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Teamcenter Polarion

OSLC Integration
Installation 6.0
Polarion 22 R1
Unpublished work. © 2022 Siemens

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About this guide 1-1

Prerequisites 2-1

Installation 3-1

Update and upgrade considerations 4-1

Configuration recommendations 5-1

Solution components
Preparations: Enable Linked Data properties ────────────── 6-1
Configure Teamcenter Linked Data Framework ───────────── 6-1
Overview ──────────────────────────────── 6-1
Add a Polarion project as a service provider in Teamcenter ─────────── 6-1
Polarion Work Items in the Relations Browser ──────────────── 6-2
Configure Polarion Linked Data component ────────────── 6-3
Overview ──────────────────────────────── 6-3
Add Teamcenter Server as a provider for Polarion Linked Data ───────── 6-3
Enable the linking of Polarion Work Items to Teamcenter items ───────── 6-6
Configure the Workflow in Polarion ────────────────── 6-7
Overview ──────────────────────────────── 6-7
Configuration ────────────────────────────── 6-8

Configure workflow orchestration

Configure the workflow to depend on linked Work Item content ───── 7-1
State predicates ─────────────────────────── 7-1
Other attributes that might be useful in the workflow ────────── 7-2
Enable Complex Enumeration Mode ──────────────────── 7-2
Common preferences ─────────────────────────── 7-2
Change Request preferences ─────────────────────── 7-3
Customizing attributes available to the workflow ─────────────── 7-4
Configuring Polarion workflow to notify the Teamcenter workflow ──── 7-4

Link semantics
Default link semantics ──────────────────────── 8-1
Teamcenter remote linking configuration ─────────────── 8-6
Teamcenter remove linking configuration ────────────────── 8-6
Link semantics ────────────────────────────── 8-7
Map types to semantic types ───────────────────── 8-7

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Map Teamcenter object types/links to semantic types/links ─────────── 8-7
Mapping Work Item types/links to semantic types/links ──────────── 8-7
Customizing semantics ──────────────────────── 8-8
Overview ──────────────────────────────── 8-8
Configure custom semantics in Teamcenter ───────────────── 8-9
Configure custom semantics in Polarion ────────────────── 8-10
Nonsemantic linking ────────────────────────── 8-12

Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

Add Remote Links to a LiveDoc ──────────────────── 9-1
Link a Teamcenter item from a Polarion Work Item ─────────── 9-4
Upload a file from Polarion to Teamcenter ─────────────── 9-9
Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item ─────────── 9-13

Allow SSO logins inside Polarion and Active Workspace 10-1

4 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

© 2022 Siemens
1. About this guide
This solution unites the disparate environments for Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) with tools
like Polarion ALM, and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools like Siemens Teamcenter.

This guide covers the steps to successfully install the Polarion Integration for Teamcenter on
supported Microsoft Windows® and Linux operating systems. It also outlines how to update existing

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 1-1

© 2022 Siemens
1. About this guide

1-2 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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2. Prerequisites
Before installing the integration, make sure that both Polarion and Teamcenter are installed, configured
and mutually accessible.

The following products and components are necessary for Polarion integration:

View the Release Bulletin PDF for supported versions of Polarion, Active Workspace, and
(You can download the Release Bulletin PDF along with the Connecter.)

• Polarion, all licenses (ALM, REQUIREMENTS, QA).

• Active Workspace

• Teamcenter deployed as a four-tier installation. If you cannot find the patch on Support Center,
please submit a Support Case.

• Teamcenter Linked Data Framework (LDF). For installation instructions, see Performing
Integrations→Integrating Applications Using Linked Data Framework→Installing Linked Data
Framework in the online Teamcenter documentation.

• Administrative access to the server running Polarion.

• Administrative access to Teamcenter.

• Polarion accessible from Teamcenter.

Verify that the base.url parameter (found in the $POLARION_HOME$/polarion/etc/ file), is set to a URL accessible from the Teamcenter server and it does not
include the default port 80 or localhost.

Use base.url= instead of base.url=http://

• Teamcenter is accessible from Polarion. Verify that the Teamcenter server URL is accessible from the
Polarion server.

For any additional assistance, contact Support Center.

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2. Prerequisites

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3. Installation
1. Extract the teamcenter_integration_[VERSION_NUMBER]
distribution file to the Polarion extensions directory.

The default extensions directory is:


2. Restart Polarion.

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3. Installation

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4. Update and upgrade considerations
Upgrade Teamcenter Polarion Connector Extension

If an older version of the Teamcenter Polarion extension is installed, it must be removed before
installing the new version. Please follow the installation instructions to deploy the Teamcenter
Polarion Connector extension.

Teamcenter with the "Polarion ALM Integration" template feature


The Teamcenter Environment Manager (TEM) feature with P2-

create-work-item-lis-link workflow handler implementation has been removed. Teamcenter
11.5 or later releases have LDF-create-object as the equivalent workflow handler.
Follow the updated migration instructions below:

1. A Teamcenter server installation that includes the Polarion ALM integration template feature
needs to update to release 13.3 to have LDF-create-object as the equivalent workflow handler.

2. Remove the Polarion ALM integration template feature.

The template feature must be removed when either updating or upgrading to

a later Teamcenter release.

3. Install or update Polarion.

(Refer to the Release Bulletin PDF for compatible versions.)

a. If updating from a previous version of Polarion, read the

HOW_TO_INSTALL_THIS_UPDATE.txt that comes with the update.

b. See the Windows or Linux installation guides if you are installing a new Polarion instance from

Available for download in the Polarion section of Support Center.

