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Where Contemporary Jews Embrace Traditional Judaism

November 2011


Tishri / Cheshvan

Honoring and celebrating our Veterans and all those serving in the Armed Forces Yes, the new education and multi-purpose wing is open



I was privileged to be awarded an Honorary Doctoral degree by The Jewish Theological Seminary at a special convocation in New York City. With this degree, JTS's faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees expresses the traditional wish expressing respect: ?' ? ???Your strength gives strength to rabbis who have served the Jewish ? community for more than twenty-five years in the cause of Conservative Judaism and its Traditional expression of Judaism throughout the world. I was ordained in 1978 upon completing a 6-year graduate program. Many Conservative congregations in the 1970s were still non-egalitarian: Torah honors and the responsibility to be part of a minyan were reserved only for men. Needless to say, only men were allowed to become rabbis. It was a different world! Today, in 21st century America, the Conservative movement is egalitarian. It is virtually unthinkable to tell our daughters and granddaughters that they can be physicians, lawyers, even the President of our country, but they cannot be equal to me on any and every level of Jewish participation and leadership. Similarly, our approach to Judaism has evolved to reflect the major spiritual and sociological challenges of each generation: interfaith and gay/lesbian inclusivity, maintaining identity in a non-Jewish (and sometimes anti-Jewish) world, and the staggering advances in technology and biomedical research. Conservative Judaism identified throughout the world as Masorti (Traditional) began as the commitment to conserving Jewish Heritage within the framework of the Talmud. It is the most Jewishly-authentic approach to confronting the challenge of integrating tradition with modernity. The Conservative community has its own distinctive approach to issues, one that is coherent and yet pluralistic, thoughtful and yet oriented to action, traditional and yet responsive to the present. One of my first teachers in graduate school, Dr. Elliot Dorff, defined the nature of our approach to Tradition very succinctly: Conservative Judaism involves a combination of commitment, flexibility, tolerance, and intellectual vigor that has characterized Judaism historically and that has made it the wise Heritage that it is. To practice it requires maturity and responsibility in both action and thought. It is an especially authentic way of being Jewish. Elissa's father, Rabbi Kassel Abelson Past President of the Rabbinical Assembly and Chair-Emeritus of the Committee on Law and Jewish Standards authored a statement of definition and affirmation: As Conservative/Masorti Jews, we believe that Torah is an on-going process that began with the Bible. It is the continuing reflection on the cumulative traditions of our People in the light of the experiences of each generation. We believe that halakha Jewish practice addresses itself to the needs of the present, shapes and extends earlier norms and practices in the light of expanded knowledge and ethical sensitivities. As Conservative/Masorti Jews, we lift our eyes not to heaven above, but to heaven on earth; not to heaven beyond life, but to heaven within life itself. Our congregations mission statement presents our perspective of Jewish Tradition with precisely that sense of commitment and vision: Beth Am recognizes that Judaism is an ongoing process of adapting ancient forms to the modern context of society, and of filling those traditional forms with new meaning. CBA is a warm, joyful, uplifting and caring congregational family of families, guided by the principle of inclusivity so that social, educational and spiritual involvement is open to every membership household. I am honored by the Jewish Theological Seminarys recognition of service as a Conservative/Masorti Rabbi, but the true honor is my being listed in the program as the Rabbi of Congregation Beth Am in Longwood. Our congregation fits the uplifting definition of Conservative/Masorti Judaism in every way.
Rabbi Rick Sherwin [email protected]


We need your financial support through the Capital Campaign or, it is not too late to contribute to the High Holy Days Campaign. With your support we will continue our transformation into the future.

