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Semester Course Course Title Core/Generic No L T P Total Maximum Total

Number Elective/ Of marks Marks
Open Elective Credits Session

I SEM MCA 101 Discrete Mathematical Compul 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

Structures Foundation

MCA 102 Object Oriented Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

Programming with Java

MCA 103 Computer Organization Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

MCA 104 Operating Systems Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

MCA 105 105A.Accounting and Generic 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

Financial management Elective
105B.Accounting Essentials
for Computer Applications

MCA Software Lab I ---- 4 --- --- 4 4 30 70 100

106 P (based on 101 & 103)

MCA 107 Object Oriented ---- 4 --- --- 4 4 30 70 100

P Programming Lab

MCA Operating Systems Lab ---- 4 --- --- 4 4 30 70 100


II MCA 201 Computer Oriented Compul 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

SEM Operations Research Foundation

MCA 202 Data Structures using Java Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

MCA 203 Data Communication and Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

Computer Networks

MCA 204 Advanced Database Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

Management Systems

MCA 205 205A. E-Commerce Generic 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

205B. Cyber Security Elective
205C. Neural Networks
MCA Group Discussion 2 2 50

MCA Software Lab II ---- 4 -- -- 4 30 70 100

207P ( Based on 201 & 203)

MCA Data Structures Lab ---- 4 -- -- 4 30 70 100


MCA Advanced Database ---- 4 -- -- 4 30 70 100

209P Management Systems Lab

III MCA Software Engineering Compul Foundation 4 3 1 4 30 70 100
SEM 301
MCA Computer Graphics Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100
MCA Web Technologies Core 4 3 1 4 30 70 100
MCA 304A.Data warehousing and Data mining Generic Elective 4 3 1 4 30 70 100
304 304B.Big Data Analytics
304C System Programming
MCA 305A. Cryptography and Network Security Generic Elective 4 3 1 4 30 70 100
305 305B.Artificial Intelligence
305C.Mobile Application Development
MCA 306 The courses offered by Other departments Open 4 3 1 4 30 70 100
MCA 307 Technical Seminar 2 2 50
MCA 308P Software Lab III (301&302) ---- 4 -- -- 4 30 70 100
MCA 309P Web Technologies Lab ---- 4 -- -- 4 30 70 100
MCA 310P Minor Project work ---- 4 -- -- 4 30 70 100
IV MCA 401 401A.Cloud Computing Generic Elective 4 3 1 4 30 70 100
SEM 401B. Dot Net Technologies
401C. Software Testing
MCA 402 402A. Essentials of Data Science Generic Elective 4 3 1 4 30 70 100

The following are the Open Elective Courses offered by the Department Of Computer Science for the
Students other Disciplines:

MCA III Semester:

1. Programming in C
2. Open Source Tools
3. Internet Fundamentals

Department of Computer Science


MCA 101: Discrete Mathematical Structures

Logic and Proof: Propositional Logic, Propositional Equivalent, Predicators and Quantifiers, Nested Quantifiers, Rules of Inference,
Induction to Proofs, Proof Methods and Strategies.
Induction and Recursion: Mathematical Induction, Strong Induction and Well Ordering, Recursive Definitions and Structural
Induction, Recursive Algorithms.
Counting: The basics of counting, The Pigeonhole Principle, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Coefficients, Generalized
permutations and Combinations, Generating Permutations and Combinations.
Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence Relations, Solving Linear Recurrence Relations, Divide and Conquer algorithms and
Recurrence Relations, Inclusion – Exclusion, Applications of Inclusion – Exclusion.
Graphs: Graphs And Graph Methods, Graph Terminology And Special Types of Graphs, Representing Graphs and Graphs
Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Shortest-Path Problems, Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring,
Text books
1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, By Kenneth H Rosen, McGraw Hill, Sept.2002.

Reference Books
1. Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, By J.P.Tremblay, R.Manohar, McGraw Hill
Pub, 1975.

2. Discrete Mathematics by N. Chandrasekaran and M. Umaparvathi, Prentice-Hall of India.

MCA 102: Object Oriented Programming with Java

Introduction: Object Oriented Programming Concepts, Features of Java Language, Architecture, Data Types, Variables, Operators,
Control Structures, Arrays. Classes: Classes, Wrapper Classes, Constructors, Overloading of methods, Access control, Nested and
Inner classes, Abstract classes. Inheritance: Inheritance basics, Using Super, Multilevel hierarchy, Method overriding, Dynamic
method dispatch, Final with inheritance.
Math Class and Methods, Packages and Interfaces, Exception Handling: fundamentals, exception types, uncaught exceptions, using
try, nested try statements, throw, throws, Java built-in exceptions, user defined exceptions. Multithreading: Thread model, main
thread, creating a thread, Multiple threads, Thread priorities, synchronization, Inter thread communication, String handling.

Wrapper Classes: Number class, Character class, Boolean class. More utility classes: Vector, Stack, Dictionary, Hash table. String
Tokenizer, Bit set, Date, Calendar. Input/output: File, Stream classes, Byte Streams, Character Streams.GUI Programming,
Features Applets: Applet basics, Applet architecture, an applet skeleton, Applet display method, Repainting, Using Status window,
HTML APPLET tag, passing parameters to applet, Audio Clip interface. Even Handling; two event handling mechanisms, Event
model, Event classes, sources of events, Event Listener interfaces, Adapter classes. Introduction to SWING: Window
Fundamentals, working with frame windows, creating window programs, working with color, fonts, SWING Controls, Layout
Managers and Menus: Control fundamentals, Labels, Using buttons, check boxes, checkbox group, choice controls, lists, scroll bars,
Text field, layout managers, menu bars, and menus.

Network Programming with Java: Networking classes and Interfaces, Internet Address, Factory method, Instance Methods, Sockets,
Knowing IP address URL-URL Connection class. Creating a server that sends data, creating a client that receives data, two way
communications between server and client, Stages in a JDBC program, registering the driver, connecting to a database, Preparing
SQL statements, improving the performance of a JDBC program.
Text Book
1. Herbert Scheldt: “The Complete Reference Java ”(Eighth Edition),TMH.
Reference Books
1. Dietel & Dietel : “Java2 How to Program”, Prentice Hall.
2. Thamus Wu: “An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming With Java.” TMH
3. Balagurusamy:”Programming With Java”: TMH.

MCA103: Computer Organization

Flip-flops – Registers and shift registers – counters – decoders – Multiplexers – PLDs – sequential circuits. Basic Structure of
Computers. Functional UNITs – Basic operational concepts – Bus structures – performance – Multiprocessors and Multi computers
– Historical Perspective.
Addressing Methods and Machine Program Sequencing: 1. Basic Concepts: –Memory locations and address, Main Memory
operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing –Addressing Modes.
Input / Output organization: Accessing I/O Devices – Interrupts – Direct Memory Access-I/O Hardware-Standard I/O Interface.
Memory System Concepts: – Semiconductor RAM Memories - Read only memories – Cache Memories – Performance
Considerations –Virtual Memories: - Memory Management Requirements, Arithmetic: - Addition and subtraction of sign members
– Design of fast adders – Multiplication of positive members – Signed operand multiplication – Fast multiplication – Integer
division – Floating point numbers and operations.

