Peter constabulary but unconvincing in charac-
Pan. terization. The film is best known for intro-
Queen Anne's Alcove One of the gardens' ducing the character of George Dixon, the
first furnishings, the alcove was designed by ever reliable community 'bobby', played by
Christopher Wren in 1705, originally located Jack Warner, who later featured in the long-
to the south of Kensington Palace, and running TV show Dixon of Dock Green,
moved here in 1867 after becoming a haunt despite being killed by a villain (played by
of prostitutes. Dirk Bogarde) in the film.
Queen's Temple A small Palladian structure ..-King's Cross on film, p. 356.
with three arches, it was designed by
William Kent and is located in the middle of
Lancaster Gate
The grand centrepiece ofBayswater,
the gardens, a few hundred yards west of the
Lancaster Gate was designed by Sancton
bridge that separates the Long Water from
Wood in an unusual cross shape in 1857 and
the Serpentine.
is based around Christ Church, designed by
Serpentine Gallery The building opened as
F. & H. Francis, which closed in 1978 and
a tea pavilion in 1934 and was converted into
has since been ingeniously converted into
a gallery in 1970. In 1994 Damien Hirst's
flats. The Lancaster Gate house in the Henry
Separated from the Flock, a lamb preserved
James novel The Wings of a Dove is based on
in formaldehyde in a glass tank, was
No. 56, the late-nineteenth-century home of
exhibited here and vandalized with black
Pearl Craigie, who wrote for the Aesthetic
ink by Mark Bridger, who told police that
Movement's Yellow Book and was part of the
his 'positive contribution' might add value
family that owned Carter's Little Liver Pills.
to the work. _j The Football Association was based at
of the British underworld, and the area No. 16 until the end of the twentieth
around the station remains one of London's century, when it moved to Soho Square.
worst red-light districts. Redevelopment in Columbia Hotel, No. 95
the 196os, particularly the construction of Haile Selassie, the best known of the
the Westway motorway, wiped out much of post-colonial black African leaders of the
Paddington, and by the beginning of the twentieth century, who was originally
twenty-first century major changes were named Lij Makonnen but took the title
being planned for the disused canal basin Ras Tafari ('prince, nobleman' in Amharic)
near the station. after his 1930 coronation, and claimed to
be descended from King Solomon and
Harrow Road
the Queen of Sheba, used the hotel as his
One of London's longest roads, Harrow
Second World War headquarters until1941
Road began as a horse track and in
when he was reinstated as Ethiopian
Paddington is eclipsed by the Westway,
emperor. Selassie later became the spiritual
which runs above it on a bridge.
leader of the Jamaican Rastafarian
Paddington police station
Ealing Studios' The Blue Lamp (1949), one
of the first so-called British 'cop' films, was Leinster Gardens
set in and around Paddington Green police Nos. 23-24 are dummy houses, built to
station, shot at various west London loca- blend in with surrounding property, which
tions, including !Bl)ite iitl) stobium, that have 5-ft thick false windows and contain
are mostly now unrecognizable given the behind their fa~de machinery built to
extensive redevelopment of the area, and take exhaust from the steam-powered
mixes Crown Documentary pictures with Metropolitan Railway extension of 1868
vignettes of force life sympathetic to the (now the Circle Line).

Paddington Green • In Michael Bond's Paddington Bear

The only remaining green space in the area stories the teddy bear is found at Pad-
and the first site to be developed locally, dington station, having travelled from
it was where the first London vehicle Peru with just a jar of marmalade and
described as an 'omnibus' ran in July 1829, his hat.
its route being Paddington to Bank. The ... Liverpool Street station, p. 19.
setting was later commemorated in the StMary's Hospital
music hall song 'Pretty Polly Perkins of Alexander Fleming discovered the germ-
Paddington Green', which begins with the killing properties of penicillin at St Mary's
confessions of a 'broken-hearted milkman, Hospital on 3 September 1928 by accident
in grief arrayed I Through keeping of the while looking for a chemical that could stop
company of a young servant maid I Who bacterial infection. Noticing that some of
lived on board and wages the house to keep the bacteria around the mould in a Petri
dean I In a gentleman's family near dish he was about to wash had been killed,
Paddington Green'. Fleming and his team took a sample and
found that it came from the penicillium
Praed Street family. Later in Oxford they injected it into
William Praed was an eighteenth-century
diseased mice and when the mice showed
banker and MP forSt lves who was one of
signs of recuperation they tried the experi-
the main promoters of the Grand Junction
ments on humans, with successful results.
Canal in 1793. Research on bacteria, funded by the Rocke-
north side: Eastboume Terrace to Edgware feller Foundation in the United States,
Road continued during the Second World War,
Paddington station
and Fleming's Praed Street laboratory
Opened on June 1838 for the Great Western
(now a museum), reeking of cigarette smoke
Railway, the station, now considered to be
and lysol, and cluttered with papers and
London's most handsome railway terminus,
Petri dishes, received regular visits from
was originally a simple wooden building
journalists and curious members of the
north of Bishop's Bridge Road and was
rebuilt in the 1840s by Matthew Wyatt and
... St Bartholomew's Hospital, p. 9.
Isambard Kingdom Brunei. Paddington
was part of Brunei's grand vision of a route
from London to New York via Bristol, (v) Tyburnia
where people would board his liner, the
The oldest part of Bayswater, Tyburnia, the
Great Western, and journey across the mostly elegant estate to the north-west of
Atlantic in fifteen days. In 1863 the western
the site of the X9bum uecution ttee, and
terminus of the Metropolitan Railway, the
also known as the Hyde Park Estate, was
world's first underground line, was
designed by Samuel Pepys Cockerell and
constructed by Paddington station and,
built from 1807 to 1815 around Connaught
though the various rail services using the
Place, attracting wealthy middle-class resi-
station brought huge changes to the area,
dents such as the Victorian novelist William
Paddington was still rural in 1868 when
Makepeace Thackeray, who moved into 18
Edward, Prince ofWales (the future Edward
Albion Street, off Bayswater Road, in 1836,
VII), took part in a hunt in Buckingham-
and George Smith, publisher of the Brontes,
shire that took him through Harrow and
who entertained the sisters at his home at
Wormwood Scrubs to Paddington where he
!Jlo. 26 Bishop's Bridge Road. The area
cornered a deer in the goods yard, killing it
declined following the commercialization of
in front of railway workers, before making
the streets nearest Paddington station and
off on his horse into nearby Hyde Park.
when the leases ran out in the 1930s many

wealthy residents left for other areas, particu- (the Mount of Martyrs), in Paris, in 1901,
larly Hampstead and Chelsea, the houses the order moved to this location near
they vacated being converted into offices or Tyburn (the Hill of Martyrs). In the crypt
replaced by shops and hotels. Near Bays- chapel a replica of the Tyburn Tree used for
water Road streets such as Hyde Park hangings (see below) can be seen on request
Gardens and Hyde Park Street retain their alongside a number of relics of the martyrs
period flavour but nearer the station there hanged at Tyburn.
are a number of hotels of varying standard. ~JJ1mt (1388-1783), Oxford Street at
Edgware Road
Bayswater Road
Gallows were erected by the Tyburn stream
The main road running through Bays-
on the n-ft 'Tyburn Tree', which could hold
water was originally known as The Way
eight people simultaneously, in 1388, and
to Uxbridge and was where in 1861 the
here the condemned would be hanged by a
American George Train, whom Jules Verne
rope connected to a cart that would move
later used as the model for Phileas Fogg in
off leaving the victim dangling. Friends and
Around the World in Eighty Days, established
relatives would often pull on the body to
London's first tram service, a line unpopular
bring on death quickly and alleviate the
with cab drivers, who complained vocifer-
suffering. Sometimes, though, a pardon
ously to the authorities when their wheels
would arrive just in time. In 1447 five men
began to bump against tracks jutting out of
who had been placed on the gallows were
the ground.
lucky enough to win a reprieve while still
north side: Albion Street to Edgware Road
alive and were cut down but were stripped
Hyde Park Place, Bayswater Road between
by the hangman, who was traditionally
Albion Street and Stanhope Place
allowed to keep the clothes of victims and
Laurence Sterne, author of the great comic
refused to part with the garments, despite
novel Tristram Shandy, was buried in a now
the pleas of the men, who were obliged to
disused graveyard here in 1768, his body
walk home naked. A would-be victim who
being removed a few days later by body-
underwent an even more remarkable revival
snatchers who dug up the corpse and sold it
was William Duell, hanged at Tyburn in
for dissection. Sterne was recognized on the
1740, whose 'corpse' was sent to an anatomy
slab, however, and his body was returned to
class and there started showing signs oflife,
the graveyard, but in 1969, when the site was
sitting up and speaking to the surgeon, who
redeveloped for fl~ts, the coffin was opened
promptly arranged for him to be sent back
and two heads were found inside. After the
to prison.
authorities examined contemporary paint-
As the condemned went to the gallows
ings, the correct one was placed back in the
they would be approached by authors
coffin and sent for reburial in Coxwold,
seeking their approval to publish material
Yorkshire. Charles Dickens lived at 9lo. 5
already written as 'last confessions' or
&tJbe 'off 'loce in January 1870 and there
memoirs. The condemned would then adver-
began his last novel, the unfinished Mystery
tise the forthcoming work to the crowds
of Edwin Drood, dying later that year in
before being executed. Executions at Tyburn
were among the most eagerly awaited social
Tyburn Convent, No. 12
occasions in the London calendar. There
The convent is home to a nineteenth-
was spectator seating and many celebrities
century order whose members, according to
came along to view the events, including
the custom of St Benedict, dedicate their
Samuel Pepys, who described in his diary
lives to the Sacred Heart by the perpetual
entry for 21 January 1664 how he 'got for a
adoration of the Holy Sacrament. After
shilling to stand upon the wheel of a cart, in
being driven from its home in Montmartre
great pain, about an hour before the

execution was done'; and Dr Johnson's during redevelopment, and ride through the
biographer, James Boswell, who exClaimed area.
after witnessing the hanging of the high- .- Virgin Records, p. 460.
wayman Paul Lewis in May 1763: 'I was most
terribly shocked, and thrown into a very (vi) Westboume Park
deep melancholy.' The biggest crowd ever
recorded at Tyburn was to see the execution A mansion known as mtstboume •od or
of Dr William Dodd, hanged in 1m for !Bestboume $1oce stood on Lord's Hill
forging the Earl of Chesterfield's signature Bridge, by what is now Royal Oak station,
on a £4,250 bond. Pressure from Mayfair before the building of the Great Western
residents resulted in the removal of Railway in the 1830s.
executions in 1783 to Newgate,.where the
Chepstow Road
population was not so wealthy.
A major traffic route at the western end of
• Newgate Prison, p. 10.
Bayswater, it was where Peter Rachman, the
Hyde Park Crescent 1950s slum landlord .whose rogue practices
Used as a residential area by US servicemen led to a tightening of the letting laws in the
in the Second World War and since rebuilt 1960s, owned a brothel (at No. 58). The road
into flats. is featured in the 1966 Lewis Gilbert comedy
StJohn Alfie, whose hero, played by Michael Caine,
Richard Branson, whose first venture, briefly lives here in a flat with Annie, played
Student magazine, was based in the church by Jane Asher. Alfie's director, Lewis Gilbert,
crypt in the 1960s, was visited by two plain- filmed the scenes at night until police
clothed policemen in November 1969 and complained that the lights were causing
warned that the magazine might have viol- problems for motorists.
ated the Indecent Advertisements Act (1889) .- Peter Rachman's slum empire, pp. 435, 462.
and the Venereal Disease Act (1917) by
Hereford Road
publishing remedies for the latter. Branson
Location of Marconi's first patented wire-
ignored the warnings, and a month later
less experiment, No. 71, north of West-
the police returned to StJohn's to arrest
bourne Grove
and charge him, leading to a court case in
Guglielmo Marconi made the first British
which he was defended by John Mortimer
wireless at No. 71 in 1896, two years after
(creator of Rumpole of the Bailey) who
sending radio waves two miles across
pointed out that every public lavatory
Bologna, Italy. He gave his first demon-
contained a notice offering advice to those
stration of the wireless on the roof of the
suffering from VD and if Branson was
General Post Office on St Martin's-le-
guilty, then so was the government. Branson
Grand, in the City, on 22 July 1896, and later
was convicted, none the less, and fined £7,
exhibited his invention on Salisbury Plain.
so Mortimer told jotirnalists outside the
court that the government would now have Queensway
to be prosecuted for breaking its own law. Now a thriving shopping street with a
The legislation was amended soon after variety of restaurants, it .was originally Black
and the home secretary, Reginald Maudling, Lion Lane, which the young Princess
sent Branson an apology. On the third Victoria (later Queen) used when living at
Sunday in September every year riders Kensington Palace, and .was renamed
gather outside St John, according to a Queen's Road in the 1830s, soon after she
tradition that began in 1868 as a protest took the throne, becoming Queensway
against the closure of a number of stables during Edward VII's reign. Until the
liberalization of the Sunday shopping laws

in the 1980s Queensway was one of the few a tragic end, murdered in his office above
streets busy with shoppers at unusual hours the store by his long-lost son, Horace
of the weekend. It is now best known for Rayner, in whose pockets was found a note
Whiteleys, an American-style mall on the that read: 'To all whom it may concern
site of the former department store of the William Whiteley is my father and has
same name, once London's largest, and brought upon himself and me a double
which originally stood in Westbourne fatality by reason of his own refusal of a
Grove. request perfectly reasonable R.I.P.' It tran-
spired that nearly thirty years previously
Westbourne Grove
Whiteley and a friend, George Rayner, had
Bayswater's first major shopping street, it
spent a weekend in Brighton with two girls,
was developed in the mid nineteenth cen-
one of whom later gave birth to a boy,
tury but soon became known as Bankrupt
Horace, whom she brought up with Rayner.
Avenue because of the closure of many
When the boy grew up Rayner told him:
businesses. Things improved when William
'Anytime you're in trouble, go and see your
Whiteley's shop at No. 43 grew into Lon-
real father, William Whiteley', but when
don's major department store at the end of
Horace did so a bemused Whiteley, by then
the nineteenth century, but declined after
seventy-five, suggested he went abroad,
Whiteleys moved to nearby Queensway in
resulting in Horace producing a gun,
1911, four years after the store's owner,
shooting Whiteley dead and injuring
William Whiteley, was murdered by his own
himself. He was tried at the Old Bailey but
estranged son on the premises. In the 1950s
acquitted, following a wave of public
the street became home to members of the
sympathy for a son wronged by his rich
newly arrived West Indian community and
father. The store moved to Queen's Road,
during the 1958 race riots was a major flash-
now Queensway, in 1911.
point for fighting between immigrants and
Peter Rachman's office (19sos), Nos. 91-93,
local white youths. No. 189 was briefly the
west corner with Monmouth Road
headquarters of the neo-fascist Union of
Peter Rachman, London's most notorious
British Freedom.
post-war landlord, based his property
south side: Queensway to Chepstow Place
empire here in the 1950s, letting out barely
Whiteleys (1863-1911), No. 43
habitable flats across west London to vulner-
London's leading late-nineteenth-century
able tenants with little regard for the law or
department store was opened in 1863 by
common decency. Born in Lvov, Poland, in
William Whiteley, who wanted to cater for
1919, Rachman came to London as a refugee
every need - 'from a pin to an elephant at
during the Second World War- he claimed
short notice' - and helped by the opening of
fancifully that he had had his testicles
the nearby underground station, Queen's
removed at Auschwitz - and took a job with
Road grew quickly, taking over fifteen neigh-
a Notting Hill estate agency, launching his
bouring premises within ten years. Styling
property letting business from a phone box
itself as the 'Universal Provider', Whiteleys
in Bayswater. He would buy houses for a
sold clothes, furniture and stationery,
few thousand pounds, divide them into as
provided a hairdressing service, an estate
many flats as possible, and rent them out as
agency and house-decorating, and attra~ed
'furnished', with little more than a rotten
members of Queen Victoria's court. But 1t
mattress and a broken chair. Rachman
was not universally popular. Local butchers
would then increase the rent, and if the
burned effigies of Whiteley on Guy Fawkes
tenant complained would use various
Night 1876, after he opened a meat counter,
unscrupulous means to force them to leave,
and the store suffered a number of arson
such as moving into the adjoining flat
attacks. On 24 January 1907 the founder met
friends who would host all-night parties,

disconnecting the supply of water or elec- Metropolitan Line from the various
tricity, or damaging the lavatories, a practice north of Baker Street.
which usually had the desired effect. In 1959
Rachman was brought before the Rent
Tribunal and his practices exposed, and he
subsequently pulled out of the area. On
14 July 1963 the Sunday People ran a feature
describing how Rachman had 'built up an
Bush An earlier station of the
empire based on vice and drugs, violence
name, a little further to the south,
and blackmail, extortion and slum land-
used from 1864 until1914, when it was
lordism, the like of which this country has
by the current one.
never seen', but by that time Rachman was
Road The 1958 Notting Hill race
dead. began with a domestic dispute
... Rachman in Powis Square, p. 462.
a Swedish woman and her West
husband outside the station.
Grove Originally known as
HAMMERSMITH, W6 Hill when first opened in 1864, it
Ladbroke Grove in 1938 after a
A busding community occupying a bend in
of name changes.
the Thames, dominated by a motorway
rne Park Originally used by trains
flyover and served by three underground
e Great Western Railway.
lines, Hammersmith grew as a small isolated
Oak Little more than a halt by the
village where the willows by the river sup-
Western Railway a few hundred
ported a trade in basket-making. As it grew
west of Paddington, it is named after
into a prosperous riverside suburb commer-
nearby Royal Oak tavern (now the
cialization increased, destroying the peace-
Tap) and when first opened in 1871
fulness of the setting. In recent decades
only be entered via a wooden plank
Hammersmith has taken on the appearance
the Westbourne River.
of a downtown American city, with tall,
Originally Bishop's Road, it was
hi-tech corporate headquarters for firms
terminus of London's first
such as Coca-Cola, large hotels, and a smart
rground line, the Metropolitan
shopping mall connected to the tube, its
and opened on 9 January 1863.
most unusual feature being Ralph Erskine's
Road One of the first stations
Ar~, a glass and steel office block by the A4,
for the first ever line, opened in
built from 1988 to 1991 in the style of the
biblical ark.
Street It was rebuilt as London
• For riverside sites, see River Thames,
flagship station with offices
p. 25.
block of flats between 1911 and 1933.
Portland Street Opened as Portland
ERSMITH & CITY LINE on the first underground line In
line grew as an extension to the
Square Originally Gower Street,
ropolitan Railway, London's first under-
also one of the first seven stations.
nd line. The name Hammersmith &
Cross The original station was situ-
Line was first adopted in 1868, when
a few hundred yards to the east of the
mersmith station opened, was later
site and its disused platforms can
ped in favour of Metropolitan Line,
be seen from some trains.
was revived in the 1980s to differen-
Chosen for the eastern
the Hammersmith to Barking section

inus of London's first underground Though the eastern terminus of

due to the proximity of Smithfield Barking is also an ordinary stop
District Line and stands at the june-
The Dynamiters, an anarchist two rail routes into Fenchurch
group, took revenge for the seven-
sentence given to one of their
bers by leaving a bomb at this station
Aldersgate) in April1897 that killed
man. The station became Barbican in KENSINGTON, W8

Named Moorgate Street when A Saxon tribe, the Cynesige, established a

opened on this line, in 1875. fortified village, or 'tun', in the area in the
Street One of only two stationseighth century and the land later passed to
network (the other being Sloane t_he DeVere family who sold the northern
which until recently had a plat- section, the manor of Knotting Barns, an
bar. area of garden nurseries and orchards, in
East A connection from here to 1488, relinquishing ownership of the rest of
on the East London Line (the Kensington at the end of the sixteenth
Curve) was closed in 1939. century. John Bowack described Kensington
llti1Ch.ap41l Under the Hammersmith & as a town 'standing in a wholesome Air, not
above three miles from London, resorted to
by Persons of Quality and Citizens' in his
1705 Antiquities of Middlesex. By then the
area had started to attain an exclusive air,
street some distance away. thanks to the joint monarchs, William III
End Where the line meets the Central and Mary Stuart, who had moved their
conveniently allowing commuters to court to Nottingham House (now Kensing-
without negotiating corridors and ton Palace) in 1690 and had brought with
them a large number of attendants. Ken-
sington has since maintained its status as
one of London's most desirable suburbs,
was created a Royal Borough in 1901, and
continues to attract wealthy residents and
•ml.eY··b~r-B•OW A station now stranded high-class shops, thanks to the lack of local
industrial wasteland by the thun- industry.
motorway leading to the Blackwall
(i) Campden Hill
Baptist Hicks acquired an estate west of
Hyde Park known as the Racks, which was
dotted with brickfields, in a game of cards in
A listed building which originally 1616 and took the title Viscount Campden
for the London, Tilbury and when he was granted a peerage, renaming
Railway in 1854. his villa ctompben bouse. Wealthy mer-
Park The station for West Ham chants began moving into the area in the
Club. eighteenth century, but of the grand villas
Ham The first station opened here on that were built few survive, the best known
London, Tilbury and Southend rail line being Thorpe Lodge, now part of Holland
Park School. Elsewhere, the smaller

properties were most attractive, with Itali- . Holland House

anate flourishes and stucco cladding, in Two wings remain of Holland House, the
luscious green settings and gently sloping only surviving E-plan Jacobean manor
avenues, resulting in Campden Hill house near central London, built in 1599 as
becoming one of the most sought-after areas Cope's Castle by Sir Walter Cope whose
in the capital, popular with well-paid ghost, carrying its disconnected head, is said
professionals, retired military personnel and to haunt the house. At the end of the eigh-
politicians. teenth century the house became renowned
• Campden Hill is the area between Holland for its literary salons which were attended at
Park and Kensington Church Street. various times by the writers Walter Scott,
William Wordsworth, Lord Byron (who at
Airlie Gardens one party in 1812 first met Lady Caroline
Thorpe Lodge Lamb) and later by Alexandre Dumas, the
Now part of Holland Park school, Thorpe
French author of The Three Musketeers, who
Lodge is a rare surviving original Campden
would consume a bottle of Chateau-d'
Hill mansion, home in the early twentieth
Yquem with his breakfast.
century to Montagu Norman, the occult-
When the earl died childless in 1859, Lady
loving Nazi-sympathizer who was Governor
Holland saved the family line by making a
of the Bank of England between the wars,
distant relative, the 5th Earl ofllchester,
gave Hitler credit, arranged for the rearma-
whose wife is said to have been the inspi-
ment of Nazi Germany, and is believed to
ration for Aunt Dahlia in P. G. Wode-
have managed the 'Hitler Project', a plan to
house's Jeeves stories, the new owner of the
bankroll Hitler's rise to power as a counter
title. On 27 September 1940 Holland House
against the Soviets. Norman entertained
was badly bombed and the roof of the
Hjalmar Schacht, the Nazis' Minister of
library was destroyed, but because the walls
Finance and President of the Reichsbank,
were relatively undamaged passers-by were
at Airlie Lodge, attended Schacht's son's
able to wander at will through the debris,
christening. When the Nazis overran
examining the books on the library shelves
Czechoslovakia in September 1938 and
before repair work began. Partial restoration
applied through the Bank of England for the
took place during the 1950s when the east
release of £6,ooo,ooo-worth of Czech gold,
wing was rebuilt as a youth hostel and the
Norman complied. After the Second World
Garden Ballroom as a cafe. The Orangery
War Norman resigned from the Bank of
and the Ic~ House (the former dairy) are
England and founded the British National
now used for exhibitions.
Association for Mental Health, which was
... Kenwood House, p. 362.
initially based here.
,.. Bank of England, p. 22. Kensington Church Street
When the funeral cortege of Queen Caro-
Holland Walk line, wife of George IV, passed along
A footpath to the east of Holland Park,
Kensington Church Street in summer 1821
leading from Holland Park Avenue to
the crowd took the opportunity to demon-
Kensington High Street, Holland Walk is
strate against the unpopular King, who they
now considered to be one of the most
believed had acted in an unnecessarily nasty
delightful promenades in west London but
manner to the Queen. The mob overturned
was described in the Kensington Gazette in
vehicles and threw other obstacles across the
the nineteenth century as 'a dark sink hole'
road, forcing the cortege to turn back and
which wives and daughters were warned not
make for Hyde Park, where troops fired on
to use.
the crowd and killed two people, provoking
further rioting. Kensington Church Street,

the main link between Notting Hill and High Commission and then went on sale at
Kensington, is now an exclusive shopping £35 million.
enclave, particularly good for designer Soviet Embassy (1945-90), No. 18
clothes and antiques. A Charles Barry-designed mansion in which
StMary Abbot's, Kensington Church Street Julius Reuter, founder of the Reuters news
at Kensington High Street, west side agency, lived from 1867 to 1899, and which
George Gilbert Scott's church, which has the Lionel Rothschild, the natural historian,
tallest spire in London at 278 ft, stands on bought in July 1927, it became the Soviet
the site of a twelfth-century church which Union's Embassy in 1945. As the Cold War
Godfrey de Vere, the local landowner, intensified, No. 18 was continually filmed by
donated to the Abbey of Abingdon after the MI5 from the upstalrs room of the house
abbots helped cure his sick son. The church opposite or from cars parked in the road
was demolished in 1683, save for the tower, that were repainted and renumbered every
so that it could be rebuilt in a fitting few months.
manner for William III, who had recently While preparing for a visit from Soviet
taken residence in Nottingham House (now leader Nikita Khrushchev in April1956,
Kensington Palace), but after it was rebuilt KGB chieflvan Serov naively decided to
again in 1772 the Bishop of London claimed meet the British press on the steps of the
it was the ugliest church in the diocese, not embassy. He faced an onslaught from jour-
to say one of the most dangerous, given its nalists who posed questions such as: 'Mr
bulging walls and dry rot. George Gilbert Serov, is it true that you were responsible
Scott, who also built the Foreign Office for butchering Estonians?' and the next day
building and the hotel fronting St Pancras the tabloids ran headlines such as: 'Serov,
station, was responsible for the fourth Butcher Lies', 'The Butcher Is Here Giving
church on the site, built in 1869 to 1872, Orders!'
the nave roof of which was destroyed by In the autumn of 1957 a number of jour-
a Second World War bomb and later nalists received invitations, purportedly
rebuilt. from the Soviet ambassador, to a reception
at the Embassy to celebrate the fortieth anni-
(ii) Kensington Palace versary of the October Revolution. The invi-
tations were decorated with red blobs,
Kensington P.alace Gardens meant to symbolize drops of blood, eman-
London's most expensive houses can be ating from the sickle on the Soviet crest and
found to the west of Kensington Palace on were accompanied by a note that explained:
Kensington Palace Gardens, built as Queen's 'Our reasons for approaching you are not
Road in 1841 and lined with luxurious based on any special animosity to the Soviet
mansions that had to be Italianate in design Ambassador ... [but] his invitation is
and could not be bought for less than issued in the name of a Government which,
£3,000, according to the rules of the develop- in the years since the war, has been respon-
ment. Only the wealthiest individuals were sible for more collective human misery and
able to afford its properties, and many of oppression than any other single agency in
them are now embassies, including the world affairs.' The bogus invitations were
Lebanese at No. 21, the Kuwaiti (No. 22), the the work of the Czech satirist and former
Slovakian (No. 25) and the Czech (No. 26). commando Josef Josten, who in 1976
west side: Palace Green to Notting Hill Gate produced 25o,ooo bogus pound notes to
No.tsa mark the visit to Britain of the Soviet propa-
Built by the Victorian country house ganda chief Boris Ponomarev; they so
designer David Brandon in 1852 to 1854 it alarmed the Bank of England that the
was until recently home to the Nigerian Counterfeit Currency Squad was called in.

