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Nettled Band Stride, Roots of the Forest
Ring. Uncommon. Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
This ring holds an emerald encased in thorns. As a These darkwood boots were crafted by prolific wild
bonus action, you make a melee weapon attack against spirits. As an action, you can root yourself in the
a creature within reach. On a hit and after the damage ground and your speed becomes 0. You have advantage
is dealt, the target must make a saving throw against on Strength saving throws and vines erupt in a 30ft
your Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless. A target is radius around you. The area becomes difficult terrain
immune if it is not a creature type listed in Turn the to hostile creatures. When an enemy starts its turn in
Faithless. Once you use this feature you cannot do so the area, it must make a Strength saving throw against
again until you finish a short or long rest. your spell save DC or be grappled by the vines until
In addition, Turn the Faithless also affects the the start of its next turn. As a bonus action, you can
following creature types: beast, elemental, monstrosity, either pull any number of grappled creatures in the
and plant. area 15ft toward you, deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage
to any number of grappled creatures, or teleport to an
Vine-Carved Blade unoccupied space within the area. Once you use this
Weapon (longsword). Rare (requires attunement). feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short
This +1 longsword is forged with steel and the vines or long rest.
of an ironbark tree. This longsword has 3 charges and In addition, you can cast the Tree Stride spell and
regains all expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action the Speak with Plants spell at will, without expending a
or when you use Channel Divinity: Nature’s Wrath, you spell slot.
can expend a charge to cast the Grasping Vine spell as a
paladin spell.
In addition, if a creature is pulled by Grasping Vine or
restrained by your Channel Divinity on your turn, you
can make an attack with this weapon against the target
while it is within your reach as part of the same action.
Armor of the Vale
Armor (plate). Very rare (requires attunement).
A great tree is emblazoned on the chest of this shiny
plate armor. As an action, you mark a creature within
your Aura of Warding as your ward until you would
mark a different creature. Your ward gains your Aura of
Warding ability and you or your ward can use a bonus
action to swap spaces with each other while you are
within 60ft.
This armor has 3 charges and regains all expended
charges at dawn. As a bonus action, you expend a
charge to force all hostile creatures within 10ft of you
or your ward to make a Wisdom saving throw against
your spell save DC or take 4d6 psychic damage and be
incapacitated until the start of your next turn.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 4
Crushing Hammer Menace, Armor of Superiority
Weapon (warhammer). Uncommon. Armor (any). Legendary (requires attunement).
This warhammer is too heavy to be wielded by anyone The sight of this +1 armor strikes fear into the hearts of
other than those sworn to conquest. As a bonus action, those unfortunate enough to earn your ire. When you
you make a melee weapon attack against a creature and hit a creature with a weapon attack you can perform
mark it for 1 minute, or until you use Channel Divinity: a gruesome finisher on it, that creature takes 4d8
Guiding Strike on it. You can use Guiding Strike on a additional damage of the attack’s type and creatures
marked creature without expending a use. When you of your choice within 20ft of you must attempt a
hit a marked creature with Guiding Strike, it is knocked Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or
prone. Once you mark a creature you cannot do so again become frightened for 1 minute. The creature you hit
until you finish a short or long rest. has disadvantage on this saving throw. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Cape of Command ending this effect on a success. On a successful saving
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). throw a creature is immune to this effect until the next
This cloak is a relic from a conquering divine general. dawn. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again
This cape has 3 charges and regains all expended until you finish a short or long rest, or until you kill a
charges at dawn. As a bonus action, you expend a creature.
charge and force a creature within 30ft to kneel before In addition, once a turn, you can use Channel
you. It makes a Wisdom saving throw against your Divinity: Guided Strike on a frightened creature
spell save DC or falls prone. A frightened creature has without expending a use of Channel Divinity.
disadvantage on this saving throw.
In addition, a creature that has a lower Strength
modifier than you or who you have held a superior
military or organizational rank over has disadvantage
on the saving throw against Conquering Presence.
Subjugator’s Helm
Wondrous item. Very rare (requires attunement).
This helmet emanates an oppressive presence. This
helm has 2 charges and regains all expended charges at
dawn. As an action, you expend a charge to increase the
range of your Aura of Conquest by 20ft for 1 minute. As
a bonus action, a creature within your Aura of Conquest
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
save DC or take 4d6 psychic damage and be frightened
of you until the end of its next turn. When a creature
starts its turn while within the empowered aura, it
must attempt a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened
of you until the start of its next turn. If a creature
succeeds this saving throw it is immune to this effect
until the next dawn.