4. Install Polarion Integration.

a. Extract the teamcenter_integration_[VERSION

NUMBER] distribution file to the Polarion
extensions directory.

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4. Update and upgrade considerations

The default extensions directory is: (C:\Polarion\polarion\extensions)

b. Restart Polarion.

5. Migrate the workflow handler reference from p2-create-work-item-lis-link to LDF-create-object

by doing the following:

a. Use a custom XML mapping file like the example below with arguments that are consistent
with Teamcenter's LDF-create-object handlers.

(The following is a valid mapping file for migrating the p2-create-work-item-lis-link handler.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

The following transformation elements simply rename
"P2-create-work-item-lis-link" handler to

<Handler name="P2-create-work-item-lis-link"
<Argument name="polarionUrl" />
<Argument name="polarionPassword" />
<Argument name="urlPattern" />
<Argument name="oslcRole" />
<Argument name="polarionProject" newName="-service_provider" />
<Argument name="polarionUser" newName="-remote_user_name"/>
<Argument name="workItemType" newName="-object_type" />
<Argument name="lisRelationProperty"
newName="-attachment_relation" />
<Argument name="workItemTitle" newName="-property::&lt;http://;.title" />

b. Save the mapping file on the Teamcenter server. (Recommended location: %TC_DATA% ).

c. Run the migrate_wf_handlers utility to migrate P2-create-work-item-lis-link handler


4-2 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Example: migrate_wf_handlers –u=username –p=password –g=group -

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4. Update and upgrade considerations

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5. Configuration recommendations
We suggest that you use an HTTPS-only environment.

(Polarion, Teamcenter, and other components like Reverse Proxies and Load Balancers are configured to
use HTTPS.)

Related to this, we discourage the use of self-signed certificates. (This is especially important in cloud

To prevent general problems with the Teamcenter Polarion integration, we suggest using the
SameSite=None and Secure cookie parameters. A prerequisite to this is using an HTTPS-only
environment with trusted certificates.

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5. Configuration recommendations

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6. Solution components
Preparations: Enable Linked Data properties
Before connecting Polarion and Teamcenter you should set the following properties in the file ([POLARION_HOME]\polarion\configuration):

1. Click the Polarion desktop icon to open the Polarion Shortcuts folder.

2. Click Shutdown the Polarion Server.

3. Open the file [POLARION_HOME]\polarion\configuration.

4. Set the following property to true and save:


5. Click Start the Polarion Server.

Configure Teamcenter Linked Data Framework


Teamcenter LDF (Linked Data Framework) is an integration framework that allows you to integrate
Teamcenter with different applications or enterprise information systems. It is based on linked data
standards. Using data linking, you can create relations to resources in remote applications without
copying data.

By configuring the Teamcenter LDF component to utilize data from Polarion, Teamcenter Active
Workspace users are able to create LDF links to new or existing Polarion Work Items. Teamcenter users
are then able to preview and even modify the linked Polarion Work Items.

See the Performing Integrations → Integrating Applications Using Linked Data Framework →
Configuring the integrations using Linked Data Framework → Checklist for configuring Linked
Data Framework section in the Teamcenter online documentation to setup LDF in Teamcenter.

Add a Polarion project as a service provider in Teamcenter

How to make a Polarion project available as a Teamcenter service provider is explained in the
Performing Integrations→Integrating Applications Using Linked Data Framework→Configuring
Linked Data Framework section in the Teamcenter online documentation.

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6. Solution components

When adding Polarion as a Linked Data Framework site, use a root service URL like http://

For Example:


When using Internet Explorer 11 the Polarion Server should be added to Trusted Sites in the
Internet Options.
This is required to ensure that the log on to Polarion works as expected.
See for details.

If you use Chrome 80+ and Polarion and Teamcenter are deployed on different domains, you must
also modify the httpd.conf/conf.d configuration file in Apache.

Polarion Work Items in the Relations Browser

The Relations application lets you view the relationship between objects in Teamcenter. By adjusting the
configuration you can also view links to Work Items in Polarion and between Work Items within

Create a Relations configuration file

See Customizations to show Linked Data Framework objects and relations in Relations tab section
in the Teamcenter documentation to configure the Relations tab for remote systems objects.

Update the Relations configuration file

Update the Relations configuration file with information about Linked Data Framework objects and

1. Find the RelationBrowserConf dataset.

(This is the default name of the dataset. The RV1_DARB_UI_configuration_file_name

preference specifies the name of this configuration file.)

2. Check out the RelationBrowserConf dataset.

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3. Right-click the RelationBrowserConf dataset in the search panel and choose Named References…

4. Backup and Delete the existing named reference.

5. Upload the RB_UIConfigure.xml file.

6. Check-in the RelationBrowserConf dataset.

Configure Polarion Linked Data component


Polarion Linked Data is an integration framework that allows you to integrate Polarion with different
applications or enterprise information systems. Using data linking, you can create relations to resources
in remote applications without copying data.

By configuring the Polarion Linked Data component to utilize Teamcenter data, Polarion users are able
to create LDF links to existing or new Teamcenter Items. Polarion users are then able to preview and
even modify the linked Teamcenter items.

The configuration process consists of two steps:

1. Add the Teamcenter server as a provider for Polarion LDF.

2. Enable the linking of Polarion Work Items to Teamcenter Items.

Add Teamcenter Server as a provider for Polarion Linked Data

First, add your Teamcenter server to Polarion as an Linked Data Friend.