In 1994 the art collector Nasser David known as 'The Cage', where German pris-
Khalili bought No. 18 and the neighbouring oners of war who had been close to the
No.19 for £4o million and converted them upper echelons of the Nazi Party, or those
into one mansion, at the cost of a further who had specialist knowledge of the V1 and
£4o million, using marble from the same V2 rockets that were bombarding London,
Agra quarry that was used in building the were questioned. The prisoners, whose
Taj Mahal. Seven years later he put the number included a small proportion of
combined block on sale for £65 million, at stool pigeons, usually German or Austrian
the time the highest price ever placed on a Jews, who, it was hoped, would be accepted
London property. as genuine Nazis, were kept in cells with
~ Lenin in Bloomsbury, p. 84. floors of solid concrete and windows
No. 2.4 covered with barbed wire. There were no
A Moorish extravaganza built in 1845 by furnishings that could be used by a prisoner
Owen Jones which is now the Saudi to hang himself, and each cell door had a
ambassador's residence. 'Judas hole' to enable the guards, who
east side: Notting Hill Gate to Palace Green moved noiselessly around the complex, to
No.s spy on the inmates without being heard or
A Soviet Consulate in the 1960s, it was here seen.
on 23 December 1962, according to some Those who were kepi here included Franz
theories, that Hugh Gaitskell, the Labour von Werra, the only German to escape from
Party leader, was fatally poisoned as 'punish- Britain and return home, and SS Colonel
ment' for hounding communists out of the Alfred Naujocks, the man who boasted he
Labour Party. Gaitskell had visited the had started the Second World War by lead-
building to obtain a visa for a visit to the ing the raid on the Gleiwitz Radio Station
USSR and was given tea and biscuits while near the Polish border on 31 August 1939
he waited. A week later he complained of which Hitler blamed on the Poles and gave
feeling unwell and was taken to Middlesex him the excuse to invade Poland. Although
Hospital where, asked about his recent the prisoners were under no obligation to
diet, he told his doctor that he had had answer any questions other than to give
some refreshments at the consulate; by 18 their name, rank and number, the inmates,
January he was dead from heart and kidney according to one of the interrogators, the
failure. According to Peter Wright, the Earl of Listowel, were 'anxious to talk about
secret agent who later wrote Spycatcher, the their homes, their work as civilians, indeed
biscuits may have contained hydralazine, a the whole of their lives before they were
drug that produces the symptoms of lupus caught by the Wehrmacht'. !Jlo. 8 was later
disseminata erythematosis, a tropical disease demolished and replaced by a Richard
rare in Britain - even rarer in someone who Seifert-designed block of flats.
has not visited the tropics - and not usually N0.13
seen in men over forty (Gaitskell was fifty- Built from 1851 to 1854 for the Earl of
six), which induces heart and kidney failure Harrington, who owned most of South
and which had already been proposed as a Kensington, it was bought in 1930 for the
method of assassination in a Soviet journal. Russian ambassador, to the distaste of
'qe Cf'Atge', No. 8 Lionel Rothschild, who lived opposite and
Built by Owen Jones in the 185os, and later was upset at having a communist as a neigh-
owned by the art collector Lord Duveen of bour. It is now the Russian Federation's
Millbank, who also had a suite at Claridge's, Embassy.
flo. 8 was used during the Second World
War as the headquarters of the War Crimes
Investigation Unit interrogation centre
Palace Green build an Orangery. On her deathbed at the
A short stretch of road south of Kensington palace in 1714, crippled with gout, Anne
Palace Gardens leading to Kensington High pressed the Lord Treasurer's wand into his
Street, Palace Green was built in the 1850s hands with the words 'For God's sake use
on what had been Kensington Palace's it for the good of my people.' The succes-
kitchen garden and now contains a numher sion remained Protestant through George,
of embassies, including the Israeli at No. 2, elector of Hanover, a distant cousin of
which in the 186os was the last address of Anne, who spoke no English and whose
the novelist William Makepeace Thackeray. first visit to the country was to assume the
throne. George moved into the palace with
Palace Avenue
his mistress, whom he appointed Duchess
Kensington Palace
of Kendal, banished his own son, Prince
I went to Kensington, which King William
George, from the court, but invited a bizarre
III has bought offLord Nottingham, and
collection of companions including Jory the
altered, but was yet a patched building, but
Dwarf, who was so badly behaved he had to
with the garden however it is a very sweete
be locked in the east wing, and Peter the
villa, having to it the Park and a straight
Wild Boy, found in the forest near Hamelin,
new way through this park- Diary, John
who roamed the Kensington Palace grounds
Evelyn (1690)
on all fours and outlived the king by nearly
A popular tourist attraction on account of
sixty years.
its associations with Diana, the late Prin-
George II was the last monarch to live in
cess of Wales, Kensington Palace began as
Kensington Palace and his consort, Caro-
Nottingham House, built by Sir George
line, who discovered a cache of Holbein
Coppin in the seventeenth century, which
paintings secreted in a drawer, died in the
was later acquired by Sir Heneage Finch,
palace in 1737 after failing to cure a hernia
Speaker of the House of Commons, and in
with snake-root. Just as George II's father
1689 by William Ill, looking for somewhere
had removed him from the house, George
away from 'the smoak of London' to ease
banished his own son, Frederick, and later,
his chronic asthma, who paid 18,ooo guineas
when he was told while playing cards that
for the property.
Frederick was dead, he retorted: 'Dead is he!
The king commissioned Christopher
Why, they told me he was better', and
Wren to redesign the house but Wren,
returned to his game.
obliged to down tools at St Paul's, showed
After George died in the palace in 1760 -
little interest in the work and redesigned the
he fell off the toilet and smashed his head on
building with little decoration. After Mary
a cabinef- his successor, George III (his
Stuart, William's queen, died, William aban-
grandson), uprooted the court to Buck-
doned plans to move to Hampton Court
ingham House (now Buckingham Palace),
and stayed in Kensington. Riding through
and Kensington Palace fell into disrepair,
Hampton Court Park in 1702 he fell from
standing empty for some sixty years, after
his horse, Sorrel and broke his collar bone.
which it became home to a succession of
He returned to Kensington Palace to
royals, including in the 198os Prince Charles
recuperate, but lay down by an open
and Princess Diana. Floral tributes brought
window and caught a chill, which turned to
here by people following the death of the
pneumonia, and died.
Princess on 31 August 1997 grew into the
Anne, Mary's sister, who took the throne
largest collection of flowers ever seen in
when William died and was nicknamed
London. It is now the London home of
'Brandy Nan' due to her fondness for
Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and the
alcohol, commissioned much work on the
Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.
gardens, hiring Nicholas Hawksmoor to
... StJames's Palace, p. 209.

moved to a succession of bigger premises in

(iii) Kensington Court
Leigh Hunt, the nineteenth-century • Biba's (1973-5), p. 443·
publisher who first introduced the works of
Kensington High Street
Shelley and Keats to the public, coined the
The main east-west route through the area,
phrase the 'old court suburb' for the area
Kensington High Street grew after William
south of what is now Kensington High
III created Kensington Palace in 1689, its
Street, which grew after William III made
first building of note being the Goat public
nearby Nottingham House the royal seat of
house of 1695, which has since been rebuilt,
Kensington Palace.
and from its inception was clogged with
Abingdon Road traffic. The publisher Leigh Hunt wrote in
Biba's (1964-6), No. 87 1851 that 'what with waiting for an omnibus
Barbara Hulanicki began Biba's in 1963 as a and its stoppages when I got in, I found
mail-order business, naming it after the nick- myself at a quarter to four just arrived at
name of her sister, Biruta, and it came to Knightsbridge when I ought to have been at
public attention when the Daily Mirror Temple Bar'. As the century proceeded
featured one of its pink gingham dresses in Kensington High Street became west
a fashion spread later that year. Pop stars London's major shopping centre, a status it
and television comperes soon began buying has enjoyed since through stores such as
Biba clothes, and in 1964 Hulanicki opened Barker's (opened by John Barker in 1870),
the shop on Abingdon Road which became Derry & Toms (now Marks & Spencer),
London's most outrageous and fashionable Ponting's, to the west of the tube station
sixties clothes shop. As she explained in her (since replaced by Boots), and the cultish
autobiography, she was determined Biba's Kensington Market which closed in 1999.
would not be another 'Can I help you, south side: Kensington Court to Addison
madam?' store so she had the walls painted Bridge
navy blue and the windows hung with plum The Goat Tavern, No. 3
and navy curtains, furnished it with old John George Haigh, the so-called acid bath
bronze lamps and an antique Dutch ward- murderer of the 1940s, picked up his first
robe and festooned the floor with palms and victim, an acquaintance called William
ostrich feathers. There was no sign over the McSwan, in the Goat tavern in 1944, and
door and even though when it rained 'it after a few drinks took him back to his work-
stank of wet wool and the floor would be shop at 79 Gloucester Road and killed him.
awash,' as Hulanicki later said, it was soon Haigh murdered probably nine people in
being patronized by glamorous twenty- all, and then dissolved the bodies in acid. He
year-old girls teetering around on what was executed at Wandsworth Prison in 1949.
were described as 'asparagus legs', their • Haigh in Gloucester Road, p. 424.
emaciated appearance blamed on the lack Barker's, Nos. 63-97, between Young Street
of nourishing protein they received when and Derry Street
they were babies due to rationing, but John Barker, a departmental manager at
whose skeletal frames proved ideal for Biba's Whiteleys, London's biggest late-
op-art dresses. Major success for the shop nineteenth-century department store,
came about after the TV presenter Cathy opened Barker's here in 1870 when
McGowan wore Biba clothes on air, and Whiteleys owner, William Whiteley, refused
cash-flow problems were further eased him a partnership, and within twenty years
when the flamboyant singers Sonny and owned twenty-eight shops in Kensington,
Cher arrived in a limousine and bought employing over 1,ooo people. In 1907 Barker
out practically the entire stock. Biba' s bought out neighbour and rival Ponting' s,

and won election to Parliament as MP for at the mouth, lambasting them as 'mock
Penryn and Falmouth, but his first setback rock'. Biba's closed in November 1975 after
came in November 1912 when a fire broke running into financial difficulties and the
out in the food hall and twenty people died site is now occupied by Marks and Spencer.
after jumping from an upper window to
escape the flames. Nevertheless, Barker's
Kensington Square
Thomas Young, a woodcarver, planned the
enthusiasm for empire building remained
square as a speculative development in 1685,
undiminished. He erected temporary prem-
when Kensington was an unassuming village
ises on open land on the north side of the
outside London, but failed to recoup his
road and later linked the new building with
costs and landed in debtors' prison. Things
the rebuilt main store by a subway under
improved after William III bought nearby
the High Street. In 1919, five years after
Nottingham House and converted it into
Barker died, the shop merged with Derry &
Kensington Palace, as court personnel such
Toms, which meant that the entire frontage
as Adam Linsey, William III's Groom of the
from Wright's Lane to Young Street
Bedchamber, moved here. But when George
belonged to the same company. In 1957
III left Kensington forSt James's in 1760
the firm was taken over by the House of
Kensington Square became less fashionable
Fraser, who closed the branch on the north
with the upper classes and instead attracted
side of the road, sold the western side of the
intellectuals such as the philosopher John
store to rivals, and in the 198os leased the
Stuart Mill and ~e artist Edward Burne
upper floors to Associated Newspapers,
Jones. By the end of the nineteenth century
owners of the Daily Mail and Evening
the growth of the shops along nearby Ken-
sington High Street had begun to encroach
Derry & Toms (1861-1973) I Biba's
into the square, with Barker's stabling
(1973-s), Nos. 103-105
horses at one corner and buying up houses
Joseph Toms opened a 'Toy and Fancy
on the north side. In 1946 Kensington
Repository' in 1861 and after going into
Council declared the square to have little
partnership with Charles Derry in 1869
architectural or historical interest but voted
expanded the shop into one of the most
against its demolition. Now a conservation
fashionable in Kensington. The store never
area, it is too close to the High Street to be a
recovered from the economic downturn
desirable residential address.
brought about by the First World War and
it merged with Barker's. The premises were Pembroke Gardens
rebuilt to incorporate a sixth-floor No.31
restaurant, the Beaux Arts Rainbow Room, Ernest Oldham, a low-rank, poorly paid
and a Spanish-style roof garden with stream, Foreign Office clerk who lived on Pembroke
flamingos, arches and follies. When Derry Gardens, to the west of Earl's Court Road,
and Toms closed in January 1973 Biba's, the in the 1930s, on a visit to Paris on official
ultra-chic boutique, moved into what The business presented himself at the Soviet
Times described as 'five floors of incredib- Embassy as 'Mr Scott', offering to sell
ilia' to sell its outre clothes. Biba's also held government secret documents in his
occasional rock concerts in the shop, possession. He was refused but left the
including two rare London dates on 26 and package on his chair. When embassy staff
27 November 1973 by the New York Dolls, examined Oldham's material they found to
whose outrageously camp clothes and their surprise that the contents were valu-
visceral rock 'n' roll impressed even the able but had no idea how to repay him. The
cynical Biba' s crowd and led to an Old Grey problem was solved by Soviet agent Hans
Whistle Test appearance that left the show's Galleni, a.k.a. Dmitri Bystrlyotov, who jour-
conservative presenter, Bob Harris, foaming neyed to London, where it was likely the

English 'Mr Scott' lived, wandered into a Once the West Indian community estab-
police station and spun a highly unlikely lished roots in the area racial tension eased,
story about how he and his sister had been but conditions have failed to improve in line
involved in a car crash in Paris which had with neighbouring Notting Hill, and North
been witnessed by an Englishman whose Kensington has remained an impoverished
name and address they had unfortunately community, dominated by districts of
lost, but who worked at the Foreign Office. supreme ugliness and blight.
The duty sergeant, eager to assist, phoned
The Westway
the Foreign Office, and gave Galleni the
The Westway, like Angkor Wat, the
names and addresses of the four FO
ancient temple city in Cambodia, is a
personnel who had been in Paris that
stone dream that will never awake. As
weekend. Galleni visited each in tum until
you hurtle along this concrete deck you
he caught a glimpse of Oldham walking
become a citizen of a virtual city-state
along Pembroke Gardens. Realizing this was
borne on a rush of radial tyres- J. G.
indeed his man he approached him and
Ballard (1999)
thrust an envelope containing £2,000 into
The Westway, London's best-known
his hand. Oldham soon became a full-time
motorway, which runs above roof level for
agent for the Soviets but the relationship
two miles between White City and Edgware
soured when, racked with guilt, he resigned
Road, was constructed in the mid-196os at a
his Foreign Office post. In September 1933
cost of £33 million. Hundreds of homes had
the KGB sent their agents tcr Pembroke
to be demolished and streets were left as
Gardens and murdered Oldham in his
stumps either side of the new road, but
many of the residents living only a few yards
away received no compensation. Opposition
to the road grew as completion neared and
NORTH KENSINGTON, WIO when Conservative minister Michael Hesel-
tine opened the Westway on 18 July 1970 he
A medieval land of market gardens and
was greeted by protestors armed with plac-
hayfields owned by Westminster Abbey, it
ards proclaiming: 'Get us out of hell!
grew after the construction of the Grand
Rehouse us now.'
Junction Canal in 1801 and the arrival of the
Amusing graffiti was soon to be daubed
railways in the 1830s, and because of its
on the concrete supports and stanchions,
remoteness from fashionable parts of
one of the first instances being a Situationist
London attracted cheaply built houses, let
take on William Blake's 'The road of excess
out to poor families. The area's social prob-
leads to the Palace of Wisdom' redrawn as
lems were aggravated by Second World War
'The Road of Excess leads to the Palace of
bombing and, although some of the worst
Willesden'. That was later followed by an
housing was demolished soon after, the
existentialist warning, clearly visible from
opportunity to improve the area was lost
the nearby tube line until recendy, which
when the authorities replaced the slums of
read: 'Same thing day after day- tube -
brick-built houses and the streets on which
work- diner [sic] -work- tube- armchair
they were located with slums
-TV - sleep -tube- work- how much
of tower blocks and deck-access flats on
more can you take - one in ten go mad -
culs-de-sac and landscaped grounds. The
one in five cracks up.'
influx of poor West Indians to North Ken-
Film-makers, writers and rock bands have
sington in the mid-1950s increased social
long enjoyed a love-hate relationship with
tension and led to sporadic outbreaks of
the road. One of the best cinematic uses was
violence from white working-class youth,
in Christopher Petit's Radio On (1979}, a
exploding into the race riots of August 1958.

rare English road movie, which blends Republic of Frestonia', and appealed to the
arresting images of the road and the locale United Nations to send a peacekeeping force
with a sharp soundtrack, while J. G. to prevent council bailiffs evicting them.
Ballard's Concrete Island (1973) relates the Having adopted the motto Nos sumus una
story of a car crash on the Westway that familia ('We are one family'), all Frestonia
leaves the driver unable to flag down assist- residents took the surname Bramley to
ance from passing vehicles. The road has ensure that the Greater London Council
featured on scores of album covers since would be obliged to rehouse them together,
appearing on the back of Nick Drake's 1970 if it succeeded in evicting them. As events
album Bryter Later, and after the Clash, unfolded the national media took much
whose records were initially promoted as interest, the Daily Mail carrying a report
'the Sound of the W estway', sang about from 'Our Foreign Correspondent in
driving up and down the Westway, in and Frestonia' and coachloads of tourists visiting
out of the lanes on 'London's Burning', in Frestonia had their passports stamped. A
1977, punk groups were keen to mention the National Film Theatre of Frestonia opened
Westway to boost their credibility as in the People's Hall, the first showing being
purveyors of gritty urban realism. inevitably Passport to Pimlico, the Ealing
comedy about the inner London district
(i) west ofLadbroke Grove (North Pole) which declares independence from Britain,
and after a public inquiry a Frestonia of
The unusual name of the locality, which is houses and craft workshops, using money
dominated by Kensal Green Cemetery, donated by a 'foreign' government, Great
various railway lines, the Grand Union Britain, via the Notting Hill Housing Trust,
Canal and terraced housing of dubious was established.
quality, derives from the North Pole Tavern .,.. Passport to Pimlico, p. 245·
at 13-15 North Pole Road, near Wormwood
Scrubs, and has been reinforced in recent
Harrow Road
Kensal Green Cemetery, between Harrow
decades by the naming of the local railway
Road and the Grand Union Canal
depot 'North Pole International'. The 1950s
For there is good news yet to hear and
author Colin Macinnes kept the name's
fine things to be seen I Before we go to
consonants but reworked the vowels to
paradise by way of Kensal Green - 'The
come up with 'Napoli' in describing the area
Rolling English Road', G. K. Chesterton
('the residential doss-house of our city ...
one massive slum crawling with rats and
Filled with stone monuments of angels and
rubbish') for his 1959 novel, Absolute Begin-
sphinxes, catacombs and mausoleums, and
ners, partly set locally during the 1958 race
roamed by one of the most varied collec-
riots when, according to Macinnes, 'Napoli
tions of wildlife to be found in London,
was like a prison or concentration camp:
Kensal Green is officially the General
inside, blue murder, outside, buses and
Cemetery of All Souls, the capital's first
evening papers and hurrying home to
major burial ground, founded in 1832.
sausages and mash and tea.'
Faced with the problem of overcrowded,
Freston Road unsanitary graves, the authorities had
In October 1977 a group of squatters living engaged in a building programme in the
in Preston Road, near Latimer Road tube London suburbs that resulted in cemeteries
station, who were threatened with eviction in Norwood, Highgate, Nunhead, Abney
to make way for a new factory, announced Park, Tower Hamlets and Brompton, as well
that they had seceded from the UK, formed as here.
themselves into the 'Free and Independent Built to the designs of George Frederick

Carden, a barrister who had visited Paris shifting. Or not. Slumming trustafarians
and wanted to create a London version of in their Goa chic and blonde dreds. Slum-
Paris's Pere-Lachaise cemetery, Kensal ming trustafarians in Gucci slingbacks
Green holds the graves of many famous and Versace wraps. Arab men, Portuguese
people, including the Duke of Sussex, sixth men, drinking coffee, smoking Marlboros
son of George III, who died in 1843 and had -The Crumple Zone, Nick Barlay (2ooo)
expressed the wish. to be buried in Kensal A ramshackle street east of Portobello Road,
Green after witnessing embarrassing royal Golborne Road in recent decades has
behaviour at the funeral of William IV in become one of the most exciting spots in
Windsor; Feargus O'Connor, the nine- London, thanks to its junk shops, ad hoc
teenth-century Chartist leader, who died street stalls of cheap ephemera and cosmo-
from senile dementia in 1855 in a dirty politan population - Moroccan, Portuguese,
Notting Hill lodging house and whose Lebanese - who fill the cafes and cake shops
funeral was attended by 5o,ooo mourners; and provide the nearest thing London has to
Isambard Kingdom Brunei, buried along- a continental outdoor culture. At the
side the Great Western Railway, which he eastern end of the street is the Trellick
built (1859); John Barbirolli, Director of Tower, London's best-known residential
Music ofthe Halle Orchestra (1970); and tower block.
Ossie Clark, the clothes designer (1996). Trellick Tower, Golborne Road at Elkstone
~~>- Highgate Cemetery, p. 334. Road, south side
A sleek and beautifully proportioned thirty-
(ii) east of Ladbroke Grove (Golborne one storey tower block, once the tallest in
England, seen at its best from the nearby
Westway or Great Western Railway, it was
Houses were built on the northernmost erected between 1966 and 1973 and designed
section of the Kensington estate after the by Erno Goldfinger, the egotistical Hun-
Grand Junction Canal was cut through in garian emigre said to be the model for Ian
1801 and industrialization increased fol- Fleming's Goldfinger in the James Bond
lowing the building of various railways books. He put considerable thought into his
locally in the mid nineteenth century. In vision of homogeneous high-rise commu-
1860 fights broke out between residents and nity, providing maisonettes on three levels-
Irish immigrants prompted by the question access was therefore required only every
'Who are you for? The Pope or Garibaldi?', three floors - separating services from the
an oblique reference to whether the Church living areas in a different wing according to
or state should have ultimate authority, and the template laid down by Le Corbusier in
a hundred years later the area regularly his Unite d'Habitation in Marseilles, and
witnessed racial violence as locals chose installing timber-framed double-glazed
West Indian immigrants as scapegoats for windows which could be turned inside out
their own poor social conditions. In recent to facilitate cleaning, sliding doors within
decades more immigrants, mostly Portu- the flats that allowed unrestrained use of
guese, Lebanese and Moroccan, have space, and balconies finished with cedar clad-
arrived, bringing their own unique cultural ding, facing south-west to catch as much
flavours to the area, particularly along light as possible. On site were shops, a
Golborne Road. doctor's surgery, a nursery and an old
people's club.
Golborne Road
Despite all this the popular press vilified
Going the other way is Golborne Road.
the tower, and the local council's policy of
You can see right along it to where it
using the block as a sink estate for low-
hooks on to Portobello. Same crowd
income families meant that it was soon
plagued by the usual social blight of Mosley, former leader of the British Union
vandalism, urine-infested lifts, graffiti and of Fascists, stood as Union Movement candi-
litter, and it became known as the 'tower of date for the local parliamentary constitu-
terror'. Things changed in the mid-198os ency in October 1959 when billboards on
after a new residents' association was Southam Street were plastered with pictures
formed and chaired by Lee Boland who had of Mosley emblazoned with the message:
once met Goldfinger in the lift and berated 'He Is Coming', that were swiftly defaced
him for failing to provide broom cupboards. with the quip 'Lucky Old Him'. A scene of
Money was spent on rehabilitating the prop- children playing on a bomb site on Southam
erty and single professional people started to Street features in the Ealing cops and
move in, attracted by the stunning.views robbers thriller The Blue Lamp, a clip of
and lively architecture, resulting in Trellick which was later sampled by Donald
Tower being reborn as a fashionable Cammell and Nicholas Roeg for their cele-
address. brated 1970 film Performance (p. 452).
.,. Goldfinger's house, Hampstead, p. 366.

Southam Street
One of the poorest side streets in London in
the 1950s, described by Colin Macinnes in
There has never been anything in the
his novel Absolute Beginners as a 'rotting
world absolutely like Notting Hill. There
slum of sharp, horrible vivacity', it attracted
further notoriety on 16 May a year later
will never be anything quite like it to the
crack of doom ... And God loves it as he
when Kelso Cochrane, an Antiguan
must surely love anything which is itself
carpenter, was surrounded by six white men
unreplaceable - The Napoleon of Notting
outside the Earl of Warwick pub at the
Hill, G. K. Chesterton (1904)
comer with Golbome Road (now the
Now London's most fashionable and
Golbome House), then a stronghold of the
modish area, a magnet since the early 1960s
fascist Union Movement.~ They taunted
for writers, actors, rock stars, journalists,
Cochrane with cries of'Hey! Jim Crow!' (a
designers and film-makers and seen as the
reference to the 'Jim Crow' laws of the
embodiment of all things bohemian (a title
southern US states which barred blacks
previously held by Soho), Notting Hill grew
from jobs and public places), attacked him
during the nineteenth century as a slum and
with a knife, and left him to bleed to death.
after the Second World War attracted poor
Three days later The Times reported an inter-
West Indian immigrants, unable to afford
view with a local youth 'with sideburns two
the rents in more popular parts of London.
inches long and a pencil slim tie' who, asked
The new inhabitants soon found them-
what he felt about the murder, replied: 'One
selves at the mercy of a council which for a
less of the blacks, that's the way I look at it.
while refused to collect rubbish in streets
We've got too many of them around here.'
where black people lived and of unscrupu-
Others were of the opinion that blacks
lous landlords such as Peter Rachman who
drove around in cars that were 'too big' and
would overfill the properties and forgo
lived in houses that were 'too big', whilst,
repairs. Throughout the area there was a
paradoxically, simultaneously claiming that
culture dash between the West Indian immi-
they 'lowered the tone of the neighbour-
grants, who were used to a mainly outdoor,
hood'. No one was ever apprehended for the
noisy, night-time lifestyle, the indigenous,
crime but a local youth later revealed he had
staid, petit bourgeois white population, and
been approached by a fascist organization to
the more volatile working-class locals, which
kill a black man - any black man - for £200.
erupted at the end of the summer of 1958 in
Hoping to feed off local discontent, Oswald
the Notting Hill race riots, the most intense

The 1958 Notting Hill race riots involved in the previous night's argument
The race riots, two weeks of mayhem in outside Latimer Road station, is spotted on
August 1958 barely paralleled in London Bramley Road, taunted with cries of 'black
history, were the culmination of a summer man's trollop' and attacked with milk
of simmering violence that saw white gangs, bottles and lumps of wood. When she gets
partly out of malice and partly spurred on to her home in Bard Road she finds smoke
by the inflammatory speeches of Oswald pouring out of the house, which has been
Mosley's neo-fascist Union Movement, torched by mistake, and shouts; 'Is it blood
roaming the streets of North Kensington you're after? Go on, kill me,' at which point
and Notting Hill wrecking West Indian she is attacked with an iron bar. Morrison is
shops and looking for suitable victims. arrested --for her own safety- and held
Friday 15 August 1958 Charles Appio, a until the early hours. Meanwhile, a mob
West Indian, about to enter Ladbroke Grove gathers outside a blues party on Blechynden
station, steps aside to let a group of white Road, near Latimer Road tube station, and
youths pass, but is grabbed and beaten up. smashes its way inside screaming: 'Kill the
Three white men are arrested, but the police niggers! Keep Britain white.'
fail to prosecute. Sunday 31 Around a hundred white youths
Saturday 2.3 White Teddy Boys roam congregate outside Latimer Road tube
Notting Hill randomly attacking anyone station armed with crowbars and knives,
with black skin. randomly attacking black people. Dis-
Sunday 2.4 The police stop groups of young appointed with the small number of poten-
whites in their cars, suspecting that they are tial victims they turn on the police with
planning violence, and find nine youths in cries of 'Coppers are nigger lovers!'
one vehicle with a boot full of weapons, Monday 1 September The worst day of
including iron bars, railings and table legs. violence yet occurs after Jeffrey Hamm, a
Friday 2.9 What becomes the first day of leading associate of the fascist demagogue
rioting begins after a domestic dispute Oswald Mosley, speaks to some 700
between a Swedish woman, Majbritt supporters outside Latimer Road station,
Morrison, and her West Indian husband, igniting the crowd with inflammatory state-
Raymond, outside Latimer Road station gets ments: 'The government is to blame for
out of hand, and leads to fighting between allowing black people into Britain in the
local white youths, blacks and the police. first place. Look what they've done to Not-
Saturday 30 Tension, already high, builds ting Hill- they've turned it into a brothel.'
up during the day in pubs such as the A cry goes up from the crowd, 'Kill the
Kensington Park Hotel (139 Ladbroke niggers', and as the mob makes off women
Grove) where gangs sing 'Bye Bye Blackbird, lean out of windows shouting: 'Go on boys,
Keep Britain White'. Majbritt Morrison, get yourselves some blacks.'

outbreak of violence seen in London during mostly white began moving to Notting Hill,
the twentieth century. attracted by its reputation as an area
After the riots community leaders helped constantly on the edge and by its large black
ease tension through such bodies as the population. Yet by the mid-198os many
Notting Hill Housing Trust, which took parts ofNotting Hill had become priced out
advantage of the 1965 Rent Act giving of the range of all but the wealthiest and had
tenants more protection against rogue land- turned it into one of London's status symbol
lords. Also around this time musicians, areas, a position maintained since, despite
writers, artists and political activists - the loss of credibility with the release of the
NOTTING HILL, Wll 44.!_j
Before long white gangs, nearly 6oo nervous mood. 'With Your Tongue
strong, are roaming the area armed with Down My Throat', HanifKureishi (1987)
broken bottles, chair legs, iron bars, whips One of London's longest roads, running two
and petrol bombs, which they throw into miles north-south from Kensal Green to
houses believed to contain black inhabi- Holland Park Avenue, Ladbroke Grove,
tants. In one of the worst incidents 26-year- often used as a synonym for the area, was
old African student Seymour Manning, named after Sir Robert Ladbroke, a banker,
who has travelled down from Derby to visit who acquired the land in 1750. Sir Robert's
friends in Notting Hill, gets out at Latimer heir, Richard Weller, built an estate of sump-
Road tube station, seemingly unaware of the tuous villas, rich with baroque detail,
danger, walks along Bramley Road, and a around Lansdowne Crescent and Stanley
minute or two later runs at great speed back Crescent, and the surrounding crescents
to the station closely followed by three were lined with spacious imposing stucco
attackers. houses featuring communal gardens.
Tuesday ::z. A strange calm descends on an After the Second World War Ladbroke
area described by the Manchester Guar- Grove became something of a promised
dian as like something out of an American land for London's bohemian intelligentsia,
Deep South movie: 'Notting Hill does partly out of feelings of guilt for the treat-
not know what has hit it. Among the faces, ment black immigrants had received from
some of them distorted, some merely the local white working class and partly out
curious that congregate along the pave- of a belief that to be truly hip one had to
ments there lies an appalling pleasure with adopt black culture and mannerisms. As
self. They are waiting for something to Mike Phillips explained in Notting Hill in
happen and too many of them will be the '6os: 'For some the Grove was a testing
stirred to gratification when it does.' At ground in which they lived wild and free,
dusk hundreds of whites gather around uninhibited by laws and respectability'.
Powis Square chanting: 'We want a nigger.' One such figure was the reclusive singer-
Wednesday 3 The riots are over, but songwriter Nick Drake, who in the early
Notting Hill and North Kensington are a sea 1970s spent time in a house on Ladbroke
of broken glass and debris, with traces of Grove that had been taken over by drug
blood everywhere. addicts, sitting and saying nothing, and
Friday 5 Norman Manley, the white returned to the house in 1974 racked by
prime minister of Jamaica, visits Notting advanced paranoia and depression, to ask
Hill. Stopping in the street to talk to a one of the residents: 'You remember me.
black man, he is told by the police to You remember how I was. Tell me how I
move on. was. I used to have a brain. I used to be
~~> The Brixton riots, p. 404. somebody. What happened to me? What
happened to me?' He died three days later of
an overdose of antidepressants.
twee 1999 Hugh Grant-Julia Roberts
Ladbroke Grove has seen little change,
romantic comedy Notting Hill, set and
physically, in recent years and remains one
filmed in the area.
of London's most fascinating and compel-
Ladbroke Grove ling roads, not least because of the demo-
This is now honeyed London for the rich graphic changes that can be glimpsed from
. . . and there are more stars than beggars. walking its redoubtable length .
For example? Van Morrison in a big over-
coat is hurrying towards somewhere in a