In addition, when a frightened creature within 30ft
makes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to move
up to your movement towards that creature without
provoking opportunity attacks and make a melee
weapon attack against it.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 5
Inspiring Mantle Sacrifice, Crown of the Masses
Wondrous item. Uncommon (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
This cloak can billow on command. As a bonus action This small crown serves as a defense for those who
you can flourish the cloak to bring surety to your allies. cannot defend themselves. As an action, you can ward
Up to 2 creatures of your choice gain the effects of yourself and your allies. Each creature of your choice
Channel Divinity: Turn the Tide, gain the same amount (not including you) within 20ft of you gains the effects
of temporary hit points as it gained, and can move up to of Turn the Tide and has immunity to all damage until
half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. the end of your next turn. At the end of your next turn
Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you drop to 0 hit points and fall unconscious. Once you
you finish a short or long rest. use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish
a short or long rest.
Aegis of Challenge In addition, while wearing this armor you have
Armor (shield). Rare. advantage on death saving throws and regain
The rim of this +1 shield reveals a lawful edict. This consciousness on a 19 or 20.
shield has 5 charges and regains all expended charges
at dawn. As a bonus action, you expend a charge to
challenge a creature within 60ft. The target must make
a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be
forced to move up to its highest speed toward you. The
target is not forced to move into any harmful terrain
and can stop moving if there is no safe path. A creature
affected by Channel Divinity: Champion’s Challenge
has disadvantage on this saving throw and takes 2d6
psychic damage on a failure.
Resplendent Armor
Armor (plate). Very rare (requires attunement).
This +1 plate armor never loses its shine. This armor
has 3 charges and regains expended charges at dawn.
As an action you can mark a willing creature within 20ft
to be defended by you. Creatures of your choice within
10ft of that creature must attempt a Wisdom saving
throw against your spell save DC or take 6d6 pyschic
damage and be stunned until the end of your next turn.
The protected creature is then marked for 10 minutes,
using Divine Allegiance on a marked creature does not
use your reaction
In addition, you can use Divine Allegiance on a
creature within 20ft, when you do you must use the
same reaction to move within 5ft of the creature, this
movement does not trigger opportunity attacks. You
cannot use this reaction if you are unable to move
within 5ft of the target using your movement.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 6
Radiant Medallion Vigil, the Ever-burning Candle
Wondrous item. Uncommon. Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
The threads of this medallion become magnetized to The candle in this lantern never dims or falters. This
the presence of a fiend or undead. This medallion has 2 candle sheds bright light in a 10ft radius and dim light
charges and regains all expended charges at dawn. As 10ft beyond that. As a bonus action you can cause
an action, you can expend a charge to touch a creature the candle light to flare brightly. Until the end of your
and restore hit points to it equal to 5 + your paladin next turn, the bright light from your candle expands
level. The next time the target deals damage to a fiend to a 60ft radius. Creatures of you choice in the burst of
or undead it must make a saving throw against your light must attempt a Constitution saving throw against
Channel Divinity: Turn the Unholy. your spell save DC or take 20d6 radiant damage and
In addition, when a creature is turned from Turn the be blinded for 1 minute. A creature that succeeds takes
Unholy, it takes radiant damage equal to your Charisma half damage and is not blinded. You and allies in the
modifier at the start of each of its turns. This damage flare gain 10d6 temporary hit points for 1 minute. Once
does not end the turned effect. you flare the candle you cannot do so again until you
finish a short or long rest.
Scabbard of the Light You and creatures of your choice have advantage on
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). Wisdom and Charisma saving throws while in the area
A light shines faintly within this mosaic scabbard. This of bright light from this candle or from a light source
scabbard has 2 charges and regains expended charges from a paladin feature. An ally that starts its turn
at dawn. As a bonus action you can draw and throw within the light of Sacred Weapon also gains the effect
a javelin of light from the scabbard (even if you have of Sacred Weapon until the end of its turn.
no free hand). The attack uses the properties of a +2
javelin that benefits from Sacred Weapon, but deal
radiant damage instead of piercing damage, a creature
that takes damage from the javelin is marked by light
for 1 minute. When you use Channel Divinity: Sacred
Weapon you regain a charge of this feature.
When you strike a target marked by the light with a
weapon attack it takes 1d4 additional radiant damage.
