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Subject: English 2nd Paper Subject Code: 108

(Revised Syllabus for HSC Examination 2023

due to Covid-19 Pandemic)
Part A: Grammar (60 marks)
Test Item/s Marks
1. Gap filling activities without clues (for prepositions) 0.5x10=05

2. Gap filling activities with clues (special uses: was born, 0.5x10=05
have to/has to, would rather, had better, let alone, as soon as,
what’s…like, what does…look like, introductory ‘there’ or ‘it’)

3. Completing sentences (with clauses/ phrases) 10×1= 10

4. Use of verbs (right form of verbs and subject-verb agreement as per context)
5. Narrative style (direct to indirect and vice versa) 7

6. Use of modifiers 0.5×10=5

7. Use of sentence connectors 0.5×14=7

8. Use of synonym and antonym 0.5×14=7

9. Punctuation 0.5×14=7
*** For the test Items 1-9 the All-Previous Years’ HSC Board Questions can be

Part-B: Composition (40 marks)

10. Formal letter writing/Email 10
** For the test item 10, the following making complaints / seeking information letters
are important
Making complaints
i. complaining against antisocial activities **
ii. complaining against deterioration of law-and-order situation
iii. complaining about the mosquito menace in college classrooms
iv. complaining insufficient drinking water in college campus *
v. complaining unhygienic foods of college canteen
vi. complaining water supply shortage in college toilets
vii. complaining to an online seller for supplying a different or
defective/damaged product (email)
viii. complaining against chaos and problems caused by some indiscipline
Seeking Information
i. seeking information about admission procedure in a foreign
ii. seeking information about a job, (email)
iii. seeking information about a course, (email)
iv. seeking information about a tour package, (email)
v. seeking information for full ride scholarship of a foreign
university, (email)
vi. seeking a booklist from a publisher. (email)

i. for multimedia facilities/ sound system/ electric fans in the classroom ****
ii. for increasing library/computer lab/ common room/indoor games facilities ***
iii. for a testimonial
iv. for a cleanliness programme/ blood donation camp in the college campus,
v. for a study tour ***
vi. for a seat in the college hostel
vii. for changing discipline/section/elective subject
viii. for holding freshers’ reception/ a cultural programme/ drama in the college
ix. permission for organizing a charitable fund collection for a sick student
x. for setting up a college canteen
xi. to set up an English Language/English Speakjing/Literary/Debate/Drama
club *****
xii. for admission on TC

11. Writing paragraph (by listing/ description) within 200 words 15

** Test item 11 may be set on these following topics
i. The Historic Speech of 7th March,
ii. Climate Change *****
iii. Digital Bangladesh
iv. Etiquette and Manner
v. Adolescence
vi. COVID-19 Pandemic
vii. A Book Fair
viii. Drug Addiction ****
ix. Metro Rail
x. Bangladesh’s Independence or Liberation War
xi. Environment Pollution **
xii. Human Rights
xiii. The Padma Bridge ****
xiv. Juvenile Delinquency
xv. Qualities of an Ideal Student ****
xvi. Childhood Memories
xvii. Female Education **
xviii. Smart Bangladesh
8. Writing paragraph (comparison and contrast / cause and effect) 15
within 200 words.
** For the test item 8, the following Comparison and contrast/ Cause and effect
paragraphs are important
Comparison and contrast
i. Online class and offline/on-campus class
ii. City life and country/village life **
iii. School life and College life
iv. Local tradition and Foreign culture
v. Folk Music and Western Music
vi. Uses and abuses of Facebook **
vii. Uses and abuses of Internet **
viii. Advantages and disadvantages of smart phone.
ix. Junk food and healthy food.
x. Technical education and general education.
Cause and effect
i. Students’ failure in English
ii. COVID-19
iii. Mobile Addiction
iv. Drug Addiction
v. Price Hike *****
vi. Deforestation
vii. Road accidents in Bangladesh **
viii. Food adulteration
ix. Unemployment problem in Bangladesh *
x. Global Warming.

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