The Notting Hill Carnival 1976 The event, attended by a crowd

In the aftermath of the 1958 Notting Hill of some 25o,ooo, is spoiled by insensitive
riots there was ·an outburst of black pride policing, with officers goading the most
in the area. Varlo us organizations were likely troublemakers into causing a fracas.
founded, including Baron Baker's United At the end of the carnival youths throw cans
Africa-Asia League and Frances Ezzrecco's at the police, who protect themselves with
Coloured People's Progressive Association, dustbin lids and charge across Ladbroke
with its motto 'United We Stand; Divided Grove, while those who flee overturn skips,
We're Lumbered', while Amy Dashwood- loot off-licences, and bum cars. There are
Garvey, Marcus Garvey's widow, opened an sixty arrests and 450 people are injured.
office for the Association for the Advance- 1981 The police use the carnival to test out
ment of Coloured People. From these new methods of crowd control, such as
groups emerged the idea of a Notting Hill the deployment of snatch squads to arrest
carnival, now Europe's largest street parade, troublemakers.
its performers, singers, sound systems and 1987 The worst riots since 1976 occur as the
food stalls filling the local streets every carnival is blighted by indiscriminate viol-
August Bank Holiday weekend. ence: an electrician is knifed to death, a man
1959 The first 'Notting Hill' Carnival takes prowls the streets armed with a broken cider
place not in Notting Hill, but at St Pancras bottle which he shoves into people's faces,
Town Hall, organized by Trinidadians living cars are set alight and skips overturned. Even-
in Notting Hill to coincide with the Carib- tually, 1,ooo officers in full riot gear charge ·
bean festival taking place back home. the crowd and the violence is dispelled.
1965 The first of the modem-day carnivals 1990 By now the carnival is being remar-
takes place in April, rather than August, and keted as a hip event for fashionable whites.
consists of a donkey cart, clown and jugglers An Association for a People's Carnival is
and one man, Russell Henderson, parading formed to combat the trend.
a steel drum around his neck along Tavis- 1997 William Hague, the leader of the
tock Road, Portobello Road and a few neigh- Conservative Party, is photographed at the
bouring streets, followed by a fire engine. carnival disingenuously wearing a baseball
Seven thousand people attend and the cap and drinking from a coconut. The
police arrest a pantomime horse. crowd reaches 2 million, two-thirds of
1969 A float organized by the Situationist whom are white.
group King Mob features a 'Miss Notting 2001 The carnival has become so popular
Hill' - a girl with a needle stuck in her arm the authorities consider moving it away
out of which pours ketchup as a send-up of from Notting Hill to a large open site such
society's preoccupation with drugs. as Hyde Park or Wormwood Scrubs. No
1974 By now the carnival is attracting longer a purely Trinidadian, or even West
crowds of 10o,ooo, thanks largely to the Indian, affair, it now includes contributions
efforts of Alex Pascal, presenter of the from Bangladesh, the Philippines, Bulgaria,
BBC's Black London radio show. Russia, Brazil, Mghanistan and Kurdistan._j

pig farm here from Tottenham Court Road

(i) Notting Dale
in 1818, covered the area in the nineteenth
A slum peopled mostly by Irish immigrants century and was described by Charles
and known variously as the Potteries, on Dickens as 'a plague spot scarcely equalled
account of the kilns and brick works, and in insalubrity by any other part of London'.
the Piggeries, after Samuel Lake moved his By 1830 there were 3,ooo pigs and 1,ooo

Notting Hill music free festivals, led anarchist lifestyles, and

West Indian immigrants arriving in Notting made few concessions to the rock industry.
Hill in the early 1950s and finding them- Hawkwind's gigs pushed the boundaries of
selves barred from nightclubs and pubs had what was then deemed acceptable, featur-
little option but to make their own entertain- ing a naked dancer (played in the 1990s
ment, mostly weekend blues parties, gath- by Samantha Fox) and a naked drummer.
ering in houses where Caribbean sounds Members of the group, who used to hand
were played and alcohol was sold (illegally) out condoms and controversial literature
to cover the cost of hosting the function and during the gigs, were busted for drugs sixty-
supplying the goat curry. As the technology eight times in thirty-six months around the
for playing records became more sophisti- beginning of the seventies.
cated, the blues parties began to feature ever Later in the decade Notting Hill became
more elaborate sound systems, that were home to three of Britain's leading record
taken on tours of different houses by flam- labels: Virgin, originally an experimental
boyant showmen such as Duke Yin the label, built arou~d the phenomenal success
Tickler and Count Suckle, both of whom of Mike Oldfield; Island, purveyors of
were based around Ladbroke Grove in the progressive rock and home of the most
early 1960s. impressive roster of the era's music
West Indian immigrants also set up a including Fairport Convention, Traffic,
number of record labels and, as Caribbean King Crimson, Nick Drake, Cat Stevens,
music began to be dominated by reggae in Free, John Martyn and Jethro Tull; and later
the 1970s, they were instrumental in intro- Rough Trade, which opened as a shop on
ducing the music to London. Island remixed Kensington Park Road in 1976 and made the
Bob Marley's songs to make them more transition from retailer to provider in 1978,
palatable to the general rock audience and setting up a label which broke new ground
Virgin established the Front Line subsidiary in English music, thanks to left field acts
for unadulterated 'roots rock reggae'. But such as the Slits, the Pop Group, Cabaret
local reggae groups such as Aswad, known Voltaire and Subway Sect, most of whom
initially as the 'Lions of Ladbroke Grove', lived locally. Notting Hill retained its
were unable to make the same headway and leading role as a centre for avant-garde
because the local scene never discovered music throughout the 1980s, as Rough
an artist to rival the leading West Indian Trade blossomed from enthusiastic tyro to
performers it gradually lost impetus, with major player, but by the end of the decade
reggae becoming little other than a dubbing with the demise of the organization, the area
alternative to soul, funk and rap. lost its elevated status in music circles as
Meanwhile, a white Notting Hill rock other areas, inspired by Notting Hill's lead,
scene developed in the late sixties, the best- began to make their own advances.
known group being Hawkwind, who played .., Rough Trade, p. 458. _j

people, but when the authorities tried to rid further south, helping with religious services
the area of the animals locals greeted them in mission halls and establishing a school
with bricks made from the pigs' stools. and a temperance society.
· Things reached their nadir in 1849 with an In 1958 the Notting Hill race riots brought
outbreak of cholera, but after Charles unwelcome attention to the area, but over
Dickens highlighted the problems in his the next two decades things became rela-
magazine, Household Words, the area was tively peaceful, marred only by the
cieaned up, churches in Kensington proper, occasional outbreak of violence at the

Notting Hill on film the film) Chas walks past a Mars Bar- a
From the earliest days of British film jokey reference to the item found inside
Notting Hill was popular with location Marianne Faithfull during the infamous
managers as it was one of the nearest areas Rolling Stones drugs bust in 1967 - bluffs his
to the Gaumont studios in Shepherd's Bush way inside (interior shots were filmed
and the Ealing studios where many British mostly at 23 Lowndes Square, Belgravia, and
films were made. In Ealing's 1949 cops and at an unknown property on Hyde Park
robbers thriller The Blue Lamp, which intro- Gate) where, fuelled by the fashionable
duced to the public the character of George drugs of the day, the main protagonists
Dixon (of Dock Green), a car chase takes engage in exotic sex, swap identities and
place along St Mark's Road, Bramley Road, participate in tortuous mind games, after
Preston Road and Ladbroke Grove. The which the merged Chas/Turner is driven
seedy bedsit of Bryan Forbes's The L-Shaped away from Powis Square in a Rolls-Royce.
Room (1962) was a house on St Luke's Road, Warner Brothers executives were shocked
just south of Westbourne Park tube. In The when they saw the takes. The sex scenes
Italian Job, the ever-popular 1968 crime between Jagger and Anita Pallenberg didn't
caper, Charlie Croker (played by Michael look faked; there were scenes in which
Caine) lives in a mews house off Portobello Jagger was sharing a bath with Pallenberg
Road. Two years later the seedy side of and another woman, Michele Breton; and
Notting Hill featured heavily in Richard the violence was deemed to be too realistic
Fleischer's chilling 10 Rillington Place about (the film's 'Dialogue Consultant and Tech-
the real-life murders at that address. There nical Adviser', David Litvinoff, was an
are also Notting Hill scenes in The Lavender associate of the recently jailed Kray twins on
Hill Mob (1951), Quadrophenia (1979), Sid & whom the film's villains were obviously
Nancy (1984) and Absolute Beginners (1986), modelled). Warners called a halt and it took
among others. However, the area is mostly the producers some time to convince them
associated with two films, Donald Cammell to proceed. Consequently it was two years
and Nicholas Roeg's bleak psychological before the film, by then heavily cut, was
drama Performance (1970) and the wispy released. Reviewers have since called
Roger Michell romantic comedy Notting Performance a masterpiece of British cinema
Hill (1999). and Marianne Faithfull has proclaimed it to
Performance (Donald CammeWNicholas be 'truly our Picture of Dorian Gray'.
Roeg, 1970) Notting Hill (Roger Michell, 1999)
Gangster Chas (James Fox) goes on the run The lightest of romantic comedies, roundly
from fellow crooks and while waiting for a condemned for showing a Wll shorn of all
train at Waterloo station overhears a conver- its character, edge and black faces, Notting
sation between a rock musician and his Hill was billed as a 'sort of but not really'
mother about a flat in Powis Square, Not- sequel to Four Weddings and a Funeral,
ting Hill, he has vacated that is also home to which also starred Hugh Grant. Much of the
Turner, a reclusive rock star (played by film was shot locally, but things did not
Mick Jagger). Chas decides that the flat always go according to plan. One night, with
would make an ideal bolthole and hails a roads roped off and the camera crew
cab to Powis Square, getting out to the preparing for action, the loud strains of
strains ofRy Cooder's 'Powis Square' theme Bruckner's 7th Symphony came booming
as a hippy girl comes out of Nos. 23-24 from an upstairs window. Film-makers
holding a milk bottle and a cauliflower. On remonstrated with the resident to turn
the doorstep of No. 25 (depicted as No. 81 in down the music, to no avail, and eventually

Julia Roberts was obliged to go and plead annual Notting Hill carnival. After the villas
with the man. This seemed to work and the were split into flats they became popular
music was turned off, but as filming began it with writers, rock musicians and others in
returned, louder than ever. 'You said you'd the arts until in the 1980s some of the
tum it down,' the producer called up. 'I properties were converted back to family
will,' replied the man, 'when the movement homes by incoming professionals.
is finished.' Despite the film's shortcomings • Notting Dale is the area south of the
its success sent large numbers of tourists to Westway, west ofLadbroke Grove.
Notting Hill in search of the local sites
portrayed in the film. These include: Bartle Road
Nicholl's Antique Arcade, 142 Portobello 10 lltflbaatn ..."
Road. Setting for the bookshop owned by No. 10 Rillington Place, a shabby three-
storey terraced house overlooking the rail-
William Thacker, played by Hugh Grant,
way line, became the most infamous address
where he encounters world-famous film
star Anna Scott (Julia Roberts). in London in the early 1950s thanks to the
killing spree carried out by John Christie,
The Travel Bookshop, 13-15 Blenheim Cres-
cent. The inspiration for Thacker's shop and who lived here between 1943 and 1953 and
killed at least eight women, including his
where scriptwriter Richard Curtis, research-
wife. See box, next page.
ing the film, learned the art of bookselling.
Coronet Cinema, 103 Notting Hill Gate. Blenheim Crescent
Where Thacker and Scott go on their first One of a number of crescents radiating
date. from the centre of Ladbroke Estate, Blen-
Communal Gardens, Rosmead Road, off heim Crescent was built in 1841 with roomy
Ladbroke Grove. A residents-only garden Italianate stucco-dad houses of several
where the couple climb in for a kiss on a storeys and was a desirable address before
bench. the Second World War, declining in status
28o Westbourne Park Road. Thacker's in the 1950s when the houses were broken
home, from where he emerges out of the up into poorly maintained flats.
'blue door' to be greeted by paparazzi. The Marc Bolan's address (1968-70), No. 57
film's scriptwriter, Richard Curtis, owned the Bolan and his wife, June, moved to what the
property and after Notting Hill's release sold singer's biographer, Mark Paytress,
it to Caroline Freud for £1.2 million. By late described as 'the heart of the capital's freak
1999 Freud was so annoyed at being besieged community' in 1968, soon after the forma-
by fan~ of the film that she put up the door tion of his first major group, Tyrannosaurus
for sale and it went at an auction for £5,750. Rex, a mostly acoustic duo playing a blend
The next day graffiti, 'blue door RI.P .', of folk, English whimsy and space rock. The
appeared on the adjacent wall and foreign flat was sparsely furnished, with little more
tourists, not realizing that the door from the than a two-ring cooker, and there was a
film had been removed, kept knocking, shared bathroom. Nevertheless Bolan found
assuming it had simply been painted over. the room to create what he optimistically
Portfolio, 105 Golborne Road. The card called 'Toadstool Studios', a ringed-off
shop which featured as the restaurant where section of the one room, soundproofed with
Thacker and friends discuss his decision to egg cartons, where he wrote songs for Tyran-
end his affair with Scott. nosaurus Rex's first two albums. The Bolans
Zen Garden, 31-35 Craven Hill Gardens, moved out when he became successful at
Bayswater. Anouska Hempel's hotel where the beginning of the 1970s.
the couple marry. _j

Victims of 10 Rillington Place Victims three and four, Beryl and

Victim one, Ruth Fuerst, August 1943 Jeraldine Evans, 8 November 1949
John Christie, a wartime special constable In May 1948 Timothy Evans, a Welsh simple-
who had an officious, zealous manner that ton, and his pregnant wife, Beryl, moved
earned him the nickname the 'Himmler of into the top-floor flat at 10 Rillington Place,
Rillington Place', strangled student nurse and that October Beryl gave birth to a girl,
and part-time prostitute Ruth Fuerst during Jeraldine. A few months later she fell preg-
sex, while his wife was on holiday. A few nant again and Evans made inquiries about
minutes later a telegram arrived informing getting an abortion (then illegal), which
him that his wife would soon be returning Christie offered to perform himself. While
home with her brother. He buried the body Evans was at work Christie told Beryl to
under the floorboards though he let his lie down and then attacked and killed
brother-in-law stay the night in the room, her, leaving her on the bed. Christie later
retrieving the corpse after he had left. Before explained to Evans that complications
reburying Fuerst in the yard Christie shaved during the operation had led to Beryl's
off her pubic hair, placing it in a tin he death but that he could not go to the
eventually used for storing the pubic hairs police immediately as he might be pros-
of all his victims. Fuerst's disappearance was ecuted for manslaughter - poor reward
blamed on an air raid. for selflessly performing a home
Victim two, Muriel Eady, October 1944 abortion - with Evans viewed as an
A year after murdering Fuerst, Christie accomplice.
killed Muriel Eady, a 32-year-old workmate, Christie disposed of Beryl's body in the
when she made the mistake of responding washhouse, promising to take care of the
to his invitations to visit 10 Rillington Place baby by placing her with 'a nice couple' in
for a cure for her catarrh. While making east Acton, but a few days later the child was
Eady a cup of tea Christie rigged up a glass killed, strangled either by Christie or, as
jar containing Friar's Balsam, pierced two some believe, by a distraught Evans. Christie
holes through the lid and inserted them into encouraged Evans to go to Wales and think
rubber tubing connected to the gas mains. things over, but a few days later, panic-
Eady buried her head under a towel to stricken, Evans went into a police station
breathe in the mixture, whereupon Christie and announced: 'I want to give myself up. I
turned on the mains. When she was have disposed of my wife and have put her
poisoned by the carbon monoxide fumes he down the drain.' Police went to 10 Ril-
carried her to his bed, sexually assaulted her lington Place where three officers lifted the
and strangled her. He then buried the body manhole cover but found nothing down the
in the back yard and used her thighbone to drain. Accused of lying, Evans admitted that
hold up the rickety fence. Her disappear- he had done so 'to protect a man called
ance was also blamed on German V2s/ Christie'. The police returned to the house

Hippodrome Place disgusting crew than we have the misfortune

A 140-acre racecourse, advertised in the to encounter ... with a coarseness and
Sporting Magazine as 'an emporium even obscenity oflanguage as repulsive to every
more extensive and attractive than Ascot or feeling of manhood as to every sense of
Epsom', opened in 1840 on a large patch of common decency'. The venture was a finan-
land to the north-west ofNotting Hill Gate, cial failure as the ground consisted of heavy
and was attended by racegoers described clay which made racing unsuitable, and it
by the Sunday Times as 'a more filthy or closed in 1841.

and found the two bodies, but Christie, the Victim eight, Hectorina Maclennan,
ex-policeman, was never suspected of the 6March 19S3
murders and Evans, persuaded to confess to Christie's last victim was a 26-year-old Scot-
them, was hanged. tish girl who had come to look at a room at
Victim five, Ethel Christie, 10 Rillington Place. Christie attacked her,
14 December 19S:J. gassed her and then had sexual intercourse
After Evans's hanging Christie's murderous with the body. As with the two previous
tendencies remained dormant for a few victims he placed the corpse in the alcove.
years. By the end of December 1952,
however, he was becoming increasingly After murdering Maclennan Christie moved
agitated with his wife, who had begun out and sublet the undesirable residence,
complaining incessantly about the presence which had eight corpses secreted in various
of black people in the neighbourhood and places. On 24 March 1953, a few days after
taunting him about his impotence, and on Christie had left, one of the new tenants,
14 December 1952 he strangled her in bed, Beresford Brown, engaged in DIY repairs,
burying her under the floorboards. shone his torch into the alcove where
Victim six, Kathleen Maloney, Christie had buried his three most recent
January 19S3 victims and saw the bodies. Hysterical, he
Christie picked up the drunken Kathleen called the police,. who uncovered the
Maloney, an occasional prostitute, in the remaining corpses. Now the police realized
Westminster Arms on Praed Street, took that Christie was the culprit and launched a
her back to Rillington Place and gassed nationwide search, and he was spotted in
her. He then strangled her, had sexual Putney a week later. Christie was convicted
intercourse with the dead body, made of the various murders at the Old Bailey
himself a cup of tea and went to bed. The where, three years previously, Timothy
following day he buried Maloney in an Evans had been sentenced to death for a
alcove in the house. crime he had not committed. Like Evans he
Victim seven, Rita Nelson, was hanged at Pentonville.
January 19S3 In his book 10 Rillington Place (1961),
A few days later Christie murdered another Ludovic Kennedy argued that Evans was
prostitute, Rita Nelson, whom he enticed wrongly hanged and launched the campaign
back to the house on the pretext of being that led to a posthumous pardon for the
able to help her with an abortion. He gassed Welshman. Rillington Place, which had
her, strangled her, had sexual intercourse been renamed Ruston Close in the late
with the corpse and buried her in the alcove 1950s, was demolished in the 1970s and
alongside Maloney. rebuilt as Bartle Road. There is no longer a
property at No. 10, just a garden between
the modem-day Nos. 9 and u. _j

Lansdowne Crescent September 1970. He had returned to the

The western half of Richard Weller's grand room rented by his girlfriend, Monika
circus, the centrepiece of his Ladbroke Danneman, at around 3 a.m., eaten a tuna
Estate, built in the 186os. sandwich and taken a sleeping tablet. When
Site of Jimi Hendrix's death, Samarkand he woke up at about 7 a.m. he spoke to
Hotel, No. 22 Danneman, but fell asleep again. A few
Jimi Hendrix died in the Samarkand Hotel hours later Danneman found she could not
(now private apartments) on Friday 18 wake the guitarist and noticed that he had

been sick and had taken a number of pills. the effect by labelling the issue containing
She called an ambulance, which took him the piece 'Cunt Power Oz'.
to StMary Abbot's Hospital in Kensington Early in 1970 Neville called for 'any
where he was pronounced dead. Although readers who are under 18 to come and edit
a doctor at the hospital claimed Hendrix . the April issue'. Those who responded
had drunk so much red wine that he had included Peter Popham (later of the Inde-
drowned trying to regurgitate it, the official pendent), Deyan Sudjic (who went on to
reason given at the time was 'inhalation of become the Guardian's architecture corre-
vomit due to barbiturate intoxication', later spondent) and Charles Shaar Murray (an
changed to an open verdict. influential journalist on the New Musical
Express during its 1970s heyday), who pro-
Princedale Road duced an issue with a cover containing
A pleasant street of charming small houses images of naked black girls. That led to
and offices, leading north from Holland officers from the Vice Squad raiding the
Park Avenue, it was the setting for much
premises and the editors - Felix Dennis, Jim
political and counter-culture activity in the Anderson and Richard Neville- being
first decades after the Second World War.
charged with publishing an obscene maga-
Colin Jordan ran the White Defence League, zine. The trial that followed was the longest
an avowedly racist organization which advo- obscenity trial ever held in Britain, and after
cated keeping Britain white at a time of the three were convicted in August 1971 of
growing black immigration, from No. 74 various obscenity charges they were sent to
in the 1950s. Caroline Coon opened Release, Wormwood Scrubs.
Britain's first drugs awareness organization, More than twenty years later the judge
at No. 70 in the 1960s, and around the same who sentenced them, Mr Justice Argyle,
time Oz, the counter-culture magazine, was told the Spectator that behind Oz lay 'a
based here. conspiracy of criminals who were selling
Oz (19605, 19705), No. 52 [the magazine] together with soft drugs at
Oz, the irreverent underground magazine, the entrance to state schools and youth
founded in Australia on April Fools' Day clubs'. Dennis sued, won an apology and
1963 by Richard Neville, Richard Walsh and £1o,ooo in damages which he donated to
Martin Sharp, was relaunched in Britain in charity.
February 1967 and caught the rebellious
flavour of the times by encouraging readers
to 'Turn On, Tune In and Drop Dead'. It (ii) Kensington Park
ran articles on the novelist Colin Macinnes; The centre of what is now fashionable wu
the black activist Michael X; Private Eye, and one of the liveliest areas in London,
which was criticized for having too many Kensington Park was given its name in the
writs; the burgeoning flower power move- 1840s by developers desperate to attract
ment; drugs; the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper LP; wealthy residents and was covered thirty
and alternative theatre, but unlike its main years later with elegant spacious houses
rival, International Times, was mostly a coated in cream stucco, at its southern end,
hedonistic affair. It had no socialist mani- and closely packed terraced houses in stock
festo, little awareness of progressive social brick further north. It was these houses that
issues (male writers had their names printed
were at the centre of the slum empire run by
in full, while female contributors were
Peter Rachman in the 1950s and were later
identified solely by their first name) and,
colonized by the kind of white liberals now
although it published Germaine Greer's often described by the slightly disparaging
ground-breaking feminist essay, 'The Poli- neologism 'trustafarian'.
tics of Female Sexuality', in 1970, it ruined

AU Sa;nts Road Nine, their number including Darcus

Built from 1852 to 1861 on land which Awonsu, now Darcus Howe, the Brixton
belonged to Porto Bello Farm and named community leader.
after All Saints church on Talbot Road, All Critchlow made a name for himself
Saints Road became a street of shabby shops during the fifty-five-day trial by replying
and pokey flats in the early 1950s, attracting to the judge's claim that he had thirty-five
West Indian immigrants looking for cheap years of experience: 'We have had 400 years
accommodation. By the 1970s it had become of colonial experience'. Five of the nine
a haunt of anarchists, muggers and hard- were found guilty on minor drugs charges;
selling ganja dealers who would accost Critchlow was acquitted. Over the next
passers-by to sample their wares and stage decade or so, there were fifty more raids on
indiscriminate robberies, during which the Mangrove and several more prosecu-
doors would be broken down and people tions, with Critchlow again being acquitted.
beaten up in hallways; victims were beaten Finally, on 20 May 1988, two decades of
even harder if they did not have 'enough' confrontation came to a head when a squad
money on them. Things began to improve of forty-eight officers descended on ~he
by the end of the 1980s during the general Mangrove and arrested Critchlow for drugs
gentrification ofwu, when crime moved offences. He was remanded in Wormwood
north of the W estway towards Harlesden, Scrubs for six weeks, but when the case
and All Saints Road has since become an came to court the judge threw it out and it
attractive street of record shops, cafes, later transpired that police had planted the
restaurants and presentable flats. drugs. Critchlow sued for false imprison-
east side: Tavistock Crescent to Westboume ment and was awarded £so,ooo by the High
Park Road Court. The restaurant went bankrupt in
No.18 1991, briefly reopened as Mas Cafe, and is
Previously the Apollo pub, it became the now shut again. Opposite stands the
hub oflocal West Indian nightlife in the Mangrove Information Centre.
1960s, after the landlord lifted the colour bar
but was closed down by police in 1982, Blenheim Crescent Also seep. 453
having become a centre for drug dealing. It The eastern end of Blenheim Crescent is
later reopened as Metamorphosis recording Notting Hill's best road for bookshops with
studios. Books for Cooks at No. 4, Garden Books
(No. n) and the Travel Bookshop, inspi-
Frank Critchlow opened the Mangrove ration for William Thacker's bookshop in
Restaurant here in 1968 and it soon became the film Notting Hill (No. 15).
an unofficial advice centre and meeting Totobag's (19505-1970s), No. 9, south side
place for the local black community, visited Totobag's cafe, one of the area's first impor-
by dignitaries such as the singer Sammy tant West Indian meeting places, where men
played dominoes, cards and ludo, was also
Davis Jnr and the historian C. L. R. James,
and a fashionable hangout for white patronized by white liberals, including Sarah
bohemians. When drug dealers began Churchill, daughter of Winston, who would
turn up in a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce.
frequenting the Mangrove in 1969 it became
a target of police raids, and in the summer During the 1958 riots it was besieged by a
white mob that was taunted from an
of 1970 officers used the excuse that food
upstairs window by one of the regulars,
had been served after n p.m. to prosecute
Baron Baker, who mockingly shouted at
Critchlow. There were local demonstrations
against police harassment but officers raided them: 'Get back to where you come from.'
the restaurant again and arrested nine regu- As the siege went on for some hours, those
lars, who became known as the Mangrove trapped inside resorted to drastic measures,

such as the throwing of Molotov cocktails publicly urging the shooting of any white
out of the windows on to their attackers, man seen with a black girl, and was jailed
which brought the swift arrival of the police for nine months. Yet he retained popularity
who arrested six blacks and three whites for with the largely white underground scene
causing an affray. that congregated around Notting Hill and
rock groups were keen to hire his RAAS
Colville Terrace (Racial Adjustment Action Society) organiz-
The eastern continuation of Elgin Crescent,
ation to provide 'security' for various gigs.
it was where landlords crammed West
At the end of the sixties X opened a Centre
Indian immigrants into crumbling villas in
in Holloway Road, but in 1971 he left for
the 1950s resulting in the street having the Trinidad, where he was hanged for murder.
highest population density in the UK ..,. Michael X's Black Centre, Holloway Road,
outside Glasgow.
p. 337·
Michael de Freitas's address (early 1960s),
No.24 Kensington Park Road
Michael de Freitas, the self-styled leader of A long, skewed road running parallel to
Notting Hill's black community in the Portobello Road, it takes in the spacious
1960s, worked as a pimp when he first villas of the Ladbroke Estate, with their
arrived from Trinidad in the mid-1950s, exquisite cream-coloured stucco, at its
briefly appeared in the news after trying to southern end and small, intimate shops
smuggle a Yugoslav girl into Britain, and further north. In the 1950s the road was a
gained notoriety in criminal circles after major meeting place for local fascists who
carrying to the getaway car a gang leader held street meetings outside the synagogue
who fainted during an armed robbery in at No. 206.
Reading. He also played a leading role in Rough Trade (1976-Ss), No. 202, east side
organizing resistance to attacks from white Inspired by Lawrence Ferlinghetti's City
groups during the 1958 Notting Hill race Lights alternative bookshop in San Fran-
riots. Two years later De Freitas became a cisco, Geoff Travis opened the Rough Trade
rent collector for the rogue landlord Peter record shop at No. 202 in February 1976,
Rachman after the latter caught him filling the racks with hardcore Jamaican
burgling his Monmouth Road office, but reggae and obscure American punk rock,
eventually he turned on Rachman, helping which had a small fanatical cult following in
his tenants win rent reductions. the UK. When British groups began making
De Freitas converted to Islam in 1965 and records in the punk idiom, Rough Trade
took the name Michael Abdul Malik, but became a major meeting place for fanzine
after reading an article in the Sunday Times writers, rock journalists, hangers-on and the
about Malcolm X, the American Black bands themselves, who would bring in
Power leader, and another former pimp, copies of their records and pin the sleeves
whom he once briefly met in an Earl's Court on the wall gallery next to their rivals'
restaurant, changed it to Michael X. De efforts.
Freitas helped organize the first Nottiri.g Hill Musicians soon began asking Travis for
carnivals and in 1966 took boxer Cassius help in getting a record cut and he came to
Clay around the area before his fight with the conclusion that he should release them
Henry Cooper. Clay later gave him his himself, setting up the Rough Trade record
blood-spattered shorts with the greeting: label in 1978. Early releases covered a huge
'Here's the blood of an Englishman for you.' range of styles: the whimsical English eccen-
In 1967 X became the first person to be tricity of Swell Maps; the slapstick of the
prosecuted under the Race Relations Act, Monochrome Set; the brutal onslaught of
for using the term 'white monkeys' ~d Stiff Little Fingers; and the deadpan satire of
Cabaret Voltaire, who used cut-and-paste Pharmacy, No. 150, north side
techniques that mixed electronics, dub Briefly the most fashionable restaurant in
reggae, avant-garde classical ideas and noise London at the end of the twentieth century,
samples in a style that is now widespread Pharmacy, the brainchild of the shock artist
even in the mainstream, but was then revolu- Damien Hirst, the PR guru Matthew Freud
tionary. and superchef Marco Pierre White, opened
Travis and colleagues conducted business on 15 January 1998, its medical decor,
as a co-operative that he described as 'pro- inspired by Peter Savile's cover for the
feminist, pro-humanitarian, anti-fascist, New Order single 'Fine Time', featuring
anti-authoritarian' - unlike the practice of oversized medicine cabinets and walls decor-
most record labels, female acts were not ated with pictures of pills and capsules. The
shunted to the side or paraded as novelties opening-night party was attended by the
but, in the case of the Raincoats, Delta 5, most famous names from Notting Hill's
Essential Logic, Kleenex and Slits, pushed as bohemian past, including the actress Anita
central to the label's image - and by the Pallenberg and the chanteuse Marianne
mid-eighties Rough Trade had set up a Faithfull, and those who began patronizing
national independent record distribution the restaurant included other local celebri-
network that helped establish Joy Division, ties such as Damon Albam, Kate Moss and
New Order and Depeche Mode, and had Helen Fielding. Pharmacy was unable to
signed the Smiths who, along with New maintain its elevated position, though,
Order, became one of the leading British and, with mounting losses, was sold to a
groups of the era. restaurant group at the end ofthe year. It
But things did not remain buoyant for reopened in September 2001 with a party
long and rapid expansion, combined with ignored by celebrities and the public.
lax business control, led to cash flow prob-
lems. When the independent distribution Portobello Road
network collapsed, so did the Rough Trade All along the gutter rickety stalls and
barrows were piled high with rags, torn
label, which passed through various unsym-
jerseys, mismatched shoes, chipped china,
pathetic owners before eventually returning
to Travis's hands during the 1990s. The bent tin trays, three-legged furniture and
shop, protected under a separate franchise, unfunctioning appliances from the early
days of electricity- An Open Book,
moved in 1985 to Talbot Road, where it has
continued to thrive, with branches opening Monica Dickens (1978)
in Covent Garden and Tokyo. One of London's most famous street
markets, along with Petticoat Lane, and
Notting Hill Gate the centre of the capital's antique trade,
Notting Hill Gate, the main east-west road Portobello Road began as a country lane
at the southern end of wu, is named after linking Kensal Green and Kensington Palace
the tollgate that was situated at the Pem- alongside a farm, Barley Shotts, which was
bridge Road comer from 1769 to 1864. It situated between modem-day Chesterton
offers little indication of the wealth of Road and Oxford Gardens, and was
interest that can be found in the streets on renamed 'Portobello' in the mid eighteenth
either side, being a shabby mix of Victorian century in honour of Admiral Vernon's
shops, many now owned by the Music and capture of Puerto Bello in the Gulf of
Video Exchange chain, built into the front Mexico from the Spanish in 1739. The route
gardens of the terraced houses, and crude later took the name Portobello Lane and a
1960s precinct-style blocks on the south market was opened by gypsies trading
side. horses in the 187os, the first licences being
handed to stallholders in 1929. Antique