1. In Polarion, click on the top left of the Navigation bar.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Global Administration

4. Click the Linked Data topic on the Navigation.

5. Click the Linked Data Friends subtopic.

6. Click .

7. The following dialog appears.

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6. Solution components

The Teamcenter Server URL is the Teamcenter AW Gateway URL.

8. Enter the required data and click Next.

The fields are:

• URI: <Teamcenter Server URL>/lis/oslc/rootservices

(Example: http://teamcenter-server-host:3000/lis/oslc/rootservices),

• Name: Enter a name that will help you to identify your Teamcenter server,

• OAuth Secret: Enter any random text.

This OAuth file is secure and only available for authorized users.

(The @admin group by default.)

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Add Teamcenter Server as a provider for Polarion Linked Data

9. On the next window, log in to Teamcenter as a Teamcenter user having permission to modify the
configuration files.

10. Authorize Polarion as a Friend of Teamcenter.

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6. Solution components

• Name: Enter the URL of the Polarion server that you want to add as a friend,

• Trusted: Must be checked,

• Click Allow.

Enable the linking of Polarion Work Items to Teamcenter items

After adding Polarion as a friend to Teamcenter, you can enable the linking of Polarion Work Items to
Teamcenter items by adding an association to Teamcenter in project Administration.

1. Open Polarion project Administration. You are probably in Polarion's Global Administration. To
switch to the Project Administration, click the arrow next to the name of the current repository,
and choose your project.

2. Click Linked Data→ Linked Data Associations.

3. Click .

4. In the Add Association box, add the required data:

• Friend: Select the Teamcenter server that you want to connect this Polarion project to.

5. If you are connecting for the first time during this session, a dialog box opens with the Active
Workspace sign-in page. Enter valid DBA Teamcenter credentials (any DBA account).

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6. After entering the credentials, you will be returned to the Add Association dialog.

• Select Change Management if you want to link to Teamcenter items specific to

Change Management (for Example: PR, ECR, ECN).

• Select Core Services if you want to create generic links to any Teamcenter item type.

• Select Embedded Software Management if you want to link a release in Polarion to


• Select Requirements Management if you want to link to Teamcenter requirements.

Select all options to access all the integration functions.

Configure the Workflow in Polarion


All automatic operations between Teamcenter and Polarion are done through workflows.

This enables the creation of integration workflows in Polarion. An integration workflow executed in
Polarion automatically creates new Teamcenter items and LDF links to those items.

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6. Solution components


As part of this extension, a workflow function is provided for Polarion that creates an object in
Teamcenter and links it with the Work Item that triggered the workflow.

Refer to the Polarion documentation for information on configuring workflows in general.

To create a Teamcenter object as part of executing a workflow action:

1. In the project's Administration topic, open Work Items →Workflows.

2. On the Work Item you want to modify the workflow for, click Create if there is no custom
workflow in place, or Edit to edit the current workflow.

3. Go to Actions, enter an ID, Name and click .

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4. Click Edit beside the newly created action.

5. In Functions, select CreateRemoteObject from the drop-down menu and click .

You must add this function to every workflow Action that will create an object in

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6. Solution components

6. Click on the beside CreateRemoteObject and add the following Required parameters:

Required and Optional Parameters:

Parameter Description

polarion.oslcLin OSLC link role that will be used by Polarion to add a link
k.roleId to a Polarion Work Item.
Required The workflow will create the item in Teamcenter and
automatically link it to Polarion.

oslc.object.type The remote object's Type.

Required (The Type of the object that will be created in
Teamcenter.) The name of the Friend server configuration.

Required In Polarion go to Global Administration → Linked
Data → Linked Data Friends.
See the Name column for a list of available friends.

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Parameter Description

dcterms:type Only required for Teamcenter.

Required Teamcenter needs to know what name to use when
creating the object. (Within Teamcenter itself.)

Optional It will set the value of any property that's exposed

through OSLC.
Generic OSLC
Property. Example:
Example: If title is used. (See below.)

If the dcterms:title property is not set explicitly, then the Polarion Work Item title will
be used as the Teamcenter object title.

With the syntax ${any_polarion_property}, any_polarion_property will be
replaced with that property's value.
(Provided that it's a valid Polarion Property name.)

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6. Solution components

If you don't configure the Function parameters correctly, errors will appear while executing
the Workflow.

7. Close ( ) the Parameter for: dialog when all of your Parameters have been defined and click

• Items will only be linked when the workflow action you configured them for is executed.

• If authorization is not available, Polarion will display a "Warning: Authorization could not be
completed. Please try again" message.

(Will only happen in non Single Sign-on configurations.)

If the warning appears:

1. As soon a you click OK you'll be directed to the Teamcenter login page.

2. Once you've logged into Teamcenter, you will need to click Save back in Polarion to resave the

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The CreateTeamcenterObject Function has been deprecated.
While it will still work in Polarion 18.2+, it will no longer be supported or maintained.

Use the CreateRemoteObject function described above instead.

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6. Solution components

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7. Configure workflow orchestration
Configure the workflow to depend on linked Work Item content
Any Teamcenter Workflow can be configured to depend on the content of Work Items linked to the
Teamcenter objects submitted to the workflow. The (Managing Changes and Workflows → Workflow
Designer →Workflow handlers → Rule handlers → LDF-sync-status) section in the Teamcenter
online documentation describes all relevant rule handler parameters that can be used to make a
Teamcenter Workflow depend on Polarion Work Items.

Generally, most Work Item attributes are available to be used as a Property in the handler configuration,
but the best practice is to use only State Predicates as defined in the OSLC CM specification or custom
state predicates. This ensures that the Teamcenter workflow configuration does not directly depend on
the configuration of the Polarion workflow and allows both configurations to evolve independently.

