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4764480, Ricardo Silva <[email protected]>, Dec 24, 2023

Adventure Second Edition

A hero’s work is never done! Especially when strange new plants start appearing
in the woods—plants whose presence draws all manner of trespassers eager to
take advantage of the sudden, mysterious bounty. But where are these plants
coming from, and what sinister development in the heart
of the forest does their arrival signify? Could it
be the beginning of an invasion from another
dimension... or something worse?
In A Few Flowers More, you take
on the role of one of four unique
leshys—mobile plants who have been
granted wills of their own. When word of strange
supernatural developments in the depths of the
forest comes to light, it falls to you and your
friends to take care of things!
A Few Flowers More is a short adventure for
4th-level characters that serves as a sequel to A
Fistful of Flowers, yet it can be played on
its own. This adventure takes
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a band of leshy heroes into

the very depths of a primeval
forest and pits them against a
supernatural threat that’s literally out
of this world. The four pregenerated
characters also provide a quick way to
jump into this exciting Free RPG Day
offering right away! Grab your friends,
grab some dice, and play the role of the
forest’s newest heroes!

Printed in China

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Linda Zayas-Palmer

James Jacobs

Patrick Hurley

Raymond Sebastien

Luis Salas Lastra


Sonja Morris

James Jacobs


Adam Daigle

Erik Mona

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Adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Pregenerated Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 A Fistful of Flowers is a Pathfinder Adventure designed for four 4th-level characters and
Redmond, WA 98052-0577 uses the rules from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Bestiary, Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide, Pathfinder Lost Omens Character Guide, and Pathfinder Lost Omens World
Guide. This adventure is designed for play in the Pathfinder campaign setting but can easily
be adapted for use with any world. All rules referenced in this adventure are available in the
free online Pathfinder Reference Document at

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Adventure Background Recently, a nefarious band of fey from the First World
The lush Verduran Forest is teeming with diverse flora known as the Thricetakers destabilized the planar
and fauna. Though some in nearby nations wish to boundary near the forest’s edge and opened such a
profit from the woodland’s vast resources, the forest portal. This one‑way breach allows life and magic to flow
has numerous guardians protecting it from exploitation. from the First World into the Verduran Forest but doesn’t
These include the druids of the Wildwood Lodge, fey, permit it to return. What began as an infusion of primal
centaurs, and leshys. To the south, the Wildwood Lodge magic has grown more dangerous, as more fey discover
enforces an ancient treaty with Taldor that regulates the the gateway and entered the forest. The first to pass
quantity of lumber and other resources that Taldans are through were a band of destructive jinkin gremlins. A
allowed to harvest. Recently, unscrupulous forces from member of the Thricetakers, the redcap Carl the Cobbler,
Taldor attempted a particularly heinous theft, but a arrived soon after and commandeered the gremlins into
group of four heroic leshys put a stop to their schemes. his mischief. It would be troublesome enough if invasive
Yet a hero’s work is never done, and these four leshys species and violent fey were all the forest had to contend
are about to be called into action once more. The with, but the explosion of new flora has intrigued Taldan
Verduran Forest is steeped in primal magic, and in some herbalists, who have sent harvesters into the forest to
places, the boundary between the forest and the First gather some of its newfound bounty. The fey newcomers
World, the primeval home of the fey, wears particularly have targeted these unsuspecting harvesters for all
thin. Under the right conditions, it can even rip apart, manner of cruel jokes and sabotage, and its only a matter
creating portals that allow for travel between worlds. of time before the pranks turn deadly.

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Getting Started kind and welcoming. Popcorn knows that Stella has a
Read or paraphrase the following to begin the adventure. broad network of friends and is typically well-informed
about current events. Bottlespeaker knows that Stella’s
For the four of you, the past several months have been home is never empty; she is a respected pillar of the local
a welcome reprieve from your duties as guardians in the sprite community, known for looking after its youngest
Verduran Forest. Each you is a leshy, a spirit of nature that members. In addition to adopting numerous children
walks in a body woven of plants and magic. But you are over the years, she provides a safe home for any child
no ordinary leshys—while the weakest leshy spirits require whose parents are away on dangerous adventures or
assistance to maintain their tiny bodies, and the stronger otherwise unavailable to look after them properly.
typically content themselves with guarding a particular patch Stella’s home is nearby, and the PCs should face no
of land, you have made a name for themselves across the difficulties reaching it after an hour’s walk through the
Verduran Forest and beyond. The four of you have worked woods. When the PCs arrive at Stella’s home, read of
together against danger in the past, and today, you’ve paraphrase the following.
gathered together to swap tales of what has happened
since last your paths crossed. Yet before you can begin your A gray-furred nyktera woman opens the door, greeting you
long-anticipated reunion, a large bat swoops down from the with a smile. “Oh good, you’re here! Please, come in, come in
treetops above, carrying a parcel of colorful fabric. In the and have a seat, have a seat and enjoy some snacks.” Though
blink of an eye, it drops the parcel to the ground before flying she stands just over a foot tall, the table she gestures toward
off as quickly as it came. has a smattering of seats for taller people as well. The spread
on the table is an eclectic one, with vials of bottled sunlight,
When you begin, each player should choose one of various colorful drinks, and a bowl of rotten vegetation. A
the four leshy characters presented on pages 8–15 of chorus of chirping voices carries down from the rafters high
this adventure (or alternatively, create 4th-level leshy above, where a group of young nykteras cluster together,
characters of their own). Full rules for leshy PCs appear hanging upside down just above a safety net. Their voices
on pages 52–55 of Pathfinder Lost Omens Character blend together, and the pitch often veers too high for a leshy’s

Guide. If you run this adventure with custom leshy ear to hear. 4764484

characters, adjust the information given in the read-aloud “As much as I’d love to have a long, friendly chat with you,
sections and Recall Knowledge entries to include features I’m afraid there’s trouble brewing. My ears tell me that there
that are relevant to those PCs’ abilities and equipment. have been some rather unusual plants cropping up in the
Give the players a chance to familiarize themselves with woods to the east, and they’ve been spreading unnaturally
their characters and present their heroes to the group. fast. To make matters worse, humans have noticed the new
The characters are assumed to know each other from plants and established a camp to harvest them. That’s got the
a past adventure, but they do not yet know what their fey worked up something fierce. So I’m asking you, heroes
fellow heroes have been up to since their last meeting. of the forest: please figure out what’s going on. The druids
When a PC investigates the parcel, they find that it of the Wildwood Lodge worked things out between fey and
contains a letter wrapped around a stone. The text is humans with a big fancy treaty where nobody would step on
written in quick and angular Sylvan, the language of each other’s toes, but these new plants could shake things up.
leshys and fey. Where do you think they could have come from?”

