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Student ID Name Group
2022406588 Mariatulkaftiah binti Othman NBCS2553A
2022596238 Nurjannah Nadhirah binti Yazib NBCS2553A



JAN 7, 2024

Contents Pages
2.1 Background 3
2.2 Achievements 4
2.3 Hallmark 6
3.1 Decision Making Skill 8
3.2 Strategic Skill 9
4.1 Determination (Decisiveness) 11
4.2 Dependability 12
4.3 Openness and Risk Taker 12
4.4 Self-Confidence 13
4.5 Integrity 14
4.6 Foresight Abilities 14
4.7 Inspiring and Humility 15
5.1 Transactional Leadership 17
5.2 Transformational Leadership 18
5.3 Servant Leadership 19
5.4 Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary Leadership Style 21
5.5 Servant Leadership Style Advantage 23
8.0 REFERENCES 26 - 28
9.0 APPENDICES 29 - 30

No Pictures Page

1 Picture 1: Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary portrait 3

2 Picture 2: Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al – Bukhary Wealth History 5

3 Picture 3: National-Level Maal Hijrah Figure Ceremony in 2008 6

4 Picture 4: Tan Sri Syed Moktar Al-Bukhary's Journey and Legacy 7



No Tables Page

1 Table 1: Comparison between Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary Leadership 21

Skills and traits with leadership style characteristic


The subject of leadership has received increasing attention from many academics, scholars,
and researchers over the last decades. Indeed, no other role in an organization has received more
interest than the leader (Schwandt & Marquardt, 2000). Leaders can be found in a wide variety of
contexts, including large and small organizations, business and non-profits, governmental and non-
governmental organizations, and military and non-military systems. They were exploring the styles
or approaches of leadership that can be adopted in various fields. However, finding the suitable
one is not an easy task but must go through practical experiences of some cases and places.

According to Northouse, P. G. (2018), leadership means guiding and influencing others to

reach a shared goal or vision. In simpler terms, it's about inspiring, motivating, and empowering
people or teams to work together well. Leadership includes many important skills and qualities
such as making decisions, communicating well, thinking strategically, being understanding, and
setting a clear vision. These aspects are crucial for every leader.

To truly understand what it means to be a leader, we must examine what it is to makes a

leader effective. Everyone’s idea of what is means to be leader is slightly different. According to
Winston, B. E., & Patterson, K. (2006), a leader is a person who is responsible to select, prepared,
train, equips and influence their followers who has different talent and skills to focus which subject
to the organization objectives. In the other way, Marume, S., & Jubenkanda, R. (2016), pointed
out that leader’s function is to ensure their followers fully utilize their abilities by motivate,
communicate, reward and inspired them to achieve the organization goals and objectives.

In other way, according to Roberts, A.W. (2014), contemporary leader refers to a leader
who uses personal influence to develop and inspire people to achieve organizational goals and
make a difference in the community. In the realm of contemporary leadership, one name resonates
with unparalleled success, philanthropy, and the embodiment of resilience – Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar
Al-Bukhary. Renowned as the 11th richest man in Malaysia according to Forbes 2023, this
Bumiputera business tycoon has not only carved a niche for himself in the business world but has
also emerged as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring leaders globally. Our choice to delve into the

leadership saga of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is not merely a selection; it is a celebration
of a man who personifies the extraordinary within the ordinary. As the founder of the Al-Bukhary
Foundation, an international non-profit charity organization dedicated to social development, Tan
Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary extends his influence beyond the business realm, making a profound
impact on societal well-being.

This exploration is a journey into the intricacies of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary’s
leadership, where we unravel the tapestry of his skills, traits, and leadership style. His unwavering
belief that everything emanates from Allah has not only shaped his personal convictions but also
positioned him as a revered Bumiputera Muslim icon, exemplifying Islamic leadership principles.
Amidst accolades and recognition, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary stands as a role model,
inspiring individuals and students globally. Our narrative will traverse the early stages of his
business development, where failure laid the foundation for eventual success. Through the lens of
his entrepreneurial journey, we will witness how Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary rose
triumphantly from the ashes of setbacks, progressing to new echelons of career accomplishment.

