Architecture Midjourney Prompt Guidebook

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Table of Contents

BEFORE YOU GET START ......................................................................................................................... 2

Key points .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Basic Commands .................................................................................................................................. 4

LIGHTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
ARCHITECTURE STYLE ........................................................................................................................... 14
ARCHITECTS NAME AS STYLE ............................................................................................................... 21
RENDERING STYLE .................................................................................................................................. 34
VIEWS ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
FACADE ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
ENVIRONMENT / PLACE .......................................................................................................................... 51
STRESS-TESTED TEMPLATE .................................................................................................................. 57
LANDSCAPE AND URBAN DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 65
Project Types ....................................................................................................................................... 65

Objects/ Urban furniture ...................................................................................................................... 65

Paving .................................................................................................................................................. 65

Stress-tested template......................................................................................................................... 65

INTERIOR DESIGN .................................................................................................................................... 85

Project types ........................................................................................................................................ 85

Style ..................................................................................................................................................... 85

Funiture................................................................................................................................................ 85

Windows .............................................................................................................................................. 85

Flooring ................................................................................................................................................ 85

Stress-tested template......................................................................................................................... 85

ADVANCED ................................................................................................................................................ 92
Seed .................................................................................................................................................... 92

Blend.................................................................................................................................................... 99

Sketch to rendering (use image as prompt) ...................................................................................... 103 copyright LandSpace Architecture 1

Before you get start
Make sure you have read the Midjourney User Guide:

This Guidebook is keep updating

Key points

1. Join the Midjourney Channel on Discord, you can join our Midjourney group for architects,
landscape architects, and interior designers copyright LandSpace Architecture 2

2. Quick generation

Using the /imagine command generates an image from a short text description (prompts)

Type a description of the image you want to create in the `prompt` field.

Click return and wait for the result copyright LandSpace Architecture 3

3. Stress-tested template that you can use to guide all of your prompts:

Object + Architecture style + Architects Name + Facade+Rendering Style + View + Environment

+ Light

Basic Commands

These are general commands to navigate through your discord.

● /imagine (creates an image with the prompt you provided)

● /help (provides helpful information and tips about the MJ bot)

● /info (displays information about your own profile, plan, usage, etc.)

● /subscribe (lets you subscribe to the bot)

● /fast (does a quicker job but costs money)

● /relax (generating doesn’t cost, but takes longer) (This feature is only available for the
Standard and Corporate plan)

● /show <jobid> (any job will be revived)

● /private (your jobs are private) (To have this feature, you need to pay an additional 20$ per

● /public (your jobs are public, meaning they can be seen by everyone else, no matter if you
create them in a thread or private message.) copyright LandSpace Architecture 4

Spotlight, Backlight, Floodlight, Natural light, Volumetric lighting, Dim Light, Direct Sunlight, Northern
Light, Low-Key Lighting, Global Illumination, Ray Traced Shadows, cinematic lighting, neon light,
mood light, warming lighting, night light

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, Backlight--v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 5

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, natural light --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 6

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, Floodlight --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 7

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, Dim Light--v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 8

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, Volumetric Lighting --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 9

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, night light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, Direct Sunlight on facade --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 10

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, Global Illumination --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, Ray Traced Shadows --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 11

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, cinematic lighting --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, neon light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 12

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, mood light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism, concrete, forest, mood light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 13

Architecture Style
Brutalism, Googie, Classical architecture, Gothic architecture, international style, Bauhaus, Georgian
architecture, Art Deco, High-tech architecture, modernism architecture, organic architecture, Dark
Aesthetic, Retro-Futurism, Futurism, Contemporary Architecture, Industrial Architecture, Mecha

Prompt: theater architecture, Brutalism, concrete, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 14

Prompt: theater architecture, Googie, concrete, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, Gothic, concrete, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 15

Prompt: theater architecture, international style, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, Bauhaus, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 16

Prompt: theater architecture, Georgian architecture, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, Art Deco, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 17

Prompt: theater architecture, modernism architecture, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, organic architecture, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 18

Prompt: theater architecture, Retro-Futurism, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, Futurism, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 19

Prompt: theater architecture, Contemporary Architecture, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: theater architecture, Industrial Architecture, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 20

