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Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX,

iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning

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Learning Swift 3

Jon Manning, Paris Buttfield-Addison, and Tim Nugent

Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo

Learning Swift 3
by Paris Buttfield-Addison , Jon Manning , and Tim Nugent
Copyright © 2016 Secret Lab. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc. , 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
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January -4712: First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition

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Table of Contents

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Part I. Swift Basics

1. Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Apple Developer Program 5
Registering for the Apple Developer Program 6
Downloading Xcode 7
Creating Your First Project with Xcode 8
The Xcode Interface 12
Developing a Simple Swift Application 20
Designing the Interface 21
Connecting the Code 22
Using the iOS Simulator 24
Conclusion 26

2. The Basics of Swift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

The Swift Programming Language 28
Swift 2 Versus Swift 3 30
Playgrounds 31
Comments 32
Variables and Constants 33
Operators 34
Control Flow 35
Loops 36
Switches 37
Types 40

Working with Strings 40
Comparing Strings 41
Searching Strings 42
Optional Types 42
Type Casting 44
Tuples 45
Arrays 46
Dictionaries 48
Enumerations 48
Sets 50
Functions and Closures 51
Using Functions as Variables 54
Closures 56
The defer Keyword 58
The guard Keyword 58
Making your code Swifty 59
Conclusion 59

3. Swift for Object-Oriented App Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Classes and Objects 61
Initialization and Deinitialization 63
Properties 64
Inheritance 64
Protocols 68
Extensions 69
Access Control 70
Operator Overloading 72
Generics 73
Subscripts 74
Structures 75
Modules 76
The Swift Standard Library, Foundation, Cocoa, and Cocoa Touch 76
Swift Package Manager 77
Data 79
Loading Data from Files and URLs 79
Serialization and Deserialization 80
Error Handling 81
Memory Management 84
Design Patterns in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch 85
Model-View-Controller 85
Delegation 87
Structuring an App 89

iv | Table of Contents
The Application Delegate 89
Window Controllers and View Controllers 89
Nibs and Storyboards 90
Conclusion 90

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Part II. An OS X App

4. Setting Up the OS X Notes App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Designing the OS X Notes App 124
Creating the OS X Project 127
Defining a Document Type 132
Adding the Icon 136
Conclusion 138

5. Working with Documents on OS X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

The NSDocument Class 139
Storing Data in the Document 140
Storing Text 141
Package File Formats 142
The guard Keyword, and Why It’s Great 147
Saving Files 148
Loading Files 151
A Basic UI 154
Conclusion 162

6. User Interfaces and iCloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Updating the UI 163
Document-Filetype-Extension UI 167
Getting an Icon for the Collection View Cells 172
Adding Attachments 174
Storing and Managing Attachments 182
Displaying Data in the Collection View 190
Enhancing Attachments 193
Opening Attachments 193
JSON Attachments 197
Adding Attachments via Drag-and-Drop 202
Adding QuickLook 207
iCloud 213
The Basics of iCloud 214

Table of Contents | v
Conclusion 217

Part III. An iOS App

7. Setting Up the iOS Notes App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Designing the iOS Notes App 222
Creating the iOS Project 228
Enabling the iOS App for iCloud 232
Defining a Document Type 236
Conclusion 238

8. Working with Files in iCloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

The App Sandbox 239
iCloud Availability 241
Creating the Document List View Controller 242
View Controllers and Storyboards 244
The Navigation Controller 244
Collection Views 248
Using Constraints to Control Size and Position 250
Creating the Document Class 254
Listing Documents 260
Creating Documents 270
Downloading from iCloud 272
Deleting Documents 276
Renaming Documents 283
Conclusion 286

9. Working with Documents on iOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Adding a View to Display Notes 289
Editing and Saving Documents 297
Conclusion 299

10. Working with Files and File Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

Setting Up the Interface for Attachments 301
Listing Attachments 305
Determining Types of Attachments 307
Displaying Attachment Cells 310
Dealing with Conflicts 316
Creating the Quick Look Thumbnail 322
Conclusion 325

vi | Table of Contents
11. Images and Deletion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Adding Attachments 327
Adding Image Attachments 329
Viewing Attachments 335
Deleting Attachments 346
Conclusion 353

12. Supporting the iOS Ecosystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Sharing with UIActivityController 355
Handoffs 358
Searchability 363
Conclusion 365

13. Extending iOS Apps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

Searching with a Spotlight Indexing Extension 368
Conclusion 378

14. Multimedia and Location attachments]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

Audio Attachments 379
Video Attachments 392
Location Attachment 400
Conclusion 404

15. Polishing the iOS App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

Opening Links in SFSafariViewController 405
3D Touch 409
Home Screen Quick Actions 410
Peek and Pop 413
Settings 414
Undo Support 416
Images with Filters 419
Worldwide Apps 423
Internationalization 424
Localization 427
Accessibility 432
Splitscreen Multitasking 437
Conclusion 438

Table of Contents | vii

Part IV. Extending Your Apps
16. Building a watchOS App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Designing for the Watch 442
Designing Our watchOS App 444
Creating the watchOS Extension 446
Communicating with the iPhone 450
User Interfaces for the Apple Watch 469
Showing Note Contents 475
Creating New Notes 482
Adding Handoff Between the Watch and the iPhone 485
Glances 490
Conclusion 494

17. Code Quality and Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495

Debugging 495
Instruments 498
Testing 503
Unit Testing 504
UI Testing 506
Using Objective-C and Swift in the Same Project 508
Using Swift Objects in Objective-C 508
Using Objective-C Objects in Swift 509
The App Store 510
App Thinning 511
Testing iOS Apps with TestFlight 512
Conclusion 513

viii | Table of Contents


Welcome to Learning Swift 3! This book will help you put the Swift programming
language into practice by walking you through the development of a note-taking
application for the Apple iOS, OS X, and watchOS platforms.
Swift is a pretty amazing modern language, taking the best from other newer lan‐
guages without reinventing the wheel. Swift is easy to write, easy to read, and really
hard to make mistakes in.
Our philosophy is that the best way to learn Swift is to build apps using it! To build
apps, though, you need a great framework, and Apple has several: Cocoa, Cocoa
Touch, and WatchKit, to name only a few. This book could quite easily be titled
Learning Cocoa and Cocoa Touch with Swift, or something similar, because the frame‐
works are just as important as the language itself. At the time of writing, Swift is cur‐
rently at version 3, and has a bright future ahead of it.

Resources Used in This Book

We recommend following the book by writing code yourself as you progress through
each chapter. If you get stuck, or just want to archive a copy of the code, you can find
what you need via our website.
As this book teaches you how to build a real-world app, we primarily focus on show‐
ing you the coding side of things. We’re not going to ask you to paint your own icons,
so we’ve provided them for you. You can also download them from our website.

