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School of Business

FALL 2023-24

E – Business – D1UA503T

Project Assignment: "Online Retail Business Expansion"

Project Description: In this project, students will work on expanding an existing brick-and-
mortar retail business into the online space. This project will provide hands-on experience in
e-commerce strategy, digital marketing, operations management, and financial analysis.
The report to be assessed and analysed, based on few parameters:
a) Business Plan – which will include Market Research / Business Model and
financial projection.
b) Digital Marketing Strategy – Digital Marketing Plan / Content Quality /
Social Media Engagement
c) Operational Execution – Inventory Management / Order fulfilment /
Customer Service.
d) Financial Performance: Sales Growth / Profitability and Expense Control
e) Innovation and Creativity
This is a group activity-based assessment. A group would consist of six- seven (5-6) students.
Each group is assigned a task to analyse the need of E Business in all aspect of business. The
analysis of industry should include 3-4 prominent Indian multi-national companies.
The list of group wise industry categories are mentioned below. The serial numbers indicates
group numbers.
1. Agriculture and Allied Industries
2. Aviation Industry
3. Banking Industry
4. Oil and Gas Sector
5. E-Commerce Industry
6. Education and Training
7. Automobiles Industry
8. Retail Sector
9. Tourism and Hospitality Industry
10. Healthcare Industry
11. IT and ITES Sector
Objective of the project assignment:
Gain hands-on experience with ERP implementation and optimization using SAP tool.
Further, the objective of a Project assignment is to allow the students to design, write and
organize the report of their learning gained in the inter-twined courses. It should be a
substantive contribution to the knowledge through the integration of the resources used and
methodology developed pertinent to the understanding and resolution of management
problems switching their business from offline to online and the empirical work done therein.
The Project Report should demonstrate competence in studying /understanding/ analysing
organizational business processes/rules/procedures for reaching conclusions and drawing
implications for managerial practices.

Methodology: A mixed-methodologies strategy integrating both qualitative and quantitative

research methods will be used to accomplish the project's objectives. The study has to be
conducted in several phases

Project Phases:

Phase 1: Project Identification and screening:

The first step is Project identification and screening is every crucial decision. The project
selected may lead to opportunity loss.
Following points need to be covered for the identification and screening of project:
i) Introduction
ii) Define Objective
iii) Motivation for the project / Back Ground of study
iv) Project identification
v) Project Feasibility report /Project Appraisal
vi) Project selection (Based on Methods)
vii) Project Scope

Phase 2: Methodology
Design methodology that is appropriate and adequately justified the steps to tackle the
identified problem are clearly specified

Phase 3: Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation

Quantitative data from the survey should be analyzed using descriptive statistics and
inferential techniques to identify trends and correlations.
Qualitative data from interviews and observations should be analyzed thematically to provide
deeper insights of inherent factors.
Phase 4: Finding, Conclusion and Recommendations
Based on the research findings, formulate practical recommendations. Consider implications
while implementation of the recommendations.

Phase 5: Report Writing and Presentation

Compile all research findings, analysis, and recommendations into a comprehensive research
report. Create visual representations (charts, graphs) to present key findings.
Present the research findings has to be submitted in form of a written report by each group on
LMS. This will be followed by presentation group wise.
The groups and presentation schedule will be given shortly.

Note: Assessment shall be based on the RUBRICS attached

Guidelines for BBA Project


The project enables students to apply the conceptual knowledge in a practical situation and to
learn the art and science of conducting a study in a systematic way and presenting its findings
in the form of project report. It is the practical learning experience in the form of projects
and case studies that enhance student’s overall learning experience.
The project binds together academic concepts learned during BBA programme by students,
enabling them to apply academic theory and principles to handle the real managerial issues.
Students are required to conduct an in- depth study into a particular organization or business
A group of 5 students is required to take up BBA project work as a part of their curriculum in
every course. The projects will be group projects where a student learn how to analyse the
real- life situation, case studies, understand the project topic, work in teams, and complete
projects within a timeline


The broad objectives of introducing project in curriculum are:

 To inculcate the understanding of sustainability and innovation to bring a student in

tune with the changing times and future requirements
 Enable a student to not only implement function specific techniques and knowledge,
but also to learn the integrative skills where knowledge across specific streams can be
applied to a real-life problem
 Enable companies to benefit from the insights and solutions provided by the students
while working on project
This project runs simultaneous to the curriculum and creates an environment that engages,
motivates, and inspires a student to learn more as students can create something vibrant,
engaging, and meaningful because it bridges the gap between the academic material and what
they have created.