Architects Name as Style
Richard Rogers, Frank Lloyd Wright, Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry, Le Corbusier, Norman Foster,
Renzo Piano, Tadao Ando, Bjarke Ingels, Peter Zumthor, Alejandro Aravena, Rem Koolhaas, Antoni
Gaudí, Bernard Tschumi, SANAA architects, OMA Architecture, David Chipperfield, Diébédo Francis
Kéré, Kazuyo Sejima, Shigeru Ban, Santiago Calatrava, Ricardo Bofill, Vincent Callebaut, Walter
Gropius, Kengo Kuma, Moshe Safdie, Bernard Tschumi

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown,Richard Rogers, natural light copyright LandSpace Architecture 21

Prompt: museum building, forest background, Frank Lloyd Wright, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Zaha Hadid, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 22

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Le Corbusier, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 23

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Renzo Piano, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Tadao Ando, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 24

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Bjarke Ingels, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Peter Zumthor, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 25

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Antoni Gaudí, natural light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, SANAA architects, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 26

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, OMA Architecture, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, David Chipperfield, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 27

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Diébédo Francis Kéré, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Bernard Tschumi, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 28

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Kazuyo Sejima, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Shigeru Ban, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 29

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Santiago Calatrava, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Ricardo Bofill, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 30

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Vincent Callebaut, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Walter Gropius, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 31

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Kengo Kuma, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Bernard Tschumi, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 32


Prompt: 4 story museum building, 1-2 story designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, 3-4 story designed by
Zaha Hadid, forest background, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: 4 story museum building, first floor by Peter Zumthor, 2-4 floor by Antoni Gaudí, facing the
road, downtown,natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 33

Rendering Style
mir rendering, octane render, blender, corona render, 3ds max, architecture sketch, watercolor
architecture, concept art, Japanese comics, ink render, unreal render, Photorealism, Hyperrealistic,
pop art, Impressionistic landscapes, plastic raw model, flat illustration, Studio Ghibli, Digital painting,
isometric illustration, Realistic, Visual Rhetoric

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, mir rendering copyright LandSpace Architecture 34

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, octane render --ar 16:9

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, plastic raw model --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 35

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, architecture sketch --ar 16:9

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, watercolor architecture --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 36

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, concept art --ar 16:9

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, japanese comics --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 37

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, ink render --ar 16:9

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, Photorealism --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 38

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, flat illustration--ar 16:9

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, Studio Ghibli --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 39

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, digital painting --ar 16:9

Prompt: library building, modernism architecture, grassland, isometric illustration --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 40

Top-View, Side-View, Aerial View, Closeup-View, First-Person View, Third-Person View, Two-Point
Perspective, Exploded-View, High Angle, Perspective, Isometric, Axonometric, explode diagram

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, Top-View, dim light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 41

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, Aerial View, dim light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, Side-View, dim light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 42

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, Closeup View, dim light --ar

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, First-Person View, dim light --
ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 43

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, First-Person View, dim light --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, Exploded-View,, dim light --ar
16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 44

Prompt: museum building, facing the road, downtown, Frank Gehry, Isometric --ar 16:9

Prompt: Exploded-View, museum building --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 45

Glass, Photovoltaic glass, Dynamic glass, Metal, Stone, Brick, Limestone, Wood, Concrete,
Ceramic, Composite materials, ethylene tetrafluoroethylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, Carbon fiber,
Nanogel, Titanium dioxide, Metal Fabrics Illumesh, Perforated Metal Panels, Hydraulic Tiles

Prompt: museum building, futuristic, polytetrafluoroethylene facade, facing the road, downtown,
mir render --v 5 copyright LandSpace Architecture 46

Prompt: museum building, Composite materials facade includes glass and Metal, facing the
road, downtown, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, Composite materials facade includes glass and Metal, facing the road,
downtown, mir render --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 47

Prompt: museum building, futuristic, ethylene tetrafluoroethylene facade, facing the road,
downtown, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, futuristic,Carbon fiber facade, facing the road, downtown, mir render --ar
16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 48

Prompt: museum building, concrete facade, facing the road, downtown, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, Titanium dioxide facade, facing the road, downtown, mir render --ar
16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 49