Basic Processing UNIT: Concepts – execution of a complete instruction – Multiple – Bus organization – Hardware control – Micro
Programmed Control. Pipelining: Concepts – Data hazards – Instruction hazards – Influence on Instruction sets - data path and
control constructions.
Text Book:
1. Hamacher C, Vranesic Z, and Zaky S. Computer Organization, 5th edition, Mc Graw – Hill,2002.
2. 1. Stallings W, Computer Organization and Architecture, 6th edition. Parson Education,
Reference Books:
1. Yarbrough JM, Digital Logic – Applications and Design, Thomas Learning, 1997.

MCA 104: Operating Systems

Computer System Structures: Computer System operation, I/O Structure, storage structures, Storage hierarchy, Hardware
protection, Network structure. Operating system structures: System components, Operating System services, System calls, System
programs, System structure, Virtual machines, System Design and Implementation, System Generation. Processes: Processes
Concept, Processes Scheduling, Operations in processes, Inter processes communication, Communication in Client server systems,
Threads: overview, multithreading models, Threading issues, PThreads,
CPU Scheduling: Scheduling criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple processor Scheduling, Real-time scheduling. Process
Synchronization: - The critical-section problem, Synchronization hardware, Semaphores, Classic problems of Synchronization,
Critical regions, Monitors. Dead Locks: Deadlock characterization, Deadlock handling, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance,
Deadlock detection, and Recovery.
Memory Management: Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Paging, Segmentation with paging Concept of Virtual memory
Demand paging Page replacement, Allocation of frames, Thrashing. File System Interface & Implementation: File concept, Access
methods, Directory structure, File System Mounting File Sharing Protection, File system structure, and implementation, Directory
implementation, Allocation methods. Free space management, Efficiency and performance, Recovery.
I/O Systems: overview, I/O hardware, Application I/O interface, Kernel I/O subsystem, Transforming I/O to Hard ware operations,
streams , Performance of I/O. Mass Storage Structure:- Disk Structure Disk Scheduling, Disk management, Swap-space
RAID Structure,

Security: User authentication, program threats, system threats, security systems Facilities, Linux system: History, Design principles,
Kernel modules, process management, Scheduling Memory Management, File Systems.
Text Books:
1. Silberschatz A, Galvin P.B, and Gaghe G. Operating System Concepts, 8th edition, John Wiley, 2002.
2. Tenenbaum A.S., Modern Operating Systems, 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2001.

Reference Books:
1. Dhamdhere D.M., Operating Systems – A concept based Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002.

2. Bhatt P.C.P., An Introduction to Operating Systems – Concepts and Practice, PHI, 2003.

MCA 105A: Accounting and Financial Management

Introduction to Financial Accounting Concepts: Definition and concepts, Significance, Branches of Accounting, Accounting Cycle-
Journal – Ledger – Trial Balance – Final accounts.
Cost Accounting: Elements of Cost, Nature and significance – Cost classification and Allocation, Cost Sheet – Method of Inventory
Financial Management: Meaning, scope and role. Financial Analysis through Ratios: Types of Ratios, Liquidity, Activity, Capital
Structure and profitability ratio, Limitations of Ratios.
Working Capital Management: Nature, Elements and Importance of working capital, types of working capital, Determinants of
working capital.
Budgeting: Budgets, Purpose, Budgetary control, preparation of budgets, Types of budgeting methods, difference between Master
Budget, fixed and flexible budgeting.
Text Books:
1. Rajeswara Rao K and Prasad G, Accounting & Finance (MCA), Jai Bharat Publishers, Guntur
2. Jain and Narang, Cost Accounting, Kalyani Publishers.
Reference Books:
1. Sharma R K, and Gupta S K, Management Accounting, Kalyani Publishers.
2. Financial Management Text and Problems: M.Y.Khan, P.K.Jain.
3. Financial Management Theory and Practices, Prasanna Chandra tata McGraw Hills.

MCA 105B: Accounting Essentials for Computer Applications

Introduction to accounting Packages Ms Excel as Accounting tool Features of MS Excel Function wizard Different categories of
functions Date, numeric string, Accounting and Misc. Functions. An overview of Accounting functions Auditing Tool in MS Excel.
Annual budgeting applications of spreadsheet preparation of cash budget preparation of Production budget - preparation of Flexible
Budget Preparation of projected profit and loss statement and proforma balance sheet. Introduction to Tally, Tally Features.
Cost Volume Profit Applications of Computer spreadsheet Pricing and product decisions including special order pricing, product
addition and deletion and make or buy decisions.
Financial accounting software package features of an accounting package voucher Entry Ledger preparation of Trail Balance, Profit
and Loss Account and Balance using Tally. Sheet under specific package environment. Inventory accounting software package
Basic Features Economic order quantity Maintenance of stock levels Stock valuation and reporting using Tally.

Problems of Accounting Software Packages Security Problems Power problems Data integrity problems Computer virus problems
of system adoptions.
Text books
1. Horngreen Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall
2. Smith, J.L. Keith, R.M. and Stemphens, W. L. Managerial Accounting, McGraw Hill
Reference Books
1. Guy Hart Davis, The ABCs of Microsoft Office, BPB Publications
2. Computer Accounting with Tally 7.2 Paperback – 2006 by Firewall Media
3. Implementing Tally 9/7.2/6.3 A.K.Nandhini ,K.K.Nandhini-First Edition 2007 BPB publications