Happy 5772 to all! As I was writing this article I ran across a very relevant quotation from John F. Kennedy, thirty-fifth President of the USA in which he states, Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. We at Beth Am have now reached a major turning point in developing our future. The High Holy Days are behind us and at least for another year we are prepared to move forward making Beth Am a very special place for all of us. Under the leadership of Robyn Colley and Rachel Shapiro our congregation is buzzing with enthusiasm from many parents regarding new activities and programs. It's taken a lot of hard work, and to see it all come together is truly something special and amazing. Can you believe that it is just one year since our congregational meeting last November? Last year after a board meeting as I walked to my car I stopped to look back at our building and it made me think of a deserted race track with its orange colored parking cones randomly positioned thought out the parking lot and next to the main building was our portable classrooms with its skirting falling off from the weather and light poles covered with rust. Instead of classrooms the portable had the appearance of a deserted construction office with broken exterior lights. We concluded our High Holy Days this year I had the opportunity to meet face to face with many of our congregants regarding the many changes to Beth Am that have occurred over the past year. We now have a new and revitalized school that is second to none, a new driveway entrance and new landscaping. Yes and we did it in less than one year obtaining building permits from Seminole county and completing construction compliant with current Building and Life Safety codes.. and even our entire building has been given a well-deserved fresh coat of paint. I hope that by now most of you are getting a sense that Beth Am is undergoing a significant transformation, and if we want to keep it going we need the continuing support of every single one of you to continue.

Jim Riola President



To date, 60 members of our congregation enjoyed exploring Israel a family in 2007 and in 2009 to fulfill the mitzva of Tmikhat Yisrael, Supporting Israel. Each tour in the past has offered a spiritually inspiring experience specifically designed for the group. We fully toured Israel from coast to coast, up to the Lebanese border and across to the Golan Heights, then back down to Jerusalem. One highlight of our most recent tour was a morning service at the Wall lead by six Bnai Mitzva where each one read from the Torah, and everyone received an aliya. We will again offer this opportunity to both teens and adults. The 5772 trip is tentatively set to leave on June 12, 2012, for a full 10 days of touring. We need a minimum of 30 people for the trip to take place. We are planning to schedule an information meeting in December. Please contact Rabbi Rick <[email protected]> if you are considering the POSSIBILITY of joining the group, fulfilling one of the highest mitzvot in Jewish Tradition, and enjoying the experience of a lifetime.



Oliver Wendell Holmes said, The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. We have been moving in the direction that has allowed us to grow as a congregation, expand our facility and do it all with ease and comfort for our membership, I received some topics for discussion about the proposed new bylaws and responded to each of them. The revisions were necessitated by the growth of our Congregation, the expansion of our building and the changes needed to insure viability long into the future. These proposed changes will be voted on as a package (up or down) at the General Meeting on November 13. Just as an aside, the old by-laws were nearly twice as long. Also at the General Meeting in November you will be voting on a Board of Directors for 2012-2013. I want to thank the nominating committee of Rick Gardner, Mike Stricker and Joanne Weiss for fielding phone calls and questions and submitting the slate of officers. As always, nominations of members in good standing from the floor during the General Membership meeting will be included on the ballot. I would encourage everyone to support the groups that support us throughout the year. The Sisterhood, Mens Club, Book & Movie Club, the Care Team and Sports Shooting Club, Adult Education classes, offer social activities for all interests. Next month (December) I will write about the vision of the Board for the next two years. This month I wanted to close by saying thank you to all those that have helped out by volunteering time, donating money, communicating your concerns, taking leadership roles in our social and fraternal clubs and participating in events like our festivals and off-property gatherings. A special thanks to all of the staff at CBA as they have made great strides in our reorganization efforts. Also, I want to thank those of you that attend services throughout the year. There are many faces on Friday nights that are different from Saturday morning. The conversations while breaking bread together after the services (okay, and sometimes during the service) keeps us all comfortable with what we are doing. If you dont regularly attend services stop by and see what Im talking about

