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SJSf1 pjno
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e:qdo J&3Q

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When using an electrical appliance, basic safety precautions shoukl always be followed.
including the following. Read all instructions before using this household sewing

To reduce the risk of electric shock:
A sewing machine should never be left unattended when plugged in Always
unplug the sewing machine from the electric outlet immediately after using and
before cleaning.
• Always unplug before relamping. Replace bulb with same type rated 15 Watts.

To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons:
• Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when used by
or near children.
• Use only for its intended use as described in this manual. Use only attachments
recommended by the manufacturer as contained in this manual.
• Never operate this sewing machine if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not
working properly. if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water. Return
it to the nearest authorized dealer or service center for examination, repair, electrical
or mechanical adjustment.
• Never operate the sewing machine with any air openings blocked. Keep ventilation
openings of the sewing machine and foot controller free from the accumulation of
lint, dust, and loose cloth.
• Keep fingers away from all moving parts. Special care is required around the
sewing machine needle.
• Always use the proper needle plate. The wrong plate can cause the needle to
• Do not use bent needles.
• Do not pull or push the fabric while stitching. It may deflect the needle causing
it to break.
• Switch the sewing machine off (‘0 ) when making any adjustments in the needle
area, such as threading needle, changing needle, threading bobbin, or changing
presser foot, etc.
• Always unplug the sewing machine from electrical outlet when removing covers.
or when making any other user servicing adjustments mentioned in the instruction
manual, No lubrication l customer is recommended.
• Never drop or insert any object into any opening.
• i)() not use outdoors.
• Do not operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen
is being administrated.
• ‘I’o disconnect, turn the switch off (“0”), then remove plug from outlet.
• Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.

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Esta rnáquina de coser de farnilia ha sido construida segUn las instrucciones de
seguridad para aparatos eléctricos.
Conexôn eléctrica
Controie que Ia máquina esté enchufada a Ia red v lea las indicaciones en Ia placa de
tipo de Ia mãquina antes de enchurfarla por prirnera vez.
• Mantener los dedos lejos de as piezas en movimiento, especialmente en Ia zona
cercana a Ia aguja
• Cuando no se utihce Ia máquina o durante ci mantenimiento o modificaciones
mecánicas, se recomienda dejar Ia máquina desconectada, Esto se efectue tirando ci
cable de alimentación de Ia toma de corriente.
• No utilizar Ia mquina como juguete, Ponga atenciOn especialmente cuando Ia
miquina sea utiizada 0f mnos.
• Esta rnáquina tiene un cable especial del pedal. Si ci cable estuviera dañado
cambielo por otro cable del mismo tipo. Este cable se vende por los revendedores
de Husqvarna Viking. El montaje del cable dehe efectuarse por un especialista.
• La miquina de coser debe utilizarse segdn las instrucciones en este manual.
• Crilizar las hombillas adecuadas de 15 W (potencia).

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J-’orj’ote and jour

;ueu seu’ing machine
\Xith ur flcV wwing tnachine v’itt aft provided
\ ith this hO( )k II instructi ms.

The instructions show how your machine operates and how to

use the machine to its full capacity. We recommend that you read
these instructions hefore you hegin to sew.
We are convinced von will he rewarded with many satisfying and
inspiring hoots of sewing with your new sewing machine.

Para Ud. j,’ sit uiuieva

inãquina de coser

lont( Ia tuaquina de coser [d. recihird este manual de instmcci mes.

El manual de instrucctones Ic enseñara como lunch ma a nl:iquina

v cotno se realizan las aplicaciones para aprovechar todas las
posihilidades de Ia miquina. Pcs consiguiente. lea con detenimiento estas
insirticciones antes de empezar a coser,

Estamos convencidos de que tendri muchos momentos de satisfaccidn

v de inspiracidn con su nueva maquina.

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List of contents Indice

Safet instrtctt()ns Instrutuones de segundicl
\Iachine parts 6 Li maquina sus partes
rnpacking. Paking assay Desembalaje, Emhalaje
Connecting the toil control 8 ConexiOn del pedal,
Connecting to the poser ‘uppl S ConexiOn a Ia red 8

Accessory hox. Sev ing surface () Caja de accesorlos.

Superftcie de trabajo
Spool Pin 10
Porta-carrete 10
Threading the upper thread II
Fnhebrado del hilo superior 11
ili hhin ss inding. Direct ss inding 12
Devanado de Ia canilla. directo 12
Threading losser thread 13
Enhehrado del hilo interior
thread tension. Correct and
incorrect thread ten’ion Ii tension del hilo 14

Changing the needle, tension, correcta et incorrecta It

Changing the presser foot 15 Camhio de Ia aguja,
Presser foot pressure, Presser toot lilt. 10 Camhio del prensatelas
Reverse, Lowering the feed teeth Presion del prensatelas. Palanca
(Ic elesacion del prensatelas
Sttkh selection 18
Marcha atras,
stvgnhredd. St gnliingd 19 Bajada (tel transporte de dientes 17
Buttonholes 20 21 18
seleccion de puntada
Balance setting for buttonhole 21
Atnplitud de puntada,
Sewing buttons. Buttonhole knife Longttud de puntada 19
Straight stitch. Clcaranre plate 23 ()jales 20-21
Ss blixtlas Rcgulación exacta del e(liiilibrio
Reinti irced straight stift h. pIri ojales
Needle l1oIiS (, stura hot nes. Ahridi ir (IC ijales

Zigzag. three-step zig/ag Costura recta.

Placa para ci stura.s tupidas 23
\lending and darning.
Sess ing terry (10th 2t( Cosida de cremalleras 24-25
Scant and Overcast 29 Costura recta reforzada,
PosiciOn de Ia aguja 26
I lemming II
Zig-zag. Zig-zag de tres pasos 28
Maintenance 31-32
Remendar zorcir.
Fault finding 33-3 t
[eiidos esponjosos 28
Fxpert assistance
Lnidn y sobrehilado 29
Non—original Parts and Accessories
I )obladlllo 30
Mantenimiento 31-32
Posibles aserias y remedios 33-34
Asistencia técnica 3a
Accesorios y repuestos no originates 3-i

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Summary I Nomenclatura
l)oir lapa
thread take up leer 2. Palanc a tira—hilo
Presser foot pressure dial 3. Regulador de Ia prision del prensatelas
4. I hread guide 4. (uia—hilo
5. thread guide br hohht n v rnding 5. (uia him dcl des anadi ir
6. I igiti 6. Lue
\eedle bar s eli needle lamp ii tie agujai
Sii in (iIe(i ti-i tIe I.t igi iii
8. PreSser bar and Preer iii ankle 8. Harm dcl prenttelas (tin (tierp I de
9. t’rtser fiiii pnn-.atelis
10. lii,Ibin (titer 9. Pie prensatelas
11. Free anti 10. 1 apa di P° iteCCiOfl a p la
12. ltae pI(ite 11. ltraiii ibm
13. \eedle pIne 12. 7 calit
14. \eedle clamp eress 13. Plac a de agua
15. Presser lot it Ie er 14. I milk de sujec tin de Ia •iguja
16. I hread tCfloi n Jul 15. Palaik a de elevauti In del prensatela
I .
P’ P 16. Reguladi ii tIe Ia tensli in del hili
18. lii Idirs 17. It na— arreies
19. thread (utter for bobbin is inding 18. l)isei iS hi ifs ii
20. Ret es Ii ir additional s
-iot il
1 19. (Jnlador di lii i tIes anadi
21. Ii iN no spindle 20. Fntalladura
22. I Iand heel gujero pant porta-t arrele extra
23. itild h v idth dial 21. le del (anillerit
24. Stitrlt selector 22. \olante
25. Siit h length dial 23. Regulaclor de arnpliiiicl di puntadas
26. Rest rse 24. ielector (Ic puntada
l)rop feed teeth 25. Regulador de longiiud (IC puntadas
27. vlain pots er sss itch
1 26. \larcha atras
(onneiuon to poster supply 27. l)esc endo del rranjii irtadi ir
29 lii read (utter 28. (onecion eleetrwa
29. ( ortador de hilo

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Unpacking Desembalaje
1. Place the n chtne on the table or cabinet and 1. Poner Ia maquina encinta de Ta mesa vie trahato
it g the cover, c let antar Ta cubterta.