Most esteemed and well-sprouted heroes of the Wildwood, If the PCs have questions, Stella does her best to
Word has reached my ears that you have returned to this answer them. She’s familiar with the general information
corner of the Verduran Forest. And not a moment too soon. about the Verduran Forest presented in the background,
There’s something strange afoot, and matters are likely to get and she has numerous connections among sprites in this
dangerous around here soon if someone doesn’t put a stop region. She doesn’t know what the cause of the recent
to it. But it would be exceedingly rude of me to burden you trouble is. She has a hunch, but she’d rather hear what
with a request without offering you hospitality first. When the PCs think first.
you can, please come meet me at my home. A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Nature check to Recall
Warmest Regards, Knowledge has heard that plants growing at great speed
Stella can be a side effect of a breach into the First World, the
plane from which many fey originate. Regionally, such
Two of the PCs have heard of Stella before (Popcorn breaches sometimes occur in the deepest parts of the
and Bottlespeaker). They both know that Stella is a Verduran Forest, but they’re unheard of this close to the
nyktera, a tiny, bat-featured sprite known for being forest’s edge. If one of the PCs points this out, the nyktera

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chirps, “I wondered that too, but I didn’t want to jump Nestled in the center of a tranquil forest clearing is a camp
to conclusions. A breach all the way out here, can you that looks both new and ruined. A collections of tents has
imagine?” been set up around an extinguished campfire, close by to a
If the PCs ask Stella about the fey who are worked up, small but sturdy log cabin. Several of the tents are rent with
she thinks for a moment, then says, “You know, I heard jagged holes, and haphazard chunks are missing from the
it was gremlins, but gremlins aren’t usually too common cabin’s walls. The area is quiet, save for a soft breeze rustling
around here.” through the trees.
As the PC wrap up their conversation with Stella, she
gives them directions to the camp where the humans are Until recently, this camp was occupied by humans
and asks them to check things out. If none of the PCs who were harvesting plants from the nearby forest.
mentions the potential connection to the First World Their expedition faced numerous troubles from a band
during their conversation with her, she mentions her of six jinkin gremlins who recently arrived from the First
theory before they leave. World. While their woes began with a series of mishaps
that were initially mistaken for unlucky accidents,
HARVESTER’S CAMP LOW 4 the gremlins eventually grew tired of the humans’
Following Stella’s directions takes about half a day. As persistence and attacked, terrifying the herbalists who
the PCs get closer to the camp, they notice more and fled into the forest.
more unusual plants, which tend to be larger and more The holes in the log cabin may seem haphazard, but
colorful than the native flora. They also spot alien‑looking they allow Tiny creatures to enter and exit the building
wildlife, including a blue and green striped creature that without using its front door (these openings are marked
looks vaguely like a six-legged deer. When the PCs arrive as secret doors on the map on the inside front cover).
at the camp, it’s strangely quiet, with no signs of humans Determining which openings are suitable for this
anywhere. purpose before observing a gremlin using them requires
a Searching PC to succeed at a DC 20 Perception check.
The passages twist and turn, blocking line of sight

between the building’s interior and exterior. The front 4764485

door is secured with a simple lock, requiring three

successful DC 20 Thievery checks to Pick a Lock.
The log cabin’s ceiling is 15 feet high. It contains
crates of collected plants, as well as lightweight
wood and twine racks where plants can be
hung to dry.
Creatures: The jinkins have made this
camp their new home. Four of the gremlins lurk inside
the log cabin, including the group’s long-time leader,
Vilm. When Carl the Cobbler first crossed paths with
the jinkin gremlins, he immediately demanded that they
follow him. Impressed by the caliber of the redcap’s
shoes and hat, Vilm quickly agreed, and none of the
other gremlins dared oppose her decision. Vilm boasted
to Carl of her group’s nastiest traps, and the redcap was
so impressed by their inventiveness that he gifted his new
follower with a red pair of boots of elvenkind. This pair
is one of Carl’s creations; while such boots can normally
only be made by elven hands, Carl discovered a way to
use elven blood instead.
As the PCs approach the building, the gremlins attack.
Initially, they prefer to dart out of the building, making
a single melee attack and darting back inside where they
Vilm have total cover from the PCs’ attacks. The PCs can use
several strategies to thwart this tactic, however, such as
tripping the gremlins or moving far enough away that
the gremlins can’t continue to harry them. Once the PCs

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shut down their initial strategy, any remaining gremlins

retreat inside the building, move behind crates so they WHAT ARE JINKINS?
can’t be seen from the entrance, and then wait for the If a PC attempts a DC 15 Nature check to Recall
PCs to trigger the trap just inside (see Hazard below). Knowledge about jinkins, they receive the following
Finally, they attempt to harry the PCs who make it past results.
the trap by flanking and making attacks with their pincer Critical Success As success, and the PC knows that
claw, using Rip Flesh if they start their turn adjacent to a jinkins often live in groups of 6, because it takes 6
PC. A gremlin reduced to 5 Hit Points or fewer attempts of them to curse objects. Their favorite targets for
to flee, or surrenders if flight seems infeasible. curses are magic items. Common curses include
The pincer claws used by the jinkins are jury-rigged giving items a chance to fail outright or adding
contraptions made of wood, scrap metal, and bones. specific requirements that prevent thieves from
When worn, a pincer claw gives one of the jinkin’s hands using them effectively. They can sometimes be
the appearance of a crab pincer. A jinkin ripclaw can Strike distracted or even impressed by the sight of someone
with a pincer claw, and can Grab and Rip Flesh with it, dramatically breaking an object.
but the contraption is too small and awkward to be much Success Jinkin gremlins are vengeful fey that delight
use for anyone else. In fact, a character who makes a DC in sabotage, traps, and inflicting pain. Their fighting
20 Crafting or Perception check to Recall Knowledge style relies on quick movements and precise strikes
about a pincer claw notes that the contraption looks to make up for a lack of physical strength. In large
somewhat fragile and could easily be broken (and once groups, they can apply curses to objects. More
Reaching Rings observes a jinkin armed with one, you powerful gremlins, violent fey like redcaps, and
should prompt that player to attempt such a check with powerful evil fey like rusalka can command their
a comment like “There’s something about those strange loyalty.
claws the gremlins are using that catches your interest.”) Critical Failure These creatures are known as rock
A pincer claw has Hardness 5 and 20 Hit Points (BT goblins. They can burrow underground, and often
10). Reaching Rings might use Sabotage to break a do so to set ambushes. They always live in shady

gremlin’s pincer claw. If a gremlin’s pincer claw is broken, areas, because if they’re exposed to direct sunlight,