Prompt: museum building, glass facade, red light inside, metal structure inside, facing the road,
downtown, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, Metal Fabrics Illumesh, night illusion, facing the road, downtown, mir
render --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 50

Environment / Place
Desert, Dunes, Glacier, Woodland, Wetland, Forest, Mountains, Cliff, Waterfront, Seaside, Beach,
Hilly terrain, Grassland, Valley, Cityscape, Mars, Planet, in space, Street corner, Facing the road,
Downtown, border crossing, Abandoned factory, Tropical rainforest, Realistic fog, a moody foggy
environment, floating on water, Atmospheric, winter, raining, autumn

Prompt: museum building, on the desert, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render copyright LandSpace Architecture 51

Prompt: museum building, Forest, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, Mountains Cliff, Winter, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render --
ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 52

Prompt: museum building, Waterfront Cliff, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, Hilly terrain, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 53

Prompt: museum building, on Mars, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render, aerial view --ar

Prompt: museum building, dunescape, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 54

Prompt: museum building, downtown NYC, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render, aerial
view --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, Tropical rainforest, Realistic fog, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane
render --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 55

Prompt: museum building, floating on water, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render --ar 16:9

Prompt: museum building, abandoned factory, Zaha Hadid, Global Illumination, octane render --ar
16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 56

Stress-tested template
Object + Architecture style + Architects Name + Facade+Rendering Style + View + Environment +

Prompt: Museum, Retro-Futurism, Bjarke Ingels, Composite materials facade includes glass and
Metal, unreal render, perspective, waterfront, natural Light copyright LandSpace Architecture 57

Prompt: Museum, Brutalism, OMA Architecture, mir rendering, First-Person View, glass facade, red
light inside, metal structure inside, Cliff, Dim Light --ar 16:9

Prompt: Residential building, organic architecture, Antoni Gaudí, mir rendering, First-Person View,
Titanium dioxide, Metal Fabrics Illumesh facade, Tropical rainforest, Realistic fog, cinematic lighting -
-ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 58

Prompt: museum, modernism architecture, Frank Gehry, grassland, Studio Ghibli --ar 16:9

Prompt: modern house architecture diagram, sustainable design, isometric, 3ds max --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 59

Prompt: Residential building, High-tech architecture, Renzo Piano, plastic raw model, corona render,
Axonometric model, white greyscale model --ar 16:9

Prompt: High-Tech Park in NYC, futurism, buildings are intertwined with upper level bridges and
walkways, colorful glass facade, Renzo Piano, plastic transparent model --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 60

Prompt: school building, High-tech architecture, Bjarke Ingels, glass transparent model, colorful
structures, Axonometric model, studio light --ar 16:9

Prompt: Residential building, polytetrafluoroethylene facade, High-tech architecture, futuristic,

polytetrafluoroethylene facade, on mars, Hyperrealistic, floodlight --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 61

Prompt: mecha building, facing the road, downtown, futuristic, dim light --ar 16:9 --v 5

Prompt: futuristic Japanese city, facing the road, downtown, cyberpunk, dim light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 62

Prompt: Museum, Antoni Gaudí, futuristic japanese city, facing the road, downtown, cyberpunk, dim
light --ar 16:9

Prompt: mecha building, facing the road, downtown, futuristic, dim light, isometric diagram --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 63

Prompt: ethylene tetrafluoroethylene facade for the entrance of The Flatiron Building in NYC,
facing the road, downtown, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: The Space Needle is an observation tower in Seattle, zaha, neon light, glass and
transparent fabric structure --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 64

Landscape and Urban Design
Project Types

English Garden, Oriental Landscape, Woodland Landscape, Rain Garden, Urban Design, Park and
Recreation, Urban Park, Urban Squares, School and College Campus, Corporate Campus,
Greenways, Playground, Dog Park, Wetland, Bioremediation, Green Roof, Urban Farm, Forestry
Design, Recreation Park Design, Flood Protection, Hotels And Resorts, Industrial and Commercial
Site, Hospital Garden, Healing Garden, Transport Corridor, Community Garden, Private Garden,
Backyard, resilient waterfront, modern waterfront, Memorial Park

Objects/ Urban furniture

Modular seatings, benches, Bike racks, Public art installations, Water fountain, Ground Water
fountain, Bus shelter, Planters, Sculptural benches, Patio dining sets, Fire pit, Outdoor coffee and
side tables, steps