Steve Leibowitz, President elect

Question of the Month

First and foremost, these expressions of Judaism are not denominations: they are movements, each one with a different perspective on the same Tradition. The fact is that each movement is not defined by practice alone, but by the philosophy that underlies the practice. Some people wrongly believe that Orthodoxy is at the top of the traditional standard, Reform is at the bottom, and Conservative Judaism (now identified as Masorti, or traditional) is somewhere in the middle. Instead of inappropriately picturing a vertical line going from top to bottom most to least it is religiously and culturally correct to portray Jewish Tradition as a horizontal line. Orthodoxy occupies a very narrow segment in the middle of the line. Conservative/Masorti Judaism selects a much longer segment of the line, indicating a wide range of opportunities to fulfill Jewish values and practices within limits. Reform Judaism accepts the full line without limits. Thus, instead of the range being from most to least, the range of movements is from narrow to open to wide. Historically, Orthodox Judaism is the narrowest of the movements, modeling Jewish life and beliefs and the codes and culture of Eastern Europe of the 17th and 18th century. Reform Judaism is the cultural view of Judaism that began in the Enlightenment of Western Europe, changing Jewish Traditional practice and beliefs in light of secular society. Conservative (Masorti) Judaism expresses the return to Rabbinic Judaism and the methodology of interfacing traditional Jewish practice and beliefs with the needs of living in the modern world.


Your Care Team Members Sondra Karesh Pritchard My name is Sondra Karesh Pritchard and I was born in Atlanta, Georgia where I lived until I got married in August 1956. I have three children Mark, who lives in Ft. Worth, Texas; Dale who lives in Atlanta, Georgia; and Marsha, who lives in Apopka, Florida. I now live with Marsha, her husband Marty (Stein) and their children, Aleah and Rebekah. I worked as an x-ray technologist in Fayetteville for many years after attending the University of Alabama and Medical College of Georgia I was asked to be a member of the Care Team by Robyn Colley. I have organized spaghetti dinners (before Friday night services), helped serve at the Ice Cream Social/Onegs and assisted whenever I was asked. I hope to continue to assist them in their endeavors in the future. ADULT BAT/BAR MITZVA SERVICE

407.862.3505 [email protected] Please direct all correspondence to: P.O. Box 915756 Longwood, FL 32791-5756 We're located at: 3899 Sand Lake Road Longwood, FL 32779

CBA Office Hours Saturday, Sunday & Mondayclosed Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 am3:00 pm Wednesdays during School until 6:00 pm

JANUARY 25 & 26, 2013

The date has been set for a class of adults to be called to the Torah as Bnai Mitzva! The program is in response to the adults who have expressed interest in becoming Adult Bnai Mitzva. Some of the explanations: (1) I did not have the opportunity when I was younger, (2) I went through the experience but it didnt go through me, (3) I just want to learn more, and/ or (4) I wasnt Jewish when I was younger. Our study program continues with classes on the first and third Sunday in November, 11/6 and 11/20 at 11 am. Please contact Rabbi Rick by e -mail if you are interested in participating in this program or you have any questions. ASSIGNING BAR/BAT MITZVA DATES We are now assigning dates for the 2012-2014 Bar/Bat Mitzva lists. We plan early so as to give our long-standing members first access to open dates. If your child was born in 1999, 2000 or 2001, and you have not yet arranged for a date to be reserved, please contact Rabbi Rick so that your child will not be inadvertently overlooked. Assignments are made on the basis of one's 13th Hebrew birthday, with flexibility for summer birthdays and special circumstances.


Nov.5 8 Heshvan Lekh Lkha
Jacob Samuel Alstein, son of Minna & Gil Alstein and brother of Adam and Hannah will be called to the Torah for the first time as a Bar Mitzva on Saturday Nov. 5. Jacob is in the seventh grade and an Honor Student at Teague Middle School. He is a passionate football and basketball fan and he is a member of the Longwood Ravens Youth Football Team where he plays the positions of Offensive Line, Defensive End and Kicker. __________________________________________