Audience and Approach

This book is solely focused on Swift 3 and does not cover the use of Objective-C. We
might mention it occasionally, but we don’t expect you to know how to use it. We first
cover the basics of the Swift 3 language, and then move on to teach as much of the
language as we can, as well as the use of the Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, and watchOS

frameworks, through the construction of a complete app for both OS X and iOS. As a
reminder, Swift is the programming language, Cocoa is the framework for OS X apps,
Cocoa Touch is the framework for iOS apps, and somewhat predictably, watchOS is
the framework for the Apple Watch.
This book’s approach differs from that of other programming books that you may
have encountered. As we’ve mentioned, we believe that the best way to learn Swift is
to build apps using it. We assume that you’re a reasonably capable programmer, but
we don’t assume you’ve ever developed for iOS or OS X, or used Swift or Objective-C
before. We also assume that you’re fairly comfortable navigating OS X and iOS as a

Organization of This Book

In this book, we’ll be talking about Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, the frameworks used on
OS X and iOS, respectively. Along the way, we’ll also be covering Swift, including its
syntax and features.
In Part I, Swift Basics, we begin with a look at the tools used for programming with
Swift, as well as the Apple Developer Program. Then we move on to the basics of the
Swift programming language and structuring a program for Apple’s platforms, as well
as common design patterns.
Chapter 1 covers the basics of Apple’s developer program, and guides you through a
simple Swift app.
Chapter 2 explores all the basics of Swift, and prepares you for using it to build more
complex applications.
Chapter 3 discusses Swift’s object-oriented features, as well as the structure of a good
In Part II, An OS X App, we build a simple note-taking application for Macs, target‐
ing OS X. Along the way, we discuss the design of the app, how it’s structured, how it
uses documents, and how to build all the features.
Chapter 4 starts off our OS X notes app, and sets up the document model, and icon.
Chapter 5 goes into detail on working with documents in OS X apps.
Chapter 6 connects the app to iCloud, and finishes up the OS X app.
In Part III, An iOS App, we build a fully featured iOS note-taking application as a
companion for the OS X app from Part II.
Chapter 7 starts off our iOS app, and sets up the same document model for iOS.
Chapter 8 connects the iOS app to iCloud.

x | Preface
Chapter 9 creates an interface on iOS for displaying our notes.
Chapter 10 sets up the iOS app to handle attachments.
Chapter 11 adds image support to the iOS app.
Chapter 12 adds sharing and searching support to the iOS app.
Chapter 13 adds a today widget to the iOS app.
Chapter 14 adds location, audio, video, and contact attachments to the iOS app, as
well as notifications.
Chapter 15 finishes the iOS app with a whole lot of polish!
In Part IV, Extending Your Apps, we add a watchOS app, and explore bug hunting
and performance tuning.
Chapter 16 adds a watchOS app to the iOS app, allowing for Apple Watch support.
Chapter 17 explores debugging and performance tuning.

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:
Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.
Constant width
Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program ele‐
ments such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment
variables, statements, and keywords.
Constant width bold
Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.
Constant width italic
Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values deter‐
mined by context.

This element signifies a tip or suggestion.

Preface | xi
This element signifies a general note.

This element indicates a warning or caution.

Using Code Examples

Supplemental material (code examples, exercises, errata, etc.) is available for down‐
load at our website.
This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered
with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not
need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of
the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this
book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD-ROM of examples
from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this
book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a signifi‐
cant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does
require permission.
We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the
title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Learning Swift by Jonathon Man‐
ning, Paris Buttfield-Addison, and Tim Nugent (O’Reilly). Copyright 2016 Secret Lab,
If you feel your use of code examples falls outside fair use or the permission given
above, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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Safari Books Online is an on-demand digital library that deliv‐
ers expert content in both book and video form from the
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Technology professionals, software developers, web designers, and business and crea‐
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xii | Preface
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Please address comments and questions concerning this book to the publisher:

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Jon thanks his mother, father, and the rest of his crazily extended family for their tre‐
mendous support.
Paris thanks his mother, without whom he wouldn’t be doing anything nearly as
interesting, let alone writing books.
Tim thanks his parents and family for putting up with his rather lackluster approach
to life.

Preface | xiii
We’d all like to thank our editors, Rachel Roumeliotis and Brian MacDonald—their
skill and advice were invaluable to completing the book. Likewise, all the O’Reilly
Media staff we’ve interacted with over the course of writing the book have been the
absolute gurus of their fields.
A huge thank you to Tony Gray and the Apple University Consortium (AUC) for the
monumental boost they gave us and others listed on this page. We wouldn’t be writ‐
ing this book if it weren’t for them. And now you’re writing books, too, Tony—sorry
about that!
Thanks also to Neal Goldstein, who deserves full credit and/or blame for getting us
into the whole book-writing racket.
We’re thankful for the support of the goons at MacLab (who know who they are and
continue to stand watch for Admiral Dolphin’s inevitable apotheosis), as well as pro‐
fessor Christopher Lueg, Dr. Leonie Ellis, and the rest of the staff at the University of
Tasmania for putting up with us. “Apologies” to Mark Pesce. He knows why.
Additional thanks to Rex S., Nic W., Andrew B., Jess L., and Ash J., for a wide variety
of reasons. And very special thanks to Steve Jobs, without whom this book (and many
others like it) would not have reason to exist.
Thanks also to our tech reviewers, with special thanks to Chris Devers and Tony Gray
for their thoroughness and professionalism.
Finally, thank you very much for buying our book—we appreciate it! And if you have
any feedback, please let us know. You can email us at [email protected] and find us
on Twitter @thesecretlab.

xiv | Preface
Swift Basics
Getting Started

This book is a work-in-progress. We will be releasing regular Early

Release editions, with a final version late in 2016. The book may be
inconsistent, out of date, or incomplete until then. Please let us
know if you have any feedback by emailing learningswift@secret‐

This book teaches the Swift 3 programming language by exploring the development
of three applications for Apple platforms: OS X, iOS, and watchOS. This book’s
approach might differ from what you’re used to, because our philosophy is that the
best way to learn Swift is to build apps using it! The vast majority of the code in this
book will be part of the apps we’re building—a full note-taking app for OS X, iOS,
and watchOS—rather than individual pieces of sample code. You can see the final
product in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Our finished app, for OS X, iOS, and watchOS

Our app is fully functional, but we do make some deliberate design and feature deci‐
sions along the way to constrain the scope a little (the book is more than 500 pages!).
As we mentioned in the preface, we assume that you’re a reasonably capable pro‐
grammer, but we don’t assume you’ve ever developed for iOS or OS X, or used Swift
or Objective-C before. We also assume that you’re fairly comfortable navigating OS X
and iOS as a user.

We recommend that you work through this book front to back,

building the OS X app, then the iOS app, then the watchOS app,
even if you’re only interested in one of the platforms. By approach‐
ing the book this way, you’ll get the best understanding of what
building a real app with Swift requires.

Programming with Swift, and using the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks to
develop OS X and iOS apps, respectively, involves using a set of tools developed by
Apple. In this chapter, you’ll learn about these tools, where to get them, how to use
them, how they work together, and what they can do. At the end of this chapter, you’ll
make a very simple Swift application for iOS, before we dive into the details of the
Swift language and Apple’s frameworks in the following two chapters.

4 | Chapter 1: Getting Started

The Apple development tools have a long and storied history. Orig‐
inally a set of standalone application tools for the NeXTSTEP OS,
they were eventually adopted by Apple for use as the official OS X
tools. Later, Apple largely consolidated them into one application,
known as Xcode, though some of the applications (such as Instru‐
ments and the iOS simulator) remain somewhat separate, owing to
their relatively peripheral role in the development process. You’ll
notice the prefix NS on many of the classes you use for Cocoa and
Cocoa Touch development with Swift. This prefix comes from the
NeXTSTEP heritage of many of Apple’s frameworks.

In addition to the development tools, Apple offers developers a paid membership in

its Developer Program, which provides resources and support. The program allows
access to online developer forums and specialized technical support for those interes‐
ted in talking to the framework engineers. If you are just interested in learning Swift
and exploring the development tools, you can do so for free. You will need a paid
membership, however, if you wish to use developer services like iCloud in your apps,
or to distribute anything you build through either the iOS or OS X App Store.