2. The I >01 ontrol is stored at one of the side 2. El pedal esta situado en uno vie los lateralec
parts of the packing tnatenal. Press the 10(11 Compnma el pedal v saquelo.
,ntri It> gether and remove it.
3. l.a m.iquina esta equipavla con una cuhierta vie
3. ‘l’hv’ machine delivered -a nit plastic cot cc
is plasti>o. jna holsa Je accesortos. ci cahle para
art accessory hag a main c rd and a foot Ia reds ci cable del pedal.
control vord
4. Limpiar ha máquina. especialnsente airededor
i. \\ ipe ii it machine. particularly around the vie Ia aguja ‘. Ia plava de aguja.
needle and needle iiiate to [cmos e ans s> iii
bet ire 5ev. rag.
5. sacar ha pelivula protev’tora del panel de
>stura ‘. de Ia placa de noinhre.
5. Rein> ne the pn >tevti> ra flint from the titch
panel and the nante plate
Embalaje después
Packing away de coser
after sewing 1. Sacar ci envhufe vie Ia red de Ta mdquina
1. 1 ‘nplug the cords from the vvali socket and the 2. Luego enrollar los cables alrededor de ha man>)
nachine, e tntroductr ci cable del pedal en el hueco del
pedal >1 el cable de Ia red en el bolsillo de Ia
2. ‘.md the cords around 5our hand and plave cuhierta .,lli tamhién hay sitio para ci manual
the foot control cord in the foot control vie instruv ciones.
storage space and the main cord in the potket
of the cover There is also space provided for 3. segurarse de que tovlo.s los accesorios esten
the operating manual, en Ta caja vie avcesorios l.uego v’olocarla
clehaio del bra?>) lihrv
3. t heck to ensure that all accessories are in
he avvessors tray. Slide it onto the machine 4. i3ajar ci prensatelas.
I s-hind the free arm.
5. ( oiov ar ci pedal von ci ado inieri( ir hay Ia

Tans er the presser I. adehante encima ha .ita >he avvess> >rios tn


l)me trasera vie ha niacituna. Let antar ci asa

5. Place the to> t control. unciersde toss ard you, abatihie v ok>i. ra Ta ctihiv-na
on lie accessory tra at the hack of the
iliac tune F> lvi up the handle and replace the

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Connecting Conexión del pedal

the foot control El sable del pedal est.I entre los accessorios. t.ste
cable ha de conectarse al mando de pie.
Among the accessories you v.11 find the font
ontrol c orcl and the main cord. 1. Sacar el cable dcl pedal, Ponga de canto
el pedal. Introclucir Ia clasija pequena en el
1. Remos e the foot control cord, Place the foot zocalo denim del mando dc pie
control on its narrov. side, Fit the plug into the
socket nside the loot control compartment. 2. Controlar que Ia clas tja de ontacto esta hien
fija. Frito solo ha dc liacerse Ia primera Sc?,
2. t’ush it firmis to make sure it is properly cuandit se desembala Ia ni.iquina.
connected This operation is only necessary
the Sen first time you are going to use the 3. Para poder desenrollar correctamente ci cable,
machine. coloquelo en Ia rancira segcin Ia figura.

3. ‘l’o sorrectly turn assay the cord, place it into !Atenclón! Controlar que el pedal tiene Ia
the slot. see l’’ marca “type FR2”.

Note: Before plugging in, check to ensure that

the foot control is of “type FR2”.

Connecting to
the power supply
On the underside of the machine you ssill find
information ahout the supply (V) and the
Irequency (H7) Check the supply setting
in the machine to ensure that this agrees ss ith the
main supply before you connect the machine.

1. ( onnect the lout control cord to the first socket

on he bottom right side of the machine

2. Connect the main sorcl to the back socket on

the bottom right side of the machine.

3. ‘X hen you press the puss er sv. its h, hi itli the

machine and the light ate sxsitched (in.

For the USA and Canada

this sesstng Slat bite Itas a polanied plug one blade ss cict
iftait the othet to reduce the risk if elcttrc slink, it plug
is intended to fit in i plariied ouilet nitty one Stay tIthe
plug die not fit fulls in tIme outlei rcscrse the plctg If tt
Conexión eléctrica
tll doss tmom Itt. oniaci a qualified elc’t titian it insialt the flehajo del zocalo estlln indicadas Ia tension
pr per outlet Do not modits the plug in any isas
(stiltaje) y Ia frecuencia (Hi). \ntes ste conei tar
Ia nifiquina a red. asegurarse de que los sal res
indicados coinciclan con los de Ia red,

1. Conetar ci cable del pedal en Ia cntallaclttra

central abalo en ci ado clerecho ste Ia

2. Conedtar el cable de Ia red en ci encltufe

trasero. dehajo del lado derec ho ste Ia inaquttta.

3. Al pulsar ci interniptor principal, se cones Ii Ii

mnaquina v Ia iluminai’ion.

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Accessory box Caja de accesorios

1. ( )pen the Accessors hs he placing sour 1. Ahra Ia caja dc accessorios pi tuenclo el declo
finger in the space on the t( p and litt upw ard. en Ia entatlaclcira de Ia tapa let antandola Itacia
2. Stnre the presser teet and the hohltins in the
tray to im the heginning so thes are alts ass 2. Poner los accesortos en Ia caja de manera que
easily ac essible refer to the figure). siempre sean aecesihles ‘er loto.

Extended Superficie
sewing surface de trabajo
1. SI ide the Accessors frat onto the mac hine to 1. Dejar Ia caja dc accesorios en Ia neiquina,
pros ide a larger flat stork surface. cuando Se necesite ona maor superficie dc
2. slide the Ai Cecsi ire [rae to the left ss lien you
ss ish to retnos e it and use the tree ann. 2. Cuanclo se utiliza el hraio lihre, sacar Ia caja
de ic esorios lucia Ia iiquierda
3. To tacilitate setS ing trouser legs and ‘leese
hencs use the tree arm. the tree arnt also 3. Fl hrazo fibre tx’rtttte coserFicilmente mangac
allows oo to darn socks darnitig toot is an I) perneras, ast como coser cuellos. pcinos y
/orcir cali etines s niedias el prensatelas de
jctrc iclo accedoni e especiales
4. to replace tite &cUesSors luv, sltcte it tight
nto the machine. 4 Sacar Ia caja de aeeesonos,

extension table is also asatlahie as an accessory (uanclo cc tiecesile toclat ía ona masor coperfici
to pros ide an ct en larger 55 irk surface. Ic trahalo. hay una mesa de prolongacion comt)
icc esorio especial.

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b’cLct b ,LcL___

Spool pin Porta-carrete

The machine has spool pins suitable for all types La máquina tiene los porta—carretes que se aclapta
of thread. One of the spool pins Ia) is adustahle a toclo tipo dc hohinas. Se puecle utilizar en
the thread reels off the stationary spool. Place the posicion diferentes el bib se desenrolla y a

spool so that the thread reels counter-clockwise. bobina está parada (a),

There are two spool holders on the spool pin. El porta-carrete está edbuipado con dos discos
With narrow thread spools, the small holder lh) guia-bilo.
is placed in front of the thread, If you use large
Si se tienen bohinas pedfueflas se clebe poner ci
thread spools, the large holder Ic) is placed in
front of the thread. disco pequeno (h) clelante dc Ia hobina. Si se
tienen hohinas grancles. se clehe poner el disco
Slide the correct size spool holder in place so the grande Ic) clelante de a bobmna,
flat side is pressed firmly against the spool. No
space between spool holder and spool. Ponga el disco de manera que sus parte plana
estd contra Ia bobina, No clehe haher ego entre
There is also a separate spool pin Id) to be el disco v Ia bohina.
attached onto the machine. The fingers on the
La méquina tambien tiene on porta-carrete suelto
extra sp o1 pin fit mO the two holes to the right
of the fixed spool pm Push downward to snap Id) dIUC se monta en a macfuina. El gaucho del
porta-carrete se introduce en los dos agueros
in place.
a Ia derecha del porta-can-ete fijo empujãndolo
The large spool holder (c) is placed under the hacia ahajo. El disco grande (C) se coboque como
thread, Otis spool pin is used when winding a zocalo. Este porta—carrete se utiliza al bohinar
bobbin from a second spool of thread or for a separaclarnente o al coser con una aguja gemela.
second spool when sewing with a twin needle.