Natural Stone Pavers, Brick Pavers, Concrete Paving, Greencrete Pavers, Flagstone Pavers,
Granite Pavers, Travertine Pavers, Cobblestone Pavers, Porcelain Pavers, Rubber Pavers, Marble
Pavers, Limestone Pavers, Wood Pavers, Asphalt Paving

Stress-tested template

Landscape project type + Objects/urban furnitures + paving + Rendering Style + View + Environment
+ Light copyright LandSpace Architecture 65

Prompt: Commercial Site landscape, Linear Ground Water fountain, Linear Concrete Paving and
Marble Pavers, people walking, perspective, Natural light, corona render

Prompt: Parks and Recreation landscape design, resilient lake, wood deck, people walking,
perspective, natural light, mir render --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 66

Prompt: Urban Design in downtown Austin, highrise tower, high-tech offices by Bjarke Ingels, mixed-
use community, aerial view, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: Urban Design in silicon valley, high-tech offices by OMA Architects, mixed-use community,
sustainable and resilient, aerial view, mir render --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 67

Prompt: Urban Design in Saudi Arabia, high-tech offices by Zaha Hadid, airport, hyperloop
transportation, aerial view, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: Urban Design in Saudi Arabia, high-tech community zone by Ricardo Bofil, mir render --ar
16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 68

Prompt: Urban Design in san diego, modern hotels and coastal resorts, high-tech towers by Zaha
Hadid, aerial view, mir render, dim light --ar 16:9

Prompt: Wetland park landscape design, wood deck, wood observing tower, people walking, spring,
Backlight --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 69

Prompt: Urban Squares on the corner of streets in downtown, green trees, people walking, modern
Granite Pavers, Modular seatings, dim light, realistic --ar 16:9

Prompt: Recreation landscape design on the side of commercial street, Renzo Piano, resilient river,
linear wood deck, concrete benches, people walking, perspective, raining, dim light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 70

Prompt: waterfront terrace at commercial street, Renzo Piano, resilient river, linear limestone paving,
concrete benches, people walking, perspective, spring, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: modern forest urban park, linear concrete trail, four seasons trees, lake, wood bridge,
grassland, aerial view --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 71

Prompt: veteran memorial park, metal walls with names, Dark Marble Pavers with sandstones,
people walking, raining, fog, Floodlight --ar 16:9

Prompt: Woodland Landscape, sand trail, perspective, observing deck, architecture sketch --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 72

Prompt: Woodland Landscape, sand trail, perspective, observing deck, concept art --ar 16:9

Prompt: Modern Green Roof on the top of hotel in downtown, sky pool, Fire pit, Outdoor coffee and
side tables, planters, aerial view, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 73

Prompt: Recreation park with lawn and modern organic playgournd in downtown Dallas, people
walking, kids playing, seasonal trees, Ray Traced Shadows --ar 16:9

Prompt: Recreation park with lawn and modern organic playgournd in downtown Dallas, climbing
structure, people walking, kids playing, seasonal trees, Ray Traced Shadows --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 74

Prompt: Chinese garden, chinese pavllion, people walking and seating, tall trees, seasonal
ornamental trees, natural sunlight --ar 16:9

Prompt: Japanese garden at front of modern glass building designed by Renzo Piano, facing the
road, downtown, people walking and seating, tall trees, seasonal ornamental trees, natural sunlight -
-ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 75

Prompt: Brutalism plaza a front of a building designed by Tadao Ando, facing the road, downtown,
people walking and seating, no tree, ground water feature, natural sunlight, mir render --ar 16:9

Prompt: Modern Corporate Campus for medical center, Wood Pavers and Concrete Paving, Linear
Planters, Patio dining sets, water features, people walking, tall seasonal trees, aerail view,
Photorealism, natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 76

Prompt: Modern waterfront landscape architecture, boston downtown, Linear Wood deck, Concrete
terrace and steps to the edge of water, people walking, birds, tall seasonal trees, Photorealism,
winter, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: Hospital Healing Garden, grid Porcelain Pavers and Rubber Pavers, grid pattern lawn,
modern wood and concrete benches, seasonal shrubs, small pond, people walking and sitting,
perspective, natural sunlight --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 77