State predicates
State predicate values are either true or false and the following are available for
oslc_cm:ChangeRequest Work Items by default:

Parameter Description

<>.closed Whether or not the change request is

completely done, no further fixes or fix
verification is needed.
The Work Item is Verified, Verified Done
or Verified Rejected.

<>.inprogress Whether or not the change request is in a

state indicating that active work is
occurring. If oslc_cm:inprogress is true,
then oslc_cm:fixed and oslc_cm:closed
must be false
The Work Item is In Progress.

<>.fixed Whether or not the change request has

been fixed.
The Work Item is Done or a User Story has
been Implemented.

<>.approved Whether or not the change request has

been approved.

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7. Configure workflow orchestration

Parameter Description

True after a User Story has been


<>.reviewed Whether or not the change request has

been reviewed.
True after a User Story has been

<>.verified Whether or not the resolution or fix of the

Change Request has been Verified.
The Work Item is Verified, Verified Done
or Verified Rejected.

The mapping of Work Item attributes to existing state predicates and new state predicates can be
modified as explained in Customizing Attributes available to Workflow.

Other attributes that might be useful in the workflow

Enable Complex Enumeration Mode

When using enumeration attributes in the workflow, enable Complex Enumeration Mode for
enumerations. This enables you to use the ID of enumeration values instead of the name, which a
Polarion administrator could change at any time. To enable the enumeration mode, add
com.siemens.polarion.oslc.enumFieldsDataComplexMode.enabled=true to Polarion's system configuration file.

Common preferences

Parameter Description

<>.created The creation date of the Work

Item as xsd:dateTime.

<>.updated The updated date of the Work

Item as xsd:dateTime.

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Change Request preferences

Parameter Description

<>.subject Names of the categories

assigned to the Work Item.

<>.<id> Available for every enum and

multi-enum attribute. The value
that can be matched is the ID of
the enumeration option assigned
to the attribute in Polarion.
(Assuming you have enabled
Complex Enumeration Mode .)

Change Request preferences

Additional preferences, besides the state predicates mentioned above, are available for the
oslc_cm:ChangeRequest type.

Parameter Description

<>.status The name of the Work Item status.

<>.closeDate The date when the Work Item was

resolved as xsd:dateTime.

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7. Configure workflow orchestration

Customizing attributes available to the workflow

You can easily add custom predicates to the mapping configuration in Polarion. These state predicates
are either true or false depending on the content of the Work Item.

The state predicates are configured by modifying the XML configuration found in Administration
Linked Data → Linked Data Mapping.

In that configuration you find several attribute-mapping sections that configure the attributes available
for the given oslcType and polarionType. You can add attribute-mapping sections if you want to change
the configuration for a different combination of types.

New state predicates can be added as predicate elements to the attribute-mapping sections. The oslc
attribute defines the prefixed name of the attribute. (You can reference the attribute as <URI of
prefix>.<name> in the workflow). All other attributes are matched against the Polarion enumeration
attribute values.


<predicate oslc="cm:fixed" status="done,verified" resolution="fixed"/> evaluates to true if the status

of the Work item is Done or Verified and the resolution is Fixed.

Configuring Polarion workflow to notify the Teamcenter workflow

You can configure Polarion's workflow to notify Teamcenter that it can advance a workflow. The
notification results in attempting to complete the current workflow task of the Teamcenter object the
Polarion Work Item is linking to. This is most useful when the Teamcenter object is waiting on a task that
depends on some data in Polarion due to the handler described in Configuring Teamcenter workflow
to depend on the content of linked Work Items.

To configure the notification, open the Polarion workflow you want to orchestrate with Teamcenter, edit
the workflow action you send a notification from and add the Notify Teamcenter function. You can
optionally add the parameter to only send notifications if there are links to Teamcenter
objects with given link type.

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Configuring Polarion workflow to notify the Teamcenter workflow

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7. Configure workflow orchestration

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8. Link semantics
Default link semantics
By default, links can be created between the following Teamcenter and Polarion objects:

• Change Requests (oslc_cm:ChangeRequest)

• Requirement (oslc_rm:Requirement)

• Requirement Collection (oslc_rm:RequirementCollection)

• Software Release (siemens_esm:SoftwareRelease)

• Software Architecture (siemens_esm:SoftwareArchitecture)

• CoreBO (ldf:CoreBO)

Linking rules are defined between semantic types based on the OSLC RM and CM specifications.

• Some of the Semantic types and relations listed below are not supported in Teamcenter 11.6
and are marked as such.

• If your using Teamcenter 11.6 see the Known Issues section below and the Solutions section
offering workarounds.

The relations are based on following semantic types:

Semantic Type Teamcenter Type Polarion Type

ChangeRequest All types derived from: Defect

(oslc_cm:ChangeRequest) ChangeRequest Issue
ProblemReport Change Request
ChangeNotice User Story
Work Package

Requirement Paragraph Requirement

Requirement System Requirement

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8. Link semantics

Semantic Type Teamcenter Type Polarion Type

(oslc_rm:Requirement) RequirementSpec Software Requirement

Mechanical Requirement
Electrical Requirement

Requirement Collection Any LiveDocument


CoreBO Item Revision Any Work item type not

mapped to something else.