Diving into the specifics of his impactful ventures and plans, we will illuminate the
multifaceted dimensions of this luminary's success. The narrative will culminate with a reflection
on the accolades and recognition that Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary has rightfully earned,
painting a comprehensive portrait of his leadership legacy. As we embark on this exploration, Tan
Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's story emerges not just as a biography but as a testament to
resilience, faith, and the remarkable potential that resides within every individual to transform
failures into triumphs. Join us as we unravel the leadership odyssey of a contemporary luminary,
closing the chapter with a profound understanding of the indomitable spirit that defines Tan Sri
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's remarkable journey.


We will divide Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary profile into 3 parts which are
background, achievement, and hallmark.

2.1 Background

According to Fun, L. (2018), Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's extraordinary journey
began in Alor Setar, Kedah, in 1951, where he was born into a middle-class family. Rooted in the
Hadhramaut region of Yemen, his family's trading ventures led them across Central Asia and
Thailand before settling in Kedah during the 1940s. At the age of nine, Syed Mokhtar embarked
on an educational odyssey, sent to live with his uncle in Johor Bahru. His scholastic journey
continued until Form 2, after which he returned to Kedah, completing his schooling at Saint
Michael's School, progressing through Form Five. He doesn't take SPM because his family doesn't
afford to pay the exam fees.

Picture 1: Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary portrait


Motivated by his family's modest background, Syed Mokhtar seamlessly transitioned into
the workforce during his primary and secondary education, supporting his studies. A pivotal
chapter in his youth involved hands-on experiences, assisting his mother in vegetable cultivation,
selling roti canai, and honing his numeric skills to aid his father in daily bookkeeping. Post-school,
his entrepreneurial spirit manifested in the engagement with his father's cow breeding business,
facing setbacks due to a foot and mouth disease outbreak. Undeterred, he took charge, evolving
the business into the sale of meats and subsequently wholesale meat packaging. The
entrepreneurial fervor reached new heights in the 1990s when, alongside Zainal Hatim Hj Ambia
Bukhary, he ventured into rice trading in Kedah. The successful acquisition of a rice trading license
from Lembaga Padi Negara propelled him into securing supplier contracts with government-linked

Fueled by an unwavering determination, Syed Mokhtar's narrative took a transformative

turn as he diversified into diverse sectors. His initial foray into logistics, aimed at transporting
trading materials, burgeoned into a vast empire encompassing plantation, property development,
construction, engineering, power generation, infrastructure, and ports. These strategic maneuvers
positioned him among the elite, earning recognition as the 11th richest man in Malaysia, as per
Forbes 2023.

In the grand tapestry of his personal timeline, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's journey stands as a
testament to resilience, entrepreneurial acumen, and a commitment to continuous learning. A
journey that commenced in humble beginnings in Alor Setar, Kedah, has unfolded into
extraordinary heights of success, symbolizing the transformative power of steadfast determination
and strategic vision.

2.2 Achievements

According to Fun, L. (2018), Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary has achieved recognition
and wealth through a journey marked by humility and dedication. Given the prestigious title 'Tan
Sri,' he is ranked among the richest Muslim businessmen in Malaysia with a net worth of

$1.6billion (Forbes, 2023). Importantly, his focus goes beyond personal acclaim, as he dedicates
his efforts to philanthropy, helping employees and the community through substantial donations.
Despite his wealth, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar stands out as a private person, avoiding flashy displays
of a luxurious lifestyle. His approachability is a key characteristic, easily accessible to anyone
seeking his guidance. Status doesn't influence him much, as he understands life has its ups and
downs. He sees a lavish lifestyle as a potential problem and remains true to his humble roots.

Picture 2: Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al – Bukhary Wealth History


As a devoted Muslim, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar expresses his faith through sincere acts of
charity, including building mosques across the country. His integrity and reliability reflect a
character shaped by past challenges. Starting from humble beginnings, selling groceries with his
father, his journey has evolved with each step of business expansion. On January 10, 2008, Syed
Mokhtar was honored as a national-level Maal Hijrah figure, recognizing his significant
contributions. The ceremony, attended by dignitaries like the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan

Mizan Zainal Abidin, celebrated Syed Mokhtar's achievements with trophies, medals, and
RM80,000 in cash. One of the prestigious honors bestowed upon him was the Crown Loyal
Commander (PSM) by His Majesty the Agong, with the title of ‘Tan Sri’.

Picture 3: National-Level Maal Hijrah Figure Ceremony in 2008


In his life, awards are not just ornaments but symbols of a purpose-driven journey. Success,
for him, is not merely an endpoint but a means to uplift others. His story echoes as an inspiring
tale of resilience, humility, and unwavering commitment to bettering society.