What is BBA Project Work?

With an intensive study on a topic, BBA/BBA students would explore the subject in detail,
gather information and explain the same, seek challenges if any after investigation, the
methods used to solve the problem, the results of the investigation and the conclusions
inferred and a set of recommendations that can be implemented.
The BBA/BBA project can be descriptive with existing systems/ prevailing conditions of the
topic under Research. In exploratory study students will explore the area of study, by
introducing new augments to the existing system and draw inferences and projections.

What to Study in BBA Project work?

BBA project may be from any one of the following types.

 Comprehensive Case Study

 Field Study
 Research Study (Primary /Secondary)
 Analytical Study/ problem solving
 Organizational Study

Problem Statement
For BBA/BBA Project work, the group of 5 students should identify the problem they intend
to study. The group can select the topic for their BBA/BBA project by reading different
literature reviews on the intended area of study. Students should check the access to the
organisational & industry information, data and references for the study. Students can take
any problem area of an organization. It can also be comparison study of many organizations
in an industry.
The information can be acquired by reading periodicals and recent publications, reports,
newspapers, magazines journals etc. to find out which area of study is found wanting or there
is a lacuna and contemporary issues.

The content of the project report may vary depending on the type of project, a student has

Selection of Title for BBA Project work

The group needs to select a title related to any company which is public or private company
Indian or foreign company and have a significant presence in India. In some cases, there may
not be a company but some important problem or other topic of analysis to be studied under
project. Based on functional area of choice, the students in consultation with their project
guide must finalize a suitable project title for the project. The suggested title should explain
the project study scope and rationale in a summarized form.
Stages of Doing BBA Project Work
There are three stages in BBA/BBA project work
Stage-1 Approval of Project Title and synopsis submission
Stage-2 Starting the Project Work and Mid- term Review report submission
Stage-3 Final Project Report Submission and PPT Presentation

How to Prepare BBA Project Synopsis

Stage 1 Approval of Project Title and synopsis submission

Project synopsis provides an outline of the project work to be undertaken by a group of

students. Once selected a suitable topic, define the problem and outline the manner in which
the project study is to be conducted. Project synopsis should be of around one page.

A synopsis should cover the following aspects:

A project synopsis is a document that contains a concise, comprehensive overview of an
entire project and its key details. It usually consists of a project’s objectives, background
information, requirements, problems, analysis, and conclusion etc.

Stage -2 Starting the Project Work and Mid Term Review

Once the project study is planned and commenced and the synopsis is ‘Approved’ by the
faculty, students can start further working on the project. 40 % of project work should be
completed by the mid-term review. An interim report should be submitted to faculty guide for

Stage 3 Project Report Submission and Presentation

Format of project report
Components of documents of a Project Report

1. Title page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary (1 -2 Pages managerial summary outlining the study
background and objectives, research design and major findings, conclusions
based on the findings, and recommendations for action.)
4. Introduction {1-2 pages including Background factors necessitating the project.
Including a situational analysis, an orientation to the general management
problem under consideration or this can include exploratory research,
Significance of the Problem, Objective and Scope of Study (3-5 clearly written
5. Organisation profile includes a very brief introduction of company name, size,
listing, products, industry, (not more than 1 pages)
6. Research Methodology data collection and analysis, survey problem solving
techniques etc. experience surveys, case studies, secondary data search, pilot
studies, focus groups, and/or depth interview (1-2 pages)
7. Data Analysis, Interpretations and findings (3-4Pages)
8. Contribution of project to the organization (1page, the work which is
conducted by the student is how much helpful to the organization?)
9. Learning of the student (1 page, for example, the students learned various
techniques like SPSS to analyse the data thoroughly. The researcher comes to
know the real problems and solutions in the practical world of business.)
10. Conclusions and Recommendations (1-2 pages, conclusion is matching with the
title of the project and objectives set in the project. Students give different must
suggestions to the company which will act as a solution to all those problems the
researcher has identified with product or services or methods applied.
11. Plagiarism report
It is expected that the student should submit a written structured project report based on
work done during the specified period.