The Semantic Types below are only supported in Teamcenter 12.1+ (not 11.6)

Software Release Esw0SwArchComp, Software Release

Uses Esw0SwArchComp, Software, Release

(siemens_esm:uses) Hardware*
(*Not part of COTs Business
Model Object)

Embeds Esw0SwArchComp, Software, Release

(siemens_esm:embeddedBy) Hardware*
(*Not part of COTs Business
Model Object)

Builds Esw0SwArchComp, Software, Release

(siemens_esm:builds) Hardware*
(*Not part of COTs Business
Model Object)

Implements Paragraph Release

(esm:implements) Requirement

Tracks All types derived from: Release


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Default link semantics

Semantic Type Teamcenter Type Polarion Type

ChangeRequest ProblemReport

Affects All types derived from: Release

(siemens_cm:affects) ChangeRequest


The following relations are available:

Teamcenter Polarion Name Linked Data Link Type Description

Related Change Request relates to oslc_cm:relatedChangeRe Loose relationship
quest between two change
Affects Plan Item affects* oslc_cm:affectsPlanItem The change request
affects a plan item
(change request).
Affected By Defect is affected by* oslc_cm:affectedByDefec The change request is
t affected by a
reported defect
(change request).
Tracks Requirement tracks* oslc_cm:tracksRequireme The change request
nt tracks requirements
modified or created.
Implements Requirement implements oslc_cm:implementsRequi The change request
rement implements the
Affects Requirement relates to oslc_rm:affectedBy The change request
affects a requirement.
Implemented By is implemented oslc_rm:implementedBy The requirement is
by implemented by a
change request.
Affected By is related to oslc_rm:affectedBy The requirement is
affected by a change

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 8-3

© 2022 Siemens
8. Link semantics

Teamcenter Polarion Name Linked Data Link Type Description

Tracked By is tracked by* oslc_rm:trackedBy The requirement is
tracked by a change
ConstrainedBy is constrained oslc_rm:constrainedBy The subject is
by* constrained by the
object. For example, a
requirement is
constrained by a
safety requirement.
Constrains constrains* oslc_rm:constrains The object is
constrained by the
Decomposed By is decomposed oslc_rm:decomposedBy The subject is
by* decomposed by the
object. For example, a
system requirement is
decomposed into a
collection of system
Decomposes decomposes* oslc_rm:decomposes The object is
decomposed by the
Elaborated By is related to oslc_rm:elaborateBy The subject is
elaborated by the
object. For example, a
user requirement is
elaborated by a use
Elaborates relates to oslc_rm:elaborates The object is
elaborated by the
Satisfied By is satisfied by* oslc_rm:satisfiedBy The subject is
satisfied by the
object. For example, a
user requirement is
satisfied by a system
Satisfies satisfies* oslc_rm:satisfies The object is satisfied
by the subject.
Specified By is specified by* oslc_rm:specifiedBy The subject is
specified by the
object. For example, a
requirement is

8-4 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

© 2022 Siemens
Default link semantics

Teamcenter Polarion Name Linked Data Link Type Description

elaborated by a
model element.
Specifies specifies* oslc_rm:specifies The object is specified
by the subject.
Implements Requirement implements siemens_esm:implementsR Implements an
equirement associated
Requirement. It is
likely that the target
resource will be an
ent. This is a Revision
level relationship for
Built By implements siemens_esm:builtBy The subject is built by
the object, typically a
Software Release.
This is a Revision level
relationship for PLM.
Builds siemens_esm:builds The subject builds the
object, typically a
Architecture. This is
a Revision level
relationship for PLM.
Link References relates to ldf:IMAN_references Generic non-semantic
relation. By default it
is only available
between CoreBo
Link Specifications specifies* ldf:IMAN_specification Generic non-semantic
relation. By default it
is only available
between CoreBo
The Relations below are only supported in Teamcenter 12.1 or later
Lcm0Affects affects siemens_cm:affects The change request
affects software
Lcm0AffectedBy is affected by siemens_cm:affectedBy The change request is
affected by software
Lcm0Tracks tracks siemens_cm:tracks The change request
tracks software

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 8-5

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8. Link semantics

Teamcenter Polarion Name Linked Data Link Type Description

Les0Affects affects siemens_esm:affects The software release
affects change
Les0AffectedBy is affected by siemens_esm:affectedBy The software release
is affected by change
Les0TrackedBy is tracked by siemens_esm:trackedBy The software release
is tracked by a change

(*) By default, Polarion does not create this link type, but it is displayed if it was created as a backlink by
Teamcenter. You can support the creation of these link types from Polarion by mapping the link type in
Administration → Linked Data → Linked Data Mapping.

Known Issues:

• Backward RemoteLink creation between Polarion - ESM and Teamcenter - Change Management
Domain are ignored.

• Relation traceability structure expansion may have issue while linked data composed of Polarion Work
Items related to each other with the siemens_esm domain relation.

Example: A Software Release linked downstream to an associated Software Release with

siemens_esm:uses or siemens_esm:usedBy


• To enable Backward Link creation, the Teamcenter LDF Configuration needs to be adjusted.
Instructions on how to adjust a linking configuration in Teamcenter are described in the Customize
mapping between Teamcenter and external applications using the semantic mapping file
section of the Teamcenter online documentation

• The Link semantics define what link types can be used depending on the type of the source and target
of the link. Setting up link semantics in Teamcenter is explained in the Define the relations to apply
when creating remote links section of Teamcenter's online documentation.

Teamcenter remote linking configuration

Teamcenter remove linking configuration

Instructions on how to remove a linking configuration in Teamcenter are described in the (Performing
Integrations → Integrating Applications Using Linked Data Framework → Customizing Linked Data
Framework → Customize mapping between Teamcenter and external applications using the
semantic mapping file) section of the Teamcenter online documentation.

