Tugas Remedi B.ing (Windy Chrisilya, XII IPS 2) Soal Mid & Akhir Semester 1-1

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Mid-Semester Assessment 1

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

1. Man : Montepark Police Department. Can I help you?

Woman : Yes. There is someone at my door who says he's a police officer, His last name is Smith. Did
you send him?
Man. : Yes, heisapoliceman. He'sinvestigating a crime in the neighborhood.
Woman : Thank you.

What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The woman is in danger.

B. The woman needs clarification.

C. The woman is a policewoman.

D. The man is investigating a crime in the woman's house.

E. The man helps the woman handle the fake policeman.

2. Man : Excuse me, Madam. May I help you bring that suitcase?
Woman : Oh, no thanks. I can manage myself.
Man : Alright. If you need a help, let me know.
Woman : Yes. Thank you.
What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The woman needs a help.

B. The man wants to ask the suitcase.

C. The woman refuses the man's offering.

D. The man manages the woman's suitcase.

E. The man can carry his own suitcase.

3. Man : I have to prepare things for my vacation.

Woman : Actually, no preparation is really needed to visit a waterfall if you know where it
Man : That's right, but I don't know where the waterfall is. My father said that it is new.

According to the woman, the man doesn't need to prepare things for his vacation when
A. he knows the location of the waterfall

B. he doesn't like the vacation

C. his father has prepared for him

D. the waterfall is new

E. he has never gone to the waterfall

4. Man: You look busy, Mother. Is there anything I can help?

Woman: Yes. Please clean this pan and bring it to me!
Man : ...

What is the best response to say next?

A. Please, don't bother

B. It's okay.

C. I can manage it well.

D. I'll do it

E. That's a good idea.

5. Woman: I'm very busy right now. I have to finish my paper. Then I must pick up my brother.
Man : ...

What is the most appropriate response to say next?

A. No, thanks. I can manage myself.

B. What if I pick up your brother?

C. What can I do for you?

D. Do you think it is a good idea?

E. If you don't mind. Thank you

6. Man : Oh no, I have to return this book.

Woman : What if I return your book?
Man : ...

What is the best response to say next?

A. I do not know what to do.

B. Please, borrow it for me.

C. Lend me your member card.

D. If you like it, you can borrow it.

E. If you don't mind, please return it for me.

This text is for questions 7 to 9.

If you are new to gardening or you have not been gardening in your current location before, planting a
small garden rather than a large will give you better results because you will be better able to supply the
time and resources for making your garden a success. If this is your first garden, limit yourself to a small
5 x 8 foot bed and learn. To make the most of that garden space. Place the bed, so that one end is to
the east and the other end is toward the west giving the garden a north-south orientation.
Put up vertical support down in the middle of the plot. On the north side of the bed, you will plant cool
weather loving plants. On the south side of the plot, you will plant warm weather loving plants. For
instance, if you plan to grow both cold weather-loving peas and warm weather loving tomatoes, plant
peas on the cool weather loving side of the vertical fence as soon as the soil can work. Later, after all
danger of frost is past, plant tomatoes on the south side of the vertical support.

7. What is the text about?

A. How to plant vegetables.

B. How to grow weather-loving peas.

C. Tips on how to make a small garden.

D. How to choose an area for the garden.

E. Tips for how to plant in winter.

8. From the text, we know that

A. a small garden is suitable for the experts

B. planting cool weather-loving peas is on the south side

C. the tips are just for the beginners

D. placing the bed toward the west gives the garden a west-east orientation

E. having a small garden will give better results than the large one
"Later, after all the dangers of frost is past, plant tomatoes on the south side of the vertical support."

9. The underlined word has similar meaning

A. Winter. D. Wind

B. Dust. E. Storm

C. Ice

This text is for questions 10 and 11

These 'Hans Anrund' and 'Peer Gynt' tulips look great in a Border planting mixed with lungwort, bleeding
heart, hellebores, and lady's mantle

10. What tense does the caption use?

A. Simple present tense.

B. Simple past tense.

C. Past perfect tense.

D. Present continuous tenar.

11. What is the purpose of the caption?

A. To describe the picture

B. To name the picture

C. To explain the background of the picture

D. To show the readers Wich the tulips are

This dialogue is for questions 12 and 13.

Ali : Excuse me, Ma'am. May I help you?

Mrs. Susi: Oh, Ali. Yes, please, I have a lot of things to do.
Ali : What can I do for you, ma'am?
Mrs. Susi: You can arrange these books on Ali the rack.
Ali : Okay.
Mrs. Susi: Some students left the books after reading them.
Ali : What if I put a notice, so that the students return the books they have read on the rack?
Mrs. Susi: That's a good idea. You helped me mean a lot, Ali.
Ali: No problem, ma'am.

12. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At classroom.

B. At school.

C. At a library.

D. At a bookstore.

E. At a public facility.

13. Ali said, "What if I put a notice, so that the students return the books they have read on the rack?"

What does he mean?

A. He gives a suggestion

B. He needs help

C. He offers help

D. He wants to return his book

E. He asks his friend to return his book

Lisa Keever, the owner of bobcat, says, "She was orphaned by a hunter. I bottle raised her and kept her
safe for almost 16 years. J lost her in May, natural causes assuming a stroke or heart attack."

14. What is the type of caption above?

A. Identification bar

B. Summary

C. Expanded

D. Collection

E. Quote.

15. From the caption, it can be concluded that her cat...

A. was lost

B. had died

C. Is still baby

D. Is weak

E. Is sick

This text is for questions 16 to 18.

If we are traveling overseas, the quickest and best option is to fly. You can take a boat, but the
travel time for that is often more than what most people can reasonably fit into their trip. If you are
traveling an hour or two away, most people will drive. It's cheap, easy, and the best option for most
nearby trips.

Typically speaking traveling by car is the cheapest way to travel, especially if you have a vehicle that is
relatively decent on gas. Trips that are within the 5-6 hour range are usually much less expensive when
taken by car. These savings in relation to flying or train are compounded when you consider families
with three or more individuals. Traveling by plane to close locations is often more expensive than
driving. Also, train tickets can be costly as well, whether traveling near or far. In a plane or train,
everyone on board can relax and read, sleep or converse. In a car, someone always needs to be driving.
People get tired, car sick, and get bored.

If you decide to take a train, you can take advantage of the many of the pros for both cars and
plans. You can relax, be productive and see the sights of the country. If you are flying or taking a train,
there are course delays and cancellations. These can leave you stuck for hours, and sometimes even
days, especially in areas where there is inclement weather.

If you keep in mind your needs, time frame and take-a-long necessities, you will be able to choose the
best way to get to your next vacation destination.

16. What is the text about?

A. Traveling by car, plane, or train.

B. The best way to travel.

C. How to choose transportation.

D. How to plan a vacation.

E. to travel overseas.

17. Most people want to spend less money on traveling, so they should choose ...

A. trains

B. planes.

C. boats nat

D. cars

E. buses
18. Which of the followings is not disadvantage of traveling by cars?

A. We get bored.

B. We get car-sick.

C. We get tired.

D. We spend a lot of money.

E. We should always be alert in driving.

This text is for questions 19 and 20.

19. What is the left image about?

A. Tsunami in Aceh

B. The coastal community of Aceh before the tsunami

C. The condition of Aceh before and after tsunami

D. The agicultural lands in Indonesia

E. The beachfront of beaches in Aceh

20. What is the purpose of this caption?

A. To compalte the pictures

B. To inform the references of the pictures

C. To persuade the readers about the pictures

D. To inform the readers about tsunami

E. To explain the differences of the pictures

B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!

1. Ratih : Have you finish your dinner?

Grandma : Yes, I have

Ratih : Would you like me to wash the dishes?

Grandma : It's okay. I don't mind washing he dishes for my granddaughter.

Ratih : No, Grandma. You have taken care of me when my parents are not at homem. Let me
do it for a change.

Grandma : Oh, that's very kind of you, Darling.

What will Ratih probably do then?

Answer : ...................................
The text is for questions 2 and 3.
1) If you want to learn how to stand confidently on the stage, find a mirror.
2) If your feet are under your hips or they are closer together, exaggerate this by holding your
legs and close tightly together. Feel how precarious your balance is.
3) If your feet are wider than your hips, exaggerate this position, just to feel what you're doing
to yourself when your feet are wider than your hips.
4) If your hands are not on your sides, you should be aware of the conscious or unconscious
impression you are making on people on whom you might be trying to make a good impression.
5) If you are holding hands behind your bag, the message people will get, if only subliminally, is
that you are hiding something. Let your arms hang on your sides, hands open.
6) If you do that, it gives the message that you are self-confident

2. What is the text about?

3. Write a conclusion with if followed by a command or suggestion based on the text above!

4. Why should we put captions on photos in your blog?

5. Write the captions following the picture!

Final semester assement 1

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

1. Man : I want to have an part-time job. Do you have any idea?

Woman : Well, if you enjoy shopping or love the products of a particular store, consider working in
retail. Man : That's a good idea

What are they talking about?