2.3 Hallmark

We've encapsulated the essence of Tan Sri Syed Moktar Al-Bukhary's remarkable journey
and legacy, as depicted in the pivotal moments illustrated in Picture 4 below.

Picture 4: Tan Sri Syed Moktar Al-Bukhary's Journey and Legacy Timeline


Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary was not born with the silver spoon but he possessed
with the leadership skills to make him success today. Leadership skills refer to the ability to
perform leadership tasks proficiently. These skills are talents that leader can learn and improve in
order to be a good leader. In leadership, skills can also show how well leader using their natural
abilities or how skilled leader in a particular leadership approach. According to Indeed Editorial
Team (2022), there are several important leadership skills that leaders can develop to increase their
ability to influence people and get them to support their vision and initiatives include
communication, team building, strategy, decision making, problem-solving and mentorship and
teaching. However, for this group assignment, we only limit the scope of research only to two
leadership skills which is decision making skills and strategy skills.

3.1 Decision Making Skills

Decision-making skills are based on the ability to conceptualize situations and select
alternatives to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities Achua, C.F. and Lussier, R.N.
(2013). Effective leadership requires being able to make sound decisions quickly. While some
people are natural leaders, making the right decision most of the time often requires practice and
experience. Successful leaders typically have a strong sense of judgement and don't often require
all the information about a situation to make the right decisions. This allows them to take initiative,
leverage their strengths and identify opportunities before competitors. Refer to below famous
quote from Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary from the book Syed Mokhtar Albukhary: A
Biography by Premilla Mohanlall in 2013.

"Pendekatan Saya mudah. Jika hendak buat sesuatu, saya buat dulu dan bercakap

This phrase reflect a decisively action-oriented approach to decision-making. This

philosophy not only embraces the importance of prompt decision-making but also underscores the

value of hands-on experience in the decision-making process. It speaks to a leader who is not afraid
to take initiative, demonstrating a commitment to turning ideas into tangible actions. Such
decisiveness can be a key factor in navigating complex situations and seizing opportunities swiftly.
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's approach suggests a proactive and pragmatic mindset, emphasizing the
significance of doing first and then refining through communication—an inspiring perspective for
leaders seeking to drive results and make a meaningful impact.

In the mid-1970s, an outbreak of a contagious diseases that spread to Thailand, Kedah and
Perlis harmed his father’s livestock farming business. The cattle business of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar
Al-Bukhary took over from his father washed away because of the outburst of the foot and mouth
disease. Because livestock die from disease, his father is responsible for all the money that his
family has lost. This make him wary of getting involved in livestock farming to avoid further
losses. He decided to start business in other area which is selling meat. As start, at the age of 19,
he sourced markets around Alor Setar to buy unsold meat from the vendors there. The meat would
then be re-sold to Bumiputera traders in the surrounding area. With the attitude of prudent and
responsible, his first step to be an entrepreneur has received some encouraging feedback from the
public. This motivated him to be more aggressive to his following business plans. What a decisive
and determined decision he had done when he still young that time. Along with the courage and
insight, he proved that he was able to refuse the crisis with his immediate actions.

3.2 Strategic Skills

Leaders who think strategically can help an organization grow to the next level or successfully
navigate a period of change. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary has demonstrated strategic
thinking through various initiatives and decisions in his business endeavors and non-profitable
organization. The establishment of the Al-Bukhary Foundation reflects his strategic thinking in
contributing to the community and social development, aligning with his broader vision and

According to Faizosman et., al (2020), Albukhary International University (AIU) is in Alor
Setar, Kedah, and was created to make higher education available to everyone. It's special because
it offers a chance for talented and motivated people from less wealthy countries to get a higher
education, even if they don't have a lot of money. The goal is to help these Scholars shape a better
future for themselves. The campus layout, along with other parts of the university, reminds us that
while learning is important for progress, education is most valuable when it covers all aspects of

The values taught to Albukhary Scholars are unique. The university wants to develop
individuals who are smart, caring, humble, adaptable, and focused on making the world better.
This approach encourages people to reach out and help others in the community, reflecting the
founder Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's thoughtful planning. Every part of the university has a purpose to
connect with and help the community. The Sharifah Rokiah Centre of Excellence is a great
example of this idea. It was created by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar, who follows the "8-hour rule": "The
day has twenty-four hours; eight for sleep, eight for education, and eight for helping others in
need" (Albukhary Foundation, 2018).


