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University of Transport HCMC English B2.


Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

To delay doing
I know I’ve got to deal
something that you
with the problem at
Procrastinate /prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪt/ Verb should do, usually Trì hoãn
some point - I’m just
because you do not
want to do it

A person who delays He is a chronic Người hay trì

Procrastinator /prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪtər/ Noun
doing things procrastinator2. hoãn

To take goods, letters,

parcels, etc. to The postman delivers
Deliver /dɪˈlɪv.ər/ Verb Giao hàng
people’s houses or the letters once a day.
places of work

The act of taking

The furniture store is
goods, letters, parcels,
Delivery /dɪˈlɪv.ər.i/ Noun delivering our new bed Sự giao hàng
etc. to people’s houses
on Thursday.
or places of work

To make something
I’ll have to lengthen
Lengthen /ˈleŋ.θən/ Verb longer, or to become Làm dài ra
this skirt.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

To become shorter or
You’ll need to shorten
Shorten /ˈʃɔːr.tən/ Verb to make something Làm ngắn lại
the essay by 200 words.

Things wrapped up
He packaged (up) the
Package /ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/ Noun and tied (for posting Gói hàng
etc); a parcel

Achieving maximum The city’s transport

productivity with system is one of the
Efficient /ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ Adjective Hiệu quả
minimum wasted most efficient in
effort or expense Europe7.

One of a group of We’re entertaining

Colleague /ˈkɒl.iːɡ/ Noun people who work some colleagues of Đồng nghiệp
together Carol’s tonight.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

The workmanship that

The skill with which
went into some of these Sự khéo léo,
Workmanship /ˈwɜːk.mən.ʃɪp/ Noun something was made
pieces of furniture was tay nghề
or done
truly remarkable

Based on or using
We have a strong team
/ˈriː.z ə n.ə.b ə good judgment and
Reasonable Adjective and a reasonable chance Hợp lý
l/ therefore fair and
of winning the game

The act of directing

the mind to listen,
Attention /əˈten.ʃən/ Noun His attention wanders Sự chú ý
see, or understand;

The government made a

A public or formal
public announcement
Announcement /əˈnaʊns.mənt/ Noun notice announcing Thông báo
about the changes in the

Can you help me set up

Set up To install or prepare Lắp đặt máy
Phrase the projector for the
projector a projector for use chiếu

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

Part of Vietnamese
Word Pronunciation English Meaning Sentence Example
Speech Meaning

The act of projecting

The projection of the film Sự chiếu
Projection /prəˈdʒek.ʃən/ Noun or the condition of
will start at 7 p.m (phim)
being projected

Phrasal To distribute to a She was in the street, Phát, phân

Hand out /ˈhænd aʊt/
Verb group handing out leaflets phát

A small platform that

The speaker returned to Bục giảng, bục
Podium /ˈpoʊ.di.əm/ Noun a person can stand on
his podium diễn thuyết
when giving a speech

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the vocabulary list.

1. The ________ for the new policy will be made tomorrow.

2. The speaker stood on the ________ to address the audience.
3. The ________ of the dress was excellent, showing the tailor’s skill.
4. Please ________ the handouts to the attendees.
5. The ________ of the new product line was very efficient.
6. The ________ of the film will start at 7 p.m.
7. Can you help me ________ the projector for the presentation?
8. The ________ of the meeting was reasonable and well-planned.
9. The ________ of the team worked together to achieve the goal.
10. The ________ to detail in the project was impressive.

Exercise 2: True or False State whether the following statements are true or false based on the meanings of the words.

University of Transport HCMC English B2.4

1. A procrastinator is someone who does things promptly. (True/False)

2. If something is reasonable, it is based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical. (True/False)
3. Attention refers to the act of ignoring or not noticing something. (True/False)
4. Workmanship refers to the skill with which something was made or done. (True/False)
5. To lengthen something means to make it shorter. (True/False)
6. An announcement is a private or informal notice announcing something. (True/False)
7. A podium is a small platform that a person can stand on when giving a speech. (True/False)
8. To hand out means to collect something from a group. (True/False)
9. A package refers to things wrapped up and tied for posting or delivery. (True/False)
10. To set up a projector means to dismantle or take apart a projector. (True/False)

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