it screams in rage, drops it on the ground, and switches to their bodies begin to petrify. This curious weakness
attacking with their fists instead. Their fists do not have has led some to speculate that they may be distantly
any reach, so they must enter a PC’s square to attack related to cavern trolls.
them. The first time Reaching Rings demonstrates their
destructive skill by breaking something, all other gremlins
in the fight are so impressed that they temporarily lose Speed 30 feet
sight of the battle at hand. These gremlins are slowed 1, Melee [one-action] pincer claw +9 (finesse); Damage 1d8–2 piercing
as they spend their first action on their next turn praising plus Grab
Reaching Rings before returning to the battle at hand. Melee [one-action] fist +9 (agile, finesse, magical, nonlethal, unarmed,
While the other PCs are not as effective at breaking reach 0 feet); Damage 1d4–2 bludgeoning
objects as Reaching Rings, it’s possible that they may Primal Innate Spells DC 17; Cantrips (1st) prestidigitation
wish to break objects as well. Each PC who manages to Rip Flesh [one-action] Prerequisite A jinkin has a creature grabbed
break a sufficiently durable object earns the same acclaim with their pincer claw; Effect The jinkin forcefully pulls the
the first time they demonstrate their ability; in general, pincer claw out of the creature, ripping flesh and cackling
the gremlins don’t care about the destruction of objects in sadistic glee. The creature takes 1d8 piercing damage
with Hardness less than 3. and is no longer grabbed.
Sneak Attack The jinkin deals 1d6 extra precision damage to
JINKIN RIPCLAWS (3) CREATURE 1 flat-footed creatures.
RARE CE TINY FEY GREMLIN Tinker (curse, primal, transmutation) A group of six jinkins
Perception +7; darkvision can work together for an hour to imbue an item with a
Languages Undercommon curse at a range of 60 feet. While this process is lengthy,
Skills Acrobatics +7, Crafting +5 (+7 traps), Deception +5, it’s also unobtrusive and can be performed while Hiding.
Nature +5, Stealth +7, Thievery +7 Jinkins prefer to use this ability on magic items. The curse
Str –2, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2 makes the item unreliable (DC 5 flat check or waste any
Items pincer claw action to Interact with or Activate the item), adds a bizarre
AC 17; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +7 requirement to use the item, or imparts some other curse
HP 19; Weaknesses cold iron 2 of a similar caliber.

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bludgeoning damage) as well as 2d6 piercing damage from

WHAT’S A REDCAP? falling on to the knives. That creature can use the Grab an
If a PC attempts a DC 20 Nature check to Recall Edge reaction to avoid falling.
Knowledge about redcaps, they receive the following Reset Creatures can still fall into the trap, but the trapdoor
information. must be reset manually for the trap to become hidden
Critical Success As success, and the PC knows if a again.
redcap knocks someone unconscious with their
scythe, they can continue the swing to reap another Rewards: If the PCs take the boots of elvenkind off
target. In addition to attacking with their scythes, Vilm, they notice that she’s wearing a pair of red socks
redcaps like to knock their foes over and stomp their made of knitted wool. Vilm has been wearing this
faces into the dirt with their metal boots. same pair of socks for months, and they have an odor
Success Redcaps are named for their hats, which to match, which assaults the PCs’ nostrils the moment
they soak in the blood of fallen enemies to gain they remove them. The odor is unpleasant to everyone
strength. So long as a redcap wears its cap, their except Reaching Rings. The socks are all bunched up and
body regenerates from injuries at an alarming rate. too big for her feet. While the PCs may at first have no
Removing the cap is difficult, however, and often interest in these smelly socks, canny PCs may eventually
requires knocking the redcap unconscious first. realize their value.
Redcaps fight with their scythes and iron boots. The boots of elvenkind have a special jinkin-made
Critical Failure Redcaps are only interested in attacking curse to punish anyone who would dare to steal them
creatures that have red blood. Those who do not, from Vilm. If anyone wears these boots without a pair
such as leshys, have little to fear from a redcap of red wool socks underneath them, with every step they
unless they threaten the redcap first. The best way experience the sensation of walking with a rock in their
to negotiate with a redcap is by walking up to them shoe. No matter how much they search for the offending
and screaming at them with Intimidation to show rock, however, they’ll never find it. When a wearer without
your strength. red socks Activates the boots, they constrict painfully

around their feet, dealing 2d10 bludgeoning damage (DC 4764487

18 basic Fortitude save). Vilm’s socks are large enough to

VILM CREATURE 1 fit the feet of any of the PCs if they dare to put them on,
UNIQUE CE TINY FEY GREMLIN and when worn they completely suppress the curse.
Variant jinkin ripclaw (page 5)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Crafting +5 (+7 traps), Deception +5, Seeking the Gateway
Nature +5, Stealth +7, Thievery +7 After defeating the gremlins, the next step for the PCs
Items boots of elvenkind (cursed, see below), pincer claw, is to confirm that a First World portal is the cause
shortbow (20 arrows) of the strange occurrences in the forest. The PCs can
Ranged [one-action] shortbow + 9 (range increment 60 feet, deadly use several methods to accomplish this goal. Likely
d10); Damage 1d6 piercing strategies and appropriate checks include convincing
a gremlin to explain what’s been going on (DC 22
Hazards: Just inside the front door, the jinkins have Intimidation), following the gremlins’ tracks (DC 20
rigged up a spiked pit trap. Survival to Track), or following ley lines to a nearby
concentration of magical energy (DC 20 Nature). The
HIDDEN SPIKED PIT HAZARD 2 PCs might also use their specific abilities to solve this
MECHANICAL TRAP challenge. For example, Bottlespeaker can use Survey
Stealth DC 21 (trained) or DC 0 if the trapdoor is disabled or Wildlife to determine the source of the unusual animals
broken and plants with a DC 18 Nature check, or Fluff Fang
Description A wooden trapdoor covers a pit that’s 10 feet could disguise themself as a fey creature that would
square and 20 feet deep. Knives are arrayed at the bottom naturally command the gremlin’s respect and convince
of the trap, impaling anyone who falls on them. them to talk with a DC 18 Deception check.
Disable Thievery DC 18 (trained) to remove the trapdoor Whatever strategy the PCs use, they’ll eventually find
AC 15; Fort +5, Ref +5 their way to the First World breach, about a 15-minute
Trapdoor Hardness 7, Trapdoor HP 30 (BT 15); Immunities walk away from the campsite. If the PCs fail all of their
critical hits, object immunities, precision damage checks and run out of ideas, they’ll wind up wandering
Pitfall [reaction] Trigger A creature walks onto the trapdoor; Effect around for a while before stumbling into the breach’s
The triggering creature falls in and takes falling damage (10 vicinity. See page 7 for the effects of this delay.