It is not easy to become the 11th richest Malaysian, there are some significant and specific
personalities leading him to succeed. According to Valdiserri, G. A. & Wilson, J.L (2010), the way
in which a leader acts, behaves and guides their followers is a crucial factor to organization success.
Leadership traits are personal attributes required to become an effective leader. These traits are
often natural qualities a person possesses based on their upbringing and environment, but it can
learn and acquire through experience. Having leadership traits can make it easier to maximize the
effectiveness of leadership skills. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary possessed some essential
leadership traits as an effective leader should have that described as below.

4.1 Determination (Decisiveness)

First, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is a leader occupied with high energy with
determination characteristic. His means he has a positive attitude and excitement that drives him
to take action and overcome obstacles to achieve his goals. Encouraged by positive feedback in
the meat retail business, he expanded into different areas. He started with logistics, aiming to
transport trading materials. Later, he entered the rice trading business, obtaining a license and
securing contracts with government-related corporations. His determination is evident in his
success across various business areas.

According to the analysis by Manaf, H., & Martadha, A. (2014), Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-
Bukhary is a leader who is decisiveness. It is shown when he does a meeting with his entire top
manager to maintain the quality and to guide them from any mistake that maybe taken. This
example make him became a decisiveness leader.

4.2 Dependability

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is a leader possessed with dependability. Dependability
is defined as willing to make effort to accomplish goals to achieve success; also known as
organization citizenship behavior (Achua, C.F. and Lussier, R.N., 2013). According to Manaf, H.,
& Martadha, A. (2014), Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is a very hardworking person and able
to tolerate stress. He spent his day and night just to ensure that everything in order; and conducts
meeting with the entire top manager to check for the quality and help them to avoid any reckless
mistake that may happen. He was capable of being relied upon by his subordinates and reliable
when came to the tough time.

4.3 Openness and Risk Taker

Openness is the traits related to being willing to change and having the willingness to try
out new things (Achua, C.F. and Lussier, R.N., 2013). They are also risk takers as he is investing
in different industry, there must be risk in starting business in other industry, but is so willing to
try and wanted to achieve more. Locus of control means he has control over his own destiny House,
R. J., & Aditya, R. N. (1997). Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary was using his limited knowledge
and experience to start up the businesses and he do anything based on his hard work and did not
believe that destiny will bring him the success.

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is famous for taking risks openly. This means he is
brave, confident, and determined when trying out new business ideas. He has been doing this since
he was young, always seizing opportunities for growth. Every business he gets into involves some
risk, but he sees taking risks as a way to motivate himself to work hard. According to Manaf, H.,
& Martadha, A. (2014), in the mid-1980s, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary faced a major
setback in his big business project due to a global economic crisis. This led to significant losses
for him. However, this business failure did not dampen his determination to become a successful
entrepreneur. Instead of being afraid, he adapted to the situation. His goal was to strengthen and
expand his business worldwide. Facing failures and business losses made him more confident and

courageous in managing business activities. One example is his family's cattle business, which
gave him valuable experience. Because of this, he bravely switched from farming animals to
opening a grocery shop. He further diversified his business into various areas like transportation,
logistics, clothing, rice, sugar, and more.

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary expanded his business beyond selling meat, both in
Malaysia and internationally. After success in transportation, packaging, and barter, he entered
manufacturing with a uniform contract. He started Amtek Holdings and Oriental Garment Uniform
Division, and then went into shipping with Bukhary Shipping under the CABOTAGE policy. He
bought a German-made ship, Angsa Mas, for USD 1 million but faced losses, selling it for USD
600,000, resulting in a loss of USD 400,000. Despite this, he remained courageous and confident,
entering the property sector with Bukhary Development. His risk-taking is driven by vision,
determination, business skills, and strategic decision-making.

4.4 Self-Confidence

Nevertheless, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary possessed self-confidence in his

leadership. Self-confidence is a feeling of trust on owns judgment, decisions, capabilities, and
ideas (Achua, C.F. and Lussier, R.N., 2013). He had made many decisions and planning which
does not consult or meeting with the financial advisor. However, his decision was not only looking
at the financial aspects but focused and emphasized on overall benefits. His move was getting
proven in the long run generally.