MCA 201: Computer Oriented Operations Research

Linear Programming: Concept of Linear Programming Model, Development of LP Model, Graphical Method, Simplex Method,
Duality, Formulation of Dual Problem, Application of Duality,(Text Book 1).
Transportation Problem: mathematical Model for Transportation Problem, Types of transportation problem, Finding the Initial
Basic Solution, Optimal Solution by U-V method, Assignment problem, Formulation of Assignment problem-Hungerian Method,
Method of Solution, Branch and Bound Technique for Assignment Problem,(Text Book 1).
Network Techniques: Shortest-Path Model, Systematic Method- Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Floyid’s Algorithm, Minimum Spanning
Tree Problem, Prime Algorithm, Krusakals Algorithm, Maximal Flow Problem, Linear Programming Modeling for Maximal Flow
Problem, Maximal Flow Problem Algorithm, (Text Book 1).
Games and Strategies : Two –Person Zero- Sum Games, Maximin- Minimax Principle, Games Without Saddle Points- Mixed
Strategies, Graphic Solution Of 2 x n, And m x 2 Games , Dominance Property, Arithmetic Model For n x n Games, General
Solution For m x n Rectangular Games(Text Book 2).
Queueing Theory: Queueing System, Elements Of Queueing System, Operating Characteristics Of Queueing System, Probability
Distributions In Queueing System, Classification Of Queueing Models, Poisson Queueing Systems, Non Poisson Queueing
Systems. Network Scheduling by PERT / CPM: Rules Of Network Construction, Critical Path Analysis, Probability Considerations
In PERT (Text Book 2).
Text Books:
1. R.Pannerselvam., “Operations Research” 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall of India
2. Kanti Swarup., P.K.Gupta and Man Mohan, ., “Operations Research” 12th Edition Sultan chand & Sons
Reference Books:
1. Taha H.A., Operations Research: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall of India
2. S.D.Sharma., Operations Research, Kedar Nath Ram Nath, Delhi
MCA 202: Data Structures Using Java
Linear Data Structures : Abstract Data Types - Asymptotic Notations: Big-Oh, Omega and Theta – Best, Worst and Average case
Analysis: Definition and an example – Arrays and its representations – Stacks and Queues – Linked lists – Linked list based
implementation of Stacks and Queues – Evaluation of Expressions – Linked list based polynomial addition.

Non-Linear Data Structures; Trees – Binary Trees – Binary tree representation and traversals – Threaded binary trees – Binary tree
representation of trees – Application of trees: Set representation and Union-Find operations – Graph and its representations – Graph
Traversals DFS and BFS – Connected components, Applications of Graphs-Minimum cost spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm,
Dijkstra’s algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path Problem.

Search Structures And Priority Queues: AVL Trees – Red-Black Trees – Splay Trees – Binary Heap – Leftist Heap-Implementation
of priority Queue ADT with Heap
Sorting: Insertion sort – Merge sort – Quick sort – Heap sort – Radix Sort- Comparison of sorting algorithms in terms of
Complexity - Sorting with disks – k-way merging – Sorting with tapes – Polyphase merge.
Searching And Indexing: Linear Search – Binary Search - Hash tables – Overflow handling – Cylinder Surface Indexing – Hash
Index – B-Tree Indexing, B+ Trees.
Text Book:
1. Sartaj Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in Java, Second Edition, University Press.
2. Gregory L. Heilman, Data Structures, Algorithms and Object Oriented Programming, Tata Mcgraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2002.
1. Jean-Paul Tremblay and Paul G. Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Second
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1991.
2. Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and Jeffry D. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2006.

MCA 203: Data Communication And Computer Networks

Introduction, Network models – Internet model, OSI model Physical Layer: Signals – Analog, Digital, Digital Transmission –
Coding, Sampling, Analog Transmission – Modulation of digital and analog signal, Multiplexing – FDM, WDM, TDM,
Transmission Media – cable, wireless, Circuit switching and Telephone network, DSL Technology, Cable modern, SONET.
Data Link Layer: Error detection and correction, Data link control and Protocols – Stop and wait, Go-back-n, Selective repeat,
HDLC, Point to point access, LANS – Traditional Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Wireless LAN’s – IEEE 802.11, Blue tooth, Connecting
LANs – Connecting devices, Backbone networks, Virtual LANS, 2G,3G,4G,5G wireless technologies, Satellite networks, Virtual
circuit switching, Frame relay, ATM.
Network Layer: Inter-networks, Addressing, Routing, Network layer Protocols, Types of Internet protocols – ARP, IPV4, ICMP,
IPV6, Routing – Introduction, Unicast routing, Protocols – RIP, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Routing.
Transport Layer: Process-to-Process Delivery, UDP, TCP, Data traffic, Congestion and Control, Quality of service (QOS) and
techniques to improve QOS, Integrated services, QOS in Switched networks. Security: Introduction. Symmetric-key and
Asymmetric cryptography, Key Management and Kerberos, Message security, Digital signature, User authentication, E-mail
Security, Web security, Social Issues.

Application Layer: Design issues, file transfer, access and management. Client-Server model, Socket interface Introduction to DNS,
Distribution of name space, DNS in the Internet. Electronic mail, SMTP, File Transfer, FTP, HTTP, World Wide web, Video-
Text Books:
1.Forouzan B A, Data Communications and Networking, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007.
2.Tanenbaum A S, Computer Networks, 4th edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
3.Ajay R. Mishra, Fundamentals of network planning and optimization, Willey,2nd edition,2018
Reference Books:
1. Stallings W, Data and Computer Communications, 7th edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. Gallo M A, and Hancock W M, Computer Communications and Networking Technologies, Thomson
Brooks/Cole, 2002.

MCA 204: Advanced Database Management Systems

Introduction: Database- System Application – Purpose of Database Systems – View of Data – Database Languages– Relational
Databases – Database Design–Object– based and Analysis – Database Architecture. Entity Relationship Model-Constraints-Entity-
Relationship Diagrams, Design Issue-Weak Entity Sets-Database Design for Banking Enterprise and Unified Modeling language.

Structure of Relational Databases -Relational Algebra Operation– Modification of the Database.
SQL : Data Definition- Structure of SQL Queries- Set Operations- Aggregate Functions- Nested Sub queries- Complex Queries –
SQL Data Types and Schemas- Integrity Constraints-Authorization- Embedded SQL- Dynamic SQL- -Authorization in
SQL.;PL/SQL Programming: Introduction, Control structures, Functions, Exception handling, Cursors, Triggers, Package.
Object- Databases and XML: Object-based databases – Complex data types, structured types and inheritance in SQL, table
inheritance, array and Multiset types in SQL, object identity and reference types in SQL, implementing O-R features, Persistent
programming languages, OO vs OR. XML – Structure of XML, Document Schema, Querying and Transformation, API in XML,
XML applications.
Query Processing: Measures of Query Cost-Selection Operation-Sorting-Joint Operation-Evaluation of Expressions-Query
Optimization: Transformation of Relational Expressions-Estimating Statistics of Expression Results-Choice of Evaluation Plans.
Transactions: Transaction concept, Transaction State-Implementation of Atomicity and Durability-Concurrent Executions-
Serializability- Recoverability-Implementation of Isolation-Testing for Serializability, Concurrency Control: Lock Based Protocols-
Timestamp-Based Protocols-Validation-Based Protocols-Multiple Granularity-Multiversion Schemes. Deadlock handling-Insert and
Delete Operations-Weak Levels of Consistency-Concurrency in Index Structures
Text Book:
1. Silberschatz A. Korth H F, and Sudarsan S, Database System Concepts, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill 2002.
Chapters 1to 4, 6 to 10 and 13 to 17)
2. SQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language of Oracle by Ivan Bayross, BPB Publications, 2nd Revised

Reference Books:
1. Date C J,An Introduciton to Database Systems, 7th edition, Pearson Educaiton, 2000.
2. Elmasri R, and Navathe S B, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 4th edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
3. Mannino M V, Database Application Development and Design, McGraw-Hill, 2001.