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THE BREACH MODERATE 4 into the portal for a brief moment, winding up in the
First World before being “spat” back out into the forest,
Branches coil around a glowing violet portal which bathes its after which they’re stupefied 1.
surroundings in surreal light. Plants and fungi in a rainbow of Instead of dealing with the portal themselves, the
colors sprout from the ground, competing for space between PCs might wish to call upon their allies—for example,
the trees in a chaotic frenzy. Popcorn might ask her sprite friends for aid, or Fluff
Fang might enlist assistance from Taldor. If the players
The breach to the First World exudes and enhances try such tactics, their allies reach the portal in time to
primal magic. All creatures in this area take a –1 status close or alter it before anything else too troublesome
penalty to their saving throws against primal magic. happens.
Creatures with a fundamental tie to primal magic In any event, now that the cause of the trouble has
(including fey and leshys) within 15 feet of the portal been found (and hopefully dealt with), the heroes are
gain a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws. Squares free to celebrate their victory with friends and admirers
with foliage are difficult terrain. in any way they see fit. They can enjoy a well‑earned
Creatures: Carl the Cobbler lurks near the First rest... at least, until the Verduran Forest has need for the
World portal. He is accompanied by the remaining two heroes once again!
members of the jinkin band. The gremlins eagerly help
the redcap flank foes. While Carl is conscious, they fight
to the death. If the redcap is defeated, any conscious
gremlins panic. They attempt to run back through the
First World portal only to unceremoniously smack
themselves against an invisible wall. With their retreat
cut off, the gremlins surrender. Carl fights to the death;
he is too proud to surrender to the PCs, and he doesn’t
realize that unlike on the First World, death for a fey like

himself on this plane is permanent. 4764488


Page 5
Initiative Perception +7


Variant redcap (Pathfinder Bestiary 278)
Initiative Perception +12
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +15,
Crafting +13 (+15 for shoes), Deception +11,
Intimidation +13, Nature +10, Stealth +13

With Carl the Cobbler defeated, the PCs can
take their time deciding what they want to do
about the portal. Broadly speaking, the three main
choices they have are to close the portal, alter its
function, or leave it alone. The most likely alteration
would be to reverse the portal’s direction so it only
allows travel to the First World, but if the PCs come up
with other changes they would like to implement (such as
limiting who can use the portal or making it a two-way
portal), they can attempt those as well. In general, closing Carl the Cobbler
the portal requires the PCs to succeed at a DC 18 Nature
check. Each PC can attempt this check once; failure
means that the PC does not sufficiently understand the
portal’s nature. On a critical failure, the PCs are drawn

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dog wondrous figure, which he uses to summon a dog
that he has named Midnight.
Bottlespeaker is a fierce advocate for embodied Bottlespeaker’s most prized possession is a bundle of
nature spirits of all sizes and strengths, as well as a forget-me-not flowers wrapped in several mismatched
self‑appointed protector of other leshys. After learning ribbons, which he superstitiously believes have inherent
the fundamentals of leshy creation from his ritual memory-boosting powers. He entwines their stems in
mother, Bottlespeaker used them to grant a body to a patterns to help record information and regularly pulls
spirit who would’ve been too weak to manifest without out the bundle throughout the day to check if there
his aid. This spirit became his familiar, Twinsprout, was something he was supposed to remember. While he
whom he treats like a beloved daughter and often carries often forgets the meaning behind the patterns he creates,
around inside his hollow head. the mere fact that the stems are entwined helps jog his
Twinsprout is cheerful and curious. She has a habit of memory.
poking around at anything unfamiliar, which sometimes Since the events of A Fistful of Flowers, Bottlespeaker
leads her into trouble. When startled or frightened, she has spent time traveling around with his new friend
retreats into hiding within Bottlespeaker’s head. Fluff Fang, mentoring the weaker leshy spirits who
While Bottlespeaker primarily sees himself as a look up to them both with admiration. Inspired by Fluff
guardian of plants and a champion of leshys, he knows Fang’s tales of epic adventure in Taldor, Bottlespeaker
that animals are just as vital to a balanced ecosystem. As asked his friend to take him and a group of their leshy
a reminder of this interdependence, he carries an onyx companions on a journey through the country. The trip
was everything they’d hoped it would be, and the group
has recently returned to their home Verduran Forest.
The ribbons in Bottlespeaker’s flower bundle each come
from a different Taldan settlement, though he can rarely
remember which is which.


Playing Bottlespeaker 4764489

Bottlespeaker is wise and thoughtful, and pays close

attention to his surroundings. With his keen eyes and
knowledge of the woods, he’s skilled at noticing details
others might overlook, such as strange behavior in
animals or unusual tracks.
• He takes out his forget-me-not bundle, either as a
memory aid or simply something to fidget with.
This charm has no inherent magical powers, but it’s
helpful to him.
• He believes that social groups depend on
diverse perspectives just as much as ecosystems
depend upon diverse species. Unless time is of the
essence, he prefers to listen to what other have
to say first, encouraging quiet voices to speak up
before providing his opinion.
• Twinsprout has a childlike personality and is happy
to socialize with others. At the first sign of danger,
she hides in Bottlespeaker’s head or transforms into
a motionless Tiny tree.
Anathema: As a leaf order druid, it’s anathema for
Bottlespeaker to do the following: wear metal armor or
a metal shield, despoil a natural place, teach the Druidic
language to non-druids, or commit wanton cruelty to
plants. If he performs these actions enough times, he
might eventually lose his druidic powers.
Combat: Bottlespeaker has several options in combat.
To attack his foes with magic, he can hamper their

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movement with entangle or tanglefoot, scare them Lore +5, Medicine +10, Nature +10 (+12 to Treat Wounds
with fear, or damage them from a distance with acid during this adventure), Stealth +7, Survival +12
arrow, acid splash, or ray of frost. He can additionally Str 16 (+3), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 8 (–1), Wis 18 (+4),
use magic to boost his abilities or those of his allies: Cha 10 (+0)
barkskin helps protect someone from many types of Items bundle of forget-me-not flowers, healer’s tools, hide
weapon attacks, and fleet step makes someone move armor, holly and mistletoe, minor healing potions (4),
very fast. Bottlespeaker can also go into the front lines +1 striking staff, wondrous figurine (onyx dog) named
and bonk foes with his staff. Midnight, wooden shield (2; Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6). 6 gp
Bottlespeaker has two primary combat styles to utilize AC 20 (+22 with shield raised); Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +12
in battle: he can chose a defensive style, where he Raises HP 48
his Shield each round for extra defense, or he can ignore Shield Block [reaction]
his shield and hold his staff in two hands for extra Speed 30 feet
damage. When he uses the two-handed style, he often Melee staff +10 (two-hand d8), Damage 2d4+3 bludgeoning
starts by casting guidance on himself to make his first Primal Prepared Spells DC 20, attack +10; 2nd acid arrow,
attack more accurate. barkskin, entangle; 1st fear, fleet step, heal; Cantrips (2nd)
Exploration Mode: When exploring a new area, acid splash, guidance, ray of frost, stabilize, tanglefoot
Bottlespeaker is likely to Search around to see what he Druid Order Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 19; 2nd goodberry (Core
can find, to follow a trail using Track, or to Raise his Rulebook 399)
Shield if he expects trouble. Other Abilities anathema, druidic order (leaf), wild empathy
Healing: If he or his allies get hurt, Bottlespeaker Ancestry Feat Leshy Lore
can treat their injuries with the heal spell, feed them a Class Feats Enhanced Familiar, Leshy Familiar, Woodland
goodberry, use a minor healing potion, or wait until after Stride
the fight to Treat their Wounds with his Nature skill. As General Feats Fleet, Shield Block
long as he’s in the woods (as he is for the entirety of this Skill Feats Experienced Tracker, Natural Medicine, Survey
adventure), he has access to fresh ingredients to use with Wildlife