d d

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Threading Enhebrado
the upper thread del bib superior
‘slake sure the presser toot is raised and the \segurarse de que ci prensatelas y hi aguja se
needle is tn the uia posiiton cn ucntran Icr aniados
1. Pull the spooi pin out PLft e the thread on 1. Poner ci carrete dci hilo sohre ci ptirta carrete
lie spool pin atid the pooi Ic ilder on the poner ci disco sohre ci portacarrete como
spoil pin a, descrihed. lktsh the spi 11/ pin csta tndtcado arnha. 1)esuelsa ci porta hohina
hask tn. 2. P tsar ci htio dehajo ci guiaiuio (a) enetma
2. liring the thread in the dire non of tite at roe. ci guta itilo (hi
uni ler the thread gutdc a) and us r the 3. I uego pasar I itlo had ia ahajo entre Ii is dos
thtead gutde (hi cite us de ftnston
3. lirtng the thread doe. n Pete. cen the tltread 4. Pasar ci luli i desde Ia dcrecha en Ia ranura
ft nsion discs. del tira hiio
i. ( ontinue thrcadtng h\ drae. tng the thread 5. ( onttnuar ci htk i hacia ahajo por ci
In ii tue right into the slot on the take up guia hili>
6. Fnhchrar Ia aguta de .deiante hacia atra
5, I hread last guide lust those needle. dna as a Ia superik te hlanc a dc sontraste dci
6. I lie needle is threaded front front to hack. cuerpo del piensatelas. se ohserra factimente
1 lie ss httc on the presser foot inkle makes it ci aguero de hi aguta
sasS to see the ee of the needle 7. 1 inaimente tirar ci hilo hacta atrãs por dehajo
7. Place thread under the Pt esser 11)1)1 and into dci prensatelas luego hacia arriha a trades del

the thi cad knife v. heie it is cut. sorta hilo, donde ci liii)) es cortado

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Bobbin winding with Devanado de Ia canilla

the machine threaded \sesu mess fue ci prensatelas eec dci ado s tue Li
aguja este en su Ps isicion superii in.
Make sure that the presser hxt is up and the
N.B! No utilice tin prensatelas de plãstico al
needle ir in the highest prrsition.
Note! Do not use a plastic presser foot when
1. 1 r 1 s mulch
lu mar L r atailla s as ma en el etc sIc S
bobbin winding.
en ci hrente de L rnarluina on Ia nmiarr a
1. tare vrur empts hrrlihin ssah the small mark irs triar ê liar Lr huera r unduis a ci rje del
otitss aids in the hi ihhtn spindle on the aruilleri r I iacia ahairi
lmnt 01 thu narhimne. Bring the hohhin spindle
2. Pasar ci hilo de Ia iguta. p ur deha
i u del
doss n
pie prensaielas s has ma ha deres ha has mendu Ii
2. Pull the thread front lie flees lie under the pasar Pr rr encima del gina hilu i ii I
Sreser hurt aid ri lie ritri is er tIme dread
3. I )espuss. o umnen,.ir pi rr irriha s r ar unas
umde ii i
suintis s ueltis il hun en a r anulla i r mar
3. Stan tnu urn .ihu use and is mid a tess turns if liii i Sm fl n_I r ortadiur h
thread an rund the hi r[ihin Cut rift the thread
4. Presiu mar sm ihre el pedal \l tenninar ci
on the thiead knits Id)
e saque a r anilla, pasa el ohm u por ci
‘I. Press the rn ii i>ntrol hen the hohhitt si urtadon s em mnrju,ra el etc del m ,inillero hacta
is inding is finished. rcitsr use the holihin. i ut oil arriha
tlie thread and raring the hr .hhin spinrmle up
N.B! \rr Se dehe hr ilsinar a irises di Li neuti un
Note! ‘t e dir nut rio I ruminiend is indimig spes a liv i dr nm Ii fl u otri r tupu r de I/u r nius elasiiru r \ un
lii eadrr h is lear ni urn in iii er streirj 5 1 )ei anado pn irta S arrete i entis. al

threads through the needle Instead see hi ihhi ma

ssinding seniral spout Pin
Devanado —

Bobbin winding —
porta-carrete vertical
vertical spool pin 1. Pruner una aniPa sarma rim ha uminri a liaei.i
1. Plite arm euilprt liurhhin is tth the mark u uu0 fmui.ra si lire il ipe slel u anilleri i vmr mnduis au
is arcis on the hohhin spindle and firing it di is n. I iaeua ahaiu i.
2. Plare the large spool 2. Fl diseo grande se
holder under the thread soloque mrrino zoralo
rn the spurn ifi Pr uriga iou hr mlrmna Sm nlsre
ci pu liar arrete
3. Bring the thread under
the :iiread guide i a 3. Paar ci loIn u dehair n ci
and user thread guide guia hilo I a) v ens irna ci
I hj. further under thread gula him hi despues
guide (c) dehabo ci guia hilo (( I.
4. Fm urn ahos e a less turns liar unas suantas s uelias al hilo sruhre Ia
if thread am rind the hi rhhrjn and sandia Ira sar n_d diii i p ur ci rr,rin—hi Iii—
into the knife. eortarlo.
5. \s point + hi ihhin winding. 5. Cu mu ci punt -+ l)ei anadui de Ia sanulli

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Placing the bobbin Enhebrado

in the machine del bib inferior
1. Open the icn Cr by slightly pulling it towards 1. Ahrir a tapa tirriindola h.icia Vd. Saque Ia tapa.
von and take It awav
2. l’oner Ia canilla con Li marc hac iaarriba
2. Place the bobbin in the Is hhin ease is jib the v ci bib a Is izquiercla de Ia canilla, Entonces
ittark $ facing upsi aft! tnd the thread to Ia csnilla girará contra el sentido do laa agdiias
he left of the bobbin The bobbin wtll then del reloj a! sacar ci bib.
rotate counter clockwise is hue drawing out
3. Aguante Ia canilla y bra el bib hacia ci punto
the thread.
derecho redondo (a).
3. I bId the bobbin and draw the thread to the
4. Mantenga el hilo en tensiOn tirilndobo hacia
right pcissing a).
iciujeriLt de nianera quo ci hilo siga ci horde v
4. lb ild the thread tight and drass it iii the left si llegcie .i Ia posiciOn cot-recta entre el muelle dc
that the thread falls correctly into the tension tension. Luego pasar ci bOo alrededor dc
spring, C ntinue threading around (b ncl to y a Li derecha del corta—hilos (c). Des ueis a Is
the right of the thread knife (c), tapa c colOquela en su posicion. lire el bib
uierda cortándolo,
hacia Is izc
Replace the cover and slide it into posiuon.
Ilten pull the thread to the left to cut it

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Thread tension Tension del bib

tiiti can adji st the thread tension hs turntng the a nthiett se poetic tnt dific ar a tension dci itilti
ci al ss hiclt r numherc d Pie hiltcr the ii imber gin ndo ci ma trio de regular a in mie Ia tensim in. I a
the tcihter lie tensii in \ irtttaI thread tensit n is tensii in ni irniai dci hilt i es -t
number i. Pita mi.. les t minis punt is dcci rats as Se mhtiene
\\ hen setting tititi mitt mies .irid dec rat it e stttc es un.i hut na tension del hilo cii Li Pa 3 St micra
set thread tensti in tim nuniher 3 ‘X lien ( ipstit hi ng din tin hilt i gntiesi t en tehis gnm iesas.
ss ith ,i ctm,n se titreid in thick fabric inc rease tite itt niente Ia tensit in dci butt supeni it hasta Ia
tension to — P {ti sic ion i)

Correct and incorrect
thread tension
Tension de los hilos
correcta e incorrecta
1 miii nclcrstand tie i irrec t thread tensii in test Pat a c ompri ibm coal debe ser Ia tension ii irrec ta
list saniple stilt hcs at different settings. del hili reabizar carias costoras. rn mlii it ,tttdiim cii

tm ii) lit se. aria ona ci tensit in

1. Begin si tb a cilia in that is t e set

at 1 I lie Inter tttread st III lie straight and 1. (aiitx ti/ar con ott.i tension titus iii iii. i sea,

the ripper thread still he clrass n doss is tin the amusta Li tensiin a 1 li itilm i interior c sta
5 t hilt i stiperit’r irrciga ci teicbo
tenso tilieno is e
set the mliii in it lit highest itittitbet. en Li parm interim ir
2. Ii cciii

tppt site still ic ctii. and the seaits mas

tie i 2. Si se ajust.i Li tensim iii cit ci tiunieri m mis alt t se

p ker i ibtenciri tin efecti m t (ii:tr.irim m. esciei ir. ci teticli

3. The it meet thread tetisit itt is pri tt ii led cs liett
the threads intenitic k itt the tttiddle of both 3. La tension cortec ta se i ihttette c rtandt i Ia onion
Tat cr5 iii tttatcrial or. in I case iii tier otatis e se prixiuce en Ia atitad tie Li cbs de
stilt lies, mm lie u tidetside tetido. ci Icien en L p.irte inlet icr il c 5cr
ci isturas i le irati\ us
I.ike a less tests i itt a scrap piece itt lie nt.ttental
ci ci are gi iing ti i sess and heck the tension siempre ltacer una prod ta en tin tn mitt del d tieri i
ual ii ue se desee coscr v cotttrolar L tension
dc los Itilos.

I 2 3

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Changing the needle Cambio de Ia aguja

1. lu sen the siren in the 1. llutar el tornillu del
needle lamp. soporte-agujas con el
2. Remose the needle.
2. Sacar Ia aguta.
3. Push up he nev needle
\\ aft the lit side an as 3. Introdus tr a agog de
Irunt situ until it nil ainti i a arriha Ia
ttt hiriher. sttpcrticie redondeada
Itacia idelante
4. lighten the seress empujándola hasta su
properly. tope.
Always needles of 4..pretar hierteinente el
system 130/70511. tirnillo.