MCA 205A: E-Commerce

Electronic Commerce: Electronic Commerce Framework; Electronic Commerce and Media Convergence; The Anatomy of E-
Commerce Application; Electronic Commerce Organization Applications- The Network Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce:
Market Forces Influencing the I- Way; Components of the I Way; Network Access Equipment; the Last Mlle: Local Roads and
Access Ramps; Global Information Distribution: Networks: Public Policy Issues Shaping the I-Way. Case study: B2B ecommerce
The Internet as a Network Infrastructure: The Internet Terminology; Chronological History of the Internet NSFNET: Architecture
and Components: Globalization of the Academic Internet; Internet Governance: The Internet Society –An Overview of Internet:
Applications –Electronic Commerce; World Wide Web(WWW) as the Architecture: Web Background: Hypertext Publishing;
Technology behind the Web: Security and the Web-Consumer-Oriented Electronic Commerce: Oriented Applications; Mercantile
Process,Models Mercantile Models from the Consumer’s Perspective; Mercantile Models from the Merchant’s Perspective. Case
study: E-Commerce/High Security (Pci).
Electronic Payment Systems: Types of Electronic Payment Systems; Smart Cards and Electronic Payment Systems; Credit Card-
Based Electronic Payment systems: Risk and Electronic Payment Systems Designing Electronic Payment systems – Inter
organizational Commerce and EDI: Legal, security, and Privacy Issues:EDI and Electronic Commerce – EDI Implementation,
MIME, and Value- Added Networks : Standardization and EDI;EDI Software Implementation: EDI Envelope for Message
Transport: Value- Added Networks (VANs); Internet – Based EDI.Case study: Social Media Marketing.
Intra organization Electronic Commerce: Internal Information System: Macro forces and Internal Commerce; Work-Flow
Automation and Coordination; Customization and Internal Commerce; Supply Chain Management (SCM) – The Corporate Digital
Library: Dimensions of Internal Electronic Commerce Systems; Making a Business Case for a Document Library; Types of Digital
Document Library; Types of Digital Documents; Issues behind Document Infrastructure; Corporate Data Warehouses. Case study:
Email Marketing, Email Personalization
M-Commerce: Introduction to Mobile Commerce, Limitations, history, applications, architecture, transaction models, payment
methods, advantages, disadvantages Case study: Mobile app marketing case study: O2 Priority Moments gets small businesses on
Text Book:
1. Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B.Whinston. Frontiers of Electronic commerce, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1. Henry Chan, Raymond Lee. Tharan Dillan and E.Chany,E-Commerce, Wiley,2003.
2. Danjel Minoli and Emuna Mimoli, Web Commrece Technology, Tata MicGraw Hill, 1999.
3. Marilyn Greenstein and Todd M Feinman, aElectronic Commerce, TaraMcGraw Hill Edition.

MCA 205B: Cyber Security

History of Cyber Security-Introduction to Cyber Security-Definition-Key terms-cyber Attacks and Security tools-Security Threats-
Vulnerability assessments-roles in Security-Cyber Security-today- Critical Thinking in Cyber Security
Cyber Threat Actors and their Motives-Security Attacks, Actors and their Motive-A brief overview of types of actors and their
motives-Hacking organizations-Major different types of cyber-attack-Security Attack Definition-Security services-Security
Mechanisms-Network Security Model-Organizational Threats-Attacks-Security Architecture Attacks-Security Architecture -Attack
models-Malware and Ransomware-Threat Examples-Threat Protection Defined-Internet Security Threats – Mapping-Internet
Security Threats - Packet Sniffing-Security Threat - IP Spoofing-Security Threats - Denial of service-Security Attacks - Host
insertions-What is Social Engineering, Phishing and Vishing- Cyber warfare
Overview of Cyber Security Concepts-CIA Triad – Confidentiality-CIA Triad – Integrity-CIA Triad – Availability-Non -
Repudiation - How does it apply to CIA?-Access Management-Incidence Response-Key Concepts - Incident Response-Incident
Response Process-Introduction to Frameworks and Best Practices-IT Governance Process-Cybersecurity Compliance and Audit
Overview-Pentest Process and Mile 2 CPTE Training-OWASP framework
Introduction to Key Security Tools -Introduction to Firewall-Firewalls - Packet Filtering-Firewalls - Application Gateway-
Firewalls - XML Gateway-Firewalls - Stateless and Stateful- Firewall Administration – Firewall Selection-Firewall Administration
– Firewall Configuration-IDPS Administration-VPN Administration-Antivirus/Antimalware-Penetration Testing Introduction-
Penetration test Methodologies-Vulnerability Tests
Cyber Security –Organizational implications-cost of cybercrimes and IPR issues Web threats for organizations: the evils and Perils-
Social media marketing Security and privacy Implications- Digital Forensic- Protecting people privacy in the organizations Forensic
best practices for organizations. Case Studies.

Text Books
1. Nina Godbole & Sunit Belapure “Cyber Security”, Wiley India, 2012.
2. Cyber Security by Paul Augustine, Crescent Publication
3. Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: Guidelines for Effective
Information Security Management, Thomas Peltier, Auerbach Publication
1. Harish Chander, “cyber laws & IT protection”, PHI learning, 2012.
2 MS.M.K.Geetha & Ms.Swapne Raman”Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management, ”MACMILLAN,2012.
3. Pankaj Agarwal : Information Security& Cyber Laws (Acme Learning), Excel, 2013.

MCA 205C: Neural Networks

Introduction: What is Neural network, Human Brain, Models of a Neuron, Neural networks viewed as Directed Graphs, Network
Architectures, Knowledge Representation, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Learning Process: Error Correction learning,
Memory based learning, Hebbian learning, Competitive, Boltzmann learning, Credit Assignment Problem, Memory, Adaption,
Statistical nature of the learning process,

Single Layer Perceptrons : Adaptive filtering problem, Unconstrained Organization Techniques, Linear least square filters, least
mean square algorithm, learning curves, Learning rate annealing techniques, perception –convergence theorem, Relation between
perception and Bayes classifier for a Gaussian Environment.