Natural Medicine. 4764490

Fluff Fang: Fluff Fang’s background and tales of Familiar Abilities damage avoidance (Reflex), manual
daring exploits are fascinating, and it’s a delight to dexterity, plant form, speech
work together with them to mentor weaker leshys. Perception +8, low-light vision
Fluff Fang adds a dash of exaggeration to their tales, Languages Common
but there’s enough truth in them to inspire wonder. Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8
Popcorn: Popcorn’s decisiveness and short temper AC 20; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +12
contribute a valuable perspective to the group, HP 20
but these qualities can at times stir up unnecessary Speed 25 feet
trouble. Her devotion to the unusual craft of creating Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, polymorph, primal,
food for non-leshys is worthy of respect. transmutation) Twinsprout transforms into a Tiny tree. This
Reaching Rings: Many leshys either stay and protect ability otherwise uses the effects of tree shape.
a particular area or embark on a life of adventure.
People like Reaching Rings, who has experience MIDNIGHT
switching between these lifestyles, are valuable fonts N SMALL ANIMAL MINION
of knowledge. Perception +6; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4 (+8
UNIQUE NG SMALL LESHY PLANT Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1
Male leshy druid 4 (Pathfinder Lost Omens Character Guide AC 15; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4
53) HP 8
Heritage gourd leshy Speed 30 feet
Background herbalist Melee [one-action] jaws +6, Damage 1d4+1 piercing
Perception +12; low-light vision Pack Attack Midnight’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to
Languages Common, Druidic, Sylvan creatures within the reach of at least two of Midnight’s
Skills Athletics +9, Diplomacy +6, Herbalism Lore +5, Leshy allies.

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• Fluff Fang is used to people underestimating them
for any number of reasons, most often because
Twisted together from weeds that plagued the quads of they think that the leshy is too cute and small to
Kitharodian Academy, the leshy known as Fluff Fang was be dangerous or because they confuse Fluff Fang
an unorthodox agent created by an equally unorthodox for a common plant. Fluff Fang uses this tendency
Lion Blade of Taldor. Dorian Hatchet was a gardener by to their advantage in both espionage and combat,
day and a secret agent for Taldor’s government by night. often seeking ways to set things up via trickery or
He used leshy agents like Fluff Fang as his hidden eyes distraction so they can use Deception to roll for
and ears around the city, scouting promising talents for initiative at the start of a fight.
recruitment and ferreting out secrets from those who • They sometimes disguise themselves as a member of
enjoyed sharing them in outdoor settings. different Small ancestry, such as goblin, gnome, or
Despite their experience dealing with humans, halfling. These disguises can be useful on missions,
however, some aspects of Taldan custom were beyond and they’re also great aids for acting and storytelling.
Fluff Fang’s comprehension. Over their career as a Lion • Fluff Fang can be very sneaky when they want to
Blade, they kept hearing about agents or nobles who be. They can use invisibility to temporarily vanish,
suddenly vanished from public life and “retired to the they can read lips, and they can conjure unseen
country.” Fluff Fang took this euphemism literally and servants to invisibly perform tasks like moving
innocently concluded that this was the proper thing for light objects or opening doors. They can also use
Lion Blades to do upon finishing their work. Once Grand message to pass whispered messages right into the
Princess Eutropia was safely crowned, the leshy packed ear of a nearby ally.
up their belongings and headed out to the Verduran Combat: Fluff Fang has several options in combat.
Forest, ready to settle into retirement. The druids of They’re likely to want to bolster their allies with inspire
Verduran were somewhat shocked by the cosmopolitan courage. They can use their lingering composition focus
leshy, but otherwise Fluff Fang settled in without a hitch. spell to make inspire courage last longer. For direct attacks,
Fluff Fang enjoys thrilling leshys and other residents they can create an explosive burst of noise with sound

of the forest with tales of their antics, reenacting epic burst or hurl nearby objects at their foes with telekinetic 4764491

battles, and telling somewhat embellished stories of what projectile. They also possess subtler spells: invisibility to
life in Oppara was like. Their audience mainly consists temporarily vanish or mirror image to shroud themselves
of the tiniest leshys in Verduran, who cluster around in duplicates that make them hard to hit. They can use
Fluff Fang like small children hoping for a bedtime story. command to briefly trick an opponent into doing a
Fluff Fang has gleefully accepted this minuscule mob as simple task like dropping an object, approaching, falling
apprentices, arming them with sticks and sending them to the ground, or running away. Fluff Fang can also stab
out on missions to herd stray sheep or whack carnivorous opponents with their rapier. Before attacking, they might
plant sprouts who’ve gotten too bold. want to cast true strike to make their blow particularly
Since the events of A Fistful of Flowers, Fluff accurate. If they get a critical hit, they can expend the
Fang has spent time traveling with their new friend owlbear claw on their rapier to catch their foe flat-footed
Bottlespeaker, and mentoring the smaller leshys who and make them easier to hit until the start of Fluff Fang’s
look up to them both with admiration. Fluff Fang’s next turn.
tales inspired such curiosity about life in Taldor If a visual or auditory effects would harm Fluff Fang
that the pair took their little friends on a whirlwind or their nearby allies, they can use counter performance
tour of the country before returning to the Verduran to bust out an act that draws attention away from the
Forest. Though Fluff Fang met up with several old trouble and grants protection.
friends from the Lion Blades during this journey, these Exploration Mode: When exploring a new area,
friends believed that Fluff Fang had simply chosen Fluff Fang is likely to take one of two very different
to take a break from spy duties for a while. Thus, paths if they expect trouble: they might sneak around
the misunderstanding that provoked Fluff Fang to and Avoid Notice, or they might loudly shout words of
abruptly end their career in espionage remains. encouragement with inspire courage so their allies are
in peak fighting form. If they don’t expect trouble, they
Playing Fluff Fang might Search the area to see if anything seems amiss.
When in social situations, Fluff Fang tends to be jovial Healing: If Fluff Fang or their friends get hurt, they can
and gregarious, a real life-of-the-party. They are a use soothe to treat the injuries. If they run out of soothe
master at avoiding offending people; even when making spells, Fluff Fang does their best to protect other healers
ridiculous requests. in the group from harm.


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Other Characters Lion Blade Dedication Fluff Fang never takes circumstance
Bottlespeaker: Bottlespeaker is a loyal, dependable, and penalties for attempting to take a disguise of a different
perceptive friend. He would be an excellent partner for ancestry, age, and so on, as long as the disguised form is Small.
an espionage operation, should the opportunity arise. Other Abilities muse (polymath), signature spells (sound
Popcorn: Popcorn’s flair and zest for life are a sight burst, soothe)
to behold. It’d be good if she was more willing to look Ancestry Feat Harmlessly Cute (Pathfinder Lost Omens
before she leaps, but there’s never a dull moment when Character Guide 54)
she’s around. Class Feats Lion Blade Dedication (Pathfinder Lost Omens
Reaching Rings: Reaching Rings may have seemed World Guide 131), Multifarious Muse (maestro), Versatile
at first to be a philosophical sort trying out adventure Performance
for the first time, but there’s more to them than meets General Feat Feather Step
the eye. They are a bit too deft with their fingers and Skill Feats Multilingual, Read Lips, Shameless Request,
quick to spot danger for a fungus leshy who’s spend Virtuosic Performer
most of their life resting on the side of a tree. Perhaps
a new adventure will provide a chance to learn more
about them.