Siempre utlice agujas del

sistema 130/705H.
the presser foot
1. \lake sure that the needle is in the htgltest
Cambio del prensatelas
p1 situ ‘it PitlI the pre55er tilt ii S isvaids \ oil 1. Poner prtrnemo Ia agtia en su pitsiciun nias
aita. ci prettsatelas ligeramente hacia
2. I ne up the cross pin tin the ii kit hem een die
spnng arid the presser foot ankle. Press hit k
untul the isa snaps into place 2. Introduc ir el pasador transsersal del
prensitel,us entre el cuerpo de éste el neulle.
Ptttpujar i ihluc uartlette tat a atr.s h.tsta qtue el
pit- encaje



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Presser foot Presión del

pressure pie del prensatelas
the presser toot pressure is adjusted is ith he dial La prestitn del pie del pretisatelas se i.tectua
on the fri nt i the ma hmc. \ irmal setting is n iediantc una rueda graditada, de .tfustc sititasla
ihe higher the number the itore ressure ‘in te in ci trenti i etc L mitlutna I a pi istCiiin ni irnial
tahrtc Knit and ti itt Lii irks shou ki be sess n at lois es ( uanti i mat or sea el nutitero de regulacti in,
pits ir era Ia presii in en ci prensatelas I a ‘
tittilldi is se ci isen en pi ‘sir ii in I ‘a’a

Presser foot lever

Palanca de elevación
lie presser iii ii is raised and I is ered ‘a it h the del prensatelas
sser liii it les er he presser ti (it itiust he
ii ns ere’d vi hen scsi ing.
P ir ttied:ii de Ia ial,tnia se suite i se tag i-I
Itt raising tie insser ti it cs er is Ia r is it gi ie prensatehis .\l ii iser ci pretnatelis dr’Ite e:,lt en

atid hi ilditig it there, the lift height ot the presset sit pi isk ion interior
lilt an be ins teased hi seseral lttillttttetcrs Iiit lii uttas alti p isiltle s
Plei audi i ci prensatelts
i isetul is hen sets rig heat nt.ttcrtals. puede itti. rettictitar a altiti
ittatiteniendi io .ist se

de des ii ton en alguni is mnt. mas Psto pitede 5cr

ittil en Lt ci istitri etc generi i ittits grilei is ii
ibru i



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Reverse Marcha atrás

or nih lone .es sir-ku .irds u hen rhe 01k Ii nuquina cose tucia atras c uando se presi na ci

length dial presed. 1 he trachine eus tiru ard voLinte pan Ia longitud de puntada. I..i nlaluina
when the button is released rose hacta .tdelante al sultan el olantet

For permanent reserse. turn the soti it length dial La miquina tamhiën re puede hioquear en It
posltc fl pcslcIiin niarcha atras al girar el s Linte part Ii
longitud de puntada h.rta Ia poiciott

the feed teeth Bajada del transporte
de dientes
lw teed teeth are F ,u ered u hen ou turn the
o itch length dial to . Turn the dial the e hata ci transporte de dientes, girando ci s olante
para longitud de puntadas desde en v re
lIt ii S0O v oh to raise the teed teeth, the feed
teeth ss II not come up until von begin to wv suhe giran ci reguLiclor desde Ia zquierda. Los
diente del tranp ne c a7an automiticarnente al
I lie teed teeth ire F its ered ss hen 5ev Ing lmtt ins
ctflpelar a riser
nd kr free hand sr irk.
La hitachi del transporte de dientes re requiere
pit a ci )•er hignes pan operar tines de

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12 411 112 4

13 13

Stitch selection Selección de puntada

ur nun hine nil! sen ill the stik his ii tut ed in it Li pane hr ntal di Li nia 1 iiini se enerten ir.i
the front lite stitrh is set by turning the stttelt el selector he las osruras que I d prtede realiiar
select r the upper diii I. A /t red marker ines

itt Li Li i stura desejiht se i httene gira ttdi ‘ el
rip ts tile ti flung the sttft h selei ti slion ing 5% hi h sIc ti r de pntarla. I n ursi ir de ci Ii ii e irt es C
‘tiiit’et s.nii iltaneantente al girar el selw ti Li pi nt_i I_t
tot testri Ia iii ia sido le iii inada.
he k that the needle is in its lttgl lest pusitiun
hetere ou turn the stttrh seletor ( otitrolar qtie Ia aguta e’ie en su pi tsR tin mas

Uhe I ncr dtt1 is ti aldust the stiti ft length. Thr alia a! girar el sele —ti de ptintad_i
stilt hes ate dit ded into no groups 1-urn ard
in ii r olante tilert ii si, c aiul na Ia Iotigtitid
rn ition awl triluotti it still hes. 1 he Si iii It length fir
de ptttrttdas I as ii tstiiras istan dtvtdid,ts en di is
the Rn er group. I rn aid mi Iii in stlt hes. tn Lie gt pt is. I’ar_i las de grtip nldrior. Li I tor’i iii Lie
tried hetsseen t attd e and the n dilt hetneen pttniada pttede ariar ntre o Li tint Ia ainplitud
n lIe iitntendations liii the suggested sttieh entre itS S urn. I )eLinte (IC resper tie tni,td.t
length are gts cii tiest ii the stitches. n’ presenta nit nina ii in thre Li regular ion tt.ts
ttiti.nietttt al tipo Lie osturi stIettittida

yw wyv
u,indt qt ira realtiar alguna Ic las t,srurj
‘A hett ni n sit to use inc iii the stitches iii lie di! grop intern ir del ic tirar ci regtiLtdi ir Lie
It nit group. the trintotior’ stttcltes you turn tire I itgitttd de ptntada a Ia ii tt ierda. lw i l.t i na
stit h length dtal iti the left intil it realtes the — — — —
I stir stgnilit a tiiie isa t t itt iras tendr rn
are.i — — —Pie stitit length is set fir these iii ira tina I ingitud in ipi ira_It lila. I_a utiplitii
stit lies I he sOt h n tdth an he set isetss i-en t A A Lie prntada pu-Lie regular entre tt-.S mni
I here iie letters ti tire right 1 lie stith putur Lt dere ha di’ lii stn,Ii Its de itturas has liii is
o liieh titdt tie lie rust sitttthle presser it fr ire mdi tn el prensateLis ittas apr piado para
ejeh st itt. h I lie letter is also twit ked in the rad.i tistura I a ttti
ittt letra sC enuentra en ci
presser lii pietistielas

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Stitch width Amplitud de puntada

\\ tin intl sileit a stiti Ii the iii hint tandi’ si chine tuna nustili,i Ii nitijiiun I
illtn .iiI’ sets the scsi stit h is tdt]t Its turning
natti- selec innara auitoniatit_attuente Ia ii nplit oil di
lie stiti h is tdth dial t plar d inside the stiti It puntada adec uada.
mien, tot) on cart hange the sin, h ti itlth [he
ha atuiplitud de puntada e P teli intl ilar
ii in ItIt nuttttli, red S S.
tuiediante el seleeti ir di puntaula. i aduuanhu lii
Ii •n,tltnti tile ‘titilt Sin tutu diat It 2’ iinii nail mcdiii milimeirn, is entre (t S. 5 it Hi I sutu.ichi al
halt c the ii chIt itt the int Ii, lies SIt tint it the stun, lies unttrior del selector dc puntada s
is ill hr n net a clilIc rent Ii ink and ou has c’ a
51( tiler cl selector de puntada c-n 2.5 inc pat ti
‘eli-nt un-nil leo ttn, his.
tuetlias Ia antplitud de las puntadas Li tieS nii.t

Je his i thitenen 110 aspen, tin neti t ni in 51,’

ht cue nun ni menu dc puntadas noes as

Stitch length
hln’i t ltiiitttfli Iatiutns liar the si iutahle setting are tia itt
text ti the It lr\ i rd nil Sit in Stilt lit-s Longitud de puntada
Shins ass use the reconirnended setting tn start is udt (‘uando una puntada ha sudo suleccuonado se
httt expertuitent until on irrn e at the exact settitig nictestra Li urtlusrntac ion Sn ihre Ia Ii tngitud nlas
Ii ir the an toil o irk ott o ill rm di mg.
1 uad’ is a Ia in ustura en ti-las ni trnaales.
I mptece sieinpre pr Ia longttud de puntada
red oniendada despuds podrá ir husc ando Ia
hongitud de puntada ciue i onsidera más pertedta
Ixtra Ia L
h H en uesiit in
1 -

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Buttonholes Ojales
I se the presser loot none ci piensatelas para i files C.