traders arrived after the Second World War, at a nearby Greek restaurant and before the
following the closure of Caledonian market bill arrived a waiter brought to the table a
in Holloway, and business boomed as public platter covered with a silver lid which he
interest in nostalgia increased. Portobello removt;d with a flourish to reveal ten joints
Road is now one of the most crowded - one for each of the assembled throng.
weekend spots in the capital, its enduring The following day Dire Straits' management
popularity explained by the quality of the phoned to tell Virgin that the band had
goods on offer, its winding length, which chosen to sign for Phonogram instead. No
provides an unexpected visual treat at every reason for rejecting Virgin was given, and
turn, and the picturesque nature of its Branson remained mystified at the group's
compact, gaily painted houses south ofWest- decision until he learned ten years later that
bourne Grove. Dire Straits had thought Virgin were trying
"' Petticoat Lane, p. 289. to ply them with drugs to soften them up
west side: Pembridge Road to the Westway before presenting them with the contracts.
No. us In fact the joints had come courtesy of the
June Aylward opened Portobello Road's first waiter, whose generosity could be said to
antique store at No. 115 in 1950. have cost the label some £sao million in
Virgin Records (1973-85), 2-4 Vernon sales.
Yard at 117 Portobello Road Soon Virgin did achieve notable success,
Following the success of his Virgin record however, signing the Sex Pistols in 1977
shops in the early 1970s Richard Branson when no other established label in the
founded a record company in 1973 with four country would touch them after their ignom-
releases including The Faust Tapes by the inious departures from EMI and A&M, and
German group Faust, an amalgam of guitar setting up a reggae offshoot, Front Line
noises, tape loops and histrionic effects Records, which for many whites was an
which was banned from the album charts introduction to reggae with a heavier
on account of its 49 pence price tag, and production sound and more arcane lyrics
Tubular Bells, written and recorded in than the bowdlerized Bob Marley & the
almost its entirety by Mike Oldfield, a Wailers' offerings available from Island
prodigious twenty-year-old multi- Records. Virgin emerged from the punk/
instrumentalist. Tubular Bells was cut from new wave era on a strong footing, signing
2,300 different recordings, eventually topped PiL, the Human League, XTC, Japan and
the British and American charts, was Culture Club, and by the mid-eighties the
featured in The Exordst film and remains label had outgrown Vernon Yard and its
one of the artistic cornerstones of former small-scale independent status and
progressive rock. established itself as one of Britain's biggest
Branson's attempts to replicate Oldfield's labels, inspiring Branson to begin building
success did not initially work. A bid to sign his multi-faceted business empire.
wcc, then at their peak, foundered, as did Electric Cinema, No. 191
over-ambitious moves to enrol the Who and One of the oldest purpose-built cinemas in
Pink Floyd, while the Rolling Stones decided the country, the Electric Cinema is decor-
that Virgin were too small. By the start of ated with furnishings typical of the Edwar-
1977, with punk having replaced prog rock dian period, including ornate plaster work,
as the sound of the era, Virgin was desperate a mosaic floor, swags of fruits, vegetables
to find a major new commercial act and and flowers, and has a cream faience tiled
approached the newly formed and unsigned exterior. It opened in 1911 with a screening
Dire Straits, whom a talent scout had heard of a film of Shakespeare's Henry VIII
on a radio session, with a view to signing a recorded at Her Majesty's Theatre, Hay-
deal. The two parties negotiated over dinner market, and during the First World War
NOTTING HILL, Wll .f6_:j
locals, suspecting that the German manager life as a tramp in the slum areas of east
was signalling to overhead Zeppelins, stoned London with the idea of collecting research
the cinema. In the 1960s the Electric Cinema for a book on the subject - which became
became an art-house venue, and the policy Down and Out in Paris and London (19.33).
of showing esoteric films continued until
1983, when the premises were sold and the Powis Gardens
new owners began screening first runs. eue.mtti.O..U
Repertory films were later reintroduced, In autumn 1966 the newly formed Pink
Floyd played some of their earliest concerts
however, and in 1992 the celebrated Spanish
director Pedro Almodovar, spotted watch- in a now-demolished church hall, just south
of Westbourne Park Road as part of the
ing an all-nighter of his own films and
London Free School's Light and Sound
urged to give a short speech, rambled on
at length in incomprehensible Spanglish, Workshop. Joel and Toni Brown, associates
of Dr Timothy Leary, the prime mover of
finishing off by declaring: 'I love New York'
the sixties counter-culture, put on a light
to bemused patrons. The cinema closed
show, probably for the first time at a rock
down in the 1990s but reopened in 2001.
concert in Britain, projecting slides on to
east side: Westway to Pembridge Road
Market Bar (Former Golden Cross), the bodies of the musicians as they played.
When the Browns returned to America the
No. 240, north-east junction with Lancaster
gig's promoters, Peter Jenner and Andrew
King, having little idea how to put on a
In his 1989 novel London Fields Martin Amis
similar show, made a trip to British Home
depicted the pub, then the Golden Cross,
as the Black Cross, a den of 'TV, darts and Stores, where they bought some spotlights.
pimball [sic]' and haunt of Keith Talent, At the next gig they used everyday house-
'an obsessive tail-chaser of the type that hold switches to operate the spotlights
through coloured Perspex nailed on to
was meant to have died out years ago'. In
wood and stretched condoms across the
the 1990s the building was gentrified and
reopened as the Market Bar to cater for the projector to create unusual effects. Pink
Floyd later took their show to the UFO
new moneyed 1990s Notting Hill crowd
under the stewardship of John Leyton, the club on Tottenham Court Road. Hawkwind,
who became the epitome ofNotting Hill
former actor and singer who starred in The
Great Escape and recorded the atmospheric rock in the 1970s, made their first appear-
single 'Johnny Remember Me' for Joe Meek ance at the hall on 29 August 1969, though
not on the bill, after gatecrashing the stage
in the 1960s.
and announcing they would be the first
~ Joe Meek's studio, p. 337·
George Orwell's address (1927-8), No. 22 bandon.
After resigning his commission in the ~ uao dulJ, p. 148.
Burmese police force, Orwell (then Eric Powis Square
Blair) moved to London,. finding lodgings By then long decayed into one of the seed-
with an old acquaintance, the poet Ruth iest spots in west London, Powis Square was
Pitter, who, on finding out that he wanted a haunt of pimps and prostitutes in the
to be a writer, told him that he had left it 1950s and became the setting for some of the
too late and had no income to fall back on. worst violence that befell the area during the
Her scepticism was reinforced when she 1958 race riots. A BBC reporter, Com-
looked at his verse, which she thought naive mander George Villiers, recorded his reac-
and amateurish, later recalling how 'we used tions to the violence as it took place around
to laugh till we cried at some of the bits he him: 'Today, as an Englishman, I have been
showed us'. Nevertheless Blair pressed on made to feel ashamed of British justice.'
with his ambitions and chose to experience When approached by a policeman, who

asked him if he had any weapons on him, teach could run a class in 1965. John
Villiers replied: 'Yes, my weapons are pen Michell, now connected with Fortean Times,
and paper,' handing his fountain pen to the who owned the property, lectured on UFOs
bemu~ed officer before being thrown into a and other mysterious business, and the
Black Maria. school also helped organize the first proper
In June 1959 the West London Rent Notting Hill Carnival in 1964 and stage early
Tribunal found flats at Nos. 31, 32, 44 and 45 gigs by Pink Floyd at the nearby All Saints
Powis Square owned by Peter Rachman, the Hall (see above) in 1966. That year,
landlord who came to be associated with Hopkins, having heard a tape of the newly
London's worst slum landlordism, 'scruffy, formed Velvet Underground, made an
dirty and unfit for human habitation'. But audacious attempt to become the group's
tenants who had been due to appear before manager, phoning contacts in New York
the tribunal to complain about Rachman and eventually getting through to the band's
withdrew their appeals after being intimi- John Cale, who explained that a 'Mr
dated by him and his associates. In the 1960s Warhol' was looking after their affairs. The
the Situationist group King Mob planned to London Free School closed in 1967.
open up the fenced-off area within the ... UWO dub, p. 148.
square as an ad hoc children's playground, a David Hockney's studio (1960-77), No. 17,
plan that was by far the least contentious of east side
the group's various eccentric and unrealized Before moving to California the artist David
aims, which included blowing up Words- Hackney lived on Powis Terrace where, as
worth's Lake District cottage and hanging Roy Strong noted in his diary, there was
the Holland Park peacocks. External shots 'every sign that gentility had long since fled',
of No. 25 were included in the cult Donald and used to throw Saturday afternoon tea
Cammel!Nicholas Roeg film Performance parties which Andy Warhol attended on a
(see Notting Hill on film, p. 452). couple of occasions. Of the various pieces
Hackney created here the best known is
Powis Terrace probably Domestic Scene, Notting Hill (1963),
Peter Rachman, the slum landlord, bought
which shows a seated figure, modelled on
his first properties, Nos. 1-16 Powis Terrace,
the clothes designer Ossie Clark, who had
for £2o,ooo in the early 1950s, installing a
been at the Royal College of Art at the same
Nigerian landlord who was obliged to find
time as Hackney, and a naked man, Mo
him £300 a week in rent. Although there
McDermott, Hackney's regular model and
was room for around 200 people in the
assistant, placed in a two-dimensional space
houses there were soon 1,200 living there,
with no floors or walls.
the rent being collected by agents who
... Francis Bacon, p. 424 and p. 425.
visited the flats accompanied by a wrestler
and an Alsatian. Powis Terrace was a major
flashpoint during the 1958 Notting Hill race SHEPHERD'S BUSH, W12
riots, but a decade later was at the centre of
the local bohemian culture, John Hopkins's
A vibrant but charmless district of Victorian
London Free School being based at No. 26a.
terraced houses, partly gentrified in recent
London Free School (196os), No. 26a, west
years, Shepherd's Bush takes its name from
side the local shepherds who rested their flocks
John Hopkins, a photo-journalist who was
on Shepherd's Bush Common, the centre of
one of the main figures in the 1960s London
the district, and was commercialized fol-
counter-culture and helped set up Inter-
lowing the arrival of the railways in the mid
national Times, launched the London Free nineteenth century, the population rising
School where anybody who had anything to
from around 1o,ooo to 250,000 soon after.

The area has been associated with film and until being spotted by a schoolboy. While
television production since the earliest days: the drama unfolded, the provocative chant
many of Britain's first films were made at 'Harry Roberts is our friend, he shoots
the Lime Grove studios early in the twen- coppers' could be heard on football terraces
tieth century, and BBC Television has been throughout Britain. Roberts was later jailed
based in Wood Lane, White City, since the for thirty years.
late 1950s.
Du Cane Road
Wormwood Scrubs Prison
(i) Wormwood Scrubs Britain's most famous prison, its reputation
based more on its descriptive name than on
The open land at the north of Shepherd's
the harshness of its COJ:?.ditions, was designed
Bush was first recorded in 1189 as Wormholt
by Edmund Du Cane, after whom the
Scrubs ('holt' meaning wood) and due to
nearby road is named, and built in 1873 as a
the soil's unsuitability for growing crops
replacement for Millbank Penitentiary, West-
remained common land, where locals kept
minster. It was commandeered during the
cattle and pigs by two streams, Stamford
Second World War by the government for
Brook and Counters Creek. At the begin-
storing twenty-six cans of heavy water,
ning of the twentieth century Wormwood
needed for research on what Britain hoped
Scrubs became an important testing ground
would be the first atomic bomb, which had
for early attempts at aviation and during the
been brought to London by two scientists
two world wars was used for training
escaping from France. The Scrubs remained
soldiers and testing weapons.
a prison during the Second World War,
Braybrook Street inmates including the composers Ivor
On 16 August 1966 Harry Roberts and two Novello, jailed for altering documents
accomplices shot three unarmed policemen relating to his Rolls-Royce, and Michael
sitting in a car on Braybrook Street, close to Tippett, a conscientious objector. The
Wormwood Scrubs prison, after one of the Scrubs was also the temporary home of Ml5
officers, a Sergeant Head, who thought and used as a prisoner-of-war camp where
Roberts's car might be used in an escape POWs, shown newsreel footage of the find-
attempt, approached the vehicle and ings made by the Allies at the Nazi concen-
mentioned the absence of a tax disc on tration camps, dismissed the pictures as
the windscreen. Roberts, worried that the propaganda designed to shame the German
policeman would search the car and find people.
the gun he had secreted, shot Head, and Britain's three most notorious twentieth-
when a second officer, DC Wombwell, ran century gangsters - Charlie Richardson and
back to the police car to take cover, Roberts Ronnie and Reggie Kray- all served time in
chased him and shot him in the face. The the Scrubs in the 1950s. Richardson, aged
gunman then ordered an accomplice, John fourteen, was put into a cell on his own so
Duddy, to shoot the third officer, PC Fox, that he would not be raped by an older
as the latter tried to flee, but as the villains inmate, while the Krays spent a month here
sped off a passer-by, who had witnessed the after attacking a policeman on Bethnal
shooting and assumed there had been a jail- Green Road. The playwright Joe Orton
break, took down their registration number. spent six months in the prison in 1962 after
The third member of the gang, John being prosecuted for stealing books from
Witney, was arrested and during ques- Islington libraries, but the spy George Blake,
tioning he implicated Duddy and Roberts, sentenced to a record forty-two years in
who went on the run for ninety days, 1961, was sprung from the prison in 1966.
camping out in the Hertfordshire woods He was driven off in a waiting car to make

the short journey to 28 Highlever Road, for the local stadium, which hosted that
North Kensington, where he holed up year's Olympic Games, the nearby 1930s
before being whisked off to Moscow. council estate, a tube station, BBC Tele-
Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards vision Centre, and for the grimy sur-
begun a year-long sentence in the prison in rounding district.
June 1967 after a drugs bust, but a successful
Commonwealth Avenue
appeal set him free after one night (during
White City estate
which inmates asked him repeatedly if he
A 50-acre council estate of unrelenting
wanted any hash). Another Rolling Stone,
dreariness, White City was begun in 1938
Brian Jones, spent a night here that October
on land that had been used for the 1908
for possessing cannabis; his nine-month
ljtemc:o-tiritit• (fr.ibition. Both the roads
sentence commuted, this time, on the
and the tower blocks were given names
recommendation of a psychiatrist, who
connected with the exhibition and the
claimed that Jones was 'an extremely fright-
ened young man'. The editors of the irrev- ,--------------~
1908 ifetnlu-6rit11J (hllflltln
erent counter-culture publication Oz-
For the 1908 ljtemc:o-tiritit• (fr.ibition
Richard NeVille, Jim Anderson and Felix
Britain, France and the countries of the
Dennis - served only three days of their
British Empire constructed exhibition halls
various sentences in the Scrubs in the early
and pavilions that included a Canadian
seventies before being released to be taken,
Palace, a Ceylon Tea House, a Scenic
according to a story that Dennis later told
Railway, a Franco-British Pavilion, a Palace
author Jonathan Green, to an office in an
of Music and an Irish Village, on 200 acres
Inn of Court, where Lord Widgery, the
of semi-rural wasteland south of Worm-
Lord Chief Justice of England, tol~ them
wood Scrubs. A number of mud huts were
that he had spoken to the prime minister
built, off Wood Lane, in which around 150
(Harold WilsOn) and arranged a deal for
Senegalese lived for four months simulating
their release on the condition that they did
native conditions (without the native
no further work on the magazine. His
weather). The exhibition continued until
parting words to the three were, supposedly:
that October after which the site was
'Now get out and leave those sherry glasses
handed back to the owners, the Kiralfy
behind you.'
family, hosting a variety of exhibitions until
In 1979 IRA prisoners staged a rooftop
the 1930s, when Hammersmith Council
protest over visiting rights, and there were
announced that the land would be used for
riots the same year regarding overcrowding,
new housing, which is now the White City
hygiene, sanitation and the quality of prison
estate. _j
facilities, a popular gripe being the tooth-
paste, which 'ripped your mouth to shreds'.
empire- Commonwealth Avenue, Australia
During the 1980s £30 million-worth of
Road, India Way, South Africa Road et al.
improvements were carried out in the
Although the architects received praise for
aftermath of riots, hostage-taking and other
separating the kitchens from the living area
violent disturbances.
and for including bathrooms, tenants
~ Pentonville Prison, p. 335·
claimed they preferred a traditional
'parlour' and were unimpressed with the
(ii) White City monotonous grid-like layout of the estate.
By the 1970s a sizeable portion of White City
What began as a nickname coined to
had become derelict. It still awaits suitable
describe the white stucco-dad buildings
redevelopment, if not outright demolition.
erected for the local1908 ifemeo-Sritit•
<h•ibition soon came into widespread usage
Wood Lane the marathon, run between Windsor Castle
A long bleak road of unrelenting ugliness and White City, at the end of which the
alongside the thunderous M41 crossed by leader, Dorando Pietri, an Italian pastry
the equally noisy Westway and lined with shop owner, ran the wrong way when he
shoddy municipal houses close to Worm- entered the stadium, was corrected by
wood Scrubs, it is also home to several officials, with whom he argued, and col-
ungainly BBC studios and office blocks. lapsed as he was helped over the line. He
west side: Uxbridge Road to Scrubs Lane was then disqualified for receiving aid, a
BBC Television Centre decision which led to arguments and
The BBC bought the site, which had been fighting in the stands, lasting an hour.
occupied by the Court of Honour during Britain enjoyed its most successful Games
the 1908 8tcmco-!Jrititf) (flf)ibition, in 1949
in 1908, winning 145 medals, of which fifty-
to build its main television studios, whose six were gold, but success was due more to
first programme was broadcast here on gamesmanship than sporting prowess. The
29 June 196o. The studios have since been host country supplied all the officials, out-
used to make many of the BBC's best- lawed sports such as rowing at which it was
known shows including Blue Peter, That's not likely to win, included events that
Life and Top of the Pops. nobody else practised, such as small-bore
8~ (i;iflj itdtua, west side, south of rifle shooting, and spread the Games from
Westway April to October so that participants from
The 68,ooo-seater White City stadium, other countries would have to return home.
mostly used for greyhound racing, had its After the Games finished the stadium was
heyday during the 1908 Olympic Games that used for the Coronation Exhibition of 1911,
had been scheduled to take place in Rome marking George V's accession to the throne,
and were hurriedly transferred to London and the Latin British Exhibition of 1912, and
when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 1906. after the First World War it was leased to
The rearranged Games were marred by the Greyhound Racing Association. White
various rows and mishaps. The Russians City also occasionally hosted football:
insisted that competitors from Finland, then Queens Park Rangers used it as their home
under Russian rule, paraded under the ground from 1931 to 1933 and Uruguay
Russian flag, which led to considerable ill- played France here during the 1966 World
feeling and the Finns marching without Cup. It was demolished in 1985 and replaced
any flag; the organizers initially forgot to by BBC radio headquarters.
provide US and Swedish flags, and when .,. The Oval, p. 394·
some were found, Martin Sheridan, the
eventual discus champion, refused to dip
(iii) Shepherd's Bush Common
the flag as he passed in front of the king,
Edward VII, announcing: 'This flag dips to Shepherd's Bush Green
no earthly king'; the Americans pulled out Shepherds Bush Empire
of the tug-of-war after a team from the A three-tiered theatre designed by Frank
Liverpool police force arrived with steel Matcham for Oswald Stoll, it opened in 1903
spikes in their boots; and British officials and was a music hall for fifty years. The
decided to re-run the 400 yards final after BBC bought it in 1953 to convert into a
their athlete was supposedly pushed off the studio that came to be used for recording
track, resulting in the American competitor Juke Box Jury, The Generation Game,
refusing to take part and the British runner, Wogan, Crackerjack! and The Old Grey
Wyndham Halswelle, running by himself to Whistle Test. In the mid-1990s the Empire
take gold. was reopened as a rock venue with
The tournament's biggest drama involved occasional stand-up comedy nights.

Lime Grove (i) around Olympia

~~« ~-e GJf•J1•e etubioi
London's second most important film Addison Road
studios, after Baling, opened in 1913. Alfred Addison Road, the first road to connect
Hitchcock filmed scenes here for The Man Holland Park Avenue and Kensington High
Who Knew Too Much, including the 'Albert Street, was built in 1823 with a twist around
Hall' sequence, in which a diplomat is about the ponds at the southern end known as the
to be assassinated, and an ingenious version Moats, and soon after was built up with
ofJohn Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps in houses that veer from the unassuming to the
which Hitchcock even managed to improve spectacular. No. 8, constructed in the early
Buchan's dynamic plot, adding characters years of the twentieth century for Ernest
such as Mr Memory, who answers questions Debenham, the store owner, is a riot of
from the audience on a range of topics but rococo detailing.
not on the nature of the mysterious thirty- The Debenham House, No.8, east side
nine steps themselves. During the Second London's most ostentatious and flamboyant
World War filming continued- the biggest twentieth-century private property was
success was Carol Reed's version of H. G. designed by Halsey Ricardo in 1905 to 1907
Wells's Kipps- but Rank went into decline for Ernest Debenham, the West End store
and at the end of the forties the studios were owner, with a dynamic mix of Arts and
bought by the BBC who, in 1953, used them Crafts, classical and Byzantine styles that
for recording the first family 'soap', The included an exterior of blue and green
Grove Family. The first Grandstand was glazed bricks, which Ricardo believed would
broadcast from here in 1958 and countless offer protection from the London climate,
episodes of Dr Who and Blue Peter were and an interior featuring peacock blue tiles
later made at Lime Grove. At the end of the by William de Morgan that were surplus
twentieth century the studios were demol- from the Tsar of Russia's yacht. There were
ished and replaced by a homeless persons' also motifs of fish, peacocks and eagles (the
hostel. work of Ricardo's associates in the Art
Workers' Guild) and a vast hall exquisitely
decorated with mosaics, marble and veined
WEST KENSINGTON, W14 stone with Byzantine arches, signs of the
Zodiac and Greek gods. Debenham, who
Separated from Kensington proper by rarely spent time here, installed a telephone
Holland Park and the West London connected to West End theatres so that he
Railway, West Kensington is a jumble of and his family could enjoy shows, audibly if
seedy hotels, once grand terraced houses not visually. The house was used in the 1968
now broken up into depressing flats, and Joseph Losey film Secret Ceremony, starring
roaring roads, particularly Talgarth Road/ Mia Farrow and Robert Mitchum, and at
West Cromwell Road, notorious for its the end of the twentieth century was occu-
Rolex watch thieves who seize their booty pied by the Richmond Fellowship for
from the arms of drivers through the open Mental Welfare and Rehabilitation until it
windows of their cars. Nearer Holland Park went on sale for £20 million.
there are some of the most magnificent ... Debenhams, p. 138.
properties in London, grand villas mostly
Hammersmith Road
designed for the area's late-nineteenth-
Olympia, east of Blythe Road
century artistic community.
A huge exhibition centre, best known for
the Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition, it
opened as the National Agricultural Hall in

1884 and became Olympia two years later. highest standards within, Leighton House,
Early events held here were mostly circus or now a museum, was designed by George
grand extravaganzas, such as the Venice in Aitchison between 1865 and 1879 and was
London show, featuring replicas of the originally home to Frederic Leighton, the
Grand Canal, which lasted for most of 1891, charismatic late-nineteenth-century classical
and the first British Aero Show, in 1909, painter who was first exhibited at the Royal
with eleven exhibits, including seven Academy in 1855, when he was twenty-five,
biplanes and two monoplanes, but there and later became its President. An avid art
were also sports events. On 11 May 1922 Ted collector, Leighton acquired works by
'Kid' Lewis, the British middleweight and Constable, Corot and Delacroix, and during
welterweight champion, fought Georges his travels became a keen Arabist, which led
Carpentier for the world light-heavyweight him to build an Arabian hall, based on the
championship in a contest marred by a twelfth-century Muslim palace of La Zisa in
bizarre incident in the first round. The Palermo, Sicily, as the centrepiece of the
referee made some comment to Lewis, who property. Leighton House now contains
dropped his guard to listen, was sent reeling paintings by Leighton, Edward Burne-Jones,
to the canvas by Carpentier's right hand, John Millais and their contemporaries.
and was then counted out none the less.
On 8 June 1934 the British Union of
Melbury Road
Architecturally the most interesting road in
Fascists held their first major rally at
west London, owing to the properties
Olympia, an event which they hoped would
created for the artists who moved here in
be attended by middle-class voters as well as
the mid nineteenth century.
the usual working-class foot soldiers who
mostly made up their attendance figures.
north side: Addison Road to Kensington
There were also 2,ooo opponents, who had
High Street
Tower House, No. 29
spread out inside the hall and were heckling
A medieval fantasy of exquisite and eccen-
party leader Oswald Mosley, and many of
tric design, Tower House, built from 1876 to
them were beaten up by BUF supporters.
1881, is a monumental folly designed for
Two protestors then climbed a gantry and
began walking along a narrow ledge high himself in a fifteenth-century French Gothic
style by the architect William Burges, a
above the auditorium while the crowd
fanatical medievalist. Each room is based on
below held its breath. The following day a
a different theme from nature- the hall's is
furore in the newspapers and the House of
Time, the drawing room's Love, the library's
Commons led members of the establish-
the Liberal Arts - and there are rooms
ment who had previously been receptive to
devoted to the Sea, Animals, Stars and signs
Mosley, such as Lord Rothermere, owner of
of the Zodiac. The bronze entrance hall has
the Daily Mail, to withdraw their backing.
a representation of the Four Ages of Man
~~>- Earl's Court, p. 420.
and a mosaic floor devoted to Theseus and
Holland Park Road the Minotaur, which contains a trace of the
A road at the centre of the late Victorian Cretan maze; there are literary themes in the
artists' community of West Kensington that library, with ceiling paintings of the law-
features a number of outstanding houses givers Luther, Justinian and Moses; a fire-
including No. 10 which was built for the place featuring the parts of speech watched
portrait painter James Shannon around over by Mistress Grammar - Pronouns
the original farmhouse of Holland Farm. blowing trumpets, Queen Ve~b followed by
Leighton House, No. 12, north side her pages, plus the Articles and Nouns
A large red-brick Italianate villa with a carrying Adjectives- and stained-glass
restrained exterior but decorated to the windows decorated with the muses of

Poetry, Music and Architecture; the dining Holman Hunt's address (early twentieth
room is based on Chaucer's House of Fame; century) I Ml6 headquarters 192.3-4,
the drawing-room fireplace features a No.18
carving of the Garden of Hesperides; the It was to No. 18 that William Holman Hunt,
Music Room is dedicated to the Fortunes the Pre-Raphaelite painter best known for
and Misfortunes of Love; what was Burges's The Light of the World in St Paul's Cath-
bedroom contains intricately painted butter- edral, had the carcass of a horse delivered,
flies and a chimneypiece in silver and gold so that he could paint the animal accurately.
decorated with mermaids; and in the garden Here the young Virginia Woolf had 'lessons
are trees that were once part of Holland in the art of behaviour from Mrs Holman
Park and a terrace with a mosaic pavement Hunt [Edith Waugh] and found old
and marble seats. Nevertheless the work was Holman Hunt himself dressed in a long
unfinished, as Burges died in 1881, only three Jaeger dressing gown, holding forth to a
years after moving in. In 1969 the house was large gathering about the ideas which had
bought by the actor Richard Harris and four inspired him'. In 1923 Ml6 moved briefly to
years later Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page Melbury Road, driven out of central
purchased it from Harris for £350,ooo, London by lack of funds, but within a year
outbidding David Bowie. Page invited the had raised enough money to return to West-
· cult film maker Kenneth Anger to use the minster. The property has since been
basement to apply the finishing touches to converted into flats.
his film Lucifer Rising, which Anger did until .,.. Ml6, p. 266.
he tired of living in what he called Page's No.8
'evil fantasy house'. Norman Shaw built the house with tall
.,.. Dr Phene's Gingerbread Castle, p. 413. windows in the Queen Anne style in 1875-6
Woodside, No. 31 for the illustrator Marcus Stone, who upset
An English country mansion stranded in neighbours by incorporating three gates -
deepest West Kensington, Woodside was one for family members and friends, one for
built in 1875 by Norman Shaw, the pioneer models and one for servants. The film
of the red-brick suburban house, for the director Michael Powell, who lived here
painter Luke Fildes, who, in comparing the from 1951 to 1971, shot scenes for his 1960
property to No.8 (which Shaw built for film Peeping Tom inside.
Fildes's friend and rival Marcus Stone), Kingfisher House, No. 6
boasted: 'It is by a long way the most Kingfisher House, a bland block of flats,
superior house of the lot. I consider it stands on the site once occupied by the
knocks Stone's to bits.' Once a year Fildes earliest property in the area, 2ittle f)ollcmb
hosted 'Show Sunday', on which much of f)ouse, home in the mid nineteenth century
the London art world came to socialize, and to the Prinsep family, who used it for host-
he would count the visitors by dropping a ing art salons. The Prinseps once offered a
coffee bean into a brass bowl as each one room to the artist G. F. Watts, who was recu-
entered the house. Woodside is now the perating from an illness and thanked them
home of the film director Michael Winner. by staying for thirty years. In the 1870s the
south side: Kensington High Street to widowed· Lady Holland, owner of the sur-
Addison Road rounding estate, sold the land to allow
No.n Melbury Road to be built, and Watts hired
Benjamin Britten, the composer, lived in the architect Frederick Pepys Cockerell to
this sumptuous block of flats from 1948 t~ build him a house large enough to hold his
1953 and here wrote the operas Billy Budd huge sculptures. (It was demolished in
and Gloriana. 1963.)
(ii) around West Kensington station Hendrix, accompanied by his mentor,
Animals bassist Chas Chandler, was brought
Beaumont Crescent from Heathrow Airport to n Gunterstone
Marcus Garvey's address (1935-40), No.2 Road, home of British~&B singer Zoot
The leading figure in the rise of black con- Money and his band, who lived in the
sciousness during the mid twentieth cen- various flats into which the property had
tury, Marcus Garvey, often referred to as been divided. Hendrix had spent the
the 'Black Moses', was born in Jamaica and previous six years touring noisy, seedy
worked in social reform and the newspaper American bars playing with local groups
industry until he read Booker T. Wash- before graduating on to major tours as
ington's Up from Slavery, a book that advo- backing guitarist for the Isley Brothers and
cated black self-help, and led him to Little Richard, but he was unknown in
campaign vigorously for black self- Britain. At No. n Hendrix began jamming
determination. In 1914 Garvey founded the with Money's guitarist Andy Summers (later
Universal Negro Improvement Association of the Police), and those listening were
-motto 'One God, One Aim, One Destiny' stunned into speechlessness at Hendrix's
- which advocated repatriation from virtuoso technique and his exuberant style.
America to Africa on his Black Star Ship- Ronni Money, Zoot's wife, rushed upstairs
ping Line, but the venture was not a com- to urge the tenant Kathy Etchingham to
mercial success and he was charged with come downstairs because 'Chas has just
fraud, possibly on false evidence concocted brought this guy back from America and he
by the FBI, and sentenced to five years in looks like the Wild Man of Borneo.' When
jail. After serving two years Garvey was Etchingham entered the room Hendrix
deported as an undesirable alien and displayed a different side of his technique,
returned to Jamaica where he became leaning over her, kissing her ear and whis-
involved in politics, leaving in 1935 to move pering, 'I think you're beautiful.' Over the
to London, where he died (at No.2 Beau- next few days the unknown guitarist was
mont Crescent) of pneumonia on 10 June taken round central London's most popular
1940, in virtual obscurity. In the 1970s nightspots, beginning with the Scotch of
Garvey became a household word in (white) St James, off Pall Mall, where he was intro-
music circles thanks to the championing of duced to the major players on the rock
his cause by reggae acts such as Burning scene and fulfilled his main wish - to meet
Spear. his idol, Eric Clapton. When Clapton, then
.,.. Notting Hill music, p. 451. revered as Britain's most talented rock
guitarist, heard Hendrix play he turned
Gunterstone Road
to Chandler and whispered 'He's that
On arriving in Britain from New York for
the first time in September 1966 Jimi