Visit Us On The Web go to


For the 2011-2012 year, Womens League has selected the theme of Hiddur Mitzvah beautifying or embellishing a mitzvah. In keeping with this theme, CBA Sisterhood is offering an opportunity for interested congregants to make beaded kippot. Eva Gaber will lead the instruction and you will be able to choose from a variety of bead colors, shapes and sizes. The program will be held on November 13th following the congregational meeting which begins at 10 am. CBA Sisterhood is offering brunch following the meeting, the beaded kippa class and childcare (during brunch and class). If you want to have brunch and make a kippa the cost is $15. For just the brunch or just the class it is $10. Childcare is $5 per family. A family rate of $20 is available for 2 adults for brunch and class with $5 additional for childcare. Childcare includes lunch for the children and a movie. If you have a child in Religious School, he/she can join the childcare group when school is dismissed. Come for the meeting, stay for brunch and take a classall in one place! You can make a kippa for yourself or your wife, your mother or your sister or for a friend. It will be fun and creative and all done within the CBA community. What could be better? Please RSVP by November 10th so that we can assure the proper supplies and prepare the brunch. You may pay at the door, but please let us know that you will be coming! RSVP to Cathy Swerdlow [email protected] or 407 862 2374. CBA Sisterhood is proud to welcome new members: Dilly Clarke, Betsy Batwin, Michele Bourne, Celia Rosenberg and Beth Oxborough! It is never to late to join our Sisterhood! The membership form can be found on our synagogue website! At our September meeting there was interest in getting a Shabbat morning Yoga class started. The class would be from 9 to 10am as a preparation for Shabbat worship. The class would be open to both men and women. If you would be interested, please let me know. Bshalom


The CBA Book & Movie Club meets next on Thursday, November 17, 2011. The book for November is Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. The book is the story of the Vel d'Hiv roundup of the Jews of Paris, as seen through the eyes of 11 year old Sarah, a French Jew. In the summer of 1942, the Jews of Paris were rounded up for deportation Sixty years later, in 2002, Julia Jarmond a journalist and the American wife of a French architect, is coincidentally drawn to Sarah's story and becomes obsessed with finding out what happened to her after being transported out of Paris. The two plot lines take turns, one short chapter at a time, and weave together nicely to a conclusion. We meet at 7PM at Panera Bread on Forest City Road (across from Costco & next to Walmart). Everyone is welcome to join us. For more information please feel free to contact me.
Norma Greenberg 407.788.2285 [email protected]

eBay at CBA
While doing your summer cleaning, did you find things you just dont want or cant use but theyll have some value to someone? If so, please donate these items to us it's a win-win situation. You support Beth Am and get the tax deduction we sell the items on eBay and other venues and use the pro, activities and programming at Beth Am. Please call Herb (407.774.9695) if you have any questions or to arrange for pickup of your unused treasures.

Cathy Swerdlow President CBA Sisterhood


November 2011

Congregation Beth Am

Heshvan / Kislev 5772

6 9:30 am Religious School 10:00 am Adult Education 11:00 Adult Bnai Mitzva 7





4 6:20 pm 8:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5

9:00 am Mitzva Class

4:15 pm Religious School (Longwood) 5:00 pm Religious School (Winter Springs)

Bar Mitzva Jacob Alstein

Bar Mitzva Jacob Alstein

7:15 Bibilical Prophecy

9 10 11 5:16 pm

Sunset 6:38 pm 12 9:00 am Mitzva Class 6th Grade Siddur Service Veterans Day Observance Sunset 5:34 pm 17 7:00 PM Book & Movie Clubat Panera Bread on Forest City Road 7:30 PM Sports Shooting Club @ CBA 18 5:12 pm 19

8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 5:00 pm Religious School (Winter Springs) ELECTION DAY


4:15 pm Religious School (Longwood)

8:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat

7:15 Bibilical Prophecy

13 9:30 am Religious School 10:00 am General Membership Meeting




4:15 pm Religious School (Longwood) 5:00 pm Religious School (Winter Springs)

8:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat

9:00 am Mitzva Class

7:15 Bibilical Prophecy

23 No Religious School

Sunset 5:31 pm

20 9:30 am Religious School 10:00 am Adult Education 11:00 Adult Bnai Mitzva


22 No Religious School


25 5:10 pm


Shabbat at home No 8 pm service

No Mitzva Class

OFFICE CLOSED Sunset 5:29 pm

27 No Religious School





5:00 pm Religious School (Winter Springs)

4:15 pm Religious School (Longwood)

7:15 Bibilical Prophecy

Calendar information is subject to change. Please refer to Calendar on Events page of our website for current information. -7-


Catering By Artisans
(Your CBA Caterer)

As a Congregational Family, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Simmie Golub on the loss of her aunt BESS DONOCOFF Lois Smith on the loss of her father SIDNEY SPECTOR Denise Jaffe Remembering her grandmother JANE AGER Norm & Marlene Levin as they remember the loss of Norms father HAROLD LEVIN HA-MAKOM Y'NA HEM

Celebrating a simha at Beth Am?