The htti mlii mie ted is mrle lines ii Ins gramtuam ne’. poeden tarnlmmen ser

.9 cletcrniine Imutti mnhm

na rk fl 1(1 it
Ic length ihe middle
C znes a I s citi nitt iflini(
ut ii mi_las jara ol itener tin lii irde
regular de Is mu in La ram a del mcdii I
edge sohre ci prensatelas ( indk a on horde
de I mm.
PLc e the hutton on he preoei toot
a gainsi the needle and ou s ill se II hm it/mn se mm Ii inn i hespues s lire
the to see ss him h mark in the Ii sIt ci prensateias mi intra Ia atom v me
irresfim mnds ti the hutton Ii mu mm ill sec poide 5cr de esa nunera qi te ra a del
until the first huttonhole rolunin ream hes orrespi mdc a I Is iii in.
his mark
I n Ia parte trasera del prensateLs his
here a small linger at the lie k ot the
is on talon. (amando se utilim on lob
r liii it li ir a cm irded htittm mitholi’. de reloer,i i. liadi i en ci iii in
imp \out i_i ird aioond the tinger as mu ni_him a ha figurn

For better vislbffity the machine
buttonholes away from you.

1. set t lie stitr h length dial

Set the
‘cc ii mmiii
‘tift Ii
liuttonhi mle s nhm ml.
sm. tnhol I

selector to liuttoniti mle.

mur nitching rear lies time line in t lie
iAtención! I a timaqumita momien/a a i_user los
i gales en mum i_ha aLms.

1. ( ire
ci regulmdm ir dir Ii ingttud de puntada hi_ma
ci sinilsi ile i gales. (dire el sden br de puntada
tam ma i ij.les. simmihi ibm i 1 P isa ci primer hi in
hare al akanmam ci argo deseado
foot that maC lied our I sutton

2. 1 urn to cm nihol 2 .i. \oc the ntarlmmne \‘mill 2. Ii ire al simholi i 2 4. Ia inaquina di ise Ia
stitc Ii i lie hartic k. Sec three or Im fir stitches. prmnmera prcsmllt I laga unas 4— I puntadas

3. 1 urn svinhi ml ‘mess the other oil umn the

i i 3. mire al smmnhm ilo 5 C isa elm tn i horde dclii al
smmne length as the first inc mimi iui5fliO hartz’ m i pie ci pnmmer(u.

4. 1 urn hark to ss rnhol 2 i. 4. (ore ott 1 ci il smmtmliolo -1-

The machine cm ill stitch the LuiaiiuinJ 2 i. Ii mamluina nose Ia Lininnani
final hartaek. Sew three or .egunda presilla Flaga 4 +
puim:rlis. t ire. fimia lmnente.
1 iur stitrites Turn the stitr h
cm diii dial to ii and lock the
threads cm th a fec stitm_hies
112 411 miladi ir de anipliti id dir
ml re
puiitada s a I mi liaga iina
112 411
puntadas de in matir


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Balance setting for Regulacion exacta del

buttonholes equilibrio para ojales
The machine is set br sess rig esen huttiinholes La ntiquina csti regulada para p’ ider coser i jilts
in nost lahncs. I Iiiv es er. si)tfle cotiihittatii>ns of unilormes sohre Ia mayona de los gdneros en tiso
fahn needk- and thread nia cause sotn ariations Stn emhargo. clehido a ciertas conthinaciones enmie

in he C olumns If this is the case, adjustment an generi i. aguja e hilo. alguna chtferenc ia entre Ii is
hi niade fly me’,In if a sc tess litsated nide the di is hi irdes del utal podrii maritesta rse. sienil,
stitch length dial este el asi i. I ‘d. puede ajustarli i ittediante tnt
ti irnilli i que CSti clelante del s olante regt:ladiir
set the stitch length dial ii hum nit Ii ss mh ii pin Ia longitud de puntadas.
Remus e teh dial h pulling it straight out.
\Juste Ia longitud de pumadas en ci stitiholo de
iii is II noss see the scress used to adjust ojales Retire ci solante tirincholo hacia afuera.
iahinc e I se he scress dns er inch tiled is ith ii sir

attai, I iments. Ajuste ci equilihrti I ci in ci tornilo. AtenciOn!

I laga esto ci in pequenos mi ivimienti is.
diust the hilani e ii turning the sc ress er’
slightl’, si ci hi irde iiquierdo dcl otal resulta ttais tupidi
i ue ci dereclto. afloje clii irnillo un poco a Ia

lithe left olunin is tighter that the tight one, turn i/miuterda
the screv, slighik to the left.
ciici horde dcrecho dcl ojal resulta nsis mupido
II lie right ci ilumn js tighter that the left one, turn que ci i7ihutcrdo. ant ite ci ti irntllo un poco a Ia
the scress sliglttk i the right clerec ha,
I hicck the huttunhoic after each acljusttrient Cuando cliii lilcic de nues ii ci s ilante, insenc ci
Replace the dial hs fitting the ndgc in the dial Into gorrOndcl s islante en cm ranura (a I V apriete.
the slot tat and then push into place.

0 0
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Sewing buttons Costura de botones

1. ‘dark the hthric is here the hutton is to lx 1. Fiacci unt marc a cit ci te)uch Li pi ox ion
located. dcl hoton

2. Turn the stitch seles tot to hg/ag 2. (,nar eti ztgiag V

3. Lois ci the feed teeth tc e ptgc I — 3. lIuj it I tr ttwporte Z, icr pa

. snap itt the presser to it 4. scar el prcisateLis.

5. Place the nutteria under the presser lixit ankle 5. 15 >ner el tejtclo en ha inailcuna.

6. Place the hutton i ci marking mci loss ci the 6, (oh is ur ci hot in en Ia tehu r ha)ar Ia haria pren
prc sset lxi r so tlttt the ptesset P cit ankle is satelas, dc ittaticta put ci ierpi i del piensitelas
hetis ccii the holes oh the lidittilit ee plc tute). este pertectan ente c entraclo entre los agucri s
dcl hoti itt tier figura
7. 1 Told the thread ends
I inc side 1 ccii the 7. IS iner los e\ttcntu is de
hai dii heel titci heck to Ii is tilt o hiac a tin lid
hr sure tli it the needle ii ai cl oLinte in tttual
its nto the hi iles ot the s tsegurirse he poe Li
I lutti in. agcia ii tins cia ron los
igufents dci hoton
8. Scsi O titdte, set the
stitrh siidth dial to)) and 8. ( ostr S 6 puntaclas. (,ira
I xk the threads ssith a ci reguhadoi de amphitud
less stitches. dc pcintada al 0 r itaga
t na pcuntadas de remate.
it tetttnes on need to sets the hutton is ith a
diat k I se the clearance plate br this purpose. \ titencuclo se netesita c user on hotOn dun
I ci tf e thin enci is hen sets ing huttons on light triehlo Para ciio, se emplea ci supicntcnuo para
lahrtts the thick end for heat icr fahrics. hotones. La parc. clelgacia pam tela ntrchiana ha
pane ittas gtuesa pain
Pctsh in the plate
genero. pesados.
hersteen the button
and the I ahnc Lower oh car c I sciplemento
the presser har and entre ci hi toti i ci
sets or the l,utton. Pull gendro S coser ci
the threads between hoton, Returar ci
tic. hcttton and the scipicinento, meter los
fabric wind the htlos entre ci Ixiton
threads a few tunes i ci gencro, clandoles
irounci the shank and unas c uantas S or itas
tie the ends. ahrededor del cciehlo’

Buttonhole knife Abridor de ojales

ii ahnidor de oples se utthiia pira abrir los ojales
he kntfe is used to dcit bcuttonh 4es it is also
sirs e tamhien para ahrtr c osturas etroneanienue
usebul for rettios ing stitches sets n in error.