Select Bibliography

Ackroyd, Peter, Blake, London: Sinclair Earth: The Story of Dan Leno, London:
Stevenson, 1995 Hamish Hamilton, 1977
Alderman, Geoffrey, Modern British Jewry, Campbell, Duncan, The Underworld,
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992 London: BBC Books, 1994
Ali, Tariq, Street Fighting Years, London: Coleridge, Nicholas, Paper Tigers, London:
Collins, 1987 William Heinemann, 1993
Barker, Felix and Silvester-Carr, Denise, Cross, Colin, The Fascists in Britain,
Crime and Scandal: The Black Plaque London: Barrie and Rockliff, 1961
Guide to London, London: Constable, 1987 Dorril, Stephen, MI6: Fifty Years of Special
Barnes, Richard (compiler), Mods!, London: Operations, London: Fourth Estate, 2000
Plexus, 1979 Downes, Kerry, Hawksmoor, London:
Barson, Susie and Saint, Andrew, A Farewell Thames and Hudson, 1970
to Fleet Street, London: Historic Buildings Eatwell, Roger, Fascism: A History, London:
and Monuments Commission for Chatto and Windus, 1995
England, 1988 Edmonds, Mark, Inside Soho, London:
Beckett, Francis, Enemy Within: The Rise Robert Nicholson, 1988
and Fall of the British Communist Party, Edwards, Dennis and Pigram, Ron, London's
London: John Murray, 1995 Underground Suburbs, London: Baton
Beckman, Morris, The 43 Group, London: Transport, 1986
Centerprise, 1992 Ellmers, Chris and Werner, Alex, London's
Berkeley, Roy, A Spy's London, London: Leo Lost Riverscape, London: Viking, 1988
Cooper, 1994 Farson, Daniel, Gilbert and George: A
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ofArrival, New York: Macmillan, 1975 - - , Limehouse Days, London: Michael
- - , The Cousinhood, London: Eyre and Joseph, 1991
Spottiswoode, 1971 - - , Soho in the Fifties, London: Michael
Bignell, John, Chelsea Seen from 1860 to 1980, Joseph, 1987
London: Studio B, 1978 Foot, M. R. D., SOB, An Outline History of
Blake, Robert, The Conservative Party from the Special Operations Executive 1940-46,
Peel to Major, London: Arrow, 1998 London: Mandarin, 1984
Bolitho, Henry, No. 10 Downing Street 166o- Foot, M. R. D. and Langley, J. M., MI9:
190o, London: Hutchinson, 1957 Escape and Evasion 1939-45, London:
Boston, Ray,· The Essential Fleet Street: Its Futura, 1979
History and Influence, London: Blandford, Fountain, Nigel, The London Alternative
1990 Press 1966-74, New York and London:
Brandreth, Gyles, The Funniest Man on Routledge, 1988

Fraser, Frankie and Morton, James, Mad ltzin, Catherine, Stages in the Revolution:
Frank and Friends, London: Little Brown, Political Theatre in Britain Since 1968,
1998 London: Methuen, 1968
--,Mad Frank: Memoirs of a Life of Jenkins, Simon, Newspapers: The Power and
Crime, London: Little Brown, 1994 the Money, London: Faber and Faber,
Fraser-Smith, Charles, The Secret War of 1979
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Green, Jonathan, All Dressed Up: The Sixties mann,1988
and the Counter-Culture, London: Jona- Litvinoff, Emanuel, Journey through a Small
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Green, Jonathan (editor), Days in the Life, Lucas, Norman, Britain's Gangland,
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Harrison, J. F. C., The Second Coming: Marks, Leo, Silk and Cyanide, London:
PopularMillenarianism 1780-1850, HarperCollins, 1999
London and Henley: Routledge and McAuley, Ian, Guide to Ethnic London,
Kegan Paul, 1979 London: Immel, 1987
Hayter, Peter (editor), Great Tests Recalled, Mellor, David, The Sixties Art Scene in
London: Bloomsbury, 1990 London, London: Phaidon, 1993
Hibbert, Christopher, King Mob: The Story Morton, James, East End Gangland, London:
of Lord George Gordon and the Riots of Little Brown, 2000
1780, London: Longman's, 1958 - - , Gangland, Volume 2, London: Little
Hill, Christopher, The World of the Muggle- Brown, 1994
tonians: Christopher Hil~ Barry Reay and - - , Gangland, London's Underworld,
William Lamont, London: Temple Smith, London: Little Brown, 1993
1983 Mosley, Oswald, My Life, London: Thomas
Howse, Derek, Greenwich Time and the Nelson and Sons, 1968
Discovery of the Longitude, Oxford: Nicholson, John, The Great Liberty Riot of
Oxford University Press, 1980 1780, London: Bozo, 1985
Humphries, Steve and Taylor, John, The Nuttall, Jeff, Bomb Culture, London:
Making of Modern London 1945-85, MacGibbon and Kee, 1968
London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1986 Palmer, Alan, The East End: Four Centuries
Hunt, James D., Gandhi in London, New of London Life, London: John Murray,
Delhi and London: Promilla and Co, 1978 1989
Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Atom Bomb Pearce, Brian and Woodhouse, Michael, A
Spies, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1980

History of Communism in Britain, Seldon, Anthony, 10 Downing Street: The

London: Bookmarks, 1995 Illustrated History, London: Harper-
Pearson, John, The Profession of Violence, Collins, 1999
London: Grafton Books, 1985 Service, Robert, Lenin: A Biography,
Pendreigh, Brian, On Location: The Film London: Macmillan, 2000
Fan's Guide to Britain and Ireland, Sinclair, lain, Lights out for the Territory,
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1995 Sinclair, lain and Lichtenstein, Rachel,
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Perry, Maria, Mayfair Madams, London: London: Bloomsbury, 1989
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Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982 Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996
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Ramsey, Winston G. (editor), The East End, 1972
Then and Now, London: After the Battle, Trench, Richard and Hillman, Ellis, London
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Reynolds, Bruce, The Autobiography of a 1984 .
Thief, London: Bantam, 1995 Uglow, Jenny, Hogarth: A Life and a World,
Rice, Jonathan, One Hundred Lord's Tests: London: Faber and Faber, 1997
A Cekbration of the Home of Cricket, Watkins, Alan, A Short Walk down Fleet
London:~ethuen,2001 Street, London: Duckworth, 2000
Richards, Huw, The Bloody Circus: The Watson, lsobel, Hackney and Stoke
Daily Herald and the Left, London: Pluto Newington Past, London: Historical Publi-
Press, 1997 cations, 1990
Richardson, Charlie, My Manor, London: Weale, Adrian, Renegades: Hitler's
Sidgwick and Jackson, 1991 Englishmen, London: Weidenfeld and
Richardson, John, Camden Town and Prim- Nicolson, 1994
rose Hill Past, London: Historical Publi- Weightman, Gavin and Humphries, Steve,
cations, 1991 The Making of Modern London 1815-1914,
Rowbotham, Sheila, Promise of a Dream, London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1983
London: Penguin Press, 2000 West, Nigel, MI5 British Security Services
Savage, John, England's Dreaming: Sex Operations 1909-45, London: The Bodley
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Faber, 1991 Wheen, Francis, Karl Marx, London: Fourth
Scobie, Edward, Black Britannia, Chicago: Estate, 1999
Johnson Publishing Company, 1972 Wintour, Charles, The Rise and Fall of Fleet
Scott, Harold, The Early Doors: Origins of Street, London: Hutchinson, 1989
the Music Hall, London: lvor Nicholson Ziegler, Philip, London at War 1939-1945,
and Watson, 1946 London: Sinclair Stevenson, 1995
People Index

Abedi, Agha Hasan 32 Almack, William 217

Ackroyd, Peter 28, 70, 286 Alma-Tadema, Laurens 351, 368-9
Ada, Countess of Lovelace 216 Alrnod6var, Pedro 461
Adam, James 156 Amery, Colin 287
Adam, Robert 151, 156, 166, 179, 216, 232, 362, 417 Amies, Hardy 176
Adams, Daisy 85 Amigoni, Jacopo 9
Adams,Dr40 Amis, Kingsley 5
Adams, Gerry 416 Amis, Martin 198, 461
Adams, John 163 Anders, Inge 202
Adams, John Quincy 36 Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett 93, 355
Adams Brothers 131, 145, 256 Anderson, Ian 414
Addison, Joseph 29, 78, 397 Anderson, Jim 456, 464
Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge 351 Anderson, Jon 186
Aelfheah (Alfege) 390 Anderson, Michael15
Ailwyn, Henry Fitz 3 Anderson, Sir Robert 302
Ainsworth, Harrison 391 Andrews, Julie 100
Airey, George 390 Anger, Kenneth 468
Aitchison, George 467 Angerstein, John Julius 105
Aitken, Jonathan 76, 96, 242, 243-4 Anne, Queen 87, 92, 106, 127,182,184. 188, 221, 2.44. 441
Aitken, Sir Max (Lord Beaverbrook's son) 44 Anne of Denmark, Queen (King James l's wife) 119,
Aitken, William Maxwell (Lord Beaverbrook) 40, 44, 129, 389, 391, 392
45· 52, 170, 208 Anthony, Gordon 424
Albarn, Damon 459 Appio, Charles 448
Albennarle, md Duke of 166 Arbuthnot, Colonel Sir Robert 352
Albert, Prince 109, 162, 210, 420, 421, 422, 427, 430 Archer, Jeffrey 128, 169, 267
Albery, Sir Bronson 116 Archer, Thomas 114.127,154,244
Albery, Donald 112 Archer and Green 234, 351
Albery, Ian 112 Argyle, Mr Justice 456
Alderman, Geoffrey 229 Argyll, Duchess of 166
Alexander II, Tsar 126 Argyll, 2nd Duke of see Campbell, John
Alexander III, Pope 236 Arkell-Smith, Lillias 338
Alexandra, Queen 53 Arlen, Michael158
Alexeyev, Nikolai 92 Armstrong, Louis 97, 186, 187, 204. 304
Al-Fayed, Dodi 397 Armstrong-Jones, Anthony, Earl of Snowdon 181,277
Al-Fayed, Mohamed 55, 251, 265,397 Arne, Thomas 114
Alfred the Great 127, 313 Arnold, Matthew 402
Alfune16 Arthur, King 64
Ali, Altab 284, 307 Arthur, Prince (Henry VIII's brother) 62,391
Ali, Mohammed (Viceroy of Egypt) 256 Arup, Ove81
Ali, Tariq 103, 328 Ashbee, C. R. 275-6
Allen, Gubby 369 Asher, Jane 158, 415, 434
Allen, Ralph 9 Ashley, Edwina 159
Alleyn, Edward 377 Ashley and Newman 119
Allison, Richard 421 Aspinall, John 168

Asplund, Erik 179 Barfield, Julia 268, 387

Asprey, William 171 Baring, Edmund, Lord Revelstoke 26
Asquith, Anthony 330 Baring, Francis 25
Asquith, Herbert 40, 208, 227, 230, 364 Baring, John 25
Asquith, Margot 208 Barker, Howard 325
Astafieva, Princess Serafina 410 Barker, John 59, 442-3
Astaire, Adele 134, 175, 193 Barker, Colonel Sir Victor lvor Gauntlett Blyth see
Astaire, Fred 134 Arkell-Smith, Lillias
Astley, Philip 386 Barlay, Nick 446
Aston, John 7 Barnardo, Dr Thomas 31, 274. 292, 306
Astor, Alice 352 Barnato, Barney 215, 283
Astor, David 55 Barnes, Julian 198
Astor, Gavin 54 Barnes, Thomas 54
Astor, John Jacob 54, 352 Barnett, Dame Henrietta 304
Astor, Lady Nancy 160, 216 Barnett, Canon Samuel 275, 289, 300, 301, 303
Astor, Lord 59, 157 Barnum, Phineas T. 183
Astor, Willianl Waldorf 54 Barraud, Francis 152
Attila the Hun 35 Barrett, Elizabeth see Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Attlee, Clement 130, 150, 241, 278, 301 Barrett, Michaeln, 74.305
Auerbach, Frank 194 Barrett, Syd 409
Augusta, Princess 219 Barrie, Ian 306
Austen, Jane 113 Barrie, J. M. n6, 430
Avis, Joseph 30 Barry, Charles 104, no, 123, 208, 214. 231, 237, 238, 240,
Awonsu, Darcus see Howe, Darcus 325,439
Ayckbourn, Alan 364 Barry, E. M. 64. no, 111, 130
Aylward, June 460 Barry, J. M. 116
Barry, John 267
Babbage, Charles 216 Barry, Sir John Wolfe 258,260
Bach, Johann Christian 174.210 Bart, Lionel1o6, 116, 191
Bacon, Francis 96, 153, 173, 184, 185, 194, 195, 199, 327, Bartholomew, Harry 39
334. 424> 425 Basevi, George 332, 397
Baddeley, Hermione 193 Basie, Count 196
Baden-Powell, Robert 113,221 Bassey, Shirley 246
Bagehot, Walter 28 Bathurst, Earl of 163, 226
Bailey, David 308, 345, 407, 408 Bathurst, Henry 179
Bailey, Trevor 394 Baucus, Joseph D. 139
Baillie, Captain 392 Baylis, Lilian 8o, 389
Baily, E. H. 104 Baynardus, Ralph 430
Bainbridge, Beryl344 Baynes, Walter 71
Baird, John Logie 115, 135, 138, 155, 195, 197, 227 Bazalgette, Joseph 225, 251, 252, 253, 255, 266
Baker, Baron 450, 457 Beake, Thomas 188
Baker, Danny 187 Beal, Mr 6o
Baker, Herbert 104 Beardsley, Aubrey 172, 245
Baker, Jpsephine 202 Beastie Boys 161 ·
Baker, Robert 176 Beatles 1o6, 140,149,161,175,176,196,268,337,350,367,
Baker, Samuel172, 410 368, 402, 406, 411, 456
Baker, Stanley 277 see also individual members
Baker, William 149 Beaton, Cecil170
Balcon, Michael330 Beatty, Admiral Lord 104. 352
Baldwin, Betty 203 Beatty, Warren 219
Baldwin, Stanley 18, 52, 203 Beauchamp, Thomas 294
Balfour, A. J. 227 Beaufort, Joan 376
Balfour, Jabez 130 Beaumont, Hugh 'Binkie' 242
Ballard, J. G. 393,444,445 Beaverbrook, Lord see Aitken, Willianl Maxwell
Ballion, Suzi 324 Bechstein, Friedrich 157
Balon,Norrnan184>198 Beck, Harry 111, 321
Bambridge, Captain George 364 Beck, Jeff 107
Bankhead, Tallulah 193, 203-4 Becket, Thomas a16, 75. 77· 295· 382
Bannister, Roger 411 Beckett, Samuel182, 417
Barbirolli, Sir John no, 387, 446 Beckford, Richard 198
Barbon, Dr Nicholas 98, 203 Bedford, 4th Duke of 87, 111-12

Bedford, 1st Earl of see Russell, John Birkenhead, Lord 240

Bedford, 3rd Earl of see Russell, John Birley, Mark 168
Beecham, Thomas 110 Black, Cilla 175
Beer, Julius 334 Black, Conrad 44
Beer, Rachel126 Blackburn, Robin 122
Beeton, Mrs (nee Mayson, Isabella) 16 Blackwell, Chris 196
Beginner, Lord 369 Blain, Douglas 286
Beiderbecke, Bix 204 Blair, Eric see Orwell, George
Beit, Alfred 160 Blair, Tony 123,, 228, 233, 325, 380
Belasco, David 116 Blake, George 207, 463-4
Belcher, Muriel184, 194, 195 Blake, James 175
Bell, Clive 84, 85 Blake, William 64, 82, 115, 129, 146, 175, 189, 247, 266,
Bell, Mrs 228 281, 349. 350, 353. 385, 422, 425, 429, 444
Bell, Richard 56 Blakely, David 364
Bell, Vanessa 84.327 Blanc, Louis 367
Bellingham, Henry 238-9 Blau, Rose 189
Belloc, Hilaire 45, 96, 416 Blazwick, Iwona 304
Benn, Tony 116, 198, 236, 428 Bledda307
Bennett, Alan 345, 349 Blessington, Lady 422
Bennett, Arnold 40, 69, 99, 134, 181 Blind, Karl 367
Bennett, Billy 188 Blind Faith 429
Bennett, James Gordon 127 Blomfield, Arthur 258
Benneyworth, 'Monkey' 73 Blood, Captain 261
Benson, Gail337 Blood, Colonel 295
Bentham, Jeremy 86, 246 Bloodworth, Sir Thomas 37
Bentley, John 245 Bloom, John 186
Bentley, Nathaniel25 Bloom, Michael 72, 304
Berger, John 143 Bloom, Morris 284
Bergman, Ingrid 242 Bloom, Rebecca 284
Berkeley, 1st Lord 167 Blunt, Anthony 172-3
Berkeley, Roy 150, 159, 173 Boadicea (Boudicca), Queen 3, 27,305,356
Berkoff, Steven 281, 325 Board, Ian 195
Berlemont, Gaston 195 Bodichon, Barbara 93
Berlemont, Victor 195 Bogard, Ikey 290
Berlin, Irving 100 Bogarde, Dirk 116, 431
Bermont, Chaim 274. 302 Bolan, June 453
Bernard, Jeffrey 185, 198-9 Bolan, Marc 337, 340, 409, 414. 453
Berry, Gomer, Lord Kemsley '43 Boland, Lee 447
Berry, Michael, Lord Hartwell 44 Boleyn, Anne 61, 295
Berry, William, Lord Camrose 43, 44 Bolton, William 327
Berry Brothers and Rudd 219 Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon I
Bertie, Robert, 1st Earl of Lindsey 124 Bond, Edward 399
Bertorelli brothers 143 Bond, Graham 179
Berwick, Duke of 188 Bond, Michael432
Besant, Annie 75, 103, 311 Bond, Thomas 173
Besant, Walter 278 Boomtown Rats 347
Best, George 415 Booth, Charles 301, 329
Betjeman, John 13, 19, 20, 25, 37, 83, 87, 127, 129, 140, Booth, William 275,276-7,306
192, 202, 240, 252, 280, 287, 333. 341, 358, 370, 371· Boothby, Bob 401
400,413 Boswell, James 47, 102, 173, 232, 327, 339, 434
Beveridge, William 301 Botham, Ian 369
Beverly, John see Sid Vicious Bott, Christopher 59
Bevin, Ernest 244 Botticelli, Sandro 105
Bianco, Francesco see White, Francis Bottomley, Horatio 213-14
Biggs, Ronnie 425 Boucher, Catherine 266
Bill, John 362 Boudicca see Boadicea
Bill Haley and the Comets 146, 187 Boulting, John 71
Bingham, Richard John see Lucan, Lord Boulting brothers 332
Bingley, Lord 154 Bourchier, Elizabeth 16
Binnie, Alexander 254 Bourne, A. S. 126
Birch, Charles 42 Bourne, Robert 416

Bowack, John 437 Browning, Robert 96,153,155,158,430

Bowen, Elizabeth 352. Bruce, Lennie 198
Bower, Tom2.2.0 Bruckner, Anton 422.
Bowery, Leigh 32.9 Brummel, George Bryan 'Beau' 169, 175, 2.17
Bowie, David 107,186,187,193, 2.00, 2.01, 380,409, 42.0, Brunei, H. M. 2.58
468 Brunei, lsambard Kingdom 2.56, 263, 416, 432, 446
Bowman, Christopher 2.9 Brunei, Marc lsambard 262., 296, 416
Box, H. Elton 107 Bruno, Angelo 161
Box&Cox107 Brutus the Trojan 43, 57
Boxer, Mark 345 Bryant, Theodore 311
Boy George 365 Bryant & May 311
Boyce, George 413 Brydges, William 362
Boyce, William 2.7 Brydon, John 230
Boyd, Joe J.48 Bryson, Bill196
Boyle, Richard 18o Bryson, John 71
Boyson, Rhodes 332. Buchan, John 47, 143, 466
Bracken, Brendan 2.42.. 2.43 Buckingham, 1st Duke of see Villiers, George
Braddock and Martin-Smith 17 Buckingham, md Duke of see Villiers, George
Bradlaugh, Charles 386 Budd, Edward 349
Bradman, Donald 369, 394 Budgell, Eustace 71
Bradshaw, John 96 Bunyan, John 8, 82., 381
Brain, Dennis 360 Burbage, Richard 53
Braine, John 194 Burbridge, Richard 397
Brandon, David 439 Burchill, Julie 184, 195
Branson, Richard 139, 418, 434, 460 Burdett-Coutts, Angela 309
Brawne, Fanny 364 Burford, Earl of 340
Breton, Andre 94 Burges, William 467-8
Breton, Michele 452. Burgess, Anthony 147
Brettingham, Matthew 180 Burgess, Guy 172., 193, 2.14-15, 402
Breuer, Marcel359 Burke, Edmund 39
Bridger, Mark 431 Burke, Thomas 315
Bridges, Robert 9 Burlington, Earls of 173, 175, 18o, 2.31
Bright, John 2.5, 2.38 Burne-Jones, Edward 98,443, 467
Brilliant, Fredda 87 Burnet, Sir John 2.6o
Britten, Benjamin 56, So-81, 468 Burnet, Tait and Partners 2.58
Broccoli, Cubby 169 Burney, Fanny 102, 151, 365, 418
Brodie, William Wallace 303 Burning Spear 469
Bromley, Henry 2.15 Bums, Robert 2.71, 391
Bronowski, Jacob 304 Burton, Decirnus 179, 214. 351, 352, 353, 354, 42.7, 42.8
Bronte!, Charlotte 2.7 Burton, James 351, 354
Brook, Dollis 32.1 Burton, Richard 2.42
Brooke, Henry 198, 2.01, 366 Bush, Irving T. 118
Brooke, Rupert 84 Bush, Kate 368
Brookner, Anita 412. Busoni, Ferruccio 157
Brooks, William 217 Bute, 3rd Marquess of 354
Broonzy, 'Big Bill' 121, 187 Butt, Alfred 357
Brothers, Richard 153 Buzzcocks 32.4
Brougham, Lord 86 Byrne, Johnny 186, 2.01
Brown, Beresford 455 Byron, Lord 26, 105, 132., 181, 216, 219, 430, 438
Brown, Capability 332 Bystrlyotov, Dmitri see Galleni, Hans
Brown, Cecil17
Brown, Charles 364 Cabanel, Rudolph 389
Brown, Ford Madox 289, 358, 364 Cabaret Voltaire 458-9
Brown, Gordon 325 Cadbury-Brown, H. T. 42.3
Brown, Joel461 Cade, Jack 64, )82, 392
Brown, John 210 Cadogan family 397. 399
Brown, Mick 42.5 Cadwallader, king of Gwynedd 58
Brown, Pete 186, 201 Cage, John 398
Brown, Toni 461 Caine, Michael1o1, 155, 383, 408, 411, 421, 434, 452
Brownell, Sonia 146 Calder, Liz 195
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 152.. 158 Cale, John 462

Callan, Pauls Chandos, Duke of 153-4

Callas, Maria 110 Channon, Henry 'Chips' 163, 170, 171, 400
Callil, Carmen 195 Channon, Paul416
Calvi, Roberto 258 Chaplin, Charlie 100, 154,160, 183, 277,321
Camden, 1st Earl of see Pratt, Charles Chapman, Herbert 331-2
Camisa, Ennio 200 Chapman, Mary Ann 2.76, 285, 289
Camisa, Isidor 200 Chappell, Greg 394
Cammell, Donald 447, 452, 462 Chappell, Ian 394
Campbell, Duncan 308 Charles I 13, 16, 24. 96, 104, 114. 117, 119, 121, 133, 201,
Campbell, John, md Duke of Argyll185 209, 213, 222, 232, 233. 234. 239. 240, 293. 324. 392
Campbell, John 126 Charles II 13, 17, 23, 29-30, 36, 38, 95, 1o8, 112, 119, 123,
Campbell, Dr John 93 131, 142, 144. 176, 18o, 183, 200, 202, 2o8, 209, 212,
Campbell, Thomas 86 213, 230, 233. 234. 240. 250, 282, 285, 294. 295· 340.
Campden, Viscount see Hicks, Baptist 350, 389, 391, 4o8. 410, 414. 416, 427
Camrose, Lord see Berry, William Charles, Prince of Wales 62,175,209,259,310,355,441
Canaletto 11!4, 188 Charlotte, Princess {Queen Victoria's daughter) 215
Canute, King 236, 240, 255 Charlotte, Queen {Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz,
Cape, Jonathan 87 George III's wife) 94, 143, 197, 210, 221
Carden, George Frederick 445-6 Charrington, Frederick 277
Cardew, Cornelius 414 Charrington, John 277
Carlisle, Earl of 77 Chatham, Lord see Pitt, William (the Elder)
Carlyle, Thomas 118, 217,412-13,414. 416 Chattaway, Christopher 411
Carman, Dominic 96 Chatterton, Thomas 6o, 70
Carman, George 96 Chaucer, Geoffrey 30, 37, 72, 135, 235, 236, 241, 258, 38o,
Caroline, Queen 428, 438, 441 )81,382 '
Carpenter, Humphrey 418 Cher 261, 296
Carpenter, John 258 Chesterfield, 4th Earl of see Stanhope, Philip
Carpentier, Georges 467 Chesterton, G. K. 41, 45, 101, 135, 347, 367, 445, 447
Carr, Emsley 49 Chetwynd, Lord 209
Carr, James 74 Chevalier, Albert 202,379
Carr, Jonathan 234 Cheyne family 415
Carrington, Dora 84 Chichester, Sir Francis 271,391
Carroll, Lewis 90 Chicken, Mr 225
Carte, Richard D'Oyly 99, 131, 134. 256 Chippendale, Thomas 116
Carter, Angela 410 Chitty, Arthur 97
Cartland, Barbara 159,168 Chopin, Frederic 17, 413
Caruso, Enrico 157, 183 Christian, Ewan 285, 365
Casals, Pablo 157 Christie, Agatha 359
Casanova 188, 198, 200 Christie, John 265, 336, 453, 454-5
Casement, Roger 295, 336 Christie, Stuart 59
Casey, William 165 Christofi, Styllou 365
Cashmore, Milton 130 Churchill, Arabella 216
Cass, Mama 169 Churchill, Caryi399
Casson, Sir Hugh 423 Churchill, Randolph 243
Castle, Barbara 198 Churchill, Saralt, Duchess of Marlborough 215, 457
Castlereagh, Lord 65, 163,214. 216-17,305 Churchill, Winston 22, 58, 145, 152, 162, 185, 189, 208,
Catherine of Aragon so, 53, 61, 62, 391 211, 218, 228, 230, 232, 240. 242, 243· 255. 295· 303.
Catherine of Braganza, Queen {Charles Il's wife) 176, 308, 338. 348. 361, 429. 430, 457
250 Cibber, Caius 21, 200, 282
Caunt, Ben 116, 238 Cibber, Colley 167
Cavell, Edith 301 Clapton, Eric 107, 410, 423, 429, 469
Cavendish, Lord 173 Clarence, Duke of (Prince Eddy) 144. 294
Caxton, William 11, 19, 41, 52, 220, 221-2, 235,237, 241 Claridge, William 162
Challoner, Thomas 74 Clark, Alan 181
Chamberlain, Austen 232 Clark, H. Fuller 54
Chamberlain, Neville 227-8, 243 Clark, Kenneth 129
Chamberlin, Powell and Bon 14 Clark, Ossie 414, 446, 462
Chambers, Sir William 129, 181, 215, 219 Clarke, Edward 101
Champneys, Basil383 Clarke, Nobby 400
Chandler, Chas Ul, 191 Clarke, William Tierney 250
Otandler, Raymond 162, 401 Clash 191, 324-5, 332, 445