If you want...
? ? ? ? ? ?

delicious food an impressive presentation personal, caring attention every last detail taken care of unbeatable pricing catering profits to benefit Beth Am Then...

Catering By Artisans is your only choice! For information, contact: Sheri Rosenberg 321.356.1529

We Welcome New Members Melissa Dugdale Mitchell & Marilyn Lustig Ellis & Marilyn Wilensky
WE THANK hbr hdwt

Support Beth Am AND celebrate your special occasion with custom invitations and announcements. We carry a full line from Regency, Encore and Checkerboard. You can also order a tallit for yourself or for your child's Bat/Bar Mitzva. Contact Debbie Davids at 407.869.0238.

Steve Leibowitz and Scott Halperin for repairing the Sukka Millie Harris & Rose Lazoritz for their help in preparing the monthy bulletin for mailing


Share the news with members who don't have e-mail Share your compassion with recently bereaved members Share your time with members who are home alone Share your time with members who are in nursing homes Share your time with members who are in a hospital Join the Care Team for additional information, please contact Debbie Zelkowitz (407.862.7471)

Promote your business with a Bulletin ad For information, contact Joanne

If we have inadvertently omitted a birthday, anniversary or yahrtzeit or published incorrect personal information about you in this Bulletin, we apologize. Please let us know so that we can correct our records.


BAALAY TFILA: It is said that nine Rabbis do not constitute a minyan, but ten laypeople do. The participation of these lay leaders gave fullness and meaning to High Holy Day worship services: Phil Brown Norman Levin Neal Silverstein CHOIR: The words infuse our service with meaning: they address the head. Music infuses our service with uplifting the spirit: it addresses the heart. We thank these Masters of Music who devoted so much time and spirit to touch our hearts: Pam Bellet Rhonda Des Islets Ellen Jewell Andye Lewis Theresa Myers Sofia Poliak Aleah Stein Marsha Stein Jerrey Weiss Roni Welton

SHOFAR: The Sounding of the Shofar is one of the most emotionally stirring moment of spirit, recalling the sound heard by the Hebrews standing at the foot of Mount Sinai accepting the gift of Torah. It the sound of the Shofar that reminds us of our Covenant, and that we are called upon to be Lor Goyim, a source of light for the nations of the world. We thank Dr. Neal (who arranged and organized the sounding of Shofar) and these Baalay Tki-a who answered the call: Eli Alman Steven Botwinik Eva Gaber Noah Goldberg Phil Kaprow Neal Silverstein Bruce Weinstein Lloyd Werk

TORAH READERS: The Torah reading and Haftara presents the theme of each service and provides the central pillar of commitment and conviction to reflecting the Image of God in which each of us is created. We thank Dr. Davids (who organized and arranged the High Holy Day Torah readings), Phil Brown (who addresses this mitzva over the holidays and Shabbat) and our Baalay Kri-a and Haftara participants: Myron Ascher Craig Blattner Benjamin Davids Debbie Davids Mark Davids Rabbi Moe Kaprow Morris Rashy Recent Bnai Mitzva

SUKKA BUILDERS: The Sukka is our reminder that we need to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, and to offer thanks for those who make sure to grow and harvest the crops of the field so as to provide the basic staples of life, those who gather the eggs, and those who feed the herds and slaughter meat in a humane manner so that we are provided with meat. We thank our Sukka builders: Greg Alman Kevin Colley Jeff Grushka Jordan Grushka

Yyasher Kohkhem to each of you and to all of you for giving strength to our congregation through the holiday season. ETROG & LULAV: The Lulav and Etrog are reminders that we must gather from the four corners of the earth, and to included all people in our vision for the future redemption of the world. We thank Myron & Allison Ascher for enabling us to fulfill the important mitzva of Ntilat Lulav.