Prompt: backyard in LA, one oak tree, modern residential house, SANAA architects, pool, Patio
dining sets, Fire pit, dog house, Rubber Pavers, cinematic lighting --ar 16:9

Prompt: backyard, one oak tree, modernism house on the mountain, High-tech architecture, pool,
Patio dining sets, Fire pit, Limestone Pavers and Wood Pavers, cinematic lighting --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 78

Prompt: High-Tech Park in Shenzhen, futurism, buildings are intertwined with upper level bridges
and walkways, colorful glass facade, OMA Architecture, plastic transparent model --ar 16:9

Prompt: rain garden, axonometric diagram, cut soil --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 79

Prompt: urban park, wood axonometric diagram, studio light --ar 16:9

Prompt: waterfront urban park, steps to the water, transparent plastic axonometric model, studio light
--ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 80

Master Plan
Prompt: site plan of a coastal urban park, high-density, OMA architecture, top view, natual light, mir
render copyright LandSpace Architecture 81

Prompt: site plan of a coastal urban park, high-density, OMA architecture, top view, natual light, mir
render copyright LandSpace Architecture 82

Prompt: site plan of a recreation waterfront park, downtown, Bjarke Ingels, colorful playground, lawn,
top view, high detailed copyright LandSpace Architecture 83

Prompt: Urban Design site plan in san diego, modern hotels and coastal resorts, high-tech towers by
Zaha Hadid, top view, concept art copyright LandSpace Architecture 84

Project types

Living room, dinning room, kitchen, coffee shop, hotel lobby, gallery, temporary exhibit gallery,
library, waiting-room, cloakroomm, restroom, showroom, shopping mall, hallway, office, office lobby,
classroom, kindergarten, etc.


Transitional Interior Design, Traditional Interior Design, Modern Interior Design, Eclectic Interior
Design, Contemporary Interior Design, Minimalist Interior Design, Mid Century Modern Interior
Design, Bohemian Interior Design, Modern Farmhouse Interior Design, Shabby Chic Interior Design,
Coastal Interior Design, Hollywood Glam Interior Design, Southwestern Interior Design, Rustic
Interior Design, Industrial Interior Design, French Country Interior Design, Scandinavian Interior
Design, Mediterranean Interior Design, Art Deco Interior Design, Asian Zen Interior Design


Leather Sofa, Fabric Sofa, Sectionals, Sleeper Sofas, Accent Chairs, Loveseats, Chaises, Chairs-
and-a-half, Recliners, Swivels and Gliders, Arm Chairs, Dining table, Footlockers, Recessed-panel,
office tables, etc.


Picture with double hung windows, Slider, Double hung windows, Twin Double hung windows, Bay
window, 2 liftout slider, Bow window, Casement, Hopper, Awing, Fixed over awning, Eyebow window,
circle top, Quarter Arch window, Octagon window, Circle window


Laminate, Hardwood, Tiles, Vinyl, Carpet, Laminate Flooring, Realstone Flooring, Resin Flooring,
Concrete Flooring, Rubber flooring, Cork

Stress-tested template

Project type + Design style + (architects name) + Objects/ furnitures + Flooring + Rendering Style +
View + Light copyright LandSpace Architecture 85

Prompt: museum lobby, modern art sculptures, plants, people walking, Contemporary Interior
Design, Renzo Piano, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: Exhibit gallery, modern art, people walking, Carpet, Contemporary Interior Design, Renzo
Piano, Volumetric lighting --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 86

Prompt: NIKE shoes showroom, futurism, cool people walking, digital flooring, Contemporary Interior
Design, neon light, cinematic lighting --ar 16:9

Prompt: Tesla showroom, futurism, cool people walking, digital and metal flooring, Contemporary
Interior Design, Norman Foster, cinematic lighting --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 87

Prompt: living room interior, Minimalist Interior Design, Fabric designer white Sofa, SANAA
architects, picture with double hung windows, Volumetric lighting --ar 16:9

Prompt: cabin living room interiro, large window, Hardwood flooring, Frank Lloyd Wright, in the forest,
natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 88