Classianus, Gaius Julinus Alpinus 3 Cook, Robin 233, 417

Clay, Cassius 458 Cook, Thomas 89, 289
Clayton-Hutton, Christopher 132. Coon, Caroline 456
Cleese, John 2.69 Cooney, Ray 182
Cleland, John 57 Cooper, Diana 160
Clement, Bishop 64 Cooper, Frederick 367
Clement XIII, Pope 12.7 Cooper, Henry 312,458
Cleveland, Duchess of 144 Cope, Sir Walter 438
Cleverdon, Douglas 199 Copeland, David 59-60, 199, 284-5, 405
Clinton, Bill380 Coppin, Sir George 441
Clunn, Harold 12.0 Coram, Thomas 91
Clutton, Henry 2.45 Corbett, Ronnie 174
Coade, Eleanor 2.67 Corbusier, Le 148, 2.45, 333, 334. 359, 360, 387, 446
Coates, Wells 173,359 Corineus 43
Cobbett, William 22, 75 Cornelius, Henry 245
Cobden, Richard 25, 165 Cornell, George 59, 81, 306, 308, 340, 379
Cobom, Charles 103, 202, 311 Cornelys, Theresa 200
Cochrane, Kelso 447 Cornwallis, General Charles 232
Cochrane, Thomas, Earl of Dundonald 352 Corrigan, Laura 165
Cockerell, Samuel Pepys 232, 427, 432, 468 Costa, Alvaro Mendes da 340
Coghlan, Monica 128, 168-9 Costa, Michael109
Cohen, Morris 'Two-Gun' 283 Costello, Elvis 161, 345
Cohn-Bendit, Danny 122 Courtiour, Roger 2.43
Cole, Sir Henry 422 Coutts, James 126
Cole, John 55 Coventry, Henry 202
Cole, Nat 'King' 152 Coverdale, Miles 37
Cole, Nicholas 65 Coward, Noel159, 169, 182, 193, 2.42, 363
Colefax, Lady Sybil2.42 Cox, Adrian 107
Coleman, Omette 196 Craggs, James (the Elder) 2.4
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor So, 114, 123, 195, 333, 334, 364 Craigie, Pearl 431
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel 95 Crane, C. Howard 420
Coles, Frances 277, 281 Crapper, Thomas 410-11
Colet, John 6o Craven see William, Earl Craven
Collcutt, T. E. 129, 256 Crawford, Dan 32.4
Collcutt and Hamp 131, 256 Crawford, Joan 32.4
Collins, John 56 Crawford, Michael187
Collins, Michael325 Cream410
Collins, Sam 321 Creek, Hilary 59
Collins, Wilkie 117, 158 Crewe, Bertie 117
Colquhoun, Robert 194 Crewe, Marquess of 170
Comer, Jack see Spot, Jack Crippen, Cora 336
Compston, Joshua 329 Crippen, Dr Hawley Harvey 336
Compton, Denis 369, 394 Crisp, Quentin 301
Compton, Henry 193, 199 Critchlow, Frank 457
Comyn Ching 112 Croker, John 214
Congreve, William 47, 109 Cromwell, Oliver 16, 21, 30, 36, 61, 70, 74. 96, no, 123,
Connaught, 1st Duke of 120, 162 129, 234> 254, 265, 340, 383, 427
Connell, Ward and Lucas 360 Cromwell, Thomas 23, 292
Connery, Sean 169 Crosby, Bing 175
Connolly, Cyril2.42, 359 Crosfield, Sir Arthur 333
Conrad, Joseph 108, 188, 2.45, 274, 316 Crosfield, Domini 333
Conran, Terence 148, 380, 408, 410 Cross, John 419
Cons, Emma 389 Crowley, Aleister 128, 144
Constable, John 104. 142, 195, 2.46, 256, 358, 360, 366 Cruden, Alexander 320
Constantine, Emperor 31 Cruikshank, Dan 287
Constantine, Learie 94 Cubitt, James 328
Conti, Tom 325 Cubitt, Joseph 258
Cooder, Ry 452 Cubitt, Lewis 83, 356
Cook, Annie 144 Cubitt, Thomas 83, 87, 216, 2.45, 269, 397, 400, 401
Cook, Captain James 182 Cubitt, Wiiliam. 422
Cook, Peter 198 Cudlipp, Hugh 5, 402
Culture Club 193 de Lincoln, Thomas 123
Cumberhmd, Duke of 154, 355, 42.8 de Mendelssohn, Jane 161
Cunard, Lady 16o, 163, 183 de Montford, Henry 3o6
Cundey, Samuel175 de Montfort, Simon 39
Cundy, Nicholas Wilcox 139 de Morgan, William 466
Cunningham, Admiral Lord 104 de Quincey, Thomas 121, 198
Cunningham, David 124 de Rothschild, Baron 151
Curtis, Richard 453 de Veil, Thomas 109
Curzon, Lady Cynthia see Mosley; Cynthia de Vere, Godfrey 439
Curzon, Lord 183, 206, 2.07-8 de Wakefield, William 296
Curzon, Nathaniel170 de Worde, Wynkyn 21, 41, 51
Cuthbertson, Judi 335 de Yevele, Henry 237
Cutpurse, Moll see Frith, Mary De Vere family 437
Cynesige 437 Deans, Mickey 412
C:ZWG Architects 2.63 Debenham, Ernest 466
Defoe, Daniel to, :w, 22, 27, 30, 48, 81, 153, 161, 340,
da Vinci, Leonardo 104 361
Dali, Salvador 173,267,361,387 DeiShton, Len 424
Dance, George (the Elder) 25, 64. 291,308 Dekker, Thomas 29
Dance, George (the Younger) 9, 10,21 del Piombo, Sebastiana 105
Dankworth, Johnny 191 Delius, Frederick 110
Danneman, Monika 455-6 Delmere, Bella see lloyd, Marie
Dansey, Colonel Claude E. M. 118, 218 Deltas 459
Danvers, Johnny 330 Deneb, Judi 366
Darnley, Earl of 152 Denham, Sir John 18o
Darwin, Charles 84 Denning, Lord 166
Darwin, Gwen 84 Dennis, Felix 456, 464
Dashwood, Sir Francis 26, 22.6 Dennis, Ginger 3o8
Dashwood-Garvey, Amy 450 Depeche Mode 193, 459
Datchet, Mary 85 Derby, Earl of 216
David, Hugh 143, 145 Deritis family 321
Davidson, Emily 239 Derry, Charles 443
Davidson, Lord 230 Deutsch, Leo 92
Davidson, William 10 Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex 77,294
Davies, Cyrilt87 Devonshire, Duke of 167, 206, 42.8
Davies, Franklin 401 Diaghilev, Sergei 117, 183
Davies, Jack llewellyn 430-31 Diana, Princess of Wales 62, 209, 397, 429, 441
Davies, Ray 2.68 Dibdin, Charles 8o
Davis, Abraham 287 Dickens, Charles J, 4o 5, 6, 8, 20, 25, 2.6, 27, 38, 46, 68,
Davis, George 338-9 69, 70, 84o 87, 88, 91, 95, 104> 112,117,119,125,131,
Davis, Miles 186, 2.04 158. 188, 235. 244> 256. 259, 2.63, 2.6g, 275, 278, 283,
Davis, Sammy Jnr 457 298, 300, 303, 315, 320, 334> 335, 344t 354> )62, 363,
Davis and Emmanuel258 38o, 382, 383, 386, 391, 425, 433, 450, 451
Davison, Emily 88-9 Dickens, John 383
Davy, Humphry 164-5, 166 Dietrich, Marlene 186, 202
Dawes, John 327 Dingwall, T. E. 345
Dawson, Peter 197 Dire Straits 450
Day,John12 Disraeli, Benjamin 7, 30, 123. 12.6, 155, 214, 227, 255, 302,
De Beers 5, 6, 73 397·422
de Berners, Ralph 325 Dixon, Jeremy 110
de Blemund, William 83 Dockray, Robert 346
de Briset, Jordan 74.77 Dodd, Ken96
de Cllateaubriand, Vicomte 350 Dodd, Dr William 434
de Farringdone, William 56 Doll, Charles Fitzroy 87, 94
de Ferranti, Sebastian 271 Donegan, Lonnie 163, 200
de Freitas, Michael337, 456, 458 Donne, John 42, 57, 63, 123
de Gaulle, Charles 182, 184. 195, :w6, 228, 360 Donovan 107,. 186
de Grey, Sir Reginald 95 Dorchester, 1st Marquess of 333
de Jumieger, William 57 Dors, Diana 221
de Lacy, Henry, Earl of Lincoln 123 Doughty, Henry 91
de Ia Ramie, Marie Louise see Ouida Douglas, Lord Alfred 134> 167, 36o

Douglas, James no Edward VI 10, 48, 50, 77,129,252,418,430

Douglas, Kirk 172 Edward VII 53, 103, 131, 138, 144, 151, 165, 175, 185, 210,
Douglas, Wayne 405 215, no, 326, 422, 423, 432, 434> 465
Douglas-Home, Alec (Lord Dunglas) 228 Edward VIII (Duke ofWindsor) 180, 192, 208, 211, 215,
Downing, Sir George 222 223, 234. 242, 352
Doyle, Arthur Conan 21, 133, 155, 181, 223-4, 347 Edward the Confessor 235, 240-41
D'Oyly Carte, Richard see Carte, Richard D'Oyly Edwards, Buster 379, 425
Dracula, 301, 360, 362, 363 Edwards, John Passmore 304
Dr Feelgood 328 Edwards, Robert 44
Drake, Sir Francis 48, 269, 270, 271 Egan, Rusty 193
Drake, Nick 186, 414, 445, 449, 451 Egremont, Earl of 180
Dreyfus, Captain 126 Eisenhower, General Dwight D. 62, 148, 163, 216, 323
Driberg, Tom 195, 198, 401 Ekland, Britt 221
Druce, Mrs 154 Elder, Mark 117
Druce, Thomas 154 Eldon, Lord 87-8
Drummond, Edward 227 Eleanor, Barry 130
Drury, Ken 379 Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen 16, 130, 232
Drury, Sir William uS Elgar, Edward 140, 367
Dryden, John 39, 46, 203 Elgin, Lord 90
Du Cane, Edmund 463 Elias, Julius 115
Du Cann, Edward 242 Eliezer, Israel ben 341
du Pre, Jacqueline 387 Eliot, George 245, 252, 253, 334, 415, 419
'Dubow, Mr' see Defoe, Daniel Eliot, T. S. 28, 37, 143, 381-2, 418
Dudy, John 463 Elizabeth I 9, 23, 29, 36, 38, 48, 70, 71, 71, 78, 87, 122, 129,
Dudley, Lord Guildford 17 183, 209, 233. 241, 260, 265, 271, 294. 391
Duell, William 433 Elizabeth I1138, 173, 176, 180, 203, 211, 219, 268, 388
Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo 174 Elizabeth, Queen (George VI's wife) 211, 219
Duff Gordon, Lady Lucy (Lucille) 174, 366 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 101, 132
Duffield, John 365 Ellesmere, Earl of 208
Dumas, Alexander 438 Ellington, Duke 187, 208, 304
Dun, Aidan 339 Ellis, Alice Thomas 345
Duncan, A. C. u6 Ellis, Ruth 338, 364
Dundonald, Earl of see Cochrane, Thomas Elton, Ben 184
Dunglas, Lord see Douglas-Home, Alec Emberton, Joseph 182
Dunlop, Marion 338 Emerson, William 257
Durand-Deacon, Olive 424 Emin, Tracey 329, 368
Dury, Ian 99, 223 Engels, Friedrich 75, 193, 360, 428
Duveen of Millbank, Lord 440 Eorconweald, Bishop of London 25, 35, 61
Dwight, Reg see John, Elton Epstein, Jacob 20, 126, 224
Dynamiters 223, 437 Erith, Raymond 362
Dzhugashvili, Joseph see Stalin, Joseph Erkenwald see Eorconweald, Bishop of London
Ernst, Karl Gustav 326
Eadfrith90 Ernst, Max 173, 366
Eady, Muriel454 Erskine, Ralph 436
Eastlake, Sir Charles 105 Ertegun, Ahnlet 187
Eastman, Linda see McCartney, Linda Escoffier, Auguste 134
Eddie and the Hot Rods 202 Espinasse, Fran~is 408
Eddowes, Catherine 34, 276, 302 Essential Logic 459
Eddy, Prince see Clarence, Duke of Essex, Earl of see Devereux, Robert
Ede and Ravenscroft 121-2 Etchingham, Kathy 161
Edgecombe, Johnny 157 Ethelbert, King 61
Edinburgh, Duke of see Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Etheldreda 72
Edison, Thomas 71 Ethelred the Unready 3, 38, 259, 358
Edmonds, Mark 188 Euston, Earl of see Fitzroy, Henry
Edmund the Martyr, King 6, 15, 28 Evans, Beryl454
Edrich, Bill369, 394 Evans, Dan Harries 138
Edward I 16, 19, 30, 36, 72, 130, 232, 293, 391 Evans, Edith 56
Edward II 9, 64, 239 Evans, Jeraldine 454
Edward III 9, 72, 121, 122, 142, 237, 270,281 Evans, Jimmy 309
Edward IV 15, 293, 294 Evans, Timothy 336, 454-5
EdwardV294 Evans-Gordon, Major 292
Eve, Cecil 245, 254 Follett, Barbara 417
Evelyn, John 27, 233, 441 Follett, Ken 417
Ewart, William 132 Fonteyn, Margot 112, 410
Eyre, H. S. 367 Foot, Michael 56, 198
Eyre, Richard 268, 388 Foot, Pauls, 198
Ezzrecco, Frances 450 Forbes, Bryan 452
Fordyce, John 350
F. & H. Francis 431 Foreman, Freddie 308, 309
Faber, Sir Geoffrey 361 Formby, George 315
Fagan, Michael 211 Forster, E. M. 84
Fahd, King 307 Forster, John 362
Fairbanks, Douglas 166, 183 Forte, Charles 193
Fairfax, Thomas 10, 119 Fortnum, William 182
Fairport Convention 203, 298, 388, 451 Foster, Enoch 300
Faith, Adam 106, 187, 200 Foster, Marjorie 89
Faithfull, Marianne 198, 346, 418, 452, 459 Foster, Norman 35,258, 266,314,374
Fallc, Chaim Samuel Jacob 282 Foulke, Willie 'Fatty' 407
Fame, Georgie 186 Foumyval family 4
Faraday, Michael166-7, 334 Fowler, John 79
Farrell, Terry 130, 256, 266, 344 Fox, Charles James 184. 229
Farrer, Gaspard 216 Fox, Constable 463
Farrow, Mia 466 Fox, James 452
Farryner 37 Fox, Samantha 451
Farson, Daniel194, 198, 275 Foyle, Christina 99, 160
Faust46o Foyle, Gilbert 99, 160, 334
Fawkes, Guy 225, 236, 238, 294. 295, 296, 363 Foyle, William 99, 160, 334
Featherstonehaugh, Sir Matthew 231 Frampton, George 430
Feld, Marc see Bolan, Marc Frank, T. Pierson 251
Feldman, Marty 365 Franklin, Benjantin 12, 132, 418
Feldman, Robert 138 Fraser, Antonia 210
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 423 Fraser, Frankie 189, 379
Ferrier, Kathleen 360 Fraser, Robert 141
Fielding Helen 459 Frayn, Michael345
Fielding, Henry 4. 47, 105, 108, 109, 131 Freake, Charles James 421
Fielding, John 109 Frederick, Duke of York 181
Fields, Gracie 102 Frederick, Emperor of Germany 154
Fields, J, T. 278 Frederick, Prince of Wales (George Il's son) 441
Fildes, Luke 468 Free 451
Finch, Sir Heneage 120, 441 Freud, Anna 361
Finch, Lady Isabella 168 Freud, Bella 414
Finn, Mickey 409 Freud, Caroline 453
Fisher, Admiral Lord 221 · Freud, Lucian 184, 194, 195
Fitzgerald, Ella 196 Freud, Matthew 459
Fitzmaurice, Sir Maurice 262 Freud, Sigmund 100, 359, 360-61
Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton 162 Friedman, Milton 243
Fitzroy, Charles, 2nd Duke of Grafton 145, 332 Friese-Greene, William 70-71
Fitzroy, Henry, Earl of Euston 142, 144 Frith, Mary (Moll Cutpurse) 10
Fitzstephen, William 75 Frith, Richard 195, 217
Flamsteed, John 389 Frobisher, Martin 270
Flanagan, Bud 283, 288 Fry, Benjantin 195
Flaxman, John 184 Fry, Elizabeth 10-11
Fleischer, Richard 452 Fry, Maxwell36o
Fleming, Alexander 432 Fry, Roger 84, 85, 143, 145, 168
Fleming, Ian 252, 415-16, 418, 446 Fuchs, Klaus 223
Fletcher, Yvonne 216 Fuerst, Ruth 454
Flitcroft, Henry 107 Fuhrhop, Rowland Walter see Rowland, Tiny
Flower, William 237 Fumival, Dr Frederick 250
Flowerpot Men 107 Fyfe, Hamilton 51
Foley, Lord 155
Foliot, Gilbert 190 Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar 216, 386
Folkestone, VISCOunt see Shipley, William Gaggia, Achille 197

Gainsborough, Thomas 2.46, 330, 363 Gilbey, Sir John 160

Gaitskell, Hugh 36o, 440 Gill, Eric 155
Galbraith, J. K. 16o-61 Gilman, Harold 145
Gallagher, Noel345 Gimonde, Pierro 112.
Galleni, Hans 443-4 Ginsberg, Allen 402., 42.3
Galvin, George see Leno, Dan Girouard, Mark 2.87
Gamage, Arthur 5 Gissing, George 74
Gandhi, Mahatma 7, 47, 87, 2.10-11,312.-13,357 Gladstone, William 8o, 12.3, 151, 198, 2.07, 2.16, 2.2.7, 2.31,
Gandulf, Bishop of Rochester 2.95 311
Gardstein, George 32. Glassman, Isaac 301
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 2.19 Glassman, Minnie 301
Garland, Judy 308, 412. Gloucester, Duchess of 441
Garnet, Henry 17 Gloucester, Duke of 441
Garraway, Thomas 2.6-7 Glover, Stephen 44. 8:z.
Garrick, David 112., 114. 119, 2.56 Glyn, Mills, Currie, Holt & Co. 46
Garvey, Marcus 42.8, 450, 469 Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry 350
Gascoyne, David 173 Godfrey, Michael :z.:z.
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, Lord Salisbury 51, 2.:1.7, 2.87 Godwin, E. W. 192, 415
Gaskell, Elizabeth 6o, 117,417 · Goebbels, Joseph 118
Gately, Kevin 98 Goering, Hermann 171
Gauguin, Paul169 Goetze, Sigismund 353
Gay, John 10, m Gog and Magog 43
Gay, Noel384 Goldfinger, Emo 366, 446, 447
Gayer, Sir John 33 Goldfinger, Ursula 366
Gayfere, Thomas 2.42. Goldoni, Carlo 388
Geary, Stephen 334 Goldsmid, Sir Isaac Lyon 354
Geismar, Alain 12.2. Goldsmith, James 168
Geldof, Bob 347 Goldsmith, Oliver 42., 102., 2.41, 32.4, 32.7, 418
Genet, Jean 92. Gollancz, Victor 113
Genevieve, Mme :z.s:z. Goodlad, Alistair 2.42.
Gentleman, David 345 Goodman, Arnold 401
George I, Elector of Hanover 88, 101, 173, 2.09, 2.:1.6, 441 Goodman, Geoffrey s
George II 89, 101, 119, 166, 168, 196, 2.09, :z.:z.s, :z.:z.6, 2.41, Goody, Gordon 358, 42.5
441 Gordon, General 63
George III 94. 119, 143, 167, 176, 181, 2.07, 2.09, 2.10, 2.12., Gordon, Lord Israel Abraham George 11, 88, 12.5, 156, 386
2.16, :Z.:Z.l, 32.0, 411, 441, 443· 446 Gordy, Berry 152.
George IV 104. 105, 169, 175, 192., 2.07, 2.10, 2.19, 2.56, 32.3, Gore, Spencer 145
344. 350, 351, 352, 356, 383, 42.8. 438 Gore-Booth, Constance see Markievicz, Countess
George V 178, :z.o8, 2.10, 2.11, :z.:z.o, 465 Constance
George VI 173, 180, 192., 2.11, ns, 2.41 Goring, George, Earl of Norwich u
George, Prince of Denmark 1o6 Gorky, Maxim 93, 305
Georgiou, Steven see Stevens, Cat Gorman, Teresa 2.42.
Gerard of Brandon, Baron 2.03 Gough, Richard 39
Germain, Lord 2.32. Gower, John 381
Gershwin, George 159 Grace, W. G. 9
Gertler, Mark 2.86, 304 Grafton, :z.nd Duke of see Fitzroy, Charles
Gestetner, Sigmund 333 Grafton, 3rd Duke of see Fitzroy, Augustus Henry
Getty, Paul154 Graham, Davey 97
Gibberd, Frederick 317, 353 Graham, George 18o
Gibbon, Edward 156, 173 Graham, James 2.15
Gibbons, Grinling 6:z., 8o, 108, 182. Graham Parker and the Rumour 32.8
Gibbons, William 364 Granby, Marquis of 117
Gibbs, James 9, 104. 12.7, 148 Grandage, Michaeln:z. _
J. S. Gibson and Partners 2.37 Grant, Cary 169, 175
Gibson, John 2.66 Grant, Duncan 84. 143
Gielgud, John 8o, 116, 191 Grant, Eddy 405
Gieves, Mr 176 Grant, Hugh 449, 45:Z.. 453
Gilbert, Fred 311 Granville, Lord :z.o8
Gilbert, Lewis 434 Granville-Barker, Harley 398
Gilbert, W. S. 47, 12.6, 134. 192., 336, 371, 400, 42.9 Gray, Thomas :z.u
Gilbert and George 99, 141, 2.87, 2.88, 304 Green, Benny s

Green, Bill190, 191 Hardwick, Thomas 153

Green, Charles 252 Hardy, Keir 56
Green, Jonathan 464 Hardy, Thomas 358, 364
Greenacre, James 379 Harewood, Lord 138
Greenaway, Kate 360 Hargreaves, William 126
Greene, Graham 73, 87, 181, 188, 218-19 Harley, Edward, md Earl of Oxford 137, 153, 154. 157,
Greenfield, James 59 158
Greenhough, George 353 Harley, Robert 89
Greenwood, James 278, 298 Harmsworth, Alfred, Lord Northcliffe 5, 39, 40, 50-51,
Greer, Germaine 456 53. 54. 170, 206, 368
Gregory, Maundy 230 Harmsworth, Anne, Lady Rothermere 219
Gresham, Thomas 17, 29 Harmsworth, Esmond, md Lord Rothennere 219
Greville, Fulke 70, 72 Harmsworth, Geraldine Mary 385-6
Grey, Earl 226 Harmsworth, Harold, 1st Lord Rothennere 39, 43. 51,
Grey, Lady Jane 17, 294. 295 52, 53. 54. 91, 353. )68, 385. 411, 467
Grey, Rose 251 Harper, Roy 186
Gnbble, Herbert 421 Harrington, sth Earl of 421, 440
Grimaldi, Joseph 79, So, 109, 125 Harris, Augustus 110
Grimshaw, Nicholas 389 Harris, Benjamin 41
Groce, Cherry 405 Harris, Bob 443
Groce, Michael405 Harris, 'Bumper' 178
Gropius, Walter 246, 359 Harris, E. Vincent 234. 255, 333
Grosholtz, Marie see Tussaud, Madame Harris, Frank m
Grossmith, George 134. 335 Harris, Mr ('the Sausage King') 133
Grossmith, Weedon 327,335 Harris, Richard 468
Grosvenor, Duke oh6o, 397 Harris, Thomas 109
Grosvenor, Sir Richard 161 Harrison, Audley 309
Grylls, Thomas 364 Harrison, George 168, 221, 368, 402
Gubbins, Major-General Sir Colin 150 see also Beatles
Guerin, Eddie 181 Harrison, John 390
Guinness, Alec 356 Harrison, Major-General 232
Guinness, Edward Cecil, ut Earl of Iveagh 362 Harrison, Rex 169
Gullit, Ruud 408 Harrod, Henry 397
Gwynn, Nell340. 410 Harrowby, Earl of 163
Hart, Richard 379
Haakon VI, King of Norway 118 Hart, Watson 160
Hague, William 232, 450 Hartwell, Lord see Berry, Michael
Haigh, John George 424-5, 442 Harvey, Benjamin 402
Haining, Peter 43 Harvey, Marcus 181
Hale, Will46 Harvey, William 9
Hales, Sir Robert ('Hobbe the Robber') 77, 292 Harvey-Jones, John 230
Hall, Sir Benjamin 238 Hastings, Max 44
Hall, Peter 268, 388 Hatch, Samuel366
Hall, Radclyffe 110 Hatchard, John 182
Hallam, Arthur 158 Hatchett, John 417
Hallidie, Andrew Smith 333 Hatton, Sir Christopher 72
Halliwell, Kenneth 338 Hatton, Lady Elizabeth 70
Hals, Frans 151 Hauge, Rune 180
Halswelle, Wyndham 465 Havelock, General104
Hamilton, Neil 76 Haviland, John 335
Hamilton, Richard 304 Hawards gang 379
Hamm, Jeffrey 448 Hawkes, Mr 176
Hammond, Charles 144 Hawkins, Spike 186, 201
Hamnett, Nina 128, 144 Hawkshaw, John 64, 256
Hampton, Christopher 250 Hawksmoor, Nicholas 27, 28, 38, 88, 94,106,241,278,
Handel, George Frederick 109,161-2 28o, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 316, 390, 441
Hanft', Helen 100, 149 Hawkwind 451
Harben, Philip 359 Hay, Alexander 269
Harcourt, Lord Simon 221 Hay, Will330
Harcourt, Sir William 255 Haydn, Joseph 174
Harding, Arthur 290 Haydon, Benjamin 183

Hayward, Sir Isaac 384, 388 Holden, Charles 20, 86, 87, 126, 177, 179, 223, 224,
Hazell, A. P. 331 323
Hazlitt, William 7, 195,196, 202 Holford, James 352
Head, Sergeant 463 Holingshead, Michael398
Heal, Ambrose 148 Holland, Henry 398, 399
Heal, John Harris 148 Holland, Lady 438, 468
Healey, Denis 56 Holles, Lady Henrietta Cavendish 153
Heaps, Stanley A. 322 Hollingshead, John 300, 307, 309
Heath, Cuthbert Evan 34 Hollingworth, Clare 44
Heath, Edward 55, 181, 228, 242 Holloway, Thomas 90
Hemmings, David 408 Holmes, Sherlock 21, 133, 181, 347
Hempel, Anouska 453 Holroyd, James 156
Henderson, Gavin 243 Holst, Gustav 250, 265
Henderson, Russell 450 Home, Lady 151
Hendrix, Jirni 121, 137, 161, 191,196, 201-2,337,409,419, Honorius, Emperor 3
455-6,469 Hooke, Robert 36
Henrietta Maria, Queen (Charles l's wife) 129, 213,392 Hopkins, John 94> 148, 462
Henriques, Sir Basil 280 Hopkins, Michael86, 222, 225, 255, 374
Henry I 9, 12, 107 Hoppe, E. o. 424
Henry II 16, 77 Hornby, Leslie ('Twiggy') 408, 414
Henry III 14, 16, 19, 28, 83, 294, 295 Horniman, E. J. 253
Henry IV 295 Hornor, Thomas 351
Henry V 37, 389, 391 Horos, Theo see Jackson, Frank Dutton
Henry VI 15, 241, 296, 391 Hough, Dr Martin 63
Henry VII 62, 133, 148, 237, 241, 242 Houghton, John 78
Henry VIII 9, 12, 16, 23, 25, 48, 50, 53, 61, 62, 69, 72, 74, 77, Household, Geoffrey 128
78, 83, 89, 104, 148, 208, 209, 213, 222, 229, 230, 231, Housman, A. E. 366
233· 240, 252, 270, 275. 281, 282, 292, 293. 294. 296, Howard, Brian 194
314, 344· 350,376,390,391, 413,417,418,427.430 Howard, Catherine 376
Henry, Prince of Wales 46 Howard, Greville 244
Hepworth, Barbara 266, 359 Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey 17
Heraclius 47, 77 Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk 31, 77, 78
Herbert, A. P. 250 Howard, Trevor 169
Hermitage, Catherine 175 Howarth, Mary 51
Hertford, Marquesses of see Seymour-Conway family Howe, Darcus 457
Herzog and de Meuron 376 Hoyle, Edmond 93
Heseltine, Michael 444 Hubert, Archbishop 63
Hess, Rudolph 293, 295 Hudson, George 401
Hessel, Phoebe 281 Hudson, Henry 25
Hewer, Will131 Hudson, W. H. 428
Hicks, Baptist, Viscount Campden 437 Hughes, Ted 93, 94, 383
Hicks, Tommy see Steele, Tommy Hulanicki, Barbara 442
Hill,Aggy384 1Hulanicki, Biruta 442
Hill, Billy 144-5, 189, 400 Human League 347, 460
Hill, Octavia 93, 221 Humperdinck, Engelbert 107
Hill, Rowland 13 Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester 389, 391
Hindley, Myra 181 Hunt, James D. 313
Hinds, Alfred 45 Hunt, Leigh 31, 109, 201, 383, 412, 442
Hirst, Damien 184, 194> 195, 213, 329, 368, 431, 459 Hunt, William Holman 85, 181, 468
Hitchcock, Alfred 330, 466 Hunter, Ray 200
Hitler, Adolph 87, 99, 104, 171, 316, 411, 438, 440 Hussein, King 154
Hitler, Alois 146 Hussein, Saddarn 33
Hoare, Richard 46 Hutchinson, Henry Hunt 122
'Hobbe the Robber' see Hales, Sir Robert Hutton, Barbara 353
Hobbes, Thomas 39 Hutton, Len 394
Hobson, Thomas 148 Huxley, Aldous 181
Hockney, David 247, 380, 462 Huxley, Professor Julian 351
Hogarth, Richard 79 Huxley, T. H. 422
Hogarth, William 9, 12, 13, 50, 79, 101, 102, 104> 1o6, 107; Hyde, Robertus 48
111, 116, 119, 123, 217, 231, 246. 321, 354-5 Hyderabad, Nizam of 53
Holbein, Hans so, 104, 441 Hyndman, Henry 365

llchester, 5th Earl of 438 Jersey, Earl of 46

Incredible String Band 414 Jewell, Margaret 299
Inkpin, Albert 114 Jinnah, Muhammed Ali 121, 123
Inwood, Henry 357 John, Augustus 14:1, 143, 192
Ionides, Basi1178 John, Elton 106,107
Irani brothers 2.00 John, King 47, 51, 90, 270
Ireland, John 6 John of Gaddesden 9
Ireland, William 119 John of Gaunt 7:1
Ireton, Henry 96, 340 John Paul II, Pope 386
Ireton, John 340 Johns, W. E. 113
Irving, Edward 83 Johnson, Bil11o6
Irving, Henry 117, 368 Johnson, Ken 'Snakehips' 203
Irving, Washington 3:17 Johnson, Pamela Hansford 154. 418
Isaacs, 'Tubby' 30:1 Johnson, Dr Samuels, 11-u, 39, 40, 41, 46, 47, 63, 79,
Isherwood, Christopher 9:1, 143 93. 10:1-3, 127, 203, 210, :13:1, 240. 268, 358. 36o, 365.
Ishiguro, Kazuo 349 377.434
Ismay, J. Bruce 400 Joliffe, William Tufnell 322
Israel, Menasseh Ben 36 Jones, Adrian 179
Ivan the Terrible 3 Jones, Allan 345
Ivanov, Yevgeny 113,157 Jones, Brian 139, 414, 429, 464
Iveagh, 1st Earl of see Guinness, Edward Cecil see also Rolling Stones
Ivory, James 381 Jones, Christopher 270
Ivy League 107 Jones, Edward 421
Jones, Horace 8, 37, 260
Jack the Ripper 34. 144> :164. :176-7, 2.8o, :181,:185,:186, Jones, Inigo 61, 111-1:1,12:1,124.177,:113,234.389,391,
:189, :198, )00, 301, 30:1, 303. 305 392
Jackson, Editha 85 Jones, Owen 440
Jackson, Francis 361 Jones, Peter 399
Jackson, Frank Dutton 85 Jones, Steve :10:1, 419
Jackson, Glenda 3:15 Jones, Tom 107, 337
Jackson, John 'Gentleman' 171 Jonson, Ben 4. 11, 39, 46, 53, 236, :18:1, 377
Jacobs, w. w. :161 Jordan, Colin 456
Jagger, Mick 94. 139, 164. 186, 198, :15:1, 406, 409, 414> Jordan, J. S. 43
415. 41S. 4:19. 45:1 Jordan, Neil :187
see also Rolling Stones Jory the Dwarf 441
James I 1:1, 33, 46, 47, 6o, 116, 119, 129, 13:1, 2.1:1, 2.19, :138, Josaphat, Israel Beer see Reuter, Paul Julius
293. 36:1. 389. 391, 39:1, 4:17 Joseph, Keith 2.43
James I of Scotland 376 Joseph, Michael 87
James II 7, 95, 123. 183, 188, 209, n6, 233, :154. :161, 350, 363 Josten, Josef 439
James, C. L. R. 4:18, 457 Joy Division 3:18, 459
James, Clive 55 Joyce, James 90, 94. 383
James, Henry 92, 131, 418, 431 Joyce, William (Lord Haw Haw) 58-9, 229, 403
James, John 174 Juxon, Dr 234
James, Roy 425
James Smith and Sons 90 Kamenev, Lev 72
Jamrach, Charles 299 Karno, Fred 277
Jansch, Bert 98, 186 Kauffer, E. McKnight 111
Jarman, Derek 380 Kauffman, Angelica 131
Jarman, Edward 29 Kay, Joseph 390
Jeeves, Gordon 2.45, :154 Keats, John 16, 17, 31, 70, 89, 358, 36o, 363, 364. 365, 366.
Jeffrey, Francis 196 442
Jeffreys, Judge 261 Keeler, Christine 59,157,301,430
Jefri, Prince 354 Kell, Captain Vernon 233
Jekyll, Josephus 48 Kelly, Ben 410
Jellico, Admiral Lord 104 Kelly, Mary 144, 212, 277, :185, :186
Jenkins, Roy :163 Kemble, John 109
Jenner, Edward 89 Kemp, Thomas Read 400
Jenner, Peter 461 Kemsley, Lord see Berry, Gomer
Jepson, Major Selwyn 133 Kendal, Duchess of 441
Jermyn, Henry, Earl of St Albans :106, 2.1:1, 2.15 Kendall, Henry 400
Jerome, Jerome K. 388 Kennedy, John F.164