Swift is open source, but this doesn’t really mean much when it
comes to using it to develop apps for OS X, iOS, and watchOS.
There’s an excellent community of people working on the language
that you can find at the Swift website.

With the introduction of Apple’s curated App Stores for OS X, iOS, and watchOS, as
well as emerging Apple platforms like tvOS, the Developer Program has become the
official way for developers to provide their credentials when submitting applications
to Apple—in essence, it is your ticket to selling apps through Apple. In this chapter,
you’ll learn how to sign up for the Apple Developer Program, as well as how to use
Xcode, the development tool used to build apps in Swift.

The Apple Developer Program

The paid Apple Developer Program provides access to beta development tools, beta
operating system releases, and distribution ability through Apple’s App Stores. It also
allows you to use some of the cloud-dependent features of the platforms, such as
iCloud, CloudKit, In-App Purchase, Maps, and App Groups.

We will be using a lot of cloud-dependent features, including Maps

and iCloud, in the apps we build throughout this book. You will
not be able to run these apps if you do not have a paid member‐

The Apple Developer Program | 5

It isn’t necessary to be a member of the Apple Developer Program if you don’t intend
to submit apps to the App Stores, or don’t need the cloud-dependent features. We
strongly recommend joining, though, if you intend to build apps for any of Apple’s
platforms, as the other benefits are substantial:

• Access to the Apple Developer Forums, which are frequented by Apple engineers
and designed to allow you to ask questions of your fellow developers and the
people who wrote the OS.
• Access to beta versions of the OS before they are released to the public, which
enables you to test your applications on the next version of the OS X, iOS,
watchOS, and tvOS platforms, and make necessary changes ahead of time. You
also receive beta versions of the development tools.
• A digital signing certificate (one for each platform) used to identify you to the
App Stores. Without this, you cannot submit apps to the App Store, making a
membership mandatory for anyone who wants to release software either for free
or for sale via an App Store.

That said, registering for the Developer Program isn’t necessary to view the docu‐
mentation or to download the current version of the developer tools, so you can play
around with writing apps without opening your wallet.

Registering for the Apple Developer Program

To register for the Developer Program, you’ll first need an Apple ID. It’s quite likely
that you already have one, as the majority of Apple’s online services require one to
identify you. If you’ve ever used iCloud, the iTunes store (for music or apps), or
Apple’s support and repair service, you already have an ID. You might even have
more than one (one of this book’s authors has four). If you don’t yet have an ID, you’ll
create one as part of the registration process. When you register for the Developer
Program, the membership gets added to your Apple ID.

If you don’t want to register for the paid developer program, you
can skip to “Downloading Xcode” on page 7 for instructions on
installing Xcode, the developer tools.
Once again, keep in mind that you won’t be able to build the apps
that we teach in this book if you don’t have a paid membership, as
we use cloud-dependent features such as iCloud and Maps.
There are alternatives to many of Apple’s tools—such as the Google
Maps SDK for iOS, or cloud-storage services from Amazon and
Microsoft. However, you’ll still need a paid membership through
Apple to put apps in the iTunes App Store.

6 | Chapter 1: Getting Started

Once you’re on the Apple Developer Program website, simply click Enroll, and follow
the steps to enroll.
You can choose to register as an individual or as a company. If you register as an indi‐
vidual, your apps will be sold under your name. If you register as a company, your
apps will be sold under your company’s legal name. Choose carefully, as it’s very diffi‐
cult to convince Apple to change your program’s type.
If you’re registering as an individual, you’ll just need your credit card. If you’re regis‐
tering as a company, you’ll need your credit card as well as documentation that
proves you have authority to bind your company to Apple’s terms and conditions.

For information on code signing and using Xcode to test and run
your apps on your own physical devices, see Apple’s App Distribu‐
tion Guide. We don’t cover this in the book, as it’s a process that
changes often.

Apple usually takes about 24 hours to activate an account for individuals, and longer
for companies. Once you’ve received confirmation from Apple, you’ll be emailed a
link to activate your account; when that’s done, you’re a full-fledged developer!

Downloading Xcode
To develop apps for either platform, you’ll use Xcode, Apple’s integrated development
environment. Xcode combines a source code editor, debugger, compiler, profiler, iOS
simulator, Apple Watch simulator, and more into one package. It’s where you’ll spend
the majority of your time when developing applications.

At the time of writing, Xcode is only available for Mac, but who
knows what the future holds for the iPad Pro?

You can get Xcode from the Mac App Store. Simply open the App Store application
and search for “Xcode,” and it’ll pop up. It’s a free download, though it’s rather large
(several gigabytes at the time of writing).
Once you’ve downloaded Xcode, it’s straightforward enough to install it. The Mac
App Store gives you an application that on first launch sets up everything you need to
use Xcode. Just launch the downloaded app, and follow the prompts, and you’ll be up
and running in no time.

The Apple Developer Program | 7

This book covers Swift 3, which is available only if you’re using
Xcode 7 or later. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Xcode
from the Mac App Store. It’s good practice to use the latest Xcode at
all times.

Creating Your First Project with Xcode

Xcode is designed around a single window. Each of your projects will have one win‐
dow, which adapts to show what you’re working on.
To start exploring Xcode, you’ll first need to create a project by following these steps:

1. Launch Xcode. You can find it by opening Spotlight (by pressing ⌘-space bar)
and typing Xcode. You can also find it by opening the Finder, going to your hard
drive, and opening the Applications directory. If you had any projects open previ‐
ously, Xcode will open them for you. Otherwise, the Welcome to Xcode screen
appears (see Figure 1-2).

Figure 1-2. The Welcome to Xcode screen

2. Create a new project by clicking “Create a new Xcode project” or go to

You’ll be asked what kind of application to create. The template selector is divi‐
ded into two areas. On the lefthand side, you’ll find a collection of application
categories. You can choose to create an iOS, watchOS, or OS X application from
the project templates, which will set up a project directory to get you started.

8 | Chapter 1: Getting Started

Because we’re just poking around Xcode at the moment, it doesn’t really matter
what we select, so choose Application under the iOS header and select Single
View Application. This creates an empty iOS application and displays the project
settings window shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3. The project settings window

3. Name the application. Enter HelloSwift in the Product Name section.

4. Enter information about the project. Depending on the kind of project template
you select, you’ll be asked to provide different information about how the new
project should be configured.
At a minimum, you’ll be asked for the following information, no matter which
platform and template you choose:
The product’s name
This is the name of the project and is visible to the user. You can change this
Your organization’s name
This is the name of your company or group. It’s not directly used by Xcode,
but new source code files that you create will mention it.

Creating Your First Project with Xcode | 9

Your organization identifier
This is used to generate a bundle ID, a string that looks like a reverse domain
name (e.g., if O’Reilly made an application named MyUsefulApplication, the
bundle ID would be com.oreilly.MyUsefulApplication).

Bundle IDs are the unique identifier for an application,

and are used to identify that app to the system and to the
App Store. Because each bundle ID must be unique, the
same ID can’t be used for more than one application in
either of the iOS or Mac App Stores. That’s why the for‐
mat is based on domain names—if you own the site use‐, all of your bundle IDs would begin with
com.usefulsoftware, and you won’t accidentally use a bun‐
dle ID that someone else is using or wants to use because
nobody else owns the same domain name.

If you don’t have a domain name, enter anything you like, as long as it looks
like a backward domain name (e.g., com.mycompany will work).

