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Hi I’m Ayanna biting,

Orange Bermudo,
And Princess Kaye Jalon

A; Volcanic eruptions are among the most captivating and potentially hazardous natural phenomena
on Earth.
O: In this presentation, we will delve into the comprehensive steps individuals and communities can
take before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.
P: we aim to provide a thorough understanding of volcanic preparedness and mitigation strategies.
A: but before that, what is a volcano?
O: how is it form?
P: let us learn!

JOHNMICHAEL: hi! Im john Michael Gregorio and today we would be learning about
First of all let's talk about those big cone shaped things with hot stuff, you know what those are
called? Volcanoes. Volcanoes are veryyyy very dangerous and also very hot. A volcano is an opening
on the Earth's crust from where molten lava, rocks, and natural gases come out. It is formed when
tectonic plates shift or when the ocean plate sinks. Volcano shapes are formed when molten rock, ash,
and lava are released from the Earth's surface and solidify. Now, volcanoes have lots of badddd
effects to us such as Volcanoes spew hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and rock that are powerfully
destructive. People have died from volcanic blasts. Volcanic eruptions can result in additional threats
to health, such as floods, mudslides, power outages, drinking water contamination, and wildfires. But!
volcanoes also have good effects such as volcanic rock and ash provide fertile land which results in a
higher crop yield for farmers. tourists are attracted to the volcano, which increases money to the local
economy. geothermal energy can be harnessed, which provides free electricity for locals. There are
many ways for a volcano to be formed such as ★constructive plate boundaries. ★destructive plate
boundaries. ★hot spots. now let's first talk about "constructive plate boundaries" At constructive plate
boundaries, the tectonic plates are moving away from one another. The Earth's crust is pulled apart to
create a new pathway for rising hot magma to flow on to the surface. next one we have is "destructive
plate boundaries" Destructive, or convergent, plate boundaries are where the tectonic plates are
moving towards each other. Volcanoes form here in two settings where either oceanic plate descends
below another oceanic plate or an oceanic plate descends below a continental plate. and lastly we have
"hot spots" and no not the hot spots for internet services but A hot spot is an intensely hot area in the
mantle below Earth's crust. The heat that fuels the hot spot comes from very deep in the planet. This
heat causes the mantle in that region to melt. The molten magma rises up and breaks through the crust
to form a volcano. Fascinating right? Well then that’s all you have to learn about volcanoes JM out!

A: volcanoes are known to be very dangerous

O: so here are the ways to avoid getting involved in volcanoes activity
P :As we embark on this journey into the realm of volcanoes, let us recognize the significance of
preparedness, collaboration, awareness, and proactive planning, we can strive to build safer, more
resilient communities in the face of volcanic activity.

A: Before a volcano erupts, there are several signs and phenomena that may occur. These can include:
1. Increased seismic activity: Volcanic eruptions are often preceded by an increase in the frequency
and intensity of earthquakes in the vicinity of the volcano. 2. Gas emissions: An increase in the
emission of gases such as sulfur dioxide from the volcano may indicate rising magma and potential
volcanic activity. 3. Ground deformation: Swelling or bulging of the ground surface near the volcano,
as detected by GPS or other monitoring techniques, can be a sign of magma movement beneath the
surface. 4. Changes in volcanic activity: Any changes in the behavior of the volcano, such as
increased steam emissions, new fumaroles, or changes in the crater, could indicate an impending
eruption. 5. Ash emissions: The release of ash or steam from the volcano, even if it doesn't lead to a
full eruption, can be a warning sign of increased volcanic activity. If you live near a volcano or in an
area prone to volcanic activity, it's important to be prepared. Here are some things you should do:
1. Stay informed: Keep track of updates from local authorities, volcanologists, and official sources
regarding the status of the volcano and any potential hazards
. 2. Have an emergency plan: Create a family emergency plan that includes evacuation routes,
meeting points, and communication strategies in case of a volcanic eruption
3. Prepare an emergency kit: Assemble a disaster supply kit that includes essential items such as
water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and important documents.
4. Follow evacuation orders: If authorities issue an evacuation order, follow it promptly and evacuate
to a safe location.
5. Protect yourself from ashfall: If ashfall is expected, stay indoors, keep windows and doors closed,
and use masks or cloth over your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling ash particles.
6. Stay away from danger zones: Avoid areas near the volcano, including river valleys and low-lying
areas that could be at risk of lahars (mudflows) during an eruption. It's important to heed warnings
and instructions from local authorities and be prepared to take action to ensure your safety and the
safety of your loved ones in the event of a volcanic eruption.