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Straight stitch Costura recta

riight stiti hinti—— o toed to C an tahns o litrh (ott nra re. Ia s———
se Ut iliia para unir paoed

de tela no xtensihles \ para ostitras ie lii

l c’ tot Oret. h md ‘eIitI ii Iii. It will n ii b.
siihj.xted to great strain. skin expuestas a mavores estiieijo

Furn the stilL h length diii to the recommended Fl regulad)r de ha longitud de puntada se
setting 2 to with lint experiment until iou me en Ia posiclon base recotnenuhada 2 tint.
trill e at lie exit I setting Ii ir the si oik von Ripite ha ‘ta ilmtenir Ia ntem r n siea tn para an
ii ill I e LI nIt IrmI)ihm I

Fiample lnrrease lie Ilk It lerkitlI ii hen hitting \tt inentar Ia longitud de puntada ii hilt ana r s

md us hen Ii pstitr hing il realtzar pe’ptintes decuratrios

Clearance plate Placa para

It learant e plate is ti’ed when ew ing ot er costuras tupidas
tlak teams ‘er
I a imlatIt para osturas tuipidas e utmli,a para I

1)ne side itt the plate thir ker tItan ilte other. se 1 bre costuras tnu’. gruesas
the stdc that stilts the thi kness oh the seam best F na pane de Ia placa es mat gruesa que Ia otra
I tar Ia paRe que tenga tin grosor mIs o tneflos
di a I dt Ia .ostura

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Sewing zippers Cosido

he upper loot F in ft napjsed on so
de cremalleras
Fit ii is orated either n the riiht r ii
\pliqoe el prens.itelas F le al maner:i
he felt ot lie needle. maxine it elsv
I uc el iiiisiii, 1 ifiieilc a Ia derra ha i a
sesx lx ith sxles of ilk upper Jo sen the
Li iiijuierda Ic Li aguja r de esta ft irma
sher side ol the Zipper. repositil m the
utppei hot.
iesu hr far if raiser atiih is ladi is she Ia L
teitialhea ‘ira ,a 5cr , in, lade ic
H remallera retira r eI prensatelas s lix arh i ile
iuei i. de iitanera ie este ifuede il iii lad,,
Lapped zipper
1. ‘e\ the sr-aol ti ‘ret her he h, n im ii lie Cremallera oculta
uipper p1k ket Ha ste he rest it lie scott
I en e al ut .2 sot pen at the top l’ sr’aiit 1. t i-ia fa-. eturas liasia a itiarear in I lili altar
open Set the needle to the right position. Ia ihertura I )elar apo ix 2 in ahiert, is al
ci imieflhi (Ic L aherttira Planr har Ia i. osiiira
ilaierta Emplear Ia posidón derecha de Ia

2. PIti e presser foot I to the left of the

neei_lle. Fri in tltc n rong side t, Id tI r f,ihri(
one side o hi th scant alh ‘u, ans ir’ are
uierda de Ia
2. Ciilr,rir el prens.itelas F a Ia iui
tree Fold and press the left allos c(fldd under agua I tar Ia i uclta a Ia preni Ia de tal H intia

approxttatelx 0 S cm from the hated seaitl el rer es quede por enrinia dohlar Ia
I irr n,ia al lado hasta que se Sean las dos
di ‘steras l)ol,Iar el aimlenti, ne a , silira del
ado iuiiriierd i. n’ TOil On pliegoe. a liiii is S
inn rId luli anad, i

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3. ( Ia rrentallera (on

3. Place the upper under the
bided seam allowanre ith
he tceth as near to the told
as pi isihie and eitrh itpper
to tahrir cit ie ti i hid. Begin

sess tng at the lxittom of the

I aiflieres dehajo de Ia ritstura
di ihlada ron Ii is themes lo mas
ierca posiisle del dohlado v
ci ser el lado izquierdo. l’mpeuar
a coser desde ahajo. I nits
ztpper. Befoie rearhing the entimetros antes de ilegar at
upper pull, lilt the presser ti sit final de Ia costura. levantar ci
and slide the uipper pull di iss n prr-nsaiela- s .ihrtr Ia crernallera.
past the upper foot. Loer the riesli7altdO el cierre de Ia ntisma
toot and sess to the top if the
por dettis del prensatelas. Ba jar
ii prensatelas v nninar Ia
-4. nap on the upper fi iot Si i it 0 ii the right 4. Emplear Ia posiciOn izquierda de la aguja.
iloque ri prr-nsatetas de ntanera este
(itthe tteedle. Set the needle to the left (
position. Furn the garment ti) the right side. quede i Ia deterha de Ia aguja. Es importante
que Ia i isttira del derei’ho ipiede recta v
It ittipi irtant that the seam in the rtght std
is sess n straight Before ou hegtn to sess hi inita. [‘s Bell etectuar eso marl ando Ia
mark the seam line. Sess the other side of Inca de Ia costura. Ft jar ron alfileres coser
the Itpper. ci (itro lado dc Ia i.retnallera dentro de Ia linea
ttt.irrada. (05cr una i ostura transsersal at final
Begin stit( fling across the hi itt( rn and i.le Li i. remailer.i V ri intinoar hacia arriha.
nt intie ipss ards Retni we the hasting.

It \sant to sess a gentir-itians

tiilii the instructions
hut ttsert tn the other direi tion.
Se iltitere (05cr una
rcntillera de .ihahleni” se
itace tctdo segrin Ia descripcion,
pero ins erttdo,


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Reinforced Costura recta

straight stitch reforzada
t’tii ci length cliii Ii, the are,l
I lit’ ‘tik ii — — — B I ;r ci liii ma iii
rt’gmmiitli ir I Ic Ii itgmtuid tie piititacia

to scSi relnuiwi ed striigiti slits h Ito sliti ii i ,n,i — — — sc’ p ic’clt slum ret Ia
ii sscr a ii

s sit onger thin irciindr\ itraight ,tiic h due ii the I clot zicia ØE I I CI slum c’s rn,is iuerte i tit’ Li
lot i ioi rec ii norttcii pi urpue cs triple t eiistit a
Lict it is .i triple mci thictic stitch
tie rt’intiircs_’ct sir,ngltt ‘ilk ii in It toed hi ia ci i’tur,l cii idei u,ici,t pra
iei ‘r/,itt,i es
heist sirek Ii tjhi its. or is kit ‘e,iliis s’ds ii en eistic’ is taia ci sluro
iiiaieriiic’s griiesi 5.

suhies liii consicierihIe strdin inch or topstitc lung ue i’st,in e\piic’stas a mut,isiiit’s esicier/lus. L,i
in heats Lihrtes I sttir,i rec ti teioriuicha tarnhtcn se rec uunuieni ha
05cr pc’sitiiltt’s cii itiatt’ri,iies gru itsi us

Needle Positions
Posici on
‘I (Itt I Jfl sciec I intl e nh lrc ed
slough it siitc Ii
1 ith the needle ii it ii 151111 in I he
stra gilt st it ii. v
de Ia aguja
needle isltioii iri he ,idtusiei I in cti’p” t se he t ci coic’,l ri’ii,i S en ciistiiil recta rcton,ati,i
“iiich isichth ciiiL turn iii the right ti reach lie st pi iccic cii nhiar a pi sit in i/i ti erchi tic ii
,igci. I ski se dcii a con ci reguiichor cit’1
P c cige stitch, s oci should take ads antage ot the ,int ho dc ptiniacha, giru al Ia cierec ta par i
pi osihihits to set the cii edit iii the cii or the right iie,gi r Ia pi ‘sicion cht’i cc hi
sitS in
oani hi iii ci a ci 5cr on pespunie i crc a cit till
l1i’Ssc loiS it hit’it ‘c\’ ing I’ ircic c’sderii in. c’ liii’ .icih c oei Coil t,i
itgiti Li hntcs mci presst’r hint I) liii c’n pi sic toil cie i/dhimiercii o cleiec ha
thet Phi cs. P11cC the I ihnii ,i id Pir,i genenu is tick ligetu is se ‘W ‘-

‘eu i itt tii c’cige k iii 55’ tile

e’tiilic,i el preitkiiclis \ s pan
insiile right i cige Ii tile prescr uss it r tile list
his dt’nias ti prensaithas I)
ii,irk oi lie eli edge ii lie preSci tiiiit Pi inga t’i 1ieneri I ci in hi rd sit

I i iii is oh to scsi ahi cit tm iruuni tic edge ir

S c”'tci it ir c I untra ci i,ii Iii inted r del deck i’
sek a riarruiss hem, use presser loot \ utci set the clem i’i’ho del pit’nsa it las 1) ii ci iritna Ia prmra
i cetiit’ ii tilt rilii fil isitii ‘i-i. c’niiiIiti,tra it’ 1 cid i ‘i uic’rdio tit’l prt’tus,itc!


.. c ist’I’ ci pespumtte
lPii e the ‘i igc’ ‘I the
i,ihril siu tikit it iuiiiiiks C ti,ittclo ipiutna
titt’ outside I ,ht c’cige oi spuntear tittil del

the pi c’ssei oi t anti ‘cut hurtle ii h,ic t’r tin

lit’ 1cm
1 1 icli iii esirt’s ho sc

lit c ci fl i,i igi gt en

p)5 i’isin clt’re( ha
I tthiiar ci prt’nitt’i,is c
Ponc’r ti hi ircit’ mid
tt’tithi I tc’l’ii) i ut’! ii) rcic

esterS ir ticrec ! i ihe!

S toser liii
Pt shut-Itt’ Ii

ci iih,icuihl i

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Zigzag Zig-zag
1he itg/ag \N is utilized for sins tog on lae, La costura 1ig7ag \iv se usa. PCI pat I iplit ar
hi und edging and appliques. enca icc. rthetear con ctflta.s tambicit para liii
The hg/ag is idth is ill be decreased from the left
S 5 mm is dth. teplessls ii the rigftt to mm Li aitiplitcici de zig ag cc progrestvamentc
In this posit ion the maclone sess straight stitch iegulahile hacia Ia izquierda 55 mm amplttu.h a
in the right needle position. I.periment until coo Ia derecha a 1) mm. hora Ia maqutna cosc urci
ria lithe best setting for coot actual scork. costura recta con Ia agujarn posicionderecha.
I)escle alIt puede modificar hasta en contrarlas
regulaciones mac apropiadas a so labor.