Thank you all for your help in preparing, setting up And cleaning up for Break the Fast.
Aaron Davids Benjamin Davids Debbie Davids Mark Davids Melissa Dugdale Becky Goldstein Elyse Jacobs Phil Kaprow Nancy Mendel Barry Nager Risa Page Marcia Rosen Sheri Rosenberg Rhonda Scorzelli Nomi Sherwin Arlene Silver Blake VanBurndt Eric Weinstein

1 2 2 3 4 6 8 10 Michal & Shlomith Cohen Marilyn & Mitch Lustig Celia & Steven Rosenberg Jen & Tom LoMedico Marilyn & Sherman Miller Karen & Gary Klein Karen & Mark Estrin Susan & Mark Schulman 11 Nicole & Steven Botwinik 17 Nancy Brown Abrudescu & Nicholas Abrudescu 20 Ellen & Ken Solomon 22 Christina & Gary Michaelson 24 Suzzie & Ron Bobele 25 Lisa & Craig Fishman 25 SuzAnne & Gary Kaltbaum 27 Pam Bellet & Alan Zemel

A plaque on the Memorial Board in our Sanctuary is a fitting way to remember family members whom we recall with warmth and affection. To honor the memory of a loved one with a plaque, please submit your request (accompanied by payment of $360) to our office. The form is available in our office or on the secure Payments Page of our website, where you can also make payment.

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1 2 Sophia Bear, mother of Becky Goldstein Marvin Kornick, brother of Bernice Davids Rose Sherwin, grandmother of Eleanore Cooper Ianco Ben Haim lehuda, father of Dan Salomon Cohen Natalie Feld, mother of Debra Davids Betty Levine, aunt of Jacquelin Arndt David Abels, grandfather of Robyn Colley Judge Harry J. Gardner, father of Rick Gardner Chad F. Vignola, grandson of Lillian Tobias Howard Caplan, father of Jonathan Caplan Bernard Adler, husband of Gitty Adler & father of June Werk Frances Schatzberg, grandmother of Nancy Mendel Dorothy Klein, aunt of Simmie Golub Rose Rolonsky, grandmother of Robert Rosenberg Lillian Rosenberg, grandmother of Robert Rosenberg Leah Miller, mother of Sherman Miller Robert Cook, father of Joan Mayer Sophie Weissman, mother of Herbert Weissman Ruth Maysman, mother of Carolyn Kaplan Isadore Landau, father of Linda Zlatkiss Leo Bial, father of Robert Bial William Pearlman, father of Marshall Pearlman Gussie S. Weisman, mother of Sherwood Weisman Bernice (Bunny) Grimm, mother of Frances Brown Meyer Gold, husband of Helene Gold & father of Scott Gold Manuel Martinez, father of Manny Martin Steven Glass, cousin of Norman Levin 17 Lila Cybul, mother of Joy Stricker Florence Rosenberg, mother of Dr. Steven Rosenberg Beth Wattman, grandmother of Glen Wattman 19 Bronya Shapiro, grandmother of Alexander Agranovsky 20 Janet Golden, sister of Sherry Williams Stephen Solomon, father of Kenneth Solomon 21 Olga Bat Menahem, mother of Dan Salomon Cohen Marjorie Loory, mother of Josh Loory Irving Nager, father of Barry Nager Pearl Levy, mother of Helene Gold James S. Greene, father of Larrie Greene Paula Abrudescu, mother of Dr. Nicholas Abrudescu 22 Charles Seligman, father of Donald Seligman Rita Levine, aunt of Jacquelin Arndt 23 Sandra Behn, aunt of Judy Suberman Sybil Swirsky, mother of Jacquelin Arndt Benjamin Miller, father of Sherman Miller Harry Shefner, father-in-law of Sherman Miller David Rothman, father of Michelle Mendel 24 Margarita Bozarth, mother of Lilly Robbins Alan H. Harris, son of Mildred Harris 26 Roslyn Brown, mother of Fred Brown & Alan Brown Fannie Fineberg, grandmother of Nancy Mendel 28 Laura Tabakin, mother of Alan Cohn Sheldon Winters, 2nd husband of Helen Tishman John Maltz, father of Stephanie Golub 29 Morris Rosenberg, father of Dr. Steven Rosenberg 30 Albert Beer, brother of Pearl Berman Jeanette Poris, aunt of Gloria Padawer