Note: Students are free to re-frame the content, format, and index with pre-consent of
their Project Guide.

One group -one hard copy and one soft copy of the report should be submitted.
Typing Instructions:
Paper size - A4
Font size- 12 Times New Roman
Font Colour – Black
Line Spacing -1.5 lines
Alignment- Justify
Margins: Margins Left = 1.5inch, Right = 1 inch
Headings: Centre Head (All Caps, without underlining) 16 font size
Centre subhead (Caps and lower case underlined) 14 font size
Side Head (All Caps, without underlining) 14 font size
Paragraph head followed by a colon (Caps & Lower case underlined) 12 font size.

Evaluation Process and scheme

Synopsis and Mid-term Final Report Presentation Total

10 marks 15 marks 15 marks 40

weightage 25 % weightage 37.5% weightage 37.5% 100 %

Rubrics for Evaluation for different components

Synopsis and Mid-term – Rubrics 1 (given separately)
Final report - Rubrics 2 (given separately)
Presentation – Rubrics 3 (given separately)
Note: More marks should be given to out of box thinking, problem solving analysis
creativity, useful insights, learning outcome etc.
Evaluation will be monitored. All projects are subject to random checking and auditing by the
review team.

1. Introduce the project in the second week.
2. Faculty to make groups by second week
3. Synopsis and company/unit of analysis to be selected by the students by 3rd week
4. Mid report submission by 6th week
5. Final report submission by 14th week
6. Presentations in the class hours from 12-14 weeks

Rubric R1: Project Synopsis and Mid-term Review Evaluation Max marks -10
Excellent Good Average Acceptable Unacceptable
(9-10 (7-8marks) (5-6 (3-4 marks) (0-2 marks)
marks) marks)
A Identificati Detailed Good Average Moderate Minimal
on of and explanati explanati explanation explanation of
Problem extensive on of the on of the of the the purpose and
Domain explanatio purpose purpose purpose need of the
and n of the and need and need and need of project
Detailed purpose of the of the the project
Analysis and need project project;
of the
B Study of Detailed Collects a Moderate Explanation Minimal
the and great deal study of of the explanation of the
Existing extensive of the specification specifications and
Systems explanatio informatio existing s and the the limitations of
and n of the n and systems; limitations the existing
Feasibilit specificati good collects of the systems;
y of ons and the study of some existing incomplete0inform
Project limitations the basic systems not ation
of the existing informati very
existing systems; on satisfactory;
systems limited
C Objective All Good Incomplet Only Some Objectives of the
s and objectives justificati e objectives proposed work are
Methodol of the on to the justificati of the either not
ogy proposed objectives on to the proposed identified or not
work are ; Design objectives work are well defined;
well methodol proposed; well Design
defined; ogy not Design defined; methodology not
Appropriate properly methodol Design defined
design justified ogy not methodolog Incomplete and
methodolog Methodol defined y not improper
y and ogy to be properly defined specification
properly followed Steps are properly
justification is mentione Steps to be
Steps to be specified d but followed to
followed to but unclear; solve the
solve the detailing without defined
defined is not justificati problem are
problem are done on to not
clearly objectives specified
specified properly
D Planning Time Time Time Time frame Time frame not
of Project fram frame frame properly properly specified
Work e properly properl specified, In-appropriate
and Team prop specified y but not distribution of
Structure erly and specifi being project work
speci being ed, but followed
fied followed not Un-even
and Distributi being distribution of
being on of followe project
follo project d work and
wed work Distributi no
Appropriate inappropri on of synchroniza
distribution ate project tion
of project work un-
work even
Rubric R2: Report Evaluation Max. Marks: 15
Excellent Good Average Acceptable Unacceptable
(13-15 (10-12 (7-9 Marks) (4-6 Marks) (0-3 Marks)
Marks) Marks)
A Incorporatio Changes are Changes are All major Few changes Suggestions
n of made as per made as per changes are are during
Suggestions modifications modification made as per made as per Mid-term
suggested s suggested evaluation
during mid- during mid- modification Modification are not
term term s s incorporated
evaluation evaluation suggested suggested
and new and good during mid- during mid-
innovations Justification term term
added evaluation evaluation
Project All defined All defined All defined Some of Defines
B Report objectives objectives objectives the objectives are
are are are defined not achieved.
achieved achieved achieved objectives Project report
Project Project Project are not prepared
report is report is report is achieved according to
according according according to Project the specified
to the to the the format
report is not References and
specified specified specified fully citations are not
format format format but according appropriate
References References some to the
and citations and citations mistakes specified
are are In-sufficient format
appropriate appropriate references
and well but not In-sufficient
and citations references
mentioned mentioned
well and citations
C Contribution Has Has Has Has some Did not have
to the practical, managerial academic indirect any managerial
Organizatio managerial and implications, managerial and academic
n and academic academic no practical and implications
And implications implications insights academic No
learning to Contribution Contribution Poor implications Contribution in
the students in terms of in terms of Contribution terms of
Out of Box providing in terms of in terms of providing
thinking useful providing some useful insight
insight useful insight analysis but
no insight