Three-step zigzag
Three step zigzag ,V’J is suitable for overcasting
most fabrics. Trim the edges of the fabric before Zig-zag de tres pasos
“ err attng.

La ci smura ztg-/ag de tres lsas cc

\fake ure that the needle sews s er the edge onsenmente para stibrehilar en a mnavorma de los
the rabric Place the fabric au owing to the iejicloc. Recorte Io hordes antes de cobrehilar.
presser foot (see picture I. Procure al coser que las puntadas rojan bmen el
horde tomando los bibs. coloque Ia tela segcur Ia
referent a dcl prensatelas (5cr illustraciOn).

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Sewing terry cloth Tejidos esponjosos

errs c I ii h a rather Iii, isels v
is en fahri, in El tejichi i caps ilSIr sri suele tener uria ie\tura
ishich seam easils break. hasiante Ii, i, que ceda has ilmente en las c ostriras

Sess the garment t igeiher is itli straight stiti h (A ss una a prenda on sr istura recta. I )espues
I rim the seams and press the semi all rice flat ‘ne irs auntenO is hit ipiartiente s planclie amhir is
and sees the edges down against the garment on Is mrdes de Ia cosicira. i)espues. cosa al horde dc
is c,intOs. pot cl rem es. on ci zig-/ag dc tres
the ‘a is ing side ‘a itli three step zig zag
Es en th ugh the stitc sing gi es right through
unque Ia cosiura traspase el ‘ido, es c asi
to the right side of the garment, it is nearls
ins isible and es en tOe ‘a is mg side iii ks neat
ins isihle ci reves iienc liuena pre.sentac ii fl

. ‘‘
N. ‘%.

Mending and darning Remendar y zurcir

Iliree step zig iag can he utilized El zig zag cle tres puntadas A’’J, es Ia osiura dc
t ir mending and dirnitig \ il ireai hare
spi it is utiliclacl s ersitil para retnendar s zurzir ‘ira
i etnenclar i tros clesperfec tos. asian cuantas
iiiended h sees ing Isis k and Ii nh with iltree-step
5 s

zig zag
Ixisadas con ci zig—/ag dc ires pcutiachas mcii
adelante S atras
se the res cisc and for es cr5 ii mis of stitching,
guide the fabric sI iglitls to the side if the Ia hric I tiiice rnarclta airas s ciesplace Ia cia iiteraiiuentr
is scm ssorn, a piece of fabric mr lining nias he al coscr (,uancio el chesperfecto asi ho requiera,
attac hmd is, the ri-s ,rrse sick of the maii-ria I is suphurns-nie ci I:is him irtluri, r sin un tn s’o sic’ ichi
reinf’ r,enietst sic refuerzi r.

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Seam and overcast Union y sobrehilado

itine sntc hes can he used I it seaming and (;iertas costuras seutilizan para minim sm mimic liii
ot ercasung directly on the edge where a mm directamenre sohre ei horde en una ripe ti mn
(j 4 t seam is alii med Plare the fahrK so that the con 5 mm de costura. Ponga ci gene-ro dr niarsera
inside right toe mf the presser foot timiion s the que ci horde interior del dedo’ dens hr dci
edge of the fahnc. prensamelas guie ci canto dcl tetido

Presser f( mt is iso used to overiock and Fl prensatelas I sr utihi,a para rI sohrehtkido s

os crcast mans dilterent Iahrk s e th the exceplii in jiara i isturas al (anti m en todos tipos dr meLm. fl
of heats, firm fahrics. The pin on the presser cxcepcion de teias inu3 gruesas duras La piinta
foot should follow the edge of the fahric and still del pie dehe estar canto a (anti) COfi Ia tela e
prevent the fahn front puckering. Stitch ss idth 3 5 tmpechmr atm que se m,ontraiga ci horde de ia tria.
miii, olloss the icc omniended setting, go en fir nmho de puntada 3.5 mm. Por ho clemas smga iat
stIk it length
reuminendac’iones sobre Ia iongitud de puntad

Om erlock is hiefl used for sen ing heat stretdt imsmntada tie us eriock se emnpiea pain meLts gruesas
fahri Snap on presser foot B. elastkas. f tiliiar ci prensamela, B.

Overcast stitch mat he used km sew light and Puntada semniom erhor k Se emplea para telas finas
5 omrnentes. pain generos no eL’ittim.os v para teias
medium non stretch fahric and light streti ft fatn k
Snap tin presser foot I. finas eiastkas ttihizar ci prensamelas J.

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Blind hem Dobladillo

t’rser tiiit I) is used Ii if lilind li_rn F I prensatelas I I se u:ili,a part sI
si hi .idill a puui.ici ni isihle

I old the naterial as shrn n. \lakc sure I)ohlar el gencri t ci mu m nuiiestra Ia

that he told hnc of the tat inc rides in ItgtJra
thc ii (illS e under the right side iii the
nrcss(’r (11(1.

I las ci utta prouha s tttpitrar Son la gi ms.

Praetic e using a scrap ot nuterial and irn pare 1, cuanclu las puntadas no alcanian el horde
iii the illustrations di hladu del enero, ajustar con Ia tec Ia del
ansltu dc punLidla
1. II the titl Ii ii es it ateh thc f lilud odge.
tease the stitch ss idth

2. (.i anu la. punicIas demasiad
ci horde di ihlado. atustar con Ia ted Ia dcl
2. It the stitch eatc ties too tnu h or the told, anclio de puntadas
des tease the stitch v stilt

3. I n dc,hlachijlu .1 puntada in isihie currccta: Ia

3. For an ml isihic hem time needle catches a .iguja dehe oter de Furma tangensial subre el
single thread of the folded edge. h rde de a di lie; dcl genen


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Maintenance Mantenimiento
keep our e’a ing maihine perating Pra itie sri ni.)
uiiii sii_iihi
1 ii .i. t I na
atnLntorik it rehutre. like iher pIer luau satislarrin. neesli aria unit ‘iC/ I

maehifle%, regular leaning No luhi tuation adeiuada roni ualqutrr tilt l° i

(oiling) is needed. Sin embargo. no se debe hi 1 mItt t Ott

Changing the light bulb Cambio de Ia bombilla

the It bulb is plard tithe lelt ilthe needle Li h rnhilla est.i situada a ha i, poet ni hr a
I’larr the rubber sheath h und m the Jrcessor agua. F mpuie el soporte de gi mu ha ii a rita
hi \ ar und the bulb, urn a loaner I a turn in v alrededor de Ia linpara v gire in art ii
the direruon of the arro and remove the hulh una n uelta en direccion a Li ilecha ‘an indo I
SN hen rnserttng, place the ruhher sheath around
the ness hull, insert the bulb and turn a quarter ml colocar Ia homhtlla ponga el sop ii in de
it ,i turn in th direi non 1 the arross gi ma alrededor de Li bombilla c oh aimihib 1 1 ‘I
soporte de homhilla. empue v gire un rlrirti hi’
se light bulb designed is indiratecl on the trout una vuehia en direrrinn a Ia ilecha.
it the rue ltine
Li poteneia dr Ia bombilla esLi indicada en viii is

en ha parte delantera de Ia mAquina.

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Removing the stitch plate Sacar Ia placa de aguja

Renios e the prcser fisit and the hohhtn cos er Retirir ci prensatelas s Li tapa de lx htna. l)itir
Loss er the feed teeth PLc e the stttc h plate opener ci transporte de dtentes (aikx
ue ci ahttcior de lx
on the brush. There is a recess at the rcar of the pIa a de aguta en ci estilo de Ia brodta. F n ix pane
stitch plate insen the stitch plate opener at the de atras de Ia pLea de agog. ha una etaliadura.
cress and turn Ponga ci ahndor en Ia cntalladura s gire

Cleaning Limpiar debajo del cesto de bobina

hen necessars, the feed teeth and the hottons of . seces es nec-cesarto limpiar tamhien dehaio dcl
the hohbtn area tnust he cleaned with the hrush, esto de hohina. Sc iimpian mediante ci pincel de
w hth on will find with the accessories Li rag de accesonos.

Replacing the stitch plate Colocar Ia placa de aguja

Replace the stitch plate about 5 mm in front oi Coloque en su sitto Ta piaca de aguja aprox.
the rear edge and push it backward Replace the 5 mm delante dcl horde posterior empujandola
bobbin cos er. hacia atras. Coloque Ia tapa ne hobtna.