If you plan on releasing your app, either to the App Store

or elsewhere, it’s very important to use a company identi‐
fier that matches a domain name you own. The App Store
requires it, and the fact that the operating system uses the
bundle ID that it generates from the company identifier
means that using a domain name that you own eliminates
the possibility of accidentally creating a bundle ID that
conflicts with someone else’s.

If you’re writing an application for the Mac App Store, you’ll also be prompted
for the App Store category (whether it’s a game, an educational app, a social net‐
working app, or something else).
Depending on the template, you may also be asked for other information (e.g.,
the file extension for your documents if you are creating a document-aware
application, such as a Mac app). You’ll also be asked which language you want to
use; because this book is about Swift, you should probably choose Swift! The
additional information needed for this project is covered in the following steps.
5. Make the application run on the iPhone by choosing iPhone from the Devices
drop-down list.

10 | Chapter 1: Getting Started

iOS applications can run on the iPad, iPhone, or both. Appli‐
cations that run on both are called “universal” applications and
run the same binary but have different user interfaces. For this
exercise, just choose iPhone. You should be building universal
iOS apps, in general, and we’ll be doing that when we properly
start on iOS, in Part III.

6. Leave the rest of the settings as shown in Figure 1-4. Click Next to create the

Figure 1-4. The project settings

7. Choose where to save the project. Select a location that suits you. We recommend
putting all your work related to this book (and other Swift programming learning
you might do) in one folder. You might notice a little checkbox for Source Con‐
trol; this creates a source code control repository for your code, giving you a
place where you can save and manage different versions of your code as you cre‐
ate them. While in general this is a good idea to use, for this example project,
make sure this is unchecked.

Once you’ve done this, Xcode will open the project, and you can now start using the
entire Xcode interface, as shown in Figure 1-5.

Creating Your First Project with Xcode | 11

Figure 1-5. The entire Xcode interface

The Xcode Interface

As mentioned, Xcode shows your entire project in a single window, which is divided
into a number of sections. You can open and close each section at will, depending on
what you want to see.
Let’s take a look at each of these sections and examine what they do.

The editor
The Xcode editor (Figure 1-6) is where you’ll be spending most of your time. All
source code editing, interface design, and project configuration take place in this sec‐
tion of the application, which changes depending on which file you have open.
If you’re editing source code, the editor is a text editor, with code completion, syntax
highlighting, and all the usual features that developers have come to expect from an
integrated development environment. If you’re modifying a user interface, the editor
becomes a visual editor, allowing you to drag around the components of your inter‐
face. Other kinds of files have their own specialized editors as well.
When you first create a project, the editor will start by showing the project settings, as
seen in Figure 1-6.

12 | Chapter 1: Getting Started

Figure 1-6. Xcode’s editor, showing the project settings

The editor can also be split into a main editor and an assistant editor through the edi‐
tor selector. The assistant shows files that are related to the file open in the main edi‐
tor. It will continue to show files that have a relationship to whatever is open, even if
you open different files.
For example, if you open an interface file and then open the assistant, the assistant
will, by default, show related code for the interface you’re editing. If you open another
interface file, the assistant will show the code for the newly opened files.
At the top of the editor, you’ll find the jump bar. The jump bar lets you quickly jump
from the content that you’re editing to another piece of related content, such as a file
in the same folder. The jump bar is a fast way to navigate your project.

The toolbar
The Xcode toolbar (Figure 1-7) acts as mission control for the entire interface. It’s the
only part of Xcode that doesn’t significantly change as you develop your applications,
and it serves as the place where you can control what your code is doing.

Figure 1-7. Xcode’s toolbar

From left to right, after the OS X window controls, the toolbar features the following
Run button (Figure 1-8)
Clicking this button instructs Xcode to compile and run the application.

Creating Your First Project with Xcode | 13

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
aside; and what was a greater Misfortune, the Prince and his
Retinue beheld with winking Eyes, all their Hovels on fire ashore:
The Occasion this; we happening to have all our Colours flying, and
some Guns let off in honour of the 28th of May, another Leader on
shore misinterpreting it as a particular Respect to Jacobus, grew
jealous, seized his House during the Revel, his Wives, and his
Dashees, drank up all his Brandy, eat all his Victuals, cudgelled his
People, and set both his Houses on fire.
Next Morning, on unravelling the Mystery, the Surprize was over,
and all became good Friends again. They have very little Knowledge
or Use of Fire-Arms, because no Trade scarce; their Weapons being
Spears, Arrows, and Clubs, and it is a bloody Battle among them,
when half a dozen of a side are knocked down.
Brasil, and the West-Indies.
From Cape Lopez (parting with the Coast) we came in sight of the
Island Annabona, the Breezes small at South, and Calms
alternatively; hereabout we cruised three or four days, for our
Consort the Swallow, that some how or other was separated; and
missing her, bore away for Brasil.
In the Passage it may be first observed, that when we had sailed
ninety Leagues to the Westward, and got into 3°° S. the Winds that
were at South veered, so as to become a true S E. Trade, that
carried us four or five Knots.——And still as we advanced farther
Westward, it blew fresher at E S E. 7, 8, and 9 Knots constantly, with
neither Thunder nor Lightning. Quære, whether this distance is not a
proper Medium to allow for the Attraction of all Exhalations by the
Land; at least that they considerably abate after that length from all
Shores, allowing for Latitude, and as they are Montainous or Plain.
We see within this Dimension, (plainly) that it takes off the Influence
of the Sun, and varys the Trade Wind towards itself: Nor is it so
astonishing, since Animals themselves obey; several sorts of Fish
and Fowl have a periodical return to such and such places, and not
so of those inhabiting the more stable Element of Land: Wherefore it
is highly rational to think, that as the fluid Elements they live in yield
to the attractive Power of the Earth and Planets, so also their
Inhabitants have their Instinct more sensibly fated by them.
Secondly, in this Trade-Wind sailing, we are every day diverted
with flying Fish, Bonetos, and Sea-Fowl; the Sails require little labour
in trimming, the Ship goes steady, and the Bowl unslung; so that at
leaving such a Country we might cheerfully sing,

How happy were we, when the Wind blew abaft!