You can instead cause it to deal 2d6 radiant damage
to creatures of your choice within 20ft of it. If you do
the creature must make a Constitution saving throw
against your spell save DC or be blinded until the end of
your next turn and the mark is removed.
Twinning Radiance
Armor (shield). Very rare (requires attunement).
Magic bends to preserve this +1 shield of light. This
shield has 8 charges and regains expended charges at
dawn. When you cast an Oath Spell with yourself as the
target, you can spend a charge to duplicate the effect
on willing creatures of your choice within your Aura of
Devotion. When an ally within your aura of protection
is affected by a spell you can expend any number of
charges to duplicate that effect on yourself or any other
creature in your Aura of Devotion, expending one
charge for each duplicated target.
In addition, each creature of your choice within your
Aura of Devotion has advantage on saving throws to
end the charmed condition.
Blade of Leadership
Weapon (any slashing). Uncommon (requires attunement).
This weapon engraves your deity’s symbol into it’s hilt.
As a bonus action, you inspire an ally within 30ft of
you. An inspired target deals 2d8 radiant damage on
the next weapon attack it hits and you can use your
reaction to use Channel Divinity: Inspiring Smite using
the inspired creature as its origin point. You do not
expend a use of your Channel Divinity when used in
this way. A creature is inspired for 1 minute or until
it deals the extra radiant damage. Once you use this
feature you cannot do so again until the next dawn.
In addition, a creature that gains temporary hit
points from your Channel Divinity: Inspiring Smite
is inspired. You can use the reaction for any creature
inspired by this weapon, but once you use it you cannot
do so again until the next dawn.
Honor’s Redoubt
Armor (shield). Rare (requires attunement).
This shield is worn by the champions of the age. This
shield has 3 charges and regains expended charges at
dawn. As an action you can move up to your speed with
this shield raised. Attempt a shove against each creature
of your choice, on a success the creature also takes 3d6
bludgeoning damage. If you have Peerless Athlete active
you can also use the Help action on each ally within 5ft
of you during your movement.
In addition, after you use Channel Divinity: Peerless
Athlete and succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, any friendly creatures
that saw you are inspired. An inspired creature has
advantage on the next Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check it makes within 1 minute.
Treads of Reversal
Wondrous item. Very rare.
These metal treads use your own speed to impede your
foes. Each enemy that starts its turn inside your Aura
of Alacrity has its movement speed reduced by 10ft
until the end of its turn.
As a bonus action you can impair your foes more
substantially. Creatures of your choice within your Aura
of Alacrity must attempt a Dexterity saving throw
against your spell save DC or suffer the effects of the
Slow spell. Creatures can reattempt this saving throw
at the end of each of Its turns, ending the effect on a
success. Once you use this feature you cannot do so
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 8
The Legend, Records of Heroes Ring of Reflection
Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Uncommon.
When you attune to this scroll, it records all your past The loops of this ring bring tranquility to the observer.
heroic deeds on its golden trimmed paper. When you As an action, you force calmness into those around you.
finish a long rest, you gain the Legendary Resistance Each creature of your choice within 30ft must make a
ability and can read the tales of other glorious heroes to Wisdom saving throw or it cannot take a hostile action
adopt a new Fighting Style until you would adopt a new against you or your allies until the end of its next
Fighting Style. turn. The DC of this save equals 10 + your Charisma
Legendary Resistance. If you fails a saving throw, you (Persuasion) modifier. Once you use this feature you
can choose to succeed instead. You regain the use of cannot do so again until you finish a long rest, or until
this ability when you would finish a long rest, or when you use Channel Divinity: Emissary of Peace.
you kill a creature that has Legendary Resistance.
You gain an additional use of Channel Divinity. When The Arbitrator
you use Channel Divinity: Inspiring Smite, you can call Armor (plate). Rare (requires attunement).
upon one of the heroes of legend to grant an additional This pristine, hooded armor always remains unsullied
effect to creatures that have temporary hit points from by the filth of combat. As an action you can create a
Inspiring Smite. zone of repentance. Choose a point you can see within
The Enchanter. A target is considered to be within your Aura of
60ft, for 1 minute when an enemy creature deals
Alacrity while it is within 60ft of you. damage while within 20ft of that point, it is subjected
The Protector. A target gains a +2 bonus to AC and can immediately to the effects of Rebuke the Violent without the use of
use its reaction to move up to half its movement speed. your reaction. A creature cannot take damage in this
The Healer. A target gains double the amount of temporary hit points way more than once each turn. When you create the
it would receive. area, allies in the area gain temporary hit points equal
The Athlete. A target gains a bonus to Strength (Athletics) and to twice your paladin level. Once you use this feature
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks equal to your Charisma modifier and can you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long
immediately use its reaction to escape. rest.
