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Typography Card

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Type guidebook for beginners

BOOK Sans Serif


By Konstantinas Ladauskas

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Written and designed by Konstantinas Ladauskas

Copyright ©2023 Konstantinas Ladauskas

All rights reserved

Table of contents

Introduction 04 Display 10

Font types 05 Script 11

Serif 06 Monospaced 12
San Serif 08

Typography basics 13 Tracking 19

Anatomy of type 14 Leading 20

Typeface families 15 Alignment 21

Font weights 16 Hierarchy 22

Kerning 17

Tips and tricks

Typography tips 23 Excersices 29

Fonts to avoid 24 Typeface list 30

Tips and tricks 25 Conclusion 32

Font pairing 27

As a graphic designer, I have always been fascinated by typography and the
way it is used on signs, billboards, posters, and other media.

However, when I created those same design projects, they felt unbalanced
and wrong. My initial thought was that I was using the wrong fonts and that I
needed to purchase premium typefaces like Helvetica and Futura.

Then I began to read about typography basics, such as kerning, hierarchy,

font pairing, and other related topics. I soon realized that the key to creating
visually appealing designs is how you use the typeface.

That’s why I created this book - to provide you with the knowledge and skills
necessary to master typography. The book includes a comprehensive font
library that you can use to explore and experiment with different typefaces.

How to read the cards

This book is organized around a card system, with each page containing a
number of cards that explore different topics. This approach makes it easier
and more enjoyable to learn about typography.

X X-height

Libre Baskerville Font

There should always be an
illustration or example of the topic.

This text under the graphic will

represent the font used in the example.

This is the Main text that will be a

X-height in type short summary of the card.

X-height is the height of lowercase

letters. It is from the baseline to the Bottom text is the description
mean line. The letter x is the same on the topic.
height as the x-height.

Font types
Fonts also called typefaces are one of the most important elements of design.
They can convey mood, tone, personality, and style. Fonts can also enhance
readability, usability, and accessibility. In this chapter, we will talk about different
types of fonts.
Font types 06

A serif font is a typeface that has small lines or flourishes at the end of
each letterform. These lines can evoke a sense of history and tradition,
as well as honesty and integrity.

Serif meaning Line weight

A serif is a decorative element that Serifs have a common small line or a
finishes off the end of a letter's stem. stroke regularly attached to the end of
a larger stroke in a letter or symbol.

small line or stroke regularly

attached to the end of a larger
stroke in a letter or symbol within
a particular font

EB Garamond Font Merriweather Font

Serif use cases

Classical Serif fonts communicate
professionalism and sophistication.
Domine Font They feel more classical and historical.
Font types 07

Serif classifications

Old style serifs
Old Style is a typeface that mimics
ancient scribes’ writing. It has curved
Gentium Book Plus Font and thick-thin strokes.

Slab serifs
Afternoon A slab serif is a serif typeface with thick,
block-like serifs. It has various names
Arvo Font like square serif or Egyptian.

Hairline serifs
Hairline serif is a typeface with very thin
serifs. They create a high-contrast effect
Bodoni Moda Font that makes the font look modern.

Nigh Wedge serifs

Wedge serif is a typeface with triangular
serifs at the end of letter strokes that
gives it a very sophisticated look.
Wremena Font
Typography basics 16

Font weights
Weight is the term for the thickness of the stroke of a typeface’s character in
a given font. The most common weights are regular and bold, but some
typefaces have weights that range from very thin to very thick.

Rubic Light

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Rubic Regular

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Rubic Medium

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Rubic Semibold

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Rubic Bold

Rubic Extrabold

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Rubic Black

The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Rubik Font

Skip a weight Extrabold

Skip Bold
Don’t use weights that are next to
each other and you use weights that Medium
stand out from each other for better Skip Regular
readability and visibility. Light
Typography basics 21

Alignment is the setting of text flow or image placement relative to a
page, column, table cell, or tab. It affects how the text is read and
perceived by the viewers.

Left align Right align

This is a placeholder text block This is a placeholder text block
whose purpose is only to show whose purpose is only to show
how it looks in different how it looks in different
situations when working with situations when working with
typography typography

Centre align Justified align

This is a placeholder text This is a placeholder text
block whose purpose is only block whose purpose is
to show how it looks in only to show how it looks in
different situations when different situations when
working with typography working with typography

Left align Centre align

This is a placeholder text block This is a placeholder text
whose purpose is only to show block whose purpose is only
how it looks in different to show how it looks
situations when working with

Left align is the king Centre align for small

blocks of text
For better readability and navigation, justify
your text left. Most Western readers scan Center alignment is suitable for small
text from top to bottom, left to right. and compact text blocks.
Typography tips 24

Fonts to avoid
Avoid these fonts if you are an amateur designer, as they are mocked
by most other designers. Some of them may not be that terrible, but
they are way overused.

Comic sans Papyrus

This is the most notorious font that A gimmicky font that tries to evoke
everyone instinctively hates. an ancient and unique feel.

Impact Trajan
Mostly used in memes with white Overused in big movie and tv
fill and black stroke. production designs.

Arial Hobo
Rounder, softer, and less The font was nameless so long
interesting Helvetica. they called it hobo.

Lobster Jokerman
Overused in logos, headlines, and It is too chaotic and too specific for
many other things. any design work.
Typography Cardbook 24

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