Multilayer Perceptron: Back propagation algorithm XOR problem, Heuristics, Output representation and decision rule, Computer
experiment, feature detection, BACK PROPAGATION - back propagation and differentiation, Hessian matrix, Generalization,
Cross validation, Network pruning Techniques, Virtues and limitations of back propagation learning, Accelerated convergence,
supervised learning.
Self-Organization Maps: Two basic feature mapping models, Self-organization map, SOM algorithm, properties of feature map,
computer simulations, learning vector quantization, Adaptive patter classification, Hierarchal Vector quantifier, contexed Maps.
Neuro Dynamics: Dynamical systems, stability of equilibrium states, Attractors, Neurodynamical models, manipulation of
attractors’ as a recurrent network paradigm
HOPFIELD MODELS – Hopfield models.
Text Book:
1. Neural networks A comprehensive foundations, Simon Hhaykin, Pearson Education 2nd Edition 2004
Reference Books:
1. Artificial neural networks - B.Vegnanarayana Prentice Halll of India P Ltd 2005
2. Neural networks in Computer intelligence, Li Min Fu TMH 2003
3. Neural networks James A Freeman David M S kapura Pearson Education 2004


MCA 301: Software Engineering

Software and Software Engineering: Introduction, Software, Software Myths, Software Engineering- Process:- Software
Engineering, Software Processes models; Evolutionary process Models, Component based development; Formal Methods Model,
Fourth generation Techniques. An Agile view of processes and Development: Software Engineering practice – Software
Engineering, communication, planning, modeling, construction practices and deployment.
System Engineering: Computer-based systems, the system engineering Hierarchy, business process engineering, product
engineering and system modeling. Building the analysis model, Requirement analysis, modeling approaches, data modeling.
Behavioral model.
Design Engineering: Design process and quality, design concepts the design model, and pattern-used software design. Architectural
design: Software architecture, data design, architectural styles and patterns, architectural design mapping data flow into software
architecture. Component-based software engineering, Critical systems development, Software reuse, User interface design, web
apps design issues and architecture design.
Testing strategies: Strategies and issues, testing strategies for and object-oriented software. Validation testing and system testing.
Software testing tactics: Fundamentals, black-box and white-box testing white-box testing basis path testing. Control structure
testing, Black-box testing, Object-oriented testing methods. Testing methods applicable at the class level inter class testing case

Product Metrics: Software quality, framework, metrics for analysis model design model, source case and testing. Managing
Software Projects: The management spectrum, the W 5 HH principle, metrics in process, software measurement,Estimation:
Observations, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical Models, Estimation For Object-Oriented Projects Other Estimation
Techniques, Project Scheduling, Risk Management, Reengineering.

Text Books:
1. Roger, S, Pressman, Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, Six Edition, McGraw-Hill,
International Edition, 2005.
2. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Pearson Education, 8 th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. James F Peters, Software Engineering, John Wiley
2. Waruan S Jawadekar, Software Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Manrioli, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI, 2001 Pankaj Jalote, An Integrated
approach to Software Engineering Narosa
MCA 302: Computer Graphics
Overview of Graphics systems, Application areas of Computer Graphics, video-display devices, Raster-scan systems, random scan
systems, graphics monitors and workstations and input devices. Output primitives: Points and lines, line drawing algorithms, mid-
point circle and ellipse algorithms.
Filled area primitives: Scan line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms. 2-D Geometrical transforms:
Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear transformations, matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates.
2-D Viewing: The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, window to view-port coordinate transformation, viewing
functions, Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithms, Sutherland –Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.
3-D Object representation: Polygon surfaces, quadric surfaces, spline representation, Hermite curve, Bezier curve and B-spline
curves, Bezier and B-spline surfaces. Basic illumination models, polygon rendering methods.
3-D Geometric transformations: Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear transformations, composite transformations, 3-D
viewing: Viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates, view volume and general projection transforms and clipping.
Computer Animation: Design of animation sequence, general computer animation functions, Raster animations, Computer
animation languages, Key frame systems
Text Books:
1. Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics C Version, Second Edition, Pearson

Reference Books:
1. Steven Harrington (1987), Computer Graphics – A Programming Approach, Second Edition, Mc Graw –
Hill International Editions.
2. William M. Newman and Robert F. Sprowli (1979), Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, second
Edition, Mc Graw – Hill International Editions.

MCA 303: Web Technologies

Introduction to Internet-Browser Architecture-IE: Chrome-Search Engines-Introduction to HTML-5-HTML-5 Tags-Audio, Video
Tags – HTML-5 Forms-Controls-CSS Styling-CSS Tags-Attributes.
Java Script-JQuery: JavaScript Programming Scripts- Control structures- Functions-Document, Browser, Date, Math, String
objects-Events- JQuery Libraries-JQuery Objects, Functions – JQuery Events-Animations.
AJAX Concepts: Simple AJAX objects-Ajax Libraries-Examples, Webservers IIS, Tomcat-Hosting Website in a Web servers.
Introduction to PHP: Control Structures-Arrays-Functions-Database connectivity-Introduction to ZEND Framework and
Introduction to Java Servlets: Servlet classes and interfaces - Java Database Connectivity- Introduction to JSP-Java Server Page
scriptlets -JSP Objects-JSP Web applications.
Text Books:
1. Deitel, Deitel and Goldberg Internet & World Wide Wide how to program”by End. Pearson Education
2. Ivan Bayross, Webenavled commercial Application Development in Java 2.0 BPB.
3. HTML 5 Black book, Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.
Reference Books:
1. Raj Kamal Internet and web Technologies, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2002.
2. Chirs Bates, Web Programming, John Wiley, 2nd Edition

MCA 304A: Data Warehousing and Datamining

Data warehousing and OLAP: Data Warehouse basic concepts, Data Warehouse Modelling, Data Cube and OLAP: Characteristics
of OLAP systems, Multidimensional view and Data cube, Data Cube Implementations, Data Cube operations, Implementation of
OLAP and overview on OLAP Software.
Data Mining and its Applications : Introduction, What is Data Mining, Motivating Challenges, Data Mining Tasks, Which
technologies are used for data mining, Kinds of pattern that can be mined, Data Mining Applications, Data Pre-processing, Data
cleaning, data integration, data reduction and data transformation.
Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms : Frequent Item set Generation, Rule Generation, Compact Representation of
Frequent Item sets, Alternative methods for generating Frequent Item sets, FP Growth Algorithm, Evaluation of Association