Nonbinary leshy bard 4 (Lost Omens Character Guide 53)
Heritage leaf leshy
Background servant (Advanced Player’s Guide 49)
Perception +9; low-light vision
Languages Common, Halfling, Kelish, Sylvan
Skills Deception +10 (+11 when rolling initiative), Diplomacy

+10, Espionage Lore +6, Labor Lore +6, Occultism +6, 4764492

Performance +12 (+14 for acting), Society +6, Stealth

+10, Thievery +8
Str 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0),
Wis 12 (+1), Cha 18 (+4)
Items adventurer’s pack, owlbear
claw talisman, persona mask,
+1 striking rapier,
studded leather
armor, thieves’ tools
(2 replacement picks), 4
AC 20; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9
HP 44; takes no damage from falling
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] rapier +8 (finesse, deadly d8); Damage 2d6+1
Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 20, attack +10; 2nd
(3/day) invisibility, mirror image, sound burst; 1st
(3/day) command, soothe, true strike, unseen
servant; Cantrips (2nd) ghost sound, light,
mage hand, message, telekinetic projectile
Bard Composition Spells 2 Focus Points,
DC 20; 2nd counter performance
(Core Rulebook 386), lingering
composition (Core Rulebook
387); Cantrips (2nd) inspire
courage (Core Rulebook 386)


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In time, Popcorn recognized her activities with the
sprites as a game as well. She began to examine the
No one is certain why a spirit of burning forests chose things being tossed down at her and entertained herself
to possess the form of a leshy. Whatever the reason, by seeing how her flames would char and cook various
the leshy’s druidic creator expected her creation to foods. Though Popcorn had no interest in eating
have a sweet temperament to go alongside the colorful anything, she liked the different smells she created,
snapdragon plants that composed its body—what she got noting that certain scents caused the sprites to drool and
was a raging, temperamental troublemaker. risk flitting down from the trees to snag a bite.
Eventually, the snapdragon leshy left her druid to seek After the events of A Fistful of Flowers, Popcorn
her own way. More grouchy than dangerous, most reacted decided to venture out of the forest to broaden her
to her with a roll of the eyes; notably, she entered into a culinary horizons and meet with chefs from different
semi-serious feud with the local sprites, who considered her parts of the region. During these travels, she met a
dramatic fits to be great entertainment. The sprites would dwarven chef from Otari named Agna, who taught her
allow themselves to be chased into trees, then throw fruits a recipe that allows people to tolerate even the spiciest
and vegetables and watch the furious leshy torch them. of cuisine. Since then, Agna and Popcorn have been
Kernels of corn became the favorite object of these games, unlikely pen pals.
and thus, the snapdragon leshy became known as “Corn
Popper,” and then, finally, as “Popcorn”—a nickname given Playing Popcorn
to her by a particularly playful local pixie named Glimmer. Popcorn is short-tempered. She isn’t the type to forget a
slight, though she’s far more likely to respond with biting
words or immediate revenge than drawn-out plots. Of
course, if anyone dares to threaten her or her allies, she’s
not afraid to unleash the full force of her burning anger
to lay them low.
• Popcorn enjoys games, particularly those that involve

physical activity. When it comes to cooking 4764493

or brewing up alchemical mixtures, she is

patient, inquisitive, and creative. She
even happily hums to herself off‑key
when engrossed in her
work. Those who wish
her good mood to
continue had best
not comment on her
• Popcorn’s temper might
flare into a full-on Rage when
something threatens her or her
friends, or when something is
particularly frustrating. While
she is raging, all of her senses
are heightened; she can see in the
dark and her sense of smell is heightened as well.
Anathema: Popcorn’s instincts drive her to never let a
personal insult against her slide, as well as to respect red
dragons. If she goes against these instincts too much,
she may lose her ability to turn her rage into
draconic flames.
Combat: If combat breaks out, Popcorn
begins by flying into a Rage, often using her
draconic instinct to turn her anger into a blazing fire.
In battle, she is the opposite of subtle. She attacks her
enemies with her war flail. When two of her opponents


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are next to each other, she prefers to use Swipe to attack Items alchemist’s tools, bottle of ground peppercorns,
them both with one accurate swing. If her foes are just breastplate, capsaicin tonic (2; see below), jar of salted
outside of her reach, she can spend an action to extend lemons, lesser healing potion, moderate alchemist’s fire (2),
her reach to hit opponents who are up to 10 feet away oil (2), recipe book, +1 striking war flail
at the cost of dealing a bit less damage. Popcorn has a AC 21; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9
lot of Hit Points compared to her friends, and she’s not HP 68
afraid to take a few blows. If an obstacle stands in her Speed 25 feet
way, she uses her powerful legs to leap over it, using her Melee [one-action] war flail +11 (disarm, sweep, trip), Damage 2d10+4
Quick Leap feat. Angry as she is, Popcorn rarely attacks bludgeoning
heedlessly. After attacking twice or using Swipe, she Ranged [one-action] moderate alchemist’s fire +8 (range increment 30
moves to set herself up better for the next turn, such as feet), Damage 2d8 fire plus 2 persistent fire damage and 2
by moving to flank an opponent or diving deeper into the fire splash damage
thick of battle. Grasping Reach When Popcorn wields a melee weapon that
Even Popcorn likes to shake things up from time to time, requires two hands, doesn’t have reach, and deals at least
though. When not smashing enemies with her war flail, 1d6 damage, she can change between a typical two-handed
Popcorn can be found setting them ablaze with thrown grip and an extended two-handed grasp using an Interact
flasks of alchemist’s fire, or drinking capsaicin tonic and action. Weapons wielded in her extended grasp gain reach
then spewing out clouds of burning spicy smoke. of 10 feet. This grasp is less stable and powerful than a
Exploration Mode: In exploration mode, Popcorn typical grip, reducing the weapon’s damage die by 1 step.
typically keeps a close eye on her surroundings, Searching Rage [one-action]
for trouble. Other Abilities anathema (respects red dragons), deny
Healing: Popcorn’s a lot more capable at creating advantage, instinct (red dragon)
wounds than healing them, but she carries a single lesser Ancestry Feat Grasping Reach (Pathfinder Lost Omens
healing potion for emergencies. Character Guide 54)
Class Feats Acute Scent, Acute Vision, Swipe