Kennedy, Ludovic 455 Lamb, Mary 320

Kennedy, Robert 165 Lambe, William 91
Kenney, Annie 227 Lambie, Martin 388
Kensington, Lord 251 Lambton, Anthony 44
Kent, William 116, 168, 230, 231, 431 Lampert, Catherine 304
Keppel, Alice 165 Lancaster, Osbert 398
Ketch, Jack 293 Lanchester arid Rikards 230
Keynes, John Maynard 83, 84 Landis, John 12.8
Khalili, Nasser David 440 Landseer, Edwin 104, 367
Khrushchev, Nikita 39, 162, 439 Lane, John 231
Kidd, Captain William 2.61-2 Lang, Dr Cosmo 12.6
Kilgour, French and Stanbury 175 Langley, Batty 114
Killigrew, Thomas 110, 119 Langtry, Lillie 399
King, Andrew 461 Lansbury, Edgar 301
King, Bryan 2.8o Lansbury, George 301, 316, 317, 406
King, Cecil Harmsworth 5, 39, 402 Larcher, David 402
King, Gregory zoo Larke, John 25
King, Martin Luther 7, 165 Larkin, Philip 93
King, Pete 196 Lasdun, Denys 2.68, 388
King Crimson 451 Laski, Harold 113
KingMob462 Latham, John 42.3
Kingsley, Ben 325 Latimer, Hugh 14
Kingsley, Charles 31, 389 Latsis, John zos
Kinks 190, 2.68 Laud, William 33
Kinnear, Roy 277 Lauder, Harry 321
Kipling, Elsie 364 Lauderdale, Earl of see Maitland, John
Kipling, Rudyard 52, 133, 364 Laughton, Charles 176
Kiralfy family 464 Laver, James 416
Kirk, Rahsaan Roland 196 Lawrence, D. H. 84, 160, 358, 366
Kissinger, Henry 2.43 Lawrence, Frieda 366
Kitchener, Lord 62, 2.06 Lawrence, Stephen 124
Klee, Paul173, 366 Lawrence, T. E. 113
Klein, Alf147 Lawson, Nigella 196
Klemperer, Otto 110 Lawson-Levy, Edward 127
Kline, Kevin 2.69 Lawton, Mr Justice 379
Knight, Adelaide 227 Laye, Mike 212
Knight, Maxwell 246 Le Carre, John 99
Knight, Stephen 144 Le Neve, Ethel336
Knott, Ralph 2.67, 387 le Sage, John 43
Knox-King, Harold 2.60 Leadbetter, 'Huddie' zoo
Knyvet, Sir Thomas 225 Lean, David 2.63
Komer, Alexis 187 Leary, Brian 42.0
Kossuth, Louis 367 Leary, Timothy 398, 461
Kosygin, Alexei 162. Led Zeppelin 117,186, 201,468
Krasin, Leonid 72 Lee, John (actor) 119
Kray twins (Reggie and Ronnie) 37, 59, 73, 81, 161, 189, Lee, John (boxer) 275
267,277, 296,305,306,307,308,309,310,312, Lee, Nathaniel21
340-41, 378. 379· 401, 452, 463 Lee, Peggy 152
Kray, Charles (Kray twins' father) 310 Lee, General Raymond E. 171
Kray, Charlie (Kray twins' brother) 308 Leese, Arnold 58
Kray, Violet (Kray twins' mother) 309 Leeson, Nick 2.6
Kroger, Helen 177 Leeson, Sergeant 303
Kroger, Peter 177 Legge, Sheila 173
Leicester, md Earl of see Sidney, Robert
La Rue, Danny 174 Leigh, David 402
Ladbroke, Sir Robert 449 Leigh, Vivien m, 219, 412
Laing, David 37 Leighton, Lord 63, 369, 467
Lake, Samuel 450 Leitch, Archibald 407
Laker, Jim 394 Lenin, Krupskaya 92
Lamb, Lady Caroline 181, 438 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 64, 69, 72., 75> 92, 93, 114, 143,
Lamb, Charles 7, 320 329,331,42.8

Lennon, John 158, 176, 368, 402 Londonderry, Marquess of 171

see also Beatles Long, John St John 154, 155
Leno, Dan 119, 330, 356 Longbeard, William 63
Lenthall, William 239 Longfellow, Henry 95
Leoni, Peppino 185, 194 Longford, Lord see Pakenham, Frank
Leopold, Prince (Queen Victoria's son) 189 Lopez, Dr Rodrigo 9, 36
Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Prince 215 Lord, Thomas 324. 349, 369
Leroux, Henry 327 Loren, Sophia 400
Lester, Dick 348 Losey, Joseph 466
Lester, Muriel313 Loss, Joe 283
L'Estrange, Roger 3 Louis Philippe, King of France 102
Leveland family 57 Louise, Princess (Queen Victoria's daughter) 97
Lever, Sir Ashton w1 Lovelace, Richard 240
Leverhulme, Lord 16o, 219, 362 Lovett, Margery 43
Leveson-Gower, Lady Gertrude 84 Lowry-Corry, Montague William, Lord Rowton 302
Levy, Edward see Lawson-Levy, Edward Lowther, James 422
Levy, Joseph 127, 357 Lowther, William 422
Lewis, Brian B. 140 Lubetkin, Berthold So, 81, 333-4. 351
Lewis, John 137,138,399 Lucan, Dowager Countess 403
Lewis, John Spedan 138 Lucan, Lady 403
Lewis, Paul434 Lucan, Lord 168, 244. 400, 403
Lewis, Ted 'Kid' 308, 467 Lucius, king of Britain 27
Lewis, Wyndham 84, 145, 146, 304, 430 Lud, king of Britain 57
Leyland, Maurice 394 Ludwig I of Bavaria 85
Leyton, Johnny 337, 461 Luff, Ernest 7
Liberty, Arthur Lasenby 192 Lumley, Joanna 325
Lichtenstein, Rachel 290 Lusk, George 276, 277
Lidbetter, Hubert 357 Luther, Martin 61
Liddell, Guy 172-3 Lutyens, Edwin 45, 123, 160, 193, 216, 231, 352, 353
Liebeskind, Daniel 422 Luxemburg, Rosa 305
Lifschutz, Alex 256 Lydon, John see Rotten, Johnny
Ligeti, Gyorgy 110 Lynch, David 380
Lincoln, Earl of see de Lacy, Henry Lyons, Joe 182
Lincoln, Abraham 54 Lyttelton, Humphrey 138
Lincoln, Paul 200 Lyttleton, Lord 151
Lindsay, Sir Coutts 172
Lindsey, ISt Earl of see Bertie, Robert Macaulay, Lord 89, 96, 181, 233
Lindsey, 3rd Earl of 416 MacBryde, Robert 194
Linsey, Adam 443 McCallum, Colin see Cobom, Charles
Lister, Joseph 154 McCartney, Linda (nee Eastman) 186
Listowel, Earl of 440 McCartney, Paul149, 158, 186, 200, 346, 368
Litlington, Abbot 241 see also Beatles
Littlewood, Joan 277, 308 MacColl, Ewan see Miller, James
Litvinoff, David 452 McCullin, Don 341
Litvinov, Maxin! 302 McDermott, Mo 462
Liverpool, Lord 19, 214 McDonald, Charles 'Wag' 384
Livingstone, David 176, 241 MacDonald, Ishbel227
lloyd, Constance 415 MacDonald, James Ramsay 56, 115, 123, 227, 360
lloyd, Edward 33-4 McEwan, Ian 198, 349
lloyd, Marie 97, 99, 111, 321, 330 McGoohan, Patrick 169
lloyd George, David 40, 54. 122,152,169, 208, 214, 227, McGowan, Cathy 442
230 McGregor, William 45
lloyd George, Gwilym 338 McGuinness, Martin 416
lloyd George, Dame Margaret 227 Macinnes, Colin 185, 195, 397, 445, 447, 4.56
Loach, Ken 324 Mackay, John Henry 304
Lobb, John 217 M'Kenzie, Alice 277, 303
Lock, Tony 394 Mackenzie, C. Robert 206
Lockwood, Margaret 330 McKenzie, Kelvin so
Loftie, W. J. 421 Mackenzie, Morell154
Logan, Andrew J8o Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 413
London, Jack 103, 28s-6, 289, 302 McLaren, Malcolm 138, 406, 409

Maclaren-Ross, Julian 143, 146-7 Marr, Timothy 299

McLaughlin, John 186 Marr family 298, 299
Maclean, Donald 172, 193, 214-15 Marsden, Williant 7, 232
McLean, Kate 59 Martin, David 322
Maclennon, Hectorina 455 Martin, Dean 152
Maclise, Daniel419 Martin, George 158, 368
Macmillan, Harold 166 Martin, Leslie 387
MacMillan, lain 368 Martin, Richard 339
McNabb, Sandy 336 Martov, Julius 142
Macnaghten, Daniel226-7 Martyn, John 186, 451
Macready, Charles 109 Marvell, Andrew 212
McSwan, Willianl424. 442 Marvin, Hank 200
McVitie, Jack 'The Hat' 59, 81, 308, 340-41 Marx, Eleanor 194
Madness345 Marx, Groucho 195
Maguire, Franck Z. 139 Marx, Jenny 193, 194
Maguire, Sant 325 Marx, Karl75, 92, 115, 143, 146, 147, 185, 191, 193, 194. 334,
Mahler, Gustav 110 335. 359-6o. 364. 365, 367. 428
Maitland, John, Earl of lauderdale 340 Mary, Queen (King George V's) wife) 159, 215
Major, John 86,228,242,243,267,403 Mary, Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart) 78. 87,122,437,441
Makonnen, Lij see Selassie, Haile Mary Tudor, "Queen 7, 12, 36, 65, 209~ 221, 233, 241, 2.6o,
Malatesta, Enrico 144 294· 295
Malcolm, Devon 394 Maschwitz, Eric 167
Malcolm X 337, 458 Masefield, John 365
Malik, Micltael Abdul see de Freitas, Michael Mason, Eric 306
Malleson, Elizabeth 93 Mason, Hugh 182
Mallet, E. 41 Massie, Bob 369
Malmesbury, Lord 229 Matchant, Frank.1oo, 117, 277,465
Maloney, Kathleen 455 Mather, Victor 183
Malory, Sir Thomas 10 Mathilda of Scotland 34
Maltravers, Lord 23-4 Matilda, Queen 107
Manchester, 4th Duke of 151 Matisse, Henri 193
Mank.owitz, Wolf191, 202,287 Matlock, Glen 347
Manley, Norman 449 Matthew, Robert 387
Mann, Manfred 107 Matthews, Revd Henry 146
Manning, Cardinal 245 Matthews, Robert 268
Manning, J. B. 336 Matthews, Victor 44
Manning, Mr and Mrs 383 Maudling, Reginald 434
Manning, Seymour 449 Maudslay and Field 390
Manninghant, John 48 Maughant, Somerset 108, 16o, 163, 169, 172, 188, 242,
Mansart, Fran~ois 63 400
Mansfield, Lord 88, 362 Maurice, Bishop of London 61
Mansfield, Michael124 Maurice, Graf 305
Maples, Richard 275 Maurice, Revd F. D. 93
Marconi, Guglielmo 13, 434 Maxwell, Robert 5-6, 49, 134-5, 162
Margaret, Princess 5, 180, 277 Mayer, Nathan 30
Margaret of Anjou 391 Mayeme, Sir Theodore 116
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France 125 Mayhew, Henry 3, 4o 31, 297
Mark, Robert 348-9 Mayor, Fred 173
Markievicz, Countess Constance 338 Mayson, Isabella 16
Markov, Georgi 257 Mears brothers 407
Markova, Alicia 410 Mears, David 408
Marks, David 268, 387 Meek, Joe 37, 461
Marks, Ginger 309 Melba, Dante Nellie 6, 134
Marks, Leo 10, 149 Melbourne, 1St Viscount 181
Marks, Michael150 Melbourne, Lord (md Viscount Melbourne) 63
Marks, Simon 150 Mellitus, Bishop 61
Marks & Co. 100 Melly, George 191, 2.03, 345
Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of see ChurChill, Sarah Melnotte, Violet 116
Marley, Bob J.l7, <413. 451, 460 Melville, Herman 132
Marlowe, Christopher 377 Melville, Jack 330
Marlowe, Derek 169 Mendelsohn, Erich 399

Mendelssohn, Felix], 110 Moore, Dudley 198

Mendes, Sam 111 Moore, G. E. 84
Mendleson, Anna 59 Moore, Henry 10, 173, 114. 2.66, 359
Menuhin, Yehudi 333,367 Moore, Roger 169, 366
Menzies, Sir Stewart no Moore, T. Sturge 366
Merceron, Joseph 308 More, Sir Thomas 113, 139, 151, 159, 191, 193, 194. 416,
Merchant, Ismail 381 417
Meredith, George 70, 419 Morgan, Witt 46
Merlin, Joseph 101 Morozov, Savva 75
Merrick, John 305, 306 Morris, David 118
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 110 Morris, William 75, 93, 98, 103, 140, 191, 150, 335, 399,
Meynell, Francis 183 419
Meynell, Wilfred 198 Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. 93
Meyrick, Kate 103 Morrison, Arthur 174, 2.83, 310
Michael of Kent, Prince and Princess 441 Morrison, Herbert 311
Michael X see de Freitas, Michael Morrison, Majbritt 448
Michell, John 461 Morrison, Raymond 448
Michell, Roger 451 Morrison, Van 347,449
Micldewhite, Maurice see Caine, Michael Mortimer, John 434
Miles, Frank 415 Morton, Andrew 333
Miles, Trevor 409 Morton, James 3o6
Mill, James 86 Morton, 'Jelly Roll' 304
Mill, John Stuart 75, 86, 117, 413, 443 Morton, Pete 171
Millais, John Everett 85, 181, 146, 414, 467 Moses, Miriam 190
Miller, Arthur 141 Moses, Moses see Moss, Alfred
Miller, James 97, 147 Mosley, Cynthia 58, 183, 108
Miller, Jonathan 345 Mosley, Diana 338
Miller, Max 187 Mosley Oswald 51, 56, 58, 64. 183, 108, 119, 179, 3o8,
Milligan, Spike 311 337. 338, 411, 447. 448. 467
Mills, Gordon 107 Moss, Alfred 108
Mills Music Ltd 106 Moss, Kate 459
Milne, A. A. 113 Mot, Robert 307
Milton, John 13, 14. 16, 81, 140 Mother Shipton see Sontheil, Ursula
Miro, Joan 173 Mountbatten, Lord Louis 5, 159, 401
Minish, Ed 389 Moussaoui, Zacarias 406
Mitchell, Adrian 413 Moya, Hidalgo 146, 153
Mitchell, Frank 'The Mad Axeman' 311 Moyes, James 49
Mitchell, 'Mitch' 337 Mozart, Leopold 196
Mitchell, Roger 451 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 194. 195, 196, 197
Mitchis9n, Naomi 150, 419 Mrs Salmon's Waxworks 46
Mitchum, Robert 466 Mudd, Henry 175
Mitford, Nancy 170, 140 Muggeridge, Malcolm 44. 165
Mitford, Unity 419 Muggleton, Lodowick 14
Mithras 65-6 Mulligan, Mick 103
Mohock gang 11, 113 Murdoch, Sir Keith 41
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo 359 Murdoch, Rupert 5, 41, 49, so, 55, 81, 116, 134-5, 199,
Moke, Johnny 191 300
Monck, General17, 13 Murphy family 32.6
Mondrian, Piet 359 Murray, Charles Shaar 314, 456
Monet, Claude 134. 157 Mussolini, Benito 70, 185, 189, 316, 395, 411
Monk, Thelonius 104 Myddelton, Hugh So, 32.6
Monmouth, Duke of see Scott, James Myers, G. Val155, 160
Monochrome Set 458
Monroe, Marilyn 141 Nadir, Asil168
Montagu, Elizabeth 151 Napier, General104
Montagu, Ralph 89 Napier-Bell, Simon 101
Monteagle, Lord 138 Napoleon I, Emperor (Napoleon Bonaparte) 89,161
Montefiore, Sir Moses 30, 31 Napoleon II, Emperor 155, 119
Montfort, Lord see Bromley, Henry Napoleon, Louis 411
Moody, James 2.64, 406 Nash, John 104.105.140,156,181,191,106,107,219,121,
Moon. Keith 169-70. 190. 191 339· 350, 351, 351, 353

Nash, Johnny 308 Oldham, Ernest 443-4

Nash, Paul173 Oliver, George 2.61
Nashe, Thomas 382 Olivier, Laurence 242., 32.1, 388, 389, 412
Naujocks, Colonel Alfred 440 Ono, Yoko 94. 176
Neagle, Anna 126 O'Rahilly, Ronan 187,191
Neale, Thomas 112, 2.96 Ordish, R. M. 252
Negri, Domenico 167 Orford, Earl of 167
Nehru, Jawaharlal47, 121 Original Dixieland Jazz Band 100
Nelhams, Terry see Faith, Adam Ortelli, Giovanni 93
Nelson, Admiral Lord 62, 63, 104, 140, 171, 173, 220, 232., Orton, Joe 337-8, 463
264,392 Orwell, Eileen 328
Nelson, David 375 Orwell, George 15, 37, 86, 91, 104, 113, 128, 146, 147, 184,
Nelson, Rita 455 192, 243, 293, 392, 327-8, 363, 366, 378, )81, 390,
Nelson, Robert 88 461
Nelthorp, Richard 95 Osborn, Revd 310
Neri, Filippo 42.1 Osborne, John 56, 116,,399, 410
Neuhoff, Theodore 185 Ouida (pseud. of Marie Louise de Ia Ramee) 155
Neville, Richard 456, 464 Overy, John 381
New Order 459 Owen, David 207, 2.63
Newman, Cardinal42.1 Owen, William Barry 130, 152
Newton, Isaac 24, 120, 212, 390 Oxford, 2.nd Earl of see Harley, Edward
Newton, John 2.8
Nicholas· II, Tsar 192, 2.22-3 Padda 430
Nicholls, Horatio see Wright, Lawrence Page, Jimmy 468
Nichols, Colonel 402 Page, R. L. 360
Nichols, Mary Ann 276, 289, 301 Page, Thomas 253
Nicholson, Ben 359 Paine, James 231
Nightingale, FlOrence 154-5, 333 Paine, Thomas 39, 43, 32.1
Nilsen, Dennis 59, 98, 107, 195 Pakenham, Frank, Lord Longford 240
Nilsson, Harry 169 Palacios, Julian 2.01
Niven, David 412 Pallenberg, Anita 419, 452, 459
Nixon, Richard 161, 162, 2.43 Palmerston, Lord see Temple, Henry John
Nobbs, Paul195 Palumbo, James (Lord Palumbo's son) 384
Noel-Buxton, Lord 2.67 Palumbo, Lord 384
Nollekens, Joseph 184 Pankhurst, Sylvia 105, 338, 42.8
Norfolk, Duke of see Howard, Thomas Paoletti, Roland 374,375
Norman, Frank 98 Paolozzi, Eduardo 141, 173, 323, 366
Norman, Montagu 22, 438 Parker, Charlie 2.04
Norris, Henry 331 Parker, Revd Joseph 7
North, Lord 88, 162, 2.2.6, 232,237,242 Parker Bowles, Camilla 165
Northampton, Earl of 2.71, 326-7 Parkinson, James 32.9-30
Northcliffe, Lord see Harmsworth, Alfred Parkinson, Michael341
Northumberland, 9th Earl of see Percy, Henry Parr, Catherine 2.52., 418, 430
Norwich, Earl of see Goring, George Parr, Thomas 329
Novello, Ivor 91, 330, 463 Parry, Hubert 422-3
Nunn, Trevor 268, 388 Partridge, Ralph 84
Nureyev, Rudolf 119 Pascal, Alex 450
Nuttall, Jeff 423 Passmore, Flete George Charles Ernestine see Gilbert
Nutter, Tommy 175 and George
Nye, David 2.1 Paterson, William 22
Pathe brothers 91
Oates, Laurence 9 Paton, Sir George 311
Oates, Titus 350, 383 Patrick, Robert 32.5
O'Brien, William 103 Paulin, Tom 196
Ockenden, Kenneth James 98 Pavlova, Anna 99, 183
O'Connor, Daniel155 Paxton, Joseph 19, 111, 428, 42.9
O'Connor, Feargus 394, 446 Payne-Townshend, Charlotte 131
Odo, Dean of Caen 362 Paytress, Mark 453
O'Dwyer, Sir Michael220 Peabody, George 2.74. 2.85, 401
Olaf, King of Norway )8, 2.59 Pearsall, Phyllis 96
Oldfield, Mike 451, 460 Pearson, Arthur 40
Pearson, Charles 78, 79 Poe, Edgar Allan 100, 340
Pearson, Karl365 Pogiles345
Peel, Robert 75, 105, 2.14. 2.2.6-7 Police 201
Pellew, Admiral79 Polledri family 197
Pelli, Cesar 314 Pollini, Maurizio 15
Penn, William 35-6 Pollock, Alice 414
Pennethome, Sir James 12.2., 173, 2.2.1 Pollock, Benjamin 147
Penrose, Barrie 2.43 Pollock, Jackson 304
Penrose, Roland 173 Pomeroy, Jay 207
Pepys, Elizabeth 38 Pond, Charles 108
Pepys, Samuelu, 35, 38, 46, 52., 63, 95, 112, 118, 131, 2.u, Ponomarev, Boris 439
2.2.2., 2.32., 2.)4. 2.40, 2.67, 2.70, 2.94. 313, 350, 390, 401, Ponting, Clive 184
433 Poole, Henry 175
Pepys, Tom 52. Pope, Alexander 15, 36, 46, 167, 2.17, 365, 406
Perceval, Spencer 12.4. 2.38 Popham, Peter 456
Percy, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland (the P-Orridge, Genesis 213
'Wizard Earl') 132., 236, 2.95 Porter, Cole 166
Percy, Hon. Henry 163, 2.17 Porter, David 151
Percy, Thomas 2.36 Portillo, Michael344
Perlman, ltzhak 387 Portland, Duke of 154. 155, 350
Persiani, Giuseppe 109 Portman, Henry William 151
Pet Shop Boys 186 Potter, James 175
Peter the Great, Tsar 131 Pound. Ezra 94. 146
Peter the Wild Boy 441 Powell, Anthony 143, 146, 151
Peter Maurice Music 1o6 Powell, Charles 228
Petit, Christopher 444 Powell, Enoch 243, 244
Petrie, Flinders 365 Powell, Michael147, 468
Pevsner, Nikolaus 168, 309, 361 Powell, Philip 2,46, 253
Peynton, John 32.0 Powell, William 339
Phelps, Samuel So Praed, William 432
Phene, Dr John Samuel 413 Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl of Camden 344
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 2.11, 2.55 Prescott, John 2.32
Philip the Fair of France 47 Presley, Elvis 187
Philip, King of Spain 78, 2.95 Preston, Peter 244
Philippa of Hainault 142. Pretty Things 368
Philips, Lion 193 Price, Dr Richard 39
Phillips, Mike 449 Priestley, J. B. 231,365
Picasso, Pablo 173, 191, 304 Prince, Henry 341, 342.
Pickford, Mary 183 Prince, John 158, 2.81
Pierrepoint, Albert 144. 336 Prinsep family 468
Pietri, Dorando 465 Pritchard, Jack 359
PiL46o Pritchard, Mollie 359
Pilcher, Norman 410 Proesch, Gilbert see Gilbert and George
Pimlico, Ben 2.45, 253 Profumo, John 59, 113, 150,157,301,430
Pink Floyd 148, 152., 186, 201, 346, 368, 409, 41.4, 42.0, Proops, Marjorie 5
460, 461, 462 Puccini, Giacomo n6
Pinter, Harold 325, 353 Pugin, A. W. 240, 358, 381, 386
Piratin, Phil 278 Pyne, William 29
Pirrie, Lord 400
Pitt, William (the Elder), Lord Chatham 33, 173,215, Quant, Mary 139, 406, 408, 410
216, 2.18, 2.41 Queensberry, Marquess of 96, 167
Pitt, William (the Younger) 25, 174, 226 'Quex' (pseud. of Evening News writer) 347
Pitter, Ruth 461
Pizer, John 289 Rachman, Peter 150, 337, 434, 435-6, 447, 456, 458, 462.
Plath, Sylvia 94. 383 Radford, Basil 330
Plautius, Aulus 373 Radford, Dollie 366
Pleydell-Bouverie family 49 Radford, Ernest 366
Pliny88 Radiohead 368
Plowden, Edmund 47-8 Raffield, John 353
Plunkett-Green, Alexander 139,410 Rallere (Henry l's jester) 9, 12
Pocallontas, Princess 6 Raincoats 459

Rainey, Jane 407, 409 Ripley, Thomas 37, 232, 260

Rainey, Michael407, 409 Rippon, Geoffrey 1o8
Ralegh, Sir Walter 46, 47, 236, 237, 240, 294,382,391 Ritchie, Guy 309, 313
Ralph, James 88, 285 Rill, Cesar 134. 183
Rameses II, Pharaoh 89 Rivett, Sandra 403
Ramsay, Captain Archibald 424 Roberts, llarry 463
Randall, Tom 335 Roberts, Julia 449, 453
Ranieri, Claudio 408 Roberts, Tommy 409
Rank, J. Arthur 330 Robey, George 97, 115, 208, 321
Rankin, Brian see Marvin, Hank Robinson, Anne 5
Ransome, Arthur 40, 391 Robinson, Bruce 345
Ranulf331 Robinson, Henry Crabb 54
Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) 105 Robinson, Peter 137
Raphael, Samuel 283 Robinson, Sugar Ray 20
Rathbone, Captain Thomas 146 Robson, Flora 56
Ray,Man366 Rochester, Earl of 46
Rayner, George 58,435 Rockingham, Lord 162
Rayner, Horace 58, 435 Rodinsky, David 290
Read, Herbert 173 Roeg, Nicholas 447, 452, 462
Read, Inspector Leonard 'Nipper' 305 Rogers, Bill 263
Reagan,Ronald211 Rogers, John 7
Redgrave, Michael330 Rogers, Richard 33, 34. 251, 264. 387, 393
Redgrave, Vanessa 103 Rogers, Ruth 251
Reed, Carol466 Rogers, W. H. 36
Rees, Richard 192 Rohmer, Sax 315
Reeve, John 24 Rolands, Tony 384
Reeves, Jim 347 Rolling Stones 107, 139, 156, 4o6, 411, 414. 415, 418, 429,
Reichmann brothers 315 452, 460. 464
Reid, Richard 406 see also individual members
Rembrandt van Rijn 105, 363 Romilly, Samuel95
Rennie, John 256, 259, 26o, 297, 339 Romney, Lord 132
Repton, Humphrey 251 Ronalds, Francis 250
Reuter, Paul Julius 28-9, 45, 439 Roosevelt, F. D. 230
Revelstoke, Lord see Baring, Edmund Rosebery, Archibald Primrose 8o
Reynolds, Bruce 358, 379, 400, 411, 425 Rosee, Pasqua 29
Reynolds, G. W. M. 102 Rosenberg, Isaac 304
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 102, 116, 119, 132, 401 Rosminian Fathers 72
Ricardo, Halsey 466 Ross, John Hume see Lawrence, T. E.
Rice-Davies, Mandy 59,150,157 Ross, Robert 68
Rich, John 109 Rossetti, Christina 333
Richard I (the Lionheart) 4. 35, 63,293 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 85, 93, 98, 181, 247, 253, 334, 419
Richard II 8, 259, 275, 296 Rossetti, Michael419
Richard III 55, 417 Rostock, Baron 326
Richard, Cliff 187, 200, 368 Rothermere, 1st Lord see Harmsworth, Harold
Richard, Duke of York 294 Rothermere, md Lord see Harmsworth, Esmond
Richards, Keith 94. 252, 253, 409, 415, 419, 464 Rothman, Louis 45
see also Rolling Stones Rothschild, Lionel439, 440
Richardson, Sir Albert 259 Rothschild, Victor 215, 217-18, 402
Richardson, Charlie 143, 165, 228, 378, 379, 384. 463 Rotten, Johnny 99, 409-10
Richardson, Eddie 378, 379, 384 Rough Trade 451
Richardson, Mary 105 Roux brothers 1
Richardson, Ralph 8o, 116 Rowland, 'Tiny' 55
Richardson, Tony 321 Rowley, Thomas 70
Richardson gang 34-5, 306, 378-9 Rowton, Lord see Lowry-Corry, Montague William
Richmond, Duchess of 217 Roxy Music 193, 409
Richter, Hans 110 Roy, Harry 203
Richter, Jacob 92 Rubens, Peter Paul 234
Ridgeway, Peter 114 Rubinstein, Artur 157
Ridolfi78 Rumbold, Sir Horace 29
Ries, Irving Guy 130 Rusbridger, Alan 96
Rimington, Stella 86 Rushdie, Salman 184. 195, 283, 409