Classification: Methods, Improving accuracy of classification: Basics, General approach to solve classification problem, Decision
Trees, Rule Based Classifiers, Nearest Neighbour Classifiers. Bayesian Classifiers, Estimating Predictive accuracy of classification
methods, Improving accuracy of classification methods, Evaluation criteria for classification methods, Multiclass Problem.
Clustering Techniques: Overview: Features of cluster analysis, Types of Data and Computing Distance, Types of Cluster Analysis
Methods, Partitional Methods, Hierarchical Methods, Density Based Methods, Quality and Validity of Cluster Analysis
Text Books:
1. Jiawei Han and MichelineKamber: Data Mining - Concepts and Techniques, 2nd Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann Publisher, 2006.
2. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar: Introduction to Data Mining, Addison- Wesley,
Reference Books:
1. Arun K Pujari: Data Mining Techniques University Press, 2nd Edition, 2009.
2. G. K. Gupta: Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies, 3rd Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2009.
3. Alex Berson and Stephen J.Smith: Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and OLAP Computing
McGrawHill Publisher, 1997
MCA 304B: Big Data Analytics
What is Big Data : Varieties of Data – Unstructured data – Trends in Data Storage - Basically Available Soft State Eventual
Consistency (BASE) - Industry Examples of Big Data.
Big Data Technology: New and older approaches – Data Discovery –Terminologies used in Big Data Environments- Open Source
technologies for Big Data Analytics – Cloud and Big Data – Big Data Foundation – Computation – Limitations – Big Data
Emerging Technologies.
Business Analytics –Consumption of Analytics – Creation to Consumption of Analytics – Data visualization by Organizations –
90/10 rule of critical thinking – Decision sciences and analytics – Learning over knowledge – Agility – Scale and convergence –
Privacy and security in Big Data.
Predictive Analytics – Target Definition - Linear Regression – Logistic Regression - Decision trees – Neural Networks – Support
Vector machines - Classification trees – Ensemble methods – Association Rules – Segmentation , Sequence Rules, Social Network
Hadoop – Why Hadoop? – Why not RDBMS? – RDBMS Versus Hadoop - Components of Hadoop – Hadoop File System –
Hadoop Technologies Stack – Managing Resources and Applications with Hadoop YARN - Dataware housing Hadoop Concepts –
Applications of Hadoop using PIG,YARN,HIVE.
Text Books
1. Big Data and Analytics, seema Acharya ,Subhashini chellapan, Wiley publicaitons
2. Baesens, 2014, Analytics in a Big Data World: The Essential Guide to Data Science and Its
applications, Wiley India Private Limited
Reference Books
“Big Data Analytics: Systems, Algorithms, Applications” Prabhu, C.S.R., Sreevallabh Chivukula, A., Mogadala, A., Ghosh,
R., Livingston, L.M.J.

MCA 304C: System Programming
Background introduction, system software and machine architecture, SIC, RISC, and CISC architecture. Assembler: basic
assembler functions, machine dependent and independent assembler features, assembler design options, and implementation
Loading and linkers basic loader junction, machine dependent and independent loader features, loader design options and
implementation examples. Macro processors, basic macro processor functions machines – independent macro processor features,
macro processor design options, implementation examples.
Compilers: basic compiler functions, machine dependent and independent compiler features, compiler design options and
implementation examples. Other system software: text editors and interactive debugging systems
Introduction to Device Drivers, Design issues-Types of Drivers, Character driver-1 and Design issues, Character Driver-2- A/D
converter and its design issues, Block driver-1 and its design issues.
Introduction to Linux- Linux Architecture- X-windows- Linux administration tools - Commands to use Linux OS- Executing Linux
Shell scripts – Shell Programming concepts-Shell scripts.
Text Books:
1. Leland .Beck, System Software: An Introduction to systems programming :3/e, Pearson Educations Asia,2003.
2. George pajari, Writing Unix Drivers, Addison – Wesley, 1991.
Reference Books:

1. Richard Petersen, Linux complete Reference, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited; 6 edition
(21 November 2007
2. Dhamdhere, System programming and operation Systems Book 2/E, Tata Mc Graw, Hill, 1999
MCA 305A: Cryptography and Network Security
Cryptography – Terminology, Conventional Encryption Model, Steganography, Classical Encryption Techniques, DES Data
Encryption Standard, Block Cipher Design principles and Modes of Operation.
Conventional Encryption Algorithms: Triples DES, International Data Encryption Algorithm, Blowfish, RC5, Characteristics of
advanced symmetric Block Ciphers, Confidentiality using Conventional Encryption.
Public-Key Cryptography, Introduction to Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Modular Arithmetic, Euler‟s Theorem, Primary
and Factorization, discrete logarithm, D-H Key sharing technique, RSA and its variants-Homomorphic Encryption Techniques
Message Authentication and Hash Functions – Hash and MAC algorithms..
Digital, Signatures and authentication Protocols, Digital Signature Standard, Network Security Practice, Authentication
Applications. Basic overview of Electronic Mail Security: pretty Good Privacy‟s/MIME: IP Security, Web Security – Intruders,
Viruses and Worms – Firewalls.
Mobile Security, Risk Model, EcoSystem, Service Risks, App Risks, Countermeasures- Cloud Computing Security- Threats-
Security in Cloud.Security at service layers. Introduction to Block chain, Crypto currency, BitCoin Security and working, Ethereum.

Text Books
1. Cryptography and Network Security – by William Stallings, Principles and Practice, 7th
Edition, Pearson
2. Cryptography and Network Security, by John Wiley, Edn,.2001
Reference Books
1. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley, Second Edn,2001.
2. Charke Kaufman, Rodia Perlman and Mike Speciner, Network Security

MCA 305B: Artificial Intelligence
Introduction Concept of AI, history, current status, scope, agents, environments, Problem Formulations, Review of tree and graph
structures, State space representation, Search graph and Search tree
Random search, Search with closed and open list, Depth first and Breadth first search, Heuristic search, Best first search, A*
algorithm, Game Search.
Probability, conditional probability, Constraint Satisfaction, Propositional Logic & Satisfiability, Uncertainty in AI, Bayes Rule,
Bayesian Networks- representation, construction and inference, temporal model, hidden Markov model.
MDP formulation, utility theory, utility functions, value iteration, policy iteration and partially Observable MDPs.
Passive reinforcement learning, direct utility estimation, adaptive dynamic programming, temporal difference learning, active
reinforcement learning- Q learning. Introduction to Machine learning ,Deep Learning.
Text Books
1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” , 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books
1. Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning India, 2011
2. David Poole and Alan Mackworth, “Artificial Intelligence: Foundations for Computational Agents”,
Cambridge University Press 2010.
MCA 305C: Mobile Application Development
Introduction to mobile applications – Embedded systems - Market and business drivers for mobile applications – Publishing and
delivery of mobile applications – Requirements gathering and validation for mobile applications
Basic Design : Introduction – Basics of embedded systems design – Embedded OS - Design constraints for mobile applications,
both hardware and software related – Architecting mobile applications – User interfaces for mobile applications – touch events and
gestures – Achieving quality constraints – performance, usability, security, availability and modifiability.
Advanced Design: Designing applications with multimedia and web access capabilities – Integration with GPS and social media
networking applications – Accessing applications hosted in a cloud computing.
Technology I - Android : Introduction – Establishing the development environment – Android architecture – Activities and views –
Interacting with UI – Persisting data using SQLite – Packaging and deployment – Interaction with server side applications – Using
Google Maps, GPS and Wifi – Integration with social media applications.
Technology II – IOS: Introduction to Objective C – iOS features – UI implementation – Touch frameworks – Data persistence using
Core Data and SQLite – Location aware applications using Core Location and Map Kit – Integrating calendar and address book
with social media application
Text Books
1. Jeff McWherter and Scott Gowell, "Professional Mobile Application Development", Wrox, 2012
2. Charlie Collins, Michael Galpin and Matthias Kappler, “Android in Practice”, DreamTech, 2012
Reference Books
2. David Mark, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche and Frederic Olsson, “Beginning iOS
3. Development: Exploring the iOS SDK”, Apress, 2013.