Other Characters General Feat Toughness 4764494

Bottlespeaker: Bottlespeaker’s always listening, Skill Feats Alchemical Crafting, Quick Jump, Seasoned
watching, and waiting. Someday he’s gonna grow roots (Advanced Player’s Guide 209)
and get stuck that way.
Fluff Fang: Fluff Fang’s a tricky one. At first, they CAPSAICIN TONIC ITEM 4
seemed like the type to just blow away in a stiff breeze, UNCOMMON ALCHEMICAL CONSUMABLE ELIXIR
but it’s more like they want people to underestimate them. Price 17 gp
The moment you think you’ve got them figured out, they Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
spin another tale or show off another magic spell. This translucent, pale-yellow drink has several pepper seeds
Reaching Rings: Reaching Rings sure knows how to suspended within it. Although the tonic is painfully spicy
stab people where it hurts. Just stay away from them at when first consumed, the heat soon fades as the tonic coats
mealtime. Fungus leshy food rarely smells great since your throat. In the next hour, you can use the activation
they like the rotten stuff, but Reaching Rings’s food is below up to three times; the third time you use it, the effects
so nasty they’ve learned to weaponize the stink. Blegh. of the capsaicin tonic end. While under the effects of the
tonic, you can easily consume even the spiciest of foods
POPCORN without trouble. This item originally appeared in Troubles
Female leshy barbarian 4 (Pathfinder Lost Omens: Character Activate [one-action] Interact; Effect You belch out a foul-smelling
Guide 53) cloud of blisteringly spicy gas that fills a single square
Heritage vine leshy adjacent to you. Creatures within the cloud are concealed,
Background cook (Advanced Player’s Guide 48) and all creatures outside the cloud are concealed to
Perception +9; low-light vision creatures within it. The cloud remains for 1 minute but can
Languages Common, Sylvan be dispersed by a strong wind. The cloud deals 1d4 fire
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +10, Cooking Lore +7, Crafting damage to creatures that enter the cloud on their turn,
+9 (+10 to Craft food, drink, and potions), Intimidation +6, as well as to creatures that start their turn in the cloud (a
Nature +7, Survival +7 creature takes this damage no more than once per round,
Str 18 (+4), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), even if it moves back and forth into the cloud multiple
Cha 10 (+0) times during the round).


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once again. They enjoy socializing in moderation,
though after decades of isolation, they are still
The druid who created Reaching Rings’s body, Briboribix, shaking the dust off their social skills.
was pulled between two worlds. He was born in the Combat: Reaching Rings prefers to attack flat-footed
gnome logging town Wispil, the only logging operation foes whenever possible so they can get sneak attack
that the druids of the Verduran Forest permit to exist. But damage. If they rolled Stealth for initiative, foes that
he also felt a kinship to the trees that the town harvested haven’t acted yet are flat-footed to them. Otherwise, they
for its survival and was deeply troubled by the attacks can flank with their allies, or use Two-Weapon Feint.
that Wispil faced from treants and other forest denizens Instead of attacking three times in one turn, they prefer
unhappy with its operations. He retired to the woods to to set themselves up for their next turn. If they’re in an
seek answers and created Reaching Rings as a means to area with cover like foliage, they might Hide, making
hear the voice of the forest. themselves harder for opponents to attack while setting
When they first came into being, Reaching Rings themselves up for a sneak attack on their next turn. They
enjoyed pondering philosophy while resting comfortably might also move into a flank. When fighting opponents
on a tree. Eventually, conversations with their creator whose gear has moving parts, they can use Sabotage to
fostered within them a desire for action. Perhaps if they break the gear.
helped Briboribix battle threats to the forest and thereby At range, Reaching Rings prefers to attack people
prove himself to the forest’s denizens, Briboribix could by “gifting” them with a hefty helping of fungus-
eventually serve as a mediator. With that in mind, the pair friendly food, in the form of a putrid sack of rotten
set off for the northern reaches of the Verduran Forest on fruit. While nutritious to Reaching Rings, this high-
a mission to stamp out corruption and drive off those who velocity delivery is likely to provoke pain and
would dare take too deeply of the forest’s bounties. vomiting in other recipients. If they run out of snacks
Unfortunately, one such mission claimed Briboribix’s to weaponize, Reaching Rings can always fall back on
life, causing Reaching Rings to retreat into quiet their shortbow.
contemplation for a time. When they emerged from their Exploration Mode: Reaching Rings typically trusts

meditations after decades of isolation, they wandered the their keen senses for danger to notice traps (represented 4764495

forest in search of other places that might need aid. by their Trapfinder ability), though if they have reason
After the events of A Fistful of Flowers, Reaching to suspect an area might be trapped, they might check
Rings returned to the northern Verduran Forest near more carefully just in case. When danger is nearby, they
Wispil where they learned that someone was preying prefer to stay hidden, Avoiding Notice and preparing to
on homes far off from the city’s center. While Reaching strike from the shadows. Their Quiet Allies skill feat lets
Rings at first suspected the attackers might be angry fey, their fellow party members sneak more effectively if they
they ultimately determined that those responsible were follow Reaching Ring’s lead. If the whole group does
in fact gnomes. After figuring out the truth, the leshy this together, then only Popcorn needs to roll a Stealth
teamed up with a group of locals to catch the thieves check; thanks to Reaching Ring’s help, Popcorn’s Stealth
once and for all. In thanks for their aid, all they asked for modifier for this check is +7.
was a wagon of overripe fruit. Healing: Reaching Rings has a couple of healing
potions, and they can Treat Wounds with their Medicine
Playing Reaching Rings skill between encounters. During a fight, if they’ve used
Reaching Rings has the Dubious Knowledge skill feat. up their potions, Reaching Rings moves to protect any
This means that while they know quite a bit, their facts other healers in the group while they attend to the
are mixed up with legends and folklore that bears only wounded.
passing resemblance to the truth. Even when you aren’t
directly rolling Recall Knowledge checks to determine Other Characters
what Reaching Rings remembers, feel free to add tidbits Bottlespeaker: Bottlespeaker’s always looking out for
of questionable information to their speech and beliefs. everyone, like a team parent. The way he talks about
• While they are not as optimistic as they were when everybody being important and tries to encourage people
they first set out to help Briboribix make peace to get along is kind of like Briboribix. Hopefully, he
between the factions of the Verduran Forest, won’t meet the same fate as Briboribix!
Reaching Rings still wants the different groups that Fluff Fang: As a former spy, Fluff Fang understands
call it home to coexist peacefully. the value of subtlety. Some people say her stories aren’t
• Having spent considerable time in contemplation, completely true, but they are full of valuable information.
Reaching Rings is enjoying being active in the world And entertaining to boot!