A. Having a job interview

B. Having a part-time job

C. Shopping or working

D. Working in retail

E. Building a company

2. Man : are you ready for the math test tommorow?

Woman : Of course I'm ready. How about you?

Man : I haven't studied yet

Woman : If you want to get a good score, you should study for it.

What does the woman express?

A. Command. D. Suggestion

B. Threath. E. Obligation

C. Warning
3. Man : May I help you, ma'am?

Woman : Yes, please. Can you lift this box?

Man : Sure. Where should I put it?

Woman : At the corner. I'll bring these books at my desk.

will the man probably do?

A. Bring some books.

B. Go to the woman's office.

C. Lift the box

D. Take the box.

E. Go to the corner.

4. Man : Excuse me, madam. Did you call me?

Woman: Yes. There is a problem in my room.

Man : What can I 4 do for you?

Woman: The tap doesn't work. Can you repair it?

Man: Sure. Wait for moment!

Where does the dialogue probably take a place?

A. At school

B. At shop

C. At laboratory

D. At a hotel

E. At a library
5. Man : What are you doing, Mira?

Woman: I'm distributing the flyers.

Man : Can I help you?

Woman: ...

What is the best response to say next?

A. That's good

B. No problem.

C. No, thanks. I can manage myself.

D. If you don't mind, I can help you.

E. How about distributing the posters?

6. Man : You look pale.

Woman: I'm not feeling well. I don't know whether I can finish my job or not.

Man: ...

What is the most suitable response to say next?

A. If you are too weak, go to the clinic.

B. If you are not feeling well, finish your job.

C. If I'm sick, finish my job.

D. If I can finish my job, you should go to the clinic.

E. If you are sick, I will be sad.

7. If you want to go to Lombok, there are only two options: the airplane and the boat. Flights operate
from many cities in Indonesia to Lombok. If you want to find the best and cheapest flights for your trip
to Lombok, check out Skyscanner. There you can compare prices, departure times, flight duration, and
the different airlines. 7. What transportation does the speaker suggest about how to go to Lombok?




8. It was with great interest that I read about your opening for a full-time. reporter on jobhave.com.
The position sounds just perfect for someone who enjoys multi-tasking like myself. have worked as an
editor in a popular TV station before. I have also tried both reporters and anchor news when I was in
college. Therefore, I would like to join as a reporter in your company. What position does the speaker
apply for?

A. Secretary

B. Teacher

C. Reporter

D. News anchor

E. Police

This text is for questions 9 and 10

9. What is the function of the caption?

A. To describe the news

B. To inform the readers

C. To explain the picture

D. To remind the readers

E. To show the readers about news.

10. "... was recently spotted..."

The underline word can be replaced with...

A. Seen

B. Looked for

C. Hidden

D. Lived

E. Caught

This text is for questions 11 and 12

11. Who is the person doing in the picture?

A. She is playing baseball games

B. He is playing a basketball

C. She is playing with her friends in the baseball field

D. She is warming up before a baseball game

E. She is cleaning a baseball field for the tournament

12. From the caption we know that...

A. The baseball tournament is special for girl students

B. The tournament is held in 60 school in United States

C. Only schools in the United States can take pert in the event

D. The tournament is the last event of the inaugural MLB Grit event

E. The picture was taken on March, 8 2019

This text is for questions 11 and 12

13. How long has the writer worked as the same position...

A. None

B. A year

C. Two years

D. Three years

E. Five years

14. What does the writer include in her curriculum vitae?

A. Her education and experience a

B. Her education and biography

C. Her other qualifications and achievements

D. Her qualifications and awards

E. He achievements and requirements

15. " I have attached a copy of my CV detailing my other qualifications and achievements for your

The underlined word has similar meaning to ...

A. Given

B. Enclosed

C. Stocked

D. Taken

E. Delivered
This text is for questions 16 to 19

16. Form the title we know that the content of the news is about event that....

A. In the past in active voice

B. In the past in passive voice

C. Is still going on by the time the news published

D. Happens in the future

E. Happens similar to the someone's saying.

17. Brooks is...

A. the coach of Bournemouth

B. Chelsea midfielder

C. Bournemouth striker

D. Bournemouth midfielder

E. the goalie of Manchester City

18. From the text, we can conclude that...

A. Brooks has scored six goals in the Premiere League this season

B. Brooks did not play in the game against Chelsea

C. Brooks doesn't belong to Eddie Howe's team

D. Bournemouth will not participate in the next five games in Premiere League

E. Bournemouth has won the match for five times at home to Wolves

19. "... Sky Sports News understands."

The underlined word has similar in meaning A. recognizes

B. comprehends

C. explains

D. regards

E. overlooks

This text is for questions 20 to 22.