In addition, when you use Rebuke the Violent,
creatures within 5ft of the triggering target gain
temporary hit points equal to twice your paladin level.
Handwraps of Penance
Wondrous item. Very rare (requires attunement).
These white handwraps are always clean, slowly
bleeding crimson when you take damage from your
aura. As a bonus action you can create a cone of 15ft
healing light. You can use any amount of hit points
from your Lay on Hands pool divided among creatures
in the area. You gain double the amount of hit points
you give yourself in this way. When you use your
reaction from Aura of the Guardian you regain a use of
this feature and regain 5 hit points in your lay on hands
In addition, when a creature within 30ft of you would
be reduced to 0 hit points or die, you can expend any
number of Lay on Hands points and reduce the damage
that creature takes by the same amount

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 9
Armistice, Jewel of Harmony Swift Stalkers
Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Uncommon (requires attunement).
This pendant fosters peace among all who wear it. As The tread of these boots allows you to silently approach
an action, you can have the pendant shine brightly. As your target. These boots have 3 charges and regain all
an action you can cause creatures of your choice within expended charges at dawn. When you use Channel
500ft to be affected by both the Sanctuary and the Divinity: Vow of Enmity or when you use a bonus
Beacon of Hope spells, and each creature is considered action and expend a charge, you can teleport up to 15ft
within your Aura of the Guardian for 1 minute no toward the target and make a weapon attack if you are
matter how far away it is. Once you use this feature you within reach.
cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest. In addition, the range of Vow of Enmity increases to
In addition, when you use Channel Divinity or the 30ft.
reaction from Aura of the Guardian, choose one
creature within 30ft of you, that creature regains 3d6 Belt of Divine Imprisonment
hit points. Wondrous item. Rare.
This crystalline buckle glows when a creature is shackled
to it. As a bonus action you can make a weapon attack
against a creature within reach, on a hit the creature
takes 2d6 radiant damage and must make a Wisdom
saving throw against your spell save DC or suffer the
effects of Abjure Enemy until the start of your next
turn. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again
until you finish a short or long rest.
In addition, when a creature succeeds its saving throw
against your Abjure Enemy, you can target a different
creature within 15ft of the first target with Abjure
Enemy. You cannot target a third creature.
Dead End
Weapon (longsword). Very rare (requires attunement).
This +2 longsword permits no cowardice on the field of
battle. As a bonus action you can double you movement
speed until the start of your next turn. Once you use
this feature you cannot do so again until the next
dawn or until you hit a creature with a critical hit or an
opportunity attack.
In addition, you can use Relentless Avenger when you
make an opportunity attack, not only when you hit.
When you end Relentless Avenger movement next to
a creature you hit with an opportunity attack, that
creature takes 3d6 psychic damage.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 10
Pursuit, Ring of the Relentless Mental Freedom Amulet
Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Uncommon (requires attunement).
As much as one might try, no foe can escape the The thousand sides of this jewel are said to represent
vengeance of this ring’s wearer. This ring has 3 charges. a unique mental reality. This amulet has 4 charges and
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you regains expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action
can expend a charge to create a spectral hitching post you can expend a charge and choose a creature within
that rises from the ground within 5ft of the target. The 30ft. That creature gains 2d6 temporary hit points,
target is grappled by the post. For 1 minute, when the gains the effect of Watcher’s Will until the end of your
target starts its turn more than 30ft away from the post next turn and can immediately make a saving throw to
it is teleported back, even if it is on a different plane end one effect of its choice affecting it.
of existence. A creature can attempt a Charisma saving
throw against your spell save DC at the end of each Belt of Material Relocation
of its turns, ending the effect on a success. A creature Wondrous item. Rare.
marked by your Vow of Enmity has disadvantage on This belt facilitates the movement of matter. This belt
this saving throw. Once each turn, when a creature has 2 charges and regains expended charges at dawn.
within 120ft takes radiant damage, the hitched creature As a bonus action you can teleport a willing creature
takes the same amount of radiant damage. within 60ft of you up to 60ft to an unoccupied space
In addition, Channel Divinity: Vow of Enmity you can see. Creatures within 10ft of the teleporting
duration is 1 year instead of 1 minute. If the target creature when it arrives must make a saving throw
of your Vow of Enmity dies, you can target another against Abjure the Extraplanar or suffer its effects.
creature within 10ft of you.
