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Beloved,there is something you want the almighty God to do for you,

Say it now and lets put it in prayers and you will see the hand work
of God working miraculously in your life. Because there is nothing
impossible for the lord our God to do for you in your life. He has a
vision for you and this is the appointed time, He will reveal this
vision to you only if you trust in the lord and pray with me

(2) Beloved say this prayer with faith and you will see the hand work
of God in your life.. "Now therefore, let it please You to bless the
house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You; for
You, O Lord GOD, have spoken it, and with Your blessing let the house
of Your servant be blessed forever."

2 Samuel 7:29

Loving Heavenly Father,The Word of God says, "Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let
your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds". Even
now, we pray with one accord that You may pour Your divine peace in
our family.Lord, we believe that You dwell in the high and holy place,
with them who have a contrite and humble spirit. You have assured us
that if two of us agree on earth concerning anything that we ask, it
will be done. So we come to Your presence with all humility and with
oneness of mind that You may dwell with us and be the Head of this
family.Riches and honor, enduring riches and righteousness are with
You, Lord. Bless us with all abundance and joy. Be with us and guideus
in all that we do. May Your name be glorified in our family, now and

(3) Beloved,the Lord has set you aside for greatness since the day you
where born and he was only waiting for you to come close to him to
make you unveil your true destiny,i see you in a nick of time and i
mean very soon you will be celebrated by your children,friends and
neighbor,our prime purpose in this life is to help others and it is no
mistake that you are speaking with me for there is a wonderful event
coming that will change your life,Beloved are you ready to step into
the greatness that the lord has set aside for you?

(4) Beloved do you know the blessings and prosperity that follows seed
sowing? if you do then i must say that the Lord has brought an
opportunity for you to be a part of his kingdom heritage and without
wasting time the lord laid in my heart concerning you,Today so many
less privilege people go through hard times than you can think of and
it is our duty as a christian to help humanity,God wants to do in your
life today that is a divine blessing from above,Are you ready to step
into divine blessing?

(5) Beloved there's a an orphanage in west Africa that Experienced a

big fire disaster,God is leading you to sow a seed to unlock the
supernatural blessing that you are destined to have,through this step
you are about to take the Lord will grant you your heart desires,it's
not by accident that you are speaking with me now but by the power of
the Holy spirit which has made the day to come to pass in your life.i
have been sowing seeds there too and it has been a wonderful blessing
all they way, so are you ready and willing to give to the orphanage?
this is the little secret that is behind my success in my ministry ,
giving is all that leads to success in life.

Beloved i want you to contact this orphanage home and make a donation
to them because there is a great blessing that is coming your way
.Contact them with this Email([email protected]). Tell the
Evangelist that I sent you to them to make a donation and they should
let you know how to do that.Get back to me when you have done that so
i can pray with you.God bless you

Be happy with what you have…while working for what you want…Remember,
a happy and successful life…begins with God and ends for God.

Okay Micheal some of the orphans are in the hospital receiving

treatment and some are in the orphanage home with empty stomach no
food to eat they really need help today

ok john kindly contact them now so they can tell you how to donate
through MONEYGRAM store , they really need help today

good morning prayer

Good Morning God

You are ushering in another day,

untouched and freshly new.
So here I am to ask you, God,
if You'll renew me too.
Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday
and let me try again dear God
to walk closer in Your way.

But Lord, I am well aware,

I can't make it on my own.
So take my hand and hold it tight,
for I cannot walk alone.

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