MCA 401A: Cloud Computing
Cloud Architecture and Model: Technologies for Network-Based System – System Models for Distributed and Cloud Computing –
NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture, Cloud Models: Characteristics – Cloud Services – Cloud models (IaaS, PaaS,
SaaS) – Public Vs Private Cloud –Cloud Solutions - Cloud ecosystem – Service management – Computing on demand.
Virtualization: Basics of Virtualization - Types of Virtualization - Implementation Levels of Virtualization - Virtualization
Structures - Tools and Mechanisms - Virtualization of CPU, Memory, I/O Devices - Virtual Clusters and Resource management –
Virtualization for Data-center Automation. VMWare, Virtual Box Virtualization software.

Cloud Infrastructure: Architectural Design of Compute and Storage Clouds – Layered Cloud Architecture Development – Design
Challenges - Inter Cloud Resource Management – Resource Provisioning and Platform Deployment – Global Exchange of Cloud
Resources. Federation in the Cloud – Four Levels of Federation – Federated Services and Applications – Future of Federation
Programming Model: Parallel and Distributed Programming Paradigms – MapReduce , Twister and Iterative MapReduce – Hadoop
Library from Apache – Mapping Applications - Programming Support – Software environments for service development; Amazon,
Azure, GoogleApp Engine, AWS - Cloud Environments -Eucalyptus, Open Nebula, OpenStack, Aneka, CloudSim. Cloud Storage –
Storage-as-a-Service – Advantages of Cloud Storage – Cloud Storage Providers – S3.
Security In The Cloud : Security Overview – Cloud Security Challenges and Risks – Software-as-a-Service Security – Security
Governance – Risk Management – Security Monitoring – Security Architecture Design – Data Security – Application Security –
Virtual Machine Security - Identity Management and Access Control.
Text Books:
1. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C Fox, Jack G Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing, From Parallel
Processing to the Internet of Things”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2012.
2. Rittinghouse, John W., and James F. Ransome, ―Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management and
Security‖, CRC Press, 2017.
Reference Books
1. John W.Rittinghouse and James F.Ransome, “Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management, and Security”, CRC Press,
2. Kumar Saurabh, “Cloud Computing – insights into New-Era Infrastructure”, Wiley India,2011.
MCA 401B: Dot Net Technologies
The .NET Framework : Introduction, Common Language Runtime, Common Type System, Common Language Specification, The
Base Class Library, The .NET class library Intermediate language, Justin Time compilation, garbage collection, Application
installation & Assemblies, Web Services, Unified classes.C# Basics -Introduction, Data Types, Identifiers, variables & constants,
C# statements, Object Oriented Concept, Object and Classes, Arrays and Strings, System Collections, C# - Regular Expressions.
C# Using Libraries -Namespace-System, Input Output, Multi-Threading, Networking and Sockets, Data Handling, Windows Forms,
C# in Web application, Error Handling.
Advanced Features Using C#: Delegates and Events, Indexes Attributes, versioning, Web Services, Windows services, messaging,
Reflection, COM and C#, localization. Distributed Application in C#, XML and C#, Unsafe Mode, Case Study (Messenger
Advanced Programming Constructs: Database Connectivity with ADO.NET Creating Distributed Web Applications, XML and
ADO.NET, Graphics, Printing, data Reports, crystal Reports,C# libraries for Image Processing, .Net applications to Azure
ASP.NET 2.0 : Features of ASP.NET 2.0, Stages in Web Forms Processing, Introduction to Server Controls, HTML Controls,
Validation Controls, User control, Data Binding Controls, Master-detail forms, Configuration, Personalization, Session State,
Database Connectivity with ADO.NET.
Text Books:
1. Joe Mayo, “C# 3.0 Unleashed: With the .NET Framework 3.5”, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. `Powell R & Weeks R, “C# and The .NET Framework”, BPB Publications, 2007.
3. Chappell D, “Understanding .NET”, Pearson Education, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Balagurusamy E, “Programming with C#”, Tata McGrawHill, 2008.
2. Onion Fritz and Keith Brown, “Essential ASP .NET 2.0”, Pearson Education, 2007.
3. Fundamentals of Azure, by Michael Collier, Robin Shahan,Microsoft Press-2016
MCA 401C: Software Testing
The role of process in software quality: Testing as a process - Overview of the Testing Maturity Model (TMM) - Basic definitions -
Software testing principles - Origins of defects - Defect classes, Defect repository - Test design - Defect example: the coin problem
Test case design strategies : Black box approach - Random testing - Equivalence class partitioning - Boundary value analysis -
Cause and Effect graphing - State transition testing - Error guessing - White box approach - Test adequacy criteria - Coverage and
control flow graphs - Covering code logic - Data flow and white box test design - Loop testing - Mutation testing - Evaluating test
adequacy criteria.
Levels of testing : Unit test: functions, procedures, classes and methods as units - Unit test planning - Designing test units - The
class as a testable unit - The test harness - Integration test: goal - Integration strategies for procedures and functions - Integration
strategies for classes - Designing integration test - System test - The different types - Regression testing - Alpha, beta and
acceptance test - Test planning - Test plan components - Test plan attachments - Reporting test results.
Software quality: Defining Quality: importance of quality - Quality control v/s quality assurance - Quality assurance at each phase
of SDLC - Quality assurance in software support projects - SQA function - Quality management system in an organization -
Software quality assurance plans - Product quality.