As an example, Tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary is understood to take over FGV
Holdings Bhd's 51%-owned sugar refinery unit MSM Malaysia Holdings Bhd. A source says Syed
Mokhtar had submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in May. Some quarters are
unhappy that Syed Mokhtar would even make an attempt at such a proposal, which would see the
businessman monopolizing the country's refined sugar industry. The move by Syed Mokhtar has
raised eyebrows, given that it has come at a time when the incumbent government is making efforts

to break monopolies. Initial channel checks show that FGV is not keen on the proposal, but there
may be pressure induced (CGS CIMB, 2023)

4.5 Integrity

Integrity refers to the quality of following moral codes and values. It involves being honest,
having ethical standards, and being trustworthy in holding onto one's values and beliefs (Achua,
C.F. and Lussier, R.N., 2013). Integrity is evident in his character when he obtains a rice trading
license from Bernas, showing that others trust his business. This trust allows him to start his own
company, Bukhary Snd Bhd. People who have integrity value are able to coordinate the ethical
leadership value successfully to their daily life. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary also able to
gained trust from other races stakeholders such as Chinese nation to collaborate business with him.
In addition, we can see integrity traits within himself when he manages to get rice trading license
from BERNAS that proved his business was trusted by others.

He prefers to keep his personal life private and doesn't flaunt his wealthy lifestyle. People
find him easy to approach. Status doesn't hold much importance for him. He understands that life
has its ups and downs. Living a lavish lifestyle is like a harmful disease, in his opinion.
Additionally, he is a committed Muslim who generously donates to charity, sincerely contributing
to the construction of mosques throughout the country, showcasing his trustworthy and honest

4.6 Foresight Abilities

Foresight abilities is the act of power to foreseeing and the ability to predict what will
happen and be needed in the future. He able to judge what going to happen and plans his actions
based on it. He always be prepared and take the initiative to face the opportunity bravely. This gets
proven as he successfully to acquire 90% ownership of the Seaport Terminal Sdn. Bhd. in 1993
which located in Johor. He has the capability to involve in the mega project when Seaport was

granted a 30-year exception to construct and manage the Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) that caused
him a generous majority shareholder.

4.7 Inspiring and Humility

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's inspiring and humble qualities are evident in his
charitable efforts through the Al-Bukhary Foundation. According to Faizosman (2020), The
Albukhary Foundation which was established in 1996 was conceive from Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar
Al-Bukharyw whom past childhood experience leads to the establishment of the foundation.
Despite being the richest Malay businessman in Malaysia today, his past experience of poverty
gave him the understanding for the hardship of the poor and the needy people in the society.
Famous phrase from Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhari from book Syed Mokhtar Albukhary :A Biograph
by Premilla Mohanlall (2013).

"Ibu saya mengajar kami bahawa kita tidak memiliki apa-apa sehinggalah kita
memberinya dengan sepenuh hati, dengan harapan is akan membuatkan hidup orang lain
menjadi lebih baik".

The beginning of Albukhary Foundation’s journey started on one simple act of kindness
that took place four decades ago. When Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar brought home his first salary of
RM1,500 as a rice trader in 1974, his mother, Sharifah Rokiah reminded him that while they lived
a humble life, there were other people in the community who were poorer (Albukhary Foundation,

Yayasan Al-Bukhary has spent more RM 300 million in educational, cultural and religious
activities. One of the greatest projects is the Al-Bukhary Complex in Kedah which cost him RM
400 million. It is a center equipped with mosque, community center, medical center, home for
orphans, and institution of higher education. In addition, the foundation also engaged in building
of Al-Bukhary International University which costs RM 500 million in Kedah. It opened to 3,000
students fully sponsored by the foundation in 2009.

This foundation also has contributed significantly, including the construction of the RM70
million Islamic Art Museum, the establishment of mosques and charities in various regions, and
the support for English, Science, and Mathematics classes for over 20,000 struggling students
annually. Additionally, the foundation provides college scholarships to 300 students in more than
40 countries. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar has generously donated a substantial portion of his profits to
aid orphans and those in need. Notably, he contributed 1.25 Million Pounds to the Oxford Islamic
Institute for Islamic research and granted scholarships to 1000 Saudi Arabian students to study in

Other than that, the foundation also helped for non-Islamic organizations such as Langkawi
Project, an effort leaded by MCA. Around RM 1 million was donated to the project to support the
students from rural areas in financial aspect. Another famous quote from same book by Premilla
Mohanlall (2013) that emphasize on Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary humility trait as below:

"Pengajaran bagi saya adalah bahawa kita mesti sentiasa ingat asal-usul kita, dari
mana kita datang, dan merendah diri apabila dikurniakan nasib yang baik. Jika tidak,
kita mungkin jatuh."