8-6 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Link semantics

Link semantics

Link semantics define what link types can be used depending on the type of the source and target of the
link. Setting up link semantics in Teamcenter is explained in the (Performing Integrations→
Integrating Applications Using Linked Data Framework→Customizing Linked Data Framework →
Define the relations to apply when creating remote links) section of Teamcenter's online

Map types to semantic types

Map Teamcenter object types/links to semantic types/links

To configure type and relation mapping:

Follow the steps documented in the (Performing Integrations → Integrating Applications Using
Linked Data Framework → Customizing Linked Data Framework → Customize mapping between
Teamcenter and external applications using the semantic mapping file) and (Configuring the
creation of Delegated UI dialog) sections of the Teamcenter online documentation.

Mapping Work Item types/links to semantic types/links

If you want to categorize a Work Item type or link role as a semantic type or link, you have to adjust the
Linked Data Mapping configuration in Polarion (Administration → Linked Data → Linked Data
Mapping) in the scope you want to configure, that is, global or project.

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 8-7

© 2022 Siemens
8. Link semantics

Customizing semantics


When configuring custom linking semantics, it is important to consider that the rules should be
synchronized between Polarion and Teamcenter. If other Linked Data enabled tools are involved, you
should also consider whether they support the adjusted rules. Remember that adjusting the semantics
requires the adjustment of multiple configuration files in Teamcenter and Polarion, and the information
provided in the documentation gives you general guidelines (as opposed to explaining all the details of
your configuration).


Type Mappings are defined using the type-mapping tags found within a type-mappings tag.

They are configured using the following attributes:

• Attribute:defaultWorkItemType

The Linked Data type used for Work Items if no type mapping is defined.

• Attribute:defaultLiveDocType

The Linked Data type used for LiveDocs if no type mapping is defined.


• Attribute: oslcType (Required)

The Linked Data type. This value is typically prefixed with a namespace prefix that is defined in the
Linked Data Semantic configuration section of Polarion.

• Attribute: polarionType (Required)

The ID of the Polarion Work Item type.

• Attribute: oslcUsage (Optional)

The Linked Data usage. This value is typically prefixed with a namespace prefix that is defined in the
Linked Data semantic configuration section of Polarion.

• Attribute: typeCategory (Optional)

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Configure custom semantics in Teamcenter

Either Work Item or Module. Use Work Item to map a Work Item type and Module to map a LiveDoc
type. It defaults to WorkItem.

Attribute Mappings

Attribute mapping can be used to define the content of resources exposed through the OSLC REST API.
Define the attribute-mapping sections to define mapping sections for different Linked Data and Polarion
object types.

• Attribute: oslcType (Optional)

The Linked Data type the section will be applied to.

• Attribute: polarionType (Optional)

The Polarion Work Item or LiveDoc type the section will be applied to.

All mappings from the matching attribute-mapping sections will be used to define data available
through the REST API. A common attribute of the sub-elements is oslc. (The name of the attribute added
to the Linked Data resource.) Attribute elements can be used to expose the value of Polarion attributes.
(The polarion attribute is used to reference the ID of the Polarion file to expose.) Predicate elements
can be used to expose a boolean flag based on Work Item attributes. Any additional attribute added to
the predicate element will be matched against the content of the Polarion field with the same ID.

Link Role Mappings

Link roles are mapped using link-role-mapping tags found within in a link-role-mappings tag.
They are configured using the following attributes:

• Attribute: linkRole (Required)

The id of the Polarion link role.

• Attribute: oslcLinkProperty (Required)

The OSLC property name for the link role. This value is typically prefixed with a namespace prefix that
is defined in the Linked Data semantic configuration section of Polarion.

Configure custom semantics in Teamcenter

Configuring custom link semantics in Teamcenter requires adjusting the link semantics as explained in
adjusting the link semantics described in the (Performing Integrations → Integrating Applications
Using Linked Data Framework → Customizing Linked Data Framework → Define the relations to
apply when creating remote links) section of the Teamcenter online documentation. You must also
ensure that a matching RelationTypeMapping exists in the mapping configuration that is described in
the (Performing Integrations → Integrating Applications Using Linked Data Framework →

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 8-9

© 2022 Siemens
8. Link semantics

Customizing Linked Data Framework → Customize mapping between Teamcenter and external
applications using the semantic mapping file) section.

Adjust the Relation Browser configuration described in the (Performing Integrations → Integrating
Applications Using Linked Data Framework → Customizing Linked Data Framework →
Customizations to show Linked Data Framework objects and relations in the Relations application)
section to ensure that your custom semantics appear.

Configure custom semantics in Polarion

Custom semantic links and object types are configured by modifying the Linked Data Semantics
configuration in Polarion's Administration. Additional information can be found in Polarion's Help.

(Help → Administrator's Guide → Configure Connectors → Linked Data Applications → Configure

Linked Data Semantics)


Linking test cases in Polarion to requirements in Teamcenter

Extending Polarion semantic configuration. (In Linked Data Semantics configuration)

1. Define a namespace for the OSLC QM domain (


<namespace prefix="oslc_qm" url=""/>

2. Add a basic definition of the OSLC QM domain:

<domain prefix="oslc_qm">
<resourceType label="Test Case" uri="oslc_qm:TestCase"/>

3. Define link semantics for linking Test Case with Requirement:

<link name="oslc_qm:validatesRequirement"
<from type="oslc_qm:TestCase"/>
<to type="oslc_rm:Requirem ent"/>

Extend the mapping of links and types in Polarion

In the Linked Data Mapping configuration:

1. Map a Work Item type to oslc_qm:TestCase.

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Configure custom semantics in Polarion

<type-mapping oslcType="oslc_qm:TestCase" polarionType="testcase"/>

2. Map a link role to oslc_qm:validatesRequirement.

<link-role-mapping linkRole="verifies"

Extend the Teamcenter mapping for the RM domain

Add the test case semantic type to the mapping configuration of the RM domain.