One of these cheerful Evenings, eleven at night, the full Moon
became totally eclipsed, a Darkness surprizing, as it was
unexpected; when she had recovered her Light, we repeated our
Sacrifice in Bowls, and fell into Reflections and Admiration of that
Power which supports the Regularity of the planetary Motions, and
the Sublimity of that Art which can so exactly calculate them: They
demonstrate the Sphericity of the Earth, because Countries, as they
are farther East or West, observe them hours sooner or later,
according to their Longitude, which could not be on a Plain, but
visible to all at once.
This Longitude therefore in a general View, is the same thing as
Time, the difference of it being the distance East and West of any
two places, allowing 15 Degrees, or 300 Leagues to an Hour; the
whole 24 being lost or gained in a Circum-navigation of the Globe,
West or Eastward.
A natural, tho’ hitherto incorrect way of estimating the Parts of
Longitude in those Runs, till Instruments and Rules are discovered,
is, I think, First, to make exact Tables of the Sun’s Risings and
Settings, at Places commonly departed from, and those we go to for
every day in the year: and then, Secondly, to carry two proved
Watches of equal Goodness, kept in equal Warmth, and freest from
Motion and Weather, to measure the difference of time where you
are, by the same edge of the Sun the Tables were made from; the
Minutes sooner or later, according as you go East or West, is so
many Leagues of Longitude for that day. I would insinuate by this
only my Opinion, that those literal Improvers of Time, the Watch
Makers, bid as fair for the Discovery of Longitude as the Astronomer;
for if Watches can be made not to err above two or three Minutes in
the time a Ship is running 1000 Leagues, or if they do err more, a
Rule could be found how much, (like as an Azimuth corrects the
common Compass;) or if any Movement could be depended on only
from Observation to Observation, then the Error would be no greater
than what is met in different Quadrants, observing Latitude. As it is, it
seems a proper Method to correct or assist the present Rules of
calculating meridional Distance.
We made this Passage of 8 or 900 Leagues to Brasil in three
Weeks; but having elsewhere given my Observations on the Country,
I shall only take notice that the Trade blowing very fresh, and
bringing in a great Swell, we hastened from the Coast to our
intended Ports in the West-Indies.
In our Progress thither, a Remark or two: First, that in the
Navigation from Brasil, we crossed the Æquinoctial, two or three
Degrees W. of Cape Roque, keeping on with a pleasant S E. Trade
that gradually lessened, and in 4°° North Latitude, left us in Calms,
Rains, and uncertain Squalls, (varying round the Compass;) That
this continued for several days, till we drew in or near the Parallel of
Barbados, and then we as gradually had obtained the Trade to
Northward of the East, running 150 Leagues with it, that is, to
Secondly, The reason of Calms, and Rains met in Latitudes
between 4°° and 11°° N. (with a little Variation, as the Sun is of this
or that side the Equinoctial) is probably from a Contest between the
N E. and S E. Trade; but whether the passing them be more
favourable far to the Eastward or Westward, I am uncertain.
Barbados was discovered by Sir William Carter, in King James I’s
time, planted to little purpose until 1627; since which, the Crops have
been so advantageous, as to have raised the Price of Ground thirty
We anchored here in Carlisle-Bay the beginning of August, the
resort of most Shipping who load at this Island. The Bay is made by
Needham and Pelican Points; the Anchorage 20 Fathom, so clear
Water that you may see to the bottom; but so foul and rocky, that the
Cables are always buoy’d up with Cask. In the bottom of the Bay
stands Bridgetown, the principal of the Island, and is the Residence
of the Governor, Factors, and Merchants, who transact their
Business here and at their Plantations alternately. There is only one
large Church, with an Organ, and about twenty Chappels at different
parts of the Island, all Episcopal, there having been no Dissenters
these many years. The People are for the most part polite and well-
bred, promoting Trade by a magnificent way of living; the chief of
them are Colonels, or Captains of Militia, and in the Assembly are
divided into a Party-Interest, on the civil Affairs of the Island, their
chief Distinction; murmuring, or elate, just as they are in or out of the
Governor’s Favour, who can abate in the Customs, or imploy in the
Application: (tho’ by the way the fewer Officers, and those Menials,
the better advantage to him.)
The whole is a sweet Spot of Earth, not a Span hardly uncultivated
with Sugar-Canes; all sides bend with an easy Declivity to the Sea,
and is ever green: This delight to the Planter has its Inconveniencies,
that there is no Recreation out of Business, but in Drinking or
The Propriety was given by King James I. to the Earl of Carlisle;
and Anno 1661, King Charles II. purchased it back of Lord Kinoul,
that Earl’s Heir, allowing him 1000l. per Ann. Acknowledgment.
Anno 1663, an Act passed by the President (who acts as
Governor in their absence) the Council and Assembly, for 4½ in
Specie Duty of all Commodities, the Produce of the Island, which it’s
computed will amount to 10000l. per Annum.—Madeira Wines
imported, at 4l. 10s. per Pipe, raises 7000l. and this, with one Pound
of Gunpowder per Tun on each Ship, is appropriated for Stores, and
Repairs to Forts.
The Governor is appointed by the King, his Salary formerly used to
arise at an uncertain Sum of 4 or 5000l. per Ann. from Presents and
Perquisites, since fixed at 1200l., 2000l. and now is 6000l. And as
the Council, a part of their Constitution, is in a manner of his own
Nomination, being appointed by Letters of Mandamus, as they have
Power to make Demands on ancient Perquisites, and sway in the
Application of the publick Money; there are various ways of obliging,
and his Party will always be uppermost in the Legislature, which
consists of him, the Council of twelve, and an Assembly of twenty
two, chose at the several Parishes by a Majority of Votes.
One Law is, That no Inhabitant shall be carried off the Island
without Leave; whoever engages in the Project, is liable to the
Debts; so that when a Family sees Ruin approaching, (a frequent
Case of late years) their Remedy is stealing away in Boats to some
other Place of Subsistence; and if they cannot this way escape a
hard Creditor, they comfort themselves in dying, that it may be their
Lot next. Those who depart fairly, are obliged to give publick notice
at the Secretary’s Office; and no body objecting in twenty one days,
are at liberty.
Another Act in 1676, passed against the Industry of the Quakers,
whose Conversion of the Negroes, it was pretended, hazarded the
Safety of the Island. They are computed at 80 or 90000, and are
countenanced in Polygamy; yet not dangerous, because no
Mountains to fly to, Detections and Executions would soon follow
their Rebellions. The English are reckoned 20000, the Women
among them most Scotch and Irish, very homely, and great
Swearers. The Men, contrarily, are very gay, clean, and handsome,
from mean Originals, often succeeding with rich Widows; it being but
Justice to link a fat Plantation to the truely nauseous Draught of
The way of feeding such a Multitude, and providing Necessaries in
an Island yielding little besides Sugar, is principally by their Fisheries
and Importations.
The Sea gives them great plenty of flying Fish, Dolphins,
Barricuda and King Fish, particularly the first; they bait with their own
Specie, which thrown about, the Fish fly in such numbers to the
Boats, that they take them up with Dip-nets, and sometimes the
Dolphins with them; the Season goes off at the Autumnal Equinox.
Their Importations by Ships from England, Ireland, New-England,
Pensylvania, Carolina, or New-York, constantly supplying any Defect
of Food or Necessaries, every Vessel bringing them something or
other of this kind, which the Merchants keep in store and sell the
Planters occasionally, who give their Sugars, Rum, and Molosses in
return. The Price in what I was acquainted is, viz.
Rum at 1s. 2d. per Gallon.
Citron Water 40 0
Pickled Pepper 10 0
Preserved Ginger 5 0 per lb.
Sugar, twenty Shillings a hundred; and before
our Improvements (says Gee) the
Portuguese sold for 7 and 8l. a hundred.
Cocoa, 3 or 4l.
Aloes 4d. per lb.

Salt Beef and Pork, 40 Shillings for a
Cask of 2 Cwt.
Bisket, 17s. per hundred
Candles, 6½ per lb. &c.
Exchange 30 per Cent. or more.

I have heard that the Custom-house Books had one year 35000
Hogsheads of Sugar entred, which at 10l. per Hogshead, amounts to
350000l. Every Acre was supposed 10s. a year Profit to the national
Stock of England, besides what the Planter got, and Mouths fed by
it; but I must observe, the Crops of late years have very much failed,
and put many of them under great Necessities. The Soil fertile in the
Age past, seems now growing old, and past its teeming-time; they
endeavour to mend this by a few Cattle kept for the sake of Manure;
few, I say, because Land imploy’d this way, gives not 1/10 its Value.
Wherefore when a thoughtless Man has joined to unlucky Events
and Seasons an inadvertent way of living, he falls a Prey to the more
astronomical Heads of Factors, who supply him with Food and
Necessaries. The Hardships of many Planters at this time, through
such Inclemencies, cannot be better laid open to the Reader, than in
transcribing part of a Sermon, that I am informed was preached by
Command of his Excellency the Governor, May 1734.