Prompt: library interior, Minimalist Interior Design, white flooring, SANAA architects, students walking
and reading, small windows, Volumetric lighting --ar 16:9

Prompt: office tower lobby, modern interior design, high-tech, minimal robots, people walking and
talking, OMA Architecture --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 89

Prompt: coffee shop interior in downtown, Brutalism, concrete and metal, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: coffee shop interior in downtown, Art Deco Interior Design, wood furniture, color flooring,
natural light --ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 90

Prompt: coffee shop interior in downtown, Kengo Kuma, wood furniture, natural light --ar 16:9

Prompt: coffee shop interior in downtown, Renzo Piano, transparent plastic furniture, natural light --
ar 16:9 copyright LandSpace Architecture 91


The ‘seed’ command is a useful tool for making small adjustments to your images. All you need to
do is specify a seed number and the prompt for the image and the output will be very similar. The
same seed number and prompt will always produce the same results, so you can keep tweaking
your image until it's perfect. Just keep playing around with the seed number until you're satisfied with
the result.

How to get Seed number

To find the seed of any image, react to it with the Envelope emoji ( ) in Discord (copy and paste the
emoji, or search for “envelope”).

1 Add reaction copyright LandSpace Architecture 92

2. Type “Envelope”

3. The Midjourney bot will send you the Job ID and the Seed of the image. copyright LandSpace Architecture 93

4. Copy Seed number from Midjourney Bot ( --seed 3351978975). copyright LandSpace Architecture 94

How Seed works

The Seed is now known, so you can experiment with changing things around. In the following
examples, I will keep the seed the same, but make changes to the prompt.

Change color

Prompt: Office tower, Brutalism, OMA Architecture, mir rendering, First-Person View, glass facade,
purple to blue light inside, metal structure inside, Cliff, Dim Light Job --ar 16:9 --seed 3351978975 copyright LandSpace Architecture 95

Change facade

Prompt: Office tower, Brutalism, OMA Architecture, mir rendering, First-Person View, concrete
facade, red light inside, metal structure inside, Cliff, Dim Light --ar 16:9 --seed 3351978975 copyright LandSpace Architecture 96

Change ratio

Prompt: Office tower, Brutalism, OMA Architecture, mir rendering, First-Person View, glass facade,
red light inside, metal structure inside, Cliff, Direct Sunlight --ar 2:3 --seed 3351978975 copyright LandSpace Architecture 97

Change subject/ architecture style

Prompt: Office tower, Brutalism, Antoni Gaudí, mir rendering, First-Person View, glass facade, red
light inside, metal structure inside, Cliff, Direct Sunlight --ar 2:3 --seed 3351978975 copyright LandSpace Architecture 98


The /blend command allows you to upload 2–5 images quickly and then looks at the concepts and
aesthetics of each image and merges them into a new image.

/blend's interface doesn't allow a text part in prompt, but /imagine with image URLs does (see next

Upload 2-5 images, press Enter copyright LandSpace Architecture 99

Output copyright LandSpace Architecture 100

Another example copyright LandSpace Architecture 101

Another example copyright LandSpace Architecture 102

Sketch to rendering (use image as prompt)

The prompt can be used in conjunction with your hand sketches to help you generate the image in
your thoughts.

To add images to a prompt, type or paste the URL where the image is stored online. The address
must end in an extension like.png,.gif, or.jpg. After adding image URLs, add any additional text and
parameters to complete the prompt. When you're done, preview your Job to see how it looks with the
added images.

Left-click the image to open it in Discord

Rign-click the image and then copy image address copyright LandSpace Architecture 103

Use /imagine prompt, then CTRL+V paste the image address copyright LandSpace Architecture 104

Image address + Describe the sketch/ image + Parameters ( eg. --ar 16:9 )

You can tell that this is still a very sketchy output because it is based on the sketch I have provided.

Save one of the image outputs and repeat the above steps again. copyright LandSpace Architecture 105 copyright LandSpace Architecture 106
Save one of the image outputs and repeat the above steps again.

Then you can use Seed to add details or make small adjustments to the image if you want. copyright LandSpace Architecture 107


Another example: copyright LandSpace Architecture 108


Repeat the above steps copyright LandSpace Architecture 109

I repeat the above steps 3 times: copyright LandSpace Architecture 110

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