Gauntlet of Persistent Preparation
Wondrous item. Very rare (requires attunement).
With a snap of your fingers, this gauntlet can help
shape the speed of battle. When you finish a short or
long rest, roll three d20s and record the numbers rolled.
After you or a creature you can see rolls initiative you
can replace the die roll with one of these recorded dice
(the creature still uses any modifiers and bonuses).
When you or a creature within your Aura of the Sentinel
makes an attack roll you can replace the die result with
one of the recorded dice. If you use this feature on an
enemy, that creature cannot use reactions until the
start of your next turn.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 11
Rift, Blade of Portals Terror Mask
Weapon (longsword). Legendary (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Uncommon.
The steel of this +2 longsword shimmers with The mask feasts on the fears of your enemies. Each
displacement magic. As an action, you form two portals creature that is frightened by your Channel Divinity:
within 60ft of you and within 30ft of each other for 1 Dreadful Aspect becomes condemned for 1 minute. As
minute. A creature can use its action to teleport from a bonus action, you terrify a condemned target within
within 5ft of one portal to within 5ft of the other 30ft of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving
portal. When you use this action again the first pair of throw against your spell save DC or take 1d4 + your
portals disappears. When a creature takes your portal, Charisma and its speed is reduced to 0 until the end of
this longsword gains a charge. The longsword can hold its next turn.
up to 5 charges and loses all charges after 10 minutes.
You expend charges for the following effects:
Relocation. As an action, you expend 3 charges to rift walk creatures
near you. You and each willing creatures within your Aura of Sentinel
can use its reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space of its choice
within 15ft of it.
Displacement. When you deal damage to a creature with this weapon,
you can expend 5 charges to force it to make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC or be teleported to an unoccupied space
within 15ft of it.

In addition, you are considered to be in the space of

all active portals when determining the range or origin
of oath spells you cast.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 12

Mantle of the Dead Thirst, Goblet of the Fiend

Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
The sharp edges of this cloak are lined with bones. Any liquid poured into this goblet tastes of a sweet
You gain the Speak with Dead spell. As an action, you wine that conceals its fiendish nature. When a creature
call forth the essence of the damned. You cast the drinks any liquid from this goblet it gains fire resistance
Summon Undead spell at the highest level you can cast and gains the fiend type until it finishes a long rest. As a
(minimum of 3rd level) and summon the undead spirit bonus action you can sacrifice your blood to this goblet,
of all three forms for 1 minute. You do not maintain you take 2d6 slashing damage and can choose to use
concentration of the spell. Once you use this feature one of the blood abilities below:
you cannot do so again until the next midnight. Malicious Expansion. The radius of all auras affecting you increase by
In addition, when you take control of an undead 15ft for 1 minute. Creatures of your choice within one of your auras
using Channel Divinity: Control Undead you can use must attempt a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or
take 3d10 psychic damage and be frightened of you until the end of
the Undead Spirit stat block at the highest spell level your next turn.
you or the target can cast. You choose the creature’s
Fiendish Resilience. You and all fiends within your Aura of Hate
form that best represents the undead (GM’s discretion). gain temporary hit points equal to twice your paladin level and gain
advantage on the next attack roll
Cleaver of the Dread King
Devilish Protector. For 1 minute you gain an extra reaction which
Weapon (greataxe). Very rare (requires attunement). must be used on Hellish Rebuke at the 1st level. Using Hellish Rebuke
Evil finds itself drawn to this +1 greataxe. When you in this way does not consume a spell slot.
attune to this greataxe, choose a tiny fiend (demon, Once you use each ability you cannot use the same
devil, or yugoloth) and a tiny undead (ghostly, putrid, ability until you finish a short or long rest.
skeletal), these intelligent or semi-intelligent creatures
will serve as advisors and minions for you. You gain the
Find Familiar spell which you can cast innately but you
can only summon one of your advisors instead of the
normal familiar forms (the GM determines the stats of
these creatures, using an approximate CR of 1).As an
action you cast Summon Fiend or Summon Undead at
6th level at the location of your advisor, transforming it
into an improved form. Once you transform one advisor
you cannot transform the same advisor until the next
In addition, while a fiend or undead is within your Aura
of Hate you gain double the damage bonus from Aura of

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 13

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