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Popcorn: Say what you will about her, but Popcorn PUTRID SACK OF ROTTING FRUIT ITEM 3
makes truly interesting food. If only she’d let some of UNCOMMON CONSUMABLE
it rot for a while, it would be delicious, but the mere Price 12 gp
suggestion of such is enough to get burned by her famous Usage Held in 1 hand; Bulk L
temper. It’s worth trying to figure out a way to convince Activate [one-action] Strike
her that sometimes letting food “ripen” or “ferment” is Each of these unassuming sacks contains enough rotting fruit
for the best—just take care not to use words like “decay” to provide a fungus leshy with 1 week’s worth of rations, along
or “spoil.” Her habit of drawing all the attention in battle with clusters of stones to help press out the fruit’s juices.
makes her an excellent diversion. Since their last adventure, Reaching Rings has refined their
rations’s ability to serve as a weapon in addition to delicious,
REACHING RINGS flavorful sustenance.
UNIQUE NG SMALL LESHY PLANT A sack of rotting fruit has a range increment of 20 feet.
Nonbinary leshy rogue 4 (Pathfinder Lost Omens Character When you succeed at a ranged Strike on a creature by hurling
Guide 53) a putrid sack of rotten fruit at them, the sack is consumed
Heritage fungus leshy while the creature takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and must
Background hermit attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save.
Perception +10; darkvision Success The creature is unaffected by the foul smell of the
Languages Common, Gnomish, Sylvan fruit.
Skills Acrobatics +10, Arcana +9, Athletics +6, Crafting +7, Failure The creature becomes sickened 1.
Forest Lore +7, Medicine +8, Nature +8, Occultism +7, Critical Failure The creature becomes sickened 2.
Religion +8, Society +7, Stealth +12, Survival +8, Thievery
Str 10 (+0), Dex 18 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2),
Cha 10 (+0)
Items healer’s tools, leather armor, minor healing potions (2),

putrid sack of rotten fruit (3, see below), repair kit, rope 4764496

(100 feet), shortbow (20 arrows), shortsword, +1 striking

rapier, thieves’ tools (3 replacement picks), 3 gp
AC 21; Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +10; +1 circumstance vs.
emotion effects
HP 49
Recognize Spell [reaction]
Speed 25 feet
Melee rapier +11 (deadly d8, disarm, finesse), Damage
2d6+4 piercing
Melee shortsword +10 (agile, finesse, versatile S),
Damage 1d6+4 piercing
Ranged putrid sack of rotten fruit +10
(range increment 20 feet), Damage 2d6
Ranged shortbow +10 (deadly d10, range 60
feet), Damage 1d6 piercing
Twin Feint [two-actions]
Other Abilities deny advantage, racket
(thief), sneak attack 1d6, surprise attack
Ancestry Feat Undaunted (Lost Omens Character
Guide 54)
Class Feats Sabotage (proficiency bonus +8),
Trap Finder, Twin Feint
General Feat Toughness
Skill Feats Dubious Knowledge, Pickpocket,
Quiet Allies, Recognize Spell, Terrain
Stalker (underbrush)


26392191, Ricardo Silva <[email protected]>, Dec 24, 2023 26392191
4764497, Ricardo Silva <[email protected]>, Dec 24, 2023


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stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork,
Senior Designer • James Case
symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic,
photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of
Managing Editor • Leo Glass
characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Lead Editor • Avi Kool
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural Senior Editors • Patrick Hurley, Ianara Natividad, and Simone D. Sallé
abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or Editor • Solomon St. John
registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Art Directors • Kent Hamilton, Kyle Hunter, and Adam Vick
Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” Senior Graphic Designer • Emily Crowell
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to Graphic Designer • Adriana Gasperi
identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game Production Designer • Danika Wirch
License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, Director of Brand Strategy • Mark Moreland
edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game
Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a President • Jim Butler
notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms Chief Creative Officer • Erik Mona
of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. Vice President of People & Culture • Maggie Gallagher
No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
Vice President of Sales & Operations • Mike Webb
distributed using this License. Vice President of Technology • Rei Ko
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Controller • Mary Webb
acceptance of the terms of this License. Sales Manager • Cosmo Eisele
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Sales & E-Commerce Assistant • Mika Hawkins
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with Director of Licensing • John Feil
the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Marketing and Media Manager • Aaron Shanks

5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material Marketing and Licensing Coordinator • Raychael Allor

as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation Director of Community • Tonya Woldridge
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
Organized Play Coordinator • Alex Speidel
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of
this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
Director of Project Management • Glenn Elliott
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the Project Manager • Lee Aula
copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Senior Accountant • William Jorenby
original Open Game Content you Distribute. Finance Operations Specialist • B. Scott Keim
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as
an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Front End Engineering Lead • Andrew White
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark Software Architect • Brian Bauman
in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed Software Developer • Robert Brandenburg
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Software Test Engineer • Erik Keith
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute System Administrators II • Whitney Chatterjee and Josh Thornton
a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity Web Content Manager • Maryssa Mari
used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Webstore Coordinator • Katina Davis
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which Customer Service Lead • Austin Phillips
portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. Customer Service Team • Jonathan Morgantini, James Oakes,
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated Khangi Wampler, and Jackson Wood
versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy,
modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version Warehouse Manager • Jeff Strand
of this License. Logistics Coordinator • Kevin Underwood
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of Warehouse Distribution Lead • Heather Payne
the Open Game Content You distribute. Warehouse Team • Alexander Crain, Summer Foerch, James Mafi,
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Zac Moran, Evan Panek, and Jesus Reynoso Ortiz
Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from
the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with Starfinder.
or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks,
proper nouns (characters, deities, locations, etc., as well as all adjectives, names, titles, and descriptive
all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the terms derived from proper nouns), artworks, characters, dialogue, locations, organizations, plots, storylines,
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content, or are exclusively
derived from previous Open Game Content, or that are in the public domain are not included in this
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such declaration.)
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE this Paizo game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced
in any form without written permission.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors: Jonathan
Pathfinder Adventure: A Few Flowers More © 2023, Paizo Inc. All rights reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem
Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered
Dave Arneson. trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure, Pathfinder
Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Card Society, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Battles,
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Pathfinder Combat Pad, Pathfinder Flip-Mat, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Lost
Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter. Omens, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path,
Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying
Pathfinder Adventure: A Few Flowers More © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Author: Linda Zayas-Palmer. Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
Printed in China.


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26392193, Ricardo Silva <[email protected]>, Dec 24, 2023 26392193
Adventure Second Edition

A hero’s work is never done! Especially when strange new plants start appearing
in the woods—plants whose presence draws all manner of trespassers eager to
take advantage of the sudden, mysterious bounty. But where are these plants
coming from, and what sinister development in the heart
of the forest does their arrival signify? Could it
be the beginning of an invasion from another
dimension... or something worse?
In A Few Flowers More, you take
on the role of one of four unique
leshys—mobile plants who have been
granted wills of their own. When word of strange
supernatural developments in the depths of the
forest comes to light, it falls to you and your
friends to take care of things!
A Few Flowers More is a short adventure for
4th-level characters that serves as a sequel to A
Fistful of Flowers, yet it can be played on
its own. This adventure takes
a band of leshy heroes into
the very depths of a primeval
forest and pits them against a
supernatural threat that’s literally out
of this world. The four pregenerated
characters also provide a quick way to
jump into this exciting Free RPG Day
offering right away! Grab your friends,
grab some dice, and play the role of the
forest’s newest heroes!

Printed in China

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