4 5 6

8 9

10 11

12 13



1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 6 6 Mike Bartfield Steve Jaffe
Bernadette Silverstein

Faith Greenberg Lucy Seidler Sam Woociker Mike Abrams Bernice Shapiro Elissa Sherwin Melissa Stricker Helen Tishman Zach Golub Phil Kaprow Paige Rosenblatt Evelyne Ambroise Andrea Behn

6 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12

Michael Stricker Justin Barber Michael Cayado Melissa Harac Shayna Mendel Michael Mendel Mark Schulman Richard Goldstein Larrie Greene Samara Halperin Ethan Pollack Diane Siegel Lon Winter
Doreen Bierenbaum

Suzanne Mercer Leon Sheplan

13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 19

Vanessa Stein Devon Stern Matt Feinman Emily Schlansky Bill Weiss Eric Gair Rabbi Moe Kaprow Kelly Green Barry Miller Quinn Solomon Fern Loory Joanne Weiss Jack LoMedico Dylan Mendel Hadyn Shear Sheryle Woodruff Robert Dorman

19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24

Sarah Dorman Josh Helman Holly Roark Ruthie Rubin Sherril Bracco Sheldon Weiss Mark Estrin Madeline Feinman Mitchell Lustig Brittany Macleod Garrett Yopack Reid Intro Shaina Kaprow Jacob Lewis Marlene Steinfeld Jason Eichenholz

25 26 26 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 30

Cyndie Elman Ilene Sabulsky Rhonda Scorzelli Leslie Kutner Sara Kutner Gail Lewis Cathy Swerdlow Steven Bierenbaum Logan Ulch Linda Zlatkiss Rachel Suberman

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Our tradition teaches us the importance of tz'daka. What a wonderful and lasting way to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, yahrtzeit, recovery from illness or hardship, Bat or Bar Mitzva, wedding, new baby or other occasion! Or give just because... ! We maintain various funds, donations to which are used to support our many activities and to make Beth Am the Synagogue we want it to be. Please show that you care make a contribution to the fund of your choice. All contributions are tax deductible.

Sara & Phil Kaprow, Daniel and Shaina, in celebration of the 70th birthday of Saras father Bob Memis Harriet Margot & Phil Margot, in celebration of their son Daniel becoming a Bar Mitzva Morris & Sheila Rashy, in celebration of Tollefson Baby Naming Kristina & Jason Tollefson, in celebration of Misha Tollefsons Baby Naming


Ruth Rubin, in memory of father Manny Soski Elly Soski, in memory of husband Manny Soski


Jeff & Sonya Mandel, with thanks to Tara Harris

Heddy & Michael Bernstein, in memory of Manny Soski Mike & Sheri Berren, Ice Cream Social for raising money for the Enjoy the City coupon books Howard & Kim Finkelstein, in memory of Lee, Bea & Steven Finkelstein Carol Francis, in memory of brother, Rabbi Mark Loeb Hilda Frishman, in memory of father Benjamin Elman and in memory of husband Fred Frishman Helene Gold, in memory of mother-in-law Belle Gold, in memory of father, Joseph Levy & father-in-law, Samuel Gold Mary & Lloyd Lavin, A big thank you to Nancy Kucaba for all her help Don Seligman, in memory of mother Julie Seligman-Feuer Marc & Diane Siegel, in memory of father David Siegel Neal & Bernadette Silverstein, in memory of mother Anne Silverstein Karen Stroup, in memory of mother Leah Bat Schmuel Jerrey Weiss, in memory of mother, Judith Weiss