The emphasis on remembering one's origins, acknowledging where one comes from, and
expressing gratitude for good fortune reflects a sense of humility. Additionally, the
acknowledgment of the need to be humble when blessed with good fortune suggests a leadership
style that inspires others through a combination of humility and gratitude.


There is a difference in leadership style based on characteristics of the leader. Leaders

have a way of leading that shows how they encourage and inspire their followers. The term
"leadership style" refers to how a leader decides to lead and connect with their followers
(Northouse, 2018). In other words, leadership style can be defined as how a leader chooses to lead
and influence others. It shows the leader's behaviors’, attitudes, and actions in guiding and
influencing others. According to Bwalya, A. (2023), the way a leader decides to lead is important
and can greatly affect how well they lead and what results they get. The leadership style really
affects how a leader makes choices, communicates what they expect, encourages followers, and
create a work atmosphere.

5.1 Transactional Leadership

Transactional leadership is an approach that focuses on the exchange relationship between

leaders and followers (Northouse, 2018). In this leadership style, the leader maintains stability and
achieves goals through a system of rewards and punishment. For any good performance, the leader
provides rewards (such as bonuses, improved salaries, promotions, and recognition) while poor
performance receives punishments (like demotions, warning letters, reprimands, salary cuts and
terminations). Decisiveness is a key characteristic of transactional leadership. This style is
characterized by clear structures, roles, and expectations, as well as a focus on task-oriented goals
and performance. Bwalya, A. (2023), discussed the features and characteristics of transactional
leadership as:

(i) Clearly defined expectations

Transactional leaders establish clear expectations and ensure that everyone
understands these expectations.

(ii) Defined contingent rewards

In line with the expectations, transactional leaders also provide well defined

rewards and punishments to their followers based on meeting the set performance

(iii) Exchange relationship

This leadership style is based on an exchange relationship - a reward for good
performance and punishment for poor performance.

(iv) Monitoring performance

Transactional leaders closely monitor the performance of their teams and intervene
when deviations occur to ensure compliance with established standards.

(v) Goal oriented

This type of leadership is focused on achieving goals.

5.2 Transformational Leadership

According to Bwalya, A. (2023), transformational leadership style has become a topic of

interest to many scholars, and it is believed that leaders who practice transformational leadership
are open-minded leaders who always know how to lead, motivate, share the vision and inspire
employees, motivate employees to work hard, and create new competencies for them.
Transformational leaders focus on transforming individuals and organizations by encouraging
creativity and promoting personal growth. The main features and characteristics of
transformational leadership:

(i) Visionary
Transformational leaders have a clear vision of what they want to achieve.

(ii) Effective communicators

Transformational leaders are good communicators who articulate their vision
effectively to their followers.

(iii) Inspirational and motivational
Transformational leaders inspire and motivate others by providing a compelling future
direction. They also create a positive and motivating environment

(iv) Forster change

Transformational leaders are change leaders or drivers.

(v) Empathetic
Transformational leaders are empathetic and understand their followers’ needs and

(vi) Intellectual stimulation

They encourage creativity and innovative thinking, challenging the status quo and
promoting new ideas.

5.3 Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is a leadership style that focuses on serving the needs of others and
prioritizing the well-being and development of followers (Greenleaf, 2002). It is about the
relationship between leaders and other individuals in organizations and involves equal measures
of humanity, openness, courage, and rigorous thinking. The key trait of a servant leader is putting
service first, not just leading. Servant leaders care more about helping their team members and
supporting their growth within the organization than just focusing on making money or telling
people what to do. They prioritize serving others over being in charge.

Sipe, J. W., & Frick, D. M. (2015) have studied his work and outlined seven pillars of
servant leadership that fall within the boundaries of Greenleaf's original theory:

(i) Person of character
A servant leader is someone who maintains integrity, makes decisions based on ethics
and principles, displays humility and serves to a higher purpose in the organization.

(ii) Puts people first

A servant leader demonstrates care and concern for others and helps employees meet
their goals and grow within the organization.