A Charity S e r m o n at Bridgetown,
for the two Parishes, St. Philip, and Christ-Church.

“Here I should have left off, but I am commanded by his Excellency

the Governor, to exhort you to that Charity, the Necessity of which
has been laid before ye.
“Remember therefore, that one of the ways observed of seeking
God is, by obeying the Dictates of his Holy Spirit, that Humanity and
Charity undepraved Nature feels towards all that are poor and
“What an excellent Grace of Christianity this is, St. Paul from the
Spirit of God teacheth, (1 Cor. xiii.) saying, that when the Gift of
Tongues, of Prophecies, of Miracles shall cease, a greater, even that
of Charity, shall never cease in the Church militant, never in the
Church triumphant; nor can there be any greater Inducements to
provoke us to Charity, than first, it covers a Multitude of Sins, and
next, bringeth God himself (as he is pleased to esteem it) in debt to
us; for he who giveth to the Poor lendeth to the Lord, and look, what
he layeth out shall be paid him again; paid in Blessings here, and
hereafter eternal Life, if no mortal Sin continue in the Giver, to hinder
these blessed Effects.—I need say no more to ye who read the
Bible, how dear to God those Christians are, who according to their
Ability are liberal to poor Persons and Families; so that what remains
for me to say, is to expatiate a little upon the miserable State of the
Poor of these two Parishes, and leave the whole to your pious
“In one of these, St. Philip’s, mine Eyes beheld all the Signs of an
approaching Famine; the Face of the Earth appeared as it were a
dry Crust, burnt up and gaping for its watry Nutriment; hardly any
thing green appeared, and I am told, the Face of the Country is
much the same in Christ-Church Parish. Now how miserable must it
be with the single Poor, and with Families! I assure you, several are
come into ours, and others are gone farther Leeward to seek for
Work and Food. You who are tender Parents, consider how terrible it
must be for Families with nothing in their House, nothing growing on
their Land, not a grain of any thing to support themselves and dear
helpless Children: No Money, and no Credit, no Relief from without,
and no Bread, nor Water either, hardly within or without. I have heard
of poor Men going about for Work, to sustain their own Bodies,
forced to leave Wife and Children at home to starve; sure your
Hearts must relent, and every one of you give according as you are
able, with a free Mind, and willing Heart. But here some may object,
Why should I give to those two Parishes, when our own Poor may be
in as great Want? I answer, some may be so; but the Calamity
(blessed be God) is not so general here; it is not so bad with us in
that one necessary Article of Water. Thirst is terrible, let us then pity
our poor Brethren, their Wives and Children, who go so far for Water
that they have not due time to get their Bread, were there Work for
them to earn it by.
“I believe, you know we have here poor Families in great want,
and I could wish our Vestry would meet, particularly to consider it;
but in the mean time, let us not forget the poorer People of these two
Parishes, as now perishing for want of Food; yea, his L——p and the
Council’s Belief is, (you hear) that some have already died for want
of Bread.
“What Christian Man or Woman then in Affluence and Plenty, can
have an Heart so hard as not to bestow liberally on so great, so sad,
so calamitous a Necessity and Misery? and what poorer Christian,
who has somewhat, tho’ little above his daily Wants, but will fling his
Mite to stop so dread an Evil?
“What Christian Woman, who has young and helpless Children of
her own, and Bread to give them, but whose Bowels must yearn and
Heart ake to hear, that in these two Parishes are many Infants crying
at the empty Breasts of their Mothers, and their Mothers weeping
and languishing at the same time for Bread to sustain themselves.
“What compassionate Fathers or Brothers but must grieve to
understand, that grown Children too young to work, are now starving
in these Parishes, and their Parents and Brothers nothing to relieve
“What good Children but must bleed at heart to see their Parents
starving? yet such is the Fate of some in these Parishes.
“Christians consider, that one way of keeping Famine from us of
this Parish, is to bestow our Charity in a Proportion to their Wants,
and our Ability: That is the likeliest Method to move God to give us
fruitful Seasons, to renew our Springs, and bring a cheerful Green
over the Face of our Plants and Seeds.
“May the blessed Spirit, &c.”