Michael & Cindy Barber Michael & Sharon Bartfield Kate Botwinik (age 6), for giving her entire life savings Dr. Nicholas Abrudescu & Dr. Nancy Abrudescu Brown Rayna Cohen (age 10) & Dara Cohen (age 8) for donating their total savings Shlomith & Michal Cohen Hilda Frishman Jacki Harris Bruce & Tracy Jacobson Ellen Jewell Gary & SuzAnne Kaltbaum Marissa Kaprow Tobe & Anne Lev Barry Nager Daron & Tracy Rebar Scott & Ilene Sabulsky Sol Schick Mark & Susan Schulman Elaine Silver-Baron Jack Williams Deborah Wittig, in memory of Mrs. Marthanne Klugman


Jason & Robyn Eichenholz, In celebration of a New Year with CBA Melvin & Judith Marsel, with thanks to Rabbi Rick Bernard & Linda Kwastel, wishing a comfortable recovery for Brad Kwastel Morris & Sheila Rashy, with thanks to Elissa and Rabbi Rick for being so caring and wonderful Rabbi Larry & Elaine Troster, Mazal Tov to Rabbi Rick on receiving your Honorary Doctoral degree by The Jewish Theological Seminary
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GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Sunday, November 13, 2011 10:00 AM Sanctuary at CBA AGENDA: Approval of By-Laws Election of 2012 Board of Directors Annual Update 2012 Budget 20122013 Officers President Immediate Past President Steve Leibowitz Jim Riola


President Elect Vice President Education Treasurer Secretary Director Director Director Debbie Davids Rachel Shapiro Simon Mendel Robyn Colley Dan Williams Herb Weissman Paula Horne

- 13 -


I, ___________________________________, being a member in good standing of Congregation Beth Am, hereby appoint ___________________________________, ____________________, State of of the County of ____________________, to be my proxy with full power of

substitution and to vote as the proxy sees fit with respect to all matters that may come before the Annual Meeting of Members of Congregation Beth Am to be held at the Congregation, 3899 Sand Lake Road, Longwood, Florida 32779 on Sunday, November 13, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. and at any adjournments, continuations or postponements of that meeting. Said proxy is hereby granted full power to vote and act for me in my name and place, in the same manner, to the same extent and with the same effect as though I might vote were I present at said Meetings, granting to the said ___________________________________ the full power of substitution and revocation. I hereby revoke any Proxy previously given with respect to the Meeting. Signature ________________________________ Dated: November _____, 2011


I, ___________________________________, being a member in good standing of Congregation Beth Am, hereby appoint ___________________________________, ____________________, State of of the County of ____________________, to be my proxy with full power of

substitution and to vote as the proxy sees fit with respect to all matters that may come before the Annual Meeting of Members of Congregation Beth Am to be held at the Congregation, 3899 Sand Lake Road, Longwood, Florida 32779 on Sunday, November 13, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. and at any adjournments, continuations or postponements of that meeting. Said proxy is hereby granted full power to vote and act for me in my name and place, in the same manner, to the same extent and with the same effect as though I might vote were I present at said Meetings, granting to the said ___________________________________ the full power of substitution and revocation. I hereby revoke any Proxy previously given with respect to the Meeting. Signature ________________________________ Dated: November _____, 2011

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We encourage you to support our advertisers who support us with their ads in the Bulletin, Membership Directory and on our web site

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Phone: (407) 679-3400 Fax: (407) 679-3412 E-mail: [email protected]
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P.O. Box 915756 Longwood, FL 32791-5756

Vol. 36, No. 9

P ERMIT N O. 794

Custom Painting By
Richard Rubin
Celebrating 32 Years in Business!
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Estate Planning Wills and Trusts Probate and Trust Administration GWEN D. B LOOM Attorney At Law
1180 Spring Centre South Blvd. Suite 310 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Tel: 407-682 -3390 Fax: 407 -682-3185 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Admitted to Practice in Florida (1991) Admitted in Massachusetts (1981) Member: Central Florida Estate Planning Council, Florida Bar Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section and Orange County Bar

Transfer Tax Planning Business Law Real Property Transactions

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