O: During a volcanic eruption, several significant events and phenomena can occur. Number 1 is
Eruption volcanoes erupt when molten rock or magma, gas, and other materials rise to the surface.
The eruption can vary in intensity from gentle lava flows to explosive eruptions. The type of eruption
depends on the composition and viscosity of the magma. No. 2 Lava Flows lava is a molten rock that
flows down the volcano's slopes during an eruption. The speed and behavior of the lava depend on its
temperature, composition, and viscosity. Lava flows can destroy vegetation, buildings, and
infrastructure in their path. No. 3 Pyroclastic Flows These are fast-moving currents of hot gas, ash,
and volcanic materials that rush down the volcano's flanks at high speeds. Pyroclastic flows can be
extremely dangerous and destructive, incinerating everything in their path.No. 4 Ash Clouds Volcanic
eruptions often produce ash clouds composed of fine rock particles and glass fragments. These clouds
can rise several kilometers into the atmosphere and be carried by wind over long distances. Ash
clouds can pose hazards to aviation, as the particles can damage aircraft engines.No. 5. Tephra Fall
during an eruption, solid fragments of volcanic material, collectively known as tephra, can be ejected
into the air. Tephra can range in size from fine ash to large volcanic bombs. Tephra fall can cause
damage to infrastructure, contaminate water sources, and pose respiratory risks to humans and
animals.No. 6 Volcanic Gases volcanoes release various gases during eruptions, including water
vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and others. These gases can have a significant impact on the
environment, climate, and air quality. And lastly Volcanic Tremors Before and during an eruption,
volcanoes can exhibit seismic activity characterized by continuous or intermittent volcanic tremors.
These tremors result from the movement of magma and can be monitored to provide early warning
signs of volcanic activity.It is important to note that the specific sequence and intensity of events
during a volcanic eruption can vary widely depending on the type of volcano, the characteristics of the
eruption, and the local geological conditions. Volcanic eruptions can be highly unpredictable, and
their impacts can range from localized to regional or even global, depending on the scale of the

P: After a volcanic eruption, several immediate and long-term effects can occur: Immediate effects: 1.
Pyroclastic flows: Rapidly moving clouds of hot gas and volcanic matter can devastate nearby areas.
2. Ashfall: Ash can blanket landscapes, causing respiratory issues, damaging crops, and disrupting
transportation. 3. Lava flows: Molten rock can flow downhill, destroying everything in its path. 4.
Lahars: Volcanic mudflows can occur when heavy rainfall mixes with volcanic ash and debris, posing
a threat to communities downstream. Long-term effects: 5. Environmental impact: Volcanic ash and
gases can affect air quality, climate, and ecosystems. 6. Economic impact: Destruction of
infrastructure, loss of agricultural land, and displacement of communities can have long-lasting
economic consequences. 7. Secondary hazards: Volcanic eruptions can trigger other natural disasters
such as landslides, earthquakes, and tsunamis. 8. Volcanic activity: Eruptions can lead to increased
volcanic activity in the region over time, affecting nearby communities and ecosystems. The severity
and duration of these effects depend on factors such as the size and type of eruption, proximity to
populated areas, and the effectiveness of disaster preparedness and response measures. After a
volcanic eruption, it's crucial to take several steps to ensure safety and mitigate further risks. Here's
what to do: 1. Follow official guidance: Pay close attention to instructions and updates from local
authorities, emergency services, and volcanologists. Follow evacuation orders if necessary and stay
informed about the situation. 2. Stay away from affected areas: Avoid areas affected by the eruption,
including those at risk of pyroclastic flows, lava flows, lahars, and ashfall. Keep a safe distance until
authorities declare it safe to return. 3. Protect yourself from ash: If you're in an area affected by
ashfall, wear protective clothing such as long sleeves, pants, goggles, and a mask to avoid inhaling
ash particles. Stay indoors as much as possible, and use air filtration systems if available. 4. Assess
damage: Check your property for damage and hazards, but do so carefully. Watch out for structural
damage, fallen debris, and unstable ground. Avoid damaged buildings until they have been inspected
and declared safe. 5. Prepare for aftershocks: Be prepared for aftershocks, which can occur following
a volcanic eruption. Secure heavy objects, check gas lines, and have an emergency kit with essentials
such as water, food, first aid supplies, and flashlights. 6. Monitor air quality: Keep track of air quality
reports, especially if you're in an area affected by volcanic gases and ash. Limit outdoor activities if
air quality is poor, especially for vulnerable individuals such as children, elderly people, and those
with respiratory conditions. 7. Assist others: Check on neighbors, friends, and family members,
especially those who may need assistance such as elderly individuals, people with disabilities, or
those who are isolated. 8. Seek medical attention if necessary: If you or others experience health
issues related to the eruption, such as breathing difficulties, eye irritation, or injuries, seek medical
attention promptly. 9. Clean up safely: When cleaning up ash and debris, wear appropriate protective
gear and follow guidelines for safe disposal. Be cautious of potential hazards such as hot spots, sharp
objects, and unstable ground. 10. Stay informed: Stay updated on the situation through official
channels and heed any further instructions from authorities. Be prepared to adapt your plans based on
changing circumstances. By following these guidelines and staying informed, you can help ensure
your safety and the safety of others in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption.
in short, what to do After a volcanic eruption:
1. Follow official guidance and evacuation orders.
2. Stay away from affected areas.
3. Wear protective gear if exposed to ash.
4. Check for damage but be cautious.
5. Prepare for aftershocks and have emergency supplies.
6. Monitor air quality and limit outdoor activities if needed.
7. Assist vulnerable individuals. 8. Seek medical help if necessary.
9. Clean up safely, wearing protective gear.
10. Stay informed through official channels.

O:and that’s all you need to know when any volcano is near your area
A: let us remember that while volcanic eruptions may be unpredictable and formidable, they also
serve as a reminder of the dynamic forces that shape our planet. Through knowledge, preparedness,
and solidarity, we can navigate the complexities of living in volcanic regions and emerge stronger and
more resilient in the face of adversity. As we embark on this journey of discovery and adaptation, let
us remain steadfast in our commitment to building a safer, more resilient world for generations to
P: we’re the group 6 and we’ll see you again in or next journey, stay safe

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