(iii) Skilled communicator

Communication skills are integral to servant leadership, and leader need to ensure that
they effectively listen to and speak with their employees, while also inviting feedback.

(iv) Compassionate collaborator

To be a strong servant leader, there is a need to consistently work with others and work
to strengthen relationships, support diversity, equity, and inclusion, and navigate
conflict in the workplace.

(v) Has foresight

A server leader needs to keep an eye on the future and anticipate anything that might
impact the organization. They also need to have a strong vision for organization and be
the type of person who can take decisive action when needed.

(vi) Systems thinker

Servant leaders need to be comfortable navigating complex environments and able to
adapt to change. This type of leadership requires strategic thinking and the ability to
effectively lead change in the organization.

(vii) Leads with moral authority

As a servant leader, it's important to establish trust and confidence in your workforce
by establishing quality standards, accepting, and delegating responsibility and fostering
a culture that allows for accountability.

5.4 Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary Leadership Style

Based from Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary leadership skills and traits, we have summary it in
Table 1 in order for us to analysis further his leadership style. We have compared each skills and
traits with transformational style, transactional style and servant style characteristics to determine
that he is belong to which style of leadership.

Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary Transactional Transformational Servant

Leadership Skills and Traits Style Style Style
Leadership Skills
Decision Making Skills ✅ ✅ ✅
Strategic Thinking Skills ✅ ✅
Leadership Skills
Determination (Decisiveness) ✅
Dependability ✅
Openness and Risk Taker ✅
Self-Confidence ✅
Integrity ✅
Foresight ability ✅
Inspiring and Humility ✅

Table 1: Comparison between Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary Leadership Skills

and traits with leadership style characteristic

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's leadership style embodies the essence of servant
leadership, harmonizing seamlessly with Islamic principles that prioritize values, ethics, and
authenticity. His decision-making skills underscore a deep dedication to serving those within his
leadership, particularly focusing on their well-being and effectiveness when navigating complex
situations. This commitment reflects the fundamental tenets of servant leadership. According to
Ahmad, K., & Fontaine, R. (2011), servant leadership is tally with Islamic leadership principle that

lean toward values, ethics, principles, virtues, morality, spirituality, and authenticity. It advocates
that leader should serve those under them, protect them and help them to reach maximum

A notable aspect of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's leadership is his openness to new ideas and a
willingness to take calculated risks. This quality fosters an environment of innovation and growth
within his leadership approach, recognizing that embracing change and taking risks are crucial for
achieving long-term success and effectiveness. Integrity is foundational to Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's
leadership, with an unwavering commitment to honesty and ethical conduct setting a standard for
his team. This dedication establishes an atmosphere of trust and reliability, extending not only to
business dealings but also to his personal and philanthropic pursuits, showcasing a holistic and
consistent approach to leadership.

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's foresight ability stands out as a distinctive feature of his leadership
style. Demonstrating a keen understanding of industry trends, emerging challenges, and
opportunities, this foresight enables him to guide his team with strategic precision, positioning
them for sustained success in the dynamic business landscape. Inspirational leadership, coupled
with humility, defines Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's interactions within his organization. His capacity
to inspire and motivate others toward a shared vision is complemented by a humble demeanor.
Despite significant success and stature, he remains approachable and grounded, cultivating a
culture of collaboration and mutual respect.

This servant leadership philosophy extends beyond traditional models, emphasizing the
importance of service, protection, and empowerment. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's leadership legacy
serves as an inspiring testament to the profound impact that servant leadership can have on
organizational culture, effectiveness, and long-term success.

5.5 Servant Leadership Style Advantage

The most important highlight from servant leadership style is advantage in long-term
success. By prioritizing the growth and development of follower, servant leaders can cultivates a
talented and motivated workforce, contributing to the long-term success of the organization and
society. We can see it on how much Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhari contribute to country and
worldwide Islamic Society by his non-profit Al-Bukhary foundation.

According to Faizosman et., al (2020), the foundation's main goals are to help and guide
people who are poor and have fewer opportunities, whether they are in our country or from other
places, no matter what they believe in. Right now, there's a big difference between rich and poor,
privileged and less privileged people. Something needs to be done to make this difference smaller.
By creating this foundation, he wants to do a little bit to make the difference smaller, both in our
country and around the world. He hopes that if his foundation does well, other businesses and
companies will also help to reduce the difference. This will be good for everyone. Countries that
can continue doing well over time will make people respect each other and live in peace, without
war or problems in a certain area.