The Consequence of this Distress now among the Barbadians, is

shifting their old Habitations; several impelled by Necessity, and
Wants, (stronger Motives than Religion;) are stealing away to mend it
where they can.
The Sufferings of these Islanders, I think, will carry some
Similitude to larger Countries; where the remarkable Decay, or Loss
of one single Branch of Trade, it’s observed, will sensibly affect
Multitudes, not only those immediately concerned in the retailing,
who must change Trades, infringing on others, or seek other
Countries, but also those not concerned; because as an
extraordinary Trade stamps an extraordinary Value on Land, and that
on Provisions, when the one fails, or changes hands, as it has and
will do, (Venice, the Hans Towns, Antwerp, Holland, and which by
the way, shews all Countries bordering on the Sea, within 50°° of
Latitude, equally advantageous for Trade) the other ought to give
way for the lowering of Provisions, and Charge of Subsistence to the
Poor, (some ways of it being supposed now to be cut off or
curtailed:) and if Landlords do it slowly, the Law should oblige;
because, as publick Virtue is no private Man’s Profession, he will
take his Lands into his own hands, tho’ with Loss, rather than submit
to the Reduction of his Rents; and because he can afford it, will
hoard, and suffer Grain to decay and spoil, before he will fall the
In our Plantations, the inferior sort of Merchants are not unlike
Sharpers in Gaming; they by a better Skill, know how to prey on the
Wants, the Weakness, and Passions of their Customers (the
Planters and Artificers) chaining them down by degrees to their
Service; many of the Inconsiderate being ruined without knowing it,
till the very Day they want Victuals.
In the Wars between Holland and Portugal in Brasil, a Dutch-Man
arrived here from thence, who taught them the way of Planting and
making Sugars. They are set out between August and December, six
Inches deep, and do not come to Maturity until one year and a
quarter: when ripe, which is known by their Colour, they cut them up
with a Bill, and send them to the Wind-mills, which presses out the
Juice so clean, the Canes by being an hour or two in the Sun,
become fit for Fuel.
The Liquor must not remain in the Cistern above a day, for fear of
souring; it is therefore by a Gutter conveyed to the Copper or Boyler,
and in the boiling, the Filth scummed off; thence it’s conveyed into
the second and third, and in the last, called the Tack, is boiled to a
Consistency, and turned into a Grain by throwing in of Temper, which
is only the Infusion of Lime and Water made strong according to the
Goodness of the Cane. Nine Pounds of Juice makes one of
Muscovado, and one of Molossus.
From hence it is carried to the cooling Cistern, till fit to put in Pots,
which have Holes at Bottom to drain off the Molossus.
Of these Molossus again, they sometimes make another worse
Sugar, called Paneels. Of the Scum, coarse Molossus, Washings of
the Boilers and Pots, fermented together, is made Rum.
To refine Sugar, is to boil it over again, and clarify with the same
Lime-Water and Eggs, reckoned better than the clayed Sugars of
this Region, made by putting a clayey Earth mixed with Water to the
thickness of a Batter upon them, and repeated three or four times
according to the degree of Whiteness design’d; both ways carry the
Treacle and Molossus downwards, but the former most esteemed,
as mixing less, and purging to better purpose. Lime refines from
Impurities, and imparts a softer Taste, experienced in throwing it into
Wells of hard Water; the best refin’d in Loaves comes back to the
Sugar-Colonies from England, sell at 50 or 100 per Cent. Advance,
and are of common Use; they must be kept dry, a hot and moist Air
dissolving them.
From Molossus, Distillers make a clean Brandy, and it gives a
pretty tasted Spirit to Malt Liquors, boiled and worked in the Tun.
Besides Rum and Sugars, they have Quantities of Ginger, Aloes,
Tamarinds, Citron, Cassia, Coloquintida, Cassava, Limes, Oranges,
Guavas, Pine-Apples, Mastick, Cedar, Cotton and Palmeto Trees,
prickled Pear; but our Apples and Pears, nor any of our Shrub-Fruits,
Goose-berry or Currant, will thrive. Of the Potato they make a brisk
Small-beer, called Mobby.
About two or three years ago, the low Price of Sugars, that had
reduced and beggar’d the Planters, brought on a Complaint, and Bill
in Parliament in their favour. They urged, according to the best of my
Remembrance, that the northern Colonies, especially New-England,
being suffered to trade with the French Islands, was in a great part
the Occasion of this, and a Loss to the Nation; for they took off all
the French Molossus, which before they had no use for, but sold it
our Islands at very low Prices.
The French therefore were helped by this Sale, to afford their
Sugars cheaper, and still more enabled by a nearer Way of Living;
by the Customs being taken off, allowing them to go thence to any
Market, and other Encouragements to undersell, and take the foreign
Markets from us, who were clogged with all those Inconveniencies.
The New-England People alledged, their Trade seemed the least
essential Article in the Injury complained of; for unless our Islands
found means to take off the other Impediments, and bring their
Sugars to as cheap, or cheaper Price than the French and Dutch,
they would be the same in respect to foreign Markets; and if new
Grounds are better, or more wanted in Plantations, there are enough
at Jamaica, St. Christopher’s, &c. to redress the Evil. But this is not
in their View, say they; the more Lands are employed, the less will
be the Value of the present Estates, an impolitick Reduction of all
prodigal Expences; for every Island singly, reckon their Happiness in
part, not from the flourishing Condition of another, but from
Casualties, and bad Seasons; the less quantity there is to answer
the Demand, the higher the Price.
Barbados formerly used to buy the French and Dutch Sugars,
making all that Trade go through their own hands, till in 1715, laying
a Duty turned the Channel, and they would now make up that
oversight by imposing their own Price on us.
The Northern Colonies deserve Favour, they think, as vastly
superior in Number and Trade, take off more of the Manufactures of
England for themselves, and their Trade with the Indians, who
exchange Furrs and Pelfry to make Hats; for the same Reason, they
want more Molossus to manufacture among themselves, than our
Islands can sell, or if they could, cannot take off one quarter of the
Lumber, Horses, and refuse Fish, with which we trade with the
French, not only for Rum and Molossus (which may as well come to
us this way, as through their hands) but sometimes also Money; and
without which we have no means of purchasing, nor could get rid of
our Produce and Industry, which is very unreasonable.
To lay a Tax of six-pence a Gallon on French Molossus, is the
same as a Prohibition, which their Country cannot so easily bear.
They take 20000 Hogsheads a year (each 100 Gallons) from the
Dutch and French, which is 50000l. whereas they have no Specie to
pay it, their Currency being all Paper, and that but 30000l. Besides, it
would be the first Tax on a charter’d Colony from England, where
they have no Representatives.
Lastly, it was said, the French buy their Negroes, and Sugar-
Materials (Mills, Coppers, &c.) 40 per Cent. dearer than us; therefore
for our Islands to say they cannot afford as cheap, is to say, they will
not abate of their Pride and Luxury, but help to maintain it by a Tax
on our more humble Industry.
T h e W E S T- I N D I E S .
For a general Idea of the West-Indies, we may understand by that
Term, all the Continent, Sea, and Islands, from Terra Firma to
Florida, or from near the Equinoctial to 28°° of N. Latitude; and if you
include Bermudas, to 32°°. The main Land in this Circuit divided into
Spanish Provinces, is more peculiarly called the Spanish West-
Indies, they possessing all, unless to the Southward in Guiana and
Paria, where there are a few English, Dutch, and French,
interspersed on the Rivers and Coast of Oronoko, Surinam, and
They import hence to Europe, besides Rum and Sugars, great
quantities of Cocoa, Indigo, Cotton, Logwood, Ginger, Lignum-vitæ,
Cochineel, Snuff, Cassia, Aloes, Pimento, Tortoise-shell, Dyers, and
other Wood, a Variety of Drugs, and above all, prodigious Quantities
of Plate, and some Gold.
The Islands in this Sea are the Charibbees, Sotovento, Antilles,
and Bahama.
Charibbees were the lesser Antilles, about 30 in number, whereof
the French have Martinico, St. Lucia, Bartholomew, Deseada,
Granada, Marigalant, Guadalupe, and Santa Cruz. To the Dutch
belong in whole or part, Saba, Eustatia, St. Vincent, and Tobago, or
Tobacco Island; so called, from the Plenty of that Weed there, or the
Weed so called, as first transplanted thence. The rest are English,
and of them Barbados is chief. Others next of Note are Antegoa,
Nevis, St. Christopher’s, and Montserrat; which have a separate
Governor, stiled General of the Leeward Islands, their principal
Produce with us, is Rum and Sugars; but the French, besides these,
cultivate Cocoa, and Indigo: and as the managing of more Lands
naturally gives Plenty, and makes room for an Increase of People,
the French Policy of late years has considerably increased their
Colonies at Martinico and Hispaniola; some say 40000 settled there
at the French King’s Expence, with the Addition of a year’s
Maintenance, to countenance their Mississipi Settlements, and these
further Views of drawing over Men’s Affections, by affording
Europeans the West-India Commodities, at the cheapest rate, and
strengthning themselves against the Resentment of any who dislike
In some are found large Caves that run half a Mile under ground,
supposed the Dwelling-places of the old Natives, who quickly
forsook them to the new Inmates; tho’ Dampier says, he met some of
these Charibbees at St. Lucia, and St. Vincent, and others say the