<SemanticType name="TestCase" uri = "

qm#TestCase" />

Extend the Teamcenter semantic link configuration

Add following link semantic to the semantic linking configuration:


Extend the mapping of Requirement Collections in Polarion

A namespace with the oslc_pol prefix is published to extend mappings for Polarion
Requirement Collections. (Live Documents in Polarion.)

<namespace prefix="oslc_pol" url="http://"/>

Linked data mapping:


Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 8-11

© 2022 Siemens
8. Link semantics

The highlighted attributes are Custom fields a given Type in Polarion.

Linked data appearance:



Supported Polarion data Types for custom attributes.

• Boolean

• Date time

• Enum

• Float

• Integer

• String

Nonsemantic linking


By default, linking is possible between Change Management, Requirement Management, Core

(Polarion: Undefined Types, Tc: Item Revision) and Embedded Software Management domain
semantic types according to the configured semantic linking rules. Creating generic links between Work
Items and any Teamcenter object type is possible, but it needs to be explicitly activated.

Linking from non-semantic Work Item types to Teamcenter

By default, you are able to link from any Work Item type to objects exposed in the Teamcenter core
services, provided you have associated the artifact container with your project. You can also enable
linking to the Requirements Management or the Change Management domain by adding a link
definition to the OSLC semantic configuration in Polarion.

8-12 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Linking from non-semantic Teamcenter object types to Polarion

For example:

<link name="cm:implementsRequirement" reverse="rm:implementedBy">

<from type="ldf:CoreBO"/>
<to type="rm:Requirement"/>

Be advised that such a link is not semantically correct and could lead to problems if Polarion is
used with other OSLC providers.

Linking from non-semantic Teamcenter object types to Polarion

To link from any Teamcenter object types, you must:

1. Adjust the template of a given type to show the remote links section. This is explained in the
Performing Integrations→Integrating Applications Using Linked Data
Framework→Customizing Linked Data Framework→Customize Active Workspace page to
create links section of Teamcenter's online documentation to create links in the Teamcenter

2. Add the semantics you want to use from the Teamcenter types exposed by core services in
Organization→Linked Data Framework Providers→[Polarion Server]→[Polarion Project] in the
rich text client.

To adjust or extend the link semantics for non-semantic Teamcenter object types, refer to the
Performing Integrations→Integrating Applications Using Linked Data Framework→Customizing
Linked Data Framework→Define the relations to apply when creating remote links section in the
Teamcenter documentation. The rules relevant for object types not mapped to a semantic type are the
entries with <TcSemanticType>CoreBO</TcSemanticType>.

Linking to non-semantic Teamcenter object types from Polarion

By default you can link to item revision objects in Teamcenter using core services. To extend the types
that can be used as target for a link from Polarion, follow the instructions in Mapping Teamcenter
object types to semantic types for the oslc_core_attr_ds dataset .

Example mapping:

<TypeMapping targetType="CoreBO">
<TcTypeMapping srcTcType="Item"/>
<TcTypeMapping srcTcType="Fnd0LogicalBlock"/>

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 8-13

© 2022 Siemens
8. Link semantics

Linking to non-semantic Work Item types from Teamcenter

To link from non-semantic Teamcenter types to non semantic Polarion types, add the semantics you
want to use from the Teamcenter types exposed by core services in Organization → Linked Data
Framework Providers → [Polarion Server] → [Polarion Project] in the rich text client.

To configure custom semantics, follow the steps described in Linking from non semantic work item
types to Teamcenter.

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Linking to non-semantic Work Item types from Teamcenter

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 8-15

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8. Link semantics

Create non-semantic links

By default, linking is only possible between the Change Request, Requirement, Requirement
Collection, Software Architecture and Software Release semantic types according to the configured
semantic linking rules. Creating generic links between Work Items and any Teamcenter object type is
also possible via the link relations IMAN_reference & IMAN_specification.

To configure custom semantics, follow the steps described in Linking from non-semantic Work Item
types to Teamcenter.

This type of link is not semantically correct according to OSLC specifications and could lead to
problems if Polarion is used with other Linked Data providers.

Adjust mapping of Polarion link roles to semantic link types

If you want to map a standard OSLC link type to a Polarion link role, extend the <link-role-
mappings> element in Administration → OSLC → OSLC Mappings.

Doing so does not require any adjustments in Teamcenter.

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration
Add Remote Links to a LiveDoc
Polarion supports the linking of remote data from Teamcenter.

Linked Data can be used to:

• Create links for Work Items or LiveDocs from objects that reside on external tools. (Act as Link Data

• Link Polarion LiveDocs to objects that reside on external tools. (Act as a Linked Data provider.)

(This is generally done by creating or selecting a remote object in a "delegated UI" provided by the
Linked Data provider.)

Once Linked Data Friends are configured by an administrator, they appear as an icon in the
Linked Work Items section of a Work Item.

Add an External Linked data Item

1. Select the target Project.

2. Click Document & Pages in the navigation bar.

3. Select an existing LiveDoc or create a new one.

4. Click then Document Properties.

5. Click Edit Links at the bottom of the sidebar.

6. Select the link's role and click Link External Item (Linked Data).

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 9-1

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

Select a location from the drop-down list.