The Albukhary Foundation was created to help poor people, support the development of
Islamic art and culture, and encourage understanding between different civilizations. The
foundation has two main parts: one focuses on charity work, and the other manages the money
from companies the founder is interested in. The Albukhary Foundation runs various important
programs, such as the Albukhary Scholarship Program, Albukhary Tuition Program, Hajj
Pilgrimage Program, Khidmat Van Jenazah Albukhary Care, Turkey Albukhary Culture and
Language Camp 2016, and Language & Management Trainee Program (LAMT).


According to Ahmad, K., & Fontaine, R. (2011), Islam is a religion that guides everything,
including leadership. Leadership is crucial for spreading Islamic teachings or da'wah and is a
significant tool to create an ideal society built on justice and compassion. These two aspects are
connected and serve as the main guidance for leadership. Leaders should consistently uphold and
encourage justice, as instructed in the Quranic verse.

“Indeed Allah commands you to deliver the trusts to their [rightful] owners, and, when you
judge between people, to judge with fairness. Excellent indeed is what Allah advises you.
Indeed Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing.”(An-Nisa’4:58)

Leadership in Islam is similar to regular leadership but is rooted in religion, morality, and
humanity. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Four Caliphs led with religious
and moral principles, emphasizing fear and love of God. Islamic leadership draws from the Qur'an,
Sunnah, and early Muslim practices. Similarly, conventional leadership acknowledges the
importance of spirituality, religious values, and human relationships. Leadership, as per Islamic
principles, involves offering oneself and one's spirit. It is believed that leadership fails when
bureaucratic, psychological, and technical authority is overemphasized while neglecting
professional, moral, and spiritual authority. Islam demands leaders to pay attention to followers'
needs, considering it a trust from God and a service to humanity.

Management activities like planning and organizing become meaningful when a leader
motivates and guides people towards their goals. Muslims, seen as God's vicegerents on earth,
appoint leaders to achieve objectives in both worldly life and the Hereafter. In Islam, leadership is
a process of inspiring and coaching voluntary followers towards a shared vision. A leader must
implement God's commands, not acting solely based on personal desires or group wishes. From
the analysis of Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's leadership traits and style, it is evident that he applied
Islamic leadership in his life. This not only inspires the Muslim or Islamic society but also
motivates people of all races, religions, and societies worldwide.


In a comprehensive view, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary emerges as a true

contemporary leader, navigating the complexities of business, personal life, and family with
exceptional influence and wisdom. His journey is a powerful testament to the transformative force
of humility, discipline, and unwavering faith in Allah SWT, guiding every step of his remarkable
life. Beyond his impressive accomplishments, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's story is an inspiring
narrative of resilience, proving that determination and faith can reshape destinies, challenging
conventional norms.

A standout quality in Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's leadership is his deep reliance on spirituality,
infusing his decisions with profound principles that extend beyond mere business success. This
spiritual foundation shapes a leadership style that integrates personal convictions with professional
endeavors, creating a holistic and impactful approach.

Furthermore, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar defies the notion that age limits aspirations,
showcasing resilience and pursuit of dreams at every life stage. His story becomes a beacon of
inspiration, encouraging individuals to break free from societal expectations and pursue their goals
with unwavering determination. His journey exemplifies the timeless essence of impactful
leadership, transcending age constraints.

A distinctive aspect of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar's leadership philosophy is his commitment
to the belief that helping others leads to divine assistance. This altruistic approach defines his
leadership, portraying a leader who not only guides and motivates but actively works towards
uplifting those around him. Through his experiences, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary provides
a compelling model of effective leadership, involving guidance, motivation, and genuine
contributions to the collective journey towards success. His influence extends far beyond business,
encompassing personal growth and community development, making him an exemplary
contemporary leader deserving of admiration.


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Mariatulkaftiah binti Othman

2022406588 3.0 Leadership Skills
4.0 Leadership Traits
5.0 Leadership Styles
7.0 Summary
8.0 References

Nurjannah Nadhirah binti Yazib

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Contemporary Leader Profile
6.0 Leadership Styles from Islamic Perspective
8.0 References
9.0 Appendices

(ii) Syed Mokhtar Albukhary Quotes from book Syed Mokhtar Albukhary: A
Biography by Premilla Mohanlall


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