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Fault-finding Posibles averias

Unattractive stitches Puntadas falsas
• Al’s ass start ‘sith a tie’s needle a 5)1< ti IS S OU • Luando alguna sea ittta costura no sea satis
diw is er that a stitch is not what coo espected factoria. ontprohar ((In tina agttja ncles a en un
lest se’s on a wrap ot the fabric you are sewing. ri Zo de tela. Contn lan gue se has a elegido Ia
(The’ k that you have ch <sen the ci <tTec t needle igoja correeta v asegurarse de que Ia agufa sea
and see that It is correctls inserted. See paie l. introduvida hasta < I tope s clue el tornilk 1 esPi
lot correct. See page ipretacto 0 <mci tantente. yea gag I
• Ilte thread tension Is 4.

• lake sure that the thread is not atching. Per • L.a tension del Itilo no es correctl. ca pig. 1
ton thiead spoils are unsutLthle h ir spooling • \segur irse que el liii)) no esta hR s4tieado
from the horiiontal spool pin. Fri instead ss tth (aertos porta-carretes no son adecuados para
the sentcal spool pin. el clesanaclo desde porta carretes horizontales.
• lhc mac hine mis be incorrectls threaded Be Pun lo tanto, compiohar con (in porta-carrete
sore to plau spool holders correuli The semcal.
irrec t iltreading is shoy, n on page II • El enhebraclo tto es correct)). ertfii ar segdn Ia
• \\ r< ng h( ,hhin tI read. It sh rId he <I the Same cig. IL.
ht< isness as the upper thiead • I fibinfertor macicc uado. Ustu clehe Sen igual
l el superior.
The needle breaks
• u no) ltave ltd pod lie tlta tine to feed h’ Rotura de Ia aguja
pulling the tdhric. The needle itt strike against • \unca se dehe ttrar (IC Ia tela clurante el cosido,
stitch plate and break (hange the needle. See poque Ia aguja se puede romper al tropezar
page l. i ontra ha placa dc aguja Cambiar Ia aguja, sCa

pag. iS
The upper thread breaks
• Check the thread spool to see that it has not Rotura del hilo superior
caught in any is as • Esatninan el carrete del bib s serificar st el hilo
• the needle es e mas htase sltarp edges ‘s hich se ia enganchado en alguna pane.
lit the thread. It so change the needle. See • P< dna 5cr clue el agujero lie Ia aguja no
l’P 1 estuviera In suficieniente bten pulido. Cambiar
• Fhe dipper thread is tneorrectls threaded See a aauta. iea pig I
pace It. • El itili < soperi< ir esta inal enhehrado. yea pug. it.
• The pper iltread mas have too ii sic h tension • l.a tension del hili < si iperior es clemasiado
Refer so page 1 i luerte 5cr hi Tensidn del hilo, pag. Ii.
The thread is knotted El hilo tiene nudos
• The hole in the stitch plate ttta be chtpped • El agujero dc Ia placa de Ia aguja se ha danado
and has e sharp edges. e recottunend that you
por los contincios pinchazos de Ia aguja. ho
teplace it.
tudor es cambiar hi placa de aguja.
The bobbin thread breaks
Rotura del hilo inferior
• ll;e hi <hbtn t Itread i las be Inc I nec tls 1 ireajed
• El hiki interior esta mal enhehrack. i ta p,is 1
See page l..
Se ha danaclo el agujern de Ia placa de .<guf.i
• 1 ho stitch pl,tte ltole is dantaged 5
ee icr arriha.
thread breaks
Bobinado irregular del hilo
Irregular bobbin winding
• Pciede ser a causa de ha dificiente c ahichad ,h<l
• This may be due to poor go diri tltread. \hen ft in 51 coser con un hilo de algocl< )fl <OilS it i
sewing v tb cotton thread. inc rease the thread Ia tension del hilo.
• La macluina no está cornectamenie enhicl i,i I
• I lie machine is not correctls threaded for para el hohinado, icr ha P ig 12
bobbin ‘sindmg See page 12.

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Fault-finding Posibies averIas

he fabric puckers La tela se frunce
The upper hread tension is is tight. e
5 e page • La tension del Iiilo supenir es dcntasiado luerte.
I for curreu thread tension ‘Fetistdn ci irrccta del Mi \sa ug. Ii

he machine does not feed the fabric No hay avance del tejido
The stitch length is too short. Increase stitch • La Ii irtgitud de Ia puntadi es detttistado ci na.
length. Autttentar.
Ihe feed teeth mac he lowered. Raise them by • Puede ser time el transporte estd baiado, i er Ia
turning the stitch length dial ti lie eli pig.
1 he Iced teeth are lull 1 dust and dirt (lean • El tratispi Inc esti Ileni I de pelustlla i aprest

o tI I the brush ee page 3. Liittpiarlo i fl itt pitted. ida pig. 31,

he seam is too loose — La costura resulta demasiado floja

ibric layers not held together — las capas del tejido no estãn
ht’ead tetisiiln is dr too liii mc Page I-i fuertemente unidas
• La tension del kilo es detttasiado Ill ja. i’ensmOn
dii os Is iw to adjust the tht’ead tension
o Irrecta del kilo, vIa pig. i-i.
lachine runs sluggishly
I hit or lint ltas huili up under the stitch plate. La mãquina marcha con dificultad
loosen the plate and brush clean between the • Se liava acutriulado detttasiada pelusilla v
Iced teeth attd in lie bottom area See page 3o a p resti p r delta 0 de It placa de agujim (itt tar

Ia plasa de aglila Iitttpiar el detitado del

I tirt or lint has pa Red in the ti iok. Rent ice the
trattspi Irte v en el canillero, tea lug $0.
Is ibbin and clean with the brush. ee page 3tt
• Puede ser ic lmava is rittiuladi i pelusilla v

apresto en el garbo. Rettrar Ia capsula y

Expert assistance limpiarla con una broclia, vs/a pag. 3(1.

o ii haie Illowed lie oints under Fault—

tiling and still do to it get satistdctory results. Asistencia técnica
u sitoitld ci intact die dealer where vi at Is iught
c machine, Cuattd I se hat an seguidi ti idas las instruccii ties

tnencionadas ito se sotwigan resultados

ice your machine tuned up’ regularly by your
nerse en contacto cott el
satisfactoriiis, p
‘a Icr,
establecirniento pie Ic s endid Ia tidnhtmina.
Iten the ittachine is being checked. It is a great
Alll, he atenderin gustosatnente con los s’OnseIi s
hp if it can he test sewn under as stmilar
e instrtlcs il ines correspondientes. ‘Fatmibii/n he
nlhitons is p ssible as when itu used it,
act nsejeran 5 h ride puede inandar ha inaqu na para
inetither t take a sewing satttple along with un servicio.
m preferably of the fabric and with the thread
Seria de mucha utihidad v avuda para el personal
a intend to use. A sewing sitople will olien give
tilcntso .icompiliar a Ia tilaqitina unas tnuestras
us Ii better infortnatiiin than o irds.
del tejidit e itilos titfluia_hi is, ctmo. .msitoisltto urta
n’mm.lestra del i sido defectuosi i. ,‘lushis yeses utma

mttmlestta del ci lid) da till It’ intorittaitmin (hi

1 lilt
Non-original Parts inlorttie cal.
and Accessories
warranty di ies ni it i wer any dIces t I ir

Image saused by use of ni rt-( rtginal as cessi irtes

Accesorios y repuestos
parts. no originales
La garantia no s ubre ningdn desperfecto o
avcria causado por Ia utilizaciOn de accesorios 0

reptiestos que no Sean originales.

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Declaration of Conformity
to EC-directive
I Ieremm tb we orthrm that thus Seis ung Xlaeltine tn its essential parts. t hIlls
the lvi) l)irective 3 3 EEC. EMC direetime 89 33(L EEC and the CE Marking
I )irective 93. (<8 EEC.

Thus mu unfirmati un is based upon Cetiiflc ate or Technical Construetti mu Elles,

pedm numed hi StmIK( ).

The imumplete <ft time tile is drawn up <nd ntauntamned hv

king Sesm ing Stuchuuues Alt

ltesearuh & 1k-seE pment
i)epartment vp:Ix
SE-Sb I 8s I husks ama

I Is qs tm \ king s rsi. s thr rtght to h mgr the machine (lUiPttt< ut mud thu.
a’,s< irunient ot i ssorics is tb ‘Ut prior to time, or make inodificati, us to the
prh nuance r ksiun.

such uuum,diiumati,,ns. honeser. will aiwjs he to the benefit ut iu<. <scm mu

lie pr <dum

\ P wserm <mum’s ci <1. rem h a mnodifti ir Li uraqiun , ci eguipo I

prcs mm <‘-0 Ijks 11< slufw ii mm nes seran sueuumpre en ml
Stris suit
mmmnsuuuuiudmmr \ pr dii, tmm

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