Software metrics and models: Walkthroughs and Inspections - Software Configuration Management - ISO:9001 Model - CMM
Model - CMM and ISO comparative analysis - CMM-I .
Text Books
1. IIene Burnstein, "Practical Software Testing", Springer International Edition, First Indian reprint,
2. Nina S Godbole, "Software Quality Assurance, Principles and Practice", Narosa Publishing House, 2004.
Reference Books
1. P.C. Jorgensen, "Software Testing - A Craftman's Approach", CRC press, 1995.
2. Boris Beizer, van Nostrand Reinhold, "Software Testing Techniques", 2nd Edition, 1990.
MCA 402A: Essentials of Data Science
Introduction: What is Data Science? - Big Data and Data Science, Statistical Inference - Populations and samples - Statistical
modeling, probability distributions, fitting a model - Intro to R Language.
Exploratory Data Analysis and the Data Science Process - Basic tools (plots, graphs and summary statistics) of EDA - Philosophy
of EDA - The Data Science Process - Case Study: RealDirect (online real estate firm)
Feature Generation and Feature Selection (Extracting Meaning From Data) - Motivating application: user (customer) retention -
Feature Generation (brainstorming, role of domain expertise, and place for imagination) - Feature Selection algorithms – Filters;
Wrappers; Decision Trees; Random Forests.
Data Visualization: Basic principles, ideas and tools for data visualization 3 - Examples of inspiring (industry) projects - Exercise:
create your own visualization of a complex dataset
Data Science and Ethical Issues - Discussions on privacy, security, ethics - A look back at Data Science - Next-generation data
Text Books
1. Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt. Doing Data Science, Straight Talk From The Frontline. O’Reilly. 2014.
References Books
1. Jure Leskovek, Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey Ullman. Mining of Massive Datasets. v2.1, Cambridge University Press. 2014.
(free online)
2. Kevin P. Murphy. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. ISBN 0262018020. 2013.
MCA 402B: Deep Learning
Basics Of Neural Networks: Basic concept of Neurons – Perceptron Algorithm – Feed Forward and Back Propagation Networks.
Introduction To Deep Learning: :Feed Forward Neural Networks – Gradient Descent – Back Propagation Algorithm – Vanishing
Gradient problem – Mitigation – RelU Heuristics for Avoiding Bad Local Minima – Heuristics for Faster Training – Nestors
Accelerated Gradient Descent – Regularization – Dropout.
Convolutional Neural Networks: : CNN Architectures – Convolution – Pooling Layers – Transfer Learning – Image Classification
using Transfer Learning

More Deep Learning Architectures\:LSTM, GRU, Encoder/Decoder Architectures – Autoencoders – Standard- Sparse – Denoising
– Contractive- Variational Autoencoders – Adversarial Generative Networks – Autoencoder and DBM
Applications Of Deep Learning: Image Segmentation – Object Detection – Automatic Image Captioning – Image generation with
Generative Adversarial Networks – Video to Text with LSTM Models – Attention Models for Computer Vision – Case Study:
Named Entity Recognition – Opinion Mining using Recurrent
Neural Networks – Parsing and Sentiment Analysis using Recursive Neural Networks – Sentence Classification using
Convolutional Neural Networks – Dialogue Generation with LSTMs.
Text Books:
1. Ian Good Fellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, “Deep Learning”, MIT Press, 2017.
2. Navin Kumar Manaswi, “Deep Learning with Applications Using Python”, Apress, 2018.
Reference Books
1. Francois Chollet, “Deep Learning with Python”, Manning Publications, 2018.
2. Phil Kim, “Matlab Deep Learning: With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence”, Apress , 2017.
3. Ragav Venkatesan, Baoxin Li, “Convolutional Neural Networks in Visual Computing”, CRC Press, 2018.
MCA 402C: Internet of Things
Fundamentals of IoT: Introduction, Definitions & Characteristics of IoT, IoT Architectures, Physical & Logical Design of IoT,
Enabling Technologies in IoT, History of IoT, About Things in IoT, The Identifiers in IoT, About the Internet in IoT, IoT
frameworks, IoT and M2M.
Sensors Networks : Definition, Types of Sensors, Types of Actuators, Examples and Working, IoT Development Boards: Arduino
IDE and Board Types, RaspberriPi Development Kit, RFID Principles and components, Wireless Sensor Networks: History and
Context, The node, Connecting nodes, Networking Nodes, WSN and IoT.
Wireless Technologies For Iot: WPAN Technologies for IoT: IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee, HART, NFC, Z-Wave, BLE, Bacnet,
Modbus. IP Based Protocols For IoT: IPv6, 6LowPAN, RPL, REST, AMPQ, CoAP, MQTT.
Edge connectivity and protocols
Data Handling& Analytics: Introduction, Bigdata, Types of data, Characteristics of Big data, Data handling Technologies, Flow of
data, Data acquisition, Data Storage, Introduction to Hadoop. Introduction to data Analytics, Types of Data analytics, Local
Analytics, Cloud analytics and applications, Edge/Fog Computing
Applications of IoT: Home Automation, Smart Cities, Energy, Retail Management, Logistics, Agriculture, Health and Lifestyle,
Industrial IoT, Legal challenges, IoT design Ethics, IoT in Environmental Protection.
Text Books:
1. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, and Omar Elloumi, ― “The Internet of Things: Key Applications and Protocols”,
2. Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, ― “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”, 1st Edition, VPT, 2014.
Reference Books
1. Daniel Minoli, ― “Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6: The Evolving World of M2M Communications”,
ISBN: 978-1-118-47347-4, Willy Publications
2. Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman, "The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases", CRC Press

MCA 310 P: Minor Project Work

1. Students shall be grouped into teams not exceeding three per team for pursuing Minor Project work.
2. Each team shall identify a real-life problem pertaining to a Manufacturing / Service / Trading System
and offer a solution in the form of a Computer – Based system.
3. The team should put m a combined effort of 360 student-hours (i.e, 3 students x 120 hours per student)
and submit their combined report. However, the reports should reflect the contributions or individuals.
4. The students shall select appropriate: Analysis and Design Methodologies for the development of
Computer Based System.
5. Operating system platform, programming Languages/ Front-End and Back-
End Tools/ Packages for implementation.
6. The team shall follow the guidelines given below while preparing their project Report: 1The report
should be given a title and it should have correlation with the contents of the report. Good quality A4 size papers shall be

used of preparing the report and it shall be in the bound form. There shall be a front page depicting the Title of the Project
Report, Authors Names and other information in the suggested format.
7. Minor Project Credits:
a) Project Presentation and Project Report (2 Credits)
b) Project Execution and Project Viva Voice (2 Credits)

MCA 307: Technical Seminar
1. Every student shall give two seminars of 30 minutes of duration each. The seminar topics should be
outside the syllabus and from the emerging areas of computer Applications.
2. The student shall submit the seminar material in type written form to the teacher concerned at least
two days in advance of seminar presentation date.
3. The student shall use LCD Projector for seminar presentation. He shall not use Black Board except for
answering the questions after the seminar presentation, if any.

MCA 403. Major Project Work: 12 Credits

1. Project Seminar &. Project Report: 6 credits
2. National / International Conference Publication Proceedings (External) : (paper based on National /
International Journal Publication (External) (paper based on project should be submitted to the journal
and should be published): 2 credits

3. Viva Voce (External) &. Project Execution (External) : 4 credits


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