7. Click Allow to process the authorization for non Single sign-on (SSO) configurations.

8. Select one of the following:

a. Create New Item... to access the Linked Data application Creation dialog box, then provide
the requisite Teamcenter Business Object creation parameters and click Add.

9-2 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Add Remote Links to a LiveDoc

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

b. Select an Existing Item... to access the Linked Data application Selection... dialog box.

Select an item from the list on the left (an overview of its details appears on the right), then
click OK.

9. The item is linked to the Polarion LiveDoc.

Link a Teamcenter item from a Polarion Work Item

1. In Polarion, select the Project.

2. Click Work Items in the navigation bar.

3. Select an existing Work Item or create a new one.

4. Scroll down to the Linked Work Items section.

5. Click the blue Linked Work Items masthead or to Edit the section.

6. If you have associated an Linked Data artifact container with the current project, you see a icon.

9-4 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

© 2022 Siemens
Link a Teamcenter item from a Polarion Work Item

7. Click the icon.

If the is greyed out, the link role has not been mapped in Polarion.

8. The Link External Item (Linked Data) box appears.

(Polarion will automatically filter out options that aren't applicable for the selected role.)

9. Select the Teamcenter location from the Location drop-down list.

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 9-5

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

10. Select one of the following:

a. Create New Item... to access the Linked Data application Creation dialog box, then provide
the requisite Teamcenter Business Object creation parameters and click Add.

9-6 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Link a Teamcenter item from a Polarion Work Item

b. Select an Existing Item... to access the Linked Data application Selection... dialog box.

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

11. The item is linked to the Polarion work item.

12. Hover over the link to get a preview of the linked object.

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Upload a file from Polarion to Teamcenter

Upload a file from Polarion to Teamcenter

Uploading files from Polarion to Teamcenter only works for SSO-enabled environments.

Before Uploading a file

Before uploading a file, you've got to make sure that the Teamcenter server's information is updated in
the following properties in the file:

(Located on the Polarion server in C:\Polarion\polarion\configuration\ by default.)

1. Add the Teamcenter server address to tc.uri

Example: tc.uri=http://lm6s003:7001/tc

2. Add Teamcenter's APP ID to


3. Save changes to the file and close it.

Upload a file from Polarion to Teamcenter

You can upload any file attached to a Work Item or contained within a build referenced in the Build
Custom field.

1. Select the Work Item containing the file(s) to upload.

2. Click beside the Linked Data item in the Linked Work Items section.

3. Click Create New to create a new Dataset or Select Existing to upload to an existing Dataset.

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 9-9

© 2022 Siemens
9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

Select the directory, then the subdirectory (if any) containing the target file(s).

(Select a folder to automatically select all files within it.)

4. Select the target file(s) and click Upload.

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Upload a file from Polarion to Teamcenter

5. If you selected an existing Dataset, the file(s) will immediately start uploading.

If you selected Create New, the Create Dataset dialog opens from Teamcenter.

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

Select a Dataset Type from the drop-down menu.

(Only Dataset types that support the selected file types will be selectable.)

6. Enter a Dataset Name.

7. (Optional) Enter a Dataset Description.

8. Click Add. (Or Back to edit your file selection.)

9. The Upload has started confirmation dialog appears.

9-12 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item

10. (Optional) Click the Monitor or Job's log links to view the upload's progress.

11. Click Close.

Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item

When using Internet Explorer 11 the Polarion Server should be added to Trusted Sites in the
Internet Options.
This is required to ensure that the log on to Polarion works as expected.
See for details.

1. Select a Teamcenter Item.

2. Navigate to the Attachments tab and click the Create Remote Link button in the Remote Links

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 9-13

© 2022 Siemens
9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

When creating links from a Change Request, you find the Remote Links section on the Reference
Items tab.

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Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item

3. Select Service Provider.

4. Select New to create a new item or Existing to select an existing Polarion Work item and click the
plus icon. .

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© 2022 Siemens
9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

5. Process the OAuth Handshake when prompted for confirmation to grant Polarion ALM access by
clicking Allow then Close.

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Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item

The Authorize dialog that loads the Polarion login is only for Teamcenter and Polarion
servers, NOT under Single sign-on (TcSS).

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

6. Create or Select a Polarion Work Item.

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Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item


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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

7. Select the Semantic Relation Link Type associated with the Source and Target items.

9-20 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item

8. Click Add on the bottom of the right-hand pane to add the link to the Teamcenter item.

The available link types are filtered depending on the type of Work Item selected in Polarion.

9. The link is added to the Remote Links section.

10. Click on the link to view a Preview and its details.

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

9-22 Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1

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Link a Polarion Work Item from a Teamcenter Item

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9. Using Teamcenter / Polarion integration

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10. Allow SSO logins inside Polarion and
Active Workspace
1. Refer to Linked Data Framework Post deployment tasks for installing or upgrading to
Teamcenter version 12.x and Active Workspace version 4.3 topic for additional configuration
information to enable the Integration to work with Teamcenter Gateway.

2. To get an integration client session with Single-on credentials to work, update the context
parameter for the Teamcenter Security Services Login Service Web Application below using
Teamcenter’s Web Application Manager.


The property value of the above parameter should have Polarion, Teamcenter, LDAP and
Tc Security Service server addresses (separated by a space)

(For example: http://polarion-server http://teamcenter:3000)

Teamcenter Polarion OSLC Integration Installation 6.0, Polarion 22 R1 10-1

© 2022 Siemens

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