Ruskin, John S4, Ss, 172, 356, 416 Scott, Norman 96

Russell, Bertrand 56, 110, 231, 234, 406, 419 Scott, Peter 400
Russell, Francis 10S Scott, Robert Falcon 9, 63, 413
Russell, John, 1st Earl of Bedford 10S Scott, Ronnie 191, 195-6, 204
Russell, John, 3rd Earl of Bedford 10S Scott, Samuel121
Russell, Ken 409 Scott, Walter 4S, 43S
Russell, Lord William 122 Scudamore, Sir Philip 12
Ruthven, George 151 Sebert, King 240
Secombe, Harry 325
Saarinen, Eero 163, 164 Secunda, Tony 423
Sabini, Darby 73 Sedding, John Dando 79, 399
Sabini gang 73, 1S9, 203 Sedgley, Peter 248
Sachs, Leonard 114 Sedley, Catherine 216
Sackville-West, Vita S4 Seifert, Richard 5, 100, 345, 440
Sadler, Thomas So, 2S1 Selassie, Emperor Haile 160, 431
Sainsbury, Lord 105 Self, Wil1197
Sainsbury, Tim 1SS Selfridge, Gordon H. 137, 13S, 141
St Albans, Earl of see Jermyn, Henry Sellers, Peter 220-21, 356, 361
St Bridget 51 Serota, Nicholas 304
St Lawrence 17 Serov, Ivan 439
StMagnus37 Seti I, Pharaoh 123
St Pancras 355 Severs, Dennis 287
St Paul16 Sex Pistols 107, 139, 152, 1S6, 201, 202, 324. 332, 363, 3So,
St Swithun 3S1 409, 410, 460
Sala, G. A. 40, u7, 356 Sewell family 364
Salisbury, Lord see Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset 77, 10S, 129
Salter, Dr Alfred 37S Seymour, Jane 252, 41S
Salter, John 41S, 419 Seynlour-Conway family 43, 151, 353
Saltzman, Harry 169 Shadwell, Thomas 48
Samuel, Sir Stuart 242 Shaftesbury, Earl of 1S1, 285, 292
Sanders, John 411 Shakespeare, Edmund 3S1
Sanderson, John 360 Shakespeare, William 14, 21, 31, 36, 48, 53, 55, 6o, 64, 72.
Sandwich, Earl of 76 So, 90, 119, U7, 1S2, 231, 26S, 294. 327, 373, 376, 377,
Sandys, Duncan 14, 166 JS1, JS2, 460
Sanzio, Raphael S5 Shand Kydd, Bil1403
Sapperstein, Abe 2S9 Shankar, Ravi 39S
Sargent, John Singer 369 Shannon, James 467
Sassie, Victor 19S Sharp, Martin 410, 456
Sassoon, Vidal171, 40S Sharp, Robert 410
Savage, Jon 407 Sharpe, 'Nutty' 6o
Savile, Peter 459 Shaw, George Bernard 100, 103, 112, 131, 135, 145, 15S,
Saville, Lady Dorothy 175 165, 175. 234· 255. 39S
Sayers, Dorothy L. 91, 202 Shaw, John 367
Sayle, Alexei 193 Shaw, Norman 235, 253, 360, 399-400, 422, 423, 424,
Scabies, 'Rat' 347 468
Scarborough, Earl of 174 Shea, Frances 30S
Scargill, Arthur 14 Sheepshanks, John 422
Scarman, Lord 405 Sheffield, Graham 15
Schacht, Hjalmar 43S Sheffield, Lord 229
Schmidt, Mr 195 Shelley, Mary 251, 364. 402
Schnabel, Arthur 36S Shelley, Percy Bysshe 31, 88, S9, 216, 364, 3S3, 402, 428,
Schomberg, 3rd Duke of 215 429,442
Scott, Adrian Gilbert 360 Shepherd, Edward 16S, 170
Scott, C. P. 76 Sheppard, Jack 10
Scott, George Gilbert 229, 241, 356, 365, 430, 439 Sheridan, Martin 465
Scott, Giles Gilbert 240, 257, 266, 26S, 35S, 376 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 21, 47, 110, 119, 176, 229
Scott, J. Oldrid 334 Sherman, Gary 17S
Scott, James, Duke of Monmouth 95, 1S3, 200,293 Shipley, William, Viscount Folkestone 132
Scott, Jane 126 Shoenberg, Isaac 197
Scott, John 126 Short, Don 161
Scott, John Russell76 Sickert, Walter 21,144,145

Sid Vicious 139, 347, 363, 409 Somers, John 292

Siddal, Elizabeth 253, 334. 419 Somerset, Lord Arthur 144
Siddons, Sarah 330 Somerset, Duke of see Seymour, Edward
Sidmouth, Lord 65, 163 Somerset, James 88
Sidney, Robert, 211d Earl of Leicester 101 Sontheil, Ursula 349
Sieff, Israel 56 Soper, Revd Donald 120-21, 32.8
Simon, Paul1o6, 107, 2.8o Sotheby, John 172
Simon the Anker 21 Southampton, Earl of see Wriothesley, Thomas
Simpson, John 129 Southcott, Joanna 152-3, 351
Simpson, Wallis (Duchess of Windsor) 11,242,352' Southey, Robert 81-2
Sims, George R. 279 Sowdley, Thomas 65
Sinatra, Frank 175 Spacey, Kevin 325
Sinclair, lain 251, 2.82, 2.84, 2.86, 290-91, 339, 392 Spandau Ballet 186, 193
Sinclair, Robert 308 Sparks, Ruby 203
Singh, Udham 220 Spearman, Diana 243
Siouxsie and the Banshees 139, 324 Spector, Phi1337
Sisson, Marshall 55 Speer, Albert 2.07
Sitwell, Osbert 84 Spence, Basil 221, 327
Skeffington, Sir Lumley 218 Spencer, Lady Diana see Diana, Princess of Wales
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill315 Spencer, 1st Earl2.15
Slade 191 Spencer, Stanley 358, 367
Slater, Crabtree and Moberly 399 Spencer, Tom 150
Sleigh, Lieut. Colonel Arthur U7 Spender, Stephen 360
Slits 459 Spenser, Edmund 46
Sloane, Sir Hans 89, 414. 418 Speranza see Wilder, Jane
Small Faces 190, 191 Spinks, Terry 308
Smiles, Samuel130 Spot, Jack 137, 145, 189
Smirke, Sir Robert 89, 129, 192, 257 Sprague, W. G. R.n6
Smirke, Sidney 89 Sprignell, Richard 340
Smith, Andreas Whittam 82 Squire, Chris 186
Smith, Dodie 350 Stafford-Clark, Max 399
Smith, E. T.tot Stalin, Joseph 302, 305
Smith, George 432 Stamp, Terence 155, 181, 408, 411, 421
Smith, Henry 244 Stanhope, Earl of 103
Smith, lain Duncan 244 Stanhope, Philip, 4th Earl of Chesterfield 169, 434
Smith, Jack 188 Stanley, Henry Morton 176, 277
Smith, John 152 Stanley, Sir John 172
Smith, Captain John 6 Stanley, Maud 112
Smith, Marmaduke 2.88 Stanshall, Viv 191
Smith, Patti 346 Starr, Ringo 221,368
Smith, Robert 193 see also Beatles
Smith, Robert Percy 92 Stead, W. T. 338
Smith, Seth 402 Steed, Wickham 170
Smith, Sidney R. J. 254 Steel, Helen 128
Smith, Stevie 423 Steele, Richard 418
Smith, Sydney 11 Steele, Tommy 187, 200, 267
Smith, William 221, 353 Steeleye Span 423
Smith and Brewer 148 Steer, Philip Wilson 412
Smith-Cumming, Mansfield 235 Steinbeck, John 160
Smithers, Richard 151 Stephen, Adrian 145
Smithson, Peter and Alison 318 Stephen, John 190
Smollett, Tobias 90 Stephen, Sir Leslie 334
Smyth-Piggott, John Hugh 342 Stephen, Vanessa 84
Snow, John 184. 189, 190 Stephen, Virginia see Woolf, Virginia
Snowdon, Earl of see Armstrong-Jones, Anthony Stephenson, George 84
Soane, Sir John 123, 192, 231, 358, 369 Stephenson, Robert 346
Sobel, Dava 2.88 Sterne, Laurence 102-3, 173, 418, 433
Soft Machine 346 Stevens, Cat 107, 186, 451, 459
Sokolow, William 303 Stevens, Guy 191
Solomans, Ikey 2.83 Stevens and Munt 397
Somerfield, Stafford 49 Stevenson, Adlai 161, 165-6

Stevenson, Elizabeth see Gaskell, Elizabeth Talleyrand, Prince 172

Stevenson, Frances 227 Tallis, Thomas 390
Stevenson, Robert Louis 48, 108, 147, 183, 184 Talman, William 202
Stevenson, Rowland 351 Tanner, Sir Henry 138, 230
Stewart, Al186 Tate, Henry 246
Stewart, Rod 191, 337 Taylor, A. J.P. 231
Stibba 292 Taylor, Elizabeth 44,154, 220,414
Stieber, Wilhelm 191 Taylor, Mick 429
Stiff Little Fingers 458 Taylor, Thomas 120
Stillingfleet, Benjamin 151 Taylor, Vince 187
Stoker, Bran~ 47, 177, 253, 299, 301, 36o, 362, 363 Taynton, William 197
Stoll, Oswald 117,465 Tebbit, Norman 14, 417
Stollman, Steve 201 Tecton333
Stone, Marcus 468 Telford, Thomas 261
Storey, Edward 230 Temple, Henry John, Lord Palmerston 18o, 191, 206,
Stow, John 35, 72, 289, 298 221
Strachey, John 113 Tennant Hon. David 193
Strachey, Lytton 83, 84. 85 Tennyson, Alfred Lord 158, 412
Strange, Lord 377 Terris, William 126,178
Strange, Steve 193, 347 Terry, Ellen 111
Stranglers 28, 420 Terry, Quinlan 31, 353, 362
Stratton, Charles Sherwood 182 Teulon, S. S. 94
Strauss, Richard 110, 210 Thackeray, William Makepeace 27, 47, 78, 87, 151, 158,
Straw, Jack 362 432,441
Street, George Edmund 128 Thatcher, Carol243
Stride, Elizabeth 34. 276, 28o Thatcher, Margaret 22, 23,103, 123, 217,225,228, 233>
Strong, Roy 462 243· 314.328,332,402,403.405.417.423
Strummer, Joe 252 Thevenon, Daniel192
Stuart, Charles Edward (Bonnie Prince Charlie) 127, 355 TheWho98
Stuart, James 'Athenian' 151 Thistlewood, Arthur 10, 150-51, 163-4
Stuart, James Francis Edward 209 Thomas, Dylan 87,143,144.147,199,330,-418
Stubbs, George 246 Thompson, Sir Basil429
Stukeley, William 94 Thompson, Francis 104. 185, 198
Stulik, Rudolf 146 Thompson, J. Walter 118
Sudjic, Deyan 456 Thompson, Stanley 406
Sukarno, President 207 Thomson, James 250
Sullivan, Sir Arthur 134. 245 Thomson, Roy 54
Summerson, Sir John 74. 124 Thornhill, James 392
Sun Yat-Sen 156-7 Thorogood, Horace 317
Surrey, Earl of see Howard, Henry Thorpe, Jeremy 96
Sussex. Duke of 446 Thrale, Henry 268, 377
Sutcliffe, Sonia 96 Thrale, Hester 268, 377
Sutherland, Joan 110 Throckmorton, Nicholas 23
Sutherland, Lucy Christiana see Duff Gordon, Lady Thumb, General Tom see Stratton, Charles Sherwood
Lucy Tigrett, Isaac 171
Sutton, Thomas 78 Tijou, Jean 62
Suzman, Janet 325, 366 Timbs, John 88-9
Svaars, Fritz 32, 303 Tippett, Michaels6, 87, 463
Swaffer, Hannen 187 Tissot, Jacques-Joseph 368
Swedenborg, Emmanuel 281 Tite, William 29, 415
Swell Maps 458 Tito, Marshal 255
Swift, Mr Justice 128 Todd, Sweeney 43
Swift, Jonathan 11, 19, 26, 39, 57, 97, 173 Tolme, J. H. 251
Swinburne, Algernon Charles 367, 419 Tolstoy, Leo 410
Sykes, Sir Tatto 245 . Tomlinson, H. M. 269
Sylvester, Bishop 47 Tompion, Thomas 52-3
Symonds, Matthew 82 Toms, Joseph 443
Tongue, Dr lsrael350
Tabram, Martha 276, 302 Tooke, Thomas 124
Tafari, Ras see Selassie, Emperor Haile Tornados 337
Takhtarev, K. M. 92 Toscanini. Arturo 387

Tov, Ba'al Shem see Eliezer, Israel ben Vaughan, Sarah 196
Townsend, Charles Harrison 304 Veck, George 144
Townshend, Pete 98,107 Vedrenne, J. E. 398
Toynbee, Arnold 301 Velazquez, Diego 105, 180
Toynbee, Philip 143 Velvet Underground 462
Traffic 451 Verity, Thomas 181
Train, George 433 Vermeer, Johannes 362
Travis, Geoff 458, 459 Verne, Jules 176, 214.412,433
Trehearne, Preston and Partners 6o Vernon, Admiral459
Trelford, Donald 55 Vialli, Gianluca 408
Trenchard, Sir Thomas no Victoria, Queen 87, 97, 109, 154, 175, 189, 191, 198, 208,
Trent, N. A.131 210, 213, 219, 222, 227, 286, 288, 296, 348, 421, 422.
Treves, Dr 305 427,434
Trevithick, Richard 73, 84 Vidal, Gore 92
Trevor, William 325 Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham 212, 256
Trevor-Roper, Hugh 218 Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham 133
Trinder, Tommy 203, 321 Villiers, Commander George 461-2
Tristan, Flora 1u Volkov, Anna 424
Trollope, Anthony 14. 151, 214, 348 Volkov, Nikolai 424
Trotsky, Leon 72, 143, 305 von Braun, Sigismund 166
Truman, Ben 284 von Braun, Werner 166
Tuite, Gerard 406 ~on Clemm, Michael315
Tulk, Charles Augustus 353 von Haynau, Field Marshal Baron 377
Tull, Jethro 201, 414, 451 von Herstel, Baron 245
Turk, Gavin 329 von Hoesch, Leopold 207
Turner, F. T. 258 von Kleist, Captain Franz Rintelen 178
Turner, J. M. W. 63, 105, 123, 154, 240, 246, 252, 270, von la Roche, Sophie 137
363,415 von Ribbentrop, Joachim 171, 207
Turner, John 298 von Werra, Franz 440
Turpin, Dick 220, 363 von Westphalen, Ferdinand 191, 193
Turpin, Randolph 420 Voysey, C. F. A. 361
Tusa, John 15 Vyner, William 51
Tushingham, Rita 348
Tussaud, Madame 352 Wadlow, Sim 46
Tutankhamun9o Wagner, Richard no, 422
Twain, Mark 131, 154.174 Wall, Patrick 417
'Twiggy' see Hornby, Leslie Wallace, Edgar 366
Twining, Louisa 93 Wallace, Richard 151
Twyn, John 13 Wallace, William n, 259
Tyler, Wat 8, 12, 275 Wallis, Henry 70
Tynan, Kenneth 399 Walpole, Horace 139,167,209,218
Tyndale, William 37, 42 Walpole, Robert 106, 167,225, 226, 244
Tyrannosaurus Rex n4, 409, 414, 430, 453 Walsh, Richard 456
Tyrwhitt, Thomas 70 Walsitigham, Sir Francis 38, 265
Walter, John 54
Uccello, Paolo 105 Walter, John III 54
Uglow, Jenny 101 Walton, Izaak 42
Ure, Mary 410 Walworth, William 8, 12
Uzielli, Matthew 352 Wanamaker, Sam 376
Warbeck, Perkin 237
Vagg, Sam see Collins, Sam Ward, Arthur Sarsfield see Rohmer, Sax
Valentino, Rudolph 106, 401 Ward, Don 193
Van Dyck, Anthony 53, 102 Ward, Judith 124
Van Gogh, Vincent 104,108 Ward, Mary 93
van Woerden, Wynandus see de Worde, Wynkyn Ward, Stephen 59, n3, 150, 157
Vanbrugh, John 391 Wardle, John 409
Vanderdelf 314 Wardour, Sir Edward 201
Vandevelde, Willem 121 Ware, Samuel173
Vardy, John 215 Warhol, Andy 462
Vassall, William 246 Warne, Frederick 87
Vaughan, Cardinal245 Warner, Jack 431

Warner, Rex 143 Whiteread, Rachel104, 312

Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, 'the Whittington, Dick 9, 10, 62-3, 77, 339
Kingmaker' 15 Whittle, Tyler 282
Warwick, Septimus 357 Who 156, 169, 186, 187, 190, 191, 196, 201, 460
Washington, Booker T. 469 Whyton, Wally 163, 200
WaterhouSe, Alfred 4, 5, 123,421 Widgery, Lord 464
Waterhouse, Keith 5, 45, 199,387 Wigmore, Baron see Oxford, :md Earl of
Waterlow, Sir Sidney 340 Wilberforce, Charles see Maxwell, Robert
Waters, Muddy 187 Wilberforce, William 422
Watkin, Sir Edward William 349, 370 Wild, Jonathan 358
Watson, D. R. 46 Wilde, Marty 106
Watts, G. F. 468 Wilde, Oscar 105, 110, 126, 134. 140, 155, 162, 167, 172, 185,
Watts, Queenie 312,317 192, 247. 2]8, 315, 336, 338, 360, 399. 412, 413, 415
Waugh, Auberon 45 Wilder, Jane 413
Waugh, Edith 468 Wilding, Michael220
Waugh, Evelyn 40, 86-7, 158, 170, 180, 194, 219, 240, Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands 403
242. 243. 327, 387 Wilkes, John 39, 65, 76, 77, 172, 225, 237, 320, 383, 388
Wayntouth, Nigel409 Wilkins, William 86, 104
Wayne, Naunton 330 William I (the Conqueror) 3, 16, 18, 57,240, 26o, 266,
Weappa293 274.293.331
Webb, Aston 213 William II (William RufuS) 239, 240
Webb, Duncan 116 William III (William of Orange) 13, 22., 53,1o6, 124.223,
Webb, Philip 123, 413 233. 261, 428. 429· 437. 439. 441· 442., 443
Webb, Harry see Richard, Cliff William IV, Duke of Clarence 104. no, 212, 219, 446
Webb, Sidney 122 William, Earl Craven 132, 154
Webber, Andrew lloyd 99, 236, 402 Williams, George 6o
Wedgwood, Josiah 198 Williants, Ivy 47
Weintrop, Reuben see Flanagan, Bud Williams, John ]1, 298, 299
Weir, Angela 59, 124 Williams, Owen 44
Weizmann, Chaim 313, 361 Williams, Ralph Vaughan 265,353,390,415
Welch, Raquel414 Williams, Shirley 263
Weldon, Harry 330 Williams, Tennessee 92
Wellcome, Sir Henry 357 Williamson family 298
Weller, Richard 449, 455 Willoughby, Sir Hugh 262
Wellesley, Marquess of 179, 353-4 Wilson, A. N. 344
Wellington, Duke of 62, 63,117,129, 140, 150,163,179, Wilson, Colin St John 355
182, 226, 255. 257. 325, 353-4> 422, 428 Wilson, Edward 9
Wellington, 6th Duke of179 Wilson, Harold 82, 164, 225, 228, 243, 246, 401, 402, 464.
Wells, H. G. 108,130,135, 170,220, 234, 255,350,353, Wilson, Peter 172
357· 36o, 361, 466 Wilton, Ellen 280
Wells, Orson 127 Wilton, John 28o
Wensley, Detective Inspector 303 Windsor, Barbara 277, 308
Wesker, Arnold 56, 287,346 Windsor, Duchess of see Simpson, Wallis
Wesley, John 12-13,31,33,78, 81, 288,300,307,340,382 Windsor, Duke of see Edward VIII
Wesley, Susanna 81 Wingate, Sir Roger 230
West, Nigel18 Winkotf, Steven 130
Westbrook, Harriet 428 Winner, Michael468
Westmacott, Sir Richard 428 Wintour, Charles 45-6
Westminster, Duke of 164 Winwood, Stevie 429
Westwood, Vivienne 406,409,410,414 Winzer, Friedrich Albrecht 213
Wheatley, Dennis 230 Wissing, William 293
Wheen, Francis 401 Witney, John 463
Whistler, James 131, 172,192, 252,406, 411,415, 416 Witt, John 419
Whistler, Rex 114, 143 Wodehouse, P. G. 129,176,335,365,438
White, Antonia 412 Wojas, Michael195
White, Dick 333 Wollstonecraft, Mary 6o, 251,354,358
White, Francis 218 Wolsey, Cardinal417
White, James 91 Wombwell, Detective Constable 463
White, Marco Pierre 193, 194. 459 Wood, Henry 6-7
Whitelaw, Willie 405, 416, 417 Wood, Sancton 431
Whiteley, William 58, 435, 442 Woods, Albie 306

Woodward, Christopher 421 Wyatt, T. H. t'J.6, 159

Woodward, Shaun 2.21 Wychwood, 70
Woolf, Leonard ss Wyclitfe, John 53, 135. 38s
Woolf, Virginia 83, 84. lis. 8], 89, 137, 14S. tSS, ~7, 334. ' Wyndham, Charles u6
-4611 Wynn, Sir Watkin William n6
Wordsworth, Dorothy 255
Wordsworth, William u, 16, 21, 46, So, 139,255,267, XTC.¢o
Worrall, Samuel290, 291 Yardbirds 156,186,190,201
Worsthorne, Peregrine 44 Yates, Edmund 91
Wren, Sir Christopher 3, 7, 17, 27, 28, 29, 36, 37, 42> 47, Yeames, W. F. 367
51, 55, 57, SS, 61-2, 63, 64> 65, 119, U7, 174> 182, 202, Yeats, W. B. 41
207. 217, ~ 132, 233. 236, 240. 2.f1, 253· 259, 16o, Yerkes, Charles Tyson 322
168, 171, 175, 376. 389. 391-2, 414> 431, 441 Yes2o1
Wren, Christopher (the Younger) 215 Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh 161
Wright, Frank Lloyd 361 York, Peter 397
Wright. Lawrence to6 Young, Hugo 393
Wright, Nathaniel u Young, Thomas 443
Wript, Peter 82, 114> 440
Wriothesley, Thomas, Earl of Southampton 83> 88, 94 Zangwill, lsrael283, 287,289.302
Wulfnoth28 Zhivkov, Todor 257
Wyatt;Benjamin 119, 219 Zinoviev, Grigory 51
Wyatt, James 139 Zinzendorf, Count 416
Wyatt, Matthew 4~ Zuckerman, Solly 402
Subject Index

Americans 163, 164, 168, 226 film locations & studios 15, 20, 65,128, 147, 159, 180,
anarchists 32, 303 245. 251, 330, 332, 345. 350, 356, 431, 434> 452, 453.
· antiques 320, 460 466
art 99. 102, 104-105, 106, 107, 119, 123, 151, 168, 172, 173· finance and financial scandals 3, 21-22, 23, 24, 25-26,
180-181, 212-213, 246-247. 252, 288, 304, 329, 354- 28, 29, 32-33. 34. 35. 46, 438
355. 364. 367, 368, 412, 415-416, 424-425, 462, fire oflondon 3, 36, 37, 38
468 First World War 13, 170, 206
Pre-Raphaelites 85, 180, 364, 419 football45, 6o, 87, 120, 180, 251, 331-332, 394, 407-408
Vorticists 144-145 freemasonry 6o, 119-120

Bloomsbury Group, The 84-85 gangsters and villains 34-35, 49, 58-6o, 73, 81, 143, 144-
Blues, The 97-98, 121 145, 165, 189, 267, 283, 290, 305-306, 308-309, 310,
bombs 20, 59-60, 199, 284. 405 312, 329, 338-39· 340-41, 378-79· 384, 400, 401,
breweries 265, 277-278, 284, 377 411-12, 425. 463
gentlemen's dubs 112-113, 167, 168, 214-215, 217,218
canals 253, 351, 430, 446 Germans 207,326
cathedrals 61-63, 240-242, 245, 381, 386 Gordon Riots: See Riots Gunpowder Plot (See also
Cato Street Conspiracy 150-151, 163-164 Fawkes, Guy) 17
cemeteries 81, 334-335, 358, 360, 445-446
Chinese 156, 202-204, 315-318 hospitals 9, 21, 91, 93, 306, 432
City Livery Companies 18 hotels 130,134-135, 155, 160-161,162-163, 171, 180,183,
classical music 15, 95, 109-110, 157, 161-162, 174, 196- 399.401
197, 422-423 Houndsditch Murders 32
C. N.D. 56,230-231,234 Huguenots 69
coffee houses 27, 29, 6o, 218
Communism 75, 92-93, 114-115, 143, 191, 305, 331, 439- I. R. A. 250, 325, 348-349, 406, 416
440 Italians 69-70, 71, 73, 93, 189, 194. 197, 200, 258
counter culture 94, 346, 398, 407, 408, 449, 456, 462
courts 58-60, 109, 110, 128 jazz 97, 100, 138-139, 163,186-187, 195-196, 203, 204,
cricket 94, 324, 349, 369, 394-95, 397-398 208,345
jewellery trade 6, 69-70, 72
department stores 138,148, 192,397,399, 401-402, 408, Jews 16, 17,18-19,30-31,36, 121,122, 26o, 279,283,284.
435· 442-443 290, 291, 292, 302, 303, 304, 305
docks 261-264. 269, 270, 271, 293, 297
drugs 121, 278, 398 Labour Party 56, 244
legal profession 4. 5, 6, 46-47, 95-96, 109, 110, 123, 124,
East India Company 3, 33, 264 128
executions 10-11,13,261, 292-293,433-434 libraries 90, 217, 355

fairs 11, 13-14 markets 8, 16, 27-28,37,73,79, 285, 289-290,303,308,

Fascism 56, 58-59, 229, 279, 308, 338, 406, 411 309, 345. 346, 381, 405, 459-460
fashion 174. 175-176, 189-191, 341, 384. 409-410, 411, medicine 154-155, 432
412· 414. 442 Millennium Dome 393
Festival of Britain 317,387 modernist architecture 14. 20, So, 81, 86-87, 188, 246,

266,317,318, 333-334· 359.360,361,366,387, 446- riots

447 Brixton riots 404-405
monasteries and religious houses 52-53, 54> 74.77-78, Gordon riots to, 88, us. U4. us. 156, 362., 363, 385,
378.433 386
murders s,. 34. 43, 59-6o, 276-277, 2.8o-:dll, :&86, ~9. Notting Hill race riots 448-449, 461-462
2.98-299, 301, 302., 303, 336, 364-365, 379. 403. rivers 20, 57, So, 81, 249-'2.]2., 398
424-42.5. 454-455. 463 rock m~c 97-98, 1o6-107, 114. 139,148, 152, 161, 176,
see also People Index for individual murderers 187, 191, 199-200, 201-202., 2.68, 324-325· 328, 332.,
museums 89-90, u3, 421-422 345-346. 347. 367-368. 387-388. 409-410, 414· 418,
music hallt14. 2.8o, 311, 321, 330, 38o, 419, 451, 458-459. 460. ,¢1, 469
mystical london 292,327,330,339,349-350 Roman gates 4. g, 12., 14. IS. 18, 24-25, 30, 42, 57
Romans 2-3, 27, 64. 65-66, 305
Nazis 207, 295, 438, 440 royalty 46, so, 62., 72., 101, 129.144.18o, 209,210-211,
nightclubs 100,186-187,384 212., 219, 231, 233. 234. 235. 241, 252, 293-296. 352,
391, 392., 418. 438. 441
,Olympics 465
science and technology 13, 70-71, 115, 166-167, 197,
palaces: See royalty 434
parks 91, 266, 349-354> 361-362, 363, 389-390, 427-429· Second World War 89,132-133.148,149-150,160,163,
202., 22.8, 230, 312., 440
peasants' revolt 8, 12, 275 secret state 55, 96-97, too, 118, 124-u5, 130, 132-133,
plague 20, 30 146, 148. 170, 1]5, 207, 212., 219, 22.8, 229
political demonstrations 102-103, u:z, 164-165 sex 85, 166, 188
See also Gordon Riots socialism.s6, 75, 316, ~-329
press 5-6,39. 40. 41-42., 43-44· 45· 49-50, 51,52-53. spies and spying 18, 86,118,132-133, 149-150,156,159,
54-ss. 76, 82.,115-116, u6, 127, 299-300 . 165, 168, 170-1]1, 1]2, 2.06-207, 217-218, 220, 235.
prisoner of war camps 440 246. 247· 266-267. 386. 402., 443-444
prisons 10-11, 56-57, 71, 74, 246, 335-336, 338, 377, 382,
383, 406. 463-464 theatre 48, 53, 99, 109-110, 112., 116, 117, 119, u6, 134. 325,
Profumo scandaltso, 157 376, 377. 388, 389. 398-399
Titanic 112, 400
railways and stations 7, 19, 38, 64, 130, 349, 355-357, 358,
379-380.381-382,386,388-389.432 underground railways 4-5, 19-21, 73, 78-79, 95, uS,
religion 7, 385, 390 . 140-142., 177-179, 222-22.4. 247-2.48. 296-297.
cults 24. 83, 152., 153· 341-342 321-32.4. 347-348. 370-372.. 374-375. 436-437
martyrs 7. 385,390 disused stations 95, 12.8, 361
Methodism 12., 82 (see also W~ey. John)
see also cathedrals, Jews zoo 351

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