DConclusion Results are Results Results Results Results are

and presented are presented presented not
Discussion in very presented are not are not presented
in good much
appropriat manner much satisfactory properly
e manner Project satisfactor Project Project
Project work y Project work work is
work is summary work summary not
well and summary and summarize
summarize conclusio and conclusion d and
d and n not very conclusion not very concluded
concluded appropriat not very appropriate Future
Future e appropriate Future extensions
extensions Future Future extensions in in the
in the extension extension the
project are
s in the project
project are s in the not
project are not
well project specified
are specified
specified are
Plagiarism 10-15% 16-20% 21-30% 31-35% 36-40% and

Rubric #R3: Presentation Max Marks: 15

Excellent Good Average Acceptable Unacceptable
(13-15 (10-12 (7-9 Marks) (4-6 Marks) (0-3 Marks)
Mark) Marks)
A Knowle The The The presenter The presenter The presenter
dge presenter presenter has a basic displays lacks a
demonstrate shows a understanding minimal fundamental
s a deep solid grasp of the topic but knowledge of understanding
understandin of the lacks depth and the subject, of the topic and
g of the subject may have some with significant provides
topic, matter but inaccuracies. gaps and mostly
providing may have inaccuracies. incorrect
comprehensi missed a few information.
ve and key details
accurate or nuances.
B Delivery The The The presenter The presenter's The presenter's
presenter presenter speaks with speech is often speech is
speaks speaks some unclear, with unintelligible,
clearly, clearly, hesitations, and frequent and there is no
confidently, with eye contact is hesitations and meaningful eye
and occasion inconsistent. little to no eye contact with
maintains al minor contact. the audience.
excellent eye hesitation
contact with s, and
the maintains
audience, good eye
effectively contact
engaging with the
them. audience

C Organization The The The The The

presentation presentatio presentation is presentation is presentation
somewhat disorganized,
is n is well- organized but making it lacks any
exceptionall organized, lacks a difficult to discernible
y well- with a cohesive follow the structure,
structured, structure. content. making it
with a clear beginning, nearly
introduction, middle, impossible to
logical flow, and end. understand.
and a strong
Engagement The The The presenter The presenter The presenter
and Interaction presenter presenter attempts to shows completely
actively encourages engage the minimal effort neglects
engages the audience audience but to engage the audience
audience, interaction does not audience or engagement
encourages but may encourage respond to and questions.
questions, struggle to questions or questions.
respond to interaction.
responds to effectively.
D Regularity and Reports to Reports Reports Reports Reports
Team work the guide to the to the to the to the
regularly guide guide guide guide
and regularly irregularl irregularl irregularl
consistent but lacks y but y, lacks y, lacks
in work consisten report consisten consisten
and a very cy in consisten cy and cy and
good team work and cy and a fairly a no team
work good good good work
team team team
work work work

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