like of Curasao: The Name imports Cannibals, an Inhumanity
charged on them at the Discovery, as a proper Accusation for
Sotovento Isles lie E S E. and W N W. along the Terra Firma,
called so because the Spaniards in their Voyages to Mexico, make
them one after another sub vento (to Leeward.) Of these, the Dutch
have Curasao, Oruba, and Berraire. The Spaniard the others, (La
Trinidad, and Margarita, chief;) from whence, and the Antilles, they
have of late years very much infested this Navigation, with their
Guard le Costas, confiscating the English Effects in Reprisal, it is
supposed, for the Loss of their Fleet near Messina, 1718.
The greater Antilles are, Cuba, Hispaniola, Portorico, and
Jamaica; the three former, Spanish.
Cuba is principal; a very pleasant and flourishing Island, the
Spaniard building and improving for Posterity, without dreaming, as
the English Planters do, of any other Home. They make the best
Sugars in the West-Indies. It was from this Island, (Velasquez
Governor,) that Cortez in 1518, made his Expedition and Conquest
of Mexico.
The Havana, its chief Port and Town, is esteemed the richest in
America; for besides its own valuable Produce, the Spanish Fleets
from all parts on the Main, make up here in their return to Europe.
The Islands on the South Side of it, and the Camaines, are
resorted to for the largest and best Turtle.
Porto-Rico, and Hispaniola (the diminutive of Hispania) are Islands
we make, in our Passage to Jamaica, famous of late for their Guard
le Costas. These Privateering Fellows, when they are not acting by
lawful Commission, they know the Governor’s Mind, and bring in
Ships on a pretence they are trading with the King of Spain’s
Subjects in a clandestine and prohibited manner; if they find any
Pieces of Eight, it is a Condemnation; an Encouragement in
searching a Ship, to deposite some there themselves: Or if this Trick
fails, they are yet detained, and on various Pretences lengthned out
with Law-suits, till ruined. We called, after weighing from Barbados,
at Sancto Domingo, the chief Town of Hispaniola, where we found
three English Masters of Ships under these Hardships. They had got
the better in Law, but with such Charge and Delay, that it had spoiled
their Ships and Voyages; and lest that should not do it effectually,
their Damages are against the Captains of the Privateers, who are
perhaps the Governor’s servile Dependants, and not worth a Groat.
Sancto Domingo Harbour has 15 Fathom Water at the Bar, and
the Entrance defended by several Batteries. The Town is the
Residence of an Arch-Bishop, and a President from Spain, who lives
in a House that is said to have been built and occupied by
Christopher Columbus himself. To this Officer (on account of its prior
Settlement) Appeals come from all the Spanish West-India Islands,
whose Sentence is definitive, unless called by a particular
Commission to Old Spain. They buy their Places, it seems, and
consequently execute them oppressively.
The Island is diminished of its Inhabitants, for this, or a securer
and better Settlement on the Continent; so that the French now,
about Petit Guavas, equal, if not outnumber them, tho’ both together
are vastly short of what its Extent and Fertility deserves. A Soil that
produces any thing; their Sea and Rivers full of Fish, and the
Country spread with Forests of Cabbage and Palm-Trees, in which
are prodigious Numbers of wild Hog and Beef, which the Hunters of
different Nations at certain Seasons shoot, the latter for their Hides;
and the Pork, they jerk (as they call it) that is, strip it from the Bones,
and then salting the Flesh a little, dry it in the Sun.
Bahamas, so called from the Principal, or Lucayes from Lucayone
(new Providence, the largest of them) where the English have a
Governor: They are noted for a dangerous and rapid Chanel,
commonly called the Gulph of Florida, through which the Spanish
Fleets always take their Passage to Europe, and are frequently
The Pyrates often take their rise here, or if not, seldom fail in the
Course of their Adventures to visit these Seas. There are Multitudes
of little Islands and Kays, besides this Division above, that afford
Refreshments of wild Hog, Cow, Goat, Sheep, Parrots, Guanas,
Turtle, and Fish; many of them uninhabited, and seldom visited but
on that account, whereby they are a natural and good Security. The
Sailor, when he would express the Intricacy of any Path-way, stiling it
the Caribbees.
They commonly make their Beginning here after this manner;
when any Spanish Ship is wrecked in Florida, the Jamaicans fit out
Vessels to fish upon her, (the best I believe, being always pleas’d
with going shares in such Voyages, which may be judged of by their
Treatment of the Galleon cast away on Jamaica, a very few Years
ago) and dispute a Right of Plunder with the Spaniard himself, who
is also fitted from the Havana on these Accidents, to recover what
they can; the Contest therefore is with various Fortune, and
sometimes turns to a bad account.
Our Logwood-Cutters from Campechy and Honduras, who have
been unfortunate by the frequent Visits of the Spaniards to destroy
that Trade, remove hither, or those to them, to consult of Reparations
to their broken Fortunes. Saunterers also, who are turtling from
different Parts, do all together make a considerable Resort
sometimes, and being prompted to Revenge for the Injuries
sustained, they combine and furnish out a little Sloop perhaps
against them at first, who finding little come by confining their Ways
and Means to the Spaniards only, who sail in Fleets, they fall at last
on any Nation; the Transition being easy from a Buccanier to a
Pyrate; from plundering for others, to do it for themselves.
These Logwood-Cutters, (since mentioned) I must observe, were
originally settled at the Bay of Campechy, but with a contested Right
that made it hazardous, the Spaniard opposing the Legality, and
when uppermost, treating them as Pyrates, which our People have
frequently returned again with Interest. It was taken 1659, by Sir
Christopher Mins. In 1678 again, by the English and French
Privateers; and what Licence the Peace of Utrecht gave, I am
uncertain, but they are since drove out, and now support themselves
with their Arms at the Bay of Honduras.
They are about 500 (Merchants and Slaves,) and have taken up
their Residence at a Place called Barcaderas, about 40 Miles up a
narrow River full of Alligators; and what is a greater Inconvenience
against transporting their Effects, is a strong Current in it from the
Freshes up Land, and the Banks being covered with Shrubs, that
makes it difficult to walk and tow the Boats; covered also with infinite
Numbers of Sand-Flies, and Muskitos. They live in Pavilions; a
Servant at their time of lying down to rest, shaking them till cleared of
these Vermin, that are an unsufferable Plague and Impediment to
At the Season (once a year) they move their Pavilions from the
pleasurable Spots, the better to attend the Logwood cutting, which
carries them sometimes many Miles from this principal Residence, to
follow the Wood, which runs in a Line or Vein (like Minerals in the
Earth) of some Miles perhaps, and then as many, without a Stick of
it. They cut it into large Pieces, and leave it on the Ground till the
Land-Flood favours their bringing it into the River, and then Canoos
are laden away with it, to lay in store at Barcaderas, where the Chief
are still left residing.
They have all good Arms, and knowing the Spanish Clemency,
defend themselves desperately, if attacked; which has happened
seldomer than at Campechy, and always by Sea.
A Servant, which is the first Step with Seamen into the Trade, is
hired at a Tun of Logwood per Month, and has one Day in seven for
himself, making together about 10l. a Month to him; hence, if
thoughtful and sober, they in time become Masters, join Stock, and
trade independently. They have a King, chose from among their
Body, and his Consort is stiled Queen, agreeing to some Laws by
common Consent, as a Guide to them.
The Ships that come into the Bay, are on their Guard also, fetch it
down in flat-bottomed Boats, each Crew being allowed on the
Voyage, a Bottle of Rum and some Sugar, and row generally in the
Night, as freest from those stinging Flies, and rest in the Day.
The Exchange with Ships is for Money, Beer, Flower, or any sort of
Provisions and Necessaries; these, the cunningest reserve in Store
against the Wants and Demands of the Inconsiderate, and so make
extraordinary Returns.
It may not be improper to conclude this Head with an Observation
or two on the Channel and Current of Florida, which I submit to the
more Skilful.
This Gulph is as dangerous a Navigation as any known; the
Spaniards often experience it, because it’s an Addition to the
Danger, that they have unwieldy Ships, and lubberly Seamen. We
commit Errors, I imagine, by our common Charts, which lay down the
Channel double the Breadth it is; the most intelligent in the Passage
having assured me, it is not above 16 or 18 Leagues over; and
therefore when a Storm happens, build on a false Supposition.
The Spaniard is likewise over-careful to be safe; the nicer
Observations made on Shoals, Currents, or Winds, either here or in
the Bay, when and how to make them advantageous, are from an
imagined Security against any maritime Power, committed only to
their Admiral (according to common Report) whose Light the Fleet
are to follow; and for their better Recovery of any shipwrecked Cargo
in the Gulph, (frequent in losing the Admiral,) they have a Garrison at
St. Augustine, on the Florida Shore, a barren Spot where they are
almost starved, and which would not be worth keeping but for this.
Ships and Vessels may, and often have sailed through this Channel
from the N End to Cuba, or the Bay of Mexico, notwithstanding the
common Opinion, on account of the Current, that is against it. They

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