A study group will be most effective if it is comprised of people who ara all committed to achieving a
good grade. An ideal study group should have between three and five members who meet for between
one and three hours Study sessions less than an hour are ikely productivity tends to drop and members
of the group may lose tocus. A study group session will be much more effective if you know ahead of
time what you plan to cover in that session and in what order you will cover it. If you have multiple
chapters to review, or multiple topics to cover, you could assign each person in the group specific topics
or chapters to present to the group, If you become sick or are unable to attend class, you can get notes
from members of your study group. If you plan to meet regularly with a study group, organize sessions
at the same location and time. A study group makes noise, so a quiet study area is not the best place to
meet. Also, a very noisy environment can distract group members and should be avoided if possible
20. What is the text about?

A. Criteria of study group.

B. Tips for study group.

C. How to have study group

D. Planning a study group

E. How to achieve a good grade

21. Which of the following sentences is false based on the text?

A. If you want to have a good grade, do a study group.

B. If you become sick, get notes from members of your study group.

C. If your study group makes noise, study at a quiet area.

D. If you have study group regularly, organize sessions at the same location and time.

E. If you have multiple chapters to review, assign each person specific chapter to present.

22. From the text, we know that the study group consisting of students who are all committed to
achieving a good grade will

A. make noise

B. distract the other members

C. lose focus

D. be unable to attend class

E. be most effective
This text is for questions 23 to 25.

23. What posting does the applicant apply for?

A. Japanese translator

B. Japanese teacher

C. English teacher

D. Consultant

E. Tutor
24. From the letter, we know that...

A. The applicant is a part-time worker

B. The applicant is a Japanese

C. The applicant lives in London

D. The applicant cannot speak Indonesian

E. The applicant studied in Cambridge University.

25. "That's why I master Indonesian also."

The underlined word means ..

A. Know the meaning of

B. Accept as real or true

C. Get pleasure from

D. Gain great skill in

E. Have a strong interest in something

This text is for questions 26 and 27.

26.Which of the following is true based in the text?

A. Bulera is Gondai's biological mother.

B. Gondai is a five month - old Western lowland gorila.

C. Madini and George are lowland infants.

D. Bulera doesn't like to take care of Gondai and other gorila infants.

E. Gondai was introduced to her biological mother in Jacksonville zoo.

27. "She puts Gondai on her back a lot , which us cute and they di play and takle," Jen Block, the
mammal keeper at the zoo said.

The indirect sentence is....

A. Jen Block, the mamma kepper at the zoo,Said that Bulera had put Gondai on her back a lot, which was
cute, and they did play and tackle.

B.Jen Block the mammal kepper at the zoo, said that Bulera had put Gondi on her back a lot, which was
cute, and they do play and tackle.

C.Jen Block, the mammal kepper at the zoo, said that Bulera put Gondai on her back a lot, which was
cute, and they did play and tackle.

D.Jen Block, the mammal kepper at the zoo, said that Bulera is putting Gondai on her back a lot, which
was cute, and they did play and tackle.

E.Jen Block ,the mammal kepper at the zoo, said that Bulera will put Gondai on her back a lot, which was
cute, and they did play and tackle.
This complete text is for numbers 28 to 30
More than 8,000 people have joined a coastal clean-up effort across Bali. Students, military personnel,
police officers as well as local communities 28) in the event on friday, which is focused on
beaches and coastal waters. Almost 14 tons of trash were reportedly 29) during the event.
The clean-up task had been organized by the Environment and Forestry Ministry's Environmental
Pollution and Damage Control Directorate General in 30) with the 9th Regional Military
Command (Kodam I) Udayana.

Taken from: The Jakarta Post, Sunday, May 12, 2018

28. A. Join

B. Belong

C. Participated

D. Enjoyed

E. Came

29. A. Collect

B. Collects

C. Collected

D. Collecting

E. Collection

30. A. Cooperation

B. Participation

C. Representation

D. Construction

E. Limitatio
B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!

1. Create a dialogue about offering help or service between a student and a teacher!


2. How do we write a caption of table, graph, or chart?


3. Complete the following job application letter with the suitable words!

4. Write three commands with first conditionals about studying before test!


5. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1) Mrs. Davis only discovered what had happened to the animal when she reached home and
inspected her car

2) A koala in Australia has been dubbed “Bear Grylls” after it was hit by a fast-mpvving car and
survived when it got wedged in the car’s front grill.

3) The koala only had minor abbrasions and will be released into the wild soon.

4) Loren Davis was driving at 100km/h (62mph) on a express way in Adelaide on Tuesday when she hit
the koala as it was crossing the road.

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